#anakin skywalker’s blue lightsaber
stealingpotatoes · 2 months
Oh my GOD I've fallen down the rabbit hole of your glorious skywalkers apart AU and quite apart from being ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED, I have to know if my boy Cal is around in it?!
yes but i never really developed it!! ok we all know i'm never gonna finish that comic script i'll just tell u guys -- in said script, after leia and anakin free Padme, they find out Luke was taken somewhere else which, after a family recon mission, they find is FORTRESS GODDAMN INQUISITORIUS! (which they assume is bc luke tried to use the force to stop the initial arrest, big mistake huge)
anyway all this to say cal's involvement was a tiny-mentioned cameo to explain why anakin knew how to infiltrate nur (the exact line i wrote in the never-finished-script was "we met this jedi survivor a few years back" + comments abt said survivor inflitrating nur 10 years ago yes it was that unsubtle) -- the idea was they had run into one another on a short mission in the past and then gone their separate ways!
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Star Wars - Prequels + Text Posts
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sensoryeen · 10 months
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✦ | Anakin Skywalker Stimboard
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darthmalewife · 2 years
Ahsoka daring Obi-Wan and Anakin to wear dresses around the temple and Anakin ends up confused and simultaneously fucking seething because "why is everyone trying to bone my master? what the fuck? Obi-Wan stop flirting back?!"
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nerdtamin · 4 months
Why Rey's Story Should Have Been Similar to Anakin's (WITH A TWIST 😉 )
Ok! Bear with me, I know this can be a touchy subject but I promise you it's not the path you think this will go.
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Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one who was destined to bring balance to the force. I'm not sure why he had to become Darth Vader to achieve this, but that may be a topic for another time. However, there is no doubt that he was destined to fall into darkness, as this was confirmed back in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, episode Ghost of Mortis (3x17), where Anakin was shown a vision from The Son about his future. However, Anakin has his memories wiped out by his father so the events would play out. Why do I bring this Up?
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Picture Rey's story going this route: PALPATINE IS DEAD. However, he was working on a clone son that would surpass his apprentice Darth Vader. The Clone is a failure and is set free after the events of Return of the Jedi. At some point, the clone meets a woman and they have a daughter named Rey. However, her parents abandoned her on a desert planet because they were terrified of her powers and the darkness that resides within her. However, she survives, joins the resistance, and fights the evil in the galaxy. However, her greatest adversary finds out her true lineage, hoping she will join his side. However, there's a twist: REY KNEW.
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She knew her parents left her behind because they feared her. She knew the true origin of her lineage because she overheard her parents talking about it (or another source). She knew what would happen if she allowed her negative emotions to get to her while surviving on Jakku. She knew but she fought against it anyway.
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I believe this would have been a compelling story for the sequel trilogy to adopt. The protagonist fights against the destiny that everyone around her expects her to become. She's pulled in so many directions: Her friends fear her, her enemies push her, and the entire galaxy wants her dead. Yet, she chooses hope. JJ Abrams could have also sneaked in a few hints about Rey's dark potential until the big twist. Some examples could be:
Losing control (maybe like a sonic scream)
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Physical deformation (like The Son)
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or classic Sith eyes (maybe she keeps them hidden under her own mask)
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I know this felt more like a rewrite than an analysis but I'm sure we've all come up with thousands of ways a story could have gone.
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irn-bru · 2 years
hey cheer up, anakin wielding a green lightsaber in attack of the clones, okay?
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Major props to Luke Skywalker. If I spent over twenty years being compared to my father, only to find out he was evil, then I spent over ten years training my nephew to try to keep him from becoming evil, only to fuck up once and for him to turn evil anyway, I would have been pissed.
Like, how come all the other Skywalker men get to be evil, huh? Why does Luke gotta be the sane one? Luke is standing between his father who killed a temple of younglings because he thought it would help save his wife and his nephew who destroyed a temple with Force lightning, and you’re telling me his only reaction was to exile himself?
Luke spends his whole childhood on Tatooine on a farm with helicopter parent Owen, then he spends his adulthood in the Rebellion and a Jedi, then he spends more of his adulthood as a Jedi, then he spends the last years of his life in exile, like Luke didn’t get to go apeshit even ONCE. Like sure, he kills a few million Imperials or whatever, but they didn’t even let him move a black hole or have godlike strength reminiscent of his father, no that’s just for his nephew, if I was Luke, I would not have been able to be chill.
Is Luke’s godlike ability to stay calm? Is that all he gets? Shouldered with responsibilities and failures and the weight of the entire galaxy on his shoulders, while his dad and nephew got to be evil and then died immediately after becoming good again? All Luke gets out of his life is depression and PTSD and guilt. He doesn’t even get to kill a Sith, dude. Like, come on. How unfair!
His character is so depressing! He spends his whole life trying to be like his father, but Ben Solo gets to be more like Anakin than Luke does? Terrible, awful, I hate it here. Let Luke tear some shit apart with his bare hands, just this once. Like, Jesus, even the Jedi in the Old Republic wouldn’t expect a man to be able to go through this much without some difficulty, how come Luke has to suffer? What has he ever done?
Luke spends his whole childhood and adolescence restrained to Tatooine, his time in the Rebellion retrained to the Rebels, and his adulthood restrained to the outdated view of the Jedi of old, and honestly? If I had to go through all that, on top of being the only man in my bloodline who doesn’t get to be batshit insane? I would’ve been a bit weird on Ahch-To too.
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neirw · 2 years
The cinematic antithesis of this is just so good
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The Clone Wars 07x12 - Tales of the Jedai 01x6
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crimsonscloud · 1 year
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he's doing the anakin skywalker spin. look at him.
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
An idea I like for my Star Wars fanfic is when Darth Vader is redeemed and becomes Anakin again, he starts wielding both his blue Jedi lightsaber and his red Sith lightsaber. I like the idea of this being symbolic of him balancing the Light Side of him and the Dark Side of him since he is the Chosen One.
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"More light when two suns" "Grim and Luke are the suns" shut up shut up I'm going insane.
Inspired by @veradragonjedi's tags:
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Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @milfspectre1 @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @roseofalderaan @keoxus  @dykerebel @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @kohtoyah @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @bluejay-in-write
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The Light and The Dark
Kenobi serie spoilers ahead
The final battle between Obi-Wan and Vader in the Kenobi series is so interesting. Especially the talk Obi-Wan and Vader are having. The usage of light and dark and the color of the light is just masterful. We see Vader's face only after Obi-Wan clearly has seen him, and we are supposed to see Obi-Wan's reaction at the first. And it is horror; for a good reason too! This man was his brother who he dearly loved and Obi-Wan felt quilt of letting down Anakin. Even it was never Obi-Wan's fault. The conversation these two man are having is very interesting. In musical elements and also in level of colors used. When Vader tells Obi-Wan that he is not Obi-Wan's failure, that is the only part where the blue from Obi-Wan's pure, unbleeded kyber crystal illuminates any of his human features. I am not saying that it is Anakin speaking, but this is also a moment that gives Obi-Wan absolution from his guilt. It is a moment when Vader can see Obi-Wan's pain openly. It is a only droplet of kindness he shows towards his old master. Even it might be unintentional. But when Anakin Skywalker finally returns in Return of the Jedi, he also returns due seeing the pain of someone dear to him: Luke.
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But for now it only makes the red on Anakin's features intensify and the true beast that Anakin had become steps in. Many have compared Vader intoa zombie and that is super suitable for that moment: he is an foreing entity that uses what is left of Obi-Wan's brother. This is also a part where the red is visible in Obi-Wan's face: A sign of inner disturbance he is feeling while seeing his brother like this.
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When Anakin's features are colored in purple, it shows the instability Vader is feeling. But it also shows that the light in him is surrounded and suffocated by the darkness that together hues his features purple: an entire different color showing, that the blue in him is just a decoy and there is something else underneath there.
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And when the red light engulfs Anakins features, Obi-Wan sees what his brother has become. The red disappears from Obi-Wan's features, and all is blue; presenting how he is literally feeling blue. And he indeed realizes that his brother is gone, making him also reach inner peace, slowly draining all hues of red and blue from his features. This shows how they both choose different paths and how Obi-Wan lets go while Vader holds on.
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Blue is also a symbol of calmness where the red is a color of passion. Calmness being essential for Jedi Order and Passion being a way of the Sith. But blue is also the symbol of Obi-Wan's grief and he is letting go of it when accepting the fact that Anakin had become Vader: making him let go of Anakin.
This also makes Obi-Wan reach the balance that makes it possible for him to see Qui-Gon again.
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pushingpluto · 2 years
This place is getting to me. I think I’m getting the fear.” Happy Halloween!
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jedi-luca · 2 months
Duel of the Fates
Summary: Tony builds you lightsabers.
warning: loss of limbs, dry humor
pairings: Natasha x Reader
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Ever since Natasha can remember, you loved Star Wars. You were obsessed, not to mention Natalie Portman was your first crush. She never quite thought this is where the obsession would end up.
“I don’t know man, this is pretty lame.” You sighed holding up a ‘lightsaber’ Tony made for you.
“Excuse me, did you just say lame?” Tony scoffed snatching off his safety glasses.
“Yeah I’ll just text Shuri I bet she can make me a lightsaber, and make it not a blow torch.”
“You know what no! No! I can do it! Give me that and get the hell out.” Tony grumbled, snatching the rod back.
You smirked walking out.
It was late when Tony called your room.
“It’s 4 am Tony.” Natasha glared at the bright light on the side of the bed.
“Hey Kid, wake up and get down here!” Tony said quickly.
“Whaa?” You groggily looked over your fiancé.
“GET DOWN HERE NOW!” He yelled.
“Okay jeez!” You mumbled getting up stumbling against the wall trying to find clothes.
“What is going on?” Natasha grumbled.
“I think Tony just made me a lightsaber.” You grinned putting on your shoes.
“What?!” Natasha sat up.
“Yeah! Come on babe witness history. I am going to be our world's first Jedi.”
“Oh God.” Natasha got up placing on her clothes. She knew if Tony really did make you one there would be blood shedd very soon. You liked to break in your new weapons.
You both quickly make your way to Tony’s workshop.
He downed a vodka redbull and handed one to you. Nat shook her head at you. “It’s 4 am no.” You downed it while Nat looked over at one of Tony’s suits he was making for her.
“Alright I fucking did it, and I want some damn praise! I want you to say I am the genius of geniuses!” His eyes were wild.
“Well let’s see it then.” You shrugged trying not to show your excitement.
“Give me your hands.” He demanded..
Tony placed a bracelet on you which grew to shield on your forearms just in case.
He moved aside, showing you two lightsabers that sat on the counter.
“Nat move back.” He nodded. She moved to where he pointed. “Hey dummy!” He snapped his fingers looking at his first droid he created. “Camera up and zoom in; this is history in the making!” He yelled at the robot. “Y/N, reach out for them.” He watched with anticipation.
You focused on reaching out towards them when they flew into your hands.
“Holy shit!” You laughed looking at Tony.
“Go ahead Skywalker turn them on!” 
You held them at an angle watching them turn on, emitting an illuminating blue. Laughing you look towards Stark and then over to your fiancé who watched in shock and awe. Moving over towards a secluded area you began twirling them around remembering the battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
“You underestimate my power!” You glare like Anakin.
“You were supposed to be the chosen one!” Tony whined before cackling like a mad man.
“Yup Tony you are the genius of geniuses.” You nod. 
“Thank you. Thank you.” He bowed.
“Let’s play.” You smirked, turning one off and handing it to Stark. The two of you began dueling only stopping when you disarmed him, calling the saber back to you.
“Stark, you just made my dream come true.” You sigh happily. “I gotta tell Petey he’s gonna be so jelly, but first I’m going on a mission.” Your eyes darkened.
“Babe no.” Natasha shook her head.
“Could you imagine the bloodshed? I think I’m feelin’ a rampage coming on.” You grin.
“You need therapy.” Tony huffed.
“Maybe Wade will let me practice on him.” You cackle, before running out the door.
“Y/N, don’t he looks weird when he grows back!” Natasha shouted.
“Oh hey Y/N, are those lightsabers?” Wade pointed. 
Natasha and Tony stood still before hearing Wade scream.
“Y/N no! Look what you've done.” Natasha glared at Tony before chasing after you.
“I may have created a monster.” Tony whispered to himself.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
“I never wanted you dead,” Sheev said, smiling in a grandfatherly sort of way, which he was terrible at. “I wanted you here… Empress Palpatine.”
He gestured. “You will take the throne. It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood.”
“I haven’t come to lead the Sith,” Rey replied, then there was a loud doom doom doom sound of someone knocking on a door.
“Who is that?” Palpatine asked.
Then Luke Skywalker entered the room, limned with blue light.
So did his father, Anakin Skywalker, and Leia Organa Solo. And Yoda, hovering along on a spectral hoverchair, and Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku.
“...um,” Rey began. “Master…s?”
“Rey,” Luke replied, with a nod. “You were right, by the way.”
“What is this?” Palpatine asked, his voice hushed and touched with fear. “What are you doing?”
“You never heard the story of Master Qui-Gon the Insightful?” Anakin asked.
“I’m insightful?” Qui-Gon said, sounding pleased.
“You are certainly something,” Dooku said, as Yoda chuckled.
Palpatine looked like he might be about to have an aneurysm.
“It’s not a story the Sith would have told you,” Anakin went on, with a terrible glee in his tone. “You see, the Light Side is a path to many abilities some would consider to be… supernatural.”
“Got that out of your system?” Obi-Wan asked.
“For now,” Anakin shrugged.
“What-” Palpatine sputtered. “What are you – this isn’t possible! You are dead! It is the Sith who can defy death!”
“The evidence suggests otherwise,” Leia smiled, then cleared her throat. “Sheev Palpatine. We are formally accusing you of-”
“Um,” Rey said, a bit hesitantly. “Sorry to interrupt… I recognize most of you as Jedi, but what is Count Dooku doing here?”
“Probation,” Yoda stated. “Very nicely, he has asked.”
“We are formally,” Leia stressed, “accusing you of, among other assorted crimes, thirty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven counts of murder by use of a blunt instrument – to whit, a Clone Army – counting only those who were members of the Jedi Order in good standing at the time of their respective deaths, though we acknowledge that the number murdered on your orders is beyond easy counting. You are accused of treason in times of war and peace alike, of enforced disappearances, of enslavement, of wilful torture, of assorted Crimes Against Sapience, and of Consorting With Ye Powers Of Darknesse, which to my surprise was still on the books of the Old Republic.”
“There are, as the Princess says, many other crimes,” Dooku added. “But we believe those should be enough to be getting on with. For a start.”
Palpatine stared, then laughed.
“You – you are trying me?” he asked. “In what court? By what authority? I am authority! I reject your powerless, toothless threats! I am above punishment!”
“I think we’ll consider that a plea of ‘guilty’, then,” Obi-Wan said. “Wouldn’t you say?”
“That sounds reasonable enough to me,” Qui-Gon agreed. “All right. Grandmaster, if you would do the honours?”
Yoda raised his gimmer stick, and a bolt of lightning hit Palpatine on the head.
The Sith half-stood half-fell out of his chair, trying to hide behind it, then scowled at his own reaction and shot lightning at one of the Force Ghosts.
It passed right through Leia without doing anything at all.
Rey raised her hand.
“Am I still needed here?” she asked.
“You know, I think we can handle this ourselves?” Count Dooku said, courteously, then turned to Palpatine. “Know this, Sidious. You destroyed the Jedi Order, and now the Order will destroy you. If you return, you will be destroyed again. And again. Forty thousand angry ghosts cry out for vengeance.”
Qui-Gon coughed.
“Terminology, Master,” he said.
“Forty thousand annoyed ghosts seek justice,” Count Dooku corrected, as more Force Ghosts began to enter the chamber – walking through the walls in ranks, their ghostly lightsabers held high. “Is that better?”
“It’ll do,” Obi-Wan decided. “We appreciate you making the effort.”
Palpatine did not appreciate him making the effort.
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geekforhorror · 10 months
pls pls plsssss i want older!anakin to fuck me where everyone could hear us so baaaaad!!! want obi wan to yell at us for being so reckless & disrespectful!! also daddy kink! imagine age gap!
pls write something about his i love your writing!!!!!!!!!
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pairing: older!anakin x fem!reader
warning(s): SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!anakin, sub!reader, established age gap (anakin is 35, reader is 20), anakin is a master in this (not readers master tho!), unprotected p in v sex, dirty talk, pet names, divorced au (sorry miss amidala!), etc.
You always had a thing for Skywalker.
You didn’t know what made him so alluring. Maybe it was his confidence, good looks, personality, or perhaps it was all three. You had developed a crush on him from the very moment you encountered him in the temple’s halls. From then on, you could barely keep your composure around him. It started off with blushing and now it had gotten to the point where you had to clench your thighs together whenever he spoke to you. You tried your best to shield your thoughts from the confident Jedi and you thought you succeeded in doing so.
Oh, how wrong you were.
See, unbeknownst to you, Anakin had picked up on your behavior and instantly wanted to know what it was that was making you that flustered. He already had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on. Luckily, he would have the opportunity to see if he was right or not. One night, he had been assigned to be your dueling partner since your master was out on a mission. You were nervous to say the least. How the fuck were you supposed to spend an entire hour with him when you could barely keep your composure around him for more than five minutes? All you knew was that you were screwed.
The time had finally come where you had to meet Skywalker in the dueling chambers. Here you were, outside of the very room where the man you had grown feelings for was, yet you were too nervous to actually enter the room. You didn’t know how to describe it. Being around him was so… intoxicating, but also nerve wracking. You knew better than to let these thoughts surface during your session with him, but it would be rather tricky when you had to duel at the same time. Besides, what would he think? He would probably report you to the council the first chance he got for inappropriate behavior on your behalf. That’s why this couldn’t come to light.
To prepare yourself, you took a deep breath in and collected yourself enough before finally entering the room. As soon as you entered the room, you were met with those mesmerizing blue eyes you loved so much. They had a way of making you gaze into them until you were in a dazed-like state. It was hard to look away, but you managed to do so, keeping in mind that you couldn’t be caught doing a thing like that.
“Hello Master Skywalker. It’s a pleasure to duel with you again,” you say too cheerfully. Fuck.
“The feeling is mutual,” he replies with a rather nonchalant tone to his voice. You didn’t know what it was about his voice that always had you dripping through your panties, but fuck. Maybe it was the way his voice sounded like pure velvet.
“Are you ready?” he asks you.
“Yes,” you said a little too quick.
“Alright then. Positions!”
You do as he says and take your normal stance, which you had learned from your master. Anakin takes his signature pose, the room now filled with silence that wasn’t there before. Suddenly, his lightsaber strikes in the air and gives you barely any time to react. However, you know better than to let his hasty movements derail yours. You decide to use your instincts to your advantage.
“I’m not gonna go easy on you,” he says with a cheshire smile.
“Good,” you confidently reply.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your rather fierce response. He always admired your boldness and confidence. It was what set you apart from all the other Jedi. However, you were also selfless and willing to sacrifice everything for the ones you loved. He saw parts of himself in you. That drive and desire.
He saw your response as an invitation to go harder on you as he swayed his body around while attempting to strike you with his wielded weapon. You blocked him with every breath you took and focused on finding his weakness. Fortunately for him, your focus on defeating him allowed him the perfect opportunity to lodge himself inside that pretty little brain of yours and see what you were hiding from him. After all, his mind reading abilities were way stronger than yours, so it was likely you wouldn’t even notice.
Suddenly, he was met with a vision. It was one of you: all alone in your quarters, wearing nothing but your lacy bra. He was met with the sight of your cunt, all covered in slick and creamy arousal. There you were, all sprawled out on the bed while plunging two of your fingers inside your needy pussy—imagining it was him stretching your tight hole until you were practically begging to cum. Just as he was about to strike, his ears were met with your needy moans.
“Fuck- Ana- Anakin,” you whined out, loud enough for bypassers in the hall to hear.
The vision disappeared just as fast as it was displayed and was replaced with another, only this one was more of a thought and more dirty than the last. This time, it was you thinking of his hands roaming your body and pounding his cock into you until you were a crying and moaning mess around him.
How could a girl like you have such nasty thoughts about her superior?
He felt himself grow hard in the confines of his pants and knew he had to get out before you noticed. When he came back, he was met with your leg swiftly coming up in the air in order to counter his previous actions. Despite being distracted for some time, he somehow overpowered the thoughts of you just enough to hit you right in the leg with his training saber, declaring victory.
“Well, well,” you heard him say.
“What is it?” you say, sounding intrigued but also confused.
“It seems like I beat you despite getting into that pretty little head of yours,” he finally admits.
“Wait what?”
“Don’t play dumb with me… I know every dirty little thought you have of me,” Anakin chuckles confidently. “It’s quite adorable, actually.
You felt a flush of embarrassment fill your cheeks as they were now a rosy shade of pink. “It’s not that hard to sense in you, angel,” he replies, reading your very thoughts. “I found them quite amusing. The way you want me to kiss all over your pretty little body, how you want me to ruin you and make you mine, the feeling of what it would be like to be taken by a man, not a mere Jedi boy. They don’t know what you want like I do,” he says cockily.
“I- I don’t know what to say,” you admit.
“Then I’ll do the talking. From the moment I first saw you, I knew I had to have you. I mean, why else do you think you ended up with me all these times your master was out? It’s because I told the others to let me train you even if it was temporary.”
“I had no idea, Master Skywalker,” you say truthfully, but also surprised at what you were hearing right now.
“I think we’re past all the formalities, don’t you? Call me Anakin,” he says.
“Anakin, I had no idea,” you correct yourself.
“That’s better. Now do you want to take this somewhere a little more… private?” he asks.
“Like where?” you ask playfully.
“Perhaps my quarters?” he suggests.
“I’d like that,” you say with an ear to ear grin, clearly showing you had gotten over your shyness.
“Follow me then,” he says before reaching his hand out to yours. You take his hand before he walks the two of you out of the room and into the dark halls of the the temple. The two of you look for anyone who may be lurking in the halls, but there’s no one. Before you know it, you guys have reached his room and that’s when he hastily opens the door and slams it just as hard.
He wastes no time before hungrily kissing you on the lips and pushing you against the wall of his room. The kiss is primarily fueled by pent-up desire that had been built up in the two of you for what seemed like forever.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this... wanted you," you pant against his lips.
"Trust me...I do," Anakin clarifies. He then moves his lips and latches them onto your neck, sucking roughly at the surrounding skin.
"Anakin..." you whine.
"Yes, sweetheart?" he responds.
"I want you to fuck me," you confess.
"You do, huh?" he rhetorically asks, already knowing the answer you would give him.
"Please Ani.. don't tease me," you pathetically say. You know how you sound right now, but you're too lost in the moment to care about any of that.
"Anything for you, baby," he coos.
With that, he swiftly grabs your hips before letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He guides the two of you toward his bed and gently lays you down. "I'm gonna treat you so well that you won't be able to think about any other man besides me... gotta have you all to myself, baby," Anakin says full of passion while undressing you until you're all bare for him and only him. He knows you want to undress him, but he stops you before you can even lay a hand on any of his garments. He starts to strip himself of any and all clothes he previously had on and maker, his body did not disappoint. Despite his age, he had kept most of the lean physique he had when he was in his twenties. His abs were sculpted to absolute perfection. The way his waist was so defined practically had you drooling. He was perfect in every way. Even his dick was. It was all red at the tip and sat upright, but the thing that stood out the most was how long and thick it was.
"Eyes up here, darling," he says with a slight laugh.
"I don't know if I can take all of that," you shamefully admit.
"You want it though, don't you?" Anakin asks.
That was all you had to say before he positioned himself on the bed and instantly inserted himself inside your tight pussy, giving you no time to adjust to his size as he thrusts into your greedy walls. You immediately felt full of his thick cock and felt yourself clench around him.
"Need to train this hole if you're gonna be all mine," he grits.
"Please!" you cry out, digging your nails into his defined shoulders, which only eggs him on even further.
"Need to ruin you for any other guys, yeah?" he goes on.
You can only nod your head yes due to the newfound pleasure filling your body. No other man had made you feel this good. Maybe it was because one of them had experience like Anakin did. Relationships were strictly forbidden for Jedi to have, but there were rumors about Senator Padme Amidala being pregnant with Anakin's children. You thought they were merely rumors, but that was before you had his cock deep inside your weeping cunt, thrusting until you were all raw and sore. Before tonight, you never knew that's what you wanted.
"Harder!" you beg of him.
"Poor little thing... hasn't been full of my cock for more than 5 minutes and is already begging for more" he tuts.
"Please, daddy!" you scream.
"That's right baby," he says in a soft yet promising tone.
Fulfilling your needs, he spreads your legs even further to get an even better angle of your pussy before animalistically pounding his fat cock into your swollen walls. You couldn't help but loudly moan at his movements. You knew you were giving other people the chance to hear what was going on, but you were too cock drunk to care. The sound of skin hitting skin filled the thin walls of the room and probably the entire hall, as a matter of fact. You felt too full to even form coherent thoughts. He wasn't planning on slowing down anytime soon now that you had given him the green light to go harder. He wouldn't stop until you were a crying mess.
A familiar feeling started to form as you saw stars in your blurred vision. You felt a rope of heat fill your stomach and knew you wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer.
"'M so close Master...please let me cum!" you cry out.
"Just hold on for a bit longer... wanna make you feel as good as possible," he replies. You nod your head at this and comply with his words. He suddenly then ruts his hips even rougher on yours, knowing you would be bruised for days to come.
"I'm gonna-" you start to say.
"Let go for me baby. I've got you... cum all over my cock."
With his permission, you finally let go and spill all over him while he's still fucking you through it. He groans at the feeling of your warmth around his hard cock and cums shortly after. He pulls out of you before lying down next to you. "You did so well for me, darling," he says in a reassuring manner.
Just as you're about to speak, there's a sudden knock on the door that alerts the two of you. The two of you rush to put your clothes on, not wanting to answer the door naked for whoever is on the other side. Once the two of you are fully dressed, Anakin opens the door and it's none other than your master Obi-Wan.
Shit, the two of you were screwed.
"I see that the two of you are finally done engaging in....activities. However, please remember that some of us were forced to listen to your obscenities. Please come with me otherwise you will be dealing with far worse!" he says in an almost lecturing dad tone.
This was gonna be a long night.
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