#anakin is really like you should not volunteer to be the mentor this year because tomorrow when my name is not drawn
tennessoui · 4 months
“Kiaree is pregnant,” Obi-Wan says, as if Anakin is supposed to care about this woman and her baby. “If her name is drawn from the victor‘s pool, I will take her place.” “Like hell you will,” Anakin snarls. “There are other victors.”
“Magdeline is old,” Obi-Wan’s eyes cut away, fall to the space between their hands. Good, Anakin thinks viciously, he should find it hard to look at him. “She should not have to go back to Coruscant. Not ever again in her lifetime. If her name is drawn—” “Then you will let it be!” Anakin rounds the corners of the counter, unthinkingly fast. He clasps his hand around Obi-Wan’s shoulder, squeezing the fine fabric that Coruscant has dressed him in tightly. “Why would you volunteer for them, Obi-Wan? They have never volunteered for you.”
“The actions of others do not control my own, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snaps, pushing him away, freeing himself from his grasp. “I will volunteer to serve as master and mentor, as I am the most suitable to be victor—” Anakin grinds his teeth together, pushing himself back into Obi-Wan’s space, pinning him against the counter. “You would do that to me?” he asks, low, voice a dark growl in his throat. Obi-Wan has styled his hair carefully, slicked it back and trimmed his beard. Anakin touches the lines of his beard, ghosts over the glossy locks before shoving his fingers into it, messing up the tidy strands. “You would take yourself away from me, for months more?”
“The Games will last no more than a fortnight,” Obi-Wan murmurs, keeping his back straight, unwilling to melt into Anakin’s touch. “I will be back on Stewjoni soil before the leaves turn gold.”
“You will be parsecs away from me until the spring,” Anakin replies, and he gentles his hold, smooths over the mess of Obi-Wan’s bangs and slots himself up against him. Not fighting, not pushing. Pressing, coaxing. “Your body will be here, but your mind will not. Do not pretend as if you do not know what I am talking about.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth falls open, a flash of red as he wets his bottom lip and looks away. Of course he knows what Anakin means. The years that he must go to Coruscant, the years that he is made master of two children who are destined to die bloody and screaming, those years haunt him in his eyes. It is the price he pays as a victor—it is not just his Games that haunts him. It is every Game he has ever been made to watch, to participate in even from the sidelines.
And he may be willing to pay that price so that his other victors may live without it, but Anakin will not allow the same.
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ailelie · 4 years
that time palpatine screwed up (and the galaxy was a better place for it)
Look. I know this idea is shit. I tried to give the idea away. Instead whenever I’m still for more than 30 seconds I start thinking about it. So here.
In another world, when Sheev hears the rumor of a strange pre-Jedi artifact, he doesn’t go to collect it himself. He sends someone who never returns and then decides to handle it later after his Empire plans reach fruition. In this world, however, he goes himself. 
He finds the artifact on a dangerous world just beyond the reach of the Republic. The artifact activates upon touch.
The world grows large and scary around him.
A day or so passes without contact. He’d left his crew behind, not wanting to share what he was doing. One of them contacts the Senate for help. The 501st is closest.
(That was by design once. Another chance to connect with Anakin and pull him further into Darkness).
Anakin and his men search the planet. They do not find Palpatine. Anakin does find a Force-sensitive child whose eyes turn yellow when he cries.
A toddler is using the Dark side. He can’t kill a toddler. He isn’t sure he can give the child to the Jedi either, not if he is accessing the Dark side.
“What’s your name?” / “Zee” / “Zee?” / “NO! Zheeeeeeevuh.” / “Zhiva?” / “No!” / “Okay, Little Z, why don’t we try again after you’ve had a nap?”
Zee ends up sticking as the name everyone uses though as anything else leads to frustration and occasionally tears.
(Sheev knows he isn’t supposed to be 2 or 3 years old. He knows he has big plans. When he dreams, he remembers being big. But when he wakes, the memories waft away. He’s smarter than a toddler should be, but his brain cannot contain his adult mind so it all remains just out of reach. That’s more important than a name.)
Anakin and the 501st continue looking, but Palpatine is nowhere. He’s called back to Coruscant to report and join planning for what to do next. General consensus is that he’s been abducted by Separtists.
The Senate has not yet released that the Chancellor is missing.
Anakin contacts Padme about Zee and explains. “I can’t give him to the Jedi, not if he’s using the Dark side, but I can’t just leave him untrained and I’m not giving him to Dooku, Maul, or Ventress. I can’t.”
Padme has an absolutely terrible idea. She asks what the child looks like. “Blue eyes. Red hair.” Padme nods. “It’d have been better if he had brown hair, but if you wanted, we could say he’s ours.” “How? And won’t everyone know then?” “I have body doubles. We could say we’ve been hiding him. I know a doctor who would lie for me. But you’re right--if we did this, everyone would know about our marriage. How important is it that you keep this child safe and away from the Jedi? How else could we justify having him? If we tried to pass him off as an ordinary orphan, he’d have to go into the system.” Anakin is silent for a long moment. Then he asks, “What about the hair color? You said brown would be better.” “No one knows what your family looks like. Tell them your mother’s hair was red.” “Obi-Wan knows it wasn’t.” “Then we have to tell Obi-Wan.” Anakin breaks. “Angel, I can’t--” “How important is Zee?” Padme asks quietly and Anakin sighs. He can’t leave this strange child alone in the world. “I’ll try to meet with him before we reach Coruscant and explain.”
He does.
Obi-Wan stares at Anakin and feels the pinch of a headache between his eyes. “I honestly don’t know where to begin.” / “I shouldn’t have said--” / “No, I’m glad you told me. I just need a moment. You’re married?”
“This is a terrible plan,” Obi-Wan says flatly as he watches Zee sleep. “Padme came up with it,” Anakin argues. “That doesn’t make it better. I’m just more disappointed.”
In the end, however, he agrees to help by not contradicting Anakin’s claims about his mother’s hair and supporting the story that Padme was pregnant years ago, but complications demanded bed rest.
With the support of her family, handmaidens, a doctor, two Jedi, and a marriage license, the galaxy believes Padme’s claim over the child.
The upside is that everyone who thought they knew the difference between Padme and her body doubles are now uncertain in their ability to tell them apart.
The downside is that the galaxy takes one look at the two Jedi who claimed knowledge of her pregnancy and collectively decides Obi-Wan with his red hair is the more likely father.
Every refutation only makes them more certain. They could conduct a paternity test, but then their lie would be revealed.
The Jedi Council is not pleased with either Anakin for marrying Padme or Obi-Wan for possibly fathering her child. If they let the Council meet Zee, then Obi-Wan could possibly be absolved, but then the Council might discover Zee is Force-sensitive or, worse, that Zee accesses the Dark side.
(Obi-Wan to his growing dismay agrees that Zee does not belong among the Jedi. He trusts them more than Anakin, but agrees that they’d have no idea what to do with a possibly Sith toddler. Obi-Wan himself is entirely unsure what to do.)
Meanwhile, the Chancellor is still missing.
A report arrives that Dooku’s ship passed through the sector where the Chancellor went missing. It is a thin lead, but the only one they have. Consensus unwisely grows: Dooku abducted the Chancellor.
Meanwhile, Padme is getting really tired of all the press about her loose morals and journalists demanding she just admit Obi-Wan is Zee’s father. She smiles gracefully against the barrage, but Zee is exhausting and when he’s upset, her own emotions fall off-kilter (a side-effect of the Dark side, Obi-Wan explained) and one day she just snaps, “Shmi, Anakin’s mother, had red hair. He could be Zee’s father.”
She realizes her mistake as soon as the words pass her lips.
The press takes her statement as confirmation that she is bedding both Anakin and Obi-Wan. Since Anakin and Obi-Wan don’t seem to hate one another, however, a new rumor begins...
Clearly the three are a triad.
The Holonet starts spawning image after image of “proof.” Any smile or casual touch that has ever happened among the three is now evidence of their long-hidden love affair. The false names on the marriage license are explained, by these apparent experts, as a clever way to include all three partners in a Naboo-style wedding.
Meanwhile, Dooku learns from his spies that he has apparently abducted the Chancellor. As he has not, he is concerned.
But! He decides to use the disappearance to create a trap. He’ll pretend to have the Chancellor to lure some Jedi in and then kill or ransom them.
(This is when the rest of the galaxy learns Palpatine is missing.)
Obi-Wan, desperate to get away from the press and disappointing looks of the Council, volunteers to spring the obvious trap. 
(Anakin wants to go. Padme points out that she cannot handle Zee alone. One of them has to stay with her. ....this has not helped the rumors about them being triad).
Obi-Wan gets to Dooku and demands to see the Chancellor. Combat ensues until Obi-Wan wins and Dooku, cuffed, admits he doesn’t have Palpatine. 
He returns to Coruscant with Dooku and brings him before the Jedi Council. Dooku doesn’t reveal anything of import beyond his own lack of knowledge, but his capture does prompt a larger investigation.
While investigating into Palpatine to try and figure out who would have abducted him, a joint taskforce of the Senate and Jedi discover that he’s been orchestrating the entire war and that he’s a Sith.
Meanwhile, back at Padme’s, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme have been caring for Zee. Trying to help Zee control his emotions leads to Anakin figuring out how to better control his own; he sees his own issues more clearly when he finds them in someone else. 
Padme is the one to explain that Zee needs to call her and Anakin “Mama” and “Daddy” or “Papa” for his own safety.
Zee, the little troll that he is, calls Obi-Wan “Papa” in public once when journalists are pressing a bit too close. It is uncertain if he did so because he felt unsafe and was just taking Padme’s earlier explanations to heart or because some deep (adult) part of him dislikes Obi-Wan and enjoys causing him pain.
Naturally, after that, there is nothing Anakin, Padme, or Obi-Wan can say to allay the rumors.
Meanwhile, with Dooku captured and Palpatine’s treachery revealed, the war is quickly brought to a close.
Anakin wants to rage about his former mentor, but is mindful of Zee and instead goes to Obi-Wan and Padme for help handling his sense of betrayal.
Zee has a horrible tantrum when peace is announced, though none of them can understand why. 
Then Padme learns she is pregnant again.
The Council recommends that Anakin and Obi-Wan leave the Order. Anakin’s hurt for himself is lightened by his indignation for Obi-Wan. He apologizes, but Obi-Wan accepts his dismissal with a tired smile. The war is over. Zee is a difficult child to manage and Padme is pregnant. “The Force is guiding me to where I’m needed,” he says.
Anakin is especially grateful he stays when Padme learns she is having twins. (With no reason to hide now, she receives proper medical care).
Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Zee return to Naboo where Padme’s family insists on a proper wedding for the three.
Obi-Wan is surprising sanguine about this. He says that he isn’t going to leave them and isn’t like he has anywhere else to go. A marriage is a promise; it needn’t be a romance. Besides, he has utterly given up on correcting the record.
So they get married all three of them.
When the twins are born, Anakin and Padme rope Obi-Wan into helping. As their husband, he is equally responsible they claim. Obi-Wan argues for the fun of it, but accepts that he will be “Papa” to Anakin’s “Daddy” and Padme’s “Mama.”
By the time the twins are a year old, their marriage is both promise and romance. Shared exhaustion, worry, and joy grows the love among them. The occasional grounding touch turns to comfort turns to desire. This is not the life any of them imagined having, but resistance is both painful and futile. 
Obi-Wan doesn’t mean to fall in love with Anakin and Padme; it is an accident. But once he is in bed with them, Padme pressed against his front, Anakin’s forehead nearly touching hers, his leg hooked over Obi-Wan’s---and he’s watching them breathe as they sleep, he feels deeply at peace, like, after years of wandering and hoping, he has finally found where he belongs.
Years go by. Zee learns to use the Light side, but the Dark calls to him, especially in his dreams. He discovers that he is very, very good at manipulating others.
Maybe his parents instill enough of a moral compass within him that he uses his talents for the good of the galaxy.
Or maybe, as he grows, he discovers the adult he had once been. Maybe he resists, chooses to be Zee instead of Sheev. Or maybe he gives in. Becomes Sith.
Maybe, one day, Zee disappears just as a new, terrible power is rising.
Maybe, one day, while fighting back, Luke learns he is dueling his long-lost, presumed-dead older brother.
Or maybe Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme learn that Zee is actually Sheev with his youth restored. And, maybe Anakin goes out ahead, sacrificing himself in an attempt to get through to his one-time mentor and son.
Good, of course, ultimately wins out, but at what cost?
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
Luke was still recovering, not yet permitted to leave his bed following what had happened with Palpatine; so one morning, Ahsoka decided to visit him. A bright smile lit up his face at the sight of her. "You know, he...he still won't tell me anything," said the Emperor. "My father. About who he was. You...would you be able to...?" His voice trailed off uncertainly. But Ahsoka smiled. "Of course, Luke," she said. "What would you like to know?"
Previous parts on the masterpost here!
Luke was still recovering, not yet permitted to leave his bed following what had happened with Palpatine; so one morning, Ahsoka decided to visit him. A bright smile lit up his face at the sight of her.
"You know, he...he still won't tell me anything," said the Emperor. Vader had visited several times while Luke was bedridden, but he was as reluctant to talk as ever. "My father. About who he was. You...would you be able to...?"
His voice trailed off uncertainly. But Ahsoka smiled.
"Of course, Luke," she said. "What would you like to know?"
He paused, before he could even formulate a question, then said, "The good."
He knew so much bad. He knew some of the good now, too, at the heart of it.
But if his father had once been the heroic Anakin Skywalker, he wanted to hear the good.
She smiled. "He was a brilliant master," she said. "He was nice, patient—alright," she wrinkled her nose at his sceptical look, while Luke laughed, and she tapped her knee, "he wasn't extremely patient. But he made sure to teach me everything he knew, he supported me always, and one time when I was captured by Trandoshans... I survived because of his training. When I left the Jedi Order, I survived because of his training. And even when I didn't need him, anymore, he was still there for me."
Luke stared at her. She wasn't looking at him, anymore; she was looking at something in the distance, in the distant past.
"He was always passionate. And his relationship with Padmé... he was always far more intense about her than anyone else I'd seen him with; I probably should've guessed about the two of them earlier. But he cared deeply about his friends—the clones, Rex, Cody... He was a great warrior, famous the holonet over, but that was what surprised people: how kind he was. He looked out for us until the end."
Luke didn't think he was ready to ask what had happened in the end, because, "His relationship with Ben...?"
Ahsoka smiled. "They were both like fathers to me. Or uncles. Or bickering older brothers—the Jedi didn't need specific terms for that sort of mentor figure, so I can't pin it down for you, I'm afraid. But I loved them and they loved me, and they loved each other greatly. They looked out for each other. They were the team."
She didn't volunteer what had happened.
Luke didn't ask.
Instead, he dug deeper—
"I heard he was from Tatooine?" He'd heard that he was from Tatooine, too, according to Nova. He was from Tatooine, had been raised there for a few months by— "That... that he had a stepbrother there?"
Ahsoka pinched her lips. "Old sins cast long shadows," she murmured. "I don't know the details of what it was like for him, living on Tatooine."
"He met my mother there."
"And Obi-Wan. They knew what his early life was like, but I didn't meet him until ten years later."
Luke frowned, hugging his bantha tighter to him—he wondered, now that he thought about it, whether there was a reason that Nova had given him a bantha for Tatooine, and a shaak for Naboo. "So I'll have to ask Father himself about that?" He... already knew that he likely wouldn't get answers, there.
Ahsoka tilted her head. "You could," she admitted. "Or you could ask someone else about your father. It never hurts to get a more even view of a person."
Luke frowned. "Who should I ask? Ben's gone."
Ahsoka just pulled out a comlink. "He doesn't have to be here to answer a few questions, does he?"
Luke's face split in a smile, and he laughed lightly. "No," he supposed, "no, he doesn't."
Ahsoka punched in a frequency and then it answered almost immediately, Ben's blue head and shoulders projected just above Ahsoka's palm.
"Ahsoka," Ben said, warmly but stiffly. "Has Vader changed his mind? What's the situation—"
Ahsoka just handed the comlink to Luke, who met Ben's eye.
"I... wanted to ask." Luke gnawed on his bottom lip. "You knew my father for years, ever since he lived on Tatooine. I wanted to ask you about his life on Tatooine, or what you know about it—is it a sensitive subject? I... I really want to know, I grew up on Tatooine for a while, but he's never answered any questions before and I don't want to upset him." And he wanted to know! His father would forgive him that, right?
Ben relaxed. "Ah, I understand. That is fair enough, little one." He folded his hands in his lap. "I didn't see Anakin on Tatooine. I was travelling with your mother when we had to land there for emergency repairs and she, my master—Qui-Gon Jinn—and a Gungan who was travelling with us as well went out to investigate the area. When they returned, it was with a nine year old boy whose strength in the Force was overwhelming. He was the kindest boy I had ever met—until I met you, of course," he added generously, and Luke flushed, "—and when Qui-Gon regrettably died, I took it upon myself to train him.
"But Anakin's childhood was... difficult. He and his mother were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, then she lost them to a Toydarian named Watto, and then Qui-Gon managed to free him but not his mother, and the separation haunts him to this day, I have no doubt. He—"
"Wait," Luke said. "Sold?"
Ben nodded. "They were not kind masters."
Luke... Luke knew what that meant.
But how? How had his father, who'd willingly served Palpatine, who was the most powerful person in the galaxy—
He'd been a slave?
Beginning | Previous | Next
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thought-42 · 5 years
Clone Wars fic Day One
So @stoppit-keepout gave me 'Abdicate' as a prompt word, and this sprung forth, but SK I promise I will write you something else for a fandom you're actually in. Meanwhile, please enjoy the first chunk of a very random modern au featuring cody and Obi-Wan being goddamn disasters. Hopefully there will be a new slice of this universe every day until New Years, but who the hell knows.
Obi-Wan meets Cody at the Big Brothers Big Sisters Christmas party. He's there with Anakin, who has just been kicked out of another foster home and is clearly feeling celebratory as a result. Obi-Wan has given up asking about the experiences Anakin has that lead him to prefer group homes or sleeping rough, but he can make some educated guesses.
Ahsoka and Plo are there as well, having shown up early along with Wolffe to set up the decorations. They're all showing off the official adoption papers to whoever will stand still long enough to read them, and Wolffe and Ahsoka don't say anything to each other without including "sister" or "brother" somewhere in the 'address while Plo looks on like he's never realized his life could be this perfect.
"Hey, big brother," Ahsoka says, "is your cousin coming? I think Kix will like him."
"They'll be here as long as Rex's car can make it," Wolffe says. "They were going to pick up Jesse from his grandma's, so they might get stuck in bridge traffic."
"Rex's car is held together with literal duct tape," Anakin explains in an aside to Obi-Wan. "I keep telling him I can fix it, but he won't let me."
"I didn't know Rex's brother was going to mentor Kix," Obi-Wan says.
"It's not official," Ahsoka says.
"There will be a proper introduction," Plo assures him. "Cody has already been approved, but you know how Kix is."
"Smarter than anyone they've paired him up with?" Obi-Wan says, calmly. He's rather defensive of Kix, even not having a particularly close relationship with him. He's had to train himself out of his impatience with people who can't keep up with him, and he can appreciate Kix's unwillingness to waste his time. Qui-Gon would scold him for such thoughts, but Qui-Gon is currently half way across the country at some sort of plants and yoga retreat instead of spending the holidays with his wife or his step-father or his not-really son and the child who worships the ground he walks on.
It's fine. Obi-Wan isn't bitter. Tahl is spending Christmas Eve drinking wine with her coworkers from the library, and Obi-Wan and Anakin are here, and Christmas Day they'll all trek across the city to Dooku's disgustingly fancy mansion for an awkward Christmas meal and criticism of their life choices. At least with Qui-Gon absent everything should remain civil. Unless Anakin's teenaged bravado has developed further in the past year. Obi-Wan is doing Anakin the favour of pretending to believe him when he says he doesn't care about Qui-Gon's absence. He suspects Anakin is doing the same for him, which is uncomfortable for a whole host of reasons.
"I think Kix and Cody will get along," Wolffe says, tongue between his teeth as he carefully glues googly eyes on a felt snowman. Obi-Wan catches Plo snapping a photo, clearly amused.
Obi-Wan lets himself get dragged into the cookie decorating catastrophe happening on the other side of the room, and he remains entirely engrossed until Mace claps his hands and shouts, "Pizza's ready, I need two volunteers to go across and pick it up, who's going with Kenobi?"
Obi-Wan throws up his sugar-coated hands indignantly. "What have I ever done to you, Mace? Am I not a delight, a breath of orderly, reliable, and charming fresh air—"
"I'll go," someone says, and Rex appears out of nowhere to shove Obi-Wan toward the coat wrack. There's a dark-haired man already there, snow still caught on the collar of his jacket, clearly not having been inside long enough even to settle in.
Obi-Wan sighs dramatically for the entertainment of the younger children, but the way he wipes the icing off his hands on Mace's jacket is entirely for himself. The dark-haired man, Rex's brother, he has to be, frowns severely at him. Obi-Wan smiles brightly.
He pulls on his coat and winds his scarf around his neck and over most of his face.
"I'm Obi-Wan," he says. "And yes, this scarf was a gift and I will be guilted terribly should I not wear it."
"Cody," he says. "I'm Rex's brother?"
"Yes," Obi-Wan says. "I had guessed as much."
"Present from your grandmother?" Cody asks, holding the door for Obi-Wan.
"The scarf? No, no, my... semi-absent father figure, actually. His step father bought him a book on knitting as a teenager and he has somehow maintained the habit without improving his skills over the past thirty years."
"Ahh," Cody says, uncertainly. "So have you been involved..." Cody waves a gloved hand uncertainly. "With this, I mean— this is the first time I've been to any sort of event—"
"No, no," Obi-Wan says, understanding the question because it is exhaustingly familiar. Because clearly only people with biological nuclear families have healthy and ideal childhoods. "No, I only got involved a few years ago. Qui-Gon, my... father, met Anakin at the food bank. Anakin was there with his mother and Qui-Gon was volunteering, because sometimes he remembers that he grew up rich and has week-long bouts of frantic guilt-induced philanthropy. Anakin became quite attached to him, and when his mother passed away we spent a great deal of time helping him through the fallout. Naturally, Qui-Gon lost interest shortly after, but by then Anakin's social worker had gotten us involved in BBBS."
"I presume he hasn't improved at emotional intelligence with age, either? Given his absence."
Obi-Wan laughs, startled. "Not at all, actually. And you, what brings you here? Did Rex wear you down?"
"He told me about Kix," Cody says. "Admittedly this isn't my first choice when it comes to giving back to the community, but I wouldn't feel right knowingly walking away from a job for which I'm uniquely suited."
"It's not a job," Obi-Wan says, sharply.
"I'm sorry," Cody says. "You're right."
They cross the intersection in silence. None of the sidewalks are shovelled and Obi-Wan swallows down his irritated rant.
"I said that poorly," Cody says, hunching his shoulders. "I only meant that this level of social interaction and engagement with strangers— I'm not good at it. That's all I meant."
Obi-Wan, who has never particularly experienced or understood this sort of struggle, smiles sympathetically. "Of course, very understandable."
Cody's eyebrows go up. "I'm sure. You don't need to lie to spare my feelings."
Obi-Wan jerks open the door to the pizza restaurant harder than he intends to. "I apologize."
"I wasn't offended."
Inside the heat is stifling in contrast to the chill of late afternoon. Obi-Wan huffs a breath through his scarf and steps up to the counter. "They need two minutes," Obi-Wan tells Cody once he's exchanged words with the person behind the counter.
They lean together against the wall, dishwater dull sunlight splashed across the tiles at their feet. A drop of sweat creeps down Obi-Wan's spine.
"You should take your scarf off," Cody says, after a moment, like he's been trying to stop himself.
Obi-Wan blinks uncertainly, then agreeably pulls the scarf of his face, loosening the loops around his neck and unzipping his jacket a few inches.
Cody stares out the window. "Sorry. You're obviously hot," he says. "It's boiling in here."
Obi-Wan doesn't know what to say, given that he has absolutely no reason to have left the scarf pulled up and thus has no leg to stand on when it comes to the oddity of the moment.
Back at the community centre they're descended upon by a rush of children and teens, stacks of pizza boxes snatched from their arms and vanishing into the crowd. Obi-Wan glances over to the cookie table, and is unsurprised to see the lack of progress.
It takes a few seconds and some bouncing up on his toes to find Kix, and when he does it's to see him curled up on a hard plastic chair in the back corner behind the water cooler, cell phone pressed to his ear, his other arm wrapped around himself and looking very much like he's trying to remain calm through an exceedingly distressing conversation.
Cody is standing very still, hands clasped behind his back, eyes darting around and clearly unsure what to do. Obi-Wan, who is a good person, says "Come on, then. While I recognize that it's meant to be the process of decorating the cookies that holds the value, I also am physically incapable of leaving a job half done, and now that the real food has arrived I suspect no one else will be doing it."
"Yes, ok," Cody says, quickly.
Anakin finds them five minutes later, half a piece of pizza in his mouth and a spring in his step. "Rex is gonna let me take a look at his car!"
"I'm glad," Obi-Wan says, and means it. He may not trust Anakin with a lot of things, but when it comes to mechanics Obi-Wan trusts him far more than any "professional".
"you guys should get some pizza before it's all gone," Anakin says. "Hi, by the way. You're Cody, right?"
"Yeah," Cody says. "You're Anakin."
"That's me. And now I'm a little worried that rex talks about me."
"Would you believe me if I said only good things?"
"I accidentally pushed him off the roof of the old theatre last winter," says Anakin. Cody nods.
"We're busy with this," Obi-Wan says, nodding to the cookies. "Besides, the pizza should go to the youth, not to us."
Anakin rolls his eyes. "Whatever, it's food, we're all here, don't make it weird."
"Busy," Obi-wan repeats.
Anakin waves a hand. "Hey, hey, I get it. You're finally getting to experience an extremely stereotypical holiday tradition that you never did when you were a kid, and it's nice because you've been all fucked up with Qui-Gon away."
"What?!" Obi-Wan snaps, incredulous, at the same time Cody says
"That's exactly what we're doing, actually. Couldn't have said it better myself."
Obi-Wan considers upending the container of sprinkles over Cody's head.
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tennessoui · 1 year
The way your snippet through me back into the hunger games au, and I LOVE it
I need an obi wan pov because they both have rose tinted glasses for each other in this au to an extent and we can all see how obis glasses are rose tinted (to ignore the blood splatters), but I need to see how low-key psycho obi is in realityyyyy
I think my fav joke of any fanfic is Anakin in that first snippet with the “ethics board”, don’t know why but I was laughing so hard at that.
(Remember when you said if you finished one WIP you might have room for more…)
Love the idea of in quarter quell one tribute sees obi wan, back turned, he could totally knife him, and then remembers during training how Anakin had stormed in, taken out a slew of the hologram men without breaking a sweat in under 10 seconds flat, and then grabbed obi wan and kissed him in front of all the mentors, tributes and peacekeepers, before glaring at everyone in the goddam room. It took an hour for anyone to move, and no one is going after obi wan after that, never mind how all their mentors went white at the mention of Anakins name.
Then Obi wan snaps in the arena and badges someone face in so bad he’s unrecognisable and everyone decides they value life too much for the crazy that is those two
I’m in love with them both being a little psychotically in love with each otherrrr
This comment is already too long (I have so many thoughts about this au I love it so muchhhhhh (Anakin murdering children then sleeping soundly at night, while obi wan shoulders all his crimes as his own guilt is SO obikin, but he’s also out here low-key psychotic as well (cough cough TCW obi wan with his goddamn war crimes) I love ittttt
I feel like there are so many good options for a hunger games au obi-wan pov!!! Off the top of my head: obi-wan when anakin kisses him for the first time, obi-wan as the mentor when anakin is in his games, trying to convince possible sponsors that anakin loves Robin but also that he’ll go far in the games and they should support him (&the pain of having to really pretend the only person to love him loves someone else), obi-wan volunteering for anakin even though he made anakin promise not to volunteer for him during the quarter quell reaping, obi-wan’s pov of immediately afterwards too when anakin corners him to scream and yell and cry at him and wondering if this is what fear of anakin feels like because anakin has never looked at him so meanly with so much promised violence, obi-wan’s pov of the games and killing people because he wants to come back to anakin as much as he wanted anakin to come back to him a year ago……..
Soooo many options for a good obi-wan pov especially of obi-wan having his own perceptions of anakin ripped away from him during anakin’s games and the lead up to anakins games but then also being a different kind of psychotic himself because he can’t imagine giving up a love as addicting as anakin’s now that he’s found it
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