#sorry I’m a coven anti
simplysummers · 11 months
I finally finished Roanoke, so this is my current ranking for those who care ✨
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence, swearing, animal death, no beta, warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Warning... answers may lead to endings. 2882 words.
Notes: Part of this chapter was penned during a writing session with @pastel-pillows. This one is for her.
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“I think I might be a bad witch… Not bad as in evil… As in… wrong, in some way. Not how I naturally should be.”
“If you’re a bad witch, I’m a worse vampire.”
You looked deep into his eyes. Maybe you had created a monster when you brought Eddie back, but if so, he was a monster you had no intention of slaying. Like Frankenstein to his creation or the stray cat saved from becoming roadkill, Eddie was bound to you and you to him.
Over and over again, you tried to draw any sort of a conclusion that linked him to your coven. It felt like some of your thoughts were in a language you didn’t speak, refusing to offer meaning and remaining disconnected from everything else you know to be true.
Before you could say anything more, your stomach growled loudly.
Eddie smiled. “When did you last eat?” he asked.
“Ah… I think I had an apple this morning?”
Peeling yourself away from the warm comfort of the bed, you made your way out into the kitchen, ducking under the clothes drying on Eddie’s makeshift clothesline. “I didn’t realise vampires were so easily domesticated,”
“Nor I,” he replied, a coy smile on his face as he sat at the breakfast bar and watched you open the door to the painfully empty refrigerator.
You huffed.
“I will gather food for you,” Eddie decided from his position at the door. You hadn’t seen him move there, but you were getting used to that. “You stole clothing for me. I will steal food for you. Tis only fair.”
With no energy to come up with an alternative plan, you shrugged and nodded, letting Eddie go. Flopping down on the couch, you closed your eyes. Even with all that sleep, you still felt sluggish.
Then, unfairly, the phone rang. You looked at it for a couple of seconds, hanging on the wall, squealing at you. If you didn’t pick up the call, Kelsey would find another more dramatic way of contacting you.
“I’m okay,” you answered, untangling the curled cable so you could sit on the floor.
“The lines were down. I’ve been calling all day,” she told you. It was hard to say if that was a Vecna thing or a ‘Hawkins is falling apart’ thing, not that it mattered either way. “Was it you? Did you stop him? He’s gone. Whatever was holding open the door between our world and his is gone. Everything is… quiet,”
“Hi to you too.” You could feel the unimpressed look Kelsey was giving you down the line. “Sorry,” you started again. “I’m sorry. Yeah, he’s gone. It was… Me. And the humans. I watched him burn to ash. He’s gone, Kels. And… and, yeah, everything is quiet… Hawkins feels… empty. They will rebuild though,”
“They always do,” she said solemnly. “We couldn’t see you. I mean, we haven’t been able to really see you since you got there. It’s like there’s a smudge on the window or something. There was no craft that would let any of us see into his world,”
“Maybe that’s for the best. It was not a world we were ever meant to see,”
“Does it seem… I don’t know… Anti-climactic to you too? The coven will leave the border up for a few days, just to make sure, but everyone is already going back to their lives.”
The battle still ached in your muscles and bones. There hadn’t been enough time between then and now to afford you the perspective to see it as climactic, let alone for this stillness after to feel anti-climactic. If you were honest, the fight for the soul of Hawkins and indeed the rest of the world wasn’t even the main event. It was just another photograph on the murder board. A sense of resolution would begin and end with Eddie. What shape that would take, you didn’t know.
“This is what we do,” you reminded Kelsey. “We should be so lucky that all of the wars are so brief and contained,”
“Yeah…” Kelsey remembered the same as you – the smell of burning vampire bodies at the cost of Penelope’s life, and only after the massacre of humans and witches alike. “You’re right. Maybe it just feels strange because we’re apart. It’s never been like this. We’ve never fought a war apart,”
“I know. I miss you too,”
“Are you coming ho- Wait. Wait, fuck. What happened to the bat man?!”
You were hoping on Vecna overshadowing the cursed bat situation, that you would have at least another day to come up with a good cover story before having to update Kelsey. Eyes darting around the trailer, you looked for inspiration but were coming up short.
Kelsey started to laugh at your silence. “What did you do?” she whispered; the glee evident. “You did something, right?”
“It didn’t work. He’s still a bat.”
She was trying to gauge your tone. “Did you kill him? If you did you can tell me. I know it was an accident!”
“Kelsey! I didn’t kill him!”
“Then why do you sound like that?! Did you fix him? Is that it? Did you turn him back into a man and he’s so unbelievably attractive that you have to keep him secret? Has your icy heart finally melted and you’re in love with the bat man?”
“You’re hundreds of years old, grow up,”
“Ohhhhh!” she laughed. “That was absolutely not a denial,”
“It was. He’s just a common brown bat. I’ve been busy with, you know, saving the world. Not really time to try to unhex a bat,”
“Yeah, yeah. You only get to say you saved the world because you were stupid and went to Hawkins. You got their first. We collectively would have stopped him otherwise.”
No, you thought, the coven wouldn’t have. Not unless one of them had a secret vampire too.
“Yeah, probably. The point is, a curse is hard to break. This is gonna take a while.”
Kelsey replied, but you didn’t listen. Your head had made a connection as you said the words. A curse is hard to break. A curse should be hard to break. It was meant to be hard to break. But… It wasn’t. It had been easier than expected once you’d committed.
A curse is hard to break unless the witch unbreaking it was the one who cast it.
“Kelsey!” you interrupted her. “What do you remember about the flatlands? About being here?”
She was quiet for a moment. “What do you mean? What part? We were there for so long,”
“Right, sure. But, the vampires. What do you remember about them?”
Kelsey did not like the mania in your voice. Still, she answered, measured as always. “We knew they were there before they attacked,”
“When did they attack?”
“Um… it was winter, I think? It was cold. 1835 or 6? We left in 45, and it had been about a decade of war… You know this though. You remember this too?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. It was how you remembered it. “I’m just… I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about Penelope. How she experimented… and… I don’t know. Being back here has me nostalgic, I guess,”
“Nostalgic for what…? Killing vampires?”
You winced, felt your stomach flip on itself. “No. I just… I don’t know.”
Kelsey was quiet again. “What have you done?” she asked seriously.
But that was the problem. You didn’t know. You didn’t know what you had done, nor what had been done to you.
“I’m okay,” you told her. “Everything is okay,”
“You have to know that I know you’re lying, yeah?”
“It’s going to be okay.”
You heard her sigh deeply. Kelsey had an entire vocabulary of sighs at her disposal. Really, all witches did. Maybe, all women did. It was a secret language you could speak to each other in.
“Really,” you assured her.
“Alright,” Kelsey conceded. “Well… Call me soon, okay? These two weeks have felt like eternity,”
“I will. I love you,”
“I love you too.”
Eddie had returned but waited outside the trailer until your call ended. He listened as you hung the phone back on its cradle. You were breathing too fast, your heartbeat following suit.
He was pleased that his speed didn’t seem to bother you anymore. Eddie placed the bag of food on the kitchen bench and looked you up and down. You sighed and he wasn’t sure what it meant. The look in your eye, though, he could decode. You were sad and worried.
“I think I did this to you.” Your voice was small, as though the guilt muted sound.
Eddie moved slowly, came to sit next to you on the floor. “Why do you think that, little witch?”
“I… I mean, I don’t know for sure. But the curse was too easy to reverse. It’s easier to undo your own magic than another witch’s,”
“If so, why do you not remember?”
Shaking your head, you looked at him. “I don’t know,” you whispered. “I think there might be other things I don’t know and can’t remember.”
There was an impulse Eddie ignored, one that laughed at the notion of a dishonest sisterhood. He didn’t think your misery was funny though. Whatever guilt you felt about potentially being the cause of his hex, he matched with his own about being the cause of your sorrow.
Instead of apologising or asking if it was routine for a coven to conceal truths from each other, Eddie stood and began to take things out of the bag he’d returned with.
“Food is readily available,” he noted. “I assume it has not always been so,”
“Nope,” you said, standing and looking over his gathered goods.
“I can read but much of the packaging still lacked useful description… What is a Toaster Strudel?”
“Oh, they’re good!”
“They did not look good. Nor did Captain Crunch,” he told you, pronouncing the ‘captain’ so formally. You giggled. “So, I took what appeared to be real food.”
The image of Eddie stalking through an empty supermarket was so endearing. He’d collected fruits and vegetables, eggs and soft cheese. Fresh milk too. Things that were recognisable to him and his 1800s brain. You picked up the one thing that was out of place. A single pack Moon Pie.
“Curiosity got the better of you?”
“I wake to find myself in the future where Moon Pies are plentiful. How could I not?”
“You can’t… eat…”
“But I can taste!” Eddie defiantly opened the plastic wrapping, took a bite of the Pie, and chewed. When his jaw stopped moving, you snorted at him.
“You wanna spit that out?”
He nodded.
“Trashcan under the sink,” you pointed. “How was your taste of the future?”
“Yeah. They’re not the best. Should’ve got Hostess CupCakes. But, the rest of this is good. Thank you, Eddie.”
While you made a pot of tea and drank milk from the bottle, Eddie watched like he was trying to learn the dance of your movements. You ate brie on apple slices, and fried egg and tomatoes. The food made you feel the closest to normal you’d felt in weeks.
As you washed the dishes, it occurred to you. “Have you… eaten?” you asked Eddie.
His lips tipped up into a smile. He nodded slowly. You nodded back in acknowledgment. The both of you were thinking it. He didn’t have to ask. He just waited for you to come to a decision.
“Tell me,”
“He may have counted as one of yours… but I doubt you’d claim him,” he began with a wicked smile that reminded you of what he was. “He was in the forest, looking for where she died,”
“Who died?”
“The… cheerleader? The gate is closed. All that remains is the valley he ripped into the earth. But… I can smell the blood there. Her's. It’s splashed against the trees. Still stuck to some of the fallen leaves. There was a man out there. He was looking for that place,”
“How do you know?”
“Ah, well, chatty young demon… He had a photograph of her. And a look in his eye. I asked him if he was looking for death. He misunderstood,”
“That’s it?” It didn’t seem enough. You agreed it was ghoulish to visit a murder scene for fun, but it certainly wasn’t enough to warrant death.
“No. Curiosity is natural. His candour though, almost supernatural. He was revealing in the darkness that has taken Hawkins. He could name all the people he was happy to have seen perish. The cheerleader was at the top of the list. He appeared to be quite infatuated with her. Moreso in death.”
Eddie’s dark eyes watched you for a reaction, any hint you didn’t want to hear about it anymore. Your expression was one of worry and anticipation. He continued.
“When I showed him where the blood was, he grew excited.  In… every sense of the word. He asked if I was like him. Which, I fear, in some ways I am. But not in the ways he wanted me to be.”
It was a question of morality. Maybe even theology. And if there were things to question bigger than that – then those too.
“Do you think he has ever hurt anyone?” you asked, trying to form a complete picture.
“Yes. It was in his nature.”
What Eddie was describing was a budding sociopath. A potential serial killer. Or maybe just a run-of-the-mill asshole man that took pleasure in the pain of others, especially when those others were pretty girls like Chrissy Cunningham. Either way, there would be no more pain.
What pain had Eddie caused in his lifetime? Bloodlust wasn’t something alien to him. Why did it feel fair for the young man in the forest to die but for Eddie to live?
“Are you thinking about your murder board?” Eddie asked softly.
“Even if I had all the information in the world, I think there would still be questions that can’t be answered,”
“Perhaps it would do you well to exercise the thoughts. Turn your mental murder board into something real,” Eddie suggested.
Although you didn’t have a pinboard and coloured string, you did have notebooks and a multitude of pens. It was a good idea.
Eddie sat on the couch as you pushed your coffee table alter from the center of the living space, making room on the floor. Cross legged, you ripped pieces of paper and began to write out everything you knew for sure.
1830 – 1843 Eddie hexed, by who? Likely the coven, possibly me?
1845 Coven leaves Hawkins, some memories of my time here missing, coven vows never to return
1986 Something calls me to Hawkins, Vecna? (probably not), Eddie (probably not), what then?
You paused. It wasn’t a lot. It was nothing, really.
The Witches Who Came Before: warned against returning to Hawkins (why?), foretold that when fighting Vecna I would not be alone, ‘history will not repeat,’ ‘lore will be rewritten,’
Looking up at Eddie, he offered an encouraging nod. All you could do was shrug back. “I don’t… I don’t know how we can possibly get any answers without asking the coven.”
He could hear the frustration in your voice and responded by slinking down, pushing his arm against yours as he sat beside you.
“May I ask what the answers would do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” Eddie tapped a long nailed finger against one of the pieces of paper. “Does it matter who called you to Hawkins? You came and you saved your humans. Is that not enough?”
You shook your head. “No, it does matter. Vecna didn’t know about me or what I was, so it wasn’t him. That wouldn’t make any sense. But, it wasn’t you. Unless it was and you just don’t know. That doesn’t… that doesn’t really make sense either though. But I don’t know what else it could have been. Prophecies and pilgrimages are usually voiced by The Witches Who Came Before, and it wasn’t them,”
“They are… Your higher power?”
“Uh, no. They are, like, literally witches who existed before now. Ones that were particularly powerful or noteworthy. They are on a different plane of existence. They can see beyond the limitations of our plane, beyond time and space,”
“Interesting… Why have you not taken your questions to them?”
All their vague words and unhelpful warnings echoed in your head. “They aren’t always… clear… or concise…”
Eddie felt like there were avenues to answers you were not willing to walk down. The Witches, for one, or other types of magic. With answers come endings, and maybe you didn’t want anything to change just yet. If that were it, he felt the same.
“I have questions,” he said then.
Of course he did, you thought. He had no idea who he was or where he had come from or why he was the way he was.
Eddie caught you off guard though –
“What does music sound like now?”
Studying his face, his sharp features and dark eyes, you looked for… You didn’t know what. A reason why he’d never felt like a threat, maybe? A reason why you felt at ease.
“I have tapes in my car.”
End Note: We have moved forward a few short hours in 1986 this chapter. Next chapter, we return to 1836. As always, I'd love to hear from you! xo Rhi
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel
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slaygentford · 2 years
SORRY BHT I JUT RELAIZED SOMETHING. losing it okay so you’re telling me that in iwtv Armand’s show is gentleman death dressed as like. A dandy. Seducing and killing the human woman and. But then in tvl, Armand was in his anti-society never leave the coven or be seen by humans cult AND THEN Lestat who has been sucking and fucking somehow even more than when he was alive. Gives Armand that sexy monologue about how he’s gentleman death come in lace and velvet to put out the candle and what I’m saying is. Armand. Fr. Thirty years later. Had revised his act. To star gentleman death. In velvet and silk. Come to put out the light BABY GIRLLLLL HES NOT GONNA FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! FUCK!
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alonygamingnerd · 2 months
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“Fireteam Meeting”
Sedra Campaign intermission
19 hours before Operation Novatic-Iron. The 187th Marines, November Company attack to destroy 6 Tyrant Anti-air cannons in the northern mountains of Sedra.
“Jevin said I would find you down here. Are you sure you're ready for tomorrow? After what happened last time.” SHLD 1 says as he walks over to where SHLD 2 was sitting in a hidden corner of the hanger .
SHLD 2 looks up from the MLRS-2 Hydra that he had been inspecting, “I’m not worried about the Marines, they'll be fine. It’s this OP that I don’t like.”
“I see we have the same opinion then.” SHLD 5 joins in, walking over to SHLD 2, the rest of Fireteam Shield following behind and forming a small circle.
“Sir with all due respect, you have to agree with Chris on this one. Something about this op isn’t right”, SHLD 6 says joining the conversation
SHLD 1 looks over to SHLD 6, “I do, but O.N.I. is calling the shots on this one, only people at that briefing can know what these Covenant remnants are after.”
“I’m sorry but how does somebody forget something like that in a bunker on a colony that isn’t the biggest fans of the UNSC. The Marines have a right to know what they're getting into.” SHLD 2 burst out with both concern and frustration in his voice.
The Spartan 2 let out a sign, “I don’t disagree.” These marines had grown to treat the spartans of Shield as their own, and his spartans had done the same for the marines, this felt like a breach of that trust but with O.N.I. involved, not much could be done.
“Something about all of this feels off, how did these covies find out about this to begin with?”, SHLD 4 said joining the conversation.
SHLD 6 looks over to SHLD 3 who had been lost in thought, “What about Walker, does the former O.N.I. spook want to add anything?”
SHLD 3 looks up from his concentration and toward SHLD 6, “Watch what you say kid,” in a threatening tone,then calming his tone “and no I agree with what's been said so far, something feels off here.”
“So we are all in agreement then.” says SHLD 2 looking around the group.
“For as much as we don't like it, nothing can be done. Take this time to continue your preparations for tomorrow and then rendezvous with your Platoons. Remember, nobody who wasn’t at that briefing can know the truth, let the Marines believe what COL Leblanc will tell them once we arrive. Shield dismissed”, says SHLD 1 looking around the circle turns and walks away.
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kmze · 5 months
Thoughts on 6x01 - 6x11 THE BEST! Full disclosure this is my favorite season and rewatching it I remembered why because the show is just flowing like it rarely did the past few seasons and it's because the show went back to simple mythology and character moments. The prison world is new but not outlandish and the show takes it time explaining it so you get it. Tripp and his vampire hunter crew is something done a lot before but the twist of using the anti-magic border was a fresh take. The Gemini coven is great too because we were gradually introduced to the characters and the mythology so it's easy to follow. Everything just clicks! Bamon and Steroline are both awesome dynamics getting tons of focus and I don't even hate DE! The season definitely moves slower than ones in the past but IMO that is a good thing. There's so much care given to character moments and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue for everyone, to me this is TVD at it's peak, it worked for the same reasons S2 did. All my gushing below!
That guy was like “I have seen what they do to black characters on this show absolutely not you go check” lol.
Liv is the best, forever mad she died she would have loved her niece Lizzie. LivTyler (yes I know it’s commonly referred to as Parkwood but I do what I want) was such a cute ship they were like early Forwood if Caroline was cynical.
Elena being a drug addict to see Damon was a choice…
Caroline gets intense reactions out of Stefan too as seen here. Sorry not sorry but if you can’t see him breaking his phone from gripping it just by seeing her name didn’t mean she affected him the most I can’t help you. He could take Ric and Elena’s call because he knew he could fool them, but Caroline he can’t, not even over the phone.
Oh suddenly Elena hates being a vampire again RME. Gee I wonder if this is for plot reasons since they knew Nina was leaving (or at least knew it was a possibility) and they wanted her to end her story human.
Um I’m pretty sure it is Matt’s house since his name is on the deed if we want to get specific here Jeremy.
Stefan has zero tact with Ivy LMFAO like why are you in my house unless we’re having sex. Truly such a jerk.
The Bamon 1994 Prison World plot was SUCH A GOOD IDEA! Rewatching you definitely feel how repetitive stuff gets and it felt like the world building became too extreme but this was so different. They went a simpler way to do a mystery plot and I actually think it helped the show have one of its best seasons ever (personally my favorite). Also the fact that they put two characters together who always had an air of animosity between them but also kind of an understanding and let that chemistry do its thang! It’s just so good!
Someone should tell Damon and Bonnie you’re not supposed to look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse.
The awkward dinner party is cracking me up! Between Enzo going out of his way to make Stefan uncomfortable and the passive aggressiveness between Stefan and Caroline, to Ivy’s complete confusion I don’t know what makes me laugh more.
You tell him Carebear!
That damn necklace lol it just keeps coming back! I’m not as annoyed about them saying Elena fell in love with Damon in 3x01 like I used to be anymore. I think because I don’t really and truly don't care about the triangle AT ALL (and I don't have to knowing the ending)! Elena is so wishy washy it makes sense, like yep she loved them both at the same time.
I know this is unpopular but I genuinely love when Stefan is just a dick LMFAO! So much of Stefan in the earlier seasons was like romantic compassionate facade, but like deep down he’s kind of a jerk! And he loves having vampire powers as you can see here, he's just a weirdo masochist and wouldn't allow himself to use them as punishment for giving up on Damon.
Oh they baited SE big time with that scene in the hallway!
I do enjoy watching Stefan and Caroline become more and more uncomfortable about Elena’s voluntary brain damage. "It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants" LMFAO
Caroline I love you to death but sorry girl, lying is not a new thing for Stefan! Being a liar is completely on brand for him.
CRYING at Tyler walking away as soon as he saw Caroline was ready to fight Elena. He was like nope I know that condescending judgmental tone very well, deuces!
HIYA KAI! FINALLY a good villain again!
Did Liam just insinuate that Elena’s type is red flags because CTFU! Liam you were great I’m glad you survived.
The scene where Bonnie gets her magic back to save Damon from Kai is so (!!!!) what a moment!
I love how Stefan just spills his guts to Caroline about all his bullshit coping methods as soon as she corners him. Yeah he walks away (and I know antis love using it in their gifsets) but the whole scene you see how hard it is for him to look her in the eye. Also definitely felt some jealousy from Elena watching it all unfold, which girl take a seat!
Why is Kai eating jelly with his hand!?!
I’m sorry but Stefan had the WEIRDEST SYSTEMS EVER!! Two on full display here with his constant desire to push his animal diet on others who aren’t bloodoholics, and getting health insurance (???) to start over. Stefan being like you can be anyone you want because this lunatic just loves pretending to be a different person every few decades. He’s just so insane, I become more and more aware of it as the show goes on.
The fake Stelena proposal is so hilarious I love how they keep upping each other in soap opera drama.
*heavy sigh* I'm not sure if they cast Monique before they cast Gail so they had to cast a black woman since Monique is biracial and we know Zach was white but it's like again AGAIN the black woman dies a painful death.
Bonnie and Kai have really good chemistry I’M JUST SAYING!
Damon murdering a pregnant woman was definitely the worst thing he ever did. I do love the shots in this scene with Bonnie eating pancakes look at Damon telling him there’s hope for him. The writers are really feeling this story.
Kinda feel like Stefan only agreed to show Elena his “moving on system” because she had brain damage and he figured he could trick her. Almost got away with it too!
Man the little look between Stefan and Caroline when he’s like “you’ll never have to deal with me again” “is that what you think I want” gets me every-time! Such a subtle moment.
HA! Alaric’s story throwing shade at Elena was funny!
Caroline how did you fall for that!
CTFU at Damon yelling “BONNIE” after she murders Kai and taps her on the shoulder. Like dammit what did you do but also it’s okay please don’t hurt me.
You go Caroline invoking the D-word to get Stefan to pull his head out of his ass. Love when she says "who are you right now?!" you done fucked up Stefan! This meta explains it well.
Liv killing that guy to save Tyler from triggering his werewolf curse was a great scene.
Elena amazed at modern medicine is so hilarious WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! You mean people can be healed without vampire blood? This is brand new information!
And look at that! Stefan finally admitted he’s not handling anything well after he made Caroline give up on him.
The Dalaric scene is funny, I enjoyed that.
Jo and Elena’s friendship was cute. Really wish Jo had lived she was such a nice addition to the show. Just a great character all around.
Stripping a vampire of their magic with the border makes a hell of a lot more sense than the cure ever did!
I’m over everyone apologizing to Elena because she chose to compel away her memories of Damon. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
I love how Stefan jolts out of his seat when he sees Caroline! Kinda like when he got down on one knee to propose before she even turned around lol. The shot of Stefan dejected and lowering his head in front of the lamp store is gorgeous.
Caroline is so excited to get to be anti-Delena again! Like finally Elena is on her side!
The way Caroline says “good bye” trying to close the door on Stefan cracks me up. He even tried using his old tricks of “I’m here to protect” you and Caro told him to kick rocks! What's wrong Stefan never had to actually work for forgiveness before huh?
Great job so far this season mixing up the “special events contrived to get a bunch of characters together” formula. They’ve used new locations and since they can’t enter MF it’s not all the characters in one spot so feels less contrived.
If Stefan didn’t have feelings for Caroline’s he had every opportunity to STFU after she told him to. But he didn’t he kept pushing.
The Bonkai scenes are straight from a horror movie and I have to say bravo they are so unsettling to watch.
Enzo does have a flair for the dramatic surprise death.
Caroline's speech is my favorite speech ever on this show because I just love how vulnerable yet strong she is in her opinion, which is so rare for women on this show. I have no time for the criticism of it either and how it's "regression" kindly eat a dick. This is a HUGE moment for Caroline because she's saying I don't care about being THE ONE, I've been the one (with Tyler) and now I want THE ONE for me. Caroline being in love with Stefan more than any of her other love interests has nothing to do with him putting her first or him being the one who treats her the best it's about the fact that she wants him because he makes her feel THE MOST! And that's what her list was about, she says yeah I thought you were worth having a thing for how could I not?! Because during her darkest time he told her she’d get through it and protect her and he did, and it’s why should couldn’t imagine Elena would let someone like him go. And while she's so confident in her feelings she's also not going to sit there and not get the respect that she deserves. Caroline is very aware of Stefan's bullshit (they are best friends) and he needs to earn back her trust if he wants it, but she's fine either way. And you notice that when Stefan uses manipulation to see her (asking her Mom for help, saying he's there to protect her) she give him shit, but when he's honest with her (that he pushed her away the most) she starts to thaw. I mean this is SUCH a drastic change from S3 when he terrorized Elena for half a season and then got sad over her kissing Damon and she just like got over it. Fuck around and find out Stefan! Love Caroline’s styling here, it’s the same colors she wore in 6x03 but now she’s more covered up, because she’s put a wall up to protect herself (just like the song lyrics). WHAT A MOMENT!
Damon and Elena don’t even bother me this season. They’re just kinda there but they don’t interfere with stuff I like and Damon isn’t the worst person in the world.
Damon finding Ms Cuddles!! So many great scenes this season.
The flashbacks to Kai murdering his family is another instance of fantastic horror aesthetic used this season, feels like I'm watching a slasher film
Bonnie’s poor wig!
Caroline’s styling has been absolutely amazing so far! Her hair is always gorgeously curled and I really like her eye makeup.
Stefan’s face when he finds out Damon was invited to Friendsgiving and he wasn’t ASCSGGXHVFJFJK!
Damon’s pure joy at mocking Stefan for not realizing Caroline had feelings for him is such good brotherly teasing. And Stefan keeps getting more and more bitter, I don’t get how people can’t tell he’s all sensitive because he’s afraid he lost Caroline forever. He kicked a fucking teddy bear people!
This LivTyler scene is so cute it reminds me of the S2 Forwood scene, I definitely think it was meant as a parallel. I know people always think that’s a bad thing and they’re ripping off scenes but I’ve come to see it as more of an homage in certain circumstances, this would be one of them.
The way things are shot this season is so nice, more than any other season I feel like I’m getting scene after scene with moody lighting, great music and closeups. The leftovers scene is like this, the lighting is great and there’s that one nice scenery shot of them standing in the hallway. There’s a lot of care put into the scene like Stefan keeps moving closer and looking her in the eyes when he tells Caroline he pushed her away the most, which is the opposite of earlier when he kept moving away and not looking at her. The moment where he opens his mouth in awe and become speechless is great too really sells that epiphany moment of oh yeah I do have feelings for her.
Serious question are Damon and Stefan homeless right now? I have not seen them in an actual apartment
I mean you kind of did complain when he ruined it Damon but I approve of you constantly giving him shit about it.
I do not think Tyler would oppose saving Bonnie like he did to protect Liv. Especially because Liv wanted to do it she wasn’t doing it via duress.
YES Elena tried to make it about herself and Damon was like, don’t care let’s go save Bonnie.
I love the sassy way Stefan opens the diner door.
Enzo has killed two women of color this season for truly NO REASON besides being mad at Stefan and I'm just like... this is really the best we could do for Bonnie's true love?
Why don’t they met Bonnie halfway?!
I really hate that they made Bonnie stay stuck in the prison world until friggin episode 15. She should have gotten out now her friends should have actually saved her for once.
Stefan with the Christmas light LMFAO like a puppy!
Matt keeps saying Enzo’s gonna be dead and listen show stop threatening me with a good time if you won’t deliver it!
We might have been able to know if vampire blood could cure cancer if someone didn’t BURN ALL THEIR DAD’S RESEARCH on it for no fucking reason!
The snowglobe! Love how this became one of their "things" because both of them ended up being people who no matter where they went Mystic Falls was home and they always found their way back there. They always find their way back "home" (each other).
I hate sad Christmas Bonnie but the shot of her at the Christmas tree in 1994 intersped with Jeremy at the Christmas tree in the present is very nicely shot and sweet.
I think JP made a point to fix DE this season after Dries dragged them through the filth last season. The fact that Damon walked away from Elena and didn’t lash out felt specifically like they were righting that from last season. This is probably my favorite Damon season and while I’m 100% in the Bamon camp (and I’d argue Bonnie is the one who actually got through to him on changing) he is being very sweet with Elena and I swear I’m not being condescending.
OMG that is some next level foreshadowing with Damon saying he let Ric turn his house into Hogwarts!
Finally Elena using her vampire powers to defend herself!
I really love that Luke keeps taking Liv away from Damon & Co. because he is not here for her being their new go-to witch for all their problems. Stand your ground Luke!
Of course Caroline conducts her experiment on a black guy since he’s going to die a painful death.
The Delena scene where she jokes with him about dying (like her weirdo ex lol) is really funny and cute but it’s also so beautifully shot! Paul did a really great job with this episode but that scene in particular was just really stunning.
I cannot with the way Stefan takes Caroline’s hand and she gasps and looks at him like he’s a fucking Disney Prince! She’s so so so in love with him!
Lines that made me laugh
Damon: Sorry I killed Bonnie. But she was the most annoying person in the world. She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. (so funny but even Bonnie knows that's not true you luff her!)
Kai: 555-HIYA-KAI No way I'm giving those digits up (LMFAO I agree Kai as someone old enough to remember pagers)
Matt: I’m sorry I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don’t ASXSDGXDHGCB (HE'S GOT A POINT!)
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theogmissg · 4 months
The V O I D
I feel like either a burden or a meal. I’m sorry for existing… i didn’t realize the curse was so bad either until everything started feeling so dystopian. everyone ignores me, even my old friends, and i get like 1 like on my instagram posts… its so weird. i cant explain it any other way. it feels like a curse. like a rip in the fabric of space time where im in a parallel world that keeps me isolated on purpose. i think that is whats happening to force us to embrace the covenant, because otherwise humanity is going to destroy itself. desperate times. how far would god go to save us? i dont know what else to do. i cant get out. my only escape from the lonliness is with drugs or suicide, which is sadly why many of these artists are dead (if that is the true story)… long story short, the life expectancy in the void is pretty dismal.
if you just walk away, I dont think i can get out, and i will really have no hope left. ive already been abandoned by everyone else i loved and trusted, and the silence has been like the Berlin wall for 10 months now. if i didnt have hope for my project and anti depressants i would be at risk of suicide truthfully its been really really tough. so much pain from the collective ive had to process alone. it feels like an exorcism. have you ever experienced what its like for music to be the only source of love of joy in your life, like exclusively? when i moved here i had some of the most intense cries of my life because ive lost everyone and that song “never alone” was literally the only thing i had to comfort me to feel like someone cared.
i built this museum of music only because its been my lifeline, without it i would not have survived the loneliness. people think im delusional and maybe i am, but if i didnt believe in a dream then id have nothing. like a little princess. id rather imagine a beautiful fantasy then let the emptiness of the void consume me. kts why i feel like all this happened for a reason. i had to be exiled because if i wasnt then i never would have discovered all this stuff and built this musical playground. i had to, it was the engine of creation. but i think its time. the world needs this. it completely transformed me. the world is not doing so good these days. we can work together to make it work for you. im in a vacuum right now so im just doing me but i want to collaborate. something good can work, just believe. this is the path to heaven, i know it.
i just want a friend. it doesnt have to be anything more. i dont know why everyone seems so resistant to being my friend. it feels really hostile and freaky (like the truman show) like somethings not right in a creepy way. its like im not cool enough to be friends with famous musicans but they are the only people that understand me creatively because im so well versed in the culture, normal people dont have a clue so im just like the ulimate ugly duckling. i get the sense that its women who dislike me, which is really sad because im already in a male dominated industry with a reasonable amount of mysogenistic culture, and im unable to make a single friend in the industry. i have my suspicions but idk know why really.
ive really started to notice the subtleties in the culture lately that put women at a disadvantage. we get treated like objects, always about fucking or how we look, or its about fishing which is just sad. i wish people would take me seriously. i think i can teach people a lot but its like nobody cares. i feel like elle woods a little bit lol im smart but everyone seems to either just see me as crazy or a literal snack.. like forgive me for feeling a bit hopeless. idk how to get people to listen i try so hard to engage with hundreds artists each month but they ALL just ignore me. its pretty extreme. i think ive gotten like 2 insta story reposts this year? its such a weird feeling. like im invisible. idk why people dont give me a chance or why they cant see what i see. T H E V O I D / Hammza Ghetto ~ it’s not a good cultural mark
Wouldn’t you rather just get along?
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A thing I’m noticing with The Owl House is...just how often things aren’t as bad as they seem?
The fandom was entirely ready to cancel Lilith after the Agony of a Witch reveal that she’d cursed Eda, but then the next episode it turned out she never meant for the curse to be that bad and she was genuinely sorry for it and wanted to fix it. And she turned against Emperor Belos as soon as she found out he wasn’t going to fix it. 
Gwendolyn started off as an ignorant anti-vaxxer doing way more harm than good with her attempts to help, and also giving all her attention to Eda while neglecting Lilith, but within the same episode we met her, she realized she was in the wrong and quickly made a complete turnaround. Accepted Eda’s curse as a part of her and listened to her when it came to dealing with it, acknowledged that Lilith deserved more from her and started to make up for that too. 
Amity’s parents were both shown to be controlling abusive buttholes in the Understanding Willow flashback, and while Odalia’s been exactly like that from what we’ve seen of her in the present, Alador turns out to be more neglectful than controlling AND turns out to be willing to try to be better.
Principal Bump kinda seems like a strict, tough disciplinarian at first, but he lets Willow switch tracks, he takes responsibility for his mistakes and starts allowing multi-tracking, he doesn’t rat out Eda and Luz to the Emperor, and the more we see of him, the more we learn how well-meaning and encouraging he is and how much he genuinely cares about all of his students. Including the ones that break rules and cause trouble, to the point that when he’s forced to expel Luz and Willow and Gus he actually cries and says “Life is just so dull without them!”
We thought for so long that there was a “Creepy Luz” taking Luz’s place back in the human world, but when we actually met her, it turned out she was a sweet, goodhearted, traumatized baby cinnamon roll that we immediately decided we’d protect with our lives. 
Way back in episode 1 it seemed like Camilla was ready to send Luz to a camp for crushing individuality to make her Normal TM, but Yesterday’s Lie proved that while she wanted Luz to be able to not get in as much trouble with her weirdness and might not have fully understood all of it, she was very supportive of her and never wanted her to lose her quirks and uniqueness and otherwise was by all accounts a great mom. Plus Luz had been afraid since Enchanting Grom Fright that Camilla would be mad at her if she found out the truth of where she’d been all this time, but when she DID find out, she wasn’t as mad as she was hurt, thinking that SHE’D pushed Luz away. 
The ending of that episode made it seem like Luz would be keeping what happened with Camilla (including the promise she’d made to stay with her) a secret from Eda and King and possibly everycreature else for some time, which would be angst aplenty, but in the very next episode there was a subplot about that which concluded with her telling Amity everything. 
As of that same episode Raine had supposedly had their memories altered to forget about everything from Eda’s Requiem and be loyal to Belos, but then we found out they’d been faking it and were STILL secretly working against him from the inside! 
Darius and Eberwolf seemed to be loyal members of the Emperor’s Coven and Darius in particular was made out to be an all-around jerk, but then we found out he was a pretty nice dude and has the potential to be a better adult guardian to Hunter than Belos, and he and Eberwolf turned out to be working with Raine!
Like. Legitimately how many times in this show has somecreature been made out to be totally evil or at least a very bad person and then turned out not to be, how many times has a situation been made to seem totally hopeless and/or a setup for a ton of ongoing angst and then turned out not to be? 
I think it’s a pretty nice thing about this show actually. As dark as things can get, there’s always things like this. There’s always things that turn out to be so much better than they were first made out to be. It’s uplifting when you think about it. It’s like The Owl House goes out of its way to tell us wherever it can that things aren’t always as bad as they seem. That there can be more hope than you’d think, that people can be better than you’d think. 
And. I dunno man, that kinda resonates. And I feel like that’s. Important.
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checkitoutmikey · 3 years
Through the Window
The boys stumble upon an interesting scene
Pairing: Michael x reader, Dwayne x Paul
Warning: SMUT, voyeurism, dumbification? (look Michael is fucked dumb, ok?), no beta we die like hoes
Author’s note: You wanna hear something embarrassing? I’m so deep in the tlb mindset that the whole ‘yeah they are brothers, but they are also a pack/coven and vampires and they are also in poly realitionship’... I didn’t even realise I’m writting actual incest until halfway through the fic. The reader was written as Michael’s actual sister and I didn’t realise it. Kill me. Now.  Not that I’m strict anti-incest in fanfiction. You do you boo. It’s just the fact it didn’t register for so long that fucks me up XD
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- The boys are hovering in the air right next to Emerson resident. Crowns of the tall trees hiding their figures. They are huddled close together so they can see every little detail through the window of Michael‘s room. They’ve drroped by to just check on Michael, see how he‘s dealing with the transition to the other side but found something much more interesting. There is no way they can leave now.
- They are stunned. Completely speechless. Paul’s jaw pretty much dislodged at some point.
- Michael is laying on his back, hand on your hips. Both of you are breathing heavily. Shivering. You lean down to give him a sweet kiss that makes him whimper.
- Soft „please, please, please“ escape him. He looks desperate.
- You hadn’t taken him inside yet. Just letting hic cock slip through your wet folds. Back and forth, again and again. Nice and gentle.
- To be honest the boys are more stunned by the fact you seem to fucking Michael and not the other way around. You are such a sweet innocent looking thing. Aren’t you supposed to be the good girl? It looks like you have Michael pretty tight by the balls. He doesn’t even attempt to rush you or push you into hurrying. All he can manage is that pathetic pleading and sad puppy eyes.
- „Fuck,“ Paul almost plummets to the ground when he sees Michael’s cock glistening with your slick and precome. Dwayne has to pull him close, back to chest so he won’t actually drop from the air.
- Dwayne puts his large hands around the blondes waist and hurries to open his pants. Why not right? By the smell of lust coming from the others they are in for a night of passion so why not start now. He slowly strokes Paul‘s already rock hard cock.
- „Please, please,“ whimpers Michael, repeating your name like a prayer.
- You brace yourself above him, hands next to either side of his head. „We don’t have a condom,“ you say.
- Paul grabs a pack of condoms from his pocket and is about to go inside and offer it to you so the show can go on. He doesn’t even care there’s a hand around his own cock. Dwayne has to grab him by the collar to keep him back.
- David is aware of his brother’s struggles but couldn’t care less. The alluring smell of lust and sex is surrounding them like a warm blanket, suffocating their senses. He doesn’t care if his coat is hiding the prominent bulge underneath. He shall not be ashamed of his arousal when his brothers are already acting like a bunch of hormonal rabbits.
- Marko’s pulls his jeans just low enough to put his hand inside. His eyes pinned to the two sweat covered bodies.  
- Even Dwayne who is clutching Paul in his arms is lost in his need. His hips are rubbing against Paul’s backside while he’s jerking off his friend.
- High pitched whine slices through the heavy air as you roll your hips again with much more force this time. Michael has to grip the sheets beneath him because he doesn’t want to leave bruises on you. Every little slide of skin on skin forces broken noises from him. He’s getting really desperate.
- „He’s lame,“ spits Marko. „She’s not even in operating temperature, hot and bothered and he’s about to blow.“ That doesn’t stop the smallest vampire from enjoying the show none. He’s roughly rubbing himself with a slightly demented smirk on his face. That pup’s inexperienced, unlikely to get any girl off in timely manner but it’s certainly entertaining to watch him be basically dommed by a tiny thing like you.
- „Play with her nips or something,“ growls Marko under his breath.
- ,,Eat her out, man. Please,“ whines Paul. He’s almost there. If Dwayne would just speed up a little bit. Be a little rougher. „I wanna eat her out.“
- „We know,“ Marko rolls his eyes because everybody knows Paul has oral fixation of ungodly proportions.
- „I can do it better than you.“
- „Keep dreaming.“
- „Fuck, Dwayne, harder.“
- „Shut up, dude.“
- „I could finish her in 10 seconds flat.“
- „Paul, you fly a step closer and I will put you in a cage.“
-… „kinky.“
- Loud moan cuts off their banter. You finally give the boy what he wants and gently guide him inside. He claws at the sheets, trying to restraint himself from bucking into your slick tight heat. You support yourself with hands on his stomach. As you slowly rise up and slide down again you can feel the hard muscles under your fingers moving. Sweat covers your skin as you work on riding him. There’s no rush but that means nothing to Michael because he’s about to come undone in matter of seconds. The poor boy was so pent-up thanks to your thorough foreplay he couldn’t possibly hold on any longer.
- With choked cry he slips out of you, ropes of white cum land on his own chest. He’s trembling in his post orgasm bliss. Barely conscious as it is.
- You get off the bed to clean yourself and bring a wet washcloth to take care of your lover too.
-��Um, hey… sorry…“ he stutters shamefully.
- Dwayne’s pressing his cum covered hand to Marko’s mouth to silence the string of profanities directed at Michael. He has no brain when he comes.
- „I can… you know…“ It’s easy to see Michael really isn’t used to not delivering in bed. His cheeks are stained crimson with embarrassment. He grabs your wrist as you are about to clean the last of the mess on his skin. You smile at him kindly.
- „No need. Actually I should be on my wa. It looks like I’m in a world of trouble already,“ you say as you look out of the window.
- David smirks. „That you are kitten.“
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My opinion on Hunter's character
Link to Reddit version https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/wg1d07/my_opinion_on_hunters_character/  To me....I sort of have mixed feelings about Hunter. One side of me felt sorry for him. His whole life with being a lie being created as this clone of Belos' supposed brother to be the Golden Guard to contribute in doing Belos' dirty work for the Day of Unity. He didn't have friends and didn't know how to act his age or be a kid, literally robbed of his childhood to serve as a child soldier. He was harassed and misguided leading him to hurt so many people. But over time he eventually gained friends, got a palisman, drifted away from the clutches of Belos, getting a taste of childhood and teen life, learning how to make friends, gotten himself a good father figure in Darius 
 Though after thinking about it and questioning some thoughts I had, I started to have another side of my opinion. He had plot relevance to the show, though I felt like his arc had overthrown chances of other arcs as well like with Willow and Amity's friendship getting repaired, Gus and Willow's development, and maybe even some Emira and Boscha development. It kinda feels like Hunter is an OC from fanfiction. Also, there wasn't really any acknowledgment of the Eclipse Lake incident, I thought there would have been tension between Amity and Hunter. Also, I felt like Hunter was forgiven too easily for kidnapping the Flying Derby team, while Amity, on the other hand, possibly had to work for Willow's forgiveness. Also, the personality of Hunter and Golden Guard got a little inconsistent in some areas. Though, I'm not blaming Dana. The majority of season 3 got cut so Dana had to wrap it up quickly. She likely had other stuff planned but either had to cram multiple ideas in 1 episode like in Knock Knock on Hooty's door (cramming 3 seperate episodes of Luz asking out Amity, Eda's Owl Beast, and King's identity crisis into 1 episode of an A plot, B plot, C plot format) or just cut it all together (Hooty's backstory). 
 Not saying that he is a bad character. I'm just going to give my take on how I would have wanted him to be written. I have a couple of ideas  - Maybe instead of a teenager, age him up to be an adult.  -Have him be irredeemable and remain as Belos' right-hand man. Making him a tragic villain and having Boscha get character development and make her the newest edition to the Hexsquad. I felt like a redeemed Boscha would make a more interesting new edition, she has the personality and character to create interesting dynamics in the group.  -If going the anti-hero route, maybe when he escapes the coven after discovering the true meaning of his existence, have him not side with either Belos or Luz, instead, make him more of an independent character whos on his own. Going to the beat of his own drum.  Anyways, do you agree with me? Let me know in the comment section below.
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Writing TOH interactions that never happened in canon, but that happened in my heart, Part 1
The majority of the Emperor’s Coven assumed that Lilith and Steve would/were already hooking up. After all, why else would Lilith insist that this one specific coven scout be a part of every squad she led*? Lilith, of course, heard these rumors and was mortified. Steve, being his usual golden retriever self who tried not to gossip, did not. One day, they have this conversation.
Steve: Hey Boss, can I ask you something?
Lilith, not paying full attention: Mmhm.
Steve: Cool. So I need advice. See, I think I’m kind of…developing a crush on someone.
Lilith: Oh?
Steve: Yeah. You know the new coven head, right?
Lilith, who was recently promoted: *internally* Oh Titan, no….
Steve: I just can’t stop thinking about them. With that sleek dark hair and that confident aura…
Lilith, starting to panic: Steve-
Steve, not paying attention at all: But I don’t know, I’m just not sure. What if they’re like, majorly out of my league? I mean-
Lilith, now in full panic mode: I- I’m sorry, I’m not interested in- in people! In anyone. Romantically.
*moment of silence while Lilith freaks out internally, thinking she just broke her friend’s heart*
Steve: Oh, ok. So do you think Adrian is that way too or something?
Lilith, ready to pass out from a combination of relief and embarrassment: No, I thought- never mind.
Steve: Epic. So should I go for it?
Lilith: Do whatever makes you- wait, Adrian? Oh Titan, no.
Several years later, the adults are having a casual conversation in the CATTS home base.
Steve: And yeah, I almost asked out Adrian Von Graye. Good thing Lulu was there to give me a reality check, haha. *nudges Lilith with his elbow*
Raine: Well, she was definitely good at that when we were in school. I have to hand it to her, if it weren’t for her intervention, Eda and I probably would have never gotten together in the first place.
Steve: *grinning* Our relationship-less relationship counselor! I will say though, I’m still not sure why you told me that right then.
Lilith: …
*several hours later and everyone is doing their own thing*
Steve, literally out of nowhere: OH, TITAN! YOU THOUGHT I WAS CONFESSING TO YOU, DIDN’T YOU?!
okay bye
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troquantary · 3 years
Edward Cullen: That Boy Ain’t Right
So I was doing a reread of @therealvinelle 's collection of Twilight metas, as one does, and in "Edward, Denial, and a Human Girlfriend" she mentions that she doesn't believe Edward is sane. I thought, "ha, yeah, he's definitely not," and also, "but wait, what does that mean exactly, please say more about that." But since she's already inundated with asks, I've decided to use my own head-muscle and explore this idea. (TL;DR: I start out more or less organized, synthesize some points Vinelle has made across several posts (and have hopefully linked to them all where relevant but please tell me if not), touch a little on narcissism, then take a hard left into the negative effects of being a telepath.)
Just a couple things to note at the outset, though. Theses have been written already (probably) about Edward as an abuser. Edward being insane doesn't negate that at all; he's definitely an asshole and just...a disaster of a human being. (I find it more funny than anything, but YMMV.) I'm also going to try to avoid talking specifically about mental illness and how it relates (or doesn't relate) to abusive behavior -- that's territory I'm not really equipped to discuss, like at all. My starting point is "Edward has a deeply warped perception of reality," not "Edward has X disorder."
So: deeply warped perception of reality. The evidence? Goes behind a cut, because my one character trait is Verbose.
Vinelle provides a great example of it in the post linked above, which I'll just quote because she does words good: "[Edward] keeps acting like his romance with Bella is a romantic tragedy, and all the cast of Twilight are actors on a stage making it as sublime as possible." Edward's the one to pursue Bella, but he does so with the full belief, from the very beginning, that it will never last; Bella will "outgrow" him, go on her human way, and he can spend the rest of eternity brooding magnificently over his too-short romantic bliss. [Insert premature ejaculation joke.] Turning her is never an option, even though Alice, Noted Psychic, says that romancing Bella will either end with her dead (exsanguinated) or dead (vampire).
This framing, where he's a dark anti-hero in love with -- but never tainting! -- the pure maiden and eventually leaving her in a grand, tragic sacrifice to preserve her soul? It's fucking bonkers. Bella isn't a person to him in this scenario. As Vinelle points out, Bella's never really a person to him at all; he falls in love with his own mental construct, cherry-picking from what he observes of her behavior and her responses to his 20 (thousand) Questions to convince himself that she is the ideal woman.
Bella's not the only one who gets the projection/cardboard-cutout treatment. Edward sees everything and everyone through a highly particular, personalized lens. He filters his entire reality, which we all do to an extent, but the thing with Edward is that he starts with his conclusions and then only pays attention to the evidence that supports those conclusions. Often that evidence consists of what he admits in New Moon are only "surface" thoughts -- but recognizing that limitation doesn't keep him from taking those thoughts as representative of what people are. Edward then becomes absolutely convinced by his own "reasoning" and won't be swayed from what he has decided is Objectively True. It's obvious with Bella; it's also painfully obvious with Rosalie. (Vinelle explains this and brings up Edward's raging Madonna/Whore complex in the same post, so refer to that again -- she's right.)
He also catastrophizes. Everything. Bella's just vibing in her room, rereading Wuthering Heights for the 87th time? She's gonna be hit by a meteor, better sneak into her room while she sleeps. Bella's going to the beach with the filthy mundanes their human classmates? She's gonna fall in the ocean. Jasper's cannibal pals are stopping by for a visit, but know not to hunt in the area? DISASTER, DEFCON 1, ALSO FUCK YOU JASPER FOR EVEN EXISTING IN MY AND BELLA'S SPHERE YOU UNSPEAKABLE BURDEN. Edward must believe that Bella is vulnerable and in near-constant peril, to support the reality he has created in which he is the villain turned protector and maybe?? hero??? (!!!) for his beloved. So when the actual, James-shaped danger arrives, he goes berserk, snarling and flipping his shit and generally not helping the situation. His fantasy demands that Bella remain human, so instead of doing the very thing Alice, Noted Psychic, assures him will neutralize the threat (and not just a threat to Bella, either, but to Bella's family and any other human James might decide to include in the "game"), he vetoes it immediately, no discussion. Bella Must Not Turn, and he sticks to those guns despite James nearly reducing her to ground beef, despite leaving Bella catatonic with depression (but human! success!) in New Moon, despite Aro's order and his family's vote and, let's not forget, Bella's clearly and repeatedly stated desire to be a vampire. It's going to happen. But he doesn't accept it until Renesmee busts out of Bella like the Kool-Aid man and the poor girl's heart finally, unequivocally stops.
Sane people don't behave this way. I don't want to slap labels on Edward, but I can't help but note that he comes across as highly narcissistic. He's the only real person in his universe, the lone player among us NPCs. That probably has a lot to do with him being frozen in the mindset and maturity of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I think it's also just...him, on some fundamental level. His failure to connect with others and recognize them as full, independent beings with their own wants and priorities isn't like Bella's failure -- she's badly depressed. Edward is...something else, and I get the sense that his sanity has been steadily deteriorating over time. And a cursory google of narcissistic traits turns up some familiar-looking stuff. He's self-loathing, yes, but also grandiose; he hates himself for the monster he is (and hates most vampires besides Esme and Carlisle for their monstrosity, too) but still feels superior to humans, to the extent that he felt entitled to human blood and resented Carlisle for depriving him of his "proper" diet. He eventually returns to Carlisle, but he's far from content -- the beginning of Midnight Sun finds him in a state of ennui, bored and dismissive of (if not outright disgusted by) everyone around him, that has apparently persisted for years and years. He doesn't play the piano, he doesn't compose, he doesn't enjoy anything...at least until Bella comes along and then he becomes obsessed to a disturbing degree with her and his new, romantic tragedy spin on reality.
[Next-day edit: I’m not sure where else to fit this in, but the way Edward casually contemplates violence against people who have, at best, mildly annoyed him is...chilling. I have a hard time writing off his strategizing how to murder the entire Biology class as a result of bloodlust -- it’s so calculated, nothing like the blackout state of thirst Emmett describes when he encountered his own “singer,” and that is probably the default for when a vampire is extremely thirsty. But even ignoring the Biology class incident, Edward still does things like consider, with disturbing frequency, how he might grievously injure or kill Mike Newton, all because...Edward considers him his romantic rival (despite Bella barely giving the kid the time of day). He thinks about slapping Mike through a wall, which might be an amusing slapstick image, except as a vampire Edward’s actually capable of turning this boy’s skeleton to a fine powder. So it’s, y’know, kind of sick when you think about it.
But even worse than that, when Bella tells Edward about how she flirted with Jacob to get at that sweet, sweet vampire lore, Edward chuckles and then, after dropping Bella home, flippantly observes that now that the treaty’s broken, why not genocide? I’m not even kidding, it’s right there in Midnight Sun; he seriously thinks about the fact that he’d be technically justified now in wiping out the entire tribe because a teenager tried to impress a girl with a spooky story. That is fucked. Remember, Edward was there with Carlisle when the treaty was first established. He knows how remarkable it is that they even came to a truce in the first place, that it was only ever possible because Carlisle is...well, Carlisle, and that it marks a pretty significant moment in supernatural history. He doesn’t care; he doesn’t respect it, or he’d never think something like “Ha ha, if I went and killed them all, I wouldn’t even be wrong. I mean, I won’t do it, but I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be wrong.”
Again: not the thought process or behavior of a sane person. (Or a person that respects life in general -- sorry Carlisle, big L.)]
Finally, whether he's a narcissist or not, I think the fact that Edward has constant, unavoidable access to everyone's thoughts is a powerful contributing factor to his instability. He can tune out the mental noise to an extent, but he can't stop it -- so he comes to rely on it like another sense. This causes issues with disconnect and lack of empathy, of course, but there's another facet to this shit diamond: he's basically experiencing a ceaseless flow of intrusive thoughts. His narration in Midnight Sun suggests that he "hears" the words people think, can "see" what they visualize in their mind's eye, and can sense the emotional "tone" and intensity of their thoughts. Therefore, perceiving Jasper's thirst through his thoughts makes Edward more aware of his own, "doubling" the discomfort. This would be a lot to deal with even from just his immediate coven members, but Edward gets all of this pouring into his head like a firehose on a day-to-day basis because the Cullens live right alongside humans. I know Meyerpires have galaxy brains or whatever, but that's a ton to process.
Besides the compounding effect on his own thirst when he "feels" the thirst of others, Meyer never suggests that Edward has difficulty separating his own thoughts from other people's; even when he was newly turned, he recognized Carlisle's "voice" in his head as Carlisle's. That would create a whole different host of issues around identity, but it looks like Edward's escaped that particular torment. However, I can easily imagine that what he does experience is just shy of unbearable nonetheless, with an eroding effect on his sanity over decades. He can't sleep to escape it; he's on a dishwater diet and probably (like the rest of his family) experiencing a perpetual, low-grade physical discomfort due to his thirst never being fully satisfied; and he's around far more people than is the norm for vampires -- even discounting all the humans, his own coven is unusually large -- meaning more noise.
Honestly, it would be weirder if he were all there, considering.
And even though I feel like I lost a sense of structure around where I started ranting about telepathy, I've written like 1.5k words about Edward fucking Cullen and I think that's enough for one post.
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
Title: A Rose Has Thorns
Rating: G
Series: The Owl House
Characters/Pairings: Hunter/Willow
Summary: It was Hunter's first solo mission since he left the Emperor's Coven and moved into the Owl House. All he had to achieve was purchase a few items at the market. That should be simple, right? 
Archive of Our Own
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Luz asked.
Hunter sighed as he held up the list, swinging the basket over his shoulder. “I can handle a shopping trip, Luz.”
“Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you’re not exactly used to things like shopping,” Luz retorted. “I mean, from what Lilith said about the Emperor's Coven...”
Hunter couldn’t deny that. Most of the domestic chores in the Emperor’s Coven were handled by servants or abominations. Hunter had never even done his own laundry until he found himself living at the Owl House.
That had been an interesting lesson. Eda claimed Hunter had done well, but Hunter had a hunch that setting clothes on fire was not as common as Eda claimed.
Hunter sighed as his cardinal flew to his shoulder. “Look, I’ll be fine. I have my palisman with me and I have actually bought things before.”
Luz chewed her lower lip. “Yeah, but-”
Eda placed a hand on Luz’s shoulder. “Let him go, kiddo. If Hunter wants to do this solo we've gotta respect that.”
“Besides, it’s not like he could do any worse than you did,” King called out from the couch. “He just has to avoid trusting any wizards.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow. “Why would I trust a wizard? They’re famous for being shady-”
“Oh, wow, would you look at the time,” Luz said nervously as she pointed over her shoulder. “I have to, uh, go get ready for my date with Amity! See you later, Hunter! Byyyyyye!”
Luz hastily dashed out of the room. Hunter turned to Eda.
“Do I... want to know?” he asked.
“Meh, I'll fill you in on the blackmail later,” Eda said as she crossed her arms. “Seriously, kid, you sure you don’t want to at least take King with you?”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “For the last time, I’ll be fine. I’ll be back within the hour.”
Two hours later, Hunter couldn't suppress the twitch in his eyelid. He had finally managed to find almost every item on the list... except for formian crystal. He was almost tempted to just return empty-handed, but he knew the house needed it for their crystal ball - whatever his opinions on King's shows.
Besides, it was a matter of pride at this point. After his declarations, how could he prove to Luz and Eda that he could be useful and handle things like a normal person if he didn't return with every item on the list?
His cardinal gave a comforting tweet. It had tried to give him some suggestions, but hadn’t been in the market place for a long time. So in spite of intentions, the little palisman knew even less than Hunter.
Hunter patted the cardinal’s head as he glanced around the various shoppers passing by. There were many less people around at this time of day which admittedly is why he had come alone. There was a much lower risk of one of the Emperor Coven guards spotting and arresting him on the spot.
Still, Hunter wasn’t thrilled with the idea of asking someone for help. What if they recognized him and reported him? Maybe if he picked the right shopkeeper- Wait. Not far from him were a couple of girls close to his age.
Chances of them turning me in is lower, Hunter thought and walked over. At least if they're anywhere near as anti-authority as the human. I’ll ask them.
The two girls were laughing over some joke, but stopped abruptly as they noticed Hunter approaching.
“Hey, can I ask you two a quick question?” he asked.
The girl with pink hair and three eyes looked at him and smirked. “If you mean where to get a better fashion sense, that is not going to be a 'quick' answer.  Where do we even begin?”
“Uh no,” Hunter said with a raised eyebrow. “I just wanted to know where I could find someone selling formian crystal.”
The other girl tapped her chin in thought. “Um. That's for old crystal balls, right?  I think there’s a booth over in the east-”
“West side,” the pink haired girl jumped in with a grin. “She means there’s a seller on the far west side of the market.” She turned to her friend. “Right, Skara?”
The girl named Skara blinked, but then nodded rapidly. “Oh..uh, yeah, like Boscha said.” She gave a shaky smile and pointed. “To the far, far west side.  Nearly...outside the market?”
“West side, okay,” Hunter said as he started walking in that direction. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” the girl named Boscha said with a smirk.
Hunter found her a bit odd, but he was too worn out from shopping to worry about it.
“Last item.  Last item!  I can do this.  I just need to get this done so we can head home,” he said aloud to his cardinal.
Another hour later, Hunter had been up and down the west side of the market three times but he still hadn’t found any formian crystal.
“Where is it,” he grumbled as his cardinal hovered nearby. “It’s supposed to be here!”
The cardinal tweeted in his ear.
“No, I will not just go home,” Hunter said as they continued to walk. “I can't fail my mission, and it isn't complete until I find-”
Suddenly, he walked straight into someone's back. The pair of them let out a grunt as each, separately, stumbled and fell to the ground.
Hunter quickly forgot about his annoyance as he scrambled to his feet. “Sorry, are you okay?”
The person he had bumped into was another girl. She waved off his concern as she adjusted her glasses and dusted the dirt off her clothes.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a small smile. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.”
A bee palisman carrying a small basket hovered nearby and the girl gave it a pat on the head. “I’m okay, Clover - oh dear.”
Hunter looked down and saw what she had noticed. The items from his basket had fallen out when he had crashed into her.
“Great,” Hunter grumbled as he knelt down and started picking them up. “Just what I needed.”
He started gathering up and inspecting the items for damage, engrossed in his task until a jar of toad jam was suddenly thrust in his face. He hadn’t realized the girl was kneeling next to him and was helping to gather everything
Hunter blushed. “Uh, thanks,” he replied. Why didn’t I see that?
“You're welcome,” the girl replied, still smiling. “Do you need help with anything else?”
Hunter sighed. “Actually, yes,” he said as he rose. “Can you tell me where I can get some formian crystal?”
The girl raised an eyebrow. “Formian crystal?  Here?”
“Yes.  The vendor that’s supposed to be stationed in this area.”
The girl frowned. “Um..last time I checked, no one in this part of the market has ever sold anything like that.  This is the area for fertilizers, cloth dyes, and any of the really pungent produce.”
“What?!” Hunter cried. “But that Boscha girl said there was a stall here for it.”
The girl’s eyes widened, then narrowed as she held a tight frown. “Wait, Boscha? Three eyed girl with pink hair? She told you to come here?”
Hunter didn’t like where this was going. “Uh, yes. I’ve been searching for over an hour.”
The girl sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Boscha, honestly…” She shook her head. “I kind of hate to tell you this, but she lied.”
“What?” Hunter growled. “Why would she do that?”
 Was it all a trap? Was she working with the Emperor’s Coven-
“Because she’s a mega jerk and probably thought sending you to the 'smelly' end of the market would be funny,” the girl replied firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. “She has a twisted sense of humor.” She pointed to herself. “Personal experience.”
“Oh,” Hunter mumbled. “That kind of makes sense.”
He glanced over the list. Maybe he should just head back now. He had wasted enough time as is and there would be...concerns if he wasn’t back soon.
The girl gave a small smile and pointed. “Come on, I’ll take you there.”
Hunter blinked. “Um..take me where?”
“To where you can get some formian crystal.”
Hunter frowned and tilted his head. “You will? But... why?”
“Because I want to,” the girl replied. “Besides, I was heading in that direction anyway.”
Hunter paused. Should he trust her? What if this was another trick? But without her intelligence, he had no way to avoid failing his objective.
“Are you coming?” the girl asked with a concerned frown.
Hunter shook his head. “Yes, sorry.  I was just lost in thought.”
The girl smiled back. “I’m Willow by the way.”
“Hunter,” he replied, frowning to himself. Willow? That name sounds familiar. Wonder why?
He tossed the thought aside and quickly caught up with her.
True to Willow’s word, she took her directly to a stall selling assorted magical crystals, including what he was looking for. She even helped him bargain to get it a few snails cheaper.
Hunter tucked the small bag carefully in the basket.
“Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” Willow replied with a smile. “I know what it’s like dealing with a bully far too well.”
So, do I, but on a different scale, Hunter thought as his mind drifted back to the Emperor’s Coven.
His cardinal tweeted and Hunter patted his head. “I have to get home, but thanks again for the help.”
“Sure thing,” Willow said as she began to walk in the other direction, the bee buzzing busily beside her. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Hunter said with a wave.
As he walked home. The girl’s name bugged him. Willow...Willow...I know I've heard that name somewhere, but where?
Hunter got his answer exactly two days later.
Luz had invited two of her friends over for a 'study session'. Amity had apparently been dragged off into ‘bonding sibling time’ with her brother and sister, which was admittedly a bit of a relief for Hunter. She was still suspicious of him over that whole Eclipse Lake business.
Gus was the first to arrive. He seemed wary of Hunter, but was mostly friendly.
“If Luz says you’re okay, then I’m willing to trust her opinion,” Gus said. “She’s a pretty good judge of character.  Besides, it's hard to pull the wool over an illusionist's eyes!”
Hunter couldn’t help but agree with him.  Or at least his opinion of Luz.
They chatted for a bit before Luz’s other friend arrived. Hearing a new, and yet somewhat familiar voice, Hunter raised his head and froze.
It was the same girl who had helped him at the market. It was only then his brain connected the dots.
Willow, as in Luz’s friend Willow who she talks about all the time, Hunter thought with a gulp. Cursing his poor memory, he stood up.
“And this is Hunter,” Luz said as she pointed to Hunter. “Also formerly known as - wait for it - the Golden Guard.”
Willow gave a shaky smile, but it vanished as she spotted Hunter. The basket slipped from her fingers, kept up only by her bee palisman's efforts.
Hunter coughed as he gave a sheepish wave. “Um...hi?”
He could feel everyone’s eyes on them as the silence between the two of them continued.
She’s probably just as surprised as I am, Hunter thought.
Luz got in between them and frowned. “Something wrong?”
Hunter rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh...we've met before. Actually."
Luz tilted her head as Gus grasped his chin in thought, muttering under his breath.
“You have? When?” Luz asked.
“Uhh…” Hunter stammered as he struggled to find an explanation that wouldn’t have Luz fretting over him.
“In my dads’ shop,” Willow chimed in quickly, fending off King's attempt to climb her and peer into her basket.
Hunter blinked. “The shop?”
Willow gave him a look and suddenly he understood.
“Rrriigghhhttt,” Hunter said slowly and gave a shaky smile. “I was just curious so I popped in for a quick look.”
“Yeah, and we had a nice little chat,” Willow added.
“Oh,” Luz said as she placed an arm around Hunter’s shoulder. “Man, the Boiling Isles.  Small world, am I right?”
“Suspiciously small,” Gus commented, tapping the spine of a book.
“Who cares,” King said as he pointed at Willow. “The important thing is that I’m smelling tasty yum-yums that should be in my tum-tum, but they're still in that basket.  You have brought tribute to your monarch, and it must be delivered!”
Willow smiled. “You're right!” she glanced at Luz. “It’s snaggle bread but my dads left out the fairy wings so Luz can enjoy it.”
“Aw, that was nice of them,” Luz said as she moved to take the basket. “How about I get some plates?”
“I can do it, I know where they are,” Willow offered as she headed into the kitchen.
“Okay,” Luz said. “There should be some toad jam in the cupboard too!  Fresh from the market!”
Hunter glanced behind as his cardinal landed on his shoulder.
“Um..I’ll go make us some tea,” Hunter offered as he pointed. “Be right back.”
He ignored their baffled expressions as he ventured into the kitchen. Willow didn’t turn around. Hunter hesitated, considering talking to her, but finally just moved towards the kettle in silence, turning on the tap.
More silence followed until Hunter turned off the tap and placed the full kettle onto the stove.
The clearing of a throat caused Hunter to look up. Willow had finished arranging slices of bread on a plate with the jar of jam, and was rifling through the butter knives.
“Ssssooo,” Willow began as her bee fetched teacups from the pantry, “I’m assuming you didn’t want Luz to hear how we actually met?”
Hunter covered his face with one hand. “Yes, please,” he groaned. “If she found out how my first shopping trip went, she would never let me live it down.”
Willow’s face softened. “Luz isn’t like that,” she admonished as her bee palisman landed on her shoulder. “But I get how being tricked by Boscha can be kind of embarrassing, so I’ll respect your pride.”
Hunter sighed. “Thanks, I appreciate that.”
Willow crossed her arms. “However, there is something else I want to make clear.” Her eyes narrowed. “Amity and I do talk about things, after all."
Hunter sighed. He’d been expecting this. “All right, let me have...it?”
Suddenly, Willow was holding one of the knives and was stomping forward. Hunter barely had time to react before he found himself pinned against the wall. His cardinal gave a concerned tweet, but the bee was buzzing angrily nearby and it stayed where it was on the counter.
Hunter could theoretically get out of this. Probably. Maybe. Willow was shorter than him and he had more training, but she had a weapon and he didn't - not to mention the sheer determination shining in her eyes.
“Luz is a very dear friend to me, and I care a lot about King, Eda and Hooty,” Willow stated firmly as she held the butter knife unwaveringly. “Now.  I do believe in second chances.  That's why Amity and I are friends again.”
“Under...stood,” Hunter said slowly, wondering how a simple butter knife could be more threatening than Kikimora's clawed monsters.
“I do, however, wish to inform you that Luz is friends with a plant witch.  Plant witches know about plants.  Including which ones are very toxic,” Willow pulled his shirt collar close until both of their noses were touching. “If you betray Luz, or Gus, or Amity or anyone in this house you'll get first-hand knowledge of dragon fly blossoms.”
“The... burning, stinging kind?” Hunter guessed.
“The same,” Willow said as her bee gave another buzz. “Do we have an understanding?”
“Clear as formian crystal,” Hunter replied as he held up his hands.
Willow’s smile returned. She slipped the butter knife up her sleeve and her bee suddenly became much calmer.
“Good,” she said and took a deep breath as she steadied herself. “Oh boy, that took a lot out of me.”
Hunter wasn’t sure how to reply, but was thankfully saved by King’s voice.
“Where are those snacks?!” he cried. “Your tiny tyrant is getting hungry here!”
“Be right there,” Willow called as she gathered up the plates. “Coming?”
“In a minute.  I, um.  Need to wait for the water to boil to make tea,” Hunter added quickly.
Willow smiled, nodded and left the kitchen.
Hunter took deep breaths until he heard the kettle boil, removed it from the stove and started pouring it over the teabags. As he was putting the lid on the teapot Hooty extended his head into the kitchen window.
“Wooow, that was intense,” Hooty commented.
“No kidding,” Hunter commented as his cardinal landed on his shoulder and then paused. “Wait, you saw the whole thing?”
“I see everything in this house,” Hooty replied cheerfully.  "Eeeeeverythiiiiing."
“And you didn’t do anything?  Say anything?!” Hunter asked.
“Willow wouldn’t have hurt you unless she had to,” Hooty replied as he smiled. “She’s a lovely lady who's as sweet as a dragon fly blossom.”
Hunter kind of understood. Helping out during his first shopping trip proved what kind of person she was. And yet, there was that look in her eyes. Willow, for all her sweetness, was clearly also a person who was willing to protect those around her.  Whatever the cost.
Even A Rose Has Thorns, Hunter thought.
It was a line from one of Belos’s old books. Hunter never quite understood the significance. Of course roses had thorns. It was just how they were.
He looked to where Willow had stood. Now he felt like he understood the full significance.
“She’s very admirable,” Hunter muttered, andis cardinal tweeted in agreement.
He glanced at Hooty and saw the house demon was smirking at him.
“What?” he asked.
“You liiiiike her,” Hooty sang as he wiggled about.
Hunter blushed. “What? Well...Yes, I mean I hope to be her friend.”
“Oh, old Hooty has been around all the blocks!  This is clearly the beginning of a slow-burning subconscious unrequited crush,” Hooty replied in a sly tone.  "That is, for noooooow~"
Hunter waved his hands in the air. “What makes you think that?!”
“Oh, I don't knooooow," Hooty smirked.  "Why are you blushing?”
The words died in Hunter’s mouth as he fumbled with the kettle, putting it aside and sweeping the teapot onto a tray.
“I’m leaving now,” he declared.
“Feel free to ask me for advice,” Hooty called to his retreating back. “I’m knowledgeable in all the glorious and sinister ways of the heart! Just look at how I helped Lumity set sail!  Literally!”
Hunter vowed he would never ask as he left the kitchen.  And did his best to ignore the tweeting of the cardinal on his shoulder.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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pandoriapoisoned · 3 years
For the hundredth time, Piper is not a witch.  She just practices witchcraft.
Some of it is sophisticated, she admits.  The potency of crystalizing rusted nails in sunset-colored Pandorian salt and burying them outside of Jarl’s Tomb is considerable even by witch standards.  But witches on Jorvik fall into covens, and her alignment is strictly anti Druid, anti Dark Core, and most recently, anti whatever the Vala are.  
Still.  The ground around that tomb will continue to rot until someone figures out what she did.  Her actions may well speak louder than her words. 
This is the most advanced magic she has done yet.
Part of the suspicion that she might be the incarnation of the Goddess came from her (admittedly crude) affinity for all four circles.  She is only gifted in the Sun - but the other three do not completely evade her.  Piper has mastered none of them by any means - creation of crystal may be as far as even her Sun powers ever manifest - but she is good enough to use them in this way. 
The Sun - the time-elusive magic pulled from Pandoria.
The Moon - access to memories from past and future. 
The Star - tending of wounds hundreds of years too late.
Lightning - healing through rage.
This is not a spell that Linda would have suggested she do.  At least, not with full consent and knowledge of the person it is being done to.  As much as she seems more open than most to the idea that Gunnar is not the fearsome, revenge-blind figure most of Jorvik considers him, she refuses to let down her guard.  
It is a shame.  
They are in the Riding Academy’s upper arena.  A symbol has been drawn into the footing - a four-pointed star with a stone marking each point. 
One taken from Pandoria. 
One from Paddock Island. 
One from Galloper’s Keep.
One from Jarl’s Tomb.
In the spaces between the points stand the four.  
Piper next to Juzo, next to Gunnar, next to Morrigan.
The spell begins.  
- - 
A dungeon.  Solid enough to touch.  Nothing like the white, ghostly figures of Linda’s projected visions.  Everything in perfect clarity.  
There is talking outside, but it’s muffled.  Piper figures that either the stone walls are too thick to hear through, or the spell only goes as far as Gunnar remembers.  Either way, it makes no difference.  She knows what they’re saying.  
She knows there is only one prisoner here.
Her footsteps feel so solid.  Experimentally, she drags the tips of her fingers against the stone.  It’s rough.  She thinks she could very well scrape them.
His hair is curly.  She hadn’t expected that. 
But his eyes are green.  Behind the membrane of tears that haven’t fallen yet, they almost seem to glow and glisten.  
He doesn’t speak for a moment.  His eyes narrow.
But when she effortlessly opens the cell by waving her hand over it, he finally speaks up.
“Morrigan is gone.  The presence of witches does not threaten me anymore.”
“Not a witch.”  She clarifies.  “But I am from another time.”
After a confused expression and silence on his end, Piper elaborates.  “About...800 years from now.  Actually, I’m not…really here, either.  I’m inside of your memory.”
“My memory!?” 
“Why in the Jarl’s name-”
“Nope, nononono.  The Jarl is not your friend, okay.  You didn’t do shit.  He betrayed you and sent you to the gallows-”
“...Right.  Rightrightright um...not...dumping on you the stuff that takes you hundreds of years to process.  My mistake!  Sorry!”
Think.  Think, Piper.  You fucking idiot. 
“...Morrigan is okay.  We can start there.” 
Gunnar immediately slackens.  The release of tension is so noticeable that Piper feels the air change in the cell.  His eyes do not get less intense, but his shoulders drop about three inches.  
“Morrigan is…?” 
“...Transformed by fire.  But whatever gift or...curse that the witches gave you extends to her.  I promise.  You will see her very soon.” 
As she speaks, Piper hovers her fingers over a spot in front of Gunnar.  Out of the stone flooring manifests an immense array of food - more than even the Jarl himself would probably demand.  When it’s fully formed, she sits down properly.  
“Eat.  You haven’t since you lost her.” 
“You are a witch…”
“No, I do witchcra- you know what?  It doesn’t matter.  I’m not from the coven of witches in Devil’s Gap.  That’s all you need to know.” 
“...Eat.  Really.” 
“Should I believe you…?”
“You’re very trusting.  Actually I’d probably be pretty offended if you trusted me less than Jon Jarl.” 
Another squint.  
“...Fine, here.” 
Piper takes a leg off of the chicken and takes a considerable bite. 
“S’not poisoned.”  She says with her mouth full. “I wouldn’t poison a guy right before his execution, that’d be such a waste of...mmm...resources.”
He still looks skeptical, but… 
...Tears a piece of the chicken off anyway.  
“...I don’t understand why you’re doing this.”
Piper pulls one leg up to her chest, wrapping both arms around it.  She takes the extra minute it takes to chew through her colossal scrap of chicken to think over her answer carefully.  
Not that she doesn’t know the answer.  But their relationship is ill-defined, and she is not articulate.  
“Because we’re friends.  Someday.”
...There is something in his eyes.  Like that is the first thing she’s said that he absolutely doesn’t believe.  It hurt enough to know his pain when she couldn’t see his face - this almost breaks her. 
“We are.  It takes a long, long time.  But Fripp eventually brings someone into the circle who doesn’t believe a damn thing he says.  And it’s a slip up that makes your Jarl wish he’d just gone to hell where he belongs.  Because I am relentless.”
She leans closer.
“I find out that you never did it.  I have spent the last...two?  Three years trying to clear your name.  And it’s working.” 
Gunnar stops eating.  He still doesn’t speak, but his eyes are fixed on her.
“You help me, too.  Because I’m stupid.  I don’t think of the consequences when I do things.  Awful, moronic things.  I summon a demon to my stable because I’m blinded by anger.  And my horse - my Morrigan - suffers for it.  You help me get him back.  What you went through in the burning stable does not happen to me because you stopped it.”
Piper’s vision gets blurry and her voice is no longer coming out clear.  But she does not stop.  
“Maybe it takes you 800 years to find people who believe you.  But you do.  And we will keep fighting for your innocence until you can walk this island without so much as a second glance.”
Gunnar’s eyes flick up and down.  Searching every corner of Piper’s face for a hint that she’s lying.  But she isn’t.  
“...Why now?  Why...my memory?  Why this memory?” 
She takes a deep breath.  But when she finds the words, she does answer.
“What you are about to go through...no one should have to do alone.  Even in a memory.”
“...I cannot stay for all 800 years.  But I am going to stay until you aren’t afraid anymore.”
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animerunner · 3 years
5+2 Times Eda Nearly Forgot Her Sister Was In A Cult In Some Manner
Relationships: Eda & Lilith mainly. A bit of Eda & Lilith & Luz. Though its fairly minor.
Characters: Only Eda, Lilith, and Luz are appearing. King's mentioned a few times along with Willow and Gus. Amity is technically in one part but doesn't do anything. Warnings: Cults. Again like my usual. Nothing explicit. But there is a lot of implied or mentions of things related to cults. Food deprivation, family cutoff, abuse. loss of individualism, etc. I know at least one user in the fandom has experience in cults. I am trigger warning this post in case there's more. Please remember to proceed with caution since this isn't lighthearted topic. Summary: Eda knows the Emperor's Coven was a messed up place. And she knows by extension it had to have messed up Lilith. But sometimes she forgets that.
And sometimes she remembers. Notes: Usual rules and responses to the anti-Lilith crowd apply here. Anti Lilith brigade will get blocked and deleted if need be. Comment mods are on on Ao3. Because some of y'all Becca and anon I swear I'm not ignoring you. Slightly rampant plot bunny took over yesterday. But I am trying to sort out what I want to do with your guys request. It's coming. Not sure on the timing. But it is coming. Anyways let me know what ya all think.
Link here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30609275
I'm not doing my normal copy paste. Because apparently the 5+1 format transfer to Tumblr from Ao3 doesn't work great. Sorry.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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“All I ever wanted was a Cinderella fantasy. I had nothing but hopes and dreams to find my prince and become a queen, the most powerful heroine. I was denied my happy ending, denied my crown, well I want my goddamn crown. This is MY fairytale! I am the queen of my fantasy and I will get what I deserve!” .”
The Witch Queen
Full Name:
Amelia Ophelia Martinez (birth name)
Amy Martinez (legal name)
Ames (by Shinsou and friends)
Baby (by Misty Day)
Fille Fatale (by Marie Laveau)
Witch Bitch (by Bakugou, herself)
Tricky Witch (Hero Name)
Wicked Witch (by Mineta)
The Blair Witch (by Jirou)
The Scary Witch (by Mirio, herself)
Witch Queen
Magic/Witchcraft, including:
Concilium/Mind control
Emotional Energy Manipulation/Sentio Compassios
Power Bestowal
Illusion Manipulation
Healing Magic
Blood Magic
Memory Projection
Practicing witchcraft
Looking Good
Watching movies
Writing fanfiction
Spending time with Hitoshi Shinsou and company
Making new spells and potions
Roller derby
Fawning over Izuku Midoriya (formerly)
Competing with others
Ranting about things/people that annoy her
Pranking her friends
Beat Shouto Todoroki in the Sports Festival (failed)
Be with Izuku forever (failed/formerly)
Earn the pride of All-Might and Shouta Aizawa (ongoing)
Earn the pride of Cordelia Goode (ongoing)
Get revenge on Aizawa and the pro-heroes for abandoning her (succeeded)
Get revenge on Hero Society as a whole for abandoning her (formerly)
Destroy UA (partially succeeded, stopped by Izuku)
Get revenge on Izuku for rejecting her (succeeded)
Make amends with her classmates and UA (succeeded)
Make a lot of new friends (ongoing)
Redeem herself for her crimes (ongoing)
Represent her coven (ongoing)
Become the strongest heroine in the world (ongoing)
Property damage
Possession of offensive weapons
Attempted murder
Type of Villain Redeemed Anti-Villain
Grimdark Nightmare: A move where Amy conjures dark magic that allows her opponent to see frightening illusions as they end up taking damage when she fires pink psionic energy beams at her opponent.
Woman Scorned: Baba Yaga: Amy’s most lethal attack where she surrounds herself in dark pink psionic energy to make herself grow into a giant version of herself that allows her to beat, batter and crush her opponents.
“I’m not some sad little urchin you found on the street Greenie, I matter.”
“I deserved a happy ending too! I deserved a normal life too! I’m just as important as everyone else is here!” 
“All this time... the pro-heroes had the power to keep me...”
“Thank you Fiona... FOR NOTHING!!!” 
“I’m pretty much done with the whole hero thing..."
“What’s the matter sensei? Can’t see? That’s the only shame of this but it makes sense... you could never see me even when I tried to get your attention..."
“Everything in my life was perfect until those pathetic pro-heroes brought that girl here. That’s when I realized just how little I mattered to everyone here since I never got the same treatment. Instead I was just cast out like garbage because I wasn’t the perfect little victim, and then when I open up about the shit that I had to suffer through, EVERY single one of you turned your backs on me. So if I want all eyes on me, if I want to be the strongest person here, if I want to be the queen of this fairytale story that I’ve been wanting. I’m just going to take that name by force.” 
“Hey guys... go home right now. I’m giving you all a choice to go home right now before things get ugly.”
“I’m coming for you bitch!”
“This is MY time! I will get what I deserve!!”
“Stay away from me Shouto...”
“You’d better step down right now... I really don’t want to hurt you...”
“AHAHAHAHA~! You think you’re gonna beat me and save the day? Well keep dreaming... because nobody can beat me nobody!!” 
"You... PODUNK LOSER!!! I’m the most powerful witch in this whole fucking society!! I’m the most powerful bitch you’ve ever met! You think you can fuck with me?!”
(enraged) "Do you believe in God?"
“I’m sorry... I wanted to hurt you... I’m... so sorry...” 
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