#anakin ❤
ladyxskywalker · 2 years
I think it's a bit dark for your taste but imagine Anakin becoming the emperor (no burning was involved) and you are supposed to be the jedi that defeats him but he manages to seduce you to the dark side 😈
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oh !! ❤️ this is definitely not too dark for me at all. love this & love him !
(yes we do soft here, but even I love a good dark side seduction story like this one !)
"Go ahead. Kill me..."
Through shaken hands, you've made attempts to rise against all that you fear, pushing it all away in favor of Emperor Skywalker's end. But the unwavering will of great affection steals your mind from moving, holding you sharply there in place.
Blurs of effortless thought of a future, both yours and his in warmth upended, so swiftly turning, drawing you further toward the shadows, ones of which he's willed inside an enigmatic darkness that's soon to have been calling.
"You can't do it, can you?"
"Please, stop this!"
"I can not change what is already inside yourself. Your destiny and mine are set... I've already seen it. Just as you have."
He saunters over to you closer then, the mere touch of his hand, pebbling the skin of your face in grazes where it seems he's only just been standing there, entirely mesmerized by it.
"You're trembling."
An ominous heated torment, glossing over at the sterling spark of palms embraced by their winding feel of covering, soon begins clouding all your vision.
"Anakin, I can't, please, this isn't..."
Breathing you in nearer, he whispers, leaving a kiss beneath the shell of your waiting ear.
"Do not fear me."
And you can't; not then, not solely in this very moment, especially right now when you don't think you ever did.
"Give in to it. The pull you feel, I sense every wave of it."
Tilting your chin to face him, comes easily then; your eyes alight in golden shades of ash and fire, reflecting all it is you truly ever wanted from him.
His hips, hard and flush when he asks you if you know just what you do to him, fueling every nightmare and dream he's ever hoped of seeing in real time, when you've awakened...
"It is more than just this, you and I. The back and forth of chasing...your anguish of need, burning into my skin. Can you taste it?"
And suddenly, with every breathless tracing of his selfish mouth along the arching of your neck, bringing you further into unfolding, not once can you defy him; giving into to all of him there with a pressing ache, just as soon as your lightsaber disengages...
Your lips, darting for him into a salacious drag, and slotting with him at the heady embrace of closing spaces; capable of catching every escaping gasp of air that parts itself away from your merciless entanglement.
... ❤️
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Attack of the clones belongs to the girls.❤🌸🌅
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burntblueberrywaffles · 8 months
Love when I’m making my SW posts in my insanity corner and someone goes: "you forgot about [thing that happened in clone wars]” Like no baby I didn’t forget I just don’t consider Clone Wars canon ❤️ Hope this helps.
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mandhos · 2 years
Hi there, sorry if this is me being bad with searches, i remember a fanart of old obi-wan sitting and anakin kneeling with his head in obi's lap (hands holding each other i think?). I could have swore it had your signature but i can't find it in your tagged art, could i have a link please 🙏🙏🙏
Feel free to ignore if it wasn't your art, sometimes my memory likes to fail me😅
I think so…(?), maybe you mean this- link
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dolcid · 2 years
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cloudyysworld · 2 years
Everytime I see an artist drawing Obi-Wan's hair as auburn (with white streaks) and not blond it's adding 20 years in my lifespan
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ovilis · 1 month
she's a 10 and she's now a 100 because she is willing to rule the galaxy with me
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"So wait ... I was a ten and now I'm a hundred?" The assassin smiles genuinely at the compliment. "Aww, Ani!"
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janitorjuliann · 1 year
mental illness level: opened revenge of the sith novelisation to exact page i wanted on first go
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voidartisan · 11 months
Y'know I think Ahsoka is actually a really good illustration of how the whole Jedi-as-a-collective-family thing works. Anakin is her master and he fills a kind of older brother role for her, and she has not one but TWO members of the Jedi council 100% ready to teach her how to drive and make dad jokes at her and remind her not to mess with the thermostat too much, plus another one that definitely has her favorite candy in one of his robe pockets at all times, and of course luminara who i am absolutely convinced was her cool aunt figure during the clone wars. not to mention aayla, tera sinube, jocasta nu... the list goes on, but they all treat each other like close extended family at the very least and it's there in the show. of course their relationships and roles don't map perfectly onto a nuclear family construction and i just use them as shorthand but in conclusion:
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neversith · 2 years
"Dad, what if we tape a sword to Artoo?" Leia asked.
"A sword? I mean, I have managed to give him a lightsaber. It wouldn't be too hard to give him a sword." He grins down at his daughter, very excited cause she's not only encouraging his habit of giving his beloved droid weapons, but she's also participating.
"What sort of sword? Like the one Hondo gave me?"
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
I miss yandere!anakin. please tell me you will bring new work soon. (love you❤)
Learned Lesson
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Anakin Skywalker X Naive! f!Reader
Warnings: Yandere, dark, violence, cut body parts, murder, kidnapped reader, attempted r4pe, obsessive/possessive behaviours, sexually traumatized reader
A/N: Love you too ❤️
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Anakin has riddled the man, who tore your clothes and touched your precious skin with his disgusting hands. His body had been cut into pieces, and Anakin's rage still hadn't gone away.
"How could you touch her?" And he stabbed the lightsaber into the man's severed head. Of course you weren't there. He took you back to your warm and safe room. Himself personally. He was very mad when you escaped, but when he found you, you and him... he directed all his anger at that disgusting rat. His poor little angel... If it could, his anger would make his eyes red just like his lightsaber.
How could he touch you? Darth Sidious' apprentice, Darth Vader's vulnerable and fragile angel? Anakin's anger did not go away. He took all the men he saw as animals who wanted to hurt you, and he killed them all one by one. It took him a long time to finally calm down enough to come back to you.
You were crying wrapped in a blanket. Oh, he started to feel all that anger again, but he went up to you and hugged you. You didn't flinched, if you had before, you would have constantly fight back. But now you understand that he is the safest place, right? You realized you needed him to protect you, that he was your destined love. Finally.
"You're not going to try to run away any more, are you?" He pressed your head on his chest. You were sobbing and nodding. "I promise I will make you forget about that moment. I promise I will make it all up to you." He couldn't even get mad at you. How could he? You were so traumatized that he couldn't punish you. You had learned your lesson, but it wasn't enough. Dart Vader's wrath was not going to go away that easily.
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flyiingsly · 5 months
Pairing : The 501st x reader
Summary : Early mission's briefing and night out at the 79' aren't the best match for you and your fellow troopers, much to Rex's despair.
A/N : Just a (really) short thing that was waiting in my WIPs folder for several months already ... It was inspired by a very early and boring meeting I had one day at work, I was nearly falling asleep on my chair and the only thing I was able to think about to stay awake were our favorite Boys in Blue. It was quiet efficient actually ! Enjoy ❤
It was early in the morning. Well, not so early in fact, but it felt like. You were unusually late to the briefing, not that much, but late enough to arrive after Anakin, who was already here, visibly struggling to stay upright.
You were supposed to leave for a simple recon mission this afternoon with the 501st. Not a dangerous one, only routine on a neutral planet near Coruscant, just to make sure everything was still alright there.
The problem was, last night was not really relaxing. You and the boys had spent most of the night at the 79’ with your General, which wasn’t often, for most of the nights he spent on Coruscant, he stayed with a certain Senator. But not this time. She had been sent on a diplomatic meeting somewhere else in the galaxy, so he gladly joined you at the bar when you asked him. And it was even more funny than usual this way.
But now that you were all here standing in front of General Kenobi, all sleep deprived and some still sobering up, it wasn’t really funny anymore. Of course, it wasn’t your first night off at the 79’, and it was more than worth it, but still, waking up the next morning was always a bit hard. Only Rex and Dogma were good looking, the first because he stayed at the base finishing reports (and yet you tried your best to make him come with you, in vain) and the second because, well, he never seemed to suffer from lack of sleep, strangely (and he left the bar a bit earlier than anyone else, but still, it was far from enough sleep anyway).
It was glorious, Echo and Fives were leaning against each other, trying their best not to fall on the ground, Kix was staring into space, dark circles around his wide opened, completely empty eyes, his third cup of caf in his hand, Anakin was trying to yawn in the most discreet way possible, when Hardcase was, on the contrary, yawning widely, showing all of his teeth to a glaring Dogma. Even Jesse, who was usually doing his best to look as presentable as possible, was a mess, and you weren’t feeling very good neither to be honest. But most of all, Tup was missing, and nobody was able to tell where he was.
Obi-Wan and Rex decided to start the meeting anyway, it was already late enough, you’ll resume it to him when he’ll show up, you thought.
Staying focused was difficult as hell, and Ahsoka couldn’t help but grin at all your sleepy faces. But soon, Fives legs couldn’t take it anymore, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground, dragging a very surprised Echo in his fall. Rex’s eyes widened with embarrassment while Obi-Wan held a smile back. Dogma looked absolutely outraged, but the rest of the company started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the two ARCs laying comically on the ground, too tired and stunned to get up.
“ARC Troopers, stand up, immediately !” Rex screamed at them, cheeks turning red.
The poor Captain was so done it showed on his face. He was trying to stay composed, but the expression he wore was so priceless it made the scene even more funny.
You and Anakin helped the two soldiers on their feet, Echo’s arm grabbing your shoulders tightly not to lose his balance again. You were doing your best to contain your laughter, but the lack of sleep and the nervousness due to the multiple cups of caf you ingurgitated right before weren’t helping.
Nobody was able to calm down anyway, and since even Obi-Wan seemed amused by the situation when he turned toward him in search of some support, all that was left for Rex to do was facepalming heavily, probably asking himself was he was doing with his life right now.
The sudden scream coming from one of the nearby technicians working on the company transport ship suddenly made everyone stop laughing, all faces turning toward the origin of the noise.
Then you heard Fives murmured with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“I think someone finally found Tup !”
Rex looked at him with a horrified look on his face.
He didn’t got the chance to have an answer for a technician showed up in the second, asking him to come and see what he had just saw, because, apparently, one of his men was “asleep, snoring and duct-taped to the cockpit’s celling”.
You swear you caught the Captain’s head begin to steam as everyone started to cackle again, hurrying to follow the shocked technician to the said ship. Passing by Fives, who was laughing his ass off, he sent him a frightening death glare.
Needless to say that some troopers received a huge amount of chores to do after that failed briefing.
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amadwinter · 5 months
"was that okay?" for the kiss prompts 💕
❤ thank you for indulging me! 400 words written after days of writer's block.
from this prompt list
“Was that okay?”
Obi-Wan reeled back, blinking. Was that okay? Like that wasn’t just the best kiss of his life. The only kiss he’d ever had in his life really, but he wasn’t about to say either of those things. No need to inflate Anakin’s ego or create certain misunderstandings.
A touch of praise stood ready at the tip of his tongue—yes, good work, Padawan—but Obi-Wan swallowed it back. Old habits died hard, yet above all, he wanted no reminders that he had once been Anakin’s master, had seen him grow into a capable Jedi knight and a wonderful young man. It was an inescapable, the reality of who they were, no matter how perverse it felt to be treating a kiss like he would have a new saber manoeuvre or a clever strategy for a mission.
But Anakin had never been a hesitant padawan, always looking without leaping. Even now, he only asked after he had already made the first move.
Obi-Wan loved that about him. And it frustrated him to no end.
Too much time had passed in search of a satisfactory answer, and Anakin’s expression grew darker as Obi-Wan failed to respond.
“I’m not sure,” Obi-Wan admitted, carefully noting the disappointment that spread clear across Anakin’s face. That just would not do at all. He gently took his best friend, his former padawan, the most important person in his life— took Anakin’s smooth cheek in hand and cradled it in his palm, stroking his thumb over the downturned lines of his frown like he could wipe it away if he simply tried. And he could. “I think we’ll need to do it a second time to be certain.”
“Really?” Though he tried mightily to hide it, Anakin couldn’t fully contain a gleam of hope shining in his eyes.
“Oh, yes. And a third time as well. A fourth for good measure.” Obi-Wan smiled at him, truthfully and honestly. And Anakin turned his face to smile into Obi-Wan’s hand. Not a kiss, not anything of the sort, but Anakin’s lips brushing against his palm set Obi-Wan’s heart aflutter all the same.
“We could just keep kissing until we lose count.”
“A wonderful proposal,” he murmured as he pressed a delicate kiss to the tip of Anakin’s nose. He was far too close to see a grin, but Anakin’s happiness shone bright in the Force. “I accept.”
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memoiich · 6 days
Rex x reader where he has just come back from a mission with Anakin and he is so stressed and needs to relax. Ani and Ahsoka are intense and he has a permanent head ache because of them.
YES ❤︎︎
❧Thank you so much for the request ☙
꧁𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞 ꧂
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Pairing: rex x senator!reader
W.c: 0,8k
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Delight filled every step you took back home. You had had a late lunch with Padme in which she had revealed that her husband would be coming home. She had let that secret slip years ago after you had foolishly confessed your love for the captain in his care. If Anakin was returning, so was your lover.
You started to speed up at the thought of seeing him again. Some relatively naive people thought that all clones were the same but you knew better. They would bring up how they all have brown eyes but Rex's eyes caught the light so perfectly that you thought the sun was made for him only. Or how they were all cold soldiers yet late at night no touch could warm you like his. None of them knew how separate the clones were from one another, none of them knew that no one compared to Rex.
You got home before he did. starting to make an easy dinner which quickly turned more lavish and complicated by the thought of the nutritional dense rations the troops ate. You were just done setting the table when you heard the familiar sound of armored boots outside in the hallway. You rushed to the door, opening it to see your tired man standing there with his hand near his head. He said your name softly with the desperation of a gungan on fire.
You pulled him into your shared quarters immediately. Not only was he clearly tired, a relationship with a clone was unwanted by the republic just as much as a jedi by the council. Rex sat himself down on one of the chairs at the table “You shouldn’t have” he spoke quietly. You shushed him gently as you fiddled with his armor, relieving him of the republic's uniform.
kissing the side of his temple, you whispered to him “Eat before it gets cold, my dear”. He was about to take his first bite when his fork hurled to the floor as he flinched to his head, groaning in pain. You should have known from the moment you opened the door, the cluster headaches were back.
You went over to the sink to get a wet towel. Rex looked over at you. Maker how he loved you. The mission had gone on for 2 months longer than expected, leaving both of his generals stressed and agitated. Not wanting them to fight he had stepped in, separating the two. Anakin yelled and screamed the entire way back home and Ashoka kept throwing snide remarks towards her master. In the heat of the moment, they had forgotten about rex proneness to headaches.
On his way home, the stress had gotten to Rex. Worries flung through his head, he had been gone for far too long and hadn’t been able to reach you.What if you had found another, a man with his own face, who could stay by your side weeks at a time. In pure despair he had prayed to any higher power that would listen for you to wait for him. He didn’t know if they would listen to an unnatural creature made for war. The forlorn soldier had nothing to offer you and was too selfish to let you go.
He thought about you, as he waited for his nerves to settle.Your soft voice that calmed him so greatly, your touch that made him feel human. The smile he dreamed of for 3 months. He fell asleep and woke up on Coruscant.
Now he sighed as you laid the warm towel on his forehead. You looked at him expectantly “how was your miss-“ “ I’m sorry i was away for so long” rex interrupted “ i promise that i will take better care of you, my love” he said sorrow clear in his voice. You petted his arm “no man has ever pleased me as you have Rex” you took a moment to collect your thoughts “i wait for you for evermore, if it means to kiss the man i love” you answered honestly. You pulled him into a hug while you brushed your lips to his.
His headache had started to still, Anakin wasn’t screaming, Ashoka was probably sleeping and he was in the arms of the woman he loved. He broke the embrace and took the new fork you had carried with you. He thanked you sweetly and started digging in. The dinner had cooled down but to him it tasted godly. In the end, he asked for his 5th plate, making you giggle.
Rex guided you to your bedroom, it being rather late. He pulled you closer to him, stroking your back tenderly. You were cuddled up into the side of his scared torso fast asleep. Rex listened to your faint snores while he counted his blessings. His headache was over and you were near him.
Tomorrow life would run its course again but for tonight he was at peace, for tonight he was a man with his lover.
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I hope you enjoyed it {cause i liked writing it :)} ❤︎︎
꧁My requests are open ꧂
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jedimasterbailey · 2 months
🧡 and 💜 for the unpopular opinions ask game!!
Hello there my friend! 🥰 thank you so much for the ask, you’ve chosen some fun ones!
Link to the original ask questions below of anyone else wants to play so I can snoop 👀
🧡- What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
That Vader will kill Barriss in the upcoming Tales of the Empire. There is just not a moment in that teaser trailer where the wheels in Barriss’s head aren’t turning and where her eyes aren’t looking for the nearest exit. Barriss is canonically very smart and can hold her own in combat. Like if Anakin had not tapped into the Dark Side and slammed her into the tree in the Wrong Jedi, Barriss probably could have handled more angry Anakin. Not to mention Barriss was able to sneak up and knock out Ventress of all people undetected. Now we don’t know for sure how involved Barriss really was in Ahsoka being framed (that whole arc is just so badly written and rushed with not much explanation but that’s a whole other conversation), but had it not been for Anakin’s persistence in discovering the truth, Barriss could have gotten away with the bombing. So… if she and Vader were to duel again, I am positive Barriss will do just fine and escape somehow.
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💜- Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
LUMINARA! 💚 like I swear does anyone notice how hot this Mominara is because I did since the moment I first saw her debut episode as a kid 🤣 should have known I was gay then 😜 But for real she got HIP, she got ASS, and some BOBBIES that her outfit CLINGS onto tightly! And furthermore her adorable facial expressions both serious and not serious and those brillant glowly blue/purple ish eyes of hers have me like 😳 like I would do ANYTHING this woman told me to do, I wouldn’t even argue with her much like Ahsoka didn’t in Cloak of Darkness. You just know Ventress was taken aback by Luminara when she saw it wasn’t Anakin that was with Ahsoka 🤣 And that sultry soft English accent of hers played by the lovely Olivia D’Abo is just the sugar on the cream! Luminara is just lovely and we need to talk about it more 💚
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Link to original ask game questions here!
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ovilis · 2 months
fix me - anakin
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"Baby," she muses, moving to sit next to him. "If you're askin' me to fix you, you've come to the wrong place." Taking his hand, she hums. "We're both in need of fixin'. I hope you know that," she muses, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand.
"But that won't stop me from bein' by your side every step of the way. We're not droids; we're allowed to be a little broken."
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