#and Fushimi can handle that
ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
Hope you're well! Have you ever thought about how fushimi initially disliked homra due to their immature nature but in a lot of the side novels/mangas, fushimi ends up in similarly wacky scenarios (hidaka trying to cut his bangs, chasing domiyoji, anything involving munakata LOL), I wonder if he's ever noticed how scepter 4 has brought out that side of him or he just thinks that the rest of them are idiots. Maybe since it's in a smaller dose he doesnt mind their idiocy though.
I think he manages because it’s a more….controlled childishness, in a sense? Like for Fushimi, I think the immature nature that bothered him in Homra was less that everyone was a bunch of weirdos and more that they didn’t have anything else to do but be weirdos, like yeah they would go out and beat people up from time to time but otherwise a lot of Homra’s day to day hanging out was just because they wanted to. Basically it’s the whole ‘family’ thing again, Homra is a big group where everyone feels like a family and they go about doing fun stuff together all day, if there’s a problem it gets solved quick enough and there’s no room to worry about stuff or be sad (at least for the rank and file, obviously the Homra trio and Anna have a bit more knowledge about the looming shadow of Mikoto’s Sword if nothing else). This is pretty much intolerable to Fushimi, who can’t stand the idea of family and has this feeling that if he’s not showing his worth then why would anyone want to be around him — to Fushimi, middle school Yata stayed with him because he was amazing and could do all kinds of cool things, but in Homra he’s now just another one of the members and if he’s not the most amazing, not someone necessary to Homra’s survival, then why would anyone ever want him there. So in this case his dislike of Homra’s immaturity is less their actual individual actions and more that they don’t do anything that Fushimi deems worthwhile all day, they just hang out and vibe and Fushimi can’t stand that kind of thing.
By contrast, a lot of S4’s wacky adventures tend to be in the name of work — they have to take care of a baby because it’s a Strain and handling Strains is their job, he has to deal with Doumyouji’s crayons because reports are part of Fushimi’s job, getting Basashi back from the Strain who stole him is Fushimi’s job. Weird stuff happens and Fushimi has to deal with it, but most of it is just the general immaturity of dealing with S4’s squad of weird nerds (and of course, the worst of all, their Weird Nerd King) and it’s not about hanging out, it’s about doing work. Even Munakata’s bonding sessions like going to the beach or watching cherry blossoms Fushimi can explain away as part of his job (in the Sakura viewing chapter for example he’s all ready to say he isn’t going until Fuse says it’s part of work rather than a friendly viewing). I definitely think at some point there’s some fondness there that Fushimi won’t admit to, but for him it’s easier in S4 because he can continually fall back on the ‘it’s work, I have a place here because of my skills, this isn’t a family’ and that’s more comfortable for him than Homra’s family bonds.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 months
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Enomoto discovered the corrupt file in a corner of the cloud while working to restore the system that had been trampled by "Jungle". Because the virus spread by "Jungle" remained a minefield on the public and private network, it was necessary for "Scepter 4" to shut down the network, re-clean the directory, and completely destroy any suspicious files there.
After carefully isolating the corrupted file and restoring it, it turned out to be a video file. When he checked the file's path, he discovered that it had been uploaded from Seiun's bedroom.
"Fushimi-san. What is this?"
Fushimi approached Enomoto's seat.
"I'll try to reproduce it."
Unusually, Munakata was shown wearing casual civilian clothing, rather than a uniform or kimono. He shows him sitting at his desk in his room in Seiun's dormitory from the front. The date and time are just after his dismissal as director of the fourth legislative office.
Munakata, who was sitting at his desk with his fingers intertwined, opened his mouth.
[I leave you this letter on video in case I don't come back.]
Without saying a word, Fushimi placed a hand on the side of Enomoto's PC and leaned in to look at the screen. Enomoto stepped back a little and gave the place to Fushimi.
[A separate notarial document on the inheritance of private property has been preserved. I am a mediocre official, so I don't leave much wealth.]
Munakata had a mocking smile on his face that he couldn't read, whether he was serious or joking.
"Fushimi-san, this is..."
"It's the boss's will."
Enomoto swallowed at what Fushimi said with an emotionless face. Neither of them asked to stop watching, but they continued.
[The fact that there are people watching this letter on video means that I did not return. Did they accomplish what they were supposed to do or did they fail and allow the world to fall into chaos? In the latter case, all members withdrew, disbanded, returned to private life, and became normal individuals. This will be my last order.
Even if it is the former, I hope that social order is maintained even if I am absent. In fact, it can be said that the reason for being of "Scepter 4" has become ingrained in the social system even though I am no longer needed as an individual.
Awashima-kun, I trust that you will handle the official consequences without omissions. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything. I will take Zenjo-san and Fushimi-kun with me. I needed someone to take care of the rest and I couldn't think about you. I'm sure you have many things to tell me.]
Munakata hit Awashima's "what he meant" with a single punch. He felt dizzy as he looked at Munakata's blurry face with red and swollen cheeks.
[Also, I should explain to you about Fushimi-kun here. I think he will survive because I take measures to bring him back alive, but I don't think he is the type to explain himself.]
Even after the incident, Munakata verbally explained the fact that Fushimi was infiltrated into "Jungle". If Munakata hadn't returned alive, everyone would surely have had a misunderstanding.
"I'm glad you're safe... Both the boss and Fushimi-san."
Feeling relieved once again, Enomoto murmured in a wet voice. Fushimi snorted.
"That was a boring suicide note. I thought he would say something about his personal life that he would never say if he were still alive, but being a "public figure" is what makes him a real person."
Perhaps it was Enomoto's desire to say something that seemed like a curse to hide his embarrassment. As Fushimi looked away from the screen and was about to get up from his seat, Munakata in the video continued.
[In other words, I would like to say that the discussion with Fushimi-kun that day was also scripted, but you said it quite well, Fushimi-kun. Was I defeated by Otori Seigo? What do you mean by not saying anything? You use interesting vocabulary. Completely beaten? Hoho... Do I want to become Otori Seigo?]
Munakata rested his chin on his intertwined fingers and smiled.
Fushimi clicked his tongue vigorously.
"Don't take it seriously. You said much more."
"Wasn't there a script for that?"
"Hey, I was just following orders to infiltrate "Jungle" by any means necessary in case the Christmas operation failed."
"Hehe. This is a communication between Fushimi-kun and me."
Enomoto suddenly heard a voice behind him and jumped into his chair. Fushimi looked back indifferently.
Munakata was standing there, again wearing the fourth section chief's uniform, which was different from the one in the video.
"Sorry, I found a file while I was working."
"I'm going to delete it. It's no longer needed, so I'll delete it completely without a trace."
While Enomoto was quick to make excuses, Fushimi said calmly and without hesitation.
"Yes. Please delete it. It is no longer necessary."
Munakata nodded and smiled with some satisfaction. Enomoto thought it was a little strange that he had gone to the trouble of repeating his intention, but he said goodbye to Munakata as he left the station and said, "Thank you for your hard work.". His beautiful, broad blue back disappeared into the hallway.
If he were a private citizen and asked to protect what was most important to him, he thought about what he would have protected. Well, he doesn't have a girlfriend, so his family at home, his hobby collection, etc... No. He thinks he stayed back and did the best he could, even in a small way, to maintain order and protect the others citizens who had fallen into chaos. In fact, all his colleagues in the Special Forces did it as a matter of course.
Even in Munakata's absence, they would create an orderly, common-sense society in which each person acted to protect "what is most important to each person" based on his own judgment.
It has been proven that Munakata's soul was already incorporated into the BIOS of the basic system running "Scepter 4".
Enomoto deleted Munakata's will, which was no longer necessary.
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aliliceswonderland · 7 months
About Mai, Devil Survivor's cut character
So, imagine one day you're looking for official images of your favs and you find some scans from the artbook. Cool. But then you also find something you didn't expect:
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This character is on page 175 of the Devil Survivor: Official Material Collection. If you've played the game, you'll know she doesn't appear anywhere. Her name is Mai.
She is still in the game, in a sense. There's leftover data of her at least in the vanilla version. You can see her battle menu image here at the Spriters Resource between Izuna's and Honda's. Meaning that she was supposed to fight.
And indeed, The Cutting Room Floor has something more to say about it:
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She was a magic tank.
But the most important source of information I could find about Mai was the same artbook where I first found her, Devil Survivor: Official Material Collection. There is a translated version of this book, sadly I couldn't find it on the vast Internet, so instead I asked @nenilein to translate a relevant fragment from page 174. The people talking on this fragment are Suzuhito Yasuda (character designer) and Akiko Kotoh (chief designer).
Q: "Are there any characters you ended up cutting? Yasuda: "There was a character who was supposed to contrast Shoji, the journalist. We had already decided her name would be "Mai" and she was going to be a girl who appears at the TV station. Since the her purpose was supposed to be working for you from the side of mass media during an arc concerning intel gathering about the government, we at first had planned to have her debute alongside Shoji, but the more we thought about it the less likely it looked like we could find a good way for the protagonist to get into the TV station, and it became less and less practical to have her in the game at all. In the end we ended up just cutting her." Kotoh: "She was supposed to be a playable character, I remember, at least at the very start." Yasuda: "Yeah, and also, while we didn't end up cutting them, a JSDF soldier and commander duo were also initially planned as playable. At the time we received mixed opinions about the fact that there was a bear stuck to the JSDF soldier's chest, but even even so I never expected that would lead to the character being retooled into an NPC. Kotoh: "And here's another character who wasn't cut, but changed rather suddely, it's the police officer. Originally they were going to be wearing long sleeves, but then I realized the game was set in summer and it would look ridiculous, so we quickly changed it to short sleeves."
There you have it, along with some some other info about no-so-cut characters. By the way, that long-sleeved policeman is in the artbook too, just below Mai. He smol:
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So, to recap, Mai was supposed to be a playable character, at least at first, who worked on TV (I forgot to mention it until now, but there's also some text next to her image that directly identifies her as an entertainer 芸能人), knew Shoji and helped you gathering information about the government. That's interesting, but I can see how she was cut.
There's still an arc about uncovering the government's plot in the game, even if doesn't seem as important as it might have originally been. There are plenty of characters who help you gather intel on it: Shoji, Atsuro, 10BIT, Izuna and Fushimi. Media as a form of mass control is an interesting bit to explore that she could've been involved with, but it would have been difficult to do so in a context with no electricity nor signal, and therefore, no radio, TV or Internet. The lines we got from Shoji about the government announcements was the most we could've got.
Lastly, I want to mention another thing I found on TCRF:
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I'm hesitant to post this unused e-mail, since it could very well belong to Loki. Despite that, the handle T-STAR... Mai is most likely a TV star. Loki has somewhat of a connection to stars (the star Sirius has been called Lokabrenna, or Loki's torch, in Scandinavia), but I'm not sure if it's enough to justify that handle.
If Mai was the sender of this e-mail, however, that would mean that she knew not only about the government conspiracy (the cover-up of the demons, the UEM field, maybe about the angels...), but also about THE WAR OF BEL?? That's far from the role that was described by the staff, and that's why I'm more inclined to think that Loki, and not Mai, is the one who was supposed to send it. Anyway, I hope you found all of this interesting. Mai may not have been in the game, but I think she's fun to think about and can easily become inspiration for roleplaying or fanfiction. That's why I wanted to compile all the info I could find about her on one post. Have fun with it.
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gojoest · 14 hours
I'm still so tired, jet lag is a real thing 😭
Went to japan last week, this was actually my 2nd time. The first time was when I was still in uni, about 19/20 years old? Which was a while ago 😅
If anyone is planning to go japan, do NOT go during september or the summer if you cant handle humid heat. It got as high as 36°C and it was unbearable! The sun is so hot and air was so thick 😭 Nearly died, I've never used my asthma pump so much before lol
Anyways, enough about that! I was lucky enough to visit 3 cities! Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto ✨
In Tokyo, visited the Meiji Shrine, went up Tokyo Tower, went to a jjk0 themed cafe, tbh this was kind of a let down. It was just a cafe with like the official cafe photos plastered on the walls and themed food. I was expecting it to be more like those kpop group cafes with standees and like a table of official merch to take photos with. I did buy a satoru acrylic stand and a keychain gacha. When I opened the gacha pack, it was CHIBI SATORU 😭💙💙💙💙 I was so happy! Made the whole trip worth it ✨ Also went Shibuya Crossing! Last time I went, it was already busy back then but omg, this time, its waaaaaaay more busier! Like the streets were full, there were no gaps in between people. You just had to keep moving to your destination (No wonder kenjaku chose this place 😭)
In Osaka, went Dotonbori, Denden town, and Sumiyoshi Shrine. Idk if you know about this very popular store called Don Quiote, but Bruno Mars is promoting it, and he has an ad/song that plays on tvs throughout the store. It was so random to see him but then again, he does have that Las Vegas debt to pay off 🤭🤭
Kyoto 💖 This place has my heart 🥰 Its so beautiful and relaxing. So easy to travel, everyone there is so lovely, the food is delicious, the landmarks are breath-taking. If I ever go back, I would stay there longer. I visited the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine, Tenryuuji Temple and Kiyomizu-dera - which the tokyo jujutsu tech college is (supposedly) based on!
I had such a great time! Spent so much on food and souvenirs, I am now broke, but worth it 🤣
I hope you've been doing well Ai, I saw some posts about someone/some people bothering you. Don't let them get to you, you're such a lovely person, I can't even imagine why they would send hate to you. Always put yourself first, and if that means taking breaks from tumblr or turning off anon, then do what you need to. Be selfish, and take care of yourself before anyone else.
If you ever decide to permanently turn off anon, I will literally make an account for satorus soft cock anon to keep interacting with you 🤣
Love you loads girl 😘💙💙💙💙
- satorus soft cock anon
i hope you were able to rest beloved, i can only imagine the toll it’s taken on your body :( but on the bright side, you’ve made so many precious memories!!!
i will note this down! i love summer and i usually don’t have issues dealing with heat but humid heat is an entirely different story 😭 glad you’re safe and sound though, please take care of yourself 🥺🤍
i want to visit japan so bad, the two cities i’d die to see are tokyo and kyoto and reading about your experience there makes me all the more excited >~< (side note, you’re a lucky one for getting chibi satoru waaaaaaah, it must be fate actually and not luck, i swear!! he was meant to be in your possession heheh)
i am sitting here, reading and vigorously taking notes of what to see and where to go AHAHAH i am so happy for you, glad you had such a lovely time there and thank you for dropping by to share your experience and impressions 🤍
i have been well! i appreciate your kind words so much, you and other lovely ppl like you make being here worth it all the more! love you and sending the biggest ever hug your way 🤍
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
⸙͎۪۫ ࿐ྂ。Yuzuru Fushimi x Reader
Prompt: Forbidden love and unspoken feelings.
Word Count: 1,8k.
Warning: Slight angst.
Notes: SFW. Hurt/comfort. Gender neutral reader. Reader is a servant of Himemiya family.
Cold Autumn.
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Night, when the sun's duty to illuminate the Earth is replaced by the moon. When the young Himemiyas are already tucked into bed. When the sheets are spotless and no dust remained on the furnitures. When you are freed from housekeeping duties that occupied you the whole day.
At such times would you go to the mansion's backyard with a jian in hand to forge yourself. And this is a tale, when the day was somewhat different, as Yuzuru, the butler of the family you're serving, decided to join you.
You remained in motion upon his steps closing in behind you. He watched you handling your sword in silence – splitting the wind, contesting the chill; unfazed by the blades of falling leaves.
After a while, your movements came into a halt as you tucked in your sword behind your back, tip pointing to the sky.
"Fushimi-san," You bowed slightly, decided to show your acknowledgement of his presence.
"I thought I told you that you can go rest."
"Well," You gave him a closed-eye smile, "Thanks to you, I can start training and go to rest early.
But since you're here, I take it as you're joining me, then?"
Yuzuru took a few closer to you, no longer worrying about disturbing your slashes.
"How about a spar? It's been a while since we trained together."
Yuzuru usually stayed in the dorm with Young Master Tori, so you were left to train with the company of nodding branches and occasionally rustling leaves as your audience. You were delighted by his presence in general, getting to spar with him is a rare opportunity you wouldn't want to pass, so you agreed quickly.
"Let's not clash swords, it will be noisy."
Yuzuru nodded in agreement. Disturbing your masters' rest was the least that you want, so you and Yuzuru set aside your swords – carefully placing them on the ground near the wall to not cause any noise, his dao rested beside your jian.
He admired your ability to control your steps whenever you walked – your soles against each patch of grass was always as silent as an owl's flight, a perfect quality to be an assassin. And yet, he felt relieved – after all, he trusted you and your loyalty to the Himemiya family.
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Yuzuru is strong, but your determination made you a formidable foe. While your jabs aren't as bruising as his, your sharp senses and nimble reflexes are not something to be underestimated. Both you and him Yuzuru have the patience even longer than the night, but that's not the case with your stamina – dodging Yuzuru's swift strikes costed energy, so you didn't have much choice than to play offensive in order to end the fight quickly.
Never had you defeated him before, but you never waste any chance you get. That night was no different, the burning fervor in your eyes can easily be perceived as hostility. Whenever your eyes met in the middle of the fight, you never hesitated to look at him in the eye with a murderous look. It's very contrasted from your usual suave and deferential manner when talking to him, or your warm and tender gaze when attending to the daughter of Himemiya.
The occasional sparring had been a perfect excuse to take a closer look at your eyes, especially the fierce countenance that otherwise would never be seen outside a battle. It had been staying as a secret, buried deep in the dark and cold corner of his mind, unspoken to himself.
Mind not that for now – in such a fight, even a fraction of a second can be a game-changer. That is when he accidentally let his guard down, falling for your faux left as your right hand lurched to grab his shoulder. The force was enough to make him stumble forward, yet it wasn't enough to overpower him completely. Yuzuru barely avoided your sweep and regained his balance, quick enough to turn and catch your left wrist before it hit his back.
It all happened in an instant. By the time you realized it, you were already feeling light as your feet no longer touched the ground.
Your light stature was flung smoothly beyond his shoulder. The soft grass served as a cushion between your back and the hard ground, making the impact to be less painful. Other than panting slightly, both of you remained still – Yuzuru gripping your wrist and you staring back at him, wide-eyed.
Instead of letting you go, Yuzuru crouched above your head. Much to his confusion, you let out a heartfelt laugh.
"So–" You drew a sharp breath, "You weren't holding back after all."
Yuzuru frowned.
"Have I ever? You're strong, I would be underestimating you if I do."
"And here I thought I was close to defeating my own instructor."
Yuzuru finally let go of your wrist. Having both of your hands free, you sat up and wiped the beads of sweat on your face.
"You looked really distracted. What's wrong, Fushimi-san?"
"I should be the one asking that. You seem to be more… reckless, today." Yuzuru answered. And there is more desperation than determination in your eyes.
You were about to mouth a retort, but closed your lips immediately. You couldn't deny the thoughts you were having throughout the spar, surely he wouldn't buy a mere 'It's nothing'.
You pulled your knees to you, hugging your legs close. Yuzuru sat down beside you, watching your huddled up form. "So?"
"Please," You exhaled, "Please do not let a single soul in the mansion, other than you, know about this."
You only got a nod as an answer, but that was enough for Yuzuru to show his pledge.
"Say, Fushimi-san. Have you ever been afraid of getting too attached to someone?"
Ah, yes.An image of a certain red head popped up in his mind, before it wandered back to you. Yet he didn't say anything, so you continued on.
"I'm always grateful of Master Himemiya, who knows where I would be right now if it wasn't for the Himemiya family taking me in back then. As much as possible, I wish to serve them until the end of my life, but –
I tried to suppress my personal feelings, as I don't want it to hinder my duties. I tried to get rid of them, even. And yet, as months passed, it had been increasingly difficult to remain professional.
I'm afraid that if Master ever knows about my attachment to him, I wouldn't be able to serve the Himemiya family again, but that's a lie. I'm more afraid with the fact that we will be separated. The more I feel it, the more I'm afraid Master will drive me out, and the more I'm afraid of not being able to see him again–
It's very sickening. I'm supposed to be a loyal servant, and yet here I am, getting swayed by my own feelings…"
You trailed off. Surprisingly, Yuzuru was quick to respond.
"Is that why you've been avoiding me? Not looking at me whenever we speak?
Do you think I didn't notice?"
You snapped your head to turn to him, shock was evident in your face. His unreadable expression sent you into a cold sweat.
"Do you really think it didn't affect me in any way?"
You shifted to face him more, bringing one of your hand to latch on his shirt, and he instantly regretted saying whatever the last thing he said. For the first time, Yuzuru found himself looking at you with a heart-wrenching expression: a mix of utmost desperation, languish, and guilt. You must had been drunk to let your competent facade crumble in an instant, but then again, you were already sick of the mask you always put on.
"Yuzuru, I–"
Your voice immediately died out as he put a finger on your lips, effectively shushing you up.
I know, my dear.
"Please calm down. Believe me, I understand your feelings. I apologize to have put you through this."
He understood the pain of being far away from you, not being able to see each other for weeks or months. He understood the pain of being in the same room with you, yet you had to pretend that you were nothing but colleagues. He understood the pain of having to put up such a facade, despite the storm raging in your heart.
He understood it well, because he felt the same way. Because he's sick of it all, too.
Yuzuru inhaled, swallowing down every hesitation before whispering to you.
"As unprofessional as it may be, how about we dedicate this night to alleviate the pain, [y/n]?"
The way your name smoothly slid out of his lips churned your sentiment even more. Words stuck in your throat, your own doubts preventing yourself from giving an answer. All the times you had been trying to deny your own feelings for him only made it worse.
Yuzuru seemed to be aware of this, so he resorted to action – you felt him gripping your wrist once again and yanked you forward, causing you to fall on top of him. He quickly secured his right arm on your waist as he leaned back slightly, using his other arm as support.
You might not need to know,
Deep inside the back of your mind, you were worried that you'll yearn of his proximity even more after this night ended. But all be damned, let's leave the reasoning other than 'I couldn't help it' to tomorrow. All the feelings that you had been shoving down had piled up, choking your throat and threathening to burst out from your chest.
"Is it really fine like this…?"
You know it's not fine at all, servants are supposed to be loyal to their own master. Despite that, you still wished that you can be his, and he can be yours.
Yuzuru raised his hand to stroke your head gently, "Just for tonight."
"Just for tonight," you repeated, finally returning his gesture by burying your head in his chest and wrapping your arms around him.
Yuzuru pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaning back even more until both of you were lying down, your head on his chest. You couldn't see his face, but you could feel his gaze – looking at you with pure fondness, mixed with the desire to keep you close to him.
But still, I want you to–
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it."
You tilted your head up upon hearing his voice, causing a single tear to escape the corner of your eye. The half moon illuminated the cloudless sky, presenting its first quarter proudly with a gentle shine.
You closed your lids and let tears stream down your cheeks as you smiled. As painful as the future will be, you couldn't help but to relent to the tranquility and relish in your beloved's presence, even if this moment only lasted for an ephemeral.
–to know of this unspoken feeling, that just keeps blooming uncontrollably…
"Indeed it is."
And you can die happy.
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
Yeah, hope the 2 have fun on their date; but yeah, good to hear from you Iroha - I suppose you and your siblings are very busy, huh?
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*Meanwhile, at Red Ribbon*
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Man, I never thought I'd look so pretty...
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Earth tones are great on you, but I think blue and green work just as well. They go perfectly with your eyes.
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Y-You're sure my thighs don't look too big?
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Nope! In fact, I have to say you have a very naturalistic beauty, Iroha-san.
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Plus, there's something about your lips especially. They just add an extra layer of charm.
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O-Oh...Th-Thank you, Fushimi-san!
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Man, and Nikei always gave me crap for eating so much ice cream.
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Well, too much isn't great for you, but I don't see anything wrong with enjoying it when you can.
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Although you might need to stick something a bit more energy-dense if you're interested in walking the line or a casting audition.
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Wait, so it's not taking pictures?
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It's much more than that, but with my help, you'll be ready for anything. Even if it means staying on your feet for 20 hours a day!
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I'm only kidding, mostly. It's a demanding career, but it's not soul-destroying with the right people in your orbit.
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And I'd never push you into something before you're ready. With that mind, I think we should stick to smaller photoshoots first, like we did for your dress.
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Alright, yeah! I can handle that.
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Did you have any other designs in mind? Cuz I kinda had some myself.
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Oh, you did? Let's see what-
*BZZT* Receptionist: "Fushimi-san?"
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Oh, yes?
"Nijiue-san's brother and sister just arrived."
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Oh, thank you dear, we'll be right there!
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We can talk business later. I haven't had a chance to talk to your family since the event.
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Yeah, let's go!
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akehoshimystar · 2 months
Chapter 6
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After taking all possible measures, we decided to wait and see how Kyoka-san’s ex would respond. I was busy preparing for the dress-up event, which was now in the home stretch.
Ito: (As for the tuxedos, I just need to wait for a reply from them.)
(Also for Kosaka-san to check the layout of the venue... Oh, quick work he did there. He’s responded already.)
As I was checking the new messages from Chattas, I received a text from Sei-san at the perfect time.
Okiya Sei : I’m contacting you on behalf of Taiga regarding the dress-up event budget application you submitted. In the accounting aspect, there is no problem.
Ito: Ah. That's good to know...
Okiya Sei : By the way, Yashiro-san. Can we talk now?
Just as I was about to reply, another message popped up. I replied that I was alone in the office at the moment, so feel free. Shortly after, Sei-san requested a call.
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Ito: Thank you for your hard work.
Sei: [Same to you. Sorry if this is a bit sudden, but there is something I would like to confirm.]
[Regarding the small items scheduled to be ordered from an outside vendor, in particular, the semi-custom artificial flower bouquet. Are you sure about this one?]
[From what I can see, most of the other accessories seem to have spares.]
Ito: Artificial flower bouquet.... Oh, there’s no mistake there.
It's for a torso display that will be placed at the entrance, so there’s no need for a spare, even Kise-san has already checked it….
Having said that, I noticed something. I think I heard Sei-san chuckle a little on the other end of the line.
Sei: [Something came to your mind?]
Ito: ...Although It has been confirmed that it's not necessary for the event….
I was allowed to use that bouquet for this kind of request. As for the spare, I think it would be safer to have one.
Sei: [Oh, thank goodness. That's exactly what I was going to suggest.]
Ito: Sorry, I should have noticed when I submitted it... Thank you.
Sei: [Fufu, I haven't said anything worthwhile yet. No need to thank me.]
Ito: If you hadn’t notified me, I think I would have panicked even more later on.
I'll revise the document and resubmit it by today. Sorry for increasing your workload, but please check it again.
Sei: [Oh. There’s no need for that.]
Ito: Huh?
Sei: [This might sound a bit presumptuous, but I've already created a revised version of it.]
[If you only need to add one spare, we will handle it. I will report to Ai-kun as well.]
Ito: (.….Incredible. This place is really full of considerate people who are good at their jobs...it's almost strange.)
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Sei: So, I heard that you're also involved in the groom substitute case.
Along with event preparation and regular work... You must be very busy right now.
This may not be of much help, but I will take responsibility for this task, so please use your time for other work, Yashiro-san.
Also, don’t forget to get plenty of rest. Your job is to complete the task without excessive fatigue.
Ito: [I understand. Thank you.]
[Then, I will take you up on your offer.]
Sei: With pleasure.
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Ito: (I couldn’t be more grateful. I haven't finished what I wanted to finish today, so I've been quite anxious...)
Well then, I will leave it to you.
Sei: [Just one more thing.]
Ito: ?
Sei: [This is something I often tell Taiga, and others may have already told you the same thing.]
[When you're working hard on something, you should actively rely on those around you.]
Ito: (Actively relying on others...)
Sei: [I'll always help you as much as I can. Please feel free to consult me ​​about even the smallest things.]
Ito: ………………Thank you.
That’s very reassuring to hear.
Sei: [I'm glad you feel that way. I’ll be supporting you from afar.]
He said that in a gentle voice before hanging up.
Ito: (...He has a different way of handling things from Fushimi-san. Sei-san is also good at reading even if it’s something in the future, or should I say he is someone who can act by making use of his broad perspective?)
(I’m really spoiled.)
…..Thank you once again. I put my hands together in front of the Chattas screen, expressing my final gratitude before resuming my work… While Sei-san’s strangely calm words were ringing in my ears.
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After that, I was able to concentrate on the rest of my work, and the preparations for the event were also advancing ahead of schedule.
Ito: (All that's left is to decide on the menu for the day... Hmm?)
As I was looking over the documents I had sent, a shadow suddenly fell over me. When I reflexively looked up…
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Ai: Thinking about the menu?
Ito: …………Yes.
(That really surprised me, he was behind me before I knew it...)
After looking at the party food in the recipe book and the course menu from a popular restaurant on the monitor, Kosaka-san spoke again.
Ai: Have you given up on the idea you mentioned the other day?
Ito: (Oh…..)
Nope. I was also considering incorporating the menu that the actual venue has to offer for the sake of advertising the place itself. 
If that is possible, I think that would be the best course of action, but….
Ai: What's bothering you?
Ito: The chef's cooperation, including the provision of recipes, is essential, so I'm concerned about whether he will accept this condition...
Would he be willing to accept the offer simply because it would help promote the venue?
Ai: If you want to ask for necessary cooperation, that’s too weak.
I heard the chef at that venue is highly skilled, but can be difficult to please.
Ito: That’s certainly an issue....
I guess we have to ask Nina-san to come up with an original recipe this time.
Ai: There must be other options.
Ito: (Huh?)
Other than that, huh?
Ai: If there are few benefits, just add more. If you think that’s the way it should be, stick with it a little longer before letting it go.
It's an idea worth considering.
Ito: (...Kosaka-san...)
In response to the words of affirmation that came to me at an unexpected time, I bowed my head half-heartedly, unable to properly say “Thank you.” Kosaka-san didn't say anything, just looked at me as if waiting for me to say something.
Ito: (Adding benefits, huh…)
.…..How about conducting a simple survey for customers and sharing the results?
Ai: Survey...?
Ito: Yes. I believe the reviews and impressions about the food are beneficial for both the venue and the chef.
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Ai: Not bad.
In addition, narrow down the points you need help with as much as possible and try to reduce any disadvantages he may feel in advance.
For example, telling him at the beginning that the food preparation on that day will be done by our own staff alone.
Ito: Okay.
(Assuming he didn’t help with the cooking…. It would be difficult for the outsider to follow the same course format as the actual one.)
(What is needed is a menu that makes good use of those elements and can be completed with the same amount of effort as a regular event...)
......Ah. “Providing recipes for existing menu items” and “arranging those menu items into a one-plate format”.
Maybe I could at least ask him to help with those two tasks...
Ai: I see no problem.
Ito: !
Ai: I'll leave the negotiations to you. If necessary, ask Riku-san or anyone from that department for advice.
Ito: Understood.
Uhhh….. Thank you.
Ai: I’m pretty sure I have told you that we would do everything we can to achieve the best results. Neglecting the necessary work is the last thing I want to do. 
You too should continue to work hard and stay alert.
Ito: ….Yes, sir.
(...Ah, I see how it is.)
“Make sure you all work hard as always”. I remember Kosaka-san's words that made me hold my head up high.
Ito: (If you think about it, it's pretty obvious. I just didn't notice it.)
(That “you all” also included Kosaka-san himself.)
Ai: Also, take Nina with you. 
Ito: (Huh?)
Ai: If your opponent is someone who doesn't think logically, you need weapons other than “reasonable bargaining materials”. Just in case. Consider it insurance.
Chapter 7
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aeoki · 3 months
[Idol Story] Yuzuru Fushimi - Good Fortune May Even Come Unexpectedly
Location: Season Avenue Characters: Touri, Yuzuru & Wataru Unlocked in: [4☆] The Bond with King Season: Spring
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Yuzuru: *Sigh…* (Who would have thought the day would come where I’d be walking King.)
(I’m fully aware the other servants at the mansion are busy, but if I could have avoided this situation, I would have very much loved to…)
…Please, King. Listen to what I say today.
(There are times when this dog won’t listen to me.)
(I would have thought he would be calmer now that he’s in his old age, but he must see me as lower ranked than him.)
(He even tried to bite me when I was feeding him previously…)
Eek!? K–King! Why are you barking all of a sudden?
I knew it – this dog must really think lowly of me!
Please, do not thoughtlessly do anything bad!
Wataru: –I mentioned this once, but I can’t believe how much you dislike dogs, Mr. Butler…
You’re always so calm and composed – what an extremely rare scene I’ve witnessed ♪
Yuzuru: Oh, Hibiki-sama. To think you’d bear witness to my unsightly behaviour…
Wataru: No no, it doesn’t bother me at all.
Everyone has a thing or two they dislike or have trouble handling.
That’s King, Hime-kun’s beloved pet dog, isn’t it?
Oh, how wonderful! Such lovely eyes and fluffy fur!
I can tell you’re loved at a glance ♪
Yuzuru: (That fussy King is being well-behaved and allowing Hibiki-sama to pet him!?)
(As expected of Hibiki-sama. He has not only grasped human hearts in the blink of an eye, but also the heart’s of animals.)
(But this is good luck. Hibiki-sama is also someone I trust.)
Ahem. Hibiki-sama, I’m fully aware I’m making a rude request, but if you’re fine with it, would you be able to walk King in my place?
Wataru: Walk King, you say? Oh, I see.
Why, that would be a bit difficult. I’m also out on a walk with my beloved partners ♪
Yuzuru: Your partners? The pigeons?
But I don’t see them anywhere.
Wataru: No no, they’re always right next to you, Mr. Butler.
See? They’re right on your shoulder…☆
Yuzuru: Oh, you’ve taken me by surprise. Well done.
Wataru: …Hmm. The usual Mr. Butler wouldn’t have fallen for that.
But it appears you really have a dislike for dogs. I see, I see.
You’ve once mentioned that you wish to overcome your dislike for dogs, no?
Yuzuru: Indeed, I have. As long as I serve the Young Master, I cannot avoid living with King.
Therefore, I cannot always run away and complain about it.
Wataru: Amazing! I’m moved to tears by your spirit, Mr. Butler!
Then I, Wataru Hibiki, shall lend you a hand ☆
Yuzuru: Lend a hand? Will you walk King in my place?
Wataru: No, that wouldn’t aid you in overcoming your dislike.
I could this time but it wouldn’t help you at all.
That wouldn’t be any good. It would end in a sad result with no love nor surprises.
Now that I’m involved, I won’t acknowledge such a boring punch line. Hehehe…
Yuzuru: But what on earth should I do then?
Wataru: It’s simple – You and King must overcome difficulty together.
If you do, then your bond as human and dog shall deepen.
If you continue to separate from each other out of fear, then the relationship won’t develop.
Yuzuru: I see. I have a feeling Oogami-sama and Akehoshi-sama said something similar in the past.
My fear will also be picked up by the dog.
In order to overcome that fear, I must work with King to achieve something, correct?
Wataru: Exactly!
Hehehe. I see you’re feeling quite eager now ♪
Then here is the specific strategy.
King shall learn one trick.
Naturally, the one who will teach him this trick is you, Mr. Butler. I shall support you only.
After learning a trick with so much hard work, I’m sure love will blossom and a bond will be established between the two of you!
Yuzuru: …Alright. I shall prepare myself.
I shall teach King a trick under your instruction, Hibiki-sama!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few days later… >
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Touri: –So, what was the result?
Yuzuru: Right. It was a long journey.
This is the result of the strict training we received under Hibiki-sama’s instructions…
Please watch once more, Young Master!
Come, King~ Please focus here~
You mustn’t move while I’m looking at you. Alright…
Red light… green light!
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Look, Young Master!
King has learnt how to play “Red Light Green Light” ♪
Touri: Don’t give me that!
That Long-Hair taught you two both something weird~!
I’ll mess up his long hair and tie them into buns the next time I see him!
*Sigh…* But well, I guess this means you’ve gotten closer to King, right?
Yuzuru: No? He barked numerous times during the training and I had to hold him down – I think it was rather traumatising for him.
In terms of results, I don’t think our relationship has changed all that much.
Touri: Just what on earth were you two trying to achieve…
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taruchisguide · 2 years
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 17 13:59 JST. Huge thanks to Fal, who helped double check all of this again.
Twitter Version Here
↓↓↓ Text version below!  ↓↓↓    
🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: Beast's Beloved Child (Ayakashi Midnight Three), No SR, Lighting the Guiding Lantern (LANTERN NIGHT)
Masumi Usui: No SSR, Cool×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Sinking in the Abyss of Longing (Fated Battle)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Holding up a Hollyhock (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), No SR, Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Itaru Chigasaki: No SSR, Rabbit Hatter (The Dreams that Eggs See), Thankful Pink Rose (POETIC ROSE)
Citron: Midnight Shootout (AGENT NEON), No SR, Royal Style (Beautiful Country)
Chikage Utsuki: No SSR, A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations (Morning Routine), Emerald Palette (Beautiful eyes)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: My Glittering LIVE! (Our 1st LIVE), No SR, Laundry Incident! (WASH & DRY)
Yuki Rurikawa: No SSR, Proud Purple Rose (POETIC ROSE), Big Heart Balloon (Today's Special)
Muku Sakisaka: Yearning for Adulthood (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), No SR, First Crush Baseball (First Crush Baseball (Second Half))
Misumi Ikaruga: No SSR, Dahlia Aloha (SPF50+/PA+++), Sleepy-eyed Morning (Morning Routine)
Kazunari Miyoshi: Welcome to Miyoshi Farm ♪ (YABATAN VEGETABLE), No SR, Summer Vacay Memory (Midsummer Paradise)
Kumon Hyodo: No SSR, First, Let Me See Your Ticket (All aboard!), Enjoy My Finest Work! (SUSHI KUINĒ!)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: Sweet Addiction (99% CACAO:HOLIC), No SR, MANKAI☆New Year (New Year's Bonus 2020)
Juza Hyodo: No SSR, Relaxing Slow Life (The Place Where the Animals Live), The Ideal Part-timer (Graceful tailor)
Taichi Nanao: Scarlet Fantasy (Beautiful eyes), No SR, A Story I Want You to Hear (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: No SSR, Thoughtful Gift (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE), Lively Dhol Player (FOOL'S PARADISE)
Sakyo Furuichi: Wishing You a Pleasant Trip (All aboard!), No SR, The Satisfaction of Being a Mechanic (Have a good flight!)
Azami Izumida: No SSR, Lucky Bag - Cosmetics (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION), Vitamin Fruits Ice Cream (Toppings of Your Choice)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Kind Postman (My dear postman), No SR, An Angel Who Knew Love (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition)
Tasuku Takato: No SSR, Called by Someone (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION), Threatening Arnold (PULL THE TRIGGER!)
Hisoka Mikage: Tempting Wedding Cake (June Tuxedo), No SR, Gourmand Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Homare Arisugawa: No SSR, Encounter with the Unknown (Jurassic Memoir), The Assassin Who Was Sent (Lawless District)
Azuma Yukishiro: Elegant Ankh (FOOL'S PARADISE), No SR, Bewitching Veteran Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE)
Guy: No SSR, Handling the Scattered Red Leaves (Fated Battle), A Heartfelt Hymn (Gloria!)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
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boozuru · 2 years
Ghostic Prologue
chapter select  ⇢
Season: Autumn
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Yuzuru: (Goodness, I’m such a disgrace!)
(Fushimi Yuzuru, this is the greatest mistake of your life. Young master could fall into danger any moment…!)
Tori: Help… me…
Yuzuru: Young master…!
Yuzuru: I’m here! Where are you? Young master!
Tori: …
Yuzuru: Oh, thank goodness. So that’s where you were hiding. I’m glad you’re safe.
Tori: ……
Yuzuru: I can’t see any life in his eyes…
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Yuzuru: I knew it, it wasn’t me misinterpreting anything. There’s something “dangerous” in this haunted house-
If only I had known, I would have been more vigilant.
Evil has made its home in this mansion. The evil spirit's existence is-
〈Going back in time by several days〉
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〈Late October. One day during "Halloween Party" preparations.〉
Mao: …Phew. Good work today!
At first I was worried if we would make it in time, but now all the clerical work for collaborating with ES is basically done.
I think managing "Halloween Party" will be way easier from now on.
And Yuzuru, thanks for handling communications with Tenshouin-senpai.
Yuzuru: No need for thanks, I was also having trouble with this year's "Halloween Party" anyway.
If anything, I apologize for having to rely on Eichi-sama when we are from the same unit.
Mao: Don't say that. But yeah, it feels kinda wrong to ask the alumni for help. You're not in the wrong though, you just don't want to be thought of as an undependable underclassman.
And somehow Hasumi-senpai sensed our troubles. He really helped us out by negotiating ES joint hosting stuff with Tenshouin-senpai.
And thanks to that, we don't have to worry about the lack of live venues at Yumenosaki Academy grounds. Now we just have to focus on our individual units. ♪
Tori: A blessing in disguise, am I right~? Now we can have a joint Halloween with ES since Hasumi-senpai arranged stuff with Eichi-sama.
Make sure to thank Eichi-sama for his generosity, okay~?
Mao: Chill, dude. You're also a part of the student council, so you were the one being HELPED, right?
Ah well, whatever. It's true that we should be thankful for alumni that are willing to help us on short notice.
Shinobu: Yup yup! A helping hand when we needed one. Thanks to that, I'll be able to join in on Ryuseitai's Halloween celebration quickly too.
I'm happy that everyone else can do the same with their respective units. ♪
Mao: But it feels like I'm just making everyone else work in my stead since the others in Trickstar are working their butts off without me...
If I remember right, in fine's case Tenshouin-senpai is taking care of the project, right?
Tori: Yup. Eichi-sama is the one taking care of the ES side of things.
He did have me and Yuzuru give suggestions till the halfway point, but told us to prioritize the school so I'm pretty sure that's what's up.
Also, I don't think we need to worry about Eichi-sama considering his project track record. Hibiki-senpai joined him and so those two are working on it now.
Fufu, if there's anything that we should be worried about, it's whether Eichi-sama will be okay without me〜♪
Yuzuru: Isn't it too early to be so lax, young master?
We won't make it in time if we don't keep up our current pace. Eichi-sama and Hibiki-sama are working on Halloween preparations, and we also have our own work to do.
Tori: I know~ Yuzuru, I always tell you that you worry too much.
Besides, I've been just raring to go from the start.
You all saw what Eichi-sama's working on, right!? There's gonna be a large-scale haunted house this year at ES!
Thinking about it makes my exhaustion from practice basically fade away! ♪
Mao: A haunted house? That's awfully ambitious, isn't it~?
Shinobu: As expected of Tenshouin-dono. His mind is truly something else!
Tori: I know right? No one can beat Eichi-sama when it comes to planning stuff!
Anyways. Yuzuru, since the worst of student council work is basically done, let's go to ES.
Sorry to you guys, but us in fine are totally gonna steal the show! Try not to get forgotten now〜♪
Mao: Haha, he's really cheerful, isn't he~? Even his steps feel lighter somehow. ♪
Yuzuru: My apologies for the young master's rude behaviour, Isara-sama, Sengoku-sama.
Shinobu: No problem. If anything, seeing Tori-kun gave me new kind of energy.
Ryuseitai might be lacking in funds compared to fine, but we will liven up Halloween as well!
Yuzuru: Thank you for your reassurance.
However, young master was strangely carefree today. He must have been frustrated since he couldn't participate in fine's projects due to his position in the student council.
...Regardless, now is not the time to speculate. I suspect that if I leave young master alone right now, he will carelessly injure himself.
If you will excuse me, I will also take my leave earlier than planned. Thank you.
Mao: Yeah, thanks for today.
You can go too, Sengoku. The rest of Ryuseitai is waiting at ES, right?
We are gonna practice on campus, so I'm fine with closing up the student council office.
Shinobu: Thank you for thinking of me! Well then, I shall also take my leave.
Trick or Treat - I'm going to work hard so I can bring joy to everyone when the time comes....★
Mao: Haha. Everyone scuttled away like a bunch of baby spiders. Just that is making me think about Halloween and getting me hyped up about participating.
Alright. I'm gonna take a short break from student council president work, and spice up Halloween as idol me!
Wait for me, Trickstar… ★
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
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Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Tenshouin Eichi, Hibiki Wataru, Himemiya Tori, Fushimi Yuzuru
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Proofed by: stcrfeesh
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
Adonis: Even though we’ve heard that the restaurant chain – the one that Anzu’s the ‘Special Store Manager’ of – is really popular, we weren’t expecting so many customers to turn up. It’s surprising. I’m sure the meat dishes here are exceptionally delicious.
Koga: That just means that there’s too many people comin’ in. Can you even handle all of this, Anzu?
Rei: Haha. The little miss’ expression says it all – she looks like she just met her saviours. Seems like we’ve arrived at the right time.
Koga: How ‘bout arrangin’ some work for us to do instead of rushin’ to thank us? Our relationship ain’t like that, we don’t needa be so uptight ‘bout the pleasantries and stuff.
Kaoru: For the Producer, arranging some work for idols to do should come naturally, right? Anzu-chan, you don’t need to worry your pretty little head over it. UNDEAD will be in your care from now on, so do as you see fit ♪
Adonis: Mm, just tell us what you need help with. I’m pretty strong, so manual labour can be left to me.
The number of customers had exceeded the amount of prepared ingredients, so more were ordered, and you need someone to help check them? Sure, I’ll head over now.
Koga: Hold on a sec, Anzu. Just lookin’ at yer face, it’s easy to tell you haven’t eaten. Just let Adonis and I check the orders. What’re we gonna do if the ‘Store Manager’ ends up starvin’ in’ere~?
Rei: It’s rare for Koga to be so considerate. It’s still best if the little miss takes a break for now; Kaoru-kun and I can handle things here.
Kaoru: That’s right~ both of us have some experience dealing with people, so Anzu-chan can be rest assured in leaving the store to us. Whether it’s taking orders or serving food, it’s a piece of cake!
Eh? Didn’t we already say you don’t need to thank us—
(Ah… not good! If Anzu-chan continues looking at me with those sparkling eyes, I won’t be able to talk to her properly…!)
Rei: Haha. The little miss’ gratitude has been adequately conveyed. So, let us show off our skills ♪
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
1/2) Kamamoto has normal self-esteem, he respects Yata too much, for him Yata's opinion is very important, he forgives Yata for something that is not worth it, but Yata treats him badly (I protect you, which means I have the right to beat). Fushimi, on the other hand, has low self-esteem, forgets nothing and does not forgive anything, and Yata is very soft and forgiving towards Fushimi. Why is that? How did both best friends influence Yata?
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I imagine some of the difference lies simply in how Yata met them — we know that when he was a kid Kamamoto was kind of a timid fat kid and despite being younger Yata was often the one protecting him, Yata being the leader and Kamamoto the clear follower. Once they meet again in Homra the two of them somewhat fall back into those old habits, even though Kamamoto doesn’t need Yata to protect him now and is actually pretty steady on his own. Yata being annoyed with Kamamoto for things like calling him by his first name is because he never allowed that (and I think with Kamamoto like with the rest of Homra Yata needs to ‘keep up appearances,’ he doesn’t want anyone calling him by his embarrassing first name except Anna and Fushimi). Kamamoto seems to have pretty good self esteem but he’s also a nice affable guy too and I think that’s why he’s willing to put up with Yata’s treatment, because he still looks up to Yata and he figures this is just how Yata is, he’s not the type to hold this kind of treatment against Yata when Yata’s someone he respects so much. I think Yata sees Kamamoto as someone he can hang out with but also as someone who will follow his orders, and he gets annoyed if Kamamoto doesn’t necessarily go along with him properly. 
Fushimi on the other hand is someone Yata has a whole different level of relationship with. Unlike with him and Kamamoto I think Yata sees himself and Fushimi more as partners and equals, rather than a leader and his follower, even from the start they’ve been a duo. From the start Yata knew what kind of person Fushimi is, with a sharp tongue and bad attitude, and Yata’s really just gotten used to rolling with that. Also something that I think may not be immediately apparent as a difference between Fushimi and Kamamoto is that when Yata was protecting Kamamoto it was from something tangible and easy to defend against, bullies who can be taken down easily with a punch or two. Fushimi on the other hand is clearly dealing with something that’s beyond Yata’s ability to handle (though it would have been nice if he could have punched Niki) and I think Yata has a strong protective streak when it comes to Fushimi that makes him more liable to give Fushimi some leeway in things he would have punched other people for.
 I feel like even though Yata may not be the best at interpreting unsaid things he’s well aware of Fushimi’s personality and that there are things that Fushimi can and can’t deal with, and he allows Fushimi to get away with things others can’t because Yata knows that this is how Fushimi is. In a way I think the big difference is with Kamamoto Yata feels comfortable just saying or doing anything, he can get mad or fight and he knows it’ll still be fine afterward. With Fushimi though Yata’s learned to be more cautious and empathetic, that he has to stop and think about things a little more because he knows Fushimi is a more complex person that he doesn’t want to thoughtlessly hurt. 
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justsoohi · 2 years
Black Carol/ Episode 4
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Ibara: Therefore, while listening to everyone's opinions, I would like to decide the guidelines for this "Shuffle Project." What do you all hope to achieve?
I can't do something like the guerrilla concert that was mentioned earlier. Anything else would be eligible for consideration.
Yuzuru: That's right...... How about a tie-up or something? If you have a guess..... but I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not
Ibara: A tie-up? It certainly makes sense for this project.
Tomoya: ? How is that reasonable?
Yuzuru: Temporary "units" like this are already difficult to permeate, but tie-ups can make up for it as an impact.
How should I put it?.... It could be a disadvantage, but just by changing the way it is presented, it could become an advantage
Tomoya: I see...
Rinne: Then why don't we just go with it? If it's just right.
Ibara: A tie-up is not a bad idea, but considering the circumstances, it may be a little difficult.
Tie-ups often take a long time to start because we can't move on our own
Subaru: Eh~. The tie-up looks fun~...
Rinne: Akehoshi-paisen didn't you just say that looks fun?
Subaru: Because. As long as I can sing and dance, I'll have fun no matter where I am♪
But that's no good، since they say it's hard to do this~. The world is boring with only strange ties, isn't it?
Ibara: For us who work in the producing business, this may be painful to hear
But there is a difference between anarchy and lawlessness and freedom. That is what I want you to understand.
Subaru: Yes. I know. That's why I'm listening to what you say quietly like this
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Tomoya: (Is it a plan to sell the song...)
(Normally, it's hard to be remembered as a "temporary unit," but if you put it together with something else, you can make it seem special)
(Speaking of which, this morning—)
Ibara: Oya. Masshiro-shi, What is it?
Tomoya: Well... no, but...
Rinne: What's up? I don't get it. But You're an idol so you should be proud to say so! Come on come on!
Tomoya: That... What does this have to do with idols?
Yuzuru: Well, things are a trial. So I think it's a good idea to come up with as many ideas as possible right now.
Tomoya: That's true, um, I'll say it then... but please don't laugh when you hear it, okay?
This morning, I was talking with mitsuru and Shiratori...
Since Christmas is coming soon, how about a Christmas live concert to coincide with the holiday?
You See, Fushimi-senpai said it earlier. "temporary unit" is hard to be remembered....
Ibara: Christmas Live? That's good. I was thinking of a similar idea myself
Since this October is the so-called "off-season," it is not a good idea to do a "shuffle project" right away.
Subaru: That's great Tomoya-kun! I love both live performances and Christmas☆
I always like to have fun with everyone, but it's especially fun at big events
Tomoya: Ehehe, Thank you very much, akehoshi-senpai
Yuzuru: Then shall we move forward with the plan to hold a Christmas live?
Rinne: I'm okay with that
The "P Agency" is probably not functioning properly right now. If we want to do a live concert, we can handle it on our own with our experience.
Ibara: I agree. Shall we work out the set list and details for the live?
Tomoya: Christmas is a special time of year, so what should we do about it~?
Ibara: Ah, there's no need to think too hard. The concept of Christmas is so clearly defined that it's almost as if the general framework has been decided
Tomoya: Is that so?
Ibara: of course, That's why we've chosen Christmas, which is the most important seasonal event.
Yuzuru: Certainly, when it comes to Christmas, the costumes and stage designs are somewhat universal, so it's not that difficult.
Subaru: Like Santa Claus or Christmas trees? Or Decorations and costumes based on red and green?
Ibara: Yes. By adding the element of Christmas to the live we are used to doing, we are meeting the specifications of a Christmas live
That alone will keep this project presentable
I'd say it's rather easy. There is only merit for us in the current situation
Well, that's what it is. Mashiro-shi, there is nothing to worry about. You don't have to be conscious of anything special, just try to perform as usual.
Tomoya: .....Erm. That's right. That would be a relief then.
Rinne: Then, That's fine with the general framework, but we have to decide on the others too, right? Let's get on with it and make a decision
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Tomoya: (......I was worried at first, but the decision went more smoothly than I expected. I think the "shuffle project" will be no problem now)
(This is a very good thing)
(It's a good thing, but ........what is it? I'm so bothered since a while ago~!?)
(The planning went smoothly, and the older members were much more mature than I had imagined, so nothing was too much trouble)
(There shouldn't be any problems, but what the hell happened to me!?)
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
So when my migraine hit last night I decided on a whim to try watching more Yowamushi Pedal before sleeping
I got through S4E2 which was where I was stuck.
Continued Liveblogging
This is a liveblog of Yowamushi Pedal New Generation (seasons 3 - 5). I'm reacting to the show so there will obviously be spoilers.
Then I grit my teeth through Midousuji and Blue Predator's bullshit.
Wow Naruko idk why you've chosen Big Homo Energy to try to trip Midosuji up but it's definitely going to backfire on you.
Also of course he says the shit he can't seem to say to Onoda out loud but as a brag when he's in the middle of a road fight with the guy he currently hates most.
Then I cringed so hard and kept repeating "I Hate It Here." While laughing during the slideshow for the Narousuji AU. Although I have to say Naruko would have looked Great in Kyoto Fushimi's uniform.
The little heart stickers on their bikes really took me out.
Sakamichi getting so hyped because his Senpai that he has a Visible-From-Space crush on is somehow there at the Inter High a whole planet away.
I feel so bad for Naruko about Day 1 but of course he's handling it like a champ! 💪Love him so much! Short King!!!
I think it must be the competition aspect of Sports Anime because I'm very stuck in my main ships. I can see how other ships are shipped and see their merit and setup and significance in the story.... but my OTPs Have To Win. They have to.
I say that to say that every time Manami comes on screen I'm repeating the SpongeBob quote "OH BROTHER!!! THIS GUY STINKS!!!!!"
He's nice enough and even though he's self centered he does like Sakamichi and they pair up well.
But I hate every time he's shoved in here. Of course Sakamichi's mom loves him and gives him a Best Boy hat that matches with her son and his team. Of course she does. 🤦‍♀️🙄
I get it. He's the oblivious to his feelings and nearly ambivalent cool guy thats oh so chaseable. And he's pretty and he sells well and he rescued Sakamichi that time and they became friends despite being on opposing teams. Star crossed lovers stuff. I get it.
But like. Uhg. I just don't trust him. He's got an undercurent I'm not fond of.
Idk man. At least the animators and people that came up with the openings and endings are on my side. Narukonodo is the ship!!!!!
That bit about Ashikiba seeing seaweed in his bowl and being forlorn about his lost love Teshima had me so sad and feeling for him and Yuki who both lost the guys they were in love with to someone else... although they lost the flip side of the other's loss.
Ashikiba lost his charismatic leader in Teshima and Yuki lost his sincere and loyal follower in Izumida.
So they kind of ended up together in a sweet and strange way and for a moment I was pondering on that and Yuki's determined devotion to his team - to Izumida who is his new captain and now the leader between them - and to Ashikiba to get him to the finish line... especially with Ashikiba and Izumida's combined focus on making sure that he can race the next day by making sure he soaks up to his shoulder injuries.
And Then Day 2 Happened
First of all let me say that it must have been HEART WRENCHING for Imaizumi (who's still sort of clinging onto his crush on Sakamichi during this race but definitely coming to terms with his blossoming feelings for Terufumi at the same time) and Naruko when all of the Spider Stuff that Sakamichi had been sharing with Makishiba spills out of his bag the day after Sakamichi's Moving Speech and Big Feelings about doing their best and winning Day Two so that they can see Their Senpais and Sakamichi insists that THEY HELP HIM RELAX AND SLEEP.
Ouch!!! They've gotta be mentally blocking that out. Especially since I'm sure they overhear Sakamichi's convo with the younger Shinkai.
Also I bet Shinkai the Younger made that nickname up for himself purely based off of Sakamichi saying he wished he had an insect related nickname to be more like his Beloved Senpai Makishiba because I've literally never heard anyone refer to Shinkai the Younger that way up to this point. Also hornets are Yellow Black and Red which are Sohoku's school colors so clearly he thought of a good nickname for Sakamichi on the spot and then stole it.
He's trying to get into Sakamichis head but I don't think he realizes that it might work but it'll work backwards before it reaches his desired endpoint.
Also I think part of it is Jealousy that Sakamichi is so baby girl and he basically is an anime girl which Shinkai said he wanted to be and said was the reason he's always wearing that magical girl mask.
So I was like dang that scene with the soup really shows how much it sucks for Ashikiba with Teshima having moved on and being so devoted to Aoyagi now... but it's also sort of sweet because now people have something to build a ship with between Yuki and Akishiba that would be good for both of them... BUT THEN.
JESUS!!! A BREAKUP DURING THE RACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
damn I feel for Akishiba though like It's hard holding onto a lost love and like I hope he gets his moment with Teshima during this second day so he can let go and move on but I ALSO hope against all odds that somehow Aoyagi makes it back to them like Sakamichi did the year before and that he and Teshima can cross the finish line together side by side after pushing their kohai forward to victory! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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941injapan · 1 year
June 14th-- Fushimi Inari Shrine
Counting down the days in the program, its been a ride so far. Tokyo felt like yesterday, yet so far away. I'm getting used to being here in Japan, so much that I find it hard to accept that I have 1 more year of hard work in Gainesville. No doubt I'll need to return to Japan, especially with an international driver's license. Today's activity was the Fushimi Inari shrine and the surrounding mountains. This shrine is the one you see all over Instagram and travel blogs when you mention Japan. A long winding stone path covered with torii gate after torii gate. While I did find it quite interesting to see the sheer amount of these structures, I couldn't help but get that feeling of tourism again like I was at Disney. Many people are from many walks of life, and instead of exploring, it's like walking in a line with random people before and in front of you. When I initially was coming to Japan, I felt so special. Nobody in my family line has ever been here, and if they were, it was for war, not studying, vacation, or anything in between. Nevertheless, my parents and grandparents don't have passports, and my brother has one but has yet to go overseas. I felt like the chosen one. My family, peers, and friends all thought as if I'd taken this big leap to venture into the unknown and undiscovered. I arrive and it's like I'm one of many many foreigners who just need to see a shrine I saw online like a drone. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I get my money here in Japan by going and visiting restaurants, talking to people, and buying rare merchandise to set myself apart and have a unique abroad experience. Anyway, I went up a good chunk of the mountain and decided to follow the water back down and was rewarded well. I was met with a calm and relaxing stream trail and lush forest. Near the bottom, there was bamboo and a sports car! I saw a Mazda rx8 tucked away in the forest next to some motorcycles and a shed. It was in great condition, someone must have driven it up there to work that same day. Despite having awesome styling, 50/50 weight distribution, and superior handling, what makes the rx8 so special is that it's the last of the rotary engine production cars made by Mazda. The Renesis engine is very unique, as it uses rotors instead of pistons like normal gas cars. These Dorito-shaped rotors spin around the crankcase, creating the necessary compression of the different gaps between the triangle and wall. These engines could easily rev to over 9000 rpm, compared to most regular cars revving to about 6500 rpm, more or less. This allows the rotary engine to access much more power in each gear, so this particular rx8 I saw today paired with a 6-speed manual transmission could prove to be a menace on the mountain roads. Car babbling aside, I walked through a neighborhood, saw kids leaving high school, and made my way to the hotel to take a nice nap. Osaka had me beat, so hopefully we can get out there tomorrow and make the most of the trip.
In the readings, the Inari is both a Buddhist and Shinto figure. A god that comes in many forms, yet foxes are seen often at inari shrines. Foxes are Inari's messengers, and they love jewels and rice. It is said that Inari prayed for a good harvest. As agriculture phased out of the main occupational activity in the modern era, Inari has now taken shape as an aid in business success rather than crop yield. My favorite part of the reading was when one of the priests said that their congregation may actually be one of the lost 12 tribes of Judah. I found this very intriguing, and have heard similar theories for other world religions. Makes me wonder if at the end of the day, we may all be talking about the same God.
I hate to say this, but today I forgot to charge my gopro, so I have no pictures for you, but I promise tomorrow will be different. Please forgive me.
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sleepy-ruri · 5 years
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Masumi, no matter how good your curry is, you're still babey (・へ・)
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