straycalamities · 1 year
im trying to put together a gameplan for how i want to tackle all the things ive got on my plate... i think for the rest of july i should try and prioritize artfight obv bc its just a month-long thing so...yea then maybe starting august i work on askblogs? uhhh yea particularly truffula flu and cult au ace blog bc im the most jazzed abt those maybe mainverse entre will have his moment in the sun again at some point
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Norma Shearer (Marie Antoinette, The Women)— First Jewish woman to win an Oscar for her acting!! She pioneered stronger, more independent and complicated roles for women onscreen. One film historian described her as "the exemplar of sophisticated modern womanhood and ... the first American film actress to make it chic and acceptable to be single and not a virgin on screen."
Hazel Scott (Broadway Rhythm, Rhapsody in Blue)—ok ok let me tell you about Hazel Scott. She was a Trinidadian piano genius. By the age of 3 she could play the piano by ear. She would play jazzed-up versions of classics in nightclubs and could sing too! She appeared in five movies, and used her influence as a piano prodigy to improve Black representation in film—she turned down offensive parts, demanded equal pay, and always wore her own costumes to ensure she was portrayed as glamorous and beautiful. She was the first African-American woman to host her own television show, The Hazel Scott Show. She stood up for civil rights and was an overall icon! If you want to watch her being a genius, here she is playing two pianos at once. And here's this one that shows off her consummate glamor! [videos beneath the cut]
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Norma Shearer:
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She got into showbiz on a technicality, there was a line of 60 girls to pick from, the studio needed 8 and she was second from last. She coughed loudly and then stood up and grinned when the casting director looked over at her, and he let her in because it made him laugh. After that there was several years of hard work before she landed her first movie. Where she had been repeatedly put down for her face in silent film, he was praised for her voice when the talkies first came about. She was most in her element in the pre-code era, when she played the strong, graceful, self-sufficient type of woman and she won the academy award for best actress in The Divorcee in 1930. She directly competed with greats like Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford for the rest of the 30s.
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She just epitomizes Old Hollywood to me and seems criminally underrated these days
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Short-haired, modern woman, pre-code queen
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someone call the fire department because this woman is H-O-T HOT!! Three chilis and a warning label hot!! Ever-burning passion HOT!!! But also glam and elegant and gorgeous (the side profile portrait is the most beautiful picture of any person ever)... she has the range
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Hazel Scott:
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178 notes · View notes
I feel like, with the season's plot since Kozma's death being so dense and breakneck and with it being the final season and all, it's easy to feel like it's silly or a waste or inefficient to devote an entire episode to just the party with only oblique references to what's happening in the Highest Light via Saskia. It feels like a lot to dedicate to dancing and singing in Stationary Hill, so seemingly (doing heavy lifting, that word) far removed from the rest of the plot.
But, I think it's important to really spend time with Midst. There's the narrative pacing reason (a quick breath before we really start racing) and there's the reasons of setting the stage for our final act (it is to where we are returning to end all this), but crucially: it is important to see all this, for Saskia.
Shindig is for Saskia and her arc and her motivations the way that Fault is for Spahr and all his. Saskia is a major character, and one deeply tied to the narrative of a protagonist and to place and to the thematic structures, so spending time developing what it is that drives her choices at a granular level is important.
When she makes that decision to pull the lever and shred those beads, this is what is at the forefront of her mind. Saskia is very rooted in the community in Midst, in the people that she is doing all this for. She says to them all in Weather: "I am proud to call Stationary Hill my home, no matter what happens next. I'm here for you, and you're here for me, and there's no other group of people I'd rather be with right now. I'm sorry I couldn't do better for you." In Wake, she is full of "almost heartbreaking honor" and pride that everyone wishes to stay to rebuild Stationary Hill. She sets off for the Highest Light in Breakfast because she wants to move actively protect Midst from the Trust.
She is dedicated to the people of Midst, through and through, and it is the root of all her actions. She hopes for and works toward the fall of the Trust, but more than that, she hopes that the people of Midst will thrive and works toward protecting their futures.
She is in the Central Vault in the Highest Light, but she is also halfway across the cosmos, dancing and singing with these this community she loves more than anything. When she looks Weepe in the eye and pulls that lever, to destroy what remains of this Vault and with it the Trust, and at least part of (maybe all of) herself as well, she is hearing the laughter and their joy of the people on Midst. She knows that the Trust, that Weepe, will come to destroy that eventually.
We need to spend all that time at that party because that is what Saskia is experiencing as she moves toward shred. We need to know what she is choosing, to remember very clearly why she is doing this, to see in real-time what it is she has to lose if they fail here. It is all together at that party that is happening right then.
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alfazoings · 1 year
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new fishmael ego is infesting my brain 💔
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vrachis · 9 months
i wanna fuck chevreuse so bad…
like imagine using her in front of the whole squad and they all js get so jealous bcs ur able to get ur hands on the captain and they cant 💔
laughing at their faces and shoving the fact that the captain is the only one who should be taking u just further fuels up their envy towards you
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mitchipedia · 1 month
Trump is starting to give off “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up” vibes.
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doodle17 · 1 year
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Woo Psychonauts Future Doodles
I've wanted to draw older Kitty, Crystal and Clem for soooooo long
Look at then
Im so proud of how they turned out
Also you can see a little bit of (lore?) On what ppl are up to in the future (if you can read my shitty handwriting)
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fuluv · 2 years
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it was her first kiss..
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a-tear-in-space · 1 year
Gotta love them autism coded characters, one of my favourite genres fr
(I would have added more but I hit 30 tags lol)
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rebouks · 5 months
helooo!! okay, okay, come with me...
WHAT IF: we know bruno is a guy who sees the bigger picture of things, he goes through the actions and foresees patterns and consequences. what i mean is that he usually doesn't act out of spontaneity and whims (unlike our baby ivan). he thinks through, he overthinks, he plans. and this is why I AM NOT BUYING THIS BRIVAN ARC BECCA!! or the line of events as you wish to portray to us, i mean 😏
somewhere - somehow - our old gal norma reached out to Bruno again. remember this conversation right here?
well, with our other 'dear' friead kian leaving the prison, i think bruno was contacted by norma again. to put a permanent end to it. 'it' being the business because something tells me that kian wants to take the reins of del sol now ash is out of the scene...
bruno is in some sort of undercover work, like leah or silas once did...
and he is doing it by sacrificing his family bliss because he believes THAT is a cause worth fighting for. a world with less 'kians' is definitely a better place.
obviously, this is causing inner conflicts. he doesn't like to lie to ivan and he is difinitely thinking twice on whether this is reason enough to put his family through this... hence, the depression.
this is not structured as i'd like it to be and probably not even written in a way to make sense, because my mind is...
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Anaaaaaaaa.. 🤯
He DOES overthink things, doesn't he?! So either he's swanning off to do something heroic and sacrificing his supposed happiness for it OR he slowly realised he's a square peg in a round hole and he can't deal anymore n' self sabotaged himself out of his lil corner.. OR a secret third thing?! who knows honestly 🤷‍♀️ me.. i know
Love this theory tho!! Would also love to see if anyone has anymore thoughts abt this too 👀
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Hanka Ordonówna (Szpieg w masce)—no propaganda submitted
Norma Shearer (Marie Antoinette, The Women)— First Jewish woman to win an Oscar for her acting!! She pioneered stronger, more independent and complicated roles for women onscreen. One film historian described her as "the exemplar of sophisticated modern womanhood and ... the first American film actress to make it chic and acceptable to be single and not a virgin on screen."
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Hanka Ordonówna:
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Norma Shearer:
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She got into showbiz on a technicality, there was a line of 60 girls to pick from, the studio needed 8 and she was second from last. She coughed loudly and then stood up and grinned when the casting director looked over at her, and he let her in because it made him laugh. After that there was several years of hard work before she landed her first movie. Where she had been repeatedly put down for her face in silent film, he was praised for her voice when the talkies first came about. She was most in her element in the pre-code era, when she played the strong, graceful, self-sufficient type of woman and she won the academy award for best actress in The Divorcee in 1930. She directly competed with greats like Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford for the rest of the 30s.
She just epitomizes Old Hollywood to me and seems criminally underrated these days
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Short-haired, modern woman, pre-code queen
someone call the fire department because this woman is H-O-T HOT!! Three chilis and a warning label hot!! Ever-burning passion HOT!!! But also glam and elegant and gorgeous (the side profile portrait is the most beautiful picture of any person ever)... she has the range
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190 notes · View notes
wutheringmights · 6 months
Hi!!! Okay so got a little too into it. This was supposed to be more of a sketch but my brain said, “do a background!” And I couldn’t help myself. The scene where Spirit’s talking to Warriors about things he’d take a photo of stuck in my brain and I had to get it out. Thank you!<3<3<3
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Wow!!!! This looks so cool!! The background is super impressive, and I love how the colors match a sepia tone photograph! I keep on finding new little details I love, like the way you captured the shadows of the railing or how Warriors is looking up to Spirit.
Thank you so much for sharing!!!! 🥺💛💛💛💛💛💛
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mbat · 2 years
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i am so pissed at netflix
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theplottdump · 1 year
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🌿 Family Photo!
Now Everyone Say 'The Watcher forgot to put all the roofs up!' Everyone: euuuruughhhhh
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Look how happy everyone gets to be in the ancillary save where nothing matters. 😭
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BACK ROW: (Left to Right) Leanne 5000, Sunny Plott, Chad Chinsley, Valerian Plott, Altus Goth, Antoinette Goth, Cabbage Goth, Norma Goth, Hinoki Plott, Fynn Plott, Senga Simcraft, Manservant Henry, Alejandro Garcia, Poppy Plott, Marlee Martino, Olive Plott FRONT ROW: (Left to Right) Dahlia Plott, Beau Plott, Willow Plott, Aster Plott, Helena Noble, Kale Plott
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61 notes · View notes
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Norma strikes me as "that kid." The one who gets trapped in the vicious cycle:
Be unpopular -> Become a teacher's pet -> Become even more isolated -> cling to authority figures more -> Repeat
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psi-spectacular · 8 months
yuri if it was mid
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