#and I think it’s really what makes RJ’s style so distinctive to me
halcyon-autumn · 11 months
Robert Jordan and Narrative Focus
As I reread the series, I’m so interested in the “scenes” that Robert Jordan doesn’t directly describe. (Spoilers! Big spoilers!) In tFoH, Mat kills Couladin fully offscreen. Similar thing with was Suian’s stilling in TSR - the Sitters tell her that they’re deposing her, but she’s tortured and stilled off screen, and we don’t see her again until she’s in a cell with Leanne, trying to come to terms with what’s been done to her. There’s a bunch more moments - Osan’gar, a forsaken, getting killed (although it was pretty funny that he got wiped out, offscreen, by a minor character who was ostensibly on his side), Nynaeve and Lan’s wedding, the Asha’man forcibly bonding the Sisters who came to destroy the Black Tower, etc - but the Suian and Couladin moments really stand out to me.
My thought is that RJ just wasn’t interested in these “dramatic moments” as much as he’s interested in the lead up and the consequences and how the character’s personality 1.) gets them into those situations and 2.) mean that they react to those situations. RJ doesn’t care about the ~drama~ of Mat v Couladin. He cares about Mat’s inability to leave people to their probably deaths when he could help, and he cares about how Mat reacts to accidentally becoming a war hero. Similar thing with Suian - RJ is interested in how she ignores Min’s warnings and what’s happening in the Tower, and he also cares about her ironclad determination to bring Elaida down. I think it MUST have been a deliberate choice on his part to focus on these things, especially because it’s a very unusual choice for an author to make. At the end of the day, RJ loved a character study, and I think that’s part of the reason his writing style feels so distinct to me.
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readerbell · 3 years
Nynaeve’s journey to crafting her own identity
Bear with me as I work through some thoughts that came up for me during Nynaeve’s Accepted test.
During my first read through, Nynaeve’s ever plunging neckline was just a punchline to a joke: village woman sees the world and falls in love with pretty dresses. This time around though, I’m appreciating how much Robert Jordan charts Nynaeve’s journey from the box she puts herself in as Wisdom to the person she becomes at the end through how she dresses. We see it with all the Emond’s Fielders but im focusing on Nynaeve here lol.
Wisdom Nynaeve
Dagger Mat points out that she feels there has to be a distinction between being a Wisdom and being a pretty/desirable woman. Nynaeve is creeped out at being read like this.
Then events at the Eye of the World happen. She brings a knife to a nuclear fight and it goes about as well as one could expect. Being a sex pest and an evil scientist, Balthamel and Aginor torture her. But even though Balthamel (the usual sex pest) is the one who manhandles her, it’s Aginor who appears as her great fear during her Test. He’s the one who makes Balthamel’s physical threats sexual. In violating her, he pokes holes in her image about what a Wisdom should be: authoritative, powerful, almost too respectable to be even viewed as desirable (Lan is the exception in her head). The fact that she’s naked as he chases during her Test also speaks to this. She’s not Wisdom Al’Meara in her stout Two Rivers woollens. She’s just a woman being chased by a man who is threatening to rape her. Given all her insecurities about being Wisdom, and the status and safety she thinks it should give her, Aginor is terrifying to her.
Rereading Nynaeve’s Accepted test has also made me rethink my relationship with what Egwene does to her later in Fires of Heaven. For ages, I really disliked Egwene. Who the hell does what she does to not only a friend, but the person who risks her life to save her from literal slavery? Now though, I think Robert Jordan achieves two things in that scene:
He takes us into Egwene’s head space. It’s the first time in the entire story Egwene is actually better than someone at something. Traumatised as she is she revels in wielding that power. She’s young, she’s got serious PTSD, she’s got an as yet unchecked ambition coupled with crazy power at her fingertips and a secret she wants to hide. It makes sense she’d do whatever to shut Nynaeve up. It’s shitty but you know what else is shitty? Developing trauma responses from being enslaved. And Egwene grows. How crappy would a 14 book series be if people didn’t?
In this scene, in a book that is all about the deconstruction of Nynaeve, RJ has Nynaeve dress herself up in her Wisdom clothes. She wants to wield her old authority and Egwene’s monsters literally rip the dress away from her, exposing her body. She has nowhere to hide. Who is Nynaeve al’Meara if she is not the Wisdom of Emond’s Field? She spends the rest of the book having an identity crisis. It’s also her turning point. The rest of her story is about Nynaeve crafting an identity for herself.
First, she develops a taste for pretty dresses and jewellery. Her necklines get lower (even lower than she thinks 💀). Everyone can’t help but comment on it… (not to her face though lmao).
She gets married & learns Malkieri women wear the ki’sain. As their queen - never mind the fact that she doesn’t know a single Malkieri other than Lan - she starts painting the ki’sain on her forehead. Even so, despite her new style, and her status as the Queen of Malkier, in her head she’s still just Nynaeve from the block Emond’s Field. Her braid is the ever-present reminder.
Nynaeve Sedai.
The last physical reminder of Nynaeve the Wisdom of Emond’s Field, her braid, is literally burnt off her head during her Test before she fully becomes Nynaeve Sedai.
In the end, the girl who started the story with messed up ideas of what it meant to be a woman with authority, dresses how she likes and is self-assured about her identity and her accomplishments. The girl who cried about looking too young and not having grey hairs, the girl who grew to want acceptance from the Aes Sedai, tells them to their faces that she is who she is. They’ll either accept her as she is, or they won’t. She won’t change. I love that for her.
Lastly, I love these books and I even love this motif but I hate that RJ puts Nynaeve in sexually threatening situations thrice and never explores what that does to her. As a woman, those experiences are scary as hell. At first, I thought the fact that she doesn’t think about Aginor before or after her Test is to do with her suppressing what happened to her. But she doesn’t really think about Egwene having monsters rip her dress off her body either and it just feels very #ManWritingWomen - even if it’s very clever as a narrative device.
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alectology-archive · 3 years
Would u recommend the wheel of time?
I'd recommend it, yes! But the answer is also a little complicated.
I personally very much enjoy it for varied reasons - the worldbuilding is expansive, immersive and gorgeous. It draws inspiration from several cultures around the world and manages to represent them very respectfully (in my opinion). It takes place in a world recovering from an apocalypse in a post-sci fi setting which makes it all the more fun to read about although it becomes more apparent and is really explored in book 4. There's a bunch of space-time fuckery, a certain person trying to hijack rand's body sometime after book 4, etc which are some of my favourite things to read about so it's especially really appealed to me.
RJ was fascinated by gender and sexuality and you can tell that he tried to explore its nuances even if he unfortunately didn't go all the way to include trans people (there IS one genderfluid character later though) and I particularly love how he explores various gender dynamics and their intersection with culture. The books are partly really fun to read about precisely because so many cultures are matriarchal (although he unfortunately plays off the abuse that men face as a joke a lot of the time). There's at least one canon lesbian and several wlw characters, one of whom is moiraine, who basically forms the backbone of the series.
I also generally tend to judge a lot of books based on how they treat people of colour and older women and it's been very refreshing to see them portrayed very respectfully and given lots of important roles in the books. The series has a lot more prominent female characters than male characters and often gives them a lot more nuance than the male characters themselves lol.
It does take the series a while to come into its own though - I think book 4 is the most accurate indicator for what to expect of the series although book 3 comes close.
That said I think the series also won't work for everyone because of the length and number of books. Plus he sort of changes styles a bit after book 3 and there are a little too many mentions of ~bosoms~ and ~breasts~ but I was able to easily ignore it tbh. He sucks at writing romances although I thought he got better at it during book 5 and has always written very good love confessions.
I think a lot of people worry about reading the books because they don't like rand lol and it's entirely fair because it's difficult for new readers to like him and he was kind of annoying in the beginning. The first two books are the only ones where he gets 50-75% of the wordcount dedicated to his POV and after that it mostly tends to fall around the 10-20% range. Even if you do never end up warming up to him the POV shares get split up to include a vast cast of characters to the point where rand occassionally has less than a 5% POV share in some books so you should be fine. The books are fully centered on rand for the first three books after which there are multiple distinct plotlines that don't always concern or centre on rand immediately.
I look back on the eye of the world fondly but I don't think it's very reader-friendly for a person just getting into the series so I'd recommend just pushing through and skimming stuff when necessary because book 2 becomes very interesting very quickly although it slogs a bit in the middle.
There's also a character who struggles a bunch with suicidal ideation which starts as early as book 3, so if that's triggering I'd recommend you to proceed with caution.
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margridarnauds · 3 years
Toho RJ 2021 costumes? What do you think?
Thanks for the question! 
....so, I actually unfollowed the RetJ Toho page. Because as much as I ADORE Toho RetJ, I actually couldn’t sit by for this production, I was so discouraged, and the more I looked, the more I was discouraged, so I didn’t even stay long enough for the costume reveals. That being said.... I do have MIXED opinions .
Which is actually better than it sounds, because as much as I hate almost everything I’ve been hearing about this production, “mixed” is actually positive-leaning. 
Romeo’s costume looks considerably cleaner, but also....cheap?
Let’s compare:  
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(Yes, I’m showing Ohno. Yes, we’re at THAT point.) 
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The new one looks like Romeo just....grabbed it off the rack? As opposed to it being something that he actually wears every day? It looks BETTER, more streamlined, but it looks more like a costumme™ VS something that really fits the setting, much less something that fits ROMEO as a character. (Dye it red and it would be a suitable Tybalt costume.) Part of why I actually HATED RetJ Toho’s costuming the very first time I saw previews for it was that I thought that, well....they were hideous. They were hideous, they were cheap, they looked like anything you could see on the STREET, and I wanted my pretty flowing gowns BACK. 
BUT! Then, as time went on, as I saw the full musical, I realized the genius behind them: They perfectly suited the world that THIS particular production wanted to show. No, you couldn’t put them on the French cast, because they aren’t the French cast - They have an entirely new setting to work with, rougher, grittier, just several degrees removed from us. So, in that context, do I think that Romeo’s costume works for Romeo Montague, the character, in the setting that Toho’s created? Not really. It looks BETTER, I think, in the sense that it’s something I, personally, would be more willing to wear, I like the cut better, I like the darker colors, I like the design, I like the silver accents and the overall color scheme, but it isn’t something that FITS. (Also am I high or does the strap on the shoulder somewhat look like his new Zuka look?) 
I do like Mercutio and Benvolio more because, in their case, I was (1) Never particularly ATTACHED to the old designs - I never particularly cared for how busy they were and the color scheme always seemed rather bleh (though I understood the IDEA behind it, as far as showing that, even though the Montagues looked like a mess, they had more cohesion as a group than the Capulets) and (2) ....I do like the Renaissance styled cut sleeves. I can see, in those cases, a bit of method behind the madness, and I respect it. I respect combining 16th century and modern fashion to create a contemporary look that still references the original. (Look. I’m still in love with the choices made in Julie Taymor’s Tempest.)
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Only problem is that Benvolio does look LESS “Gang Leader” and more “Fratboy Who Thinks That Cutting Down On Starbucks Will Fix Your Student Debt.” 
As opposed to this mess who has definitely lost his phone in one of his pockets at some point: 
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Juliette runs into a similar problem as Romeo: 
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On one hand, I do like ASPECTS of it. I like the color scheme, the red accents really hold the whole thing together, though I’d leave that belt (which also reminds me unfortunately of the Red Leather Belt of Horror from the recent Zuka production.) I like the sleeves because, once again, Italian Renaissance fashion being modernized, but I’m also still not really sold it fits the world of TOHO RetJ. It DOES fit Juliette more as a character than Romeo’s. A part of me like the collar and the layering - Even if it makes for a gown that looks either....I want to say 19th century or 1950s (I can almost see her going on a milkshake date with Romeo), which really works with that idea of Juliette kind of having a cute “vintage” aesthetic, which we can see even back in the 2019 production. 
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VS this, which has less of a vintage appeal (though it DOES still have that styling, with both the jacket and the skirt, I would still place her style around the 1950s), is probably something that I would be less inclined to pick up if I had to choose between one or the other, but that kind of fits the idea of a princess growing up in this totally ruined town (and also looks more like regular street fashion). Verona’s still a bit of a wasteland, we get that distinct vibe from the projections, even if they’re now far enough out from the nuclear explosion to have trees again. It doesn’t really make sense for me that Juliette would have this fresh off the rack look, even if Daddy C spoils her, because (1) He’s broke and (2) ....logistically, it would be a nightmare. Clothing would have to be made to last, like 2019 Juliette, who’s wearing NICE clothes, but clothes that are more practical, more likely something that she’s worn a few times. (But also. The new shoes are CUTE. I can admit it.) It’s also what makes Paris stand out: He DOES have an impractical, shiny costume that he must have spent a FORTUNE on, because he has money to burn and no sense. 
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No signs of intelligent life found here. 
The rest....I wasn’t too invested in the changes one way or another, only thing I really noted was that Lady C’s corset’s a bit of a letdown. We really went from: 
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The result is flat and rather cheap, the buckle looking like a failed attempt at ornamentation that really ends up just coming out of nowhere. 
THAT being said: Oka Kojiro back in his gray Peyrol coat for Escalus really makes me feel like coming home, I’ve missed seeing that man on stage, I’ve missed seeing him in gray, barking at actors decades his junior, so you know what? Maybe, just maybe.........I will keep a slightly closer eye on this. I won’t pretend that I’m more encouraged than I am, but I like the Juliettes and I like Escalus and tbh, they’re my favorite characters anyway so......
Overall.........I can’t say that I hate everything they’ve done. Quite a few of them are pretty, I like the hints of historical fashion, but I also feel like they’re kind of losing that strong sense of setting that really makes the Toho distinct from basically any other production of RetJ out there (yes....even as opposed to ResJ). 
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inthenewagefashion · 5 years
IN THE NEW AGE Honest Item Review! #Arcade #Games and Even More!
IN THE NEW AGE Honest Item Review! #Arcade #Games and Even More! From blogger Tonya Adams Day: 03/09/2020 Hey every person, it's me Tonya Adams. And also once again, I have come across an additional interesting on-line company. And also as you recognize, I have assessed a few other on the internet stores, including #Touch #of #modern,, alternatively #Hammacher, Hammacher and also Schlemmer, #Sharper #image, #brookstone, #Skymall Magazine, #Frontgate and also the #Robb #report #Magazine. And also, if you believed the for pointed out firms had some intriguing items to offer, simply wait until you below concerning my most recent exploration, IN THE NEW AGE. As I was browsing around the IN THE NEW AGE site, I can' think what I was seeing. They market so many various categories of remarkable items, my eyes were glued to the computer screen for quite a while. With, here is a list of items they market: Allow us begin with #Arcade #Game as well as #Arcade #Machine systems: Timeless Arcade System: Cocktail sit-down game machines: The timeless #arcade #game machine includes several various closet styles, such as sit-down alcoholic drink design #game #cabinets that include big high-definition LCD displays. Additionally, the arcade video game displays can flip-up, consequently, utilizing it as a sit-down, upright #arcade #gaming #machine. Full-size upright #arcade #game #cabinets: They offer full-size stand-up #arcade #games with high-definition LCD keeps track of from 19", 25", completely to big high-definition 32" TV displays! And WOW, when you play #classic #arcade #game like #pacman, or #donkey #kong, it brings the video game to an all new level of enjoyable and also excitement. In addition, playing #classic battling video game like #Street #Fighter #arcade #games, and even #Mortal #Kombat, it is an absolutely impressive thrill! However WAIT! Didi I fail to remember to mention that all the #arcade #game #machines within the Traditional Game System were multi-game #arcade #machines that include 60 games in one, 412 video games in one, 1162 video games in one, 3,400 #arcade #games in one, and also soon to be released next month 4,000 #arcade #games in one #arcade #gaming system! Additionally, they have a group including full-size #jukeboxes: The #jukebox group includes to what is considered the last actual #jukebox manufacturer left in the United States, and also they are called #Rockola #jukeboxes. Also, if you like playing #pinball, they market a really FAR-OUT #Virtual #Pinball #Machine with a big high-definition 42" LCD screen that includes over 2,000 preferred #classic #pinball #machines! Rock-Ola jukeboxes are offered in about 20 different #jukebox motifs. They make the classic bubbler jukeboxes is the typical walnut, oak, black onyx, and also white onyx coating. ADDITIONALLY, THEY MAKE THE TRADITIONAL Rock-Ola Peacock, Rock-Ola Jack Daniels jukebox, Rock-Ola American Appeal jukebox, the effectively recognized and highly sought after #Harley #Davidson #jukebox and others. Furthermore, these same styles, very same accredited themes are available in the typical #Rockola vinyl-45 record playing jukebox, the CD playing jukebox, and also the Rock-Ola digital download jukebox, additionally referred to as the Rock-Ola Songs Facility. Just how about some cool, and also special #furniture, #lifesize #status, and superhero sculptures? #Sculptured #Furniture, #Lifesize #statues, #super #hero #statues, #Movieprops: They offer distinct furniture like a specific reproduction of the UNITED STATE Oval Workplace #Presidential #Desk. They offer huge statuaries of dinosaurs, pets like elephants, penguins, incredibly heroes like #Batman, #Ironman, #Henry #Potter, #Captain #marvel, #Avengers, Shazam, #Aquaman, #Black #panther, #Ant- Guy, the #Ant- male #wasp, #Justice #League, the #Hulk and a lot more. Furthermore, the incredibly here #movie #Props are officially licensed via different #Hollywood #Movie companies, as well as IN THE NEW AGE is among their accredited dealers. With, you understand you are obtaining a authentic and genuine #$ Hollywood #movieprop! Oh, yes, let me not forget, they sell a few of the highest of the high-end #luxury #watches like #Rolex, #Breitling, #Joe #Rodeo #watches, #Devon #works #watches, #RJ #watches as well as others. Are you one that is passionate concerning Different #Health? This is one more amazing group: They offer #PEMF #Pain #relief #machines, #whole #Body #Vibration #Machines., #Hair #Growth #helmets, and also even backyard firepits including the well-known highly popular Death Star firepit! I might go on in more detail relating to all the fascinating items cost IN THE NEW AGE Nevertheless, it is best if you look into the website on your own. So, check out. IN THE NEW AGE. http://inthenewage.com
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santtechgq-blog · 7 years
Our top pick "overlooked tech"— from BeOS to Zip Drives Our ride-or-pass on devices of yesteryear didn't all accomplish showcase success.
We all think about the devices that get showered with steady acclaim—the symbols, the fragment pioneers, and the distinct advantages. Tech history will always remember the Altair 8800, the Walkman, the BlackBerry, and the iPhone.
Yet, individuals do overlook—and rapidly—about the gadgets that neglected to change the world: the immense thoughts destined by average execution, the devices that touched base before the market was truly prepared, or the advancements that discovered their walk similarly as the world was rotating to something else.
In our keep going piece on contraption history, we profiled the most noticeably awful items the Ars staff had ever utilized. Here, we praise the best items that are sliding gradually into the memory opening. Be that as it may, when they initially showed up, we adored them.
PC equipment
The Iomega Zip Drive
Before all else was the floppy plate. It was eight creeps over, and it was... floppy. After some time, the floppy shrank to 5-1/4", then down to 3-1/2" (picking up a plastic external shell all the while). It in the long run offered 1.44MB of versatile stockpiling. What's more, PC nerds saw that it was great.
Be that as it may, then the hard circle started to develop. Moving down vital records turned out to be all the more a bother as hard circles passed the 200MB stamp. After I purchased my first Mac desktop (a clone, really), I found that exchanging my records from an old PowerBook 145 to my new Umax SuperMac J700 was a bother, as was guaranteeing that the greater part of my imperative archives were moved down. Enter the Zip Drive. Greater and thicker than the 3-1/2" floppy drive, Zip circles held an incredible 100MB of information (they would later come in 250MB and 750MB sizes).
The Zip Drive was presented in 1994, and I acquired an outside SCSI model (and I ended my SCSI chain appropriately, hell!) inside two or three years of its landing available. Zip plates weren't horribly modest at $20 each, however I inevitably amassed a sizable gathering and moved down to them (semi) routinely.
By the last 50% of the 1990s, OEMs like Apple and Dell offered Zip Drives as alternatives on their machines, and I quickly possessed a PowerBook 1400c with a Zip Drive module. In any case, the Zip's rule as the versatile mass stockpiling of decision did not last. Before the finish of the 1990s, CD-R and CD-RW drives were progressively accessible; after I utilized Zip drives to move documents from a PowerMac G3/266 to my new PowerMac G4/400, the Zip circles were put away in a drawer. There they stayed until I moved a couple of years back, when they were placed out in the rear way alongside the other electronic waste I had aggregated over the nine years I lived in that house.
These days, I can stuff a 32GB USB thumb drive in my pocket, making the massive 100MB Zip circles appear to be considerably more old-fashioned. Yet, for a couple short years, the Zip Drive hit a sweet spot in the market, which is the reason despite everything I have affectionate recollections of it. (Eric Bangeman)
Magneto-optical drives
The quantity of cases where my tastes covered with those of the late Steve Jobs are entirely restricted, however we shared one conviction: we both thought magneto-optical drives were a better than average thought. Employments really made them the default removable capacity media for some early models of NeXT PCs, an inheritance that lives on just through the turning beachball-of-death that holds on in OS X. For me, they were the response to a somewhat darken issue: how would you keep a regularly growing accumulation of magnifying instrument pictures sorted out and documented?
Back in my examination days, I could create many high-determination pictures in a matter of hours—then do a similar thing the following day. In the mid-'90s, this made a wide range of issues. Desktop hard drives hadn't achieved the point where you could simply leave each picture you at any point went up against a solitary machine. Hard drives flopped, so I required a reinforcement framework. Not each machine would have all the product you'd have to work with the pictures, so you frequently expected to rearrange several megabytes between desktops.
Writable CDs hit the market around this time, however the copying programming not precisely easy to use, and the circles made a hierarchical bad dream. A given day's worth of effort may include envisioning three distinct examinations. You were probably going to rehash every one of them at various focuses throughout the following couple of months. In the event that you were great about filing to CD, you'd wind up with many plate with odds and ends of various investigations scattered on every one. Really finding the bit you needed later was very little fun.
MO plates appeared to offer an answer for these issues. The 5 1/4" forms had multi-gigabyte limits yet were removable, which means you could move the information to any machine with a drive snared to it. They were additionally re-writable, implying that at whatever point you got more material from a given venture, you could simply drop that into a similar organizer that contained whatever is left of that work. Furthermore, they were recorded quality, ensured to hold information for a considerable length of time.
In addition, every one of the choices were a whole lot more regrettable. Iomega was the ruler of versatile media at the time, yet individuals in my building were losing information left and ideal to the "snap of death."
About the main thing clearly amiss with them was that MO drives were moderate—yet more subtle things incurred significant injury. The tech never went standard, so both the drives and media wound up stuck at the high costs run of the mill for a specialty item. Fresher, higher limit drives were frequently guaranteed yet wound up severely deferred. The equipment that made it to market was frequently inadequately bolstered and experienced flaky drivers.
With today's shabby, gigantic hard drives and modest, quick systems administration, I don't know MO drives would be an incredible alternative now regardless of the possibility that they had gotten on at the time. Be that as it may, their periphery status is likely a more awful destiny than the innovation merited. Still, I hear that, similar to Spinal Tap, they're enormous in Japan. (John Timmer)
Vadem Clio C-1050
Windows CE gets no regard. In any case, in 1998, the Vadem Clio resembled the future—and from numerous points of view, regardless it does. The MIPS-based compact PC measured 3 pounds, had a battery life of as much as 12 hours, and was the principal truly fruitful convertible tablet/note pad, at any rate from an outline stance. Its approval and revile was that it was worked for Windows CE.
Microsoft vigorously advanced a class of gadgets based on the Windows CE 3.0 H/PC stage called "PC buddies." The attract of Windows CE to gadget makers was, in addition to other things, its measured quality; it enabled them to dart on usefulness particular to their equipment and in addition other programming. For Vadem's situation, that included CalliGrapher, penmanship acknowledgment programming from Vadem's ParaGraph backup, that made it the best pen tablet of now is the ideal time. It permitted pen input straightforwardly into the Windows CE form of Microsoft Word, and was adequate that I could take cursive or print notes on the screen with such a low blunder rate, to the point that I sometimes expected to right them.
The outline of the Clio, made by frogdesign in light of thoughts from Vadem's building executive Edmond Ku, was development in itself. It was intended to be conveyed, with a practically natural shape that made it simple to hold with one hand and compose on in its tablet frame. Not at all like the other scratch pad style gadgets that were its peers, it had a screen mounted on two arms that could pivot 180 degrees on a couple of carbon-fiber strengthened arms, enabling it to flip around and lay level, tablet-style, while disguising its console, or to be turned into any position while open for use with its implicit console. That made it perfect for punching out a breaking story on a long plane flight sitting behind somebody with a leaned back seat, or documenting a story by email from a telephone corner that had a RJ-11 attachment to jack its 56kbps modem into.
Considering that my "genuine" scratch pad PC was an Apple PowerBook Duo (see our "Most exceedingly awful Gadgets" story), the Clio spared the day for me all the time.
Windows CE lives on in many structures, Vadem still claims ParaGraph. Be that as it may, the Clio outline and other protected innovation related with the gadget were obtained by The Pinax Group, which endeavored to permit out the "swing arm" plan to different producers before slipping off into lack of clarity. (Sean Gallagher)
Apple PowerBook 1400
A while ago when I was school, from 2000-2004, it's difficult to trust that tablets were still moderately extraordinary for classroom notetaking, even at a huge school like UC Berkeley. WiFi was recently turning out, and certain classes instructed in certain address lobbies could be viewed on the web. I had a trusty tablet that was even truly old by 2000, the PowerBook 1400.
Past being a conventional portable workstation for its time, the 1400 had two elements that were really flawless, and I've been amazed that they never fully gotten on. The first was utilitarian: expandable drive narrows. On the base of the tablet, two secluded openings took into consideration an additional battery, a plate drive, a CD drive, or even a Zip drive, which was amazing in that pre-USB stick period. Both spaces were hot-swappable when the PC was sleeping, obviously.
The second, which was more ostentatious, was the BookCover highlight, a removeable bit of clear plastic on the highest point of the portable PC that let clients put in various examples, workmanship, stickers, or generally customize their own particular PC. While I didn't have any acquaintance with it at the time, ClarisWorks had an element that let clients make and print their own, in light of an included layout that was packaged with the product as an "additional." (Cyrus Farivar)
Best stacking NES-101
By the fall of 1993, most everybody who needed a Nintendo Entertainment System had as of now got one and most genuine gamers had proceeded onward to the more propelled Super NES or Sega Genesis. In any case, those super-late adopters who chosen to tend to the NES were at last remunerated with a substantially more sharp and solid rendition of the framework that characterized an entire era of gamers.
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