esseastri · 2 years
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ihatebnha · 2 years
ok but something about katsuki being a nervous lover has got me by the hair, the hair i say.
imagine it's only a little bit after you first started dating, maybe a few weeks and he just really wants to hold your hand. it starts off with him trying to slowly itch towards yours when you're walking, his finger trying to reach out but his hand just twitches back to his side. there are also times when you guys are sitting down on a subway or train on the way home and you have your head slightly drooping his way because of drowsiness and he just wants to hold your hand so damn bad. he even wipes his sweaty hands on his pants to prepare to hold yours but in the end his ass chickens out and just looks like a guy who's wiping his hands on his pants furiously on the subway/train.
also side note, but i feel like the first time you run your hands through his hair and lightly scratch at his scalp is when he's on the couch in the dorms and his head is on your lap and you just go for it. when your fingernails graze the base of his head, he just combusts. shivers from there to his tailbone.
Ugh, I'm too lazy to go find it, but this is reminding me of that ask someone sent me about your first kiss with Bakugo being repeatedly interrupted...
Just... ajdslkfioajdsjk he's so nervous at first and for what reason!!! Keeps kicking himself because he didn't think being affectionate wouldn't be this hard back BEFORE you were dating. It's honestly kinda cute, except........ you probably don't initiate any hand holding yourself either because you think he doesn't want it🥺🥺🥺
SO there Bakugo is, working up the nerve to be handsy AND delicate, while you're just... unaware of everything going on in his noggin since you don't want to make him uncomfortable.
(Imagine you do end up drifting off on his shoulder... he'd just be sitting there stiff as hell, trying not to even breath out of fear of disturbing you... only for a particular rough bump on the tracks to wake you up and cause you to scoot over and apologize. He's so MAD, not at you, but at himself because he can't bring himself to say that he doesn't mind the contact and actually kinda... LIKES it.)
Anyway, I feel like the moment when you first brush through his hair is the moment when the spell finally breaks. He's just so groggy maybe that he can't stop himself from shyly leaning into you after your offer to put him to sleep one night... and when he's cuddled into your lap all happy and he notices that you seem happy, too... he just thinks, "why was I so scared of this?"
Let's just say... you hardly ever stop touching after that <3
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