#and James Patrick March appearing for like 10 seconds
simplysummers · 11 months
I finally finished Roanoke, so this is my current ranking for those who care ✨
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marchsfreakshow · 1 year
Opium And Monique Gibeau {James Patrick March x Reader}
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It's 1938. You've been having to do sex work in the dark, until one client takes you to The Hotel Cortez.
Suggestive, so -18 proceed with caution.
Warnings: implied smut, general death warnings of blood, knives and such.
Inspired by "Noel's Lament" from Ride The Cyclone. Also 2.6k words this time, v proud of myself<3
Your perspective
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I was holding a small, brown bag in one hand, walking down a street with a cigarette in another hand. The streets were dusty and damp, and a homeless person in every other building. Street lamps dimly lit the Los Angeles roads, cars passing by to and fro. They were full colours of blue, black and white. Greys filled the car's shadows.
The tall buildings all looked the same. Meters tall, symmetrical windows, the darkness looming over them. Coughing, muttering, tiny breaths and sneezing went past me as I ventured into Los Angeles. They distracted me as I thought about the request the stranger gave to me. Throwing my cigarette on the floor, I opened my bag and took hold of the letter.
It read;
"Come meet in The Hotel Cortez. 10 pm, on October 30th. You will have to find the room.
Explore the Hotel all night if you must. I know it will cost extra, but I will be willing to pay more for the mystery of finding me.
Every read-over made me so intrigued that I did not notice where I was walking. I bumped into a man and almost fell. Luckily, he grabbed my arms and pulled me up, our eyes meeting immediately. There was no light there like a murder had just been committed. It was almost attractive, but the client needed me. "Excuse me! I am so sorry." He just nodded.
"Where are you going, sweetheart?" He smiled and held out my letter. I raised an eyebrow and stuffed the letter in my bag, in turn grabbing my lipstick and applying it as I walked in front of him. "You seem in a rush." He mentioned.
"The Hotel Cortez." Immediately, he took my hand and rushed me for about 5 minutes. Everything in my peripheral vision became blurry as I ran. God, I hate heels. Soon enough, he stopped and I held onto my head, as the rush stopped, and a headache formed everywhere.
The doors became gold as my vision cleared, but the mysterious man had gone. People were back to rushing to and fro, not even muttering 'excuse mes' to each other. It disgusted me. Sure I was a whore, but at least I had manners. However, I took a deep breath and opened one of the doors, a lavish hotel appeared before me.
It was breathtaking. Still, I wondered who wanted to meet me here. Everything almost overwhelmed me. Straightening my posture, I walked up to the reception and rang the bell. I rang, rang and waited for what felt like hours. No one appeared. 'How disappointing' I thought, staring up at the two stairs.
Slowly, I made my way up the staircase, seeing a bar before me. Lots of whiskey it seems. It took up a lot of the second level and added nothing but mystery to the hotel I was called to. October 30th. A day before All Hallows Eve. Not even a decoration, which was quite boring. The glum aura of the hotel only got deeper as I roamed the long, windy halls.
The walls all looked the same and never changed. Elevators on one of the walls. The doors also looked the same. Numbers kept going up. My heels were feeling like hell, so I stopped by a door, and took my heels off, immediately feeling relief. Thankfully, that wasn't the door I was looking for. At least I hoped. So I carried on walking around the halls. I felt crazy, wandering and roaming the empty halls, small sounds coming out of every single dark red door. Before an open door came into my eyes. I stopped next to it and peeked my head through.
What stood there was a lush, velvet room. Dark green filled the floor and carpets. Small tables held alcohol, snacks, cigarettes and more. The bed was bigger than I had ever imagined. It almost looked royal, and I had a suspicion, this was the room.
But what took my attention was a man. He stood around 6 feet. The suit was navy and looked freshly pressed. The shoes were a sharp black, but shiny. As I looked him up, I saw his face. Handsome, with a small moustache, and slicked-back hair. But his eyes made me realise something. This was James Patrick March. But, he was dead. He died 8 years ago. It shocked me, and by accident, I dropped my heels, which made him snap his head around. "Ah! You're here." He just smiled. His smile was attractive, but I stood there in shock.
Very quickly, I brought myself back, and put my heels on. "Are you the writer of this letter?" I asked, holding it up out of my bag. He walked towards me, and grabbed it, immediately reading it.
"Yes, indeed I did."
"But sir, with respect, you are James Patrick March. You should be dead. Did you fake the suicide?" I asked, crossing my arms. He seemed to admire my shape. He looked at me like he was about to make me a new person.
"You are correct in the fact that I should be dead my dear Y/N. However, I am indeed dead." He smiled at me, offering his hand to me. I took his hand in mine, and he led me in, closing the door behind us. We made eye contact, and it never broke. Questions I wanted to ask, ran past my thoughts. But our silence was kept as James sat me down. The bed was just as soft as I hoped, and he went to the table, picking up a drink. "Absinthe. Have some."
"Well yes." He held it out to me, so I took it, not wanting to make him upset. Keeping, almost, harsh eye contact with him, would kill him to soften his gaze as I stopped the gross liquid down my throat. It burned like the Opium someone had me take.
It seemed I started to sell my love for that drug. It kept me sane as I dressed in black which only hit my lower thigh, the fishnets ripped in places I didn't know. And I always wear dark heels always. Kitten heels, but tonight I decided to make them taller. Makeup was quiet on my face, but it was there. James took it all in, and I stood up, my bag now on the bed. "James. If you are a ghost, why can I touch you?" I asked, confidently placing a hand on his shoulder, attempting to make this whole experience quicker.
"Ghosts can interact with the living in this hotel, and this hotel only." He responded, taking the drink from my hand and simply placing a finger under my chin.
"Does it feel different? To do it with a living human?"
"I have not yet experienced that. That's why you are here yes?" Without thinking, I nodded. Something drew me to him. But I couldn't tell what it was. He was a serial killer, a madman. So I took his arms, brought him to the bed, and then slowly undid the buttons on his blazer. "Take your time dear, don't rush it." He smiled, starting to kiss me, the taste of absinthe finding my throat once again.
The morning came, and I awoke slowly, barely any light came through the window. The room was still glum, and velvety. A man came in holding some food and smiled at me. "Y/N. You are awake." Clearly, I wasn't looking great, since I saw mascara smeared on my fingers. But I smiled either way. "I had someone make you breakfast before you left."
"Well, that isn't what you asked unless you're willing to add more to my pay." A smirked curled my lips. I took the breakfast anyway and snarfed down every bite. James was, a rough customer. Nothing like I hadn't seen before.
"I can and will pay you every single penny I own if you're happy with being here." A slight sarcastic twinge began the sentence, but he smiled at me, watching me eat the food like it was my last meal.
I took the napkin and cleaned my face with it before pushing the tray away. James was just watching me as I got up and dressed myself again, It felt good, people would always watch me. I was like Monique Gibeau to people, a classic whore in France who 'helped' soldiers. "James?" I asked, walking up to him. He looked enamoured with me, rookie mistake.
"Yes, my dear?"
"120 dollars. Including breakfast."
He raised an eyebrow at me. The time disappeared. It suddenly meant nothing anymore. Eyes staring at each other. I fell to my knees and heard the fishnets graze against the lush floor. Why couldn't I look around? James, like the bitch he was, started to leave. "James! James please." I croaked out.
"Whores die as whores." I felt crazy, and the sweet, dark black washed over me, I couldn't think anymore, and James had left me to burn out.
Soon enough, though, I brought myself up. Confused, I looked around until my eyes went to the floor. A knife. It was a shiny knife. When I picked it up, a drop of deep red blood fell from it and I stared, holding it. Who's blood was this?! But I dropped it as someone came in. She was dressed as a maid and had scruffy hair. "Has James not yet cleaned the knife? Oh dear. Well, the sheets are clean, that's all that matters." She smiled at me, and I elicited a small chuckle as a response.
"Um, would you mind telling me what happened here? It feels like I woke up from a horrible dream.."
"He killed you. That should be obvious enough."
Could my hands shake now I was dead? Apparently, so, I felt shaky, and I sat myself on the wall by a window. Everything felt off now. Not like I had any next of kin that would feel bad for me, but, I still felt like I was hurting someone. The woman left though, not even a sorry leaving her lips. I felt like I was going to explode. I'm dead? Why? I couldn't remember anything at all.
I heard nothing in my ears, and my heart wasn't beating, but it seemed like I was breathing. Still confused and scared, I roamed my own hands over my body, no scars. No stab wounds. What the fuck was happening?! I was still wearing the short, black dress with everything else. Suddenly I felt humbled. I felt humbled by the fact that I wasted my life being a prostitute in 1938. It wasn't right but it wasn't wrong either. Wasted it, with the drugs, and the various people. Men, women, freaks. Who fucking cared.
Sobbing, I stayed in that room for hours. James soon came back in and looked down at me. Literally and figuratively. "Did you fucking call me in just to kill me?"
He hummed and that was it. "Maybe it was because I wanted you forever hm? And so I can make you a better person. You are too beautiful to be working like that."
"I'm flattered," I said flatly, taking off my heels and not making eye contact with him. "Fine, if I'm stuck here where is a spare room."
"You will stay here with me."
"Like hell, I will."
He sneered at me. "You have a roof over your head, you have food at your disposal, alcohol, cigarettes! You have everything now at your fingertips, how can you not be satisfied with that!?"
"Because you fucking killed me!!" I stood up and prodded his chest with my finger, beginning to walk out, grabbing my purse in the meantime.
I felt his eyes on me as I walked out of the room.
Time passed quicker in this hotel once you were dead it seemed. I was always roaming the halls, soliciting people for fun. I never had a thirst for blood like the others. I walked past James one evening, a tension created around us as we made eye contact. A sexual tension that I didn't feel with anyone else who thought they were high and mighty. "Y/N. Let me make everything up to you. Dinner. Tonight in my room."
I raised an eyebrow at him as I leaned against a wall. He just smiled at me confidently, Well he was cute I will give him that. "Do I have to wear my heels?"
His smile just widened. "You can wear as much or as little as you like. Steal from a guest if you want." James then quickly kissed my cheek and walked off in the opposite direction of me. I didn't mind watching him walk away, but I shook that out of my mind and made my way to another door, knocking swiftly on it.
A pretty woman opened the door and I smiled at her. "Good morning! I was wondering if I could come in and have a talk? I'm a bit lonely here.." I put on my quiet shy persona, and she just smiled warmly.
"Of course my little mouse." She truly was beautiful as she smiled, her blonde hair was in a top bun, and she was wearing a white, low-cut dress to the floor.
"You look so beautiful my dear." I smiled and he held my hand as he walked me in. "The dress looks so familiar to me."
"I met with a lovely woman called Elizabeth, She has long blonde hair, and she told me she's married to you, but it's an open marriage." I just giggled and sat on a chair opposite James. He grinned and nodded.
"Of course, it was my darling Countess. She is truly wonderous. She must have smelt me on you and took you in."
"Like, your cologne?"
He nodded as the maid walked in with some plates and placed them on the table I was sitting in front of. Everything looked fit for royalty, and I couldn't see myself eating any of this. "My dear please eat this. Miss Evers made it all for you to enjoy. You deserve nothing but the best food."
The candles entranced me, and I was staring at the flames, moving and burning. Everything in this hotel made me feel like I didn't belong here. The small roast was in front of me, and it didn't feel right to take a slice. "Hummingbird why don't you take some food and eat up. You haven't eaten anything since I gave you Breakfast."
"This... James. It's so much. I haven't had this much food in front of me. Let alone a whole roast! It's... overwhelming."
James got up and kneeled next to me. His eyes were soft. He never had that look on his face before. "Oh my darling, how about I give you a small forkful, and we can go from there?" He asked, putting some food on my own plate. It felt like I was a child, but it worked. No one dared enter now, otherwise, I had to die another time. Smells flooded me. Slowly, James took a fork and put some of the food on it, reaching for me. "Come on my dear, let me help you eat." As embarrassing as it felt, he helped me eat. Eating this much wasn't normal, and I avoided James' worried gaze.
We finished our food after about 20 minutes and I smiled to myself, happy that I had eaten something. "Do you feel better now my dear?"
"Yes, I do. Thank you James." He held my hands and pulled me up gently. "I feel so tired now.." The silent tension was replaced with just a comfortable silence as he held me.
"Let's get you to your bed then hm?" I nodded in response, and he kissed me, which felt odd, but nice. A genuine kiss, not a kiss that my clients had nothing behind it.
"That sounds nice James. Thank you."
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Why the Crumbling Computer Conspiracy Case Is So Vital to the US
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Since the U.S. is on shaky constitutional ground with the espionage indictment, the computer intrusion charge has served as a hook to try to get Assange, by portraying him not as a journalist, but as a hacker, writes Cathy Vogan.
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While most of the talk about the Julian Assange case is about the espionage charges, which are political in nature, the U.S. case hangs by a thread for the second time on the non-political charge: conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.
There is a reason why the computer charge is so vital to the U.S. case. Charging a journalist with espionage for unauthorized possession and dissemination of defense information has been possible since 1917, but it runs the risk of violating the First Amendment.
The tradition has been instead to charge leakers and hackers for breach of an oath, contract or firewall. The legal and public perception of hacking is that it is much like burglary; something generally feared and whose punishment by the state is not subject to political debate or opposing laws; but rather welcomed. The intrusion charge shifts public and legal perception.
Since the U.S. is on shaky constitutional ground with the espionage indictment, the computer intrusion charge has served as a hook to try to get Assange, by portraying him not as a journalist, but as a hacker. Underscoring the difference between the two is fundamental to the U.S. case.
That’s why the U.S. prosecutor, James Lewis QC, on the opening day of Assange’s extradition hearing in February 2020 turned to the press in the courtroom and told them journalism was not the target of the U.S. prosecution. He said Assange was not a journalist and instead had participated in the theft of government documents. In other words: he’s not a journalist like you, but a hacker.
This distinction was spelled out by none other than the current president of the United States when he was vice president in December 2010. He told television interviewer David Gregory:
“If he conspired to get these classified documents, with a member of the U.S. military, that’s fundamentally different than if someone drops on your lap [reaches out to news anchor and slaps table], Here David, you’re a press person. Here is classified material.”
Declined to Indict
Unable to come up with that proof, the Obama-Biden administration declined to indict Assange in 2011. The New York Times had published many of the same WikiLeaks documents that Assange had, so logically, the Times would be just as guilty of violating the Espionage Act.
Indicting Assange and the Times would be a clear conflict with the First Amendment. But if it could be proven he was a hacker, and not just a journalist, that would have opened the way to indicting Assange, Joe Biden said.
Faced with this same dilemma, the U.S. bolstered its Espionage Act indictment of Assange with seperate charges for conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. The indictment was marked SEALED but then “Filed in Open Court” on March, 8, 2018, almost a full year before Assange was arrested, April 11, 2019. On that day the computer intrustion indictment was unveiled to the public.
We have known since 2012 of a grand jury investigation into “conspiracy to communicate or transmit national defense information”. A former lawyer for Assange, the late Michael Ratner, explained the middle section of a code (11-3/ 10GJ3793/ 11-937) marked on a subpoena related to the investigation: “10 is the year it began; GJ is grand jury; 3 is the conspiracy statute in the US and 793 is the espionage statute.” The grand jury was investigating conspiracy in 2010, as Biden had suggested that December, in an effort to portray the Australian journalist as a non-passive recipient of the classified information he published.
The “hacking” indictment that was issued on the day of his arrest argues in strained language that Assange had conspired with his source, Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, to illegally obtain defense information. The indictment, however, admits Manning had security clearances to legally access the material.
The charge of conspiracy with Manning hangs solely on evidence that appeared at Manning’s court marshal, a chat log between Nobody [Manning] and someone with the moniker Nathaniel Frank. That Manning was seeking help with a password hash from Frank has been held up as the evidence of conspiracy.
In the computer intrusion indictment of Assange, the U.S. claims:
“Cracking the password would have allowed Manning to log onto the computers under a usemame [sic] that did not belong to her. Such a measure would have made it more difficult for investigators to identify Manning as the source of disclosures of classified information.”
This argument was seriously undermined on Day 14 of the September extradition hearing when forensic examiner Patrick Eller offered his expert testimony for the defense on the Manning conspiracy theory.
Eller said the U.S. couldn’t prove, nor was he asked to prove, that the moniker Manning was conversing with was Assange. And Manning’s top secret access was only permitted on her login, for which she had the password. Logging in as another “usemame”, meant she would have been locked out.
Nor would logging in as another user have given Manning anonymity, as the government alleges, since the physical IP address of the terminal was recorded, regardless of who was logged in. From the Manning court-marshal, it emerged that the government knew who was on shift at the time. In light of Eller’s testimony, the U.S. scenario of Assange’s conspiracy with Manning was shown to be unfeasible.
The U.S. had heard earlier from the defense in February 2020 that Manning’s purpose was probably to install video games, films and music videos on the lads’ computers, which were forbidden to those on active duty. Eller testified to the same.
According to what Biden said in 2011, it was imperative for the U.S. to keep alive this apparently ‘minor’ computer charge that carries a maximum of five years in prison, compared to 170 years under the espionage charges. But it isn’t minor. It is the hook that enables the charges of espionage, it smears Assange and it drives a wedge between him and support from an increasingly nervous mainstream media.
The Second Superseding Indictment
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In June 2020, the Trump Department of Justice, apparently unsure that the computer intrusion charge in relation to Manning was strong enough to portray Assange as a hacker, issued a second superseding indictment that relied on the testimony of a WikiLeaks volunteer and later FBI informant, who said Assange had directed him to conduct hacking operations.
This evidence was apparently obtained by the FBI in 2011 when the witness was one of its informants. But it was not revisited until the Trump DOJ offered the witness immunity sometime in 2019, likely after the April 2019 issuing of the first computer indictment, which did not contain his testimony. It appeared first in the second superseding indictment of June 2020.
That the evidence did not appear in the first indictment might indicate its unreliability, because the key witness has now recanted the testimony in an interview last month with the Icelandic publication Stundin.
Sigurdur Thordarson’s testimony was mentioned 22 times without question in the Magistrate’s Jan. 4 ruling against extraditing Assange, which the U.S. is now appealing. The UK court was not made aware of the identity and criminal history of the witness referred to as ‘Teenager’ in the second superseding indictment.
Thordarson’s chat logs not only negate those points of fact; they accord with what the Minister of the Interior of Iceland, Ögmundur Jónasson said, and recently told Consortium News:
“[The FBI] were in Iceland, to try to frame WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in particular. Now these are serious allegations, but I choose my words very, very carefully. Because I knew this from first-hand; from within the Icelandic administration. They were told that the idea was to use Sigurdur Thordarson, an Icelandic citizen, as an entrapment to contact Julian Assange and involve him in a criminal case, to be used later in the United States. This I know for certain, and I have stated this time and again, in February 2014, before 2013. I said before the Icelandic Foreign Affairs Committee and the Icelandic parliament, where this was discussed, and this in fact is not disputed. This is what happened.”
The FBI had resorted to working with Thordarson, a diagnosed sociopath and convicted fraudster, thief and pedophile. Stundin pointed out that his chat logs also revealed FBI grooming and conspiracy in the fabrication of false testimony.
Back to Biden
During Assange’s hearing last September, after numerous defense witnesses piled on evidence that indeed Assange was engaging in journalistic activity, prosecutor Lewis changed course and ultimately admitted to the court, that yes, he may have been practicing journalism, but the Espionage Act doesn’t make a distinction for journalists. Assange had unauthorized possession and disseminated defense information, and that was that.
With the recanting of Thordarson’s testimony, and the weakness of the conspiracy allegation with Manning, the U.S. is back to what Biden said when was vice president: that Assange is a journalist who was merely doing his job by receiving state secrets, pretty much in his lap.
If Assange is extradited to stand trial in the U.S., what would happen if the computer intrusion charge collapses? It would leave the U.S. with only the political charges and Assange in the same legal state as other publishers of the same material, protected by the First Amendment.
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xmasqoo-haineke · 4 years
Per aspera ad astra (phrase meaning) … Not to be confused with "Per ardua ad astra." … * *  * "Ad astra per aspera" redirects here. For other uses, see Per aspera ad astra (disambiguation). Disclosure: This article may need additional citations for verification.  Find sources: "Per aspera ad astra" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2020)  "Per aspera ad astra", from Finland in the Nineteenth Century, 1894 Per aspera ad astra (or, less commonly, ad astra per aspera) is a popular Latin phrase meaning "through hardships to the stars". The phrase is one of the many Latin sayings that use the expression ad astra, meaning "to the stars". Contents 1 Uses 1.1 Governmental entities 1.2 Military and government 1.3 Literature 1.4 Music 1.5 Anime 1.6 Educational and research institutions 1.6.1 Australia 1.6.2 Austria 1.6.3 Botswana 1.6.4 Ecuador 1.6.5 Estonia 1.6.6 Honduras 1.6.7 India 1.6.8 Jamaica 1.6.9 Japan 1.6.10 Macau 1.6.11 Maldives 1.6.12 New Zealand 1.6.13 Nigeria 1.6.14 Norway 1.6.15 Pakistan 1.6.16 Paraguay 1.6.17 Philippines 1.6.18 Romania 1.6.19 Russia 1.6.20 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.6.21 Slovakia 1.6.22 Slovenia 1.6.23 South Africa 1.6.24 Sri Lanka 1.6.25 Sweden 1.6.26 Tajikistan 1.6.27 Ukraine 1.6.28 United Kingdom 1.6.29 United States 1.7 Fraternities and sororities 1.8 Popular culture 1.9 Others 2 See also 3 References 4 External link Uses[edit] Various organizations and groups use this expression and its variants. Governmental entities[edit] Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin[1] State of Kansas (Ad astra per aspera)[2] Municipality of Cheribon, Netherlands East Indies[3] City of Gouda, The Netherlands[4] Honored Scientist of Armenia[5] Military and government[edit] Department of Civil Aviation, Thailand[6] Military Technical Academy in Bucharest, Romania[7] National Defence Academy of Latvia[8] South African Air Force[9] Spanish Air Force Hon. Julie Payette, 29th Governor General of Canada[10] Royal Life Guards (Denmark) Literature[edit] In Kenta Shinohara's Astra Lost in Space, it is inscribed on a plaque on the bridge of the ship that the crew subsequently decided to name the Astra.[11] In Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan, it was quoted as both the motto of Martian Imperial Commandos, a unit within the larger Martian Army, in addition to being the motto of Kansas, U.S.A., Earth, Solar System, Milky Way. In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird", it was quoted as the motto of Maycomb, during the school play. In James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"[12] In Pierce Brown's "Red Rising" book series it is a common phrase used by the Golds of The Society. In M.L.Rio's "If We Were Villains" it is the motto of the Dellecher Academy. Music[edit] The subtitle of Moritz Moszkowski's set of fifteen Études de Virtuosité for piano, op. 72 (published 1903). The subtitle of Charles Villiers Stanford's Piano Trio No. 3, Op. 158 (1918). The title of the fourth album by ambient music duo Stars of the Lid (1998). The subtitle of Sergei Bortkiewicz's 3rd piano concerto (1927). The title of a song by Spiritual Beggars from their album Ad Astra (2000). The title of a song by Haggard (band) from their album "Eppur Si Muove" (2004). Acceptance has an instrumental track on their Phantoms album titled "Ad Astra Per Aspera" (2005). The title of the second album (2011) by Abandon Kansas. Per Aspera Ad Aspera, the name of a best-of album by the band ASP (2014). The title of a march by Ernst Urbach op. 4 (1906). The title of an album of marches by the Royal Norwegian Air Force Band. The title of a composition by Hasaan Ibn Ali from his second Atlantic recording, never released, the master tapes of which were destroyed in the Atlantic warehouse fire of 1978.[13] The subtitle of an instrumental song by the symphonic metal band Nightwish (2020). Anime[edit] Mentioned in anime Astra Lost in Space on the Ark Series Spaceship which is later named as ASTRA. Educational and research institutions[edit] Australia[edit] Queenwood School for Girls, Mosman NSW Woodville High School, Adelaide Albury High School, Albury, New South Wales[14] Girton Grammar School, Bendigo, Victoria Austria[edit] Universität Klagenfurt Botswana[edit] St. Joseph's College, Kgale Ecuador[edit] Instituto Nacional Mejía,Quito, Ecuador Estonia[edit] Keila-Joa Boarding School, Türisalu[15] Jakob Westholm Secondary School, Tallinn[16] Honduras[edit] Escuela Nacional de Música, Tegucigalpa Instituto Salesiano San Miguel, Tegucigalpa India[edit] Clarence High School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - Motto of Redwood House (Ad Astra) St. Augustine's High School, kalimpong, District:Darjeeling, India Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), New Delhi, India The Frank Anthony Public School,Kolkata,India The Frank Anthony Public School, Delhi, India - Motto of Ranger House St Joseph's High School, Dharwad, Karnataka, India Antonio D'souza High School, Mumbai, India Technology Research and Incubation Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland Jamaica[edit] Immaculate Conception High School, St. Andrew Mount Alvernia High School, Montego Bay Japan[edit] St. Francis Church, Tokyo, West-Hachioji, Gnosis Essene (HP) Macau[edit] Postgraduate Association of University of Macau, Macau Maldives[edit] MNDF Fire and Rescue Services Training School, K.Viligili New Zealand[edit] Rotorua Boys' High School, Rotorua Nigeria[edit] Ilupeju College, Ilupeju, Lagos Lagos Secondary Commercial Academy, LASCA Kalabari National College, Buguma, Rivers State Oriwu Model College, Igbogbo, Ikorodu Norway[edit] Stavanger Cathedral School, Stavanger Sortland videregående skole, Nordland Lillehammer videregående skole Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Pakistan[edit] St Patrick's High School, Karachi St. Patrick's College, Karachi Paraguay[edit] Universidad Autónoma de Asunción Philippines[edit] Far Eastern University - Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, Quezon City St. John Paul II College of Davao, Davao City Rosevale School, Cagayan de Oro City Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School, Gapan City Cagayan State University, Tuguegarao City Romania[edit] Mihai Eminescu High School,[17] Suceava Colegiul National "Andrei Saguna" Brasov[18] Colegiul National "Doamna Stanca" Fagaras[19] Alexandru Papiu Ilarian High School,[20] Targu-Mures Andrei Mureşanu High School,[21] Bistrița Márton Áron Főgimnázium [ro], Csíkszereda (Liceul Teoretic "Márton Áron", Miercurea-Ciuc) Ovidius High School,[22] Constanta Military Technical Academy,[23] Bucharest Russia[edit] School no. 1259, Moscow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines[edit] Saint Vincent Grammar School, Kingstown Slovakia[edit] Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak Organisation for Space Activities Slovenia[edit] Prva gimnazija Maribor, Maribor Gimnazija Jesenice, Jesenice Gimnazija Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka South Africa[edit] Pietersburg Hoërskool[24] Tembisa Secondary School South African Air Force[25][circular reference] Ribane-Laka Secondary School Chistlehurst Academics and Arts School Sri Lanka[edit] St. Paul's Girls' School, Milagiriya, Colombo District, Western Province Sweden[edit] Västmanland Air Force Wing[26] Tajikistan[edit] Gymnasium #1 after V. Chkalov, Buston, Khujand, Sugd region Ukraine[edit] Space Museum dedicated to Korolyov in Zhytomyr Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Bucha Ukrainian gymnasium United Kingdom[edit] The Royal School, Haslemere, Surrey Colfe's School, Greenwich, London Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, Kent Dr. Challoner's Grammar School, Amersham, Buckinghamshire British Lawn Mower Racing Association United States[edit] California State University East Bay, Hayward, California[27] Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina[28] Cornelia Strong College, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina Coventry High School, Coventry, Rhode Island East Hampton High School, East Hampton, Connecticut Greenhill School, Dallas, Texas[29] Irvington Union Free School District, Irvington, New York Saint Joseph Academy, Brownsville, Texas Lake View High School, Chicago, Illinois Lyndon Institute, Lyndon Center, Vermont Macopin Middle School, West Milford, New Jersey Miami Central High School, Miami, Florida Midwood High School, Brooklyn, New York Mirman School, Los Angeles, California Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, New Jersey Mount Saint Michael Academy, Bronx, New York Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida Seven Lakes High School, Katy, Texas Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey[30] Trinity Prep, Winter Park, Florida[31] Townsend Harris High School, Queens, New York University High School, Fresno, California University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee Oak Harbor Academy Private School, Lemoore, California Fraternities and sororities[edit] Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity[32] Sigma Gamma Phi – Arethusa Sorority[33] Korp! Amicitia – Estonian student sorority. Freemasons-Knight's Templar, 32nd Degree K.Ö.St.V. Almgau Salzburg - Austrian Catholic Student Association[34] K.a.V. Danubia Wien-Korneuburg im ÖCV - Austrian Catholic Student Association Popular culture[edit] Appears on the hull of the ship 'Searcher' in the second season of Buck Rogers. Garrison Keillor routinely references the phrase as the only Latin phrase he cared to remember on A Prairie Home Companion.[35][36] Per Aspera Ad Astra is a Soviet Russian science fiction film by Richard Viktorov, written by Kir Bulychov. Rip Torn says this phrase to David Bowie in the film The Man Who Fell to Earth. Tomo Milicevic of the band 30 Seconds to Mars has a tattoo on his right forearm reading 'per aspera et astra', with the band's logo in the background in red. Aspera! Per aspera! Per ardua! Ad astra! is the refrain of the song "Aspera" by Erin McKeown on the album We Will Become Like Birds. American singer, rapper, dancer, actress, and songwriter Kiely Williams has "Per aspera ad astra" tattooed on her right forearm. Title of a play depicting the history of the fictional Maycomb County in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the translation is given as from the mud to the stars. Title of a song by Haggard, from the album Eppur Si Muove. The name of an album by Abandon Kansas. It is one of many hidden messages in the 2009 video game The Conduit. Motto of the Martian Imperial Commandos in Kurt Vonnegut novel, The Sirens of Titan. Title of a song by Seattle-based band Acceptance. Title of a song by Goasia, appearing on the album From Other Spaces (Suntrip Records, 2007) Appears on right side shoulder patch in Star Trek Enterprise, on the "newer" uniform style shown on the series finale. In Star Trek The Next Generation it is shown to be the motto of Starfleet. The official motto of Solforce in the videogame Sword of the Stars. The phrase is used as the name of the tenth track on the score for the film Underworld: Rise of the Lycans by Paul Haslinger. Title of a song by the band Spiritual Beggars from their album Ad Astra. Title of a song by the band Die Apokalyptischen Reiter from their album Samurai. The final mission (Chapter 15) in the Mafia II video game In a tattoo piece in The Raven The phrase has been spoofed slightly by the band Ghost in the song "Per Aspera Ad Inferi" from their album Infestissumam[37] literally meaning "Through hardships to hell".[38] Title of a background music from the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire video games which plays during a voyage into space. In the 2015 film The Martian, at the end of the film astronaut Mark Watney is giving his first lecture to the Astronaut Candidate Program and the phrase appears embedded in the central floor area of the lecture hall around a logo In Bioware's Mass Effect 3, this phrase is set in the middle of the wall of names dedicated to the fallen crew members of the main ship, the SSV Normandy SR2. Title of character leveling achievements in Mistwalker's mobile game Terra Battle Found in the Gravity Falls Journal #3, penned on the title page. Appears on the journal both in the show and on the real-life replica.[39] The title of a Pee Wee Gaskins album (2010). The title character in Ottessa Moshfegh's novel Eileen accepts and smokes a Pall Mall and refers to the motto on the package translated as "Through the thorns to the stars." On the ship the students find in Astra Lost in Space, there is a plaque with this saying on it. The motto of the Golds in Pierce Brown's Red Rising Series. Ad Astra is a 2019 American science fiction film by James Gray. Appears in the logo of the Universal Paperclips Advanced AI Research Group. Others[edit] As part of the official team crest of Arendal Football As part of the team crest of the former Collingwood Cricket Club. A plaque honoring the astronauts of Apollo 1 at the launch site where they perished. A tribute exhibit to the Apollo 1 Astronauts "Ad Astra Per Aspera - A Rough Road Leads to the Stars" opened on January 27, 2017, the 50th anniversary of the loss of the crew, at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Inscribed on the crest of Pall Mall cigarettes packages[40] The theme of "POR CC XXI" by Kolese Kanisius Jakarta Part of a custom paint job in World Of Tanks Tradewinds Swiss[41] Space Development Network[42] Part three of the book Jepp who Defied the Stars by Katherine Marsh has the phrase as its title.[43] Appears in Morse code on the track titled "Sounds of Earth" on the Voyager Golden Record that has copies aboard the Voyager 1 & 2 spacecraft that are currently in interstellar space. [44] See also[edit] Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity to the stars") Per ardua ad astra, additional uses with reference to above article Ad astra per aspera, additional uses Per aspera ad astra, references this article References[edit] ^ "Decorations of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin". Archived from the original on 2008-08-29. ^ "Seal of Kansas". Kansapedia. Kansas Historical Society. March 2014. Archived from the original on 2020-07-06. Retrieved 2020-07-06. ^ "Nederlandsch-Indische Gemeentewapens" (PDF). NV Mij Vorkink. September 1933. Retrieved 2019-07-23. ^ "Gouda in the official Dutch heraldic records". High Council of the Nobility (Hoge Raad van Adel), The Hague. Retrieved 2019-10-28. ^ "Honored Scientist of Armenia" (PDF). Retrieved Sep 24, 2020. ^ Department of Civil Aviation Emblems Archived April 27, 2009, at the Wayback Machine ^ "Academia Tehnica Militara". Mta.ro. Archived from the original on 2007-07-03. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ http://www.naa.mil.lv/en.aspx ^ "The South African Air Force Emblems". Saairforce.co.za. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "OSGG/BSGG @RideauHall Twitter". twitter.com. Retrieved 2017-10-04. ^ Kenta Shinohara (w, a). Astra Lost in Space 2: 24/4 (2016-08-23), Viz Media ^ Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. p. 222. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-07-18. Retrieved 2014-07-18. ^ "Albury High School". Albury-h.schools.nsw.edu.au. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Keila-Joa Boarding School". Keila-joa.edu.ee. Archived from the original on 2013-12-24. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Jakob Westholm Secondary School". westholm.ee. Retrieved 2014-11-05. ^ "Colegiul Național Mihai Eminescu". cn-eminescu.ro. Retrieved 2014-02-23. ^ "Colegiul Naţional "Andrei Şaguna", Braşov". Saguna.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Naţional "Doamna Stanca", Braşov". Doamnastanca.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Naţional Alexandru Papiu Ilarian". Papiu.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Național Andrei Mureșanu". Cnam.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Liceul Teoretic Ovidius". liceulovidius.ro. Retrieved 2014-07-01. ^ "Military Technical Academy Bucharest". www.mta.ro/. Retrieved 2017-11-08. ^ "Pietersburg Hoerskool". Pieties.co.za. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ South African Air Force ^ Braunstein, Christian (2005). Svenska flygvapnets förband och skolor under 1900-talet (PDF). Skrift / Statens försvarshistoriska museer, 1101-7023 ; 8 [dvs 9] (in Swedish). Stockholm: Statens försvarshistoriska museer. p. 44. ISBN 9197158488. SELIBR 9845891. ^ "California State University East Bay". Csueastbay.edu. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ Campbell University: General Information Archived July 26, 2008, at the Wayback Machine ^ Greenhill School: Statement of Philosophy Archived 2009-01-06 at Archive.today ^ "Stevens Institute of Technology: About Stevens". Stevens.edu. Archived from the original on 2013-10-12. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Trinity Prep School: myTPS Portal". Trinityprep.org. Archived from the original on 2012-06-07. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Beta Sigma Psi 2006 National Convention, see page header". Convention.betasigmapsi.org. 2009-12-27. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Sigma Gamma Phi at SUNY Oneonta". Oneonta.edu. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ Almgau, 2014 (7 May 2011). "Startseite - ALMGAU". K.ö.St.V. Almgau Salzburg im MKV. ^ "transcript from the September 17, 2011 episode of A Prairie Home Companion". ^ Rev. Andy Ferguson. "Church Street United Methodist Church: February 20, 2001". churchstreetumc.blogspot.com. ^ "Ghost B.C. Store". Myplaydirect.com. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "A Nameless Ghoul From Ghost B.C. Speaks About 'Infestissumam', the Devil + More". Loudwire. Retrieved 2013-08-04. ^ Noble, Barnes &. "Gravity Falls: Journal 3|Hardcover". Barnes & Noble. Retrieved 2020-02-25. ^ "Pall Mall". History of Cigarette Brands. Archived from the original on 2011-08-17. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Test Tradewinds Swiss". ^ "(CA) Who owns the phone number? - Identify the Owner of a Phone Number 123". ownerphonenumber.online. Retrieved Sep 24, 2020. ^ Jepp who Defied the Stars, p. 225, at Google Books ^ "Voyager - Sounds on the Golden Record". voyager.jpl.nasa.gov. Retrieved Sep 24, 2020.
Click here to read more ==> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_aspera_ad_astra
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ramesadoll9-blog · 4 years
Patriots sign veteran running back Lamar Miller to one-year deal, per report
The New England Patriots are toting  Dolphins vs Patriots up some veteran severity in the backfield, inking government avowal occurring going on Lamar Miller to a one-year conformity, according to Adam Schefter of ESPN. This comes after the 29-year-out of date visited considering the club concerning the subject of Monday, per the transaction wire. Miller missed all of the 2019 season due to a torn ACL but is said to be thoroughly recovered from the offend and is ready to deed 2020.  
Miller is a former fourth-round select of the Miami Dolphins gain 2012, so he is no stranger to the AFC East. He played four years in Miami and conventional himself as the starter during his sophomore season in the league. Over that stretch, Miller totaled 2,930 yards concerning the auditorium and 19 hurrying touchdowns even if catching 117 passes for 887 yards and three more scores. His period considering the Dolphins came to a close in 2016 after signing a four-year concurrence gone the Texans. In Houston, Miller started in 41 of his 44 games played.
The last period we proverb him during the regular season came backing in 2018 subsequent to the 5-foot-10, 221 pounder totaled 1,136  yards from scrimmage behind six touchdowns. He tore his ACL during the Texans' third preseason game last summer, which sidelined him for every 2019 be in be lackluster.
Miller now joins a definitely crowded New England backfield that consists of James White, Sony Michel, Rex Burkhead, Damien Harris, and J.J. Taylor. Michel, who led the club when 912 yards rushing in 2019, is currently upon the PUP list as he is still recovering from offseason foot surgery.  Veteran dealing out urge a propos Lamar Miller has found his showing off abet to the AFC East.
The New England Patriots intensely to terms when the former Miami Dolphins draft out of the undistinguished upon a one-year pact Monday, his representation, Rosenhaus Sports, told ESPNs Adam Schefter.
The promise is pending a monster for Miller, 29, who missed the 2019 regular season due to a torn ACL suffered last August.
The Miami Hurricanes product has join together 5,864 rushing yards, 1,565 receiving yards and 40 quantity touchdowns previously entering the league in the fourth round of the 2012 draft. Miller spent the adding four campaigns once the Houston Texans and was named a Pro Bowler in 2018.
He has appeared in 105 career games even though twice eclipsing the 1,000-yard mark upon the auditorium.
New Englands nimble backfield intensity chart includes Sony Michel, Damien Harris, James White, Rex Burkhead and undrafted rookie J.J. Taylor after Brandon Bolden opted out of the upcoming season.
Michel, who underwent foot surgery in the spring, remains upon the physically unable to sham list.
The Patriots initial practice of training camp will arrive Wednesday. Full-pads do something will follow upon Aug. 17.The New England Patriots knew in mid-March or as a upshot that they would have to begin planning for moving picture without Tom Brady, he of the book six Super Bowl rings and arguably the greatest NFL artist in archives. What the Patriots didn't, know, however, until recently was that they as well as would have to intention for computer graphics in 2020 without a whopping eight players who opted out, including starters in linebacker Dont'a Hightower, safety Patrick Chung and awful dispatch Marcus Cannon.The eight opt outs were on extremity of double any count NFL team except for Cleveland (five) and accounted for 10 percent of New England's training camp roster (those are all along to 80 this year) by now there was even a first practice.
This season could be Bill Belichick's greatest coaching challenge in addition to the Patriots as he looks to extend their NFL-folder remoteness winning streak to 12 in a dispute. However, the whole those opt outs did decline the Pats into a co-favored role in the AFC East past the Buffalo Bills. In put in, the Under is now a stuffy favorite upon New England's Over-Under win quantity of 9.5.The Patriots did make a attain of a boost via the model and the William Hill oddsmakers as soon as than they signed former NFL MVP Cam Newton to a one-year accord. Belichick has flat-out said that Newton will have to destroy out second-year Jarrett Stidham in camp to win the Week 1 quarterback job, but it would be a terrible calamity if it's not Newton taking the first snap upon Sept. 13 vs. Miami.
For what it's worth, former long-time Patriots detestable origin coach Dante Scarnecchia doesn't think it will be a near accomplishment, either: "I think (Newton) has a supreme edge, because of what he's over and finished together in the middle of in the league. The boy was an MVP [in 2015]. We played adjoining him a number of time, have a loud adoration for him as a artiste and leader, and the things he's done. This boy, from a accomplish set, a lot every choice from guys we've had in there at quarterback more than the years. Stidham has to your liking feet and gaining to pretend to have and avoid the hurry, and create and function a lot of same things. I don't think he's to Cam's act-set, but this guy is a beautiful pleasurable artist."
It's not sure if New England will have summit outlook guidance Sony Michel to right of entry the season as he began camp upon the nimble/PUP list as soon as offseason foot surgery. Michel had a immense rookie season in 2019, especially the playoffs, but disappointed last year in averaging just 3.7 yards per carry.
Going by their opponents' 2019 cumulative winning percentage, the Pats have the NFL's toughest schedule this year as those foes were 137-118-1 (.537) in 2019. While the Dolphins and Jets are still rebuilding in the AFC East, the Bills see following a force and the Pats have deeply tough trips to both Los Angeles teams, Seattle, Kansas City and Houston and a habitat game vs. Baltimore.
New England hasn't been a regular-season underdog past Sept. 11, 2016, but will be sufficient in 2020  in front projections have the Pats as dogs in as many as seven games. They are 6-lessening house favorites for Week 1 vs. Miami.
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daydreamer0078 · 5 years
16 Most Anticipated Movies in 2020 that Must Watch
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There are special movies coming in 2020. We have to watch them without missing them. It's exciting that so many special movies releasing in 2020 that include birds of prey, do little, quiet place 2, black widow and other movies. These movies are producing by the major studios and releasing in 2020. If you're a movie lover, you shouldn't miss them. I don't think you don't miss them. As a movie lover, you are gonna watch all of them because the movies that are gonna release have a great expectations. The following list are the most anticipated movies which are gonna release in 2020. Do Little
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About Movie: Dolittle is an American action fantasy film directed by Stephen Gaghan from Gaghan's script and Thomas Shepherd's plot. The film is based on Hugh Lofting's character Doctor Dolittle, and primarily based on Doctor Dolittle's Voyages. Robert Downey Jr. appears as the title character in live-action performances along with Antonio Banderas and Michael Sheen; the voice cast features Emma Thompson, Rami Malek, John Cena, Kumail Nanjiani, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland, Craig Robinson, Ralph Fiennes, Selena Gomez and Marion Cotillard. Dolittle is scheduled to be released on January 17, 2020, in the United States. Plot: A doctor finds he can speak to animals Birds of Prey
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About Movie: Birds of Prey: And One Harley Quinn's Fantabulous Emancipation is an American superhero film based on Birds of Prey's DC Comics team. The film, directed by Cathy Yan and written by Christina Hodson, is intended to be the eighth film in the DC Extended Universe and a follow-up spin-off to the 2016 film Suicide Squad. Margot Robbie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Rosie Perez, Chris Messina, Ali Wong, Ella Jay Basco, and Ewan McGregor. Birds of Prey is the first R-rated DCEU film. On February 7, 2020, Warner Bros is scheduled to release Birds of Prey in the United States. Plot: Harley Quinn meets Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya after breaking with the Joker to save a young girl from a lord of bad crime.   A Quiet Place: Part II
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About Movie: A Quiet Place: Part II is the sequel to A Quiet Place (2018) of an upcoming American horror film. The sequel film, directed and written by John Krasinski, stars Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, and Noah Jupe. The cast is also joined by Cillian Murphy and Djimon Hounsou. After the first film's box office success. Krasinski wrote the film by August 2018 and was hired to direct in February 2019. From June 2019 to September 2019, production took place in Western New York. On March 20, 2020, Paramount Pictures plans to release A Quiet Place: Part II at theaters. Plot: The Abbott family is now facing the outside world's horror after the events at home. Forced to venture into the unknown, they realize the creatures that are not the only threats that lie beyond the path of the sand.   The New Mutants
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About Movie: The New Mutants is a group of new teenaged mutant superheroes-in-training distributed by Marvel Comics. They were the main characters of three successive series of comic books that were X-Men franchise spin-offs. Chris Claremont and artist Bob McLeod created the first team of characters from New Mutants. They first appeared in The New Mutants 1982, part of the Marvel Graphic Novel series, followed by their own cover from 1983 to 1991. A new group of young mutants is introduced in the second New Mutants in 2003. It was relaunched in 2004 as New X-Men: Academy X, after which the core squad was collectively called the "Young Mutants." The surviving members were incorporated into one junior team, the New X-Men, after the "M-Day" crossover event at the end of 2005. The third series of New Mutants was released in May 2009, putting together most of the original team. A film will be released on 3 April 2020 about the New Mutants. Plot: Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves. No Time to Die
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About Movie: No Time to Die is an  spy film and the twenty-fifth installment to be produced by Eon Productions in the James Bond film franchise. This features Daniel Craig as fictional MI6 agent James Bond in his fifth outing. It is written by Cary Joji Fukunaga, who also co-wrote the script with Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. With Rami Malek, Lashana Lynch and Ana de Armas joining the cast, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Léa Seydoux and Christoph Waltz take over from previous films. It will be the first film in the series to be internationally distributed by Universal Pictures.The film is scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom on April 2, 2020, and in the United States on April 10, 2020. Plot: Bond has left active service. His peace is short-lived when his old CIA friend Felix Leiter turns up asking for assistance, leading Bond to the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology. Black Widow
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About Movie: Black Widow is a forthcoming American superhero film based on the same name's Marvel Comics character. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film is directed by Jac Schaeffer and Ned Benson, Cate Shortland, and stars Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff, alongside David Harbour, Florence Pugh, O-T Fagbenle, and Rachel Weisz.  Black Widow is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on May 1, 2020. Plot:  Not yet revealed , but the film took place between the events Civil War and Infinity War.   Fast & Furious 9
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About Movie: Fast & Furious 9 is an  film directed by Justin Lin and penned by Daniel Casey on American violence. It will be the ninth installment in the Fast & Furious franchise, a sequel to 2017's The Fate of the Furious. The film will feature stars like Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chris Bridges "Ludacris," Nathalie Emmanuel, John Cena, Helen Mirren, Charlize Theron, and Michael Rooker. Fast & Furious 9 is scheduled to be released by Universal Pictures in the U.S. on May 22, 2020. Plot:  Not yet revealed. Wonder Woman 1984
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About Movie:  Wonder Woman 1984  is an  American superhero film based on the character DC Comics Wonder Woman, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It's a sequel to the Wonder Woman in 2017. Patty Jenkins directs the film from the screenplay she wrote with Geoff Johns and David Callaham, From Johns and Jenkins's narrative. Together with Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright, and Connie Nielsen, it stars Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman will be released by Warner Bros in the United States in 1984. From June 5, 2020 Plot: Not yet revealed. Top Gun: Maverick
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About Movie: Top Gun: Maverick is an  American adventure drama movie directed by Joseph Kosinski, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Tom Cruise, and David Ellison, composed by Ehren Kruger, Eric Warren Singer, and Christopher McQuarrie. It is the sequel to Top Gun (1986) and Tom Cruise, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Glen Powell, Lewis Pullman, Ed Harris, and Val Kilmer stars. From the first film, Cruise and Kilmer take over their roles. Top Gun: Maverick is scheduled to be released by Paramount Pictures in the U.S. on June 26, 2020. Plot: Pete Mitchell is where he belongs after more than thirty years of service as one of the best aviators in the Navy, pushing the envelope as a daring test pilot and dodging the rise of rank that would ground him. Free Guy
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About Movie: Free Guy is an American science fiction action comedy movie directed by Shawn Levy, Matt Lieberman's plot, and Lieberman and Zak Penn's screenplay in 2020. The movie stars Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Joe Keery, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Lil Rel Howery, and Taika Waititi. Free Guy will be released by 20th Century Fox on July 3, 2020. Plot: A bank teller discovers that within a brutal, open-world video game, he's actually an NPC. Ghostbusters: Afterlife
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About Movie: Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a future supernatural American comedy movie directed by Jason Reitman and written by Reitman and Gil Kenan. It stars Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, Logan Kim, and Celeste O'Connor, while from the original films Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts take over their roles. It's a reference to the franchise of Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters: Paramount Pictures, by Sony Pictures Releasing, is scheduled to be released in the United States on July 10, 2020. Plot: When a single mother and her two children arrive in a small town, they start to discover their connection with the original Ghostbusters and their grandfather left behind the secret legacy.   Tenet
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About Movie: Tenet is an action thriller movie produced by Nolan and Emma Thomas, written and directed by Christopher Nolan. It stars John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Dimple Kapadia, Elizabeth Debicki, Michael Caine, and Kenneth Branagh. Warner Bros is scheduled to release Tenet on July 17, 2020. Plot: An epic action revolving around spying, time travel and evolution around the world. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
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About Movie: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is a supernatural American horror film written by David Leslie Johnson's Michael Chaves from a screenplay. The film is the Conjuring Universe's eighth chapter. Together with Sterling Jerins, Julian Hilliard, Sarah Catherine Hook, Charlene Amoia and Ruairi O'Connor, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga will also take on their roles as paranormal investigators and authors, Ed and Lorraine Warren. The project is being co-produced by James Wan and Peter Safran. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is expected to be released on September 11, 2020 in the United States and will be distributed by Warner Bros. and New Cinema Line. Plot: Not yet revealed. Venom 2
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About Movie: Venom 2 is an upcoming American superhero movie based on the character of Marvel Comics Venom, produced in partnership with Marvel by Columbia Pictures. It is planned to be the third installment of Sony's Marvel Universe and the successor to Venom (2018), released by Sony Pictures Releasing. The film is directed by Andy Serkis from a script by Kelly Marcel and, along with Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams, Reid Scott, and Naomie Harris, stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom. The release of Venom 2 in the United States is scheduled for October 2, 2020. Plot: Not yet revealed. The Eternals
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About Movie: The Eternals is a potential American superhero movie based on the same name's Marvel Comics race. Produced by Marvel Studios and produced by Motion Pictures at Walt Disney Studios. The film is directed by Matthew and Ryan Firpo's Chloé Zhao, and features an ensemble cast including Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Lia McHugh, Don Lee, Barry Keoghan, Gemma Chan, and Kit Harington. The Eternals are scheduled to be released in the United States on November 6, 2020. Plot: The Eternals ' saga, a race of immortal beings that lived on Earth and shaped their history and civilizations. Godzilla vs. Kong
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About Movie: Godzilla vs. Kong is Adam Wingard's new American monster movie, produced by Terry Rossio. The movie is also the 36th film in the Godzilla series, the 12th film in the King Kong franchise, and the fourth Godzilla film to be made exclusively by a Hollywood studio. The film stars are Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Shun Oguri, Eiza González, Jessica Henwick, Julian Dennison, Kyle Chandler, Zhang Ziyi, and Demián Bichir. Godzilla vs. Kong is expected to be released on  November 20, 2020. Plot: As the gigantic Kong meets the unstoppable Godzilla, the world watches to see which one of them will become King of the Monsters.   You might be interested in these articles, Have a look at them. MARVEL  PHASE 5 MOVIES AND SHOWS LIST HUGE MARVEL PHASE 5 LEAK – MCU Deadpool will Join with Avengers Soon – MCU Best Hollywood Movies of 2019 that You Must See! Read the full article
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calzona-ga · 6 years
Timely stories, inspiring legions of medical students and empowering women (and its cast): showrunner Krista Vernoff and star Ellen Pompeo and the rest of the cast talk with The Hollywood Reporter about breaking 'ER's' record as TV's longest-running medical drama.
Two weeks before Grey's Anatomy's March 2005 series debut, series star Ellen Pompeo thought her ABC medical drama was, in her words, "dead in the water."
"The day the network changed our title to Complications it was like someone died in here," leading lady Pompeo tells The Hollywood Reporter from the show's L.A. set during an early January visit.
The title change would not stick. Two days later, ABC would revert back to Grey's Anatomy and, now, 14 years and 332 episodes later, Grey's Anatomy, with Thursday's installment, will break ER's status as TV's longest-running primetime medical drama.
It's a feat that creator Shonda Rhimes and showrunner Krista Vernoff, who spent the first seven seasons working under the former, never expected during the show's early days.
"After we produced 10 of our 12 episodes that first year, I went away to make a pilot and my assistant stayed behind in L.A. and she called me and said, 'They're making us pack up our offices.' They made us move out. They didn't think we were getting a season two," says Vernoff, who worked with former ER showrunner John Wells on Showtime's Shameless before being hand-picked by Rhimes to take over Grey's in season 14. "We owe a huge debt of gratitude to ER — without it, Grey's wouldn't exist. … We have surprised everybody — and ourselves. The staying power is amazing."
And the Seattle-set drama really does have some staying power. Seriously. It ranks as ABC's No. 1 series for the 2018-19 broadcast season with an impressive average of a 3.1 rating among the advertiser-coveted adults 18-49 demographic. Grey's is also, sources say, one of Netflix's top performing acquired series. The streamer has helped bring in a new legion of viewers that further propels first-run originals on ABC. What's more, Grey's has global reach: It is the key asset among all the Shondaland shows that have been licensed in more than 235 territories worldwide and dubbed in more than 67 languages. Grey's remains a top performer for foreign broadcasters and has been adapted into localized versions in Mexico, Colombia and Turkey. The series remains a top-performing U.S. drama abroad.
"It's a $4 billion business and it's everywhere in the world," says Pompeo, who ranks as TV's highest-paid leading lady on a primetime drama series with $20 million per season (plus points of the show's lucrative back end and producing fees). Adds Vernoff: "Shonda says I'm leading a multibillion-dollar worldwide corporation but if I think about that for too long, I won't be able to get out of bed!"
Global Reach Every single one of the current 11 Grey's series regulars has a story about the impact of their show. Most of them include anecdotes from viewers — and their children — about entering the medical field and becoming surgeons and nurses because of Grey's. "Graduating female surgeons have gone through the roof since Grey's Anatomy started," says Caterina Scorsone, who is the only (primetime, live-action) actor to start on a spinoff as series regular and wind up holding the same status on the original series.
Kevin McKidd — who was originally cast as a love interest for Sandra Oh's Cristina Yang and has now appeared in more Grey's episodes than the Killing Eve star did during her tenure — was recognized a few years ago on a dirt road in the "middle of nowhere in Mozambique," where he was helping a doctor friend improve conditions at a local hospital. "To see that in the farthest reaches of a very poor and struggling country there was this show that inspires people was pretty emotional," he says.
TV legend Debbie Allen, who exec produces, directs and has a recurring role, says she's now approached more about her time on Grey's than her iconic part on Fame. "I was in Cuba and accosted by these young girls who were screaming, 'Katherine Avery!'" she says with a laugh.
Giacomo Gianniotti, who has been a regular since season 12, is now repeatedly spotted in his home of Italy. "Because I'm Italian, there's this pride — like one of us made it to America and made it on our show that we watch," he says. "I traveled to Kenya doing some volunteer work this summer and a lot of people approached me to say they love Grey's. The reach is just huge."
Sums up Pompeo, who had an impact off-screen when she fought for her record-breaking salary: "Everywhere I go I get, 'My daughter is a surgeon because of you.'"
Empowering From the Start Grey's was the first TV series creator Rhimes got on the air. (ABC previously passed on a Rhimes drama about female war correspondents). Grey's broke out in season two and became a cultural phenomenon, contributing terms like "vajayjay" and "McDreamy" to pop culture. Grey's has also birthed two spinoffs — Private Practice, which ran for six seasons and 111 episodes — and Station 19, which is currently in its second season on ABC. The success of Grey's has led to other opportunities for Rhimes, who really broke out with ABC's political soap Scandal. That series built on Rhimes' penchant for color blind casting on Grey's. (Former star Isaiah Washington nearly played the McDreamy part that went to Patrick Dempsey, while network execs expected Oh's role of Cristina to be played by a white actress.)
"When they had me come in to read for the role of chief of surgery, I hadn't seen an African-American in that kind of role before," says James Pickens Jr., who remembers sitting next to Rhimes at the 2005 upfronts when she hoped to get five or seven episodes on the air. "Grey's is more than just entertainment. Shonda always wanted to make sure that the show impacted the landscape in a way that we hadn't seen before on TV. I like to think that Grey's had a big part in how the industry casts shows."
In addition to Rhimes' breakout success — she left her longtime home at ABC Studios last year for a $300 million Netflix overall deal — the cast has also been able to add to their skillsets. Grey's has launched directing careers for stars including showrunner Vernoff, Pompeo (who made her debut in season 14), Jesse Williams, McKidd and Wilson, the latter of whom helmed Thursday's record-breaking hour. (Former star Sarah Drew also earned an Emmy nomination last year for directing a Grey's digital short.)
"The atmosphere here is if you want to try something, you're encouraged," says Wilson, who along with Pompeo, Justin Chambers and Pickens is one of the four remaining original stars.
For Williams, that outlook has also afforded him the opportunity to build up his own businesses. "Grey's has made a home for me so that I can launch three tech companies and can go on speaking tours and live a life. A lot of that has to do with being on a show that's run by women and people who can actually multitask," says Williams, who will direct again this season.
Grey's has also created a safe space for its (many!) pregnant stars, who have always been afforded job security. Wilson, for her part, thought she'd be written out of the series when she told Rhimes of her pregnancy early on in the show's run. Instead, it was written into Bailey's season two storyline (and the character's son is now old enough to have been featured in a season 14 episode exploring unconscious bias).
"Instead of shunning it and hoping you don't get pregnant, I watch producers actively encourage all of our actors to have a family," Williams says. "That is the formula and secret for longevity: feeding into a healthy life and happiness instead of running from it or trying to press you out of it."
Opening Hearts, Changing Minds Beyond creating a new legion of directors and producers (Pompeo has an overall deal with ABC Studios and produces both Grey's and Station 19), the long-running medical drama has made an impact on-screen with empowering storylines. More recently, Grey's has explored domestic violence with Camilla Luddington's Jo, unconscious bias and new stories for transgender characters. Grey's this season features a same-sex relationship with its first openly gay male surgeon (Alex Landi, whose Nico is romancing Jake Borelli's intern, Schmitt) as part of its "Season of Love." The latter is especially true for Pompeo's Meredith, who is now exploring serious relationships after losing her "person" when Dempsey's Derek was shockingly killed off back in season 11.
"The most empowering storyline for me has been to portray a woman who has lost the love of their life and what does life look like having to continue on after losing the right side of your body? Did his departure mean I no longer mattered or my magic and chemistry was somehow gone? We saw that I could stand on my own and that women who do lose their partners or children, there is a way for people to go on. To be able to portray someone who could go through the hardest thing you could go through — the death of a loved one — and to be able to portray the survival of that is the most meaningful," a tearful Pompeo says, comparing Meredith's loss to the passing of her own mother at a young age. "After that, you think you can't go on. … So it's all come full circle."
Other cast members point to medical storylines that have helped viewers diagnose loved ones. Wilson is especially proud of the cyclic vomiting syndrome episode, while Chambers singles out exploring mental illness with Alex's mother in a storyline first planted in the show's early days. But all involved can point to several subjects the series has explored that have helped open minds and let viewers see versions of themselves on TV.
"Callie and Arizona's wedding was a really big deal and you think of the different countries that the episode was broadcast in and they may not have thought they were ready for big things like that," Williams says. "Whether it was the transgender young woman I just met who felt like she was included because she saw a trans patient whose storyline wasn't focused on her trans-ness, or the police violence episode — which is close to the work that I do — the running theme is allowing people to feel seen and considered."
And sometimes the impact Grey's is making is subtler than a storyline or patient.
"I've had black women say that I'm the reason they decided to go natural with their hair," says Kelly McCreary, who has played Meredith's half-sister, Maggie, since the end of season 10. "If seeing me on screen representing our hair in its natural state freed viewers from any ideas they had about that being bad, unattractive or unprofessional or whatever else they're trying to feed us about it, that's remarkable."
Doing Something New (That Still Feels Familiar) Everyone on the Grey's call sheet will give credit for the show's creative and ratings resurgence to Vernoff, who as Chambers says, "hit a refresh button and reinvigorated the show." Kim Raver, who reprises her role as Teddy after previously serving as a series regular for seasons six through eight, feels the same old-school energy now that she did a decade ago and credits Vernoff for "infusing the quintessential Shonda Rhimes vibe of it." And while Vernoff smiles when told of the cast's kind words for her work, she is aware of the power that comes with writing for a beloved character like Pompeo's Meredith Grey.
"When Meredith Grey speaks, people listen," says Vernoff, who recently signed a big overall deal with ABC Studios. "There is so much darkness and so much to be frightened of and this show has so much impact. People have grown up with Meredith. So, my goal is to have a voice on the planet and to have an impact: to change hearts and minds."  
Vernoff is aware that she is already achieving that impact. The showrunner — who has been outspoken about timely issues surrounding Hollywood including the #MeToo movement, salary parity and more — recalled a recent conversation with Rhimes in which the Grey's creator shared a story from a makeup artist who noted that his brother is a Korean gay man and was moved to see himself represented on screen. Other highlights include hearing from a current Grey's writers PA who wrote a letter sharing a story about experiencing his father's death at the age of 16 and finding solace in a storyline with George (T.R. Knight) and Cristina talking about the "Dead Dad's Club."
"To put my painful loss on TV and help other people through that is deeply meaningful to me," Vernoff says of the origin of that storyline.
As for what comes next, Vernoff did not want to write in a wink and nod to ER — fitting given her relationship with Wells on Shameless and the fact that the former NBC medical drama was one of the series that made her want to be a TV writer in the first place. Instead, Vernoff opted to do something that Grey's had never done before.
"In the 300th episode we did a huge number of winks at the show's history and beginnings. I don't know if ERdid it or not but what I came up with was a no-medicine episode," Vernoff says of the Grey's first. Adds McCreary: "We're in this party scene and I keep waiting for somebody to need a tracheotomy! But instead it's great because it feels like a real celebration of these characters."
Meaningful Milestone As the episode doubles as a celebration of sorts of the record-breaking milestone, the stars all share the same refrain when asked about the significance of doing a whopping 332 hours of television. All involved recall their initial shock that the series few thought would work has become the powerhouse franchise it is today.
"My goal was to do the pilot, take the check and pay some bills!" Wilson recalls with a laugh. Adds Chambers: "When we were in season two, I'd say to everybody, 'Do you think we've got two more years? I just wanted to get my kids to college.' And now some of them are done with it!" Pompeo also points to the record's value in the current TV landscape where viewers have an option to pick from nearly 500 scripted series and 700-plus unscripted offerings on an array of platforms as competition for eyeballs expands to other forms of entertainment like video games and podcasts.
"The fact that we're still the network's No. 1 drama and can stay afloat in this landscape after 15 years is incredible," Pompeo says. "It's also incredible in a larger sense because it's something that I resisted [and] that I said I would never do."
For his part, Williams has now appeared in more than two-thirds of Grey's Anatomy's total episodes after first joining the cast as recurring player Jackson Avery in season six. It's a jarring fact for the actor who initially thought the show would only be around for only a few more seasons when he first signed on. He now scoffs at those who use Grey's Anatomy as a punchline.
"That response — 'Oh, Grey's is still on' — at first, I took offense to it but now I don't because it's not really about our show; it's about the business because shows don't last that long," says Williams, whose tech companies are all inspired by the message of visibility he sees every day on Grey's. "I'm really proud of what we do here — I wouldn't be here this long if I wasn't."
The Future While Grey's has not officially been renewed for its 16th season, it's considered a lock as Pompeo's deal covers the 2019-2020 broadcast season. ABC Entertainment president Karey Burke and ABC Studios topper Patrick Moran both bow before what Pompeo and Grey's have been able to accomplish. "We are awed by this rare and incredible achievement," Moran says. "To make 15 seasons of television that are creatively fresh and compelling — and now record breaking — is almost unheard of, but Shonda, Betsy Beers, Krista, Ellen and the incredible cast and crew have managed to do that. We're very proud of this show and this team." Adds Burke: "How fitting and well deserved it is for Grey's Anatomy — a show that never ceases to inspire, surprise and move us — to achieve something no other primetime medical drama can lay claim to. The creative bar set by Shonda, Betsy, Krista, Ellen and the entire cast and crew will keep this iconic show in rarefied air for generations, and as one of their millions of fans, I congratulate them on this historic milestone."
Pompeo, too, knows she has experienced something special in her decade and a half on Grey's, where she has been afforded a rare ability to evolve Meredith as a character while growing as an actor and producer. "I've come full circle on this show from being an actor with no voice, no say and terrified to speak up or advocate for myself in any way," Pompeo says. "I'm now someone who is heard here and who has a say here. I'm one of my bosses and that's an unusual situation for an actress in Hollywood — to get to say what I want and what I don't. If I left the show, I don't think I'd have that same situation anywhere."
That's not to say Pompeo hasn't toyed with the idea of leaving Grey's over the years. The actress has been candid many times about experiencing the nagging pull many stars on veteran series experience as they consider leaving and taking on new and different roles. But at the end of the day, the idea of stepping away from something as big as what Grey's Anatomy has become has proven impossible.
"You can't ignore the worldwide phenomenon that this show is. How do you walk away or ignore that?" Pompeo says. "Being the face and voice of something that can generate that much money, there's only a very small number of people who can say that they have achieved that. If you're lucky enough to be the face and voice of something that's generated billions of dollars for a network, that's something to be proud of."
Meanwhile, Pickens is in talks for a new deal that would see him continue on as Grey's Anatomy's elder statesman Richard Webber. ("Nothing is solid yet but more than likely, I'll be here," he says.) Pickens adds the thought of going after Gunsmoke or Law & Order: SVU — the latter of which will break the former's record as TV's longest-running primetime drama series when it is renewed for its 21st season — remains "intriguing." Wilson, for her part, has one goal in mind now that Grey's has snapped ER's streak. "I would love to be a starter and a finisher of a thing," says the original star, whose contract is also up this season. "When the show is ready for that last shot, I want to be in that."
Seeing Ghosts Of the many notable cast departures, Vernoff, Pompeo and the cast all have quick answers at the ready when asked about which former Grey's co-stars they'd like to bring back to Prospect Studios:
Pompeo (Meredith): "I would love for Sandra Oh to be on the show but not more than I love seeing Sandra Oh out there in the world doing her thing. Not more than I love seeing her shine on her own at the Golden Globes and on Killing Eve. So I would say no [to that]. I love everybody who has been on this show, regardless of their time here and whether it was tumultuous or not."
Chambers (Alex): "Richard Herrmann. He played my intern for a while and was such a joy to work with. He passed on but I felt very lucky to work with him."
Wilson (Bailey): "Bailey was crazy about George O'Malley. But the thing about our show is we always keep our past characters alive; there is nobody we don't ever not talk about because every one of those characters has been the foundation for why we're here."
Pickens (Richard): "I've been in this business almost 40 years and Sandra Oh brought something very special to every scene."
McKidd (Owen): "Sandra Oh's Cristina, especially the way things are right now with Amelia, Teddy and Owen. To throw her into the mix at the same time? Owen would literally keel over and never get up again."
Raver (Teddy): "Sandra Oh. I started off having crazy, intense scenes with her — like when Henry (Scott Foley) was dying and I love her as a friend and admire her as an actress."
Williams (Jackson): "Frances Conroy. She was here in season seven and I didn't get to work with her. She is tremendous and was on one of my favorite shows ever: Six Feet Under."
Luddington (Jo): "Kyle Chandler. I love Friday Night Lights."
Scorsone (Amelia): "Chyler Leigh (Lexie). She is so much fun and is great with drama and comedy. I'm sad that I didn't get to work with her more."
McCreary (Maggie): "Kate Burton. I'd love for Maggie and Ellis to interact. Kate and I did a play together in 2014. She's one of my favorite people."
Gianniotti (DeLuca): "Jessica Capshaw. We would laugh until snot was coming out of our noses. I miss having her around."
Allen (Katherine): "I had so much fun directing Patrick Dempsey when he was here. I nicknamed him Dash because he would come on the set, look at his watch and want to keep it moving. He never liked to do a lot of takes but was always great. I didn't get to act with him but I did some of his best scenes while I was here. We think of him fondly."
Vernoff (showrunner): "Sandra Oh. I miss writing for Sandra and Cristina."
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17th March >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
Solemnity of Saint Patrick, Bishop, Missionary (Ireland)
Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle C.
Solemnity of Saint Patrick, Bishop, Missionary (Ireland)
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Amos 7:12-15
'Go, shepherd, and prophesy to my people Israel'
Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, said to Amos, ‘Go away, seer;’ get back to the land of Judah; earn your bread there, do your prophesying there. We want no more prophesying in Bethel; this is the royal sanctuary, the national temple.’ ‘I was no prophet, neither did I belong to any of the brotherhoods of prophets,’ Amos replied to Amaziah ‘I was a shepherd, and looked after sycamores: but it was the Lord who took me from herding the flock, and the Lord who said, “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.”’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Alternative First Reading
Ecclesiasticus 39:6-10
The wise man will be remembered for generations
If it is the will of the great Lord,
he will be filled with the spirit of understanding,
he will shower forth words of wisdom,
and in prayer give thanks to the Lord.
He will grow upright in purpose and learning,
he will ponder the Lord’s hidden mysteries.
He will display the instruction he has received,
taking his pride in the Law of the Lord’s covenant.
Many will praise his understanding,
and it will never be forgotten.
His memory will not disappear,
generation after generation his name will live.
Nations will proclaim his wisdom,
the assembly will celebrate his praises.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 138(139):1-3,7-10,13-14
R/ If I dwell at the sea’s furthest end, even there you watch over me.
O Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know my resting and my rising,
you discern my purpose from afar.
You mark when I walk or lie down,
all my ways lie open to you.
R/ If I dwell at the sea’s furthest end, even there you watch over me.
O where can I go from your spirit,
or where can I flee from your face?
If I climb the heavens, you are there.
If I lie in the grave, you are there.
R/ If I dwell at the sea’s furthest end, even there you watch over me.
If I take the wings of the dawn
and dwell at the sea’s furthest end,
even there your hand would lead me,
your right hand would hold me fast.
R/ If I dwell at the sea’s furthest end, even there you watch over me.
For it was you who created my being,
knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I thank you for the wonder of my being,
for the wonders of all your creation.
R/ If I dwell at the sea’s furthest end, even there you watch over me.
Alternative Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 115(116):12-19
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord.
R/ Alleluia!
How can I repay the Lord
for his goodness to me?
The cup of salvation I will raise;
I will call on the Lord’s name.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord.
R/ Alleluia!
My vows to the Lord I will fulfil
before all his people.
O precious in the eyes of the Lord
is the death of his faithful.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord.
R/ Alleluia!
Your servant, Lord, your servant am I;
you have loosened my bonds.
A thanksgiving sacrifice I make;
I will call on the Lord’s name.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord.
R/ Alleluia!
My vows to the Lord I will fulfil
before all his people,
in the courts of the house of the Lord,
in your midst, O Jerusalem.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord.
R/ Alleluia!
Second Reading
1 Thessalonians 2:2-8
We were eager to hand over to you not only the Good News but our whole lives
It was our God who gave us the courage to proclaim his Good News to you in the face of great opposition. We have not taken to preaching because we are deluded, or immoral, or trying to deceive anyone; it was God who decided that we were fit to be entrusted with the Good News, and when we are speaking, we are not trying to please men but God, who can read our inmost thoughts. You know very well, and we can swear it before God, that never at any time have our speeches been simply flattery, or a cover for trying to get money; nor have we ever looked for any special honour from men, either from you or anybody else, when we could have imposed ourselves on you with full weight, as apostles of Christ.
Instead, we were unassuming. Like a mother feeding and looking after her own children, we felt so devoted and protective towards you, and had come to love you so much, that we were eager to hand over to you not only the Good News but our whole lives as well.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Alternative Second Reading
2 Timothy 4:1-8
I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; it is time for me to be gone
Before God and before Christ Jesus who is to be judge of the living and the dead, I put this duty to you, in the name of his Appearing and of his kingdom: proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it. Refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience – but do all with patience and with the intention of teaching. The time is sure to come when, far from being content with sound teaching, people will be avid for the latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; and then, instead of listening to the truth, they will turn to myths. Be careful always to choose the right course; be brave under trials; make the preaching of the Good News your life’s work, in thoroughgoing service.
As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to be gone. I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that Day; and not only to me but to all those who have longed for his Appearing.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation
Luke 4:17
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!
The Lord has sent me to bring the good news to the poor,
to proclaim liberty to captives.
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!
Luke 5:1-11
They left everything and followed him
Jesus was standing one day by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the crowd pressing round him listening to the word of God, when he caught sight of two boats close to the bank. The fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats – it was Simon’s – and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.’ ‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all night long and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets.’ And when they had done this they netted such a huge number of fish that their nets began to tear, so they signalled to their companions in the other boat to come and help them; when these came, they filled the two boats to sinking point.
When Simon Peter saw this he fell at the knees of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.’ For he and all his companions were completely overcome by the catch they had made; so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon’s partners. But Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.’ Then, bringing their boats back to land, they left everything and followed him.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Alternative Gospel
Matthew 13:24-32
Let them both grow till the harvest
Jesus put another parable before the crowds: ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While everybody was asleep his enemy came, sowed darnel all among the wheat, and made off. When the new wheat sprouted and ripened, the darnel appeared as well. The owner’s servants went to him and said, “Sir, was it not good seed that you sowed in your field? If so, where does the darnel come from?” “Some enemy has done this” he answered. And the servants said, “Do you want us to go and weed it out?” But he said, “No, because when you weed out the darnel you might pull up the wheat with it. Let them both grow till the harvest; and at harvest time I shall say to the reapers: First collect the darnel and tie it in bundles to be burnt, then gather the wheat into my barn.”’
He put another parable before them: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the biggest shrub of all and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and shelter in its branches.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle C
(Liturgical Colour: Violet)
First Reading
Genesis 15:5-12,17-18
God enters into a Covenant with Abraham, the man of faith
Taking Abram outside, the Lord said, ‘Look up to heaven and count the stars if you can.’ ‘Such will be your descendants,’ he told him. Abram put his faith in the Lord, who counted this as making him justified.
‘I am the Lord’ he said to him ‘who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldaeans to make you heir to this land.’ ‘My Lord,’ Abram replied ‘how am I to know that I shall inherit it?’ He said to him, ‘Get me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove and a young pigeon.’ He brought him all these, cut them in half and put half on one side and half facing it on the other; but the birds he did not cut in half. Birds of prey came down on the carcases but Abram drove them off.
When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, there appeared a smoking furnace and a firebrand that went between the halves. That day the Lord made a Covenant with Abram in these terms:
‘To your descendants I give this land,
from the wadi of Egypt to the Great River.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 26(27):1,7-9,13-14
R/ The Lord is my light and my help.
The Lord is my light and my help;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
before whom shall I shrink?
R/ The Lord is my light and my help.
O Lord, hear my voice when I call;
have mercy and answer.
Of you my heart has spoken:
‘Seek his face.’
R/ The Lord is my light and my help.
It is your face, O Lord, that I seek;
hide not your face.
Dismiss not your servant in anger;
you have been my help.
R/ The Lord is my light and my help.
I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness
in the land of the living.
Hope in him, hold firm and take heart.
Hope in the Lord!
R/ The Lord is my light and my help.
Second Reading
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes Christ to transfigure us
My brothers, be united in following my rule of life. Take as your models everybody who is already doing this and study them as you used to study us. I have told you often, and I repeat it today with tears, there are many who are behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ. They are destined to be lost. They make foods into their god and they are proudest of something they ought to think shameful; the things they think important are earthly things. For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do that by the same power with which he can subdue the whole universe.
So then, my brothers and dear friends, do not give way but remain faithful in the Lord. I miss you very much, dear friends; you are my joy and my crown.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Alternative Second Reading
Philippians 3:20-4:1
Christ will transfigure our bodies into copies of his glorious body
For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do that by the same power with which he can subdue the whole universe.
So then, my brothers and dear friends, do not give way but remain faithful in the Lord. I miss you very much, dear friends; you are my joy and my crown.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 17:5
Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
From the bright cloud the Father’s voice was heard:
‘This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’
Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
Luke 9:28-36
Jesus is transfigured before them
Jesus took with him Peter and John and James and went up the mountain to pray. As he prayed, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became brilliant as lightning. Suddenly there were two men there talking to him; they were Moses and Elijah appearing in glory, and they were speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were heavy with sleep, but they kept awake and saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As these were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ – He did not know what he was saying. As he spoke, a cloud came and covered them with shadow; and when they went into the cloud the disciples were afraid. And a voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.’ And after the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. The disciples kept silence and, at that time, told no one what they had seen.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
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blackkudos · 6 years
Joe Brown
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Joseph (Judge Joe) Brown (born July 5, 1947) is an American lawyer. He is a former Shelby County, Tennessee, Criminal Court judge and a former arbiter of the arbitration-based reality court show, Judge Joe Brown.
Early years
Raised in the Crenshaw District of Los Angeles, Brown graduated at the top of his class at Dorsey High School, then in 1969 earned a bachelor's degree in political science and in 1973 a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree at UCLA. While attending law school, Brown worked as a substitute teacher. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.
Brown became the first African-American prosecutor in the city of Memphis. He would later open his own law practice before becoming a judge on the State Criminal Court of Shelby County, Tennessee.
Brown was thrust into the national spotlight while presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown was removed from the reopened investigation of King's murder due to alleged bias—former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia wrote that Brown told her and the Congressional Black Caucus, unequivocally, that the so-called murder rifle was not the weapon that killed Martin Luther King, Jr. It was during this time that Judge Brown caught the attention of the producers of Judge Judy.
In March 2014, Brown ran in the Democratic primary for the position of Shelby County district attorney general. He lost the election to Republican incumbent Amy Weirich by 65% to 35%.
Court show
Broadcast background
Judge Joe Brown is an American arbitration-based reality court show that premiered on September 14, 1998 and ran through the 2012–13 television season. The first-run syndication series entered its 15th and final season on September 10, 2012, also regularly airing in high-definition for the first time beginning in that same season as well.
The set of Judge Joe Brown was directly beside the set of Judge Judy within the same facility, Sunset Bronson Studios. After Judge Joe Brown's 2013 cancellation, however, the space was used for the courtroom series Paternity Court for a season (2013–present), followed by the court show Hot Bench (2014–present). As Judge Judy was and still is, Judge Joe Brown was both produced by Big Ticket Television and syndicated by CBS Television Distribution (CTD), the successor company to their previous distributors: Worldvision Enterprises, Paramount Domestic Television, and CBS Paramount Domestic Television.
The show was syndicated in the US, and aired during daytime hours. It aired on CTV in Canada and Fox8 in Australia. Like the majority of television court shows, Judge Joe Brown is a form of binding arbitration. The show's producers maintain the appearance of a civil courtroom.
Joe Brown is the first African American male to preside over a courtroom television show and the first African American person to preside over a long-running courtroom series; however, former New York prosecutor Star Jones is the first African American person to preside over a court show (Jones and Jury 1994–95). Brown's entrance into the court show genre has been followed by other African American male arbiters, most notably Greg Mathis of the NAACP Image Award winning court show Judge Mathis.
Staying power
With all of its seasons having aired consecutively, solely under Brown, Joseph Brown was the second longest running television jurist for many years prior to his cancellation, just behind Judith Sheindlin. While there are court shows that outnumber both Judge Joe Brown and Judge Judy in seasons within the judicial arena, namely Divorce Court and The People's Court, they are also programs with multiple lives and multiple "judges" in their histories.
As far as ratings in the legal/courtroom genre go, Brown's program ranked in second place during its entire run, typically just above The People's Court and significantly below Judge Judy. Consequently, Judge Joe was the highest rated male-arbitrated television series during its run. It should be noted, however, that Brown was paired with the highly rated Judge Judy series.
Adjudicating approach
For the most part, Brown has a languid and perfunctory nature about him, particularly while gathering all the facts and trying to figure out the case. Occasionally, however, once he's suspected a party of being guilty, Brown has become particularly cantankerous as shown in his irritated, quarrelsome communication. Brown has also subjected these litigants to harsh tirades and judgmental commentary. At several intervals throughout many of the cases, Brown has been seen up on his feet in the midst of a tirade, pacing and raging around the bench area. In these moments, he's also been known to sit atop the desktop of his bench to add emphasis to his long, angry tirades. The harshest of Brown's tirades have generally been delivered to men whose behavior he regards as particularly irresponsible or egregious. In these moments, Brown flings out his personal values and guidance at men, such as: grow up and be a man, you don't know nothing about manhood, quit acting like you haven't got any "home training", be a civilized human being and stop trying to be "cool", quit acting like a "thug", take responsibility, have a sense of class and decency, etc. Brown has been criticized for these behaviors as "lacking self-control."
Brown tends to allow "victimized" or "wronged" litigants ample opportunity to also berate "guilty" litigants, often delighting in this and listening in amusement; moreover, he allows audience applause and laughter at the guilty litigant's expense so that the whole courtroom is against the guilty party. With brasher litigants than other courtroom programs, however, perhaps due to the nature of the cases or at least Brown's approach, guilty litigants on Judge Joe Brown have been known to act out. On past episodes, many litigants who were perceived as guilty by Brown and treated accordingly have not hesitated to chuck items around the courtroom, such as water; disrespect the judge; threaten the other party or spectators, etc. In fact, in February 2010, Brown himself was sued by one of his former television show litigants for alleged slander and fraud, but won the case because of the waivers the court show has its litigants sign prior to the televised proceedings. On the series, Brown has typically responded to most of the aforementioned behaviors by telling the litigants they'll be receiving a ticket or demanding that the litigant be arrested and thrown in jail for violating statute that requires respectful decorum in arbitration proceedings.
Recurring roles
The program also featured a news reporter and bailiff. Holly Evans, was the bailiff from 1998 to 2006. Sonia Montejano replaced her for the rest of the run in 2006. Jacque Kessler was the show's news reporter from 1998 to 2010. Former FOX Sports and current MLB Network freelance reporter Jeanne Zelasko succeeded Kessler as the reporter in 2010. Ben Patrick Johnson was the show's announcer from 1998 to 2005. Rolonda Watts succeeded him as Announcer in 2005. Popular musicians Coolio, Ike Turner, and Rick James have all been litigants on the show.
It was reported in the summer of 2012 that Brown was the second highest paid daytime television personality, earning $20 million a year, only second to Judge Judy, who earns $45 million a year. In April 2013, however, following the show's cancellation, Brown disputed these reports claiming that CTD was only paying him $5 million a year.
Salary negotiation conflicts and series cancellation
As reported on February 27, 2013, by Broadcasting & Cable, CTD had told Brown that the salary amount they were paying him—of $20 million (though Brown disputes this, claiming that CTD has never given him a salary of any more than $5 million)—would be cut in the wake of his declining ratings, license fees, and advertising revenues.
Ratings for Judge Joe Brown were declining during its last several seasons on the air. In the 2013 February sweeps, the show was down 20% to a 2.4 live plus same day rating from a 3.0 last year according to Nielsen Media Research. Brown refused to do the show under the new terms. Rather, he shopped his program to other distributors. Station executives told Broadcasting & Cable they were less than happy to be learning about the dissension at the end of February 2013 when their options for replacing the show were limited.
CTD announced on March 26, 2013 that they would be cancelling the court show and cease distributing the series after its summer 2013 reruns. The final CTD-produced episodes were taped on March 14, 2013. Fox station owners (that had contracted to air the program) were reportedly not interested in a CTD-chosen replacement judge.
Brown later called out CTD for their treatment of him, claiming they had reneged on contract agreements, cheated him out of money, failed to give him sufficient advertising in favor of concentrating their advertisements in Judge Judy, and engaged in several other unjust, underhanded and unethical business practices.
Personal life
Judge Joe Brown is divorced and has two sons from his first marriage.
Legal issues
In March 2014, Brown was arrested in Memphis, Tennessee, and charged with five counts of contempt of court and getting "verbally abusive" during a child support case overseen by Magistrate Harold Horne. Brown, who retains his law license, was reviewing a child support matter as a favor to an acquaintance. According to press accounts, Brown became combative and irate after Horne refused to discuss details of the case that were not on the schedule. Brown was sentenced to five days in jail, but was later released on his own recognizance. Brown surrendered to the Shelby County Sheriff on August 27, 2015 to serve his five-day sentence at the Shelby County Corrections Facility in Memphis. He was released from the Shelby County Corrections Facility the morning of September 1, 2015.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Thrilling Jermell Charlo-Brian Castano fight ends in unsatisfying draw
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Thrilling Jermell Charlo-Brian Castano fight ends in unsatisfying draw
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Photo from Showtime 17 Jul by Dan Rafael So much for there being an undisputed junior middleweight champion, because there is most definitely a dispute. Jermell Charlo and Brian Castano did their part, colliding in an effort to unify all four major sanctioning organization belts and waging a highly entertaining battle on Saturday night in a Showtime-televised main event at the AT&T Center in San Antonio. The judges, however, could not agree and the fight was ruled a split draw with both men retaining the belts. Judge Steve Weisfeld scored the fight 114-113 for Castano, who seemed to control much of the fight until running into problems in the final few rounds, and Tim Cheatham had it 114-114. But Nelson Vazquez had the outlier score that will be heavily criticized – 117-111 for Charlo, who retained his Ring/WBC/IBF/WBA title while Castano retained the WBO belt. Charlo won the 10th, 11th and 12th rounds on all three scorecards to secure the draw. They were vying to become the first undisputed champion of the four-belt era in division history and the first undisputed champion at 154 pounds in 17 years – since then-IBF titlist Winky Wright pulled the upset decision against WBC/WBA counterpart Shane Mosley to become the undisputed three-belt champion in 2004. Also at stake was for a winner to emerge as just the sixth male boxer of the four-belt era to be an undisputed world champion. But the draw scrubbed that and left the club as five-man crew of  junior welterweight Josh Taylor, who did it by outpointing Jose Ramirez in May, cruiserweight Oleksandr Usyk (2018), junior welterweight Terrence Crawford (2017) and middleweights Jermain Taylor (2005) and Bernard Hopkins (2004). .@BrianBoxii tags @TwinCharlo on the ropes end of R3 #CharloCastano pic.twitter.com/WDZ517Uk7j — SHOWTIME Boxing (@ShowtimeBoxing) July 18, 2021 When the fight was over Castano and Charlo both were disappointed with the draw and claimed victory. “I won the fight,” said Castano, who made making the first defense of the title he won by one-sided decision from Patrick Teixeira on Feb. 13. “There were some rounds that he did hit me and he hit me hard. But I won the fight definitely and it was a great fight.” Said Charlo, who made the second defense of his second title reign, “The win is what I wanted to hear. If anything, I won this fight. I hurt him way more than he did to me. Brian Castano is a tough warrior. He’s gonna give a lot of people problems, but my power is something serious at this weight division. “He threw a hell of a lot of punches against almost every opponent he ever fought. My skills and my ability and my power — I just knew I could keep him off me and I feel like I won this fight and I deserve to be going home as the undisputed (champion). I am glad to have fought for the undisputed title. It’s different.” The fight began with the two men trying to figure each other out in a get-to-know-you opening round. The action picked up considerably in the second round with Castano landing several shots that forced Charlo back, but Charlo turned the tables when he landed a hard counter left hook that hurt Castano and put him on the back foot. Charlo followed up by landing several more punches that had Castano in some trouble. The action never really let up, leaving referee Hector Afu with very little to do in a fight that featured very few clinches and a lot of clean punching. Charlo (34-1-1, 18 KOs), 31, of Houston, appeared to be in control in the third round until the final seconds when Castano landed a clean left hook on the button that wobbled Charlo. Castano landed a follow-up right uppercut for good measure. Castano (17-0-2, 12 KOs), 31, of Argentina, whose other draw (also of the split variety) came in a secondary 154-pound title bout with Erislandy Lara in March 2019, bullied Charlo in the fourth round and landed a solid left hook to the jaw and hook to the body. There were some fierce exchanges but Charlo trainer Derrick James was none too pleased after the round, telling Charlo, “You’re giving rounds away!” Castano bulled his way forward round in and round out. Charlo fired jabs but didn’t make consistent contact with it. Castano, meanwhile, found a way past the jab and forced Charlo to the ropes over and over and landed shots with both hands. Castano had another good round in the ninth, when he connected with his jab and also with right hands and combinations as Charlo continued to back up under the enormous pressure. Charlo, however, was not deterred and stormed back over the final three rounds of the fight. He had a very big 10th round. He wobbled Castano twice with right hands and had him in trouble. Castano began to circle and move to stay away as he tried to clear his head but Charlo finally caught him and slammed home a left hook that hurt him again with 30 seconds left. Charlo finished the round by landing another powerful right hand. It was such a one-sided round that Weisfeld scored it 10-8 even though there was no knockdown. “I was hurt in the 10th round and I had to recoup a little bit. Same with the beginning of the 11th round, but I did enough to win the fight,” Castano said. Big round 10 for @TwinCharlo #CharloCastano pic.twitter.com/JgNWVa9vCh — SHOWTIME Boxing (@ShowtimeBoxing) July 18, 2021 Charlo closed the 11th round strong with a big burst at the end when he landed combinations and sent Castano into the ropes. But James was still very concerned in the corner, telling Charlo forcefully, “You have to knock him out!” Charlo and Castano both tried for one in the 12th round as they spent most of the round brawling, not wanting to leave anything to chance. They finished the fight in an exchange in the center of the ring as the crowd rose to its feet. “My coach (also) told me I needed the knockout in the ninth round and I just knew he knew what he was talking about,” Charlo said. “I believe in my coach. This is my first time experiencing something like (a draw), so this comes with boxing, baby: Wins, losses and draws.” According to CompuBox, Charlo landed 151 of 533 punches (28 percent) and Castano connected with 173 of 586 (30 percent). The 173 punches landed by Castano were the most ever landed on  Charlo. With the fight being ruled a draw, both men expressed interest in a rematch, although given mandatory obligations it remains to be seen if all four belts would be at stake if a sequel could be finalized. “I’m still holding my titles. I can’t wait to get home to my baby and my family, take some time off from boxing and then we’ll get back to the drawing board and see what’s poppin’,” Charlo said. “I want to be undisputed. That’s my goal. That’s my destiny.” Castano also wants to be undisputed. “I hope I get the rematch,” Castano said. “He is a great fighter. Me too. I need the rematch.” GET THE LATEST ISSUE AT THE RING SHOP (CLICK HERE) or Subscribe
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Thrilling Jermell Charlo-Brian Castano fight ends in unsatisfying draw
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Amilcar Vidal flying the flag for Uruguay, faces Immanuwel Aleem on Charlo-Castano card Schedule | View All 17Jul Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castano (Showtime) Instagram Facebook
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rcncgaades · 4 years
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↪ brief introduction to theodore ashworth.
full name: theodore benjamin ashworth. nickname(s): teddy.  age: twenty-eight. date of birth: 27 march 1989. zodiac sign: aries. place of birth: san francisco, california, united states. ethnicity: white. nationality: american. gender: cis male. sexual orientation: pansexual. romantic orientation: panromantic. religion: he wasn’t raised in a particularly religious household-- the most he’s ever experienced religion wise was attending mass occasionally with his ex-wife when they were still teenagers. education: bachelors in secondary education & history ( double major ), credential allowing him to teach in the state.  occupation: high school us history teacher. language(s) spoken: english ( primarily ); he speaks conversational french from studying it in school but it’s rough at best. accent: he doesn’t consider himself to have a discernible accent but he does have a ‘west coast’ american accent.
face claim: toby regbo. hair color: dirty blonde to brown-- depending on how much time he’s been spending outside. eye color: blue.  height: 5′10″. weight: 144 lbs. build: slim. tattoos: he doesn’t have any tattoos to speak of. piercings: he has a helix piercing in his left ear that is, thankfully, usually covered by his hair which he appreciates considering it makes it easy to hide for work. distinguishing characteristics: the way he carries himself, his penchant for flirting with every person he speaks to for even a fraction of a second, how warm he is ( literally and figuratively ).
label: the historian. positive traits: adaptable, adventurous, articulate, charismatic, charming, clever, compassionate, confident, creative, eloquent, intelligent, passionate, resourceful, witty. negative traits: competitive, sarcastic. argumentative, decadent, haughty, hedonistic, impulsive, obsessive, possessive, rowdy, vindictive. goals/desires: to make a name for himself, to be the best father he can possibly be, to find love again. fears: athazagoraphobia ( fear of being forgotten ). hobbies: writing, people watching, cooking, drinking ( he’s fairly picky and he has a habit of drinking specifically to find something he genuinely enjoys ), having sex, reading, going for hikes, practicing muay thai, watching cooking shows, travelling, spending time with his friends & siblings, doing anything at all with his daughter the second she asks. quirks: he’s equally polite and incredibly crass and it’s really a crap shoot as to which trait he leans more towards on any given day, he bites his lips to the point they’re always a bit chapped. he’s an exceedingly affectionate person – even with people he doesn’t know all that well, he has a running knowledge of most children’s books as a result of having made reading with his daughter every night a habit of his since she was very young. likes: french desserts, good food in general, wine, attention, attractive men, attractive women, poetry & fiction in general, cooking, researching, foreign films, punk music, classical piano pieces, travelling, spending time with his daughter, historical fiction, period piece films. dislikes: not being taken seriously, escargots, long winded speeches, public speaking, close-minded people, anyone who judges him for becoming a father at such a young age, anyone who speaks ill of his family, having to wake up early for work. 
father: christopher “kit” patrick ashworth.  mother: eleanor michelle ashworth née martinsen.  sibling(s): travis bran ashworth ( twin brother, identical ), patrick james ashworth ( younger ). pet(s): he doesn’t have any pets at the moment. financial status: middle class.
Teddy was born in San Francisco seven minutes after his older twin brother to Kit and Ellie Ashworth. Both of his parents were academics - his mother working towards a professorship in ancient history at UC Berkeley and his father working towards his doctorate in english literature with a focus on twentieth century American literature. Teddy and his brother were thick as thieves, and their parents doted on both of them with as much time as they could possibly give them. Teddy himself developed a love of reading from a young age, and his parents’ academic pursuits instilled a love of school and learning in general in him nearly from the moment he set foot into his kindergarten classroom. Teddy’s younger brother was born when he was two and all three boys have been insanely close throughout their lives.
His relatively happy childhood took a turn for the worse when he was ten and his father was involved in a fatal car accident on his way home from lecturing on evening. Teddy and the rest of his family were devastated, and after much consideration his mother made the decision to move them to Turtle Bay, South Carolina-- her hometown. Teddy tried his very best to work through his grief and managed to remain the same kind, softhearted boy he’d always been. Though he became far more prone to getting into fights on behalf of his brothers or any friends he felt the need to look out for and protect. His mother urged him to join extracurricular activities to avoid getting himself into trouble and with his academics already spectacular Teddy made the knee-jerk decision to join the high school swim team.
He excelled at it from the start, and as he found himself breaking record after record there was talk of him making junior Olympic teams and other things that Teddy found, quite frankly, insane to consider. When he entered his sophomore year he met a girl by the name of Paige Irwin; Teddy was already an immensely popular boy ( his good looks and kind heart drawing people to him more easily than he expected most times ) but he’d never taken to anyone the way he took to Paige. He was smitten with her immediately and did everything in his power to get to know her and spend every bit of spare time he had dedicating himself to that effort. It was, in essence, a whirlwind high school romance and Teddy happily asked Paige to be his girlfriend two months into their knowing one another.
They’d been dating for two years when Paige came to him nearly in tears, and after Teddy cycled through several questions that seemed intent on tracking down a specific person to find fault with - she admitted that she was pregnant. Teddy had never planned on becoming a father at such a young age but he eagerly informed Paige that he would do everything in his power to be a wonderful father to their future child and a wonderful partner for Paige in general. Their graduation approached faster than either of them knew what to do with and rather than go away for school like they’d been planning, both of them made the choice to attend Clemson University so they would never be far from a support system in the form of their families. Teddy never regretted the choice and a few months into their first year of college their daughter Eleanor Violet Ashworth was born.
She was, as far as Teddy was concerned, the most beautiful thing in his entire life and outside of the occasional frantic call to his mother at two AM seeking advice, Teddy considered fatherhood and his marriage to Paige to be the most important things in his life. Time passed and both Teddy and Paige became teachers - Teddy choosing to teach history at the high school level in Turtle Bay and Paige teaching at the elementary school. Both of them were immensely passionate and their relationship only seemed to flourish once they shared a profession between them. Their lives remained picture perfect until Ellie was around eight - at which point Paige informed Jack that she felt their relationship had run its course and she needed something new.
Though he was heartbroken Teddy was determined to maintain a healthy relationship with his now ex-wife and they’re still friendly, though Paige no longer lives in Turtle Bay. It’s been a year and a half since the divorce and Teddy is finally getting to a place where he feels he might be able to get out into the world again as a single man, and a single father. He has full custody of his daughter and trying to wrangle a pre-teen girl is one of the most difficult but arguably most fulfilling things he’s ever done in his life.
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scifigeneration · 7 years
'Super blue blood moon' to grace the sky – here's what we could learn from it
by Tim O'Brien
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Blood moon on April 15, 2014. Robert Jay GaBany/wikipedia,
Something unusual will happen on January 31. A total lunar eclipse, which will be visible from Asia, Australasia and North and Central America, will coincide with a “blue moon” and a “supermoon” in what some are calling a “super blue blood moon”. The event, which for western hemisphere observers happens for the first time in 150 years, will also be the last in a trilogy of supermoons over the past two months. It sounds cool, but how excited should you really be? And is there anything scientists can actually get out of it?
To be honest, I feel pretty conflicted about all the excitement surrounding the supermoon, a term which describes the moon when it is at a close point to the Earth. It’s great that people get excited about astronomy, but the trouble is that a supermoon in itself is not really all that special.
Since the moon follows an elliptical orbit around the Earth, the distance between the two bodies changes, ranging from about 360,000km to 406,000km. At its closest point, perigee, the moon will obviously appear largest. Such a “maximoon” has an apparent diameter about 13% larger than a “minimoon” at its most distant point, apogee.
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Super Moon in 2016. Betty Wills (Atsme)/wikipedia, CC BY-SA
The effect of a maximoon is often exaggerated – it is only about 7% larger and 15% brighter than the average moon. This is hardly noticeable when looking at it with the unaided eye. In fact, if you’ve seen the moon looking huge at some point, it was probably due to an optical illusion rather than it being near perigee. It’s not fully understood why, but the moon seen close to the horizon just appears larger than when it’s high in the sky.
The mechanisms behind the maximoon have long been known, with astronomers referring to it as “perigee full moon” or a “perigee syzygy”, a lovely word that means three celestial bodies in a line. Unsurprisingly, the term supermoon has proved more popular. Coined by an astrologer in 1979, it wasn’t really used at all widely until March 2011 when the Japanese earthquake and tsunami was erroneously linked to a supermoon which actually happened eight days later.
What’s more, a supermoon isn’t exactly the same thing as a maximoon. If you waited until the instant of full moon exactly coincided with the instant of perigee, supermoons would be vanishingly rare. But an unscientific fudge factor is usually included, allowing the full moon to be “near” perigee – typically 90% or closer. Change the size of the fudge factor and you can have as many or as few supermoons as you like. In fact, for this week’s event, the moon is closest to Earth at about 10:00 UTC on January 30 but the full moon is not till over a day later when it is about 1,200km farther away.
Blue vs blood moon
A blue moon does not appear blue. It’s just a term that, in the 1940s, was mistakenly used to describe a rare occasion: the second full moon in a calendar month. Full moons are separated by about 29.5 days and so typically occur in different months, with a blue moon appearing on average every 30 months or so.
A blood moon on the other hand actually appears dusky red. The name, which is not used by scientists, apparently derives from apocalyptic Biblical prophecy. As with supermoon, the term only became popular very recently, in this case in 2014 when a series of four over 18 months spawned a best-selling book.
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Image depicting the various phases of a lunar eclipse or Patrick Murtha/wikipedia, CC BY-SA
The effect is caused by a lunar eclipse, when the moon is on the far side of the sun from the Earth – aligned so that it passes into the Earth’s shadow. The moon darkens very considerably and is only lit by the traces of sunlight refracted through the Earth’s atmosphere. The blue component of the sunlight is scattered to large angles by small particles in the atmosphere leaving only the longer wavelength red light to illuminate the moon.
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A lunar eclipse happens when the moon is completely in the Earth’s shadow. Tomruen, CC BY-SA
Over this century, there will be 85 total lunar eclipses. This particular one will be visible from Asia, Australasia, North and Central America, but not from Western Europe or much of Africa and South America (though anyone can still enjoy the near full moon).
Research potential
A lunar eclipse is a great opportunity for public viewing, but there are still things that scientists can learn from the event. The details of how the sunlight we see reflected from the moon during eclipse has been altered, scattered and absorbed on its way through our atmosphere, and how this is affected by, for example, volcanic eruptions or even meteor showers, are still being studied.
But in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in studying lunar eclipses from a surprising source, the discovery of planets orbiting other stars. If we see an “exoplanet” pass across the face of its parent star, a small fraction of the starlight we collect will have passed through the planet’s atmosphere. Looking at spectra – measurements of light broken down by wavelength – taken during such a transit with those taken out of transit can help determine the composition of the atmosphere. This could include biosignatures such as oxygen, ozone or methane – which might give away the presence of extraterrestrial life.
A lunar eclipse is a perfect opportunity to study the details of the same effect close to home – sunlight reflected from the moon during eclipse has passed through the Earth’s atmosphere and been imprinted with its characteristics. This means the Earth takes the place of a transiting exoplanet. Various lunar eclipse studies are being conducted ahead of observations with upcoming facilities – such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the European Extremely Large Telescope – which have the potential to study the atmospheres of distant Earth-like planets.
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But even if you’re not a scientist, do go out and have a look this week. You are likely to see a slightly bigger moon than usual, exaggerated in size by the moon illusion as it rises or sets, and in some parts of the globe appearing dark and red from the lunar eclipse. Perhaps the event could inspire you to take up moon gazing. There’s so much to love – such as the shadows of mountains and crater walls at their most dramatic and the incredible feeling of flying across the lunar landscape when you view it through a telescope. As far as I’m concerned, every moon is super.
Tim O'Brien is Professor of Astrophysics and Associate Director of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester.
This article was originally published on The Conversation.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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The SEC’s weirdest rivalry may be what we need.
As we look forward to this afternoon’s Halloween matchup between Auburn and LSU, let’s go back several months and look at a possibility.
March 13th, 2020. Friday, March 13th, 2020.
That was kind of the day when this all hit the fan. Aside from being designated “World Sleep Day”, the news on that particular Friday was vast.
We’d just canceled basketball. Like, it was done. We wouldn’t get to see Auburn defend a conference tournament title and make a return to the NCAA Tournament. No more NBA, either.
Here’s a snippet of the headlines then:
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It’s pretty much all bad news, and it’s continued that way for several months. No lie, 2020, and October in particular, have been long and tough.
So, how do we give this thing a hard reset? Can we power cycle it? Does that work?
When you finally get to this point, what can you do but be a little aggressive?
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And how does it get more aggressive than trying to combat the miasma of 2020 than by taking a visit to the old backwoods voodoo shop that Auburn and LSU co-own and operate.
Here we are, trying to find solutions for this pandemic and trying year, and the answer was here all along. Just let Auburn and LSU play. We should’ve done this months ago. Spring scrimmage. Best of seven. Apply the magic liberally.
We would’ve wiped this thing out by mid-April.
When you consider the facts, there’s no other way to approach this. Auburn and LSU have played the most unimaginable series in conference history, and the rivalry doesn’t even really date as far back as some other matchups.
Of particular note:
1988 - Stupid idiot Earthquake Game. LSU scores in the closing seconds and the bourbon-induced guttural moans triggered a flimsy seismograph across campus to register. Auburn’s only loss in the regular season. With a win, they would’ve played Notre Dame for a national title.
1994 - Ha! Stupid idiot Curley Hallman!
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LSU quarterback Jamie Howard throws three pick sixes among his five interceptions in the fourth quarter, and Auburn erases a 23-9 deficit to win 30-26 and keep the winning streak alive.
1995 - Stupid idiot Phantom Whistle game. Patrick Nix got sacked for a safety when he heard a whistle from the stands and stopped during the play. Auburn loses 12-6.
1996 - Stupid idiot Barn Burning game. Literally a barn, not like “BARN CHEATIN”. Smoke billowed up from behind the student section but play continued. Auburn got screwed out of a touchdown when a Robert Baker catch was called incomplete. We lose 19-15.
1999 - Cigar Game. Auburn wins in Baton Rouge for the most recent time. Oh why does this number have to start with a 1?? Gross. Tommy Tuberville brings his guys back out onto the field to smoke cigars and curses the Auburn fortunes in Death Valley for decades to come.
2001 - 9/11 Game. Auburn/LSU is set for September 15th, but pushed back because of 9/11. LSU gets stronger as the season goes along, and thwacks us in Baton Rouge. Damon Duval fights a band member.
2004 - Hurricane Game. In the afterglow of Hurricane Ivan, Auburn upends the defending national champions with Jason Campbell’s last minute touchdown to Courtney Taylor. Nick Saban, Will Muschamp, and Jimbo Fisher are all on the LSU sideline.
2005 - Poor John Vaughn. Vaughn misses five field goals, including a doink in overtime to tie it, and Kenny Irons’ 200-yard day is wasted as Auburn loses again in Death Valley.
2006 - The Totally Not Pass Interference Officials Finally Made a Good Call Game. LSU gets unlucky with a controversial no-call on a play late in Auburn territory when Zach Gilbert and Eric Brock get entangled with an LSU receiver. Auburn stops LSU short of the goal line on the final play of the game to win 7-3. Oh, and an LSU fan doused our eagle with a drink and got arrested.
2007 - Les Miles Rabbit’s Foot Game. Instead of going for the easy field goal and certain win, Les Miles elects to throw to the end zone in the closing seconds. The pass is completed, when a bobble may have killed the clock. LSU loses twice during the regular season and still backdoors into the national championship.
2010 - Cam Newton Heisman Game. If the Iron Bowl cemented the Heisman that year for our large adult son, this was the game that vaulted him to the top of the polls. He runs for 217 yards and two scores, with one the scintillating affair where he dodges nearly every member of the LSU defense. Auburn goes to #1 in the country after this win and takes the national title a couple months later.
2016 - The You’re Fired Game. Loser of this game was pretty much guaranteed to fire the coach. Auburn gets six Daniel Carlson field goals and LSU appears to score the game-winning touchdown on the final play of regulation, but a review shows that the offense wasn’t set and the clock had run out before the snap. Les Miles gets fired the next morning.
2017 - Gus Hotseat Part 1,000. Auburn builds a 20-0 lead in Baton Rouge but tightens up and lets it slip away in the second half, falling 27-23. Auburn wins out in the regular season and wins the SEC West. This game, however, falls into one of the 3-4 most inexcusable losses under Gus Malzahn along with 2014 Texas A&M, 2016 Georgia, and 2018 Tennessee (and now 2020 South Carolina).
2018 - Pass Interference Revenge for LSU. Auburn blows another double digit lead and Joe Burrow leads a game-winning drive that culminates in a walk-off field goal for LSU and a 22-21 final score.
2019 - Nobody comes close to LSU in the regular season except for Auburn in Baton Rouge. In the end, a penalty on LSU allows LSU to run out the clock and preserve the win on the way to a perfect season.
See, if we’d just had a few of these happen in March, the Butterfly Effect of mojo would be more than capable of wiping out COVID, bringing back Kobe, dousing the wildfires, and doling out another round of stimulus checks to the country.
Or, we could be in for something truly epic tomorrow. Let’s consider the facts again.
Gone are the ultra-talented offensive cogs from last season for LSU. Heisman winner Joe Burrow, along with his trusty skill position players, most of his offensive line, and his wunderkind passing game coordinator are all in new spots (the NFL). Steve Ensminger is in charge of the show once again. Dave Aranda is leading Baylor, while people are laughing at Bo Pelini’s Baton Rouge buyout considering how poor the LSU defense has been this year.
They lost to Mike Leach, who hasn’t won another game yet. Think about that. MIKE LEACH MADE LSU WALK THE PLANK AND THEN DID SO HIMSELF. Mutually assured destruction from the Pirate. They also lost to Missouri and first year coach Eli Drinkwitz. LSU looked great against South Carolina, but that was at home, at night, where you can never pick against the Bayou Bengals unless you’re Troy.
Meanwhile... you know how this season has gone for Auburn.
Earlier this year, our own James Jones wrote a nice little ditty examining the history of BARN CHEATIN’. That only reviewed our controversial wins against the Tide after we were accused of nothing more than playing “gotchya and grabass” by the full diaper havers across the state.
Interesting only if you’re a mouthbreathing nitwit. Equitable if you’re the ones on the field trying to play actual football instead of gotchya and grabass. https://t.co/sum1sEFeXM
— Roll ‘Bama Roll (@rollbamaroll) April 22, 2020
Now, however, they may not be alone. Arkansas has joined Club Barn Cheatin’ —
I’m gonna be bitter for so long. In WHAT WORLD is that not a fumble!? WE WON THAT GAME pic.twitter.com/eGxwcFYlD9
— WoOoO Pig SpoOoOoky (@ArkansasFight) October 11, 2020
Then Ole Miss joined the group with these shirts and the sympathy of Alabama beat writers. It’s an alliance!
You can now grab yours today! : https://t.co/r4qq8zrpQR pic.twitter.com/W2cOnbQHWj
— Randy Jewel Morgan (@RebelNutt18) October 27, 2020
C’mon, you know we only cheat by funneling cash to star players through their family’s church and then strong-arming the NCAA into keeping them eligible by having a large yella man who likes to hit stuff with his own brand of 2x4s. Can’t you tell that’s how we run this game by all of the blue chip recruits we’ve gotten lately? Huh? Oh.
Anyway, Auburn has had some major buildup coming in the form of karma against LSU. The double digit leads blown over the past two years, with all the pass interference calls going against Auburn in 2018 are sure to somehow Yeerk their way into the back judge’s ear and force him to throw a flag on the purple Tigers. It’s going to happen. We’re going to get an all-SEC West alliance of Barn Cheatin’ going on in 2020.
Now, I’d love that, because it means we can win all of our division games, pissing off EVERYBODY and getting some victories while we’re at it in the year that doesn’t matter.
Let’s boil down the wild games in this series to a few choice words.
Photo finish. Last second. Controversial. Turnovers. Missed kicks. Poor clock management. Crowd involvement. Heisman winners. Natural disasters. Nicotine.
Now, to create the perfect outcome for tomorrow’s game, adding in Halloween and a full moon and a pandemic and the election.
Auburn and LSU will play a perfectly fun first half. There will be a bunch of points scored because neither defense is really all that good. LSU hits two or three big pass plays, and Auburn gets a breakaway run from Tank Bigsby and a long touchdown through the air. There will be a gadget play that works and one that blows up spectacularly. I have no designation on which team those happen to.
After halftime, it’s a close game, but LSU builds their lead in the third quarter with some defensive adjustments and another long pass play for a score. As the fourth quarter starts, Auburn trails by two scores. Then the turnovers happen. Whoever’s playing quarterback tomorrow will throw a pick, leading to a score for Auburn, and then in the final five minutes, Bo Nix and Tank Bigsby lead a methodical drive down the field and Auburn goes up by a point.
LSU will have a couple minutes left to salvage a win, needing only a field goal. They quickly move into range for the kick, but in their greed they go for the end zone from the Auburn 25. Offensive pass interference is called on a play where both the receiver and defender are hand-fighting, and the 15-yard penalty moves LSU back to where only a 57-yard field goal would win the game. With just five seconds left, Ed Orgeron trots out the kicking team, but the kick misses. Auburn roughs the kicker but doesn’t get called for it. Tigers (blue ones) win.
In the aftermath, Donald Trump criticizes Ed Orgeron for bad coaching on Twitter, and says that Big Ten football is way better (they love him in Iowa!). The southern states revolt and go blue. LSU joins Barn Cheatin’, Inc. and as a full moon sets on Halloween on the Plains, 2020 is put back in order.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/10/30/21542277/auburn-lsu-and-the-case-for-resetting-2020
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Fantasy Football Week 7 Rankings: Russell Wilson vs. Kyler Murray highlights matchups to prep for
The Guardian
Ryan Fitzpatrick is main the happiest march to obsolescence in NFL historical past
The Dolphins quarterback is preserving the starter’s spot heat for Tua Tagovailoa in Miami. However like a lot of his profession, he’s doing so with fashion and skillWhen Miami Dolphins rookie quarterback Tua Tagovailoa made his NFL debut through the remaining drive of Sunday’s 24-Zero annihilation of the New York Jets, nobody appeared happier than the person he’ll at some point exchange, Ryan Fitzpatrick. The 37-year-old led the sparse house crowd in an ovation with a smile so massive it nearly outdid his magnificent beard. And why not? Fitzpatrick is aware of that is his group solely briefly. He accepts and embraces it. However within the meantime, he’s balling. Fitzpatrick is seventh within the league in QBR and will stay in that territory after tossing three touchdowns towards the Jets. (He additionally threw two interceptions, certainly one of which was the 0-6 Jets’ few highlights of the season.) His 70% completion charge is the best of his profession and he’s helming a scrappy group coming off back-to-back blowout wins. The Dolphins are a pleasure to observe nowadays with a lot of the enjoyment rooted in Fitzpatrick. After Miami topped Jacksonville in Week 3’s bonanza of facial hair quarterbacks, Fitzpatrick was elated. “I really feel just like the luckiest man on this planet typically, attending to go outdoors and play soccer with my mates,” he informed reporters. Fitzpatrick has a refreshing happy-to-be-here side to his profession however he’s additionally sensible, robust and helpful sufficient to be an ideal cease hole for any franchise. Simply ask the Rams, Bengals, Invoice, Titans, Texans, Jets, Bucs and now Dolphins. Fitzpatrick won’t ever be the tallest or quickest in a quarterback room, however nobody will prime his willpower. Fitzpatrick’s journey was detailed by Yahoo this this summer season, a journey that concerned battling to win beginning quarterback job at Highland Excessive in Gilbert, Arizona, then transferring up the depth chart at Harvard, earlier than consistently having to reprove his price to a litany of NFL franchises. Some quarterbacks are branded as starters, some as backups. Fitzpatrick is in his personal distinctive class the place he so generally emerges because the starter that you just lose monitor of whether or not or not it was by design.Fitzpatrick is a wonderment not due to his stronger-than-you-think arm, his escapability, and even his endless beard. It’s his self-awareness. It’s his skill to know that he’s a placeholder but take the sector like he owns the group. It’s his skill to encourage his teammates. “Fitz is only a healthful particular person. The way in which he’s out on the sector is identical means he’s off the sector,” Tagovailoa informed ESPN this week. “I don’t suppose there’s actually a definite change in who he’s. I imply, what you see out there’s actually who Fitz is. He’s a coach. He’s a mentor on and off the sector. However he’s additionally a really, very family-oriented particular person. Very loving. Very caring for guys. And he’s humorous, too. He’s actually humorous.”It’s uncertain that Aaron Rodgers will likely be leaping for pleasure when Jordan Love takes the sector nor would most quarterbacks once they can see their current turn into their previous within the flesh. However Fitzpatrick is a unique breed. His pleasure for Tagovailoa’s entrance illuminated his objective as each a bridge and a mentor. Like Patrick Mahomes with Alex Smith, Tagovailoa entered the NFL in an idyllic state of affairs. In Fitzpatrick, he acquired a mentor that not solely leads by instance however who genuinely needs the child to succeed. It’s one factor to look at how a lot time a teammate places into movie research, it’s one other when that teammate additionally cares about you as a human and needs to information you thru the whole thorny panorama that’s the NFL. That’s Fitz. Each every so often, it seems like Fitzpatrick is destined to be the man underneath middle. However the baton will likely be handed off, and probably quickly. Till then, Fitzpatrick will hold partaking in a quarterback arc that’s charmed and uniquely his. Stat of the weekThe Patriots are underneath .500 this late within the season for the primary time since 2002. For many groups a 2-Three file wouldn’t be trigger for panic. It would even be trigger for celebration when you reside within the NFC East. However this season has been a serious pivot for the Patriots who had a reserved seat within the playoffs for the final 20 years. The Pats had been sloppy on each side of the ball in a 18-12 house loss to the Broncos. Cam Newton, now recovered from Covid-19, was sacked 4 instances and had no offensive weaponry or safety. There may be the apparent excuse of little to no follow time given the ability’s Covid-19 closure over a lot of the previous two weeks. However in contrast to the Titans, who overcame the identical hurdles and crushed the Payments final Thursday, the Pats don’t look like a group with a lot depth or overwhelming expertise at this level. MVP of the week> THAT’S ROYALTY!
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> > 94-yard TD run for @KingHenry_2 > >
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: Watch HOUvsTEN on CBS pic.twitter.com/44iVQKCwVR> > — Tennessee Titans (@Titans) October 18, 2020Derrick Henry, RB, Tennessee Titans. All hail King Henry who placed on a clinic in Tennessee’s scintillating 42-36 additional time win towards the Texans. When JJ Watt strip-sacked Ryan Tannehill, a turnover that resulted in a landing and Houston taking the lead, it appeared like a serious momentum shift. However Henry answered with a jaw-dropping-how-does-a-man-that-big-have-those-jets 94 yard landing. Henry was additionally instrumental in additional time, barreling upfield on a 53-yard display screen after which scoring the game-winner on a direct snap. Henry ended with 212 dashing yards and have become the primary participant in NFL historical past with 200-yard video games in three consecutive seasons. May he be probably the most harmful rusher since Adrian Peterson in his prime? Video of the week> Aaron Rodgers took a tough hit ultimately zone, then he instantly obtained up and hit them with a “double pump.” Absolute savage
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pic.twitter.com/fjDOyKSnrz> > — FOX Sports activities: NFL (@NFLonFOX) October 18, 2020 Aaron Jones ran in a one-yard landing within the first quarter for Inexperienced Bay but it surely was the opposite Aaron who actually felt the second. Sure, Aaron Rodgers carried out the Hingle McCringleberry extreme celebration sketch, a fictional soccer participant made well-known from Key and Peele. Quote of the week“We’re one of the best protection on this league” – Bears inside linebacker Danny Trevathan.It’s laborious to argue with Trevathan after the Bears’ protection turned in one other dominating, opportunistic defensive efficiency, topping Carolina 23-16. They had been flat out stifling as the sport progressed, particularly the run stuffers. As Kevin Fishbain of the Athletic factors out the Bears allowed Panthers rusher Mike Davis to gather 40 yards on eight carries. However after that they held him to 12 yards on 10 carries. The Bears now sit at a really wholesome 5-1 and the protection saving the offense appears to be a theme for Chicago this season – and nearly all of their seasons. Elsewhere across the league– The arrival of Tom Brady put a whole lot of deal with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers offense however their protection is among the finest within the league. They made Rodgers look unusual, whereas they harassed him all afternoon because the Bucs inflicted the Inexperienced Bay Packers’ first lack of the season. Certainly, the Bucs protection was so dominant that Rodgers was pulled within the fourth-quarter to guard him from additional punishment.– After accidents to the Jags’ first 4 kickers this season, they reached deep into the pile and pulled out … somebody who had by no means tried a subject aim at any stage. Jon Brown was a soccer participant at Louisville earlier than transferring to Kentucky to play soccer the place he grew to become a kickoff specialist. However even with out the expertise, Brown drilled his first-ever try like a seasoned vet, although he did miss a 32-yarder later in Jacksonville’s 34-16 loss to the Lions.– Steelers-Browns didn’t fairly reside as much as its Sport of the Week billing. Pittsburgh clobbered Cleveland 38-7, once more showcasing their elite wideout scouting with James Washington becoming a member of Chase Claypool as a pressure. The Steelers protection, aided by a key Minkah Fitzpatrick interception, regarded much more stout than final week. Steelers-Ravens in Week eight must be on everybody’s calendars.– Interim Texans head coach Romeo Crennel had the controversial teaching transfer of the week. The Texans scored with 1:50 left and took a seven-point lead. As an alternative of kicking it to place Houston up eight, Crennel rolled the cube and tried to go for a win with a two-point conversion.– The NFL woke to nice information in Sunday, when zero Covid-19 checks got here again optimistic.– Presumptive No1 total choose Trevor Lawrence carried out his newest masterpiece Saturday, his ridiculous arm and determination making guiding Clemson to an historic 73-7 rout of Georgia Tech. Already up 52-7 on the half, Lawrence left the sport after one second-half sequence with 5 touchdowns, 405 yards, and all quarterback-deficient NFL groups salivating.– Vikings followers, how are you feeling about Kirk Cousins’ $66m assured contract extension? Yikes. He threw three touchdowns in Minnesota’s loss to the Atlanta Falcons … and in addition three interceptions. “The truth is that if the tempo I’m on when it comes to the interceptions, if that had been to proceed, I received’t end the season,” Cousins stated. He’s proper.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/fantasy-football-week-7-rankings-russell-wilson-vs-kyler-murray-highlights-matchups-to-prep-for/ via https://growthnews.in
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johnboothus · 4 years
We Asked 15 Spirits Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night?
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The countdown to the Nov. 3 election is on. As there’s no question that the days ahead will be filled with stress as the nation votes and awaits the outcome, VinePair is turning its attention toward the less serious but still pressing decision of what to drink on election night.
To find out what the pros have chosen to help take the edge off, VinePair asked bartenders and distillers around the country what they will be pouring and shaking up for this momentous event. From historic punches and classic cocktails, to American whiskey and an aptly named natural wine, keep reading below for some expert suggestions on picking the right election night tipple.
The Best Drinks for Election Night Recommended by Spirits Pros:
Westland’s Peated American Single Malt Whiskey
WhistlePig 10 Year
Grey Goose La Poire
Dark ‘n Stormy
Green Spot Irish Whiskey
2019 Strange Days by Lightwell Survey
Old Grand-Dad 114
Daiquiri with Cañada Cloud Forest Rum
Krug Champagne
Spring44 Vodka
Luna Bay Booch’s Ginger Lemon Hard Kombucha
Ward Eight Cocktail
2006 Clos Cazals Grand Cru Oger Blanc de Blanc
Masterson’s Rye Whiskey
Fords Gin Officers’ Reserve
Keep reading for details about all of the recommended bottles!
“On election day/night, I’m going to have a Martini or two. I’m going to go to bed before the election is called, and wake up to some damn good news and a better day. (And then I’m putting Benedictine in my morning coffee.) I can’t remember the last time 2020 gave me a good morning.” — Alex Negranza, Bar Manager, MARCH and Rosie Cannonball, Houston
“To reduce my anxiety on election night, I will be drinking a dram of Westland’s Peated American Single Malt Whiskey. This Americanized Scotch has [a] great balance of peat and malt while the influence from the barrel keeps both in check. This is my favorite peated American whiskey, except for mine, of course. Hopefully, I’ll feel as even-keeled as this whiskey as the election results roll in.” — Max Pfeffer, Master Distiller, Manatawny Still Works, Pottstown, Pa.
“On election night this year, I will be drinking a WhistlePig 10 Year on the rocks. On a night like the upcoming election, anything less than 100 proof would just be unsatisfactory.” — Henry Ottrix, Bartender, Curio Bar inside Denver Central Market, Denver
“This is going to be a very long and likely stressful night, especially for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community. I’ll want something strong, classy, and comforting. I’m planning on grabbing my bottle of Grey Goose La Poire for a strong and complex Martinez riff. I like a 50/50 ratio with Martini & Rossi Rubino sweet vermouth, with just a splash of Maraschino and classic Angostura bitters, stirred nice and cold and finished off with an orange twist studded with a clove. Better yet, I can make a whole pitcher of them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge to top off my partner and roommates’ glasses every time another state is declared. So go vote right now, and then hit the liquor store.” — Ash Haussermann, Bartender, Clover Club, Brooklyn
“I will be having a Dark ‘n Stormy to summon the rain gods in hopes of good rainfall to bring us back to life. It’s all figurative, of course, but that doesn’t negate the fact that our food chains are suffering, our labor force is weakened, and our economy is in need of massive repair.” — Alba Huerta, Owner, Julep, Houston
“For election night, I’ll be drinking something a little stronger. One of my favorite whiskies is Green Spot Irish Whiskey. I like it neat, and I’ll add rocks later on to exaggerate any changes the ice brings. I like that Green Spot is light, has slow legs, a round mouthfeel, and is sweet and balanced. I always use filtered water for the ice cubes and drink from a rocks glass.” — Chris Hanson, Distiller and Winemaker, Hanson of Sonoma, Sonoma, Calif.
“Without a doubt, I will be opening a tantalizing bottle of 2019 Strange Days natural wine by Lightwell Survey, which I recently purchased at Domestique Wine. I associate natural wines with rectitude and realness. I hope this year’s election is untainted by immorality, and every voice is counted. I hope this year’s election is carried out with the same integrity natural winemakers dedicate to the production of their wines. The American people need to hear the unadulterated truth about our candidates to make an informed vote. With that being said, this bottle represents an interesting, and definitely unique, untainted presidential election. No hidden documents, no sugar-coated lies. This year we taste the truth, not Kool-Aid wine.” — Chad Henry, Bar Manager, Bammy’s, Washington, D.C.
“Old Grand-Dad 114, because it’s got a lot of flavor for a good price in case I need a second bottle that night…” — Kyle Shelgren, Bartender, Roger’s Liquid Oasis, Edgewater, Colo.
“This election night, I’ll be drinking classic Daiquiris made with Cañada Cloud Forest rum from Mexico. The Daiquiri is sharp and fresh, and I think we’ll all need something light and bright on what promises to be a long night. This JFK favorite is on the low-alcohol side, but will do well with an extra shot when the Florida returns come in. And if the numbers aren’t looking so rosy late in the evening, the Cloud Forest rum is the perfect bottle to sip on while I plan my escape to Mexico.” — James Simpson, Manager, Espita Mezcaleria, Washington, D.C.
“If it’s a win, Krug Champagne to toast, and if it’s a loss, at least it was enjoyed while watching the results, and the loss won’t be too hard to take. I think it’s the most underrated Champagne out there and probably still my favorite over even the biggest name brands.” — Piero Procida, Food & Beverage Director, The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Calif.
“Inspired by election night, I came up with this cocktail: ‘The Orange Russian,’ with Spring44 Vodka, Midnight Espresso Liqueur, a splash of milk, and topped with a Clementine Izze.” — Eric Vanderveen, Bartender, The Empire Lounge & Restaurant, Louisville, Colo.
“On election night, I’ll be drinking Luna Bay Booch’s Ginger Lemon hard kombucha. With 6 percent ABV, it has the boozy bite I’ll need to calm my nerves. I love that Luna Bay uses real herbs, fruits, and Yerba Mate tea, so while I’m nervously drinking, I’ll feel better about what I’m putting into my body than many of the alternatives.” — Gareth Moore, Managing Partner and Bartender, Home & Away, San Diego
“On election night, I’ve gotta reach for the Ward Eight cocktail! Not only [is it] delicious, but the history is so much fun! It is said to have been created for a politician in the 1890s to celebrate Massachusetts’ Eighth Ward delivering him the election. It’s pretty simple to make — just rye whiskey, OJ, lemon juice, and grenadine. Historically [and] politically relevant, and enough kick to get you through watching the election results!” — Jenn Tosatto, Bar Manager, Mission Taco Joint, Kansas City, Mo.
“It depends on how the night goes. I’ll almost certainly start the evening with a bottle of Champagne to celebrate the work that has gone into the campaign by myself, my friends, and thousands of other people across the country. I’ve actually got a beautiful bottle of 2006 Clos Cazals Grand Cru Oger Blanc de Blancs that is really spectacular, and I can’t wait to enjoy [it]! With any luck, I’ll be drinking Champagne for the rest of the evening. Depending on how things go, I may end up with whiskey. Neat. Specifically some of my favorite Canadian rye — Masterson’s Rye Whiskey. It’s spicy, balanced, and just a delicious spirit that’s great for most occasions.” — Gavin Humes, Director of Food and Beverage, Scratch | Restaurants Group, Los Angeles
“As an expat, I’m not eligible to vote. Usually, I’m traveling and exploring cocktail bars around the world during election season. This year, I’m staying put in Nashville with my family as to keep those around me (and myself) safe and healthy. At home, I’ll be taking inspiration from the tropical cocktail movement and make my home a vacation paradise with drinks that will take my mind to far-flung places. Given my natural affinity towards gin (surprised?), I’ll begin with a Saturn and then the Quarterdeck from Shannon Mustipher’s TIKI with Fords Gin Officers’ Reserve. But, it won’t stop there. … Depending on the result, I think I will start with a punch, such as a Spiced Apple Gin Warmer, and then move on to the Fish House Punch (gin, brandy, peach brandy, Maraschino liqueur, green tea, lemon juice, simple syrup, and Champagne!) … Lastly, just days ahead of the election, I will make the forgotten classic cocktail from Patrick Gavin Duffy’s “Official Mixer’s Manual” (1934) that he named ‘Have a Heart Cocktail’ in the hopes that people vote with their hearts.”— Simon Ford, Founder, Fords Gin, London
The article We Asked 15 Spirits Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night? appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/15-best-election-night-spirits/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/we-asked-15-spirits-pros-what-will-you-be-drinking-on-election-night
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
We Asked 15 Spirits Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night?
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The countdown to the Nov. 3 election is on. As there’s no question that the days ahead will be filled with stress as the nation votes and awaits the outcome, VinePair is turning its attention toward the less serious but still pressing decision of what to drink on election night.
To find out what the pros have chosen to help take the edge off, VinePair asked bartenders and distillers around the country what they will be pouring and shaking up for this momentous event. From historic punches and classic cocktails, to American whiskey and an aptly named natural wine, keep reading below for some expert suggestions on picking the right election night tipple.
The Best Drinks for Election Night Recommended by Spirits Pros:
Westland’s Peated American Single Malt Whiskey
WhistlePig 10 Year
Grey Goose La Poire
Dark ‘n Stormy
Green Spot Irish Whiskey
2019 Strange Days by Lightwell Survey
Old Grand-Dad 114
Daiquiri with Cañada Cloud Forest Rum
Krug Champagne
Spring44 Vodka
Luna Bay Booch’s Ginger Lemon Hard Kombucha
Ward Eight Cocktail
2006 Clos Cazals Grand Cru Oger Blanc de Blanc
Masterson’s Rye Whiskey
Fords Gin Officers’ Reserve
Keep reading for details about all of the recommended bottles!
“On election day/night, I’m going to have a Martini or two. I’m going to go to bed before the election is called, and wake up to some damn good news and a better day. (And then I’m putting Benedictine in my morning coffee.) I can’t remember the last time 2020 gave me a good morning.” — Alex Negranza, Bar Manager, MARCH and Rosie Cannonball, Houston
“To reduce my anxiety on election night, I will be drinking a dram of Westland’s Peated American Single Malt Whiskey. This Americanized Scotch has [a] great balance of peat and malt while the influence from the barrel keeps both in check. This is my favorite peated American whiskey, except for mine, of course. Hopefully, I’ll feel as even-keeled as this whiskey as the election results roll in.” — Max Pfeffer, Master Distiller, Manatawny Still Works, Pottstown, Pa.
“On election night this year, I will be drinking a WhistlePig 10 Year on the rocks. On a night like the upcoming election, anything less than 100 proof would just be unsatisfactory.” — Henry Ottrix, Bartender, Curio Bar inside Denver Central Market, Denver
“This is going to be a very long and likely stressful night, especially for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community. I’ll want something strong, classy, and comforting. I’m planning on grabbing my bottle of Grey Goose La Poire for a strong and complex Martinez riff. I like a 50/50 ratio with Martini & Rossi Rubino sweet vermouth, with just a splash of Maraschino and classic Angostura bitters, stirred nice and cold and finished off with an orange twist studded with a clove. Better yet, I can make a whole pitcher of them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge to top off my partner and roommates’ glasses every time another state is declared. So go vote right now, and then hit the liquor store.” — Ash Haussermann, Bartender, Clover Club, Brooklyn
“I will be having a Dark ‘n Stormy to summon the rain gods in hopes of good rainfall to bring us back to life. It’s all figurative, of course, but that doesn’t negate the fact that our food chains are suffering, our labor force is weakened, and our economy is in need of massive repair.” — Alba Huerta, Owner, Julep, Houston
“For election night, I’ll be drinking something a little stronger. One of my favorite whiskies is Green Spot Irish Whiskey. I like it neat, and I’ll add rocks later on to exaggerate any changes the ice brings. I like that Green Spot is light, has slow legs, a round mouthfeel, and is sweet and balanced. I always use filtered water for the ice cubes and drink from a rocks glass.” — Chris Hanson, Distiller and Winemaker, Hanson of Sonoma, Sonoma, Calif.
“Without a doubt, I will be opening a tantalizing bottle of 2019 Strange Days natural wine by Lightwell Survey, which I recently purchased at Domestique Wine. I associate natural wines with rectitude and realness. I hope this year’s election is untainted by immorality, and every voice is counted. I hope this year’s election is carried out with the same integrity natural winemakers dedicate to the production of their wines. The American people need to hear the unadulterated truth about our candidates to make an informed vote. With that being said, this bottle represents an interesting, and definitely unique, untainted presidential election. No hidden documents, no sugar-coated lies. This year we taste the truth, not Kool-Aid wine.” — Chad Henry, Bar Manager, Bammy’s, Washington, D.C.
“Old Grand-Dad 114, because it’s got a lot of flavor for a good price in case I need a second bottle that night…” — Kyle Shelgren, Bartender, Roger’s Liquid Oasis, Edgewater, Colo.
“This election night, I’ll be drinking classic Daiquiris made with Cañada Cloud Forest rum from Mexico. The Daiquiri is sharp and fresh, and I think we’ll all need something light and bright on what promises to be a long night. This JFK favorite is on the low-alcohol side, but will do well with an extra shot when the Florida returns come in. And if the numbers aren’t looking so rosy late in the evening, the Cloud Forest rum is the perfect bottle to sip on while I plan my escape to Mexico.” — James Simpson, Manager, Espita Mezcaleria, Washington, D.C.
“If it’s a win, Krug Champagne to toast, and if it’s a loss, at least it was enjoyed while watching the results, and the loss won’t be too hard to take. I think it’s the most underrated Champagne out there and probably still my favorite over even the biggest name brands.” — Piero Procida, Food & Beverage Director, The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Calif.
“Inspired by election night, I came up with this cocktail: ‘The Orange Russian,’ with Spring44 Vodka, Midnight Espresso Liqueur, a splash of milk, and topped with a Clementine Izze.” — Eric Vanderveen, Bartender, The Empire Lounge & Restaurant, Louisville, Colo.
“On election night, I’ll be drinking Luna Bay Booch’s Ginger Lemon hard kombucha. With 6 percent ABV, it has the boozy bite I’ll need to calm my nerves. I love that Luna Bay uses real herbs, fruits, and Yerba Mate tea, so while I’m nervously drinking, I’ll feel better about what I’m putting into my body than many of the alternatives.” — Gareth Moore, Managing Partner and Bartender, Home & Away, San Diego
“On election night, I’ve gotta reach for the Ward Eight cocktail! Not only [is it] delicious, but the history is so much fun! It is said to have been created for a politician in the 1890s to celebrate Massachusetts’ Eighth Ward delivering him the election. It’s pretty simple to make — just rye whiskey, OJ, lemon juice, and grenadine. Historically [and] politically relevant, and enough kick to get you through watching the election results!” — Jenn Tosatto, Bar Manager, Mission Taco Joint, Kansas City, Mo.
“It depends on how the night goes. I’ll almost certainly start the evening with a bottle of Champagne to celebrate the work that has gone into the campaign by myself, my friends, and thousands of other people across the country. I’ve actually got a beautiful bottle of 2006 Clos Cazals Grand Cru Oger Blanc de Blancs that is really spectacular, and I can’t wait to enjoy [it]! With any luck, I’ll be drinking Champagne for the rest of the evening. Depending on how things go, I may end up with whiskey. Neat. Specifically some of my favorite Canadian rye — Masterson’s Rye Whiskey. It’s spicy, balanced, and just a delicious spirit that’s great for most occasions.” — Gavin Humes, Director of Food and Beverage, Scratch | Restaurants Group, Los Angeles
“As an expat, I’m not eligible to vote. Usually, I’m traveling and exploring cocktail bars around the world during election season. This year, I’m staying put in Nashville with my family as to keep those around me (and myself) safe and healthy. At home, I’ll be taking inspiration from the tropical cocktail movement and make my home a vacation paradise with drinks that will take my mind to far-flung places. Given my natural affinity towards gin (surprised?), I’ll begin with a Saturn and then the Quarterdeck from Shannon Mustipher’s TIKI with Fords Gin Officers’ Reserve. But, it won’t stop there. … Depending on the result, I think I will start with a punch, such as a Spiced Apple Gin Warmer, and then move on to the Fish House Punch (gin, brandy, peach brandy, Maraschino liqueur, green tea, lemon juice, simple syrup, and Champagne!) … Lastly, just days ahead of the election, I will make the forgotten classic cocktail from Patrick Gavin Duffy’s “Official Mixer’s Manual” (1934) that he named ‘Have a Heart Cocktail’ in the hopes that people vote with their hearts.”— Simon Ford, Founder, Fords Gin, London
The article We Asked 15 Spirits Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/15-best-election-night-spirits/
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