#it’s a very interesting choice tbh
halcyon-autumn · 11 months
Robert Jordan and Narrative Focus
As I reread the series, I’m so interested in the “scenes” that Robert Jordan doesn’t directly describe. (Spoilers! Big spoilers!) In tFoH, Mat kills Couladin fully offscreen. Similar thing with was Suian’s stilling in TSR - the Sitters tell her that they’re deposing her, but she’s tortured and stilled off screen, and we don’t see her again until she’s in a cell with Leanne, trying to come to terms with what’s been done to her. There’s a bunch more moments - Osan’gar, a forsaken, getting killed (although it was pretty funny that he got wiped out, offscreen, by a minor character who was ostensibly on his side), Nynaeve and Lan’s wedding, the Asha’man forcibly bonding the Sisters who came to destroy the Black Tower, etc - but the Suian and Couladin moments really stand out to me.
My thought is that RJ just wasn’t interested in these “dramatic moments” as much as he’s interested in the lead up and the consequences and how the character’s personality 1.) gets them into those situations and 2.) mean that they react to those situations. RJ doesn’t care about the ~drama~ of Mat v Couladin. He cares about Mat’s inability to leave people to their probably deaths when he could help, and he cares about how Mat reacts to accidentally becoming a war hero. Similar thing with Suian - RJ is interested in how she ignores Min’s warnings and what’s happening in the Tower, and he also cares about her ironclad determination to bring Elaida down. I think it MUST have been a deliberate choice on his part to focus on these things, especially because it’s a very unusual choice for an author to make. At the end of the day, RJ loved a character study, and I think that’s part of the reason his writing style feels so distinct to me.
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aghw18 · 1 month
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Red handed
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celestialowlryx · 2 months
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Rayla + being told how a m a z i n g she is
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nonuel · 7 months
mass effect fandom typically has no problem disregarding or rewriting portions of canon, but one thing i have almost never seen touched is the friendship between garrus and shepard. so here is a poll because i am genuinely curious. i tried to be as expansive as poll limitations allowed, but since we are already throwing out canon i recognize there are a lot of variances that haven't been included. because of that, i would particularly like it if people elaborated about their non-romantic relationship with garrus in the tags, comments, or reblogs - especially if you are someone who has voted for any of the non-friend options. thanks for your time!
this post is not meant to be garrus critical. garrus enjoyers are welcome to participate in the poll, i only ask that you are respectful toward other people who may not have him as their favorite, or who may just simply roleplay a shepard that does not have him as their (best) friend for whatever reason.
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kissmefriendly · 1 year
It’s really kinda sad painful and interesting that the Captain’s death is one of the few where we don’t see him become a ghost. We almost expect it but the final shot of that scene is just him laying lifeless on the floor (and I suppose there there’s some mirroring between his and Kitty’s death, especially through the cinematography). How horrific must that have been when he did become a ghost? To be able to see Havers and trying to reach out to him, trying to get through to him only for Havers to never know he was still there, alone. Having to listen to all the nasty comments made by the other officers. To watch Havers leave the house for a second time, unable to get his attention or say goodbye.
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quatregats · 21 days
Review of teaching day one: jfc it's terrifying to be the guy at the front of the room
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shrikeseams · 2 years
Thinking about some of the meta I've seen about the flight of the Noldor (and I'm not vagueing anyone, I've seen this kinda thing a few times and from folks I don't follow, so they've already trickled out of my head, sorry, bit it's not personal)--ANYWAY. The thing is that there's an underlying assumption that the noldor should have trusted the valar, because the Valar told them that the Oath couldn't be fulfilled and that they couldn't win against Morgoth, and that was ultimately proven correct.
But like. The thing is. The Valar had just proven to be incredibly fallible.
The wonderful Light that drew the elves on to Valinor? That they built their lives around? That's gone. And it's gone because the valar just very publicly screwed up. It's gone because the Valar released Melkor, and fucking told the elves that he was trustworthy, and they were extremely wrong. The Trees are dead because they couldn't bring Melkor back into custody in a timely manner. None of this inspires confidence in their ability to deal with Melkor in the future.
Finwe is dead because the Valar were wrong.
Valinor has been proven to be unsafe because the valar were wrong.
(Arguably the kinslaying at Alqualonde is further proof that the Valar can't keep Aman safe against elves, let alone one of their own number.)
Feanor called it on Melkor. Feanor was proven right to build fortifications, even in Aman. Feanor was proven right to make back-ups of the Light, even if it was stolen. (Just because he wasn't going to hand them over for Yavanna to crack like eggs doesn't mean they wouldn't have been put to good use.) Feanor has been trying to leave Aman for a long time, and right at that crisis point he looks like a great bet. It would have looked like he'd seen it all coming, and that the Valar had invited disaster into their own home.
Hindsight is 20/20, and during the Darkening Feanor looks like a damn oracle. Why would they believe the Valar at that moment? The Valar have just lost an INCREDIBLE amount of face and authority. Trust is very easy to break and very difficult to rebuild.
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 11 months
god they really did do Justice kinda dirty in da2, huh
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storm-of-feathers · 11 months
damn why did i stop being an alcoholic being drunk rules actually i dont feel a single OUNCE of my burdens. i just feel the wine. and its pink.
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Fellow Psych enjoyer!! Im watchin psych at this very moment lol, i know its a tough question bc i dont even have a definitive answer but like, what's your favorite episode?
hmmm well i did very much enjoy the episode where Lassiter & Henry bond over fishing... i also like the episode where Shawn gets kidnapped & ends up on top of a moving car <3
#ive seen some episodes out of order#since my friend used choice ones to get me interested lol (it very much worked!)#but i only started watching it all the way through yesterday#so im only on season 2 :/#i also loved the one i just watched - the counterfeiting episode! twas funny#but really since im binging the show they're all kinda blending together lmao#And its mostly on as background so there are some where i have no idea what happened or what it was about#rambles from the bog#tbh a lot of the time watching it#i find myself sitting here and going: man. if it was made pretty much the exact same way just with today's climate#it wouldve been even fucking funnier#bc obviously the humor in the show is kinda Dated! there's a lot of times where im sitting here going 'oh that was bad taste'#or 'oh that would Not fly today'#but it is a really good show#easier to enjoy when you understand the era it was made in & accept that there's gonna be unsavory bits#honestly its interesting! im on s.2 which was released in 2007 i think#and i believe i was like... around five years old? i dont really remember Living the time period!#so its interesting to see! its a whole different range of slang and american culture & tech!#all i really remember is the phones... i remember the awe when someone at school turned up with a touchscreen#they were pretty fuckin new so they were expensive & my parents could afford one#so my first phone was your average flip phone. it served its purpose! i loved listening to the ringtones! that was my spotify <3#anyway wait fuck what were we talking about#OH RIGHT PSYCH. um. yes🤝#i dont like shawn's dad! lassiter is probably my favorite! i may have a crush on juliet! shawn is the most bishrekxual man i have ever seen#gus deserves better & more screen time! the whole show is just really good#*old man voice* they just dont make em like they used to....#said both positively and negatively. some aspects are good they're gone. other aspects... sigh
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starlene · 7 months
So @neroushalvaus told me that in the current Finnish production of Så som i himmelen, after a big assortment of other questionable choices, they interpret the finale as some sort of Literal Vision of Heaven... and in there, Tore magically heals of his disability.
The more I think about this, the more disappointed and angry I feel about it.
I mean. The whole entire point of the character of Tore is that the others learn to accept him exactly as he is, and that he has a unique, valuable voice just like everybody else. Besides that, he's a very rare instance of disabled representation within musical theatre. Sure, he's often played by non-disabled actors – but the Helsinki production showed us how you can achieve great results by splitting the role between a disabled and a non-disabled actor, so the role can also be an opportunity for disabled actors, given that they're provided enough support throughout the process.
Or it can be an opportunity for a non-disabled actor to treat disability like a costume you can simply take off when you're done with it and for a production to imply that disabled people are not good as they are, I guess. Cool beans!
Incredibly disappointed with the director and everyone else involved.
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designernishiki · 1 year
I feel like I liked yakuza 5 a lot more than most people for some reason
#like a lot of people seem to not like it or think it’s mid#idk man but it was one of the games I enjoyed most and I really liked the range of characters you get to play#love me a murder mystery too#idk I think people seem to not like how disjointed the plot is at first and trying to keep up with everyone’s seperate plot and characters#and etc. but I personally really liked how it was all disjointed and the further you get into the game / the more characters you play the#more shit starts coming together and forming a full picture#like don’t get me wrong it’s not perfect and I do have qualms with some. choices. (mostly having to do with majima and#mirei) but overall it’s one of the games I’ve enjoyed the most and that’s kept me interested in the plot the most#fantastic to get a more in-depth look at haruka and to get to really know her by playing her and seeing how she interacts with people and#choices she makes and etc. I don’t think she was a fully fleshed out character prior to that#loved her with all my heart already don’t get me wrong but she just didn’t have much time on screen especially as a teenager to fully get#her personality across and some of the issues she deals with (mommy issues. abandonment issues#etc).#and her and uncle akiyama are a very nice unexpected duo!!!#the different settings were fun too. overall I think the whole thing just felt like more of a streamlined story in a way with drastically#different viewpoints depending on the character#also shinada’s a gift. bless him#daigo feels three dimensional and emotionally present in a way I didn’t see much in other games- even when he’s literally a boss in 4. tbh#the only other time I think he feels really solid as a character is in fuckin dead souls. I think it’s cause it’s SO rare to see daigo in#non-serious situations or vulnerable with people on purpose. dead souls has the first thing and y5 has a bit of both#and I could complain more about how y6 SHOULD have made daigo more present instead of sending him to fuckin jail the whole time but. I do#get that that was kind of important to the plot. I mean to have that power vacuum. don’t think all three of them should’ve been put in jail#but I digress. anyway I got off topic point is I enjoyed yakuza 5 it is very unique in my opinion#y5#rambling#ALL THESE TAGS AND I FORGOT TO MENTION KIRYU BEING ANGSTY AND GAY AS HELL. THE BEST PART OF YAKUZA 5
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“Warwick launched his final bid at kingmaking, this time in alliance with Margaret of Anjou to restore Henry VI. He and Clarence landed in Devon while the King was in Yorkshire. Elizabeth (Woodville)’s initial reaction was to prepare for a siege in the Tower of London where she had already retired in expectation of the imminent birth of another child. But on 1 October news reached the capital that the King was preparing to set sail from Bishop’s Lynn, abandoning his kingdom. With no hope of imminent rescue, Elizabeth moved swiftly into the Sanctuary of Westminster Abbey with her mother and her daughters. She sent Abbot Thomas Millyng to advise the Mayor and Aldermen that she was surrendering the Tower, and consequently Henry VI, into their custody.
- J.L Laynesmith,  “Elizabeth Woodville: The Knight’s Widow” in “Later Plantagenet and Wars of the Roses Consorts” / “The Last Medieval Queens, English Queenship 1445-1503″
"Elizabeth (Woodville) at first fortified the Tower of London against the approaching Lancastrians, but then decided instead to hand over custody of the Tower to the mayor and aldermen of London while she went into sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. It was a move which not only protected her daughters, who were with her, but also saved London from attack, which perhaps explains some of the praise she later received. The author of 'The Historic of the Arrival of Edward IV, who claimed to have witnessed much of what he recorded, stressed
the right great trowble, sorow, and hevines, whiche [the queen] sustayned with all manar pacience that belonged to eny creature, and as constantly as hathe bene sene at any tyme any of so highe estate to endure; in the whiche season natheles she had browght into this worldc, to the Kyngs grcatystc joy, a fayrc son.
...When Edward (IV) arrived, there was a scene of family bliss, in which the queen's vulnerability and domesticity could be contrasted with his heroism.  The king was thus presented in an unusually human guise, which might appeal to readers familiar with such partings themselves throughout the civil wars:
The king comfortid the quene, and other ladyes ckc;  His swete babis ful tendurly he did kys;  The yonge prynce he behelde, and in his armys did bere. Thus his bale turnyd hym to blis.
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#history#edward iv#mine#the wars of the roses#i have a major issue with the way this is viewed by the vast majority of people tbh#for one: so many people conveniently forget that she was the one who controlled and was apparently fortifying the ToL#(which included the captive Henry VI btw)#while she was literally 8 months pregnant#she only gave it up after she learned that edward iv was also fleeing. it's SO important and interesting#and yet most people either don't know about it or conveniently flash forward to when she entered sanctuary#and my second issue: SO MANY PEOPLE INCLUDING HISTORIANS tend to treat her flight to sanctuary as some kind of indication of her personalit#when the truth of the matter is that SHE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE#as david baldwin rightly pointed out -as an englishwoman of the gentry she did not have foreign resources shelter or support at her disposa#the way every queen before her (in theory for lots of them as it wasn't required) possessed#nor was elizabeth a valuable heiress (like anne Neville or her own daughter eoy)#not to mention the very obvious fact that she was heavily pregnant (and gave birth just a month later) with three very young daughters#like. literally what else was she supposed to do? where else was she supposes to go?#her vulnerability was unprecedentedly horrific and people & historians don't emphasize the comparative degree of it as much as they should#at that point elizabeth literally didn't have any other options other than sanctuary. it wasn't much of a choice#it's strange because elizabeth's status has been discussed a lot in theory but rarely discussed in terms of how it affected her in PRACTISE#and this is a key example of that#among many others
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year
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regular touhou #16: congratulations to seiran for making it into the hot new game [checks notes] "eldy ring"
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
happy transsexual thursday i finally got my hair back to green after over half a year of unrelenting blue and im very happy about it
Science should unlock the tech for us to be able to make hair naturally grow out in whatever colour we want, and then insurance should cover it as gender-affirming ngl
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meerkoetjes · 19 days
Oh shit the quencies
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