#and Stratovarius is also there
thefloatingstone · 2 months
tagged by @gammaraydeath! yay!!
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals
I just dump everything into my "liked songs" playlist and don't really do organised playlists because I am too lazy. So this is gonna be a lot of "what song was this again???" because I also use Liked songs to put songs I heard once and wanted to bookmark them.
Firefly by Stratovarius (?? when did I add this to likes?)
The Prayer by Bloc Party
StrangeProcession by Michael Brook
Death Stranding by CHRVCHES (this is the theme for Death Stranding but in my heart it is a Shakarian song)
Don't you forget about me by Simple Minds
uhhhhh idk who can I bother without coming across as annoying? XD I tag @me-and-my-gaster @bamsara @leafaske @dana-chan-the-control-brain @le-poofe
wait I realise this is all spotify stuff!! I should make a separate list of the stuff I listen to that's not released there (afaik)!!
SP1RIT ANIMAL by Mr Mehster
Balmora Vice by Young Scrolls
Underwater by Windows 96
Don't Leave by Gummy Boy
Blue Night by Doji Morita
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
anyway its 1am and im listening to old finnish power metal n wondering which ones of my ocs would be metal enjoyers
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reverend-meat · 3 months
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solradguy · 19 days
idk if your a good person to ask but you seem to know a lot of guilty gear fans on here so i figured its worth a shot. i just got into strive and i love love love the music. do you know of any other groups/artists that have a similar style? no pressure
YESSS hell yeah. Outrage—Xrd/Strive lead vocalist Naoki Hashimoto's band—is really close to how the heavier GG tracks sound (Ride The Fire, Shotgun & Head, Dice) and are a good place to start. Daisuke draws from old thrash and heavy metal bands for inspiration too, so you may also enjoy early Metallica (Ride The Lightning, Master of Puppets, the black album/self-titled), basically any Iron Maiden, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Guns n Roses, Queen, and Judas Priest.
Metallica, Iron Maiden, Gamma Ray, and Judas Priest seem to come through the most in GG's OST, imo, with Helloween and Queen in the slower, more ballad-like tracks, like Freesia and Let Me Carve Your Way, etc.
I don't care for Guns n Roses and can't comment on how they've influenced GG outside of Axl Low's aesthetics, but Daisuke's mentioned them before in interviews/books so they're in there. Somewhere haha
I don't know if Daisuke or Naoki have ever name dropped Yngwie Malmsteen, but my god just listen to these guitars. You could plop this bad boy into +R and no one would even notice
If you like the neoclassical GG tracks (Holy Orders (Be Just Or Be Dead)/basically anything Ky-adjacent) check out Stratovarius too
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dedalvs · 1 year
I was reading your wiki when I noticed that the HV word for amaranth is olzon.
Did you know that there's a song called Amaranth sung by a singer called Annette Olzon? (the song is actually from finnish metal band Nightwish, but she was their lead singer at the time)
That's a nice coincidence - or if it was intentional props for the easter egg, it was fun to spot! :D
It was indeed intentional. I've been a big fan of metal ever since I heard Megadeth's "Train of Consequences" on MTV in 1994 (though of course I'll also never forget the first time I heard "Welcome to the Jungle" in 1987). It was a winding path that eventually took me to Finnish power metal (Megadeth to Metallica to Ozzy Osbourne to Black Sabbath to Iron Maiden to Helloween to Stratovarius to Nightwish to Sonata Arctica to Amberian Dawn…), but it felt like coming home. There was so much that I loved. And in touring through Finnish power metal, it's hard not to be struck by Tarja Turunen, the first singer of Nightwish. It's so different from what you come to expect from metal. Certainly I never would've expected you could take a full on opera singer and have her front a metal band, yet when you hear "Bless the Child" for the first time, you're left wondering why all metal bands don't have an opera singer at the helm. One of my favorite singers of all time was Geoff Tate of Queensrÿche, and Tarja felt like she was evoking his aura, and surpassing it.
Naturally, the first time I heard Annette Olzon as the new singer of Nightwish, I was disappointed. I was disappointed at the way Tarja was dumped from the band (the rest of the band ganged up on her and kicked her out by surprise), and also by the fact that Annette is an entirely different singer. The thing that distinguished Nightwish was the operatic style of singing of Tarja. Without her, they were just an average metal band with, frankly, too much orchestra (especially the later stuff). Even so, I wanted to give her a chance. Two songs jumped out to me off her first album with them: "Amaranth" and "For the Heart I Once Had". For both songs, it's Annette Olzon's performance that makes them memorable; it's not the music. (The music is fine, but honestly, the orchestral bits in "Amaranth" are just pompy fluff.)
Another album or two, and then Annette Olzon was dismissed for the crimes of (a) getting sick while on tour, and (b) getting pregnant. She was replaced by another female singer, Floor Jansen, who could approximate Tarja a bit better, but also had a traditional rock singing style, as well. Floor is Nightwish's current singer.
The thing that struck me about all this is the one who seemed to get trashed the most was Annette Olzon—not the band members who kicked her and Tarja out for ridiculous reasons. Basically, it was their band, and the lead singer was someone who got to perform for them, and that was pretty lame. Also hard to ignore that the lead singer has always been the only female member of the band.
Anyway, Olzon ends in -on, which is a common noun ending in High Valyrian, and one often used for plants, so I thought it'd be cool to make the word for amaranth olzon. Incidentally, if you want to hear Tarja Turunen and Annette Olzon since Nightwish, Tarja has had a long and productive solo career (here's one of her songs I enjoyed), and Annette has a band called Dark Element with amazing guitarist Jani Liimatainen (one of my favorites is "Here's to You").
So yeah, good catch!
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Seven Crimes and Punishments Interview (2015)
There are a lot of interviews that mothy has done over the years that aren't published in official Evillious material. I can't promise to find them, and I have very little desire to translate them, but if people point them out to me I'll try to make a quick summary of their contents like I've been doing for his blog.
This one's from the Japanese entertainment website "Natalie", linked [here]
Content summary under the cut
basic info on mothy, that he's a song producer who's been there since pretty much the beginning, a pioneer of VOCALOID novels, etc etc. Ichika is also present for this interview, as his main illustrator. At this point it's been 7 years since Daughter of Evil came out.
-He had no idea he'd be going this long. mothy had no intention or expectation of making money off this when he first started, viewing it instead as a hobby. He admits that he still feels that way even now that he's successful.
-Seven Crimes and Punishments, however, was planned in advance. He'd figured that he wanted to release something that compiled the Seven Deadly Sins songs at the 7 year mark, and was conveniently approached by a major record label to do so (even if they hadn't reached out to him he would have done so anyway).
-He really likes being able to concretely show the songs are connected.
-This isn't new information but mothy didn't originally have all of Evillious in mind when making Daughter of Evil. All he'd conceived of was the setting for Daughter of Evil. It was only later that he started making things connected (this is another thing he likes--having stories that seem to be unrelated at first and then revealing they're in the same world). He got the idea around the time he was making Evil Food Eater Conchita.
-mothy has always liked fantasizing about stories, but never had an outlet for them before. Hence why he went so overboard when making the songs.
-Ichika found it easy to illustrate Daughter of Evil because of how clearly the song told its story.
-mothy's affinity for telling stories in songs is at least partly inspired by Western heavy metal music. In particular he cites the bands Helloween and Stratovarius (who tell fantasy stories with their music). He also mentions the early works for Makihara Noriyuki (a JPop artist), which also had stories to them.
-He also talks a little about the historical basis for telling complex narratives through music, such as medieval minstrels, opera, musicals, etc. So he doesn't think there's anything special about what he's doing; it's just that such music isn't popular anymore.
-Mothy talks about Cloture, which was his first time writing a novel. Neither he nor the publisher thought it would sell, so he didn't feel pressured at all when writing it.
-He had a lot of material to make Cloture with from when he was making the setting for the song, thought it wound up being more of a foundation for him to work off of than the complete story itself. Ironically this has resulted in him coming up with so much complex plot and setting that he now struggles to fit it into his newer songs, having to promise himself he'll write whatever he can't fit into another novel.
-Ichika always tries to preserve the tone and atmosphere of the songs whenever she makes illustrations for mothy. With the songs in particular she tries to follow not just the instructions she gets, but also keeping in mind the information mothy has already made public for his story. She avoids putting her own interpretation or spin on the art, just following what mothy has in mind.
-mothy recounts how there was some debate over making novels of the songs (which he didn't mind). People apparently thought it would detract from the ability of readers to imagine their own stories with the music. But novels are derivative works of the songs, and he felt like he could write it as he wanted to as the song's author (slightly unsure what he's saying here). The attitude towards "novelizing" has changed now, of course.
-Ichika was happy to work on the manga, being able to illustrate things that didn't get shown visually in the novel.
-they discuss how mothy's fan base (and VOCALOID in general) seem to have a lot of younger people in it now, like teens and pre-teens (he would have expected an older fan base given he's been making songs for 7 years). He talks about how he's had to keep this in mind when making his work--that his songs need to appeal to kids and teens who don't know much about music, and not just to music enthusiasts and adults.
-They also discuss how mothy doesn't tailor his songs to project a cool image (and use the Onigashima song as an example, being an enka song and thus not exactly Jpop). He doesn't view himself as a "cool" person in general, and so is looking more at what's in demand in what he makes.
-mothy would doodle stories and concepts and characters for himself in elementary school, but dropped this as he entered middle school and got into music. He thinks that it's better for him to work on these things as an adult because he no longer has much pride to get in the way whenever his imagination gets the better of him.
-He worked on the short story at the same time as he was making the 4 new songs for the album. He struggled a little with the setting at first because he wanted all of the main sin characters to show up in it, but they all live in different countries and time periods (this is my own speculation, but this may be why he chose to have the end of the world play out like it did)
-Ichika talks a little about the appeal of the story, that each character isn't totally good or evil, and so they all have ways they can be likable. The story is made up of a lot of smaller events kind of compiling on each other, which makes what-ifs and the like interesting to do. Her favorite characters are Conchita and Gallerian. She also talks a little about designing the album jacket.
-they discuss the trend of making novels about VOCALOID songs--mothy noting it took off way more than he thought it would (he expected a bit of a trend, but not to this degree). He doesn't mind that he was going against the grain when he started, but he thinks it's a little overboard now (he seems to be saying that he thinks there's this pressure to make novels when really it's okay to just stick with making songs). Still though, he tries to keep to himself and not worry what other people are doing.
-Ichika has similar thoughts, where she hasn't been paying close attention to the "novel scene", but she has noted some people getting into reading through VOCALOID, or getting into VOCALOID through reading, that it serves as a good gateway genre, as it were.
-He says he's planning to keep going for at least another 5 years so he'll have been going for 12 years (for thematic reasons, of course).
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metalsongoftheday · 10 months
Friday, September 1: Running Wild, "Masquerade"
Running Wild made their name by playing fast and frantic power metal distinguished by gonzo trashcan drumming, speedy and catchy riffs and shoutalong choruses about battles and adventures of varying stripes, though more often about action on the high seas.  But Masquerade’s title track was arguably the first time Rock n’ Rolf Kasparek seemed truly enraged, and indeed it was the angriest his band ever sounded.  To be fair, the song detailed a conspiracy between government, military and church leaders to join forces and make a pact with the devil in order to rule the world (yup...), and Kasparek always had a strong anti-authoritarian streak, so the extra viciousness in his snarl made some sense.  There was also lingering resentment on Rock n’ Rolf’s part about how Running Wild was being treated by Noise Records, and Masquerade was rather quickly assembled in part to get out of their contract with the label.  Nonetheless, the sheer fury on display was startling, aided in no small part by Kasparek’s especially cantankerous production: Jӧrg Michael’s drumming was far more unhinged than his concurrent work with Stratovarius, the guitars didn’t so much harmonize as pummel and Rock n’ Rolf was practically foaming at the mouth during the borderline indecipherable chorus.  And yet “Masquerade” still had the power and charm of prime Running Wild, even if they were largely past their peak by 1995- there was a certain ineffable charm to everything they did between 1988 and 2000, even if the albums post-Blazon Stone were not always as consistent.  And the tune played like another ripping Running Wild banger, even if it felt a little misguided in its aggression.
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yasminewestbank · 6 months
What kind of music does Yasmine like?
thank u for this question bc it actually made me think abt a lot of things
so the only music he knew and loved at first (and still does) is traditional music from his village and the music the people in his village make.. like this
and this
since leaving dino valley he didn't rlly listen to music properly. all he does is work for g.e.d and race so he usually doesn't have time or opportunities to listen to or discover new music. he doesn't own a computer or cellphone but he did get to hear new music when his GED work mates put it on sometimes. but they usually don't put on anything that attracts him (just pop stuff). but one time he ran into a live rock concert somewhere on jorvik and loved it (he wanted to stick around until it was over but couldn't bc he gets on edge when he's away from aman for too long). but he wanted to hear more. so during a work break he asked his GED coworkers to put on the songs that were being played at the concert. bc of this they dragged him to a nightclub. they played electronic music rather than rock, and he actually loved this a lot more (and the nightclub in general). but even tho he liked this kind of music and discovered all those new types of music he doesn't spend his free time listening to music bc ALL his free time goes to being with aman, even tho he enjoys music.
so now he also likes electronical music and experimental besides rock and metal, but he loves finding out about more and more extreme music. he'd like avantgarde/experimental and underground music but idk if he would find out about it. music that goes hard and fast. and i think he would also like music that sounds similar to music he knew back home (that involves tonal shifts and more "voice craft" rather than classic singing)
so i think he would like things like stratovarius and metal (and i just realized black diamond is REALLY a yasmine song), tatsuya yoshida and experimental, celldweller, rock and jrock, hardcore and rave, igorrr...
but he probably wouldn't get to know those specific things, so whatever he can get at nightclubs or occasional live rock/metal concerts.
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adamwarlock · 1 year
if thanos and adam listened to music what kind do you think they would like?
I actually think King Crimson/Adrian Belew is a pretty solid pick for Adam by James Gunn lol, I love when adaptions lean into him liking rock music because of his glamrock costumes in the comics + his Counter-Earth days were inspired by the Jesus Christ Superstar musical so 60/70/80s rock definitely feels like something he'd be into. Some punk/psychadelic/gospel/folk influences sprinkled in... I also think he'd like jazzy/orchestral/operatic type stuff in particular 🤔 Queen, David Bowie, Electric Light Orchestra, Led Zeppelin, Grace Slick, Eloy, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Electric Prunes, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Ghost, Apocalyptica, Stratovarius, Will Wood, Oingo Boingo, Dead Man's Bones, Starbenders, Rosegarden Funeral Party, King Dude, The Eagle Rock Gospel Singers, Amigo the Devil... Etc.
Thanos... They have very similar tastes in everything but I think he'd lean more into heavy metal/emo/industrial music. Oldschool love songs are very Thanos-coded to me too but! Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Tool, Judas Priest, Overkill, Heathen, Powerwolf, Archives, Spiritbox, Death, Rob Zombie, Lordi, Nightwish, HIM, Angelfish, Depeche Mode, Gazelle Twin, Slowdive, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds... Debated not including it but I just know deep in my heart he would also unironically love Evanescence.
Anyway I thought about this so long and hard I made a playlist for your convenience. Youtube link here if someone prefers that :)
I'm sure they'd like classical music too but I know nothing about it so I've got no idea where to even start on that front. My roommate @niennasapprentice suggested Erlkönig though and I trust her judgement... It's a nice song. 🫡
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confluence-and-drift · 10 months
I was tagged by @laguzmage, cheers ^^. Last song I listened to: That'd be this one:
Only got hold of Stratovarius' new album recently and hence been pretty much listening to just that for the last couple days ^^. As for what I listen to in general, my Last fm still has *most* of what I've listened to for the last decade + recorded.
Currently watching:I've been making my way through Eminence in Shadow. It's the same flavour of so crappy that it's good as Overlord. However, whilst Overlord was a fun wee romp due to getting to see the 'bad guys' win, (despite that said bad guys were clearly the protoagonists, but I digress), but this one is just a dumb chunnibiyou fantasy that juuust falls on the correct side of 'self-aware' to be funny. To be clear it's not a *good* anime. But I'm enjoying it anyway. Thinking of checking out that Atelier Ryza anime as Ryza's thighs activate my monkey neurons. Plus, the game its based on is meant to be enjoyable enough, so who knows, maybe it'll be an acceptable-quality of adaption? And if not, there's the beforementioned activation of monkey neurons.
Currently reading:I'm currently making my gradual way through the Eternal Champion series by Michael Moorcock, am on Revenge of the Rose atm. Right now though, I'm doing some prep work for my Exalted game, so am reminding myself of how certain aspects of the setting's Celestial Burearcracy work, so am reading Celestial Directions: Yu-Shan. I also need to get around to reading the Ciel route in Tsukihime remake, but I'm wanting to wait until I've set aside a couple days for me to binge it.
Current obsession: Trying to figure out if I can repair an old printer I have lying around. Whilst I think I probably can, it might not be worth it as I don't think I can get it to work with Windows 10, so I'm trying to figure out if it can before I actually get started.
Feel free to ignore this if you're not a fan of ask games/don't feel like it for any reason, no pressure ^^.
Going ahead and tagging: @nagasawaraijin, @oldladyskeleton, @tanaka-asuka-san, @gladiaria-alata, @brainwad, @wcdonaldo, @luunie, @ogatakanna and you👇
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kras-gk · 8 months
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Some sketches of moments from Nordic Power Metal Titans concert in Leipzig!
Art of Vodka outro origin, according to Sonata Arctica book. Gave it to Tony and Timo cause SA&Strato tour is a legendary event.
my ugly ironic My Selene poster that I showed to SA and Jani. They found it very funny but didn't play it unfortunatly.
Me exchanging the remains of my sick voice for Tommy's drum stick. was so worth it. Tommy's smile is so precious!
Classical Black Sheep opener. I love this song so much!
I was really impressed by Timo irl. Stratovarius had an insane setlist and Timo did awsome with Frozen in Time progression! Sounded insane live.
I was staying right in front of Jani and he was so great and funny! also appreciated my My Selene poster haha :D
me, Andi (drummer) and Tim from Induction. I had a chance to chat with them after the show, such professional and positive guys! I wish Induction all the best. Got a drum stick from Andi as well haha
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Without further ado, my awesome bands and artists list (assembled from my explorations over the past several months):
Power/Fantasy metal
Heavy metal
80's workout (idk what this genre is actually called)
Stan Bush
John Farnham
Frank Stallone
Lee Aaron
JAM Project
Oral Cigarettes (new)
Tommy heavenly6
Crush 40
Math Rock(?)
One Eye Closed (new)
Swedish House Mafia
Simon Viklund
Daft Punk
Aphex Twin (new)
Finishing Move Inc.
Funk Fiction
Heaven Pierce Her
PFM (new)
Ken Blast (also goes by T. Stebbins, Odyssey, and others)
Dave Rodgers
Blue Man Group
LittleVMills (cover artist)
Game OSTs
Sonic Frontiers
Bloons TD (Series)
Wipeout 2047
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 11
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stenka-razin · 11 months
If you know some of ins and outs of Dragon Ball it's likely you know about disgraced composer Kenji Yamamoto. Long and short, he composed for basically every DB video game throughout the 90s, and then when they made the remastered and edited version of DBZ (now known as Dragon Ball Kai) he was tapped to compose for the series proper. His work was positively received until a series of youtube videos circulated around accusing him of plagiarism, with side by side comparisons. He was promptly fired and all his music scrubbed from the universe on all rereleases going forward.
And listening to the videos of side by side comparison... it's total bullshit! Longtime followers know my bar for plagiarism in music is pretty high. 95% of cases are total horseshit. There are 12 notes that go together in a limited amount of ways, and even less when you're dealing with commercial songwriting. Someone's going to make the same chord progression as someone else. Hell, the melodies might even get pretty damn close. But unless your compositions are beat for beat, note for note, identical (or you use an uncleared sample, but that's a different bullshit law conversation) it's not the same composition. This is how we get some Christian rapper no one has ever heard of suing Katy Perry for a two step melody that's been used approximately 974483750 times. This is the people who buy songwriter's entire catalogue sue everyone.
The Yamamoto tracks are certainly similar to a lot of pieces. But seldom are they ever identical. In some instances they are clearly both just using the same midi sample packs. You wan tto accuse him of ripping of Stratovarius? You better accuse every power metal band ever of plagiarizing Maiden then! You're accusing him of ripping of the music from Avatar (2009)? Avatar composer James Horner has an entire section of his wikipedia titled Musical "Borrowing" (quotes theirs). Meanwhile a good chunk of these folks who would shit on Yamamoto praise Faulconer, whose score was largely the uncredited work of a bunch of other guys.
I didn't really watch much Kai, and barely played the Dragon Ball video games (never had a PS2). But boy oh boy, a bullshit plagiarism case is a bullshit plagiarism case. And it's especially disheartening that there is hardly anyone going out to back Yamamoto in these cases. The closest thing to flowers he gets is "at least he had good tastes to rip off." It's sad, and it's also worth noting, none of this was ever proven in court. Fans got in their own stupid head and Toei didn't want to touch the drama.
Side not, it is also confusing that there are two composers named Kenji Yamamoto who have basically been working for the same time frame. The other Kenji Yamamoto did Metroid Prime!
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ezra-iolite · 1 year
The O'Murchadha-Mutheru Kids: Conduit, Sira and Bori
Because I can't draw for shit, and I'm too scared to...... Have some bios of Asya's main kids. Along with some cringey Picrews to help with visualizing them..... ART IS HARD, OK?! ;A;
| Conduit (The Eldest of all the kids- Adopted by Asya) |
~ Brief Description ~
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He/Him pronouns. Gay/Achillean orientation.
Voice Claim: Hanta Sero- My Hero Academia (Japanese voice) Singing voice: Stratovarius
His full mortal name is Natori Siwatu O'Murchadha-Mutheru. He prefers to be called Conduit due to the comfort the nickname brings, though his adoptive mother Asya usually calls him "Little Bird", which is what his first name actually means.
Conduit is a curse-made Gargoyle just like Fort Max (link here if you need a visual reference), but while Conduit should turn into stone during the day, the crystals that grow along his back and wings (sometimes his arms, legs and tail, if he uses his powers too much) are shards of moonstones that save him from the curse's stone-form effect. They are what prevents his ability to speak from being stolen and keeps his head and chest from becoming fully gargoyle in appearance, aside from his horns and fangs, and allow him to be active during the day and night.
If the moonstone shards are all removed, the grey scales will creep further up his human skin and he will become a statue at dawn, which will continue until a new crystal patch grows on his back again. But if he cannot regrow the crystals at all before the end of a week.... he will become a full gargoyle and lose his human side forever.
The appearance of his human side only consists of his light tan skin on his upper-torso area and head. But, from his shoulders to his hands, his hips to his feet, his tail and his wings down along his back... Conduit has dark grey scales befitting a gargoyle. He also has scraggly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, with short, straight-arching, dark grey horns. He got his scar across his face long before he met Asya, when he was a feral child struggling to survive against the Deep Dweller sirens constantly attacking him.
Those constant attacks from the Deep Dwellers are the reason why Conduit has a fear of going into the ocean and of sirens, other than Elbent, Ferrous or Indi. Starstrike (@dimorphodon-x's OC) does unnerve him for this reason, but also because of his infamous stare reminding him of a Deep Dweller, but Conduit instinctually masks his fear and does his best to not react to it around him, to ensure he isn't rude or hurtful towards Strike. (He's a very polite little man, even in the face of his PTSD, ok?!)
He quickly grew to reach 8 feet tall by the time he turned 19, making him a full foot taller than Verglaust. But for a while, he was considered the shortest on the ship due purely to his malnourishment, so as soon as he gained some pounds and healthy chonkiness, he quickly gained muscle and size thanks to the healthier lifestyle and care Asya and the gang gave him... Making both Conduit AND Asya late bloomers that gained their growth spurt at the same stage in their life.
He's around 27 years old by the time he arrives at Joka Ardhi, making him the oldest kid on the ship by six years. Once Ferrous becomes captain of the ship, Conduit will take over his father's role as the Immortal Sun's main doctor, helping Nicole even after her retirement.
Overall.... Conduit's a very good boy, kind-hearted, well mannered, and always eager to help. Also very protective of his siblings, especially his sister Sira and Bori.
~ Backstory ~
Asya and her two husbands had spent only five years living on the Immortal Sun, when they came across an island full of pearlescent shards of moonstone crystals, with some growing as tall as trees in towering clusters. Upon landing on the island to investigate, the crew found a cave full of different veins of crystals, a majority of which were magical in nature and could therefore be used for medical or practical purposes. And with Asya's childhood being spent studying the magic of crystals, as is commonly used in Jokani culture, they began to mine for them and bringing back barrels worth of them, a majority of which could be sold for a great fortune.
During their excavation adventure, Asya stumbled across a hut made of palm leaves and crystal shards, as well as a crowd of Deep Dweller sirens flocking at the shore of the hut. There, being pulled down by the sirens and frantically trying to escape their bloodthirsty hunt, was a young boy. A gargoyle somehow moving about in daylight, and being pulled down under the water by the Deep Dwellers. Without even a moment to hesitate, Asya jumped into the water and fought off the sirens, before she pulled the boy to shore and helped him catch his breath.
Weak, malnourished, riddled with injuries, old scars and crystals just like the ones on this island covering his back and wings, the boy looked to be no older than seven, but by his gargoyle features and face, Asya knew he was physically older but was too weak to develop into his teen body properly. And despite her feeling the sting of trauma from a child she previously rescued long before she met her husbands (a purple Dragonkin toddler she named Hyacinth who died at the hands of his captors despite her best efforts to save him).... Asya chose right there and then to take this boy in and raise him to be stronger, healthier and adored, to never face his struggles in life alone ever again.
After checking to be absolutely certain that he was the only one on this island, Asya marched right back to the ship with the boy in her arms, and without even looking back or saying a word to anyone she passed by, despite the obvious confusion and questions of the crew and her captain, Asya brought the boy below deck and nursed him back to health, making him the first child on board the Immortal Sun. The moment he regained consciousness, the child began to act defensively feral, hissing and swatting at anyone who dared come near him, with the only real way to treat his wounds being to wait until he was asleep or wait for him to trust Asya, Nicole or Kevin to touch him while he was too exhausted to fight back, and only then could they fully patch him up. Not even Max during his nightly rounds brought the fellow gargoyle any comfort, but no matter who came and went out of the cage room... Asya was always there, spending every moment she could by his side, patiently waiting for him to lower his guard and simply spoke to him with a soft, maternal voice to soothe his worries, oftentimes calling him "Little bird" affectionately, all without realizing just how suddenly she was adopting the role of a mother.
Four months later, the now healed up and less frightened boy finally began to explore the ship, curious yet timid but in a way a child should be. No longer did he show his feral side, but still he preferred to walk on all fours and move or act like a beast, not that Asya minded as she encouraged him while also showing him how to rely on his hind legs (a secret she had yet to reveal to the crew about her own childhood habit of walking on all fours and learning to transition onto her paws). And after another month, he finally began to speak but with very few words, like a toddler learning how to grasp the concept of speech. It was, however, more than enough to learn his story...
Of how he lived with his human father and mother, a Primus fisherman and a Unicronian weaver, on a tiny ship that relied on the sea for all they needed. Of how the ship suddenly crashed on a small island that was home to a mage, and how the mage angrily cursed Conduit, the only survivor, for stealing from his trash for food, and thus cursed him to bear the appearance of a true beast scavenging to survive. The moment the curse took form, it went rogue from the boy's fear, trauma and anguish, and thus the island became completely surrounded by crystals born of his body and power, killing the mage with it on accident. And since then, the boy grew up surviving on his own, until he was attacked yet again by the same Deep Dwellers who caused his family's ship to crash and killed his parents.
Since that faithful day, Asya has since taken him under her wing and raised him with all her love and praise, and with a healthier lifestyle he immediately shot up in size and grew physically stronger and bigger as a result, reaching well above Ferrous's height when he reached twelve years old, while the gargoyle child was twenty and already surpassed the average human height easily. Nowadays, rather than going by the name Asya chose for him in place of the one he can no longer remember from his parents, he usually goes by Conduit, in reference to his crystals being conduits of the elements.
~ Appearance ~
Present day Conduit (during the timeline of One Last Wish) is a 27 year old cursed Gargoyle who stands at 8 feet tall, with a wingspan of 7 feet. He has light tan skin with more human features than gargoyle ones, with his wings, entire lower torso down to his digitigrade legs and tail, and his hands up to just below the elbows, all being grey like a gargoyle. From the middle of back and the arms up to the thumb of his wings are all covered in small moonstone clusters, which aid in his ability to stay unfrozen during the day and grant him his powers over the sky-based elements (air, heat, water and lightning). He also has short, scraggly, golden blonde hair and blue eyes, nearly the same hue as his adoptive mother's, a large scar right across the bridge of his nose and under his eyes, and short, straight, grey horns.
Clothing wise, Conduit normally just wears grey, baggy shorts or haram pants, due to the sheer thick size of his digitigrade legs, and a sleeveless yellow top that must have no buttons due to how large and beefy he is naturally as an adult. More often than not, he's usually shirtless when he doesn't feel like struggling with his clothes.
When he uses his powers, the crystals glow the colour of what element he uses (red for heat, light blue for air, yellow for lightning, sapphire blue for water) and he can use up to two elements at a time. However, the more or longer he uses his powers, the more the crystals grow along his body, which mainly gather along his back and wings. But if he uses them too often during a battle, they'll begin to creep more and more along his body, starting with his spine area on his back, down to his tail, and then along his arms and the back of his legs. The more crystals that grow, the more unstable his powers become, until he'll start losing control entirely and lighting or heat begin to spout from his crystals and body against his will. The only way to stop this is to break the crystals off and bring them down to a minimum amount at least on his wing tips.
Growing and trimming the crystals always cause him pain since they pierce through his flesh and grow directly from his bones, but Asya's white fire always helps to soothe it a little during their removal.
~ Personality ~
Conduit is a very sweet, empathetic, kind and patient gentleman, and the older he becomes, the more polite and patient he ends up being through experience and age. Even as a man in his late 20s, he's still the kind of person who helps anyone and everyone, even animals... With such an example being his habit of picking up snails when on land, and putting them in the grass or somewhere safe and hidden to keep them safe from a human path. Despite him understanding that he lives a safe life, however, he always excessively worries about his parents due to their collective trauma. And despite Asya's best efforts in making sure Conduit lives a good and happy life, he still worries about his Mama's wellbeing every time she plays the role of the hero for her family. This has resulted in him developing constant nightmares and insomnia.
... Which led to him becoming close with Blue Heron, Max and his adoptive father, Verglaust, when they're all out and about during the night. Once he becomes a doctor, Conduit will grow even closer to Max and Blue Heron, considering them his uncles.
| Sira (Second child of Asya, Third born on the ship- Biological Daughter of Asya and Kevin) |
~ Brief Description ~
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She/Her, Lesbian/Sapphic - Asexual
Voice Claim: Yasha- Critical Role Campaign 2 (she IS mute and literally has no means of talking vocally... but Indi does find a crystal that can grant her one, so this is what she would sound like, after a long while of training to relearn how to speak) Singing voice: Lethabo Mello
Her full name is Sira Citrine O'Murchadha-Mutheru, but like most on the ship, she gained a "pirate" name later on in life, based on her assassin skills and lack of voice... Whisper.
Sira is the shortest of all the kids, with her being just two inches taller than her adoptive mother, Elbent, and only reaching below her closest friend Divot's nose when facing them. On average, she can only reach below the chest of the majority of the Immortal Sun's crew, and can very easily sit on Solclave and Verglaust's shoulder without feeling heavy on them, even as an adult, mostly thanks to her lanky build.
She's known as the "smartest" kid on the ship, due to her analytical and quick-thinking nature, so she usually always knows what to do to solve a problem. She inherited her high intelligence and beauty (alongside her height) from her father, but learned her fighting skills and wit from her mother and Uncle Blue Heron. However, she's often considered a know-it-all due to this, and is often teased when she tries to infodump any exciting new thing she's learned.
On that note, she also inherited her Mama Asya's autism (as well as the Mutheru aquiline nose), which only adds to her struggles due to her being born mute and becoming more reclusive as she grew up. She often hides in high places hidden from view to read and stay away from everyone, mostly due to her being so frequently ignored because of her mutism or teased for her book-smarts but lack of knowledge on how to properly express her emotions. This developed into her "cold and stoic" reputation and masking method, even though she is an emotional and highly empathetic person thanks to Asya teaching her and Divot comforting her.
Sira is one of the only two Dragonkin of Asya's lineage living on the Immortal Sun, after Asya and her poly-fam move to Joka Ardhi. But despite Asya being a Ruby breed of Dragonkin, Sira and her younger brother Bori are both Opal Dragonkin, due to them both not being Sun Blessed or bearing the traits of their mother's pedigree. This is because specific conditions must be met in order for a Ruby Dragonkin to be born, and thereafter are considered their own species or breed. (But without these conditions tampering with Asya's firstborn or any child afterwards, every child born of Asya's blood are therefore all Opal Dragonkin (But only Njeri, Asya and Elbent's child, is a Ruby Dragonkin like Asya, since they were born on Joka Ardhi, and has since become the only one of Asya's species to be born during her reign as Dragon Queen)).
Divot (@cuppajj's OC, the child of Drillburst and Fort Max) is the only one who can truly understand Sira on a personal level. For even with them learning how to fluently use sign language, Divot has always been able to "read" and deeply understand Sira since they were kids, and as they grew up together to become warriors and wiser people as a whole, Divot can now read her body language just as clearly as her hand sign. To Divot, Sira can speak a thousand words with just a mere shrug, or say all that she needs to say with just a glance or glare. Deep down, Sira considers Divot her soulmate, thanks to their deep understanding of the mute Dragonkin, and deep down she feels drawn to them in a certain way~
~ Backstory ~
After the troubling birth of Elbent's second-born daughter Indicolite (in which Asya aided in the delivery, but when she was born blue and deathly still, she used the forbidden Soul Fire magic and gave up a piece of her soul to revive Indi), Asya immediately knew deep down that she yearned to bear a child of her own. The baby blues hit even stronger the moment she held the crying and lively newborn siren in her arms, now bearing a tiny shard of Asya's soul for the rest of her life.
There was just one problem with her wish... She was still stuck with the remnant parts of a man, despite her hormone replacement therapy granting her the physique of a woman.
So, it was decided, after much discussion and argument between Asya, Kevin, and Elbent, that until a more permanent solution could be found, they would craft a potion to temporarily grant Asya the full form of a woman, with her first love, Kevin, being chosen as the sire of this child. And for the first few months of her pregnancy, despite all the sickness and aches she felt... Asya finally felt whole. The dysphoria was gone, for the first time in her life, and Asya had never felt so happy since that day.
But the joy did not last... For when she reached only her seventh month, Asya began to bleed and knew something was wrong. The baby was coming. And she knew, despite the constant reassurance she gave to her spouses through her agony... She was dying. The potion was wearing off too soon, and Asya's body was reverting to its old state, with her womb slowly disappearing and the labor now starting to tear Asya apart from the inside.
Working quickly and efficiently, they finally delivered a healthy baby girl, but... Asya couldn't wake up. And while the newborn never cried her first breath, the screams that echoed from Elbent rang across the ship marked the event for all to remember for the rest of their lives, as her spouses soon ran in to witness Elbent slowly turning feral with grief, as she held her dead wife. Kevin and Conduit quickly worked together to patch Asya up and used Conduit's electricity to shock her back to life. And even though it worked... the new mother remained sleeping, too weak to wake up or even move. And upon checking on the premature infant, Nicole discovered why she was so eerily quiet....
The baby was born without a voice. Not even a voice box could be found in the newborn's throat, despite her having everything else she needed to breathe, drink, eat and live without any issues.
So, when Asya finally healed and came out of her coma a month later, the new parents worked during Asya's bed rest to learn sign language and form a curriculum for their mute daughter and all their kids and the crew of the ship to learn, in order to grant their youngest child the right to communicate as she grew. And as she did grow up strong but silent, Asya finally figured out a name for her now three month old, based purely on the appearance she inherited...
Sira, after her late grandmother, Gasira Mutheru, and Citrine for her middle name, after Apophis's daughter, the dragon who was meant to become the next Dragon Queen were it not for the Founders.
....... Growing up on the ship soon became a challenge all on its own for Sira, as without a voice or a clear way to communicate, the young Dragonkin was easily ignored due to how chaotic and loud everyone else was, despite their love and care for her. So, instead of trying to stand out to be seen, Sira opted to simply hide and be patient, wait for her turn for attention to get the things she needed, or simply go to Solclave, Blue Heron, Hawk or, more frequently, Divot for help.
Her visits to Divot and Drill to get away from the frantic lifestyle of her family grew more and more common, even more so when Sira became fully fluent in hand sign alongside her parents, her brothers and sister, and of course Divot, the only person quiet enough to listen to Sira who aided in helping her learn. Now with a more visual way of communicating beyond being dragged around, pointing and writing to show Sira's needs, the blue Dragonkin and the child of the bard quickly became a common sight around the ship, as they grew into mischievous teenagers and eventually witty young adults, masters in the ways of a warrior and seafaring pirates.
Mastering her icy blue flames and the ballet-like grace of her steel barbed whip, a weapon she hides as a belt under her sash while her leather corset protects her skin, Sira grew up into a formidable warrior due to the speed of her attacks and the range of both her fire magic and her weapon. However, Sira's greatest strength lies in her stealth and silence, alongside her quick wit and the trust she has in Divot.
~ Appearance ~
As she grew and neared her pre-teens, Sira looked almost entirely human during this phase of her childhood development, were it not for her sky blue hands and feet (aside from her soles and palms, which were the normal pale brown befitting a person of colour) alongside the very tiny stumps for horns hidden in her afro of dreadlocks. But as she reached her mid-teen years, she developed the traits befitting a blue Opal Dragonkin, with clawed draconic feet upon scaly legs, sharp clawed hands and fangs, a long tail with a short black tuft of fur at the tip, and short, slightly curved, gazelle-like horns. She hated this form of puberty since Dragonkin grow their scales through pimples, just like a human teenager with acne, but are extremely itchy as they emerge and become scales along the skin, which is also oily to help the scales develop into strong, vibrant and hard armour... but it stinks like rotting fish, unfortunately for Sira.
Fashion wise, Sira wears dusty-pastel blue, shoulderless blouses with long draping sleeves, all of them being made of silk or any soft fabrics she can find due to her finding cotton and linen too rough for her comfort. This is normally paired up with simple navy or dark blue pants that only reach her knees, to accommodate for her digitigrade legs, held up by a scarf belt Asya weaved for her 18th birthday, made of dark green and yellow cashmere... The colours of her crush, Divot, which she started wearing as a belt on the day Divot explained their pronouns to show her support for her She/They friend. (Yes, Asya knows this, and she excitedly ships them... She already has a golden cow statuette ready to give to Drillburst, as it is Jokani tradition for a parent or partner to give the family of the betrothed a cow as their dowry) And due to her constant reading, Sira developed bad eyesight and at the age of 12, earning her rectangular glasses that she cannot take off for anything other than baths and sleeping.
Sira inherited her mother's ebony skin tone, but due to her half-black genes, she's just one hue lighter than Asya but is still MUCH darker than Blue Heron. Alongside the Jokani completion, Sira also inherited her mother's long curls, and so keeping in her half-Jokani tradition and for easier hair maintenance, Sira has skinny and tight box braids that only reach below her chin and jaw, styled in a side-swept bob, with a few colourful beads to decorate the very ends of some of her braids in the colours of her parents:
Orange for Asya, Red for Kevin, Dark Blue for Brynjolf, Sky Blue for Elbent, and Emerald Green for Verglaust.
Two pairs are on the first two braids framing her face, to represent all four parents evenly, and two more pairs are on either side of her ears....... And yes, when it's windy, they do tend to whack her glasses.
~ Personality ~
Due to her growing up surrounded by loud, energetic and constantly busy family members, and an even louder ship full of crewmates constantly arguing, bantering, singing and fighting monsters of the sea or other pirates, Sira grew up feeling invisible for most of her life, finding comfort in books and solitude. But because of this lifestyle, she never felt the need to be emotionally expressive to make up for her lack of a voice, for who would even see her expressions or emotions when no one can hear her or remember to look her way?
As such, Sira doesn't speak, or rather sign, as much as she'd like to, simply because she rarely has much to say knowing she would just end up being talked over or not given attention in order to communicate at all, due to her mutism and her need to have someone who knows hand sign to speak to. So, when she does hold a conversation with someone, she often has a chilling and stoic aura around her, almost like an inability to use any of her emotions, which surprisingly aids in showing just how intelligent she can be.
However, Sira is actually very shy and introverted, and oftentimes finds herself acting rather awkward in most social situations due to her solitary lifestyle. This is where Divot comes in as her saving grace and her advocate.... For without them, Sira would be even more antisocial and outright afraid to even approach people, due to the huge barrier her disability causes.
When she's with Divot, Sira is much more expressive, relaxed and happy, to the point that no one on the entire ship, other than her parents, have ever seen her smile without Divot being there. It's gotten to the point, now that they are all older and have formed their adult lives on the ship, that every time Divot enters the room, Sira immediately brightens up and her fire magic flares due to her magic being fueled by her emotions and her literal heart. They usually show up as a smoke-filled sigh that comes out in the shape of a heart, or her tail tip catching fire suddenly. Divot has yet to realize this, much to Sira's relief in her hope of revealing her fiery heart's desire to them one day~
| Bori (Third child of Asya, Last child born on the ship to Elbent's family- Son of Asya and Verglaust) |
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(Art belongs to PammyJammy117 on Twitter... I'm just using it as a placeholder cause HE EERIE LOOKS JUST LIKE VERGLAUST AND ASYA BUT WHITEWASHED, LIKE DAYUM)
He/Him, Pansexual
Voice Claim- Lon'qu from Fire Emblem Heroes Singing Voice: Rengoku's part in this... Bori would most likely sing this with Flora (Nicole's daughter) for a karaoke night of drunken fun.... but also I just really like this song ;3;
His full name is Borealis Kaito O'Murchadha-Mutheru, and instead of gaining a badass pirate name like the rest of his family... his appearance and the teasing from his much older siblings led to him earning the nickname "Panda". But, when he's finally treated more seriously, he bears the proud moniker of his name, Bori, after the adoptive albino Dunefarer that Asya considered her true father in her past.
His usual reaction to being called Panda is to immediately snap/spin to the one who called him that (usually just his siblings) and yell at the top of his voice "YOU..... Shut your face!!" and then just as suddenly return to whatever he was doing, including speaking at a calmer and quieter tone, as if it never happened. It's become an inside joke to the O'Murchadha-Mutheru siblings, to see just how far away they can be to see how loud Bori's voice can get.
Bori became the strongest person on the ship, in order to inherit his father's role as the protector of the Immortal Sun. And thanks to the crystal magic Asya discovered during her battle against her father, Bori soon gained the ability to transform into a 35 foot long white Lindwyrm.
Because he's the youngest on the ship, Bori was half raised on Joka Ardhi until he was around 20 years old, when he felt ready to live on the Immortal Sun away from his parents. During his time on land, he discovered his orientation and became a bit of a playboy amongst the Jokani. He did meet and eventually fall for a Dragonkin transwoman with lavender scales named Djamila, whom he visits once a year when the ship returns to Joka Ardhi for their annual family meeting to keep in touch. He hopes one day to bring her with him for the year to see the world beyond the southern kingdom's shores.... and marry her~
Should anything happen to Njeri or her future heirs when they becomes the next Dragon Monarch after Asya, Bori has given his consent to come back to Joka Ardhi and step in as a "stand-in" Dragon Lord until a suitable heir can replace him, be it his own children or someone he feels can bear the mantle of the crown. So, despite his Opal Dragonkin birth and his lack of coronation as crown prince, Bori is a real prince, and a cautionary heir apparent to the Throne of Crimson Sands. And should he actually become Dragon Lord, none would dare to oppose him due to his strength and kindness.
~ Backstory ~
Once again, the baby blues hit a now fully transitioned intersex Asya, only this time she was more severely warned by her husbands and wife that she cannot, under any circumstances, carry a child. Not until they were truly sure of her body being capable of undergoing such a taxing event and survive.
So, a deal was struck... Kevin would carry the child by undergoing an upgraded and longer lasting gender-bending potion, and through a mix of science and meticulous magical aid, a piece of Asya's DNA (her "seed") was altered to ensure she was the biological mother of the child. And, with Verglaust chosen as the sire, Kevin would henceforth be their gender-bent surrogate to the very first Half-Fauna dragon-hybrid, that being a half Desert Lindwyrm Dragon - half Sea Dragon.
Despite their worries of Kevin possibly facing body dysphoria and pain from carrying a child, let alone one bearing a plethora of sturdy genes (of both an increased dragon bloodline instead of a half human one, and Verglaust's dominant giant-size gene), Kevin had no issues and instead experienced a surprisingly pleasant pregnancy and birth... At the result of him realizing that he was genderfluid and loved appearing as masculine or as feminine as he felt each day, to the point that he and Elbent now have daily arguments over her dresses that he steals borrows.
When the baby was born, there was no question on what to name him, especially after the shock wore off from the fact that the infant's ebony skin had white Dragonkin traits. The white scales of his Dragonkin features would soon lead to his parents deciding on the name Borealis, after Asya's father figure who often wore a white wolf pelt to cover his pale, albino skin.
However, because of his literal "black and white" appearance, as well as his early growth spurt making him as tall as Elbent by the time he was ten, his siblings and most of the crew started calling him "Panda". This, however, would be a name that he'd greatly benefit from as it perfectly described him in personality too... For when the day came that his parents decided to leave the Immortal Sun and live in Joka Ardhi, bringing Bori with them after consent was given to let him be raised by his parents until he was ready to return to the ship, many of his now adult aged siblings were given the roles of their parents, be it by the child's choice or inherited by birthright.
And so, Bori grew up for half his life in the royal palace of Joka Ardhi, a designated prince by blood as he grew in both size and power, while also growing up hearing the tales of his parents' heroic deeds during their decades at sea. And as he grew to be just as big as his father, Bori was inspired by him and so chose to inherit the role of the "guardian" of the ship, once he was old enough and felt ready to leave. During his final month in preparation for his departure, his mother Asya revealed to him the secret of her family, of how she won the war against her father for the crown... The crystals that bore the ability to change a dragon from before the Founder's War into humans could also allow humans bearing their blood to turn into titan sized dragons.
Immediately, Bori took his chance to fully embrace the old mantle of his father and gained the ability to turn into a giant Lindwyrm at will, just like his mother could, but one capable of rapid speeds through both air and sea thanks to his inherited White and Yellow fire magic allowing him to hop and glide through the air, while his father's sea dragon genes allowed him to swim faster than the wind... Even though he requires a potion to grant him gills.
~ Appearance ~
Bori is the only one so far to be JUST as tall as Solclave once he's fully grown, all thanks to his father's tall genes and his mother's Dragonkin size boosting genes adding onto it. It certainly doesn't help that he's also huge in a physical way, due to his training to tone his growing body and prepare it for his chosen role as guardian of the ship, a mantle he eagerly wished to gain to honour both his father and maternal grandfather-by-choice.
As such, Bori usually wears armour that mostly consists of leather pants, metal knee pads and boots, leather straps crossed over his bare chest (that constantly creak with strain when he crosses his arms) that hold his twin sinmalayat swords at his hips, and a metal pauldron covering the entirety of each shoulder down to his bicep, one cut in the shape of a wolf skull, the other of a dragon.
...... He refuses to wear a shirt or coat.
Beyond that, he mostly inherited his father's looks, but he has his mother's ebony skin tone, though his is a bit lighter and towards a bronze hue. He also has central heterochromia, with his father's sunset-orange eyes being in the center while his mother's aquamarine-blue hue surround the rings of orange... And sometimes, when his eyes are half-lidded, they appear just like a golden sun on the sea horizon. He often wears his black, wavy curls half-up in a messy bun to hide them, while the rest of his hair reaches just past his shoulders, with three beads (green, orange and red for his father, mother and surrogate carrier) in a single row woven into the hair-tie, as is tradition of a Jokani child.
~ Personality ~
Upon first impressions, Bori appears stoic, intimidating and a terrifying presence to be near, which certainly fit his overshadowing appearance and height. However, once someone gets to truly talk to him without showing him any fear, Bori finally reveals his true personality...
A kind, mannerly, sweet and caring guy who tends to be rather sheepish and easily flustered at the simplest of compliments.
He is very playful with his siblings, since they rarely saw each other before he joined the crew once he was of age, and to make up for lost time they constantly prank each other. In turn, he is very protective of his older sister Sira, the only other Dragonkin on the ship, and the two form a close bond as they celebrate both sabbatic and religious traditions of their Jokani culture together, to honour their mother and family when they miss them.
And when the day comes that he finally brings his girlfriend on board, they celebrate their Jokani ways as a new family to help Djamila (often called Millie for short) settle in and enjoy her time on the ship... just as the crew did when Asya first came on board~
And to finish this off.... here's everyone's heights, with Asya (in her true Dragonkin form), Verglaust, Elbent, Kevin and Solclave for comparisons.
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decadentworld · 1 year
tag game: stranger things addition 👻
Thank you @harringrove-heroes for tagging me.
1.ride or die ship (your otp): To be honest Harringrove and Steddie are a tie here but… see text below
2.most annoying ship: I don’t know if I find it annoying per se, but I’ve started to become annoyed by Steddie if it’s written in a specific way.
3.second favourite ship: Stonathan😁
4.favourite platonic relationship: Um… idk if this will sound controversial but I love to think of Hellcheer as a more platonic friendship😁 And also Billy & Heather!
5.underrated ship: Stonathan😁
6.overrated ship: … Steddie again (CEO of hating on my own faves)
7.one thing i would change in canon: K*ren gets treated like the groomer she is and not a cougar MILF uwu feminist icon💁‍♀️
8.something canon did right: Um. None lol
9.a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: This Kas Eddie artwork and this Lucas artwork ft. Patrick😁
10.a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Actually🤓☝️ no character in Stranger Things is perfect and that’s what makes all of them interesting. I can admit that even the ones I hate the most can have interesting plots as much as I might hate to say it, because a lot of the things that don’t make sense about a character are a direct fault of the writers and maybe even the higher-ups in N*tflix, given that they’re usually extremely out of touch with reality and can oversee or think that something that’s fucked up in real life (like thinking grooming a teenager is fine and/or sexy) is normal/logical or that people are going to think it’s normal as well; hell, if they hadn’t gone down that path with Karen she would’ve been one of my favorite characters but as it stands I can only say that I like my faves because they can have complex, imperfect stories, and as for other characters, I can handpick little things here and there that interest me even if I hate those characters.
Just kidding it’s Patrick Lucas and Chrissy
11.the character i relate to the most and why: No one really lmao. Maybe Jonathan because socially awkward besties🤝
12.character i hate the most and why: Karen and Neil, no explanation needed.
13.something i've learned from the fandom: Many of the people in the fandom have really selective ‘critical’ thinking or none at all. As in, will say an abused 18-year-old who sacrifices himself for others in the end is somehow worse than a pedophile or a child abuser/womanbeater or someone who tortures kids. I wasn’t on Tumblr for this but apparently people were hating on Will when he was possessed? So… yeah.
14.three tags i seek out on ao3: Umm… Billy Hargrove & Maxine “Max” Mayfield, Billy Hargrove Needs A Hug😔 I don’t remember any more (<-liar)
15.a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Soldier’s prayer – Timo Tolkki for Billy. Emerald Sword – Rhapsody of Fire for Eddie. On niin helppoo olla onnellinen – Olavi Uusivirta for Jonathan. Also Glory Days – Stratovarius for Lucas but it must be because I put it as background music for a process reel of an artwork of him I made😁
Tagging: (no pressure tags) @hellfirefucker , @orchidmunson , @boldlyshadowytrash , @c-nstellati-ns , @raincloudxyx , @killthepurplemusic , @lilacdesired and anyone else who wants to do this…!
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daru666 · 1 year
Hi, I'm Daru!
Here I post gore, things related to metal (zines, interviews, images, whatever I think is interesting) and things related to horror. Basically anything edgy that I like goes in here.
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I love metal, gore, fucked up movies, Y2K anime and horror!! I'm friendly so don't be afraid to dm me <3
I'm 19, female, bisexual and my main lenguange is Spanish!
My favorite bands are Megadeth, Children of Bodom, Stratovarius and Dream Theater!! But I listen to a lot of metal bands!
Apart from metal, I love shoegaze, Math rock and prog whatever, as long as it sounds good, I'm into it really.
My favorite movies are Funny Games, Father is a Dog and The silence of the Lambs.
I'm OBSESSED over Higurashi no naku Koro ni btw
I also like anime, tokusatsu stuff and videogames (Silent Hill, mgs and smt mainly), but that's not the main theme of this blog so yeah.
@rottendaru666 personal acc
@cutierobin about DC comics
@rikumikuwu here I post nostalgia from the 2000s, mainly weeb nostalgia
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