#and I unironically DO need to carry all the groceries in for my mom for example bc she doesn't have the health to do it herself
kringelorde · 2 years
wholeheartedly endorsing doing steroids for strength gains I don’t even give a shit man trans or cis
if I wasn’t on the Man Juice for gender reasons and I was even remotely aware of how much faster the results come, I’d be crawling in through windows to get my hands on this shit, swear to god
#this is a joke post ofc but to be fair I also just... don't really get the issue with steroids lmfao#I get the issue of doing them and not saying so explicitly during competitions where now you're comparing apples and oranges so to speak#but man like... if you're not competing and you just wanna fiddle with your hormones for shits and giggles... knock yourself out brother#only one you can harm is yourself and strength is strength at the end of the day#I think the weird obsession with having the most cut and defined muscles is pretty fucking stupid#but I'll never beef (ha...) with strength for strength's sake#it's why I generally think about workouts in terms of what's practical? the dream is pull ups#ofc but they are FAR FAR FAR OFF bc that's one case where any weight from anything but muscle makes them#exponentially more difficult and nobody has ever accused me of being lean LMFAO#but even that is just bc it's a very practical and useful motion to be able to do comfortably#I mostly do shit like deadlifts and rows and farmers carries and shit#I do shrugs bc that's mimicking the I Need Some Big Strong Boys To Carry The Groceries motion#and I unironically DO need to carry all the groceries in for my mom for example bc she doesn't have the health to do it herself#why not make it easier on myself by more or less practicing LMFAO#so hey if grangran needs help moving a desk upstairs and you wanna get stronger fast to help? fuck it bro Juice That Shit!#spext#wow this was a random tangent I think it's just bc I feel the delayed muscle soreness everywhere today hrm
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omegawolverine · 3 years
puts my chin in my hands n kicks my feet behind me. bff do u have any headcanons for craig and those guys, i love the way ur brain interprets these silly paper cutout guys ^_^
yaaaa ofc bestie <3
-is a movie snob but not in a "this movie needs to be the most well written film Ever" way, he's a snob in a "if this movie isnt so bad my sides hurt from laughing i just wont fucking watch it" way. seed of chucky is peak film to him
-has two left feet but likes to dance <3 his lanky body does not agree with the movement but that wont stop him from bussin it down celibate style or whatever they call it nowadays
-used to build wooden model airplanes and then paint them with tricia (i almost typed ruby somebody take my hands away), most of them are hung in her room but craig kept a few
-this mfer the type to go to college with literally zero plan, decide to take art after being undecided for as long as possible, hate art bc they make him do other types of art besides what he normally does, then drop out or smth along those lines
-the worst excuse for a mom friend but the guys dont care. he can't cook. he will send them a text just saying "go bed" at like 10pm before immediately going to bed himself and not bothering to see if any of them actually Plan To Sleep. carries around bandaids but will not give them out unless they are deserved (you fell jumping off the swing? dont jump of the swing next time, bitch. no bandaid for u). literally only the mom friend bc nobody else could fill the role
-white chicks is unironically his favorite movie, right next to the medea halloween movie (incase yall forgot token canonically likes tyler perry movies. i cannot blame him. they suck so bad they're good)
-he dresses like a 60 year old dad going fishing or like he is going to the most important meeting of his life, no inbetween
-wants to learn an instrument really bad but has sucked at every single one he's tried so far, not to mention he cant read sheet music for shit.
-is the only one in his class who can write in cursive but he only learned bc both his parents wrote in cursive and he got tired of not being able to be nosey when he found notes around the house. turns out they were mostly grocery lists and appointment reminders.
-he/they user
-^ goes thru a gender identify crisis in the 10th grade before goin nah. just a dude who likes they/them pronouns sometimes.
-is on the football team all throughout high school but only bc they need more players. everyone knows he sucks at the game. he does not gain any sort of popularity from being on the team, but he stays so he has an excuse to get out of the house more 🤷‍♀️
-dylexic AND dyscalcic. double whammy! with a side of adhd <3
-is craigs certified dance partner whenever the dude starts jamming. craig will just drag him out to the middle of the room and make him lead in a shitty foxtrot.
-speaking of craig, the height difference between them is crazy. craig gets tall, ofc, but clyde is just kinda. at his chest. face in boobies. it's like u got the absolutely twig of a man at 6'4" and then there's his bestie at 5'6", dragging him around by their linked arms.
-despite the whole meth thing, regular coffee is actually apart of his enrichment. it's like the adhd meds he never got, without the extra upper of doing way too much meth on a day to day basis! is a fan of the starbucks iced carmel frappes.
-likes to cook when he is overwhelmed but cooking for him means being up and moving the entire time otherwise he will start to overthink again. he cant do none of that oven cook shit. give him a meal that requires a lot of prep work and watching the stove so he will be busy for a good hour and suddenly it's like he was never upset to begin with.
-an alt baby <3 screamo calms him
-^ wants to take the guys to a concert but clyde "has never listened to something not in the top 40s" donovan and craig "nearly died in the pit at a local punk gig that kenny dragged him to" tucker are against this idea.
-him 🤝 craig
shitty scifi movies
-^ anything with bad aliens in it will become his new obsession for like 4 months and everyone will have to hear about it. hyperfixation go brrr or whatever
-hates scripting sets for the life of him. like. will just write down jokes and hope he remembers bc he cannot be fucked to actually attempt to stick with his own plans
-speaking of scripts, he enjoys a bit of acting but, again, cannot be fucked with scripts. he hates memorizing and feels like it sounds more. well. scripted, when he actually memorizes lines, rather than just getting the jist of his lines and how his character acts and improving it. this technique has mixed results and, obviously, does not go over well with other people he is supposed to be acting with
-^ that being said he is a hit in improv classes ofc
-becomes a big fan of photography sometime in high school, is the resident phototaker both of the group and the grade. if people are posting a candid group photo, it's probably from him
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Oh my god I was obsessed with the thirteenth year!! I completely forgot about that movie. I think I saw it for the first time around the time I saw Aquamarine, which I racked up an almost $300 dollar Comcast bill because I kept renting the movie over and over again lmao my mom called me from work screaming XD dude camp rock was everything for a minute I cared more about camp rock than I did hsm.
You're right about Sam style, ever since he did that video of switching styles with Colby, its been sneaking its way into his closet more and more and I'm here for it 1000%. You're probably right about the Mandela effect thing but some things I specifically remember being different. The Berenstein bears for instance, I had a book as a kid that said Berenstein not Berenstain (could it of been a misprint, maybe) still weirds me out tho lol
I'm a fall aesthetic kind of girl myself, there's something peaceful about the fall time that I can't explain lol it just speaks to my soul
I've been wondering the same thing about metalife and I was low-key gonna ask you about it lol I wasn't around at that time but it seemed really short lived, I don't even fully know what it is but from what I could see they seemed passionate about and proud of it.
Not gonna lie I used to take almost hour long showers, thats how long it used to take me, now I'm between like 15-30 mins depending on what needs to me done🤣🤣🤣
My favorite drink(s) are pepsi, cranberry juice and water lol and then for alcoholic drinks thats kind of tough because I have ✨t r a u m a✨ when it comes to drinking. So I don't really do it that often but when I do it's always with my cousin and we usually drink this peach moscato wine from barefoot that's really good. Or the basic white girl wine coolers like Mike's hard lemonade or twisted tea. I also unironically like smirnoff ice's lol
I don't really watch TV that much outside of my already favorited shows. I've been really into Guy's Grocery Games lmfao. If you don't know what it is, it's pretty much like chopped but Guy Fieri's version. I watch it with my mom 😂 its pretty funny and the last movie I watched was The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Funniest movie I've seen in a while, you should watch it if you ever get the chance.
Most of my clothes are from Walmart because all the stores I like don't carry my size in store and I have a love/hate relationship with shopping for clothes online. It has not ended well for me in the past lol
Favorite pizza topping? Favorite board game? Do you collect anything?
omg we are the same person haha
i've never actually watched aquamarine, but i can totally see why ppl loved and still do. my movie of choice back then was ella enchanted. i fucking loved that movie.
and camp rock was the moment bc of the jonas brothers and demi. the cast of hsm was iconic, but camp rock deserves it's praises too.
i'm honestly really into sam's style too. but colby's just matches my aesthetics more. yeah, the berenstein bears is a weird one. i think sometimes it was misprinted or something. also, the way ppl pronounce it has probably altered how ppl thought it was spelt.
no, i get what you mean. falling leaves is like the most peaceful thing to me.
the thing with metalife... i truly don't know the answer. i heard that someone was threatening to sue bc they got removed from the site or they got bullied on the site? but i have no actual idea if that is true or not.
i used to be able to take fast showers, but i've added a lot more steps into my shower taking lol i just wish i could be clean all the time.
honestly wine coolers and mike's hard are good. they have like no alcohol content in them and they're just nice to sip on instead of a heavier drink. better than white claws in my opinion.
omg i didn't know guy fieri had a show other than the eating show he's had for years haha he's such a weird dude but i love him. and i've heard of that movie. i gotta watch it next time i get the chance. i can't even remember the last tv show i saw, or movie for that matter. i watch youtube so often anymore.
same, online shopping can be the fucking worst. most of my clothes are from rue 21, hot topic, or like random dollar stores that have my size occasionally. also i do have a good amount of snc merch.
my favorite pizza topping is honestly just more cheese. i want so much cheese that it could kill a lactose intolerance person lol jk. i do like vegetable pizzas sometimes, so i guess veggies, if not more cheese.
there was a board game me and my brother used to play called 1313 dead end drive. it was like clue mixed with mouse trap. it was so cool. but i haven't played a board game in years.
the only thing i think i collect is crystals. i really love them and they're just so pretty. my favorite one is an amethyst that actually came from a rock that used to be in my yard at my old house. my brother and his friends smashed opened this huge rock and inside was amethyst. i got one little piece of it that i still have :)
questions: worst party you've ever been too? first band/artist you ever got really into? white, milk, or dark chocolate?
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