lilacstro · 3 months
astro observations pt 11
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literally had a dream about two of the pointers lmao so i thought I have to do this!!
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1.Sun in 8th house people, are extreme. Either they would be extremely motivated or they won't care at all. My brother has this placement and guess he is in wont care his at all era lmao
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2.Often seen when someone's sun falls in your 8th house, you might have an unexplainable attraction to the person, and unexplainable feelings about them, sometimes often wanting to over give to them without explanations. However, in any form of relationship, you both end up transforming each other, and in some cases things end in extreme forms between both of you, like for example in an extremely emotionally charged situations, huge conflict of feelings and ending up hurting each other etc. I don't recommend this one tbh lmao. This in just my personal opinion never ends well for so many reasons that it deserves a single post lol
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3.Your 4th house can show your relationship to your past. People with Scorpio in 4th house may hold resentment to the past but transform themselves out of it and not really cling to it like most people would think. Clinging to the past more so feels like Pisces 4th house thing, but not always. In fact, they can be very empathetic towards themselves and their past. They may even dream about past events in their life often. Can make a separate post on this one again.
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4.Often seen people with Jupiter in 4th house are hopeful about the future, no matter what they have been through. They are usually infact very optimistic and make good things happen for themselves with this attitude, sooner or later
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5.Having Jupiter in any subconscious house (4/8/12) is again a sign of having a good heart and intentions, and having some kind of hope and optimism. Like, people with Jupiter in 8th house would be going through the worst phases of their life and yet be kind and helping to others around them, have hopes that all of this would pass, even if it doesnt feel like so in the moment.
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6. Someone having water placements in 2 or all of the subconscious houses esp 8 and 12 can be really, really intuitive. This also makes me think they are more prone to feeling energies and having mental health problems
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7. Having Cancer/Pisces in 8th or 12th house, can mean you can connect with your ancestors or they connect with you more than you think, through dreams, intuitive nudges and things like that. I think this even more amplified if you have these in the 12th house
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8. There is something with 11th house stelliums and everyone wanting to be their friend. My sister has this placement and despite of being an introvert she manages to have some really good friends, its like she doesnt even have to do much, people just find her and make friends with her.
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9. People with 8th/12th house stellium or even personal planets in those houses and feeling like lone wolf in a crowd full of people. Its like feeling no matter who is by your side, in the end, you have to go through everything alone and do everything alone and it can get frustrating at times.
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10. People with Jupiter in 1st house have a really good sense of humor. I have seen this in charts of two people tbh. I would also say this for people with Mercury-Jupiter aspects
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11. Whereas people with Mercury dominance or Mercury as chart ruler/1st/2nd/3rd house can have peak level sarcasm and dish it out fast at times lmao Like bro how do you even come up with that thought so fast.
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12. Wherever Sagittarius is in your chart can show what you may change and leave behind often and can't really be tamed about. Sag in 1st? FREEDOM, these people would also change their personality and everything overall whenever they feel they need to plus points if you have pluto in sag in 1st house, and transform into someone new. Sag in 11th, changing friend groups and social environments whenever necessary or felt like so, like wont really think very deep about leaving a friend behind until its really serious for them. Sag in 10th? Changing multiple careers and jobs
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13. Venus conjunct mercury people may actually not just flirt but fall for flirts too lmao. I think at times, this can also translate to being able to fall in love with someone online or just through texting.
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14. I dont know if I have said this but one of the OG placements for keeping emotions coming on face and being able to keep a poker face throughout are Capricorn moons fr. Like they may go through a swindle and tsunami of emotions but keep such a straight face lmao. Unbothered queen/kings (surficial though). Its either because they don't know how to express their emotions or they just restrict them on purpose, and guess what it never ends well and they need to break this cycle.
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astromaniac · 2 months
solar return chart observations 1
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what is a solar return chart?
the solar return chart is calculated for when the sun returns to its natal position. due to this, the chart lasts 12 months (a year). solar return charts are used to observe themes for a specific year and make predictions.
how to find your solar return chart:
head to: https://www.astro.com/horoscope
go to horoscopes -> horoscope drawing and data -> extended chart selection
enter your birth data
change chart type to solar return chart (scroll down)
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north node in the 1st house can be an incredibly transformative year and can push you in the right direction towards your life's purpose. with this said, this year can push you to your limits, taking you outside of your comfort zone, and can definitely be difficult.
9th house prominence can suggest that you may be travelling overseas this year.
chiron in solar return charts shouldn't be underestimated! chiron represents our vulnerability, healing and wounds. the house, sign and aspects that chiron is in/receives will most likely be felt this year.
-> for instance, i lost my period for one year when the ruler of my 6th house (the house governing health) was conjunct the moon and chiron in my solar return chart.
the themes of the house in which your natal ascendant falls in your solar return chart can be of more significance this year.
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solar return venus conjunct natal venus can suggest that your love life will become more lively and venusian themes become more prominent this year. romantic relationships are favored and can get a surge of energy.
-> for instance, my sister had this in her solar return chart the year she met her online boyfriend in person - it impacted them both positively and greatly.
solar return venus conjunct natal mars is also an indicator of the same sort of themes discussed above for solar return venus conjunct natal venus.
-> continuing on with the example used above, my sister's boyfriend had his solar return venus conjunct his natal mars in his solar return chart the year they met in person.
uranus contacting the moon (especially conjunct) can indicate that themes regarding the home, stability and security may be shaken up during this year either positively, negatively or both! this can suggest moving houses or moving overseas.
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mars in the 1st house can lend to a year where motivation and drive comes easier and is generally a great time to become more physically active eg. through developing a new workout routine.
-> for instance, when i had this in my solar return chart, i was very determined and energetic that year (i burnt myself out!). i also started to focus on creating and following a workout plan to build muscle - which i did :) -, and still follow to this day.
heavy, negative 12th house prominence can indicate that secrets are more likely to circulate and impact you this year.
-> an extreme example of this would be Donald Trump's solar return chart for this year. He has 3 planets conjunct in the 12th house that only receive several squares. Saturn, being the ruler of the chart's 6th house (health), squares this stellium. He got shot recently and this shooting/assassination attempt was a secret which impacted him.
Part of fortune in the solar return chart can signify areas of importance for that year. it can definitely be interpreted as areas of luck and blessings but I also see it as a body that does have some type of karmic connotations.
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thank you for reading this post!
note: everything in this post are simply my own observations and are not to be taken as solid facts. use what information resonates. :)
credit for flower dividers: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
~ 𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓪𝓬
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astrow1zar6 · 7 months
Astro Observations-32
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Gemini moons have very unstable opinions and values. They usually change what they believe in based on their social environment. It’s very easy to convince them it’s this and not that if you’re convincing enough. These constant changes can make people confused in what they actually believe in. Very rare they have fixed beliefs about something. They contradict themselves a lot.
Gemini suns if underdeveloped can be big copy cats. I think they do it as a way to fit in so they’re more susceptible to changing their style or mannerisms based off of others they inspire to be like
Aries suns get triggered by everything very easily. If you say something they don’t like or that offends them they can take it from 0-100 real quick. They can be very mean at times but that’s usually their defense mechanism for feeling hurt. They can let wayyy to much things get to them they should learn to not take things so personally even if they are offended (this goes for Aries moon as well!!!) Controlling their reactions to how they deal with bs can help their mental peace a lot. When they learn not everything needs a reaction they can really become some bosses fr
Pisces/12th house placements show different versions of themselves based off of the persons vibe their interacting with. Which is why some ppl can see them as quiet and reserved and another person can see them as hot headed and loud and another can see them as sweet and outgoing etc. They can read ppls energy very easily which is why I believe they’re able to subconsciously change their personality to certain ppl as a defense mechanism to sorta see if that person is safe enough to be their true selfs. This can be why a lot of ppl see them in so many different lights. (Ex: my brother has a 12th house stellium and with family he’s extremely awkward & reserved but I’m his school he’s extremely popular & social and gets in trouble for talking too much). Learning to be more comfortable showing ur true self to others (other than the people they see as safe) can help others pin point better the person you are.
Cancer moons are so emotionally intelligent it’s insane
I notice your moon sign acts more like the stereotypical sign then your sun sign (ex: Scorpio moons act more like stereotypical Scorpios then Scorpio suns)
Leo moons are very passionate ppl. They want to live the intensity of life & they live it like that. That’s why ppl mistake their behavior for exaggeration & drama. These are actually their feelings they don’t exaggerate they truly feel that intensity. They’re only playful with selected people which is why others can see them as cold at times. If underdeveloped they can act like know it alls a lot, they can be very defensive and hard headed to others advice bc they believe they know better. Can result in big ego problems if not checked. But overall genuine hearted ppl.
Virgo moons get the “ick” from people easily that don’t value what they value
Sag moons do you guys deal with deep emotions at all? Everyone I met with this placement is abnormally very jolly & nothing usually bothers them much. How do you guys deal with emotions?? I’m lowkey jealous of this moon placement because of how well you take negatively. They’re able to transmute negative energy into something positive with such little effort. This can be somewhat stressful for deeper signs however to really see under all that joy. This lack of depth can make it harder for others to relate at times. This placement is the definition of golden retriever energy.
Ppl with Aries mars in their chart gain muscle VERY easily (especially in their arms) these people actually enjoy working out and going to the gym normally. As kids they had a surplus of physical energy. They were usually always running around or climbing stuff making obstacles courses, arm wrestling ppl etc. this placement is a blessing in terms of energy levels and health.
Taurus placement can sit around and watch tv all day if u let them. They really love TV especially movies. I notice this more with Taurus mars as well, they’re more likely to watch movies all day or binge watch shows for hours. It’s usually their happy place (and when u add food to it they’ll never leave lol)
Taurus moons usually always grew up loving fashion and clothes. Even as kids they can be very creative with the outfits the wore. They were usually too stubborn to have their mom pick out their clothes cuz they wanted a certain “look” (I’m guilt for this) they are also very fond of thrifting! Can be big shopaholics lol
Pisces moons tend to ghost ppl they’re close too with very little warning. They’ll just randomly decide to move to another state without informing anyone which can catch ppl off guard a lot. They do this especially when they feel overwhelmed with life and responsibilities. These are the hardest ppl to keep in touch with (unless you’re a love interest) they tend to put their love interests before everyone.
Pisces suns fall in love with some of the most psychotic/mentally unstable ppl ever lol. They tend to have very chaotic love life’s and tend to go for people that need some sort of mental help.
Out of all the Venus signs I feel like Taurus Venus’s have the easiest time in relationships. They tend to go for very stable people that usually treat them well. They have the ability to attract very helpful partners. (Cries in aqua Venus 🥲) however they can be more likely to take their partners for granted and don’t realize how good they have it.
Another question for other astrologers does the house of ur Venus give the same affect as the sign? Like for example ( does having a 5th house Venus give the same effect as having a Leo Venus in a way? Or is it not as strong?)
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martian-astro · 6 months
Solar return observations- Part 3
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(the artist is @eb_hua on twitter)
Saturn in 10th is a frustrating placement (my mom had it last year and basically with this you feel financially helpless, you keep on trying and trying but nothing works, but the good thing is that 2-3 months before your next birthday, you're gonna hit the jackpot, so don't worry too much) (my sister also has it this year)
I have noticed that in every solar return chart that I've looked at, the chiron was in conjunction with the north node and it has happened way too many times for me to call it a coincidence. (do you have it as well, let me know) (according to my observations, the house that it's in represents the area where you'll experience pain but also by the end of the year, you're gonna be able to deal with the themes of that house in a better way, am I making sense??) just let me know if you have any questions about this placement, I think it's very common
The year in which you have a gemini AC, you will focus a lot on building your professional network, a lot of communication, short distance travel and improving your relationship with your siblings, if you have any. (my sister has it this year and her master's will end on 29th April, she has applied to many places for a job and she's also coming to visit me, I'M GOING TO MEET HER AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS😁😁)
Mars in 12th indicates a low libido, a very exhausting year in general, if you also have sun in 1st then... It can be pretty bad (it's like you KNOW that you need to stop procrastinating, but you really can't help it, so you look calm on the outside but your brain is like AKDHSGHSKGSKJDJK)
Jupiter in 10th in aries is a REALLY GOOD placement. (you get the courage to go after what you want, especially in terms of career) and if Jupiter is Trine/sextile with saturn, then it's even better
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Uranus in 5th can mean having flings with people that are not your usual type. (one of my friends came to Italy this year, and the first thing she did was hook up with an Italian guy 😭😭, she's Indian)
Aries in 2nd is an impulsive shopping placement (if you have it and you think you need something, you don't) (one of my friends had this last year and he bought a hat for €150...... Yeah. He has saturn in 2nd this year and he's finally facing the consequences of his actions)
I know that saturn in 8th is associated with difficulties in sex and intimacy but there's another side to it (a lot of my friends have had this, and they became really mature about sexual matters, like if they were previously very into the hook up culture then that year they were more cautious and had this "I'm going to have sex with the person who I genuinely like or love" mentality)
This is very shocking but I looked at the solar returns of all the married couples I know and the year in which they got married, NONE OF THEM had a 7th house stellium 💀💀. For men, I didn't notice a pattern, but for women, 90% of them had Venus positively aspecting saturn (mostly, Trine and sextile but 2 had a conjunction)
My favorite solar return placement has to be mercury conjunct Jupiter, if its happening in capricorn or virgo, then you're really precise and direct with your words, a very leader type aura for that year. If it's in libra, then good for flirting and talking to your crush, there's a high chance they'll fall for your charms. If it's in pisces, then it's your sign to start a cult.
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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cupidlovesastro · 1 year
astrology observations #4
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❥people with a lot of air and water can be very spiritual and have a soft heart when it comes to humanity and children
❥moon in 11th house people can automatically make you feel so close to them even if you guys have known each other for a week. you can feel like besties or like you can trust them easily.
❥sagittarius stelliums can be so loud when voicing their opinions or things they enjoy. they can be pretty loud in general, and they love joking. i also noticed even when they’re being serious, people will laugh at what they’re saying because they’re known for being the funny friend 😭
❥if you ever wanna know what someone’s rising sign is, but you can’t tell by how they look, listen to what they say, what they care about, and what they do or enjoy doing. i noticed that a lot of your personality is filtered through your rising and when you start listening to the things they say, or notice the things they do it’ll start to add up. for example, i know a taurus rising, he talks about how much he loves his children a lot, he enjoys cooking and eating, he buys a lotttt of things, and he has 3 college degrees but loves his lazy days where he lays in bed all day watching thriller movies😭
❥leo in ceres will ride or die for their children. they will defend them no matter what and have the hugest heart in the world for their children
❥chiron in 12th house can have a conflicting and hard time with spirituality. wether it be believing in it, scared of it, or worried that your not good enough for a higher entity. you could also have been forced into religion
❥capricorn, taurus, libra, aries, and leo in juno, definitely love princess treatment from their soulmate 🫶🏽
❥the most hardworking people i know have taurus,sag, capricorn, and aqua in their chart
❥people with fire mercury in 1st house can be giggly and smiley when talking to them, or when they’re talking
❥having virgo in big 6 in your composite chart can indicate you and your partner care about being hygienic around one another. if it’s in venus, mars, or moon, it might be held at a even more higher standard. it could also mean that you both care about keeping your space clean if you live together
❥mercury positively aspecting venus can mean people feel attracted to you just by your voice and you could be good at flirting or smooth talking 😭
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minsh0e · 9 months
mini astrology observations 1/???
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hi hi ! these are my first (and probably last) astrology observations. i expect that you might not agree with any of these so i am open to criticism. i also want to point out, that i am not a professional. have fun reading <3
p.s. - the art belongs to kibong rhee/이기봉
☆ pisces/12th house placements 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽being tired/sleepy all the damn time for no reason
☆ your house/sign stelliums might refer to the part of your body you should focus on when considering fashion. for instance: people with pisces/12th house placements might really like shoes, person with aries/1st house placement can look great with anything related to head (glasses,ribbons,hats etc.), taurus/2nd house people might look great with necklaces or any jewelry...
☆ i don’t know why, but I always get attracted to men whose mars trines mine venus…like four men that i found to be amazing, had all mars in the same element as my venus. the aspects weren’t mostly even that tight, yet i felt something!? of course this might not apply to you (because you should consider everything else in natal charts, synastry chart etc.), but men are represented as mars and women as venus after all…try to check this next time you like someone or if you are with somebody.
☆ people who have 3rd house or 5th house placements that are negatively aspected might have problem with presenting (even the ideas) or social anxiety disorder. both houses are related to youth so it may have showed in their early years. this will most likely be seen/felt if the aspects are present in between these two houses (for instance square).
☆ this is very random, but your mothers moon might be in the same sign as your descendant.
☆ scorpio placements (especially moon, mercury and mars) are so hard to deal with and not just for the person who has them, but also for everybody else around. for instance: my mom and sister both have these and i can’t argue with them as i always loose and come out as the “bad one”. these placements always stand up for their opinions and might say something harsh without really meaning to. they also might try to find excuses/backup for something to avoid being hurt (in conversations as well). deep inside they are very fragile…this might apply to aries placements as well. 
☆ why are virgo mars men always thinking about “that thing” (aka. are h*rny). even when something innocent was said, they connect it with doing “it”. double points to those, who have mars in their 10th house.
☆ if the houses in the synastry are overlapping each other so that the 1st house overlaps with 1st, 2nd or 12th house (if the ascendants are close to each other), people with this synastry have bigger probability to complement/understand each other really well. that is because one persons placements may fall into the house that is same to their placement in natal chart or the natal chart of the other person. these people are at home with each other and probably went through the same life experiences, therefore they don’t need to be afraid to be judged. they just get each other. this is literally a soulmate connection. what i mean:
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→ if you look at the neptune you can see, that they fall into the same houses. same goes for pluto etc.
☆ venus is what you like and what you want and therefore, it can represent your ideal partner and what you are looking for in them. this applies to both women and men.
okay, that is all. feel free to leave your feedback :)
edit: just checked this post and i don't know what to think...thank you all so much for such a reaction, i appreciate it a lot :D love you <3
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𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐅𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝)
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Word Count:
Disclaimer: Think about it. Write about it. Have hard thoughts. Do not take it seriously. None of this confirmation is confirmed and all theoretical. If you want to read more, check out my 'Hongjoong as your late bloomer bf' post.
Methodology: Traditional Astrology & Whole Sign
Hongjoong has dyed his hair back black and it's my favourite hair colour on him (we see it so rarely) and b/c he's my Ateez bias- I had to revamp his natal chart.
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Scorpio Sun (11th House)
Gemini Moon (6th House)
Capricorn Rising (Saturn-Ruled)
Sagittarius Mercury (12th House)
Scorpio Venus (11th House)
Virgo Mars (9th House)
Fuckboi Rating:
Out of all the members of Ateez, I'm inclined to believe that Hongjoong would least likely be a fuckboi because his Scorpio stellium and Moon in the 6th House indicates he's not a shallow man and craves soul-bonding, all-too consuming connection in relationships.
Take this next point very casually BUT as someone who has similar placements to him AND the overall energy I get from Hongjoong, I wouldn't be surprised if he identifies with being demi-sexual and he can't find pleasure in physical intimacy w/o an emotional connection.
This is emphasised with having a Virgo Mars because Earth Mars typically have a fluctuating sex drive so he can probably abstain for awhile and be okay with it.
Red & Green Flags:
Emotional and verbal dysregulation! His 12th House Mercury indicates difficulty expressing emotions in a calm and collected manner.
The Sagittarius influence heightens that trait by making his impulsive behaviour more erratic and could be seething for days before he randomly explodes over a simple issue.
PETTY! The 12th House Mercury and Scorpio placements indicate he could be the type to weaponize the silent treatment, going for hours without speaking to you until you figured out what you did wrong.
LOYAL TO THE BONE!!! You could go to hell and back and Hongjoong would hold your hand the entire time. These moments of 'difficulties' actually enhance Hongjoong's affection towards you because you trust him to see you at your most 'vulnerable'.
Committment!!! Yes, this should be a bare minimum but Hongjoong would be a faithful man and you would never have to worry about him cheating because he probably views cheating as a betrayal of trust.
Self-automony! By this I mean he values independence and wouldn't try to 'change' you as a person and would choose to accept your flaws and all.
Ideal Type...If He's Into Women:
It's interesting because his 5th House in Taurus is the complete opposite to his Scorpio Venus so his type could have polarising qualities.
Either they are boisterous and loud in public and shy and laid-back around him or vice versa. He likes a partner who shows a side of themselves that only Hongjoong can see.
Hongjoong is definitely an arse and legs man and would be attracted to the grunge but feminine archetype so lace dresses, stockings with Doc Martens etc.
I've noticed in fancalls he loves curly hair, whenever there's a fancall with an Atiny and they have curly hair, he'll always comment about how good their hair looks.
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Dom, Sub Or Switch?
Hongjoong is one of the members that's more of a true 'switch' when it comes to power dynamics and yes, he is definitely more on the dominant side BUT not to far...I'd say 60% dominant, 40% submissive.
It's why whenever I scroll the ateez smut tags and see a Seongjoong fic where it's bottom!hwa...I laugh because it's actually the other way around.
Hongjoong is definitely more of a service/pleasure dom and his Gemini Moon and 11th House Venus makes him flexible in what he desires sexually in a partner.
He would enjoy having a bratty sub that he can put in place (kindly) like you see with Wooyoung.
He would also enjoy an obedient sub that completely adores and worships him.
No matter what, he needs to know that you're willing and trusting to put your entire body and soul in his hands.
Kinks...Just A Few Of Them:
Yes, I know this is very obvious BUT it's completely true because his Scorpio placements indicates he wants to OWN you as partner (consensual of course) and the thought of him being the FIRST to touch you, to mould you to his desires...it would just cause his heart to quicken and his mind to race with the most impure of thoughts.
This would also cater towards enjoying someone who might be nervous/slightly insecure around him, it would boost his ego to see your cheeks flush at him taking off your clothes or whispering something suggestive in your ear.
'You're so cute when you're nervous angel but don't worry, I'll take care of you because you're mine remember? And I always look after what's mine'.
Hear me out and if someone knows the proper term for this...can you comment down below???
But with Hongjoong and his love for photography...he'd love to keep a personal scrapbook of all the photos he's taken of you after a steamy session of love-making.
This goes hand in hand with his corruption kink and his love for 'ruining' you- lipstick smeared, hair tousled, mascara running down your face, cheeks flushed.
I'm leaning towards voyeurism because he wouldn't show these photos to anyone, they would be for his own personal collection because he gets off on knowing that it's just HIM that can do this to you and see you this way.
'Fuck angel, spread your legs a bit more...I want to see it all drip out for me...these photos just want to make me dress you up and fuck you all over again'.
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Taglist: @scuzmunkie @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @mrcarrots @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @craxy-person @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @krishastumblernow @hexheathen
@michel-angelhoe @northerngalxy @justaaveragereader @ja3hwa
@lyramundana @saintfool @wolfakira @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell @silentreaderthings @daddysspecialdollyworld @abby-grace @smilefordongil @wisejudgedragonhairdo @writhingwrecked @hongthoven
Please comment, share and thirst the hell out of this because this took WEEKS to finish!!!
May's fic will be out and published on the 31st.
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astrobiscuits · 3 months
Predicting your future children's personalities and gender using Childress (30117) persona chart
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Kind of a part 2 of my last post
According to derivate astrology (only for Childress persona chart):
1st house - personality of 1st child
5th house - personality of 2nd child
10th house - personality of 3rd child
12th house - personality of last child (not related to derivate astrology, but still worth mentioning)
[Don't forget to check the ruling planets of the houses for more details about your future child!!]
Determining the gender of a child works the following way (not taking into consideration modern planets):
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of boys (or masculine girls): Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of girls (or feminine boys): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of androgynous child: Gemini (50%-50%), Virgo (leaning into feminine), Aquarius (leaning into masculine)
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We are going to use 2 examples to further explain this method of predicting children
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This is Meghan Markle's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Saturn, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Saturn is retrograde in 9th house, which means that he's likely to implement old, abandoned customs of his family in his life (including returning to the Royal family). Additionally, Mars is on the cusp between 8th house and 9th house, which indicate themes of agression & selfishness to be strong in his personality. Meghan's firstborn is a boy named Archie, with Saturn conjuncting his MC and Sun conjuncting his ASC in his Natal Chart.
Her 5th house ruler is Mercury, which indicates that her second child is likely to have an androgynous personality. Mercury is situated in 5th house under the beams of Gemini Sun. This indicates that while her second child has the tendency to express itself as more masculine, it will be overshadowed by his older sibling, as this child's personality is quite weak and not as remarcable. Meghan's secondborn is a girl named Lilibet and she's a Gemini Sun and Aries Moon (so more masculine), but her Moon is in her 8th house, which is an uncomfortable position for the Moon, as it can't express itself that well. Her Moon is also conjuncting Chiron.
While both siblings seem to have a common ground (both of their ruling planets are in air signs), their planets don't aspect each other. They are similar, yet they likely won't have a close relationship. Meghan's firstborn has a stellium in 9th house (which is located in the upper half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Sun), while her second born has only Mercury and Sun in 5th house (which are located in the lower half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Moon). This means that Archie will likely lead a public life, full of intense events, while Lilibet will likely lead a private life, full of important events, but not as intense.
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This is my mom's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Mars, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Mars is located in 3rd house, conjuncting IC. This means that her firstborn is likely to attend a unique school or be interested in studying an unique subject, which will change the "bloodline" so to speak. I'm a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon (so heavy masculine energy), and Uranus is one of my most dominant planets. My parents sent me to a school where all the subjects where taught in German, despite living in a completely different country (and a small town too!). When i was in high school, i discovered my passion for astrology. Neither of my parents are interested in astrology; i inherited this passion from my grandmother (Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, which is the planets of elders).
Her 5th house ruler is Jupiter (ruler of Pisces), which indicates that her second child is likely to be a girl. Jupiter is located in 11th house, conjuncting Saturn. This means that her secondborn is likely to have a black-and-white kinda personality. Sometimes they might overindulge when using technology, hanging out with friends or doing charity work/volunteering, other times they might abstain from it. My younger sibling is a boy, but he has a Pisces stellium in 12th house (Uranus is also part of his stellium). He's been playing video games for hours on end since he was very young and he still does it even now (Saturn indicates longevity too). He loves new technologies, but also old ones.
While Mars and Saturn are in both air signs and air houses, they are trining each other too. This means that me and my sibling are very similar, while we also have a close relationship (which is true). Saturn person is more likely to be the glue in this connection, while Mars person is more likely to mind their own business, but they will pay attention to Saturn person when they seek him out. My brother initiates convos with me waay more often than i do with him, but i love listening to him. When i initiate convos with him, it's more on a whim.
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myun-saidthoughts · 10 months
Why She Fell In Love: 4th/8th/12th Synastry Edition:
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Because he looked into her eyes and she felt the ease she's always wished for. Because she feels an absence where love should be. Because she feels that her soul knows him. Because she is searching for the answers of what it means to feel peace. Because she never felt loved in the place she has to call "home."
Because when she's with him, she doesn't feel that dire wish for someone to be called hers. Because his whispers to her feel like a song. Because every time she closes her eyes, all she see's is him. Because he is the key that allows her to feel the depth of love she craves for. Because when she looks at him her irises dilate. Because her fingers feel safe between his.
Because she doesn't love herself. Because when she's with him she can love herself. Because she relies on others for the love she is too afraid to self-develop. Because those cigarettes burns touched a little too close to her heart one too many times. Because his smile directly stares into a void she doesn't know she has. Because with him she finally feels acceptance. Because she allows herself to feel comfort when he is around.
Because she can't help it. Because he fulfills the void of where love once was. Because with him, she feels peace. Because her eyes tells him a story that he can only read. Because his arm around hers feels like a comfort blanket. Because his presence reminds her of the worth she once felt as a child.
Because her childhood home walls reeked of fear. Because her father's yells still echoes in the hallways. Because her mother cries flooded into her main airway. Because her father left one day before she came home for school. Because her mother became an empty vessel. Because no one showed her it's possible to feel peace without another.
Because she feels like she has no one else. Because without him, the cries for love that she tries to ignore sits inside her bones. Because his green eyes told her "I won't let you go." Because she for once, gets to call someone her home.
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This interpretation is more for those who struggle with a harsh upbringing/past either from parents or partnerships. If you struggle with a disorganized attachment style or have harsh placements such as:
Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces/8H/12H Sun, Moon, Venus, or rising + heavy earth placements/planets that fall in your earth houses
Virgo/Capricorn Sun, Moon, or rising with heavy water placements/planets that fall in your water houses
7H stellium in a water or earth sign with 2+ more of these listed placements/aspects (there likely need to be contradictions in your natal chart that go against your 7H stellium)
If your Sun, Moon or Venus make oppositions/squares/conjunctions with Pluto/Neptune/Uranus (sometimes Mars if you also have 2+ of these listed placements/aspects)
Your IC (4H) is in: Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius with Saturn/Pluto/Neptune/Uranus/Lilith/Chiron
8H/12H stellium/placements with asteroids falling in there such as Lilith or Chiron (especially if those placements make oppositions, squares or conjunctions to your Sun, Moon, rising, Venus or Mars)
Any natal placements that are in Fall/Detriment (such as planets falling in weak houses e.g., 10H Moon/4H Saturn etc or your natal placements are poorly placed e.g., Scorpio Moon/Libra Sun/Virgo Venus) that make aspects to your personal planets Sun/Moon/rising/Venus/Mars
North Node in the 8TH house (with 2+ polarized aspects listed above)
Then this post might resonate with you. Generally if you have any contradictions in your chart where there is a polarization with wanting love but also fearing it; then this would be for you.
If you do not struggle with a broken attachment style this may not resonate. 💫💫
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If this resonates with you I have an eBook that perfectly depicts and explains if you are in a karmic relationship. It's about 8th/12th/Pluto/Neptune/Saturn/Vertex/Nodal synastry. I give insights, exact transits, exact synastry overlays, natal chart interpretations and more advice on what to do in these situations. More information is pinned on my page.
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vivmaek · 1 year
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Do all aspects and placements in someone’s chart make up their appearance? I’ve heard that it does, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Just curious to know :)
Hi, I love this question! I can see arguments for both sides, but in my opinion I think all placements within someones chart make up appearance. I say this because our emotions and inner psychology directly affect physical appearance. And the same can be said for our physical environments. Here are some examples:
Gemini Saturn in the 12th House - Prone to getting bags under the eyes due to poor sleep. Struggles with anxiety and poor appetite.
Venus in the 2nd House - Having the resources to maintain ones appearance. Having access to high quality food, clothing, makeup, and skincare.
Neptune in the 8th House - Prone to drug usage, and is especially susceptible to the negative side effects. These types look spaced out and detached even if they have never used substances. They've probably been asked, "Are you high?" even if dead sober.
12th house stellium - Looks mysterious, even when you get to know them. No one ever truly knows a 12th house stellium. My life long friend constantly reveals details about her life that change the way I view her. And I never really know what she is up to, even when we were in each others daily lives. She travels more than any young person I know, yet remains humble and wise. 12th house stelliums are the ultimate mystiques, and this is an incredibly attractive quality.
1st House stellium - Their distinct personality overpowers whatever their physical appearance may be. Usually people attach traits onto others based on their physical appearance, but the reverse happens for 1st house stelliums. It is almost like they're cartoon characters, its like their personality and sense of character was developed before their physical form even came into existence. Their physical appearance suits who they are so well, I don't know how else to describe it.
Pluto in the 6th house - There are periods in which people with this placement will be overworked.
Scorpio Uranus in the 12th House - The wild card. Their subconscious state shifts drastically and changes unexpectedly, and this most definitely affects the ways in which they present themselves to the world.
Scorpio Mars in the 5th House - People with this placement are baddies. Cool af and might partake in some dangerous hobbies.
Chart ruler in the 4th House - Nostalgia frames the ways in which these people present themselves. Might have a timeless look about them.
Virgo Mercury in the 8th House - Could partake in hygienic practices that are diligent and maybe strange.
Cancer Saturn in the 5th House - Handyman vibes. Down to earth in their self expression.
Sun in the 3rd House - Seemingly youthful, the eternal student.
Strong 11th House placements - Their appearance is somehow associated with whatever group they belong to. This could be church, clubs, sports teams, humanitarian efforts. (For instance, Tom Cruise has his Jupiter in the 11th house and you can't look at him without thinking about Scientology.)
Strong 7th House placements - Tend to take on traits adapted from their relationships. They mirror people.
Uranus in the 9th House - Might end up living amongst a culture that differs from the one they grew up in. This will affect the ways in which people perceive their appearance.
Saturn Square Pluto - 😐 <- this face
Mercury Trine Pluto - 🤨 <- this face
Mars aspecting Uranus - Prone to accidents, bodily injury, scars.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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Mercury in the 10th house can not only indicate social media fame together but also that you both are known for how funny you are together
5°/14°/23° in your Ascendant can indicate being a good looking couple
There’s gonna be a LOT of karmic lessons involved in your relationship/friendship if you have Saturn at 0° in Composite. This is because 0 degrees is a critical degree marking new energy. It means this is the beginning of unresolved karmic lessons -> ex: selena gomez and that justin bieber guy
Often you’ll have either Venus or Jupiter in the 4th house with your favorite sibling
Mercury in Sagittarius can indicate being very honest with one another. At worst sometimes overly blunt
A Taurus/Libra Ascendant can indicate a romantic relationship occurring between you two
Mars square Pluto can indicate fighting and making up over and over. This is because Mars represents conflict and Pluto represents destruction/renewal -> ex: nicki minaj and drake - drake said they’ve had lots of fall outs but always make up afterward
A Gemini Ascendant can indicate you met each other on social media, in school, in transportation (ex: in a car), or through your siblings
Saturn/Chiron in the 4th house can indicate your family getting in the way of your relationship somehow
Mars square, opposite, or conjunct Neptune is something I personally keep an eye out for in Composite when it comes to romance since Mars rules over sexual relations and Neptune rules over lies/deception/the hidden. It doesn’t always indicate cheating because of course Mars represents conflict as well other things and astrology shouldn’t cause you to not date someone but, is something you can use to be more cautious
Saturn in the 1st house can indicate a long term relationship or friendship. Saturn in the 7th house can indicate a long term romantic relationship and karmic relationship
Moon in the 5th house can indicate starting a family together. It can also be an indication of an emotional romantic connection
Having both a 7th and 8th house stellium in your Composite Chart together is perfect relationship material in my opinion
A 9th house stellium can indicate you grow a lot together
Having your 12th house ruler in the 5th house can indicate your relationship/friendship ending because of childish drama that happened between you two
Asteroid Fama aspecting Venus can indicate being a famous couple -> asteroid code: 408
The reason Timothee Chalamet is being more public with Kylie Jenner than he’s been in his other relationships is because their Sun is in the 1st house. He feels more comfortable having attention on him when he’s with her. The Sun rules over spotlight/attention and the 1st house represents the relationship as a whole in Composite
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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virgo-pisces · 1 year
My 1st astro observations!!!
All observations are based on my personal experiences.
Even If I'm into astrology for more than 5 years, I'm not a professional astrologer.
English is not my 1st language.
Credit goes to @virgo-pisces
✨ As a Pisces Rising, I never get along well with Pisces Sun people - we always had some drama! I observed that I'm not alone, because my friends usually dislike people with the same sun sign as their rising sun!
✨Idk but maybe because Sagittarius is a ruler of 9th house - house of higher education, philosophy, exploring new horizons etc. - people with Sagittarius Mercury, which I have many around me, loves reading books! For example! My dad is a Sagittarius Mercury, and he loves books, especially this one's about history! Same as my Sagittarius Sun and Mercury friend, but maybe because of his Mercury sign being in 10th house - he loves books about finances!
✨Combability: Libra Venus and Capricorn Venus is a no, no : ( Even If both are Cardinal signs, and I saw so many couples with this Venus signs together - they really often end with broken heart, especially when Capricorn Venus is in Retrograde or bad aspected :{ - BUT, as we all know it depends on good aspects, and other placements too!
✨If you want amazing connection, and a friend with the same sense of humor - look for the same Mars sign as yours! I have Leo Mars, and every time when I have this specific cool vibe with someone, stress-free, very loose conversation - I knew that they probably have the same Mars as me! - works the same with Rising and Mars in the same sign!
✨Awww Aquarius, and Pisces placements in the same chart - Hello my delulu babies!!! - I'm the one too lol
✨BUT NGL! If you have 12th house placements, especially in Moon and Sun - you can manifest anything being delulu... Me and two of my friends... they have 12th in Sun, I have 12th house stellium, and sometimes we really should watch our mouths 🤐
✨HELLO??? Is there any PISCES VENUS MALE??? Like??? How to flirt with you, I'm so done... Why it's so hard to get to know y'all 😫 I met this Pisces Stellium guy (Moon, Venus and Mercury) - and I really don't know how to act, what I should do - like, NEVER T__T We have pretty good synastry, but Pisces Venus Female, and Male are so hard to read... basing on my experience ofc : ") I have Aries Sun/Pisces Venus sister, and she told me that she would never tell anyone that she likes him or her T__T, she can dream about someone but 🤐....maybe he is the same 😂 cuz he is an Aries Sun too : |
✨I don't know whyyy, but actually we choose people with the same sign as our 2nd, and 8th house @__@ I checked my Virgo Rising, and Capricorn Rising friend Badoo matches (lol) and they both had almost only Libra and Aries Sun guys (Virgo Rising), and 2nd one had Aquarius, and Leo Sun guys (Capricorn Rising)....and I'm the same.... I had all my dates only with Aries and Libra Suns 👀 Please, let me know If this applies to you!
Thats all for today pretty people!!! 🌸
May the Venus retrograde run peaceful for you! lol
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sweetycupcakeslove · 2 years
⭐ Astrology observation 3 ⭐
Hi, I'm once again after a long time I came up with an observation. And please take it as a grain of salt as I'm not a professional astrologer as such. These are my opinions just by observing people around me. It might be true in someone's case and it might not be true in someone else's case.
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💫 People shouldn't hate a sign just because they had a experience with them. Because a birth chart consists of different aspects and house placements. A leo stellium in 5th house placements and a leo stellium in 12th house will have different personalities. Yes, you can find something common but not all.
💫 Like damn, a person with Virgo stellium will also have to give a opinion even though you don't ask for.
💫 Aquarius placements loves compliments so much. Just go towards them and say that I didn't have a good opinion of you before and they will go in-depth with you why you didn't have a good opinion about them.
💫 And also having heavy Aquarius placements can make one can have god complex.
💫 Cancer rising are easy to spot because they have this cute and round face structure. In fact, cancer rising men also have round face structure. Two of my male friends also have a round face structure.
💫 Wherever your saturn is in your birth chart, you have to work hard there and you'll also notice that at start you've ignored your saturn house and once you start taking it seriously you have found changes in your life. E.g. If you have Saturn in the 1st house, whenever you start a new job, new school or college at start others were looking down upon you and after you put effort in yourself they started relying upon you or you became their role model. Another example, if you have Saturn in the 4th house then your family didn't take you seriously, they didn't have a good opinion about you or they don't know about you much. But once you start putting effort there, it was easy to get along with them.
💫 Leo in top 6 and you naturally attract attention. I have seen many leo placements they don't even do much but still they get attention from others. Maybe the sun is the ruler of the sign that's why.
💫 Having too many Scorpio placements can make them difficult for themselves and others too. I have a friend who is a Scorpio stellium and damn the kind of anxiety she has. It's like she thinks everyone is out there to get her. Thus she breaks friendship on her assumptions.
💫 Scorpio sun men are the worst men to have in your life. They will stab you in the back. But if they have other placements that say otherwise.
💫 Sagittarius placements 🤝 not standing in one place.
💫 Having too many negative aspects to the sun can also mean that you have problems related to your ego. It doesn't always mean that you had a bad father figure. Or it could also mean that male figures are the problems in your life.
💫 Same as sun, mother isn't the problem always when there too many negative aspects towards your moon. It can sometimes mean that you have problems related to your emotions or else other female figures in your life will be the problem.
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fxirysforesight · 5 months
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Guessing Riize's Rising Signs - UPDATED 4/22/24. After watching more content about them and hearing them talk about themselves more I had to change my opinion about their Ascendant Signs.
Shotaro - Cancer. At first I was willing to jump for Gemini which would make his chart ruler Scorpio Mercury in the 6th House and as sure as I am about his Scorpio placements being evident, I'm not willing to bet that his Chart Ruler is Mercury. So instead I raise you, Cancer Rising, chart ruler Scorpio Moon in 5th. Appearance-wise he has stereotypical Cancer features. Large sparkly eyes, "Moon" or wide and soft facial features, full lips. Personality wise, Shotaro seems to be very reflective and observant but also playful and kind but stern. Cancer. This would also make sense given the fact that all of the members of his group gravitate towards him as a sense of protection or comfort even though he isnt the leader. Like a mom.
Eunseok - Virgo. He's gorgeous. He has a very simple but elegant look about him. Cool eyes, chiseled face similar to Capricorn but Virgo ASC has a softer and more "feminine" look to it, which makes their chins appear smaller (Think S.Coups and San as opposed to Zac Efron and James Franco) In addition to his appearance, Eunseok's most noticeable trait is his speech and the wayward stuff he says. So Pisces Mercury Chart Ruler makes sense to me. Chart ruler Pisces Mercury in 7th? Yes.
Sungchan - Taurus. I'm 99% sure of this guys. Tall and sturdy build, wide upper body, strong nose and large nostrils, full lips. Chart ruler Leo Venus in 4th? Yes. Also if Sungchan was a Taurus Rising, that would put Taro's Moon and Mercury in his 7th House. (Which would explain why he's always all up on my man. 🙄)
Wonbin - Aquarius. I don't have an explanation I just feel it. Especially with his Mercury in his 1st house, and I've noticed that with Wonbin his face always says it before his mouth does. Remember the pictures that surfaced of him after they got mobbed at the airport? Yeah. Also His MC would be in Scorpio and we learned from Anton that Wonbin's "I'm not cute I'm cool" persona was created by the man himself.
Anton - Taurus. What could make our Aries Stellium boy so quiet yet so sassy? If his Aries Stellium was in a mutable house. I thought that maybe Anton was a Pisces Rising at first but now I see him as more of a Taurus Rising with his Aries Stellium in the 12th House. The different between Chan's Taurus ASC and Anton's Taurus ASC is that Chan's Taurus ASC is ruled by Leo which is a very confident and passionate sign, having him express his Leonine qualities outwardly. Anton's Taurus ASC is ruled by Taurus which is a very mellow, chill, and relaxed sign, which is why Anton's Taurean expression is so prominent. Slow and elegant physical movements, his love for food, and the drawn out and slow way he speaks. He is also very well spoken and poetic as his Mercury would be in the 12th House which makes sense with this placement as well. So chart ruler Venus in 1st House. Yes. ALSO! I've noticed that Pisces and 12th House placements are very sentimental. Hueningkai with his plushies and Anton with his Collectables.
Sohee - Gemini. Sohee is the only other member that I am not too confident in nor do I have a proper explanation for as I feel like he is such a wildcard of a person. He surprises me every time which is why I think he's a mutable rising. Sag Mercury Chart Ruler? Yes.
Seunghan - Aries . No explanation needed. But in all honesty, an Aries Rising would give him masculine cutting edge facial features but some oppositions from his Libra placements would soften that up giving him a nice balance of masculine and feminine features which we can see he has. It would also put his chart ruler in the 12th House and we know that Seunghan has these moments where he is very excitable and passionate and then he withdraws and sits by himself in the corner. The conflicting energies of Mars in the 12th House and his Libra placements craving balance would make sense here. He is also the member that took the longest in getting close with everyone which would also make this make sense. So chart ruler Pisces Mars in 12th. Yes.
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
☁︎☂︎Random astrology observations #2☂︎☁︎
◈Gemini+Virgo placements - Mercury makes you quick on ur feet. 🤸‍♀️Like y’all are probs the peeps who walk super fast and get particularly annoyed when you’re stuck behind someone languidly strolling. Y’all also get irritated if someone doesn’t understand how to do something as quickly as you- like y’all are super smart, but cut us normies some slack. 😪
◈One time I met a triple Aquarius; sun, moon rising and he was Uranian energy personified. He would tell stories of him fucking with the government, cheating the system and causing mayhem in established structures, like stealing whole ass mini fridges from Walmart. He also didn’t smoke weed but had a whole Instagram page dedicated to weed memes. Lol. Such contradiction, so chaos. Needless to say, he was memorable. 🤡
◈Timothee Chalamet has a 5th house stellium and it makes SO MUCH SENSE. 5th house is star 💫 power, 5th house is acting, it’s drama, it’s also the house of good fortune. He went from nobody knowing his name to “everyone”knowing his name in just a couple years. He also has his 5th house stellium in Capricorn, so he tends to be well respected by his elders in the industry. They see him almost as an equal. It helps that he’s a Pisces moon and life path 9 and that’s old soul energy. I can make a whole ass post about Timmy’s chart 😏 maybe in my next post lol 😇
◈This one’s personal but people with moon in 5th house are such dreamers. Y’all can weave a fantastical world of ur own made up of cherry 🍒 pie, sunshine and infinite love. The marriage of the moon in the 5th house of the sun, actually makes these individuals quite balanced emotionally. Oh and y’all def are suckers for romantic comedies.
◈Sun conjunct jupiter- what is so funny ? 😛 literally feel like y’all have laughing gas attached to you. Forever optimist. You could be hanging off a cliff with a gun pointed to ur head and you’ll still be like “oh this isn’t too bad..it’s a learning experience” lol (I have this placement so I know..lol, my friends tell me I’m their good luck charm and my sense of humor is my superpower)
◈This is just my theory but I believe if you have heavy 12th house, there is a karmic debt that U have to pay in this lifetime. Especially if you have Saturn, Pluto or mars there. 12th house is endings/12th house is karma (12th house is also rly beautiful, it’s the most spiritual house) but if u have say Pluto there, I always imagine you killed someone in a past life or someone killed you. Add mars to the mix and it was very violent.
◈I met someone with juno in Libra in the 12th house and I truly believe he lost his twin flame in his most previous lifetime and now in this lifetime he’s forever searching for that familiar energy 🥺🥺🥺
◈Empty 12th house probs means you got a clean slate this time around. Like u def did some real good deed in ur previous life.
◈ Something I’ve noticed is there are A LOT of Taurus placement celebrities- particularly actors. I find this makes sense because Taurus rules the body and it is a Venus ruled sign. So using your body to express the vibration of Venus. I almost thought about being an actor because of my Taurus rising and 5th house moon 🌝 still possible 🤩
◈ Taurus placements are SO sensitive to smells- like legit, I’m a Taurus rising and I’ll tell my friend something smells bad and then they won’t even notice it. What’s up with that ? Y’all have plugged up noses lol Also could be why Taurus placements are naturally amazing cooks - nose 👃 connected to mouth 👄 connected to brain 🧠
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yaseraphinee · 3 months
astro observations 1 - focus on appearance and vibes
Hi ! Today I am posting my first ever astro observations ! Hope you like it! (if you do, there is more to come *mischevious smirk)
(REMINDER : I am NOT a professional astrologer. Everything I say are my personal opinions and not facts.)
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Aries rising men
-> Aries rising men tend to look either really "primal" or like a greek god that fell from the Mount of Olympus.
From the ones I have seen (which is rare like where are they hiding??l) they have thick straight eyebrows, are taller than average, tend to be on the skinnier/leaner side and tend to have a prominent cranium.
-> They also often look mad/like they are about to start a fight or they are just pissed off 24/7 (it's similar to Scorpio risings RBF but it's not as intense or shady it's more like "the fuck you're looking at ugly ass" lmaooo)
-> I knew a guy who was an Aries rising and he described himself as a professional hater. He loved cursing at people and just getting pissed off. He admitted that himself by saying stuff like "i love hating on people" and would, without any shame, try to find any opportunity to shit on people (just for fun though lmaoo)
This attitude/anger issues/cursing at people 24/7 can also be seeing in Vinnie Hacker for instance. *He is an Aries rising and the way his only screentimes in the Hype House show was him treatening to beat people's asses is so funny to me help-
Also , Vinnie Hacker to me (obviously) falls into the "greek god looking" type of Aries rising men.
(*but then he has cancer placements so maybe all that moodiness doesn't help him at all lmaoo)
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Men and women with aries stelliums often radiate libra energy for some reason. 
They look really elegant and feminine. They usually have really good manners, they are really soft spoken and sweet. They are super polite and charming. They seem generally approachable and have a nice smile on top of that.
ex :  Prayag Mishra aka the "pookie guy", PinkPantheress
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Prayag Mishra aka the "pookie guy"
-> He looks really well groomed which is a typical libra men thing as it is ruled by venus, the planet of beauty and harmony.
-> He is known for being sassy which i would typically associate with leo placements (and fire energy in general) HOWEVER libras and taurus, because they want to RECEIVE that princess treatment too, can also be quite dramatic and sassy but in a less upfront, all up in your face way.
-> His sassiness is paired with a certain flirtiness which is SOO libra.
-> Just read this article about him "combatting toxic masculinity". I don't know if I am reading to deeply into it, but this "toxic masculinity" and "sassy men apocalypse" thing feels really Aries VS Libra to me -> Masculinity VS Feminity which, again, proves how he radiates feminine energy despite having more masculine energies in his chart.
(that take is a bit of a stretch ngl)
-> Her appearance and singing is really angel-like. She sings with a really sweet and soft voice, usually about love.
-> She comes off a little shy at first, but mostly well-mannered and polite. She also smiles a lot.
-> The gentleness in the way she talks and the "Let's not make it political" screams Libra to me. All about keeping the peace and the harmony.
-> She is known for her fashion sense, which is quite "girly".
I also see a lot of men saying she looks "feminine", she has a lot of fanboys and they seem to adore her softness and her nice personnality (in addition to her beauty). A lot of them act a bit possessive towards her. it's like she brings out this "i'll provide and take care of you" type of energy out of men lmaoo
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-> I knew two guys with aries stelliums who came across really calm and composed, which sounds completely opposite to what Aries are stereotypically described as.
(one of the guys had a taurus rising and his stellium was located in the 12th house so maybe that is why he seemed much calmer and almost melancholic?)
Scorpio rising women
Scorpio rising women tend to have square/ rectangular and straight body types. Their shoulders tend to be really prominent and squarish.
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They are also usually of a smaller height, or just smaller than average. They also have a pretty prominent forehead and prominent cheekbones.
Here’s a visual example of Scorpio rising women : 
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Maya from XG - Scorpio rising (Tropical) (it is not confirmed since we don't know her time of birth but I think scorpio could be her rising sign)
Grimes - Scorpio rising (Tropical)
Bee’s Honey Tarot - Scorpio rising (Sidereal)
Lily Rose Depp - Scorpio rising (Tropical)
(/!\ all of them are skinny and most of them are white so it definitely doesn’t represent every Scorpio rising women out there but more so a sub-group that I have identified /!\)
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stay blessed 💋​💕​💗​💖​💅​
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