#and I guess having something planned that's incredibly triggering and causing that feeling a dread
thethingything · 4 months
our current dilema is that the pain from our wisdom tooth keeps getting so bad we have to take pain meds (like it keeps hitting an 8/10 for several hours at a time. we can't not take pain meds) but the only pain meds that touch it have a warning on them saying not to take them for more than 3 days in a row, and we have at least another month of dealing with this, so I don't really know what to do.
the warning is because they're opioids and can cause addiction but I don't actually know how bad the risk is because everything seems to treat it like opioids are the worst thing ever and should be avoided at all costs and you'll get addicted if you so much as glance at them.
either way, my options are to either keep taking them and just accept that risk, or deal with being in so much pain I can't function. even with taking the pain meds I can tell we're a lot more irritable and short tempered and probably just insufferable to be around honestly and I hate the fact that pain causes this, but once again we've got to deal with this for over a month and we've also got to deal with the anxiety over what the treatment for it is going to actually involve.
I've had to deal with medical trauma stuff I didn't even know about until like yesterday when Lucy suggested it might be part of why I feel so shit, and I've had multiple panic attacks per day and constantly feel way more anxious than usual and I get the feeling we're just gonnaa have to put up with this for the next month and I don't know how the fuck I'm meant to cope with any of this
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#there is absolutely nothing that gets rid of what essentially amounts to a constant sense of impending doom#like our brain has just fully decided we're fucked and going to die or some shit and now I have to deal with the anxiet from it doing that#and like I know logically we're gonna be fine and this is ridiculous#but I know we sometimes get a delusion where our brain just decides we're gonna die on a specific day or whatever#and I think that's flared up and combined with the severe medical anxiety#and since knowing a delusion isn't real doesn't do shit to stop you feeling like it's real#no amount of logic seems to be able to make our brain not freak out over this and make me have panic attacks because of it#we already had that delusion kind of going on in the background because something about this time of year seems to trigger it#and I guess having something planned that's incredibly triggering and causing that feeling a dread#probably just made our brain combine the two things#we also are definitely experiencing stress-induced psychosis just in general because I've been hallucinating so fucking much#actually I wonder if the fact that I've had to take pain meds so much might also be messing with our psychosis#I would like to maybe not have to deal with any of this#we were looking forward to just getting that one tooth removed and then resting and recovering and not having anything planned for a while#and instead we've got at least a month of dealing with this shit and I'm fucking exhausted#this year has basically just been me dealing with one unbelievably triggering thing after another because I have no other choice#like I keep being thrown into situations that involve triggers that I can't even think about without having panic attacks#there's a whole bunch of shit going on in our personal life and stuff just keeps piling up and we don't get a break from any of it
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Boomlords weird adventure
Chapter 12 A very cold day(warning some of the chapters and concepts might be a bit dark)
Rainbow Dash was still playing with her new blades while Finn reached into his backpack and started wrapping pieces of discarded felt together to make her a makeshift sheath. With everyone settled in on Jake Twilight began to notice before anyone else the air is getting colder as the Green landscape started to disappear."it's getting kind of chilly out here."Twilight complained leaning into Finn and Boomlord who had both already put on comfortable cold clothes. Finn was wearing his classic tan sweater which he had pulled out around the same time the temperature started dropping and boom already was wearing a jacket however he had pulled two sets of gloves out of the satchel handing one over to Twilight."here I got you."Twilight quickly took the glove and put them on rubbing her shoulders.Boom noticed she was still pretty cold and not wanting her to suffer he started to unzip his jacket.Finn eyes widen as he saw Boom do this as he had never actually seen boom take his jacket off for someone. Truth is Boom didn't usually take it off regardless of temperature."here twi try to stay warm."placed the jacket over her which she quickly accepted putting it on. Gave her a nice view of his actual body. He was still on the skinnier side but with notable muscle and wore a dark black T-shirt with a skull on it."won't you get cold."she asked looking slightly concerned."don't worry about me I don't... I don't get affected by weather that much anymore one of the few benefits of my abilities."she gave a shy smile to him that would make Fluttershy proud. Boom then looked over to Dash with Twi focusing on keeping warm. Dash looks perfectly fine despite wearing a sleeveless top and jean shorts. Guess she's spent plenty of time in high altitudes so he doubt the cold would bother her much."you two should get a room."dash seem to be in a teasing mood which Finn proceeded to chuckle at as booms, and Twilights faces begin to redden.
2 the tall cone like ice mountains towered the landscape however Jake paid little attention to them as he could just walk right over them but upon reaching the tallest mountain he stopped getting down low before shrinking back to his smaller size."okay passengers this is where the jake rides stop." Everyone landed in the snow with the exception of rainbow Dash who was flying just above them."okay so we need to go in with a plan."fin spoke to the group."ever since the ice King turned back into Simon a lot of the snow golems who were here as security have gone banaynays so we're in for a fight when we head in."Twilight looked at him her brow narrowing in confusion."are snow golems dangerous."jake looked up at her."normally not but these guys have been weirdly aggressive like Rabid killer slushies."Twilight seem to understand as she nodded."so how do we subdue them?"the three boys looked at each other as they were unsure of how to tell her."you can't really subdue a crazed golem best you can do is destroy them."both the girls were taking abit back by this."well they're not alive right."it was clear that Twilight was getting nervous as she asked this."Golems are constructs given life so yes but you have to understand out here and in many worlds friendship isn't always going to be the answer. I know it might be hard for you and I'm not asking you to hurt anyone I can take care of that and I can also promise no one will be harmed who doesn't deserve it."there was a sudden look on twilights face as she looked into the blank expression boom was giving off clearly not trying to show emotion. Boom reached into his bag and pulled out what appeared to be a small curved weapon. Of course what he had actually pulled out was a desert eagle hand cannon. It's a type of gun for anyone who doesn't know."if it really bothers you, you can stay here but these golems need to be put down especially if they have gone rabid."Twilight looked away holding the jacket he lent her tightly."I think I'll wait outside if this is gonna be as violent as I think you're implying."she looked away from them but then snapped her gaze back at him seeing the brightness in his right gold eye it wasn't a look of anger or intent to harm it was a look of sympathy."that might be for the best Jake you stay with her me and Finn can handle these guys on our own rainbow you're free to come or go if you wish."rainbow dash pulled out her daggers from their sheathes not saying a word. Boom turned to the the mountain knowing what he was going to have to do."let's get this over with."
3 Booms groups perspective) As the group approached the entrance of the ice King's old home burst of cold air erupted from a large crack at the base of the mountain. Several deep growls could be heard from within and the chittering of ice dinging against other ice likely snow golems. Boom held his firearm tight because he stared into the dark blue abyss. It wasn't the first Time Boom had to kill something he had done it countless times before and countless different worlds but never before has he felt such a dread inside of him. It wasn't for the creatures inside in fact he was likely doing them a favor putting them out of their misery since without ice Kings magic whatever he was using to keep them stable is likely long gone. It was for the look that's Twilight had given him. Truth of the matter was he had rathered Twilight not see him as a monster he just hoped that this wouldn't ruin anything between the two of them.'she didn't seem too badly faced All things considered maybe we're still good as long as she doesn't have to witness me do it.' He found himself lost in his thoughts as the three of them descended into the caverns beneath the mountain. They walked for a while but it didn't take to long to reach the lower Chambers All things considered. It was then that they spotted the creatures within. At the top of the chamber two giant snow centipedes loomed over them they're legs were made of solid ice along with their pincers and several holes filled with coal made up their eyes. However they were clearly not normal snow creatures they're clear white snow bodies had darken to a sickly Gray and from between their pincers water dripped out like the foam from a rabbit animal. Finn pulled out a sword the one he had gotten from rattleballs as he prepared himself to defend Rambo dash on the other hand decided to take a more aggressive approach heading straight up at one of the centipedes slashing it on its side with her blades. The creature tried to retaliate by trying to contort and bend its body in order to bite her and it would have if not for the incredible speed of rainbow Dash who quickly dive bombed down to the ground in order to avoid the hit."don't get too aggressive Dash the centipedes are highly unpredictable in this state! There's no telling how their powers have mutated!"rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes clearly not taking the Giant snowbug seriously. However as as if on cue the second snow centipede sent a barrage of icicles from its liquid maw at rainbow Dash barely found the time to move. Several of the icicles slice and cut up her sides as a bit of red blood dripped from her lower waist and shoulders. However was lucky enough to avoid taking any serious injuries by using her wings to propel her back into a wall. The injured centipede released from the ceiling falling down to the ground right over boom while the second one jump towards Finn. This time however it wasn't facing a newbie as Finn jumped right back at it and right over the icy Jaws onto its head. Finn then proceeded to strike his sword blue right into its head effortlessly shoving the sword through it and causing it to completely collapse into piles of snow as it's ice limbs rolled away. The injured centipede stared down boom roaring in his face before trying it clam its jaws on him. Boom was faster over ducking effortlessly underneath it right into its underbelly. Once he was directly under it he pointed the firearm up and pulled the trigger.*BANG*the middle section of the creature exploded leaving its bottom half in shambles and piles of snow. He then turned to the front of the creature now on its side unable to move. There were whimpers from the poor creature still trying its best to bite that boom."sorry about this."He said in a sorrowful tone. He razed his gun up to the creature's head closed his eyes and all that could be heard throughout the mountain and the kingdom around it was the sound of the firearm going off. Outside Twilight feel a shutter go down her spine as we heard the noise.
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kachinnate · 5 years
as you all know, the only venting i ever post on here is reblogged subtle depression feels *sparkle emoji* or an explosion of all the shit that’s happened to me like every three months because i cannot take Any More under a read more 
the three month deadline has come now 
triggers below, check the tags please
this year has unabashedly been the worst year of my life. 
and that sounds dramatic, and i know i could have it worse, and maybe i’m being selfish because literally all the things that have happened this year have been all inner turmoils and i’ve literally had years where my family went through financial struggles + death and stuff and even that doesn’t compare to the emotional toll i’ve went through this year but it’s just. bad. it’s so bad. 
i don’t know how or why but my depression seemed to just fucking turn itself up 8 notches after january hit to the point where i had to tell my dad that i needed medical help lmao... and i got my first diagnosis, my first perscription.. and it didn’t work, so they upped the dosage, and that didn’t work, so now i’m on a new medicine which has a starting dosage of 150mg, and my doctor told me if this one didn’t work she’s going to refer me to a psychiatrist, and i must have looked so broken and on the verge of tears when she said this because she immediately had to reassure me that this wasn’t a failure on my own part, which logically makes sense right, but at the same time it’s just so?? fucking disheartening?? after months of my upper dosage not working i just cold turkeyed them until my next appointment which probably wasn’t the Best Thing because shortly following that i realized that i wanted to k*ll mys*lf more in a two week period than i’d have ever in my entire life, and i thought that suicide idealization was an issue i struggled with since forever, but boy howdy was i wrong because these past couple of weeks have been sooooooo fuckin bad lmao. like i struggle opening my medicine because sometimes i dump like all of it out and just. look at it. in my hand. i never actually do it because i’m way too scared of having a seizure or my dad doing something stupid if i were dead but what if. what if what if what if. it’s more of an intrusive thought than me planning on it, but. what if. my new medication has a specific warning that it’s dangerous for overdoses which is. genuinely kind of scary. what if. 
i realized that i don’t have anyone friendwise irl anymore over the course of this school year. to save you and myself the retelling of the most bullshit high school drama i’ve ever been apart of, i realized that all my friends in my Group (tm) couldn’t care any less about me than they already do. i’ve always adored them and loved them with all of my being, and yeah i am not endowed to their appreciation back i guess, but watching them slowly and gradually ditch me and exclude me and ignore me and go out of their way to show me that they don’t care about my existence has been the biggest fucking emotional blow. people outside of this group told me that they were awful people and bad for me and so incredibly toxic and guess what? i defended them and now the fact that i was wrong makes me want to tear my fucking guts out. i spent three whole years with these group of people only for them to decide in the past six months that i’m not worth it. i feel so fucking empty. one of those people was supposed to be my best friend of nine years. and i still fucking love him despite all of that, y’know? i love all of them even though they have made me sob every night over the latter course of a school year and feel unsafe in a club that i was once prominent in and that’s so bullshit and so unfair but it’s fine it’s whatever. and like, i should have seen it coming, because the build up was them treating me so fucking badly. it’s an ongoing joke that despite being rank 1 in my class, i’m.. an idiot? like it’s a joke that haha i’m short and haha i’m stupid and haha i can’t interact with people and i have debilitating anxiety and i make mistakes all the time and i’m the ditzy lesbian of our friend group, even when i express that i hate being called stupid but they just insist that they’re joking with me and that i’m too sensitive. i can count on one hand the amount of times they picked at me for my eating habits even though at least one of them knew i have a pretty bad ED. they picked and picked and picked at me and then when we have our first fight they all immediately fucking drop me, and i still love them and i still try to fix everything but suddenly i’m not worth the effort anymore. it’s draining. i’m so, so tired. outside of the toxic group(tm), anyone that was close to me as i friend (or otherwise) i ended up pushing away or drifting away from or fucking up the relationship on my own, and even if it’s ‘Okay’ on objective terms, to know that i fucked up something that was once really really nice and now i can’t even feel comfortable opening up a message first because i know i’ll get left on read or, even worse, have to read a one-sided, hardly caring/pitying conversation makes me just not want to bother at all. it’s so hard to reach out to the few people i know do kinda sorta care for me, but the fact that i’ve been absent for this long? it makes the few relationships i have strained and forced so i can’t even bring myself to put myself out there knowing that it’s only going to make me feel worse
working makes me?? so miserable ????? i worked at pizza hut up until the beginning of june and while i was good at it and i had friends there, i didn’t get paid enough so i had to quit. i started a new job. i fucking hate it. i actively dread going there. people refuse to train me or are incredibly fucking disrespectful/unfriendly to me if i ask for help or just don’t know how to do something. i feel bad ranting about it because every single person i’ve asked for advice from just says that i’ll get used to it or it’s in my head, which.... regardless of whether or not it is, making me feel like it’s my fault or that i’m being crazy makes me feel sooo fucking sick and like i’m actually insane. i heard it enough from my friends this year. i’m so tired of being blamed for things happening that, while they might be worsened by the anxiety in my head, it isn’t JUST THAT. sometimes things are just BAD but they’re not because I’M making them seem bad, they genuinely just are!!!! not everything is in my head !!!!! things can be upsetting with it being solely because i’m fucking anxious every moment of every fucking day !!!!! regardless i need money so i can’t quit but goddammit i hate every minute i’m not at my house. 
all in all, i just feel so, so fucking alone. i have friends on here, and i’m so thankful for them - i’m so grateful to every lovely message i’ve gotten on anon and i’m so thankful for my buds on discord and i’m so thankful for streams and my stream team and i’m so thankful for people who follow me for musicals or art and actively talk to me about them - but it’s just.. here. when i log off and step back from my computer, i’m just immediately fucking alone again. if i were to disappear one day, no one would know what happened to me or where i went, and eventually no one would even care, given that anyone even noticed my absence to begin with. i’m so replaceable. i’m literally just another fucking face on here. another cutesy musical blog ran by a very, very fucking dysfunction kid
anytime i’m shown any shred of kindness, i just. start sobbing. like i cannot even interact like a person, or hell, like the person i was a year ago. this girl i’d been talking to momentarily told me that for as much as i’m there for other people, i need someone that i can jsut lean on and have care about me, and like. i cried. so much. when was the last time i had that? when was the last time i just had someone, anyone just to be here for me? and again, not saying it in a way like i deserve that or am entitled to that, but god fucking damnit i haven’t just rant on and on or spilled my feelings to someone without worrying that they’d get upset with me or deflect it back onto themselves in so, so long. i just want someone to listen. i just want someone to care. 
and it’s who i try to be, all the time. the person that cares, the person that listens, and that just might be part of the problem. i say this all the time, and it’s a mantra and probably one of the main highlighted points that comes with my depression: i put so, so much out, so much energy and love and time, and i get almost nothing back. and it takes suuuuch a fucking toll. in such, it causes me to retreat and suddenly just cut people off or distance myself because i’m scared of letting myself get hurt again because the emotional turmoil i go through genuinely, genuinely almost fucking kills me every time. when that whole thing happened with my friend group, i went days without eating and just. wouldn’t talk. wouldn’t do anything other than school. because school is my safety, i can always rely on school, school will always be there - so i threw myself in school and overworked myself and overmaxed my credit hours and like. if i didn’t have that, if i didn’t have my classes, i really don’t know if i’d be here right now. and it sounds dramatic and i’m sorry, i hate it too, but it’s just the fucking truth.  but - yeah again, i’m the person that’s always there. that’s why i never fucking rant like this on here. i don’t want to be triggering, and i don’t want to cause people distress, and i want people who are having a hard time to see my blog and maybe feel a little bit better and feel happy and have fun. but in the end, this is the only place i have to scream out into the void because i genuinely don’t have a space to do that in real life anymore. nothing. there’s nothing else. 
i’ve always said that when i go to college, i’m just going to do a hard-reset and change up everything. reinvent myself. but sometimes i really don’t see myself getting out of this year alive, or at the very least in one piece. i’m already fucked in so many regards. i’m predestined to be an alcoholic. my brain is actively trying to fucking detonate itself. i’ve never been in love, and sometimes i worry that i never will be. i cry and cry and cry out, but i can’t get help. my solutions to problems is just working until i forget or sleeping until i forget or just finding an alternate way to fucking forget. everything that i’m looking forward to is so incredibly temporary or so short lived or so pathetically small in the grand scheme of things. i have to stay alive to see my AP scores on july 5th. i have to stay alive because i promised my friends i’d stream on this day. i have to stay alive because i promised addie i’d go see this show with her in september. but it’s not for me. it’s never for fucking me. i couldn’t care less. 
i’m not going to ever kill myself because i’m too scared of the pain or the symptoms that i’ll feel right up to it. but otherwise, i really don’t know why else i’m obligated to stay here. 
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Flannels and Duct tape 2
Jack has you tag along with him to France, so you can learn the ropes and so Jack can keep an eye on Mac.
"You dragged Y/N into this?" Mac asks when Jack sits down across from him.
"Not my idea." You comment. When Mac mentions looking for his dad, you sit down next to him. When Jack gets up to leave and take you back to HQ, you tell him to piss off.
"You didn't have to stay Rook." Mac comments.
"Don't call me that… Jack would not let the subject drop." You reply. "Also, my dad was the same. He just left." You leave out the hunting part, Mac doesn't need to be pulled into the world of the supernatural.
You and Mac spend a few days looking without any luck or leads on his dad. Eventually you two give up and go back to Las Angeles. You hang out at Mac's apartment for a little bit.
"There's a warm beer with your name on it." Mac says into the phone, two seconds later the doorbell rings.
"Is Jack normally that fast?" You question as Mac hangs up.
"Depends on where he was." You laugh as Mac goes gets the door. When you hear something that sounds like a taser, you go to investigate. Only to see Mac get abducted by three people in masks. Suddenly you get this feeling of dread, what if Mac was abducted because of you?
"Okay you had me at warm beer." Jack says walking right into the apartment, about ten minutes after Mac was abducted. Jack notices that you're on the verge of tears. "Hey Y/N, what's wrong and where's Mac?" Jack's eyes are full of worry.
You simply point to the patio where one of the people in a mask dropped off a George Washington mask with a bottle of wine with Mac's pocket knife stuck in the cork.
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
When the rest of the team gets there Matty says nothing is to be over looked- your boss then notices that you're on the verge of hysteria. "What's wrong with Y/N?" She asks.
"She pretty much saw Mac get abducted." Jack comments. "The kid's blaming herself for something, but something tells me that this was Murdoc's doing."
Matty tells both you and Jack that Mac getting abducted wasn't on either of you.
"I'm not really blaming myself, more like I'm panicking." You clarify. "What if Mac was abducted, because he's my friend?"
"What do you mean?" Bozer asks.
"All you need to know, is that I've made a lot of enemies… and they use every tactic they can to get what they want, which is to get at me."
Riley finds Mac's location. You, Jack, Bozer and Cage (a member of the team that you just met) go get Mac. Jack is hesitant to let you and Bozer come along.
"If it makes you feel any better- I've been doing hand to hand combat since I was six, and using actual weapons since thirteen." You counter. "I'll be just fine… also, nice Impala." Jack looks at you dumbfounded as you climb into the back seat. He shakes his head and tells Bozer to stay behind you, Cage and (or) him at all times. Bozer agrees to do so.
At the wearhouse you find some oil and the rotten egg smelling mineral called sulfur. "Looks like the guy that took Mac, was either in league with a demon or he was one." You state standing up and wiping the sulfur and oil off of your fingers and onto your jeans. "Which likely means that Mac has either been drugged or knocked out, and that he is more than likely underground or somewhere ten times more remote than here."
"How do you know?" Cage asks, voicing everyone's confusion.
"You’d sleep better at night if you didn’t know the answer to that." You then pull out your phone and reluctantly call Crowley's number. Sure calling Cas, or your brothers might've been a better plan, but you would rather deal with the King of Hell than the rest of Team Free Will.
"Hello Darling." Crowley says answering the phone after three rings.
"I am so not in the mood Crowley." You retort. "Where's Angus MacGyver, I know at least one of your goons abducted him."
"Why would I tell you?"
"Because you owe me one."
"Now, why haven't you gone to Moose and Squirrel and ask them for help?"
"Yeah, that won't happen." Crowley starts to laugh. Your grip on your phone tightens. "Listen here you sick son of a bitch. If you don't tell me where my friend is, I will kill you and make sure you fucking stay dead." All three of your coworkers take an uncomfortable step backwards. You can't say you blame them. You did just threaten to murder someone.
After being on the phone for an extra two minutes with the king of hell you hang up.
"Do you normally threaten to kill people over the phone?" Bozer hesitantly asks. You shake your head. "Okay… did you find anything out about Mac's whereabouts?"
"Only thing I found out is that Mac escaped."
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
Mac eventually makes it back to HQ. Matty has him spend a few hours in the infirmary because he was walking like a drunk. Jack is being hard headed, causing Cage to shoo everyone but you and Riley out of the room. You haven't said anything to the team since you told Cage, Jack and Bozer that Mac escaped, your best guess is that Cage forgot you were there. Mac describes the room that he was held in.
"I've been there, in that room." You say in a barely audible voice. Mac turns to face you.
"You've been there?" He asks. You nod, you possibly look like a scared child. "Can I ask how you ended up there?"
"I don't remember." You lie. Mac only nods, dropping the subject.
You make the mistake of entering a place unarmed and without a bulletproof vest. You get a call from an unknown number, you hesitantly answer it.
"Hello Y/N." A man comments. Somehow Murdoc got your number, and it worries you. "I just wanted to welcome you the family."
"How did you get this number?" You ask with a shaky voice.
"I have my ways, now tell me do you like being called (nickname) or (different nickname)?" You lean against the closest pillar, trying to control your breathing. "I've heard so much about you, like how you used to be a hunter and how your father abandoned you and your brothers."
"He didn't abandon us." You start to fidget hoping he couldn't hear how scared you are in your voice.
"If you don't stop that annoying fidgeting my finger will slip and pull this trigger."
"Then shoot me Murdoc." You weren't expecting him to actually shoot you. You grimace in pain when the bullet grazes your side. Murdoc then tells you to keep in mind that MacGyver won't always be around to save you. With that he hangs up and Mac comes running.
"What happened?" He asks, when he sees blood on your shirt.
"Decided to play chicken with a psychopath." You answer. Mac helps you to your feet and drpes your arm over his shoulders, so you can keep your balance.
"Without a bulletproof vest? That was either extremely stupid or incredibly brave."
"I say it's the fact I've been shot too many times to even be phased by it anymore…” You internally wince when you step down- you’re starting to feel some pain. “Besides the damn thing just grazed me."
"Still you're going to need stitches, first Cage now you."
"Cage got shot?"
"Unlike you, she was wearing a vest."
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
Mac does something with a portable X-ray and a penny to find a lost image. Turns out the guy in the image is a fifth grade school teacher.
As soon as the school teacher sees you his eyes go wide- like he knows you or something similar. "Do you know him?" Jack asks.
"No… the only way how he'd know me is… that son of a bitch." You answer.
"That guy is a hunter." You comment as the teacher starts shooting a semi-automatic handheld machine gun. "Give me a break Chuck!" You duck under the kitchen island, you pull out your gun and start firing back. Causing both Jack and Mac to throw you a look. Over the coms, Cage says something about Murdoc has just opened fire and she needs a bit of back up.
"It's not Murdoc." Jack states. You continue to fire until the clip is out of bullets. "That was the school teacher and Y/N."
"My gun isn’t a semi-automatic hand held.” You counter. “My gun is just a regular 45 caliber.”
About a half an hour later a rocket or a small missile flips the armored car that you and your three coworkers are in. You subconsciously call out to one of the angels... and the angel that comes is the one particularly fond of that tan trench coat of his.
"Y/N?" Cas asks as you help Cage get free.
"Cas, will you do me a favor and get Jack and Mac out of the front seat?" You answer as you open the back door of the vehicle. Cas doesn’t even bother to question you. Once out of the car you pull Cas into a hug, he doesn’t hug back. “Cas, this is where you hug me back.”
“Oh right.” Cas answers, wrapping his arms around you and embraces you quickly before letting you go. "You know that your brothers are worried sick about you, right?"
"I know, but I like it where I am- and I want to keep this for as long as I can. Will you help me?"
"Of course." Cas answers with a fond smile on his face.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome. I should leave, your brothers need help again."
"Like always. See you around Cas." With that the blue eyed, trench coat wearing angel takes his leave, leaving your four coworkers in shock.
"Who was that guy and how the hell did he just vanish into thin air?" Jack questions. You crack a small smile.
"That was my friend Cas.” You answer. “And to answer your second question, he’s a wizard.”
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jitterbugjive · 7 years
8') Don't tell me they killed the cute sheep-pon lawyer boy. Is he heir oc? Hasnt Spinel suffered enough?
It’s in an alternate universe where Randy and Spinel are older and because Spinel chose Vior over Randy, the sheepony left heartbroken. bit over 10 years later, Spinel finds Randy in a hospital because his liver’s bad from too much drinking, so the unicorn throws a bunch of money at the hospital to get him the best surgical equipment and a not so legally obtained new liver. Turns out Vior and Spinel had a fight 3 years prior and hadn’t been in contact since, and later it’s revealed they’d gotten married and never had a divorce or anything. Spinel more or less forced Randy to be back in his life because ‘you owe me your life’, his desperate attempt to find someone to give his life some kind of meaning (Spinel at that point is much like Bojak Horseman.) He’ll get on drugs, have wild parties, pass out in an alleyway, generally 0 self care and 0 shits given as he’s constantly borderline suicidal
Anyway over time he and Randy re-connect and start to form something special between them, but circumstances with his job and Randy getting pulled in to it causes Spinel so much distress that he feels the world would be better off without him, so he disappears one day with a vague, alarming note. Everyone starts searching for Spinel, and someone calls Vior to ask him to come back and take care of the mess Spinel had made. Spinel starts making calls to those he knows to say final goodbyes, clearly on drugs, but when he calls his business to talk to his secretary, Vior answers instead and it gives him a shock that throws him way off. He hangs up on Vior. He then calls Whistle, not knowing Randy was there with him, and Randy answering gives him another shock which encourages him to talk a bit more, and with Whistle’s advice on what to say, Randy’s able to calm him down enough to admit he needs help, and spinel agrees to call Vior to come get him since he has wings. Vior finds Spinel just on time, overdosed on multiple drugs, and has him taken care of.
This of course leads to conflict as Randy thinks once again Spinel would have Vior over him, but he’s so down on himself that he things it’s better than way and he should just leave. But, Spinel meanwhile, AND Vior both express they want Randy back in their lives and that they are in an open relationship of sorts, they both want to make up the harm they’d done to him in the past. But Randy’s having none of it, insisting it’s wrong and that they’re both better off without him.
Vior then attempts to help Spinel with Polished Dreams by confronting a rather dangerous pony who’s more or less sponsoring his business. Vior made the mistake of making a legal threat to someone VERY powerful in the underground, and they had Vior shot down from the sky as he was flying home.
(Holy shit I’m trying to summarize as best I can and it’s still not remotely the whole story at all, this is also the universe where Blank exists and was manipulating Spinel for a time, and later murdered a Jewel)
Anyway, Spinel is of course alarmed with Vior doesn’t come home, and asks Randy to help him search for him.They eventually find him in the forest near the mountain, missing an entire wing with the other so severely damaged it couldn’t be saved. So Vior wakes up in the hospital no longer having wings any more, and Spinel and Randy stay by his side. But Randy, see, he’s been starting to feel and act sickly, weak, shaking, in pain. Spinel becomes incredibly paranoid, knowing something is wrong but not what because Randy won’t tell him, and he has this sense of dread that he could lose him or Vior at any moment. He tries to talk to Randy again, admitting things with Vior don’t feel the same any more and probably never will, and how much he wanted Randy to be a part of his life, wanted them to be together, but Randy rejects him VERY harshly, slipping out that he’s not worth it because ‘he’s dying’.
JitterbugJive-Today at 2:34 AM
Spinel sniffled, his hooves shaking. "I fucking love him, I swear I do, I'm relieved he's back but at the same time I just-- it was too long and too soon all at once and I still hate him for leaving and we-- you and I-" He looked at Randy with fear in his eyes, ".... there was something there, wasn't there? Is it all gone now...? Is it over...?"
SirDoodTheo-Today at 2:36 AM
Randy looked.. really scared. He held Spinel's hooves tightly, before looking down at the floor. "..... I.. Spinel w- we.. we can't... I c- can't-.." His breath caught in his throat, and he felt like he was practically shaking. "..... i- it's.. t- too late... isn't i- it?"
JitterbugJive-Today at 2:39 AM
His ears pinned back again, Randy's words making his chest tighten in agony. "I don't feel any different...." Spinel said in a voice that was so soft it was almost a whisper. "And I don't want to..."
SirDoodTheo-Today at 2:41 AM
"Sp- Spinel n- no!" He stood up, his forelegs hugging himself as he looked over at Vior's room, and then at the unicorn. "Th- This.. this is wr- wrong! W- We.... we had our ch- chance... a- and it d- didn't work! Y- You're.. you're with him now a- and it's... this isn't right......" He looked completely devastated.. as if he couldn't believe his own words coming out of his mouth. He rubbed his own shoulders, his body still practically trembling as he turned to look away. ".... I'm... n- not going to be around f- for long anyways..... y- you don't w- want this.."
JitterbugJive-Today at 2:49 AM
Spinel started breathing heavier, with an expression that melted in to something Randy had never seen on him before. Utter heartbreak and horror, and that was only at when the ram said 'we had our chance'. It only grew heavier from there, and he was about to protest with everything he had that it wasn't wrong, that it didn't matter but before he could.... Now confusion was added on top of the heartbreak and horror, and he felt his mouth go dry. ".... wh....what....?"
Two huge shocks in a row for Spinel, who’s now both heartbroken and terrified. He asks Randy what he means and Randy explains that he feels off, very sick, that he can tell whatever it is, he’s dying. Spinel asks him why he hasn’t gone to a doctor and the ram rejects the notion because he felt there’s no point and he’s just better off gone. And as Spinel is panicking (he breaks a bathroom mirror) Randy suddenly collapses and starts having trouble breathing.
Spinel of course rushes him to hospital staff, who reveal Randy’s body is rejecting the implanted liver because it’s not a hybrid liver. Randy would need a hybrid of the same blood type, and considering he’s a genetic impossibility the chances of finding someone is near non-existent.
Now see, how we RP is that sometimes we’ll roll on certain factors. And Theo, that asshole, WAS BASICALLY ROLLING ON RANDY’S LIFE, PIECE BY PIECE. And he got a 3 out of 20 when it came to the initial roll to see how bad off he was. Then he rolled on shit like if there’s a donor, and I’m just over here screaming my head off because I had so much planned for this Randy and I don’t want him to die and I feel super connected to Spinel so I wind up feeling a lot of what he’s feeling as its happening.
Just look how awful this bastard is:
JitterbugJive-Today at 3:57 AM
i'm over here like "plz live so i can throw thing at you"
SirDoodTheo-Today at 3:57 AM
!roll d20
RPBotBOT-Today at 3:58 AM
@SirDoodTheo rolled 3.
SirDoodTheo-Today at 3:58 AM
JitterbugJive-Today at 3:58 AM
SirDoodTheo-Today at 3:58 AM
oh man
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:00 AM
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:00 AM
Guess we're gonna hafta find ouuuut
it's not gonna be good whatever it is
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:01 AM
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:01 AM
Man I was just gonna be like
"Oh well if it's fine"
"I'll just say he had like.. a panic attack"
-rolls a 3-......"WELP OKAY THEN"
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:02 AM
if it's a shit liver spinel's gonna murder bluebelle
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:48 AM
!roll d20
RPBotBOT-Today at 4:48 AM
@SirDoodTheo rolled 17.
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:49 AM
Hey there we go some good news!
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:50 AM
good news is: There's a hybrid out there that matches
bad news: they still alive and kickin'
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:52 AM
lmao ohno I was just rolling on if Randy would survive the surgery to remove the liver inside him right now
I haven't rolled on the donor yet:3
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:52 AM
you'd need a hell of a roll for that fuuuck
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:52 AM
!roll d20
RPBotBOT-Today at 4:52 AM
@SirDoodTheo rolled 17.
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:52 AM
Okay dokie soooooo
Matching liver
SirDoodTheo-Today at 4:53 AM
but the pony who has it is alive but they're close to death themselves
just a matter of convincing them to give up their own liver
JitterbugJive-Today at 4:53 AM
Aaaand since this post is fucking long enough anyway, have some art from Worst Universe (yeah we call it that for a reason)
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Oh did I mention this is the universe where Spinel’s drug use triggers a disease in his horn that causes him to constantly expel magic unless medicated, without his magic energy replenishing, so ultimately if it keeps going it’ll cause horn necrosis and eventually make him lose all his magic and magical antibodies.
This image here is what he would have looked like if it got to its worst state (Which it hasn’t, thus far it’s been kept on top of and rolls have been good... now it’s all about convincing the head researcher of the disease to go back to researching it and giving the funding needed for it)
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Hey guys!
I’m back with Part 2 of my TBR Tackle! After another successful school drop-off (Again, she didn’t even look back *Sniff), I am going to pick up where I left off yesterday. If you missed Part 1, click here!
Science Fiction & Dystopian
Fly Paper: A Novel by Chris Angus
How do you fight a deadly disease that comes from beyond planet Earth?
When a 2,000-year-old mummy is unearthed in central China, investigators from all over the world fly in to Washington, DC, for a top-secret meeting, hoping to find an answer to its mysterious genetic anomalies.
But the scientists may have mistakenly released a new, deadly disease of extraterrestrial origins in the process of examining the genetic markers of the ancient mummy. The devastating human error causes a worldwide plague—one that penetrates the barriers of the human immune system. Sino expert Eric Logan and archaeologist Dr. Marcia Kessler lead an expedition back to the icy glaciers of China to extract a much older 20,000-year-old mummy, which could help them formulate a cure. Even as they embark on their mission, the strange illness afflicts the people around them, turning men into mindless monsters.
The team retreats to a remote Buddhist monastery and must hold off a vicious army of victims. As they wrestle with the possibility that they may be the last living humans on earth, someone finds an ancient burial object that may hold the key to ending the apocalyptic epidemic . . .
My Thoughts…
Sounds really good right? Well, it was okay but it wasn’t all I had hoped for.
It was well written and engaging enough, but it was missing something. Unfortunately, I can’t quite say what that something is but it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied.
Overall, a decent read with a good premise but had a lackluster ending. As the song says, “That don’t impress me much”.
Rating… C+
The Dreams by Matthew R. Flemming
Waking up in an unknown forest with four strangers, James has an unsettling feeling that the group is not alone. As tension mounts and he finds himself questioning the motives and loyalty of his companions, one of the group members disappears, leaving only a pool of blood behind. It soon becomes clear that something very large and unnatural is in the deep secret places of the forest. And it knows they are there.
My Thoughts…
This was originally a DNF. The first one in a long while. I loved the premise and the cover is brilliant, but it was so messy. Disorganized with way too many words. I hate overly descriptive writing!
This what I put on Goodreads:
DNF: Good premise by lacking proper execution. I couldn’t stick with it.
OK I finished it but only because I needed to know how these poor suckers ended up here. I still maintain my original opinion.
Yes, I went back and finished because I felt bad. It did not get any better!
Rating… D-
Ghost Virus by Graham Masterson
The girl had been staring into her mirror all morning before she picked up the small bottle of sulphuric acid and poured it over her forehead.
Samira was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her. What could have brought her to this? DC Jerry Pardoe and DS Jamila Patel of Tooting Police suspect it’s suicide. But then a meek husband kills his wife, and the headteacher of the local school throws her pupils out of a window. It’s no longer a random outbreak of horrific crimes. It’s a deadly virus. And it’s spreading. Somehow, ordinary Londoners are being infected with an insatiable lust to murder. All of the killers were wearing second-hand clothes. Could these garments be possessed by some supernatural force?
The death count is multiplying. Now Jerry and Jamila must defeat the ghost virus, before they are all infected…
My Thoughts…
This book is hard to classify. It’s a little bit sci-fi, a little procedural, with a paranormal backbone. The premise is a bit misleading, which I guess is the point but I thought I was going to be reading a good plague story.
I loved everything about this book until the origin of the virus is revealed. Then I was like, “WTF? Are you kidding me?” And not in a good way. It’s just so silly! Here I was thinking that this book had everything. Suspense, gore, mysterious virus, and then the author went and ruined it for me.
Maybe you will like it and won’t find the ending ridiculous. You’ll have to make that decision for yourselves.
Rating… C
Blue Skin: A Dystopian Vampire Thriller (Book #1) by Steven Jenkins
The world has turned inward, away from the sun, in the wake of a mysterious disease that has altered the human race. No longer able to bear healthy human children, our mothers and daughters have brought vampire-like hybrids into the world, and with it a new order. Now that reproduction has been banned, those left with young children face a terrible and devastating decision – turn your babies over to the government or pay the price. For young Freya, keeping her brother hidden is the only real option.
Enemies of the state, Freya must stand between her family and the forces of a fearful world. Although her brother may not be human, there is little else separating her and those of the blue skin.
Choices will be made. Lines will be drawn. The battle for humanity has only just begun.
BLUE SKIN is the first book in a 5 part vampire dystopian, thriller horror series.
My Thoughts…
Ooh I really enjoyed this book and the follow-up, Blue Skin: Book #2 that was released this past May. Good vampire stories are really hard to come by these days since the genre was drowned in vamp tales due to the Twilight phenomenon.
Blue Skin however, is an interesting mix of vampire and apocalyptic. The fact that the vampires are children make it especially horrifying.
Great writing, a unique plot and a strong female protagonist make this book appealing to all sorts of readers. I’m looking forward to reading more in this series!
Rating… A+
Contemporary Fiction & YA Fiction
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (Books 1-3) by Jenny Han
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all
P.S. I Still Love You
Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter. She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever. When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Lara Jean is having the best senior year.
And there’s still so much to look forward to: a class trip to New York City, prom with her boyfriend Peter, Beach Week after graduation, and her dad’s wedding to Ms. Rothschild. Then she’ll be off to college with Peter, at a school close enough for her to come home and bake chocolate chip cookies on the weekends.
Life couldn’t be more perfect!
At least, that’s what Lara Jean thinks . . . until she gets some unexpected news.
Now the girl who dreads change must rethink all her plans—but when your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?
My Thoughts…
I’m lumping all 3 of these books together, not because they don’t deserve individual reviews (They totally do!), but because I read them all together, one right after the other like a big novel.
Why you ask? Well I watched the Netflix movie of course, and fell in love! (Read review)
As soon as the credits rolled, I quickly purchased all 3 books and had myself a lovely binge read. All 3 were fantastic! Nostalgia inducing, charming, adorable, and funny. I really enjoyed them and I’m happy with how the author ended the trilogy.
Want to hear something crazy though? I liked the movie more and something tells me I’m not the only one.
The actors had such great chemistry! ‘Lara Jean’ and ‘Peter’ were so good together on screen which added a whole new dimension to the story. Honestly, they made the story and I really hope the other books get movies too.
Rating… A+’s all around!
Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow
Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At seventeen she’s already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget. The broken glass washes away the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. You don’t have to think about your father and the river. Your best friend, who is gone forever. Or your mother, who has nothing left to give you.
Every new scar hardens Charlie’s heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.
My Thoughts…
Warning: Major Triggers! Mental illness, Abuse, Addiction, Self-harm, Suicide, and Disturbing Scenes (Just to name a few).
I would give this AMAZING book 6 stars if I could! It’s riveting, evocative, heart-wrenching and incredibly illuminating. It’s not the easiest book to read but if you can stomach the darkness, it’s a brilliant story about survival and self-discovery. The protagonist ‘Charlie’ will take you on one hell of a journey but it’s worth it. Just be prepared to feel every emotion on the spectrum.
Honestly, I have nothing negative to say. I truly loved it, if that’s the right word, and can’t recommend it enough!
Rating… A+++
Well, I’ve caught up a ton with these two posts. They’re certainly some of the longest posts I’ve ever written lol. Like I said before, I had really gotten behind with my writing but I’ve never stopped reading (I’m 18 books ahead on my yearly Goodreads challenge) and I never will. 
I’d love to hear your thoughts on these books, especially if you’ve read them.
Until next time!
      #TBR Tackle & Mini Reviews (Part 2) #BookBlogger #BookReviews #Books #AmReading #BookHaul #Thriller #Romance #YA Hey guys! I'm back with Part 2 of my TBR Tackle! After another successful school drop-off (Again, she didn't even look back *Sniff), I am going to pick up where I left off yesterday.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
Is the Air in Your Home Making Your Kids Sick?
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/is-the-air-in-your-home-making-your-kids-sick/
Is the Air in Your Home Making Your Kids Sick?
**This post is sponsored by HomeLab**
By Sandi Schwartz, Contributing Writer
You may be surprised that your home—yes, the place your family plays, relaxes, sleeps, and eats—could be unhealthy.
I remember as a young child I dreaded wintertime when my dad would throw some wood in the fireplace and try to warm us up with that smoky, smelly fire that would cause me to have a coughing fit. If only my parents knew back then that the wood burning fire caused my asthma to flare up.
Is the Air in Your Home Making Your Kids Sick?
Asthma and allergies are the most common chronic illnesses for children in the United States, and are typically triggered by indoor air allergens like dust, mold, animal dander, and chemicals found in products we use every day in our home.
A recent study by George Washington University found that 90% of homes contain toxic dust, and indoor air quality tends to be two to five times worse than the outdoor air. On top of that, the United State Environmental Protection Agency estimates that we spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors. Harmful airborne particles, chemicals, and gases from cleaners, air fresheners, gas appliances, flooring, furniture, paints and even our beds get trapped inside our homes, creating a poor environment for our families. This is a real problem that can impact our health.
Fortunately, we can do something about it to protect our children.
Discover The Tool That Will Improve Your Home
Imagine if you had a way to find out what is in your home’s air so you could make changes to create a safer indoor environment for your family. HomeLab does just that with their user-friendly indoor air quality home monitoring service. Their goal is to clean air in every home by protecting you from unwanted, unseen toxins so your family can breathe easier.
I tested out HomeLab’s service, and let me tell you, it is really easy to use and filled with invaluable information.
It’s this simple:
Set up the air monitor. This small device detects pollutants throughout your home. You can also move the monitor to sample each bedroom and living space, particularly if it is a multi-story home.
Download the app. This user-friendly app can be downloaded on the Apple App Store or Google Play. It will track your air quality and provide a tailored plan for you to improve and manage the air quality in your home.
Receive expert advice. You will participate in a personalized review of your home’s air quality with a certified building scientist.
Witness the transformation inside your home. The most amazing part of this process is that, with the app, you will be able to observe the improvements in your home as they happen. 
What You Will Learn About Your Home
HomeLab is an incredible tool that uses your own indoor air quality data and available information about your activities to develop a tailored plan to remove pollution and make your home a safer place to live. You will be able to view levels of particulates, volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and humidity in your home on specific days or over a set period of time.
What is amazing is that you can then use the data collected to discover patterns and spikes of pollution in certain rooms. HomeLab uses a color-coded stoplight system to show you which exposure levels are too high, so that you know exactly where to make changes.
After gathering the information in your home, the app gives you a plan with detailed recommendations. For example, you may notice a high level of a certain pollutant on days when you cook dinner at home. HomeLab will point you to the best solution possible for your family, such as installing a vent fan or opening up windows during dinner time.
The plan is broken up into two levels of recommendations. In the first step, you will learn about some simple free or low cost changes you can do yourself. By implementing these tips, you can reduce pollution by up to 40 percent without spending a penny. Some easy solutions include using low soot, beeswax candles; opening your windows; keeping all of the interior doors open; and using non-toxic cleaners.
Next, you will find recommendations that involve making home improvements, such as upgrading your stove, sealing your air ducts, or replacing carpet with hardwood or natural flooring. The best news is that you don’t have to stress about which products to choose. HomeLab has tested hundreds of air quality products and everyday products that produce less toxins (such as cleaners, air fresheners, and furniture) that they can recommend to you. They can also connect you to reliable home service contractors to install a new ventilation system or clean your ducts.
Stop Guessing And Start Making Real Change In Your Home Today
What I like most about HomeLab’s system is that it takes the guesswork out of what actions are best for you to improve the air quality inside your home. You no longer have to wonder if your child’s asthma flared up because of your new sofa or that smoky meal you just cooked. You will be able to see for yourself on the app a reduction in both pollutant levels and health symptoms in real-time.
You can start with the simple solutions and the work your way up to more involved tasks as needed. HomeLab gives you the opportunity to take one step at a time and to check off the changes as you complete them. You will also receive reminders of key activities to manage your air quality.
HomeLab will become your friend, your go to service so you can continue to improve your home’s air quality as your children grow. After your initial review with the building specialist, you can schedule follow up calls when new questions come up.
The sooner you start tracking your home’s air quality, the faster you will be able transform your home so your children feel better.
You can even try it for 30 days for free. HomeLab has agreed to give MAM readers a 20% discount until 10/4, bringing the cost to only $7.99/mos after the free trial. Just enter “mam” as a coupon code when signing up!
  What steps have you taken to improve the indoor air quality of your home?
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