#and like idk. Angela Bassett and Jessica Lange
simplysummers · 11 months
I finally finished Roanoke, so this is my current ranking for those who care ✨
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #28
• I’ve noticed most actresses from ‘American Horror Story’ have mainly earth/air in their charts and there’s a predominance with 4H/10H placements. E.g. (they’re all from season 3 btw) Sarah Paulson is a Virgo rising/Cap venus/Aqua moon & a 4H stellium, Kathy Bates is a Virgo rising & mars with a 10H Cancer stellium, Jessica Lange is an Aqua moon with a 10H stellium, Angela Bassett has a Taurus mars & Virgo stellium, etc…
• I’ve just noticed some Taurus/2H moons are the types to just say old sayings during conversations.
• If you copy a person who has Air placements in their big 3 (specifically Aqua & Gemini) and a fire sign over their 11H, just be ready for them to call you out on the spot. (I have Aries over the 11H and I can testify 🙄).
• Having Aries/1H, Sagittarius/9H, Scorpio/8H & Pisces/12H placements can indicate wanting to learn about ancient civilizations, world history or about other dimensional subjects like conspiracies, etc…
• Most 1H moons I’ve met are really nice but also quick tempered and become petty when things don’t go their way…
• Gemini/Sagittarius risings 🤝 loving jewelry.
• Those with Jupiter-Asc especially trine tend to have loud laughs!! They’re the types to have a signature laugh and love cracking jokes! They might also go quiet if someone shuts their good mood/optimism down.
• Gemini & Scorpio risings deserve their overdue fashionista recognition. They don’t even have to be that into fashion they just know how to dress and which accessories to use, etc..
• Aquarius sun-Aquarius moon-Libra rising-Aquarius mercury people are so nice, chill and intriguing?! Like yes let’s sit and have some coffee and you can continue complaining about your friends.😭
• Water venuses in 2H/6H/10H 🤝 materialistically spoiling others in turn for being emotionally spoiled.
• Some 10 Stellium ppl with 2H saturn might have a poor parent but they act spoiled.😭
• And some of them ARE spoiled.🥲
• I’ve started noticing a pattern with Pisces suns who have water moons and them growing up without their moms or going to live with her later or their moms just don’t care about them.🙁 Idk if it’s an all water moons thing though…
• Ppl with water venuses tend to have emotionally manipulate or lying mothers. Ik an ex of mine who’s a Cancer venus and it’s very true same with me (Pisces venus).
• I feel like out of all the elements, water signs (big 6) are the last ones to acknowledge when they’re being taken advantage of.
• Most Water & Fire placements start acting out as kids because of lack of attention.
• Air risings are just those kids that easily grab others’ attentions and tend to make friends easily! Especially if they have Fire mercuries.
• 8H mars with mostly Air/Water in their charts are calculatinggg.😂 They could be sitting here talking to you normally but if they peep some weird shit, just know they’ve already got you figured out and they know what your next move will be. They’ll probably just wait on you to do something so they can say their intuition was right, lol.
• Moon trine asc ppl tend to be very caring & sweet! They’re also great listeners.💗
• Having your luminaries (Sun/moon) at 18/22 degrees is never been fully able to just be yourself or being told/force into to acting more mature.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
What are your top 5 AHS seasons and why?
Oooooo ok I know one of these is going to be super controversial so
5. Asylum
"Um Cherie wtf? Why is the best season ever so low?" BECAUSE ITS NOT THE BEST SEASON EVER. I love asylum and it definitely had some amazing plot lines (sister Mary Eunice becoming possessed is a top 3 plot line in the whole show) but asylum just had too much going on for my taste and I know I'm the odd man out because this is the favorite season of just about every fan but to this day I just can't love it as much as everyone else. On top of everything in that season they really decided that it also needed aliens. I'm sorry but I was done 😭 with that being said, it still makes the top 5. Stan Lana Winters
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4. Roanoke
I know what you're thinking and no I haven't lost my mind. I loved Roanoke. More than Asylum. Sue me. I thought it was very different and it was a nice different that was a change of pace from the same story style of all the other seasons. Roanoke was also the season that got back into the horror factor imo. It was the first season to genuinely creep me out and scare me in like 3 seasons tbh. Idk but this season really had me hooked. I watched this one live and each week my mind was spinning
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3. Apocalypse
Ok this is where it got pretty hard because I feel like my top 3 are going to be obvious but it was just a matter of who was going in what spot. I'd love to put apocalypse at number 2 (because if you've been here for a long time you know what's going in number 1) but the ending really cast a shadow over the whole season. It's still miles better than most of the other seasons but that ending still rubs me the wrong way.
Apocalypse was an era okay? The way I was seated every single week for this season was insane. It's the crossover season between my favorite seasons and it's 95% perfect. Michael Langdon is a great antagonist and I really enjoyed seeing male witches. Returning to the coven was exhilarating and I just really enjoyed seeing the schools explored upon more. Not to mention the return of some of my favorite characters. They chose the perfect season and character for Cody's AHS debut
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2. Coven
Arguably the most iconic season. Very quotable. Everybody was acting DOWN. I love anything with witches but especially southern witches and setting this season in Louisiana couldnt be beat. That alone makes this season so personal and near and dear to my heart. This season had me on the edge of my seat every episode and half of AHS' most iconic characters came from this season alone. I enjoyed the inner workings of the coven and seeing witches go toe to toe with each other. Fiona and Marie Laveau were just teeew good and putting Jessica Lange and Angela Bassett in the same season deserves to get your ass ate. With all of that being said, the later half of the season did not live up to the first half but season 3 is still way better than the majority of the show
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1. Murder House
This should surprise no one. AHS really came out the gate SWINGING bc murder house is that bitch and will always be that bitch. There isn't a single thing I would change about this season (and that's why some things in apocalypse rubbed me the wrong way). This season was horror galore and easily one of the creepiest seasons. This season alone is solely responsible for teenage girls everywhere thirsting over a blond shaggy haired serial killer. Some of the plot twists in this season had me GAGGED! And this season (along with season 3) made me really attached to the characters that I think some of the other seasons failed to do. It got to a point where you wanted these people to make it out of that house and it still hurts sometimes when I think of their fate
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tatelangdonsweater · 2 years
I just finished all 11 seasons of AHS, and… honestly, I’m amazed. I came for Evan Peters, but I stayed for the beauty of the series and the other amazing actors in it.
Now. Here’s my ranking of all eleven seasons (note: I’m ranking AHS Red Tide and AHS Death Valley separately). Disclaimer: everything here is just my opinion. You don’t have to agree with me.
1. Murder House. It’s a classic for a reason. Tate and Violet’s romance is to die for (no pun intended), and Jessica Lange does a great performance as Constance. Also, Addy and Violet deserved better.
2. NYC. For some reason, I love learning about this specific period in LGBT history, and the last two episodes were a heartbreaking- but realistic- portrayal of AIDS. Made me cry. And the soundtrack was the best of all the seasons.
3. Hotel. It was dark, it was sexy, and I loved the plot twist- totally came out of left field. Also, Lady Gaga and Angela Bassett? Iconic.
4. Coven. Has my comfort character, Kyle Spencer, in it. Also love Misty Day (that girl is definitely autistic I do not make the rules). I didn’t really warm up to Madison in this season, but I did eventually in Apocalypse. This season also has very striking visuals- the intro is the best one of the series, imo.
5. Cult. Evan’s acting as Kai was superb (and he’s also really hot hehe). I liked how it differed from previous seasons in that there weren’t any supernatural elements here. I also liked the political commentary.
6. Freak Show. As much as I love Evan’s darker characters, I also love when he plays good boys. And Bette and Dot are lovely. That being said, I don’t really understand why they threw in the character of Chester so close to the end of the season. Didn’t make much sense to me but 🤷🏽‍♂️
7. Red Tide. I liked how it satirized the whole “all artists are a little crazy” trope, and how far people are willing to go for greatness. I loved Alma (the little girl). It’s a little unnerving to see creepy child characters, but she did it well.
8. 1984. This one was kinda mid. But I do love a good slasher. I liked the ‘80s outfits and soundtrack, and the intro was great. I just feel like they dragged it out a bit.
9. Apocalypse. I know this is a fan favorite, and I liked seeing characters from Murder House and Coven again, but I feel like it was really rushed and the new characters (save for Michael) weren’t really developed. Also wasn’t a fan of how much the narrative jumped around.
10. Asylum. I’m so sorry 😭 but there was too much going on in this season. Maybe if they’d stuck with the Bloody Face + asylum storyline, then it would have worked, but the whole alien abduction thing was…. idk. Maybe it’s just because I don’t enjoy those types of stories. I loved Kit and Lana, though, and loved to hate the nuns.
11. Roanoke. Again, this one was a dud. No AHS intro, characters weren’t exactly memorable… this gets points for Kathy Bates’s character, though. And Audrey and Rory’s relationship, which reminded me of Tahani and Jason from The Good Place.
12. Death Valley. This one was just a snooze-fest. The characters and story weren’t memorable at all, and like I said, I’m not a big fan of alien abduction plotlines. Also felt rushed to me.
Can’t wait to see what else Ryan Murphy comes up with!
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sunshinemossboy · 6 years
which is your fav ahs season
I'm just gonna be extra as hell and list my pros and cons... get ready for a long ass answer sorrynotsorry you're dealing with a writer here:
Murder House
just gonna say it - overrated
I do appreciate it because it sparked the rest of AHS
created some iconic characters
in hindsight, at least Tate is better than Kai
still a really good concept
a bit boring at times though
Jessica Lange is fucking superb
lowkey started trend of Lily Rabe's characters either dying or already being dead and me no likey that so much
Francis Conroy talking about men is always great but I liked the more subtle hints to her speeches this time
Sarah Paulson and Lily Rabe were ICONIC in this season holy fckin christ
so was Jessica Lange
and Zachary Quinto
basically the characters had really good like writing and rounding out and such
but wtf was with the alien subplot??
some damn good writing
while I do not approve of Sister Mary Satan raping the monsignor I can never get "There was a priest, the dirty beast, his name was Alexander. His mighty dick was inches thick, he called it Salamander" out of my head
Jude and Kit at the end was so sweet
honestly at times bit off more than they could chew with the subplots, not all of those were really resolved
Jessica Lange somehow even more iconic
same with Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett, what QUEENS
seriously both Misty and Cordelia are adorable on their own, and together I just can't handle it
the music in this season provokes an emotional response from me
"Can we please not move things? Some of us are blind!"
*stuffs bagels into bag* "Who's takin me home?"
Myrtle Snow calmly playing that instrument while Cordelia had a breakdown
those all black looks were good shit
Freak Show
this shit was SAD AS HELL
like literally how they killed all the characters was fucking gut wrenching
also Pepper? at Briarcliff?? seeing that magazine with Elsa on it??? I cry every time
once again proved the crazy talent of Sarah Paulson
at least Lily Rabe was kinda there
despite being a little shit Dandy was a great character
last time they had some really long episodes, or at least varied between 45 min and longer, which I liked bc I think it let them do quite a bit
I want Sarah Paulson's cover of Criminal to play at my funeral or my wedding or goddamn something ugh
"We might not be on a farm but something sure smells like bullshit to me" (paraphrased)
I can't believe they made me feel so damn bad for a scary clown dude, he didn't deserve that
the fucking style? and music? SUPERB
when Iris was gonna off herself and made that video
I have a love/hate relationship with John Lowe 'cause he kinda stupid
Evan Peters looking like Spongebob as a fancy waiter
Lady Gaga and Matt Bomer drenched in blood
everything about Liz Taylor was like beautiful
somehow the vampire thing worked
could (should) have used literally any song other than hotline bling
Devil's Night was great but then they made an inconsistency with the zodiac killer in Cult
aT lEaSt LiLy RaBe WaS kInDa ThErE
loved it when Billie came back
enjoyed the documentary style and kudos to Ryan for doing something different
with that being said it was pretty predictable and cliche
so damn happy to see Lily Rabe back
favorite fan promo thing I saw: "Lily Rabe is back and she has a gluten allergy and questionable judgement" (paraphrased but hilarious and accurate)
wish they had time to round out the actor characters (Audrey, Monet, etc)
RIP an accent 2016-2016
still though, it brought some good people back into the cast
good call with Adina Porter, she's amazing
"I'm not American, I'm not used to all this carnage!"
honestly a lot of Audrey's lines were great
and her reaction to Shelby's death holy fuck that honestly startled me
Cricket Marlowe looking like Danny Devito in that one episode of Always Sunny
I liked how they worked phobias into it
a good deal of the sexual stuff just made me really uncomfortable, like especially when it was directed at Ally (or Ivy I guess), idk I think as a lesbian myself it felt like they were pushing all this phallic shit on her and challenging her sexuality which just really rubbed me the wrong way (my take on it, anyway)
Ally's character development though goddamn
Ally in general, she was so fckin cute ugh
I feel like they made Ivy too dislikable? like she could've had SOME redeeming qualities but nah
Kai was fucking awful
people shit on Winter as a character but I still think Billie Lourd acted wonderfully
why do all of Emma Roberts' characters have to be such bitches? lol
still don't know how I feel about it ending with Ally supposedly like becoming leader of the SCUM group or whatever
loved that they used extreme stereotypes of both conservatives and liberals
they killed Venable too soon
she and Mead were so extra together I loved it
again, Foxxay (they better kiss and be happy by the end of this season I stg)
Cordelia's vision was terrifying, like she got her throat torn out jfc
if Cordelia (or, hell, even Billie) die too I'm going to be 2-3 times more heartbroken than I already am about Venable
especially excited to see Mallory's character develop
I both love and hate Michael Langdon
Leslie Grossman still getting all the wack, iconic one-liners
BD Wong being in it was lowkey hilarious to me bc I've only ever seen him in SVU before
"Because I'm the FUCKING Supreme"
can't wait to get more Billie Dean Howard
Jessica Lange! it's been so long, how ya been?
where the hell did Brock go after he broke in to kill Coco? did he just fuck off back into the wastelands?
Ryan, USE LILY RABE'S TALENT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD even if she doesn't stay for long this season (plz let Misty be okay and while I don't quite think it'll happen I'm still hoping to see Nora) bring her back sometime with another major character I miss her so much
I'm excited to see more!
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domesticangel · 5 years
2 4 8 13 14 18 22 29 33/34 36 37 40 41 44 48 55 69 76 80 82 94 95 98? Sorry if that's a lot sfhsghsh there were so many to choose from!! U can skip some if u want
SDFHSJKDL NAH DUDE UR SO FINE I APPRECIATE U GIVIN ME SO MANY TO ANSWER !!! 🤠🤙🏻 I’m gonna throw this under a cut just bc. I Talk A Lot
2. is your room messy or clean?
HHHHH i’d say its more on the messy side lmao like its not too awful bad but i am rly bad about having The Chair™ that i pile all my worldly possessions on
4. do you like your name? why?
ive honestly never rly liked it lmao emily was apparently like one of the most popular baby names for girls in ‘97 so from grade school through college ive always been one of like at least 2 or 3 emily’s in each class kjhkjhfkj thats why i mostly prefer to go by emmy
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
i drive a 2002 ford taurus named tori and she’s my silver babby. she’s a very good car and i plaster her in as many bumper stickers as i can get my hands on
13. any siblings?
ye! one older brother. he’s like a cartoonishly stereotypical stoner but he’s chill so we get along
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
HMMM ive always thought colorado would be nice? i love mountains and i love cold weather and i feel like theres enough cities that id have an ok chance of getting a job in my field. somewhere in scandinavia might also be nice bc once again i like the cold and also ive heard their healthcare slaps
18. favorite tv show?
OOF idk if i could pick one fav but some I’m rly into and find myself rewatching a lot are scrubs, bojack horseman, its always sunny, archer, and dexter
22. do you go to the gym?
i do when I’m on campus just bc my school has a rly nice gym with a good running track but if I’m back home like over breaks and stuff ill just run outside. i sometimes go to the yoga/pilates classes my mom teachers at her local gym but thats about it
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
HHHHH well. the main thing that came to mind was 3 years ago when i was driving and took a turn too fast and accidentally crashed into the front of a lady’s car….obv i didn’t mean to do it but i definitely was being reckless thinking i could make the turn. i totaled her car (i was driving a mustang at the time and those mfers are built like tanks so only our fender got dented but her entire front end was crushed) but luckily everyone was physically ok. i def learned my lesson about being a dumbass and also don’t fuck w rwd cars anymore lmao…even to this day thinking about how badly i couldve hurt her makes me shudder and i haven’t been in a wreck since
33. favorite actor?
idk if i can pick a fav but dfhjshgkjsdf i rly like samuel l. jackson, jason bateman, and paul rudd
34. favorite actress?
HHHHHHH i love so many actresses it’d probably be impossible to narrow it down but ive been rewatching ahs coven recently and it reminded me how much i love angela bassett and jessica lange 😩❤️
36. favorite movie?
kjghdsgjsk IM SRY IM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF NARROWING ANYTHING DOWN TO ONE BUT,,, some of my consistent all times favs are the kill bill movies and the kingsman movies
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i dont tbh i did when i was a kid but i always abandon books halfway through whenever i try nowadays,, i think the last book i read was the kite runner and its definitely one of my favs. i also like p much all of toni morrison’s books but beloved was my fav of hers
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
i think only twice??? once when i was RLY young for something i don’t even remember and again when i was still p young to get my tonsils out lmao
41. top 10 favorite songs
OOF ok favorites are so hard for me but some songs ive loved for a rly long time and always come back to are nightdrive with you (fear of tigers remix) by anoraak, countdown by beyonce, song of the sea by cake bake betty, surrender by cheap trick, bubbly by colbie caillat, ferrari by coyote kisses, that green gentleman by panic! at the disco, nightswimming by R.E.M., if it makes you happy by sheryl crow, and punk rock girl by the dead milkmen
44. what is your biggest fear?
JHDFKJLSHKJSGFK ok this is kinda morbid but like i have this specific fear of someone close to me dying and it depressing me so much that i like, am not able to finish school and pursue my career and i get like totally trapped as a result of grief that sustains itself by constantly reminding me that said dead person would be disappointed in me for quitting. Sweats Loudly
48. who is your role model?
prob my mom tbh which i know is. Cheesy but like. she’s been through so much shit and still came out the other end of it as this unconditionally compassionate and capable person and i just. thats what i wanna be
55. what is your dream job?
honestly this might sound sad but like? literally anything that doesn’t make me wanna die and pays well enough that i can pay my bills and have a little fun on the side?????? obv some kinda art career but as for what specifically I’m rly not picky tbh jfghjhf all i know is that id wanna work for a company as opposed to freelancing
69. do you play an instrument?
nope dkljhfsdjk im not musically talented in any way shape or form
76. what color looks best on you?
black or tie dye, no in between
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
probably just like? super negative people. like people that go out of their way to find negativity and complain about other things or people and have no desire to look on the bright side or enjoy the little things. like chill dude. we’re all just here to have a good time
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
HMMM i rly love pecan praline ice cream !!!
94. favorite lyrics right now
i honestly rly like the chorus from help yourself by sad brad smith,, “I know you’ll help us when you’re feeling better, and we realize that it might not be for a long, long time, but we’re willing to wait on you, we believe in everything that you can do, if you could only lay down your mind”
it just. makes me Soft. it reminds me of the ppl in my life that believe in me unconditionally and are patient with me and how grateful i am to have them and all the people that i love and believe in too and. Yeah 😩❤️
95. summer or winter?
winter 100% i HATE heat and sweating plus like 90% of my wardrobe is cold weather clothes fdljhksjkdh
98. favorite month?
HMMM probably november? its usually like the transition from fall to winter so you get that really nice crisp fall weather that flows into the super cold hot cocoa weather that i loooooveee
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evansboxers · 6 years
Thank you so much @ahsporn for tagging me <3
1.) What season is your favorite? Asylum
2.) Which season is your least favorite? Roanoke, all tho sometimes i wanna rewatch it so bad.
3.) Do you have a favorite episode overall? If yes, which is it? Madness Ends and Orphans.
4.) Who is your favorite character? Sister Jude
5.) Who is your least favorite character? Donovan
6.) Who has been your favorite guest star so far? Ian McShane
7.) If you could have anyone be a guest star, who would it be? the queen Lana Del Rey definitely!
8.) If you could come up with the next season, what would it be? an entire season with a family like the Polk family from Roanoke.
9.) If you could meet any of the cast members, who would it be? Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Adina Porter, Angela Bassett, Connie Britton and Taissa Farmiga.
10.) What are you looking forward to with next season? Seeing what happened with the antichrist in the murder house who took care of him and how things have been in the murder house.
Murder House:
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Piggy piggy
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? murder house
3.) Who is your favorite character? Constance
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Ben
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? absolutely nothing
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Welcome to Briarcliff and Madness Ends
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The Origins of Monstrosity
3.) Who is your favorite character? Lana Winters
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Grace
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? nothing i think
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Boy Parts
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Burn, Witch, Burn!
3.) Who is your favorite character? Marie Laveau
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Madison
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Madison’s death was kind of boring
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Orphans. Saddest thing ever but damn do I love crying over fictional characters...
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Test of Strength
3.) Who is your favorite character? Bette Tattler
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Maggie Esmeralda
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Ma Petite dying, that did NOT need to happen
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Devil’s Night
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? The Ten Commandments Killer
3.) Who is your favorite character? Sally
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Donovan
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Liz Taylor shouldn’t have died, she should have lived a healthy and beautiful life outside that hotel with her love, Tristan.
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Chapter 8
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Chapter 3
3.) Who is your favorite character? Kathy’s butcher
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Sidney James
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Shelby Miller should have stayed alive at the end
1.) Which episode is your favorite? Election Night
2.) Which episode is your least favorite? Valerie Solanas Died for your Sins: Scumbag
3.) Who is your favorite character? Beverly Hope
4.) Who is your least favorite character? Ivy
5.) If you could change anything about this season, what would it be? Ally starting her own cult at the end, Idk but that didn’t seem good to me.
I tag @youregoingtopieinthere, @pepperforpresident, @ahspumpedupkicks
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oldtoothgun · 7 years
im actually so excited for new ahs. i really loved roanoke (i think its probably my fav season but i need to rewatch it) and hotel. “cult” seems like... you can do so much with that. i hope its good!!
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