#and I remembered being excited about the they them option and was like OHH I musta left it that way
broodygaming · 1 year
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omg got the cutest armor and so it's finally tiiimeeee to shareeee.
This is Flu. <3 She/They pronouns. Badass. Misses her sister who in my mind looks exactly the same but styles her hair differently and is a dark blue instead of a dark purple like Flu. This inn lighting is just meh and their face and freckles are the cutest I'll have to upload a more closeup pic. They're the coolest nerdiest badass-est wizard on this here continent and they're for SURE not an undercover True Soul who has seen and done some SHIT to keep their cover, NOPE.
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supercantaloupe · 1 month
happy sleepover saturday! any thoughts about Beetlejuice the musical (positive/negative/etc)? I've really liked what I've seen/heard but I'd be interested to know what you think. additionally, as a guy who rarely listens to any kind of classical music because he is bad at remembering the titles 😫 what are some bangers i should put on tonight while i assemble a gerbil cage? (preferably the smaller... songs? numbers? please no longer than 10 minutes per. concerto???? idk what they're called im so sorry. last thing these are my three beautiful boys im adopting tomorrow!
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OHH THREE BEAUTIFUL BABY BOYS. i like that that two of them appear to have airbender arrows on their heads
i! don't have very strong opinions on beetlejuice the musical, to be honest. i haven't seen it and it's been a few years since listening to the soundtrack. i remember it being decent, a few clever lines and composition moments here and there, there was clearly some creativity and heart put into it. it didn't seem to have like the kind of lazy cashgrab project vibes that other movie-to-stage musical adaptations sometimes, like sure the original movie here was a cult classic already but the team turning it into a musical seemed really interested in making into its own thing that adds to the creative idea. it's not really my cup of tea these days but it seems like a fun time, and you can absolutely do worse
HMM...well i am very much at heart a symphony girlie and symphonies tend to be quite a bit longer than ten minutes, But i shall try to come up with some shorter selections...
the overture to die meistersinger is genuinely a work of genius. i regret having to recommend a wagner piece because philosophically (and also at times musically) i disagree with the man intensely, and he was a massive piece of shit. but damn could he write an overture. he should have been a symphonist. and left it at that.
in that vein actually opera overtures are gonna offer a lot of great options for exciting classical music pieces that don't go on for too long. rossini has a ton of classics to choose from, many of which are very famous and also might be recognizable, like the barber of seville, la gazza ladra (the thieving magpie), l'italiana in algeri (the italian girl in algeria), la scala di seta (the silken ladder) and william tell.
some of my other personal favorite overtures are mozart's le nozze di figaro (the marriage of figaro) and the magic flute, weber's der freischütz, donizetti's la fille du régiment (the daughter of the regiment), and bernstein's candide.
also! the dance of the hours is a classic, it comes from the ballet la gioconda and also was featured in the original fantasia so it might be familiar!
finally i'll recommend some concert band music which i think is often overlooked in the classical music world. and no one does concert band better than brits and americans. holst first suite in Eb and second suite in F are both great, same for vaughan williams' english folk song suite. and william walton's crown imperial coronation march.
OH and arturo márquez's danzón no 2. okay love you bye
[ask meme]
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rei-does-stuff · 10 months
EPISODE 1!!!!!!
-FIRSTLY I’ve been so fucking excited for this that I dreamt about it THATS RIGHT I DREAMT ABT IT
-This is gonna be the last mym chapter….:(((((
-“Hold onto your cutie marks!” IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE SUNNY
-I love you izzyyyyy
-All the dragons have the same model yes, but they all still look unique and pretty good IN MOTION
-Aww trying to put on her tough voice this is why ur my favorite sunny!!!
-Leaf is cuteee
-Tumble and him are def gay
-FOUNTAIN IS A LITTLE CREATURE….Well big creature but yk
-God that was sooo goodddd
-Love sunny rushing in to defend alicorns
-Also her putting her hoof around zipp GAYYYY
-Hitch and your dad jokes I love youu
-Sunny trying to make friends with Blaize, IS THAT A PERSONALITY I SEE?
-Also her and Blaize? Rlly gay
-Love this green dragon (already forgot his name im a little dumb)
-OH HIS VOICE WILL TAKE A WHILE TO GET USED TO BUT ITS NOT BAD, he finally has the deep voice he’s always wanted, good on you for the transition, plus he is total nonbinary goals
-Also Sunny fangirling a bit
-okok so we were all pretty right on the real story!
-“You lost magic??” LMAO EVEN SPIKE IS LIKE ‘rlly???? After everything you rlly lost magic yall are wild mannn”
-When sunny gets excited her alicorn-ness starts to show, I’m not saying its a stim but it’s totally a stim
-Love his speech but I wish they referenced how he thought the same but realized his true family were with other ponies
-GAYYY i need to see ship art of sunny and Blaize NOW
EP 2
-The townsponies still freak just the same as g4, some things never change
-‘And Pipp’s hair is still fabulous!’ I LOVE YOU ROCKY
-“That is…An option!” SUNNY DONT BE MEAN
EP 3!!!
-‘We could just call’ I LOVE THEMMM
-NOT OPALINE PLAYING THE “you and I were not so different” CARD
-New threats maybe?
-Auroricorns! New name for Crystal ponies?
-This is def giving me comfort special vibes!!!!
-Never allowed to leave? Ooooo
-If this keeps going this well this might be my fave ep
-This is some freaky shit
-So she’s like Opaline, but probably less fun? Interesting….
-Messed up tbh
-Maybe Allura will get a redemption arc?
-WOW she is stupid I love it
-So she might be back!
AAAAA I LOVED THAT, even tho there’s no more mym I’m sure tyt will be just as good once the episodes get longer!!
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alphonseelriic · 2 years
Happy almost Christmas Sofia!! Gosh the days go by so fast! I can't believe it's almost here. Probably my last anon msg before reveals 😉 but feel free to continue talking to me after if you want to, it's been lovely to be your Santa!
Oh! I hope your time at the beach has been eveything you wanted? ☺️ 
Still wanting all of the food you talk highly of haha ❤. Would be really cool to visit south america one day and try some of these authentically! Will keep my eyes out to see if there's any around tho heh. 
And wow your mum is a professional baker! You must be used to the best goods then!! 😵 She must be so flattered you love her pannetone best too. And that's fair about not being into the kitchen lol but good to know you're capable there. ^^ I like cooking/baking but I'm not a fan of the cleaning that comes with it 😆 and these days I'm so tired, it sometimes feels like a lot of work to make a meal beyond basics lol. But when I'm in the mood I really like experiment with new recipes and decorating baked goods is always fun! Do you have a "go-to" meal you cook? 
Oh please do try duck! Theres so many ways to eat it...all delicious ha. Though it has a gamey taste that some people don't like, so I wonder if you prefer those or not too? 👀 Do you like lamb/goat flavors? (Since that has an even more gamey taste haha). Ooo tteokbokki is so good, a food fair sounds fun!  Alsjdkkdd honestly I'm so drawn to hot cocoa during the winter haha so totally valid and cappuccino too!! Yum!! Fresh fruit juices, so refreshing 😍. I love mango smoothies.
Oh no, what did you get to read instead in high school? We had a list of authors and books we could pick from to read during Lit class in high school that was a lot of classics including Jane Austen! It's been so long though, I honestly don't remember much. Do you like any of the jane austen movies too? 
Omg I know the struggle to find the fics that fit what you want to see from your favs lol, it's esp. hard in smaller fandoms or not as popular ships. What kind of ships are you into? 👀 And what kind of fics draw you in most? 
The struggle not to rewatch haikyuu all the time, yes!! 😆 Because it gives so much serotonin lol, but I know if it wait longer and don't remember everything, it'll be better haha. Speaking of MOB, ugh I haven't seen the last episode yet but I'm already sad it's over 😭 but deep in the feels. I'm particularly in love with "exist" ost this time. 🥲
Totally get what your saying and thanks for that bits of information! All the examples you linked are so pleasing to look at 😊 and Mazusu is easily one of my fav editors too. ❤ I can't wait to also see what you'll edit for this event! And hope you'll enjoy my lil gift to you! 🤧 Also thank you for your work with animanga creators, agree their challenges are a lot of fun 😄.
Be back very soon and happiest of holidays to you! ❤💚
- Animanga 🎅 
Omg happy Christmas Eve, secret santa ❤️ yessss!! I'm so excited to find out who you are >:) Awww thank you sm! I'm very glad to have had such a wonderful santa this year :')
Yeah, my time at the beach was v nice! We arrived back home yesterday afternoon. We didn't do much but that's actually what I wanted hahahah I was just so tired.
That's so sweet, I would love it if you visit 🥹 this continent may not be most people's first option for a vacation but it's truly beautiful and has such touristic potential!!
Ohh yes my mom bakes a lot of stuff! It's mostly for orders and we are forbidden from eating anything tho, but she does also bake for us occasionally ^^ I would be lying if I said she wasn't partially responsible for my sweet tooth...
Oh the cleaning, what a struggle LMAO it does indeed suck when you prepare a rather small thing but it leaves a lot of dirty dishes behind 😔 experimenting is really fun indeed!! I guess a meal I tend to "cook" often are different kinds of salads made with whatever is on the fridge, as they're so easy to make! I also like frying eggs and eating them with leftover rice if there's any. Grilled cheese sandwiches are also a classic. Maybe this is cheating bc nothing is actually made out of scratch, but oh well :p
I tend to like stuff with strong flavors so I think I may like duck! I don't remember the last time I ate lamb but I do remember liking it. The food fair was really fun indeed 💕 had a great time even if the weather was terrible that day. Oh I forgot about smoothies, I really like them too! Same with milkshakes.
I honestly don't remember much about what I had to read in high school 🤔 I remember reading Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Catcher in the Rye. Also a few books and short tales from Latin American authors. Unfortunately we couldn't choose for ourselves, the teacher decided for us :( but I liked most of what I read thankfully!
Yeah I loooove the pride and prejudice movie from 2005! I also want to watch the 1995 miniseries but I haven't had the time yet. I want to watch the Sense and sensibility movie too after I finish the book to see how faithful it is heheh
Tbh when it comes to ships I tend to like the popular (or canon) choices, like EdWin, TwiYor, RinShi, HanaNene, SasaMiya etc. But for media that has a big cast and doesn't focus on romance (like Haikyuu or Genshin) I tend to multiship and I like less common ships too!! I admit I'm not very creative for finding new ships so usually I end up drawn in by that one artists that is obsessed with a rarepair but has a really cute art style 😅 I'm trying to think about some examples but my mind is blank rn 🤔 maybe this is my sign to go back and consume more hq fanart like I did back in the day lol
Ohh I still haven't watched the last episode either, but idk, it's hard to say goodbye to this series 😭 my excuse is that I usually wait to watch it with my partner but we haven't had the opportunity to watch it together yet. I can't delay it for much longer tho or the entire episode will be spoiled for me sooner or later hahaha
Oww I'm glad my examples were useful for you!! Yeah masuzu's stuff is simply wonderful :') I'll upload my gift as soon as I finish answering this ask so you'll get to see it very soon 😈 I'm 100% sure I'll love what you made for me!! I can't wait to see it 🙈 aww thanks!! I still feel I don't do much despite being a mod but I want to have a more active rol from now on, my friend Roh had such a good idea when she thought about making this network, it's been an awesome experience so far and it reignited my love for this community ❤️❤️❤️ this event was super super fun!!
The happiest holidays to you too 💕 I hope you have a magical time alongside whoever you celebrate with!! Have fun tonight and eat a lot of delicious food ❣️ thank you so much again for being such a great santa! couldn't have asked for more ;)
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! It's gossip girl 🥰 That super wired with your blog! I saw some of your others posts to the tumble staff and I hope it gets fixed soon! I think tumblr is just broken to the max sometimes and takes the wrong things away:/
My Sunday was good! I actually went to like and Airshow today and got to see some really cool planes with my friends! The Thunderbirds were there and they can do some cool stuff! The only down side was I forgot sunscreen and I burn quicker than rubbing alcohol on a candle😂 But hey if I wanted to be Two Face /Harvey Dent for Halloween I wouldn't have to worry about getting red face paint😂😂 But it was a cool show and we spend most of the day there! I hope your Sunday went well🥰 How'd the walk go with the puppy?!!🥰🥰
Yes! She is a very good sister even though we are polar opposites personality wise we never really had any big fights😂 Other than when she "Borrows" my clothes and forgets to give them back😂😂 She really is great though!! I've probably also done similar stuff to her and my mom too though😂 I'll borrow a sweatshirt from my mom and eventually she'll get it back😂
Lol it's totally fine how long it takes you to reply! I don't mind🥰 It's kinda fun because I think if it like a surprise and the waiting is part of the fun!❤️ And ohh no no no! Tumble doesn't need any more ideas except maybe for a bid to get rid of a few😂
And I absolutely agree with you on the autocorrect and like writing things that don't makes sense (even if it was like unintentional)!
I haven't lost any of my stories but there have been a few close calls with papers and then one event where word totally screwed me over on a final project and wouldn't let me save a 30is page final group project (it had like pictures and charts ) and it wouldn't let me reopen any of the old entries or send it to someone else as a word doc🥲 I could only save it as a PDF but then you can't go into word again and edit a pdf (or it wouldn't let me without paying a bunch to convert it) But my teacher was great and helped me get it back because she did have a program bough already to convert it and another on of my team members was able to find his old copy too! I'm so it worked out in the end but it was pretty stressful at the time😂
And I haven't heard that saying for the weather but I think I love it😂🥰 It fits me well to because I usually like having a bag full of random things possibly (but not usually) needed😂
College is going pretty well! I've been pretty busy with work and trying to get ready for tests (I have one the day after Halloween and one the day after that🥲😂) But overall it's pretty good! How's your work (or college?/both? i actually am not sure if you're in it🫣, I can't remember if you've mentioned being in college) but basically how's life for you been going?! I hope it's been treating you well!!!
Thanks for the love!! Sending some your way too💕💕
I’m finally free!!! As you may have noticed ☺️ Tumblr said it was a mistake (😒), but let’s focus on the good part I got my main tumblr back, so now I think most of the accounts banned is because of this. Thank you for your kind messages during that time! 💝
Oh wow! That sounds like something super exciting to see! Hope you enjoyed it a lot! Oh no!! I’m a sunscreen freak now and I won’t leave the house without it, hope you got some aloe Vera for that sunburn (but after dressing up as Two face for Halloween) 😝 it went good! Pups are the best ♥️
And now I feel terrible because I think I’m keeping you for long periods of time waiting, but I hope in the mean time you got a bunch of nice things to do so you can share them later on here 🤗 haha who are you trying to get rid of? 😂 🤔
Yeah like sorry! Like, I didn’t mean to say that oops 🤭
Oh you can turn a pdf into a word again, just look for a tutorial, and I’m sure there must be some options to make it for free, but I’m glad your teacher and friend were able to help you! Phew 😮‍💨 saved by the bell!… you know I was pretty new to my current job and I had this massive archive full of formulas and tables and such, and the one who was my boss back then comes to the file and starts moving things and he crashed the excel-> freeze-> lost file. I couldn’t get it back 😨🥺 I had to re-start from the last one I saved, so now I’m extra cautious with the files (and of course my stories) and I’m always saving and I actually have like version 12, final version etc 😂
If you could only see my Mary Poppins bag 😅😆 I recently turned one of those empty cosmetics bags they sell with a bunch of goodies, into my “if I ever need…” so I have this mini hair brush, pills, sunscreen, like most of the mini products for travels, hoping that one day someone might need and I will say hang on, got it! 😂
How did the test go?????? Hope you got a good grade! Work is good, thanks! Haha no college for me, I suffered of a lot of stress during my college days I swore I would take some time out (and it’s been a loooong time since I graduated, probably it would be a good time for a master or something. I had plans to go to study somewhere else right before the pandemic started, luckily I didn’t make any move on that back then. But in general it’s been good 😊 finally Friday I can have some rest, need to do a lot of stuff around and write write write.
Hope you have a nice weekend! 🥰💖
Lots of love and good vibes back to you xx
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Swipe right
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warning: language, mentions of cheating/breakup, alcohol 
Summary: The one where Y/N downloads tinder after a bad breakup
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​​ @horrorxweasley​​ @amourtentiaa​​ send me an ask if you would like to added!
Y/N hated being single. She hated not having anyone waiting for her with dinner cooked and a glass of wine when she got home from work. She hated how empty her bed felt and not having anyone to cuddle after a tough week. She hated no one being there to listen to her ranting about her day. Y/N absolutely missed being in a relationship and being able to go through life with someone else by her side.
Y/N’s last relationship was 8 months ago, she had been with her ex Matthew for 6 months when it came crashing down. Y/N remembers the night she met Matthew vividly. Her friends had dragged her to some concert at this random underground bar. Y/N was at the bar ordering drinks when a breathtakingly handsome man with blond shaggy hair and piercing blue eyes offered to pay for the 3 beers she was ordering. Normally, Y/N would roll her eyes and not bother talking to random drunk men, especially when it was a girl’s night out like tonight. But something about Matthew caught her attention and she couldn’t walk away even if she wanted to. Matthew had this aura about him, he was very charismatic and could captivate anyone with his looks alone leaving those around him putty in his hands. Which is exactly what happened to Y/N.
Matthew and Y/N started dating shortly after that and she was completely smitten with the man. He seems to be just what Y/N needed. To Y/N he was the perfect boyfriend, he held all the traits she looked for in a partner, kind, funny, smart, supportive, everything except the trait which would be argued to be the most important – loyal. 6 months into their seemingly flawless relationship Y/N found Matthew-her supposedly perfect boyfriend, in bed with another girl.
The second Y/N saw the two of them in a rather compromising position in Matthew’s bed, Y/N felt her world collapse around her, her throat closed over making it hard to breath and her vision blurred. The events that followed are hazy in Y/N’s mind, she remembers screaming and yelling, she knows there had been a lot of tears (mostly from her), Matthew trying to beg for forgiveness, which is very hard to do when you’re butt naked and there potentially was a few items thrown in Matthews direction, deservingly so.
That night broke Y/N, it felt like Matthew had reached into her chest and yanked out her heart and crushed it to dust then spat on it. Apparently, douchebag Matthew and this girl had been shagging for basically the whole of his and Y/N’s relationship. She couldn’t believe it.
Y/N’s friends had spent most of the weeks that followed in the heartbroken girl’s apartment as she cried, screamed, yelled. It pained them to see their best friend so distraught. But surely, over time and with lots of ice cream and alcohol, Y/N was able to heal.
8 months later Y/N finally felt mostly whole again, she was able to smile and laugh without a hollow ache pounding in her chest and tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She no longer dreamt of Matthew’s arm wrapping around her and pulling her into his chest when she dozed off, she forgot how it felt to kiss him and she stopped wanting to call him.
Y/N finally felt free, which she told Alicia and Angelina at their weekly girl’s night in. This led to Alicia trying to convince her to maybe start dating again, to test the waters as she put it.
“Okay, hear me out,” Alicia says waving her arms, somehow managing not to slip her wine on the couch, “I think Y/N should download tinder.”
Y/N scoffs and opens her mouth to disagree, but her words went unheard as Angelina squealed in excitement, “oh my god yes! Y/N you so should.”
Y/N shakes her head before sipping on her wine, enjoying the sweet taste on her lips. “Guys, I don’t think I’m ready to start dating, I definitely don’t think I’m ready for another relationship.”
“But that’s why tinder is so great, you don’t have to go on any dates if you don’t want to. You can just chat to some cute boys and see what happens.” Alicia replies, picking up Y/N’s phone from the coffee table and holds it out for her to unlock.
Y/N thinks for a moment, eyeing her phone, she doesn’t feel ready to jump into the dating scene still nervous about being let down again but there’s no harm in downloading tinder and seeing her options, right?
Y/N eyes are locked on her phone Alicia’s hand before muttering fine and unlocking it for her. Angelina giggled excitedly, moving closer to Alicia’s side to look at the phone. A few moments later the app was downloaded, and a profile was made. The 3 girls took turns swiping through profiles ogling the eye candy.
The phone was currently in Angelina’s hand while Alicia refilled everyone’s glasses, Y/N had lost count of how many glasses of wine she’s had tonight, her body buzzing from the alcohol. “Man, I forgot how much fun tinder is.” Angelina slurred, her thumb rapidly swiping through profiles.
“Okay Ang, we won’t tell Fred that you said that.” Y/N chuckles, Angelina just rolls her eyes.
“Oh, come off it.”
~ ~ ~
The next morning the 3 very hungover girls who had passed out in different spots of Y/N’s living room, somehow manage to drag themselves to brunch with Lee, Fred and George.
“Hello ladies, big night?” Fred winks then plants a sloppy kiss on Angelina’s cheek who mumbles a response that sound vaguely like a yes.
The 6 of them were sitting at a table outside, soaking up the sunshine and warm weather. Once their food is delivered the group is chatting aimlessly with one another. Y/N hears her phone ping from her bag, and she fishes it out to check the notification.
“Ohh, Y/N is it a tinder message?” Alicia says excitedly trying to peer over her shoulder.
“Tinder?” It’s George’s voice now. Y/N glances up at him from across the table, unable to read his expression, “since when does Y/N have tinder?”
“Since last night, the girls convinced me to download it. Kinda seems like time to start getting out there again.” Y/N replies shoving her phone back into her bag before one of her friends has the chance to snatch it from her even though the text was just from her mother.
“Maybe you should download tinder Georgie. ‘Bout time you got yourself a girlfriend.” Lee mumbles, his mouth full of food.
George shakes his head, looking down at his plate, “tinder isn’t for me. Besides your one to talk Lee, you’re single too.”
“Not anymore, I want to marry this eggs benedict.” Lee practically moans as he shovels another bite into his mouth.
Y/N laughs along with everyone, shaking her head slightly.
“I think you should George, I’d bet money that your dream girl is on there.” Fred smirks at George whose eyes widen at the comment and his cheeks heat up.
“Can we change the subject,” the redhead mutters scratching his neck, not meeting anyone’s gazes.
The conversation quickly moves on and Y/N finds herself still staring at George confused by his strange behaviour, also noticing the way her chest feels heavy at the mention of George’s ‘dream girl’. She pushes the feeling down and tears her eyes away from the redhead in front of her just before he glances up at her. The pair oblivious to the others intense gaze.
~ ~ ~
That night Y/N is snuggled up under her favourite fluffy blanket, on the couch, while some random romantic comedy is playing in the background.
Y/N has soon come to realise that tinder is addictive, she’s spent the better part of the last hour swiping through the many profiles. It doesn’t feel like she even has control of her fingers at this point, they apparently have a mind of their own.
Y/N starts to zone out, her finger automatically swiping for her. That is, until she stumbles across a particular profile and her finger freezes and her eyes bulge out of her head. Is that? George?
Y/N looks through his profile, there’s a picture that she had taken of him at the beach one summer, he’s lying on a towel, shirtless and the cheekiest grin plastered across his face. The next photo is of him and Ron from Harry’s surprise birthday Ginny threw last year. They are both looking smart in their suits, beaming brightly at the camera. Y/N can’t help but stare at George’s hand that’s wrapped tightly around a beer bottle, her mouth going dry as she zooms in on his veiny hand. There is also a photo of George from last Halloween where he had dressed as a pirate, Y/N chuckles, remembering how George had followed her around for most of the night, annoying her with his lame and corny pirate jokes. The last photo is her favourite out of them all. It’s of her and George at her recent birthday, he has his arm wrapped around her shoulder and his head resting against hers. The pair of them smiling widely at the camera.
Y/N bites her lip trying to decide if she should swipe left or right. She’s always had a soft spot for George long before she started dating Matthew. She knew deep down she harboured a tiny crush on her friend but never acted on it, scared she’ll ruin their friendship if she confessed her feelings. Y/N always fantasised about what it would be like to date George Weasley. She would happily bet her life savings that George would be the perfect boyfriend, would treat his girlfriend with respect and shower them with love and affection. It’s the type of relationship Y/N yearned for, the type of relationship she thought she had with Matthew.
Y/N stared down at the phone in her hand, contemplating her next move. The temptation to swipe right was huge, finally being able to find out if George liked her but there was the possibility that if she does swipe right she’ll find out that George does not like her in that way and she doesn’t know if she could physically take that knowledge right now. Part of her debates on swiping left, thinking that way she can live her life blissfully unaware to whether or not George likes her. The idea of being unsure of his feelings seems very appealing then definitely knowing he sees her just as a friend. A small voice in her head tells her to just delete the app and pretend this never happened.
Y/N groans at her overthinking.
Just choose Y/N.
“Fuck it,” Y/N mutters squeezing her eyes shut before swiping right.
She keeps her eyes closed for a few minutes, trying not to picture the upsetting scenario where they do not match, and Y/N has to deal with her unrequited feelings towards the boy. She takes a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes trying to focus back on the phone in her shaky hand. It takes a moment to process the words on the screen before Y/N is jumping up from the couch squealing.
It’s a match!
Her happy dance is interrupted when her phone dings, indicating a new message. Y/N swears her heart stops beating and she scrambles onto the couch to grab her phone.
George: Do my eyes deceive me or have I captured the attention of the lovely Y/N?
Y/N snorts at his message, butterflies erupting inside her stomach unable to get over the fact that George Weasley likes her.
Y/N: Consider yourself lucky Georgie, not many are worthy enough of my attention ;)
Y/N: But wait, I thought you didn’t have tinder? You said tinder wasn’t for you
George: I didn’t… well up until 1 hour ago. Fred convinced me to download it so I could try and find your profile. He said I should at least try and confess my feelings…
Y/N: And? What are your feelings?
George: that I am hopelessly in love with you. Have been since forever but I’ve been too chicken to admit it.
George: I was going to tell you I swear, but then you started dating that tosser Matthew and I lost my chance.
George: After you two broke up, Fred bugged me to say something to you but I knew it wasn’t the right time.
Y/N studies the messages. Long before Matthew was even a thought in her mind, she knew she would leap at the opportunity to date George. But that was before she had her heart shattered into a million of tiny pieces. She told Alicia and Angelina that she wasn’t ready to date, she didn’t think her heart could take it. And if this was any other guy, she would gently let them down. But this wasn’t just any guy, this was George Weasley. The man who never failed to make her smile and laugh till tears was streaming down her face. The man who help pick up the shards of her heart and help mend it back together. The man who would always answer her phone call, no matter the time of night. Y/N knew she’d be stupid to let go of George Weasley.
~ ~ ~
George was a wreck; he was pacing around his living room basically pulling out his hair with how much he’s run his fingers through it. It had been 30 minutes since he messaged Y/N and admitted his feelings, telling her he loves her. And she hasn’t replied!
George knew he shouldn’t have said anything, clearly Y/N was just curious about his profile, just wanting to see if they’d match and she definitely does not love him back let alone like him.
He wanted to throttle Fred for convincing him to make this stupid tinder account and embarrassing him like this, now George has gone and fucked up his friendship with Y/N.
George stops pacing when he hears knocking from his front door. His eyebrows knit in confusion about who would be visiting him at this hour. George chooses to ignore it, deciding he doesn’t want to see anyone right now, all he wants to do is open some vodka and drown his sorrows. He makes it into the kitchen when the knocking starts back up again, this time louder and faster.
“Okay I’m coming!” George shouts annoyed, “Jesus, I swear this better be import-” his words disappear as soon as he opens the door and is faced with Y/N.
“What are you doing here?” Georges words come out short and brunt, but Y/N doesn’t seem to notice.
She is fiddling with her fingers and anxiously chewing on her bottom lip. “I figured this wasn’t really a conversation I wanted to have over tinder.”
Y/N is silent, the words getting stuck halfway up her throat, she doesn’t really trust her voice to be steady enough to talk. So, she decides on another route of communicating her feelings to George.
Slowly she cups Georges faces in her small hands, forcing his eyes to meet hers. George seems frozen still as Y/N softly pulls his face to down towards hers, their lips millimetres from one another. She can feel his shaky breath on her face. It feels like forever before Y/N connects their lips together, George seems to snap out of his trance as his hands wrap tightly around Y/N’s waist, holding her body close. Their lips mould together perfectly and fireworks erupt in Y/N’s belly. She feels alive and her heart is thumping in her chest and all she can think of is George. George is clouding her thoughts and, in this moment, she doesn’t want anything else to ever occupy her brain. Her heart feels warm and whole as if George had kept the final piece of her heart in his possession to keep save until she was ready and willing to give him the whole thing. Y/N doesn’t feel scared anymore of the thought of loving someone again because she knows for certain now that she’s always loved George.
They pull away from the kiss, breathlessly, George rests his forehead against Y/N’s needing to feel close to her still.
A tear slips from Y/N’s eye which George softly kisses away.
“I love you too George. Always”
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damnedparker · 4 years
pairing: alex law x reader (gender neutral; no y/n)
warnings: food mention, swearing, Extremely Soft alex, cliche flower date, literally all fluff because thats my brand i guess
summary: alex law is a lot of things, but he most definitely is not a shitty boyfriend.
3k words alex lawies! what! i dont even know what this is. soppy romantic stuff. i love this stupid criminal man too much and no one can stop me. all i can write is fluff. everyday i wake up and choose yearning
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You almost groaned as you were brought out of a vague sort of sleep for the third time that night, your boyfriend going through another bout of shifting around for the thousandth time. Alex had always had on and off issues with falling asleep, what he attributed to having a brain that just never stopped or slowed down enough to relax unless he was completely exhausted. You understood what he meant, you only wished you could do something to help. You had tried getting him to read, or relaxing to music before sleep, but neither seemed to help much for him.
As he shifted around again, tangling and untangling his legs with yours multiple times before tossing his head to the side in frustration, you scooted away from your usual place tucked into his side. You had hopes that giving him space without you being half on top of him might help him find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. Soon, you began to doze off again, your body tuning out his tossing and turning just enough before you were woken up by him whispering your name when he stilled. You replied in a sleepy hum, not quite coherent enough to form any words at the moment.
“Are you mad at me?” You blinked your eyes open at that, confused.
“No, Alex, why d’you think that?”
“You moved away from me.”
“I thought maybe you would be more comfortable that way is all.” You yawned, closing your eyes again.
“I’m sorry.”
“S’okay.” There was a beat of silence, and you thought he had tried to fall asleep again before he reached out for you and pulled you back into his arms, his front pressed tightly against your back. You smiled at the return of his warmth, much preferring to sleep with him holding you or vice versa. More moments of quiet passed, and you began to get sleepy again. But once more, Alex’s voice brought you back to the waking world.
“When’s the last time we went on a date?”
“What?” You mumbled, not sure if you heard him right.
“I don’t know when the last time we went out together was.” He shifted against you again to push his legs between yours, his cold feet settling against your calves. You easily fought the urge to shiver, used to his icy palms and feet pressing against your skin or warmth during the night.
“We went out to the pub just last week.” You replied, becoming fully awake now. A frustrated puff of air from Alex met the back of your neck.
“I’d hardly call me getting shitfaced-drunk a proper date, love.” His fingers began to nervously play with the hem of your shirt as he spoke, a telling tick that Alex always smoothed over with brazen or loud words, pushing down the fact that he was distressed. You covered his hand with yours and pressed it to your tummy to still his movements, now exposed from all the shifting around the both of you had done.
“I don’t need a proper date, or whatever that even means, Alex. I just like being around you.” It sounded incredibly corny, sure, but it was true. You’d much rather get plastered or stay home watching movies with your boyfriend, than have to go through the motions at some overpriced restaurant only to come home and do the very same thing you would rather be doing in the first place.
You turned around in his arms, changing positions so that your head rested on his chest, your arms hugging his middle. He began playing with your hair quietly, not saying anything after your last statement. He had seemed to relax a little at your reassurance, but you could feel the insecurity lingering in his movements and the silence that followed without some kind of acceptance or witty comment.
This time it was you who broke the quiet.
“What’s got you thinking about this in the middle of the night?”
“A few days ago, when we were hanging around on the couch, David said some fuckin’ thing about us never going out on a date, and me being a shitty boyfriend. I don’t know why I keep thinking about it.” He mumbled bitterly, upset with himself for letting this get to him. You scooted up slightly, so your face was level with his, reaching out to brush the hair out of his face, which was quite the sight from all the tossing and turning in bed.
“Well, David’s a twat,” you murmured next to his ear, causing a small grin to break out on Alex’s face. He turned to look at you, dark circles present under his icy, soft eyes, his smile unfading. You had to actively stop yourself from bursting out with an I love you, not wanting to make the moment too serious, and you weren’t sure that Alex was the type to say it. You were also a little nervous to tell him, and mostly just hoped that somehow, he knew how much you cared for him. And, of course, you hoped he felt the same. “You are anything but a shitty boyfriend, my Alex. You’re my favorite person.” He closed his eyes and leaned into your palm, now resting against his cheek. A quiet sigh of contentment left his lips, and you closed the small gap between your faces to give him a long kiss.
“Let’s go somewhere tomorrow, get away from this stupid flat for a bit.” He pressed his cheek to yours, breath tickling your ear as he murmured softly to you. Tingles spread down your spine at the intimacy, and your hand found its way under his t-shirt, soft with wear, running up his back to feel his skin.
“Where to?” You raised an eyebrow. He sat up slightly to rest his cheek on his hand as he looked down at you, pretending to think hard before answering. Your heart fluttered when his other hand found yours, gently squeezing.
“Wherever you want.”
“Well, then I’d like to stay home.” Alex sighed dramatically and hung his head in lighthearted annoyance. The smile that had overtaken your lips since he’d woken you was incapable of leaving your face as you reached out to run your fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face. He peeked up at you with one eye.
“You’re so difficult, you know that?”
“I do it just to make you mad.” The smile on your face was wiped off briefly as you squeaked in surprise when Alex leapt up from his position, trying to pin you to the bed. Laughter rung out far too loudly from your lungs in the middle of the night as you scrambled to escape his hold, albeit not very successfully. Just as you had one foot on the floor to leave the bed, Alex grabbed your other ankle, and the movement of you pulling away resulted in you crashing onto the wood floor, with Alex following, landing on top of you with an almost comical oof. You groaned under him, a bit of pain coming from his weight, as well as the contact your body had made with the hard floor. There was barely a moment to register said pain, as the two of you wrestled on the floor for a bit, somehow bringing the blankets with you across the room within the struggle. You eventually yielded to your boyfriend, far too out of breath from laughter and effort to fight any longer, and also knowing you were making too much noise.
“I win.”
“Yeah, I think that happens when you give the other person a concussion.” You sarcastically replied, wincing when you tried to sit up. Alex’s eyebrows drew up in concern, but you stopped him. “I’m just kidding, Alex. But that fall did kinda hurt. You’re fucking heavy.”
“It’s all my muscles.” He grinned, letting you go to lay next to you. You pinched his bicep as he moved over.
“Yeah, these chicken arms are so strong.” You teased, and he scoffed again in feigned offence.
“You know, I’ll remember that the next time you’re drunk and you don’t want to walk home from the pub,” He pointed a finger at you, which your response was point your own at him. Except, you know, the middle one. “Ohh, you’re so sweet, darling.” He cooed. You rolled over to straddle his waist, taking his position from earlier. Alex rested his hands on your thighs, gently rubbing circles into them with his thumbs. It was a curiosity how this man didn’t get whatever he wanted when he was capable of looking at you the way he did. “Please can we go somewhere tomorrow?”
“Okay,” you finally agreed, and he sat up in excitement, making you slide down to his lap. You rested your hands on his shoulders. “Somewhere fun though. Not a fancy restaurant.”
“What about a… lower grade restaurant?”
“Alex…” He responded to your small whine with your own name in the same tone, tilting his head with the cutest puppy dog eyes in the world.
“I don’t like restaurants either, but we can get the food to go. I’ll take you to that park you like, with the botanical gardens,” he pouted. “Come on, I’ll pick you a flower or some romantic crap like that.”
“I don’t think those flowers are meant for picking, sweetheart,” His only response was a mischievous grin. You should have known better than to even try to say anything opposing his plans. You weren’t ever going to really say no in the first place; why would you reject any amount of time spent with your boyfriend? Especially when he was being uncharacteristically romantic, or at least romantic in his own way. “I suppose we can go.”
“Good,” His smile turned soft. “Now I really won’t be able to sleep.”
The next day, Alex burst into your apartment after you had gotten home from work. Literally right after. You had barely taken off your shoes.
“Sometimes I regret giving you a key to my flat.” Your hands gripped at the sofa you were leaning on, recovering from the minor heart attack he had given you from his sudden appearance.
“Why? I thought you liked me.” He teased, grabbing onto your waist from the side. Your eyes softened as you took in his appearance, dressed in your favorite combination of the approximately six options in clothes he had; a green sweatshirt, denim jacket, topped by his leather jacket.
“I like you very much, Alex.” your voice was almost dreamy as you said it, locking eyes with him for a moment too long. Your boyfriend shifted a little, seeming to get nervous and glancing down before he spoke.
“We best get going soon, huh?” The sudden change of subject made you swallow hard, worried you’d ruined something at his now fidgety state. You nodded and mumbled something about changing before rushing off to your room. That was weird, and the sudden shift in mood from Alex meant something was either wrong, or you had made him uncomfortable somehow. Great. Not like that won’t haunt you the rest of the night. Totally.
As soon as you emerged from your room, clothes changed and forcibly pushing down what had happened a moment ago, Alex seemed back to his regular, excited self, throwing you a grin that encouraged you to file the moment ago in the back of your mind. Along with how clammy his palm felt when he slid his fingers between yours. Maybe he was still anxious in relation to everything he said last night.
There was only a brief separation of touch as you both slid into the Mini Cooper. Key into ignition, gear shift in reverse; Alex threw his arm over the back of your seat as he backed out of the parking lot, stopping briefly with his foot on the brake to press a kiss to your cheek before switching gears and heading out onto the road. His hand soon landed in its regular affectionate spot on your thigh as he drove, turning up his favorite album so the two of you could sing along, your off-key screaming going in and out as you got swept up in random conversations. When it was warm enough, Alex would roll all the windows down, and you’d cruise forever until you end up parked in the shadows somewhere to make out like teenagers. It was torturous how much you loved him; how happy he made you feel. You hoped you made him feel the same way.
The oh-so romantic meal for the night were greasy chips to share, probably detrimental for your intestines later, and sandwiches from the place you both frequented often, as it was almost the exact middle distance between your flats. As per tradition, the two of you ate on the bench outside, as the weather was a little chilly as dusk approached, but not cold enough yet to scare you off. The two of you talked about the usual as you ate, jumping from topic to topic with the ease of trapeze artists, supporting each other with interest as you went. Alex was smiling far more than usual, especially when the two of you were talking about work of all things, and the way his eyes followed your every movement squeezed your heart just the same as his hugs did after a few days apart. Whatever was on his mind was clearly tinging his behavior, and you definitely could tell, with the other signals from other, something was up with him. You just didn’t know what.
What followed your dinner was another car ride, as the gardens you loved were too far of a walking distance. And although it wasn’t a long distance when driving, you were still anxious to get out as soon as you got there, throwing open the door mere seconds after Alex parked the car.
The gardens were fairly empty, but not totally so; a few people roamed about here and there, but they were mostly adults. Alex trailed close behind you as you began to explore, surveying all the new plants that had been added since the last time you’d been able to visit.
“I should’ve brought a camera,” he mentions as you study a patch of dahlias, maroons and oranges beautiful in the soft light of the scattered lampposts around the gardens. “You’re so pretty.” The last comment was softer than his first, amplified by his sudden presence next to you, an arm slipping around your waist. You glanced over to meet his gaze, already stuck on you, tilting your head just so. Something was definitely going on with him. But knowing Alex, he wasn’t telling you for a reason, so it’d be best to just let him get to whatever it is on his own. In all honesty, his tone had struck you silent, and you didn’t know what to say. A kiss on his jaw replaced any words you could’ve forced out of your mouth.
The two of you stuck to the other’s sides as you continued to stroll through the gardens, conversing about both the flowers and whatever tangential topic struck your thoughts.
Eventually, you ended up sitting on a bench next to your favorite flowers of the night, the honeysuckle. Something about them was drawing you towards them, and Alex had insisted you sit for a while and talk. His jacket had found its way to your shoulders a while ago, due to the slight shiver you had experienced a few times from a breeze that was a bit too strong, and your boyfriend immediately jumping on the idea that, god forbid, you were a bit too cold. He would never admit it, but sometimes he was very protective of your comfort level. It was sweet.
You were busy looking up at the stars which were growing brighter as the night wore on when Alex called your name softly. His hand slipped into yours again, beginning to play with your fingers like he always did when something was bothering him.
“You know,” he paused, looking down at his lap and seeming very interested in watching his thumb stroke and rub gently over your knuckles. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been the best boyfriend over the past year… I know I’m temperamental and annoying sometimes—”
“Alex,” you stopped him with a gentle smile. “Like I told you last night, you’re my favorite person. No conditions and no buts.” He still wouldn’t look at you, so you took the opportunity to brush his hair from his face to know you were listening attentively. “What is it?”
“I just—” He sighed, his shoulders readjusting as he sat up and finally turned his head to you. “I really love you.” His eyes were full of worry as he made his confession, and all you could do is squeeze his hand in reply with a soft, reassuring smile. “I’ve never really committed to someone before, so I’ve just been… really worried about telling you. I don’t know. I know you like me, every logical part of my brain shows me that. I know I would be devastated if you left. I just—I worry you don’t wanna be stuck with someone like me sometimes. Especially when my flatmates barely tolerate me. I don’t know how you manage to all the time.”
“It’s not something I have to think about, I just do,” you shrugged. Your brain was working on mostly auto-pilot at his words, the confession spreading warmth through your body like wildfire. “I love you, idiot. Of course I love you.” A grin spread across Alex’s face at your words, both in relief and in affection. Before you could add on to your statement, he rushed forward to smother you in an excited kiss, his hand slipping up to cradle your jaw. And then he repeated the motion, a few times over, a punctuation to his confession, and a release of worry.
“Fuck.” He murmured as he pulled away for the last time. You furrowed your eyebrows in question, as he tore his eyes away from you to lean over and pluck a honeysuckle flower from next to the bench.
“Alex, I wasn’t kidding when I said that’s not what those are for—"
“Be quiet, baby, I’m being romantic,” he shushed, tucking the flower gently above your ear. You couldn’t help the quiet laugh that escaped from you and caused you to tilt your head; just a bit too much, as the flower drifted into your lap. Alex let out another curse and carefully slipped it back to where it was, eyeing it like a disobedient dog. “I was gonna do that before I told you.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, it’s still cute now,” you pressed a kiss to his forehead before standing and tugged on the hand joined with yours. “Come on, let’s get out of here before the flower police arrest you for theft.”
“Please, they’d never catch us. I wouldn’t let them,” he scoffed, playing along. “Besides, we’re too cute to be prosecuted.”
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
♪~ Now playing - Love Song, by Nct 127 ~♪
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Warnings: none
Pairing: Doyoung x reader
Genre: fluff/ friends to lovers
— "Ohh great! It's raining!", you say out loud, standing in front of the small convenience store you've just left, while watching huge water drops hitting the ground. This ordinary statement may look harmless, but you were able to make it sound almost like a curse.
You hate when it rains. The thunders scare you, your feet get all soaked inside of your shoes, the traffic turns into a mess of impatient beeping cars, the bright and warm sun is gone, the day loses its colors and becomes gloomy, and you see your mood instantly turning gray like the sky.
Your plans were simple, easy, error proof. Step one: walk to the convenience store, ten minutes away from your home by foot. Checked. Step two: buy ingredients to bake the chocolate chip cookies you woke up craving this morning. Checked. Step three: go back home, prepare everything, and eat the cookies while watching a good drama. Big fail. You now are stuck, unable to give one step out of your shelter. You blame yourself for not having an umbrella. But who would imagine that the beautiful clean blue sky could unleash such a massive waterfall today? "Well, all I can do now is wait" - you finally say to yourself, tired of giving the rain angry glances and accepting that this is a much better option than throwing a tantrum.
After five minutes of a boring waiting, you see from afar a familiar lean and elegant figure walking towards you, under a enourmous black umbrella. You heart skips a beat when the man gets closer and you visualize better the perfect shaped features of his face. It's Doyoung.
Doyoung and you are acquantances since high school, and now you're taking the same course at college. You say "acquantances" because you could never consider yourself close to THE Doyoung. Even though you two interact quite a lot, Doyoung is like an untouchable legendary being. He is the crush of half of the campus, and just because the other half still didn't have the opportunity to meet him. You, of course, is part of the first group.
— "Hey! Y/N!! Hello!! – you see Doyoung waving his slender free hand at you, while approaching more and more. "Hi Doyoung!", You answer, when he is already in front of you, near enough to be able to hear your shy voice. "What are you doing standing here?", he asks you, leaning a bit to get to your eyes' level. "Ah, I'm waiting for the rain to stop, so I can go home. I have no umbrella, you know, hehe". Doyoung straights his back again, and looks at the sky, showing off his long and gorgeus neck, to which you give a quick glance before looking down, timidly. "Hmmm.." – Doyoung stars talking again – "This rain won't stop anytime soon, you know?... Do you... Want me to take you home?" . You freeze for a second, still processing his proposal. You're about to refuse it though, because you don't want to bother him, but he just pulls you under his umbrella and you walk away side by side, arms touching, stepping on the wide water puddles on the street – "Let's go! I can't just let you here", he says with his soft voice.
–"Oh my God, what is happening? Please heart, you're going to give me out!", you think, still not believing you are so close to Doyoung. You walk some blocks in silence, when he suddenly asks you if he can carry your shopping bags for you. You refuse a million times, but he is as stubborn as you, and manages to snatch it from your hands. He steal a glance at its inside, and gives a little chuckle -"Ohh y/n! I see you still like these sour candies no one likes! hahaha". You could feel offended, but you got happily surprised. You didn't know that such a trivial and random fact about you was known to him. Actually, not even your best friends knew about your eccentric taste in candies. You can't help but feeling flattered somehow, trying to hide a fool smile from him.
1st year of high school
Doyoung was a new student at the school. He knew no one, and was wandering alone through the school building, looking for something to eat at the break time. He saw a little vending machine in a dark corner near the stairs, and he went there to buy some chocolate. For his disappointment, the machine was mean. It stole his money and gave him no candy. Looking defeated with a empty stomach, he turned around to go back to the class, when you suddenly appeared, slaping the machine at some specific place, making it spit a chocolate bar right away. Doyoung grabed his prize and looked at you. He immediately noticed two things. Your warm, kind and pretty face, and a half eaten green sour candy in your right hand. His heart started beating faster as he introduced himself to you, and yours was in the same state as his, as he showed you his cute gummy smile.
Still walking your way to your house, you sneakily try to look at his face, but, for your surprise and shock, he is looking directly at the top of your head. "You... Changed your shampoo?", he asks you, with a curious look in his eyes. "Oh yes! After years using the same brand, I decided to change it! But wait, how do you know that??", you reply, and the confusion is clear in your tone. "It's just... not the same smell. But I still like it". His poker face is really difficult to read, although you can swear you saw some hint of red tinting his pale cheeks for a second. However, all you think as an answer is a plain "Thank you", before you fall in silence again.
2nd year of high school
Doyoung and you were lab partners at Science classes. Doyoung loved it, since he got the opportunity to be close to you. You never noticed his amused sparkling eyes looking at you while you excitedly explained him the subject. In one of these blessed classes, while paying attention to a glass filled with a purple liquid in front of you , you two got so close that the scent of your hair mightly hit Doyoung's senses, inebriating him. "Apple". That was his only thought until the conclusion of the class.
– "We are almost at your house, right? We just need to turn left there and you'll be safe and sound!" , Doyoung said, in a strangely melancholic way. "Yes! That's right! That's... Right. Oh, so you know where I live?". You were confused. You've just noticed that you never told him where your house was, and he literally guided you there without any instructions. He seems startled by your question, as he answers it, scratching the back of his neck: - " ahh..this... I saw you leaving your house once. So yes, I know." You keep in silence again, but this time you can feel his body becoming warmer and warmer through the few layers of clothes that keep your arms from really touching each other.
3rd year of high school
Doyoung was on his way to school, when a gorgeous tree, loaded with pink blooming flowers, grabbed his attention. He stopped to give a good look at it, but suddenly his eyes decided to focus on a beautiful figure, your figure, the one he knew so well, leaving the yellow house in front of the big tree. He was hypnotized. Thousands of petals were dancing over you, guided by the soft spring wind. It was almost like the winter snow, even though your bright sunny smile at the sky reminded him of a happy summer day, and the increasing warmth inside of his chest felt like the cozy Autumn. With that vision he got the confirmation. He was completely in love with you.
You stop in front of your house. Now you're facing each other, still squeezed under the black umbrella, the rain insistently pouring over you. It's time to say goodbye, but the farewell just refuses to leave both of your mouths. You, then, finally say, getting your bags back from his hands -"Well, I need to enter now. I'm baking some cookies." "Are you going to put some walnuts in your cookies? I know you love them!", Doyoung says, innocently, getting you by surprise again. "Doyoung, I'm actually really admired! I... I didn't know you knew so many little details about me. You must be a really observant person!", you wrapped your phrase like that, talking more to yourself than to him, trying to not be delusional about it.
Doyoung takes a deep breath. For a minute, he keeps his eyes shut. When he finally opens them, you see their tenderness filling your soul, as he starts to speak :"y/n, I'm only observant when it comes to you. I know a lot of things about you. I know you scrunch your nose when you don't like something; I know you bite your nails when you're feeling anxious; I know your favorite color is orange because your favorite fruit is also orange; I know you're bad at remembering dates, so you have them all written down in your notebook; I know you dislike horror movies, cry at sad movies and get excited over hero movies; I know you speak while sleeping, but only when you're too tired; I know you have this little moon shaped birth mark at your shoulder, and you are proud of it ." He stops to take a breath. Your heart is pumping faster than ever. He moves his free arm and reaches for your hand, intertwining his slim fingers with yours. At the same time, he gives a short step towards you, reducing the distance between your bodies to almost zero. His face slowly gets closer and closer to yours, and you can feel his mint breath as he start talking again: "And I know... I know you like me as much as I like you." This being said, Doyoung, all of sudden, drops the umbrella that was protecting you two, and cups your face with both of his hands. While you get drenched by the rain, your lips land on each other's and melt into a sweet, slow paced and long kiss, full of affection and passion. He carefully breaks the kiss apart, and gives you a cheeky smile, while moving his hands to your waist : "I also know you hate when it rains, and you hate to get soaked, so I'm sorry for this". You laugh lightly, replying before pulling him for another kiss : "I guess you finally got something wrong. I actually really love when it rains".
~°• taglist - @starrdustville
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Hi! May I send you request? Could you write about MC being Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s childhood friend? Like she knew that they were abused and she was bringing them food and taking care of they wounds and they both end up having major crush in her. Then after years they all reunited and...? How would it look like?
ohh i love this request! i love the twins so much and their characters give me life. i’ve made it as a scenario+headcanon so we’d be more in-depth on how the twins would react by the end. i hope it won’t disappoint!
Warning: spoilers ahead for 707’s route
Saeyoung was the very first one who met you, seeing as he was the ony one allowed to go out, after all.
He was coming home from his “errands” that time, his mind getting cautious the more steps he took back to his home. Just when Saeyoung came by the gate, there was a small figure standing there, a handbag on hand as you were about to press the doorbell. Saeyoung didn’t know why he stopped you, immediately pulling you by the wrist to the side, preventing from being on sight from anyone who might peek from the house.
“Oh,” you reacted, your eyes finding his golden ones. “You must be one of the twins! I saw you and your brother play outside once.”
“Who are you?” Saeyoung was careful and wary as he would narrow his gaze at your form.
“I’m from the house over there.” you sensed his uncomfortableness but gave him an assuring smile as you pointed at your residence that was right in front of theirs, “We’re your new neighbor.”
Saeyoug would relax then, glancing at the handbag you had been holding since earlier and is now handing it to him.
“Here. It’s my birthday today and we already gave our other leftovers to the other neighbors. I packed an extra piece of cake sice I knew about you and your brother.” he’d feel warm at the face you weregiving him, not just about the food. And for he first time ever, he’d feel butterflies flutter on his stomach as he continued to stare at you.
He’d reluctantly take the bag and tuck it inside his jacket. For some reason, he’d feel like he wanted to explain.
“I... our mother shouldn’t know about this. You can’t ring that doorbell.” his tone would remain monotone but he’d feel nervous on the inside. Even his small hands would be sweating.
You’d tilt your head in confusion but he’d most likely explain and you’d sooner agree on giving them food from now on. “It’s alright! My mother really cooks a lot and we’d hate to just throw the leftovers.”
As for Saeran, he’d meet you without talking to you verbally, at least. He’d catch you looking at your window, just the same as he did. You’d bring out a piece of whiteboard and him with the notebooks he urged Saeyoung to buy him. With those, you’d converse with each other like it was the most normal thing to do.
It was like fate for him, and your face would always brighten up his day even if his mother would beat him up. And especially whenever he’d taste the food that Saeyoung would bring home, he’d be really excited when he learns that it’s from you.
The two sooner developed unknown feelings with you. And it was one of the reasons why Saeyoung would hesitate to leave. So when he did, his feelings burdened him despite hiding it within the depths of his heart. Saeran on the other hand, would see it as a hope, that even when Saeyoung vanished, when he talks to you, he’d always think of a miracle that Saeyoung would come back to him.
Unil he leaves, that is.
The two wouldn’t have a single clue where you were because apparently, when the two hackers would decide to try to find you, you were not living on the same house anymore.
Well, that’s until you stumbled upon RFA.
he’d be surprised. he’s the one assigned to search about the new member and when he sees your profile from the cctv outside of the apartment and also your information, he’d be utterly shocked
i mean, why didn’t he realized the moment he saw your name??
he’d be ecstatic but panicky at the same time
although he wouldn’t tell you blatantly about the past
because if he did, you’d be in danger
he’d also try to push you away, despite trying to flirt with you at first
but then everything unravels and he’d have to meet you even if he tried so many times to stall the meeting
and when the three of you reunite, with saeran there, his walls would come crumbling down
for him, his focus would be on his brother, since that would surprise him the most
and he’d be even more shocked when you talk to saeran like you new him a lot
“you two know each other? how come? i never introduced her to you.”
but he might probably add, “did you know it was her? why would you pull her into this? saeran, please, let’s talk.”
he wouldn’t have an idea he pulled you into this mess
and when he did, he’d be surprised too
despite being drugged so many times, he’d remember your face
it’s probably the only thing keeping him sane and grounded
so when he saw you there, his mind would wrestle with him and eventually decide that bringing you with him was indeed the best option
“come with me, (mc). i’ll take you to paradise, you’d be happy there. you don’t deserve to be stuck here, all alone. there, we could be with each other. the savior will take care of you. i ll take care of you.” yES
but the moment he sees his brother’s face, he’d pull you close, beside him, smirking up at his brother mockingly
“yes, we know each other, saeyoung. you dare even keep that she’s the one sending us food. you’re selfish even before.”
“why don’t we ask (mc)? what do you think (mc)? who would you choose between the two of us?”
honestly speaking? i’d choose saeran, don’t judge me he’s my bby >,< anyway, feel free to send more requests! i might not accept anything that has to do with another story because i haven’t been there yet i’m so sorry :’<
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starkly · 4 years
Home Prom
Peter misses his prom due to Spiderman-ing.
Luckily his dad Tony makes their own prom. Complete with dancing, snacks, and sex in the back of a car.
3366 words. NFF. Incest, anal sex, car sex. Unstated age (written as 18, but up to interpretation)
Peter was excited for prom.
He had missed his homecoming due to his date's Dad being a villain, so was looking forward to getting to experience a normal, fun day, to dance and have a nice time.
Of course he couldn't bring who he wanted as a date, but having his friends there would make up for it. He could dance with them instead.
He grinned at his room's mirror, his suited reflection smiling back at him, as he straightened his jacket for the last time, turning to his bowtie, attempting to wrangle it into submission but only achieving a tangled mess for his efforts. He huffed in annoyance.
Peter left his room and raced down the hallway, calling as he did; "Dad?" "Yeah, Pete?" His father responded walking towards the sound of his son's voice, stopping in his tracks and exhaling an awed breath at the sight of him. "Ohh, Peter. Look at you." Reverence in his voice.
Peter blushed, looking down at his feet. "Do I look okay?" "You look incredible."
Peter lifted his head slightly and smiled up at Tony shyly, before remembering with a start what he had left his room for. "Oh! Can you help me with the bowtie?"
Tony gave his son a toothy grin, "Of course." He replied, coming closer and untying Peter's mess.
As Tony focused on the tie Peter kept his eyes locked on the older man's face, admiring him. Taking in the familiar sight of his well trimmed beard. And his eyes, usually tired from how hard he worked himself, but always bright and full of love around Peter. His brow furrowed slightly as he focused on his task.
"All done." Tony said, hands moving from Peter's tie to his shoulders, rubbing gently, as he looked at Peter with love. "Oh! Wait, stay here." Tony left the room quickly, returning with a camera, turning it on with one hand, and leaning in to pinch Peter's cheek with the other, before soothing over the spot, thumb stroking gently over his cheek.
"Daa-aa-d" Peter whined with feigned annoyance.
"Oh hush you. My baby's going to prom. What kind of father would I be if I didn't take pictures?" Tony responded, moving both hands to hold his camera properly.
Peter smiled, and let Tony direct him to pose for far too many photos.
After the photoshoot the two stood at the door, Peter waiting as Tony fussed, hands gently cradling and caressing Peter's cheeks as he spoke, "You sure you don't want me to drop you off?"
Being the son of the Tony Stark had a huge number of advantages, but a number of disadvantages too. Namely that when he was young and first going to school people wouldn't leave him alone, wanting to get to know the son of Ironman. After a while it died down, getting used to Peter just being Peter, their strange, nerdy classmate, not Peter, the Son of Tony Stark.
He got used to it until his classmates saw his dad dropping him off.
And then he'd gotten no peace all week, the other students swarming around his father, then swarming around him, pretending to like him, or even not pretending, and simply threatening, in attempts to convince Peter to let them go to his house, or get something signed by Tony Stark. Some students even being pressured by their parents to do so.
So Peter preferred not to have Tony near school more than necessary.
"No, dad. I promise I'll be fine." Peter gave a reassuring smile.
"Alright, but if you change your mind let me know. And don't drink the punch unless you know no-one's done anything to it, you know your mutation makes you weird with alcohol. And call me if you or your friends need a ride or an Uber or something, And-"
Peter cut Tony off by tugging him forward by his collar, laying a tender kiss on his cheek.
Tony paused. "Just have fun, okay?"
"Hey, guys!" Peter waved at his friends, the group of them seeing each other just outside the school's doors. Students were littered across the area and loud music filtered through the open doors to where they stood.
"Hey, loser." MJ responded.
"Hi, Peter!" Ned responded, more enthusiastically.
They talked for a few minutes before deciding it was time to head inside and get their prom officially started, but Peter paused in his steps towards the school, head twisting and staring off into the distance.
"Oh, boy. Peter-Tingle?" MJ asked.
Peter much preferred the other name they had chosen for his ability; 'Spidey Sense', but with people around who didn't know his secret identity who might overhear, he had to accept the more mortifying name for it.
"Yep." Peter said, still looking away. His hands curled into fists and loosened again and again quickly, using his nervous energy as his mind raced. "Okay. So-"
"It's okay, man. Go be a hero." Ned smiled.
Peter gave him a grateful look. Waving at them both as he ran away from the school, looking for somewhere no one would see as he activated his suit.
Ned and MJ went inside.
Peter returned home hours later, prom long over. He was covered in sweat, and yawned as he entered.
Peter had swung away from school to stop a mugging. He was ready to rush back to prom when he ran into a lost child. After getting the little boy back to his mother, he started back towards school, stopping to help an old man across the street. Then find a stolen bike. Then take selfies a little girl in a Spiderman onesie, celebrating her birthday. And so on until he'd looked at how dark it had gotten around him, time flying by without him realising.
He stood there in silence staring at the sky. Realising he had missed the party. Peter felt tears well in his eyes, he felt stupid for being upset. It was just a party.
"Pete? You home?" Tony called from the living room just as Peter left the elevator. "Had a good prom, baby?"
Peter didn't respond.
"Peter?" Tony looked up at him, heart breaking at the disappointed look on his son's face. "Oh, Peter. What happened?"
Tony opened his arms where he sat on the couch and Peter moved to him, collapsing into his embrace. Peter let his upsets about the day spill from his mouth, telling Tony everything, and rubbing his face on Tony's shoulder, trying to stop the tears before they fell.
Tony's hand combed through Peter's hair the whole time he spoke. His heartbeat soothing Peter where they sat pressed together, "I'm so sorry kiddo. That must have been disappointing." He pressed a lingering kiss against Peter's hair.
"It's fine." Peter responded. "I'll get over it."
Peter didn't seem to be getting over it.
Often when Peter was upset, letting that feeling out by venting - and sometimes crying - to Tony, and then getting some sleep would have him over it and back to his usual cheerful self.
But this time...
After talking to Tony about getting caught up in being a hero and missing his prom, they had sat cuddling for a while, before Tony got up, got the food he had ordered for their late dinner.
They ate Chinese take-away together on the couch, Peter leaning heavily against Tony's side as he ate.
Afterwards they went to Tony's room and crawled into bed, Peter's head pillowed on Tony's chest, Tony's hand tangled in his hair, petting it as they slowly drifted off to sleep, comforted by each other's presence.
When Peter woke up, rather than grinning and jostling Tony, joking about trying to wake him up while Tony was clearly already awake as he often did, Peter saw the light streaming through the window and curled tighter to Tony.
After a while of lying together, watching the light play with the shades of Peter's hair, Tony untangled himself to make them both breakfast. Peter simply pulled the blanket higher over him.
Tony brought Peter pancakes in bed. Peter pushed them around with his fork, but only took small, nibbling bites. Tony couldn't handle seeing Peter upset. He had an idea to fix it.
Tony reached out and brushed Peter's hair behind his ear. "I have an idea. Why don't you spend some time with your friends, and when you get home I'll have a surprise for you."
Peter perked up a little at that. "Surprise?"
"Mhm," Tony nodded. "But first, pancakes."
Peter gave a small, but genuine smile. And while still mostly pushing the pancakes around the plate, took larger bites, and making little happy noises at the taste.
Peter left to hang out with Ned and MJ in town.
Tony knew that Ned would be a decent distraction while he put the rest of his plan in motion.
Part of Peter was upset that he cancelled on a meeting with his friends, so feeling like he was making it up to them by hanging out together would make him a little happier for a while.
But the rest of him was disappointed. He had missed his homecoming, and now his prom. He just wanted to have some normal, fun experiences, and once again he missed out.
Tony didn't want Peter to miss out.
And he couldn't go back in time. And he couldn't force the school and all its students to have the prom again. Well he could, he was Tony Stark. But Peter probably wouldn't want that. So he was left with one final option.
He'd make their own prom.
"Dad?" Peter arrived home after hours with his friends, finding his father out of sight.
"Peter, Boss is in the Lab. He has requested you come down wearing your prom suit." Friday announced.
Peter winced a little, prom still upsetting him a little though he'd been trying hard to hide it. "Thanks, Friday." Peter said, getting dressed into the suit as requested, the tie draped over his neck untied, and stepping into the elevator, heading to the Lab.
As the elevator went down he heard the faint sound of music, getting closer. Calm, soft music, not the kind of thing his dad listened to as he worked.
The doors opened and Peter's jaw dropped.
The Lab was completely different. Each of the tables had been pushed to line the walls, chairs stacked on top of them along with half finished projects. Even the cars his father collected and worked on had been moved, slightly, to be closer to the walls. Leaving a wide, clear area in the middle of the room. One one side of this space was a table ladened with treats: cupcakes, finger foods and drinks. On the other side the bots, each with a bowtie wrapped around part of their metallic frames, were spinning along to the music.
And in the middle, Tony.
Tony with slightly damp hair, clearly having needed a shower after the workout required to get the room so different.
Tony wearing a suit of his own, form fitting, showing off his muscles in a very flattering way.
Tony giving a slightly self conscious smile, gesturing to the room before moving towards Peter. "Well? What do you think?" Hands moving to Peter's bowtie.
"It- I- What's all this?" Peter questioned, eyes darting across the room, Tony's fingers brushing against Peter's neck as he finished the bowtie.
"Well," Tony looked a little sheepish, unsure if Peter was liking this. "I know you were upset about prom. And while I can't go back and get you to that one, I thought maybe making our own, just you and me-" Dum-e beeped. "-and the bots, might make up for it in a way. Let you still experience it, even if a bit strangely."
Peter's eyes were a little glossy, beginning to tear up as he stared up at Tony. Tony rubbed the back of his neck. "Although if you don't want- Mhhm" Tony was cut off by lips slamming into his own.
"Thank you." Peter grinned against Tony's mouth, voice cracking with emotion.
Tony gave a wide smile in return, placing his hands around Peter's and giving a nod to the ceiling, signalling for Friday to turn up the music. "Shall we dance?"
Peter and Tony swayed gently around the room. The bots spinning less gently in circles, every so often getting tangled in streamers Tony had placed around the room, and dragging them down, along with anything nearby. Peter and Tony tried to ignore the crashes, looking over to ensure the bots were still upright before focusing back on each other.
Peter rested his cheek on Tony's collar bones, their hearts beating in sync. Peter smiled as he felt the vibrations of Tony humming along with the music as they danced.
After a while of dancing around the room, Tony lead them towards the table he had set up earlier, picking up a cupcake and unwrapping it, holding it up to Peter in offering, as Peter bit in and lifted his hands to hold it for himself, Tony grabbed his own cupcake too. The two leaning into each other, taking a break from dancing to breathe.
"A decent replacement prom?" Tony asked in a light-hearted tone.
Peter nodded into his cupcake, accidentally getting frosting on his nose and quickly wiping it off. "I love it. Thank you." He licked the frosting off of his finger. "How does this measure up to your prom?"
"Well." Tony thought about it. "I was 14 at the time, surrounded by my almost adult classmates usually trying to hump each other on the dance-floor. So the company's a lot better for starters." Tony joked.
Peter giggled, then stared at his cupcake deep in thought. "Since you we're 14 did you go without a date?" Peter asked, looking up at Tony and seeing his responding nod. "Didn't get to have the same experiences as your classmates... Well. I guess this is the first proper prom for both of us then!" He smiled.
Tony laughed. "I guess it is."
They went back to dancing. Peter trying to lead, accidentally stepping on Tony's feet every once in a while. Laughs mixing with music. Each focusing on the feeling of their loved one's touch, their closeness.
Peter leaned in and kissed Tony, lips brushing against each other tenderly. Tony's hand reached up to Peter's cheek as they separated, bringing him in, exchanging more and more kisses as they moved.
"So!" Peter began, slowing their dance to mostly just be swaying without moving their feet. "Was there anything from your prom you wished you got to experience?" Peter asked, both for Tony and so he could get his own experience as close to perfect as possible.
"Hmm." Tony's face scrunched up. "It's been a long time. I haven't thought about it."
"Well, what about instead of what things you felt you missed, just what things did you see people doing?"
Tony looked up in thought. "People came in, danced. Kissed. Poured drinks from home in the punch and got drunk," Peter made a face, "and then after most of them filtered out to go have sex in the back of their parent's cars."
Peter's head snapped up at that. "Oh?" He looked to Tony's car collection, staring at it with a thoughtful look. "Sex in their parent's cars?" He paused, still staring. "I guess you missed out on that bit..."
Tony looked back at the cars too, catching on and turning back to Peter, Tony said: "So did you. Want to rectify that, Sweetheart?"
Peter grabbed onto Tony's tie, pulling him down to his lips, and dragging him, first to one of the desks. Tony opened the drawer and reached, pulling out a half empty bottle of lube. It wasn't the first time they'd fucked in the Lab, though usually it was over a desk, relieving their frustrations of projects that weren't coming together as easily was hoped, so they were well prepared. After the drawer closed Peter continued dragging him along to the nearest car, one of Tony's favourites. He'd put it together himself.
Tony pushed Peter up against the car, exploring his son's mouth with his tongue.
Peter reached behind himself and grabbed the handle, moving them away from the door to open it, ducking down and crawling in, lying on his back, making grabby hands at his daddy.
Tony climbed in on top of him, shutting the door behind him, lube next to Peter on the seat. Tony pressed his weight down on Peter, his lips going to Peter's neck, biting down, before licking over the bite, soothing it, and moving on to sucking on Peter's neck.
Peter moaned and writhed under him, hands going up to cling to Tony's back. "Fuck me, daddy." He groaned.
Tony pulled off his tie. his teeth scraping against Peter's neck as he pulled his jacket down his arms, throwing it to the car floor, hands moving back up to unbutton his shirt, Peter doing the same, they met in the middle and Tony tore the shirt off fully, focusing on getting Peter naked as Peter ran his hands over Tony's muscular pecs and discoloured scars.
Peter's flexibility came in handy as he arched up to pull his jacket and shirt off, hands moving down to unbutton his pants and pull them down, getting naked in record time. Moving his arms back up to wrap around Tony.
Tony pulled his own pants down, trying to maunder them over his hips and onto the floor with the small space they had.
Tony leaned in to settle more securely back over Peter, his large cock bobbing with the movement, bumping against Peter's ass, drooling Precum over the plush cheeks.
"Oh!" Peter groaned, his cock twitching, pressed between their bodies. "Want to be fucked by your daddy, sweet boy?"
Peter whined. "Daddy, don't tease me. I want you inside of me right now." He grabbed the lube. Squirting some on his and Tony's hands. He reached between them to coat Tony's cock as Tony pressed two fingers inside of Peter, his mouth going to Peter's neck, wanting to tease and rile him up before the big event.
Peter wrapped his legs around Tony's torso and, arm between his legs, pushed Tony's hand away, pressing his father's tip against his hole. Tony pushed in slowly, both moaning softly as Tony's cock slid into his son's body. Tony gave a gentle thrust into the welcoming heat, starting a gentle rhythm as he kneeled over his son, knees and palms cushioned by the soft plush of the car seats.
"Ohhh!" Peter moaned, wrapping his arm around Tony, bringing their chests together, feeling sweat exchanged between them.
"Fuck, Pete." Tony gave a throaty groan, thrusting faster, biting at Peter's neck, sucking hickeys that would heal quickly after.
Tony's pounding got harder, Peter jolting as his prostate was hammered. Moans filled the car.
Peter felt the thrusts push him inch by inch across the seats, hand slamming up to brace against the window, keeping himself in place.
"Baby, oh god." Tony sat up higher, one hand braced on the seat, the other joining Peter's against the now completely fogged up window, his movements became wild as he felt Peter's hole clenching around him with every good thrust, squeezing his cock in its loving, velvet embrace.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Peter felt himself reach the edge, so close. Tony's hand slid between their bodies, jerking him off in quick, shaky tugs.
"Ah, Daddy!" Peter yelled, cum shooting onto his and Tony's chest, hand sliding down the window as his other grasped the seat so hard some of the stitching tore.
"Fuck, Peter, I love you." Tony groaned out as he came inside Peter's fluttering hole, curling inwards, forehead pressing against Peter's shoulder as his cock twitched and emptied inside his son.
They panted into each other, Tony flopping down gently against Peter, knowing he was strong enough not to mind.
"Fuck, baby." Tony said breathlessly.
Peter grinned and kissed his temple as he caught his breath.
"A good prom, sweetheart?" Tony asked.
"The best prom. I'm glad I got to spend it with you."
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atopearth · 3 years
Nightshade Part 2 - Momochi Chojiro Route
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I'm most excited for Chojiro (and Hanzo too I guess!) so yayayay~ I always liked how supportive he was towards Enju's growth as a shinobi and always trying to give her opportunities to do things outside of what she's used to so she can develop her own independence. It pains me to choose the option of standing up for Chojiro against Hanzo since it just makes the situation "worse", but seeing Chojiro be so kind to Enju and understand and appreciate that she didn't want them to see Chojiro in a bad light was so heartwarming. Ohhh, so Hanzo has been with the Tokugawa since he was 12 years old after they made an offer for him, mmm that's interesting. Anyway, I liked how Enju infiltrated as a maid into the estate to copy Goemon's note saying he'd steal stuff from them. I feel like everyone is really nice to her so they kinda unintentionally "leave her out" because she has no experience, so I'm glad Chojiro is constantly trying to build her up with different tasks but always being there to support her when she makes the decision thinking that she probably needs help with something. It's really cool how proactive Enju is, and how much she wants to help out everyone and be on the same level as them. I also think it's kinda cute how Enju holding on to Chojiro's sleeve when they went home after training as kids was a cute memory to share.
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Enju shopping with Chojiro was cute, it really feels like rather than being "cold" like how he looks, Chojiro is actually just awkward and doesn't know how to treat people he regards as important? It was kinda sad when he said he usually doesn't have things important to him because he doesn't want to lose them (when Enju bought him a handkerchief), I wonder what he'll do when he realises that Enju is much more important to him than he thinks? Omggg I didn't expect Chojiro to hold her hand and walk around!! That's cuteee! I also love how she told him it's a peaceful era now, so he should treasure things without needing to worry about losing them. Considering he lost his whole village and his parents when he was 6 years old, that must have been hard to witness as a survivor. Ohh, so the ninjutsu Enju used to capture Goemon was from Iga! It was nice to see how happy Chojiro was when she told him that, making him feel that Iga still lives on in some way even if the village is gone. Honestly, I was pretty touched when Chojiro tried to accompany Enju to Hideyoshi, and then even tried to stop her for a moment. On the other hand, I'm not sure why Enju's father had such an evil laugh after disowning his daughter to save the village.. Unless, he really did send someone to kill Hideyoshi, and maybe that someone was actually Kuroyuki😟 Anyway, I felt bad for Chojiro. He wants to be as reckless as Gekkamaru and be able to throw away everything and run to Enju and save her, but his responsibilities and his position make that basically impossible because of the consequences it would ensue. Maybe if he was a "less important" figure and shinobi to Koga he could, and I feel like he would have wished that at this moment.
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Kando ordering Chojiro and them to go hunt down Enju and Gekkamaru was pretty cruel, like wow, you really don't care about your daughter at all, now I don't even want to imagine what his wife might have went through before she died. On the other hand, it's pretty frustrating to hear the villagers talk bad about Enju (after being influenced by Kando's words etc) considering how much Enju sincerely wanted to repay them for their kindness. But I guess it's not like they really saw Enju for herself even when they "liked" her anyway. They just liked her because she was a symbol of peace, meaning that they could live a peaceful life, so now that she's disrupting it and reminding them that if she doesn't die, then the Tensho Iga War where the Iga village was decimated would occur again, then of course they would disregard her life. I'm just sad that Chojiro feels like he's not allowed to have a "choice" on what to do because he knows the pain of what a war can cause, and how he thinks that he needs to be ruthless and do it so that Ennosuke and them don't need to bear that pain of killing someone important to them. I kinda like how Kyara found her resolve to follow the order to kill Enju. She loves and cherishes Enju, but at the same time, she loves her family too and doesn't want to lose them, she chose what was most important to her, and I think it was very understandable. On the other hand, even though I find Kasumi kinda annoying sometimes with all the crying lol, it's understandable how she couldn't find the resolve to kill Enju even if she understood the consequences. Honestly though, they've said that Kasumi isn't good at fighting so I'm not sure why she's even on an assassination mission separated from the others lol. I knew Gekkamaru would prioritise Enju above the village, but actually hearing him say that everyone and the village could die if it meant Enju was all right was pretty wow. I understand though tbh, and honestly I have to agree with him. It's a dangerous sentiment but honestly, at times I remember those feelings of mine where I thought that if I had to choose between this character's life or the world, I'd definitely choose this character's life because a world where they don't exist is basically meaningless. I think the most apparent one was when I played Tales of Xillia 2 and instead of the good ending or whatever, I really just wanted the ending where Ludger chooses to save his brother haha.
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Anyway, it's sad but understandable why Enju feels "ready" to die. I think if I knew my friends had to kill me to save things important to me too, I probably wouldn't have much of a will to live. It was nice to see Chojiro and Enju fight against each other like they're training, but I nearly cried for Enju when Chojiro was strangling her. I'm glad Kuroyuki came and saved her because even though Chojiro is evidently hesitant, I'm not sure if he really would have stopped, since he could have collected himself after, but at the same time, the fact that he even hesitated shows that he probably won't be able to do it. Anyway, there's something really heartwarming about both brothers (Gekkamaru and Kuroyuki) being so devoted to protecting Enju above all else. They're so different, but when it comes to Enju, they're honestly pretty obsessed with her in their own way. I honestly didn't expect Gekkamaru to die. It was true that even though Kuroyuki and Gekkamaru are brothers, they've always been well versed in fighting solo, so it's understandable how Kyara and Ennosuke could get the upper hand. I felt so bad for everyone though. Kuroyuki covered Enju from everything. Gekkamaru was tormented in his death because he wouldn't be able to protect Enju anymore. Ennosuke was sad that he couldn't go back to the village with Kyara, nor did he get to tell her his feelings, and then she got killed by the Nokizaru shinobi in front of him. It's sad that Enju didn't get the resolve to fight against them until everything became pretty much a nightmare since maybe Gekkamaru wouldn't have died if she helped, but at the same time, it's impossible to fault her for it. I think I feel sorry for Chojiro having come too late. I can't imagine the feeling of burying your disciples, especially since he was also the one who told them that they needed the resolve to kill Enju and that they were shinobi who had to succeed in their missions. I feel bad for Kasumi though. So young, so naive, and she probably feels responsible for the Nokizaru being there, when honestly, they would have been there either way, but yeah seeing all her respected older "brothers" and "sister" die killing each other would shatter anyone..
Enju realising that the village would be destroyed if she didn't die made me so sad. It's not wrong to have the desire to live, but it's understandably terrible to think that if she died back in the prison, then Gekkamaru and them would have been alive. Hearing Chojiro finally be able to express his feelings and understand that despite how much he wanted to continue being a "shinobi" that fulfilled his missions and nothing else, thinking that if he didn't fulfill his missions, it was basically death to him, really broke my heart. Mainly because he thought that losing his way as a shinobi by hesitating to kill Enju was what he was most scared and tormented about, but when he saw the lifeless bodies of his disciples, he finally realised that before being a shinobi, he is also human. He can't help but have feelings, he can't help but feel emotions even if he cannot express them or show them, because he can still feel them regardless. His disciples and Enju are more important to him than his missions, and realising that must hurt a lot.. I really wanted Kasumi to survive at least but I guess it wasn't meant to be, especially since she felt responsible for everything that happened. I also feel bad for Kasumi because she had to be the "dumb" character that causes trouble for everyone and then dies in a silly preventable way just because the story doesn't really need her anymore and might as well add to Enju's grief lol. I mean, I doubt Chojiro would have been hit by those poison needles if he didn't get shocked by Kasumi's actions and try to think of a way to save her even though it was too late, so then that made him slower to react to protecting Enju imo.
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I thought it was sweet how Enju told Chojiro to hold her hand instead of grasping it so hard that it injures him, so that she can keep his happiness there (since he said his hand itches whenever he's about to lose something important to him), and even if she can't protect it, at least she can give him warmth. Aww it was so unfair that Chojiro made Enju admit that she liked the idea of them being a couple but he didn't say anything about it to her so now she's confused about whether he likes it too or not🥺 Otherwise, now that Chojiro has decided to live with the "consequences" of wanting her to stay alive, it's nice to see how much more honest and talkative he can be even if he is a bit awkward since he's so used to talking like a teacher hahaha. I knew Hideyoshi's death was suspicious and I wondered if he really was dead, but his appearance, his arrogance and his reveal that it was all like a succession game where every one of Enju's friends that were sent to hunt her down represented one of the Elders and whoever won would be Hideyori's guardian, it was all so frustrating to watch. When I think about how desperate Ennosuke and Kyara were to resolve themselves as shinobi and fulfil their missions as they should, it makes me sick to think that it was for a "master" like this who thought of them all as disposable pawns. Kanda being happy about it and the idea of getting a nice reward from it for Koga just made me think yeah, it's nice that true shinobi don't exist anymore. No one should have to go through that pain of having to be a "robot" with no emotions, existing just to be loyal to a master you barely see or know, giving your life to something that barely affects yourself, it's just so heartbreaking and anger inducing. It was nice to see Chojiro tell Enju his feelings, and then they escape together during the match🥰 It's kinda amusing how both Goemon and Kuroyuki knew to pop up now and save them haha, but I think I'm most glad that Hanzo decided to help them escape too, like I guess it was expected since it was obvious he didn't like it, but I still liked seeing it, especially when he teased Enju about giving Chojiro the antidote mouth to mouth before haha. I quite liked the bad ending! Chojiro and Enju committing suicide together was quite bittersweet and honestly one of the only choices they had if Chojiro was too injured to escape and none of them wanted to live without the other.
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Overall, I really like Chojiro as a character but I think I found his route rather lacklustre. It wasn't bad, but I think the story wasn't able to build a proper connection between Chojiro and Enju before they separated in order for me to really empathise with their feelings towards each other, and so I feel like I kinda had to supplement it myself by understanding what kind of person Chojiro is. I enjoyed the dilemma Ennosuke and them had in regards to following the way of life for a shinobi and how that all ended up with the different perspectives of everyone trying their best to protect what was most important to them. However, I do think the deaths lacked impact, especially Kasumi's. I liked how Chojiro and Enju understood each other so well, but I didn't really feel the romance sadly, even though I liked how bittersweet everything was since they had to experience all these deaths that were so personal to them. The ending was pretty short in the sense that it felt like they just wanted to resolve it but not put too much thought into it, so yeah lol that was disappointing. I guess I mainly liked how they discussed the pain of being a shinobi and how Chojiro was only able to "wake up" from this responsibility after losing so many important things, but I honestly wanted something more? Considering he was the previous Iga leader's son, I thought there would be more about that, his responsibility to the survivors of his village and other stuff like that, but yeah oh well.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Maybe, Just Maybe
Someone To Stay Ch. 5
Spencer x Fem reader
Content/Trigger warnings: a little bit of body image issues
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Spencer POV:
It's been a few days since I hung out with Y/N. I'm truly glad she was the one I got to go with. I feel like we might have a lot in common, and she's easy to be around. For a little while, I almost forgot about everything that happened...about her. The next day the thoughts came sinking slowly back in, but they don't feel as debilitating as they used to. Maybe Derek was right, getting out, being around people, it may not be easy for me but it may be what's best. Maybe I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little. I want to get better, I do. But being social, well it's never been my strong suit, and to try to do it now, when I feel so emotionally vulnerable, it's particularly difficult.
Other than the dinner at Rossi's, my friends haven't been inviting me out as much as they used to. I'm pretty sure they got tired of the inevitable rejection. I want them to see that I'm trying, that I want to do better, to get better. Maybe if I reach out first...
I grab my phone to call JJ. She's like a sister to me, and she's been the best at trying to understand what I've been going through.
"Hey, Spence!" She sounds surprised but glad to hear from me.
"Hey, I was uhh.. well I was just wondering..." my words trail off as I find myself suddenly losing confidence in my endeavor.
"Yeah, what's up?" Her voice has a calming effect on me.
"Well...I was wondering if the team had any plans this weekend? To hang out or...I don't know."
"Actually we don't. But we should! I think I have an idea. There's something I've been wanting us all to do. There's a Lakehouse up for rent, and I think it would be fun if we all went up for a weekend. What do you think?"
I'm not very into outdoor activities, but the idea of reading on a porch by the lake sounds incredibly calming and therapeutic. It also sounds like a good time for me to start hanging out with the team again.
"You know, that actually sounds perfect." I smile at the thought of the much needed weekend getaway.
"Perfect! I'll text the group! Thanks for giving me the nudge to set this up, Spence. It'll be fun."
I hang up and shortly after I hear the familiar ding from the group message chat.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey guys! Who would be down for renting a Lakehouse this next weekend?
DM🍫⚡️: Hell yeah! @ahotchner you know what that means?? Jet Skis baby!! 😜🤙🏻
AB🌹: How fun! Count me in.
DR🇮🇹: I'll cook! I have a new recipe we can try out. I think you'll all love it👌🏻
PG🦄👸🏼: @jjereau @ablake We HAVE to go swimsuit shopping first, ladies! This is a non-negotiable.
AH: Sounds fun, are we bringing the kids this time?
JJ💖: Actually, Will is staying home and he'll be watching Henry. Jack can spend the weekend there, if you'd like. @ahotchner
AH: Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer.
DM🍫⚡️: @sreid you better be coming pretty boy, just bring a couple dozen books and you'll be set.
SR♟: Yep, already packing.
I smile to myself, thinking of how for once, I'm the reason we have plans. But if anyone else knew that, I'd never hear the end of it. I knew JJ was being intentional when she didn't mention that to the group. I hear another group chat alert and glance at my phone.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey, is it alright if I invite Y/N again?
AB🌹: Oh I thought that was a given! You definitely need to! She fits in with us so well.
PG🦄👸🏼: You better! Or I won't let you hear the end of it 😂
JJ💖: Great! Thanks you guys, it means a lot that you've been so welcoming to her.
Y/N will be there. Maybe I'll have a friend who will hang back and read with me. It would be nice to not be the only one. Then I remember what she said about moving here because she loves the outdoors. That means she'll probably be hanging out with Derek, JJ, and whoever else. Oh well. At least maybe I'll get to talk to her more. I decide to text her. I never really text anyone, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, it's Spencer. I heard JJ
wanted to invite you to the lake.
Do you think you'll go?
Yeah! I just got off the phone
with her. I can't wait! Are you
Surprisingly...yes. I'll be bringing
some books along to pass the time
but it'll be nice to have a change
of scenery.
Books??? We'll see about that😉
I love a good book as much as the
next bibliophile...but this is a
weekend for things you CANT
do at home. Anyways, would you
want to carpool? We can take turns
driving if one of us gets tired.
Passenger is in control of snacks
and music! 🎶🍿
Haha, ok deal. We'll work out
the details later. And...thanks :)
Anytime Spencer, can't wait! 👍🏻
I lean back into the couch and smile. Even if we spend the weekend doing different things, at least we'll get to talk on the way there. I feel like she could become a good friend, but I don't want to make any assumptions...I don't do this often.
You run around your room, packing for a trip that's days away. You're too excited, it can't wait. Just as you're trying to decide on a swimsuit you get a text from Penelope, saying that the girls are going swimsuit shopping this evening. They want you to come. You can't hide the smile growing on your face. How long has it been since you've been on a girls shopping trip? You can't even remember. It's spontaneous, so you assume no one will be too dressed up. You throw on a black sleeveless t shirt dress and some strappy sandals. Easy enough to get in and out of for trying on clothes. After brushing through your hair and applying some quick, light makeup, you're ready to go. The girls had decided to meet at the mall, for the most options.
You meet up with Aunt JJ, Penelope, and Alex outside of a nice department store.
"I figured we could start here. It has the most options and it's at the end of the mall. So we can work our way down, until we all find something."
Aunt JJ tends to take charge. She's such a mom, but that's part of what you love about her. Always prepared, caring for everyone. Alex found a cute one piece with a wrap to wear as a skirt. Penelope picked out a cute pink and purple polka-dotted swim dress. JJ ended up with a sports-bra fitting bikini top and some athletic looking swim shorts. Still such a typical mom. The only one left is you. You haven't tried on very many things, and what you did try on, never made it out of the dressing room.
"Y/N, why don't you let us pick you out some things to try on, and this time, you have to at least let us see. Deal?" Penelope gives you a look of encouragement.
"Sure" you shrug. "I'll try anything at this point."
Alex stays with you while JJ and Penny go to pick out some swimsuits for you. They return with a few handfuls of options. You try on the first option, picked out by Penny. It's a cute two piece, frilly and pink. You come out and are greeted with a few giggles.
"As cute as this is, I think it's more your style than mine, Penny" you let out a small laugh.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to see you in it! I couldn't pull it off in a thousand years!" She laughs.
"Alright alright, let's keep going." JJ ushers me back into the dressing room.
I come back out in a black two piece. It doesn't show too much skin to make me uncomfortable, but it's really flattering on my curves.
I hear a chorus of "ooooo" and one "yes queen!" that I'm sure came from Penny.
"Really, you guys? It's not too...ya know."
JJ shakes her head at me. "No definitely not. Girl, you're single, you're in your twenties, your body hasn't had a child yet. If you got it, flaunt it. If not now, then when?"
The girls all nod in agreement. You blush. You didn't know you could look this good in a swimsuit. You usually avoided bikinis. You found it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. Whenever you tried to dress sexy, you just ended up feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It helps to have some friends to encourage you. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. Okay, even you had to admit, you look hot.
The four of you end the day with lunch, chatting about your plans for the lake.
JJ turns to you. "Y/N, I almost forgot, do you need a ride down there? I can pick you up, if you'd like."
"Ohh uh, no actually. I'm carpooling with Spencer." I give her a shy smile. I know what this looks like. "We're just friends" I quickly interject.
"That's great" she says, giving me her warm smile. "Spence really needs a friend right now. And I bet you do too." There's understanding in her eyes. You're grateful that she didn't try to make more out of it. Aunt JJ knows you, though. She knows you make guy friends much more easily. That aside, you were still so grateful for the day with the girls. They were all so genuine, and easy to get along with. They didn't make you feel like an outsider intruding on their day.
Later that evening, you lay in bed as you try to quiet your mind. Your head is swimming with too many thoughts to fall asleep: anxieties about this weekend, but also excitement and ideas of what you'll do. Not to mention, more time to get to know Spencer better. You wonder what JJ meant when she said Spencer really needed a friend right now. Maybe, just maybe, you'd break through his walls a little more this weekend.
A/N: sorry this one is short-ish. It's kind of a transition chapter so there's not as much content! Building a base, building friendships, hang with me, we're getting there 😁💖✌🏻
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bts-fic-mania · 4 years
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GENRE : Fluff | Romance | Comedy | Husband AU!
RATING : 13+
Balancing between work and home has been quite a tiresome task, but still Min Ji has been managing and juggling through all of those responsibilities thanks to her lovely husband who's always been by her side as her backbone. Will this Wedding, Bachelorette party and a simple shopping trip add in a bit of spice to her life...?? Help her reminisce her past...??
Having the most important responsibility of all time can be nerve wrecking but Soo Jung is determined give her best friend the best wedding a person can ever wish for. But how is she gonna react to the fiasco and the most astonishing revelation of eternity...??
It's the biggest day of Ji Na’s life -'Her Wedding Day'. She never even dreamt that she'll marry the man who ruled the entire world's hearts. Her family and friends didn’t leave any stone unturned to make her wedding more memorable. She wouldn’t have had this much fun in a million years. Little did she knew that the universe had another special thing in store for her...
"Where are the Keys ?" He inquired, looking for them in his pockets.
"Tae, Open the door already !! I'm soo tired... My feet are gonna give out..." Min Ji whined as she slumped down on the floor, her back against the door.
"Yahh! Where did i keep them. " He said, still struggling to find the item.
"Yep. Gotcha." He jiggled the keys, then inserted the key inside the lock to open the door.
Both of them entered their home, tired and exhausted.
Min Ji plonked herself on the couch, face first while Tae went inside to place the packs with their clothings in their bed room, getting himself a bottle of water on his way back.
His phone began ringing the moment he sat down beside his wife.
"Hey Jungkook-Ah !" He let out, rather chirpily.
Min Ji wondered how he could be soo lively after their wearying shopping trip and soon she observed an elated expression plastered on his face.
He disconnected the call, a soft smile on his face.
"What ? What did Jungkook tell you that's making you smile so bad?" Min Ji asked teasingly, her head propped on her elbow.
"Jungkook invited me to his Bachelor's party which is gonna be held in a week. I'm soo excited to meet all my hyungs after such a long time." He sinked back into the sofa, his expressions were enough to reveal how happy he was at that moment.
"That's nice." She grinned, too elated to see her husband so riant.
"Ohh i completely forgot." He remembered. "Jungkook mentioned that his wife wanted you to attend her Bachelorette party too."
"Huh... But... I don’t even know her or anyone there, what will I do alone. I'll stay at home with my bed, my soulmate." Min Ji stated, casually.
"Ohh... So your bed is your soulmate then who am i ?" Tae asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Uhmm... You're my lovely, adorable and handsome husband." She complimented him.
"Yahh... Min Ji-Ah You need and have to go okay. Get out of this house and just enjoy your life, jagi. There's an entire world outside these four walls." He tried to convince his wife.
"You know how i feel in a crowd full of people I don't know. Even you won't be there. I'd be really bored." She retaliated. "Secondly, I've got nothing to wear and I'm no mood to go for a shopping trip anytime soon."
"I'd accompany you and we'd buy a gorgeous dress for my beautiful wife. Please Min Ji." He pouted.
'His puppy eyes were too hard to resist. Damn, he knows my weak points.' She thought to herself.
"Okay. FINE." She gave up.
'It was easy for him to make her agree with everything he wanted.' She thought, looking at his satisfied smile.
Works been keeping Min Ji and Taehyung pretty busy lately.
Who says a Teacher's Job is easy...? For a teacher like them, who literally put in their whole and soul into their work, it's never been facile. Sadly, being a teacher is the most under appreciated job despite the burnout they go through, every single day.
Min Ji and Tae lazed around after being drained of all the zing.
They worked their asses off, the entire week, since they had to take a few days leave on the occasion Jungkook's marriage.
Min Ji flipped open her journal just to discern that she still needed to go and buy a dress that she'd wear for Jungkook's Wife's Bachelorette party.
' It's Sunday tomorrow and the Bachelorette's gonna be on Monday... So I'm gonna go shop tomorrow and drag Tae along too... YES!! It's Sorted then. ' She planned in her mind.
"Tae, We need to go look for a dress I'd wear to the Bachelorette's. So you need to accompany me tomorrow." She said, unaware that her husband who was sitting on the couch, besides her, his eyes fixated on the TV screen as he played 'Over Watch' did not acknowledge a single thing she said.
No response made her look at him and call him out again.
"Mr. Kim..." Min Ji spoke again, touching his shoulder to shake him, but he shrugged it off.
In spite of Min Ji's repeated attempts of trying to gather his attention, the boy didn't budge.
"YAHH!! KIM TAEHYUNG!!" She shouted, annoyed that her husband ignored her entire existence, completely focused on the game.
Taehyung jumped from the couch, stumbled down to the ground, puzzled and scared out of his guts. The controller dropped on the carpet by his side with a 'thud'.
Min Ji was trying hard to suppress a loud laughter as she saw her husband's pallid appearance.
"Bahahahahaha..." She laughed, hysterically.
Taehyung stood confused, trying to figure out what just happened.
"Min Ji-Ah..." He whined, putting his headphones down at the coffee table, picking up the controller, placing it on it's proper place.
Min Ji cackled while Taehyung smiled lightly, listening to her melodious haa-hee.
"Stop It... It was not that funny." He turned to her.
"I-hh It wah-hh was..." She held her stomach and tried to calm her breathing down.
"It was sooo funny. You should've seen the look on you face... Haha..." She beamed.
"Okay Okay... Fine... Now speak up, What's the matter ? What did you want to tell me ?" Tae inquired.
"I just wanted to inform you that we're going shopping tomorrow and you're coming with me." She let out, straight.
"Oh... Okay... But that's all?" He asked and she nodded.
"Yah!! You disrupted my game because of such a mere thing." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning.
"Tae... Okay... I'm sorry." Min Ji pouted as Tae turned his head to his side, away from her.
"I was thinking that I'd order Japchae for dinner today. But since you're soo annoyed with me..... " Min Ji continued.
"Japchae!!" His eyes twinkled as he drooled, visibly.
"Tae... Get Ready..." Min Ji whined, her husband still lying down, occupied on his phone, unaffected by what she told him.
"Kim Taehyung, I swear that I'm gonna burn your phone to ashes if you're not ready by next five minutes." Min Ji warned.
She giggled as she saw Tae immediately standing up, dropping his phone at the nightstand, stumbling on his way to the bathroom.
Tae locked the main door as they stepped out of their home.
"T-" Min Ji was cut off by the ringing of Taehyung's phone.
"Hello Bogum." He said, signalling Min Ji to wait for a minute as he went a bit away to talk with his friend.
A few minutes later, Tae returned, apologetic in guise.
"Look... I know that I promised you that I'd help you with the dress but Bogum's father is in the hospital and he needs my help so i need to go. I've got no other option Mini... " He was sad.
Taehyung was really a genuine friend that everyone deserved to have. He was always up for it when his friends needed him.
"It's okay, Jagiya. I'll manage everything, here. Bogum needs you right now so you should go. Don't worry about me." She assured him as she placed her hands in his.
"I owe you one for this, cupcake." He spoke.
"What's up with these nicknames? Huh?" She teased. " And you don't owe me anything." She pecked his cheek.
"What did i do to have you in my life.?" He hugged her and her cheeks flamed up.
" Taehyung-ah, Bogum might be waiting for you... Goooo...."
"Bye. I Love You." He shouted, running towards his car.
"Yahh!!! This Boy!! " Min Ji smiled to herself and shook her head in disbelief.
'Seems like I gotta do this all by myself' She thought as she mentally face-palmed.
Min Ji wandered from store to store looking for a suitable dress she could wear to the Bachelorette but in vain.
She was strolling through the hallway when a beautiful, metal black, bodycon, dress caught her eye.
She immediately entered the outlet, looked for her size in the dress and bolted towards the trial area.
As she was about to enter the corridor, her phone went off. She opened her handbag, looking for it and then,
"Ope!!" Min Ji squealed as she stumbled backwards but managed to retain her balance and save herself from the embarrassment of falling straight on her bum.
Min Ji bumped into another women who was storming out of the corridor, busy taking over her phone and both failed to realise the other's presence.
"Sorry!" The lady said as she bowed and dashed towards the exit.
"It's.... fine..." Min Ji said, which came out as a whisper since the woman was already out of the store by the time she uttered those words.
She shook her head and headed to the trial room.
"Yah!! Soo Jung-Ah!!!" A voice called out, behind a closed door, Min Ji just went past.
"Aye!! Come here and Help me." The voice spoke again.
Min Ji's motherly instincts rose after listening to the word "Help" so before she realized, she knocked on the door.
"Hey! There's no one outside here since you're calling out for them..." Min Ji continued "Are you alright ?? I can help you if you want me to."
There was absolute silence for good few minutes until the voice spoke up again, "Hey!! Could you please help me fix the zipper of my dress..? Since you can see my friend's already bailed out..."
Min Ji stifled a chuckle, "Yep...Sure."
The door opened which revealed the silhouette of a woman dressed in a wedding gown.
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Min Ji couldn't help but remember the day of her marriage and smiled to herself.
"Here... It's Stuck!! " Her voice snapped Min Ji out of her daze.
She moved towards the woman, trying to pull it up but it didn't move.
She took a step away and stood there, analysing it, thinking of something that could be used repair it.
An idea struck her mind almost instantly as she reached out for some Vaseline from her handbag and applied it to both the edges of the zipper before pulling it up with a 'ZIG' and *VOILÀ*, it was fixed.
"Thank you so much." The woman smiled.
That's when Min Ji looked up at the woman's face but she couldn't help but feel that it look familiar.
"Do I know you? Have we met before? I think I've seen you somewhere." She inquired and let out a string of words before she could stop them from rolling off her tongue.
The look on her face turned sceptical as she could practically see the wheels turning inside woman's head.
"N-No... I don't think so." She immediately grabbed her shades before putting them on.
"Oh-Okay then... I should leave." Min Ji bowed and made her way out.
'Weird' she thought to herself.
Min Ji couldn't help but feel that she knew the women she just met.
But the thought subsided as soon as she tried her dress on. And she knew what she was gonna have on for the party.
She rushed towards the cash counter, bought the dress and made her way back home, happy to finally relax after an entire day full of exertion.
Min Ji stepped out of the lift, trudging towards their apartment.
She was about to open the door when she noticed a hamper with a card by it.
She picked it up, trying to figure out who could sent it to them and walked in, shutting the door behind her.
She slouched on the couch and started unboxing it.
It contained Two Exclusive Perfumes: One Chanel and One Jo Malone with an Invite to Jungkook's Wife's whose name as mentioned on the card was KANG JI NA.
It stated that Min Ji had to be ready really early tomorrow (which meant waking up even before that,,,URGHHH....) since it wasn't just the party but a trip filled with activities including all of them staying there.
"OHH GOD... I NEED TO PACK UP EVERYTHING..." Min Ji bolted towards her room, ready to complete another task so she could lay down on her bed at the earliest.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
Here she was stressed the heck out of her life waiting for what these next few weeks hold.This was it. This was the day Kim Soo Jung, Head stylist of JK's company and wife of the famous actor Kim Seok Jin, was gonna be held at the helm of being THE BEST MAID OF HONOUR. Knowing her best friend Kang Ji Na was gonna get married to the love of her life after a period of creepy stalking and one sided administration (Really pretty adjectives used by Soo Jung to make Ji Na flustered Infront of Jungkook).
She was more than happy and overwhelmed at the fact that her friend's one sided endeavours bore into fruitition and before she knew those two were marrying each other. She has to say this is one of the most happiest moments of her life. She states dramatically to her husband, right after she enters the house with cake samples and seating herself on the couch, not wasting a second to search up her contacts for best wedding dress maker.
"I thought discovering cookies and cream flavour was your happiest moment." Jin retorts while sitting beside her on the couch, with a mischievous smirk on his lips.
"You know me so well Jinnie!!" She says smiling fondly and leaning in to give him a cheek kiss.
"Did you like to rush home from work and Wow... did you bring me some cake!!" Jin says while taking the package placed on the tea table.
"Those are cake samples for Ji Na's wedding" she says while Jin opens the box and gorges over one of the sample.
"Don't knock yourself out with those cakes I too have to try and decide the best one. How do you like that one, though ?" She asks.
"Oh it's soo good I was starving" Jin says with stuffed mouth and reaches in for another sample.
"No!!! Jinnie it's not for you to eat. I have to do the taste test and find the best." She whines poutyly while snatching away the box
Jin's face dulls down with disappointment.
"Okay you can eat those but you will have to tell how each one is and help me find the best." She says.
Jin's face lightens up. "You are the best Soo Jung-Ah!!" He exclaims while taking away the box.
And like that with just a mere snap of finger, Soo Jung's one of her many jobs was done. she pats herself internally while smirking at the victory of having her strategic plan work. She hands him over the taste quality rating list with names of each flavour.
Jin does whine about work given but feels it's worth the delicious cakes he tries.
She calls in the best of all wedding planners who is also Jin's childhood friend, wedding designer whom she worked with for a huge actress's wedding having advantage of discounts and instant work.
Now the biggest deal of all, The Best Bachelorette party.
Soo Jung had planned everything before a week of wedding rolled around. She went in with Ji Na and other bridesmaids for dress fitting, approved and checked up all the wedding arrangements made by Hoseok her wedding planner, mailed all the invitations. Everything was going according to her plan until she couldn't think of a good idea for bachelorette's, which she needed to sent invite for too.
Soo Jung racked her brain while tapping her pen continuously on the edge of her planner. She took few days off and was working continuously towards her maid of honour duties
Being frustrated she thought of going out meeting other friend as she was feeling coerced and needed air to breath.
She went in and waited in the café while ordering a sweet Caramel Frappuccino.
"You know I recognised it was you just by seeing that overly creamy drink on the table without even looking at your face." Yoongi teases her while settling himself before her in the small cabin.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Soo Jung says while enjoying her drink and humming in contentment.
Yoongi just chuckles and gets himself a simple Iced Americano.
"So how is your Best Maid of Honour campaign going? " Yoongi asks.
That's when she starts to worry again about something she came here to avoid.
"I am facing an idea block for the bacherollete party." Soo Jung sulks while worrying maybe her coming to this café only wasting the precious time she has.
"Just do as we boys are doing." Yoongi remarks while looking at his phone.
"Oh yaa I forgot to ask Jinnie. What are you guys doing?" Soo Jung asks expectantly.
"Las Vegas baby!!! We always teased our youngest about taking him to Las Vegas and getting him wasted before his wedding. We know he likes Hangover movie too much. So we had to fulfill his fantasy." Yoongi lets out with excitement.
Soo Jung deflates and starts to rack brain again for ideas.
"You don't seem to like that idea..?" Yoongi claims after lifting his gaze from to the phone and meeting Soo Jung's disappointed face.
"Nah that's too typical and so unlike Ji Na she hates clubbing and getting wasted. I want to do something she loves and something she can relax with as it's gonna be her big day." Soo Jung says while sipping her coffee.
Yoongi smiles at her thinking how she cares so much about the ones she love.
"I am sure you will find something." Yoongi says while patting her head.
"I hope so." She returns him a smile.
"Oh why don't you ask Namjoon as he is Ji Na's best friend and knows her for long time too." Yoongi suggests.
"Yahh! I am Ji Na's best friend, can't you see who is the maid of honour. I don't see Namjoon picking out dresses and bouquets for her." She remarks offended.
"He is the best man.....but I thought I was your best friend." Now it's Yoongi's turn to be offended.
"Whatever he is managing Jungkook's side so he doesn't count as her best friend right now... It's complicated Yoongi. But you will always be my little meow meow." Soo Jung teases him.
"Yahh how many times I have to tell you not call me that." Yoongi spits with mild anger yet internally feeling pleased.
"Come on... I know you love it." Soo Jung teases him with mischievous grin.
Yoongi answers her only with a slurping noise of his coffee.
When Soo Jung reaches home she contemplates what Yoongi said. Namjoon really did know Ji Na way long than she did and having no other choice she had to step down her pride just a little bit and ask him for a few pointers regarding Ji Na's likes and dislikes.
Soo Jung waits until two telephonic bleeps and hears a hello from the other side.
" Hey Namjoon, this is Soo Jung." she introduces.
" Oh Soo Jung it's been long since we conversed.. How are your maid of honour duties going?" Namjoon asks.
" It's been great actually. You know I won't let my best friend down ever." Soo Jung remarks while emphasizing a little bit more than necessary.
Namjoon just gets amused at her kiddish saltiness towards him.
" Hmmmm..." He states after a period of awkward pause " So what did you call for...."
Soo Jung clears her throat "About that.... I was thinking of few bachelorette ideas and I did find many, like many great ideas that she may love but still do you have any suggestions about what she might enjoy." Soo Jung adds in the unwanted whipped cream to save herself after remarking herself as best friend cause clearly she doesn't have any great ideas.
"So much for being Ji Na's best friend...Huh?" Namjoon teases but doesn't give her time to retort. "She did say she loves hiking and camping." he says without giving much of a thought.
Suddenly a light bulb lightens above Soo Jung's head.
"Thank you very much Namjoon, I agree you win this time. Bye! " before Namjoon can tease her for her slip up she cuts the call.
She swiftly opens her system and looks for the hiking resort just near the venue.
She can't believe how perfect the whole deal is. Being a full day trip she wants it to be a surprise.
Soon she orders in to design and send her the invites in two days with complimentary perfumes.
Now that everything is sorted she thought she could relax but still she was a little stressed about how whole plan will turn out.
Next day she shopped secretly for everything she needed for the party and came back home, exhausted.
Having taken off she gave all her responsibilities to her assistant who was great at her work but still Soo Jung preferred to not risk it and checked before finalizing everything.
She started to work on her real job while settling herself comfortably on bed.
"Soo Jung-Ah! finally I caught in your natural habitat otherwise you were out as a light by the time I returned." He says while settling himself beside her and cuddling her up.
"Aww Jinnie I missed you too" Soo Jung said while keeping her work aside and started playing with Jin's hair while looking at beautiful black-brown orbs.
"You are doing great my wife. I can say you are The Best Maid Of Honour." Jin states while intertwining their fingers together, pressing a fond kiss on her hand that he held in his.
" Do you think this will earn you browny points and I will let you off the hook for whatever mischief you have planned for." Soo Jung remarks sceptically.
"Noo... Jagiya I mean it." Jin states with sincerity. "You have been working so hard I am proud of you." Jin looks at her with a smile.
Soo Jung has nothing to say to her husbands's soft demeanour so just smiles with cheeks tinted in a shade of pink.
"But yaa it was so evil of you to manipulate me into helping you to select a cake for you. Now my trainer wants me to work half an hour extra otherwise I might look like a dumpling on screen." Jin whines poutyly.
Soo Jung can't help but laugh out loud at the prospect of being caught and also feeling fuzzy over the fact that Jin caught on to her plan.
"It's okay Jinnie your fans will still coo over you saying how you look like a cute dumpling, All puffy." Soo Jung mocks his crazy fan following.
"Somebody seems to be jealous." Jin remarks with a mischievous grin.
"Why would I when I have the real deal and besides you aren't my favourite actor either." Soo Jung states while leaving the room to prepare dinner.
Jin falters at her sudden motion and starts whining about what she just said.
The days roll by and soon the day of the trip comes around. She wakes up way earlier than anyone to pick up everything she needs and order the van to reach the venue.
Now all she has to do is pick up the bride.
Soo Jung gives Ji Na a heads-up and is glad to see she received her call.
Ji Na having a good life style habits unlike Soo Jung is way more in a better condition in the mornings.
Soo Jung is far from being a morning person but she has to push herself for her best friend.
She rushes her to the venue and see's most of the girls have arrived. Soo Jung invited all of the girl group members Ji Na trained and debuted with before starting her solo career. Even after going solo she tend to be in good connection with most of them.
Soo Jung see's a really pretty woman approach whom she kind of recognise from some where but can't put the finger on.
Ji Na was assessing her gown when she heard a knock on the door of her trial room followed by her best friend calling her out.
Ji Na opened the door only to reveal a stunned Soo Jung who eyed her up and down, examing Ji na's dress.
Soo Jung was mesmerized to see her friend in a princess wedding gown.
"Whoa... You look FANTABULOUS!! " She exclaimed.
"Thank You" Ji na blushed at the compliment. "But Where did you disappear?" She asked strictly. "If it would've been for that lady I would've still been holding up the dress and standing lonesome, calling your name out like a fanatic in the empty area. But thanks to no one other than you, that lady was about to recognise me and my identity was just a bit away from being revealed." Ji na blabbered.
"JI... Calm down. PLEASE. My assistant called me to inform about a sudden fiasco regarding your Bachelorette party so I went out to sort them up a bit. I'm thankful that the women was at the right place at right time and happy that she wasn't one of your crazy fangirls." Soo Jung says, grateful.
Ji na passed her a mix of an annoyed and a 'yeah-yeah' look.
"I feel kinda Guilty tho..." Soo Jung continued seeing a big 'WHY ?' written on her best friend's face. "Actually, on my way out, I bumped into a woman and if she would'nt have had balanced herself, she could've fallen down. And i was in such a hurry that i didn't even apologize properly."
"It's okay, hun... Rhe next time you meet her, if it be, then you can repent over this." Ji na patted her shoulder. "But for now.... We need to look for dresses we'd wear to the Bachelorette now that my wedding gown has been finalized." Ji na reminded.
Both the women went out and started looking out for a dress as per their preference.
°°°°°°°° PRESENT; BACK TO THE TRIP °°°°°°°°
When she realised where she recognised the women from, she immediately looked away away, her back facing the woman approaching her, now.
Ji na saw Soo Jung standing awkwardly, so she approached her.
"What's wrong??" She asked.
"That woman from the shop, she's a guest at your party." Soo Jung confessed, embarrassed.
Ji Na looked over her friend's shoulder, "Ohh Shit!!", her eyes turned wide as she rotated in her stance too.
"You know her too?" Soo Jung asks a bit muddled.
"She was the one who helped me with my zipper the other day and then things were left on an itchy note." Ji Na clears it.
"So she was the one who you bumped into." Ji na says and Soo Jung nods her head as an answer.
The best friends stood there uneasily for a good amount of time until Ji na felt a hand tap at her shoulder which forced her to look at the bearer of the hand, but she whirls Soo Jung along with herself, both smothering a guilty look.
The woman's expressions falter a bit but transform into a smile soon. "Hey! I am Kim Min Ji, Taehyung's wife " She states chirpily.
The faces of both Soo Jung and Ji Na retorts into confused expressions.
"Hi... Sorry for yester-" Soo Jung gets cut in between.
"Sorry about what.....oh about the incident where we bumped into each other yesterday." Min Ji states calmly.
"Yup I was the one who suddenly left Ji Na alone. It's just I had learnt my assistant did this huge blunder....." Soo Jung starts to explain herself.
"It's completely fine... You don't have have to give me any explanation and no need to be awkward. You are Maid of Honour for lords sake... I can understand the pressure you have. The time's have passed by soo let's start anew, shan't we ?" Min Ji said as she put her hand forward in front of Soo Jung.
Soo Jung looked puzzled at Ji Na who was too shocked herself.
"Yeah... Yeah, for sure... You're right! Nice to meet you Min Ji... I'm Soo Jung by the way, Jin's Wife." Soo Jung smiled, taking Min Ji's hand for a hand-shake.
"Ms. Kang Ji Na or should i say soon-to-be Mrs Jeon Ji Na, the idol and bride-to-be. You looked soo familiar." Min Ji states with a warm smile.
"Hello Min Ji! I'm sorry, I'm just not used to be in public that way..." Ji Na confessed.
"It's completely fine..." Min Ji says as she leans in for a hug.
"I am glad you made it. It's really good to meet after so long. Jungkook tells a lot about you and Taehyung." Ji na states.
"I'm happy to meet you in person too Ji na..." Min Ji let's out.
"It's bizarre about how we never met even after the boys being such good friends..." Soo Jung turns to her for an excited hug.
"So what are we gonna do today..??" Ji na inquired.
"Let me present the amazing plans you have today, as this is your last day before you forget us for ethereal fiance of yours." Soo Jung teases and Ji Na can't help but start blushing.
The trip starts off with you guys changing into hiking attires to enjoy the mini hiking trip Soo Jung planned.
Ji Na seemed to be thrilled and very much after knowing the day Soo Jung planned.
All of the girls start excited for the perfect view the top most peak holds.
Hiking enthusiastically Soo Jung seemed to enjoy the trip. Being not much of active person herself the idea of hiking wouldn't much of a liking for her personally but when it comes to Ji Na she seems to be the opposite.
Soo Jung starts to breathe in the fresh crisp air and loved how the birds chirped pretty while she was surrounded by the lushious green trees with healthy sunshine peaked through the canopy when she looked up.
Everything seemed fine until..... halfway she suddenly remembered why she despised hiking.
Breathing heavy she tried to catch up with others but she can't permit it herself. She was just thankful Min Ji didn't leave her side purely through concern. Suddenly Soo Jung felt a cramp on her side.
She still tried to walk in failing a little by twisted her ankle. She just stood there cursing the person who mentioned to her that hiking was an amazing plan. 'Who was that Satan... Obviously it was Namjoon!!' she face palmed herself.
Min Ji faltered in her steps seeing Soo Jung was left behind. She approached her tired face.
"Are you okay, we can wait in the café which is just a minute away. Will you able to hang in till then?" Min Ji bent down to look at Soo Jung like a person would speak to a child hurt.
"I am fine....ouch..." Soo Jung moaned while trying to walk.
"Oh you seemed to have bent your ankle. It's fine let's just settle ourselves there." She says and guides Soo Jung to nearby artificial tree trunk fashioned bench.
"I can't believe I chose hiking of all activities. I know Ji Na loves it but I should I have known it would have been a bummer to me.....so much for asking Namjoon for advice." Soo Jung snorts.
Min Ji laughs at Soo Jung's childish bitterness.
"It's okay you can see Ji Na is having fun. So you did a great job. Don't be too hard on yourself." Min Ji comforts.
" Do you like hiking ???" Soo Jung asks for the sake of having conversation flow.
"I am neutral towards it. But I do love camping. I am looking forward to that." Min Ji remarks.
"Ohh I love camping too since I was a child. It used be the only reason I went camping. For amazing s'mores and playing funny yet memorable games with my friends. Those were some good days." Soo Just states while reminiscing her past camping memories which she can't forget about.
According to her those were the best of the summers she ever had.
"Same. I loved camping as a child too. It used to be the best part my summer. I used to love treasure hunting and all the team work we used to put in. It used to be so exhilarating as a kid." Min Ji states with admiration.
Soo Jung makes a agreeable noise.
"Which camp did y-" Soo Jung got cut off by Ji Na coming there way.
"Are you okay Soo Jung-Ah ?? I noticed you weren't with us in the café so I came back searching, did you hurt yourself?? " Ji Na asks concerned.
"No I am fine just sprained my ankle a little. Everything is good and dandy other than that." Soo Jung tries to cheer up to not worry Ji Na.
Soon with her friend's assistance, Soo Jung finally reached the peak. When she takes in the beauty all her anger towards hiking washes away.
Now after having comforting spa treatments all of them get ready for the bon fire party arranged in the camping site.
Soo Jung brought in the most comfy sweaters with pjs to wear and she created a unique one with bride to be embroidery for Ji Na.
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Then all of the girls gathered around the bon fire to enjoy marshmallows with some booze.
All of it brought back soo many memories and Soo Jung couldn't help but feel warm that she is feeling the same endearment she felt when she was a little girl. With all the girls camping huddled up and cozied in one blanket, all of them enjoyed some amazing barbeque with delicious s'mores.
S'mores aroma and sticky yet amazing texture always brought back her childhood.
At the end all the girls played some random games like never have I ever and chatted about random things while being tipsy.
Next day they woke up, the sun peering through tent they crashed in and heard the most pleasing birds chirping.
Soo Jung exited the tent to see Min Ji and Ji Na already awake yet groggy sitting on the grass while sitting curled up by bringing their arms towards chest as if to protect themselves from the chill yet soothing spring early morning.
Soo Jung joined in while settling herself on the prickly yet fresh dewy grass.
She started to look at the beautiful butterflies which were on for their honey hunt. At the moment she felt the most peaceful in days.
"Last night was so amazing. I loved every second of the camping Soo Jung-Ah. Thank you for such an amazing surprise, Chingu-Ah." Ji Na said while hugging her Maid Of Honour lovingly.
"Anything for you..." Soo Jung returned a smile filled with warmth.
"How long do you guys know each other?" Min Ji asks curious.
"For five years or so right after she started her solo career I became her stylist and now her best friend. But it seems like I know her forever" Soo Jung remarks clearly admiring her friendship.
"Oh I was meaning to say this, I am a fan of your work and it completely reflects how creative you are, in the way you planned this trip. I enjoyed myself alot. It was just so.." Min Ji's fond ordeal is continued by Ji Na.
"Nostalgic... Right ?" Ji Na said.
"Yeahh.... Exactly..." MinJi let out.
"I felt that too" Soo Jung affirmed.
All of them start to giggle at the similarity and sat in comfortable silence remembering their childhood.
The same evening the party kicks in the resort with loads of champagne. All the girls dress in their fanciest out fits looking all glamorous. Soo Jung gets ready along with Ji Na and Min Ji.
Ji Na's Dress :
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Soo Jung's Dress :
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Min Ji's Dress :
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Soo Jung feel pleased to see everyone having fun and sips her drink in the corner.
All the start usher Soo Jung to make a toast. Soo Jung getting a little embarrassed just states how much she loves Ji Na and jokes about she might be the only fan who actually got to marry her idol.
Music started to create an amazing vibe for everyone to enjoy themselves. Ji Na's fellow idol friends performed one of their hit songs as a girl group and she herself joined in.
Soo Jung did plan few drinking game to get Ji Na wasted.
"Drink if you are married." Hwasa proposed which let to some of you take in the shot except for Ji Na who was forced into drinking any way as she was bride-to- be.
"Take a shot if you texted some one four hours straight." Irene remarks.
Soo Jung glares at Ji Na who seems to avoid taking a shot.
"Does it even count if you don't get a reply." Ji Na whines with defense.
"It sure does honey..." Hwasa states who is a little drunk herself and forces her to chug the drink. Everyone fall into a giggling fit even though things did not seem to be as funny. It's just every body seems to be tipsy.
"Take a shot if you met a movie star." Ji Na remarks with ulterior motive of revenge.
"Jin is not a movie star he is just an actor." Soo Jung remarks catching on her motives but fails as she is forced to take two more for denying.
By the time clock hits one all of the guests blacked out drunk chatting nonsense and some of them just moving to the beat.
Soo Jung cares for the safety of all the girls and ushers to their rooms to sober them up cause she really can't afford to ruin the wedding tomorrow.
After having a lovely day, Soo Jung feels a rush of relief wash over her. She relaxed for a while looking at her planner for further activities then realised she didn't check up on the boys.
She scrambles in for her phone on the nightstand.
Jungkook:What are... 2:55am
Ddeokdinnie:we are... Wednesday
Soo Jung opens in Jin's text first.
Ddeokdinnie[9:04am]: We are half way to Las Vegas
[ Photo sent]
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Ddeokdinnie[11:01]:We just checked in to our rooms. We sure gonna show a nice time to Jungkook-Ah, but that kid seems to have his brain elsewhere. So much for bringing him up to be a fool he is now🤦🏻‍♂️.
Ddeokdinnie [1:55pm]: You seem to be busy.Enjoy!
Ddeokdinnie [2:05am]: i m gld u ennjoying.i miss u....
Soo Jung can't help but smile at the small miss you which seems to be written after having right shots of soju.
Soo Jung replies Jin that they are safe and adds in a miss you and love you.
Now she goes to the attend Jungkook's text as the lover boy seems to be really brought up by Jinnie. Soo Jung chuckles reminiscing Jin's hypocrisy and opens the text with no intend to reply just to exhilarate him. Clearly in non positive ways.
Tsundure turned lover boy[1:05am] : I know Soo Jung you might have taken her phone away give it back to my Ji Na.
Tsundure turned lover boy[2:55am]:What are guys doing. I just wanted to check in if Ji Na was having fun......Let me know how she is.
Soo Jung coo's over Jungkook's adorable concern and feels tempted to message him back. But she doesn't, wanting to tease him a little and knowing he would pester Jin or Tae for the information anyway.
Soo Jung soon forces herself to sleep as she still has a lot of responsibility as a maid of honour and reminds her that this is not the end.
Next day she wakes up to the harsh ringtone of her phone.
"Hello..." She answers with scratchy voice.
"Hey...Soo Jung, This is Hobi. You seem to be still asleep. Seems like yesterday was wild. I have arrived to the venue...."
Soo Jung glances her watch too see she is late.
"Oh God I overslept I should have not participated in those drinking games.....I will be there soo just give me five. You are already aware of plans please follow through." Soo Jung states while hurriedly rushing to her closet and hanging up before Hobi finishes his okay.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
The D-day came when the heart throb of millions of women round the globe Mr. Jeon Jungkook,kpop idol turned camera director was going to be someone's man and the luckiest girl who had been chosen for him by the gods above was none other than Ms. Kang Ji Na, kpop idol who is not as much as famous as jungkook but still made a little space in the hearts of netizens with her charm, dignity and hard work which never let downs her fans.
They both were more like a couple made in heaven. It was like as if a committee was setup in the ethereal heaven with various gods, goddesses and angels discussing over who should marry jungkook and how to make his wedding one of the best ones the universe had ever experienced.
There was golden silence in the room until the alarm popped out of no where and kept roaring like a wild cat.
Ji na gave it a few hits as if it were her own fiendish child weeping to get his things done and she trying to keep his mouth shut.
"Ji na, get up!!!" yelled her mom.
"Eomma...five more minutes..." moaned Ji na,trying hard to overcome the state she was in.
"You can't still be asking for five more minutes like you always do pabo...its your wedding day and you have loads to do." told her mom in one go.
On hearing that she gets up at the speed of light.
"AHHH!!! It's my important day. How did I forget?? Eomma, I still cant believe I'm getting married. Its happening..OMG I'm soo nervous." she says exhilaratingly.
Her mom is rather a calm lady unlike Ji na who couldn't hold up her emotions that well and state to tear up for no reason.
Her mom plants a kiss on Ji na's forehead as a sign to make her calm down.
"Eomma, can you pinch me...cause I cant believe I'm actually getting hitched up with Jungkook." says Ji na frantically.
Her mom considers it to be her one and only best and the last chance to take revenge from her daughter for troubling and teasing her from the day she was born.
She pinches Ji na so hard that her entire body suffers from redness and make her look like a cherry.
"AHHHHH!!!!!! Eomma not that hard..You shouldn't be taking your grudge on your young, beautiful daughter like this.." tells Ji na rubbing the spot where her mom gave her a mark that's probably gonna last till she dies.
"It was a pay back Ji na..its nothing when compared to how you made me suffer by living in LA and leaving me alone in korea.." exclaims her mom.
Ji na gives her mom a tight hug and a peck on her cheek..
The door which was kept ajar opens in the blink of an eye and there stands a 5 '11" tall, young man with black hair which doubtlessly looks like a dense enchanted forest.
Ji na looses her grip on her mom and jumps onto the man like a tigress coming for her prey and he catches her softly in his arms and Pat's her back.
"NAMJOONAH!! You arent supposed to be here." lies ji na who missed him a lot and wanted to see him very badly.
"What is Jungkook doing?" inquired Ji na letting loose of namjoon.
"He panicked when you didn't pick up his call..he called you numerous times and he ended up sending me here to check on you" complained namjoon.
"Oh shit!! I didn't check my phone from last night... SooJung and MinJi made me drink FIVE FULL SHOTS of soju at the bachelorette's. You know that I get drunk with just one shot ..it took me time to sober up" she exclaimed.
"Umm I see...I guess you guys had a lot of fun at the party while we kept wondering what you guys were doing and just wasted our precious time at ours." Namjoon complained rubbing his finger on his chin.
"Don't lie joonie!! You guys went to Las Vegas for your bachelor's while we stayed back at here. That explains how you guys enjoyed a lot more than we did." Whined Ji na holding both her hands firmly to her waist.
"I wish what you said was true. We indeed went to Las Vegas, but the party got messed up and Kookie ended up drinking like a monster, chanting your name and crying like a baby and we were thrown out of the bar for his behaviour..." Namjoon sighed.
Ji na couldn't control her cackle and laughed out loud, " I wish I could see him like that".
"Namjoon, I think you should leave now and help your brother. It's an important day for him, TODAY." interrupted Ji na's mom.
She quickly yeeted Ji na into her bath room asking her to get herself a shower. Namjoon smiled and made his way out of the room.
But before Namjoon left the room Ji na shouted, "OPPA!! Tell jungkook that I love him and I love you too oppa....BYE!!!"
Namjoon quickly peeked through the door and gave her a big smile showing off his cute dimples.
Ji na took off her clothes in the bath room and made her way into the shower. She drenched her whole goddess figure with water. After 5 minutes of standing like a statue in the shower, she grabbed the shampoo and manipulated it on her hair until her hair oozed out with foam.
She tried to style her hair with foam and acted like the character she was in and also tried to add up karaoke to her performance.
She finished her so called bathroom concert and dabbed her damp, trickling body with a fluffy towel and came out of her bathroom with a thick bathrobe.
As soon as she came out she was yeeted onto her bed by two beautiful women who were indeed her best friends.
"SOOJUNG , MIN JI ....you scared me to death... GOSH..." she stuttered.
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The maid of honour, Mrs. Kim Soo Jung and The bride's entourage, Mrs. Kim Min Ji are twinning in a beige sheath silhouette and the hemline reaching their ankle.
"Here!! Ji na take off that robe" SooJung said plainly.
"YAHHH!!! What are your intentions??? I'm gonna complain about you two to my husband" Ji na joked.
The three of them kept laughing for a while.
"We came here to help you with your make up,hair and your dress Ji na" MinJi exhaled.
"Oh!!that's great, So we'll start now" smiled Ji na switching her mood.
Soojung helped Ji na style her dress . The wedding gown was a ball silhouette which had a transparent fabric at the back with a zipper and her bust being a bit revealing in the front . The gown was extremely long with beautiful embroidery sewn on the hemline.
The fabric at her back was see-through and glittery which made Ji na's beautiful back on display for everyone to watch.
Min ji helped Ji na with her bridal make up and fixed her long locks.
The bride's family arrived at the hotel where the ceremony was about to take place. They were greeted into the hotel by the hotel staff.
Simultaneously, the groom's family also arrives.
Min ji and Soo jung swiftly grabbed Ji na's hand and they ran to their hotel room.
"YAHH! Leave my hand...it hurts" Ji na complains.
" I'm sorry Ji na, But you know it's considered bad luck for you both to see each other before marriage " explain MinJi.
Ji na keeps dreaming of her past about how jungkook hated her like hell and later falling hard for her after coming to know the real her.
A sudden beep of her phone breaks her reverie. Before Ji na could check her phone Soo jung yanks it from her hand.
25 Oct,2020
4.00 pm
          I want you to meet me in room no.275 in 15. Come soon sweet heart. I'll be waiting for you.
                                                         Love- Jungkook
" Umm...so you guys are planning to meet before the wedding huh!! You very clearly know that we are never letting that happen" bawls Soo jung.
"But......I want to see him very badly." Pouts Ji na.
" Soo jung, let's prank Jungkook by sending Tae instead of Ji na" says MinJi enthusiastically ignoring Ji na.
"That's a great idea!! I'll message Jungkook telling him to put a blind fold so that he won't know its Tae.." grins Soo jung while texting Jungkook.
The both ladies end up dressing Taehyung into Ji na's spare wedding gown and decorating his head with a large wig. They lock Ji na in the hotel room and follow Taehyung .
Taehyung quickly knocks the door twice where Jungkook was waiting in and enters the room valorously while the two young ladies tip toe into the room and hide behind the couch for a better view of the drama they were gonna encounter.
Jungkook yanks Taehyung into his arms and holds him tightly not giving him enough space to breathe.
" Bae!! You've turned a lot more muscular than the last time I saw you. Don’t you think you've been gyming a lot these days?" Said the blind folded man, vigorously kissing Taehyung's neck.
Taehyung couldn't stop his guffaw .Jungkook takes off his blindfold on hearing a manly sound. To his damn, God for saken surprise, he found three familiar personalities rolling on the floor and laughing their heart out.
He feels extremely abashed and his cheeks turn red as an apple from the embarrassment he faced then.
" You really thought it was easy for you to meet Ji na before your wedding. Didn't you ?" Laughed Min ji holding her painful stomach .
Jungkook was completely speechless at that point and he couldn't utter a word to defend himself. The three of them kept teasing him and enjoyed themselves laughing at the awkward Jungkook.
Now, the actual deal of the day was to come about. Jungkook and Ji na were just 30 minutes away from starting their new lives together and annexing their names with each other.
The wedding hall was pervaded with a horde of dignified guests seated on their respective tables on the either side of the aisle.
Jungkook's parents positioned themselves on the left side of the aisle on the stage while Ji na's parents installed themselves onto the right side of the aisle. Both the elderly couples were dressed in their traditional hanbok while the other family members and the guests designed themselves with modern western style.
The wedding hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and so the hall was filled with fragrance of those beautiful flowers. There were daisies, calla lilies, ranunculus, tulips, roses of different shades etc. There were wedding curtains here and there which camouflaged with the tint of those beautiful flowers. And not to forget about the sweet strains of classical music that drifted through the crowd.
Jungkook was stunning in a single-breasted charcoal tuxedo with a white wing collar shirt and a cute black bow tied around his neck line with some artificial white calla lily along with it's buds worn on the lapel of the tuxedo. He situated himself on the dais afore the aisle.
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The guest tables were crammed with few costly goodies of dryfruits, champagne bottles, distilled water bottles and few pre wedding photo cards of Jungkook and Ji na.
The bride's maids accompanied Ji na to the aisle helping her hold her long gown. Ji na stood idle for a while at one end of the aisle meeting her eyes with Jungkook's who stood at the other end. All the heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The music stopped and the opening to the bridal chorus began to play.
Jungkook couldn't help but stare and grin at his gorgeous wife-to-be.
*****Jungkook's P.O.V*****
I couldn't believe my eyes. I know, Ji na is beautiful but I never thought she'd look absolutely stunning in a wedding dress. If I knew it before then I'd asked her to wear it every time we met. My eyes stopped listening to my brain and started to tear up in happiness .It was obvious cause it is the first time that my eyes encountered the most beautiful thing in the world,my dearest Ji na-Ssi. But I still managed to roll back few droplets just to ensure nobody would make fun of me after.
The dress perfectly fitted onto her. I couldn't help but notice her flawless love handles. I even cursed and swallowed harshly when Ji na stood before me like that.
She wore a Cinderella ball gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhine stones and Pearls were sewn on her gown that matched her crystal head piece. She held a French rose silk bouquet. When she began to walk towards me my heart beat matched with her pace. It started beating so fast that I thought it'll probably gonna tear up my chest.
The way she looked at me when she started to walk towards me had sent an arrow that pierced through my heart.
Ji na positioned herself beside Jungkook a feet away from him, but he managed to pull her towards him by her waist. She gave a warming look at him with a big smile on her face. And jungkook grabbed a chance to give a peck on her cheek.
"Cherished family members and honoured guests, I would like to thank each of you for coming out this evening", the preacher on the podium spoke.
" Let us begin by offering thanks to the lord on this wonderful day", all of them bowed their heads and he prayed.
The preacher led them through their vows and it was time for the exchange of rings. Both of them slipped their rings on each others fingers.
" By the power vested on me, I now proclaim you both husband and wife. Now, You may kiss the bride." the preacher ordered.
Jungkook leaned forward onto Ji na and kissed her plump lips placing his hands on her shoulder.
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The emcee of the ceremony was elected to be Mr. Kim Seokjin, actor and best friend of Jungkook. He performed his duties very well from guiding the guests to introducing the cake cutting and bouquet throwing activities at the end of the wedding by cracking jokes in between that kept the guests entertained.
Jin announced the dinner and the hotel staff placed the delicious food before the guests guided by jimin who took the charge of catering .
Mean while Ji na and Jungkook left the hall to change their outfit into a comfortable one. The Best Man and Maid of Honour trailed behind them to help them.
Jungkook followed Ji na to her room but the bridesmaid's successfully shoo-ed him away.
They returned to the hall and sat beside each other on the podium. Jin handed over his mic to his beloved wife to give a speech and so the entertainment continued as each of their friends started singing,dancing and giving speeches for them. Jungkook even managed to pull Ji na to dance with him.
After the commencement of their evening, the guests were offered dessert and the couple went back again to change their outfits into traditional korean hanbok.
They returned the hall holding each others hand and greeted each and every guest at their respective tables. The guests stood up at their places pausing for hugs and kisses congratulating the young couple and giving them beautiful gifts.
Jungkook managed to invite south korean president and the first lady who just arrived at the time the newly weds were greeting their guests. The older couple congratulated the younger ones and handed over a venus flower basket which has a great reason to it's own. In Japan it symbolizes " till death do us part". They helped them reach out safely, greeted them once again for accepting their invitation and returned back into the hall.
Ji na then turned around throwing her bouquet behind her. The women collided with each other as they tried to catch it.
Jungkook and Ji na ran to the decorated Ferrari that waited for them. Taehyung and Jin tried to stop both of them from escaping, just to tease them.
Taehyung tried hard not to step on Ji na's long trail that brushed the ground as they ran. They were so quick to get away. Jungkook jumped in the driver's seat helping Ji na settle herself in the passenger seat. Jungkook took off as if it were a race. The ribbons, twisted coils whisked in the wind behind them.
The happily married couple left the hotel all by themselves to get few dates and chest nuts for the pybaek ceremony held at Ji na's in-laws place.
"I'm not gonna speak to you, Ji na . You hurted me...", said jungkook seriously steering .
"What did I do kookie?" Ji na cried out.
"Firstly, you didn't show up when I texted you. And worst of all you sent Taehyung instead. You know how they made fun of me", complained Jungkook.
" I sent you a sorry text later sweet heart", Ji na defended herself.
Jungkook gave Ji na a staid glare.
" And secondly, you've distracted me during the entire wedding with that sexy dress of yours and ofcourse your seductive figure. My mom caught me eyeing your provocative figure and she gave me a death glare...", pouted Jungkook.
Ji na chuckled and leaned forward to give Jungkook a quick kiss and settled herself to where she was before.
" Are you tryna give me a ROADHEAD baby girl. I'm ready for it . Go on", Jungkook laughed.
"STOP KOOKIE!!! You're so shameless. There are people here", shouted Ji na cutting her eye contact with Jungkook's and blushing all herself.
Jungkook halts his car at the parking of the store and both of them entered the store merrily.
Ji na let goes jungkook's hand in the store helping herself to find a small pack of nuts. After 15 minutes of struggling, she eventually finds the perfect sized pack.
She turns to face her husband to show him what she got. To her surprise she finds him standing at the bill counter with a large pack which is half of his height.
Ji na quickly grabs Jungkook out of the queue .
" What are you doing Ji na? You cant see I'm paying up there!! " Jungkook yells.
" Is this whole packet for the entire family? Pybaek's only for us bae. We dont need a larger pack." Ji na explains while throwing the large one to where it was before.
" I want you to collect as many nuts as possible with your skirt at pybaek so that we'll have many kids." Jungkook says in a matter of fact tone.
" This man's probably gonna kill me with those looks some day and he never forgets to embarrass me everywhere " she thought to her self hitting her palm on her forehead .
She grabs Jungkook by his hand,paying off at the counter for the packet and yeeting him into their car.
Jungkook trails behind her silently and gives her a soft kiss and they're off to their destination.
Both the couple arrive at Jungkook's lavish house and his parents greeted the young couple into their house. Ji na handed over the packet to her mother in law .
Both of them entered the hall way which was crowded with their friends and family members.
" You were fast kid. Both of you ran as if you were eloping." said Jin bursting out his wind shielded laugh.
" I realized that if we both stayed there you and your wife were never going to let us breathe. So we had to do that." replied Jungkook with a poker face.
" Let us begin the ceremony. " called out jungkook's mom.
Ji na and jungkook sit facing eachother beside the table decorated with chestnuts and dates.
Ji na and jungkook hold a white apron from both it's ends and his parents threw them towards the newly weds. Jungkook gives his 100% , catching everything without missing a single seed. Ji na couldn't stop but give jungkook a kiss on his cheek for his extraordinary performance .
The number caught signifies the no. of girls (dates) and boys (chestnuts) they would bear in future.
Later Jungkook lifts Ji na on his back and gives her a ride to denote his strength which is a part of ceremony.
Jungkook places a chestnut between his lips and its Ji na's turn now to take a bite from his mouth.
All of their friends and family members cheer them and enjoy themselves with the drinks and so the wedding day ended on a happy note.
The next day Jungkook wakes up first yet late after their first official first night from a state where Jungkook back hugged Ji na tightly, protecting her from the cold breeze and their duvet being tangled up between their legs.
He quickly gives Ji na a cute sleep peck on her forehead and goes out into their new kitchen to make her breakfast.
After a while, he comes back with two cups of caffé latte along with croissants and wakes his wifey up.
" WOW!!! I'm quite impressed. " exclaims Ji na giving him a kiss to appreciate his efforts.
" I did this only to get a kiss from you and now my mission is successful." he says joyfully plonking on the bed beside Ji na.
A sharp door bell breaks Ji na and Jungkook apart who were probably enjoying their best quality time watching a movie while cuddling each other. Jungkook curses even without knowing who showed up at their home, gets up angrily to attend the door.
As he opened the door he hears a loud thud followed by metallic sheet pieces, ribbons falling straight on his head.
When he recovers from the unexpected blast he sees his's and Ji na's friends standing with balloons, party supplies and beverages.
They hug Jungkook and run into his house without his permission. He stands there for a while with a poker face and ofcourse crying internally for the interruption they caused.
He closes the door and returns to where ji na is.
" Jungkook-ah, sorry for the intervention. It's been a long time since our last meet so we just came here to see you both. ", explains Taehyung.
'It was yesterday we last met . This bastard is getting on my nerves' Jungkook thought to himself giving him a fake smile and crying internally.
Ji na senses Jungkook's annoyance and tries to calm him down, simultaneously, greeting the guests trying hard not to show them how they actually feel.
" It's been so long we all sat together like this. So I thought it would be a great around every one and come to breach our lovely weds time." Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows teasingly while Jungkook got more pissed.
"Oh my God I just asked Jungkook to watch it with me. I myself was really looking forward to it. It's gonna be amazing view from our balcony.I am glad you brought in all of us together." Ji Na states excited but yet feels the longing gaze Jungkook gives.
" This was gonna be our thing, You spoiled it hyung." Jungkook whined poutyly but Ji Na pulled him closer to comfort the giant man child.
Soon every body gathered in the balcony. With some Chinese take out brought in by the considerate Jimin.
Namjoon started to adjust the telescope to view the shower more precisely to be able to witness it's beauty.
All started to anticipate the meteor shower to start soon as per the live news shown on the internet. All just cuddled up in their blankets and fell into random conversations.
Couples start to get sappy to which the single boys started to mock yet all were grateful to have their loved ones together to witness something that will happen only few times in a period of human existence.
"So what were you guys doing fifteen years back." Taehyung asks
"You know, we were just a bunch of dorky kids who wouldn't even care about once in a life time astronomical deals, it was characterized nerdy." Yoongi retorts sarcastically.
" That was the reason I didn't invite you guys then." Namjoon states silently while still peering through the telescope.
" Oh God!! I saw one. Guys!!! it's happening!! " Namjoon states excited as if he were the same kid fifteen years ago.
Soon the meteors start falling through distinct sky appearing like beautiful splinters of fire which can be explained as the fireworks made by nature.
Along with Namjoon all others start to get excited and some of them start jiggling around happily while holding to the balcony reeling.
The maknaes pushed their hyung to try and see the meteors a little nearer through the only telescope.
While staring with lightened smile MinJi states" I remember seeing this while camping when I was eleven with two of my best friends. It was one of the most beautiful thing I ever witnessed and that with them along with me. It's nostalgic seeing it again today", said with her eyes sparkling.
Soo Jung gets a little confused " What a coincidence I saw the meteor shower in a summer camp with my friends too."
Ji Na can't help but cut in and she felt a chill run down her spine for such an absurd coincidence the world has ever played on them.
"So Min.... Minty, Oh God Min Ji!! Are you MINTY POO?" Ji Na shouts shocked.
"That means, Soo Jung you are SOJU BUN !!" MinJi exclaims.
Now all of them just look at themselves in silence
"What are you long lost sisters or something..?" Yoongi remarks sarcastically while not being able to digest the trio's exaggerated expressions.
All of them just start giggling together as what Yoongi said was actually close to reality.
"Some thing like that, Yoongi... All of us went to the same summer camp when we were eleven that's where we know each other from." Soo Jung enunciates.
" Wow!! I can't believe this can all be coincidental and it's so absurd we didn't realize this till today." Ji Na states still in daze about the new found information.
" It's okay Jiffy Bugga..." Soo Jung teases.
" I can't believe we found each other again. I missed you guys so much after I left the summer camp. I still get dew-eyed thinking about our memories." Min Ji says while pulling the two girls for a group hug.
"W-Wha-Ba-Hahaha... " Taehyung cracks up listening to his wife's name. "Minty poo!! " He says breathely, earning a slap on his arm from MinJi herself.
"Soju Bun huh. Should have told me sooner." Jin teases Soo Jung while patting her head.
Soo Jung kicks him to his shin and he exclaims way dramatically than the actual pain.
" I just meant that I don't need real SOJU when i have you." He says, agonizing in pain while Soo Jung side eyes him.
On seeing their hyung suffer like that, all the boys who were previously laughing, instantly shut up while Jungkook who was about to taunt Ji na with her nick name clamps his mouth up too.
After the girls stop getting perplexed and emotional about there unexpected reunion they pull a toast for life and how things can turn out so unexpected.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
A wonderful evening from german anon🌸💜
So there was a lot. WBL was soo good and than they just gave us that tesser for the next part. Like wtf is happening. So many emotions, but also I am so happy we will get the next part soon, it gives me something to look forward to.
To My Star, excellent. Like just perfection, it was fun and sweet and had a little bit of plot and ahh just everything.
1000 stars is just getting better and ohh Drake is here, yess. Also the chemistry is soo good. And Inam happy to have Earth back, especially when we get two shows with him this year.
And bc I am that late, the last MOD episode.... .
Itvwas so much plot, I am so invested and feel like I can't wait till next Monday. First at least I was right Rung didn't kill him bc of jealousy, but bc she is just a horrible person ( I has so much faith in her🙃). Also somehow now I am convinced(a little bit) that Pued didn't kill Jane. Also all the cute scene with Tan and Bun, and the one with the fish. Omg it was hilarious.
And when Inspector M doesn't survive(bc fuck that preview for the next episode what is happening???? To all of them) I will throw hands. As well if the babys aren't safe.
Also again about their parents, like Nam wakes up and who is their? Her friend, his baby gangster friens, her headmaster (wtf?) and than her teacher/gangster and a wanted doctor 😂.
Und dir noch einen schönen Abend.💜🌸🌙🌟
Bonjour!!!! 💜🌸
The teaser for WBL season 2 is stressing me out lmao. But also I’m super excited that we’re getting a sequel and I’m looking forward to the office setting!!! Also To My Star is--- I have no words. I still haven’t recovered jksdfhs
and gosh the last MOD episode was a ride lol. Tbh I don’t have a clear standpoint on Rung’s story yet. Her killing Pued makes very much sense and he deserves it, but only if he actually killed Jane lol. It never came to my mind that she would do it out of jealousy though; her avenging her sister always seemed like the more likely option. But at this point I don’t know what to believe anymore lmao. Pued killing his girlfriend because she threatened to expose something he wasn’t even a part of?? idk.. It seems like Rung was covering someone up. Also if it’s all true, how tf did Tan not know about any of this???? idk, him always being so clueless about everything is still kinda sus to me... 👀
But at least we got some cute domestic shit from them like UGH that was so soft 🥺
M will survive for sure, I have no doubt in that. I liked the scene with Nam waking up but also why was that old dude there??? Who is he again? the director of the hospital?? i can’t remember.. But anyway sorn, that and tan and bun being there for her was so cute 💜 I love their little family moments so much 🥺 Also the way they escaped had me cackling lol.
have a nice day!!! ❤️
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fallen420 · 4 years
Rebel Spy - Chapter 1: The Child
Mando x OC
Summary: Aurora life becomes lonely after the war ends but when a familiar Mandalorain needs her help who is she to refuse
Series Playlist 
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It's a nice breezy day on Naboo. I walk into one of the many cantinas, I order a drink, and I sit down in one of the booths in the back. I take out a book and begin to read.
Ever since the empire fell 5 years ago I've resided on the planet I always dreamed of living on, Naboo. The people are nice, the scenery is beautiful, and almost no crime happens here.
The door to the cantina opens and I can feel people around me getting tense and I hear whispers. I look up to see what the fuss is about and I see the same silver Mandalorian from Tatooine in front of me. Behind him is a floating pod of some kind. It's closed so I can't see what's inside.
I put the book down as he sits across from me. "I'm not here to hurt you, Aurora."
He remembers my name. It's been years how does he remember? He only ever saw it on the tracking forb.
"That's what somebody who wants to hurt me would say."
"Look Jabas dead anyway. You're safe." I look up into his visor feeling the weight being lifted off my shoulders. He adjusts in his seat then says quieter, "I need your help."
"Help? Me? You want my help? Why me?"
"Because you owe me."
"I can't be the only person in the galaxy who owes you something."
He takes a moment, "I have this...kid." He glances at the pod still floating there.
"You have a kid? A Mandalorian has a kid?"
"It's not mine mine. I..."
"Adopted it?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Watch it while I collect bounties. Help take care of the ship. Stuff like that."
"Okay. I'll do it."
"Really? Just like that?"
I look around and shrug "What else am I doing?"
We start to walk back to his ship, "So can I actually see this kid?" He walks in front of me while the pod floats by his side. Why I chose to trust him, I don't know. I mean he let me go the last time, yeah but he's still a Mandalorian. It's not like my life was super fun and exciting anyway might as well babysit a mystery kid and hang out with an even more mysterious Mandalorian.
"You can on the Razor Crest where it's safe."
"Razor crest?"
"My ship."
He stops walking, "Wait. Don't you have a family to say goodbye too? You're not coming back who knows how long."
I look at him confused by the sudden burst of - caring. Very out of character for a Mandalorian. I shake my head no, "Nope. No family."
He turns around and walks forward again.
He closes the door to the ship and he finally opens the pod. It reveals a green baby with big eyes and ears. It's cute but also kinda ugly. "I was not expecting that."
I wave at it and coos while waving back.
"Where'd you get it?" I ask looking back at the Mandalorian.
"He was a bounty but I uh- I couldn't it."
"Mhm, so Mandalorians do have hearts."
He doesn't acknowledge my statement. "This is the fresher," he says pointing to a tiny room with a toilet and a small shower. "This is where you will sleep." he motions towards a tiny cot. He points into a room with the door closed. "That's where I sleep. Don't go in there."
"Wasn't planning on it."
"I'll give you half of what I get from collecting bounties for taking care of the kid." He begins to walk towards the cockpit.
"Wait," he stops, "What do I call you?"
"Mando." He climbs the latter.
I sit down on the cot and the kid looks up at me and coos, "This should be interesting."
The first night I get woken up to the ship shaking around. I check the kid who is still somehow asleep. I stand up holding onto the wall so I don't fall down. I make my way up to the cockpit.
"What the hell is going on?!" I yell over the shooting as I sit on the co-pilot's chair.
"We're being shot at."
No shit.
Mando dodges the blasts well.
"What can I do?"
"Hand over the child mando,"  his voice comes out the intercom.  He hits one of the engines and sparks fly around. "I might let you live."  
He hits us again.
"Hey you know you might want to uh shoot him back." He hits us again and alarms go off and Mando presses some buttons. "Look you fly, I'll shoot. Just get us behind him and I'll get the fucker." He nods and I grab hold of one of the guns,
"Hold on," Mando says and he flips us upside down dodging blasts, "Come on,"
"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold."
"That's my line," Mando pulls the ship back and it grazes over the other guy's ship knocking out his gun. Now that we are behind him, I aim my gun and shoot. It hits his ship square on blowing it up. Mando looks at me and nods as a way of saying thank you.
He clicks a few more buttons, "Losing fuel." Then the power shuts off.
"Great." He gets up and clicks a button behind my chair. He sits back down clicking more things and the power turns back on, "Stars, this thing has a lot of buttons."
He turns on the radio, "This is Mos Eisely tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."
"Copy that," Mando says, "Locked in for three-five."
"Mos Eisley," I chuckle a little, "Ironic." I stand up with a yawn, "Well, while that was exciting I should get some sleep."
I was able to sleep for a few hours only to be awakened by the child's whines.
"Good morning," he coos back, "Hungry?" I stand up to grab him something to get
Mando climbs down the ladder from the cockpit, "Good you're awake."
"Good morning to you too."
"I found some work it shouldn't take me long to catch this bounty." I nod, "You stay here and watch the kid." He hands me a comlink, "If one of us gets into trouble we can use that to communicate. And somebody will be working on the ship outside. Do not let them see the kid."
"Got it," I say putting the comlink in my pocket. and with that the leaves. I turn back to the kid and hand him his food, "Looks like its just us."
I play with the kid for a while, read my book.
I take a shower in the tiny fresher. I look in the mirror to see my pink hair is fading away. Soon it'll be back to its natural color. I glance over the scars that cover my body from the war. I get dressed and decided the kid and I could use a good nap.
We wake up to hammering from the ship being repaired. I decided to make myself useful clean up around here. I grab a rag and start dusting the shelves.
There's another room that Mando didn't show me. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open it. It opens and reveals a weapon room. He has blasters along the walls. "Woah." I pick up one of the smaller silver blasters. They feel new considering the pre-empire old ship.
I put it back but it wasn't balanced and falls. But it doesn't it the ground.
I blink to make sure I'm seeing it right.
It's floating.
I look back at the kid who has his little hand out. Then it hits me.
He's using the goddamn force. I've only seen it once before but what else would this be.
I grab the gun and put it back carefully this time. He puts his hand down and slumps in the pod.
"Are you a-? Did you just use-?  Where did Mando find you?"
"Help!" I hear a woman's voice scream outside. Immediately I close the kid's pod and I grab the gun I looked at earlier, I grab the bullets and load it. I hear struggling and then the door opens but I already have my gun pointed at whoever it is.
A guy has a gun pointed to the women, who I assume was fixing the ship, head. They stand on the ramp while I still stand on the ship.
"Where's the kid?" He asks.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Drop your blaster or I shoot her."
I weigh my options. I mean yeah I don't know her but I still don't want her to die.
I remember the comlink in my pocket but if I reach for it who knows what he might do.
"I wouldn't try that I have a clear shot of your head right now." I don't
"Give me the kid."
"I don't have a goddamn kid. You got the wrong ship buddy."
Behind him I see Mando approaching slowly trying not to make his presence know.
"No, you see if I get that kid and that Mandalorian I'm gonna be famous."
It takes everything in me not to laugh at this arrogant kid.
Mando can't shot him without him shooting her on reaction.
"Ambitious there. Let's make a deal, let her go and we'll talk mhm? "
"How do I know you won't kill me?"
I sigh before putting the blaster down and putting my hands up, "Let her go."
He throws her to the side and before he can speak Mando shoots him and he falls to the ground.
The woman looks at both of us, "Thank you."
"The kid?" Mando asks me.
"Right here."
"Good," he hands the women credits before climbing onto the ship and closing the hatch.
"Where did you get the blaster?" he asks. I point towards his weapon room thingy. "Keep it."
"Are you sure?" He just nods, "Thank you."
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estamos-destinadas · 4 years
Snapshots: Portfolio
...aka: Valentina gets a side hustle 😂
“I can’t share your IG post of the new dress you made on my stories because you’re on private.”
“Why are you pouting at me? What do you want me to do?”
“Make your account public?”
“Ha! No.”
“I’m serious. Look at all these posts you have of your designs, Juls! The world deserves to see these. And you know, it’ll be great for your professional career if you have an online presence.”
“I’m still in school, Val.”
“So? Your designs are on a professional level already–”
“I highly doubt that–”
“–and it won’t hurt you to start building up an online portfolio now.”
“You know I’m right.”
“Okay, but I have all these posts and highlights of you and of us, that’s not professional, especially these highlights of you making funny faces.”
“You haven’t deleted that?”
“No…. Val, what– No!”
“I don’t know why you want me to delete these. You look adorable in all of them. And you started it.”
“I have highlights of you, Juls, not specifically of you making funny faces.”
“...Still not deleting it.”
“...Hmph! Can you get off me now?”
“Really…? You… want me… to… get off… of you? Okay!”
“Oh, don’t you tease me and go.”
“I thought you– hmph.”
“I didn’t get to finish what I–”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure you finished– Hey!”
“...As I was saying, I really think you should make those posts about your designs and creations public.”
“Hear me out, Juls. What if you create a separate account to post your designs on? And you can make that public. It’ll be like your online portfolio.”
“I can’t even remember to post every one of my designs now. If I make a new account, I’ll most likely just forget about it.”
“...I’ll do it!”
“I can do it. I’ll set everything up.”
“...Neta? Are you serious?”
“Yes! I’ll be like your social media manager. Ohmygod, it’s perfect! I’m such a genius.”
“...What do you think, chiquita?”
“Yeah. It sounds like a really good idea, Val.”
“Of course, I thought of it.”
“How modest….”
“Alright, let’s do it!”
“What? Right now?”
“Of course! Why wait? Send me all the pictures you have of your designs.”
“I’m thinking… we’ll create the account on private initially.”
“I’ll post up everything you have so far on there. Once that’s done, we’ll make the page public.”
“Et voilà! You’ll have an online portfolio that’s ready to go, and ready to be shared. What do you think?”
“I think it’s great, morrita, but will you please put some on clothes on. You’re very distracting.”
“Oh. Oh….”
“You have the most beautiful blush, mi amor…. You’re lucky I’m really excited to make your online portfolio right now, or I’ll get you excited about something else.”
“Oh my god. I can’t believe how you keep saying that I always tease you when you’re the biggest tease.”
“To each– oomph! Fine, I’m putting it on, I’m putting it on!”
“...Anyway, let’s get started. What do you want for your handle? Oh, how about ‘julianathebestdesignerintheworld’?”
“No ‘best’ Val. How about just ‘julianavaldesdesign’?”
“I don’t know if– oh, it’s available. The ‘valdesdesign’ looks weird together, how about ‘julianavaldes-dot-design’? Look.”
“Yeah, that looks good, Val.”
“What was that kiss for?”
“Thank you for doing this.”
“Of course, mi amor. I told you, your creations deserve to be shared with the world.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You take that back right now, Juliana!”
“...Sorry. Thank you, morrita.”
“Okay, account created. Will you send your pictures to me please?”
“Yeah, hold on…”
“This is taking a while…”
“I’m looking for the good ones! I didn’t realise I’ve taken so many photos.”
“Are your photos not organised into albums?”
“...This is killing you, isn’t it?”
“Can you at least add the photos you want to upload as part of your portfolio to an album? Then you can share that album with me and I’ll sync it to my account automatically. That way, you don’t have to send me the photos.”
“...Stop making sense, Valentina!”
“Ha. Ha.”
“Alright, I’m doing it. Good idea, love.”
“Yes, I have a lot of them today, and every day.”
“Okay, don’t push it.”
“Is it done?”
“No, my phone is kinda slow.”
“Don’t say it.”
“You’re not getting me a new phone, Val.”
“I can find something that falls within the budget we agreed on.”
“We also agreed that you can only give me something that expensive for special occasions.”
“There is a special occasion.”
“...And what would that be?”
“We’re creating your online portfolio.”
“That doesn’t count.”
“It was our one year and nine months anniversary just this past week?”
“That’s… no.”
“What about for Christmas?”
“That’s more than a month away.”
“Yeah, so I can give you your present now!”
“No, I know you, if you give me something ‘for Christmas’ now, you’re still going to give me another present on the actual day. And honestly, Val, I can manage with this phone. It’s slow now because we’re going through my camera roll all at once, but I don’t need to do this all the time.”
“But it’s not just about the phone’s speed. I was just thinking now, a new phone will have a better camera. It’ll be able to pick up the details of your designs better. I mean, you can’t be painstakingly designing the pattern of a dress only for that to not be picked up on camera.”
“I’m not… you know it’s not a painful process, right?”
“Yes, but it’s a meticulous one. I mean, look at that one. That top has subtle and beautiful sunflower patterns, but it doesn’t show too much in the photo.”
“Ouch, are you insulting my picture-taking skills?”
“You know that’s not what I meant! Hmph!”
“Haha, okay, okay, you’re right. Maybe I can buy a new phone. I’m already done with the payments for my laptop.”
“It was my idea, let me buy you the phone.”
“It’s going to be my phone.”
“Val… don’t give me that look.”
“Please, Juls, please… just let me get this one thing for you.”
“Ay… oh, alright–”
“But don’t get me anything too expensive for Christmas.”
“I’ll get you socks.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“What? I’m serious? Socks with heart designs, star designs, oh and peach designs– oof! Hey! No throwing pillows at your social media manager!”
“Okay, social media manager, I’m done adding all the photos to the album and I’ve shared it with you.”
“Oh good! Let me just get my phone…. Yes, I’m seeing the photos….”
“Why are you staring at that picture?”
“You know, mi amor, you should model for your designs more. You’re so beautiful in them. Just look at these, and there’s only two of them. The rest are–”
“The rest are you. You keep saying I’m beautiful, but have you seen you? Have you seen all these photos? Everything I make looks best on you, Val.”
“Are you blushing?”
“Aw…. And besides, you’re like a semi-professional model. So it’s like I’m getting your services for free.”
“Ha! And on top of me being your social media manager too.”
“You’re really leaning on that social media manager thing, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I’m adding it to my resume when I start applying for jobs.”
“I’m– hey! Who’s this woman wearing your design?! This isn’t me!”
“Let me see?”
“Oh, that’s one of the models they invited to wear our final submission last semester. For the Sustainable Design class, remember?”
“Oh. Right.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Anyway! Back to business…. We should group this by dress or top, right? And is there a specific order you want to post them? I was thinking we could post by colour, but that won’t be taking future designs into consideration. So maybe we can post them by chronological order. What do you think?”
“Why are you giving me that look?”
“You know… if you’re going to be my ‘social media manager’... then I’m going to have to compensate you...”
“...Oh, hm, that’s true….”
“...but I’m just a simple student...”
“...however shall I repay you?”
“...We can come to an arrangement.”
“Yeah? Any idea what this–”
“–arrangement is going to be?”
“It seems to me that you have a pretty good idea of it already.”
“Well, it is just one option. I have to make sure you are–”
“–satisfied with it.”
“I think… I think I’ll need more of that.”
“Val? What time is it?”
“Good morning, mi amor. It’s almost nine.”
“Hmmhhmm…. Why are you up so early on a Sunday?”
“I’m uploading your designs to your new IG page, since you didn’t even let me get started on it last night.”
“Hi love, good morning. And I didn’t hear you complaining about it.”
“Huh? Oh, I wasn’t, but I still really want to do this, though. And look, it’s just this last photo now…. There, it’s done. I’ve added captions to some of the posts, but I’m going to need you to double-check them and help me with the caption for the others. I think you’ll know better how to describe your creations. Once we’ve added all the captions, we can make this public.”
“Okay, but we can do that later, yeah? Have you had breakfast yet?”
“No, I was waiting for you to wake up.”
“Alright, come on. I’ll make you your favourite. I think it should be late enough in the morning for Chivis that she’ll let me use her kitchen.”
“Ohh… ‘desayuno a la Juls’, my favourite.”
“Ay, Val.”
“Juls, someone wants to buy one of your dresses!”
“Qué? Neta?”
“Sí! I just saw the message. It’s from this… I think she’s a businesswoman, based on her profile? Anyway, she said she’s attending a wedding and she’s looking for a dress with a ‘unique and modern’ style from ‘indie female fashion designers’. Look, this is the one she likes, and she’s asking if it’s for sale.”
“Oh… oh wow… she really wants to buy the dress?”
“Yes! Eeeeeeaaaahhhhhh!!!”
“Ow, my ears.”
“Sorry. But this is so exciting, Juls! Oh, but… you’re interested in selling it, right?”
“...Yes? I mean, it’s not one of the ones I made for you or for my classes. But Val… I don’t know what the price of the dress should be.”
“We’ll figure it out, Juls. You’re taking that Fashion Economics class now, right?”
“Yes, you’re right, you’re right…. We’ll need to think of the fabric, person-hours– if I can even remember how much time I spent on this, other materials….”
“Don’t forget to charge for the design itself. For your creativity.”
“I– I’m not a famous name, Val. I can’t charge a lot for that.”
“She asked for the dress specifically. We weren’t even trying to sell it. She wants this.”
“Okay, fine, but I still can’t charge too much.”
“We’ll see.”
“Oh, and you’re forgetting one other thing.”
“What’s that?”
“The commission for the social media manager.... Hehe.”
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