#and 22 hours in airports and on planes is gonna suck
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31/1/22 slash 1/2/22
Pictured: dinner leftovers at 2am, kindly saved for me by Addie. I ate outside because the cool air felt so great and refreshing after a day in transit. I did scare the shit out of the guard on her hourly rounds tho, haha
Just had an unpleasant 30ish hours in airports/on planes. Maybe my worst transatlantic trip yet and I flew home in that bananas chaotic week when COVID shut down the world…I’m a really sanguine traveler, and do a good job of keeping myself from freaking out, but damn. Today/yesterday/whatever you want to call it totally sucked. PLUS I also could have contracted COVID and now just have to wait and see 🙃
But I’m back, babyyy. Next up is a brief quarantine which I’m gonna spend reading a novel & some fic, going for walks, and also doing some good journaling, both personal and work related. I have a decade-old tradition of journaling in airports but I didn’t this time because my mood was just so sour and there’s a lot I need to write about so I didn’t want to taint it with my grumps.
Then, once I test negative, back to work. But first, before any of that, I must sleep.
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missymae531 · 5 years
HOW WE MET! Part 20.1
Liv’s POV
December 22, 2019
About a month has gone by and you and Shawn have really gotten comfortable in your new home. You have put up cute Christmas decorations and just regular decorations around the house to make it feel more like home for the both of you. During the day you had been washing and drying yours and Shawn’s clothes and packing for the both of you.
You packed many cute but warm outfits for yourself, and nice outfits for Shawn seeing as you’ll be spending Christmas with yours and Shawn’s family in Virginia this year. You’ll all be staying at your mom and dads house because they have room for everyone and don’t want anyone to spend money on a hotel when they have a perfectly spacious house available.
Your flight was at 1:00PM and it’s now 12:30PM so you’re rushing to finish packing and making sure everything is ready before you leave and lock your house up. Shawn was helping you and making sure you had everything as well. You were now 2 months pregnant and your baby bump is still really small but it has gotten a bit bigger and you can actually see it now.
Once you’re done packing and checking to see if you have everything you and Shawn make your way to the airport and wait for your flight to be called. After 15 minutes your flight is called and you both board the plane and find your seats and wait for the plane to take off. After a four hour plane ride you arrived at the airport in Charlottesville Virginia at around 4:00PM.
You and Shawn go through baggage claim, customs, and even get a rental car to use while here for Christmas. You and Shawn got your rental car and loaded your luggage into the trunk and you give Shawn the address and directions to your parent’s house. You drove past your old high school and told Shawn all about it, after another five minutes you arrive at your parents house and pull into the very occupied driveway and parked the car.
Shawn grabs yours and his luggage and you both make your way up the stairs and knock on the door. A few seconds go by and your mom opens the door and greets you both with hugs and tells you to come in. You walk through the door and look around the house, nothing has really changed from when you first moved out and into your first apartment in New York.
“Wow, mom nothings changed at all. It all looks exactly like I remember it before I moved out.” You say to her as your dad gets up and comes to give you a hug.
You hug your dad and he moves to hug Shawn and then help him bring your luggage to your old room. You sit on the couch and continue conversing with your mom.
“Yeah it’s the same old house you remember, also remember left your room alone, other than making the bed for you and Shawn, but other than that it’s the same.” She tells you sweetly.
“Well I’m glad you and dad are still happy here and that nothing has really changed and all the memories we made here are still here too.” You say to her and hearing multiple footsteps coming down the stairs. Shawn and your dad join you both in the living room and you all talk for a while.
“So, mom when are the boys getting here?” You ask her
“Not until 6PM cause that’s when their planes land and then they’re gonna drive over together.” She answers you.
“Oh well that’s nice, also Shawn’s family will be getting here around noon tomorrow, and then we can start all the festivities.” You tell her about Karen, Manny, and Aaliyah’s plans.
“Ok thank you for telling me. So how’ve you been? Are feeling better? I know that morning sickness is a real pain.” She asks you.
“Yeah I’m good and getting better and yes morning sickness sucks, but it’s part of being pregnant.” You answer her truthfully
About an hour later you hear a knock at the door and your mom gets up and answers the door and you hear two very familiar voices. You get up and greet your brothers with hugs and help them with their stuff. You grab your little brother Gabe’s medium sized duffel bag and walk up the stairs. You head into Gabe’s old room and set his duffel bag on the edge of his bed and walk back down the hallway and sown the stairs.
You all sit in the living room and watch a movie and then chat for a while before you start getting tired. Your eyes start dropping shut, Shawn notices this and he picks you up and says goodnight to everyone. He carries you upstairs and into your old room and lays you gently on the bed. He changes you into your pajamas and then pulls the covers over you, he shuts the door and changes into his pajamas and then turns the light and lamp off.
Shawn crawls in bed with you and snuggles up to you and lays his hand on your very small baby bump in a protective manor. He begins to fall asleep but not before kissing your forehead sweetly. He drifts off into a peaceful sleep, just like you did a few minutes earlier.
December 23, 2019
You and Shawn wake up at around 9:30AM and get ready for the day. Shawn was in the shower while you were brushing your hair and teeth, you finished doing that and went to pick out and outfit to wear. You picked out a tan sweater, overall skirt, black pantyhose, and black shoes.
You changed into your outfit and Shawn walked out of the shower and into your room. He picked out a black t-shirt, a burnt orange jacket, navy blue scarf, black skinny jeans, and his black boots. He changed into his outfit and you both headed downstairs and sat in the living room and watched some tv with your dad and brothers. You all were waiting for Shawn’s family to get here so you could all go out to lunch and just spend tine with each other.
After an hour you all hear a knock at the door and you get excited. Your mother answered the door and it was Shawn’s family. Your mom let them in and helped take their stuff to the guest rooms. They got all settled and you hear footsteps running back down the stairs. It was Aaliyah, she had a huge smile on her face and she hugs Shawn first, and then you and you embrace her for a good few minutes. Aaliyah lets you go and sits down on the couch and you sit right next to her and she cuddles into you once more. You smile and hold her while catching up with her.
“I guess my sister loves you more that she loves me.” Shawn says with a fake hurt look on his face. You laugh at his pouting face.
“No she just hasn’t seen me in a while because I never leave the house, whereas she sees you a lot more because you go to your parents’ all the time. She loves you way more than me trust me.” You tell him after kissing his pouty face and watch his pout turn into a big goofy grin.
“And I just love your wife so much Shawn, but I promise I love you more, how could I not you’re my big brother I’ll always love you.” Aaliyah pipes up.
You started tearing up at Aaliyah response and before you know it your crying. Shawn takes notice and his facial features change to one of worry. You smile and signal that’s you’re ok.
“It’s just my damn pregnancy hormones. What she said was so sweet and I can’t control my emotions.” You say as if it’s the most normal thing ever. Shawn gets up and gets a tissue for you and hands it to you.
You wipe your eyes and then your nose. Once you’re all good and under control your mom strolls in the living room and says it’s time for everyone to load up cause you’re going out for lunch. She picked “The Downtown Grille” on the downtown mall in Charlottesville. So, you’re all going into town for lunch, and then it’s up to everyone after lunch to decide what they want to do.
After lunch you wanted to show Shawn all your favorite places in Charlottesville and maybe stop in to see a few friends along the way. Everyone arrived at the restaurant and were seated, while you were waiting for the waiter you texted some of your friends and let them know you’d stop by after you had lunch with your family.
The waitress came and took your drink orders and left to go get them made. You decided you would have a simple burger and fries, and everyone else all decides what they were gonna get too. The waitress came back with your drinks and took all your meal orders and put them in. You all conversed about anything and everything while waiting for your food. After about 25 minutes your food came and you all dug in and continued to talk a little more.
After about an hour later everyone is finished and ready to go, you dad gets up to pay for lunch saying that it was on them this time. You hug your mom and tell her that you’ll see her back at the house later. You and Shawn start heading to the car and Aaliyah speaks up.
“Can I go with you guys? Because I don’t know anyone here and I don’t want to just stay at the house by myself.” She asks quickly.
“Yeah, hop in the back. I’ll be showing you and Shawn my favorite places here in C’ville and also we’re gonna say hi to a few of my friends cause I haven’t seen them in forever is that ok with y’all?” You ask them both and look to make sure they’re cool with it.
“Yeah sounds good and really exciting!” Aaliyahs says from the backseat.
“So how come you didn’t stay here in Charlottesville if you love it so much, I’m just a little curious?” Shawn asks you before you start the car.
“Well a lot of things happens to me while I was here and I just couldn’t stay, don’t get me wrong I adore the friends I’ve made here and the people are amazing it’s just too many bad memories here for me to stay anymore. So, I moved to New York to start over and have a clean slate, I never in a million years thought I’d end up here now but I’m so glad I did.” You tell them honestly and start the car and buckle up. They both buckle up too.
“Well it’s a lovely place to visit and I’m glad you moved too or else we wouldn’t have met and gotten married, but I’m sorry for the bad memories you have of this place.” Shawn says to you taking hold of your hand.
“I mean they’re not all bad I have good memories with friends here, but they’re we’re just more bad than good and I needed a change and I was t go to dye my hair again for that.” You says giggling at the last part of what you said.
“I’m glad you moved to Liv or else we wouldn’t have met either and I’m so happy you’re my sister-in-law.” Aaliyah says and you try to keep you tears in and emotions at bay.
You put the car and reverse and back out of the parking spot and drive off in the direction of your old house. You drove by your old townhouse before your parents upgraded houses and moved. You parked across the street but left the car on.
“Ok so this was our old house before we all went out separate ways, my parents stayed here obviously, but yeah we lived in a very small town house and it was cramped at first, but you got used to it after a few months.” You tell them and they look so surprised you loved in such a small house.
“Trust me it was small but we made do, and it wasn’t all bad all three of us kids had our friends over all the time and it was great being so close to the high school and middle school.” You told them trying to defend living a very small house.
“Yeah no I don’t doubt that but oh my god it’s so small how’d you all fit in there?” Shawn jokes making you snicker.
“It’s bigger when your inside, but we can’t go in because people actually live there now. Ok so next destination is the High school we’ll drive around it but I don’t know if we can go in since they’re all on break.” You tell them and drive off to your old high school parking lot.
You drove all the way around the high school and told them about the friends you had made and already had while you were here, and about some of the classes you took while in high school. After showing them your old high school you drove all the way out to your old elementary school which was about 5 minutes from your friends houses.
You showed them the small elementary school and shared the memories you made while being there too. Once your were done you drove to your grandma Maxine’s house. She’s not really your grandma but she always considered you and your family like they were her own. You found a spot amongst all the cars, you parked and killed the engine. You undid your seatbelt, Shawn and Aaliyah followed and did the same.
“Ok so, this is grandma Maxine’s house, she’s basically family and has always treated me and my family like we were. Most of my friends are all cousins or related in some way and they all come here for the holidays. So we can go in and stay for however long your comfortable staying but I did want to go in a say hi and hang out for a few minutes. Any questions?” You tell them and then ask.
“Yeah how did you meet all your friends who are related?” Aaliyahs asks
“I met them because my dad was the Youth Pastor at their church when we first moved here and they all just grew on me and took me in, we’ve all been friends since then.” You day to her honestly.
“Wow that’s awesome, ok are you ladies ready to go in now.” Shawn’s asks. You all get out of the car and start walking to the front door of the house when Shawn stops you.
“Wait do they know your married and pregnant?” He asks you sweetly.
“No, We didn’t have enough room to invite them to the wedding, but that’s fine and no they don’t know I’m pregnant so I was going to tell them all tonight. Is that ok? I don’t want to make you more nervous than you should be.” You tell him and then ask him if he’s ok with that.
“Yeah no it’s fine I was just curious, ok let’s go in and meet the extended family then.” He says leading you to the door and making you smile.
You take the lead and walk through the door first so they all see a familiar face, once you get through the door you see familiar faces in the little front room where you spent a lot of time with Josie, Macy, Anna, Jill, and Alayna.
“Hey Livy! Oh my god how’ve you been?” Josie asks your getting up to give you a hug.
You wrap your arms around her and hug her back.
“Hey Josie, I’ve been really good how about you?” You ask her with a happy smile on your face.
“I’ve been good, and who’d you bring with you?” She asks looking past you.
“Oh I brought my husband and my sister-in-law, Josie this is Shawn and Aaliyah.” You introduce Shawn and Aaliyah to Josie.
“Hi it’s really nice to meet you both, well come in and make yourselves comfortable.” She says leading them both to the couches. You walk in the room and say hi to everyone else in the room as well and introduce Shawn and Aaliyah to the rest of your friends in the small front room. They all get talking very quickly and make Shawn and Aaliyah feel comfortable.
“Hey babe, I’m gonna go say hi to Grandma Maxine, and the others I’ll be back in second.” You tell him and he stops you for a second.
“I’ll go with you, I want to meet them.” He says and you both get up to go greet the others.
You walk to the back/main living room and are met with laughing and loud familiar voices. Grandma Maxine spots you before anyone else and she gets up to come say hello, she greets you with a hug and asks how you are.
“I’m doing really great Grandma, how about you how are doing since Grandaddy past?” You asks her gently trying not to make her sad.
“I’m doing as well as one can, but I’ve got all my family here to make me feel happy, and I’m so glad you could come and hang out with us too. So Olivia who’s this you e brought with you?” She tells you making you smile that’s she’s doing better, and then she asks you about Shawn.
“Oh grandma this is Shawn he’s my husband, we got married not too long ago.” You fell her and she smiles while walking over to him, she pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back.
“Well welcome to the family Shawn we’re happy to have you here and you’re always welcome here.” She says to him holding his hands in her own.
The whole situation is enough to make you shed a few small hormonal tears of happiness. Shawn then wiped them always and gets a napkin for you. Again you wipe your tears away and kiss his cheek and say thank you.
You make your way around the living room hugging and introducing them all to Shawn. After greeting everyone you tell grandma Maxine that you have an announcement for everyone and that she should call them all in to hear it. Everyone in the front room all gather to the main living room and wait for you to talk. You grab Shawn’s hand and hold it in yours as if your asking for support in case it goes haywire.
“Well I got Grandma to call you all in here because I wanted to tell you all some very great news, but let me start by apologizing for not having you at my wedding because I truly wish you all could’ve been there but you would’ve had to fly out and stay in expensive hotels and I didn’t want to put you all through that after losing Grandaddy O. We would’ve had a blast but you also needed to be here for one another so I’m sorry you couldn’t have been there. Ok and now to the good news well me and Shawn are expecting a baby in almost 7 months from now and we’re so excited and I was so nervous to tell you all but yeah I’m pregnant!” You say to all of them and for a second the whole room is silent and then everyone is cheering and laughing at the news of your pregnancy.
“Oh my god Livy I’m so happy for you, and Shawn I’m happy for you too. Just don’t hurt out girl she’s very special to us all and if you do you’ll regret it.” Grandma tells you her congratulations and turns to Shawn and gives him a little “don’t hurt her speech,” you laugh at his slightly scared face.
Congratulations are being thrown to you both by everyone in the room, once the money is over you and Shawn head back to the front room with all the other young adults. You converse and catch up. While you and Josie are talking you feel Shawn looking at you because it feels like a whole is being burned into the side of your face.
Shawn smiles at you and is just taking you in while you’re happily talking to Josie and he swears he’s falling even deeper in love with you. You grab his hand in yours and set it in your lap and run your thumbs over his soft skin. His heart jumps a little bit and he kisses the side of your head making you lean into him and smile widely.
You continue talking to everyone for another 5 minutes before you feel it’s a good time to leave. You say your goodbyes to everyone and hugging them before you, Shawn, and Aaliyah walk out the door and to the car. You all get in the car and buckle up, before you back out and drive off to the next destination.
“Ok so, this next destination is going to be the last one and then we’ll head back to my parents’ house. You drive into the parking lot of the church your dad used to be the Youth Pastor of and it brings back every memory you made in the small house and the whole church campus. You smile and just drive around the church and tell them all different memories you have of this place. After showing them the outside of the church and the small house you finally drive back to your parents’ house.
You arrive back to the house after a 20 minute drive. You all get out and make your way inside the beautiful house, you all head into the living room and find spots to sit. You and Shawn sat on the couch with your mom and Aaliyah day with hers and Shawn’s parents.
“So what did you three do today?” Your mom asks you curious to know what you all got up to.
“Well I took them to all my favorite places and told them of the memories I made in those places, I also took them to Grandma Maxine’s and introduced them to everyone.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Good I’m glad, so how is Grandma doing is she doing any better?” She asks you.
“Yeah she seemed to be doing a lot better, she was really happy to see me and was happy when I told everyone that I’m married and pregnant.” You tell her about grandmas happy state.
“But she was also a little sad because Grandaddy wasn’t around this year, but she was happy just to have her family with her.” You tell her what grandma told you.
“Well I’m glad she’s doing better, did you see Pam there?” She asks your about her best friend.
“Yeah she told me to tell you that she misses you and that she’ll schedule a time for you both to hang out.” You tell her what Pam told you.
“Ooh I can’t wait for that.” She says getting exciting.
After a few more minutes of talking with everyone you start getting really tired. You say goodnight and you head up to your room. Shawn follows and flops on the bed. You change into your pajamas which are white champion hoodie, grey sweats, and some fuzzy socks.
Shawn changes into his pajamas and you both get in the bed after he turned the main room lights off, you lean over and turn the lamp light off and cuddle into Shawn and quickly fall asleep. Shawn shortly does the same after the long day you’ve had.
December 24, 2019
You wake up at 10:00AM and Shawn wakes up a few minutes after you. You take a shower and pick out your outfit for the day, you pick out a black long sleeve shirt, black leggings, snow boots, a white hat, and a heavy black coat for later.
You leave your hair to dry on its own after brushing it, and you don’t put any make up on. Shawn showers and picks out his outfits too, his outfit is a dark green shirt, black skinny jeans, a black scarf, his yellow, red, and black plaid coat, and his snow boots.
“So mom suggested that we go hiking because today is a good day to go and this time of year it’s really beautiful with all the snow, but it’s also up to you if you want to go.” You tell him as he’s putting his shirt on.
“Yeah joking sounds good to me, let’s do it.” He says to you gathering his and your coat and brings them downstairs with him.
You follow him down and then that’s how your day goes, you and Shawn hiking up Skyline Drive, and having lunch up there with that view, and then stopping to get dinner after the hike and on the way back to the house. You get home and spend time playing board games and talking with your family until your about fall asleep.
You change into a black t shirt and some some grey sweats and crawl into bed, Shawn changes into his pajamas also and turns the lights out and you both fall asleep quickly after the wry active day you’ve both had.
December 25, 2019
After being woken up by Aaliyah pounding in your bedroom door you and Shawn both head downstairs and opens presents and you mostly received baby clothing and maternity clothes as well. You loved all your gifts and everyone else all loved theirs too. A little bit after opening presents you all have breakfast. After breakfast you help your mom clean up breakfast and work on preparing and cooking dinner for everyone for later.
After finishing with getting everything in the oven and cleaned up, you and your mom can finally relax. You go up and get dressed for the beautiful day, Shawn does the same. You picked out a nude colored fuzzy jacket, black leggings, and snow boots in case you go outside at all.
Shawn chose his Harvard hoodie, black skinny jeans, snow boots, and a black zip up jacket. You head back downstairs and all sit, talk, and watch tv for a couple more hours while your mom periodically checks on dinner. She calls you in to help her set everything up. You set the table and help place various foods in the middle of the table.
Your mom calls everyone in and you all take your seats. You sit between Shawn and Aaliyah and across from your little brother. Your dad says a quick prayer, and then food is being passed around and everyone in eating the wonderful food. You really just watch what’s going on and listen to the different conversations in complete happiness that this is now your family. You love having your family all in one room and it certainly makes your heart happy to see Shawn getting along with your parents and brothers just like you with his.
Once dinner is over you help your mom clean up and then move to the living room for more quality family time. You sit by Shawn on one of the couches with a blanket over you both.
“So, Liv do you have any baby names yet? Or are you waiting for that?” You little brother asks you.
“I have a name picked out that I think is really special to both me and Shawn, but you’ll find out what it is when he’s born.” You answer him while smiling.
“Well whatever you chose to name I’m sure he’s gonna be a heartbreaker one day if he looks anything like his dad, I mean you’re both beautiful people and your child will certainly be beautiful too.” Karen says making you let out a small giggle.
“I mean if he’s anything like Shawn which he will be then yeah he’ll be a heartbreaker for sure.” Your dad says making everyone laugh.
After about another hour everyone is getting tired and heading off to bed. You and Shawn do the same, you change into your pajamas. You chose a white long sleeve champion shirt, and some black champion sweatpants to sleep in. Shawn changes into his pajamas and like routine he gets in bed and turns the light out and you both talk a little bit before slowly falling asleep holding each other.
December 26, 2019
You and Shawn get ready for the day after waking at 9:30AM you picked out a black and white striped shirt, a jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and your vans. Shawn picked out his black hoodie, jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and snow boots. Shawn turns and takes in your outfit and he smiles at you, you raise your eyebrows in confusion.
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missymae531-2 · 3 years
How We Met Chp.20
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Liv's POV
December 22, 2019
About a month has gone by and you and Shawn have really gotten comfortable in your new home. You have put up cute Christmas decorations and just regular decorations around the house to make it feel more like home for the both of you. During the day you had been washing and drying yours and Shawn's clothes and packing for the both of you.
You packed many cute but warm outfits for yourself, and nice outfits for Shawn seeing as you'll be spending Christmas with yours and Shawn's family in Virginia this year. You'll all be staying at your mom and dads house because they have room for everyone and don't want anyone to spend money on a hotel when they have a perfectly spacious house available.
Your flight was at 2:30PM and it's now 12:00PM so you're rushing to finish packing and making sure everything is ready before you leave and lock your house up. Shawn was helping you and making sure you had everything as well. You were now 2 months pregnant and your baby bump is still really small but it has gotten a bit bigger and you can actually see it now.
Once you're done packing and checking to see if you have everything you and Shawn make your way to the airport and wait for your flight to be called. After 15 minutes your flight is called and you both board the plane and find your seats and wait for the plane to take off. After a four hour plane ride you arrived at the airport in Charlottesville Virginia at around 4:00PM.
You and Shawn go through baggage claim, customs, and even get a rental car to use while here for Christmas. You and Shawn got your rental car and loaded your luggage into the trunk and you give Shawn the address and directions to your parent's house. You drove past your old high school and told Shawn all about it, after another five minutes you arrive at your parents house and pull into the very occupied driveway and parked the car.
(This is just supposed to help you see what the house looks like)
Shawn grabs yours and his luggage and you both make your way up the stairs and knock on the door. A few seconds go by and your mom opens the door and greets you both with hugs and tells you to come in. You walk through the door and look around the house, nothing has really changed from when you first moved out and into your first apartment in New York.
"Wow, mom nothings changed at all. It all looks exactly like I remember it before I moved out." You say to her as your dad gets up and comes to give you a hug.
You hug your dad and he moves to hug Shawn and then help him bring your luggage to your old room. You sit on the couch and continue conversing with your mom.
"Yeah it's the same old house you remember, also remember left your room alone, other than making the bed for you and Shawn, but other than that it's the same." She tells you sweetly.
"Well I'm glad you and dad are still happy here and that nothing has really changed and all the memories we made here are still here too." You say to her and hearing multiple footsteps coming down the stairs. Shawn and your dad join you both in the living room and you all talk for a while.
"So, mom when are the boys getting here?" You ask her
"Not until 6PM cause that's when their planes land and then they're gonna drive over together." She answers you.
"Oh well that's nice, also Shawn's family will be getting here around noon tomorrow, and then we can start all the festivities." You tell her about Karen, Manny, and Aaliyah's plans.
"Ok thank you for telling me. So how've you been? Are feeling better? I know that morning sickness is a real pain." She asks you.
"Yeah I'm good and getting better and yes morning sickness sucks, but it's part of being pregnant." You answer her truthfully
About an hour later you hear a knock at the door and your mom gets up and answers the door and you hear two very familiar voices. You get up and greet your brothers with hugs and help them with their stuff. You grab your little brother Gabe's medium sized duffel bag and walk up the stairs. You head into Gabe's old room and set his duffel bag on the edge of his bed and walk back down the hallway and sown the stairs.
You all sit in the living room and watch a movie and then chat for a while before you start getting tired. Your eyes start dropping shut, Shawn notices this and he picks you up and says goodnight to everyone. He carries you upstairs and into your old room and lays you gently on the bed. He changes you into your pajamas and then pulls the covers over you, he shuts the door and changes into his pajamas and then turns the light and lamp off.
Shawn crawls in bed with you and snuggles up to you and lays his hand on your very small baby bump in a protective manor. He begins to fall asleep but not before kissing your forehead sweetly. He drifts off into a peaceful sleep, just like you did a few minutes earlier.
December 23, 2019
You and Shawn wake up at around 9:30AM and get ready for the day. Shawn was in the shower while you were brushing your hair and teeth, you finished doing that and went to pick out and outfit to wear. You picked out a tan sweater, overall skirt, black pantyhose, and black shoes.
You changed into your outfit and Shawn walked out of the shower and into your room. He picked out a black t-shirt, a burnt orange jacket, navy blue scarf, black skinny jeans, and his black boots.
He changed into his outfit and you both headed downstairs and sat in the living room and watched some tv with your dad and brothers. You all were waiting for Shawn's family to get here so you could all go out to lunch and just spend tine with each other.
After an hour you all hear a knock at the door and you get excited. Your mother answered the door and it was Shawn's family. Your mom let them in and helped take their stuff to the guest rooms. They got all settled and you hear footsteps running back down the stairs. It was Aaliyah, she had a huge smile on her face and she hugs Shawn first, and then you and you embrace her for a good few minutes.
Aaliyah lets you go and sits down on the couch and you sit right next to her and she cuddles into you once more. You smile and hold her while catching up with her.
"I guess my sister loves you more that she loves me." Shawn says with a fake hurt look on his face. You laugh at his pouting face.
"No she just hasn't seen me in a while because I never leave the house, whereas she sees you a lot more because you go to your parents' all the time. She loves you way more than me trust me." You tell him after kissing his pouty face and watch his pout turn into a big goofy grin.
"And I just love your wife so much Shawn, but I promise I love you more, how could I not you're my big brother I'll always love you." Aaliyah pipes up.
You started tearing up at Aaliyah response and before you know it your crying. Shawn takes notice and his facial features change to one of worry. You smile and signal that's you're ok.
"It's just my damn pregnancy hormones. What she said was so sweet and I can't control my emotions." You say as if it's the most normal thing ever. Shawn gets up and gets a tissue for you and hands it to you.
You wipe your eyes and then your nose. Once you're all good and under control your mom strolls in the living room and says it's time for everyone to load up cause you're going out for lunch. She picked "The Downtown Grille" on the downtown mall in Charlottesville. So, you're all going into town for lunch, and then it's up to everyone after lunch to decide what they want to do.
After lunch you wanted to show Shawn all your favorite places in Charlottesville and maybe stop in to see a few friends along the way. Everyone arrived at the restaurant and were seated, while you were waiting for the waiter you texted some of your friends and let them know you'd stop by after you had lunch with your family.
The waitress came and took your drink orders and left to go get them made. You decided you would have a simple burger and fries, and everyone else all decides what they were gonna get too. The waitress came back with your drinks and took all your meal orders and put them in. You all conversed about anything and everything while waiting for your food. After about 25 minutes your food came and you all dug in and continued to talk a little more.
After about an hour later everyone is finished and ready to go, you dad gets up to pay for lunch saying that it was on them this time. You hug your mom and tell her that you'll see her back at the house later. You and Shawn start heading to the car and Aaliyah speaks up.
"Can I go with you guys? Because I don't know anyone here and I don't want to just stay at the house by myself." She asks quickly.
"Yeah, hop in the back. I'll be showing you and Shawn my favorite places here in C'ville and also we're gonna say hi to a few of my friends cause I haven't seen them in forever is that ok with y'all?" You ask them both and look to make sure they're cool with it.
"Yeah sounds good and really exciting!" Aaliyahs says from the backseat.
"So how come you didn't stay here in Charlottesville if you love it so much, I'm just a little curious?" Shawn asks you before you start the car.
"Well a lot of things happens to me while I was here and I just couldn't stay, don't get me wrong I adore the friends I've made here and the people are amazing it's just too many bad memories here for me to stay anymore. So, I moved to New York to start over and have a clean slate, I never in a million years thought I'd end up here now but I'm so glad I did." You tell them honestly and start the car and buckle up. They both buckle up too.
"Well it's a lovely place to visit and I'm glad you moved too or else we wouldn't have met and gotten married, but I'm sorry for the bad memories you have of this place." Shawn says to you taking hold of your hand.
"I mean they're not all bad I have good memories with friends here, but they're we're just more bad than good and I needed a change and I was t go to dye my hair again for that." You says giggling at the last part of what you said.
"I'm glad you moved to Liv or else we wouldn't have met either and I'm so happy you're my sister-in-law." Aaliyah says and you try to keep you tears in and emotions at bay.
You put the car and reverse and back out of the parking spot and drive off in the direction of your old house. You drove by your old townhouse before your parents upgraded houses and moved. You parked across the street but left the car on.
"Ok so this was our old house before we all went out separate ways, my parents stayed here obviously, but yeah we lived in a very small town house and it was cramped at first, but you got used to it after a few months." You tell them and they look so surprised you loved in such a small house.
"Trust me it was small but we made do, and it wasn't all bad all three of us kids had our friends over all the time and it was great being so close to the high school and middle school." You told them trying to defend living a very small house.
"Yeah no I don't doubt that but oh my god it's so small how'd you all fit in there?" Shawn jokes making you snicker.
"It's bigger when your inside, but we can't go in because people actually live there now. Ok so next destination is the High school we'll drive around it but I don't know if we can go in since they're all on break." You tell them and drive off to your old high school parking lot.
You drove all the way around the high school and told them about the friends you had made and already had while you were here, and about some of the classes you took while in high school. After showing them your old high school you drove all the way out to your old elementary school which was about 5 minutes from your friends houses.
You showed them the small elementary school and shared the memories you made while being there too. Once your were done you drove to your grandma Maxine's house. She's not really your grandma but she always considered you and your family like they were her own. You found a spot amongst all the cars, you parked and killed the engine. You undid your seatbelt, Shawn and Aaliyah followed and did the same.
"Ok so, this is grandma Maxine's house, she's basically family and has always treated me and my family like we were. Most of my friends are all cousins or related in some way and they all come here for the holidays. So we can go in and stay for however long your comfortable staying but I did want to go in a say hi and hang out for a few minutes. Any questions?" You tell them and then ask.
"Yeah how did you meet all your friends who are related?" Aaliyahs asks
"I met them because my dad was the Youth Pastor at their church when we first moved here and they all just grew on me and took me in, we've all been friends since then." You day to her honestly.
"Wow that's awesome, ok are you ladies ready to go in now." Shawn's asks. You all get out of the car and start walking to the front door of the house when Shawn stops you.
"Wait do they know your married and pregnant?" He asks you sweetly.
"No, We didn't have enough room to invite them to the wedding, but that's fine and no they don't know I'm pregnant so I was going to tell them all tonight. Is that ok? I don't want to make you more nervous than you should be." You tell him and then ask him if he's ok with that.
"Yeah no it's fine I was just curious, ok let's go in and meet the extended family then." He says leading you to the door and making you smile.
You take the lead and walk through the door first so they all see a familiar face, once you get through the door you see familiar faces in the little front room where you spent a lot of time with Josie, Macy, Anna, Jill, and Alayna.
"Hey Livy! Oh my god how've you been?" Josie asks your getting up to give you a hug. You wrap your arms around her and hug her back.
"Hey Josie, I've been really good how about you?" You ask her with a happy smile on your face.
"I've been good, and who'd you bring with you?" She asks looking past you.
"Oh I brought my husband and my sister-in-law, Josie this is Shawn and Aaliyah." You introduce Shawn and Aaliyah to Josie.
"Hi it's really nice to meet you both, well come in and make yourselves comfortable." She says leading them both to the couches. You walk in the room and say hi to everyone else in the room as well and introduce Shawn and Aaliyah to the rest of your friends in the small front room. They all get talking very quickly and make Shawn and Aaliyah feel comfortable.
"Hey babe, I'm gonna go say hi to Grandma Maxine, and the others I'll be back in second." You tell him and he stops you for a second.
"I'll go with you, I want to meet them." He says and you both get up to go greet the others.
You walk to the back/main living room and are met with laughing and loud familiar voices. Grandma Maxine spots you before anyone else and she gets up to come say hello, she greets you with a hug and asks how you are.
"I'm doing really great Grandma, how about you how are doing since Grandaddy past?" You asks her gently trying not to make her sad.
"I'm doing as well as one can, but I've got all my family here to make me feel happy, and I'm so glad you could come and hang out with us too. So Olivia who's this you e brought with you?" She tells you making you smile that's she's doing better, and then she asks you about Shawn.
"Oh grandma this is Shawn he's my husband, we got married not too long ago." You fell her and she smiles while walking over to him, she pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back.
"Well welcome to the family Shawn we're happy to have you here and you're always welcome here." She says to him holding his hands in her own.
The whole situation is enough to make you shed a few small hormonal tears of happiness. Shawn then wiped them always and gets a napkin for you. Again you wipe your tears away and kiss his cheek and say thank you.
You make your way around the living room hugging and introducing them all to Shawn. After greeting everyone you tell grandma Maxine that you have an announcement for everyone and that she should call them all in to hear it. Everyone in the front room all gather to the main living room and wait for you to talk. You grab Shawn's hand and hold it in yours as if your asking for support in case it goes haywire.
"Well I got Grandma to call you all in here because I wanted to tell you all some very great news, but let me start by apologizing for not having you at my wedding because I truly wish you all could've been there but you would've had to fly out and stay in expensive hotels and I didn't want to put you all through that after losing Grandaddy O. We would've had a blast but you also needed to be here for one another so I'm sorry you couldn't have been there. Ok and now to the good news well me and Shawn are expecting a baby in almost 7 months from now and we're so excited and I was so nervous to tell you all but yeah I'm pregnant!" You say to all of them and for a second the whole room is silent and then everyone is cheering and laughing at the news of your pregnancy.
"Oh my god Livy I'm so happy for you, and Shawn I'm happy for you too. Just don't hurt out girl she's very special to us all and if you do you'll regret it." Grandma tells you her congratulations and turns to Shawn and gives him a little "don't hurt her speech," you laugh at his slightly scared face.
Congratulations are being thrown to you both by everyone in the room, once the money is over you and Shawn head back to the front room with all the other young adults. You converse and catch up. While you and Josie are talking you feel Shawn looking at you because it feels like a whole is being burned into the side of your face.
Shawn smiles at you and is just taking you in while you're happily talking to Josie and he swears he's falling even deeper in love with you. You grab his hand in yours and set it in your lap and run your thumbs over his soft skin. His heart jumps a little bit and he kisses the side of your head making you lean into him and smile widely.
You continue talking to everyone for another 5 minutes before you feel it's a good time to leave. You say your goodbyes to everyone and hugging them before you, Shawn, and Aaliyah walk out the door and to the car. You all get in the car and buckle up, before you back out and drive off to the next destination.
"Ok so, this next destination is going to be the last one and then we'll head back to my parents' house. You drive into the parking lot of the church your dad used to be the Youth Pastor of and it brings back every memory you made in the small house and the whole church campus. You smile and just drive around the church and tell them all different memories you have of this place. After showing them the outside of the church and the small house you finally drive back to your parents' house.
You arrive back to the house after a 20 minute drive. You all get out and make your way inside the beautiful house, you all head into the living room and find spots to sit. You and Shawn sat on the couch with your mom and Aaliyah day with hers and Shawn's parents.
"So what did you three do today?" Your mom asks you curious to know what you all got up to.
"Well I took them to all my favorite places and told them of the memories I made in those places, I also took them to Grandma Maxine's and introduced them to everyone." You tell her and she smiles at you.
"Good I'm glad, so how is Grandma doing is she doing any better?" She asks you.
"Yeah she seemed to be doing a lot better, she was really happy to see me and was happy when I told everyone that I'm married and pregnant." You tell her about grandmas happy State.
"But she was also a little sad because Grandaddy wasn't around this year, but she was happy just to have her family with her." You tell her what grandma told you.
"Well I'm glad she's doing better, did you see Pam there?" She asks your about her best friend.
"Yeah she told me to tell you that she misses you and that she'll schedule a time for you both to hang out." You tell her what Pam told you.
"Ooh I can't wait for that." She says getting exciting.
After a few more minutes of talking with everyone you start getting really tired. You say goodnight and you head up to your room. Shawn follows and flops on the bed. You change into your pajamas which are white champion hoodie, grey sweats, and some fuzzy socks.
Shawn changes into his pajamas and you both get in the bed after he turned the main room lights off, you lean over and turn the lamp light off and cuddle into Shawn and quickly fall asleep. Shawn shortly does the same after the long day you've had.
December 24, 2019
You wake up at 10:00AM and Shawn wakes up a few minutes after you. You take a shower and pick out your outfit for the day, you pick out a black long sleeve shirt, black leggings, snow boots, a white hat, and a heavy black coat for later.
You leave your hair to dry on its own after brushing it, and you don't put any make up on.
Shawn showers and picks out his outfits too, his outfit is a dark green shirt, black skinny jeans, a black scarf, his yellow, red, and black plaid coat, and his snow boots.
"So mom suggested that we go hiking because today is a good day to go and this time of year it's really beautiful with all the snow, but it's also up to you if you want to go." You tell him as he's putting his shirt on.
"Yeah joking sounds good to me, let's do it." He says to you gathering his and your coat and brings them downstairs with him.
You follow him down and then that's how your day goes, you and Shawn hiking up Skyline Drive, and having lunch up there with that view, and then stopping to get dinner after the hike and on the way back to the house. You get home and spend time playing board games and talking with your family until your about fall asleep.
You change into a black t shirt and some some grey sweats and crawl into bed,
Shawn changes into his pajamas also and turns the lights out and you both fall asleep quickly after the wry active day you've both had.
December 25, 2019
After being woken up by Aaliyah pounding in your bedroom door you and Shawn both head downstairs and opens presents and you mostly received baby clothing and maternity clothes as well. You loved all your gifts and everyone else all loved theirs too. A little bit after opening presents you all have breakfast. After breakfast you help your mom clean up breakfast and work on preparing and cooking dinner for everyone for later.
After finishing with getting everything in the oven and cleaned up, you and your mom can finally relax. You go up and get dressed for the beautiful day, Shawn does the same. You picked out a nude colored fuzzy jacket, black leggings, and snow boots in case you go outside at all.
Shawn chose his Harvard hoodie, black skinny jeans, snow boots, and a black zip up jacket.
You head back downstairs and all sit, talk, and watch tv for a couple more hours while your mom periodically checks on dinner. She calls you in to help her set everything up. You set the table and help place various foods in the middle of the table.
Your mom calls everyone in and you all take your seats. You sit between Shawn and Aaliyah and across from your little brother. Your dad says a quick prayer, and then food is being passed around and everyone in eating the wonderful food. You really just watch what's going on and listen to the different conversations in complete happiness that this is now your family. You love having your family all in one room and it certainly makes your heart happy to see Shawn getting along with your parents and brothers just like you with his.
Once dinner is over you help your mom clean up and then move to the living room for more quality family time. You sit by Shawn on one of the couches with a blanket over you both.
"So, Liv do you have any baby names yet? Or are you waiting for that?" You little brother asks you.
"I have a name picked out that I think is really special to both me and Shawn, but you'll find out what it is when he's born." You answer him while smiling.
"Well whatever you chose to name I'm sure he's gonna be a heartbreaker one day if he looks anything like his dad, I mean you're both beautiful people and your child will certainly be beautiful too." Karen says making you let out a small giggle.
"I mean if he's anything like Shawn which he will be then yeah he'll be a heartbreaker for sure." Your dad says making everyone laugh.
After about another hour everyone is getting tired and heading off to bed. You and Shawn do the same, you change into your
You chose a white long sleeve champion shirt, and some black champion sweatpants to sleep in.
Shawn changes into his pajamas and like routine he gets in bed and turns the light out and you both talk a little bit before slowly falling asleep holding each other.
December 26, 2019
You and Shawn get ready for the day after waking at 9:30AM you picked out a black and white striped shirt, a jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and your vans.
Shawn picked out his black hoodie, jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and his black boots
Shawn turns and takes in your outfit and he smiles at you, you raise your eyebrows in confusion.
"Hey we match!" He says excitedly.
"Oh my god we do, this is great I think we both look amazing and I'm not changing." You say taking in his outfit.
"I mean I'm not changing either plus I happen to like when we match." Shawn says before kissing you cheek and heading back downstairs.
You head back downstairs after Shawn and find out it's a lazy sit around and do nothing kind of day. After a while you get bored and head outside with Shawn, Aaliyah, and your brothers, you bent down and grabbed some snow and formed it into a small ball and threw it at Shawn knowing you'd start a snowball fight.
Shawns face contorts into one of shock and then quickly changes into a devious smile, he reach down and gathers some snow but his ball is a lot bigger than yours because his hands are huge. He throws it right at you and he hits you right on you left shoulder. It kinda stung but it wasn't bad and mostly funny. Your brothers then joined in on the snowball fight making you and Aaliyah hide behind on of the cars.
You and Aaliyah were overpowered by the guys and lost, but it was all worth it because it was all just really fun. You all go inside and make hot chocolate and watch "The Christmas Story" on the tv with everyone. You all had lunch after warming up and then playing "Cards Against Humanity" with your brothers, Shawn, and Aaliyah. You about died laughing from some of the answers they all put down.
After a few more rounds it's now dinner time and everyone is sitting at the dining table and enjoying the wonderful meal your mom and Karen made for everyone. After dinner you spend quality time in the living room just like every night before heading off to bed.
You get changed into your pajamas, they're just a light pink shirt, and grey sweats.
Shawn changes into his pajamas and turns the lights off before getting in bed and cuddling up to you like usual. He kisses your forehead and bids you goodnight. You kiss his cheek and do the same, you both fall asleep slowly and soundly.
December 27, 2019
Today's your last full day here with everyone because tomorrow morning you and Shawn will be flying back home. So you got up fairly early and got dressed. You picked out a cream colored sweater dress, a beige overcoat, and some beige thigh high boots.
Shawn picked out a navy blue dress shirt, black skinny jeans, his black boots, and big coat incase you all go somewhere.
You go downstairs and Shawn follows, you both sit down on the couch next to your dad in his chair. You both just talk to your dad for a while before everyone files in their own times. Once everyone's in the living room your mom tells everyone that we'll all be going over to Nortonsville (your old church) for an event that they're having in an 30 minutes.
Everyone but you and Shawn leave the room to go get ready. So you just talk to each other while everyone is getting ready.
"Well you'll get to meet some of my old church family, I haven't been back here in almost two years so yeah but it'll be fun they do this every year. There's hot chocolate, apple cider, good food, and games for the kids and teenagers. So hopefully Aaliyah will be alright and if not she can hang with us." You tell him and continue talking about the fun event y'all are going to. Everyone comes back down and gets ready to leave the house.
"Hey mom me and Shawn are gonna go ahead and go over so we'll see you there ok!" You yell to her from downstairs and walk out of the house to head over to the church.
You pull out of the driveway and drive over to the church. You arrive after 10 minutes and find a spot to park. You park and kill the engine. You look around and there's already a bunch of people here some familiar and some not. You both get out of the car and head into the basement/fellowship hall. You look around and see many people you could consider family.
You immediately start making your way over to Grandma Maxine and greet her with a warm hug. She then hugs Shawn too and he smiles and hugs her back. You feel a hand in your shoulder and you turn and see one of your favorite people. You smile so big and throw your arms around her.
"Oh Autumn it's so good to see you, it's been too long hasn't it?" You ask her but it's kinda muffled into the hug.
"It has been, but you're here now and I'm happy to see you, oh and tell me everything!" She says getting excited to here all about your new life.
"Well um when I moved to New York I already had a good friend there who made me feel very welcomed and she brought me along with her to a really huge event and I mean like A-list celebrity event. That's where I met this guy" you say and gently grab Shawn's hand in yours.
"Autumn this is my husband Shawn he's been taking really good care of me for the past year and half although we just recently got married." You say introducing your two very favorite people.
"Hi Shawn it's really nice to meet you, I'm Autumn. I'm glad she has someone to look out for her I know her time while she was here was really hard so it's good to know she has you." She says to him sweetly and he smile to her.
"Yeah she told me about it and I just wish we could've met sooner, but I'm happy that we met when we did." He says to Autumn but looks down at you cause he's so tall.
"Autumn was like a mentor to me when I lived here, she has really helped me a lot and has always been so good to me, her family has too." You tell him before continuing to catch up with Autumn.
Eventually you and Shawn made your way around the room and talking to anyone and everyone. At some point you saw your family walk through the door and Aaliyah made a B-line for you and Shawn. Finally it's time to eat and everyone lined up, so you three walked over and got in line with your family. You go through the line and pile different foods on your plates.
You find a place to sit and it ends up being by Autumn and her family and your smile grows. Her husband mike waves a hello to you and your family, you wave back and Autumn smiles at you. Your family are already telling stories and starting conversations about their time being here on the church campus.
"So Autumn there is something I did forget to tell you and it really just slipped my mind, but you should know that we'll be expecting a baby here in the next 7 months." You say likes it's casual and Autumn lets out an excited laugh.
"Oh Livy that wonderful, I'm so happy for you and Shawn oh my goodness that absolutely amazing news." She's says making you giggle out.
"I thought you'd react like that, thank you for always being here for me it truly means the world to me. You were a lifeline for me and I really appreciate it more than you'll ever know." You say holding your tears back because stupid hormones.
"Well I'm glad to have helped you, and I would do it again, anytime you need me I'm a phone call or a text away." She tells you and let's you get back to your family's conversation.
For the next hour your family are talking and laughing. You and Shawn get up and throw away your plates and make your way upstairs and you really show him the somewhat big church you grew up in. Shawn and you end up outside just walking around and saying hi to some of the kids and they're completely in awe of him because they know who he is by his music.
You just watch him interact with all the kids younger and older, it's a beautiful sight because you know that he's going to be the best father to your unborn child. You lay your hand on your small baby bump and rub it slowly. Your baby is now the size of a raspberry in your womb.
After a while you start feeling like you want to just go home, so you and Shawn make your rounds and say goodbye to people and let your parents know you're heading to the house. Shawn goes to say goodbye to kids one last time giving you time to say bye to Autumn.
"So I think I'm gonna head out, it was absolutely amazing seeing you again and it definitely won't be the last, but thank you for always being the sweet girl I know you to be. You're going to be the best mother and don't ever let go of him he's really good for you, and have a safe trip home." She tells you making you smile and you tell her goodbye and hug her before heading out to the car.
Shawn already had the car started and warmed up for you. You got in the passenger seat and he pulled out of the parking spot and drove back to your parents' house. You got to the house and you both went up and changed into your pajamas. You changed into your white champion shirt and black champion sweats.
Shawn changed into a black long sleeve shirt and some red plaid pajama pants. You both didn't go straight to bed but came back down and turned the tv and watched Christmas movies until the others arrived home.
They joined you after getting into more comfortable clothes. Aaliyah sat on the floor in front of you with her back on the couch for support. Kaden and Manny took the other couch, your brothers laid on the floor with some pillows under their heads. Your parents sat together in the loveseat.
You watched movies and talked for the rest of the night before all heading off to bed. You made sure to say your goodbyes in case you didn't get to say them tomorrow. You and Shawn got in bed and turned the lights off and huddled close to each other like usual, and slowly drifted off.
December 28, 2019
You and Shawn woke up at 7AM got dressed and started packing up all your things. You got changed into a white tank top, a grey cardigan, nude sweat pants, and some tennis shoes.
Shawn got dressed into his Harvard sweatshirt, black jeans, and his black boots.
Once everything was all packed up you and Shawn took all your stuff downstairs and set them by the door. You checked to see if anyone was awake, your mom and Aaliyah were up and talking in the kitchen.
"Hey you two were gonna head out because we have a flight to catch, but we'll see you soon. Aaliyah tell your parents that we said goodbye and we love them, and mom I'll call you or text when we land but we have to go if we want to catch the plane. Give the boys hugs and love from me." You tell them before hugging them both and saying your goodbyes.
Shawn does the same and you both grab your luggage and load it into the rental car. You get in the car and he follows you, he drives off in the direction of the airport. Your flight was scheduled for 8AM and it's a four hour plane ride so you'll be getting home roughly around 11AM.
You arrive at the airport and give the rental keys back to the company, you get your luggage and go through customs and everything and are now waiting for your flight to be called. After 30 minutes your flight was called and you both made your way to the floats and boarded the plane and found your seats.
After a four hour flight you arrived and going through customs and baggage claim you and Shawn went out for lunch before finally getting home at 12:00PM. You texted your mom that your landed and made it home safely, and made your way to the couch and plopped down onto it and let out an exasperated sigh. Shawn did the same after putting your luggage into your room. It felt good to be home, you and Shawn both ended up falling asleep on the couch for a good two hours.
You eventually got up off the couch and unpacked yours and Shawn's luggage and threw your clothes in the washing machine. You spent the day mostly relaxing and just doing nothing. You ordered take out Chinese for dinner and watched some tv. You spent the night peacefully just doing nothing with your very best friend and wonderful husband. After dinner you both went to bed and fell asleep very quickly.
December 31, 2019
Three days after you got Shawn thought it's be great to throw a New Year's Eve Party at the house because there's plenty of space for one. So it's currently 9:30PM and you're setting out snack foods, drinks, cups, and ice. People are supposed to arrive at around 10:00PM giving you 30 minutes to go and get ready while Shawn finishes up the decorations and other little things.
You speed walk to your room and pick out a cute black long sleeve shirt, black and white plaid pencil skirt, and some black thigh high boots.
Shawn was already dressed and ready, but he's wearing a nice black and white patterned shirt, black skinny jeans, and his black boots.
After you got ready you walked back out into the kitchen to make sure everything was ready and placed out. It's now 10:00PM and people are starting to show up. More and more people trickle in until your house of full of laughter and different conversations.
You spot Karen, Manny, and Aaliyah, you walk over to them and talk with them for a while before Shawn finds you and drags you to meet various other people. You are polite and talk to everyone Shawn has introduced to and some of them give you questioning looks as if to say "why did he marry you?" Or "he's with her? Why?" You shrug them off because you know Shawn loves you as much as you love him so their opinions don't matter to you.
In the corner of your eye you see a black haired small Latina in a group talking to some other familiar faces. Your smile grows and you excuse yourself from the conversation with people who don't even like you. She saved you from a bad conversation even if she didn't know it.
"Excuse me sorry but there's a guest I would like to say hello to, and it's only hospitable of me to do so as a co-host of this party." You say poiltely.
You make you way over to the very familiar Latina woman. She sees you and let's out a squeal and hugs you. You laugh and hug her back just as tight as she was.
"Hey Liv, how are you? How's pregnancy treating you?" Camila asks you excited to see you
"Hey Mila, I'm wonderful, how are you? And the pregnancy is going great no problems yet." You tell her sweetly.
"Oh and I'm so sorry to interrupt your conversation I just wanted to cone say to Camila and all of you. So, how are you all enjoying the party? Hopefully it's not too boring." You say and ask the group of people.
"It's not a problem and it's a great party thank you Livy Lou." Niall answers your questions and even calls you the nickname he assigned you when you first met him. You laugh at the name and give him a hug.
"Yeah it's a great party you and Shawn have done a great job, also thanks for inviting me I appreciate it I needed to get out and do something fun." Miley says to you smiling at you kindly.
"Oh yeah I totally get that, and y'all are always welcome here even if there's not parties going on. Our house is always open to you all, and Miley I'm sorry to hear about your divorce, but I think you're better off with out him. You've always been so independent and strong and I admire that so just do you and I wish you all the happiness in the world." You tell the group and then tell Miley. She pulls you into a good hug and you hug her and rub her back.
"Thank you, and I agree he wasn't bad but he also wasn't good for me either and we just needed to end it. So it's time to move on and live my life." She says and drinking from her cup.
"That's the spirit, anyways it was good talking to you all but I've got to cut this conversation short because there's a lot of people I have to say hello too. Enjoy the party and have a good rest of your night." You tell them and hug them all one more time before making your way around saying hello to various people.
You made your way to a very familiar circle of Marvel actors and your heart picks up in excitement. You go up and gently lay your hand on Chris Evans' back to get his attention. He turns to you, smiles and steps away from the group and brings you in for a warm hug.
"Hey Evans how've you been? We haven't seen each other since the wedding." You ask him kindly.
"I've been good really good, I went out on a date a few weeks ago with a very mutual friend of ours. How about you? How is the married life treating you?" He asks you interested in your new life.
"It's been really good, Shawn is amazing he's been treating me like a Queen since the day we started dating but that changed when we got married I don't know how but he's been treating me even better since we found out I was pregnant, but who'd you go on a date with? You ask say and try to cover up that you  just gave away the big surprise.
Chris's eyes go wide and he gasps and you can see the tears already forming in his eyes because he's a very emotional guy.
"I went out with Selena, but that not what important right now, Oh my god Olivia, you're having a baby that absolutely wonderful! You're going to be a great mother." He says getting all excited and giddy.
"Yeah it was supposed to be a surprise but I guess I let that one slip oops. Do you think the others heard me? You went on a date with my best friend wow I was secretly rooting for you two to get together anyways but wow it's happening! You giggle out after asking him if the other Marvel bunch heard you and gushing over him and Selena.
"I don't think so, but I'm so happy for you Liv truly, also you're gonna let Uncle Chris babysit him or her right? And yeah she's gorgeous and I couldn't help myself so I asked her and she said yes, we're going out again after I get back after this. He asks you and tells you while wiggling his eyebrows making you laugh.
"Oh absolutely, he's gonna love his Uncle Chris for sure, I already have a Captain America onesie on my list for baby clothes, and I'm happy for you two you both deserve some good in your lives for sure." You tell him happily.
"Wait it's a boy? How do you know? Isn't it to early to find out the gender?" He asks you multiple questions
"Well we had a simple NIPT test which is sued to scan for Down Syndrome but can also be used for finding out the gender through blood work and counting how many chromosomes the baby has or will have, and we found out we're having a boy." You tell him how you found out the gender.
"Well then isn't that something, also who's gonna be godfather and godmother? Have you picked yet?" Chris asks you with hope in his eyes.
"We have chosen a godmother and godfather, but you'll find out when he born sorry but I won't spoil that surprise." You tell him smirking at him.
"Ok well let's talk to the others and tell them the great news of your bouncing baby boy." He says again making you laugh.
He pulls you closer to the group, once they see you they all stop talking and greet you separately. You give and receive many hugs from all of them.
"Hey thank you all for coming out I'm really glad to see you all, I hope you're enjoying the party?" You day and ask them shyly.
"Oh luv since when did you get all shy on us? you're never like this so what's up?" RDJ asks you curiously.
"Well if you should know Robert I've got some news for all of you that can be nerve racking, I swear it's good but still I don't know how you'll react to it." You tell him matter of factly.
"Ok so then out with it sweetheart, we'll support you and love no matter what, we're family you should know this by now." Scarlet takes your hand and tells you.
"Well me and Shawn are having a baby in 7 months from now, and I kinda already accidentally let it slip out when I was talking with Evans." You say and give a sheepish look.
"Oh my god you're having a baby, that's brilliant news another tiny person will be added to the family tree." RDJ jokes and you smile at him knowing he's really happy for you.
"Yeah, we found out through a very simple Down syndrome scan/test that it's a boy very early on. So we're having a baby boy. Yes we have a name picked out and godparents are already picked out. We also have enough baby clothes and essentials ready, but we won't say no to more marvel themes clothing for him. Now all we can do is wait for this one to finish cooking in my womb and he'll be here for us all to adore. Any questions I didn't already answer?" You tell them and then ask if they want to know anything else.
"Nope, but damn you're going to be a wonderful mother and Shawn will be a great father. He's really lucky to have you and vice versa." Scarlet says to you pulling you in for another hug.
"So do you want to sit down for a bit because you've been standing and moving since the party began?" Chris asks you.
"Yes actually my feet are killing me, I need to get off them." You tell him and he leads you to an empty couch while the Marvel Bunch follows and sits with you. You talk about baby stuff and just regular stuff as well, it's about 5 minutes to midnight and you're looking for Shawn around the room. You find him talking to Camila, Niall, and Miley, he's laughing and enjoying his time and you smile at him.
Camila caught you smiling at your handsome husband and she waves you over. You excuse yourself from your marvel friends and make you way back over to Camila and her group.
"Hey lovely lady, are you enjoying the party?" She asks you and turning Shawn's attention from Niall and Miley over to you. His smile grows tenfold and yours does too.
"Oh yeah, and by the way thank you Shawn for inviting our marvel family. I told them the news of the baby and they hounded me with many questions, mostly Evans though but I know he means well. He's happy for us both and is excited to know who we've showmen as godparents." You tell Shawn about how excited the marvel bunch are for your unborn baby.
"Well I'm glad to know they're excited, and they'll know soon enough." Shawn says to you.
"Oh and another thing Chris and Selena are sorta kinda dating, well they've been on one date and going on another when he returns home after the party." You tell him and he has surprise in his eyes.
"Really, well good they've both needed something good to happen in their lives especially since Selena is getting a lot of hate because of Justin and Hailey, which is just pointless and not needed." Shawn says taking you by surprise because he never has anything bad to say about anyone.
"Yeah but if she's going out with Chris then she'll be just fine. He'll take great care of her and treat her the way she deserves. I'm happy for both of them." You say to the group and not only Shawn.
"I agree Captain America's got her very well taken care of." Camila says making you snort out in laughter.
"Yes indeed he does." Niall pipes up.
The conversation goes into a comfortable silence as you've all run out of things to say. You hear every screams out and count down from 10...
9... you're heart picks up in speed
8... You look at Shawn and find he's already looking at you.
7... He pulls you into his body and wraps his arms around your waist.
6... You look into his beautiful brown eyes and lock your hands around his neck.
5... You both begin to sway slowly waiting impatiently to kiss each other.
4... You lay your head on his chest and just wait for time to pass.
3... He slowly moves his hands to hold your face.
2... Time ticks by slower than you've ever thought it would.
1... Shawn leans down and kisses you slow and passionately, you saver the minty taste on his lips. Your hands find his face and deepen the kiss just a little more. You pull away from the kiss and look at your very handsome husband.
"Happy New Year My Love! I hope this year will be as happy and love filled as the past 1 and 1/2 I've spent by your side first as your girlfriend, then as your fiancé, and finally as your wife and you my husband." You say to him passionately and lovingly while rubbing his face sweetly.
"Happy New Year My Queen, I will love and provide for you and our child in any way you need, I will love you until the day I die I promise." He says bringing you back into another sweet kiss.
You deepen the kiss quickly and then pull out of it just a fast because there are other people still in the room. He loosens his grip on you but keep an arm around your waist and walks over to your Marvel Family. Everyone smiles at you both and tells you happy new year.
After about another hour people started leaving and traveling safely home. A few close friends stuck around and helped you take down decorations and clean up. You thank them and send them home and wish them a happy new year. After everyone had gone you made your way to your bedroom and got into some comfier clothes. You were exhausted and your senses were overloaded by noise, you just needed some peace and quiet. You crawled under the covers and waited for Shawn to come to bed.
Shawn eventually came to bed after locking everything up and turning out lights around the house. He turns the room lights off and gets in the bed beside you and turns the lamp light off and snuggling closer to you. He pulls your back into his front and kisses your neck wishing you a good fight. After a few minutes you drift off into a well deserved sleep full state
Until Next Time My Lovelies❤️
0 notes
Chapter 23: Where everything started and ended
I’m currently writing the chapter number 30 and I can’t believe we have come this far and is all thanks to you!!
For now enjoy the 23, remember to leave feedback here or at Anastasia’s IG profile:
Anastasia_Truman  ❤️️
As always I wanna thank you all for reading my fic, I love you all so much!
Read chapter 22
Like the blink of an eye the New York dates came. Anastasia woke up really early that morning to take a flight to the Big Apple. She grabbed her luggage and the rest of her band was waiting for her outside of her house in a van with a driver that the label had sent for them. She entered the van and her three band mates received her with big smiles. They found some traffic on the way to LAX, typical in Los Angeles.
They got to the airport only to realize that their flight was delayed, four hours to be exact. Thankfully for them the first New York show was in two days so they had plenty of time to lose on LAX, not that it was a super fun thing to do.
-          Guess we’re gonna hit the bar – Nick said pointing to the VIP area bar.
-          Please! The best thing for me today could be taking that flight drunk – Anastasia said looking to the roof.
-          Can I talk to you before we start the drinking thing? – Eric said grabbing Anastasia’s arm as she started to walk with Mandy and Nick.
-          You can catch us later – Mandy said leaving Eric and Anastasia behind.
-          What’s up? – Anastasia wanted to know. It wasn’t usual that Eric wanted to tell her something, just to her, in such a mysterious way.
-          I want to tell you something before we get to New York – Eric said looking to the floor.
-          Is it good or bad? – Anastasia asked.
-          It’s about Josh – Eric said.
-          Don’t worry about that! I’ve been meditating the whole week and I’ll act as professionally as I can. He isn’t going to perturb me and we will have great shows and an amazing time. My mind and my soul are ready.
-          I know that. I know you are incredibly mature to deal with that, but there’s still something you need to know, because I want you to prepare your mind and soul for it. I don’t want you to find out as a surprise.
-          Ok I’m interested and worried now – Anastasia couldn’t even imagine the set of words that Eric was about to drop on her.
-          There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just gonna let it out: Josh has a girlfriend - Anastasia didn’t answer back; she just looked at Eric’s eyes. Just stood there, breathing started to become difficult. – I thought it was better for you to know ahead, before seeing him there with her.
-          Mi mind is spinning fast. I need to take a seat – Eric helped her sit on the waiting area. – I have so many questions.
-          I know you do – Eric said – But I think it’s better if I answer them with you taking alcohol.
 While Anastasia was walking to the bar, with the help of Eric because her legs did not respond correctly to her brain, she was thinking about what she just heard. There were so many thoughts in her mind that she couldn’t focus in just one of them. She took a seat next to Mandy and Eric sat next to her. He ordered two double whiskeys, pure.
-          I don’t drink whiskey – Anastasia said.
-          You’ll need it – Mandy said.
-          You knew? – Anastasia asked.
-          I learned about it this morning – Mandy answered ashamed.
-          When did this happen? – Anastasia asked again.
-          Remember the pop singer he was working with? – Eric said – Her name is Lauren and well, I guess they really understood each other in that studio.
-          So you are telling me that he didn’t spent New Year’s Eve with me because he was with her?
-          Uhm… yes – Eric’s words hurt. That hurt the most.
-          He cheated on me? I was damn stupidly waiting for him at that party and he was fucking another chick? – Anastasia was hardly breathing. This was the worst. She drank that glass of whiskey like a shot – I need another one – She wanted to cry but for some reason her organism didn’t let her. Josh cheated on her, it happened all over again – What’s up with guys cheating on me? I must suck as a girlfriend.
-          No, no, don’t say that! – Nick said.
-          Josh hasn’t been himself lately, believe me, I’ve known Josh for a long time; this girl has a weird effect on him – Eric said handling another glass of whiskey.
-          Don’t you even dare to defend him! – Anastasia said angry.
-          I’m not. What he did to you was wrong, believe me; our relationship is not in good terms now. I’m so angry at him, we all are.
-          And she is there… - Anastasia said.
-          Yes. But don’t worry honey, you know you got us and we got your back. I know you like to close yourself and build up these walls but you need to be with us these days. We are here to support you and maybe things aren’t going to be fine for a while but they will get better – Mandy said and held her friend, then Nick and Eric joined them in a big hug. Anastasia was, once again, grateful to have them in her life.
She couldn’t sleep on the plane, thinking about this bomb that her friends just dropped on her. Josh not only had a girlfriend just a month after he broke up with her, he actually cheated on her. She couldn’t believe this, of all the people in the world she never thought that Josh would have done something like this. This is why she doesn’t like to commit herself into relationships anymore. She took a chance with Josh and she got hurt again. That’s it; she wasn’t going to give life the chance to fuck her again, from now on no more relationships, just fun. Love wasn’t for her; if something like this happened again she wasn’t going to be able to handle it.
On the other hand she felt relief; she finally knew why Josh broke up with her. He probably got bored of her and moved on to the next girl. She never thought that Josh could be like that but she had plenty of knowledge on how musicians behave; she grew up surrounded by them. She remembered her mom and for the first time in life she agreed with her, musicians weren’t the most stable guys to date. Contrary to that, just a month ago Josh was talking about having kids and things like that. Anastasia took a deep breath and looked to the window next to her seat, no tears on her face, she was tired of crying. Her body was repressing feelings again. She was going back to be the cold Anastasia she was two years ago, when Valentine broke her heart and she didn’t believe in love anymore. Josh changed that for a while but she still didn’t believe in love.
Now she was on her way to New York, where everything started and now officially ended. She didn’t know how she was going to react when she saw him, and her. She didn’t want to think about that. Anastasia drank the whiskey glass she had in front of her and the alcohol hit her, she was dizzy and decided to sleep for the rest of the flight.
 They landed in New York and once at the hotel Anastasia walked straight to her room, without looking anywhere or at anyone. She took the elevator and entered her room. She planned to stay there until she had to go to the Madison Square Garden to play. Performing at a sold out MSG was one of her lifetime dreams and this Josh situation didn’t let her enjoy that sweet moment in her life. She went to sleep, after a while she felt Mandy entering the room but she didn’t open her eyes, she fell asleep again. She slept until the afternoon of the next day.
Anastasia heard a couple of knocks at the door, she had to get up, it was getting dark outside. She opened and her brother Mark was outside with the biggest yet stupidest smile in history on his face, next to him his best friend Andrew was smiling too. She knew Andrew since she was a child; he was tall with medium long black hair and a small beard, he was a musician too. Mark grabbed her sister and surrounded her in a strong embrace, while Andrew joined them screaming like a kid.
 -          You are going to sing at the Madison Square Garden! – Mark said still smiling.
-          Why are you sleeping? – Andrew asked entering the room and closing the door behind him.
-          I don’t feel good – Anastasia answered, sitting on her bed.
-          What? That’s bullshit! You are in New York and do you know what we do when we are all together in New York? – Andrew asked.
-          New York night drunk bound! – Mark and Andrew said at unison.
-          I have to play tomorrow – Anastasia said.
-          But you play at night – Andrew said.
-          Come on! Call Mandy, Eric and Nick, let’s go to a bar, we’ll do karaoke – Mark said this time.
-          All 80’s pop hits – Andrew said laughing.
-          You got me at 80’s pop hits – Anastasia said. Maybe this was what she needed, entertainment, forgetting about Josh and clearing her mind to give a great performance the following night.
She took a shower, got dressed and grabbed a jacket. The weather was still cold in New York. She met her friends at the hotel lobby and they walked to a nearby bar. They chatted, laughed, drank and sang karaoke the whole night. She loved her brother and how easily he made her smile again, Andrew was an incredible funny guy and Nick, Eric and Mandy were there for her as they said they would be. “Fuck Josh”, she thought, “My life is amazing”.
 Life wasn’t so amazing next day; it was show time which means “See-Josh-again time”. Anastasia spent the whole morning meditating, trying to find peace and mental strength for that moment at the venue where she faced Josh. Now she was at a van on her way, joined by her brother, Andrew and her band mates. She didn’t want to talk; she just looked the streets trough the van window. The last time she went to New York it was because she wanted to be with Josh, now she didn’t want to see his face never again.
 -          What are the plans for today? – Mandy asked.
-          My plans are run to the dressing room and not coming out until we have to hit the stage – Anastasia asked.
-          You know? – Mark looked at her – Is so surreal that Josh did this. I know him, he has been my friend for years and from all the people in the world he is the last person I would think as a cheater.
-          People can surprise you – Anastasia answered still looking to the window.
 It was impossible to just get to the dressing room for Anastasia, a few steps into the Madison Square Garden and Kelly ran to hug her.
 -          Hi! – She said.
-          I can’t believe you are here! – Anastasia said smiling; Kelly had been so nice to her.
-          I am! My parents are here too! And they want to see you! – That wasn’t good news to Anastasia; she wasn’t ready for something like that. But at the same time they didn’t have the fault of what Josh did.
-          Let me get to the dressing room first, all right? – Anastasia answered – Let me set a few things and I’ll find you.
-          Deal! – Kelly hugged her again.
 Anastasia left her bags and jacket in the dressing room where her brother, Andrew, Nick and Eric had already opened a bottle of alcohol. She started to walk to the door but Mandy grabbed her by her arm.
 -          I’m not gonna let you do this alone. I’ll come with you – The pink haired girl said.
 The two started to walk around the venue and they reached the stage area, the Peppers where rehearsing, she didn’t want to look but inevitably she saw him, he was playing and testing pedals, unaware of her presence. Then she heard a scream, a girl cheering, her eyes found her, next to the stage; she had long and flat light blond hair, she was tall and super skinny, she was wearing black low rise sweatpants and a pink bralette letting her toned midriff bare so everyone could see. She had the stereotype of a hipersexualized young pop singer, because she seemed young, like really young. Anastasia felt old next to her and she was only 27. She looked younger that Mandy and hardly anybody looked younger that Mandy. This girl was jumping around with a couple of other girl friends, being loud and filming everything with her phone.
 -          It must be her – Mandy said and Anastasia looked to her friend.
-          Do you think? She is a child – Anastasia said.
-          Oh you found her – Kelly voice said next to them.
-          Is she?! – Anastasia asked her.
-          Yes – Kelly said looking at the girl dancing exaggeratedly.
-          Kelly, how young is she? – Anastasia asked again.
-          Eighteen – Kelly answered.
-          WHAT?! – Mandy screamed.
-          What the fuck? Are you serious? – Anastasia answered.
-          I know… - Kelly said – She is annoyingly young, and annoying in general, she is not even a good singer.
-          Wow! I’ve been changed by a younger girl – Anastasia said – I thought this would happen to me at fifty, not at twenty seven years old.
-          Come with me, mom and dad are dying to see you – Kelly said.
 As Anastasia was walking to Josh’s dressing room to see his parents the image of the girl didn’t left her head. She was so young and not like a girl that matches Josh tastes. She didn’t felt angry or jealous, she felt nothing. Maybe she was in shock. She was changed by a younger girl and something was quite missing here, she did felt something: sadness, the situation was sad… just sad.
She entered Josh’s dressing room and his mom put the biggest smile on her face when she saw Anastasia, his father also got up from the chair he was seated to greet the girl. After a few hugs and introducing Mandy to them Josh’s mom was the first to break the silence.
 -          We are glad to see you again. You look radiant – Anastasia was sure she was lying but it didn’t mattered.
-          I’m happy to see you again too! – Anastasia lied too. Josh parents were the sweetest people in the world but after everything that was happening seeing them wasn’t in her plans.
-          I’m so sorry about you and Josh – Josh’s mom talked again.
-          Don’t worry about that – Anastasia cut her words – What happened is in the past and there’s no point to bring that back now.
 In that moment the door opened and there was Josh with his new girl. He stopped short when he saw Anastasia and turned pale, his face showed no expression, not even surprise, the shock seized his body. His girlfriend, on the other hand, had a huge smile on her face, Anastasia could saw her close; her eyes were dark brown and small, her lips were huge and she thought how different this girl was from her. Like day and night, Anastasia was the night, of course. It was such a strange situation being there, together, in the same room and being unable to join their lips. After months of sleeping in the same bed now they were just people they knew.
She saw him, and he saw her, their eyes connected for seconds before this girl broke the spell in that room, she hugged him tightly forcing him to look at her.
 -          Wow didn’t know everybody was here – He manage to say.
-          We were leaving! actually I have to start dressing and all that – Anastasia said.
-          O M G! – The blonde girl started to say. Her voice was quite high, almost unbearable – I’m a huge fan of yours! Hi I’m Lauren, Lauren Cox – She handled her hand to Anastasia and the midnight blue haired girl stoodthere confused.
-          Hi! I would like to say the same but… you are new in the scene, right? – Anastasia kept her hand to herself forcing Lauren to put hers back down.
-          Yes I’m new in the music business if that’s what you mean – Lauren said with her high voice tone from which Anastasia could decipher that auto tune must reign in her first record.  
-          We need to go – Mandy said – If you could let us pass – Josh and Lauren were still standing at the door.
 Anastasia needed time to process this situation. She still couldn’t felt anything. And she better not, she had a show in a couple of hours she needed to be mentally stable.
 -          An, this is so weird – Mandy started to say but Anastasia stopped with her hand.
-          Mandy, I don’t wanna talk right now – She said – I want to be alone for a while. I’ll be in the meditation room, all right?
 The Chili Peppers had a meditation room in every venue they play, it was mainly for Anthony and Flea but Anastasia liked to use it once in a while and right now she needed to be in a place with peace. She entered and Anthony was there, he saw her and ran to hugged her.
 -          Why everybody is hugging me today like if someone died? – She asked him.
-          Nobody died and no one will – He said – But I’m happy to see you here. And I’m happy to having you guys back at the tour.
-          I would like to say that I’m happy to be back but…
-          Josh – He didn’t let her finish - I know. It must be hard for you but you know? We can’t control things that happen around us but we can make an effort for not letting them put us down. You love music and you love to perform your songs and you should be happy because you can do that every night now.
-          Wow you always know what to say, uh? – She said smiling and seating in the carpet and the center of the room, Anthony took a seat in front of her. – Is still hard, tho.
-          I know.
-          He changed me for someone younger. I thought this only happened to old people but no, he changed me for a girl half his age. What is it with guys that don’t want an independent woman with her shit together? – She looked at Anthony to his eyes- What would you know? – He laughed.
-          I’m not the right person to talk to you about that. You are like a daughter to me, you could have been, and he is my band mate, a guy I love with all my heart. As I told you many times before we don’t understand other people’s choices but life goes on and you have great things ahead of you.
-          I love you so much.
-          Now go change into your stage outfit and rock the shit out of the Madison Square Garden.
 Anastasia walked to the door, turned her body back, smiled to Anthony and left to her own dressing room feeling slightly better and trying to fall into her rock star character for the show.
Read chapter 24
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mountain-soul · 7 years
Like so many of those questions..u should do them all if ur up to it
get toknow me 
i know i dont really talkto you guys but i want you to get to know me. so heres 100 questions you canask me, just send a number or make up your own questions.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
·       Just A Phase by Adam Craig
·       Round Here Buzz by Eric Church
·       Heartache on the Dance Floor by Jon Pardi
·       Déjà vu by Lauren Duski
·       Either Way by Chris Stapleton
·       It Just Wont Quit by Meat Loaf
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, whowould it be?
·       Emma Watson or Sophia Bush (I cant choose)
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most?
·       Getting myself out of debt
5: What does your latest text message fromsomeone else say?
·       “Headphones!!”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
·       Giant T shirt
7: What’s your strangest talent?
·       I can pick up a lot of things with my feet
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finishthe sentence)
·       Girls kinda suck
·       Boys kinda suck
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
·       No
10: When is the last time you played the airguitar?
·       Lol I couldn’t even tell you
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
·       Airport security
·       Masked creatures like the Easter Bunny
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
·       no
13: What’s your religion?
·       protestant
14: If you are outside, what are you mostlikely doing?
·       Sitting on the patio drinking and hanging outwith friends
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera orin front of it?
·       behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favoriteband?
·       The Doors
17: What was the last lie you told?
·       “Im not mad at you”
18: Do you believe in karma?
·       I believe in justice
19: What does your URL mean?
·       That the mountains are where I belong
20: What is your greatest weakness; yourgreatest strength?
·       Weakness: I trust and forgive far too easilywhen I love someone
·       Strength: I love to prove people wrong
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
·       Julian Edeleman
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
·       Yes
23: How do you vent your anger?
·       I usually just lock myself in my room and stayaway from people for awhile. Or I’ll go see hot bartender and go line dancing at my favoritecountry bar
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
·       Pretty big vinyl record collection
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone orvideo chatting online?
·       Phone call
26: Are you happy with the person you’vebecome?
·       A lot happier recently
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
·       Hate: anything that sounds like nails on achalkboard
·       Love: thunderstorms
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
·       What if Im not good enough to be someonesfirst and only choice
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How aboutaliens?
·       Ghosts: yes
·       Aliens: unsure
30: Stick your right arm out; what do youtouch first? Do the same with your left arm.
·       Either side of my desk
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
·       Freshly printed paper
32: What’s the worst place you have ever beento?
·       Honestly, not a huge fan of NYC. Too muchgoing on there
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
·       East Coast for sure
34: Most attractive singer of your oppositegender?
·       Sam Hunt
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
·       To leave people better than you met them
36: Define Art.
·       Whatever makes you feel something, be itmovement, writing, picture, drawing
37: Do you believe in luck?
·       Not really
38: What’s the weather like right now?
·       Rainy, which is okay because im home from work
39: What time is it?
·       6:01 PM
40: Do you drive? If so, have you evercrashed?
·       Yes, and Ive been rear-ended
41: What was the last book you read?
·       TheGirl on the Train
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
·       Yes
43: Do you have any nicknames?
·       Nicki, Nic, Princess, Pumpkin
44: What was the last film you saw?
·       Shutter Island
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
·       Well I fractured my ankle when I was 10 and shouldvegotten a cast and didnt so still dealing with that 13 years later
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
·       yes
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
·       Cold brew coffee
·       The Bachelorette
·       Reading
·       Candles
·       Old time radio shows
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
·       Straight
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
·       Lol, lets count them all
50: Do you believe in magic?
·       Part of me does
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against peoplewho have done you wrong?
·       Lolololololol yeahhh
52: What is your astrological sign?
·       Taurus
53: Do you save money or spend it?
·       I try to save. But I do save to spend
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
·       A salad
55: Love or lust?
·       Depends on the person Im with
56: In a relationship?
·       Uhhh kind of
57: How many relationships have you had?
·       4
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
·       Nope
59: Where were you yesterday?
·       Work
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet ofyou?
·       My pig pillow pet
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
·       Always
62: What’s your favourite animal?
·       An otter
63: What is your secret weapon to get someoneto like you?
·       Playing hard to get
64: Where is your best friend?
·       Far away
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs onTumblr.
66: What is your heritage?
·       Portuegese, English, Swedish, French Canadian,and Mohawk Indian
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
·       Watching The Fosters even though I should havebeen asleep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
·       Lololol I think he has too many
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
·       Damn straight
70: Are you the kind of friend you would wantto have as a friend?
·       I think so
71: You are walking down the street on yourway to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street.Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do youdo?
·       Save the dog dude!
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she hasjust informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tellanyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remainingdays? c) Would you be afraid?
·       I would tell my parents, and S.O.
·       I would try and do everything I’ve ever wanted to do
·       Id be terrified
73: You can only have one of these things;trust or love.
·       love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happywhen you hear it?
·       That’s What I Like by Bruno Mars
75: What are the last four digits in your cellphone number?
·       6504
76: In your opinion, what makes a greatrelationship?
·       Respect, communication, trust, admiration
77: How can I win your heart?
·       Corgis
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
·       Or more insanity
79: What is the single best decision you havemade in your life so far?
·       To not get another restaurant job
80: What size shoes do you wear?
·       8
81: What would you want to be written on yourtombstone?
·       “Love her, but leave her wild.”
82: What is your favourite word?
·       Love
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mindwhen you hear the word; heart.
·       ache
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
·       Bless
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
·       Objects in the Rearview Mirror by Meat Loaf
86: Basic question; what’s your favouritecolour/colours?
·       Gray, very light purple
87: What is your current desktop picture?
·       A quote that says “Do what makes your soul happy”
88: If you could press a button and makeanyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
·       Lolololol too many
89: What would be a question you’d be afraidto tell the truth on?
·       Are you over him?
90: One night you wake up because you heard anoise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. Themummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed.What do you do?
·       Go back to sleep
91: You accidentally eat some radioactivevegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you withthe super-power of your choice! What is that power?
·       Invisibility
92: You can re-live any point of time in yourlife. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your pastwould you like to experience again?
·       The last half hour I spent with my Buppa
93: You can erase any horrible experience fromyour past. What will it be?
·       All the bullying I experienced
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with themusic-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
·       SAM HUNT
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere.You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
·       English countryside
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
·       Surprisingly no
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
·       Oh yeah
98: Ever been on a plane?
·       Yes
99: If the whole worldwere listening to you right now, what would you say?
·      To quote Cinderella “Have courage and be kind”
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kappucinno · 4 years
this blog is 3 years old today, and so, here is my third post ever (wooowwww)
So. It’s been a few years. I’m 21 and a senior in college. Is it cool if we make a time jump? Cool. I’m still Kathleen, but a bunch of other stuff has happened, and I’ll try to sum it up in bullet points: • Depression and anxiety hit me pretty hard spring of my freshman year. • I actually ended up making some more friends that spring, too - a pretty & cool girl named Jenae, a goofy and quirky girl named Emily, and a bearded dude named Zach, who was a couple years ahead of us in the art program. • I couldn’t find a job, so I spent all summer of 2017 hanging around my house and occasionally driving into a nearby town to get coffee and sketch the apple trees. • I lived in a single dorm in what was once the attic area of the oldest dorm on campus. I had three windows and a slanted roof and string lights, and it was the coziest place ever. • I go on an overnight trip to Portland with my two best friends from high school, Kaylee and Emily. • I ended up becoming better friends with Jenae, and met some of her friends, two dudes named Jon and Luis. • I arranged to move into my older sister’s old apartment in the fall with Jenae and her roommate Jordan. • I became infatuated with Jon, to no avail. Although, once, he did invite me over to his and Luis’ apartment, and just Jon and I hung out while he cooked me dinner. I still don’t know if that was a date or not. • I suffered major FOMO because they would all hang out without me, since they’re all from the same town. • I got my first summer job! I was a camp counselor at a YMCA day camp, and it was a wild ride. • I bought my first car! She’s an old Chevy Blazer that I named Monica, and half the stickers on the back aren’t even mine! • I played D&D with my summer camp coworkers/friends for the first time out of curiosity, and it was actually really fun! • I went to my first house party. I was the only sober person there. I kind of hated it. It was the same night someone hi-jacked an empty plane at the nearby airport and crash-landed into a nearby island that was, thankfully, uninhabited. • I took a week off work to move into the apartment with Jenae and Jordan. Jon helped me move my stuff in (I asked because I was still infatuated with him, and he lived in town year-round). I drove across the mountains and cried to Alaska by Maggie Rogers, although I don’t know where the tears came from. • I started my junior year of college, and re-connected with Emily, who I was friends with spring of freshman year. • I turned 20! And then a week later, I found out Jon had a think for my friend/co-worker Kaitlyn, which really bugged me, because she was the person I wanted to talk about it with the most. • I go on a youth ministry retreat and become better friends with Luis and our friend Annie. • I start to develop a crush on Luis, which Jenae and I agree is not ideal. I decide to not act on it, and just focus on becoming better friends with him. Which I do, because we have a bunch of stuff in common. • Jon comes back from winter break with a girlfriend, and I start to not really care. • I become better friends with a bunch of people in our social circle through Jon and Luis’ small group, like my friends Haley, Heather, and Katie. • Jordan decides in with her boyfriend, and so Heather agrees to move in with us for senior year. • Luis starts showing an interest in me, but then he changes his mind, all in the course of a week, which honestly breaks my heart, and I throw up because my emotions got the best of me. • Luis starts dating some random girl, which doesn’t amount to anything, but it still sucks for me. • I get a design internship down in Sacramento for the summer, which means I will live with the family of one of Dad’s best friends from high school and college, whom I have never met in my life. Oddly enough, this doesn’t scare me at all. • I continue to hang out with Luis while he’s dating that random girl, and try to push past my feelings for him. • By the end of the school year, I feel so low and under appreciated by the people I hang out with, I literally pack up all my stuff and go home in less than 3 hours. I say goodbye to Jenae, who is hanging out with Luis, so unfortunately, I have to say goodbye to him, too. He doesn’t know the reason I’m leaving, and thus skipping the graduation and grad parties of a bunch of my friends is because I can’t stand to be in the town where he lives any longer. • I go home for a week, and then my mom and I make the two-day-long drive down to Sacramento. We both feel like we should be having some deep talks, but we can’t think of anything, so we just kind of hang out and enjoy the drive southwards. • We arrive, and I meet the family I’ll be staying with - the Harlow’s - and I immediately bond with their two youngest kids, a 22-year-old girl named Maddy, and an 18-year-old girl named Emma, as well as their 19-year-old friend Molly. • After making sure I’ve settled in, my mom flies home, and it’s just me with the Harlow’s in California. • I start my internship, and I’m the youngest person in the office, but I work as hard as everyone else. • I spend the summer eating mint chocolate chip It’s-Its, floating around the pool fully-clothed on a large flamingo floaty, being fairly stressed out by work, hanging out with Maddy and her friends, drinking cold-brewed French press, watching Studio Ghibli movies, and talking to my sisters on the phone. • The area I lived in is home to the largest number of millionaires and billionaires in California north of Beverly Hills, so I watch the wealthy through both the lenses of my own experience and curiosity. A lot of people look down at me because of my car or the things I own, but a lot of people ask me a ton of questions, like have I been to Forks or Twin Peaks? (I have, but both are just regular towns, no vampires or serial killers that I know of). • In my last week, I visit Facebook and San Francisco, and my dad flies down that Friday night to drive back with me. • We drive back home, and I leave my pillow in a sketchy Holiday Inn in Oregon, which saddens my greatly. • I hang out at home for 3 weeks, and then I head back to school. • I start my senior year of college, and I become closer friends with two girls in my photography class (whom I’ve hung out with on and off throughout college), Riley and Jordyn. • Luis and I are actually really good friends! We play lots of Mario Kart and hang out a couple times a week to binge-watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. • I turn 21, and instead of going out, my roommates and I stay in and do homework because we all have a butt-ton or homework. I drank one beer over the course of 3 hours. It’s pretty low-key, which I liked. Luis brings me balloons, even though him and Jenae hadn’t been getting along very well. • I start to get physically sick and anxious because I can’t tell where I stand with Luis, so I finally tell him how I feel. He says he’s not interested in me like that, but he wants to remain friends, which I agree too, because that was the main thing I was worried about. After telling him, I honestly just feel really relieved to know where I stand. We just promise that it won’t be weird. • I become closer friends with Jenae and Heather, and we all agree this is the best living situation we’ve had during the entirety of our college careers. • Luis avoids me for two weeks with out explanation, so I get anxious and spiral and freak out, and he dodges my questions. I apologize for spiraling, but he doesn’t seem to care. • I go home for winter break and come back, and his and I’s friendship is basically non-existent. • I take a yoga class and become better friends with my friend Arthur, whom I also know through Jon and Luis’s small group. • Heather has more free time, so her and Jenae and I hang out more. • I become better friends with my friend Bethany, who is also my coworker, but I knew her before through Jenae. • I apply for a butt-ton of jobs, and I either get a “we’re going in a different direction” or no response at all. • Luis hangs out with Jenae at my apartment, and things are so icy between us, I don’t feel like I can sit on my own couch. • Slowly, we start to get along a bit better, and we hang out a grand total of 3 times throughout the quarter, but he still doesn’t seem to care. • COVID-19 breaks out in Washington state just in time for finals, which I do online. • The guys use coronavirus as a reason to avoid me, but still hang out with Jenae, so I decide to use social distancing to cut them out of my life. And now we’re caught up. I’m currently at home, and I’m probably going to go back to school next week, if it ever stops snowing in the mountains that I have to cross to actually get to school. Heather texted the roomie group chat a few days ago and announced that she’s going to have to pull out of the lease because of coronavirus and her parents not being able to afford her rent with their jobs up in the air, so we’re on the hunt for a new roommate, which seems kind of futile with all that’s going on in the world. It’s definitely not how I wanted this year to go, and now that I’m looking back over the past few years, I got kind of obsessed with Luis. The way he treated me is super unhealthy, and unfortunately, I’m just one of a large group of people he treats like that. I was talking to my mom the other week - she drove over to my younger sister’s college to help her move out since all her classes are online and the campus is closed, and on the way back, she stopped in my town to get breakfast with me - and she told me she’s excited for me to graduate so that way I can find a better group of friends that actually value me, that I don’t have to doubt so often. I know I’m gonna be friends with Heather and Jenae after college - I’m going to Heather’s wedding this fall - but I know it’s gonna be a lot harder to see them, since we all don’t really know where we’re gonna be after June. But I agree with my mom. I’m pretty eager to find a group of friends that I actually know are my friends. To be honest, I forgot about this blog. I forgot it was here, and why I started it in the first place. I guess it’s kind of Caroline Calloway-inspires in that it’s sort of a living memoir, this blog. Maybe one day, after I’ve written a bunch of other books, I’ll make this blog an actual book, because now I know it’s here, I want to be here a lot more. If anyone in the digital void is reading this, hi! Thanks for spending a bunch of time looking at the summary of my college career, exactly three years after I started this blog. It’s not super exciting, I know, but maybe it’s interesting to watch a life take it’s course. I’ll be back! -Kathleen
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californiatocork · 8 years
Welp, I'm officially on my way. Only 22 hours until I land in Cork!
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