#and YES her name is Minnie. it was a placeholder then I got attached
restinslices · 7 months
I have an embarrassing amount of lore for my Twilight oc Minnie. I need some bitches
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nostalgiaslithersin · 4 years
Hogwarts Mystery Survey
I was tagged by @weasley-adoptee​ to do this! Thank you so much, friend. <3 This was super fun to do. 
Answers under the cut, and my shy ass is going to tentatively tag @freckled-petals​, @rompemaldiciones​, @willowtreewritingss​, and @carmilla-the-bird​. Feel free to ignore. c: 
Favourite Gryffindor:
Bill is Lee’s big brother and I love his characterization in this game to bits. He’s truly the sibling MC deserves, and if given the choice, I would dropkick Jacob into the sun and replace him with Bill. I’m sure Jacob will not understand.
Least Favourite Gryffindor:
Ben, my boy, I love you, but you’re driving me mad. I liked him best in Year 5, truth be told. I wasn’t a fan of him prior and Year 6 Ben is plain aggravating most of the time. I’m still holding out for him, though; those flashes of his former self we get keep me hopeful that he won’t always be an asshole.
Favourite Hufflepuff:
Who else but Penny Haywood? I know JC overuses her in everything these days, but I still adore her and so does my MC. 
Least Favourite Hufflepuff:
Hm. Probably Diego. There’s nothing wrong with him - I just don’t find him that interesting compared to our other friends. 
Favourite Ravenclaw:
Local bird boy Talbott Winger snuck up on me. I liked his character from his debut - grumpy, aloof characters with a dry sense of humor and a heart of gold are my weakness - but I wasn’t expecting to ship him with Lee. I actually loved the idea of Talbott x Badeea, and I still enjoy that ship, but yeah. Talbott x MC has since surpassed it for me. He’s great.
Least Favourite Ravenclaw:
Honestly, I don’t think I have a least favorite for this house. Ravenclaw's characters are solid. 
Favourite Slytherin:
Merula, this one’s for you. Of course it’s for you. Your design is stupid cute and your moody ass has stolen my heart. And honestly, I’d ship you with Lee if I didn’t love your brother-sister relationship with him more. 
Least Favourite Slytherin:
It’s gonna be Liz solely for the reason that we don’t know much about her. And it’s not her fault - she’s one of the characters JC created and promptly forgot about after her part in Year 5 (4?) was over. 
Favourite Quidditch Character:
This one goes to Orion Amari aka MC’s other big brother. I thought his personality might grate on me when I first met him, but past me was a fool, I tell you, a complete clown. Orion is wonderful and deserves the world. <3
Least Favourite Quidditch Character:
This is hard because I genuinely adore all the Quidditch characters. Maybe the ones who don’t have names? I mean, I get why they’re not characterized. They’re placeholders. MC’s going to replace them eventually. However... I’m a writer. I'm going to give these guys my own headcanons and then grow attached to their characters regardless of what you do with them, so you might as well name them for me. Please. I hate naming things.
Favourite Teacher:
Professor Flitwick is great, but when Professor McGonagall smiles at my MC when he gets her question right, my heart grows three sizes. Minnie is the best. <3
Least Favourite Teacher:
While I like Snape’s character more in Hogwarts Mystery than in the books, I’m still not a fan of him overall. 
Favourite Non-Teacher Adult:
Hagrid, of course! A gentle giant with a pure heart. Too good for this world. 
Least Favourite Non-Teacher Adult:
Rita Skeeter can get hit by the Knight Bus. Seriously. I don’t understand why MC hasn’t turned her away already - she’s terrible, and I personally hc she’s the one responsible for popularizing the rumor that Jacob went to work for Voldemort. That’s why my MC can’t stand her.
Rate Rowan on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “Why are we even friends?” and 10 being “BFFs for Life!”:
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Rowan is my favorite HPHM character. I’ve loved this nerd since the beginning and I will never forgive JC for what they’ve done to them. Rowan deserved better. I will shout this into the void until the day I die, and they’ll always be Lee’s first love. </3 
Rate Jacob on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “You’re dead to me” and 10 being “Love you forever, big bro!!”:
For me, Jacob is a 5. Do I think he’s a bad brother? Yes. Would I drop him like a hot potato for Bill and Orion if given the chance? Absolutely. But I think he can still be redeemed. Maybe. I’m not holding my breath for it, but it’s possible. Although, to be frank with you, the angst monger in me wants Jacob to be evil because I love putting my MC through hell. (:
Rate MC and your similarities on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “MC is nothing like me” to 10 being “MC is ttly a self-insert lol”:
Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a 6? Lee and I have similarities, but I made him with the intent of playing a character instead of myself. His competitive nature and ADHD tendencies are definitely me, but I’m not nearly as sociable as him haha. Lee’s got a loud, type-aish personality. I’m introverted AF and pretty mellow. 
Favourite Side Quest:
The Celestial Ball was wonderful. I loved playing through it, and I was so happy that Rowan was a date option. (If only they were included in the other dating TLSQs, sigh.) An honorable mention goes to Adventures in Curse-breaking aka the latest TLSQ. Loved the friendship vibes among the group. 
Least Favourite Side Quest:
I’ll be honest; I don’t remember the Knighthood TLSQ in the slightest. I also thought the Weird Sisters one was meh, but at least I have vague memories of that one. An honorable mention goes to the ending of the All-Wizard Tournament TLSQ. I’m sorry, but you can’t convince me that MC would be happy about winning after nearly losing another friend (or whatever you consider Merula) to the Forbidden Forest. My MC was livid at Dumbledore for the shit he pulled, and he’s not even post-Year 6 Part 18 yet. And yeah, I know it’s technically a Year 5 TLSQ, but keep in mind that this came out shortly after Part 18 dropped and was referenced multiple times in the side quest for those caught up with the Main Story. The wound was still fresh and it just felt wrong to me. 
Your Ideal Ending for Patricia Rakepick:
Assuming she really killed Rowan?
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I see no alternative. 
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