#and Valese might just be the one
sweetescapeartist · 2 years
DB FANDOM: Goten is a ladies man in GT!
REALITY: He's a hopeless romantic who gets dumped quickly all the time.
First, where did this idea that Goten is a ladies man begin? It began when we see the cast after a 10 year time skip. Goten says he had a date planned, but Goku is making him attend the Tenkaichi Budokai instead. That's it. No indication or implication that Goten is a ladies man. Just that he had a date.
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However, GT takes this scene, reduces Goten's character, and makes dating girls his only notable quality. And even then, GT Goten isn't good with the ladies.
In DBGT EP 2, Pan says that Goten's new girlfriend will dump him soon.
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This implies a pattern. There's initial attraction, but no prolongued interest, then Goten gets dumped quickly. Rinse & repeat. Goten can get 'em easily, but he can't keep 'em.
Many fans have taken certain scenes out of context or may have simply forgot. Or maybe they just watched the DUB that changed a bunch of lines. I don't know. It didn't watch that episode of the DUB because the English DUB was terrible. Anyway...
Goten is a hopeless romantic, not a ladies man/womanizer since he can't maintain a relationship for a long time.
(Full context of the scene)
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The girls see him "Sure, I'll date you."
Soon after "We're breaking up."
Valese is the only one we've seen that seems like she might actually stick with him. Although, even in the show, they haven't even dated long. Knowing Goten's track record, the relationship might not last for much longer before she breaks up with him. But, Valese is a sheltered rich airhead, so a girl like her will probably stay with him because she understands so little about the world & Goten can connect better with someone like her. She reminds me of Krillin's ex girlfriend from DBZ filler that he dumped; Malon. (I know most say "Maron." I just spell it differently.) That's the kind of woman who behaves like a ditzy airhead because there's been no reason for her to behave maturely. But for Valese, its the result of being extremely sheltered. She's better than Malon imo.
Why do all of Goten's girlfriends soon dump him? Who knows? Maybe he still behaves like a child and doesn't take the relationship seriously enough? Maybe he goes after the wrong women and has bad dating practices? Maybe it's for other reasons. We don't see enough of Goten in GT to know why he always gets dumped. We just know he gets dumped often & we can only wonder why.
Also, Pan... You ARE a child. Enjoy being a kid, because being grown and paying bills is no fun.
*Looks at Grandma Pan.*
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
I was reading Dragon Ball's last couple of chapters a few days ago and something sort of came to me. Do you think Goten's girlfriend that he mentions near the end of the original story might have been Valese or someone else?
From GT's perspective, possibly.
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Goten's unhappy about entering the Tenkaichi Budokai because he was supposed to go on a date. Presumably, this means the date had to be cancelled, but that doesn't mean he and whoever his date was with didn't schedule a new one.
GT tried to use this epilogue as a springboard for building their canon, which is why they took this characterization for Goten and ran with it. But GT is set several years after this epilogue. So Valese might be the person he was going on a date with, or she might just be someone he met later on.
Either way, GT itself is on about the same level of canon as anime filler. I don't think Toriyama had any particular character in mind when he wrote this. But from the perspective if GT, it wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest Goten and Valese were together back then.
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I rewatched Dragon Ball GT and the one thing I love about Dragon Ball GT is Goten and Vegeta interactions in the sub version. But before I start I just want to say Goten is 22 in GT and it's implied that the girl at beginning of DBGT is not Valese.
Anyway, despite Gohan saying that he will go with Goku, Vegeta was the one in the sub that suggested that Goten goes instead. The best part is that it is implied that he asked/talked with Chichi about it.
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I just love his smirk while telling Goten that his mother agreed with Vegeta.
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Then the next time we see them is in epispde 25. Vegeta was shaving his mustache and Goten was talking on the phone with Valese. They meet each other when Goten is about to go on a date. AND Vegeta, while smiling, asks Goten about his opinion, and Goten, not realising Vegeta shaved, just left. This made Vegeta doubt himself and when Bulma commented how he looked better without the mustache, he smiled, again. But then he saw Chichi and he got embarrassed. Vegeta was completely comfortable with smiling in front of Goten and asking him his opinion but he was incredibly embarrassed by Chichi who didn't even say a word. What's more, it seemed that Vegeta wasn't even aware that Chichi was at their house, meanwhile he didn't even question Goten being there despite Trunks being of to space.
And then we have Baby Gohan and Baby Goten vs Vegeta.
In the sub Vegeta said that he is going to blow baby away together with Kakarrot's son'.
Ok, side note: one of my pet peeves in Dragon Ball fanfiction is Vegeta calling Goten 'Kakarrot's son'. In the manga and the original Japanese dub of DBZ he called Goten 'Gohan's little brother'(which for whatever reason was changed to Kakarrot's son in eng dub only, every other version stayed with Gohan's little brother) and after that he called him Goten. The only times Vegeta even acknowledged Goten as Goku's son was directly to Goku when Goten fought Trunks and at the end of Z. Aside that I just want to remind people that Gohan had no clue Chichi was training Goten nor the fact that Goten and Trunks play fought meanwhile Vegeta didn't even hesitate to ask Trunks if Goten can turn SSJ as well nor ask who is stronger, knowing full well that Trunks has the answers. Also there seems to be a misconception of when Goten turned SSJ because of the eng dub. Goten did not turn SSJ because of his mother. That flashback was meant to show the time Chichi found out about it and she DID NOT call him a monster but a punk/delinquent.
Anyway back to GT, Vegeta didn't hesitate to say that he is fine with killing Gohan and Baby wasn't surprised nor did he thought of taking Gohan's body as hostage. Vegeta was about to kill Baby when Goten turned up. Vegeta told him to 'stay out of his way'. However, Goten went to Vegeta's side and said how that is clearly Gohan. And Vegeta only seemed midly annoyed at Goten for disregarding his orders. Vegeta put the arm with which he was threatening Baby with in front of Goten and in a non angry manner told him to stay back. Instead of finishing off Baby, Vegeta was more concerned with Goten being there.
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What's more, when Vegeta realised Goten was controlled as well, he actually seemed worried.
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I like the fact that Vegeta let his guard down with Goten enough to make him bleed while from the first moment he saw Gohan he didn't trust him.
Their interactions might be rare but I really do enjoy them. And I like the fact that DBS anime(in the manga Goten seems to barely exist), also sneaks in some interactions. Like when Vegeta watched Bulma exercise and Trunks realised how worried Vegeta was. Goten explained how the exercise will help Bulma and wasn't afraid of saying that Vegeta must be excited for the baby(crunchyroll translation are really off with DBS). While his pride was hurt a bit, he was not mad at them for their observations. He forbid them from training and told Trunks to go and finish the Bulla's bed. Or when Vegeta was completely comfortable with changing Bulla's diaper in front of Goten and Trunks and even seemed proud when they complimented him.
I like to think that Vegeta even after all the years and character development still isn't comfortable showing his caring side to people outside his family. With Goten being the exception because Goten is so often at their house that it would have been a hassle to constantly keep his tough guy persona in front him.
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trunksgender · 3 years
Ah, ok! we interpret Goten in a very similar way 😊 I’ve seen some of those that lean in the other direction too. unfortunately, a decent portion of fanon seems to have taken it as Truth that GT Goten is a misogynistic player... but, like, where? 😩 I mean, he might be going out with women a lot, yes, but that’s ok, like he literally never disrespected Valese in any way... and lbr they made her really dumb, it would have been easy 😕
yeah its good to hear that we see eye to eye!! also sorry i didnt see your other asks till now so thats why i didnt include them alksjdflksdj but ive (intentionally or coincidentally) managed to avoid most of the bad truten stuff just because i only got into db a few months ago and most of the art ive seen (that i didnt make myself..) has been stuff sent to me by my friends, and ive only read like 3 or 4 truten fics because the last one i read was legit really good and i dont want to wade the sea of bad fic just to find a few decent ones that wont even be as good as that one
but yea i was actually just thinking about that earlier today, how he somehow gets labeled as a “player” (or “wannabe player” as ive seen him described before?) just for what?? liking women? and going on dates with a woman? as if theres something wrong with that? (dont even get me started on the times ive seen people refer to him as a “”fuckboy”” which i find really offensive as someone who knows firsthand the kind of shit those guys do.. implying that he has a sexual ulterior motive is really gross to me)
little known fact about me is that i was actually introduced to dragon ball with gt so the scene of him on his date with palace* was one of my first impressions of him and it was a really great impression like. heart of gold dumb of ass whats not to like about him. its really not hard to tell that hes a well-intentioned, nonthreatening, and nonjudgmental guy, idk why people feel the need to portray him as cynical and disrespectful
*for some reason shes called palace in the sub and valese in the english dub, idk why they changed her name but they did
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thedreamingscorpio · 4 years
Chapter 2
Well I think it goes without saying but in case I wasn’t clear earlier:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. 
Thank You, please lemme know your thoughts on my work!
Love Always!
Time had gone by in a whirlwind, with Goten finding some warm clothes for his company, making some tea and gathering the necessary tools and supplies. While the whole time the young woman had only exchanged common courtesies whenever Goten would bring her something, which they were done with in the first ten minutes of her arrival.
Despite the ruckus that he had created, the house was quiet, almost too quiet. 
Case in a nut shell, the last twenty minutes saw the three occupants of the house to, in Goten’s case grow increasingly curious and observant, the woman’s gaze to get lost in the depths of infinity, and for well, Cepheus to become more irritable with each passing minute.
Goten had finally found his cauterizer. It was kept in his store room since he hadn’t had to use it in quite sometime now, it was the one he used previously, and since getting a new one he kept it at home in case of an emergency. He didn’t think that he’ll be requiring it today, given the bored and irritated expression that marked his patient’s face. But that was the thing, the dog although one of his most frequent patients, still managed to throw him for a loop with his seemingly impenetrable expression, the same ‘the hell do you care ’ expression adorned his face, be it an ingrown nail or a gaping wound. 
It seemed as though if given the chance to converse akin to a human being, he’d list all the complaints in the world and manage to find a fault with even the most perfect of things.
Well in reality Goten himself never really believed in the concept that the word 'perfect' embodied, in his opinion nothing was completely flawless, it was just the mere coincidence, that if what one sought was what the other provided, the two pieces seemed to fit together, therefore creating the illusion of what people called 'perfect’. And of course,  he was familiar with the universal use of 'perfect’ and came to the conclusion, that there are certain things people perceive as desirable universally, like symmetry for one, and that’s okay, but to then announce that the person or the object is utterly flawless was a bit absurd in his opinion.
But then again, was it his need to rationalize everything, or his general dislike for the word, he didn’t know, perhaps he’d heard it too many times in his lifetime as a constant reminder to know exactly what he wasn’t, eh no point dwelling over things that bring a sour taste to your mouth…
Though that still lead him to think, that if people’s version of 'perfection’ was so hard to come by, almost everyone did settle for something less, like 'good’ or even 'great’ at times. 'Cause unlike 'perfection' , Goten knew for a fact that those things existed and that they weren’t half bad, in fact, despite the irony of his thought-process, those 'good’ or 'great’ may even be somebody’s version of 'perfect’!
So, why the hell did Cepheus, have that rotten expression on his face, no matter what hour of the day it might be! He really failed to understand how an baby animal could prove to be much more difficult to deal with than an adult human being. Weren’t animals supposed to be nicer?
 Every time he happened to meet him, it appeared as though he were mocking, challenging him to do something, anything to change the opinion his little underdeveloped mind had conjured up of him. Oh and how Goten hated it!
Moreover what really worried him was the state of the young woman currently sitting on his couch. Empty tea cup held in hands, as if it were a life-saver, determinedly staring straight ahead unblinking, it was a miracle how the wall didn’t have a hole burned through it. It was her reaction that had told Goten to be prepared for anything and everything, and he was glad to have found his cauterizer.
Now with all the necessary tasks out of the way, he went to the kitchen to fetch his cup of tea…only to realize it had gone cold. 
“Ah shit!" 
Now Goten wasn’t a person for whom cursing was a regular occurrence, also given the fact that he was in the presence of one of his patients, it was highly unprofessional of him. So, instinctively as soon as he realized he had cursed out loud, he immediately regretted it and his eyes darted towards the couch. But noticing that the house was still eerily quiet, and that his slip-up had gone unnoticed, his more pressing concern was to talk to the woman as soon as possible.
That’s how he found himself  in the kitchen reheating his long forgotten chamomile tea, while silently mulling over how strange the whole incident was! The woman’s features weren’t lost on him, the way her green eyes looked at him, flipped his stomach.
She reminded him of someone, someone he could never forget, the girl from his early days with his reputation as a womanizer, the only girl he had been silly and pretend-serious with, the only girl he could be anyone with, yet she still wouldn’t forget his name, the girl who had made him realize that although fun, that wasn’t the life he wanted, the girl who had seen him transition from a technical adult to behaving like an actual adult, the girl who’s heart he had broken, by telling her it wasn’t her, it was him…Valese.
Valese had brown eyes, with a tinge of green, not quite hazel, no, but not quite brown either, her chestnut hair cinched at her waist, making her seem incredibly gorgeous, her pale skin contrasting against her dark features, her plum lips always chewing a strawberry flavored gum, and the way she spoke his name, blinking her large eyes at him, always managed to melt him.
So, then why did he leave her you ask? 
Well, the answer was simple really, or complete bullshit depending on who you are, she was too easy. From the moment he’d met her she was googly-eyed, and was willing to put up with his every whim, without batting an eyelash. She acted as though star-struck, which although boosted his ego, did not make him feel good in the long run.
People, be it family, friends, passersby or even young kids seemed to adore them, and on one occasion Trunks told them that they were even compatible when it came to  their level of intellect, Valese had just laughed it off, yeah she was like that, but Goten seemed to take it a bit more seriously. Of course, it was to be taken light-heartedly, but it did make him question, was he her king and they the world’s laughing stock?
He knew that she was a bit ditzy he did, but that never bothered him, she was beside him in almost all he did, gave him the confidence to pursue his career as a vet, and was beside him through all his embarrassing phases while he figured himself out. The best thing about her she was always smiling, rain, shine or thunder, she kept her smile on and the only time he had ever seen her cry was when he ended his relationship with her, he had never seen her look so...broken, but he supposed it was for the best given that he was subjecting himself to an insane amount of study, and to be honest, he was afraid.
Afraid, that he may take her shine away, as ridiculous as it may sound to anyone else, he knows he was right in his decision.
So, when the brunette had shown up at his doorstep in the wee hours of the morning, with the most troublesome patient he had ever come across, he was feeling a lot of feelings, but above all he was confused. Why was this happening? Was it all a coincidence? And if not, why so many years later?
Now that his tea was hot enough to be consumed, he made his way towards the living room where the as of now unknown woman and Cepheus, sat looking just like they were, about twenty minutes earlier
He grabbed himself a chair from the dining table, not wanting to get comfortable on the couch just yet, and knowing Cepheus, ready to entertain him at a moments notice.
The scraping of the chair’s legs against the floor wood seemed to snap her out of her reverie, and she gave him the same frightened look as earlier in the morning.
She quickly got off the couch, and started exclaiming animatedly.
"Dr. Son, my apologies, I know this isn’t by any means the right time to have disturbed you, hell I did not even give you a call, or notify you of my arrival, but the thing is that it was an emergency…”
Noticing how she was panting and red-faced again, he decided to cut her off..
“Please, call me Goten. I’m off-duty and these aren’t my working hours..”
At this, the woman gave him an abashed look and hung her head low.
Noticing this he quickly amended..
“…not that I mind in the least, after all I am a doctor and if I’m not available to my patients when they need me, what good am I?”
At this, the woman, lifted her head so fast he was afraid she had snapped something vital, and gave him a disbelieving look, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears .
He held a calm composure and gave her a reassuring smile. Noticing this her features softened and a small smile tugged at her lips.
“Please take a seat, calm yourself and talk to me so that I’m capable of helping you.”
Slightly nodding her head, apparently still shaken, she sat down waking Cepheus, who was seemingly comfortable nestled into her arms resulting in him growling slightly.
Taking a deep breath, she attempted to compose herself and looked up with twinkling eyes.
“Let me start by introducing myself, I’m Odette…”
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Hello there! Sorry for the sudden ask, but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your recent post about how Goten ISN'T a womanizer (or even much of a ladies' man) despite most of the fanbase thinking that.
In fact, this was sort of my idea for Goten's character once he got older, that he'd have a variation on Krillin and Yamcha's little character arcs of trying to find 'the one', to no success.
What's more, as someone who ships Goten x Valese, I also appreciate you giving Valese her dues. Sure, she might be ditzy and sheltered, but she certainly seems to have a good heart.
It's one of those things that make me a bit sad that DBGT never at least told whether or not they stayed together and why I kind of hope she gets (re-)introduced into modern DB via the new Super Hero mini-arc that's currently running in the manga.
You're welcome!
Your idea is right from what I can tell. Goten just wants to find the right girl for himself.
A side note, Goten & Gohan take aspects from other characters. Both obviously has Goku aspects, but Gohan has Krillin aspects and Goten seems to have some Krillin & Yamcha aspects.
Yeah. I like Valese. She just needs to be less sheltered and be around a guy like Goten, then she will develop for the better. But there just needs to be more focus on the relationship instead of her appearing in 2 or 3 episodes.
Part of me doesn't want her reintroduced intk the DBS manga. Mainly because of Toyotaro's writing. It makes me worry about how he would adapt then treat Valese and her relationship with Goten. I'd rather see the relationship in the DBS anime. Like, after the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, we learn that Goten's girlfriend is Valese. That would be cool. Especially if we find out that Toriyama originally designed Valese.
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