#and I couldn’t even get through the first book bc of his ass
hella1975 · 6 months
u hate gansey too?? LOVE THAT 💞💞💞 i forgot he existed til i saw your tags and then i remembered how much i DESPISE this guy. he wore KHAKIS. and BOAT SHOES. and the 'your dad was too busy abusing u for u to get educated haha lol u SUCK' scene like??? excuse me i need to buy a gun 😃😃 he's the WORSTTTTT. genuinely i don't think maggie stiefvater like quite understood the implications of the amount of classism this guy emanates from the page but i'm british so i hate his guts 💕
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yandere-yearnings · 1 month
Know Me Like the Devil Knows My Sins (Loser!Yandere x GN!Reader)
feat. genie's loser yan
♡ oneshot, approx 1.5k words
♡ post-specific warnings: yandere themes, implied kidnapping, violence, strangulation, implied death
♡ a/n: thank you to @moyazaika for letting me write abt his oc, loser yan!! genie, if you read this, pls ignore the fact that my characterisation sucks ass. this was over 3k but i went back and cut out the waffle bc there was a lot of it lmao, so ig it's technically edited, but not proofread.
This basement was cold. 
Heated blankets and warm meals, however many times a day they were brought to you, didn’t change much. No windows or light for even a semblance of passing time, all you had was the annoying draft that skimmed through the door at the top of the staircase — the one you weren’t allowed near. You wouldn’t have been able to escape even if you wanted to, not with the chain around your ankle. For as free as he tried to make you feel, the heavy metal was a constant reminder that there was no liberty in his love, if it could even be called that.
You were waiting for his return, less because you wanted to and more because it was the only thing you could do other than read the books he’d given you. They were all your favourites, from the stories your mother used to read you as a child to the ones you’d pick up on your way home when you’d grown up. At first, you’d found the thoughtfulness of it endearing, feeling seen and understood and catered to. Somewhere, kept within his walls, you didn’t blame yourself for becoming as delusional as he was.
How could you enjoy anything anymore, with no one to share it with?
Each new day that passed, every page you would read and read again, only accomplished you in realising the loneliness that coiled around you. Second by second, growing larger than your life had been before this. Soon, your loved ones would stop looking for you. Soon, you’d be considered dead — and in death you would be all his. You knew that was what he wanted.
You had made yourself comfortable on the vulnerabilities he presented to you, in the way he shook when your fingers stroked his skin, his shudders at your calling his name. That was all too good to be true. If you had actual control in this, he’d have surrendered to you long ago. You’d been testing it. Playing mind games, pushing limits — he’d shut you down quick, then cover the shrewdness in his eyes with a bashful smile. You were no fool, and clearly he wasn’t either.
Your bitterness surmounted with the echoing of locks clicking open. There wasn’t a need for as many as he had placed to keep you here, you weren’t sure you could even run anymore. You hadn’t used your legs in so long. He’d surely catch you. He’d rip your throat out like he did in your nightmares. You had no faith you wouldn’t become another layer of red on the white paint surrounding. Perhaps you should’ve been thankful, if fear were to be a knife, he’d certainly dulled it for you — slinking in, shoulders slumped and looking as meek as ever. Really, from the first glance, he didn’t look like he could hurt a fly.
“Darling…” there was that tone, demure, like you could do anything to hurt him from your place on this filthy mattress, your place on the floor as he stood above you. Towering. This entire thing felt like a sick joke. You’d once considered there being a chance for you. Hope crumbled just like he did, to his knees to look into your eyes. “I missed you so much today, my love.”
You blinked at him. You knew where this was going.
“I mean- I miss you every day, don’t get me wrong!” Sheepish laughter, twitching fingers — all signs of his wanting your validation. “I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about you, not at all. Work has been so hard, and you’re the only thing I can look forward to truly and- and I really, really wanted to come back home quickly and ask if you’d...”
His sentence trailed off, and it took all you had to suppress the urge to roll your eyes. He wasn’t very creative, that much was obvious. You’d initially chalked it up to some cute sort of performance anxiety that he experienced because he wanted to come off as appealing to you. Now, it had begun to dawn on you that he was simply struggling to keep up the pathetics. As you curled your digits into his hair, as you tugged him closer and let him muffle his weak moan into your neck, you wondered why either of you were bothering anymore. No audience except for the earwigs that crawled about, no one who’d watch this stupid, repetitive show.
“I’ll hold you,” you whispered, tired enough that even your dishonesty could be mistaken as gentle. “I’ll hold your heart. Don’t worry. I know.”
You could feel his lips on your skin, chapped, scraping where he tried to formulate words. You were sure he too felt this warring between the both of you, this constant fight, teasing superiority, challenging who would take the reigns in this sombre dance. Bored out of your mind, anticipating when he’d get tired of you — but you were his infatuation so that could never happen.
“Not enough about me,” he breathed, “my sweetheart, my entire world, you wouldn’t know what I’ve done for you.” His hands dug into your waist where they rested, gripping flesh over fabric like it would give him warmth. It wouldn’t, because it was freezing in here.
“Won’t you tell me?”
Quiet laughter. “You’d be scared if I did.”
“I already am.” Your words made him pull away, made him peer at you with those eyes. You held his gaze. “I already am afraid of you. I already know who you are. Tell me anyway, since-”
“Since you love me.” He interrupted you, finished your sentence with words you had not been planning to utter. He didn’t say it tentatively enough; gave himself away with that and the severe expression on his face that his hair did not hide. It was a shame that now wasn’t one of your better days, lest you’d have heeded the silent warning.
“Since I can’t leave,” you corrected. No energy for even a single ounce of regret, none to even whimper at the violent pressure of his grip on your collarbones.
Sometimes, he’d come to you with blood caked under his fingernails. Sitting there like he was sinless, mouth running for hours about you in every way he could. All your likes and dislikes, all your habits, all your life — as if you didn’t know yourself. Again, those lips were moving, spitting at you like it could quell the anger you could see bubbling beneath the surface.
Your perfect person, he spilled descriptions like the ideals you once had were his intimate study, asking you why. Why wasn’t he enough even though he’s everything you’d ever wanted? When he’d made sure of it? Your chance to answer was taken by lithe fingers on your neck, but if you could, you’d have told him that at its core, it was just that every desire you had, looked like something disgusting on him.
“Sweetheart, this isn’t like you, c’mon,” his words came ringing, buzzing, an entire choir of metal scraping metal underwater, your world spinning and head pressed back into the mattress too fast to stop him from climbing on top of you, “don’t deny your feelings for me.”
Your eyes rolled back and his hold on you only loosened a fraction. Staring at the dark inside your own skull, gasping breaths through bruised tissue. You thought you heard knocking, and surely it’d be death at your door if you didn’t backtrack now, didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear, like you had been until you’d lost yourself in your own lies.
Survival instinct should’ve kicked in, but then sight and sound returned to you, and you accepted that you wouldn’t be the hero in your story. You’d get yourself killed, yet, how could you love a man that loomed over you with eyes on fire? He’d burn you up to make it through the winter, and find another once your ashes were blown away.
Even if it made you a villain, drowning in the blood pooling from your ears, you owed yourself your last rasp to him. “I hate you,” broken and choked on tears cutting through the numbness. Your nails clawing everywhere you could reach, on this bed of springs that felt nothing like the one you so desperately wanted to return to, you mourned all you were losing. 
Limbs going numb — salt — you’d never see home again.
When under constant observation, there’s only so much one can conceal about themselves. He knew that well. From the pictures of you in his gallery and the endless notes with your name repeated over and over and over — he’d chosen to obsess, and you were forced to, and you became his mirror the longer he kept you. Going mad, crazy, insane because his was the only face you could remember anymore.
You knew his moods from his scent and his needs from his touch, you knew him to the heart of the blank slate he’d always been, you knew him rooted carnally to you because it was the only thing grounding him. He hadn’t needed to tell you anything really, and you didn’t need to push. You knew him like the devil knew his sins.
And he’d take you to hell for it.
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strwberri-milk · 5 months
Midnight Blues
Rafayel x Reader || Mild Insomnia, Comfort || 1 184 words
a/n: my toxic trait is pretending im a singer and compiling songs into albums and naming them and midnight blue is the name of the hypothetical album that encapsulates falling in love with rafayel and i guess i could make a playlist bc thats the normal thing to do but i just name fanficitions after them ig. also this is based off his treasure secret time - idgaf about the mensturation i only care about the fact that hums your ass to rest and the lore drop that is rafayel calling you at night when the two of you first start met bc it would help you sleep
You can hardly remember what nights were like before without the sound of his voice in your ears.
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You sigh as you sink into your bed, staring up at the ceiling after doing another quick lap around the house to try and tire yourself out. Your body is tired, you know it is. You just wish that you could sleep, not at all excited about the prospect of having to go to work tomorrow after being unable to sleep all night.
You’re about to start your nightly routine of tossing and turning when your phone suddenly starts to ring. A smile makes its way onto your face as you recognise the caller ID, putting your phone against your ear and humming lightly to alert the other side to your presence.
“You’re still awake, huh?” Rafayel’s teasing tone asks through the phone. The two haven’t known each other long but that didn’t seem to bother Rafayel in the slightest.
“Yeah,” you sigh, putting your phone on speaker next to you on the pillow.
All it took was falling asleep one time in a conversation with him for Rafayel to pounce on that and decide to take advantage of it. You swore up and down that it was a mistake, that it wasn’t because of Rafayel that you fell asleep but deep down you know that something about that silky smooth timbre of his voice made your worries go away. You’d never slept so soundly, mortified at the teasing text that he sent you when you read it in the morning.
However, you had to admit defeat and let the man do whatever he wanted. Even before you met him it was clear that Rafayel didn’t care much for whatever the people around him want. He does as he pleases and now, it seems that he’s convinced you won’t sleep without him talking to you.
“If you wanted me to call you all you had to do was ask,” he says after a while, letting you get settled in bed.
“I’m grown. I can take care of myself,” you reply, Rafayel imagining a slight pout on your features as you did so.
“Ah, I see. So you don’t need me to talk you to sleep then? I’ll hang up then.”
“Wait!” you shout quickly, shooting out of bed and grabbing your phone.
“Don’t…don’t go. Please?”
“Begging now? I guess if you’re that desperate for my company I’ll give it to you.”
You can hear how smug he is, rolling your eyes at how obvious his tells are. You wonder how Thomas hasn’t figured him out yet – Rafayel isn’t nearly as sneaky as he seems to think he is.
“Are you driving?” you ask after a second, settled back into bed again and listening carefully to his end of the call.
“I’m heading back from an exhibition. I could have booked a hotel but I didn’t feel like staying the night there so I’m making the long drive home. I called you to see if you’d keep me company.”
You tug your blankets around yourself, losing yourself in their warmth as you yawn. The exhaustion begins to sit on your shoulders again but this time, it feels more manageable. His voice swims around your head as he starts rambling about the exhibition. You’re glad to hear that it went off without a hitch, having declined his invitation yourself due to a more urgent task of the day.
“Are you even listening to me?” he asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“Hmm? Yeah, sellers bullying you, people hitting on you, same old same old,” you mumble, burying yourself further into your bed.
“If you didn’t like it that much, why didn’t you just make something up to get out of it?”
“I couldn’t bail on Thomas again. I felt bad for him constantly fielding off journalists and this show was supposedly a big deal so I decided to do him a favour. Plus, I blew off all the shows so far this month so I might as well make myself seen at a more important one.”
Leave it to Rafayel to make doing his job seem like a favour to someone else. Even if he acts like he’s got his head in the clouds you know he’s genuinely kind – if you’ve got the patience to go digging through the layers that make up the enigmatic artist. You feel thankful that the world brought you to him, even if you weren’t sure what the budding feeling in your chest is.
“You had a long day, huh? I can hear it in your voice.”
You give him another hum, not wanting to bother with any words.
“Even if I ask you a question you don’t need to reply. It’s getting late and I won’t be home for at least another hour. I really did just want your company you know. I’m glad that you answered my call. It would have been miserable if I had to drive home all alone.”
It doesn’t take Rafayel much time to start rambling at you again. You don’t know how he manages to find anything and everything to say to you and keep himself entertained, laughing at his own jokes and taking the soft noises you make as jumping off points to completely go on a new tangent.
When he hears your light snores and steady breathing, he smiles to himself. The sound of your breath surrounds him in his car and if he weren’t such a responsible driver, he’d close his eyes just to pretend that he’s laying in bed with you.
Normally, Rafayel was perfectly content driving home in silence, finding the long expanse of road the perfect opportunity to ground himself after all of the cameras and people in his face. Honestly, he only left when he did to make sure he’d be able to call you at the same time he did every night. Your inability to sleep well worried him and even if you didn’t fully understand the extent of his feelings towards you, he wouldn’t let that get in the way of taking care of you. You make him happy after all, especially when he hears you try to rouse yourself from sleep in a desperate attempt to show him that you’re listening to him. The mental image of your sleepy eyes trying to focus on his face makes his heart melt, impatiently tapping his finger against the steering wheel at the annoyance of being unable to call you his just quite yet.
Even when he gets home, he doesn’t hang up on you. He’s careful to do his nightly routine quietly, using the sound of your breathing as his favourite symphony and he settles down for the night himself. He even continues to speak to you softly, wanting to make sure that his voice lulls you into a truly restful slumber. He thinks about you a lot and being able to help you in any form always makes his heart feel so full.
He won’t admit that talking to you on these late nights makes him sleep well too, putting his phone on the pillow beside him before falling asleep to thoughts of you.
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anadiasmount · 1 year
Could you do one about how Christian would be as a dad to be? Like during pregnancy and when the baby is born please?
i’m guessing you wanted this as a head cannon? if not i hope you don’t mind if i do it like this ❣️
when you reveal to him ur pregnant, he’s in utter shock. which makes you feel uneasy, until you feel him bend down to his knees and hug your stomach. his head laying on your abdomen where he talks with the baby. he cries and pours his heart out of him being so happy and grateful for you. “is this actually real? i’m going to be a dad?”
despite his heavy and hectic schedule he still attends the doctors appointment every time. he drives you there, opens the door for you, holds your hand, and even checks in with the receptionist for you. while waiting for the midwife, he talks to you about the nursery, and the different color schemes he likes.
you have to reassure him every time you wince at the cold sensation of the gel, bc he gets so concerned, only wanting for you to be comfortable and safe. he holds your left hand constantly kissing it, as you watch your baby through the ultrasound. “look at the baby! i want to meet them already…”
his brown eyes widen when you get to hear your babies heartbeat for the first time. he shakes his head with excitement, and tells you he wants to hear it all the time. he even goes out to buy a baby heart beat monitor. “christian, seriously?” “can you blame me? i love the sound. it’s our baby’s heartbeat.”
throughout the pregnancy he makes it the priority for you to be relaxing and resting at all times, making you feel completely helpless. you’re so used to moving around and getting different tasks done, so when this happens you just have to bite your tongue. knowing christian is so protective of you and his baby. “don’t you dare move. i’ll be right back.”
you sometimes take trips to different to baby stores to check out the cribs, clothes, beds, carriers, strollers, some bottles, breastfeeding pumps, etc. he’s such a dad already, and researches the best products so the two of you can buy. “i saw this stroller online, it’s a 2-in-1. let’s go check it out.”
when the day of gender reveal comes around, the two of you decided to head north to Hershey, where all his family and yours reunite to celebrate. you asked his sister to surprise you, and she couldn’t back down on the idea, more than ready and excited to do so. especially since you helped her with hers. “OMG I WOULD BE SO HONORED!”
he’s dressed in a white button up, and you with a tight white dress with brown sandals. you kiss his cheek and jaw when you feel his hand nervously draw shapes on your bump. “you okay chris?” “yeah. just nervous that’s all. we finally get put out our misery,” he’d joke.
the long debate of whether it was a boy or girl ends, when you the color blue pops out. you immediately let out a small laughter and began to let out a couple tears of joy, which causes christian to softly kiss you and wipe them away. “we’re having a baby boy! a mini me running around!”
the next few months fly by. the now impatient waiting for your due date to appear. the constant cycles of going to pee, take frequent naps, weird craving, insomnia kicking ur ass. but despite it all, christian is there to guide and help you. “how can you eat that?” he’d say, “oh shut up. it’s this or me being cranky. so you decide…”
one thing you especially love is where he pulls out his guitar and sings to the baby, where they respond by kicking your belly when they hear the small noises. christian also reads to the baby, his head on your bump while reading nursery books. “you see here? this story is about how the piggy went to market.”
the day before labor, you feel the contractions and cramps. taking small step around the house, your hair in a messy clip, sighing and breathing in and out. christian is there to help you practice breathing methods, and timing the contractions before it’s go time. “ready? 1,2,3,4… let it out… there we go… again….”
after ur water breaks, you began to get nervous and filled with anxiety, but he reassures you everything will be okay. “i’m here baby. i’m here for you and our baby boy okay? scream, cry, laugh all you want.”
christian ties you hair up, holds your strong grip hand around his and you walk around the hospital room, he wipes off the sweat and applied cold wraps around your head to ease the heat. he whispers words of encouragement to you, rubbing your back and abdomen when the pain gets bad. “i’m going to change this okay? this will help your back better. just breath baby, im here for you.”
christian gets a bit light headed during labor, especially at the sight of his baby coming out of you. he just nervously laughs it off, holding your hand and encouraging you to push. the relief on your face once you let out that final push and hear your baby cry, ends his misery and wait. “you did it baby! i’m so proud of you…”
when he finally holds his baby, he cries. especially when the baby wraps his hand around christians pinky. feeling the bundle of joy in his arms is the most happiest day of his life, right after meeting you of course. all you can do is tiredly watch as your boys hold each other. “he’s so tiny” he coos, “he has your brows and lips…”
when coming home he helps you inside the house, going back and forth to gets the bags, and baby carrier. he heats up some pads and some water for you to make some coffee or tea. he puts your feet up to reduce the swelling and kisses your head while holding you. the baby sound asleep in your arms after feeding him.
with one hand he opens the nursery door, the baby occupying the other one as christian hold him secured. you follow behind him, wrapping a hand around his tattoed bicep. he looks around proudly at the monsters inc decorated themed room, before whispering, “welcome home theo… daddy and mommy love you so much…”
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qprpbj · 2 months
what do u think darrys actual headspace was when all the socs went to college and he had to dropout or couldnt really afford what they had anyways? im always thinking about how he had to straddle both worlds and how much that affected him.
hi you have officially opened the can of actually insane darry brainworms i have so. prepare for an actual essay.
WELL. if we have seen my account ever i am very much of the opinion that him going off to college, against all odds and disadvantages that greasers have to go through, and then having to drop out midway through, is imo a ton more devastating for him as a character than not getting to go at all — i guess in that case it’d probably be a ton easier for him to let go of the “soc life” he lived (or pretended to live) bc he’d probably just start working immediately out of graduation and that’d kinda be that. he never got a taste of the college life anyway, he worked hard but never got the chance to get out, a greaser is all he’ll ever be no matter how much he deluded himself in high school. bc most greasers don’t get out, the cycle of poverty and abuse (for most greasers, not necessarily darry) continues generation after generation
BUT. the idea of him working part time throughout high school, making connections w the socs to move on up and faking his way through both worlds, working his ass of at getting good grades and being the best on the football team to get scholarships, and his parents having their own careers & slowly saving up what they can to send him to a community college or in the city/city adjacent and not Terribly expensive like socs get to go to is SO intriguing to me. bc. he GOT OUT. he got out of the cycle that greasers simply don’t ever ever break, and he got out. like he was finally actually OUT. he finally got a taste of what it feels like to work and work and work and for it to FINALLY pay off.. just for his life to be completely flipped upside down & for it to be taken away all over again, out of circumstances he couldn’t even control. he can’t just work harder and work himself out of his parents dying. he wanted out and he GOT out, but tbh at the end of the day no matter how much he wanted out of greaser hood, his brothers come first & he’d never have lived with himself if he didn’t do all he could to keep his family together, even if it meant giving up what he’s worked for for his entire life (in terms of headspace though, during the dropout itself idk if he’d be so concerned with the soc/greaser issue as he would be that. yk his literal parents just died lol.)
& in terms of straddling both lives, you are so right, esp in high school!! particularly bc i kinda see darry as a conformist?? like he doesn’t really wanna Stand Out, he just wants to get by, he wants to work hard and take pride in what he does yk. i think as much as he was football captain and boy of the year and was super popular and “ran the school” so to speak though, he’d sort of always deep down feel like he’s on the outside looking in bc. he IS. he isn’t like the socs and he never will be. i think post-book, him coming to terms with & being okay with that (“i was born a greaser, so grease is all that ill get” “take pride in the greaser name” etc) would be major in terms of self compassion & forgiveness lol
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
you think it would’ve been better if creek did get eaten in the first movie? At least legacy wise. Everyone would mourn him as the last victim of trollstice, and the few who did know what an ass he was couldn’t really mess with that memory. Like my man would be better dead than alive
i think thats why i find "creek somehow survives" aus so funny. bc him surviving is literally the worst case scenario with him no matter which route you take.
did he save himself from the monster the same way poppy did while chef died, so he had to wander the woods for ages until coming back to troll civilisation, like presumably happened in the cartoon? even if he is genuinely accepted with open arms he was still LIVING in the WOODS. he probably ate MANY poisonous berries. he probably also ate special mushrooms and had the worst trip of his life several times over. he could only wash himself in lakes/puddles, and convenient rainfall, and MAYBE if hes a quick thinker and finds a pointy stick he could make a shower out of dew on leaves like branch does in the cartoon. even if after returning to the village everything is back to normal he still HAD that experience. plus, yknow, bergens are friends now. and hes one of two trolls alive who have the experience of being in a bergens mouth. he probably has to relive that whenever hes forced to be nice to a bergen. i think its awesome hes traumatised
did he save himself, wander the woods, come back to pop troll village, only to be met with disgust at his betrayal? sure, they let him stay, but its mostly because he cant sell them out anymore. hes harmless. but that doesnt mean they like him. they hate him. they might go to his yoga classes, its his one contribution to society, but no ones friends with him anymore. dj suki only invited him out because he forgot it was prank day, and he REALLY thought they were hitting it off! i mean, POPPY only even acknowledges his existence when hes annoying branch and cries to poppy like shes a preschool teacher. POPPY! the happiest troll of all, and they used to be so inseparable, and even if they werent "official" poppy at LEAST had a crush on him and he KNEW ABOUT IT! but now its nothing! he has no one. he was willing to kill everyone he ever knew and loved, and as a result, he is dead to all of them.
did he and chef NOT get eaten by the monster, and were just banished from bergentown, and chef used creek to wash her dishes like in the books? he cant escape her, shes on top of everything! like, literally, she towers over him. hes a tiny little rodent and she is studying him like a labrat. maybe she doesnt even keep him in a cage, because she knows he knows theres no way hes even getting out of the RV, let alone getting back home alive! which adds insult to injury, doesnt it. he has walking room but it doesnt help him at all. he may be freeroam but shes still his captor. hes held prisoner and borderline tortured for the rest of his life
did the previous happen, BUT he somehow got away from chef? whether he escaped, or she died, or maybe she gave up and let him go but i dont think that ones likely. he would, again, have to wander the woods before returning to civilisation. he no longer has the trauma of being eaten by a monster 500x his size, but he DOES have the trauma of being tortured by a monster 20x his size, on top of being almost eaten by a monster 10x his size. hes been through a lot, and he deserves every last bit of it
did any of the others happen, except instead of being allowed back into the village (whether they actually wanted him back, or they tolerated him because hes no longer dangerous) hes still banished? they dont let him back into the village, into his old pod. maybe they give him a tent, theyre not heartless, but they send him back on his way. maybe branch gives him an old book of safe forageables, not out of the goodness of his heart but to gloat, that now CREEK is the lonely ostracised hermit and BRANCH is beloved by the community and the queen. HIS queen. good luck, buddy. from the looks of how youre faring after one month, youre gonna need it!
and theres probably OTHER options i havent even THOUGHT about! that are even WORSE. and he brought it on himself! because he valued himself more than his entire species! his massive ego, the way he fancied himself the next stage in troll evolution. i know its hard to accept your death, but if youre to the point you think you are worth more than everyone you have ever known, ever loved, you deserve what happens
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halcyon-writings · 2 years
Moment of Repose
pairing: billy butcher/reader
notes/cw: none (save for butcher's bad habits /lh), after 84 years,,,, the request for anon is done. I am very sorry for the wait, the writer's block was really kicking my ass LMAO and ngl I liked the request bc lowkey it was challenging bc it was difficult to picture him as like,,, soft, when the man is quite literally the opposite, but I hope that it worked out
Billy Butcher is, in no way, soft. Edges that are far too sharp, too untrusting prevent such a thing. Trust that was hard to earn and easily lost at the drop of a hat did that to you. 
Billy Butcher is not soft. Something that even he insists upon, at least when pressed about it. He was cordial enough to those he worked with at best, and at worst, he would be downright vulgar to anyone else. 
So what made you different? Was it your relaxed demeanor? (In comparison to Butcher, anyone looked leagues calmer than he could ever be.) Was it the way you were practically unphased whenever he would slip into a string of curses when someone got on his nerves? Or was it the fact that you could read him like an open book? (No one said that last part out loud though, lest they risk his ire being directed at them.)
You supposed that the secret to seeing a soft or gentle facet of Billy Butcher was one that you would keep to yourself till the end of time. Or whatever other cliche bullshit he would say it was.
Such as right now, when Butcher basically running off of fumes and you had all but taken away his gun, any backup knives and blunt objects he kept on his person in case the gun failed, and his keys. Certainly, he could hotwire said car, seeing as how even a soft breeze could knock the thing over, but the image of your neutral face of displeasure made an uncomfortable feeling stir in his gut (it was that or the expired frozen dinner he ate, with him convincing himself that it was still good). Even with his protests, which were weak for the most part, Butcher was convinced to rest, or at least even take a nap under your watch.
So that left you to watch over the man as he slept for the first time in days, while everyone else in this little team of yours had taken that as an excuse for a free day.
M.M. had gone to see his daughter (and you slipped him some cash to get some flowers for his ex-wife but that was another secret of yours). Kimiko and Frenchie had decided to run errands, such as picking up things for actual food to cook rather than the frozen dinners Butcher would insist upon to “save” money, and you could only keep your fingers crossed that whatever damages that had appeared on the evening news were minimal at best. You cherished the pair dearly as friends, however, their penchant for chaos was unmatched. Finally, Hughie, you had guessed, had gone out on his own, sneaking off to see his date and you snickered as he stammered through an excuse.
“Just go on, you don’t wanna leave her waiting, do you?” A teasing bit to your voice makes the boyish man scramble up the steps and you hear the door to the shop open and shut in quick succession. 
So while Butcher snored away the afternoon, you had decided to read. Enjoying the silence that had come with most of the bases’ occupants being gone for the moment, occasionally interrupted by a snore here or there. 
Of course, you sometimes could not help but shift uncomfortably. With Butcher all but caging you in with his giant head on your lap, arms around your waist, you were at least glad you did not have to go to the bathroom yet. Despite your inner protests, you couldn’t help but feel a little pleased, who knew that Billy Butcher could be as soft and sweet during his sleep? 
Occasionally you reach down, smoothing the frown on his face so that he could at least relax again, his nose would twitch, and you curiously guess what he dreamed about. Maybe he had had some weird dream. Perhaps something ridiculous like Homelander actually being a responsible Supe. Or being right that eating an expired frozen dinner was the correct thing to do… maybe you should take him to urgent care for that. But then again if it took as much convincing as it did to get the man to rest his eyes for an hour or two, you would have to prepare the big guns. 
As you attempted to steer your focus back on the book in your hands, it was only a short moment that you could feel Butcher begin to stir. Well, it seemed that you could not get a chance to keep reading, as you use an old receipt like a makeshift bookmark. 
He sits up, groggy for a moment, you almost think it was cute if it weren’t for the kind of person he was.
“What day is it?”
“The same day that you took your nap,” You say helpfully. He curses. 
“Feel like shit…” Mumbling incoherently into his hands, almost like a bad hungover. 
“You kind of look it too,” You chirp, “But that’s what happens when you don’t get a proper amount of sleep.”
He sends you a sleepy glare, but there is no heat behind it. You reciprocate by giving him a bright smile. You expect him to stand up, getting back to whatever sort of chaos that would have Vought scramble for some PR recovery, instead, you’re pleasantly surprised when all he does is lay back down, this time using his signature jacket as a makeshift blanket. 
Once again, the silence is met with his snoring as he falls back into slumber. 
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hongluboobs · 8 months
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wrath/gloom/sloth he’s SO fucking not normal you guys
the only other Hong Lu with gloom is liu. wrath used to be pretty rare in his kits but liu, w corp, and hook Hong Lu have it so it’s not really that rare anymore! No lust is also something to note because right now the only Hong Lu identities that don’t have lust affinity somewhere are the corp ones!
It’s a little bit of a reach but his lustless ids being specifically the corp ones reminds me of something from dream of the red chamber. In that book, there’s a character named Zhen Bao-yu, who seems identical to and is even called a “mirror version” of Jia Bao-yu(the most likely equivalent to limbus Hong Lu) in the text. The two look very similar and even have the same jade, but the difference is instead of remaining silly and whimsical (to quote the text, “full of lust”) like Jia Bao-yu, Zhen Bao-yu eventually matures out of this. When the two finally meet in person, Jia Bao-yu expects to meet a kindred spirit but soon realizes Zhen Bao-yu isn’t actually like him and is a “career worm”, which he hates.
All the corp hong lus get their jobs from nepotism, So that can potentially provide deeper meaning for why the Corp Hong Lu’s don’t have lust if you’re a little too insane about the text, but what about this one? he sure as hell isn’t working at a corp?
If I have to connect it to the text, this Hong Lu reminds me of the Jia Bao-yu (who i’m just gonna call Bao-yu for brevity bc Zhen Bao-yu isn’t relevant to here) near the very end of the book. Here, he returns to the land of illusion and is enlightened this time! He reads a bunch of forbidden knowledge that pretty much amounts to the fates of everyone he cares about, and DOESN’T forget it like he did the first time. This makes him develop an ambivalent “it had to happen this way and i couldn’t stop it” view of life and he starts to gradually disconnect from reality. Eventually he just. fucks off to become a monk
Of course, this might not be what they’re going for. I don’t even know how equivalent they’re trying to make things related to Hong Lu to the text, i just know it’s not gonna be one-to-one. On the other hand, red chamber is also a long ass book i don’t think many people in this fandom have read through, and it’s one of our biggest hints for what Hong Lu’s canto could hold.
Also the s3 sloth reminds me of k corp Hong Lu and i like that guy. i almost forgot to say this
i’m sooo excited for this id to drop ohhh my god. i need to see all the fucked up shit he says. i need some freak i can run on a sinking team who isn’t named lcb sinner Hong Lu. and thank god this games equivalent of bao-yu fucking off to be a monk isn’t bald bc i’d be really scared if he was (monk bao-yu cuts off all his hair when he fucks off. it’s really sad)
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filmbyjy · 2 years
I saw this reel on insta and a haikyuu scenario with the post that said: 'im in the library and here's a bf helping his gg study and I've been overhearing part of their conversation for the last hour and said "babe, I'm gonna be honest with you. You're going to fail this test, I love you, but there's nothing we can do about it now"
can you do a imagine based on this with Jay and or any other member if you wanna add
(I have my finals coming up plus another exam in a few day. SEND HELP)
a/n: HELP??? WHY DO I ACTUALLY SEE JAY SAYING THIS?? jay giving you that reality check🤙🏻 also good luck!! I currently have projects due soon hence I’m rushing my work🤧
pairing: park jongseong x fem!reader
genre: studying with bf, fluff
word count: 1K words
warning: there is no real huge warning but there is tons of jay pecking/kissing you. that's a warning itself bc i'd die to kiss jay
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there is no hope
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everyone hated them. it was the constant studying and staying up that made everyone hate it. nobody likes staying up to work on some stupid mathematic exam. cramming formulas till 4am in the morning was a nightmare.
your phone pings when a notification pops up. it startled you a little since you were heavily concentrated on your studies.
*1 message from jongseong🧸*
— placing this in case the read more messes up —
jongseong🧸: babe, are you still in the library? bc it’s dark in there.
you: why tf are you outside? didn’t you want to catch up on some sleep bc rugby was kicking your ass?
jongseong🧸: bc i’m a great boyfriend and I care about my girlfriend that I can forget about my shit sleep schedule
you: aww jongseong :((
you: i’m at the McDonald’s nearby
jongseong🧸: oh cool. i was kinda craving for some chicken nuggets! i’m bringing my books to help you too.
you: really? thank you, babe🫶🏻
jongseong🧸: anytime love❤️
it was about 15 minutes later when you heard someone sitting in front of you. you knew that familiar scent, it was your boyfriend. you looked up and gave him a warm smile before looking back down at your notes.
he lifts your chin up and leans to peck your lips.
“can’t even get a kiss from my girl without her looking away from her notes.”
“it’s 1am. the workers are staring, babe.” you whisper. jay rolls his eyes.
“well they won’t be staring if i’m here as a valued customer.” jay winks. you sighed.
“could you get me coffee?”
“at 1am? babe, you’re insane.”
“i’m going to need coffee to survive studying till 3am at least.”
jay shakes his head, “fine. i’ll get you some latte or something. nothing too strong because you won’t be able to sleep.”
“aww such a caring and sweet boyfriend I have.” you say. jay smirks.
“you do have a great boyfriend.” he steals kiss from you before going over to order something.
you remained glued to your work. however, nothing was really going in your brain. by now, jay had brought your coffee over and it still couldn’t help you.
“jayyyy, I can’t do this anymore.”
he scans through your notes. nothing made sense to him. he sighs.
“i’m gonna be honest, babe. you definitely failing this test. a 100%. your notes make zero sense to me.”
“you mean to tell me I’ve been studying shitty notes that I thought would help me??” you groaned and banged your head on the table. it catches a few of the workers attention but they quickly dismiss it.
“look, baby. if you wanna pass this test. I can always help you.” jay says.
“of course but first, let’s get out of here and hop in my car.”
“why do I feel like this isn’t going to help me at all.” you glared at the boy. he chuckles.
“trust me, love. it’s definitely going to help.” he smirks. you rolled your eyes.
the both of you left the McDonald’s with your things to get into jay’s car. he places both of yours and his things down. once you settled in, you turned to jay.
“so what’s this genius plan of yours?”
“are you serious, jongseong.”
“i’ll test you and every right answer you get equals to a kiss from yours truly.”
“you are so needy, babe.” you huffed.
“this is beneficial for the both of us. come on.” jay pouts.
you tried to weigh the pros and cons. honestly, there were definitely more pros than cons. you got to kiss jay, he would help you with passing the test and you got to spend time with him. what more could you ask?
"fine." jay smiles at your words.
after letting you read his notes for the topic, he would test you.
"you got 5 answers right. which means, i get to kiss you 5 times." jay says.
"yeah but you tested me 10 questions. i got half of them correct."
"which means you will pass. see i did something good. now, pucker up." jay says.
he leans in and pecks your lips once.
"jongseong-" he pecks it once again.
"this method didn't help." *peck*
"park jongseong." *peck*
"ooo one more." he leans in once again but this time, the kiss goes on far more than a peck. jay's hands rest on your waist. you completely forgot you were even upset in the first place. well that is until you actually remembered you were upset with him. you pushed him away.
"jay, i'm serious. i don't think i'll pass the test." you huffed.
"i'm sorry, i just i miss you. you've been pretty busy lately with studying. how about i help for real this time, hmm?"
"you're making me feel bad now. i'm sorry i don't spend time as much with you." you pout.
"it's alright, you're busy with school work."
"i feel like everyone is advancing faster than me so i take my free time to catch up with everyone. i don't even catch the topic sometimes and i just feel frustrated." you voiced out. jay squeezes your hand.
"well, i'm here. i can help you, babe. you don't have to hesitate to call me or text me when you need help."
"i know. i just feel bad."
jay shakes his head, "you don't have to feel bad. that's my duty as your boyfriend to help you and stay by your side."
"isn't that a job for a husband?" you deadpan.
"we're going to get married eventually, what's the difference." jay nudges your shoulder. you blushed.
"yeah, i guess we are."
"mrs.park, would you like me to help you really study now?"
"yes, mr.park." jay snorts. he leans in to peck your lips.
"okay, where did we stop at?" he says as he scans the notes.
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zinniax · 1 year
I reread all the courts books and came to understand it better/ notice a few things(beware this may be long)
Starting off with Tamlin- he’s just a character that needs therapy. First he has to deal with one of his best friends dying, then comes along this mortal girl who he knows is the key to undoing the curse but doesn’t want it to hurt her, then they end up falling in love something he hasn’t had in years and is still afraid knowing the fate she must face. He was willing to go along with that but quickly realized that he loved her to much for that and sent her away. The best thing he could’ve done for her in that moment. Then of course she saves the day/ dies/ reborn anew. But what guilt must’ve ate at him knowing he sent her to her death and then when she woke up he protected her like she needed to be kept behind glass. Which isn’t the best and comes off controlling and manipulative but knowing the whole story I can see why he doesn’t wanna lose her. Then we have the infamous meeting. He’s been depressed, losing Feyre to his sworn enemy that shit must fuck with your head just like it fucked with rhys. Honestly I think it was good he snapped back bc no one else dared to comment on how shitty it was tbh bc they are afraid of rhys but he isn’t. So I thought what he said needed to be said yes it didn’t come off the best way but that’s bc his feelings we’re involved. King of Hybern- we know the king likes a show, so I’m sure he upped Feyre leaving him to get tamlin to open his gates, emotional manipulation, Tamlin was manipulated you can’t change my mind.. then he thinks he’s getting her back, his Feyre back, then she distroys the last bit of himself. His best friend, his soilders, like I think she got back at him with rhys, this was petty child’s play that ended up biting her in her ass later on.. basically he’s still a good guy at heart, he just had a rough time, and has a grey side( all these characters do) and btw I’m not gonna even mention the whole Tamlin/Rhys family murder bc they both are at fault, they might’ve not done the actual killing and they both couldn’t stop it, and they both hurt eachother in the end, if anyone is to blame their fathers are, they couldn’t get past whatever petty, small minded shit they used to rule- it seemed to be a personal vendetta, one that the sons had no choice but to take over, they were once friends and their fathers took that from them and made them enemies.
There’s to many books regarding him so I can’t get through everything, but these are just my major points..
Rhys, I loved him I thought this is the fictional man imma marry but rereading that isn’t the case. Yes he has some good parts to him and he’s a family man above all but he very manipulative and egotistical. When we first meet him, he’s saved Feyre yes we love that but then he goes right back like go home it’s not safe, but this is his first time meeting him we don’t know his story. Then second meeting he tells lucien he’s been in war before lucien was even born, aka his ego then he went into Feyre mind and told her deep dark fantasy’s ( and it isn’t the first times he’s done something shitty to her ) yes we get his side to it that he really didn’t know who she was but had an inkling later of what just happened but just no. Then the whole Feyre under the mountain like who tf fuck thinks that was ok all for again getting back at Tamlin (his ego) making her drink fuck me up forget everything juice, covered in his branding, basically having her dry hump him, and embarrassed her in front of basically almost every court like wtff. Then ferye constantly says how he gives her a choice but it’s another manipulation “you don’t have todo this but it would save a lot of people if you did, oh you don’t have todo this but imma have to do other nastier means to get the same result” oh isn’t that manipulation and he did it with Nesta he gave her a “choice” yes but the choice was “if you don’t do this then I’ll get your sister who you sworn to protect todo it if you don’t, your choice” not much of a choice if it feels like the only thing you can do to protect your sisters. He treats az and cassian like shit imma just say it, maybe that’s how you know their brothers but he doesn’t give them the same respect he does amern or mor. And the whole 2nd, 3rd is bullshit. And I hate how he’s saying “what amern said goes, what Feyre said goes” like ?! So no one can question him, the people he put in charge of his army, his spy can’t ever have a different opinion ever how is that the fair and just ruler everyone says he is? And feysand I like them when they are alone, but it’s just when they interact with other characters and you get to see how they really are it’s just nope they are shitty to their family, and really on a weird power couple trip.
Nesta. This girl has been through so much manipulation, abused, emotional warfare and everyone’s like she a a bitch but az,cas, rhys goes through the same shit it’s awww our little bat boys and tamlin goes through it he’s the devil like wtfff Feyre does it and it’s she’s so strong she kept her family alive and if nesta does it oh she’s selfish, doesn’t deserve to live or have a mate, yah this bullshit. Her being the oldest doesn’t mean shit tbh she was abused by her grandma, perfected to be this perfect housewife, emotionally abused and probably physically and wonder why she didn’t pick up a bow and arrow to save her family like idk maybe the girl just wanted a  parental figure to step up and save them. She didn’t get it as a little girl she probably thought “hey this is the time right he’s gonna step up and be a parent?” Nope and like I said before she was raised to be a wife of someone rich not be out in the wild. And no one gives elain shit when all she did was NOTHING. Didn’t stop any fights between her sisters, didn’t hunt either. And before anyone says “NeStA iS a BiTcH” ummm mother dead, dad useless, grandma who beat you, sister who is oblivious to anything other then herself, other sister who has a bf, hunts, has a whole other life. Yeah I would be bitter too cuz I wouldn’t know what my place or purpose is. That’s the ptsd and depression she already had BEFORE coming into this “so called wealth” your sister not here and you haven’t heard from her, being taken out of your home into a whole different land, involved and physically changed to a whole other species, caught in a war you don’t belong in and now have to fight plus given this power you don’t understand, now your immortal, your dad is dead, don’t even get me started on all the emotions she’s having. Yeah so she’s a bitch oh well I would be too. And it’s funny to think about nesta spending all of rhys money like as she should but people seriously have an issue and hardcore take it to heart like first off he’s had so much money since the beginning of time he anit gonna run out, second he buys Amren expensive ass jewelry all the time, like yeah she had no one to talk to bc everyone would yell at her so what is there to do beside get drunk and spend money and it wasn’t like she was living some lavish life on his dime, she had a crappy apartment, dirty clothes, and read old books and went to a bar like yeah she’s sure racking up so much money rhys is gonna be in debt and besides if he really wanted to he could pull rank and not pay for ANYTHING in that town and extend it to his people including sister in laws but he didn’t so really is it that bad? Obviously before her little rehab and hike she didn’t deal with her depression in the best way and depression makes you feel secluded and people instead of trying to understand her they just judged her and already thought bad about her which furthermore put her into more depression and why not prove everyone right?? and then she went into a bloodrite (again being taken from her home or in this case a friends house) thrown into basically another war, to top it off she “won” and got the news 2 minutes later not only is her sister dying but her nephew and brother in law?? and saved their life but yeah nesta still is a bitch yeah ok
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rainbow-nerdss · 1 year
Take Two
written for @augustwritingchallenge day 11: Doppelganger Steddie, 3.3k Rated E Read it on AO3
The morning after Steve's double appeared and vanished in the space of twelve hours, turning Eddie's life upside down in the process, Eddie joked about repeating the spell, repaying the favor for Steve. Steve thought he probably would have gone through with it, too, if Dustin hadn't called to ask for a ride to school.
“I’ve got to head out,” he said after hanging up, taking the knife from Eddie’s hand and setting it aside. Eddie’s face fell as Steve put on shoes and grabbed a jacket. 
Steve pulled him close, drawing him into a kiss. “Stay here? I’ll be back soon.”
Eddie nodded, then squeezed Steve’s ass as he turned to leave.
Steve jumped, but he couldn’t deny he liked it. “Easy, man.”
Eddie winked, and Steve wanted to just drag him back to bed, but he knew how Dustin would act if he was late.
He sighed and left before he could overthink it any more, and tried to just keep his mind off of Eddie for the duration of the drive — not an easy feat, when Dustin spent the majority of the time complaining that Eddie had bailed on their DnD session the night before.
“He didn’t even apologize!” Dustin yelled. “He went home to get a book he forgot, and then he never came back! He just called and said he had some emergency, and then left us there!”
Steve bit his tongue and kept his eyes on the road, hoping Dustin wouldn't see the flush creeping up his neck. He dropped Dustin off and drove home as fast as he could. He heard the voices before he got in the door, and braced himself for what he'd find there. Robin was at the kitchen table, drinking coffee while Eddie sat across from her with his feet up.
They were laughing, but they stopped when Steve walked in. 
“Hey! Eddie was just asking me about your first day at scoops,” Robin said, smirking. Steve felt his face heat up, while Eddie’s grin turned wicked. 
“I was curious,” Eddie added.
Steve hesitated, wondering how much Robin had figured out. She had to know some of it, at least. She knew how Steve felt about Eddie, and she must have walked in and found him in their apartment. She wasn’t an idiot.
Steve decided not to overthink it. He crossed the room and leaned down to kiss Eddie. Robin squeaked, and Steve laughed into the kiss. “This is okay, right?” he whispered. Eddie nodded, kissing Steve back with a smile.
“Breakfast, anyone?”
It was almost two weeks later when they finally talked about it. Eddie had stayed over most nights in between, sharing Steve’s bed. They couldn’t get enough of each other, honestly.
(continued on AO3 bc smut)
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luckywobbles · 1 year
I just got through the first 2 books in the ACOTAR series and I am confused as all hell. It feels like SJM just completely retconned a whole new Tamlin last minute bc she thought of a new story halfway through and needed a way to make Tamlin a villain now. Tamlin HATED Amarantha so much that he publicly roasted her ass bad enough to the point of getting cursed for 49 years, still allowed himself to be taken as her prisoner if it meant Feyre was safe and free, had literally no way of getting her out during their one minute of alone time UTM (hello, Amarantha had binded all of their powers and literally walked in two seconds later anyways), stabbed that hoe through the head with a sword and then still ripped her throat out with his own teeth, and suffered PTSD from her so bad that he was paranoid of letting Feyre out of the house and couldn’t sleep unless he was in beast form guarding Feyre.
But sure, makes total sense for him to go to Hybern, an actual worse Amarantha 2.0, bestie of his father who he swore to never be like, master of the woman who destroyed his whole damn life, after only 2 months without puss, and sacrifice his entire character and moral code and grant Hybern total access to the human realm and therefore Feyre’s family so Hybern could genocide the entire human race BRO WHAT DRUGS IS THIS AUTHOR ON?
Also the flirting and joking Feyre does is so cringe I can’t even. She must be hot af bc I have no clue how else she is getting laid by all these dudes w half of her “quips”.
I’m gonna keep reading bc it’s like a train wreck on fire that I can’t look away from and also bc I have daddy issues so, ya know, *Rhysand*. But Tamlin is like the final Season of Game of Thrones’ Daenerys.
Honestly the only ones I vibe w are Nesta and Lucien bc at least they’re both consistent and both utterly over everyone’s terrible decision making skills.
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quobber · 2 years
tattooed kiss (Gwen Stacy x Peter Parker)
sooooooooo this was supposed to be a halloween thing but i am about 15 days too late. bc i gave it up then started it again.
Gwen and Peter run into each other at a Halloween party. (18+)
Words: 3.2K
contents: academic rivals to lovers, college AU, halloween party
Gwen looked at herself in the mirror. God, had she really let herself become this cliche? Wearing a sexy cat costume to a halloween frat party? She examined herself in the mirror, nerves setting in. She’d never done something bold like this. She didn’t even know why she was doing it. There was no one she was trying to impress. Besides…
She was not doing this for any man, especially Peter Parker.
Peter was her lab partner, and a horrible one at that. He was always late or not even showing up to class. He didn’t pay attention, but somehow always aced tests. Gwen had to work her ass off for her GPA, and Peter was right behind her without even trying. He knew he got under her skin. He’d flash her a big, stupid grin whenever a test was passed back and he had an A+ on top of the paper. 
“Peter Parker: top of his class. It has a nice ring to it, I think.” Peter mumbled to Gwen, leaning back in his seat. Gwen huffed and looked away from him, heat rushing to her cheeks. She could barely stand to even be around him- he made her so angry that her stomach did flips and she couldn’t think straight.
The costume made her tits look good, though. She shrugged, grabbing her purse and heading towards the door.
She walked into the frat house, music immediately blaring in her ears. The walls seemed to shake with the bass boosted speakers. She looked out at the sea of people, most of them drunk or high or both. Why did she decide to come here in the first place?
As she weaved through people to try and find some quiet, she heard a whistle.
God, please, not him. “Gwendolyne Stacy, is that you?” Flash slurred, making his way over to her.
“It’s just Gwen.” “You look good. Best costume I’ve seen tonight.” He gave her a drunken grin and leaned against the wall next to her.
She’d briefly gone out with Flash Thompson in the beginning of the semester. But he made it very clear very quickly that the “nice guy” thing he’d used the first few weeks was an act.
“Fuck off, Flash.” She rolled her eyes.
Flash stood up straight, smile wiped clean off. 
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” He raised his voice. Several people turned. “You know whose fucking party this is? Mine. You’re lucky you’re even here. And then you have the nerve to show up like that and tell me to fuck off. News flash: only pretty girls can wear costumes like that. Stick to the books. And get the fuck out.” 
It seemed to go impossibly quiet. Even the white noise became silent. Everyone was staring. Tears welled up in Gwen’s eyes. She knew she would never recover from this. By the next day she’d be the biggest laughing stock on campus.
“What’s your problem, Eugene?” A voice spoke from behind several people. Eugene. Whoever it was clearly didn’t know Flash. He wouldn’t hesitate to punch anyone who used his real name. He’d done it many times before. 
Peter Parker stepped out of the crowd, and Gwen felt like she was going to throw up. 
“I know it's frustrating that no one wants to fuck you, but you shouldn’t take it out on other people.” 
Gwen’s jaw hung open slightly. She didn’t expect anyone to stand up to Flash, much less Peter Parker. And he was defending her.
She waited for Flash to lunge at Peter. She prepared herself to dive out of the way, to run out once everyone was distracted, but Flash didn’t move. No one did.
After a few moments Peter took Gwen’s hand, making goosebumps cover her whole body. “Let’s get outta here, alright?” Gwen just nodded, walking with him towards the door. Flash didn’t try to stop them. He just watched as they made their way out. It was almost more terrifying than actually getting hit.
Gwen was very aware that Peter’s hand hadn’t left hers as the pair walked out of the house and into the night air. They walked back onto campus, sitting on a bench. Both of them were silent, unsure of what to do next. Their hands stayed intertwined.
“Thank you.” Gwen whispered. It was the most reasonable first thing to say, although she really just wanted to know why he did it. He hated her. Didn’t he?
“You don’t have to thank me. Someone needed to stand up to him.” Peter spoke, looking away as he dropped Gwen’s hand. “Listen, about what he said-”
“Don’t.” Gwen shook her head. “I don’t care. Can you… just go back to hating me please? This is weird”
“Hating you?” Peter quickly looked at her, his brows furrowed. “I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you.”
A silence fell over the two of them. The words made Gwen’s heart race. This was it. This was why Peter Parker made her crazy. 
She couldn’t figure him out.
And just when she thought she might’ve, he’d done a complete 180.
“Do you think I hate you?” Peter whispered.
Gwen took a deep breath and turned so she was facing him. “What am I supposed to think? You’re always staring at me, and bragging about your grades, and you’re a horrible lab partner by the way, and you-”
Oh. This is nice, actually.
Peter had leaned down and gently placed his lips onto Gwen’s, cutting her off. He waited a moment for her reaction, and when she didn’t pull away he cupped her face. His free hands rested on her waist while he kissed her, ever so slightly pulling her closer.
To Gwen’s disappointment she had to breathe, and so her lips left his. She blinked up at him as her chest rose and fell. She studied his face in the low light, an epiphany falling over her.
God, she didn’t hate Peter Parker. She was in love with him.
The sweaty palms, the shaking, the heart rate, the stomach aches, it wasn’t because he made her angry. It was because he made her nervous.
“Sorry. You looked really pretty.” Peter broke the silence, rubbing the back of his neck. “And I’m sorry I’m a bad lab partner.”
“Do you want to go back to my dorm?” Gwen blurted out, not thinking it through fully. “To.. do homework.” She attempted to recover.
Peter cracked a grin, a slightly surprised look on his face. “Homework? On Halloween?”
“Well we got kicked out of the party.” Gwen laughed softly.
“You got kicked out.”
“Fine, I’ll do homework by myself.” Gwen stood and started walking towards the dorms, smiling to herself when she heard Peter follow. She looked over at him as they walked. Neither of them said anything for a while, but questions still buzzed in Gwen’s mind and she couldn’t take it any longer. “Why didn’t he hit you?”
“Flash?” Peter asked.
Gwen nodded, “Yeah. He just let you go after you embarrassed him like that. I thought someone was going to have to call an ambulance for you.”
Peter stared off into the distance as he walked, his hands in his pockets. Gwen wished she knew what he was thinking about. 
“We went to highschool together. Midtown.” Peter explained. “He’s always been a dick. So one day I.. fought back, I guess. And he hasn’t bothered me since.”
Gwen was now even more confused. How in the world was *Flash Thompson* afraid of Peter Parker? The thought made her crack a small smile.
“Are you laughing at me?” Peter grinned.
“No, I just..” Gwen rubbed her eyes. “You’re really machiavellian.”
Peter tilted his head.
“I don’t understand you. And I’ve tried to since I met you. But for some reason.. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care that you’re all mysterious and secretive. I think it’s kind of hot, actually.” Gwen admitted, regretting the words once they came out. “Sorry.”
“I’m Spider-Man.”
Gwen stopped in her tracks, slowly turning to Peter. “...what?”
“You said you don’t really care about figuring me out, but if we’re going to hook up I feel like you should know, because it would kind of be a dick move to tell you after.” He spoke as if this was the most normal conversation in the world, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his web shooters.
Gwen stepped closer, lowering her voice. “You want to hook up?” 
“Is that what you took away from that?”
“I’d prefer to worry about the rest another time.”
“Fine by me.” 
Gwen opened the door to her dorm and looked around before turning the lights on. 
“My roommate won't be back until tomorrow night.” She scanned the room, thankful that she’d decided to clean it before she left. She looked back at Peter, who was staring at her with a smile on his face. “What?”
“I’m a little nervous.” Peter admitted. 
Gwen tilted her head. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to fuck things up with you.” He sighed.
Gwen leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Peter’s lips, her hand ghosting across his cheek. “You won’t.”
“You thought I hated you for half of the semester.”
“And now I know you don’t. Things tend to work out the way they’re supposed to. I think we’re gonna be alright.” 
Peter thought about her words and said a silent prayer asking for her to be right. Then he kissed her, hands trailing up and down her sides slowly. Gwen leaned into him as she kissed him back. Warmth grew in her stomach, even though Peter was being very gentle and kept his hands from going too far.
“You can touch me.” Gwen whispered between kisses, “If you want.”
Peter hummed in acknowledgement and slowly cupped her tits. He became flustered quickly, the kiss becoming more sloppy. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled, moving his lips to her neck. Gwen tilted her head to the side, her eyes fluttering shut while she sighed softly. The combination of his hands on her tits and his mouth on her neck made her even more turned on. She reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head, looking at his chest, and oh my god Peter Parker was jacked. She then looked at Peter, who had a small smirk on his face. She knew he was strong, she’d often find herself staring at his arms in class, but*holy shit.
“Now I’m nervous.” She giggled softly, her face heating up. 
“Perks of being bitten by a radioactive spider, I guess.”
“I’ll explain later.” Peter kissed her again, stumbling with her over to her bed. The two of them laughed as they fell into the mattress, bodies pressing close again. They laid on their sides as they kissed, hands exploring one another. Gwen couldn’t believe how much time she wasted pretending to hate Peter when she could’ve been making out with him. She felt like the world around her was melting away, like nothing else mattered. 
But while the kissing was nice, the ache in her core was growing. She pulled away and looked at Peter. “..this costume is really tight, and it’s not going to be very sexy to take off. Just forewarning you.”
Peter laughed and shook his head. “It’ll still be sexy, I bet. I don’t think you’re capable of not being sexy.”
Gwen covered her face to hide its redness and turned away from Peter. “Do you mind just- unzipping it for me?” 
Carefully, Peter slowly slid the zipper of her bodysuit down. Gwen slid it off of her shoulders and stood up, stepping out of it. Peter watched her, his breath hitching when he realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She turned back around and he gulped, mouth suddenly very dry. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the bed, flipping her onto her back. He kissed down her newly exposed chest, hands roaming what his mouth couldn’t. The kisses trailed down further and he very carefully slid her fishnets off. He sat back and looked at her, sprawled out in just her panties. 
“You’re staring at me?.” Gwen laughed, sitting up.
“‘Cause I can’t believe how lucky I am.” He met her eyes and they were silent for a few seconds before he spoke again. “I’m sorry I made you think I hated you. And I’m *never* going to pass you in grades, by the way. I promise. I just said that to mess with you. Which is dumb, and I’m sorry for that too.”
“I’d let you pass me.” Gwen nodded, placing a kiss on his forehead. She gave him a soft smile before laying back down, pulling him with her. Her finger slowly trailed down his v-line and she pulled on the waistband of his jeans. “Can I take these off?”
Peter nodded and she did, leaving him in his boxers. She grabbed Peter’s shoulders and pushed him onto his back, going to kneel between his legs. She palmed him through his boxers and then took them off. She took his cock in her hand, stroking him for a few moments. Peter watched her, chest heaving. Gwen’s eyes fluttered shut and she licked up his entire length, then carefully took him into her mouth. Peter let out a muffled groan and gripped the sheets. Gwen bobbed her head slowly, stroking what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. She breathed slowly and once she became more comfortable she moved her head slightly faster. She swirled her tongue around his tip and looked up at him every so often. Peter breathed her name and buried a hand in her hair, looking down at her. His hands trembled slightly and his breath was choppy, muttering under his breath how pretty she looked.
After a few minutes Gwen sat up, wiping her mouth. She closed her eyes as she caught her breath, jaw aching dully. 
Peter took her arm and gently pulled her back to him. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, kissing the top of her head.
“Are you really Spider-Man?” Gwen asked.
“I thought you wanted to worry about it later?” “Yeah, but it’s kind of sinking in that I just gave Spider-Man a blow job.”
Peter cracked a grin and helped her onto her back again, mumbling against her neck. “I’ll show you the suit sometime.”
Gwen smiled and felt Peter’s lips gently pressing kisses into her skin, each lower than the last. Her breath hitched once she felt his touch stop just above her panties. She looked down at him. Peter made sure her eyes were locked on his before he leaned down, hooking two fingers on the waistband of her panties. He pulled them down, his hand slowly moving between her legs. He teased her clit with his thumb briefly before he replaced his thumb with his lips. Gwen gasped softly, feeling his mouth praise every inch of her core. She buried both of her hands in his hair and arched her back, a moan escaping her lips. Peter brought his hand up again, teasing her with his middle and ring finger while his mouth worked her clit. He slid his fingers inside of her, pumping them at a steady pace.
Gwen’s legs shook and she felt herself becoming more and more sensitive, moaning louder. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to grind against Peter’s face. His free hand gripped her waist, holding her in place. She felt like she was going to snap- but just before she did everything stopped.
She opened her eyes and Peter was over her again, his lips crashing onto hers. Gwen’s stomach fluttered, feeling terribly empty at the loss of contact. It didn’t last long though, before she felt Peter’s tip rub against her. He broke away from the kiss and looked at Gwen.
“Please.” Gwen nodded, her arms wrapping around him and hands resting on his back. Peter kissed her one more time before slowly inching himself inside of her. He moaned her name, burying his head in her neck. Once he was all the way in he didn’t move, giving Gwen time to get comfortable.
“Okay.” She breathed, holding onto him tightly. Peter nodded and moved his hips back slowly, then forward again. He rested his forehead against Gwen’s and repeated the motion, gradually going faster. 
The light in the dorm was low, but enough moonlight shone in from the window that Gwen could see every muscle of Peter’s torso flex as he moved. She wrapped a leg around his waist and moaned his name, mind foggy with pleasure. She felt like she and Peter were the only two people in the world at that moment, heads pressed close and bodies together. She ground her hips in motion with his, every motion setting her body on fire.
Peter had to cover her mouth with his hand, barely able to form a sentence. “You… gotta be quieter… someone’s… gonna hear…” He panted between words.
Gwen moaned into his hand, eyes rolling back. One of her hands fell away from his back and she rubbed her clit, bringing herself closer to the edge. Peter’s pace faltered slightly, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He carefully moved his hand away from Gwen’s mouth and kissed her instead. Gwen desperately kissed him back, not even caring how messy it was. She struggled to keep up with his pace, her whole body now shaking. She was thankful Peter’s mouth was on hers, otherwise someone on the floor surely would have heard her. She moaned as she came, throbbing around Peter. He pulled away from the kiss.
“Where do you want me to- uh-” He panted.
“I’m on the pill.” Gwen responded, rubbing his back. 
“Are you sure?” 
Gwen nodded and Peter tried to keep his pace for as long as he could before he bottomed out, cumming inside of her. He stayed there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, before pulling out and laying next to her.
“Flash Thompson’s an idiot, Gwen. You’re the prettiest, coolest, funniest, most perfect person I know. And you looked fucking hot in that costume.” He looked over at her.
“I know you said you don’t care, and I can’t do anything to take back what he said, but I need you to know that he’s an idiot and he’s wrong.”
Gwen almost protested again, told him that she didn’t care, but they both knew it was a lie. She sighed and laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes. She listened to his heartbeat and felt his arms wrap around her tightly.
“Is that why you’re never in class? Because you’re Spider-Man?” Gwen spoke finally.
“You keep going back to that.”
“It’s almost as if I just found out you have a secret double life, or something.” She smiled, looking up at him. 
“Yeah. It’s why I’m never in class. But I’m gonna be a better lab partner. I promise.”
That was good enough for Gwen, and she closed her eyes. She drifted off to the slow rise and fall of his chest, to the gentle thumping of his heart.
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Give Kaito essay (for the character meme)
Oh god, I’ll read more this because it’s gonna be a journey and that's also why it took so long gjdaslgk-
And the standard zexal and arc v spoilers warning message-
1. how long have i known about them A LONG time though it didn’t get to like he’s my whole world status until pandemic era-- MalindaChan did her cosplay for him back when I was still a certified Yugiboomer who entertained GX and 5DS because "lol abridged series jokes" and that’s when I first remember seeing his design? I tried watching Zexal briefly when it was actively airing but just couldn’t get far bc Boomer Brain ™, but I remember him being cool but the "Kaiba-likeness but not being Kaiba" Yugiboomer wall couldn't be overcome right away, I had to train my skills Then 2020 happened, I watched Vrains to understand Link Summoning, got SUCKED into it, and was like wow past me was dumb, ALL of the spinoffs are GREAT Zexal reached a hand back out to me when I was kinda struggling with the Vrains community and I'd decided to start writing more spinoff muses with some mutual friends and that's also when I realized I’d be subconsciously collecting Galaxy and Photon monsters since they’re pretty + space themed but also because they were inside of ALL of the Kaiba support sets(because DUH) so it was like,,, well, let’s try that again
Now I’m In Hell And It’s All His Fault Do you think I ENJOY playing Photon competitively? Well yes, but also NO. It means learning new decks is HARD because I can't look at dragons and knights in SPACE.
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry Moon duel? W,, what Moon duel,,, I don’t,,, remember any space dueling, ahaha, isn’t that another yugioh, the rush of the go,,,,,,, In all serious though, yes lmao The duel against Zexal when he tells you his reasoning for why he’s the Number Hunter and he looks so broken, that got a solid few tears The flashback of him trying to break Haruto out of the city got some tears  The duel with Chris is also really good show of his character at the root, the thing that gets him back to his feet is the moment Chris even considers Haruto as part of his suffering, g o d The moon duel of course. That’s. That one was brutal. Yeah. 
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There’s a wall scroll behind my work desk that sneaks into my Zoom calls, there’s a canvas print he’s on that sits at my work desk, my ita bag has a handful of charms, pins, and buttons for him(still hunting for artists who draw him with merch wink wink)
I guess my Photon tcg deck counts? The tcg is just one big merch machine if you squint enough-
My Book of Moon themed binder is literally just all of my collector Photon and Galaxy/references to Kaito cards + a small page for Miza since Tachyon is a Galaxy Eyes
Do cosplays count? Because I’ve got all but his space suit basically done + his duel disk 
4. what about their personality i like How seriously he takes himself despite literally everything else about his character 
He’s often off to the side with his arms crossed, pouting or frowning, having the cool guy edge lord behavior But also he’s screaming in the rain, jumping through a window on a kite glider he made himself that also doubles as his robo-butler, flying to the whole ass moon because a rock told him to, and beefing 14 yr olds, he’s just a legend 
I also love that he's like... very clear about himself and on how you should treat him. He straight up says he's going to hell for what he's done and just continues to be there because that's how he'll atone because atonement isn't forgiveness, like he's not ours to forgive. Love him so much.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional Honestly, most of it
Watching Kaito slowly lose his autonomy (his brother whose been his responsibility for what could be read as since birth, his father just becoming a figure head in his life versus an actual parent, Chris walking out on him with no closure until they duel, being watched by and trained under brutal conditions by the government, failed escape attempts, getting lied to and used, etc) and then knowing one of the people who he attributes half of that loss and suffering to is someone he never gets closure against is very hard to watch
Even in Arc V, he loses his entire family in a way that makes him cut ties with every single person left in a desolate city and hunt his enemies down one by one to pay them back for his suffering, and it happened before we finally actually get to see him or hear of him for the first time so god knows the details
He really just gets put through it time and time again, yugioh be nice to that onion challenge
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest there was no duel on the moon in yugioh zexal
But actually, Kaito dying is tragic for a few reasons
He was... ok with it happening-
He was killed off before the final duel and before he could reunite with Yuma and Ryouga again, and even though he came back as a spirit, it felt like a such a cop out
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest The pure look of joy on his face reuniting with his brother after they defeat Vector the first time, it’s so good The first time Prime Photon is summoned, goated, perfect, all boss monsters should be willed into existence like that But also Arc V, Kaito watching Dennis duel Yuya after everything with Zarc and clapping for him is so sweet omg
8. something about them that made me laugh HIS ONE LINERS, yugioh really gives the rivals the best solo lines I swear to god
Ok listen, dub and sun debate aside, I watched both because I’m a mess and need as much Kaito as I can get, but the dub has some heaters and Kaito’s got a few good ones, ESPECIALLY when he's talking to Mizael
The one to Shark, “You’re quite the romanticist”, who the fuck says that out loud to another person Kaito talking to Dennis is also a fever dream, the dub especially is so jarring, I love them
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs White coat with the gazer tattoo, you can never go wrong with the Photon coat Numeral Hunter is also based, I know that's not like HIS look in any show, but... I HC that would be his Vrains Avatar, he could go to Vrains very easily, Solflare is an exploitable card in his deck
10. my favorite moment with them in canon UUUUGGHHHH CHOOSING ONE IS HARD
Uhhh, episode wise Shark Hunter is prooobably my favorite(for obvious reason but besides those LOL) because it’s such a tone setter for who Kaito is and also I could listen to these two bicker all day long, we really didn’t get nearly enough of their side rivalry as opposed to like Kaiba and Joey or Takeru and Ryoken
And then the Moon Duel is like my second favorite duel in the whole franchise, only outclassed by Soba and Revo in Vrains, you really get to see just how strong he is because he's half blind, still actively dying by dueling, and gets his helmet cracked in the vacuum of space, and he's still able to win
Character moment, the duel against Chris comes to mind again because it shows a lot of Kaito to his core, but also Kaito hauling ASS to get Yuma to Astral world to reunite with Astral is iconic, Kaito's always ready to take the plunge when everyone else says not to because he just KNOWS he's right
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character sweats profusely, I said it above somewhere I think- removing shipping from the equation entirely, I REALLY like all of the bff / rival dynamics across all of the shows, I love how well done they are and I fully find them more interesting than the standard protag/rival ones, even with KaiRyo having like the least amount of time dedicated to theirs comparatively. Ryouga and Kaito being treated so similarly by the hands dealt to them to where they'd understand the other one like looking in a mirror and yet they cannot stand each other, I eat that shit up. But also knowing the other person so well that they don't even have to talk and also realizing that person is their one of their only option to success? Give me MORE of that I also really love the foil between Mizael and Kaito a lot, I REALLY wish it got the time it was rumored to get, guess I gotta do everything myself In Arc V, Kaito and Shun's dynamic is really good for the little bit we're allowed the time to see it, Shun being one of the only characters who actually goes back for him after leaving so abruptly between Arc V and Zexal... tugs on the heart strings I also love that Kaito took ONE look at Edo in the safe house and decided to speed run the enemies part of the enemies to lovers arc they were going to have, I wish they could have spoken in canon more, hell GX Edo and Zexal Kaito would also be such an interesting dymamic
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them Everyone drawing him like >:D all of the time, keep doing that The white lab coat look too? Like not the Photon one, like a standard white lab coat? Perfect, DO NOT change that
nsfw next but also just how everyone knows he's a bottom no matter which ship it is lmao
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them that no one talks about him except in “WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE RIVAL” polls fndhxjshxbs
I’m going insane in my thoughts alone over here, I need to convert everyone to watch Zexal
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them Ok here we can get heated for a bit because I’ve seen an argument somewhere that Kaito didn’t develop at all from season 1 to 2 of Zexal but he 100000% did and I honestly like how it's done
Season 1 Kaito was purposefully talking to the air Astral could be in to avoid even looking at Yuma because he thought so little of him despite how much clawing to get on the same level as him Yuma did
Season 2 Kaito is jumping in to keep Mizael from killing Yuma without a second thought, he's going to the arctic despite ALL of the protests to build the bridge to Astral
His development is subtle, but it's very there, not to mention he can now stomach being in the same room as Faker, gave Chris a second chance, his dying words to Yuma are all the more apparent how important Yuma became to him Like the ONLY person we should have seen an actual conversation touching on Kaito's actions with WAS Ryouga but... be honest, Ryouga's not accepting that from Kaito, they're both very much people of action and they established their bond through the snark and bickering, that's how they communicate Plus Kaito's also outward about not being a good person, telling Yuma he sold his soul to the devil, telling the gang in the first episodes of Zexal II he's already going to hell because that's what his guilty soul deserves Ryoken and Kaito would be SUCH an interesting duo, I'm just saying
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them Oh boy now here we go LOL
The duel against Mr Heartland. - This one's unbelievably bad for so many reasons, mostly because there’s no universe where Kaito struggles against Heartland of all people in a duel, but also this is the person who’s been THE symbol for most of his trauma and trials up until that point. There is no chance in hell he struggles, gets crippled by him, and has to have Yuma take over. That was and always should have been his duel to win, but Yugioh has the unfortunate "this is a story through the protag's eyes" shonen protag bug at its core (Yuma sweetie you’re lovely and wonderful, it’s literally not your fault) 
Arc V giving him literally no time for their version of Kaito to have a more satisfactory character arc because of how long and bad the Synchro Dimension/Friendship Cup arc was. Just another victim of the Synchro Arc, sighs. The dub also puts this weird and bad attempted joking line about how Kaito doesn't do family and like have you literally watched any of Zexal, you're the whole ass studio Kaito just doesn't feel very Kaito the same way in Arc V, it's very sad, lots of shit you know og Kaito wouldn't let fly that just goes by in Arc V, but different versions, dimensions, stories, etc etc, it's just such a whiplash coming from Zexal where he's just so much more
OCG Structures was a coward and didn’t want to play with dimensional physics because Kaito 110% could find a way into that timeline I haven't read the Zexal manga in full just yet because I wanna collect them all physically so that'll be later- And a little bit for the games since Konami wanted at least one of those to be canon thanks to Vrains world-
Cross Duel literally had you consider killing kids for him but honestly this one is more funny than infuriating, everyone's a worst version of themselves in Cross Duel agjdaslkgj Duel Links is usually pretty good, but since Kaito’s first launch event where he's hunting you down, he’s been very much more like an NPC for the Zexal world events, just seems weird to me, I'm sure that'll get thrown out once Chris' unlock event actually happens coming up here and when Miza gets added... then that digital world won't know WHAT to do
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hello writer it is I 📖 again. It 's been a while.
It’s a little late at night.. 😂 yes 10:00 pm it’s late at night for me ok? I’m a 32 year old man.. Emphasis in OLD!
And also I might be a bit tipsy.. Fine, I’m drunk but in my defense we are childless in this household right now (thanks to my mother who took the child on a little vacation) And let me tell you dear writer your new chapter couldn’t come at a better time 😏 yup I’m implying something 😂
What can I say about this chapter? It was.. quite something.
First.. I was a bit nervous by the reaction of reader to the whole dinner situation, and I was nervous because she was jealous? My man has never given her a reason to be! Tangerine man is wiped, gone, finished, K.Oed. She had no reason to be. Ok I get it she has some insecurities about herself from her previous experiences, and maybe yeah she still has some lingering concerns about how Yoongi was in the past, but it’s that THE PAST. I’m glad they talked, I’m glad she spoke and told him what was going through her head because Yoongi had no fucking clue what was going on, and there’s a reason for that.. not only because he is so incredibly wiped, but also because he is a MAN! And dear.. we (members of the masculine gender) are stupid, dumb, obtuse, and many other words that my mind can’t think of right now. Much more stupid than what you girls think we are, we don’t understand shit. So I’m glad she explained to him with pears and apples why was she upset, they are learning to be in a relationship with each other and that was very nice to see?.. read? (For a second there I was very worried I don’t do good with angsty shit)
Second. The.. (I had to ask how to refer to these parts 😂) Smut, it was fun.. I bet there’s a lot more that my man wanted to do. I get you Yoongi, I do also have a bit of a possessive trait.. which is not bad right? Right? 😂 I bet that when they are alone and able to explore this a bit farther it will get even more.. risqué 😂 (love that word) and I have to say.. his reaction? The things he did..? The things he said..? 👍🏻 And.. The things he didn’t do..Hehe..
He has more under his sleeve.. I just know it Because.. yeah 😏😎
Now, I have to mention the infamous chains, and I might be projecting here but I want to say that those chains have more meaning to Yoongi than to reader. isn’t Yoongi in his own way.. claiming reader? And I mean claiming her in the way of.. he is telling the world that that woman right there is his to love and to care for, that she has a person that will go to the depths of hell for her? I think it’s not only hot as fuck for him to see her wearing his shit, I think it goes beyond that.. am I wrong? I don’t think so.. because If it is.. I get it. There’s no feeling like it.
Sorry for the long ass message.. again 😂
If this doesn’t make sense blame it on the Macallan. And to Ki, she started with the drinking on fucking Sunday, because “B.. The last of Us first episode is tonight! We can’t be sober.. that shit it’s gonna be epic!”😂 I don’t get her logic.
Anyways, I hope you had fun during the holidays.
Great work as always. Have a wonderful evening.
Kind regards ✌🏻
P.S. I think brother knows.. 👀 I just have this feeling that he might notice more than what we all think, something about his behavior makes me think..
I’m a bit too invested on this story 😂 ✌🏻
BOOK!! HELLO! It’s been awhile I’m so happy to hear from you (with a side of Ki!😂) You two are just so cool I swear. How did you enjoy TLOU? I’m caught up and it’s so dang gOOD. Pass the Macallan!! Which one did y’all have?👀 we’re going under a cut bc I have lots to say again!
I definitely understand being apprehensive about reader’s attitude and overall demeanor! It’s quite different from all the times before and leads to some head scratching and possible nail biting. But once we come to find out exactly why there’s a whole war inside their head, it makes sense (without excusing actions.)
Also, there is a reason I had Yoongi act like this too because I know for a fact what you say about Men needing things to be spelled out🤣 it truly was that whole “I have no idea what you’re talking about so please say exactly what it is” type thing for him. Because on his end, we all know how he feels about reader! He could never do anything to hurt our beloved overthinker, not intentionally🥺 I’m glad reader was able to actually voice everything because this could’ve been a lot messier.
FUUUUUU I’m so stoked to know you liked the spice!! (Lmfao it is smut but we can use anything to describe it here I’m pretty loose with the terms. Spice is my go-to word for it in asks.) And it was quite interesting to see Yoongi like this, huh.. God, I want them to explore more so bad but alas. I shall exercise patience💀 he certainly has a lot more up his rolled-up sleeves..👁️
As for the chains commentary: I WANNA CRY😭 you have a pretty good take on them is all I’ll say for now but I won’t lie this part of your message made me tear up😭😭 we know from Dal Segno that his protectiveness went up exponentially during the time bro was gone, so maybe what you say has a ton of merit.. just imagining him seeing them on reader makes me all too mushy inside :’))
Suuuuper intriguing take on bro🫣 and I love the fact that you’re invested in this story! Makes me happy to know, and thank you for all of this amazing insight from your perspective!!
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Hellooo :)
So I was wondering if you could do a matchup for me please, they're pretty cool.
I'd prefer Supernatural or TWD.
I'm a uni psych student in the uk from abroad and i'm average height and with brown, curly hair, idk what i'm supposed to say.
I study psych bc i've always been good at being like a therapist or getting people to talk when they need to.
I like overprotective dudes and i'm an older sister so I have been told that I can be too defensive.
I like books but i also really like sports and parties. I've lost a few people in my life so i get scared when things feel like they're going wrong but i hate feeling scared.
Umm, i'm bilingual and working on a third language and i think that's about it.
Thanks, ik you probably have a lot of these so i just appreciate you looking over this xx
Reading this I just feel like you’re so fucking smart. And I love that. I’m gonna do both a twd match up and a Supernatural one as well!
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Castiel and you are a perfect match. Though you are human and he is an angel he understand your grief of losing the people you have called family or friend.
The two of you met around the same time as the winchesters. Being a friend of the Winchester’s also meant that most of their friends are yours. It’s a small hunting world. Most hunters knew the other hunters. It was like a big, badass family.
Castiel was mesmerized by your book knowledge and the fact that you could physically handle yourself. You had younger sibling(s) you had to protect no matter what. Castiel admired that about you. Your sacrificial nature and how you always make sure people knew your presence wasn’t a demeaning one, but a space that was peaceful where they could share anything with you.
Castiel took the advantage of seeing you as his “therapist”. Just like everyone else in your life when they found out you had taken some psychology classes. You were very knowledgeable and Castiel admired that.
Castiel loved to see your brain work so when you were needed on a case with the winchesters seeing how you could speak to people in their native tongue. He loved how helpful you were.
He loves seeing you in your bad ass mode. Whether it be when you whip a monsters ass or when you stick up for something you believed in. Castiel liked how you didn’t back down for what you believed in.
Castiel tends to be over protective at times. He would just want to keep you safe from the dangers of the world. And even tho you understood that it could be overwhelming having an angel protect you from every day problems. If someone was being rude to you he’d call them out. He would punch anyone in the face that dared to defile you with their eyes.
The walking dead match up
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I know it seems weird but hear me out.
Negan would be falling in love with you the moment you met his eyes. He would ask everyone around who you were before he even tried to make his move.
When you finally officially met it was a match. Negan walked up to you and since the first word it was like the two of you couldn’t shut up!
You knew Negan had done some crazy/unforgivable stuff. You had your guard up. Using psychology tricks you learned in school you could read him like a damn book. Maybe that’s why he was so attracted to you. In this world, now, he thought he would never meet someone who understood him as you did.
He liked your knowledge. He loved that your language had less barriers then most people.
Negan has watched you more then once prove that you are a BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE FIGHTING BITCH!
Negan loves to watch you handle yourself. Whether it was fighting for your life side by side him or fighting with someone in the group.
He loves laying in bed with you after you have gotten a shower and plays with you hair. (A/n I understand curly hair problems. We don’t like people messing with out hair. And running your hands through your hair is not a curly hair thing.#curlyhairstrugglr)
Sorry it’s not the best hope you like it.
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