#and a season w her and yaz would be so fun
frogmascquerade · 1 year
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ROTD Analysis
revolution of the daleks was a real mixed bag. overall, it was really fun to watch and i enjoyed, but my media analysis brain is going into overdrive, so here are my Thoughts.
quick disclaimer, these are just my opinions and it’s okay if you disagree! feel free to let me know what you disagree with as long as you do it kindly.
Prison Break
the scene where jack breaks the doctor out of prison was fun, however i feel like it was a huge missed opportunity.
yaz spent ten months looking for the doctor, what if in all her research she found torchwood? she could’ve actually teamed up with jack and gotten the doctor out of prison, she and the rest of the fam. why would this have been a better idea (in my opinion) than jack committing a bunch of crimes and somehow hiding a bunch of alien tech and breaking them out?
it allows the fam to have a real impact on the plot of the episode. the only things they really did this episode were:
bring the daleks to the doctor’s attention, which she could and would have found out on her own eventually
yaz noticed the light changing in osaka, which again, the doctor would have figured out on her own.
and ryan had an Honest conversation with the doctor. kudos to him for getting her to actually talk about her feelings.
i’m so incredibly disappointed at how these characters are being used. they almost have no agency. if they had actively contributed to the prison break, it would have fundamentally changed the course of the episode in a way that didn’t happen in the canon.
three of your main characters barely had an affect on the plot.
Nitpicking About Companion Interactions
another thing, no one asked the doctor anything about stormcage? they didn’t even consider how long she may have been there? or what she could have endured?
i understand that they were upset, they were left for ten months unsure if she was alive. they had a right to be upset! but the doctor was in prison for decades, that’s got to have a negative effect on her psyche.
it just doesn’t seem right to me that none of the fam would ask what happened to her. i’m chalking this one up to bad writing, honestly.
Rose Mention
thank god we got a rose mention
correct me if i’m wrong, but when jack brought her up, there was absolutely no reaction from the doctor? not a word, not a facial expression?
my guy. i wanted an acknowledgment of her existence from 13, is that too much to ask?
i’m so so glad she was mentioned at all, but i feel like it could been better? that’s so nitpicky, i know.
The New Companion
i don’t think we need another companion.
i’m not even going to touch on the fact that he’s a middle-aged white dude, so many people have already made posts about that and they’re great, go read them.
i’m going to talk about yaz and the doctor. not about thasmin at all, but about character development and the progression of their friendship (and possibly relationship, although i personally don’t think it will happen).
yaz is such a great character. she has ambitions, a career, a personality, she’s got family! she has clear motivations and drive. she is capable of carrying a season on her own, being the only companion.
it would give a great chance to explore her character further, she would have more screen time and more interactions with the doctor.
as someone who is ambivalent to thasmin, as in, i’d like it if it happened but i wouldn’t say i ship it, they need to further their relationship.
they need more interactions bro. they make such a good team. if it wasn’t currently 12:14 am, i’d list examples. i can’t wait to go more in depth on all this shit. but you know exactly what i’m talking about, yaz is intelligent and clever and it’s clear that the two get along well.
furthermore, this show really can’t handle multiple companions right now. character development has really suffered throughout seasons 11 and 12 because they’re trying to split screen time between three companions and their storylines, the doctor and her storyline, and the monster of the week.
it’s just too much. if yaz was the sole companion for a little while, it would give the show a chance to explore her, explore the doctor’s feelings about being the timeless child and coping with what happened on gallifrey and in stormcage, and again, give the two a chance to develop a complex relationship (platonic or not).
A Bit Of Positivity
here’s a few things i enjoyed from the episode!! obviously not everything, just off the top of my head.
i love that gwen cooper was mentioned. just the little details, guys.
jack’s interaction with graham? god the little things really make this show good.
i like that hotel guy (i can’t be bothered to learn his name) was literally going to betray the human race for what? capitalism? that was funny and sad, a bit too real.
the new dalek design was really cool. it’ll be good to return to something more conventional, but it was nice to see something new! it was sleek and modern, nice to look at.
this episode, and the previous episode featuring daleks in season 12, has been great at making daleks scary again. daleks are still a force to be reckoned with even outside of their casing! they can use people as their puppets! that’s terrifying!! i love it!!!
i enjoyed the weeping angel cameo and the silence cameo.
i know everyone’s said it before but the greasy hair. disgusting, please take a shower, but w o w. it looks good.
if you actually read this far, i’m in love with you. i owe you my firstborn. please give me your thoughts, tear me shreds, agree with me, idc. i’m hoping to go more in depth on this stuff and make a video essay on it, so i’d definitely appreciate hearing from other people. i hope everything i said in this made sense, i’m so tired and i’m not proofreading, so if it’s disjointed i apologize.
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thespaceace124 · 4 years
Tv shows I watched this year, my favorite character from each, and why I like each character.
Since my past few posts about Fandom/TV shows have been kinda negative/ criticism, to end off the year, I wanted to make a few posts about things that I like in media. So today we’ll be taking a look at all the shows I watched/finished this year and my favorite characters from each.
Space Force: Captain Angela Ali. Its been a hot minute since I watched Space force, but iirc she’s just… done like 99% of the time with all of her superiors, but in the ten episodes we get, we see some fun little character moments from her. Like in the war games episode where she has to grapple with being an amazing book student, but has a hard time applying some of the stuff she learned at the military academy in a “combat” situation and has to sort of learn and take the lead from one of her “underlings” who is better in that sort of situation. Also, the bonding moments she has with Chan, like when they’re on the road trip, and when she asks him for help learning some science stuff so she can be more useful on missions and stuff. (again, its been a while since I’ve watched this one so my memory of it is a little foggy)
Stargate SG-1: Colonel Jack O’Neill. I like the tope he falls into of the very surface level sort of gruff military man, doesn’t like talking about his feelings, makes smart ass remarks, asks people who talk to much to get to the point, he’s a very fun character, and adds a lot of fun lightheartedness to the show and is generally enjoyable to have on screen. Also tends to get the most character development, at least regarding his past and sort of why the way that he is. (I would say Teal’c gets the second most), also the reason I got into stargate, as my dad showed me a compilation of him being a smart ass and I was like “oh ho ho, I gotta see more of this guy”
Doctor Who (specifically seasons 11 and 12): The Doctor. I like this version of the Doctor, I like that she a little more lighthearted chaotic as opposed to the previous Doctor, who I would describe as dark chaotic, (at least in s11) and just very fun to be around and watch on screen. Also, I think that the rest of the fam is a little bit underdeveloped? Like, we got a lot of fun stuff for Ryan and Graham in the premier with them being a part of a family unit and then at the end of the season we got a nice little scene of them bonding and Ryan calling him grandad and then in s12 there’s like none of that??? And with Yaz we get that she’s kinda got the usual female companion backstory (not a big fan of her job, not happy living with her family, wants *More* out of life) and then we learn that she got bullied as a kid, and at one point she tried to run away, but a kindhearted cop and her sister??? Managed to keep her in Sheffield. So, I feel a little bit like the doctor is my favorite as a default just because we already know the doctors story, so we’ve just pasted a new personality onto a familiar character.
Deep Space Nine (started 2019): Major Kira Nerys. Straight up the reason this character is my favorite is because my dad said I remind him of her and that makes me feel nice. Also, Nana Visitor is very pretty. Also I like that she takes 0 shit from anyone, including Sisko, but we also get to see her learn and grow  from “I will always voice my disagreement no matter what” to “There is a time and a place to object” and also a little bit of learning that sometimes you have to work with people who’ve hurt you and sometimes that sucks. Anyway, she’s a grade A badass and I love her.
Voyager (started 2019): Captain Kathryn Janeway. Like my reasons for Kira, I think Janeway is a badass, and that Kate Mulgrew is very pretty. But also, I think Janeway is a badass in a different way than Kira is, simply because their characters are in very different situations. But I think Janeway is portrayed to be handling things extremely well, and doing what needs be done, obviously that wasn’t super looked at as they did want to keep the tone of voyager relatively light, but anyway, I like Janeway because she’s someone to look up to, to want to incorporate traits of into your own behavior.
Picard: Rafaella “Raffi” Musiker. I like Raffi because she is one of the most consistent characters in Picard. See imo Picard suffers from having too much on its plate, and also it drops/ abandons too many characters. With a show that has only 10 episodes, especially in a first season, you can’t do that. So, with Raffi being in the majority of the episodes, with consistent characterization that makes sense, and working as someone who can actually keep Picard in check? That’s the best character in the show. Also, I think of actors not seen in Star Trek before, she’s one of the better ones and that makes her better.
Lower Decks: Ensign Beckett Mariner. I love a chaotic smartass. Also, for as much as I love LD being a relatively slice of life comedy, I love that Mariner got a ton of characterization in the last few episodes, especially exploring her relationship with her mom, and people who knew her at the academy. She’s super fun, I love how she’s almost always dunking on Boimler, but also really cares for him and doesn’t want to see him hurt. Again, she’s just super fun to see on screen, I love that she doesn’t really like authority figures, and is content to figure herself out while being a relatively low-ranking officer. I like Mariner because she is both sure of herself, but not totally sure what she wants to do with her career, which is something that Star Trek has never explored before, and I think its super interesting.
Discovery: Commander Michael Burnham. I think a trend with a lot of the characters on this list is that I personally find them cool and/or pretty, and once again that also applies to Michael here, but also, I like her because Michael as a concept is fascinating. Like the idea of being a child who goes through a trauma and then is immediately whisked away to a place where she can’t actually process it? And then as a result grows up emotionally constipated and only in her 30s, is sort of finally able to shed that and actually learn how to be healthy with her emotions? Absolutely fascinating, I love that. I also love that we can kind of see that her upbringing and the suppression of emotions as a child still effects the choices that she’s made to this day. Its super cool, and I think one of the best parts of discovery.
Ratched: Nurse Mildred Ratched. I don’t have anything really important to say here, I just tend to like the main characters of tv shows because by default they get the most development/ back story or whatever, and honestly this is one of those shows that I enjoyed enough to watch all ten episodes, and then never picked it up again, so. Ehhh
Dexter: Dexter Morgan. I like Dexter Morgan because he’s a man who has always been told he doesn’t have emotions, but as the show goes on you can totally see that he does have emotions, he just doesn’t know how to handle them, and that they don’t present themselves in the same way that “normal” people’s do. Like, I fully believe that Dexter did actually love Rita, Harry jr., Deb, and Hannah. But I also believe he didn’t fully know how to cope with those emotions, because instead of getting his son help Harry Morgan decided to turn his son into a killing machine, which was a Choice.
Hannibal: Will Graham. I liked watching him kinda fall into Hannibal’s co-dependency trap. Character regression baybee. But like, that’s what happens, I’m pretty sure at one point they both admit that they aren’t healthy for each other, but they also cant live w/o each other. Which is not a dynamic I personally had seen delved into in media before I watched this show. I just think he’s neat.
ATLA: Toph Beifong. I like Toph because I think she provides a nice foil to Aang, whilst also not going too far into the opposite direction. She’s decisive, she knows for the most part what she wants from this adventure, and mostly how to go about getting it, while also discovering a new family along the way. I also just like the way that she can and will throw a boulder at you if she thinks you deserve it.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Sabrina Spellman. Again, sort of falling into the “I tend to like the main character by default folder” It’s also been a hot minute since I watched this show, so I’m just gonna say that I like Sabrina because she is always the one getting her own self into trouble by being Different. And while I’m not saying that it is always good to conform and do what is expected of you, all of the issues in the show are caused by Sabrina (for the most part). Season one is all about shit falling apart if she doesn’t sign the book, season two is her shaking things up at the witch academy and also not wanting to be the princess of hell (understandable, but again, still her fault) and the whole plot of season 3 is the fallout of her imprisoning the devil and then also being too cocky with the guy made of clay. She’s far too cocky, and I think that’s super funny in regards to how it gets her into situations she’s not really prepared for.
The Coroner (BBC): Beth Kennedy. I watched this show with my stepmom, and in this show, Beth tends to be the one who lightens the mood a lot, so she’s my favorite character b/c of that.
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this-geek · 4 years
5 Fandoms
I was tagged by @colorofmymindposts  thank you so much, this looks like a fun one.
Rules: Pick 5 TV shows and then answer the questions on them.
1. Doctor Who (2005)
2. The Sarah Jane Adventures
3. Major Crimes
4. Dinnerladies
5. Star Trek Voyager
Who is your favourite character in 2? 
Slightly a cop out but Sarah Jane Smith, as a child she was someone i looked up to greatly and even now as an adult i wish I was more like her; especially her clothes because i want a collection of waistcoats.
Who is your least favourite character in 1? 
My first thought was Rose Tyler because she’s just very i don’t know; she’s always present even when she isn’t there and that can get quite dull for a character
What is your favourite episode of 4? 
There are so many good episodes in Dinnerladies however my first thought is ‘Christine’ (S02E08) which has the great b plot of who took the Viagra
What is your favourite season of 5? 
I think for me, its gotta be season 3. Not only does this season have ‘Future’s End’ (e9/10) it also has ‘Macrocosm’ (e12) which was a brilliant episode and my love for has nothing to do with Kathryn Janeway’s arm
Who is your favourite couple in 3? 
Shandy, Sharon and Andy. They were terribly treated by certain writers but I did fall in love with them very quickly.
what is your favourite episode of 1? 
There are so many episodes that adore, mostly from New Who. The first story that comes to mind is ‘School Reunion’ (S02E03). Its one of the first I can remember watching first time round. Although second choice would probably be ‘Planet of the Ood’ (S04E03)
What is your favourite episode of 5? 
There are so many I love from Voyager instinct tells me ‘Coda’ (S03E15) a very emotional episode that I cry at every time.
What is your favourite season of 2? 
This is so difficult because I love each season for different reasons. Season 2 has some great narrative foreshadowing but Season 4 also has some brilliant episodes and Season 3 has some bangers too but I’ll say Season 4.
How long have you watched 1? 
A long time, i think I missed the original airing of season 1 but joined in Christmas ‘05 which is 15 years. Over that time i have watched the original airing of most seasons, perhaps being slightly less involved in 11′s era towards the end but it’s been in my life so long the great details are quite blurry.
How did you become interested in 3? 
Ooh, this must have been in 2014; I had just finished Voyager for the first time and was getting into fanfiction and tumblr on a greater level and i kept seeing Gifs of this really beautiful woman I would soon learn was called Sharon Raydor and from that moment on the show was a constant companion through one of the most difficult periods of teenhood.
Who is your favourite actor in 4? 
Well, obviously its Victoria Wood.
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5? 
Hands down number 2. 
which show have you seen more episodes of: 1 or 3? 
It’s not a very fair line up as I’m pretty sure Doctor Who (2005) has like 3 times the episodes of Major Crimes. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would it be? 
I see a lot of myself in Bren, she’s very skittish and doesn’t view herself very highly so I am here and she is my favourite so I willing admit that.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? 
No, Dinnerladies is a comedy and Major Crimes is about murder. If they were to crossover it would quite crack like; for the shits and gigs if you will.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? 
There are so many characters you could put together. i would 100% stay away with any pairing with the Doctor because NO, I don’t like heavily romantic pairings with the doc so like perhaps Clara and Yaz.
Perhaps not in a romantic sense but maybe bumping into one another and teaming up to save the Doc. I quite like the dynamic of the Doctor’s past colliding with the Doctor present.
Overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5? 
Voyager wins because Major Crimes ended terribly and the characters really struggled to grow.
Which has better theme music: 2 or 4? 
No, I love the theme song for both. SJA has an iconic theme but Dinnerladies is very sweet and I love Victoria Wood’s voice. Ok I will go with SJA because I have more nostalgia towards it.
This was hella fun to do so I am going to tag @elizabeththefandomgirl @good-ship-promises @a-hepburn-junkie @sarahstreep7 @meanwhile-in-other-worlds
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scully1998 · 5 years
...yeah ok i Am gonna talk about this
- so, first thoughts were mixed bc missy got a lot of character development and it would b. not good to retcon that. BUT i think it’s p clear that this is simm/pre-missy bc of like, thats the only way it would make sense but more importantly there were the 4 knocks in the trailer for next week
- the master isnt a villain ive ever been that invested in or excited about so i was surprised by how hype this made me, i do think the reveal was rlly well done and sacha dhawan played it excellent. a LOT of stuff becomes :o in hindsight
- a lot of this episode felt like it was directly addressing issues viewers had with season 11...it was a bit more high stakes, yaz had something to do and got to interact w other characters, they start acknowledging their own history/lore, companion characters getting the chance to question the dr/realize how little they know about her, we know from promotional material that the season will have a running plot arc. that last bit especially makes me hopeful bc i think s11 was really lacking by being solely motw. 
- did i have fun watching it? yes! was it good? .....also yes, actually! 
- big army of ghosts vibes Especially since there is clearly a parallel universe/dimension thing going on...i have a lot of theories but i will not voice them in case i end up sounding stupid lmao
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peroxideprinces · 3 years
☕️ doctor who?
overall, i love modern who to death !! i love nine - twelve sm <333 havent gotten around to watchin classic who yet though <//3
nine: i think the first series is wonderful, but it was limited bc it was the first dw series in over a decade. they couldnt do many ambitious things bc they had to keep things tame for newer audiences at first, but as series two rolled around w ten it got a lot more wild. i think that nine was played wonderfully, although eccleston wasnt the best at actin out comedy. he was an amazin serious actor for the doctor. i prefer rose here to how she is w ten bc tenrose were constantly flirtin n it got annoyin after a while, but in series one shes still jus a close friend of the doctor up until the finale. shes such a fun character n i love the way billie piper plays her ! mickey is wonderful as always, n i felt so bad for him durin some of the episodes bc of how he was portrayed. i dont like jackie so i dont wanna tak ab her lmao,, JACK MY BELOVED <333 he was so fun to watch n m glad that carried on into the later seasons w him ! hes always a joy to watch. i think the episodes varied in quality, but ovwrall it was a solid series ! i wish we were able to explore nine more, though.
ten: theres... a lot goin on w ten. series two was ab the same level as one, but it got better durin series three, four, n the specials. the writin also got a lot better. i think david tennant is the second best actor for the doctor, n id put ten at number three out of the modern who doctors. david tennant was brilliant n the writin was amazin for him ! i wnjoyed his struggle w his arrogance n how he was possibly the most human doctor. he was funny n enjoyable but he wasnt without his faults. one of the best episodes in the entire show i would say is the waters of mars bc there can never be another wpisode of dw like it, n it shows that the doctor can get carried away w things. the separation of ten n rose was devastatin, n m upset that it was undone durin the series four finale. tenrose was a decent romance, though i think i wouldve preferred a friendship. martha is a step up from rose i think ?? she gets a bit more development, though i dont like the unrequited love between her n ten ig ?? n her gettin w mickey at the end was kinda unnecessary. she was more of an intellectual match to ten than rose was, n she was much more fun to watch ! donna is my favorite, easily. series four was as good as it was because of her n tens dynamic. i loved how she wasnt a love interest for him ! personally, i reallt dont like it when the doctor has a love interest (other than jack n river n also yaz but shhhh) n donna was a nice change of pace. watchin her grow into the person she became was so fun bc she truly did become better, n that made it all the more depressin when the doctor basically turned her back into the person she was before. i didnt like the series four finale bc it felt a little too fanservice-y ig ? though seein jack n mickey again did help lmao. the specials ranged from a bit borin to “holy shit this is fantastic” n the regeneration of ten was truly one of the saddest things i think ive ever had to watch, especially whne rememberin that man was like 906 n he like canonically lived for only like 7 years. imagine only bein yourself for 7 years. ofc he didnt wanna go.
eleven: HOLY SHIT ELEVEN !!! series five is easily my favorite series of modern who. i think series six was decent n the first half of series seven was alright, but the latter half of series seven was disappointin. matt smith ran w this role n did such a wonderful job, eleven is probably the best doctor i think (imo ofc). amy n rory are my favorite companions as well, n their relationship is so dear to me. i didnt like the whole thing they tried to do w amy n eleven like it jus rubbed me the wrong way ig. i cannot describe in words how much i adore rory also. eleven n river is the best relationship between someone n the doctor, dont argue w me. they were so cute which makes everythin else all the more sad. clara is much better w twelve than she is w eleven. i sincerely dont like companion/doctor relationships, n eleven n clara is my least favorite example of that. i think that eleven shows what the doctor should be v well. hes less arrogant than ten n nine but i cant deny that he is still arrogant. hes kinder than the two previous doctors, which makes him much more likeable to me. matt smith does an amazin job w eleven.
twelve: i havent fully finished his run yet, but ive finished series eight n m halfway through series nine. peter capaldi is easily the best actor to play tge doctor. he does such a wonderful job w emotional actin as well as showin twelves sense of humor. the writin is much better in series nine than it is in eight, but that doesnt necessarily mean that series nine was bad. i think clara is best is series nine. i dont enjoy watchin her much n shes one of my least favorite companions, but i do still adore her. shes confident n independent. she reminds me a lot of donna, though shes less rash. shes impulsive as well which is fun to see even if it ultimately leads to her death. i think the second best episode in the show is heaven sent because it shows twelve grievin after losin clara in such a realistic n painful way. watchin that after losin a close friend hit different,,, i dont have many complaints ab twelves run yet, but tgat could change once i start series ten.
thirteen: okay. look. thirteen is such a fuckin disappointment, its quite frankly insultin. jodie whittaker is such an amazin actor ! i watched her in other shows n she does such a wonderful job ! she does her best with what she has n m grateful for that bc it means that thirteens run so far is somewhat enjoyable. my problem is the writin. i dont feel like elaboratin here bc then this post would be a Lot longer than it already is, but the writin is jus so,,,, dogshit, i guess. like they could do so much w her n they dont ! her companions could be so much cooler n they arent ! s been a while since ive seen thirteens run n maybe my opinions will change upon rewatch but from what i remember,, i dont thibk i wanna rewatch honestly. hopefully the writin will get better honestly.
these are jus my opinions take them w a grain of salt GNSMFNSMFNS
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aro-aizawa · 6 years
im gonna comment each time i watch a new doctor who episode so idk blacklist the first tag here i’ll figure smth out but yeah in case y’all care about spoilers or whatever. actually i’m just gonna put it all under the cut because this went on longer than i thought i would. sorry for mobile users tho.
episode 2 was....okay. honestly i wasn’t really a fan of the plot of it? like...it was okay but it didn’t really feel like a doctor who episode. not in the slightest. i mean it’s pretty cool that the first episode’ll be the overarching story w the aliens. forgotten what they’re called, something like the skrell i think. 
if anything, the thing that i loved the most about the episode was the characters. and i mean the main four. i really really really love the new doctor. she’s so endearing and quirky and she’s full of fresh energy and i so cannot wait to see her in a badass moment. y’know when everything’s going to shit and she and her pals are all facing off against this massive army of enemies and she’s ranting and doing something awesome. that’s one of my favourite times of each doctor and i can’t wait for hers it’s gonna be awesome. unless the bbc are cowards and don’t give her one of those moments. honestly im still worried that they’re only gonna give jodie whittiker one season, or one and a half seasons. 
anyways, as i was saying, the highlights so far have honestly been the characters. if there’s more than one companion at a time i’m usually pretty eh about most but one, but i’m finding myself really liking all three of them. ryan is pretty cool, i mean i wish he’d stop having the moody “your not my grandad” moments w graham because when they do get along its cute. yaz is awesome too, she’s a good support, just wish that she has a bit of a bigger part. but it’s still only two episodes in so who knows. 
and ehhh i’m not actually sure on the looks of the new tardis. it feels too...big. like i liked the homey feel of ten’s and the first version of eleven’s had just the right balance of big and small. twelve’s grew on me near the end, it looked a lot like an actual home which was neat. but i reckon with more time to actually see the inside naturally instead of “home tour: tardis edition”, i’ll probably warm up to it. bc aesthetically it looks nice, just not quite...idk it doesn’t feel very doctor who-ish but i’m comparing to ten unfairly again, so i’m trying to keep an open mind. 
either way, i’m p interested in the next episode!! rosa parks!! that should be neat, i’m curious to see what’ll be happening there. plus, continuing with the tradition of going into the past during the third episode of the series, which is always fun. i should probably look up the season trailer again so i can remember what to expect bc they always put enough hints in there for people to get excited. i think i liked it first time i saw it, can’t remember now. can’t remember if i’m making up the existence of that trailer. who knows i literally can’t remember stuff rn. i’ll stop right here.
ALSO!!! I JUST REALISED!!! jaz is a police officer. the tardis is a police box. this is the first time that i know of (never watched earlier than nine) that it will actually have a police officer on board. i love it. it’s great i hope they make a joke out of that at some point. 
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