#its actually not fine but. i dont b writing the show
frogmascquerade · 1 year
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pumpkinsy0 · 29 days
Tips on how to write Curly,Tim, and Angela Shepard??
asking MEEEE how to write the shepards??? im rubbing my hands together evilly i feel so honored to b asked this thank u sm<33
BUT, here r some important characteristics for their characters i think could help for writing em!! ill try to focus on things that r like, skimmed passed??? in fics??idk how to explain it
-tim is a cool and collected guy, at most hes scarily calm!!! he has a good head on his shoulders and hes not ignorant to the problems in his life, and almost nothing gets past him, he knows whats wrong w his family and is very observant of it, unlike angela and curly. when it comes to tim, make sure things like his inner monologue and his movements is pretty composed and self controlled. when he thinks, he doesnt think half way, hes an analyzer and he dissects the world around him and tries seeing it for what it truly is, he doesnt let his emotions control him.
-he will always, ALWAYS, have his guard up!! even if its w small things like glancing around, always having back up plans, asking questions about before he even hangs out w em, etc etc, he can never be too sure, and he LIKES being informed, it bothers him so much if hes not, so hes always looking out. on top of that, on a regular ass day, i dont think hes OBVIOUSLY protective of angela and curly, he knows how they get when they feel cornered so he kinda???lets them do whatever???? tim being protective comes off as someone whos more annoyed than anything, other than someone who loves their family
for example he says things like: “i already said no, stop asking”, “didnt i tell u to bring ur blade with u”, things like that!!
-and finally, i think the only way u could actually get tim to b emotional, is if something happened to angela or curly. theyre literally his life lines, if it wasnt for them, he wouldve booked it half way across the country already. tim would be way more hostile and aggressive, its like hes coming apart, but thats rlly only when hes alone, out in public hes still pretty stoic but still agitated a bit more easily. everything he does at the end of the day is for them and while it may not seem like it, hes always thinking of them.
ps: hes quite honestly a lone wolf, he doesnt rlly have friends, ppl he hangs out w, ofc but friends??? eh, hes perfectly fine w being left alone w his own life, but thrives off of being around ppl bc he can use them to his advantage to further himself, but i dont say that in a “mwahahahah hes so manipulative and stone cold hearted😈” way
basically: for writing tim, make sure hes always coming off as a leader, hes always gonna have leadership qualities in whatever he does, so even the small things he does is important, it doesnt matter hiw small u think it is, if u feel like it shows his character, just add it in there. tim does have his limits, and its always gonna b curly and angela. kinda like darry, how he shows how he cares is just different and not understood, however for tim its to a higher degree.
-im not gonna sit here n say that hes book smart, bc generally speaking, hes not, and this may b a bit controversial, but i dont think hes 100% street smart either!!! BUT hes not completely DUMB. while yes, hes not particularly smart in one aspect, hes not CLUELESS, he can grasp complex things and knows what to do, just not everything. ppl undermine him and overplay his stupidity so theyre surprised when he shows that he can b smart, and thats if they DO even realize that, its small when he shows hes smart, but he can have his moments, pls dont write curly as completely incompetent</333
for example: maybe tims trying to come up w a plan and bc curly knows the schedule of these ppl, hes actually a big help, but ppl just dont pay attention to how important that part of the plan was so they dont realize it, maybe ponys ranting to curly about something, and curly got pony to see another side of it he never rlly thought of before, but bc of how he said it, it doesnt “come off as intelligent” but it rlly is!!! i hope this made sense😭
-part of the reason of why he acts out is bc he looks up to tim, but hes not seen as smart like tim OR angela is, hes constantly compared to them both and while he loves being a shepard and loves his siblings, he wants to b seen as his own person and make something of himself!!! this however, can get him into trouble bc hes desperate to prove himself, to who??? to himself, to tim, and to a degree everyone else. im not gonna say curlys “all bark, no bite” bc he isnt, but he can definitely talk more than what he can rlly deliver and that gets him into shit as well and also thats what causes ppl to play up his stupidity. curly is pretty misunderstood and pushed to the side!!!
-i would say that curly being around others is important to write bc i feel like thats when he truly flourishes as a character. hes way more energized and pumped up, so when u write about curly around friends or whoever hes close to, make sure hes more relaxed, boisterous, and adventurous. however, when hes upset, id say hes sorta like tim, his eyes r the same, bit more analytical, and he uses the ppl around him. becomes less of a friend, more like a leader, hes not all buddy buddy, and if they try to joke around w him while hes mad, he pushes them away, tells them to shut up, its like a complete 180.
-if u wanna write about curly going through something, i feel like its important to realize that hes in denial about the problems in his life, not ignorant about it, its pretty in his face, its not like he cant say its not there, but hes just like “yea its bad, but its not THAT bad, i could push through it”, i think thats his way of coping w everything around him, but when hes pushed far enough and forced to come to terms w it, he does some irrational things to cope and turns to drinking
and last but definitely not least, my main girl angela
-she NEEDS to b around ppl, she THRIVES off of the attention of others and if she doesnt get it, shes on edge, she rlly doesnt like being left alone w her thoughts and needs something to distract her. and just like how curly and her r tims life lines, same could b said for curly and tim w angela. she needs her brothers as her support, and if they arent there, she tries to find it in other people, even if its only for a few weeks. bc of this, when it comes to this part of her character, in writing, id say that if u rlly want to make angela go through it, but for her problem to b solved, she goes to either tim or curly, BUT if u want to show that shes really desperate to b heard out, and she feels trapped in a corner, she tries to find comfort in someone else, usually through a romantic relationship. id say that it perfectly shows that for angela, her family means everything to her and she goes to them, BECAUSE she knows they have her back, but when she goes to try and find comfort in other ppl, it doesnt rlly work out or doesnt change, so shes just reminded that “at the end of the day, all u have us ur family and nobody else, ever”, which is a huge thing in her mind as thats just how shes grown up
•now, im sure we all see the shepards as poc, and considering this is the 60s (or 70s or whatever time period it rlly doesnt even matter, poc have never rlly been respected), i think to a degree, angela is sexualized, but its also a way she protects herself. i dont think angela is respected and thats for a multitude of reasons, its bc shes a woman, shes a shepard, and shes a poc, cards r pretty stacked against her. BUT, shes not clueless☝🏽, tim taught her from a young age about the world around her, bc he NEEDED to, its to SAVE her from getting taken advantage of. so to protect herself, she uses the things stacked against her, against em, she knows how hard it is to fight it, so why fight it when u can use it to help u is the way she sees it. and her being sexualized is just one of those things. angela in town is seen as “the forbidden fruit” ig u could say and she knows about it, so she uses the way how ppl see her as an object to use them as her puppet. they dont think shes aware so they dont rlly suspect much from her, hell, they dont even think she can fight, and theyre wrong w that. they just see her as an “easy” girl and if thats what they think, so be it, she’ll fuck w em one day, thats just her survival tactic and how she can survive. as far as this one goes, id say that its important to understand how the ppl around her interact w/see her, as that can help u understand what her next course of action will b, she NEEDS people in order to further herself, shes like tim in that aspect. however it will also somewhat impact how she sees herself, at the end of the day, shes still vulnerable but she doesnt let on, shes spent such a long time trying to cultivate how she wants ppl to see her and she doesnt want that ruined, she’ll do anything to keep that intact, ESPECIALLY lying. so if u want to write her coming loose emotionally, dont add small hints of it when shes in front of other ppl, MAYBE only when shes in front of tim or curly u can do that, if u wanted. in front of other ppl, she hardens up and comes off a little more smarter than she lets off, so she CAN b scary, and thats when ppl remember that shes a shepard. shes too grown for her own good but she just wants control in her life.
-speaking of her life, like curly, shes in denial about the things in her life, but its more so about how they impact HER. she knows their life is completely fucked, she knows how bad it is, but she just says it just doesnt hurt her as much, and to a degree, shes right, but then again, some days r harder for her than others, so while yes, shes vulnerable, this doesnt mean that she cant handle what tim and curly go through, shes not fragile, and i think thats important to remember, shes tough!!!she has to b, she will bite back if she has to. dont JUST write her in high school dramas, she has to deal w some of the gang issues curly goes through, while not AS much, its still there
-ANNDDDD FINALLLYYY, when it comes to angela, while yes, she is analytical, but she can let emotions drive her sometimes, and thats potentially her downfall, shes a pretty impatient person, so when she wants results, she wants it FAST, and it agitates her deeply if things dont go her way, some leadership qualities from tim rubbed off on her, she acts more like tim while curly looks more like him. when it comes to her inner dialogue, u should have a comfortable mix of her being observant and her having a bitttt confident and self assured, let her b a lil cocky!!!
i hope this helped u at least a little bit<3333
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dremiruu · 4 months
alright i was planning to put out a big celebratory nublar six fanart for chaos theory day but since its 10 and I'm only done with darius I'm putting a pin in that and instead posting the notes i took at the time while watching the show!!
I'm going to come out with more sane-sounding analyses and all when i calm down so stick around for that -> for this i was just writing down whatever was in my head while watching but it's still fun!! (italicized the best fragments)
episode 1: - oh my fucking god bens a redditor. my sweet boy what have u done to him - darius calling brooklynn just to hear her voice made me tear up :(( - oh my GOD i missed benrius so so much
episode 2: - HE TURNED HIS VAN INTO A HUGE DORK POUCH AWWW LOVE THIS LITTLE (BIG) GUY - "guess we could've looked that up but… well…" BEN. - WHAT THE FUCK WHATTHEFUCK BEN AND BROOKLYNN WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME - SHES SO CUTE…… - im crying,,,, - brookes an investigative journalist awww that fits her so well - them bonding over dark jurrassic i CANNOT - ben being obsessive and dealing with constant anxiety ahhh - darius just called ben 'benjamin' i am in shambles - ohhhwwhbgb theyre fighting over trust and brooklynn and ughghhh my babies - awww bonding over candy i MISSED THEM SO MUCH
episode 3: - SAMMY LIVING ON HER FARM AHH - she doesnt talk to her parents anymore??? girl we all KNOW you care, you loved them SO MUCH?? she sacrificed so much for them what the hell happened - BUMPER CARRRRR SHES HEERREEEEEE - AWWW HER AND BENS REUNION!!!!!!! - ben defending bumpy. also i dont like carlos - SAMMY GIRLIE I LOVE U SO MUCH PLEASE GO SEE A THERAPIST. AVOIDING UR PROBLEMS BY KEEPING URSELF BUSY ISN'T HEALTHY. PLEASE - WHATTHEFUCK WHATTHEFUCK HER SEEING BROOKE I AM IN SHAMBLES - SAMMY GUTTIEREZ. STOP. - THE TEARS IN HER EYES - OH MY GOD IM SOBBING WHAT THE FUCK - "And what, Darius? Stop and think about Brooklynn dying, or my family not speaking to me, or Yaz pulling away from me? No. I… I can't stop. I won't." JESUS FUCGIN CHRSIT WHY - ^ im gonna have to post a whole analysis on this scene because wgat the fuck man - seeing them back in their 'hiding from the dinos' selves fbiudsjkbgfskd - Sammy with Brookes jacket awhghh - ^ also i STILL believe Brooklynns alive I DONT CARE WGAT ANYBODY SAYS PKAEASE - ^^ HHDFUSIGIF - alr this is the 2nd scene involving cars and jumping i have to start counting - ok ths is building up GOOD
episode 4: - ben being emo and sighing so somebody would notice him BROO - THEYRE SO CUTE?? benrius married for the double income shenanigans - YEAH BUMPYS A BOSS SHELL BE FINE - BGFDHUJKH THEYRE ADORABLE - i didn't know i needed benrius conspiring together until we got it - BEN HAS A GIRLFRIEND. !!!! - DARIUSES FLASHBACK SJIT?? - these children. (theyre older than me now i think) - oh my fucking god theyre all so traumatised - DARIUS AND KENJI ARENT ON SPEAKING TERMS. THE HELL. - KENJIIIII HEIII!!! - HES IGNORING HIM. WHAT THE FUVKING HWELL - hes an eat-love-climb kinda guyy - WHYRE THEY FIGHTINGG - oh hes BLAMING DARIUS for brooklynn? KENJI KON WHAT THE FUCK - she went to see daniel?????? why. - SAM CALLING YASMINA ALL THE TIME I - KENJ AND DARIUS WITH TRUST - sammy ranting about yaz doing things she doesn't like i- PLEASE communicate. i beg u creator gods make them actually TALK to each other - "I think we should split up." "gasp you and yaz?!" "what?! noo! us! the three of us!!! …why, did she say somethin'?" OH MY GODSHBKJG HOW BAD IS THEIR SITUATION IM SCARED - sammy just tickled the keys off him - THEY LEFT DARIUS TO DEAL WITH IT. - okay them having the emotional conversation ON THE CLIFFSIDE. ok. - KENJI BROKE UP W HER?? alright were getting dinostar then right - ^ christ man i am too good at guessing these things - DARIUS NOT KNOWING HOW CLIMBING ROPES WORK LMAO - okay B&Kenji were cute im gonna miss them - but Brooklynn ignoring him,,, JUSTIFIES IT. I GET IT KENJ OK - POOR KENJI??? WTF??????????? - OH GODFFDHGFBV AND BEFORE HER DEATH TOO WHY - OKAY i get that i should pay more attention to the dinostar crumbs and all but all i feel rn is sympathy for kenji. hes been done wrong ENTIRELY in this scenario and just. man. - HTEY GOT BUMPY
episode 6: - SHITTTT YAZ'S HEREEE - ohhhh fuck shes dealing with A LOT - DARLING U OK??? - THE FLASHBACKS ARE TERRIFYING - shes so pretty!!!! - BROOKLYNN BITCH WHTWS FD - THEYRE SOOOOO CUTEEEEE - I LOVE HOW YAZS MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES HAVE BEEN AND STILL ARE PORTRAYED - I'm SO glad to see her dealing with everything and slowly getting over some of her trauma - ooh ok YAZ AND SAMMY - THEYRE SO HSGDIUF - okay so the solution to the problem is. TALK. its just. TALK TO EACH OTHER. - AWHH OK SHES NOT READY I SUPPOSEE - SHIT sam bb i get protecting the ones u love. but u shouldnt hide things from ur gf just so she doesnt feel bad. especially things so huge. - AND YAZ. babygirl. you shouldn't avoid your gf if shes doing something ure uncomfortable with. you shouldn't ignore her and make her feel bad abt it. YASAMY. THIS IS AN INTERVENSION. TALK TO EACH OTHER. ACTUALLY. PLEASE - ^ this is me showing how much im loving this storyline. VERY annoyed. love angst in fav ships. GOTTA HAVE SOME SPICE ONCE IN A WHILE I GET IT - ^^ but if they break up im killing myself - sammY PLEASEEFH DONT ASSUME JUST TALK. PTSD/MENTAL HEALTH IN GENERAL ISNT THAT SIMPLE - theyre both doing wrong things AND I JUST AGHHH -ALTHOUGHH when they finally DO communicate itll be SOO satysfying - EEEE HERE THEY AREEEEEEE - awkward. a little. BUT SWEET - OK NO I CHANGED MY MIND THEYRE SOOOO CUTEEEE - and ben and yazs friendship AGHGHHHG - therapy island. awh okayy!! - YAZS SO PASSIONATE I LOVE IT - 'ohohohhh… let me show u!… benny boy' - this is GOOD. it IS impressive!! - SAMMY STOP IT - YES YASMINA TALK ABOUT IT - I AM LOVING THIS OH MY GOD - JESUS CHRIST BEN - NAH WHAT THE FUCK - WHY. BENJAMIN. - yasammyyyyyy i love u to hell and back WHY R U LIKE THIS - ben&yaz bonding!!!! - YEAHHH SHES HAPPY FOR UUUU - THE BESTIESSSS - OH MY GOD THE FUCKING DINOSAURS ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING - ohhh this isnt good!!! - OHHKAY THE GUYS DEAD WHAT THE FUCK - jumping car scene count: 3 - 'big bens got moves' SHE SAID THE LINE - i feel like DPW is gonna play a bigger role in this - ^AND IM RIGHT. - WGAT THE FUCNK
episode 7: - OHKAY WHATS GOING ON - theyre up buttt….. what the hell r they gonna do. they either drown or get eaten by a dino. - YASAMMMYYYYY I MISSED U SO MUCH - AND THEYRE SPEAKING AND SHJOWING AND HFUDSI - okay KENJIS HABING A PANIC ATTACK I AM - quick break to say the mental health representation and how its done in this show is one of the best examples on how to portray mentally unwell characters I've seen lately - WTF DOES THIS GUY HAVE TO DO WITH THIS - bens soggy van is what ure complaining about rn guttierez??? - OK THE SCENE OF BS DEATH I CANT IM SOBBING - them both reaching for the phone ok. - THEYRE ALIVE, - YASAMMYS BACK OFFICIALLY PEOPLE I AM SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP - ben respectfully i love u but that van wouldve died of old age in a matter of a week - SHE HAD A PLACE - he finally got to throw them phones away - I AM SCREAMING OVER THESE YASAMMY MOMENTS IM AHGFSFJSV - 'oh i am so gonna hunt them from beyond the grave' yasmina fadoula will u marry me - oh right they dont have their phones so theyre not gonna be able to find each other - ok so if im picking up what theyre putting down correctly brooklynn was investigating illegall DPW dinosaur dropoffs?? - cant tell if kenjis coming to terms with it or being jealous - WHAT THE FUCK OK SHE EITHER GOT REALLY INTO THAT INVESTIGATING OR SHES ACTUALLY WENT CRAZY - ok this kenji sequence questioning scene was amazing
episode 8: - wgat the aHELL wr they doin - ok darius and kenji awkwardly connecting. good - ^and darius being protective around kenj over brooklynns phone since he left so many voicemails that he doesnt want him to hear? jesus christ man - OKAY my favourite little trio in a truck with a dinosaur chat do we think theyll survive this - tbh the amount of times in these kids lives where the probablity of survival was scary low is. er. sad - ^ not only for them cause of trauma and stuff but for the random bg characters - dude dies after seeing a dino ONCE but six random kids? yeah theyll survive DOZENS without help - quickly ill just say we need a name for the lesbians and their emotional support muscle wall. their dynamic is superb - the kenji and brooklynn video I LOVE THEM - BABYTALK - . POOKIE BEAR. KENJI WENJI. - shit fuckballs they're fighting again - darius. just. talk? - YES THIS IS GOOD TOO THIS IS GOOD - that CAN be a coping mechanism i GUESSS - what. who r u - DPW BOSS? - YEAH I THOUGHT THEYD FALL FOR THAT AGAIN THANK GOD - YOU WERE IN WHAT WITH WHO NOW - ^WHAT THHFSDN - ^^I WAS EXPECTING THIS HIGHKEY BUT STILL - ^^^ its good that he told kenji about this - ^^^^ and its GREAT that kenji's understanding - is this THE video??? - SHE IS WHAT NOW - maybe this is how they get to take these dinos away?? by pretending the dinos are dead in the face of the law?? - 'ooh heyyy!. boo.' I LOVE U GUYS - it IS the video. - OK BUT A LITTLE BIT LONGER - if i was in dariuses place i would NEVER recover - KENJI RESPECTFULLY DON;T - ^DONT BLAME HIM???? - please dont let this be the scary lady - YEAH KENJ ATLEAST URE RESPECTFUL - whats going on with bumpy. - YASAMMMY I WANNA INJECT U INTO MY VEINS - SHESAIDTHELINESHESAIDTHELINE - ^ 'wanna make a little chaos?' WHAT IF I DIE. WHAT IF I DIE YASMINA. WHAT THEN. - 'maybe. maybe not!!!!' BABIES?? - r the dinos drugged or controlled with the same method the inhumane ladys using - ^or are they tranqued out of their minds. idk. - OH SHIT? THEY SHOULDNT KILL AT THE WATERING HOLE guess it isnt really that is it - BENJAMIN NO
episode 9: - now SAMMYS anxiety's spiking - ok bens gonna not die hopefully?? - i love them stalking. the little creepers. hehe - BUMPER CARRR WHATS GOING ON - ^ is she drugged or smth :((( - ^^^maybe shes pregnant?? but idk idk i dont think so - ^^^^ fucking forshadowing - ^^^^^ i sincerely hope its more positive than im thinking - COMMUNICATION!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!! - theyre the cutest!!!! Yasammy charades level teamwork!!!!! - ok i love both the teams - kenji and darius sticking up for each other despite everything. DO THEY WANNA MAKE ME SUFFER - the kon puns im crying - KENJI HELPING DARIUS CLIMB IM SCREAMING - ok quick intermission i LOVE yazs design shes so cute - hndsgjkb JUST FIND EACH OTHER ALREADY - BENJAMIN CMON U GOTTA SAVE HER - 'Are you dying?' WHATRF ESDGUHKUFDGKJBFDXBFVGBUFIDCFGVBKJSDXBC K EFAHBUISDAGEBDBWAUISDFK - ^ NO - ^^ NO - ^^^ NOOOOOOO - WHATTTTTFDSDGJBMGDF - SHE CANT BE - ILL SOB MY EYES OUT I SWEAR TO GOD - BEN HIDING AND CRYING I - I FEEL U IM DOING THE SAME EXACT THING RN - OKAY THEY KNOW NOW - yaz&sammy&kenji&darius reunion1!!!!1! - ^ AND WHERES BEN - BUMPY. U STRONG STRONG WOMAN. I WANT U TO KNOW THAT IF U DIE. I WILL TOO. - IM GONNA KILL MYSLEF/.
(this i fear is where i realise that im going insane)
- CREEPY MICRO BANGS IS AN AMAZING NAME FOR UNCANNY VALLEY WOMAN YEAH - yeah atp i think weve all figured out its an illegal dino selling business - wGAT - yeah WTF WAS SHE DOING - 'no talk. come quick. bumpys dying.' IM FUCKING DYING TOO!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT OH MY GOD - BUMPER CAR DO NOT. PLEASE. DONT. - WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I WAS RIGHT - ^ WTF WTF I - thats an egg. - DONT THINK ABOUT IT BUD.
episode 10: - these kids r so traumatised they do not need this - IS SHE RLY DEAD…. - ok so its two separate factors i think?? DPW on one side, creepy micro bangs on the other. right? - ^ this is delving DEEP into the mystery factor… - BEN WTF!!!!! DONT JUST??? DO THAT???????? - OMFG SHES HERE - ^ I HATE HER IHATEHERIHATEHER - SHES WHY THE DINOS R ACTING WEIRD - WHY IS SHE SO FUCKING UNCANNY I CANNOT - ^ SHES LIKEA CARNIVORE DINOSAUR IF IT WAS A HUMAN - ok so SHES the real boss. the unresponsive. wide eyed. controlling dinosaurs. microbangs. woman. - SWHE KILLED BROOKLYNN. - ^ WHAT THE FUCK. - im ngl i DID kinda dig her vibe but AFTER HEARING THIS I JUST CAngfijbdsuif FUCK U - who THE HELL - GET UR FREAKY ASS BOB AWAY - BRUH PUT THAT FUCKING WHISTLE DOWN - IM GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES OVER THIS LADY - WHAT THE - theyre way too lucky who the hell is driving that truck - i feel like atleast ONE of them shoulda got injured in that fall - OH MATEO!!!! HI BB - OOP CREEPY BANGS DEAD YIPPEE - AND THEYRE ALL GOING BAZONKAS?? BC SHES UNRESPONSIVE I PRESUME? - ALWAYS THE MFING RAPTORS - okay theyre definitely coca in the loca - WGAT TJR FJCUK EPIC EXPLOSION TYRANNOSAURUS REX - ^ R U SLASH J OR SRS RN - JESUS I LOVE THESE KIDs - where's yaz. - SAMMY!!! - 'Hey, Stripey! Leave. My girl. Alone!' YTHIS IS WHY I HATE THIS FUCKING SHOW /affectionate - AND THE ALMOST KISS HALF HUG IM KMS - WHY R THEY LIKE THIS - HES LETTING THE ALLOSAURUS OUT???? HUHHHHHHH - DARIUS BOWMAN. - IS HE - IS HE FUCKING - SERIOUS RN - jesus christ this BOY. this BOY man. - DIE - DDDDIIIIIEEEEEE - what tf!!!! the broker??? - we still dont know the creepy bangs name…. - so we're getting a 2nd season right - AWW YASAMMY SHOT - HWRFIUSDHGSFDKHAWVBSDXCZKJLGDHSFKLJGBJKESRDFJ - WHYSDHIFUJDIGVBDFS - WHEN I TELL U I JUMPED I MEAN I JJJUUUUMMMMPPPEEEEDDDD - THIS EERIE ASS BITCH KEEPS ON SHOWING UP WHEN I DONT EXPECT IT - DONT GET ME WRONG - PEAK CHARACTER DESIGN - AND THE LOOK ITSELF IS RLY CUTE AND ALL - BUT IF I SAW A BITCH THAT LOOKED AND BEHAVED LIKE THIS I WOULDVE SCREAMED MY INTESTINES OUT AND RAN ALL THE WAY TO AUSTRALIA - THE CREEPIEST CHARACTER IVE SEEN IN YEARS IM AFRAID - oh she still cares about her dinos!!! this makes her a little more human - a little less scary - ok - her movements r less mechanical more affectionate now - less hvfudignb BIGBFI SHE JUST TURNED - thank GOD shes gone - theyre me - 'well that was… unnerving' WELL SAID - YASAMMY HUG!! - YEAHHHH THE LOOK!! - the regular schmegular 'let's save the day' speech. we gotchu darius!! - GASPPP - ok so UNREQUITED dinostar - OH MY GHRHSIUDF THATS SO FUCKING SAD - DARIUS MY BABY I - YEAH!! SHOW UP!!!!! - ofc they are????? - it IS a very brooklynn thing to fo - you kon count him in too!!! - LMAO MATEO I LOVE YOU - YUP YUP BUMPER CAR NEEDS CARE AND SAFETY - IS THIS THE END??? - please give me atleast one more cryptic scene - OH SHES IN ON IT TOO?/BG - bgiudsfgtbfseruifdgkdfx - I FUCKING TOLDF U - I TOLD U ALL - I SAID IT FIRST - HGIUDFSOI;GT;ERASFOICXLBVNIPGRSD - SHE LOST AN ATM - SHES ALIVE - THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN FUCKING TALKINHG ABOUT - TOLD U SHE COULDNT BE DEAD I MEAN. ITS BROOKLYNN.
(ok all in all. this was. an experience. gonna leave it at that and go take a nap)
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Hey I love this one, do you mind turning it into a request? It would be so cool to read something like this
Thorn At My Side
Summary: Dream could not bring himself to like humans, because their nature was cruel, greedy, unchanging, and he made it a point to show you, to take it out on you, despite himself.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Dark post caputure!Dream, gender neutral reader, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: 🙄 fine nonnie. the whole point of me not taking that was because idk what to do and didn't feel like writing it because Damn he has contempt for humans but freaking falls in love with one. it's going to bite him in the ass, and reader's going to suffer for it. I racked my brain for this one. enjoy suffering <3 Choochoo the angst train ive been asked to lead ig Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 Part 2 kinda "Beer"
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"I wouldn't go in there if I were you."
"M- I- Why?" I turn to Matthew, face falling in concern, "did something happen to him?"
"He's in one of his moods again," he mutters, "the one where I don't think it wise for a human to be around him."
"Ah," I say, pulling the box in my hands close to my chest.
"And don't take this the wrong way, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with you."
I knit my brows, "with me? What? Why do you say that?"
"Well, a couple of things actually. I-"
I look to the door, the door Dream placed in my apartment that leads into the Dreaming, as it begins to shake. It's as though someone was banging on it from the other side.
Concern flushes all around me. "He asked me to give him this," I tell Matthew, "he must really need it."
"Yeah, but he asked me to accompany him, and yet here we both are in your dingy apartment."
He flies up to my shoulder, "don't act like it isn't true."
I look at the door, the door that was practically calling out to me to be opened.
Matthew sighs, "look, I know your school girl crush on Dream makes it hard for you to resist, but he's more irritable than you've yet to see him, kid."
I take a moment to debate his words. The next thing I know my hand is on the knob.
Matthew squawks and flutters off me when I move, "hey, don't say I didn't warn ya!"
The next moment, I am in the Dreaming, standing in the middle of the throne room with my shoulders tense.
"Dream?" I call with hesitation.
The sound of the banging on the door replays in my head, and yet it starkly contrasts the silence of the room.
I move towards the empty throne and nibble my lips at the ominous atmosphere, "Dream?"
Out of nowhere, I see him take the box in my hand. It all happens so quickly. Before I even know what's happening, Dream's dark expression fades as sand twists around me.
The next thing I know, I'm back in my apartment.
"Hey," Matthew starts as I take in my surroundings, "I gotta say, he's still got some sense in him cause just- wait- wh- no- NO DONT-"
The Raven's calls go silent once I am in the Dreaming again.
I suck in a breath as I call out, "Dream!"
He turns his dark back to look at me. He still had the box he took from me in his hand.
He is expressionless when he cranes his neck.
I release a breath, "Dream, I-"
His eyes twitches and the entire Dreaming begins to quake. He throws the box to the side, except unlike himself, he does not make it evaporate into a vacuum pocket, he lets it crash down on the floor. Its contents scatter all over with a thud.
My pulse quickens and I do not have the mind to even walk back when he storms over to me.
His form darkens the entire room and he towers over me with harshness all over his being, "insect."
Fear shoots up my spine.
"A true testament to humanity."
I manage a few backward steps.
He leans his face down towards me, "was it not painfully clear to you that I do not want your brazen existence to be near me when I took what I needed from you and brought you out of my domain? Or must I etch it in into a nightmare for you to understand?"
"Dream, please," I squeak like a mouse caught in a trap, "I... I just want to help."
My body tenses with an electric fear when he grabs my arms in his hands.
"What help can a feeble earthborn, asinine and shameless, ever help the King of Dreams and Nightmares with?"
I whimper at the severity of his tone. I look away as I screw my eyes shut. I gulp, feeling my eyes water, "b-b-but, the box--I- I just helped you-"
"That was meant to distract you," he quips, releasing me, "and keep you away from me." I hear him scoff, "but you are too much of a fool to realize that your presence is not welcome around me."
My breathing is jagged when I finally look at him. Tears are streaking my face and the sight of his flaring anger finally made the fact that, even if I tried, I was powerless against him.
He was angry at me.
And, truly, I was afraid.
"Fear seems to be your best teacher," he speaks accusingly, "will you force yourself back here once I remove annoying being from my domain?"
I rapidly shake my head in disagreement, "I won't ever bother you again, I swear."
He narrows his eyes at this.
"I swear."
"Good," he speaks.
The next moment, he is alone in the middle of his hall.
"What the hell was that?!" Matthew asks as he soars down from a height.
Dream shoots him a dark look, and yet the Raven is undeterred as he croaks loudly, "you just made the only human you actually like swear never to set foot here again?!"
He growls, "I see you would like to join the banishment party."
"Dream!" Matthew grunts as the hall darkens. Quite frankly, Matthew doesn't care, he needs to hear this, "when are you going to admit that you misguided your like into anger?"
"I will never like a human."
"But you do!" Matthew blurts, "Face it! It's painful to admit, but-"
Dream is relieved by the silence. He looks down at the bird, now made of stone, and basks in the silence for a moment. He walks away. He then catches sight of the rubbish on the floor, particularly pink icing that splattered all over.
He nears and catches sight of a handwritten note: My favorite flavor for my favorite Endless.
He burns it, along with the rest of the mess. Dream notices the glittery wrapper of the desert turn into nothing.
Then all at once, he starts. He feels a pain in his chest. It doesn't take long for him to realize an entrance to the Dreaming was being severed from the other side. He grunts and pushes the feeling away.
Good riddance.
He moves about to continue with his business, but then he drops to his knees, the striking pain rendering him immobile. It's so strong that Matthew is freed from his stone trap.
"-if you don't now, you'll only do it when it's too late," Matthew finishes.
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emmkitt · 8 months
i am actually floory’s number 1 fan real and true
my main blog is @emmkittycat so likes and follows will come from that account i think idk i still dunno how tumblr works💔
i cant believe i have to put this but i do. anyways impersonation is a HUGE boundary for me so please dont pretend to be me / claim to be me wtf. idc if you kin / pretend to be my fictional characters but i am a real person hi hello you arent me thanks.
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hi. im ememmemt or baxter
he/they/she/xe, 20, INTP
i am autism 🔥 i use tone tags on occassion but u dont need to use them all tbe time when interacting with me ,unless tone could be easily misinterpreted
i love floory, mephone4 and dr fizz! ANDoetrope. AND ZOETROPE. they are my favs ever!
my designs for characters are all FREE TO USE!!! also i normally hc sexualities and genders for the characters i design but these are just MY headcanons. so like if u wanna draw like, for example, my bot design as gay or like my floor design as agender or whatever thats perfectly fine HDHDH.
i dont mind if u get inspired by my art!! i allow reposting my art for non commerical use as long as proper credit is given (a link back to this tumblr account)
-general dni, homophobes, racists, pedos, zoos, that shebang
-pro ship. pro ship does not = ship you dont like. pro ship means pedophilia, incest, etc. otherwise illegal stuff that is being glorified or romanticized. (i kno sometimes people write that stuff to educate or as a coping mechanism; thats fine, i usually dont consider that proship. romanticizing or making these pairings seem OKAY is BAD and i dont want to interact with people who write this stuff for their own personal enjoyment, thats sick. (not the cool sick.))
-object show enjoyers 😡 /JOKE
i dont block often and i only usually block for one of two reasons:
A. you have done something absolutely heinous and i never want to run the risk of ever having to interact with you. (or youre in my dni. which is mostly heinous things.)
B. i just saw a lot of irrelevant posts from you in one of the like 4 tags i regularly browse and i just got sick of it.
if youre not in my dni and i have you blocked its probably safe to assume its because of option b. either way i probabblyyy dont want any dms from anyone i have blocked, so pls dont block evade to ask ‚why did u block me??’ cause i really dont owe anyone an explanation. (i usuually dont block tjough. i literally have like 3 people total blocked lmao. so this hopefully wont be an issue. )
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
Reunited ch 5
*had to sit in a room all morning and just twiddle my thumbs so got some writing down. So here we are chapter 5 again im a baby writer none of this is profed i just write and post. Everyone be kind. In my fic neytiri and jake actually took care of spider, like reader asked them to and the colored text is them speaking in Navi.
Previous chapter. Next chapter
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Y/n pov
My mind is slightly eased after speaking with Norm. While he didn’t promise anything he also didn’t flat out refuse us, even so miles has continued to fine tune his own escape plan for us just in case Jake refuses to help. Right now however the biggest hurdle in his plan is Spider. Making sure we can fully take care of him, which evolves a mask that couldn't be tracked and a reliable source of oxygen for him. But after looking into some of the tech the new rda developers have been messing with I found a new type of mask for spider. It was more portable and no longer required to be charged; it would create its own oxygen so I keep my eye out and wait to swipe one when the time comes.While we all continue to follow any leads on finding Jake none of us are truly hunting him just doing the bare minimum to look as though we are all still loyal. It's not till a week later that something big happens. Ardmore has one of her goons call on us to meet Ardmore on the bridge.
Miles pov
I walk into the bride wainfleet and z-dog behind me. Y/n wanted to come but i wanted to keep her as far away from the general as i possibly could.
You called for us general”
“Ah yes colonel follow me, she leads us over to the hollow map now showing a large area of water instead of its usual mountain and tree landscapes.
We believe we’ve found a lead on sully's wearabouts
Yes Mathewson pull up the data
Yes general
The map moves going back to the tree line just outside the rdas search circle. A red dot now displayed
We’ve been sweeping for old equipment from the war making sure everything was together and accounted for. In doing so we came across and active signal from an old fighter helios, it entered the edge of the tree line here and went west, until disappearing somewhere in this small grouping of islands
Thank you Mathewson. Colonel your team will leave at the end of the week, to start searching every one of these islands until Jake sully is found.
Of course General we'd be more than happy to.
Good answer: you'll be meeting up with a vessel we have out there already and they will assist you in your mission. Now go get me some results colonel
Yes ma’am”
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Y/n pov
“So what did the wicked witch want?” I ask miles as he Lyle and z come back from their meeting with Ardmore
“There's been a signal from some old pre war equipment, its flown out towards the ocean region, ardmore wants us to follow up on it. She has reason to believe it sully or at least some of his followers.
“Well if it is Jake what are we going to do?
“I dont know darlin, try and contact norm again see whats taking them so damn long and if they dont answer well have to go with plan b.
“Ok ill go out today, and try again. “
“Good take Mansks and prager with you, but yall be quick about you hear i don't need this woman trying to find something to bitch at us about. Espesiclly when she holds your life in her hands ok love.”
“I will love take care of spider for me tonight.”
“I will darlin”
“Yeah no need to worry y/n hell be with his favorite uncle.
“Who says you're the favorite I hear Lopez call out as he approaches us.
“I say i'm the favorite and since i have seniority you can suck it lopez”
The two start going at it like toddlers me, miles and Z all just watching them.
“Don’t worry y/n me and Quartich will actually take care of shit.”
“Thanks z, ok boys let's go. “
We successfully made it to the clearing, ringing the com link non stop, when it was finally answered i could hear an odd sound in the background. It almost sounded like water or something, just reconfirming that whoever it is that answered was probably near the ocean
“Wow Jake, is it really you?
“Yeah dove it's me.”
“Ha dove I haven’t heard that call sign in years… oh jake i can’t even tell you how happy i am to hear your voice.”
“And I you y/n, now let me ask what's going on.”
“Have you spoken to Norm?”
“Yes I have, I was actually trying to get back to you but some stuff has happened with my family and I got side tracked.”
“Oh Jake, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything but I have to ask for my family and for yours.”
“What is it y/n”
“Jake shits is about to hit the fan here, Ardmore is determined to bring you in and make an example out of you. In her eyes, if she gets rid of you and your family then the RDA no longer has any issues with taking over Pandora like they plan.”
“And I'm guessing by the sounds of the ocean behind you that she's found where you’ve gone.”
“They got a signal from some old equipment that disappeared in a grouping of islands. They don't know which island so she wants to send us out to search, and if we don't do what they say they will get rid of us jake.”
I hear jake get further away from the com probably pacing, As i hear muffled cuss words
“Jake she wants to send us after you, but we're stuck if we don't do what they want they will get rid of us. We need to work together and come up with some way to delay Ardmore and get us out, so we can help you.
“Y/n its not going to be that easy.
“Well then tell me what we need to do to make it easy jake cause the rda isn't going to go away again without fully crippling what they’ve got going here. And no offenses but we’ve all been gone for 15 years the rda has stepped its game up. You’ll need our help”
Jake is silent again before letting out a long sigh. “I'll have to talk to some people, Dove. They’ll be the ones that will have to decide if we can do anything”
“Ok jake, we’ll continue to lay our part here but we're running out of time
“I understand here in the meantime is spider still with you. “
“Of course he is jake you should see him interact with everyone and”
“I can only imagine y/n but since he's still with you i'll send out a message to the clan to keep an eye out for him. Ok if they see a human kid with a bunch of Navi in army garb they’ll know who you all are. I'll tell them not to put up a fight that you aren't there to hurt them but you have to act until we are ready to strike. You just can’t hurt anyone
“We wont jake i'll personally make sure of it.
“Good till then keep in touch with me and ill try and come up with a plan to get yall off the radar. If your her only hunting party then getting rid of you will delay them till we can strike”
“Good point.” Mansks says next to me “if we somehow all died or got lost the rda wouldn’t be able to send someone after us right away without occurring more losses.”
“Yeah that would definitely upset the people over the general but it would also piss her off.” Prager chimes in
‘But y/n.”
“Be honest with me, I know you will.”
“Ok i promise.”
“Is he the same?”
“No Jake, none of us are the same. They’ve all changed and as the days move they grow more and more used to pandora and want to be a part of it. We’re different Jake, they could be different just like you where they’re on that cusp of not being human anymore but not fully being Navi. We just need help, so I ask you again as your friend. Please help me protect my family.”
“You always saw the best in me y/n, so I'll try and do the same with them. We'll have to meet somewhere neutral though, I'm not going to go through all this for quartich to betray me and hurt my family.”
“I completely understand Jake.”
“Ill be in touch dove, ill get and answer to you by tomrrow at the latest ok i have to talk to some people first so we can start making preparations. Keep this. Link open and let me or norm know if anything happens ok
“Ok jake i will
“Goodbye y/n and may eywa be with you.
“You as well jake. “
The call ends and i stare at the ground thoughts running through my head
I know in my heart that everyone’s changed and I know Jake would also help us, it's everyone else I worry about. While I don't want my family torn apart and used, I also don't want the people and the clans of Pandora to be hurt in the process either.
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Jakes pov
“You did what now
“Im sorry tonowari but we have to help them”
“And why should we help these demons?”
“Ronal please”
“They’re are agitated and i can understand”
“Im sorry ok, i'm sorry that i brought this battle here when i told you i was done with war but its not going to go away. Look what's happening the rda hut tulkun, just as you’ve told me, they will not stop until they strip this planet of everything they want and then leave it in the dust to rot.
“If we help y/n and her team they can help us permanently alter the rda, possibly crippling them. We could cut this off at the source once again they have insisted that I don't have any longer.”
“What is it you expect from us jake sully”
“I expect nothing. I ask desperately for help to integrate and teach the sky people new ways, show them that our way of life is fully worth fighting for and then let them help us protect it.” Ronal and tonowari are silent. Exchanging looks with one another. Until Tonowari straightens up once more
“We will help you toruk makto, but know this will all fall on you and your family if it goes wrong.”
“I understand that and I will not endanger these people I refuse. We will set them up somewhere outside of the village until they are accepted and then we can go from there. Does that sound alright?
“Yes, on the grounds that I and my mate meet them as well since it is our clan they must conform to.”
“Of course.”
“Good then see to it Jake sully and keep us updated.”
“I will thank you tonowari, thank you.”
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It takes until the end of the week to set up a meeting, being in constant interaction with jake we learn that we need to first meet with the clans leader tonowari since they are the ones that must teach, home and aid us
We take the ikran out and stop in our clearing to dump everything with a semblance of a tracker and leave it there. Spider rides with me today instead of miles. I like holding him close, it makes me breathe easier and Miles wants to make sure we're protected. We told the general we would take a quick trip to gather some more supplies for us since we found the food of pandora worked better for our growing Navi bodies than human food did. It takes a couple hours to get away from the base and towards the designated meeting spot it's an area just breaking into the ocean filled with overgrown roots of trees and moss. We land in a forested jungle esc area. A small stream and pond stints on a cliff face if you follow the stream and go further out into the trees you’ll come across the ocean. It’s truly beautiful though. Spider and I were so excited honestly to see the ocean and its beautiful turquoise blue water. I wish there was a beach to plan on and not just tree roots but hopefully spider will have the opportunity to have an actual beach day sometime in the future, all the ikrans are chirping with glee as we let them rest and drink some water. Everyone else though, were very rigged, ears pinned back and twitching at every sound. Hands twitching towards their weapons but making an effort not to grab them, tails swishing steadily back and forth. All on high alert, because even though we're here to make allies, training can not be easily forgotten.
“Ok darlin you ready” miles asks coming over to me and spider. I try and put a brave face on but my insides are twisted. Im affraid. If this doesn’t go well then well be essentially on the run from the rda and well be all by ourselves. I mean i have faith in my team but we can’t do it all alone and… i brought out of my thoughts by miles pulling me into his chest whispering to breath in my ear.
A few deep breaths and i shake my head he loosens his hold and looks at me
“Are you ready my love”
“It’s just sully i can handle him “
“Miles you I both know it's bigger than that. “ Hes silent
“Miles just promise be to try ok, we all need to reconcile and move forward before none of us can”
“Your right darlin your right”
“COLONEL”. Lyle yells out getting all of our attention. He's looking at the sky. Seeing a group of other ikran flying towards us. Everyone gets in formation, grouping into a somewhat defensive stance but still trying to look open since they all know what's at stake here.
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Six people land and depart. Three of them are darker blue like us but there are two others. They look different from the Navi I'm used to, they're a lighter more turquoise blue, they have bigger arms and tails. They also wear shells and netting rather than the braided garments of the forest people.
As they get closer the dark blue male leads, his dreaded hair hangs behind him as he walks with purpose towards us.
Jake?” I ask the male as he comes to a stop a quarter of the way from us.
“Jake, neytiri i hear spider shout out as he goes bounding over to the group.
“Spider!” i hear miles call out to the teen who stops before completely running over to them
“It’s ok,” Jake calls out. Gesturing a hello to Spider. The atmosphere is definetly tense on all sides so i decide to try and break it
“It’s good to see you again jake and you neytiri
Jake smiles and neytiri finally comes out from behind him, no longer able to contain her happiness at seeing the person she used to know in a body gifted by eywa. I meet her half way between the two groups as she holds me at arm's length, looking me up and down. Before gently smiling.
“I see you my friend”
“I see you neytiri” She smiles and hugs me, I feel miles and the other scoot up slightly, miles in spider coming up behind me as Jake and Norm follow behind neytiri
“Tiri, can I cut in” Jake asks coming to stand beside her before also, quickly, hugging me and looking me over as well
“Wow dove, it's actually you, I honestly say I never thought I’d see you again, any of you” Jake says stepping back towards me as he eyes the man behind me
“Sully, mrs. Sully”.
Tiri softly hisses at miles anger evident on her face, but she says nothing, she's not the only one though, i can tell miles is nervous even though he's trying real hard not to show it.
“Care to get this thing started sully we can’t be here all day.
“Right grab Wainfleet and come meet your new allies.” Miles Lyle and i walk with jake and neytiri over to the unknown Navi
“Ill translate for you jake tells us quickly
“We know how to talk sully miles replies snippaly to jake with wainfleet smirking next to him
“Miles please just relax, go ahead jake.
All right, then Tonowari, Ronal. This is y/n l/n, miles Quaritch and Lyle Wainfleet. They are the heads of their clan with Quartich being their olo’eyktan
“Guys this is the metkayina clans olo’eyktan tonowari and his mate and tsahik of his clan Ronal. They’ve been helping my family and i and have agreed to help you all as well”
Tonowari and Ronal i see you: doing the gesture much to their surprise “And i thank you for helping in our time of need”
Tonowari and Ronal look at each other having a silent conversation before returning my greeting, Miles does a simple nod/bow to show respect which Tonowari reciprocates.
“Jake sully has told us of your life’s, and i refuse to bring trouble to my clan without just cause. In fact we were prepared to refuse jake sully until eywa sent us a sign.”
“She sent me a vision”, Ronal starts “she told me to help you, and i will not refuse Eywas word not matter how much i disagree with so you sky demons will be helped”
“Um thank you”. I say nudging miles beside me to say something
“Yes thank you chief we just ask for somewhere to lay low. Miles spits out
“We just got our family back and we would like to protect it sir. Lyle adds to miles speech
Understandable, as ive said once we get you away from the sky people we will start teaching you the ways of water till you become a part of the clan.
Thank you thank you we will work hard i promise we are all very capable and will earn our place i swear.
“Very well, jake sully?”
“Oh yeah ok well first things first before all of that we have to figure out how to get you away from the rda
I've actually had an idea about that, Lyle states quickly.
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Y/n pov
For the next hour we dish out a plan, our team would follow our orders and start searching the islands and the villages, once we get to the preordained village, the ocean clans would unite and apprehend the sky people that have been scouring the ocean nearby. They would capture all of us and fake kill/capture us in their attempts to rescue the toruk makto adopted human son. Hopefully there would be no casualties but the human soldiers that Ardmore sends to monitor us will probably put up a fight. Hopefully we can talk them into staying on the boat. Either way it was surprising how well all the boys got along. Working well to hash out this plan to where everyone was taken care off. It brought a smile to my face till i saw neytiri side eyeing miles, she was till stiff as a board so i decided to try and talk to her.
“Hey tiri can i speak with you for a moment?”.. she agrees and walks over with me to sit on some tree roots near by
“How are you Tiri?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean your stiff as a board and i know your not exactly thrilled with Miles”
“That de… Quartich has done much to me and my family, and i hold much anger toward him, but eywa has spoken and i am trying to listen to her.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t be angry with him, neytiri. You know i don't think I ever got to apologize to you.
“For what?”
“For everything for not doing more to stop the attack on hometree, even though I didn’t know they were doing that. Or for stopping miles and the other from joining the war for everything the humans have done to you I apologize.”
Tiri hugs me, both us having tears in our eyes
“I do not blame you y/n for i must also apologize, for taking your mate away from you”
“No tiri neither of us blame you in fact we don't even really remember it. What matters now is that we're here together in these bodies and are able to do better this time”
“I must also thank you and Jake for what you’ve done with Spider. You out of everyone had every right to never even acknowledge Spider but he tells me he's close with all your kids and that you helped him so much growing up.
“Yes i must admit at first i was apprehensive but as he learned more about pandora the more i saw you in him, i knew you would want him to live a life not in a lab”
“You are correct. I wanted him to be able to experience the things around him so again from mother to mother I thank you neytiri.”
“Of course y/n of course”
Miles pov
“Ok that should be good for now, it’s getting late and your team will need to start heading back Quartich.” Jake says quickly motioning to how dark the sky has started to get the sun beginning to set in the sky
“Agreed, ok y’all pack it up.” I yell to my team all swiftly moving into action
“Sully i would like a word, privately” i say looking over at spellman as he quickly lifted his head from talking to Tonowari as soon as he heard me speak
“Fine, I have something to say to you as well”
Jakes pov
Quartich and i walk over away from everyone else
“Ok sully get this out of the way yeah”. Quartich says bracing himself like i'm going to slug him in the face. Part of me wants to but the more mature part has realized I had wronged this man as much as he had me.
“Im sorry colonel”
“Wait What!”
“Yeah, I'm sorry……. I've had a lot to think about colonel, and ive realized, you guys took me in when i got to pandora, despite my disability you all treated me like a normal soldier. Made me part of your team despite me being assigned to grace, didn’t let me feel like I was just some experiment, and what did i do, I betrayed you all. I immediately made you the enemy when in reality it was the rda that where the enemy we were all just caught in their net, just like now. Which is why I apologize for that but you have to see now why I did what I did don't you?
“I do sully i do, he turns to look at spider and y/n quickly.
“I forgot when i was human that i made a promise to myself that they would come before everything else. I wanted a good home for my family and thought the only way to get it was to follow orders.
“I understand that, which is why i propose a new start”
“What do you have in mind?”
“I say we let the past stay in the past. No longer opposite sides of the board but comrades in arms once again. That we help one another to realize our dreams for our families. What do you say?” I ask holding my hand out to shake and sign the pact.Quartich looks at my hand for a moment for grasping my arm and shaking it a nod in my direction
“Agreed sully, let's take these bastards out, but first lets get us away from them deal
“Yes sir.”’ I say a slight grin in my tone.
“Dad, we're ready!” I hear spider yell out, quickly turning Quaritch's head. We both look over to the boy with a goofy smile pressed on his face.
Hey thanks for taking care of my boy, jake
“Of course, colonel, I promised y/n I would..
“Yeah now let's get the job done.”
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@dyingofcookies @ratchetprime211 @myh3artttt @ducks118 @navs-bhat
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charbles · 11 months
Can you tell us more about your AU called the inbetween and is Betty okay?
Sorry this took so long, i had an original response but i passed out on my computer yesterday and deleted it! sincerely FUCK.
First off; I would like to give credit where its due, i make this au with my friends @artvid707 and @galacticaldisaster ! its a group effort and i implore them to correct me if i get anything wrong!
secondly! Im gonna post the characters i DO write for as well, since i dont have a bunch of characters in this au, its actually feasible this time!
-Betty Grof -prismo -Fern :] -Neddy -Elise -Golb -Jermaine -Shermy -Fionna
I'll just edit this post when i get more characters or something!
Now onto the actual au stuff :]] Im going to put this under a Read More, because i know for a fact that this is gonna be a long post! but hey, atleast theres art involved!
Im not gonna be going over everything, but i will go over the gist!
In general, the au is about a reality entity called the In-Between kidnapping people and storing them within itself, Nobody knows how to leave or what exactly it wants, but they all have a common goal of FINDING that exit.
The In-between regularly only has 3 characters active at a time, and swaps them out with eachother regularly AND randomly, the characters call this rotations, though it doesnt have a set order,
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i have rotation C :] these characters and their variants can swap out whenever
Now Variants are the same character from either A. a different time period or B. A different universe entirely! its important to pay attention to which these are; because some variants know more about their situation then others and some from the past have no idea what some from the future are even talking about, im going to use fern as an example here;
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theyre at different points in their lives and they all show up at the inbetween, hence the nicknames! No variants can meet each other, and no one in the same rotation can meet each other.
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betty's got a bit of a unique case going on... but i'm sure shes fine.
I wouldn't worry about it too much :]
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star-girl69 · 7 months
Baby don't even apologise for late responses cause regardless of when you reply to me, the response will most definitely have me in space and floating on cloud 9 for the rest of the day.
- ❤️
(Honey I miss you all the time and I think your beauty is unmatched. I call you a gorgeous goddess for a reason❤️❤️❤️)
(You're good at chemistry🤭🤭🤭dammmmmn beauty and brains??? Cause how am I supposed to not fall in love????I can't wait to read what you're writing(remember we are patient and understanding don't push yourself) You sound so hardworking 🤭)
(I LIVE FOR YOUR YAPSSSS. I NEED MOREEEEEE. Tell me about today??? (no pressure though ❤️❤️❤️))
(You're amazing❤️)
i saw i got this ask and then jumped up and down right? like as one does and then my bff said “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” and i was like “GIRL YOU DONT WANNA KNOW” and then she grabbed by phone from me and i was like “girl you’re not gonna like it” and then she threw my phone down and started fake gagging like i toldddddd youuuuuuuu
(honey 🤭🤭) ALL THE TIME?????? RAHHHHH i was so sad yesterday bc idk what time zone you’re in but i had to go an ENTIRE DAY without a reply and i was like having withdrawals…. not even funny
i love when you call me gorgeous goddess it makes me like not okay in the head yk? like. i think you can infer how it makes me feel…. 🤭
i’m INSANE at chemistry im taking ap chem next year in fact but i actually have a complaint
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THIS SHIT took me forever and then my teacher wasn’t even here today so i could have had an entire day more to do it but WHATEVER. WHATEVER ITS FINE 🙄🙄🙄 it’s not hard or anything it just takes forever and also there’s so many numbers and i SUCK at math so there’s a possibility that i messed up my calculations but IDC!!!!!!! i’m too tired to check it
because of you is turning out so bleh. i don’t like it lmao 😭😭 but i mean idk i’ll still publish probably tmrw hopefully tmrw aka tuesday
i KNOW you all are patient and understanding but i am NOT so 😭😭😭
i fear you are wrong and i am not hardworking do we not remember me talking about how i procrastinate 24/7
today is fine so far but OH MY GOD my ap lang teacher handed us back our synthesis essays and then asked me if i could read mine outloud as what to show everyone NOT to do i was like GIRLLLL NO WAY 😭 but it’s ok i think mrs b still loves me ☹️ it was like bc my topic sentences did not align w my thesis and i was like ok i mean you’re right but wtv… i’m struggling so bad w writing rn idk what’s going on. i mean i still got an 8/10 while most people got 7 or 6 so i still ate.
also i love baby hippos
and i have sat prep class today after so that SUCKS let’s hope it’s not like last week when i had that BLINDING headache good lord. did not rival the great headache of 2022 but still
idk. anyways sorry i hope you know this makes me like AHHHHHH giggle kick my feet all the stuff i’m not good at expressing it but ☹️ you get the point hopefully…
giggling 🤭 YOURE amazing 💋💋
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nishipostitz · 1 year
hi i really liked your 'haikyuu boys seeing you in revealing clothing for the first time'. could you write the same prompt with noya, kageyama, kenma and iwaizumi or whoever u want, really. i apologize in advance if you don't take requests, feel free to reject this
ive actually been wanting requests bc i dont have any inspo to write rn 😭 so this was a god send 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 alright lets go 🤠
IM SO SORRY HOW LATE I POSTED THIS 😭 ive been so unmotivated to write lately 😣✌️
part 2 to ‘how haikyuu boys would react to you wearing revealing clothes’
iwa, noya, kags, and kenma x gn!reader
tw! it’s gonna be suggestive if im being honest. uh the gn!reader turned into a fem!reader in noya’s.. sorry yall. yall im sorry kenma sounds like a perv 😔
- if im being honest, he goes to the gym regularly
- so hes used to it… but
IWAI SAW YOUR LATS!! and he loves them. also bc youre only wearing short shorts that show off those quads and he just. wow. he loves them. bc yk him
- this man has never seen the real deal
- bc i just know he has posters and magazines
but noya never actually took initiative to see the package for himself. so when he saw you wearing an oversized sweater with booty shorts on, he literally had steam coming out of every pore on his head bc of how flustered he was. yeah kiyoko was his crush, but he never imagined himself to be interested in another woman. especially asahi’s sister 😟. bc how could jesus asahi have a sister like you? noya didnt even intend to look at you. he just so happened to look in your direction when you were walking up the stairs. and asahi noticed.. surprisingly. “i can hook you up man. my older sister has been quite lonely lately. but you have to do something for m-“ noya didnt even think twice. if asahi could help him land a date with you, he’d do it. “asahi hook me up!”
- you already know
- this man is so handsome but he has no game
ok so.. to sum it up. he was happily enjoying his lone time, watching highlights from his play, and he heard a noise from outside. it was you, washing cars on the driveway. kageyama was so shocked to see you washing cars, because a, who does this in february, b, why on a driveway, and 3, why are you wearing barely anything. kageyama was literally so flustered, but like why dude… 💀 y/n cant even see you. but yeah…. lets say kageyama dirtied up his parents’ cars so he could see you again………….
(guys im sorry kageyama’s sucked 😔)
- my bro is literally gaming
- he turns and he sees you walking past his door
*shiver me timbers did i see that right???* he thought. first things first, he was on a twitch stream so he cannot possibly act up rn. and two, why were you in his house? wasn’t just kuroo supposed to come over? but its fine. he got some good views, but he was very flustered and shy. but that really motivated him to win many of his games. after he finishes his games, he went downstairs to see what you and kuroo were doing. kenma couldnt look you in eye after seeing you wear such a small amount of clothing. a tank and shorts. kenma almost got a nosebleed… 😔
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presleyluvschris · 9 months
I love outer banks I would love to know/didn’t really like
give us more backstories… like how the pogues met and became friends
i would not do the pope x kie thing, like not drag it out that long. poor pope. kie and jj just aren’t it . I also would not pair up literally everyone just leave it about friendship like that’s what I loved about the show I would love to know a bit more about and his mum what happened but i think his mom just left when he was little but I would love to know what actually happened . i’d also do some explaining regarding the cameron family and rafes, sarah’s and wheezies mom because they never ever mention her.
i think personally they should of do more episodes per season so we can get character development and some filler episodes like idk just not rush everything like that x
anon!! litterally !! we need to send this to the writers for fourth season.
pope is so underrated too. like what? he's so fine.
i really wanted kie to be one of my favorite characters but i feel like she was toxic when she wanted John B to pick sarah over her? thats starting fires.
also just because she didn't invite you to her party? Like that makes sarah a bitch? You are a grown ass 16 year old why are you acting like you're in kindergarten.
and then she proceeds to call the cops on her 😐 the world does not revolve around kie. Kie drinks beer probably often, hypocrite energy.
and then she makes pope feel bad for her and then luries him in by hooking up and then rejects him after playing with him? Girllllllll
i dont know. I love kie but I dont think she deserved that much time in the show with pope. like broooo just stop dragging it out.
Heres what i assumed about the group. I think the pogues met because john b was friends with JJ natrually growing up, pope probably lived nearby since he "was a pogue just like the rest of us".
Kie was there because "shes not like other girls" and she couldn't get along with anybody at her school which kind of proves something about her......just saying.
Sarah got in through falling for John B and she wanted to live outside the bubble wrap she was in her whole life and she was afraid she could never get out of it, she saw john b as a gateway into a more flowy future of teenage fun.
I think she regretted being a pogue at one time because of all the shit that happened from it. Would sarah be the same person if she didnt be with the pogues?
I think JJ's mom left when he was really little so i think thats why they dont put any backstory on it because he might have just been too young to remember much and theres not much emotion there on JJ's side, and since luke is an abusive asshole, no one is really going to be interested in hearing what he has to say about it regarding his wife.
I think the point of it all is that they basically have all fucked up families which makes them need the pogues more as their family.
I agree with the friendship point! Except sarah and john b, and pope and cleo are my favorite ships.
They have to provide romance in the scene because its what keeps the viewers attracted.
I love popes character development where he finds a girl who loves him for him, and doesn't have to be played with to get her.
I love sarahs character development too, because i think she was taught how to let people in and she got a group of people that she doesn't have to feel like she needs to cut out.
I think Wheezie should join the pogues.
I dont know how i feel about rose enough to determine what i want to hear about sarahs mom.
Ward isn't an asshole, i think he has some actual mental issues that clearly runs in the family that was obviously passed to rafe....
rafe is still hot though xxxx
also is it true that sarah is getting pregnant from jj in fourth season?? Holy shit.
anyway i agree with all of your points and i take the perspective outer banks really seriously because it is one of my main writing points and the better i understand the show and each character the better i can write for you !! 💗💞
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
(telling u here bc i didnt wanna hijack the fic post jdbddbbfskdvb)
the main reason I DON'T/WOULDN'T want a canon Spitelout redemption is because I'm not confident Dreamworks could do it well. Riders Of Berk and Race To The Edge do the job of making sure we understand that we are NOT meant to sympathise with Spitelout. Three's a pattern and off the top of my head there are atleast three "spitelout bad!" episodes ("Thawfest", "Snotlout Gets The Axe", "Notlout") and a couple where it is featured as a B plot ("Race to fireworm island"). The writing for Snotlout specifically is probably what I'd pin down as the best in the show, so i guess I never thought to narrow it down to bad writing. I knew that (apparently) it was never commited to one way or the other in the end, but Ive expressed numerous times that the constant back and forth is VERY interesting to me. I love that Snotlout keeps forgiving him. I love that Spitelout keeps getting worse. I love that even though Spitelout causes him pain, and its acknowledged that its wrong, Snotlout still admires him and pines for his attention. Its very special and relatable to me that it takes a lot for Snotlout to learn his lesson, that hes constantly optimistic, and that it always hurts him because he knows he should expect that by now. But he doesn't.
Dreamworks gave us a fair share of Spitelout episodes, seemingly testing the water of what they could get away with showing each time (High amount of pressure -> degrading him infront of his friends -> causing extreme delusion and paranoia). I think they knew that if we were going to get a conclusion, which we had to, it would have to be an important part of the episode - maybe even of the season. Maybe Spitelouts following them around for the episode, and Snotlout's doing perfectly fine, but Spitelout keeps criticising and jumping in to set an example. Maybe things go wrong and someone gets injured. Maybe its Hiccup, or Hookfang, or snotlout himself. and Snotlout has to stand there with a weapon - because I highly doubt Spitelout would take it seriously if there wasnt one involved - and say for the final time that he doesnt need him. That hes had enough of the criticism and the backhanded praise and the stupidly high standards. That he loves him like the father he has failed to be, and that thats what stings most. And Spitelout wouldve had to make a choice. And dreamworks did not have the anything neccessary to do that.
It would have had to been so carefully crafted. So many things would have had to be balanced. Snotlout shouldn't be too soft because then he wont listen - but he cant be too harsh because Spitelout is a survivor of the same mentality that he himself has. They cant put every single bit of blame on him - but to not do that would be irresponsible because they are his actions. They probably csnt use the word 'abuse' - but to use anything else would be downplaying it. It would have been so extremely difficult that I dont know if i wish they had even tried.
It just upsets me to know that they dont have a conversation. They never even have one. (english teacher voice) Maybe their relationship is less of a redemption arc, but more of a tragedy on the endless cycle of abuse perpetuated on war-ridden homelands like Berk.
This is such a thorough analysis I’m obsessed (and I am SO sorry it took me so long to get here omg)
They really do have a very cyclical, Snotlout gives and Spitelout takes type relationship. Most of their episodes include Snotlout looking up to Spitelout in the beginning, Spitelout being pretty awful to Snotlout in one way or another, and then a sorta positive interaction at the end that doesn’t necessarily address their conflict or what Spitelout did within the episode. It is then assumed that Snotlout and Spitelout have made up and are good again. Only for it all to happen over again.
It really upsets me too that they never have a real conversation where they actually talk about what’s going on, and that there is no indication that anything will ever change between them (aside from Snotlout’s character growth and his new complete understanding of his self worth and the fact that he can live his life outside of the box Spitelout’s created for him.
Thank you so much for this dude this is insane
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quodekash · 11 months
HOLY SHIT GUYNAWA ARE GOING TO KISS GUWOREHSDGPIOVBREDB okay okay I need to actually press play on the episode frick shit shit frick
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oh yeah thats right, he got shot
I genuinely forgot
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guy is looking at nawaaaa
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man that whole thing was very confusing BUT I KNEW IT WASNT SAIFAH
wait does that mean
does that mean saifah's gonna get out of jail, but name's gonna go to jail??
I wanted jail boyfriends
I was so hopeful for jail boyfriends
they were the fourth element
the fourth nation of the boyfriend nations: bathroom, rooftop, jail, pool
we can't have the four nations if there's no jail boyfriends!
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y'all please tell me im not the only one thinking this feels like a breakup scene
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noooooo he has to be alone in jail without his jail boyfrienddddd
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just let them be in love in jaillll
or also like. outside of jail. outside of jail works too
oh man my brain is gonna give me so many fits for these two and I will write none of them probably
I may do dot point fics like I do with guynawa tho, who knows
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AKA EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEYRE LITERALLY ALL THAT THEY HAVE LEFT OF THEIR FAMILY (which btw they never fully went into the backstory of why their parents are dead, unless my memory is just being a shithole and they actually did explain this at some point but I feel like I would remember if they did)
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I- idk what to say
I just want to hug him
he needs a hug
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I mean if it were me I would be mortified
but its not me (omg not me like the show) so I can appreciate it for how freaking ADORABLE it is
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omg is it saifahname time
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kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars
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I mean. sure, okay, thats fine
I love them too much to care whether their relationship is romantic or platonic
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sorry, sorry, I know I literally just said I dont care if theyre romantic or platonic
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kreideprinz69 · 1 year
DR3 really did rob us of some comfy friendship moments between Nagito and the others in Class 77-B. The writers played so much into the fan perception of him that it ended up making the others look absurdly unreasonable with how they treated him. Making him the class outcast BEFORE he actually did anything bad with that gym incident. When compared to the sexual antics Teruteru was getting up to and Hiyoko's bratty behavior, Nagito making cringey hope speeches is pretty inoffensive. Me personally, I choose to headcanon that he actually did start to form some bonds during his time at Hope's Peak. Not just with pre-Kamukura Hajime and human Chiaki. But I think there's some good potential between him and Sonia, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Imposter, Nekomaru, Ibuki, and Gundham. Maybe they don't become full-on friends before the Tragedy hit. But they start to see him as more than just the class weirdo and recognize some of his more likable qualities. And he in turn develops a fondness that goes beyond idolization of them as Ultimates. Oh, and I like the idea of him being Matsuda's only real friend too...Possibly with a little romantic flame. I mean I love Komahina just fine, but the boy deserves some romantic alts too. Komanami, Matsukoma, Komazumi, Kuzukoma, and Nekomaeda are all very fun to me.
i definitely have things i like and dislike about dr3, but one big gripe was how much nagito was outcasted before he even did anything bad. it doesn't even bother me on a personal level, its more of just from a writing standpoint because i really dont understand it, like it's inconsistent with the characters. because there are definitely some weirdos (lovingly! unless you're teruteru) in that class besides nagito, yet he got the most shit for it.
the most he did was just be offputting and go on some weird hope speeches (nagito did make a comment about how he got intense on a speech and apologized, which shows he had SOME self awareness at least then) and everyone really disliked him, hardly any concern when he was gone for a lot of the school year. but then when he have characters in the class that i think could be comparable to nagito at least before the gym bombing issue, in terms of being an outcast or oddball. people such as; gundam, teruteru, hiyoko, mikan, and even fuyuhiko who is literally the heir to the yakuza. but the class still cared about all of them and were good friends with them, but nagito is where they drew the line.
it just, doesn't really make sense? it would have made much more sense if they had all disliked nagito AFTER the bombing incident. there could have been some angst about how they WERE friends with him, but felt uncomfortable around him after he planted a bomb in their gym. it just would have made a lot more sense. it just felt inconsistent to me and like lazy writing.
i also like to headcannon that he was at least friends with some of them too though! i've always felt like he could have an interesting friendship with fuyuhiko, sonia, and even ibuki just for the chaos lol. i can't say much about matsuda because i have yet to read danganronpa zero, but yeah, give nagito some friends smh.
i do think nagito might have a difficult time learning to like the ultimates as people though, because he's only really loved them for being symbols of hope. he knows nothing about them just as people, because of how warped his perception is. which again, could have been an interesting plot point so see developed. but, oh well! i do like to think after they all woke up, he did start learning to see them just as people and even make some friendships, since they're not really symbols of hope considering yknow... destroying the world lol. he did look to be on better terms with everyone in the brief moments of the cast we saw during hope arc. it's just a little thought i like to indulge myself in!
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kachimera · 9 months
Honestly, I've been referring to N!Trevor as Trey most of the time. You have no idea how salty I still am about the Trevorcard thing. Like, i don't have issues when it's the Main timeline, but there's no chemistry with N!Trevor and N!Alucard.
N!Trevor had potential, but it got squandered into the punching bag for the Girl Boss™ and the Boss Twink™ (Yes that is an actual thing I've heard people call N!Alucard)
Trey sounds good it's a fine nickname
And yea! Losing a tag to mid content is surely. Annoying :) rip cv tag
It's kinda funny bc i do remember reading plenty of n!trevorcard fics back when i still liked the show in s2 and im realizing now that, most of what i liked abt the ship was just fanon. A lot of fics often change their dinamic to a) Make n!Alu less of an asshole and more of a suave smug cool but broody guy, b) make Trey be cool w Alu's previous assholery, treating it as teasing (and believe me if a friend told me his bf used to call his dead fam mentally ill hoarders i'd be concerned abt domestic abuse). And c) a lot of it is Trey bullying time anyways but oh its sooo cute n wholesome without a hint of irony. IMPORTANT Not saying you cant write toxic couples with tons of bullying <3 (Celiakado best sorrow era ship) but the way its done and framed simply gets me the wrong way. There are also some fics with a more show canon accurate dynamic where both do got tension n vitriol (but also the hots for eachother bc this is male leads shipping) but my point is, the sort of deep mutual trust bond that most of the nfcv fandom believes in is mostly collective hallucination (and from what i know in s4 they made a trephacard reunion scene so. Fanservice wins lol)
Meanwhile canon Trevorcard ship is simply. Well just look at their Grimoire of Souls dialogues. Or even small details in SotN. You dont need to get told Alu n Trevor deeply respect n appreciate eachother bc you can see it and experiment it. The them :)
And i'll be honest; a lot of talented writers n artists do wonderful nfcv fanworks n analysis, but vry hard toget into those for me, bc the source material is bad and keeps leeching of cv like some sort of parasitic mushroom puppeting a corpse in a mokery of a loved one.
Anyways. Boss twink. Im taking psychic damage sbfjsjxakdk
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panainpublic · 2 years
i literally just finished shadow and bone and i am dutch so i get to shit on the dutch usage and pronunciation now hehehe >:D
i kept track of all names and words and stuff that i thought were dutch(-inspired) based on the word itself or context, then divided them into 3 categories: "yup, thats correct", "aaaaaalmost", and "wtf is this." (pronunciation will be thoroughly criticized later.)
(disclaimer i have only read a small part of SoC due to ✨life✨ so this is mostly based on the show)
yup, thats correct
the following words/names are completely believable, both in context and the name itself, + why:
tante Heleen - tante = aunt and Heleen is a very Dutch name; Dreesen is a real last name; Edam is a real place (their cheese is pretty good); Rozenstraat is a very generic and common street name; Edyck is the fancy old spelling of Edijk, which is probably either a place or someones name; Rietveld is a real last name; stroopwafels are real and oh so very good; Appelbroek, aka apple bottom jeans (or apple pants ig), could probably be a place name; Hiemstra is probably a real last name; Saskia is a very Dutch name; Lij could be a real place; Kooperom sounds so much like a real restaurant i actually would want to eat there now.
these seem like theyre actually dutch names at first glance, but its just a little... wrong. off. (again, + why.)
Ketterdam, as ketter means heretic (probably why its named that tbf), would never be a real place name. it sounds very weird; "goedemorgen, fantomen" was pronounced so wrong i had to take another listen to pick up what he was saying, + wed use "spoken" instead of "fantomen", especially in the context of surprise survivors; Jakob is fine, but Hertzoon would be spelled Hertszoon. even then, its still weird - -szoon was only used with the fathers name, and "hert" means deer, which isnt really a name; Henrik Van Poel would be correct if Van was spelled without a capital. its a "tussenvoegsel", an infix, which behaves a certain way in dutch, including not being capitalized when the whole name is written out; (B/D)uysberg (dont remember exactly) is almost correct, but idk, something feels just a little off about it, especially if it was Buysberg, which is what i think it was; Kaz would be spelled with an s and maybe a C depending on the full name, and Brekker is right but just doesnt feel like a real last name.
wtf is this.
these arent dutch. these will never be dutch. no. (once again, + why.)
Kerch just doesnt sound or feel dutch, even when pronounced the dutch way (which it isnt in the show); stadwatch is a combo of dutch and english, which wed never do like this - just call it the stadswacht or the city watch, both sound better; Sturmhond is a combo of German and Dutch, make it Stormhond and id believe it (but i guess it was made up by a Ravkan, so its excusable); kruge is just not it.
alright. time to learn some dutch pronunciation and spelling rules.
all letters are pronounced, except, depending on context, for final -n.
g/ch = /x/ or /ɣ/ (make an s or z sound, roll your tongue back until its in the same spot you pronounce k), except for loan words.
ee = /eː/, or "ay".
y/ij/ei = /ɛi̯/ - closest thing i can think of is New Zealand "face" or Scottish "write". /aɪ/ ("I") would be acceptable.
uy/ui = /œy/, like finnish äy. nothing similar in English.
oo = /oː/, "oh".
oe = /u/, "oo" as in "loo" (not as in "book")
the rest is either right or depends on context.
"goedemorgen, fantomen". oh boy.
okay, so far we got /ɣud[e]m[o]rɣ[e] f[a]nt[o]m[e]/, where the letters in brackets are not yet explained and not necessarily obvious in pronunciation. from what i can recall, only one of them was pronounced correctly.
but lets start with stress patterns in dutch. the stress will always fall on the root of any given word, unless its a relatively recent loan word. in "goedemorgen", "morgen" is the root with the stress falling on "mor". they got this part right. in "fantomen" the root is "fantoom" with the stress falling on "toom". theres also secondary stress: "goedemorgen" is a compound of "goed" and "morgen", so it falls on "goe". in "fantomen", -en marks plural, and therefore secondary stress is on the other syllable of the root word: "fan".
if "e" isnt stressed in a word, its almost always /ə/ (e in "burden"). in this case, no e is stressed, so its all /ə/.
the first "o" is followed by multiple consonants, so its /ɔ/ (o in RP "sorry").
the second "o" is the shortened form of "oo".
"a" followed by multiple consonants, so its not the short form of "aa", and pronounced /ɑ/ (generic american english first a in "always")
this makes our sentence pronounced as /ˌɣudəˈmɔrɣə(n) ˌfɑnˈtoːmə(n)/.
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
hey guys. coming on quickly to rant and let my frustrations out because i genuinely don’t know who to talk to rn but you can ofc ignore lol.
but yeah. my roommates are pissing me tf off😭 usually im fine with one of them but lately they both have been so unnecessarily rude. their responses whenever i talk to them are so dismissive and just blatantly rude. and it’s like im not like that AT ALL with them and it’s starting to really take a toll on my mental health i swear. the one that was rude to me before (iykyk) ive just started ignoring because after that one instance ive just been weary but the other one is starting to get like too comfortable with me yk and it’s starting to make me uncomfortable because she’s just fucking rude😭 they’re both so pretentious too and i ALWAYS make the effort to active listen to what they’re saying to me but they NEVER and I swear to you im not exaggerating when I say they never reciprocate.
for example, this one time i saw a fine ass photo of harry styles and i got all excited and the kpop obsessed roommate was like “oh is that jack?” cos she knows I like him and I JOKINGLY said “nah it’s harry. if it was jack I would’ve have mentioned it to you,” because she just never listens whenever I wanna tell her anything about him and she got SO OFFENDED and started trash talking me to our other flatmate being like “see what she just did there? She never tells me anything about Jack because she thinks I don’t care” and she made me out to be some villain for not including her the same way she includes me into kpop and BELIEVE ME ITS AGAINST MY FUCKING WILL AND SHE KNOWS I DONT LIKE KPOP LIKE THAT BUT SHE FORCES ME TO WATCH THEIR SHIT and yet I engage because im a polite person and because she made me feel so shit because of that, when the snl promo came out, i was like super excited and wanted to show someone so i showed her and this girl a) wasn’t paying attention at all and b) barely said or commented anything about it. not that I care about them liking jack the way I do but it’s like after what she said, i made the effort to actually include her in my interest because she seemed upset at me never telling her but the time i do, it’s like she didn’t validate my excitement yk? idk.
but yeah I hate it because it’s such a fucking double standard and I put in so much effort to NOT seem like a bitch with others and they don’t ever do the same with me. And I’m just tried of them. and with their rudeness in their reply, i can’t even say shit back because I know they’re gonna talk shit or be even more rude and one thing about me is that I’m a sensitive pussy😭
thanks for listening to me rant if you’ve read this far. and im sorry for being inactive and the rare occasion that I am, I’m spending my time ranting rather than writing for y’all😔 but I genuinely love you guys and I wish everyday that it was you guys that were my irl friends because I know we’d get along so well😩 thanks again🫶🏼
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