#and I’m not completely anti self dx either
paranormeow7 · 29 days
steaming hot take but there are just some things self diagnosed people just can’t talk over professionally diagnosed people about
#actual sugar post#don’t kill me for this I’m autistic#and I’m not completely anti self dx either#the medical industry is awful and has the power to take away the benefits my diagnosis allowed me to access at any time#and I’m not going to pretend that professional diagnosis is always the most reliable option because there is a lot of ingrained bias#but at a certain point#if you are self diagnosed you have to understand that you and I are different#and you have to be willing to listen to us sometimes#and hell. sometimes you’ll even have to listen to a doctor on the subject#sometimes their input can be valuable when they’re not calling you a fat hysterical bitch and asking you to cough up thousands of dollars#I’m not denying your symptoms and experiences as a self diagnosed person. i don’t know you and im not living your life#but maybe a second opinion from someone who’s been diagnosed is a bit more valuable than you think it is#we’ve had a lot of experiences that you haven’t#besides. You don’t need a label to acknowledge something you’re going through or validate your problems#for example it doesn’t NEED to always be autism if you show a few traits. you can just tell people you show those traits#do whatever makes life easier for you. you don’t need all these labels to have these issues#I’m going to get the worst anons for this I just know it#idk#sugars opinions#self diagnosis#professional diagnosis#autism stuff#autism#actually autistic#neurodivergent#adhd#audhd#actually audhd
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ablednt · 4 years
‘do you think everyone need your approval to do something’ no i just think people should actually be assessed and diagnosed with disorders 💀 if they genuinely can’t then that’s completely fine and i respect that but don’t make me sound like the villain here who’s trying to control everyone.
First off sorry for not clarifying that I wasn't vilifying you specifically rather calling out the harmful rhetoric in general but also if you actually want discussion starting with "hey aren't you that blog that [out of context stuff that paints me to look like I'm harassing the poor dxed ppl(tm)]" isn't the right way to do it lol.
But the matter of the fact is that anti-self dx people or conditional self dx people DO in fact think everyone needs their stamp of approval- which comes in the form of a licensed nt most often incredibly ableist therapist telling them they have this thing.
Why does "I probably have ADHD but I won't get screened for it" bother you? Why does Every one have to have a reason that you specifically think is extreme enough to warrant an excuse to self dx?
Believe it or not people self diagnosing ADHD for their own reasons and not wanting to see a therapist for it doesn't affect you actually. I'm the community unless they outright state it their is no actual way to tell who is self diagnosed and who isn't. Our disorder is the same, you don't magically get all your ADHD traits when a therapist diagnosis you. There is literally no difference aside from the fact that people with professional diagnoses are legally listed as having that disorder for both good and bad.
Anti-self dx sentiments are rooted in classim. Academia and "professional" fields are assigned more value than peoples actual lived experience in our society. Nts get to "study" us without listening to us, without employing us, they get to be "autism experts" and other similar titles. It's all this idea that because they went to these colleges that discriminate, that make it as hard as physically possible for anyone who is poor or at all marginalized to get degrees and to get jobs in these fields, thst because they have the privilege to do that that they are the authority.
The dsm5 which is what is used to diagnose ADHD frankly doesn't touch on the actual truth of the disorder at all. It focuses only on the stereotypical "loud annoying person who can't focus and is useless haha" view of ADHD, no actual examples as to the lives of ADHDers are given to give a better understanding and moreover therapists are told not to diagnose ADULT patients unless their PARENTS can confirm that they did badly in school and had no friends. That's in the dsm5.
Yes, some therapists are better than that but that's not the point. The entire field of psychology is quite literally based in an ideology of "either we can make them functional under capitalism to keep performing or we institutionalize and torture them." That's it. That's the foundation that the field of study is built on.
I am not exaggerating all it takes is a surface level worth research into mad-pride to realize that. There may be good therapists and there may be research worth salvaging but you cannot blanket support the entire institution when it still is abusing us all to this day.
Frankly, I'm simply tired of being told that any one with stigmatized mental illnesses that are abused by professionals, anyone who is too marginalized to be diagnosed, or that anyone who simply doesn't need to see a therapist and functions perfectly fine on their own are all either lazy crazy fakers(tm) or they must give you and others their entire life's story so you can decide if they've earned a verified spot in that capitalist approved community.
I am deeply angry at the ideology that I and people like me need permission from the people who have privilege over us to diagnose people.
I will tell everyone to get a professional diagnosis when professional diagnoses have no legal impact, are given by people with actual lived experience with that thing, and are completely free and accessible.
In the meantime self diagnosis offers all those things and isn't sucking up to the governments and institutions that profit off our community's weakness amd infighting.
I am not angry at you but I am begging you to do any fucking amount of listening to actual living people and not academia and the field of psychology built on privilege and exploitation.
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