#anarchic candy
mabelpodcast · 6 months
Do you like reading pornography? Do you like super weird pornography set in Los Angeles? That you can read completely for free? If so, you should read my new short stories up at Anarchic Candy (the website where I publish all my romance fiction free of charge, instead of selling it, and myself, through an industry I despise). There's one about a mermaid and a failed screenwriter doing porn, there's one about a boy with a very strange garden in a canyon, there's one about a TV writer and a group of entities up on an old historic building in Downtown Los Angeles. There will be more, when I write them. They'll probably be even weirder. Some of them are true. They're all interconnected, too. You'll see what I mean.
Also there's COMEBACK, my novel that several super legit literary agents wanted to publish! It's about a has-been, rumoured-to-be-drug-addicted former teen superstar and her make up artist going on tour together. It's not pornography (though there is sex in it), but it is fun! And sad. And gay. And an indictment of the modern age. But in an entertaining way!
Download them all, for free, from Anarchic Candy.
How is the end of your year?
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statementlou · 7 months
So I see folks pointing out that Louis' circle A tattoo is more likely an aesthetic choice than an announcement of a political commitment to anarchism, and saying basically that that maybe makes him a bit of a poser and I mean- I GUESS. But I don't like to look at things that way and I don't think it's useful. As I see it the subversive sexiness of the symbols of resistance have ALWAYS been gateways for people who are drawn to the struggle in vague ways and that's GOOD. Aligning yourself with those values is good no matter the reason, in my book, especially given the wretched options available out there, but also the journey doesn't necessarily stop there. Gatekeeping queerness victimizes people who are just trying things out and starting to discover that it may run deeper than just trying on a new look who should instead be welcomed and helped along their path, and I fail to see how gatekeeping political affiliations is any different (plus how counterproductive to actual movement building is that?)
ANYWAY. What I really want to say about Louis is that while I KNOW that Louis is probably not secretly a theory reading anti-state communalist anarchist, I think that actually Louis' optimism and idealism (and his unwavering commitment to allying himself with the working class and embracing those roots) are a perfect fit for the philosophy and always have been. I know that anarchism is mostly understood as being about throwing molotov cocktails and fighting the state (and the allure of its symbols are that they signify this, a terrific aesthetic for him to choose to sign on with in my book), but that's honestly largely cartoonish stereotyping that comes directly from anti-anarchist state propaganda. That resistance is necessary in this hellscape of oppression we live in and is super important, but in its heart anarchism is only about the state in that the state and capitalism currently stands in the way of its goals. The whole point of anarchism is that it's NOT about the state! It's about being able to imagine something better than a state, it's about how we live and about how we SHOULD live, it's about HOPE and picturing something utopian and something free of the ways capitalism pits us against one another! What could be more Louis than that?
"I need you and you need me and I love that" is as beautiful a way of talking about the cornerstone of anarchism that is mutual aid as any long winded essay I've read (even if what he meant was contextually different), and I think when he talks again and again about how special the space fans have made around him is he is expressing an intuitive understanding of the importance of autonomous zones, places and moments outside of the shitty life imposed on us by the system (also a huge part of anarchist thought). Maybe I'm just being an optimist but I think that Louis DOES understand that caring for people and wanting self-determination and freedom for all and allying himself with the working class involves a certain amount of resistance to and positioning yourself in opposition to the state. Thinking the symbols of smashing that state are cool isn't meaningless; it's a CHOICE. There are other cool symbols out there and I just happen to think that feeling a resonance with certain ones is something in and of itself, even if at this moment he does not choose to start a fight with the media about it all.
#long version of this part maybe later… (orrr maybe here and now oops lol):#I believe we are all born natural anarchists with a desire to live in mutually supportive ways and in freedom#it only gets beaten out of people by the trauma of the system and being forced to struggle to survive#Louis shares with many privileged people a certain immaturity of not understanding those struggles#but I think that 'immaturity' can include- in smart and good people- not having lost sight of that utopianism#because they are able to conceptualize it because they live the way we all should be able to#free of so many of the survival struggles#(I think that in some areas maturity is code for 'beaten down to a good capitalist')#anyway and that's why autonomous zones are important:#because you HAVE to have the experience of freedom sometimes to be able to move towards it#you have to experience wins to be able to keep fighting#it's the candy crush theory of organizing lol like: people will simply give up and lose hope if everything is struggle and despair#and nothing is hope and success#you don't have to win the whole fight to get glimpses but you have to have moments#anyway a song I love that is about that is Saturday Night by the Coup it's a BOP go check her out she feels like winning#boots is a commie but that's okay he Gets It :P#anyway#anarchism#blah blah blah#I love being a louis apologist I should add that to my header what can I say: I love him#also look how many WORDS I can churn out when there's no show😂gotta fil the time somehow#send me questions I beg you we've got a long couple months ahead#comrade louis
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scouse1g · 1 year
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
I do NOT think it's fair for Zutara shippers to hate Zukka for a chunk of the fandom popularizing bad tropes and being mean-spirited like sorry not sorry but you're calling EVERY Zukka shipper misogynistic racists and queerphobes as if you're not the ones who came up with 'Fire Lady Katara' and 'Momtara x Dadko' and mocked Aang for trying to emphasize with Katara's mom dying with her by comparing it to him and Appa being the only living beings from what happened to the Air Nomads and call him all sorts of vile appalling shit that should NEVER be said about a fucking 12 year old because he's feminine and silly and not the perfect love interest 24/7 and takes pride in his tibetan heritage AND stripped Katara of all her accomplishments and nonconformity and layers and anarchism because you see her as worthless if she's not Zuko's arm candy while also making degrading comments about her sex life because she had kids with a guy you don't like with added anti-biracial kids propaganda as a bonus AND are so unsympathetic to Mai because she's Zuko but a girl so you're not into her that you unironically think she's a wench plus don't even actually care about Mailee seeing as it has way more evidence than Zutara on every level yet you only see them as a sidedish to prove you don't hate women AND even Zuko dosen't get speared because mans deadass ended the series with everything he'd ever wanted INCLUDING being a better dad than Ozai was to him to AANG but none of it matters apperantly because he choose what was best for himself after 16 years straight of abuse instead of some random ass crush you THINK he had for not even technically a year.You do NOT get to talk shit about Zukka stans,they're just a normal noncanon mlm ship fanbase with a small side of bad eggs,Zutaras are an entire rotten eggs ile from a supermarket that's been abandoned for almost 20 years because it never actually opened but old people who complain about 'kids these days' keep thinking it'll open one day despite it being announced a million times it never would and saying it's elder abuse in response
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chloefrazer · 7 months
i was tagged by the gorgeous @latenna to do this associations with an oc template, thank you so much, aeris! ♡ i did this for my fledgling, mickey james, because i miss her so much, and it was wonderful getting back into her headspace.
i'm tagging: @nadineross, @brujah, @lexcanium, @dantesparda, @voerman, @elliewilliums, @katewalker, @gautiersylvain, & @abelas!
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mountain lions, rattle snakes, rottweilers. animals with sharp claws and sharp fangs; that know how to bite back. her protean discipline gears more toward feline animals, as well.
dark red, like mulled wine. gun-metal gray. navy blue.
october; specifically the end of october. the time where her life ended and her unlife began. still fall, not quite winter, but the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter.
wonderful life, bring me the horizon ft. dani filth (alone, getting high on a saturday night, i'm on the edge of a knife). wolf blood, d'arcy spiller (i got wolf blood, i run better on my own). nightmare, pvris (fuck your california dreams, get away from me).
larkspur, mulberry, nettle, rue.
cigarette smoke, wet pavement after it rains, pine scented air freshener, leather, amber.
smokey quartz.
the santa monica pier, the last round, her office in downtown los angeles.
bar food, fast food. things that are cheap and easy to get. burgers, wings, and fries. especially fond of late night, greasy pizza.
cheap beer, cherry coke, black coffee.
coriander, ginger, dill.
dark gray storm clouds, overcast. when a storm is just about to hit.
shape-shifting, specially into animals. she's already drawn to protean and its respective powers, so this would be very natural to her.
claws, teeth, her bare hands.
anything cinnamon flavored; red hots, hot tamales. also very fond of red vines and peanut m&ms.
public transport; grey hound buses, specifically. hitch-hiking, despite it being dangerous as all fuck.
abstract expressionism.
abandonment. imposter's syndrome. losing her newfound family that she found with the anarchs. loss of control and finding herself being a pawn for someone new.
not going for the obvious answer and saying vampire. gorgon.
a piece of notebook paper, with notes written in black ink. folded corners and torn in places. most likely stained with coffee.
meteorite, crashing into the earth.
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eyeodyssey · 1 year
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Concept drawings for a nonspecific project inspired by the theater version of Lychee Light Club. The idea has been discussed in relation to the ongoing planning for the puppet version of Mercuro, with the Lychee concept going back and forth between either being a comic or a film. Similar to how Furuya did his own reinterpretation of the play from his personal recollections, the basic concept is to analyze the surviving elements of the play’s script along with audience and participant recollections to do a unique narrative that adapts the play’s original subtexts.
The project’s primary focus would be on the play’s utilization of cyberpunk horror aesthetics as a metaphor for fascism and the relations between imperial Japan and Germany in WWII. By all recollections, it was said that a primary theme of the play was the light club’s ideologies of technological advancement over mankind. The club members swear a supremacy of machinery over human flesh, with them holding a special hatred for women, who they liken with landraces. Most infamously, the members have their genitals replaced with iron phalluses that they use as a weapon to kill the girls they kidnap. Their technological fetishism is frequently paired with fascist implications, from their authoritarian mannerisms to the frequent references to Nazism they make in conversation to the very detail that all the technology they surround themselves with is German in origin. Jaibo himself is implied to be a German transfer student who, if not a coconspirator with Zera, is a possible puppet master behind the whole light club. Even minute roles like the Marquis De Maruo’s reflect this in how with the play, he appears as an elderly man who shows the light club autopsy videos while giving them sweets that he mythologizes as being the same candies that were liked by Adolf Hitler during his youth. In this context, the club represents a dystopic mechanized fascism that makes Lychee’s own existence paradoxical. Despite being a full-fledged product of their inhuman idealizations of machinery, he becomes human through his empathy for their hostages. As represented in the manga, he is programmed to recognize beauty when a code is implemented that convinces him that he’s human. The underlying motive behind the adaption is, like my other horror projects, to express political conflict through surrealistic horror. To show a warning of how fascism germinates in future generations through the means of a story that seems to tackle the same themes in a manner that directly attacks the subconscious. As a product of the Japanese underground, guro’s histories are inherently riddled in political conflict and action, much like how surrealism and its adjacent authors and conceptual muses were conceived in periods of warfare. Octave Mirbeau conceived The Torture Garden from the alienation he felt from his own government in light of the Dreyfus affair, said alienation caused him to turn from a conservative journalist to a leftist author whose ideologies were said to border on anarchism. In relation to my active research of the Kiryukan’s animations and the Tokyo Grand Guignol’s work, I’ve sought out any written sources concerning the political contexts behind the genre. Despite that, the rendition would still be from an outsider’s perspective as I’m not Japanese. So other bits of media are also being considered in regards to adapting the themes in a manner that would be more familiar to a western perspective. Alongside the underground theater source material, Laibach’s early music has also been used as a reference in regards to Ameya’s fascination for industrial music. The nature of Laibach’s output from their early concerts up to Nova Akropola feel appropriate in how they similarly depict absolute authoritarianism in a disturbing confrontational manner.
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Vampire’s Halloween Outfits
[Was going to do a big catch up thing on Halloween, seeing as it’s vampires and all. But, then my night got away from me, so to make up for it I made a big list for old time’s sake.]
LaCroix- He wouldn’t dress up. If there was something that he was required to dress for like say a charity event to cover his tracks or a Camarilla event of some kind, then he would do a ballroom suit and a simple masquerade mask
Sheriff- He wouldn’t do much, maybe just do something like put a Halloween themed pin or patch on his coat
Therese- She would do something like a simple witch costume, that was more on the period accurate and modest
Strauss- He wouldn’t do a costume per se, but he knows how to humor his pupils (and secretly himself) by wearing one of his more detailed coats that make him look like he’s straight out of a gothic horror novel.
Imalia- Totally could see her wearing something along the lines of a sexy angel outfit
Mitnick- A typical looking IT guy. Honestly, it’s more of a costume for him to wear, “regular,” clothes
Barabus- Batman. He likes to stalk the shadows, stand on buildings, and hopefully make some kid’s night if they notice him. Not to mention, the mask covers most of his face which makes blending in a bit easier
Bertram- He’d dress a Count Orlock. He’s got a good sense of humor about things
Gary- The phantom of the opera. He sees himself as the tragic, disfigured artist, and this is the one night a year he and dress that way without people calling him dramatic.
Jeanette- She would dress as about anything as long as it has the word sexy as a descriptor and shows as much cleavage as possible. Partial to being a cat though
Damsel- She would do something simple like maybe a Halloween themes t-shirt with some face paint and a head band. Something that still counts as a costume, but can be switched to regular clothes if needed
Skelter- He would wear a black shirt. That’s all
Jack- Talks about how he’s got a kick-ass costume for the whole week leading up to Halloween. Comes to the bar wearing his usual outfit and saying that he dressed as a crazy biker
Nines- might wear something that’s more punk-goth than his usual attire. It might look like a regular outfit for someone else, but certainly is at least a bit dressed up for him
Isaac- Wouldn’t dress up. Much like LaCroix if there was something that required him to, he would only wear a mask, though his would be more plain
Ash- Dresses up as a werewolf because he thinks it’s funny. He needs some form of humor in his life
VV- She would like to dress up like a celebrity of some sort, with the fancy dress and plenty of jewelry. It might need to turn sexy depending on if she’s working that night or not
Beckett- Wha- it’s the end of October already? He’s been holed up in his studies for the whole month. He put on a witch hat. That works, right?
Ming Xiao- Nothing. She has more things to worry about than silly, candy holidays
Pisha- Doesn’t dress up, but enjoys to have a night where she can just walk around with little people questioning what she looks the way she does
Andrea- He LOVES Halloween. Does up his face every year. Literally. It also amazes him how much people will accept as prop decor and make up work.
Cabby/Caine- Hasn’t been around the tradition long enough to realize that people don’t actually think they’re fooling anyone. He’s so off putting that people think he’s dressed up when he’s just walking around.
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thatrickmcginnis · 1 year
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I had high hopes for my shoot with Husker Du when I arrived at Wollman Auditorium at Columbia University in NYC to interview and photograph the band in February of 1986. The band were touring with Soul Asylum, just before the release of Candy Apple Grey, their first major label album. I would end up with photos of just 2/3 of the band, as bassist Greg Norton made himself scarce, briefly popping his head through the doorway of the room backstage before disappearing.
Husker Du were, at that point, one of my favorite groups. I'd seen them already - a fantastically loud show in the basement of a seedy Toronto hotel that went a long way to shaving off an initial chunk of my hearing. My interview was incredibly earnest; I wanted the band to help solve the problems I was having during a particularly anarchic stretch of my life (I was only 21 at the time, a recent college dropout.) Since a band photo was out of the question, I ended up shooting candid portraits of Bob Mould and Grant Hart while they sat around the dressing room, with just a couple of frames of the two men together.
Hart was more lively - laughing and throwing the band's tour manager over his back. Mould was more quiet and circumspect. Even through my fanboi haze I could sense some tension in the group; they would in fact break up a year later, but didn't announce the end of the band until 1988. Without a photo of the whole band, I considered my shoot a failure and didn't give the shots much play when I looked at my career on my old blog. But today I can see these photos as a document, made during a crucial period in Husker Du's history and at very near the edge of my technical competence, barely a year after I bought my first camera.
(PLEASE CLICK on the photos to see a larger version.)
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kentuckycaverats · 1 year
so del's a blood leech right, which has been a core tenet of her character for the mortal prey exclusion; she was a consistent and involuntary food source as a ghoul, watched her sire eat her sister, and has a conviction about mortals not being expendable
up until now she's been feeding from a cainite she was holding captive and sustaining on blood bags - he tried to eat her first but she was faster :)) when tara first asked del for help at the start of the chronicle and promised a boon in exchange, del was planning to cash that in as "let me feed from you" (shoutout to the unbondable merit) but then they went and fell in love and del was like mmm you don't owe me anything actually. and with Big Feelings involved asking to feed from tara suddenly felt wayyy more intimate so she never brought it up
tara and ael and the coterie tend to frown on things like "keeping hostages" and del's trying to be a less shitty person for them, so she killed that guy and is starting fresh! she finally asked tara and the good news is tara's into it, and the bad news is they're currently pretending to be on opposite sides of an active camarilla-anarch war and have to be super careful about not being seen together :/ tara's moving out for the time being, but sending del little blood candies each night while they're apart 🥺
mechanically we're sticking with the blood leech predator type, but in practice it's something between that and consensualist! this won't change when del and aelsidhe reunite--del's changed a lot in her own right, even separated from ael. big steps for her!! did it still involve atrocities and murder? yes ❤️ violence and love on planet delphine
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ok my silly funny gifts :-)
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the lightning conductor (1905 edition)! there were three other books i got (the war of the worlds, don quixote, a tale of two cities) but they’re not as important...
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this collection of papers... six are leon czolgosz-related and five are just about anarchism... i think the one in the bottom right printed wrong :-( anyway this gift kind of confuses me but it’s neat :-) the business it’s from is called poisoned candy press, which prints anarchist things. my mother got the leon czolgosz poster set + five other random things somehow idk?? the store only has old anarchist things but three(?) of the five random things are modern???? where did she get those????? did they just come with the poster set????????
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gifts from my sister :-) the ones on the bottom are stickers (that i have helpfully labeled) (btw i cannot let the general public know about cblc sorry 😔)
btw minions are kind of a joke between me & my sister, specifically “big minion grin” and “goodbye july hello august”
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quesma-44-blog · 1 year
The Feral
Her nails had started to grow inwards.Her underused hands didn't complain.She sat in catatonic stubbornness dandruff falling from her head onto her bent shoulders..
She was focusing focusing hard on something in her mind
Her bushy eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration...
Life didn't have to be perfect, she was fine living in limbo stretching from time to time in anarchic poses like a feral cat.
Rainbow tears. My sorrow has so many colours of passion and pain.She wrote in her mind. The tears translucent and glowing keep dropping down on my cheeks..
An easy target a venomous weapon not sure how to use my powers
Still there are days I just lie in bed hoping in a few hours I will be dead
You stopped so low; my pain in consternation.
The emotions never leave and I can't exorcise them
The marks remain bold on my back of the terrified where wolf...the blood and the intensity  protruding for every one to see..the thirst and the ferocity alive for you to devour
Visions in my mind...racing racing through my head like tiny race cars
No speed bumps no safety checks...just a desperation to keep consuming the adrenaline 
Bubblegum rabbits and dancing lolita lollipops...to entertain and cherish the candyland...kids in some candy store chasing one flashy oasis after another...there's no solace no refuge.
Stinking carcasses of men all dead but moving  around zombie like...how should I potray them? They are hollow inside out...the veins on their eyes popping out.
Iam alone even when I am with you...Iam with you even when I am alone
Is it really possible? To read someone's mind? The werewolves can do that.Along with teleportation...no these things don't exist .Never mind the argument of the all knowing shaman.The shaman the shaman hanging down from a tree eating the microscopic bug .The shaman measures blood by the bucketloads of the innocent sacrifices made by men for men.
Why was she so idiosyncratic? So purposely difficult? So friendless and outcasted?
It was she who had invited all the negativity towards her
She knew there was no one to blame for anything that happened in her life except herself...she wanted to go from dreamer to autopilot mode..she wanted to turn into a robot and feel less..for appearance sake everything would be fine..
It could be a quick escape or a large parachute on her side..a plan B a backdoor entry into the mystery and the darkness
The ever consuming wolf...the saliva and the silver bullet in its mouth..he couldn't stand on that sheet of ice..he was skidding on it hanging on to dear life ....the pack left him...
he was looking at his reflection on that white floor
Gods sunny rays on him his short breaths confirming the shortness of his fragile life..so fragile..no one cried while the wolf suffocated ..a quick death and he would be free from the ice cold water and the incessant tribulations of life on planet earth.
Lila looked up as the nurse put some food infront of her.She was sad she couldn't save the wolf even though his plight was clearly visible to her. The pictures formed strange designs in her mind .Of longing and rage of confusion and agony.She knew he didn't want to live anyway
A stony dispassion for everything in this world( just like her)..so close to spirit so cold to touch.
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noopytoons · 4 years
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ᑎOOᑭYTOOᑎ ᙭ᐯIII - ᐯIᖇTᑌE ᖴᒪOᖇᑭIᑎG  Capitalism can get florped
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary - Number 25
Welcome to Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary! Over the course of May, I will be counting down My Top 31 Favorite Performances by possibly my favorite actor, the late, great Sir Christopher Lee, in honor of his 100th Birthday. Although this fine actor left us a few years ago, his legacy endures, and this countdown is a tribute to said legacy! Today’s Subject, My 25th Favorite Christopher Lee Performance: Dr. Wilbur Wonka from Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
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Uploading this one slightly early, sorry about that. XD As I said on my Honorable Mentions, Christopher Lee collaborated several times with director/producer Tim Burton in his lifetime. This is another of those occasions, and it’s arguably the single most prominent of his performances in the wonderful world of Burton movies we ever got. People are…split, to say the least, about Tim Burton’s adaptation of Roald Dahl’s famous story, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” This is largely because people mistakenly believe it to be a remake of the classic 70s film version starring Gene Wilder, entitled “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” and even for those who don’t, the comparisons to the old classic are inevitable. Back in 2005, when the film was first released, most people seemed very into it, and it certainly has its fans even today, but the loudest voices regarding the movie, at least nowadays, seem to be negative ones. Me, personally? Ehhh…if you had asked me back when I was a kid, and the film was still new, I’d say this film was superior to the original, but nowadays, it’s harder for me to say. In some ways I still think it is, but in other ways I feel the original film – not to mention Dahl’s book – is superior. Weirdly enough, Christopher Lee’s presence in the movie is a chief example of both elements: he is both one of the best parts of this film, and one of the…well…I hesitate to say “worst,” because there’s no way in Hades I’d EVER use that word in regards to Christopher-Bloody-Lee, but he shows one of the flaws of the film, all the same. The 2005 Tim Burton feature is noteworthy for, among other things, going more into depth about the backstory of the mysterious and eccentric Willy Wonka. In a series of flashback scenes, Lee plays Dr. Wilbur Wonka: a well-respected and successful dentist. Wilbur HATES candies, seeing them as harmful to children and “a waste of time.” He denies Willy any candy on Halloween, instead disposing of the sweets in a fire each year: he’s only trying to protect his son, who actually has EXTREMELY bad teeth in his youth that require freakishly large braces to maintain…but yeah, burning a kid’s Halloween candy miiiight leave a few mental scars. Eventually, Willy does get to taste candy, and begins to grow a secret fascination, eventually revealing to his father that he wants to be a candymaker when he grows up. Wilbur is appalled at the idea, and when Willy threatens to run away from home, he warns him, “I won’t be here when you get back.” Sure enough, when Willy inevitably returns home, he discovers his father – and his home – have disappeared. It’s because of his father’s vanishing act, above all else, that Willy basically goes a little bonkers in life as he grows older, and develops a deep-rooted dislike for authority, embracing his anarchic, creative side with an obsessive fervor. HOWEVER, this isn’t the last we see of Wilbur. SPOILER ALERT: after the events at the factory, the story doesn’t end. With help from Charlie, Willy actually manages to locate his father, and is able to reconnect with him. It’s revealed that Wilbur is still a practicing dentist, and despite his long absence…he never stopped loving his son. His wall is covered in postal clippings and photos of Willy, chronicling his many achievements, and the tearful reunion father and son share when they realize how much each truly does care for the other is genuinely touching and powerful. Lee plays the role perfectly, balancing Wilbur’s strict, at times seemingly cruel qualities with a tenderness and sympathy that makes it hard to hate him. Again, you can tell he truly does care about his son, he’s just not always sure what the right move is, and I personally like to think maybe it’s because he had a pretty rough upbringing himself. Whatever the case, as much as I love Lee’s appearance as the good doctor in the film, it also highlights one of my problems with the Tim Burton feature: I personally like Willy Wonka best when we DON’T know him very well. It’s the mystery of the character that I feel makes him so fascinating, above all else; the more we get to know the man, the more that mystery fades away. So by having Lee in the movie as such an integral part of putting the puzzle together, it sort of works against the film’s favor, at least in my opinion. That’s really the only reason I don’t think I can give this performance any higher spot than Number 25. Still, you can’t fault the actor or his work for that matter, and this is still an iconic role of Sir Christopher’s in my book. I’d be ashamed to leave it off the list. Tomorrow the countdown continues with My Number 24 choice!
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crookswithbooks · 3 years
Unwanted Company
Day Six - Blitzo is lonely and Stolas is horny. Together, they make a wonderful pair.               
Christmas in Hell was an interesting affair.
Being a commemoration of the birth of their tormenter, most demons chose to celebrate the holidays by burning Christ memorabilia or getting drunk and cursing his names in the streets. Sometimes both. Others merely ignored the holiday, seeing it as just another winter day, or in other words just another day as winter in Hell was essentially the same as every other season in Hell, i.e. terrible and on fire.
Stolas was an exception to this rule. As a mortal he had loved the holidays, and that love had transferred over into the afterlife. He liked to see it as less of a celebration of Jesus and more a celebration of capitalism and beautiful aesthetics. That was more his style. Unfortunately, the rest of his family did not share his love for the season. He was subjected to another series of lectures by Estelle when she discovered wreaths hung about the house, lectures that involved the catapulting of many an object towards his face, and Octavia merely groaned and left the room whenever he tried to coerce her into a Christmas carol.
Thus Stolas was forced to turn to his one source of comfort when his family decided that even they were fed up with his shenanigans. He twirled the phone wire around his fingertip as he waited for the call to pick up.
“Oh Blitzy~!”
On the other end of the line, Blitzo felt one of his eyes twitch. He was already in a terrible mood and this phone call was the cherry on top of the shit sandwich. As it happened, Blitzo was not a Christmas person. He was happy to take advantage of the season’s marketability for his business, but even that only served to sink his spirits more than they already were. It was depressing to watch the atrocious acts that greed prompted humans to commit.
Now he found himself curled up in his office chair, all alone with not even Moxxie or Millie to keep him company; both of them had taken a day off for the holidays even though Blitzo knew for a fact that neither of them bought into the Christmas spirit either. He had invited Loona to join him but the conversation had lasted for about two seconds before she flipped him off and went to go burn down a building with her friends for anarchical reasons.
He was lonely. He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but it was true. So it was just his luck that he was to receive a phone call from the one person he would never choose to spend the holidays with.
“What do you want you piece of shit dicklord?” Blitzo grumbled, slumping down on his desk so that his chin rested in his arms. He was too tired to be genuinely angry at him and so his words were devoid of their usual ferocity.
“You flatter me. I was wondering if you wanted to join me for the evening? I was thinking we could…” Stolas smiled as images flashed through his mind. “Entertain each other?”
Blitzo opened his mouth to tell him to fuck off but found himself pausing. He had caught a glance of the picture hanging over his desk, one of him and the rest of I.M.P smiling after a successful kill. Blitzo had his arms clutched around them and the others smiled up at him, admit a bit reluctantly. He stared around again at his empty office and before he knew what he was doing, he said, “Okay.”
“…Okay?” Stolas, who moments before had been lounging casually upon his bed, now sat up, a hint of hope and confusion coloring his tone. “Okay, you want to join me for Christmas?”
“Yes?” Blitzo cringed further into the safety of his arms. What the hell was he doing? Surely he couldn’t be considering spending any amount of time with the horniest owl lord in hell, and yet… It was too late to take back his words so he pushed forward, hoping not to regret them further. “We’re not doing anything, just to be clear. However, I don’t… entirely hate the concept of your presence right now. So… what do you say?”
Stolas had no idea what had prompted the change of heart, but he wasn’t about to turn down an offer like that. “I would love that. And you’re sure this is what you want?”
Weirdly, Blitzo was.
 When he arrived he was greeted with a text that merely read Meet me on the balcony ;), thus implying that the use of a front door was one they would be forgoing that night. Blitzo sighed and prepared for the painful climb up the tangled tresses and onto the sculpted balcony. He pulled himself over the last rung with a pained grunt, using the length of his tail to secure him the rest of the way over. At first he didn’t see anyone and he was almost worried he had fallen for one of Stolas’ tricks despite himself. That was when he noticed the owl demon skulking in the shadows of the doorway, the light from the moon casting specters on his looming form.
“Hello Blitzy,” he greeted softly, his head tilted incredulously to one side. “I didn’t think you’d really come.”
“Yeah, well, I almost didn’t,” Blitzo confessed bitterly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Truthfully speaking, I have no idea why I’m here. I hate a lot of people, and I mean a lot of people, but you take the cake for the filthiest scum of the earth I’ve ever encountered.”
“The night’s still early for talk like that.” Stolas waltzed forward, his steps a lilting, sensuous thing. Blitzo found himself staring, hating himself for doing so. As much as he insisted it was purely business to friends and co-workers, Blitzo couldn’t deny that he didn’t entirely hate their nights together. It certainly beat whatever plans he would have had for the evenings. Stolas leaned on the railing besides him, his gaze piercing as he stared down at Blitzo. Later the imp would deny the blush that crawled unwanted up his neck.
“I’m fairly certain I said nothing was happening tonight,” Blitzo reminded him, brushing off his pants. “I just wanted some company and you happened to be the easiest solution.”
“Of course,” Stolas agreed, nodding enthusiastically. “I would never think of doing anything untoward to you. I know our past has been mostly, or rather completely, sexual in nature, but I do have interests outside of intercourse you know.”
Blitzo scoffed. “Oh, like what? And please never say intercourse like that again. I feel like I need to take a shower.”
Stolas traced a fingernail across the railing, a slow, lazy path. Blitzo’s throat went dry and he reminded himself again that nothing was happening that night. His body, however, did not seem to get the memo. “I am a fan of stargazing myself and I’m actually quite a good herbalist. I’ve also been known to enjoy conversation from time to time. What about you? Any interests outside of your own personal pleasure?”
“Every interest is to serve my personal pleasure,” Blitzo said smugly, his tail coiling tauntingly behind him. “It’s the only real thing worth pursuing in this dump of a hellhole we’re all living in. I don’t have time or use for hobbies.”
“Is that why you’re so interested in killing?” Stolas prompted. “It provides you pleasure to watch others fail and die?” There was no malice or judgement in his voice, just plain curiosity. Blitzo hesitated a moment before answering.
“It pays the bills,” he said at last, the current line of questioning making him strangely uncomfortable. “I don’t really like it so much as it’s convenient. Not to mention those assholes deserved it. Not a single human gets by without doing something disgustingly rotten to someone else and damning themselves for all eternity. Why do you think we have such an overpopulation issue?”
“But you can’t really believe that, can you?” Stolas insisted, drawing closer to the imp. Blitzo’s skin prickled with goosebumps and he took an instinctual step back. “Surely there’s some good in people. At least one of them?”
“There isn’t,” Blitzo snarled, anger fueling into his voice to make up for his discomfort. “And I know for a fact you don’t believe so either.”
“Ah, you caught me,” Stolas admitted, but instead of moving back in defeat he only drew in closer. This time Blitzo found himself unable to move, his feet seemingly stuck to the floor. “I find humanity to be quite undeserving of any kind of mercy. But I know you don’t.”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh but I do.” Stolas met his gaze, but something had softened in his eyes and it was no longer the predatory look from before. “I don’t just want you for your body, you know. I’ve watched you with your supposed ‘co-workers’—I’ve seen the way you look at them. You care for them. That’s why you’re here with me tonight. I’m a replacement for them, aren’t I?”
Angry heat flashed through Blitzo and he moved to step away but Stolas caught his wrist in one hand. His grip was surprisingly strong, a fact that did many things to the imp. “Don’t lie to me. Not on Christmas.”
“Oh please,” Blitzo snorted, rolling his eyes and ignoring the pounding of his heart. “You don’t really buy into all that cheap Christ stuff, do you? It’s just a scam to sell candy and toys to desperate parents. Christmas spirit is just a lie we tell ourselves to sleep better at night.”
“Maybe I don’t believe all of it,” Stolas admitted, his other hand sliding down Blitzo’s throat and curling around the base of his neck. Blitzo felt a shudder work its way down his body and he cursed the fact that this always happened whenever he got around the other demon. “But is it so wrong to want to celebrate, to spend time with the people you love?”
“What about your own family, huh?” Blitzo shot back, the words his only defense mechanism as Stolas slowly unraveled him. “You have a real one so why don’t you spend this stupid holiday with them?”
For a moment the seductive façade faded and it was just Stolas, eyes widened and beak tightened into a frown. “They’re busy,” he snapped quickly, and the look was gone before Blitzo could evaluate it too heavily. “Besides, I’m spending it with you. Per your agreement, if you remember.”
He took another step forward so that their two bodies were pressed flush up against the railing. Blitzo’s hands tightened on the cold metal and he averted his eyes. “I didn’t agree to this.”
“Then stop me,” Stolas said in reply, knowing for a fact that the imp wouldn’t. As he leaned down, the heat of their bodies mingling, Blitzo considered breaking the moment, pursuing the look on Stolas face from earlier. In the end though, he decided they would have enough time to discuss it later that next morning, after the events of the night had faded into a distant dream.
Right then, though, Blitzo had a horny demon owl to attend to.
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In light of the Infinity Train Comic-Con panel dropping today, I’d like to make a prediction based off the sypnosis of Book 3:
In Book 3, Grace and Simon are the leaders of the Apex, an anarchic group of kids on a mysterious train. During one of their destructive missions, Grace and Simon get separated from the rest of the Apex and must find their way back. As the duo navigate through the myriad worlds of the train, they meet Hazel, an optimistic young girl, and Tuba, her gentle gorilla companion. Will Grace and Simon find new inspiration in Hazel’s innocence, or will the ways of the Apex recruit yet another aboard the train?
With the likelihood that Book 3 will center around empathy and why one treats another as ‘the other’ from Owen’s past interviews about a potential third season, it seems incredibly likely that over the course of the season, Grace and maybe Simon will start to bond and empathize with and for Hazel.
However, around a little past halfway through the season, I predict that Grace, Simon, Hazel, and Tuba will meet back up with the rest of the Apex only to find that the kids have only just internalized Grace’s ideals further and gotten worse in their absence. And with how much they may have been looking forward to reuniting with Grace and Simon, it would be VERY easy for them to become rather jealous and angry over the closeness the two might have established with Hazel - a child they had never met before and would feel like she just popped up out of nowhere - at that point.
From there, we would have the basic makings of Book 3’s “episode 7,” especially when you remember how Grace showed Jesse what the Apex does with stuff they don’t like, like terrible tasting candy.
To add on top of that, with how prominently Grace is depicted in the poster as putting on her gloves, it feels incredibly likely to me that we will get a reversal of Tulip’s struggle with her glove. In Book 1, Tulip had intentionally left her glove on because she didn't want to look at her number, but eventually grew and found out that it had changed in a way she wanted.
On the flipside with Grace here, it seems that she only wears her gloves simply because she likes it rather than a deliberate active choice she’s making, and in contrast to Tulip, it feels to me like Grace will take off her glove only to find that it had changed in a way she didn’t want, and at the most inopportune time at that.
After all, Hazel’s very existence would challenge her ideas about how the train works and how to treat ‘nulls,” and after how much she may have bonded with the girl, Grace would be faced with a crossroads in the form of the Apex kids’ treatment of Hazel.
Either she lets them do what they want to Hazel and keep her own ideology intact about the division between humans and ‘nulls,’ or she stops them and acknowledges the difference or lack thereof between the two in her protection of Hazel, and I think that she will definitely be leaning towards the latter.
I mean, just picture Grace realizing what they're going to do because of the ideas she had put into their heads, thinking to herself, 'I have the highest number, so they have to listen to me.’
And then she takes her glove, ready to prove her power and position as leader only to find to her horror that not only has her number gone down, but it is even lower than the rest of the kids’ numbers.
Or in other words, she would have grown as a person through her bond and defense of Hazel, and by virtues of that same growth as a result of her own ideology being turned against her, she would be powerless to make the kids listen to her and stop them from what they’re about to do.
Aka wheeling Hazel ‘like the null she is.’
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/2X2MXow #
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After making her screen debut in 1989, Sandra Oh has enjoyed a remarkable career in both film and television. Although the versatile talent and 12-time Emmy nominated actress is best known for her iconic roles as Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy and Eve Polastri on Killing Eve, Oh has also worked with some of the finest movie directors, including Alexander Payne, Steven Soderbergh, Mina Shum, John Cameron Mitchell, and more.
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As fans continue to enjoy Oh’s new hit Netflix sitcom The Chair, it’s worth recollecting her best movie moments for those who want to see more of the talented actress on the big screen.
10 Defendor (2009): 6.8
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Peter Stebbings’ dark offbeat superhero comedy Defendor stars Oh as Dr. Ellen Park, a psychiatrist who gives hilarious facial and verbal reactions to the outlandish story relayed to her by Arthur Poppington (Woody Harrelson), an ordinary man moonlighting as a vigilante crime fighter.
Cut from the same genre-bucking, irreverent cloth as James Gunn’s Super, once Arthur confesses his secret life to Dr. Park, she convinces the judge to go easy on him and allow him to continue his heroic activity. When tragedy strikes, Oh shows how much heartfelt pathos she can portray by attending a touching ceremony for her patient.
9 Under The Tuscan Sun (2003): 6.8
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Written and directed by the late Audrey Wells, Under the Tuscan Sun is a delightfully uplifting rom-com about Frances (Diane Lane), a writer who ups and leaves her life in San Francisco to live in Tuscany after discovering her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Patti, Frances’ best friend who encourages her to travel to Italy.
RELATED: Sandra Oh – 10 Best Roles, Ranked (According To Rotten Tomatoes)
In addition to the gorgeous locations, breezy tone, and rich cinematography, Oh adds complexity to the story as Patti, a lesbian expecting a child even after her lover Grace (Kate Walsh) has left her. It’s Patti’s visit to Tuscany when she’s nine months pregnant that helps Frances find the courage to pursue true love despite the painful past.
8 Double Happiness (1994): 7.0
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Oh made her feature film debut in Mina Shum’s must-see coming-of-age tale Double Happiness, in which she plays the lead role of Chinese-Canadian Jade Li. The intensely personal semiautobiographical drama shows how divided Jade is between her traditional Chinese upbringing and her modern Canadian lifestyle.
With a natural performance by Oh matched with the authentic, well-observed writing of Shum, the movie is a universally relatable tale of a person grappling with their own identity while trying to appease the expectations of loved ones. In her first film performance, Oh won the Genie Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, proving what a titanic talent she has been from the start.
7 Rabbit Hole (2010): 7.0
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John Cameron Mitchell’s Rabbit Hole is a bruising account of a family dealing with the death of a young child at the hands of a teenage driver. Nicole Kidman gives a memorable and towering performance as Becca, a mournful mother who begins to find solace by interacting with Jason (Miles Teller), the driver who accidentally took her son’s life.
Although she has a smaller supporting role, Oh plays Gabby, a fellow grieving parent who helps Howie (Aaron Eckhart) deal with his loss at the group therapy sessions he and Becca attend. With profound empathy for Howie, she becomes instrumental in his healing process.
6 Meditation Park (2017): 7.1
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Twenty-three years after working with Mina Shum for the first time, Oh reunited with the filmmaker for the sweet-natured drama Meditation Park in 2017. The story concerns Maria Wang (Pei-Pei Cheng), an aging woman in the throes of an existential crisis upon suspecting her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Maria’s daughter Ava, a mother of two who encourages Maria to reconcile with her estranged brother ahead of his wedding and break free from her husband’s hold.
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As another trenchant glimpse at the immigrant experience and a statement about the importance of women finding their own voice, Shum’s film is tender, touching, and triumphant.
5 Hard Candy (2005): 7.1
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David Slade’s Hard Candy is a deeply unnerving glimpse at a predatory pedophile (Patrick Wilson) getting his just deserts when a teenager (Elliot Page) tricks, traps, and tortures him in his apartment. Oh plays the man’s neighbor, Judy Tokuda, admitting she only took the role due to her working relationship with Page, a fellow Canadian she worked with on Wilby Wonderful the year prior.
With most of the action set inside the inescapable apartment, the visceral terror of the violence that Hayley (Page) exacts on Jeff (Wilson) is met by the suffocating sense of claustrophobia, making for a really upsetting experience. However, the hugely satisfying conclusion helps atone for the squeamish and uncomfortable moments of carnage.
4 Last Night (1998): 7.2
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The most unheralded of Oh’s top films happens to be Last Night, a mordant pitch-black comedy about the impending apocalypse and the rag-tag band of Canadians with differing views on how to react. With the end of the world set to strike at midnight, Sandra (Oh) tries to make it out of her stranded position in Toronto and reunite with her husband, Duncan (David Cronenberg). One bad thing after another ensues.
Weird, wild, and ultimately winning, Last Night boasts writer/director Don McKellar’s signature brand of dark humor and anarchic energy. As such, the film has become an unforgettable cult classic among those who’ve seen it.
3 Raya And The Last Dragon (2021): 7.4
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With great respect and honor for the rich historical traditions of Southeast Asia, Raya and the Last Dragon is one of Disney’s most beloved recent animated movies. Sandra Oh lends her voice to the commanding role of Virana, the Fang chieftess and mother of Raya’s main rival, Namaari (Gemma Chan).
RELATED: Raya And The Last Dragon – What The Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life
With a moving story, spellbinding animation, and characters never before seen, Raya and the Last Dragon continue to soar in the hearts and minds of viewers.
2 Sideways (2004): 7.5
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Directed by her then-husband Alexander Payne, Oh demonstrated her hilarious comedic chops in the indie darling Sideways, a character study of a failing writer at an existential crossroads. The boozy road trip follows Miles (Paul Giamatti), an uptight novelist, and his lecherous pal Jack (Thomas Hayden Church), as they hit Santa Barbara wine country on a tasting tour.
Praised for its excellent performances and light tonal touch between comedy and drama, Oh gives a standout turn as Stephanie, a cool sommelier who has a steamy love affair with Jack (whom she does not know has a fiancee). When she finds out, she goes absolutely ballistic in one of the movie’s funniest moments. The story is so sharply penned that it won an Oscar for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay.
1 The Red Violin (1998): 7.6
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Despite playing a bit role as Madame Ming in the fifth and final chapter of The Red Violin, the ambitious epic ranks among Sandra Oh’s most well-received movie to date. The film traces a famed 17th-century Violin from its creation in Italy to its auction in modern-day Montreal, and all that the instrument endured in creating some of the most beautiful music the world has ever heard.
Praised for its sumptuous set decorations and costume designs, Oscar-winning original music, intelligent story, and a throwback style of filmmaking that calls to mind the grand epics of the past, the resonance of The Red Violin is still felt today.
NEXT: Steven Spielberg’s 10 Best Historical Epics
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