#i wish these gay bitches would just have some time to TALK to each other but its fine <3
frogmascquerade · 1 year
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nat-20s · 5 months
Seen people describe The Doctor and Donna's relationship as a sibling dynamic but I think that's only true for some Doctors with Donna so here's a definitive list of which nuwhodoctordonna pairs are and aren't siblings:
NineDonna: No. They are randomly assigned roommates that become the most annoying best friends in the world. Literally the worst fucking people in existence to third wheel for, you're in a constant state of "what the FUCK are you two talking about???"
TenDonna: No. Something much weirder going on for them. I once saw someone describe them as "whatever dr doofensmirtz and perry have going on but platonic" and that's lived in my head rent free ever since. Yes Ten WOULD physically strap Donna to himself in order to confront his parents and then when it went poorly they would watch the sunset and he would tell her that she was his rock. Also very gay best friend and woman on another one of their little adventures/ a lesbian and her favorite himbo. Who's the gay best friend/woman/lesbian/himbo changes on a whim <3 Truly the icons of sticking two freak bi people with unfettered adhd together and seeing what happens
ElevenDonna: okay Yes. that is her little brother that's like 30 times older than her and she is treating him accordingly. (so so so mean but will also kick people in the shins for being nasty to him)
TwelveDonna: Sort of. Less your typical sibling dynamic and more like stepsiblings that only became stepsiblings well into their 30s and have decided to unionize. In another life they would've been a vaudeville duo that are also conmen.
ThirteenDonna: No. Not a single soul knows whatever the fuck those two have going on between them, least of all them. Probably like. The somewhat healthier mirror version of whatever the fuck The Doctor and Spymaster have going on. One time 13 sighs oh so sadly and is like "i wish i could be donna's lap dog" and when the master asks, "Like in a horny way, or???" Thirteen replies, "I don't know I just think if Donna could carry me around everywhere life would be significantly better and I could have an easier time seeing beauty in the universe again." and the master is like. "have you maybe considered prozac" and the doctor says "WELL I WOULDN'T NEED PROZAC IF I WAS DONNA'S LAP DOG NOW WOULD I??"
FifteenDonna: Not quite. I think they more have the vibe of like cousins that go to family functions and always seek each other out bc they have a mutual case of "you're the only bitch in this room that I respect. You're the only motherfucker in this house that can handle me." Both of them volunteer to "chaperone" the kids table bc if Donna has to hear one more word from their uncle who won't shut up about how great brexit is she's shoving his face in the mashed potatoes and fifteen is just going to be like "you're doing amazing sweetie"
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jeansplaytoy · 11 months
Complaining - Ony. 2
<<part one part three>>
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you and ony broke up two weeks ago because he cheated on you.
language, ymir bein a lil lesbian stud :), sexual references, mentions of cheating.
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“y/n? oh, cheated on her.”
“ony? that nigga a lame.”
that’s the way you talked about each other. did you mean it? kind of… sometimes. but other times you just wanted to know why he did what he did, like what other bitch could be any better than you?
and him on the other hand, deep down, he wished you would get with another nigga. you can flirt, talk, do anything you wanted, but he knew the minute you got into a relationship, it was gonna be over by the end of the week.
or that’s what normally happened.
you’d end things right then and there with ony and he’d end up back with you two seconds later. you don’t know if it was because he was manipulating or gaslighting you, or if it was just because you were too dumb to realize that the same things were gonna keep happening, and there was no way you were gonna just end it like that.
but apparently, he had a new girlfriend. and you had no one.
that wasn’t a bad thing though, not in your mind. because at the end of the day, he wouldn’t find anyone else better than you.
“look at they miserable asses. acting like they the power couple of the century.” you mumbled while sitting beside mikasa with your feet hanging in the pool. mikasa pulled her shades up and raised her eyebrows. “girl they look so fucking stupid.” she whispered and looked at you. “you really think he hitting that poor shit every night?” she frowned.
“i don’t know but her shit ain’t wetter than mines.” you grinned a little at your own joke. mikasa laughed. “he really got with the girl he cheated on you with. what dumbass boy does that shit?” she shook her head.
“one named ony. i bet she think she got one up on me the way she be giving me stares and shit.” you said, looking back into the pool where everyone splashed and swam.
“oh yeah she definitely don’t like yo ass.” mikasa said, softly kicking her feel in the blue, glowing water. “but at the same time, who the fuck cares?” she laughed with you.
it was obvious ony talked about you to her, the way she would post on her instagram stories about how ‘i’m better than his last😘’ and ‘feel bad for who he dated before me, this mf really fun.’ not to mention the way she talked about you when you went through those messages two weeks ago. you should’ve found her ass at that exact moment.
but with some help from ya home girl, ymir, you found her insta real quick. turns out she was already following you, you just ain’t follow her back.
you stood up, tapping mikasas shoulder. “i wanna smoke some weed.” you said. mikasa nodded and followed you inside the house. “where is this woman?” you squinted while trying to make your way through everyone. you went over to the second living room of the house and saw ymir, slouched on the couch, with a freshly rolled joint in her hand.
you smiled, grabbing mikasas hand and leading her over. “there go yo man.” you smiled while pointing at jean. mikasa rolled her eyes and walked over to the couch across from the one you were gonna sit at, to sit beside jean.
“heyyy ymir.” you nudged ymir’s head a little before sitting on her lap. she wore a black shirt with grey sweatpants, eyes traveling down your body before she looked back up at you.
“y/n, i just rolled this shit.” she said. you held your index and thumb finger up, waiting for her to pass the blunt to you. and she did. “and why you always sitting on me?” she frowned, sitting up a little. “cus you gay as hell, and i am too.” you joked, taking a hit of her blunt and exhaling.
you and ymir didn’t completely have feelings for each other, not literally. but you’d flirt with her from time to time just as she did with you. it was really a normal thing for you to be all up on her anywhere you went, unless you were in a relationship, she’d have to keep her hands off of you because she didn’t wanna have to beat a boys ass just because she was touchy with you. it was just a fun little thing you did.
but she put her hand around your waist, moving you off of her lap and beside her instead, keeping her hand where it was.
“you and ony talkin again?” she asked, waiting for you to pass her back what she rolled up. “hell no, cus he got a girlfriend.” you said. “say on god.” connie said from behind you with a towel hanging off his shoulder. “i don’t put things on god connie. you his bestfriend, i thought you knew.” you said, giving ymir her blunt back.
“he ain’t tell me shit.” connie shook his head, drinking from a cup he had. “bro why y’all gotta be so gay all the time?” jean squinted at you and ymir. “it ain’t like we actually like each other jean. we just be playing.” you mumbled, adjusting your bikini a little.
“we gon move on from the fact that he got wit’ another girl right after y’all broke up?” ymir said while staring at her phone that was practically in your lap, because her arm was still around you.
“naw, it’s good. he can keep that girl.” you laughed a little while shaking your head. “what girl?” eren frowned, walking up to the group. to your surprise, ony wasn’t too far behind him. when eren looked at you, he glanced back at them before making an ‘o’ with his lips. “ohhh.” he whispered before sitting down.
“hey.” onys girlfriend waved at everyone. almost everyone stared at her except for connie and jean who thought it would at least be polite.
“you his girlfriend?” connie frowned and tilted his head a little. “onys? yeah.” she smiled and nodded. connie hummed and nodded. “that’s cool, thats cool.” he mumbled, clearing his throat before looking at jean.
you could tell jean wanted to laugh, which made you, mikasa, and ymir wanna laugh. but you being you, slipped up a little, letting out a soft chuckle.
the girl looked at you with raised eyebrows and resting eyes. “hm?” she hummed in question. you looked at her. “what? oh, nothing.” you said before looking at ony who stared at you. you could tell he was pissed off at the way you were acting already, but he faintly laughed before sitting his girlfriend down.
“i’ll be back, left sum upstairs earlier.”
you knew he was lying like a bitch. that’s why you waited about three minutes after he left to act like you had to pee.
you made your way upstairs, glancing back to gain an odd stare from his girlfriend. you stared back before walking through the second floor, finding where he went.
opening every unlocked door, regretting some of them before you finally found him, with another girl. “damn, and you got a whole female downstairs that she don’t even know about.” you said while standing by the doorway. he pushed the girl off of his lap and led her towards the door.
“hold up.” he mumbled to her before dragging you in the room. you stopped and looked back at him with a frown.
“what the fuck is wrong wit’cho ass?” he squinted while closing the door. “what’s wrong wit me, nigga what’s wrong wit you? yo ass brought this random bitch around the group and don’t nobody like her.” you pointed towards the door to signal that you were talking exactly about his new girl.
“nah, ain’t nobody got a problem with nothing but you.” ony frowned at you.
“maybe if you kept yo eyes off of me so much, you’d see the way the rest of the group was looking at her. now ion know what you thought you did when you went to her and cheated on me, but nigga you downgraded. hella bad.” you said before pushing past him and making your way out the door.
ony stared at you as you left, eyes forcing themselves down your body. holding his stare on the way your thighs and ass moved when you walked, he rolled his eyes, dragging his hands down his face.
“fuckkk.” he whispered.
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this was so lame 🙄🙄🙄 anyways i hope u liked it, posted it early just for u!
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prettynice8 · 7 months
Kinkmas Day 1: Rimming
Paring: Kakashi Hatake x male reader
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This guy
Warnings: Rimming DUH, anal fingering, teasing, slight begging, little bottom twinky fuck me daddy feminine male reader, no actual sex, enemies to lovers? I think that's it
Word Count: 1,307
Fuck him. Fuck his pretty silver hair that I just want to run my hands through while he eats my ass, his muscular form that must have been crafted by the sage of six paths himself, his beautiful attention catching eye, his mysterious mask, his (what I hope is) insanely large dick. Just fuck the whole thing (I wish).
Of course, the only person you could be thinking of is the one and only Kakashi Hatake, copy ninja of the leaf, and the hottest mother fucker to ever exist. Oh god did you have an obsession with him. Having wet dream after wet dream about him, screaming his name while masturbating, and it doesn't help that you catch him staring at you all the time almost as much as he catches you staring at him.
This whole obsession started a month ago when you saw him reading one of his goddamn sex books in the middle of the street. You walked over to him and asked why he was reading erotica in a VERY public place, and he just looked at you "Because it's hot." he stated matter-of-factly. The nerve of some people, from then on you two would see each other walking around, say hi, go your respective ways. It's been that way ever since; stolen glances and fuck me eyes since.
Until now. You were done with man after man not fulfilling you like you think he may be able to, maybe, it's a complete guess but he just gives off the vibe. Anyway, you saw him reading his demented sex shit again when you decided to make your fantasies a reality once and for all. You walk behind the bench he was sitting on and read the words on the page and HOLY SHIT IT'S GAY RIMMING. You mentally scream into the pillow like a 15-year-old girl who just found out her crush is available, which is kind of like what's going on.
"Uhm, can I help you?" Kakashi questions in his horny inducing voice, with a little annoyance sprinkled in through all the underwear wetting.
"Oh sorry, am I disturbing a public jack off sesh." You coldly state with a smirk on your face, hand doing a little masturbation gesture.
"Do you mind." he says rhetorically, the twinge of annoyance from earlier much more noticeable now.
"If you didn't want someone to talk to you then why are you reading 'that' on a public bench in the middle of the street again?" you sassily question.
"Because I wanted to read outside, privately." He answers, you look at him like he's the dumbest man in the whole world.
"Then why, in the absolute fuck, are you reading in the street you attention whore." you rhetorically ask, the previous sass now developed into genuine frustration as you walk around the bench to be right in front of him.
"That's cute coming from you." he chuckles.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" you ask.
"Don't act dumb, you have been trying to get into my pants for weeks now." he exclaims, you start to blush, ensuring that what he said is true.
"Don't act so high and mighty with me. I've seen you look at me too bitch." you state. He stands up, his large frame completely dwarfing you, his eyes almost angry. You do a cartoonish and audible gulp, the fear enhancing the horniness.
It's quiet for a while until he leans down,
"And what of it" he whispers in your ear and grabs you ass tightly, not caring if anyone sees. You let out a soft yelp at the sudden sign of attraction. You're completely stunned, not knowing what to do. He realizes this and before you can think any more, he holds you close and grabs your ass tighter and whispers,
"My place." It wasn't even a question or a request, it was a demand. One that even given the choice you wouldn't say no to.
Before you know it you're already on your way to Kakashi's place. He's giving you a piggyback ride to save time, and because he wants that juicy cake as quickly as possible, his mind is going crazy with your legs wrapping around him.
Finally, you make it to his place and immediately you both rush into his room. Right when you both enter you get off his back and onto the bed. Your legs spread as he takes off both your pants and underwear and tosses them both to the side.
"Now, turn around and bend over." already making demands and he hasn't even bought you dinner yet, not that you care because without a single moment of hesitation you are already on your hands and knees.
Without warning he immediately put his long skilled digit into your readily awaiting hole. He moves slowly as he starts to open you up. All the while you let out quiet moans.
"Your little moans are so cute." he said. Suddenly you feel a second finger enter you. He stays at the same excruciatingly slow pace. While he's pumping his fingers, he starts to feel the rest of your ass, rubbing it sensually and squeezing at the sensitive skin.
He puts in the third finger and his speed starts to pick up. Now your moans start to get louder as his three fingers stay at a steady and quick speed. He pumps them in and out over and over with precise repetition.
his fingers start to curl inside you, twisting and turning inside you perfectly. It's at this point that you are officially a moaning mess. The all too familiar feeling churns into your stomach. His fingers start turning and hitting your sweet spot consistently.
Then the feeling of relief washes over you as his fingers twist and hit your spot for the final time. You let out a loud moan and crash into the bed, cumming without even him putting his dick in you.
But he wasn't satisfied with just feeling inside you as he picked you up and brought you to your hands and knees again.
"Not yet sweetheart." he says as he starts to rub and massage your ass cheeks, caressing them to his desire. He gives you a quick and sharp spank, you cry out in pleasure from the surprise as he watches you ass jiggle in awe.
He puts his mask down and licks your ass, putting small and harmless love bites from time to time. Each lick and bite getting closer and closer to your hole. You start begging him to just devour you already. "Please, god I've fantasized about this please." you cry out, wanting, no, craving for his tongue.
"Well since you asked so nicely." he calmly states, though you can tell the excitement in his voice, aware that he wants this too. He licks lines on your cheek until FINALLY taking small licks on your entrance. Your spine chills in anticipation and pleasure and your breathing becomes shaky.
He licks languid circles on your entrance slowly. His hands are still caressing the rest of your ass. Your legs are shaking due to the stimulation and your cock is as hard as can be. He stops his simple licking and finally puts his tongue in your ass.
It starts off slowly but develops quickly into a fast pace, his tongue going in and out of you. You are now officially a moaning mess as his tongue is assaulting your hole. He continues this and then starts to put his fingers back in your hole while his mouth is still doing its job.
The familiar feeling in your stomach starts to build up again as his talented hands and mouth works on your asshole. Your moans crescendo until finally you climax for the second time of the night.
And you're not done yet.
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Hello,so i've been brainrotting about Pei ming genuinely falling in love with f!reader,but the reader always ignored him since he is known for using women for fun,but he just keeps trying so hard to win reader over and prove he's actually inlove with them. It would be great if you could write this in hcs,you can ignore this if you dont want to
I Have Standards
Pei Ming x F!reader
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Do you know how long I had to search the gifs for him?
Pei Ming is a womanizer everyone knows that
But Pei Ming genuinely has found an interest in you. Truthfully!
You intrigue him, however you also ignore him
So he hasn't been able to get far in his affections
Most women don't ignore him like this you know?
Pei Ming has been chasing you around like a lost dog, trying to prove his love to you
He's tried to woo you, give you flowers, buy you expensive things, take you out
But no you ignore him gracefully as if he were your fan
This man is genuinely confused. Like??? Why is she ignoring me ugh I got to step up my game I guess
Doesn't realize it's because of his reputation until Ling Wen tells him
Which she only did, because he wouldn't stop bitching in her ear about how his lovely crush won't bat an eyelash at him.
She wishes you the best of luck
Now that he knows the problem lies within his reputation he doesn't know how to fix that. . .
How does one go back and fix the past?
Ling Wen tells him he's stupid and maybe he should try to clean up his act. Then you'll look at him.
So that's what he attempts to do.
He should've done that in the first place but like he's trying okay?
Pei Ming really isn't all that bad, he just needs to get you to actually talk to him now.
Asks Ling Wen how he's supposed to sit down with you and she sends him right to your door.
Ling Wen is probably the only reason you guys have a chance of being together because she paid you off to deal with him.
She's sick of it
You stay true to your word though and give him a chance to woo you.
You sit in your palace lounge with crossed legs.
You aren't expecting anything heart felt
However you sit with wide eyes when Pei Ming pours his heart out to you.
Pei Ming practiced this speech like several times.
"I know I don't have the best reputation with women, but if you could give me a chance I promise to treat you right and not throw you to the side like rumours say I would"
Etc, etc
Okay so you're woo'd
Do you know what time period it is? Especially as a women?
All men are too afraid of their feelings and some are too busy being gay with each other cough, cough Xie Lian.
It just doesn't leave a girl like you many options
But you do like Pei Ming you've just never told him because of the whole reputation thing
You've been quiet for a long time, Pei Ming almost thinks you're going to say no.
Very happy when you say yes!
Astounded when you say you'll castrate him if he does you wrong.
He'll accept that!
I hope I wasn't rambling 😞 but yip yip guys 🖤
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hollowslantern · 11 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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thanks for asking! I think Q and Data's friendship, particularly as seen in Deja Q, is one of my favorite relationships in TNG. they complement each other so well, as two nonhumans who have both demonstrated an intense interest in humanity, but from opposing perspectives— where Data openly admires humans, Q openly abhors them¹. by virtue of this shared fascination, and by being the only two "outsiders" to mortality (excluding the plot of this episode), they form a very fun duo to watch. in Deja Q, Q is cursed with Data's greatest wish: to become a human. this provides an excellent dynamic between them throughout the episode, where through Q Data is able to see what it might be like to adjust to being a human, and is one of the reasons why i think Data was such an inspired choice for who should be looking after Q as he adjusts to his new form. the other big reason of course is Data's own beautiful self. Data's kind, objective, non-judgmental approach to Q throughout this episode is refreshing, and I feel that Data gets through to him in a way nobody else could, just by being himself. he explains everything thoroughly, but not condescendingly (hes data, I don't think he has condescending in him), and offers valuable insight. he's able to put his observations of humans to good use, here, and is able to explain human behavior to Q in a way Q can understand, and he doesn't expect Q to intrinsically know how to act, and I really think that makes all the difference ². they have a mutual respect and sympathy for each other and I would watch 500 hours of their interactions.
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¹or, at least, he says he does. personally I think that if he hated them so much he wouldn't be so obsessed with them, but that's an essay for another time
²having just come out of TOS, i can tell you this has happened several times in star trek. usually involving kirk actually. E.G. Charlie X, where kirk is unable to give a "Don't smack women on the ass" basics of consent talk without resorting to vague gestures and "well you see, when a man, and a woman," mumbling. it's literally painful to watch. use your words you stupid bitch. this is why charlie tried to kill you with his mind.
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izosdualpistols · 1 year
— Gojo and Geto, the Two Halves of A Whole
I absolutely refuse to believe people look at Gojo and Geto and say: "that's not gay".
The AUDACITY to say "they're just homeboys" when they're clearly so in love with each other and literally cannot live without the other.
The way everything about them complements each other - it's almost as if they were set up from the start to be soulmates! (they were.)
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Yes bitches, I'm talking about YOU TWO. Don't give me that look as if you don't know shit started because YOU TWO decided to break up.
Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, meaning natural born genius and genius through effort.
Their awful personalities and jujutsu abilities certainly make them the duo - calling themselves "the strongest" together.
If the fact that each other's presence makes them feel relief wasn't very lover-like to you, allow me to dive in deeper and introduce you to why they were the only people able to put up with each other and why in the world they decided to break up in the first place.
1. The Origin - (Credits to @/donyuji on tt)
Gojo Satoru was born with incredible abilities - both "Limitless" and "Six Eyes", making him the Gojo Clan's "once in a bazillion centuries genius" sorcerer. His god-like powers made the people around him treat him like a god by making Gojo shoulder their burdens. So when he came to think: "Why should I protect these weaklings?", Geto was the one who made him change his view.
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It's such a Spiderman-like delivered line - "With great power comes great responsibilities".
Geto isn't wrong. "The strong would protect the weak" is a normalized view in the Jujutsu world. Jujutsu sorcerers serve the weak - that is their duty. But once that meaning of "duty" became a blur to Geto, his ideology was altered. We can see this evidently in these panels.
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2. Geto vs. The World
The man who once believed sorcerers existed to protect non-sorcerers becomes a murderer - taking innocent lives for the sake of his unachievable goal of an "era of sorcerers". But why?
I have seen many Geto's character analyses and each one of them were very interesting! Some say he fell apart due to Riko's death (failure of the mission), others say he fell apart due to the strength gap he felt between him and Gojo growing bigger. Although they are not wrong, I wanted to toss in my own two cents and connect those two in a way.
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Riko's death was only the start of Geto's downfall. When he slowly becomes to realize the ugly system in the Jujutsu world, he struggles to fulfill his role as a jujutsu sorcerer. On the other hand, Gojo becomes stronger day by day - each second, he becomes even stronger than before. His skills as a sorcerer excelling.
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Here comes the power gap. Geto, who was once the strongest together alongside Gojo - started to drift away, stepping out of that "strongest" title. I like to believe that it was bound to happen - and Geto knew of this. Gojo was born a genius while on the other hand, Geto was not.
That is why he knew his goals would be unachievable and that if it were Gojo, he would be able to reach that unreachable.
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He knew his skills alone couldn't make up for that gap, that's why he was obsessed with consuming and getting the power of Rika, the "Queen of Curses".
3. Geto and His Unattainable Ideals, Gojo and the Shackles as the "Strongest"
Woohoo! It's finally time to look at them side by side. If we think about Geto's goal, putting the murder and death of innocents aside, creating an "era of sorcerers" meant the strong would no longer have any weak to protect. In a sense, it's "freedom".
Gojo, treated like a god from the very start of his childhood, grew up tied down to the burdens of sorcerers and non-sorcerers. The reason he was obsessed with strength was because he didn't want to carry those burdens alone. So when Geto entered his picture, he was able to entrust those burden to Geto - he was able to share those burdens he wished to not carry alone so much.
Gojo is a lonely character. Ever since his birth, he was treated like an otherworldly being - he sat on a throne of rusted gold all by himself. So when he was finally able to find someone he could call an "equal" - someone that can match up to his strength and stand tall next to him, he felt that abyss start to fill up.
He didn't have to look down at Geto when talking to him, and Geto didn't have to look up. Shoulder to shoulder, side by side, they could proudly present themselves as a duo.
Throwing in my own headcanon - I like to think that while Geto was making a world of socerers - strong people only, he was also trying to make a world where Gojo didn't have to carry those burdens at all. Simply putting it, he wanted to set Gojo "free".
A world where nobody had to rely on Gojo's strength - where he didn't have to use his powers for others, where he wouldn't be used for his title as "the strongest", and where he could use his strength for himself.
But because he had been stopped by Gojo, that era never came and Gojo had to continue act as his role as a jujutsu sorcerer (Then eventually - he became a teacher, teaching at Jujutsu High of course).
In fact, Gojo came to use his power more because of Kenjaku - having to save more civilians, only adding weight to his title as "the strongest"; as the higher-ups visibly expects a lot from Gojo, setting standards that other sorcerers cannot surpass.
4. Soulmates and Their End (or not..?)
What's a couple without some angst, right? As much as I love Satosugu, they were (sadly) meant to fall apart. Gojo felt true happiness in this world and Geto didn't - they were bound to fall apart.
No amount of kisses or sleepovers or movie nights would’ve ever changed that. This is why we cope with fanfics!!!
We all know - but as an honorable mention, I cannot leave out this single line delivered by Geto as his last words.
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"You should at least curse me at the end."
Fucking "You should at least curse me at the end."
I love how creative Satosugu fandom is! I am never shown mercy. Ever.
Mr Loverman is basically their song because of this. If I hear Mr Loverman within a 10m radius, I will start bawling on the floor.
We ended up connecting this panel with the one above and came to a conclusion that they did, indeed, love each other.
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Though Kenjaku was able to take Geto's body because it wasn't cremated, I have seen people say it was the blank lines Gojo said that "cursed" Geto - and that being why he gained consciousness when Gojo called out his name.
If they didn't break up, I bet none of this would have happened. I bet Gojo and Geto would be teaching at Jujutsu High together, being all snuggly, cuddly, and unbearably cheesy and melt into ugly puddles of goo at each other's awful pickup lines.
Gojo and Geto were more than friends - even Gege said it himself. I need Gege to flash a huge text on the sky that says "Gojo and Geto were dating" like the Bat-Signal so that EVERYONE can realize that they have fucked and made out on the sheets.
Am I mad at Gege? Yes. Am I mad at Gojo? Yes. Am I mad at Geto? Yes. Will I ever stop gaslighting myself into thinking Gojo and Geto are happy and nothing happened? No.
This post was just for funsies and the majority of it are my headcanons - but! I hope I have ruined your day and doubled that Satosugu agony.
Therapy bills not included ♡
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 23 - Discuss Tosh. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
tosh my babygirl my princess light of my life angel darling… shes so good. shes so good 🥺 i love her dearly. she’s so damn underutilized i hate how the show regulates her to a supporting role + only uses her for romantic plots. WACK shes so much more than that. i want a plotline about her cyberterrorism like hello??? i want a plotline about her warped little mind.. i want a plotline about her finally learning spanish ;-; that show did not do her justice and it did not deserve her. i often say torchwood’s characters are too good for the show; tosh is probs the best example of that. no other character gets screwed over as badly as she does by the narrative (not even ianto!) she’s so tragic and lonely i just wanna give her the biggest hug ever. 
fav moment… every time she smiles. (or smirks. hrgh. tosh call me.) also every time she geeks out about smth. im tryna think of a specific moment but idk if i have one?? i just love her overall i smile every time she’s on screen she’s my girlie. when i rewatch i might rmr one though
least favorite moment, the absolute only thing i can think of (hell, my only complaint with her as a character other than i wish she’d get over owen cuz bad taste queen pls u deserve sm better) - it’s always bothered me how she goes over to owen’s flat in aditd and just starts babbling about her own problems. she even says something like “you think everything’s about you”, and in that ep it’s like ??? why are they all acting like he’s unjustified being miserable and angry when he's fucking dead?? like they're all so unsympathetic and mean, even tosh, and out of her it's especially weird?? tbh it just strikes me as ooc (+ kind of misogynistic highkey) writing. i mean, by all means, let tosh bitch, she deserves to blow off some steam + esp deserves to be rude to owen tbh fhsdkjfsd, but the way it’s done in that particular moment feels ooc and, like, how men write women as talking too much and never listening lmao u kno what i mean (owen’s tuned out in the actual episode but you can see her full ramble in the original script, on page 23). tosh has never troubled anyone with her issues before, why would she choose now to, and when she knows owen’s struggling? yeah, on second thought, i don’t hold that against her actually, that’s ooc to me fhdkf. thts just the writer being a wiener.
my only unpopular opinions (slash hot takes) are that 1) towen fucking SUCKS get her away from him, and 2) most people like tosh but she’s highkey underappreciated, esp in fanfic, because of fandom racism + misogyny. she’s not bashed like gwen is but she’s ignored completely which is nearly as bad, and a lot of it’s cuz she happens to be in a show with two white men in a gay relationship who are overwhelmingly prioritized 💀 i will never not be petty about the way that ship dwarfs everything else in comparison. also throwing towen into the background of janto is so gross n cheap. if ppl cared abt her they'd do smth more interesting. and it's never well-done either. ugh.
i have a few hcs that are gonna end up in my owento verse (gwen and tosh are prominent characters in it bc i love them, and their relationships w owen and ianto and each other also have value lawl). tbh a lot of em are just things i think they should introduce into their lives to be happier. i want them happy ;-;
she starts coding video games recreationally!! nothing fancy but she rlly enjoys it + also gets into the swing of making little storylines n getting to express herself that way which is good for her. owen playtests shit for her
her and gwen go on spa dates sometimes. they put it on the torchwood credit card
she gets into fish tanks and fish tank care!!! esp like aquarium plants. shrimp and moss balls, that sort of thing. maybe plecos or loaches. she loves it + it’s grounding, which is good for her bc shes otherwise always got her head in her computers yanno. she’ll sit by her tank while she codes her games and the water sounds are calming. 
she also sits by it while she studies her spanish books which she does finally do. she doesn’t get around to the piano, though; doesn’t prioritize buying a keyboard. maybe one day (this is a nobody dies au btw so she will in fact eventually get around to it ;-;)
oh she’s autistic have i said that. the fish tanks absolutely become a spin. she has a few we know of from canon - math and computers, obviously, but also history (gbg) and the uk’s rivers (from gooseberry; i think it was just the uk maybe it was europe’s rivers. or the world’s! i don’t remember). she also loves trivia like she knows a fair amount about quite a lot of things + loves accumulating random info
lowkey also. giving her a kitty. i think tosh should have a lil fuzzy kitty to keep her company 
well this is smth from my owandy verse but i think it should happen anyway. so it kind of kicks off bc gwen mixes up a blind date (it was gonna be tosh & andy and then owen & a friend of hers, but shes an adhd icon n bungles the invites <3)... tosh ends up with gwen’s friend, who’s straight, but they hit it off and she invites tosh to have drinks or maybe come to a bookclub meet or something with some friends of hers?? point is, tosh makes some casual friends. maybe meets a pretty girl there or smth 👁️ but mainly i want tosh to have girl friends like i think she grew up very lonely i want her to have some normalcy
also sometimes i like tosh x andy maybe they have a little meet cute at a torchwood crime scene or smth fshdkfd. i think they’d be cute and he’d treat her well. she'd babble abt tech stuff and he wouldnt understand a damn word but he'd listen very intently
i also like tosh x ianto for similar reasons. i think it’d be a kind of friends to lovers sitch... they should just be close in general tbh, platonically or not yanno, and in my owandy verse i like the idea of smth kicking off between them i just think theyd be so sweet
she’s a very sleepy drunk and also a lightweight. if the team goes out to drink she’ll get two glasses of smth moderately fruity and then fall asleep against someone’s shoulder it’s very cute (this is just cuz i like the idea of a sleepy tosh 🥺 my baby my baby shes so precious to meee)
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talkingbl · 2 months
Let's Get Creative
So now that I've had some time to recover from the Wabi Sabi news, I wanna talk about new BL pairings that we either might see or that I want to see (and how I want to see them) at GMMTV for 2024 pt. 2 and beyond!
Keep in mind, that for the ones I want to see, I will be pairing people together largely NOT based on chemistry since they likely won't have acted together, and, to some extent, based on the aesthetic vision.
Pairings we very well could get
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I don't know who's gonna act but I just feel like with them having the same manager and complementary looks, this pairing seems almost inevitable. I've already seen people making edits of them.
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If Java's pairing with Ryu doesn't work out, I feel like this is a highly likely pairing. I don't think Thor wants to be in a shipped pair so ThorFluke will be out after Wandee Goodday. Either way, these two have complementary looks and I can easily see them in a dark hs romance together.
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I just feel like this could happen. And GMMTV would give them a Last Twlight-esque script. Santa's acting lends itself to badboy roles and Java's got a softer look to juxtapose that type of character.
Complete and utter wishful thinking
SkyNani lmfao.
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Let me explain! I know it's not gonna happen in a million years but imagine how much better the High School Frenemies trailer would have been if the main storyline was bl themed! Nani and Sky both seem to have the talent and visuals that GMMTV desperately needs in its Gen 3 pairings, so why not give it a chance? Though, I would prefer to give NaniSky something more like Red, White, & Royal Blue where 2 sons of diplomats/politicians/world leaders that are part of opposing political parties constantly try to sabotage each other or something. There's a lot of potential for social commentary with a script like that, too.
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Idk, they'd just complement each other visually. Maybe Fluke's a call boy and Est is a secret customer or some cliche like that. But the thing about something like that is it'd have to be acted and directed VERY well, otherwise it can easily fall into the same trap as other "edgy" BLs like Playboyy.
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See above. As for the script, I'm thinking slice of life, strangers to lovers trope.
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I think this could be interesting from an acting standpoint. While I'm not thrilled with either of them, their acting styles are very complementary. But they both still need to grow a lot in that area. I wonder what they'd do in an isekai-style bl lmao. Like maybe Ohm T.'s character wakes up in 1995 and runs into Perth. And maybe Perth's character is different than anything he's ever played--like maybe he's a loser/outcast/geek type who likes to study the stars or something, idk I'm just freestyling right now. Anything to break up PerthChimon really!
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I can't even explain what this would do to the industry. Again, I'm not too familiar with Sky's work, but from what I've seen, he's at least on par with Prem. And visually, it would be VERY interesting. I can definitely imagine them in an ex lovers with one-sided bad blood (maybe Sky's character fucked up bad or something) who rekindle the romance.
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BITCH- JimmyBoun would challenge everything we think about how to pair two people together. Their visuals are very different (both from each other and the norm), but their acting seems like they'd fit together quite well in specific roles. In particular, I'd really like to see them play flirty best friends engaging in gay chicken 24/7 until one day they go too far and decide to become a couple. Most importantly, this would be a pairing of sunshine and fluff rather than anything super angsty like with SkyPrem.
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Now this is my most interesting idea. I think Fourth deserves to be able to explore other screen partners and that those screen partners need to complement him very well (so as to not drag him down). And while there's not many options acting-wise, there are some that are very visually complementary (and by visually, I mean they would look good together and they would likely fit the same types of stories). Chokun is one of them. I want to see them play college-aged roles, but I don't want it to be a university-themed story, nor do I want them to actually be in university. Like it'd be really cool if they were just like two part-timers or even played in an alternate universe in a YA sci-fi/dystopia setting. The key with these two is the right story and acting skills. And we all know Fourth can make it happen with anyone, so I'm not worried about that. But Chokun would need to really work hard to prove himself acting-wise. If he could live up to that and they got a good story, I feel like they could be one of GMMTV's best pairings.
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Magnanimous Moonrise Chapter 4M
In this chapter:  Valen turns out to be one of those dogs who only like women and growls at men 
Story masterpost
Here is the corresponding chapter in the complementary story.
Content/content warnings for this chapter: Nonconsensual bondage/restraint/being trapped, gag/muzzle, heavy emotional distress
Valen heard voices outside, more voices.  Men’s voices.
That raised his hackles.
“Ari, you son of a bitch!  You actually did it?”
Valen felt the van dip under him, as presumably Ari got up.  “What, like it’s hard?  How come you all haven’t managed it yet?”
They were talking about him like he was a particularly wily rabbit in their snare.  They were laughing and congratulating each other.  I’m going to die here.  Die, or something worse.
“We sent your girl straight to the ER when she came in,” said one of the men.  “Her face was busted, man.”
“Don’t call my girlfriend’s face busted.”
“We get it, you’re gay.”
“Same thing.”
Valen winced as the back door was thrown open, three human silhouettes outlined by the terrifying sun behind them.  “Shit,” said one of the men.  “You really do just have a whole ass vampire in your car, huh.”
“What did you fucking think?  That we just brought back his leg or something?”
“Damn, woman, don’t bite my ear off.”  Valen watched in terror as one of the men clambered up into the cargo space next to him, leaning over to look at him.
“Don’t look him in the eye,” said the other man.  “They can use persuasion that way.”
“Some of them,” said the first man.  He blinked at Valen, but he had already averted his eyes, gaze glued to the man’s shins a foot away from his face.
“I guess this one can’t,” said Ari.  “Or he would have done it already.”
“Unless he’s just biding his time.”
Valen squeezed his eyes shut.
“So are you lazy fucks gonna help me move him inside or did you just come out here to gawk at him?”
“Geez, fine.  This thing got handles on it?”
“Yeah, on the sides.  I think it’s a two-person job.”
No no no no no.  They were going to drag him out into the sun while he was locked into place, unable to even throw his hands up to shield his face, or open his mouth to scream and plead.
His chest heaved in terrified gasps as hands came on the handles, starting to drag him forward.  He felt heat on his boots as they came out into the sun.
“Oh, hold on a minute,” said Ari’s voice, and mercifully the sliding stopped.  The sound of her footsteps on gravel.  Cloth rustling.  He kept his gaze trained on the ceiling, his quaking rattling the chains slightly.
He saw Ari’s hands tossing something on top of the cage.  His cloak.  She pulled it across until the top half of the cage was covered, his exposed skin enveloped in shadow.
Thank you, he thought, almost crying at how low he’d sunken that this was a relief for him.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
“What’s the matter?  You afraid of hurting it?”
“I don’t give a shit about its feelings,” Ari snapped.  “I’m just doing it because Lex would be upset if he got burnt.”
“Sure, sure.  Softie.”
“Hey this is just like when I put a blanket over my birdcage.  It makes them go to sleep.  They think it’s night.”
You have a bird? Valen thought.  I want to see the bird.
There was a round of laughter.  Despite his terror, he felt a twinge of jealousy again, wishing he were in a position where he could partake in the camaraderie.
The world tilted as they lifted him down and out of the van.
“Shit, he’s heavy.”
“It’s the cage, dumbass.  It’s gotta weigh like a thousand pounds.”
Valen closed his eyes against the filtered sunlight coming through the cloak–it was mercifully scant, but he felt it stinging.  Just a little.
He heard the sound of a garage door opening, then the sun faded.  He shuddered in relief.
More metal rattling, the sound of reinforced doors being unlocked.  The hands carried him deeper into the belly of the beast, into the heart of the den.
He felt his prison being lowered to the ground, then come to a stop with a thump.
More voices.
“Woah, shit, it actually worked.”
“Oh my god, you actually got one.”
“Holy shit, Ari.  Let me see it.”
All men’s voices.  Valen’s face twisted into an unseen snarl, and with savageness that surprised even himself, he let out a rolling growl, slamming his head into the top of the cage so hard it banged off the floor for a brief second.
The cloak slipped off the cage and pooled onto the floor, letting him see the full view of all the hunter’s shocked faces as they took a step back.  His forehead felt warm, dark blood leaking from his skull, visible soaking his white hair.  He ground his teeth on the bit, hackles still raised.
“Je-je-sus,” said one of the men.  “Be-be careful with that thing.”
He peeled his upper lip all the way back, exposing the full length of his fangs.  That’s right.  Be afraid of me.  You fucking bastard.  I’ll kill you if I get the chance.  Stay the fuck away from me.  I hate you.  Don’t touch me.
His eyes flitted over to the doorway as Lex came back in, now with a bandage on her nose.  Her eyes fell on Valen.  She looked worried.  She apparently thought better of offering a comment though.  “Where’s Nick?”
“He’s on the phone with the director.”
Valen’s ears perked up, straining to hear the noise in the background now.  With his preternatural hearing, now that he knew to listen for it, he could faintly hear the sound of a voice talking on the phone.
Oh boy, whoever was on the other end of the line sounded angry.
“Oh boy,” said Ari.  “I bet he’s just thrilled with this new development.”
“I thought he gave Nick the OK to do this?” said another hunter.  “He authorized Nick to put a bounty on bringing a live vampire back.”
The other hunters laughed.
“Yeah,” said one wryly.  “To get him to shut up.  He didn’t think anyone would actually do it.”
“The director was bluffing,” said Ari.  “Because vampires are so damn hard to catch live because of persuasion, he thought none of us could do it.  He doesn’t actually want a vampire in the building.”
A glimmer of hope.  Maybe if whoever was in charge wasn’t happy, that would mean he could get out of here.  But…no, a human would probably just want him to be killed instead.
Valen’s attention snapped back to Lex as she braced herself on the cage.  “Hah!  That’ll show him.  And he’s contractually obligated to pay out the bounty.”
Another human came into his field of view, a man’s hand.  He headbutted the wires above him again, bearing the brunt of the stinging silver if it meant getting a chance at scaring him off.  Don’t fucking touch me.
The hunter jerked his hand back without actually putting any of his fingers through the bars enough to reach.  A pity.  “Yeesh…Well, Nick can have him.”
“Speaking of,” said Ari.
Another man had appeared in the doorway, an unhinged smile on his face.  “You did it.  Thank you!  Thank you!”
Oh, thought Valen.  Oh no.  He didn’t like the look of this guy at all.  Unlike the others, he seemed excited to see him, not scared.  He shuddered.  That…didn’t seem good.
The other hunters reacted to his presence as well; they all looked slightly less at ease.  Lex tugged at Ari’s arm.  “Come on, Ari.  You have to get your leg seen to.”
No no no no.  Don’t leave me here with them.
“Wait, ladies, I have to give you the bounty for your hard work!”  The newcomer circled the cage like a shark.  “And, everyone, after some…heated discussion…with the director, he has simply given me the guidelines that, for safety, we can only open the coffin when at least two people are present."
This wretched device they'd locked him in was called the coffin. Fitting, but it made his blood boil. Is this a joke to you?
"So who wants to be the lucky volunteer and help me take this specimen downstairs?”
“I will,” Lex said quickly.
Was Valen imagining this?  Was it wishful thinking?  Was he projecting, or did Lex seem to actually care a little bit?
“I see how it is,” said Ari.  “Rather spend time playing with Nick in the basement than helping your poor, hurt girlfriend to the nurse.”
Lex stammered, “We can–We can do that together and then go help Nick right afterwards.”
“Well,” said the upsettingly enthusiastic man, “I don’t hear any other volunteers, so…”  He beamed.  “I’ll wait right here for you to get back!”
Valen watched their boots squeak out of sight, further into the compound.  He kept his eyes fixed on them, purposefully ignoring the man hovering above him.
The other hunters dispersed slowly, until Valen was alone with Nick.
Valen felt Nick’s eyes on him.  His fearful trembling started back up.  He refused eye contact for as long as he could, until he couldn’t stand it anymore.
Nick was just grinning at him.  He wished he hadn’t looked.  “We’re going to have so much fun together.”
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facks-stories · 8 months
I started thinking of a alternate universe of the milans
Anyway this au isn’t canon at all
Run down: ‘fake’ milan, Sombra, Capa, and Tocada/Tocado are in the real world now, [the other 3 are still invisible to everyone but milan]
To not seem suspicious the milan’s say they are twins [real Milan is private so the lie is believed by everyone else] but obviously real Milan’s brother finds out
Eventually stupid shit starts to happen and they have to get the four back into the book
Anyway I wrote some scenes and drew drawings where the proportions and shit and the hair is very wrong
Color key:
Real milan
Fake milan [fake name len]
Milans gf [no name yet, fake name quin]
Adrian [milan’s brother]
“Hey can I talk to you?”
*imitating milan* “yeah sure,”
They walk into a empty classroom, once the door is closed quin trys kissing len, to which len pulls away from her before she does
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“I think you are mixing me up with milan”
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“No, I know you’re len, I wanna kiss you”
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‘What’s wrong with this bitch?’ “Sorry, i’ll think about it later”
Len holds quins shoulder while moving around her, she leaves and gets in the car and stops imitating milan
“What took you so long?”
“Milan’s girlfriend tried kissing me”
She said casually while pulling the seal belt on, both milan and Adrian said “what?!” but after a few seconds adrian started driving and said:
“Hmm.. shit I’m honestly surprised she did try with me”
“Jesus- she likes you too?”
“No offense but if people didn’t have decency quin would be a slut”
“Why not break up with her?”
“Milan?! Len?! Fuck I don’t even know what to call you, and you know why I don’t”
“And she likes you?”
“She didn’t try kissing me but she tried flirting,”
Flash back i guess?
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“You know alot, i’m sure you know how to be a good kisser too”
End of flash back
“I told her the answer to a math problem-”
The car goes silent and the milans share a concerned glance 
“I should tell her not to do that..”
“Good to know you’re not a pedo or a asshole, but why did you reject her?”
Milan said to len, who didn’t get the opportunity to reply before Adrian did
“Wait I thought you guys were the same, are you not gay?”
“I don’t feel love, or any emotion really, because of milan”
“I’m sorry I forgot to think past your abilities, because your love life is more important”
“Jesus, wait til we get home to explain this too me and stop staring knives at eachother-“
[a little time skip to the house and the milans are auguring]
*yelling at each-other in the shed*
Both freeze, len touches the tears and stares at her hand, adrian walks in and they look at him
“What happened I could hear you from the house, and why are you crying?”
“Oh shit, thats not supposed to happen is it?”
“Well, kinda no,”
“I accidentally thought about you crying, not now or anything but what if you did have more emotion, I didn’t think it would effect you”
“I didn’t think she could cry,”
Milan just stares at him in shock, before len cried she couldn’t see those 3 but now she could
Len notices she’s looking at them but Adrian is confused still
“Milan stop fucking things up and undo this,”
“Fine, fine..”
The tears go away and they all sit on the floor
“Did I make you insecure?”
“No I’d rather you not subconsciously give me emotions, then give me love,”
“What the fuck is going on??”
“Len is a character I made with no emotions just power, and apparently I can change that character just by thinking,”
“So you thought of her having more emotion?”
“Yes, and if she accidentally makes me fall in love with someone or worse with her girlfriend I’d kill her”
“I wish that was a joke but it probably isn’t-”
“So what happened at school?”
“She asked to talk to me, we went into a room and she tried kissing me and I told her I’d think about it”
“Why did you say you’d think about it?”
“I was imitating you, I’m going to tell her no but if a said it right then she would have interrogated me,”
“Yeah she was asking a shit ton a questions after I told her no, I think your girlfriend doesn’t like you”
“Wow I feel great after you said that”
“My bad, but you do need a new girlfriend”
The end because I’m tired 😔
In conclusion, milan needs a new gf 
Also as all my storys are written, I’m sleep deprived 😎
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koolkat9 · 1 year
7. Underrated Character
12. What makes this Fandom different in a positive way compared to other fandoms
4. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
9.part of canon you think is overhyped
14. Dumbest reason for fandom drama
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
Best of Times, Worst of Times
7. Underrated Character
Cuba. He's got such a unique character design amongst the cast being our only canon plus size character that I'm aware of and also being on the hairier side, and there is so much more to his character, more than what the anime portrays.
I rambled about him in another ask, but just, he's such a cool guy. Like fun uncle vibes. And he probably gives some of the best hugs. And I need him being more chivalrous like the wiki says. One day I'm going to write Matt swooning over how much of a gentleman he can be. I think he can be so fun, I just wish I saw him more.
And I need more of his bromance with Matt in canon!
12. What makes this Fandom different in a positive way compared to other fandoms
I don't have much experience in other fandoms, but from what I've seen, the fandom tends to be very loose with canon. We are all really pick and choose what we want from canon and ignore the rest. And sure other fandoms do this sometimes, but with Hetalia it feels like it's a whole other level and really make these characters our own.
4. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Gosh....I remember seeing some terrible takes, but I've wiped them from my memory. Sorry...
9.part of canon you think is overhyped
Buon San Valentino. That's more because it's THE Ger//ita chapter and everyone knows my feelings on Ger//Ita. But it still has something for me with Ludwig being a gay disaster. But it's the closest I get to feeling something is overhyped.
14. Dumbest reason for fandom drama
Claiming that a ship is canon seriously and attacking others that see things differently. Because 1) Even if your headcanon/ship was canon, this is the Hetalia fandom, canon is a mere suggestion or bouncing off point. 2) No ship is canon anyway.
I don't see this as much anymore, though there is a similar problem with claiming headcanons are canon and people attacking each other over that which is also dumb. But going back to the ship thing, I've talk to some people who got attacked for shipping Germany with someone other than Italy in the past. Luckily I never got that and I'm actually good friends with a lot of Ger//Ita shippers so things seemed to have calmed down on that front. At least on Tumblr.
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
Omg yes. A year or two ago, there was that anon going around to peoples, specifically fruk fic writers bitching about how we portrayed Arthur, how Arthur deserved better than Francis, blah blah blah. The circles I was in nicknamed them "The Arthur Anon" (though I think there was at least two, because I blocked one and still got another anon with similar complaints).
There were a few times these kinds of anons complained about my fics but one I remember vividly was for a Fruk Week fic. It was a story where some of Arthur's fairy friends meddle in his love life and try to get him and Francis together. And they came bitching that the fairies are terrible people, that Arthur shouldn't have been happy that they invaded his privacy or something. And I'm sitting there like 1) They're fairies, they don't have human morals and would do something like that 2) It actually turned out alright so Arthur is kind of thankful because he would have never finally confessed to Francis without the fairies' plans.
That ask actually really affected me at the time, I even changed some of my fic. But now I just laugh at that anon because they were so petty and bitchy.
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So someone in the JhinThresh server asked me about High Noon again
In my last ramble I focused on general horseback headcanons for them... but now I'll focus on Scenarios I Have Imagined Them In But Will Never Write For I Am A Coward.
Everything below the cut. Contains some level of NSFW content but nothing explicit. Also a bit OOC, but not wildly I don't think.
I was (past tense) going to write about them in a very specific scenario, and I did write a bit of it but I will die of embarassment if I share it. As a bit of background, there's a certain type of clover that grows in horse pastures. When a horse eats this, they start slobbering. A LOT. It's not harmful at all to the horse, just very much a nuisance. Well, what if only one of the two knew about this, and the one who didn't worried excessively over it? In my little fic this was Jhin; who noticed his horse had it in the middle of the night (thus no vet available) and got VERY worried and soft. Lowkey forgot Thresh was there and just started kissing his horse and is on the verge of tears the whole time thinking his horse may be dying. Thresh knows what's happening, knows it's not harmful in the slightest, but he chooses not to tell Jhin. He rationalises this as intentionally tormenting him but we all know he's really just gay as fuck and he wishes Jhin was kissing him all soft like that. So he doesn't tell Jhin it's nothing to worry about. Instead he comforts Jhin (albeit in his own weird way). In my headcanon, Jhin likes going for night rides just as a relaxing thing. Thresh offers to take Jhin for a night ride on his horse. As per my last infodump, Thresh's horse is pretty tall. Thresh has to lift him on to his horse and they both get very very flustered over the fact that Thresh has to practically grab his ass and thigh to get him up there (nobody said Thresh would pick Jhin up correctly). ALSO as per my last ramble Thresh rides with only a neckrope. So now Jhin has to clutch on to Thresh for dear life as to not fall off, hugging him like you would squeeze a teddy bear type tight. And then when Jhin nearly falls off, Thresh stops and then puts him on his lap. And holds his waist with one hand and rides with the other. And Jhin has to deal with this. He's not doing very good with that. He's bitching to Thresh the whole time about how undignified this is, how *barbaric* he must be to ride without a saddle, etc. Thresh realises that he can just let go of Jhin at any time and he'd fall off... but he doesn't. Once again he rationalises this by thinking that he's the Most Evil Guy Ever but truly he just wants to hold a cute boy on his lap.
The fic was planned to have a comedic ending by having Jhin go to a saloon/bar, mentions the slobber thing upon being asked why he sounds so pissed, bartender mentions it's Normal Actually, end with Jhin unsure if he wants to make out with Thresh or kill him.
If I knew how to write smut I'd have made it end a little earlier with Something Else but as I mentioned I'm a coward.
Another scenario; just them being as domestic as they can be, but with Horses. Doing barn chores together. Needing one to help the other on to their horse (with way more touching than is necessary.) Unconscious posture corrections, holding the other's hand to move it to the right spot, adjusting each finger. Thresh being overprotective because we all know Jhin is probably NOT wearing a helmet under that god damned hat so he's just... kind of clingy, but in his own bastard almost tsundere way (If you died of a brain injury, who would I have to torment?). Sexual tension MAXIMUM.
I've also thought plenty about other characters that aren't in High Noon but I want them to be. High Noon Jax as the aforementioned total weirdo bartender who sees Jhin crushing on Thresh and nearly has to kick both of their asses with the lamp to get them to talk to each other (Jax can have even more plot armour. As a treat.) Bonus if he lowkey adopts Jhin--personal headcanon that Jhin is a bit desperate for a father figure so he unintentionally latches on to Jax here--and ends up only threatening to kick Thresh's ass. Or actually kicking it, and Jhin helps take care of him afterward.
High Noon Mordekaiser doesn’t count in the previous but PLEASE imagine him teasing the living hell out of Thresh for his little crush. Asshole older brother energy. I know it’s a bit OOC but I don’t care I will do whatever I want with them fuck you Riot. Him laughing at Thresh and talking about how he’s horny for a mere mortal and how he’s too cowardly to do anything about the crush and Thresh yelling at him all flustered about how no he’s not he just wants to torture him… It’s not important the torture involves holding him on his lap and calling him cute. Not at all. Mordekaiser I don’t think would wingman like Jax would but he would tease Thresh even AFTER they got together. Bonus points if Jhin finds this hilarious and teases Thresh really hard about whatever Morde’s teasing him about this week until Thresh “punishes” him wink wink.
Also, Jhin falling asleep taking care of his horse. I’ve done it, so this is just massive projection probably, but let me be self indulgent. Thresh having to carry him to a safe spot (so he’s not sleeping standing up leaning against a very much sentient being that could kill him) and Jhin half-awake kissing Thresh’s chest thinking it’s his horse. Probably wakes up right as Thresh sets him down because the warmth is gone. And then he’s upset. He doesn’t know why he’s upset. He thinks he still hates this man. So does Thresh, actually. But once again it’s just them being gay as hell and denying it.
Thanks for coming to my OOC Ted Talk. I'm so sorry
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weather-story · 7 months
I started thinking of a alternate universe of the milans
Anyway this au isn’t canon at all
Run down: ‘fake’ milan, Sombra, Capa, and Tocada/Tocado are in the real world now, [the other 3 are still invisible to everyone but milan]
To not seem suspicious the milan’s say they are twins [real Milan is private so the lie is believed by everyone else] but obviously real Milan’s brother finds out
Eventually stupid shit starts to happen and they have to get the four back into the book
Anyway I wrote some scenes and drew drawings where the proportions and shit and the hair is very wrong
Color key:
Real milan
Fake milan [fake name len]
Milans gf [no name yet, fake name quin]
Adrian [milan’s brother]
“Hey can I talk to you?”
*imitating milan* “yeah sure,”
They walk into a empty classroom, once the door is closed quin trys kissing len, to which len pulls away from her before she does
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“I think you are mixing me up with milan”
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“No, I know you’re len, I wanna kiss you”
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‘What’s wrong with this bitch?’ “Sorry, i’ll think about it later”
Len holds quins shoulder while moving around her, she leaves and gets in the car and stops imitating milan
“What took you so long?”
“Milan’s girlfriend tried kissing me”
She said casually while pulling the seal belt on, both milan and Adrian said “what?!” but after a few seconds adrian started driving and said:
“Hmm.. shit I’m honestly surprised she did try with me”
“Jesus- she likes you too?”
“No offense but if people didn’t have decency quin would be a slut”
“Why not break up with her?”
“Milan?! Len?! Fuck I don’t even know what to call you, and you know why I don’t”
“And she likes you?”
“She didn’t try kissing me but she tried flirting,”
Flash back i guess?
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“You know alot, i’m sure you know how to be a good kisser too”
End of flash back
“I told her the answer to a math problem-”
The car goes silent and the milans share a concerned glance
“I should tell her not to do that..”
“Good to know you’re not a pedo or a asshole, but why did you reject her?”
Milan said to len, who didn’t get the opportunity to reply before Adrian did
“Wait I thought you guys were the same, are you not gay?”
“I don’t feel love, or any emotion really, because of milan”
“I’m sorry I forgot to think past your abilities, because your love life is more important”
“Jesus, wait til we get home to explain this too me and stop staring knives at eachother-“
[a little time skip to the house and the milans are auguring]
*yelling at each-other in the shed*
Both freeze, len touches the tears and stares at her hand, adrian walks in and they look at him
“What happened I could hear you from the house, and why are you crying?”
“Oh shit, thats not supposed to happen is it?”
“Well, kinda no,”
“I accidentally thought about you crying, not now or anything but what if you did have more emotion, I didn’t think it would effect you”
“I didn’t think she could cry,”
Milan just stares at him in shock, before len cried she couldn’t see those 3 but now she could
Len notices she’s looking at them but Adrian is confused still
“Milan stop fucking things up and undo this,”
“Fine, fine..”
The tears go away and they all sit on the floor
“Did I make you insecure?”
“No I’d rather you not subconsciously give me emotions, then give me love,”
“What the fuck is going on??”
“Len is a character I made with no emotions just power, and apparently I can change that character just by thinking,”
“So you thought of her having more emotion?”
“Yes, and if she accidentally makes me fall in love with someone or worse with her girlfriend I’d kill her”
“I wish that was a joke but it probably isn’t-”
“So what happened at school?”
“She asked to talk to me, we went into a room and she tried kissing me and I told her I’d think about it”
“Why did you say you’d think about it?”
“I was imitating you, I’m going to tell her no but if a said it right then she would have interrogated me,”
“Yeah she was asking a shit ton a questions after I told her no, I think your girlfriend doesn’t like you”
“Wow I feel great after you said that”
“My bad, but you do need a new girlfriend”
The end because I’m tired 😔
In conclusion, milan needs a new gf
Also as all my storys are written, I’m sleep deprived 😎
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sexysuperscorpio · 9 months
Ok I’m gay lmao I’m gonna keep talking about this because obviously I guess I have something to say wow
Like I woke up still drunk this morning lmao and I opened my phone to text her and I can see the little dot dot dots this bitch is already typing to me like wow are you inside my fucking brain bro and she was telling me about how she hadn’t slept in 48 hours and was now gonna go get a tattoo like wow ur such a crazy bitch I fucking love you you cunt me too that’s exactly some shit I would do and honestly probably have done we have the same trauma and same mental illnesses like I can tell her the most fucked up thing in the world and we’ll both just laugh and say bitch same me too no way that’s crazy we’re crazy but that’s okay she’s just like me but in a slightly different font it’s so wild I don’t know how to explain to you these feelings man like it’s not a crush it’s not infatuation and it’s like deeper than friendship but I’m not like tryna fuck either I dunno maybe I just forgot how intense it is to be besties w a gay girl but like anyways whatever that’s my fucking wife that’s all I miss my gay wife partner I wish she wasn’t 8 hour time difference away but also the time difference clearly doesn’t matter bc we still always be talking to each other even if it’s 4 am for either of us heehee whatever I’m gonna get out of bed now and not go call her in the backyard or anything I’m not gay ur gay fuck you shut up fag ok lol wow I’m byebye
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
Thank you Next one shot
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Noya thought it would be a good idea to ask everyone about therir exes and it was sho's turn to talk about her ex or in her case exes
In the mixed vollyhoes GC
Everyone is online
Noya:hey kohai tell us about you ex
Sho:um i guess if they don't mind
Sho:🎶 Thought I'd end up with Hajime But he wasn't a match🎶
✨ Flashback✨
P.Sho:why are you always so secretive hajime
P.Hajime:what i'm not
P.Sho:you are seriously we use to be open with each other now when i ask you thing like where you going or who text i get nothing silence
P.Hajime:i am going out i don't want to have the third degree here
Iwa left and never returned sho later found out he was with oikawa
Back to the GC
End of flashback
Oikawa: iwa chan you was with chibi chan
Hajime: yeah
Oikawa:why am i just learning that now chibi chan i am sorry for ruining what you and Iwa chan had
Sho:🎶Wrote some songs about Daishou Now I listen and laugh🎶
✨ Flashback✨
That is what she did the day she caught daishou cheating on her with yamaguchi she wrote a bunch of diss tracks and break up songs now listening back on them all she can only laugh at them
End of flashback
Kuroo:you dated the snake
Daishou:i am not a bad person bitch
Sho:🎶 Even almost got married🎶
Tendou:semi semi you and little monster
✨ Flashback✨
Mr Hinata:shona honey can you come down stairs please
Sho:yes daddy
Before mr hinata could speak she saw semi
Sho:Eita what are you doing here
Semi:hey songbird i am here because our parents want us to  get married 
Sho: i like how we don't have a say in this
Semi:sorry sho but as heir and heiress  to our parents companies
Sho:I get it
End of flashback
Semi:yeah we almost made it up the isle sorry again that was forced upon us songbird
Kenma:as in an arraged marriage
Semi:yeah me and sho are heir and heiress to our parents companies our parents thought they were doing the right thing only to see we were not happy of course i love her just not enough to marry her
Sho:🎶 And for Akaashi, I'm so thankful🎶
Bokuto:keiji why my keiji
Akaashi:calm down Ko i was just there when she went through every break up yes we dated briefly and she helped me discover i was gay and she is more of a sister too me
Bokuto:fair enough
Sho:🎶 Wish I could say "thank you" to suna Cause he was an angel🎶
Suna:oh honey its fine you didn't deserve that i would do it again
Suna:there is an ex we never speak of he tried to kill her i just happened to see him and i may or may not have been the reason he is behind bars at the moment
Atsumu:but your in the list of exes
Suna:true i am the reason i am there it's my fault i relates back to the ex we do not speak of and the incident i mentioned you see he came at me instead and well i ended up getting stabbed sho and i not long be came offical nice way to celebrate and we thought i was going to die so i said to sho if anything bad happens lets end it here it took me ages to heal in more ways than one that why i was ignoring you for so long samu
Samu:makes sense
Sho:🎶 One taught me love🎶
Sho:🎶One taught me patience🎶
Sho:🎶 And one taught me pain🎶
Sho:🎶 Now, I'm so amazing Say I've loved and I've lost But that's not what I see So, look what I got Look at what you taught me🎶
The exes:The exes: she really is amazing she put up alot from all of us
Sho:🎶 And for that, I say Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next I'm so grateful for my ex🎶
Luna:🎶 Thank you, next (next)🎶
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next (next)🎶
Luna:🎶 Thank you, next (next)🎶
Sho:🎶 I'm so, Spend more time with my friends I ain't worried 'bout nothin' Plus, I met someone else We're havin' better discussions I  know they say I move on too fast🎶
The exes: It's true you do
Sho:🎶 But this one gon' last Cause his name is Kita And I'm so good with that (so good with that)🎶
Sho:🎶 he taught me love (love) he taught me patience (patience) he handles pain (pain) That amazing (yeah, he's amazing) I've loved and I've lost (yeah, yeah) But that's not what I see (yeah, yeah) 'Cause look what I've found (yeah, yeah) Ain't no need for searching And for that, I say🎶
Kita:I will always be here for you as i am sure your other exes will be as well
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 thank you
Sho:🎶 I'm so grateful for my ex🎶
The exes:The exes: 🧡💜💙❤️💚🩷
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 thank you, next
Sho🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 said thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 next
Sho:🎶 I'm so grateful for my ex🎶
Luna:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Sho:🎶 I'm so,One day I'll walk down the aisle Holding hands with my mama I'll be thanking my dad 'Cause she grew from the drama Only wanna do it once, real bad Gon' make that last God forbid something happens Least this song is a smash 🎶
Luna:🗣 song is a smash
Sho:🎶 I've got so much love (love) Got so much patience (patience) I've learned from the pain (pain) I turned out amazing (turned out amazing) I've loved and I've lost  yeah, yeah But that's not what I see (yeah, yeah) 'Cause look what I've found (yeah, yeah) Ain't no need for searching And for that, I'll say Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 Thank you, next
Sho:🗣 Thank you, next
Luna:🗣 Thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next I'm so grateful for my ex💞 Thank you, next 🎶
Luna:🗣 Thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣 said thank you, next
Sho:🎶 Thank you, next🎶
Luna:🗣Next🎶 I'm so grateful for my ex🎶💕
🎶 Thank you, next Thank you, next Thank you, next Yeah, yes Thank you, next Thank you, next Thank you, next Yeah, yee🎶
Sho:So there you are noya
Yaku:How comes i didn't know Kawanishi
Sho:You two never asked besides yes they are my ex but i still hold a lot of love and respect for them
Enno:I must admit even i respect suna a hell of a lot more you are a braver man than me
Suna:I must admit even i respect suna a hell of a lot more you are a braver man than me
The exes: we all would
And people came to know and understand why the 5 boys minus her siblings were over protective of her and sho's siblings were also grateful for her exes
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