#and a saree which I absolutely adore
I love red.
Its such a contradictory, conflicted and oxymoronic colour.
Red, the colour of love.
Red, the colour of blood.
Red, the colour of the Gods.
Red, the colour of the Demons.
Red, the colour of power.
Red, the colour of sacrifice.
Red, the colour of purity.
Red, the colour of blasphemy.
Red, the colour of life.
Red, the colour of death.
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triviareads · 6 months
Tastes Like shakkar sounds so good! What are your top 5 books with brown or desi characters?
I enjoyed Tastes Like Shakkar a lot more than I was expecting, and have relentlessly been shilling it ever since. It's such a solid romance, the sex was good, a lot of the desi family stuff (the concept of being a "family manager") really hit, but it never took away from the main romance. Also, it's always nice to feel "seen" in the books you read even though it's pretty rare for me, but since this was specifically about Indian-Americans in the NY-NJ area, I really felt that.
Here are books with desi rep apart from Tastes Like Shakkar that are in my top 5:
Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai: I debated putting my other fave by Alisha, Serving Pleasure, on here but Wrong to Need You portrayed a less-troubled desi family dynamic than Serving Pleasure so I'm picking this. Sadia is a widowed single mom grappling with her attraction to her brother-in-law, Jackson who's just returned after a self-imposed exile related to a mysterious fire. The restrained tension between these two is so hot (ok maybe not entirely restrained; she doesn't recognize him when he first returns and nearly has sex with him lol). Also, Sadia, like Jiya below, subverts the passive Asian woman trope on multiple levels, and based on the dynamic between her and Jackson.
I also liked how Sadia's large, close-knit Pakistani-American family was portrayed; they may not see eye-to-eye all the time, but they love one another and are willing to learn and compromise.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: Zafir Ansari is truly a prince among men; him and Dani go viral for his rescue of her, and they start fake dating so his football charity can get some positive attention and donations. I like how Zafir was the romantic one among the two of them (and is a Bollywood romance fan, predictably), and is also great in the sack so... a winner, basically.
Also, Talia wrote this lovely exploration of grief (Zafir lost his dad and brother) and this really sweet relationship between Zafir and his SIL, and his family as a whole which I appreciated.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: I know Tessa has gotten a lot of flak for her portrayal of Latinx characters (which, deserved imo), and she's otherwise by and large stuck to writing white characters, but I can't deny she did pretty damn good job of writing Jiya and her family, who are desi, in this book. Here are my full thoughts on this.
The Roommate Risk by Talia Hibbert: Friends to lovers AND probably one of the only unrequited love books I'll ever recommend only because I love Jasmine so much (even while she's STRUGGLING to figure out that yes, Rahul has had feelings for her ever since she deflowered him on the... I wanna say library floor), and Rahul Khan is adorable and a stern, stern man who can absolutely get it. Similar to Zafir above, Rahul's dad also dies during the book (there's a lot of flashbacks) and Talia portrayed Muslim funeral customs and just the general family dynamics thoughtfully and in such an emotional way.
Hard Way by Katie Porter: lol my problematic fave because there are a few things that are just so weird in terms of rep: For one, the author keeps putting Sunita, the heroine, in "indian inspired" clothes, for example, some kind vaguely described professional suit inspired by a saree? Like, this woman is an attorney who works for a United States congressman. She's probably wearing a regular-ass suit like the rest of the people in that office. Also, her nickname in law school was the "Ice Queen of Bangalore" which was meant to be microaggressive, but the nickname literally makes 0 sense to me since she was raised in AMERICA, and considering half the Indians I know can't make the connection between being Kannadiga and possibly being from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, what are the chances these white mfs can, right? And the weird thing is, she narratively sort of "reclaims" her nickname, but it was such a cringe one to begin with and I don't even know why the authors bothered to put it in in the first place.
BUT Sunita is the only Kannadiga heroine I've ever read (I am. kannadiga, to clarify), she's a martial artist, she's struggling to work out her marriage with her husband (I'm a sucker for that shit), she's good with being kidnapped and zip-tied straight from the grocery store by her husband because it's a mutual fantasy, and she attends yakshagana performances (also very personal to me and my family)! Do you know how rare it is to see any of these things as far as brown heroines go? Maybe I have a lower bar for South Asian rep because there are so few romances that have South Asians who don't hate themselves/the culture AND have good sex scenes, but hopefully that will change as time goes on.
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enha-doodles · 2 years
Idk if u make this but can I ask enha yandere reaction to finding out s/o is Indian if possible 🥺
Hello ^^ sure i'll make one , hope this turns out as how you wanted it to be :)
➸ʚ pairing ɞ : enhypenxreader!
➸ʚ genre ɞ : yandere
➸ʚ warning ɞ : mention of fighting , threating , manipulation
➸ʚ Disclaimer ɞ : yandera relationship is not good at all and is very toxic . This is all a work of fiction and my imagination . Credits of the GIFs to the owners . None of the members have the same personality or resonate the traits mentioned below .
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.꒷꒦. HEESEUNG .꒷꒦.
When he read your background data which he asked his men to bring him , he saw your nationality. You were Indian . Meaning you would most probably be really feisty and it's not gonna be easy to tame you but that just excited him more . Wanting to see you finally break . But more than that he wanted to impress you before doing all of that , so showing up in a kurta in school is what he thought would be the best and it certainly did . Catching the whole school's attention with the familiar clothing he saw you staring at him with adoring eyes . You liked someone appreciating your culture so you were happy but well someone might've misunderstood and ohh shit was about to get down .
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.꒷꒦. JAY .꒷꒦.
He heard it from your friend . He was really happy as to he really took interest in Indian mythology , watching videos about it on YouTube with your photo always beside . He wanted nothing more to kindnap you and listen to you explaining him more about your culture while you were in his arms . Only his . What delighted him more was that you knew how to cook various Indian dishes . Such a wife material . He thought . So that's what his mind told him to do . Trap you , marry you and live happily .
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.꒷꒦. JAKE .꒷꒦.
He thought it was perfect . He loves to listen to Indian songs even though the lyrics didn't make sense to him . He came home with a saree . Yes he wanted you to wear it , but he didn't knew how it's gonna look . when you came out wearing one he was mesmerized . Loving how you were looking and how you only belonged to him . But when he saw other guys staring at you in the saree when you both went on a date , he went to the guys and punched them square on the face . When you tried to stop him , he was furious and thought you liked the boys eyeing you . That's how you ended up being locked in a room with no food for 2 days .
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.꒷꒦. SUNGHOON .꒷꒦.
He had absolutely no problem with the culture but he hates how you would randomly say something in Hindi or your native language . He was angry at the fact that he wouldn't be able to know what you talk about to others and learning a new language would surely take a year or more so he did what he can . Threating you to only use Korean when he is around or there would be consequences . It would be okay for you to talk in Hindi with your family but if it's someone else , damn you were in trouble .
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.꒷꒦. SUNOO .꒷꒦.
It was astonishing to find out that you were an Indian , you fitted so well in Korean culture that he never thought about your nationality . But it would be thrilling as he would be in the kitchen , starting at your beautiful face and figure while you cooked him delicious Indian cuisines . When you would listen to Bollywood songs he would be kinda sad because he couldn't enjoy it with you and so you would stop listening to it , but behind that innocent , sad face was a evil facade smirking thinking how you will only listen to him sing and no other boys .
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.꒷꒦. JUNGWON .꒷꒦.
He went blank . He was afraid that you'll leave him for another boy from your own country . It was alreday hard to get you but now it's all kinda vanishing just because of your nationality. He would see it as threat . A thereat that will end your relationship . So he would do what he is the best at . Manipulate you . He would constantly say that his parents don't want a foregioner as his gf or wife and her being Indian would be an end to their love . He broke you so much to a part where you changed your religion to Korean and gave him what he wanted . There was no trance of any Indian things . Even the food should be only Korean . You were tired of all this but your puppy love for him was more than it .
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.꒷꒦. NIKI .꒷꒦.
When he got to know about your nationality , he was excited , he loved Indian dance and it's music culture , he was eager and told you that he wanted to learn dancing at Bollywood songs . So you both signed up for a dancing class in Korea which taught dances in Bollywood songs . It was working all smoothly untill the choreographer thought it would be nice if he talked to you about something. He was Indian too and so you both vibed well . Your talk was ongoing when he suddenly got pushed harshly . Niki was raging . How can this man try to take whats his . So he took you home instantly and held your chin tightly saying "doesn't matter if he was Indian too , if I saw you with any other boys.. it's over " you were scared of what he could do so you did what your body allowed you to do . You nodded with tears streaming down your cheek .
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ellewords · 3 years
Hiiii! I don't know if it's late for sending this, but I kinda wanted to share this. I'm so sorry if it's long or something... I really hope you enjoy it.
You see, the thought of wedding began to swim in my head since I was 6. I know it's too early for that, but idk why. I always dreamt of getting married, having a lavish wedding ceremony... I used to wear my mother's white chiffon scarf as a veil with my white dress which I used to wear when I was 3 or 4 (It was so tight!). But there would be a huge smile on my face.
As I got older, I realised I can't wear a white gown on my wedding day. As a Bangladeshi, I have to wear red saree with gold jewellery, which aren't bad, but I lowkey want to wear a white gown with a pretty veil, holding a beautiful bouquet of different flowers. Just thinking myself seeing in one makes me smile. When I went to Melbourne and was outside for shopping, I'd stop in front of a store that sold wedding gowns. I'd just stare wistfully at them.
One day, out of nowhere, a thought crossed my mind. I'm in a beautiful white dress that I saw on pinterest, walking down the aisle... and in the end of the aisle, Sugawara is standing, wearing a fancy three piece suit. He looks at me and... time just stops. Tear begins to roll down his cheeks... mine too. When I get there, he holds my hand, still crying, he says how he's elated that I'm with him. And I just 🥺
I know it got a bit self indulgent, but I couldn't help myself, because it's Sugawara. And I literally become like Monica from "Friends" when it comes to wedding. Like I have a pinboard full of ideas, wedding playlists, I've also decided what kind of invitations I want for my wedding...
I think I rambled enough. Have a beautifully nice day!
— from elle ! hi hi,, nope you're not too late :) there isn't really a deadline for this, you can pretty much send in stuff any time you want so no worries ! self-indulgent is also perfectly fine, reading what you sent in made me smile and ig part of the appeal of fanfic (and writing in general) is the escapism and imagining yourself in all these different scenarios. anyways, quick lil walking down the aisle drabble feat. a f!reader under the cut (as usual). tysm for this and i hope you are having a wonderful day. <3
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
“calm down, everything’s going to be fine.” asahi tried to reassure, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder in a futile attempt to make him relax.
suga was currently sweating buckets, wringing his hands together in complete and utter nervousness. the ceremony was meant to start in just a couple of minutes and various questions invaded his mind: what if something goes wrong? what if you end up regretting saying yes to his proposal? what if you resent him for the rest of your lives? what if you don’t show up at all?
his train of thought was cut off by daichi shaking his shoulders, snapping him out of his trance once and for all, “the ceremony is about to start any second and you look like you’re about to run away—”
suga’s eyes widened, immediately cutting off his best man, “what? no i would never even think of doing that? do i really look that freaked out?”
“you do,” daichi laughed, shaking his head at suga, “but you love her, don’t you?”
“more than i can even imagine.”
“and she loves you,” daichi smiled, “you’re about to marry the love of your life. seconds from now, she’s going to walk through those doors and you’re going to ask yourself what you were so nervous for in the first place.”
suga nodded, letting out a breath. the beating of his heart was still as loud as it had been, maybe even more as he began to hear the familiar tune of a piano playing. but at least the butterflies in his stomach begin to settle, keeping his hands folded in front of him as the wedding party walked down the aisle.
the smile on his face widens as the flower girls walk down, throwing petals in each and every possible direction — some even threw them directly at the guests. of course, the crowd only cooed at them, thinking it was absolutely adorable. suga also gives quick little high five to the ring bearer after he had given them to best man, those who looked on swooned at the sweet little gesture.
the piano’s tune changes, the wedding march plays. the doors open to reveal you.
suga’s smile falters, a shaky exhale leaving his lips as he muttered out a quiet, “woah.”
time stops; everyone and everything is an afterthought to you walking towards him. his entire world is making her way to where he was, holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers, in the most beautiful dress. you glowed, a smile on your face and a couple of escaping the corners of your eyes. the music has been reduced to a whisper that played in the back of his mind, the crowd nothing but a hazy blur. you’re the only thing in the room worth taking in at the moment.
suga wasn’t even aware that he had begun crying until daichi hands him a handkerchief, “told you so, buddy.”
you finally take your place in front of him, handing your bouquet to your maid of honor. your knees feel like they’re about to give in, seeing suga with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes, taking in every single inch of you.
“hi.” you whispered, unsure of what exactly to say. there’s nothing but silence, that and shaky breathing and the pounding of your hearts. this is actually happening, there’s no turning back now.
suga takes your hands in his, thumbs gently brushing over the back of your hand, like he was trying to make sure that you were real; that you weren’t plucked straight out of his dreams, that any moment he’d wake up. he smiled at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling in the process, “i'm the luckiest person on the planet.”
“no, i am.”
suga chuckled, shaking his head. daichi was right, what was he so nervous for in the first place? especially when there’s no one else he’d rather wait for at the end of the aisle. 
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a question: what would the hq characters be like at a wedding?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​
join my hq taglist here. <3
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AHHHHHHHHHH DESI JASON!!! I will now be eagerly awaiting desi Thalia in real life 👀👀👀
ANON! the absolute best thing about this was that my bisexual ass got to scroll through hundreds of pictures of Desi-girls and just die at their absolute etherealism
(in this process I have also managed to find Desi-silena and Desi-Reyna and I'm obviously in love with them)
but without further ado, here is Desi-Thalia:
(I do not own, nor did I take part in the production of any of these images. I found all of them on pinterest and they belong to their rightful owners)
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[image ids:
image one is a Desi woman in a green saree (sari) with gold jewellery adorning her head, ears, neck, wrists, and fingers. a beaded sash is draped from her left shoulder to her right arm. she is facing away from the camera so we can see the right side of her profile. her right hand is on her knee.
image two is a Desi woman in a black and gold saree (sari) with gold jewelery adorning her head, ears, nose, neck, wrists and hands. she has a black bindi in the middle of her forehead. she is looking down and to her right with her hands clasped gently in front of her.
image three is a close-up shot of a Desi woman staring directly at the camera. She has a gold bindi in the middle of her forehead and is wearing a gold nose ring with a chain that links to her ear. there is a bright pink flower in the corner of the frame.
end id]
Okay so this is three different woman (please don't think I don't know that) but they all had some bit of Thalia and I couldn't bare to choose one.
The first woman just has all the regality I would expect of the second in command to the goddess Artemis and of a daughter of Zeus
The second woman's saree is why I chose her. Thalia in black and gold is literally perfection and that's how I picture her all the time. Also this woman looks like she's judging people like "umm what are you doing?" which is exactly something Thalia would do and I adore it.
The third woman is how I picture Desi Thalia exactly! Fierce, no nonsense expression, a little amused, ready to take on anything. Also she's really pretty so you know.
Anyway seriously Anon thank you for this ask it genuinely made me so happy🥺
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writingwithcolor · 5 years
British Bangladeshi Muslim 21 Year Old
I’m usually a lurker on this blog but, I’ve decided to send in a POC profile - mainly because it’s so rare for me to see someone like me represented in the media. In fact, I’m not certain I’ve ever seen someone Bangladeshi represented in mainstream media 
Beauty Standards 
Colourism is a very big thing still in the Bangladeshi community. My parent’s generation, despite liking to think that they’re very open minded still fall into the trap of the narrow minded view so present in the older generations. I’ve always fallen on the fairer side and as I grew up and developed mild iron deficiency, people would comment on how beautiful my skin was (and some people use the Bengali word for beautiful as being synonymous for fair), whilst my younger sister who is on the darker side but very rarely gets such comments. 
On a day to day basis, I wear casual English clothes or more casual Asian clothing around the house. But, for special occasions where I’m going to be with other Bengali people, I do tend to wear traditional clothing. Essentially, all the women in our house have two wardrobes; one with English clothes and one with Asian clothes. Although, nowadays, the English wardrobe seems to be growing more and more packed. A quick thing - traditional Asian clothes, especially those that are very flashy and embroidered, are heavy and so people don’t tend to wear them that often. 
But - it differs between person to person. My mum wears English clothes around the home but her older sister wears a saree - a plainer saree but a saree none the less. 
Culture is an odd one for me because I’ve never felt as if I belonged to either one. Growing up, I didn’t fit into the typical English stereotype because I wasn’t Caucasian and I grew up bilingual. I’d also hear all these bad things about Bangladesh, and the experiences others had around me would mould the opinion I had of a country my family still refer to as their motherland. But, as I’ve grown older and actually started to make opinions for myself, I’ve begun to accept that I can be a part of both, I don’t need to be one or the other. 
Dating and Romance
In my family at least, ‘dating’ is done with the intention to marry. It all remains very chaste - with very little/no physical affection - until after marriage and almost all dates are with chaperones. The only ones that happen without chaperones are those in secret or those happening after the engagement. Nowadays, I feel like love marriages are the norm and most couples meet through being introduced by other people. 
Food is a big part of our culture. In fact, if you’re invited to someone’s house, or if you pop in for five minutes, it’s considered rude to not sit down and have a cup of tea or even to have an entire meal. Food is one of the ways that we show affection for each other and, especially for important days like Eid, food plays a central role. Eating a meal together on a festival day like Eid is one of the few days of the year when all the adults and all the children gather together and spend time together. 
In my home at least, rice and curry is a staple. As Bangladesh is mainly riverine, fish is an important part of the diet. In fact, there’s a saying that if you can’t eat fish, you’re not really Bengali (which makes things a bit awkward for my uncle who is allergic to fish) and in some families there’s a tradition of a new bride cooking a fish curry on the second day of marriage. I’m not sure why, but it’s a thing. 
Home/Family life/ Friendship
I could talk about family for ages … 
My family is on the big side with my Mum being one of eight and my Dad being one of six. I’m one of three, but all of my cousins are considered like siblings - because we were raised as siblings. The familial bond is an important one and it’s often one that’s a burden to bear. For instance, as I’m the oldest granddaughter/niece/cousin I’m called affa by every cousin younger than me (Affa meaning older sister) and this burden is quite a heavy one to bear. It means that when the cousins experience any issues, they run to you to sort it out whether it’s something small or something big and it’s a burden I don’t mind shouldering. After all, it’s one I’ll likely have to carry for the rest of my life. 
Everyone older than you is treated with respect - even if you don’t want to respect them at all. For some reason, it’s an important thing.
Friendship between Bengali girls is … something else. Often we’ll break off and have our own conversation in Bengali as if it’s some sort of secret code and this usually comes in extremely handy when discussing secret birthday party plans in front of the person whose birthday we’re planning. Personally, my parents have never been strict that I can’t have any male friends - I honestly don’t think they care but I know of other parents who insist that their daughters can’t have male friends. 
To me particularly, the language was an important thing. I grew up bilingual because my grandparents lived with us and they couldn’t communicate in English. But, I don’t remember ever making the effort to learn it - it was something I picked up. I certainly can’t read or write in Bengali but I can speak it. However, this ability doesn’t seem to have transferred to my sister and most of the younger cousins. Most of my younger cousins can’t speak Bengali and so struggle to communicate with our grandparents and it’s sad to say but this isn’t strange at all. Many of the new generation British Bangladeshi’s can’t speak the language and in fact, they don’t care to learn it because they don’t see it as being worth passing along. 
As a Muslim woman, I find myself being constantly policed. Whether it’s by the media or by those around me. There seems to be a misconception that if a woman wears a hijab (the head covering) then she is the epitome of all things chaste and virtuous - but that’s not always the case. There are so many hijabis I know that don’t pray five times a day or keep their fasts or they drink etc. In fact, I’ve met a lot of muslim women who don’t wear hijab but their niyyah (intention) and their behaviour is inline with religion - my sister being an example. 
The basic 5 pillars of islam, the first of which is the shahadah which is the declaration of faith. This is whispered by father’s into their children’s ears at birth and is the last thing whispered into someone’s ear as they pass away.
The daily prayers are the second - with 5 prayers throughout the day and this is something I know many people struggle with, but I personally think that faith is a personal thing - you alone know your struggles. If you are praying 5 times a day and you are ridiculing someone who only prays once, you may think you’re doing the right thing. But for all you know - that person who prays once a day may be someone who reverted to the faith (revert being what we call converts) and they may be on the road to accepting Islam. Your two minutes of ridicule may even turn someone else away from peace they were hoping to find in Islam.
Zakat is the third which refers to giving alms to the poor and this is often done in the month of Ramadan. 
Fasting in Ramadan is the fourth pillar and during this month, Muslims fast from sun rise to sunset and we’re not allowed to drink or eat anything. (And yes - this includes water. Not even water? Is a question we always get)
The final pillar, the fifth refers to Hajj which is the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca. Everyone who is able to afford the trip and can make it, should complete it at least once in their lives. All my family who have been, have said that it is the most peaceful time they’ve ever spent in their lives. 
Things I’d like to see less of…
Muslim girls being ‘repressed’ by wearing the hijab and having a curfew and being secretly rebellious once they leave the home.
 Yes, I have a curfew but mostly it’s because my parent’s are terrified after hearing of all the stabbings and the acid attacks that happen to hijab wearing Muslim women
The overly strict father figure who is unreasonable and adores sons over his daughters. 
My father was on the strict side yes, but I realise now, after growing up and talking to him that it was all shaped on his own experiences. Yes, he might not have let me play in the streets until late like other kids but it was because when he was young, if he stayed out too late the racist teens would approach the Bengali children and attack them. My father was strict, but in the way that other parents in his position will be. (If anything, my mother is stricter … and the worst thing she does is text me a list of chores that she wants me to do whilst she’s at work)
That brings me onto the next point; the mother who stays at home being uneducated and relying on her husband for everything. 
There’s nothing wrong with that - but the issue comes when this character is used to put down Bengali women, to try and show how much better Caucasian educated women are. 
Another thing I absolutely can’t stand is the idea of a Bengali girl falling for some plain, boring Caucasian boy and he removes the wool from over her eyes, teaching her how repressed she was and how she should embrace this Western lifestyle. When a boy tried that on me in my first year of uni, I walked away from him the moment he told me that he has a hijab kink because Muslim girls are and I quote ‘untouched and I can teach them everything’.
Things I’d like to see more of…
Supportive family units. 
Whilst I might fall out with my parents every now and then, as is natural, they still support me. My father and I often head out for little ice cream cafe dates and my mother is teaching me to cook (although her cooking style tends to be put enough of this in and enough of that - there’s no measurements of anything) and my siblings and cousins and I gather as a whole every weekend. Those of us that live close enough to anyway. The 20+ of us that do gather, take over a house and all between the ages of 21 and 5 tend to be unruly and can go crazy but it’s a dynamic no one seems to want to represent.
The educated hijabi. 
Goodness, I can’t stand seeing the trope of a girl wanting to marry and pop out babies and etc - yes, it’s a valid trope but again, so many people use it to show how backwards we are. My eyes are even rolling now - Bengali Muslim girls are amongst some of the most driven people I have met and this is usually because the older women in our families weren’t given these opportunities and most people instantly assume that we’re not going to get far. 
Casual mentions of Islam - religion is a big part of a character. 
But I hate it being a controversial thing especially since Islam literally translates to ‘peace gained through submission to Allah’ and newsflash, Allah is the arabic word for God. That’s it. Why can’t we have characters who have to be home before sunset because they need to pray? Or hijabis needing to go shopping for a new headscarf or even phrases like 'this top would be so cute if it weren’t see through’ or 'if only this dress was floor length and then I wouldn’t have to wear leggings with it. I hate having to wear leggings in the heat’. These are things I regularly say! 
Wooow, this is long and I kind of ended up rambling. But I hope it helps someone! 
Read more POC Profiles here or submit your own.
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mezzomercury · 5 years
Bohemian Rhapsody in Blue:Father’s Day Special Chapter
A/N: This was a collaboration with @ramibaby​, who saved my ass with this fic. I was originally planning to post it on Father’s Day, but life really got in the way. Anyway, here you go, after all this time waiting!
Warnings: Father’s Day, Illness, HIV/AIDS reference
June 16, 1991
The Garden Lodge
London, United Kingdom
Although five-year-old Eliza didn’t completely understand her dad’s illness, she somehow was perfectly aware that he was very sick, and had to spend a lot of time in bed as a result. It broke Jim’s heart to see how their little girl was handling this situation more maturely than some of their other loved ones, but realized it may partially have been due to her youthful innocence and optimism. Now that Eliza was in her first year of primary school, she would excitedly return to the Garden Lodge and run up to her fathers’ bedroom, eager to tell her Daddy everything she learned that day. She was now also starting to learn how to read, and Freddie would insist that she practice by reading to him. 
“Liza, daddy can’t see as well as he used to. Could you be a dear and read this to Delilah and me?” He would say to her as he would hand her a new book that he asked Phoebe to buy nearly every day. 
Eliza would happily oblige and practically read until her eyes grew weary and would fall asleep cuddled up next to her proud daddy. Jim would always watch on with tears pricking his cheeks, beaming at how his daughter wanted nothing more than to be Freddie’s caretaker.
Father’s Day was just around the corner, and while the Garden Lodge family had been accustomed to elaborate celebrations on this day, Freddie’s illness had other ideas. As Eliza seemed to perpetually be in her “princess phase,” she employed Phoebe, Joe, and her mother Nadia to organize a Princess Tea Party for Father’s Day the previous year, complete with tiaras, feather boas, and sparkly makeup for everyone to wear. Freddie and Jim absolutely adored it, and were impressed by how their daughter had organized the basis of this at such a young age. He even requested his daughter that she do this again next year, something that Eliza seemed to remember, as she would badger Phoebe about it constantly within this past week. In response, Phoebe would only shrug sadly to her questions, as he didn’t have the heart to tell her that her father was too ill.
The morning before Father’s Day, Eliza was sitting alone at the craft table in her nursery, working on what appeared to be cards for both her Daddy and her Papa. As her mind wandered and she began to sing a little song she was making up on the spot, she jumped up almost comically as she was hit with a new idea. After a gasp of discovery, she sprinted down the stairs as fast as her little legs could carry her and into the kitchen, nearly crashing into Phoebe as she ran into him. 
“Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe!” She chanted his name over and over until he replied with a “What is it, dear? Is everything alright?” 
Unaware that Jim was in the room as well, Eliza yelped as her Papa scooped her up into his lap. 
“Phoebe is working on Daddy’s breakfast, princess. You shouldn’t disturb him.” Jim mildly lectured her as he tried to calm down his bouncing daughter. 
“But Papa, I have something to tell him! It’s very important!” Eliza complained bitterly, still very hyper and excited about her idea.
 In a short matter of time, the little girl started to feel out of breath from her hyperactivity, so much so that Jim had to remind her to take deep breaths in and out. Once she was a bit more calm, her father asked,
 “Alright, Liza, what do you need to tell Phoebe?” 
In response, Eliza playfully scrunched her face and answered, 
“It’s a secret, Papa. I can’t tell you!” 
Jim could only chuckle at his daughter’s silly nature as he set her down from his lap.
 As soon as her feet touched the ground, Eliza scurried up to Phoebe, who bent over to her level, eager to hear what she had to say, and whispered in his ear. Jim could barely hear anything, but became curious when he saw Phoebe’s face light up and he replied,
 “Ah, yes! That’s a great idea. How about we talk about it in your room after breakfast, alright?” 
Without responding verbally, Eliza grinned and nodded before running back up the stairs. Jim chuckled at their brief exchange and asked his husband’s assistant, 
“Whatever did she say to you?” 
Phoebe only smirked and retorted, “You’ll just have to wait and see until tomorrow.”
On the morning of Father’s Day, both Freddie and Jim awoke to the welcoming smell of scones baking downstairs. Obedient fathers as they were, they followed Eliza's stern request for them to "stay in bed and not move a single muscle" until she entered, allowing them both to enjoy each other's quiet company before the madness that was Father's Day began. It wasn't long however, until the clang of silver cutlery and hushed voices could be heard outside their bedroom door, interrupting Jim and Freddie's little love in. Eager to greet the day and their little one, both fathers sat up straight. Jim fussed about with Freddie's pillows to ensure he was comfortable to which Freddie slapped his hand away and huffed,
"Oh stop fussing will you?"
Ever since the news of Freddie's illness it was hard for Jim not to, and despite Freddie's often adamant refusal of help, he did appreciate it quite a lot.
"Knock knoooooock" Came a small, sing song voice behind their door.
"Come In love." Jim yelled back.
Not a second later the door swung open to reveal Eliza dawning her full princess gear: a pale pink saree, a gift from her grandparents, clashed with a purple feather boa, turquoise butterfly sandals, and a plastic glittery tiara on top of her head. Freddie exaggerated his amusement and gasped,
“My, my, my, who is that beautiful princess?”
Eliza giggled and spun around, almost tripping over one of the cats in the process. 
“Darling, do you know?” Freddie asked Jim, who mirrored his playful expressions for their daughter and trying to contain his laughter,
“I don’t think so. She looks familiar, but I can’t figure out why.”
“You’re silly, Daddy and Papa, it’s me!” Eliza declared, jumping on the bed and planting a kiss on both of her fathers’ cheeks. Freddie chuckled and reciprocated by kissing her tiny forehead and quipping with her,
“Oh, kitten, it’s you! We almost didn’t recognize you. We are very silly, indeed.” 
The three of them began to snuggle, but were interrupted by Phoebe, Joe, and Nadia barging into the bedroom, all three of them dressed and made up by Eliza to look like princesses as well.
“Happy Father’s Day!” They spoke in near unison with Eliza joining them. 
The three adults that just arrived were carrying multiple trays of tea, cakes, sandwiches, and other homemade treats, along with Eliza’s Winnie-the-Pooh play tea set, all of which were carefully placed on the bed and the nearby tables. Freddie and Jim were completely flabbergasted, as Freddie shrieked in delight, the color momentarily returning to his face. 
“Is that what your little secret was? Did you plan all of this yourself, dear?” Jim asked his daughter, who now got up to help her mother arrange the costume pieces she brought in onto a chair.
Eliza nodded and looked back, “But Mummy, Phoebe, and Joe helped!”
Jim chuckled in response as he tried to prop up his husband again on the bed, with the latter still swatting away his hand and insisting he was able to do it on his own,
“That’s very grown up of you, Liza. Thank you very much.”
The five-year old smiled and gave a tiny “You’re welcome” in response before she grabbed a few costume items and brought them to the bed.
“We can’t start yet. You’re not dressed up for the party!” Eliza stated, fumbling with the various boas, scarves, tiaras, and other items that she managed to carry in her tiny arms. 
"Oh?" Freddie frowned as a tiny hand snatched a sandwich from his own.
Jim snickered as Eliza placed it back down on the artfully arranged platter, before turning back to drape a sparkly feather boa around her hungry father's shoulders. 
"Are you sure this is my color dear?" Freddie probed, a brow cocked as he adjusted it. 
Eliza seemed almost offended as she reached out to place one on Jim. Frowning, she huffed,
"Yes! And I got you matching crowns too. Coz you are both queens!"
Smirking, Freddie muttered to Jim,
"Well she's got that right."
As Eliza carefully placed the crown on Freddie’s head she declared, “And now you’re Queen Melina of Z—Zan—-Zanb—“ she stammered while trying to pronounce the seemingly foreign, distant land where her father was from.
“Zanzibar, darling.” The now named Queen Melina assisted her as he adjusted the plastic crown to sit just above his hairline. 
“And you are Queen Beatrice of Carlow,” Eliza turned to Jim and repeated the same gesture with the boa and tiara that she designated to him.
“Are we all ready, dear?” Jim, known as Queen Beatrice for the time being, asked his daughter.Before anyone could start eating, Freddie came up with an idea and grinned as he revealed it,
“Just a moment, Princess. Could you please do Queen Melina’s makeup?”
Before Eliza could run over to her mother and retrieve her makeup kit, Freddie pulled her closer to himself and muttered,
“You know, since I’ve been sick, I don’t feel like I’m as pretty as I used to be. Could you please help me feel pretty again, darling?”
While he expected just a simple nod in approval, his somehow mature daughter hugged him in response,
“Of course, but you’ll always be pretty to me, Daddy. Even when you’re an old man.”
Eliza’s answer made Freddie begin to choke up, as he knew he didn’t have much time left with her, but since it was a special day, he didn’t have the heart to correct her. Before he could start blubbering like a fool, his husband tapped Eliza on the shoulder and prompted her,
“How about you get a start on Queen Melina’s makeup while I help Phoebe, Joe, and mummy with the tea, alright?”
The five-year-old nodded before she took out her bright pink rouge and rubbed it onto Freddie’s scruffy cheeks.
"Gorgeous!" Eliza exclaimed with a smile, taking a moment to sit back and appreciate her work.
With a determined, concentrated stare, she studied her father's face, before declaring,
"Pink. You need pink lipstick."
All too eager to oblige by the educated opinion of his daughter, Freddie simply nodded and pursed his lips in waiting.
A little lipstick smeared onto his mustache as she gracelessly applied it, and she giggled.
"Something funny?" Freddie cocked a brow, an adoring smile forming as he watched his little one come so undone.
"Your stash!" She squealed, throwing up her hands to cover her mouth. "It's pink!"
Freddie reached for the plastic hand held mirror in his daughter's lap, using it to see what all the fuss was about.
The ends of his mustache were bright pink, and as he lowered the mirror he leaned in close to his amused daughter, speaking in a hushed tone,
"Better just colour the whole thing in shall we?"
He scrunched his nose.
This seemed to delight Eliza to no end and she threw up her hands in laughter, before managing to compose herself enough to colour in the rest.
When she was done, Freddie turned his head slowly from side to side, allowing her to view his face, and more importantly, his mustache, in all its glory.
"How do I look sweetheart?"
"Silly!" She bit back, her face red from laughter.
As Eliza held the plastic mirror up to him again, he grinned as he admired his daughter’s work.
“Aren’t you forgetting something, dear?” he asked, watching as she tried to figure out what he meant, then gasping with a tiny “oh!” before grabbing a palette of sparkly purple eyeshadow.
“Voilà!” Eliza announced with a giggle as she held up the mirror to Freddie again. 
“Oh, darling! You’ve done such a magnificent job!” He grinned as he observed the masterpiece that was residing on his face. 
“I may ask you to do my nails, but maybe after we’ve all had tea, alright? Maybe you can do Papa’s, too!” He said to his daughter, who clapped in excitement.
And that she did, both fathers sporting bright blue nails not long after tea time was over. Eliza admired her handy work as she lay between them both, her own hand dwarfed by Jim's as she held it up to the light.
"I love them." Jim assured.
“I love mine, too, dear.” Freddie echoed as he slowly adjusted his daughter’s feather boa around her neck so she could lie down more comfortably. 
“Can we try doing Delilah’s nails sometime?” Eliza asked them as she noticed her feline companion jump onto the bed and near her feet, earning a chuckle from both in response.
“I don’t think she would very much like that,” Jim answered, “Besides, I wouldn’t want her to scratch you.”
Eliza shrugged in a mild but accepting defeat and continued to snuggle with her fathers, as she would nearly every day since Freddie was confined to bed rest. After a few minutes of near silence, save for the sounds of Phoebe cleaning up the tea set, Eliza quietly asked,
“Can we please play our song, Daddy?” 
“Oh, Princess, you know I’m too ill to get up--”
“No, I mean on the music player thingy." She timidly interrupted to dismiss her father’s concerns, but earned a nod in approval. 
As she made her way over to the record player, she flippantly mentioned,
"I like listening to you on the music player because I can hear you sing, even when you’re not here.” 
Although her comment seemed oblivious to Freddie’s condition, it made him start to tear up, as he knew he didn’t have much time left with his loving husband and daughter. This fucking illness, he though to himself. It would eventually rob him of the future precious moments he would have with his little girl. He would never get to see her grow up, with all the ups and downs of puberty, school, or crushes. He’ll never see her get married, if she chose to, and wouldn’t be there to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. He won’t be there to see his grandchildren, again, if she chose to have a family of her own, and tell them embarrassing stories about their mother. And most of all, the thing that angered him the most, was that he would never see Eliza evolve into a strong, beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman that he knew she would become. 
Fuck this disease. Fuck it all. 
Freddie snapped back into reality as he felt Jim softly kiss his temple, knowing that his husband was instantly picking up on his sadness and anger, and how he was trying so hard to contain these intense and bottled up emotions in front of their child.
Once Eliza pulled a copy of A Day at the Races out of the stack of records below the turntable, she turned and held out the record to her fathers.
"Can you do it for me?"
"Oh Eliza, surely you can do it!" Fredde insisted with a smile.
"I can't, I need you daddy!" She protested, frowning.
Freddie simply nodded toward the player and waited for her to give in. She did so with a huff, turning and carefully placing the record onto the platter and guiding the needle to land on the appropriate track, mimicking what she had seen Phoebe do multiple times.To her surprise, she was successful, and she earned praise from her parents once the song “You Take My Breath Away” started to play. 
Eliza squealed in delight, clapping her hands and grinning with pride as she hopped back into the bed. She clung onto Freddie in a way that resembled a baby sloth clinging to their parent, only with Jim resting his head on Freddie’s shoulder and resting his hand on Eliza’s back in addition.
"See, Eliza?" Freddie spoke softly into her hair. "You don’t need me at all. You got this all on your own, you're a big girl now."
"Yeah." She mumbled triumphantly into her father’s chest, trying not to upstage the music. "I'm a big girl." 
She interrupted her own thoughts and spoke hesitantly, “But, there are a lot of things I can’t do by myself.”
“That’s alright, Liza. You’ll learn. I won’t always need to help you.” Freddie assured her, “After all, you can play ‘Mary had a Little Lamb’ on the piano all on your own already. Most big girls can’t do that. Remember when you first did that without my help?”
Eliza quietly nodded, looking back on what she most likely saw as her biggest accomplishment so far. 
“See? It will all be just like that. One day you’ll need help, and then the next you won’t.”
He watched as his daughter pondered his words and nodded again in agreement once she understood. 
She then proceeded to kiss both him and Jim on the cheeks and whisper,
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy and Papa. I will always love you.”
In response, her fathers both hugged her tightly as she giggled from the contact. 
It was then that Freddie Mercury, although rather close to death, decided that he wouldn’t let this damn illness get the best of him. He was going to spend whatever time he had left with his husband and daughter, and nothing would stop him. 
Permanent Tag List: @siriuslovesmarlene, @r-ahh-mi, @unknownauthor, @yousaycoke-isaycaine, @ramibaby, @rami-malek-trash, @britishmoonchild, @onexlittlespark, @rami-hoe, @xtrashmammalstefx, @wanderlustnightwanderer
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themalhambird · 5 years
21 Tag
Tagged by @princess-of-france :D
RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’d like to get to know better. (Make a separate post!)
@verecunda @the-sound-of-distant-thunder ​
1. Nickname: My dad calls me Sares sometimes which is ironic given that my mum hates names being shortened and chose Sarah partly because it was already so short that people would…not do that (which is annoying, because if she didn’t mind names being shortened she might have put my middle name first, and I like Elizabeth SO much better than Sarah). My stepdad calls me Squidgit (pronounced Squidge it, btw, I don’t know when I decided to spell it squid git, but apparently I did and I’ve only just noticed how it could potentially be misread)
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: idk and I don’t have a tape measure handy. Over five foot though.
4. Last movie I saw: er… I can’t remember. The last thing I watched on Netflix was two episodes of How To Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge.  I love that franchise.
5. Last thing I googled: The cinema times for HTTYD 3 this Thursday, my dad also loves it so we’re  going together
6. Favorite Musicians: Handel, Queen, Keane, Murray Gold.
7. Song stuck in my head: Nothing right now, which is unusual. I had Merlin Buries Lancelot stuck in my head for a bit at work earlier though.
8. Other blogs: I occasionally consider setting up a side blog where I talk about theatre productions I’ve been to see but I don’t know if anyone would actually be interested in that, so…
9. Do I get asks? Yes, frequently, and they always make me very very happy.  (If I don’t answer straight away, it’s because I meant to and stuff happened. I’ll get there eventually. Usually.)
10. Followers: 272
11. Following: 244
12. Amount of sleep: it depends, but if you want me to be anything approaching functional in the morning, I need to have had around 7 or 8. I mean, I’ve survived over twenty four hours without sleep before (there was a thing, involving my house keys, and losing them, it sucked majorly) but sleep is good.
13. Lucky number: I don’t have a lucky number. My favourite is thirty three…
14. What am I wearing: My green skinny jeans with six fully functional pockets, blue t-shirt with a badge from Canterbury Cathedral pinned to it, my purple fluffy dressing gown.
15. Dream job: Realistically, working in a bookshop and getting to do fun things with displays and activities for children because children deserve all the book-related fun they can possibly get. Unrealistically, I’m a published author raking in the millions (or at least enough to live on) popular enough to go do book signings in Europe and/or the US (or, y’know, popular enough to warrant doing book signings somewhere.)
16. Dream trip: My biggest motivation for learning to drive* is so I can go to Pontefract Castle. My dream trip would be going from castle to castle in England and Wales, drinking in the Plantagenet/Tudor feels and basking in history and sunshine.
*I am not, currently, learning to drive, I’ve got enough going on without having to figure out that as well. But I’m going to learn at some point. 
17. Favorite food: I’m not sure, for me food just sort of tends to…be there. Eating is a thing we have to do so I do it, but I don’t really care enough to have a favourite. Unless drinks count, in which case my favourite food is tea.
18. Play any instruments?: I can. I don’t. I’ve had piano lessons and violin lessons, but I haven’t touched a violin in six years, and the only interest I really have in playing the piano is messing around picking songs out by ear for five, ten minuets till I’m bored and go do other things. I do sing, well enough to sing the alto solo for “O thou that tellest good tiding to Zion” and the soprano solo for “The Heavens are Telling”, and a handful of other fun things with my church choir (granted, the rest of the choir were all in their seventies so I was pretty much the only option, but the choirmaster/organist wouldn’t’ve agreed to do the pieces  in the first place if he hadn’t thought I was good enough to pull it off)
19. Favorite song: I don’t have a favourite, as such, there’s lots of different ones I absolutely adore. Father and Son from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 always gives me feels, and is now stuck in my head, so I’ll put that.
20. Random fact about me: I hate phonecalls so much that deciding I was prepared to ring up and ask about buying a drawing was all the proof I needed to know that I really, really, really wanted it.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The smell of old books. The smell of new books. Daffodils, conkers. Blossom on the trees as spring kicks in and the skies get warmer; walled gardens when the roses are in bloom. Berries in bramble bushes and red and orange leaves crunching underfoot. Excitable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, grass after rain, ruins, and castles and churches and towns that are so, so old but still standing. That stretch of the River Avon between the  theatres and the Church where Shakespeare’s buried. Nice hot tea, thinly ruled notebooks and ink-stained fingers. “You look so pretty without your glasses!” is a trope that can bite me- my glasses are fine thanks, albeit perpetually smudged. 
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Hair Accessories For Women
1. Hair Strings For Girls
Do you have long hair and enjoy it? So here's a clever idea: add some floss and spunk to make them more intriguing. Hair strings are one of those simple hair accessories for women that get noticed quickly. It's entirely up to you whether you want one or two on each side or on the same side. However, white, blue, red, and baby pink are colors that will go with practically any clothing.
2. Metal Juda Pins
A pin to secure your complete head of hair. These Juda pins are useful hair accessories for women who prefer to hold their hair in place. Everything about their lives, including their hair. Look sharp with these with your suits, sarees, or kurtas.
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3.Hair Chains For Girls
Women's hair chains are an underappreciated hair accessory. Hair chains, which are traditionally worn by Indian brides, have been toned down for occasions such as parties and girls' night out extravaganzas. At a party or concert, pair these with a short dress or maxi gown and you'll look like an adorable dream.
4. Hair Wreaths 
When it comes to the best hair accessories for girls, these hair wreaths are everything you've ever wanted. They come in a variety of forms and patterns. You'll be spoiled for choice because it'll be difficult to choose just one. A stunning hair wreath is a must-have for any party or wedding appearance.If you ask me, it's past time for you to add one to your collection of women's hair accessories. Shorter hair does not usually go well with these wreaths or vines.
5. Hair Rings For Girls
Hair rings are a game for girls in the twenty-first century. Add these unique hair rings to your hairstyle if side-braids aren't enough for you. It's a unique hair item for girls that you should absolutely try with a casual, grungy dress to add some much-needed edge.
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6. Hair Claw Clips
For the past decade, we've seen our mothers stockpile hair claw clips, and I believe they're still relevant to our generation. It's just that we couldn't come up with the perfect one. In comparison to the inexpensive ones we see in every store, these appear to be really classy and exquisite.I recommend the picture-type because they're quite pretty, and these hair claw clips give style and debonair to your formal clothing in addition to serving their duty.
7. Embellished Hair Comb Pins For Women
These adorned hair comb pins are a fresh spin on the good ol' hair combs that were formerly used by every women and date back to the 1990s. It's become a must-have hair accessory for bridesmaids and partygoers both. They come in many shapes and sizes, and you can wear them in a variety of ways, including loose hair, side/braided buns, and other hairstyles.
 8.Crimp Beads For Girls
These crimp beads remind me of my childhood. And believe me when I say that if you know how to dress them, hair clips for girls are  still fashionable. Make a simple hairstyle like this or pin it up on your side or center braid to liven up an otherwise boring look.
9.Hair Ribbons For Ladies
If you think hair ribbons are reserved for weddings, allow me to introduce you to a simple hair item for mam that you will not soon forget. They're as lovely as they look. These ribbons go well with both heavy and simple hairstyles. If you're going to a party, a wedding, or even a cocktail party, this simple hair piece will capture the attention of many.
If you want know about more check pacifierclip .
0 notes
mulondonposts-blog · 5 years
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Thinking of buying your bridal jewellery but don’t know what to look for?? We bring you the basics of trending bridal necklace styles to start with.. look, save & go shop!
Your bridal jewellery, especially your necklace, is a quintessential part of your dream look. Make sure you check out all these trending styles before you buy!
Bridal Jewellery essential – The Quintessential Choker!
Picture Courtesy: Delhi Velvet
A choker adds elegance to any outfit with which it is coupled. From high-collared blouses to ones with deeper cuts – a choker is a piece of jewellery that you can pull off with numerous necklines. Wear a single neckpiece, or couple a smaller choker around your neck along with slightly bigger haar to create a regal look.
Sooo Pwetty
Picture Courtesy: Divine Mantra
We love how this bride has fused a rustic silver choker with her pastel ensemble, creating a vibe that is chic as well as elegant. You can go for smaller chokers like these with more traditional necklines.
Glory in Green
Picture Courtesy: Sabyasachi Mukherjee
When you choose to wear a high-collared blouse, the choice of necklace becomes slightly restricted. But, is the queen ever wrong? Even though we adore all of Deepika’s wedding looks, this green beauty among her bridal jewellery is one of our favorites and we love how she aces the look with a stunning wide band choker!
Picture Courtesy: The Knotty Tales
Opting for a trendy blouse? Look how a hatke bib style choker is a clear winner!
The Panchlada or Satlada Haar
Picture Courtesy: Fotowalle The Story Folks
Whether you want to add detail to an already set ensemble or jazz up a simple silk blouse – a multilayered haar type necklace is a perfect choice. Named so because of the number of strings – five or seven, a Panchlada or Satlada haar adds tonnes of grace to your look. With layered necklaces, remember that less is more. Going for a seven-layered piece? Keep your blouse on the simpler side to let the haar shine through.
Pearl Beauty
Picture Courtesy: Camera Waale Baraati
Wearing a south-silk sari for your wedding day? You’ll love how this bride has paired a pretty pearl Satlada necklace with her silk sari for a timeless finish.
Have a Dekko
Picture Courtesy: Aadityaroni
Bright colors or pastels, no matter what your style – your pearly satlada necklace goes perfectly with almost every color on the palette.
Kundan All the Way
Kundan Louvee
Picture Courtesy: Shutterdown Photography
Generally made by setting uncut or semi-polished diamonds onto a gold base, Kundan jewellery is often the most popular bridal jewellery among Indian brides.
Picture Courtesy: Morvi Images
Wearing a lehenga with heavy detailing? Pair it with an abstract kundan necklace like this bride right here.
Double Beauty
Picture Courtesy: Hitched and Clicked
When wearing heavy kundan necklaces like this bride, opt for plunging necklines or V or paan shaped necklines for the best effects.
Nothing as timeless as Meenakari jewelry
Pretty in Pastels
Picture Courtesy: Hitched and Clicked
When it comes to jewelry, no Cartier or Tiffany’s can beat the art and skill of traditional Indian jewellers and Meenakari jewelry is one such craft. Associated with the royal ladies of Rajasthan, a meenakari set is one that every bride must have! Move over traditional colours, you can even match your neon lehenga with pastel meenakari jewellery to create a perfectly classy look.
Simply Stunning
Picture Courtesy: Mak Images
Going the floral-pastel way? A perky coloured Meenakari necklace is just what you need to get those compliments pouring in.
The Maharani Haar
Royalty at its Best
Picture Courtesy: Art Foto Studios
True to its name, the Maharani Haar has only one job – to make you feel like an empress. If your budget allows, it’s the obvious choice for your wedding day. Drooping a little low beyond your neckline, it is often set with kundan and colored stones like emeralds and lots of pearls. You can pair it with a smaller piece worn close to the neck to complete the maharani look.
Picture Courtesy: Rohan Shrestha
If you can invest in a maharani haar, you need not necessarily be an Ambani to shine on your wedding day
Picture Courtesy: Dipak Studios Wedding Photography
Whether you choose an elaborate piece or go for smaller ones – you can’t go wrong with this style.
The Navratan Haar
Colour Crazy
Picture Courtesy: Twogether Studios
Nav-ratan – means nine stones, and the Navratan Haar made of different multi-colored stones is always a good investment as it matches outfits of any colour!
All Colors Together
Picture Courtesy: Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Let your Navratan haar be the show stopper of the night. Although it matches with any base color, our personal favorites are pastel shades like pink, fuchsia or basic ones like white, gold or nude.
Beautifully Studded
Picture Courtesy: Ridhi Mehra Official
The best part? Navratan haars complement western outfits equally well. From lacy evening gowns in shades of fawn to daytime destination wedding wear – you can depend on these to bring out your best.
Delicate Diamonds
Dainty Diamonds
Picture Courtesy: Mrinal Khatnani Photos and Films
Those diamonds might look delicate, but they are the hardest substance on earth. A lot like us girls And that, ladies, is reason 101 for why you should invest in a diamond necklace at your wedding. The other hundred reasons? Look inside your heart! To keep it simple, do nothing more than two strings of diamonds around your neck, and you’re good to go. If you’ve chosen kundan or gold for your wedding day, keep diamonds for functions like cocktail or reception.
Bling Bling
Picture Courtesy: Ritika Hairstylist
Note how this bride has chosen to keep her neckline simple to draw all the attention to that fabulous diamond neckpiece.
Looking for more on Wedding Jewellery? Here’s our pick of the top 10 trending Maangtikka Designs!
Top 10 Maangtika Designs you MUST check out!
Picture Courtesy: Black Magic Creations
Love traditional South-Indian jewellery? Then a Guttapusalu necklace is one that you must add to your collection. A South-Indian variant of the Maharani Haar, the Guttapusalu necklace has been a favorite among south Indian brides since time immemorial.
Picture Courtesy: Icon Images Photo
Made in gold with or without a touch of pearl, Guttapusalu necklaces are a total hit when paired with traditional silk or Kanjeevaram sarees. From Hema Malini to Shilpa Shetty, they’ve all flaunted this style with absolute grace.
The Bib style necklace!
Hitch Up in Style
Picture Courtesy: Divine Mantra
A “Bib” style necklace – named so because its structure resembles that of a baby’s bib, is one that is generally straight along the neck and ends in an inverted triangle formation towards the bottom. A bib style necklace is an excellent way to fill up your neck when you’re wearing a deep cut neckline – whether it’s a blouse or an off-shoulder gown.
Picture Courtesy: Reds Veds
Bib style necklaces are also highly versatile. See how this bride has paired it with a bigger haar to create her own style.
Super Elegant
Picture Courtesy: Richa Photos
Prettiness Personified
Picture Courtesy: Stories by Joseph Radhik
Big, bold and beautiful – Polki jewelry is as timeless as it gets! We suggest investing in a piece that you can wear not just with a lehenga or a sari – but even with an evening gown, and you’ll thank us later For brides wearing deeper and more daring necklines, we recommend Polki necklaces in parts of two – a smaller choker around the neck, and a second, longer layer to add oomph.
Traditional yet Trendy
Picture Courtesy: Nizanta Jewelry
At the end of the day, what matters the most is that YOU love the jewellery that you are wearing. So ladies, take you time, browse browse and browse more, till you find the neck piece that makes you want to say “I Do”!
Liked the collection that we put together for you? Don’t forget to share this post with your friend, and leave your comments below!
The post Bridal Jewellery Trends: Different styles of Necklaces that will make you go Wow! appeared first on ZoWed.com | Blog.
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rhetoricandlogic · 7 years
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Wheel of the Infinite - Martha Wells
I’ve recently read (and loved) Martha Wells’ most recent books, The Cloud Roads (one of my top 10 of 2011) and The Serpent Sea. Ever since then I’ve been meaning to read some of her backlist titles. I decided to go with Wheel of the Infinite because it was recently re-released with a new cover. And I am so glad I did because OH MY WORD, this book was a thing of beauty.
Every year, the Voices of the Ancestors gather to renew the Wheel of the Infinite, a sand mandala that represents the world and shapes reality. Except this year something goes terribly wrong as the Wheel shows a darkness growing and the Celestial One summons Maskele, our main character, to help out. She used to be the Voice of the Adversary – the only Ancestor that was never human and who is the embodiment of justice, bound to destroy evil – but a few years ago she was exiled for murder and treason. Maskele travels back to the heart of the Celestial Empire in the company of her new lover, a swordsman called Rian and together, they must discover who is behind the Wheel’s disintegration, before it is too late.
At its heart, the plot of Wheel of the Infinite could perhaps be described as a Mystery as Maskele and Rian set out to investigate what in the world has happened to the Wheel, who is causing it, and why. They are running against time as the world – as they know it – can be reshaped and reformed by the Wheel. What sets this book apart is the fact this story takes place in one of the most beautifully realised Fantasy settings I’ve ever had the pleasure to read about. In fact, given that the last example of a brilliantly done Fantasy setting was Martha Wells’ own aforementioned Books of the Raksura, it is easy to assume that this author has definitely a way with creating extremely inventive, vivid, interesting secondary worlds. The use of sand mandalas might have been inspired by Eastern philosophies and religions (like Buddhism) but the concepts, the ideas, the whole structure of this world – including its religion and politics – is wholly innovative. I loved the idea of the Wheel as being inherent to forming reality as much as I loved the fact that this is a precarious reality in itself, able to be changed depending on those who could wield that power. Although I would have liked to see a bit more of the possible dangers of having only a group of individuals being able to see (and therefore affect) the Wheel, this was not in any way a deterrent for how good this book turned out to be.
I also loved that there was a dash of humour with a side of romance and adventure to the proceedings, not to mention that the whole cast of characters was awesome. The narrative alternates between Maskele and Rian’s point of view but despite that, Maskele is truly the main character here. Although I loved Rian and his story, his past, his competence as a warrior and above all, his dedication to Maskele, it is the latter that made me love this book wholeheartedly.
She is not only a PoC protagonist (amongst an entire plethora of PoC characters in a PoC world) but also an older heroine at over 45 years old AND three previous marriages (none ended well, oops). But this is just the start: I absolutely adored her arc with the heartfelt regret at the actions that led to her exile and all second-guessing that ensued; she was capable and powerful with the ability to kill mercilessly – all of which are also aspects of the Adversary (but where does the Adversary ends and where does the Voice start?). I also loved that it was a struggle NOT to kill because of a vow not to use her powers anymore. As it was a struggle to believe in herself again after her failure so many years ago.
I loved how well balanced and mutually respectful her relationship with Rian was and how their bond developed from initial attraction to something deeper in a very subtle but satisfying way, a lot of it based on mutual respect. Plus how much did I love the fact that Rian is a good 15 years younger and this is not even remotely an issue? A LOT.
And of course, there is the Adversary itself – the only one of the Ancestors who was never human to begin with. It has always been indentified and personified by its Voice (the most recent one being Maskelle) and I appreciated how the story addressed this from both the Voice’s perspective but also from the Adversary’s own.
As you probably have noticed by now, this review is basically a love-fest. Wheel of the Infinite is a tightly woven story driven by plot AND characters beautifully. It’s more than settled now: Martha Wells has just become a favourite author. Highly recommended.
Notable Quotes/ Parts:
Maskelle had been asking the Ancestors to stop the rain three days running now and as usual, they weren’t listening.
She stood on a little hill, surrounded by the heavy jungle that lined either side of the river of mud that had once been the road, and watched the wagons crawl painfully by. They were wooden and brightly painted but the roofs hadn’t been tarred in too long and she knew it was hardly any drier inside them than out. One of the oxen, straining to keep the wheels moving forward against the tide of mud, moaned loudly. I sympathize, Maskelle thought.
Rastim, leader of the little troupe, stumbled up the hill toward her, his boots squelching and his clothes a sodden mess. He paused a short distance from her and said, “O Great Protectress, why is it we’re going to Duvalpore?”
Maskelle leaned on her staff. “Because I said so.”
“Oh.” Rastim contemplated the wagons thoughtfully, then looked down at his shirt where the downpour was making the cheap dyes of the embroidery run, and sighed heavily.
Maskelle would have promised him better, if she made promises.
He glanced at her, brows lifted. “So, there’s no chance of just stopping and drowning here, say?”
“No, I think we’ll keep moving for now and drown a little further up the road.”
“Ah.” He nodded. “Then can you come and take another look at Killia’s poppet? She thinks she’s worse.”
Maskelle rolled her eyes to the Ancestors. Rastim was an Ariaden and they never believed in giving bad news without a lot of preamble, no matter how urgent it was. She started down the hill and plunged back into the mud river.
Killia’s wagon was painted with geometric designs in bright red and yellow, now splattered with dirt from the long journey. Maskelle caught the handhold at the back and stepped up onto the running board, which barely cleared the soupy mud. She knocked on the shutter and it was immediately cranked upward. Killia extended a hand to help her in and Maskelle discovered she needed it, her light cotton robes were so drenched that they added an unexpected amount to her weight. She sat on the bench just inside the entrance so she could wring them out a bit and wait for her eyes to adjust to the dark interior.
Various wooden bowls caught the leaks from the roof, but there were still puddles on the lacquered floor. Overhead, cooking pots banged into empty cage lamps and the bags that held costumes and drapes for the scenery, bundled up to keep them out of the water. Killia’s daughter was huddled in one of the two narrow bunks under a mound of damp blankets. Maskelle leaned over and burrowed in the blankets until she touched warm skin. Too warm. She swore under her breath.
“Bad?” Killia asked. She was a tiny woman with the pale skin of the Ariaden and long dark hair caught back by a number of clips and ribbons. Her face had the perfection of a porcelain doll’s and to Maskelle she looked hardly more than a child herself, but her eyes were old.
Maskelle shook her head. The priesthood took oaths to the truth, but she had broken all her oaths long ago and Killia had enough to worry about. “I’ll have to go down to the river for some more ivibrae — the real river, not the one under the wagon.”
Killia smiled briefly at the feeble joke. “Ivibrae for lung rot?”
“Ivibrae is good for any fever, not just lung rot. The girl doesn’t have lung rot,” Maskelle told her, and thought, Not yet, anyway.
Killia didn’t look reassured. Maskelle gathered her sodden robes and jumped down off the wagon bed.
Rastim had been walking behind it and the spray of mud as she landed splattered both of them. They eyed each other in mutual understanding; it had been one of those days. She said, “Camp in the Sare if you can make it before dark. If you’re not there, I’ll look for you along the road.”
He swept her a theatrical bow. “Yes, O Great Protectress.”
“You’re welcome, Rastim,” Maskelle said, and splashed toward the heavy dark wall of the jungle.
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rinkiarora69 · 7 years
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outfittrends · 5 years
Dupatta Reuse Ideas-20+ DIY Ways To Upcycle Your Old Dupattas Outfit Trends - Ideas How to Wear & What to Wear
New Post has been published on https://www.outfittrends.com/dupatta-reuse-ideas/
Dupatta Reuse Ideas-20+ DIY Ways To Upcycle Your Old Dupattas
Over 20 Ways To Reuse a Dupatta: Dupatta is an essential part of the Eastern fashion and is typically worn with Kurtas and Shalwar Kameez. It is a wardrobe staple in countries like India and Pakistan who are all about modest fashion.
These come in a number of designs and fabrics which make them all super unique and attractive. Most commonly they are found in chiffon and silk fabrics with digital prints on them. However, they are also done in the lawn fabric with elements like laces and tassels. With dupattas being an important part of our everyday fashion, we are often left with large collections of them. Instead of letting them lie around in your closet, reuse them in fun ways to create new looks. Wear the same dupatta by contrasting it on a different coloured outfit or stitch it into a fun shirt. Additionally, they can also be styled to meet all the latest fashion trends. Not only are they cost effective but also save you with ample amounts of space within your wardrobes.
How To Reuse Your Old Dupatta?
Here are some tips and tricks to style it:
Pick and choose the right fabric for the right kind of design.
Create fun and youthful looks that match the current trends.
Use accessories like belts to style them.
You can also create accessories out of them like the knot hairband or even a belt.
Experiment with looks creating an Indo-western style.
You can also upcycle a fancy, embroidered dupatta to create different looks.
↓ 22. Quirky Summer Top
This cool and funky black and white top with tie-up sleeves are worth adding to your summer closet. Not only can they make for great casual wear but can also be worn as a fine travel outfit. If you have a lawn dupatta lying around somewhere that is not of your use, consider cutting it out to create a cool top like this one. The leftover cutting can be stitched onto the top for a fun element like the bow-tied sleeves. The top can then be styled with skirts or jeans for a comfortable yet chic style.
↓ 21. Dupatta Cape
Got a wedding event coming up and cannot decide on what to wear? We have you covered. Pull out an embroidered heavy dupatta and convert into a beautiful cape dress like this one. You will never be able to tell it has been made from an existing dupatta. The capes have been in fashion since 2017 now and are frequently incorporated with Eastern outfits as well. This idea can also be used to upcycle bridal outfits that are often pushed to the back of the closets. This style can definitely save you the time and money that would otherwise be spent finding the right kind of embroidery and fabric for an outfit like this.
↓ 20. Saree Blouse
We absolutely adore this colour combination of blue and yellow with hints of rust. If you are bored of wearing the same old blouse with your saree, give it a different look by pairing it with a new blouse. You can use your lawn or silk dupatta with different prints and colours to contrast with a beautiful saree like this one. The blouse can then be reused with a different saree and you will always have a different outfit each time. Another great idea to pull out your mom’s saree and wear it with a fun blouse like this one instead of wearing them with old-fashioned blouses that do not seem to work with the current trends and styles. If you’re into wearing sarees then I highly recommend that you go through these 30 New Saree Blouse Designs 2019 That You Must Try.
↓ 19. Recycle Old Dupatta Into Shrug
↓ 18. Saree Drape
While this may resemble the Saree Pants, it is actually more of a drape that has been made with a Dupatta. The look can easily be sported at formal occasions for a unique and different style. Tucked in at the right side, it goes around the back and worn as a Saree on the front. She has used a tie-dye dupatta in yellow and white to complement her white pants and yellow blouse.
↓ 17. How to Wear Your Mom’s Dupatta
Sridevi’s sudden demise came as a shock for many. We were all disheartened by the news and the focus suddenly shifted to whether Janhvi Kapoor would be able to live up to the same standards or not. While that is debatable, what is not is how gorgeous Janhvi looks in her mom’s dupatta that she was spotted wearing. What is fun to note is how she chose to pair it with a similar white Kurta instead of a different coloured one. If you have similar sentiments attached to your mom’s dupatta and cannot seem to part with it, here is how to use it.
↓ 16. One Dupatta in Two Ways
Take a look at another one of Veronica’s creations that she made out of a blue net dupatta. This piece of creativity does not require any stitching which happens to be the best part about it. We love how the border of the wrap gives the perfect back detailing, something that most tops these days lack.
She wore the same wrap to create a dress out of it, again without any stitching. That helps you use the same wrap in a number of ways without destroying the purpose of it.
↓ 15. Swimwear Cover Up
If you want a bikini cover-up that is affordable yet pretty-looking, this could be your go-to. Any existing stole or wrap could do the purpose by tying one end around the neck, giving the effect of a turtleneck. The other can be tied around the back, to keep it in place and voila, the look is complete.
↓ 14. DIY Dupatta Dress
How beautiful is this blue chiffon dress that has been worn over a shirt with gorgeous neck embroidery? At first glance, we thought of it to be a silver necklace and loved how it looks with the dress. The crepe fabric is something that is occasionally done as traditional wraps and dupattas. If you have one that is not of your use anymore, you could totally put it to use in this creative and fun way. The dress makes for a great party outfit. It can be worn with a blazer or a shrug to experiment with it. If you do not wish to wear it over a similar looking shirt, you could always pair actual silver jewelry to accessorize the look. Additionally, you may try the look by putting it together with the help of some pins and a belt instead of getting it stitched.
Watch this video to learn how to master this technique:
↓ 13. How To Make Palazzo Pants From Old Dupatta
Here’s a step by step video tutorial to help you:
↓ 12. Old Dupatta Reuse
Isha Ambani, daughter of India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani recently wore her mother’s Chunari at her own Wedding. We love the concept of holding on to memories and it has been done worldwide. In the Western world, a lot of brides have chosen to wear their ancestral wedding gowns on their own. Kareena Kapoor Khan wore her mother-in-law, Sharmila Tagore’s, wedding outfit on her own wedding. However, if you do not wish to wear the same outfit yet want to have an element of it, here is how to do it. We love how Isha added the color red to her otherwise white ensemble with her mother’s wedding dupatta.
↓ 11. Kimono
Here are two ideas on how to style a wrap or a stole as either a kimono or a cool wide neck top. The first way is to stitch buttons down the length to give it a look which is a cross between a cape and a kimono. The other is to stitch buttons down the sleeves for a cool look. We love the slit at the arms that gives it a look of a poncho. Both the looks are perfect for the Summer weather and could even be worn to your next Summer travel destination. And to help you rock this style, here are 20 Ways To Dress Up With Kimono Outfits.
↓ 10. Dupatta Turned Into Shirt
Veronica Andrad is a fashion student who has a keen interest in turning old fabrics into some dainty pieces. We love how she picked out an old tie-dye dupatta and stitched it into a chic top that she chose to wear with black pants. The beige and orange combination is a stunning one and the overall look is super affordable yet attractive. A shirt like this would also go well with shawars so have a look at these 18 Best Ways to Wear Patiala Shalwar.
↓ 9. Embellished Skirt
When we first saw this Shivan and Narresh skirt, our first thought was how appropriate the design was to upcycle an existing embellished dupatta. If you have a heavily embroidered dupatta in your trousseau that you would want to re-style, here is how you could do it. You could also wear it to your honeymoon for a boho look. It can be paired with a crop top or a full sleeves gold blouse.
↓ 8. Cropped Skirt
Banarasi fabrics are known to be a huge part of South Asian fashion. They come as Sarees, as well, dupattas for people going the traditional way. A great way to reuse such fabrics is by turning them into stylish skirts, short or long. Since dupattas often come in a length of a little over 2 meters, they can be used to create cropped skirts to wear with trendy tops.
↓ 7. Phulkari Pants
Phulkari is a type of thread embroidery famous in both India and Pakistan. The last couple of years brought back the old trend of Phulkari and we saw a couple of beautifully embroidered dupattas that were sported by celebrities and fashionistas alike. Well, here is a modern take on those dupattas. If you have an old Phulkari dupatta or just wish to turn it into a different piece, here is how to do it. Phulkari trousers/shalwars are the new ‘it’ trend. Pair an Indian Chikankari kurta with these pants for a quick makeover. The outfit can then make for a great casual or even a formal look depending on how it is styled.
↓ 6. Indo-Western Fusion
Did you know you could totally pass by wearing a dupatta over shorts with a belt around? We did not either. We absolutely love this Indo-Western fusion and how effortless this blue and white wrap looks with her overall look.
↓ 5. Gorgeous Pink Wrap-Dress
Here is one of our favorite outfits that could be pulled off with an old dupatta. We love the cross that it is between a dress and a jumpsuit and how glamorous it looks. Wrap around a silk dupatta over a pair of tights and hold it in place with a statement belt like the one in the picture. Style it effortlessly with a pair of tribal earrings and matching stilettos. Similar outfits have been worn by celebrities and fashionistas alike and we are super impressed by the look of it.
↓ 4. Summer Look
Take a look at this super cute and boho style top and skirt. They make for the ultimate Summer beach outfit to pair with some sandals. You can create your own such look by recycling a pair of old dupattas to create a pair of matching top and skirt.
↓ 3. Crop Top
This boho style chic crop top is the kind of Summer look we have all been dreaming of. It can be made of silk, cotton or even chiffon fabrics. They can be worn with skirts, high-waisted jeans and even shorts to create the perfect youthful looks. If you know the basics of tailoring, it should not be a problem creating this super cute top from an old dupatta. However, if you do not know how to do it, you could always ask a tailor to stitch it for you. We are already thinking of a million ways to style this adorable top especially with summer sandals and chunky accessories. For a modest or desi look, you can easily wear the crop top with a skirt or lehnga and even high waisted pants. Be sure to pair the crop top with one of these 25 Cute Ways to Wear Crop Tops This Season.
↓ 2. Romper Style
We love this short romper that is perfect for the warm summer weather. We love the use of vibrant colours and the wide sleeves and how perfectly it has been paired with a couple of cool accessories. Since it has a short length, it can easily be made out of a printed wrap in lawn or cotton fabric with just a few skills at hand. It can also be your next vacation outfit or something to wear to the beach. However, if you are looking for a longer length and something that would resemble a jumpsuit, you could mix and match two separate wraps to get the look.
↓ 1. Saree Pants
We were blown away the minute we saw Mahira Khan walk the New York streets in this exquisite outfit by Sana Safinaz. The outfit, called, Saree Pants, has become a famous choice for many celebrities. Instead of wearing a Saree, the outfit calls for a similar drape that is worn over pants. The colours, prints and the ethereal fabric are all that are making this look so tasteful. If you want to replicate the look, the best way is to do it with a colourful and vibrant silk dupatta and get your own Mahira moment just like that.
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cheapggdbsale-blog · 5 years
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fistukidz-blog · 6 years
How important role does online clothing stores play while you buy kids clothes?
Online shopping is the newest trend that has taken the world by storm. A number of online sites have grown over the last few years which offer you a variety of options for all your needs. You can purchase all most all necessary items from these online portals, which ranges from garments to household goods. You can also purchase garments for your kids online. Explore a bit and you will come across best kids clothing stores online, which will provide you with a wide range of garments for infants.
Online shopping is an absolutely brilliant idea for those who can’t afford to find time amidst their hectic schedules. Now you can sit back at home and purchase products of your need just via a click. There are millions of people all around the world who use the facility of these online portals to get hold of the best of products.            
Not only do you get garments for adults here, but you get a varied range of kids’ products here. Worried about size and quality of the products? Not to worry, you can blindly trust these sites by being a little careful. If you adhere to certain basic rules while you engage in online shopping you can get the best of products at an affordable price.
Online portals have undergone a manifold increase in recent days, more so because it provides exquisite stuff without any hassle. Now you can depend on these sites for your kids’ shopping too. There are a number of kids’ clothing stores online, where you can get numerous designs and colourful apparels which will give your little one an adorable look. There are clothes available in different sizes and for every occasion.
A few days back while scrolling such a site, I came across one which has cute little sarees for your little angel. The beauty of the products will immediately appeal to your eyes and you can’t log off without purchasing one. The sites are being handled by expert software engineers, who collaborate with top brands and offer a range of products for every need of yours.
Online shopping sites also offer you the facility of return and exchange if by any chance the product you had purchased doesn’t suit your purpose. Some sites even provide you with the benefit of trying the garments before you purchase them for your kids. So now, after your ordered dress arrives, you can make your kid wear it first and then decide if you want to keep it or not.
Many parents are a little apprehensive when it comes to buying online clothes for their kids. However, this facility helps you come out of your apprehensions and give online shopping a try. You don’t need to worry about what would happen if the selected and purchased dress doesn’t fit your kid.
There are certain points to be kept in mind while you buy clothes for your babies via an online site. Read the following steps carefully and make sure you execute them while you next time go for online purchase:
1. Be sure about the quality of the product you buy:  When it comes to buying garments for your kids make sure you don’t compromise with the quality any time. Little children have sensitive skin and are prone to skin related diseases. If the garment you are purchasing isn’t of a very good quality, it may harm their sensitive skin.
2. Compare and contrast with a variety of sites: Before you buy a particular stuff make sure you compare it with other sites. This will give you an idea about the price of the particular thing that you are planning to purchase. In this way, you can always be on the safe side and not get duped by anyone. This also assures you a cost-effective purchase.
3. Make sure the site offers an exchange or return policy: While you buy kids’ clothes online, make sure you buy it from a site which positively offers an exchange or return policy against the product. This measure helps you anytime when you feel there is a discrepancy between the product ordered and the product received.
In today’s hectic and busy lives, online shopping is like a relief from the agony of standing in crowded shops and shouting your lungs out in order to bargain. You are just a click away from getting your chosen stuff at your doorstep. So without much second thoughts and deliberations explore the newest arena of online shopping and give yourselves a little rest.
However, when it comes to shopping for your kids look for the best kids clothing stores online and when you are absolutely sure about the garment you think will suit your baby best, go for it. These online shopping sites play a huge rule in kids’ shopping as they are not time-consuming and offer a good amount of discount too.
Source:- https://fistukidz.livejournal.com/470.html
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webmuch · 7 years
Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017: [Top 5 Trends]
The Lakme Fashion Week 2017 has come to an end but we are still taking our time to come to terms with the dose of glamour that was on display during the 5-day fashion week! This fashion week is usually held twice every year for every season. Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017 concluded last week with yet again some brilliant designs. It was amazing to see how designers have chosen the path to designing garments with simpler cuts and ones that would look good on a huge range of body types.  And here we come up with talented designers showcasing some of their best and intricately done designs. As always we also saw many Bollywood celebrities walk down the runway as showstoppers. The Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017 was held from August 16th to August 20th at the St. Regis in Lower Parel, Mumbai. Jaspreet Chandok who is the head of fashion, IMG Reliance LTD told some news agencies that after the repeated success of LFW in the last couple of years, he was super thrilled to be coming up with a brand new season.
Lakme Fashion Week gives Mumbai’s fashion enthusiasts a peek at their favorite designers’ newest creations before anyone else. What makes the whole experience even more exciting: the possibility of a show ending with a Bollywood star rocking a beautiful outfit from the collection as a showstopper. This season, Lakme Fashion Week’s shows featured a total of 33 celebrity showstoppers, WOW! While Aditi Rao Hydari, Shraddha Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Vaani Kapoor walked for their designers (Jayanti Reddy, Rahul Mishra, Arpita Mehta and SVA respectively) in wedding-ready lehengas; Sunny Leone, Preity Zinta and Disha Patani donned festive gowns for their showstopper moments. Amongst the fabulous men, Jim Sarbh of Neerja strolled down the ramp in shorts for Anuj Bhutani, and at Manish Malhotra’s glitzy closing show. Aditya Roy Kapur looked dapper as ever in a black suit alongside Jacqueline Fernandez. If you think those are a lot of names, there is still more! We also saw  Malaika Arora, Disha Patani, Esha Gupta and Nargis Fakhri walked the ramp in this season.
Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017: [Top 5 Trends]
We have observed certain trends in this season of Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017 which you can scroll through below. We all know how big sustainable fashion has become and I think there is no show that is complete without some collections that are dedicated to it. At the end of the day, it is all about Indian fashion and we always get to see a new twist on one of India’s most popular clothing styles; the saree. Keep reading below to know the top 5 trends we picked out from this year. 
RED-Colour of the season
The fourth day of the event saw the power of red on the runway with actress Vaani Kapoor, Tapsee Pannu, Bhumi Pednekar and Malaika Arora as head-turning showstoppers. These ladies in red looked absolutely stunning and stood out in this festive color. Many brides who wish to stick to a traditional red for their wedding outfit can also take inspiration from this.  The color red is so energizing!
Taapsee Pannu walked the ramp at the Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017 for designer Divya Reddy. She slayed the runway in a red floor-length embellished jacket worn over a delicately-embroidered sheer piece. The actor says walking the ramp has always been a nightmare for her, right from her modeling days. “I believe there are different expectations attached when you are a model and things are different when you are a showstopper.”
This is not the first time Vaani Kapoor is walking the ramp at LFW. She made her presence loud and clear at the Lakme Fashion Week 2017 in a gorgeous red lehenga designed by Sonam and Paras Modi. The outfit was exactly what we would call perfect, it had embroidery all over but still was very balanced and looked subtle. The embroidered, plunging-neckline choli looked perfect with the lehenga, while the blue-border on the dupatta gave a nice new twist to the entire red ensemble. With all the red and gold we thought it was interesting how the outfit was accessorized with a silver kamarband. It is a big contrast but somehow it just worked. Their collection was inspired by the beauty of the Chinar trees in Kashmir and this lehenga is basically known as a maharaja pop.
The fifth and the last day of the fashion extravaganza we saw the ever so gorgeous Malaika Arora walking down the runway so confidently. One of the biggest fashionistas in town, Malaika arora walked the ramp for designer Ridhi Mehra. She wore a sheer, red, tulle jumpsuit, lavishly covered with tassels and a seductive long trail with beaded fringes from the designer’s collection titled ‘Adorne’. She really had all eyes hooked on to her throughout.
Bhumi Pednekar gave some serious bridal goals as she walked down the ramp in a creation by designer Ruceru during the fifth day of Lakme Fashion Week. She set the grace on the ramp with a very natural look and she looked so elegant in this beautiful red lehenga. She looked every inch of a classic, Indian bride with a modern touch, as she walked the ramp.
Floral embroidery
Florals florals florals!!! Have we seen enough of them? Maybe not, which is why season after season the designers choose florals as their main motif. We saw florals in all colors and in so many different forms this season. You definitely could spot a floral lehenga, floral dress and a floral gown somewhere throughout the 5-day madness. Our favorite was Disha Patani’s soft dreamy look!
Manish Malhotra’s show has always been a grand one at Lakme Fashion Week. Jacqueline Fernandez and Aditya Roy Kapur walked the runway for the designer and his exquisite collection was the perfect way to close Lakmé Fashion Week 2017. Jacqueline Fernandez has a lovely charm and she rocked her runway look. Fernandez wore a sheer embroidered black gown with a floral touch and looked really pretty. Talking about sheer dresses we recently discussed how the ‘naked dress’ trend is so huge and why we think it is never going away. Read more here to check out some of the most famous celebrities in some of the best-naked dresses seen.
 The Best Naked Dress Trend Looks Of All Time
Bollywood actress Disha Patani looked florally cool while walking for Ritu Kumar at Lakme Fashion Week 2017.Patani wore a white corset bodice dress over shorts. The piece, part of Kumar’s ‘Sweet Surrender’ collection, had a translucent layer embroidered with floral details, paired with white shorts. Kumar’s collection was inspired by the 18th century French marquise fashion, with a splash of 80s pastel hues and tropical prints.
The fifth day of the event saw the ravishing Kriti Sanon walk the ramp for ace designer Arpita Mehta in an ornate bralette choli and lehenga. The actress looked absolutely stunning in the  indigo number that looked just so hot on her lean body.The magenta floral adorning the lehenga complimented the silver embroidery on the waistline, and jazzed up the look of the deep-hued outfit. The heavy embroidery of the ensemble was balanced well by a spiffy ruffled dupatta that had a contemporary appearance, and elevated Kriti’s look.
Corset Mania
A corset is a garment worn to hold and train the torso into a desired shape, traditionally a smaller waist or larger bottom, for aesthetic or medical purposes.
The designer Johnnie Walker  showcases the fierce glamazons who strode down the ramp very confidently wore leather mini skirt, corsets with extended conical shoulder detailing.This collection had leather and multiple belts that emerged from various angles ensured that the look was inspired by the furious action but made stylish fashion statements.Giving a modern twist to the breastplate.Lace up sandals were added to the look.
Ladies and gentlemen: Presenting you from the runway of Lakme Fashion Week 2017, the newest “sari innovation” – the corset sari! Only Masaba Gupta can bring Victorian and desi together. Apart from saris, she’s introduced corsets with anarkalis and off-shoulder shirts too. The designer doesn’t mind calling the corset-sari combination, desi Victorian, and feels that it’s a trend waiting to explode. It wasn’t only on saris that the waist-defining separate was styled.
Ritu Kumar’s take on Winter/Festive was rather tropical with watercolor prints in summery, pop color combinations. The monogram of pineapples in embroideries and sequins reigned heavy. Silhouettes circled around corset-like bodices tied with similar macrame and tassel belts with wispy skirts.
  Disha Patani walked the ramp in Ritu Kumar’s design; a sheer white floral corset bodice strapless dress over shorts with asymmetrical hem. Disha looked adorable with a whole new look that she rocked on the ramp. She looked lovely with the brand new fringe and permed hairdo. She wore the outfit with fishnet tights and accessorized with oversized earrings.
There are so many ways by which you can wear corsets. Some of the trends are given in the above which is shown by some famous designers. To know some more trend have a look at how to wear a corset as Outerwear StreetStyle.
Sustainable fashion
Sustainable fashion, also called Eco fashion, is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability. The main goal for those who support it is to have a human impact on the environment and social responsibility.
Day 2 of Lakme Fashion Week 17 was all about Sustainable fashion and Anavila Mishra brought out her best designs to the ramp. Moving away from her usual color schemes of neutral and bright to tones, the designer strongly believes that it is about time designers should be conscious about the environment and think about it in the whole process of creating their garments. Her collection took us on an enchanting journey into the dark woods where she used fabrics such as handwoven cotton, silk, linen, and wool. The use of black and grays with a sheen looked amazing. Using hand-block printed from Gujarat to Jharkhand’s Khatwa embroidery all were locally sourced from a talented pool of karigars. 
Titled ‘Irreverence’ Gaurav Jai Gupta sought inspiration from a dark chasm of ideas. The collection consisted of beautiful urban separates, engineered saris, lehenga skirts and tops in blends of hand weaved merino wool, silk, cotton, and metal, where the woven pleats have all been developed on the loom to provide elasticity. The color story consisted of indigos’s, charcoal, glazed metal and teal.
Designer Kriti Tula of Doodlage collaborated with Converse India to create a fun collection titled ‘Dreams and Dystopia’ which was made up of recycled plastic. Waists were cinched with corsets, dresses were crafted out of scraps of fabric and masks were made out of twigs and waste material. All the dresses were made keeping in mind about sustainable fashion and it was a beautiful collection to promote it.
H&M has also been working really hard this year to come with sustainable fashion lines, check out the full story here and see what they have been up to: H&M Conscious Exclusive Collection for a Sustainable Fashion Future .
Bollywood star Mandira Bedi cheered for Anavila from the front rows. She attended Anavila’s show at the Lakme Fashion Week wearing a linen saree by the designer paired with a statement silver necklace. She finished off her look with a red bindi and red envelope clutch!
Mesh Jackets
Mesh is similar to a web or a net in that it has many attached or woven strands. The sheer and see through trend has picked up a lot lately and your best kind of jackets for the coming season is a mesh one. It will look elegant, dressy and casual at the same time depending on what it is paired with.
The designer Falguni Shane Peacock presented their collection ‘Cassiopeia’ which was inspired by outer space. Space-age metallic micro minis and evening gowns glided down the runway with fitted silhouettes and floor-length skirts and capes. Futuristic geometric patterns were splashed with beads and maribou feathers. The pieces matched perfectly with the exquisite jewelry by Farah Khan. Colours such as muted pink, nude, caramel, galaxy blue, and glossy black came together with chrome-finished eclipses and starry ashes. 
Masaba Gupta’s collection was simple yet striking. She added a stunning mesh jacket on a dark long-sleeved velvet gown with its celestial sequins. The fall of the jacket is so lovely that it is giving an elegant look to the outfit.
Preity Zinta walked the ramp for them and she looked like a Disney princess in the ravishing cold-shoulder gown that boasted of intricate silver embellishment all over it, giving it a well-balanced touch of shimmer. Preity Zinta, one of the finest actors of Bollywood, turned showstopper at the Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017 and left us all with a memorable look. No one else could have carried this look with so much confidence and grace.
These were some of the best trends of Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017. To name a few more just for your knowledge, we saw plenty of layers, fringe detailing and tulle skirts on the runway this year. Every season we are so impressed with the new designs and out of all the corset sari is definitely something we are going to try! 
The post Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017: [Top 5 Trends] appeared first on Posherry.
from Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2017: [Top 5 Trends]
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