#and discord rps x_x
straycalamities · 1 year
im trying to put together a gameplan for how i want to tackle all the things ive got on my plate... i think for the rest of july i should try and prioritize artfight obv bc its just a month-long thing so...yea then maybe starting august i work on askblogs? uhhh yea particularly truffula flu and cult au ace blog bc im the most jazzed abt those maybe mainverse entre will have his moment in the sun again at some point
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rina7z · 3 months
comic that I made because my blobzano rp account met with @listard filerd and knife accounts in discord :D x_x
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Ghhhhh Im so mad because my body itches so hard!
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Pizno look where you're dripping your face!
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Thank you.
Yea. No problem.
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And why does your tail appear and dissapear sometimes? And your limbs change, too. Are you a werewolf?
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Well, I am just...
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Sometimes I feel like something's threatening me.
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And when I feel danger then I change into "more wild form" for I could protect myself.
Understandable. It's very nice.
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Ga-ha-ha-ha-ha. So you're afraid of me? Right?
well this is all what I did. also I made some cringy mogus slimes because yes.
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big slime hamburger
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and this guy
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crowshoots · 2 years
name: elliott/ell or rio! pronouns:  he/him preference of communication:  definitely discord, although i don't mind ims - i just might not see the notification. most active muse: you're looking at his blog! experience / how many years:  uh h hh h i think i started rping in like... 2013/2014?? on skype??? and then i really got into wattpad and did some there, then moved over to tumblr in like 2017. platforms you use: tumblr & discord! best experience: god there's been so many things... i think primarily though is just talking in and out with very sweet people i wouldn't give for the world rp pet peeves: not giving me much to reply with is one of them.. i just need Something to respond to. also people making assumptions off my muse from fanon interpretation because i tend to have the muse that's horrendously shafted by fanon eyes fluff,   angst,   or smut: i usually prefer a good mix of the first two!!! usually i like to balance fluff with angst, or if we get a sweet spot in the middle with hurt/comfort is my BITTTTCH. i usually can't do angst for long bursts, so i gotta cut it up with some fluff :> smut is... meh, i'd be more focused on the development intimacy wise for the two muses than the actual thing plots or memes: for writing things - memes, as i like plotting to happen ooc wise because a lot of times i. can't do long threads with like fifty notes GBHWTBHGDFH i like having a timeline set up tho :> long or short replies: both! i tend to overwrite though x_x best time to write: i prefer the afternoon! or like late morning are you like your muses: uhhhhhhhhh not really i don't think so??? i think i'm a lot more passive than jesper and they're a dozen things i'm not. there's some stuff we share in common though about how we go about things and also the A Dee H Dee
tagged by: @affcgato & @icarusplunged tagging: im like 90% sure everyone and their mother have done this already so take it if u haven't <3
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multiipl · 1 year
I swore never to return to discord rp but well... guess who was encouraged to make a FFXIV based mutli fandom rp server x_x
I am just missing the "lore", otherwise it is fully set up I think... Its been so long since I have seen a rp server from the inside idk if I am missing something...
If anyone wants to join feel free to hit me up or if you know some friends 👉 👈
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edhellfire · 1 year
I know that other roleplayers do their rps in private messages or on Discord, so I was just curious! Sorry if the original question sounded judgmental, that wasn’t my intention!
Noooo. Not judgmental. I was just confused.
I've tried Discord but I always forget to reply. x_x
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bitofthisandthat · 6 years
The archangel makes a rumbling noise-- whether irritation or interest is unclear. He moves to her, each step like the footfall of a panther. "You have a pretty mouth and a clever tongue, love. But they might get you into trouble."
Feh. If I had a dracme for every time someone breathed those stupid words into my air, well—I’d be richer than Uncle Hades.”
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“One more thing----YOU be careful, Metatron; I’m not in a receptive mood just now.”
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pellelavellan-a · 3 years
NAME:  Miles
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I prefer discord, you can ask me for it if you ever wanna chat ooc or plot. I do answer IMs but tumblr tends to make them a little messy for me.
NAME OF MUSE(S):  Pelle Sibil Lavellan
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I've been rping since I was like 15 so I guess it'll be ten years next week x_x
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  Google+, Discord, Tumblr
BEST EXPERIENCE:  Friends !! I don't have very any friends irl and tbh on every platform I have used I have made some great friends that have stuck around for years. Also I love how RP has allowed me to be creative and explore writing and storytelling. Especially on tumblr doing da I truly feel like I a a better writer because of it.
PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: To be honest as long as you aren't a piece of shit person I don't really have too many issues. My biggest pet peeve would just be telling other people how to write or not be open to listening about other people's muses and having that creative sharing. It's no fun if I can't hear about your muse and you can't hear about mine or we can't write things that interest us both and it is only about one person writing.
Dealbreakers I guess is just people who don't respect boundaries, or that I feel are disrespectful to me as a person or to others. People that start drama or like to do so and can't just be open with communication.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  Yes. Yes all of it.
PLOTS OR MEMES:  I like both. I do send memes more often but I do love a good plot. I am always down to discuss the type of interactions our muses could have. I love it actually.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I am down with anything you're comfortable with. I usually do at least a paragraph and a half but you do not have to match my length at all. I don't discriminate : )
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually on my days off. I work nights so sometimes you might catch me write a reply or two in the morning but typically my days off which are like a tuesday or wednesday are the best times to grab me for writing.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): A little bit yeah. Pelle and I do share a few common traits though not all. We both have the same passion for people though I would say I am a lot more patient that Pelle is. Aside from that we have a similar sense of humour, same love for bread and potatoes lol, and sort of have a similar taste in men unfortunately ha! One thing about Pelle that is very similar to myself is how he chooses to express his gender and deal with certain trauma, I also identify as gender nonconforming and very much dislike the heavy push of masculinity that's forced on guys. If being masculine is your thing because you like to do it full power to you, but the same energy should be there for guys that are a little more feminine.
TAGGED BY: @aylenlavellan
TAGGING: @born-of-loss @many-tales-told @tranquilbroken @hcroesjcurney
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heartofswords · 4 years
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Name: Senju Tobirama
Height: 182 cm (6″ for you heathens oversea)
Favourite food: fish (the only real way he can be bribed is with good sushi)
Smartass. Like you wouldn’t believe. (He appreciates it in his friends, too, but cannot tolerate it in his subordinates, for he sees it as lack of respect)
Sexual orientation: Gay (but good luck with that)
He has a summoning pact with snow leopards (ok, it’s a headcanon, but you can pry it from my cold dead fingers)
Hopelessly addicted to caffeine (Sleep is for the weak anyways)
Kind of a perfectionist: you either do things well, or you don’t do them. (And by ‘well’ he means ‘his standards’. He will NOT stop until a task is done.)
Helpful timeline by @senjutsunade​ , @minaa-munch and  @konohagakurekakashi
I’m mutuals only, as I don’t want to clutter my dash, but I’m always open to making new friends! (IMs are open to anyone, feel free to introduce yourself!) → Anyone can send ooc memes such as “questions about the muse/mun”, but only mutuals can send actual rp starters. → Don’t tag me in a starter without being mutuals and having plotted it with me, please.
I admit I don’t quite get the ‘no likes no reblog no personal blog’ policy some people have. I’m an attention whore: please like everything I post, reblog all my headcanons and answers if you want to have it on your blog. Follow me with 13 different accounts, inflate my ego. Just don’t reblog actual RP threads, as my partners might not approve.
I’m picky with OCs, I admit it. Do your best to prove me wrong. Please contact me in IM before sending me starters.
Same for multimuse blogs: I often don’t follow because I’m mostly on mobile and 90% of the times I can’t get a clear idea of your muse(s). If you want to rp, come tell me about your muse(s) in IM!
I prefer 4-5 paragraph and won’t easily do one-liners. I’m too wordy for that.
I’m chat-friendly, feel free to ask for my Discord. Tumblr IM sucks.
I don’t have triggers.
I do death and gore and smut. I’m a creepy little cookie. I’ll tag those with “blood tw” “gore tw” and such. NSFW will be tagged “nsfw”.
If you reblog a meme from me, please ask me one? Pretty plis?
No godmodding.
Shipping: I’m a multiship blog. I love shipping, I think romance adds interesting nuances to a relationship between two people. However, we need to develop chemistry between our muses first :3
This applies to all ask meme of the romance of smutty kind. If I don’t know your muse well and there’s no chemistry, I will be at loss as to how to answer.
I made my icons (yes, I screenshotted 20+ episodes x_x). This is the template I used.
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I live in the time zone of Central Europe, GMT+1. Americans, keep this in mind.
I’m of legal age (28).
You can call me Holly :3 (she/her)
Like everyone, I have a life outside the internet: I have a job, a lot of friends and I’m trying to date (and failing, but who’s counting). I will prioritize real life over Tumblr, as I’ve gone down that rabbit hole in the past and it didn’t go well.
I’m the proud companion to a Bernese Mountain dog, who is without doubt the fluffiest and cutest dog in the world.
I have the memory of a goldfish (I have ADHD. It’s STAGGERING how many of us there are in the RP world LOL). It has sadly happened that a reply slipped my notice and I completely forgot about that thread. Please don’t be afraid of coming to my inbox knocking if I don’t answer for 2  weeks.
I have a penchant for feels and angst. You’ve been warned.
I have a main blog, REDHOTHOLLYBERRIES. That’s also where all my fanart comes from, if you’re interested.
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jutsei · 3 years
Still thinking about what characters I wanna RP for a Tumblr RP blog hhhh. It’s pretty difficult honestly, there’s so many characters I wanna RP!
But, to summarize let’s cover the characters I already RP here and there. or have already RPed
Scarlet (RPed in Discord RP groups) Sachi (RPed in RP groups, taking a break atm, but maybe...)
Ice Princess (Adventure Time FC, slow due to the fact Adventure Time is Over)
Aria Morgan (SVTFOE AU of Aria, slow down due to the fact SVTFOE is over)
Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time, RPed on Discord but maybe...)
And as for characters I WANNA RP both on Discord and on tumblr.
Pascal (Nier: Automata, pacifistic robot, leader)
Reginald Copperbottom (Henry Stickmin Collection, master thief and leader of the Toppat Clan)
Adalynn (Fandomless OC maybe?)
PMMM adjacent (Madoka or return to Mathilde/Scharlachrot?)
I dunno just.
I could also just make a multimuse but picking a character people will actually interact with, let alone seek interactions with is difficult, I don’t wanna pick up a muse then no one interacts with them, that’s happened before x_x
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halcyonmirage · 5 years
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Inktober #31: Ripe
aaaaaaaAAAAHHH QvQ I did ittt...All 31 days! Ugh, this was hard with all the assignments I had. x_x But it’s all over now. I’ll probably make a post with some of my favorite Inktobers later, but for now... A bit of context for this one!
Basically, I joined an RP discord server run by @author-of-worlds and yeeted Chelsea and Nix into this halloween/harvest event! :D They made friends. It was wholesome. And adorable. Chelsea tied for 1st in a costume contest and Nix had a nice talk with Riff, an adorable precious temmie that belongs to @insolent-creations as well as Bonny, a precious integrity soul from @belcwthescrface! The event ends tomorrow, but in a nutshell the whole thing was: Chelsea bullies Nix 24/7 for being weird and not having a social life and Nix had a therapy session with a temmie and now has an idea of what he wants to do for the rest of his existence as a ghost. Ice shows.
...He wants to do Ice shows with his ice sculptures.
It’s not the most incredible thing ever, but he’s getting there! Still figuring things out along the way! XD
Chelsea, Nix, and Riff also teamed up for the corn maze and made it out first! Much to Chelsea’s delight. (She’s bragging about this later.) And the Patience duo also helped Maia when she was in trouble, so they’re friends now! ^-^
Maia is now Chelsea’s honorary patient, and the little doctor is super proud about saving her life. 
And Nix found out he really likes peanut butter. I mean who doesn’t
I had tons of fun with this event! It was my first time doing something like this and it was awesome! ^-^
Riff belongs to @insolent-creations Maia belongs to @lyn-oof Bonny belongs to @belcwthescrface Nix and Chelsea are mine! 
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
You wouldn't know any place to RP would you? I have some ideas for a fic I want to hash out but not alone. X_x
Hey Anon!
Based on context, I'm gonna assume you mean text-based RP. I don't know where to go specifically for those, I'm sorry! I know a few people who participate in them, but they tend to be closed groups that are invite-only.
I do, however, know that there are several discord groups specifically for writers (and potential writers like yourself) dedicated to individual pairings/ships in the fandom!
Within those discord groups, you can often discuss plot ideas, talk about characters, share information and ask questions! People in those discord groups tend to be really nice and welcoming, in my experience!
Feel free to hit me up, and I can try to direct you to the right group for you!
I know it didn't exactly answer your question, but I hope this helps anyway!
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fortruechaos-moved · 4 years
How I Run My Blog
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I’m copying Ree and putting this under a cut too.
Speed: IT DEPENDS. I can be really fast or really slow depending on my muse for a certain thread or if I’m feeling overwhelmed by the dash (i love u guys but holy shit the speed at which yall post things got me X_X sometimes. i say this with all the love in my heart tho never change). I can lose muse for a thread kinda fast or only reply to one thread for a day...it be like that. pwease don’t take it personally if I take a while to reply to our thread; I rarely drop things and if I follow you it means I want to write with you. I take breaks from RP frequently and try not to make it feel like a job. But TBH sometimes I can worry about feeling replaced (I think an after-effect from earlier experiences in the RPC but I won’t get into it) so...y’know. When I get really wigged out about that I try to take like a week-long break or so so I stop feeling guilty. I WILL NEVER RUSH OTHER PEOPLE FOR REPLIES AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO APOLOGIZE FOR ME WAITING. I UNDERSTAND AND I SEE YOU.
Replies: I try to match length. My stuff generally ends up on the longer side for more serious rps and I tend to prefer that sort of stuff over crackposting and one-liners but I also...don’t care. gfdksljfd. Sometimes you gotta shitpost. I don’t care if people don’t match my length or not as long as you give me enough to work with. But I don’t tend to write with people that ONLY do one-liners.
Starters: I like writing starters but I tend to find that they get repetitive. I prefer doing ask-calls for this reason I think (plus the character limit means I don’t burn myself out as much). I do starter and ask calls fairly frequently. Funnily enough I enjoy doing one-liners to work as starters too; I try to leave them open-ended enough to give people room to explore though. Plotted starters, however, are the best!
Inbox: Asks give me LIFE and especially questions about my muse or lore or worldbuilding. I live for drabbles and headcanon asks especially. Anyone can send in anything at any time. I will never be upset or offended. I love seeing random unprompted asks in my inbox.
Selectivity: I was at first semi-selective but now I’m private -- meaning I only write with mutuals and can be pretty selective about who I follow. NOTHING PERSONAL. I don’t have the time or energy or muse to write with everyone. :( and I don’t wanna be burnt out on this blog. Sonic means a lot to me as a franchise!!!!! Please don’t be offended if I don’t follow you back. There’s so many other good Shadows out there too. No shortage of love for him in this franchise.
Wishlist: Honestly I don’t really have one but if I get the opportunity to use more of the Archie canon I’ll go absolutely feral I fucking love Archie so much; esp. the elements Ian Flynn brought into the pre-SGW timeline. I work really hard to mesh Archie into game-verse to make them all feel somewhat cohesive and I have a LOT of other worldbuilding I’ve done for Shadow’s world in my mind related to Genesis Portals, the Freedom Fighters presence, and certain arcs that did or did not take place, so like.......yeah. Any opportunity to do anything with Archie? I’m heart eyes.
Honest Note: I’M SO BAD AT STARTING CONVERSATIONS BUT I PRETTY MUCH CONSIDER ALL OF MY MUTUALS FRIENDS AND I LOVE YOU ALL. I notice you. I appreciate you. You can talk to me at anytime. Also if I stop replying to your DM or message on Discord: A) I forgot or B) I got overwhelmed and meant to reply later and then forgot.
I also know if you have or have not read my rules and even if our blogs seem like they would click, I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU. This happens on Jet’s blog a lot. Fucking stop! Read my rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tagged by: no one but I eventually caved when @prrrower​ posted it
tagging: @zirable​ on whichever blog u wanna do it
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all-rwby-sins · 4 years
I’m not sure what happened but I just lost all my will to rp x_x Hopefully it comes back tomorrow. I have discord if you still wanna chat and plot and my dms are also open.
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lately I really wanna join a sp group discord rp x_x it’s so hard to find a good one...
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alphadrg · 5 years
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DISTRA/HIS DEAD HUSBAND. But seriously. They were so in love and their relationship was so important to Distra.. I mean that’s why his name is that right now!!! Fellahs!!!!!!! Is it gay to take your dead husband’s name because you’re so guilty over his death which was caused by you but you won’t admit it????? God I’m sad. Otherwise I don’t really h a v e any other OTPs for Distra? His husband was the OTP.
Pretty much anything honestly. I’m more ehhh towards abusive relationships but its something I’ll write so long as I’m comfortable with the mun. But I much prefer dangerous to themselves and to others trope (cough) zenos.... obviously won’t rp any non-con or underage cause that’s fuckin nasty. gtfo
25 at the youngest I think? Distra is 31 years old and the image of him dating anyone who is 20 years old... is weird. I don’t like that. No established man should be dating a 20yo come on. As for older I don’t really have much of a preference. 
Yes. Especially with this character.
If any sexual organs are brought into the mix then its NSFW. Readmore and tagged. 
I’ve been throwing around stuff with Lily and Helig for an OT3 around on Discord a lot but nothing actually legitimately roleplayed. But its fun, and I have a lot of feelings ;w;. Otherwise in the FF14 world I guess you can say I kinda ship him with Aymeric and/or Estinien???? The classic Elezen husbands if you will. But like (shrugs). 
Yeah, preferably. I mean if things just happen to naturally develop I don’t mind if it just happens. But I would HIGHLY PREFER if people come to my IMs and give me a boop about it. 
Shipping for me is the icing on the cake. It isn’t necessary for any RP to be a good time which is why when it happens I’m like oh! Neat! Otherwise its a here or there kind of thing.
Not really? I mean if I ship with you I’ll talk to you about it... A LOT.... but otherwise not so much otherwise :p
more or less. I practice ship exclusivity because I don’t want people to get jealous. So say I ship with a Thancred. That will be THE ONLY THANCRED I ship with. 
Elidibus/Zenos..... x_x Also runar/y’shtola is VERY NICE too. God i love my cattes.
Hit my inbox? Lets talk about it! We won’t know if it works or not if you don’t approach me about it lol! 
TAGGED BY: @andurinn tyty
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//Good morning Tumblr (well it’s morning for me). I’m still alive, and pretty much still in semi-hiatus. Everything is alright, I just have less time to go on tumblr and when I can, I don’t have enough motivation to write in a language that isn’t mine x_x. Anyway, I continue the bday threads for the moment and will try to answers the older threads. I don’t know when, but I’ll do it.
BUT the thing is that I have a discord account, and it’s easier for me to continue threads here. So don’t hesitate to add me if you want to rp here:  
Also, I have a wonderful idea of swap-life AU, and I’m already in love with my bad boy Seto x_x’’’. Maybe I’ll make a side blog.
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