#and adding uzui makes this even better
mikaroji · 5 months
KNY music headcannons - modern AU
this was 100% inspired by @peachdies, because radiohead and giyuu go together a little to well
❀ Himejima Gyomei - IDK man, I feel like his top Spotify track of the year would be "peaceful river noises" or "subtle ocean sounds." He probably also listens to a good amount of alternative rock like the Cranberries. His guilty pleasure is Dua Lipa, but don't tell anyone that.
❀ Shinazugawa Sanemi - Dad rock for SURE. Gets down to Guns n Roses, Def Leppard, and Van Halen. Is secretly a HUGE Nicki Minaj stan, but would literally die before anyone found that out. I had to come back to him after writing this cause MY GOD HE'S ALSO SUCH A LANA DEL REY FAN LMAO.
❀ Obani Iguro - Refuses to pay for Spotify premium but also constantly skips songs so half of his listening time is ads. He likes grunge punk like the Garden and Foo Fighters, but secretly cries to Mitski.
❀ Tokito Muichiro - Super into the indie scene and only a little bit pretentious about it. Strokes, Pixies, Arctic Monkeys - super vibey.
❀ Tomioka Giyuu - Listens to actual underground music and a lot of smaller bands, but also listens to a lot of Radiohead and the likes. Went through a huge emo phase with Panic! at the Disco and My Chemical Romance and still cries to Helena from time to time.
❀ Rengoku Kyojuro - Imagine Dragons makes him hyped for the morning:D But alongside that he actually has some banger music taste as well. Gets down to some City Girls and Nicki Minaj from time to time. Not afraid to shake some ass.
❀ Kanroji Mitsuri - Love love loves pop and dabbles in k-pop as well! I'm thinking Doja Cat, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Lizzo, Loona, Red Velvet, and the likes. Enjoys dancing around to it as she gets ready in the morning and holds her own little concerts in her room.
❀ Kocho Shinobu - A true toss up I think. I can see her liking metal like Slipknot and Korn, but I also see her as a Fiona Apple lover so it's hard.
❀ Uzui Tengen - God he's so unbearable. Listens to a lot of soundcloud stuff and thinks he's better than you because of it. He probably also listens to a lot Lady Gaga and will probably play you a super popular song of her's like Just Dance and say something like "it's super underground you probably haven't even heard it."
❀ Kamado Tanjiro - AJR and Imagine Dragons, probably.
❀ Kamado Nezuko - Physically cringes when her brother turns his music on. She's eclectic, though. She hangs out around Mitsuri and Kanao a lot, so bubblegum pop and goth are worming their way into her heart. Traditionally she enjoys a lot of indie pop, though (think Clairo and such.)
❀ Shinazugawa Genya - Dad rock like Sanemi, except more refined somehow. He also branches out more and got super into QUEEN and the Rolling Stones. 
❀ Tsuyuri Kanao - Godly music taste, I'm convinced she and Giyuu are silently judging everyone. Goth music but like real good goth music (as a goth music enjoyer I'm projecting.) Joy Division, Depeche Mode, Type O Negative, all the classics. 
❀ Hashibira Inosuke - I don't know man....... He probably plays all of his music off of a rock. I seriously cannot decide for him. Probably listens to whatever his friends are listening to.
❀ Agatsuma Zenitsu - ONE DIRECTION BABY. But for real, I feel like he would love love love the Beach Boys! A BLACKPINK fan as well.
❀ Kokushibo - He and Kanao would get along so well because I also think he's another goth king, probably more like a Sisters of Mercy type of guy. He hates Douma's music taste, and will eavesdrop on Akaza playing Phoebe Bridgers from time to time and get emotional.
❀ Douma - BLASTS Megan thee Stallion throughout the infinity castle and knows every word to every one of her songs.
❀ Akaza - Phoebe Bridgers fan until the day he dies. 
❀ Kibutsuji Muzan - White noise.
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"Quiet down, Little Maid," Tengen smirked. "Unless you want to get caught."
I allowed my head to fall into his shoulder, pressing my mouth firmly against his skin. I used sloppy kisses to muffle the sweet whimpers from my lips. My nails dug deep into the muscle of his shoulder, while his hips continued to collide with mine. The long, girthy member had filled my dripping cunt over and over again. It brought me closer and closer to my sweet release.
I was as good as fired after today.
I had broken the very first rule given to me as a new maid: Do not engage in sexual activities with guests. Especially Tengen Uzui.
The Sound Pillar was a known flirt and ladies' man. He already had three wives but seemed to always be on the lookout for a fourth.
I tried my best to avoid him in my years working at the manor. I made sure never to never enter a room alone with him. I never said more than a few words to him at a time. I kept a healthy distance between our bodies and refused to make direct eye contact.
In hindsight, I should have assumed that my efforts would be performed in vain. He was one of the Twelve Hashira.
He loved a challenge.
Tengen found ways to break almost every boundary I created. He would use his charming attitude and seniority to request me as his personal maid during his stay. He'd pay the others generously to swap places with me and double my usual commission. The sound pillar slipped little trinkets and gifts into my pockets when I wasn't paying attention.
Little things from notes to dried flowers, and, more recently, jewelry.
It was a thick gold bracelet, nearly identical to the ones he wore on his bicep. It was heft, most likely solid. Definitely worth a fortune. I had only found it after my shift. I was changing into my pajamas when it rolled out of my pocket.
Before I could even form a clear thought, I tossed the damned thing out of the nearest window. Only for him to be directly outside of it.
He was in my room in a blink of an eye, holding the bracelet firmly in his hand.
"You hate me that much, huh?" Humor was licking his teeth.
"I am just following the rules," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Which one?"
"The first one--- Don't fuck the sound hashira."
The white-haired man continued to roll his hips into me, pressing against the pleasure spot underneath my cervix. His heavy member was almost uncomfortable in this standing position, but the closeness of our bodies made it worthwhile. My sensitive nipples were rubbing against his hard pecs, adding another pleasurable element to the whole ordeal.
I could feel his member twitch with me, indicating that he too was reaching his peak. His breathing became unsteady and hollow as he continued to work into me.
"You're squeezing me so tight, little maid," he slurred, sweat dotting his forehead. "I'm gonna fill that pretty pussy with my seed pretty soon. Would you like that?"
My eyes widened from the statement. "Y-You better not! Save that deed for your wives."
A wicked smile fell on his lips. "Why do you think I asked you to do it?"
Part 2
I may have another drabble AND update in the future.
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lavender-rosa · 2 years
Kny characters ranked from least to most likely to be scammed
Sanemi: He is so paranoically distrustful to everyone and everything around him (himself included, always) to the point where it is reaching delusional, self-destructive proportions. Sorry for the mental illness king but at least you aren't getting scammed.
Iguro: Growing up in a cult taught him relatable, every day lessons like: If a snake demon asks you to feed your babies to her in exchange for gold, maybe, don't do that? Being raised in this environment made him apply a highly suspicious framework to so many things, a lot of times to his own detriment. Like assuming that every single male wants to steal his crush away because they dare breathe the same air as her or god forbid, engage in small-talk. Despite all that he still manages to rank above Sanemi, somehow.
Shinobu: She will allow people think that they are succeeding in scamming her when in actuality SHE is scamming THEM. We are talking Jimmy McGill level shenanigans over here.
Giyuu: He just wants to fuck off in some hole and die he does not care about your essential oils #toodepressedtogetfinessed
Muichiro: Manages to avoid being scammed by being completely apathetic and dismissive towards the scammer (assuming he is even bothering listening to them in the first place) and immediately forgetting what even the scam was all about in the first place.
Uzui: Most of the times he is able to use his critical thinking skills to distinguish scam from not and he can be a pretty decent conman himself, although he is not immune to being overtly suspicious or on the other end, people getting the better of him.
Gyomei: Is able to objectively analyse and evaluate an issue in order to form a judgement without being gullible or paranoid, like a healthy functioning adult. Congrats on the fully developed pre-frontal lobe, Himejima.
Rengoku: The fact that he suspected that a random 15 year old human was one of Muzan's spies and thus should be killed without any substantial evidence shows us that he is able to be highly suspicious of people (and it makes us glad that he never pursued a career in law) but this does NOT negate the fact that he fell for the greatest scam of all time (fatherly approval)
Tanjirou: People assume that due to Tanjiro's age and kind nature that he would be easy to scam, what these people don't know is that Tanjiro is a human lie detector. Things do get trickier for him though when the interaction is not happening via face-to-face conversation.
Inosuke: Inosuke manages to avoid being scammed by 1) being raised in the wild by boars for most of his life thus blissfully unaware of pyramid schemes 2) resorting to violence when he finds people annoying 3) no sane scammer wanting to chose the boy wearing a taxidermied boar head as a target. But he is NOT immune to getting scammed when his physical capabilities are getting called into question.
Zenitsu: You would assume that due to Zenitsu's advanced sense of hearing he would be able to distinguish truth from lie, but recalling the fact that 8 different girls managed to scam him out of his money and make him drown in debt and that in the Kimetsu Gakuen comics Douma managed to sell him overpriced water under the guise that it was a love potion I guess that's simply not the case, at least not when the possibility of getting a girlfriend is involved. Thankfully for Zenitsu "hot babes in you area" pop-ups did not exist in Taishou era Japan.
Mitsuri: She has a huge heart and wants to believe the best in people even if said people have a huge white van parked outside with a sign saying "Free Candy"on it,alas.
And lastly HUGE shoutout to all the demons who back when they were still human clicked on a pop-up ad by some Kibutsuji Muzan guy saying "CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE" this unfortunately installed a virus in their brains that drove their already fragile minds to complete insanity. Sad.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
This is an emergency request, my depression has been really rough lately, I just haven't felt motivated to do anything and just feel stuck.
My request is how would Kyojuro Rengoku and Tengen Uzui help reader with this?
▸ ANSWERING. hello anon, i’m so sorry it took longer than expected, but it’s been a shitty weekend ngl… anyway, i’m sending you a big hug, i’ve been in the same situation not so long ago 🫂
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. kyojuro rengoku & tengen uzui x gn!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. am i gonna take this opportunity to put some things ppl should learn to accept? yes i am. r is not exactly a demon slayer but that’s up to you since i didn’t stated it explicitly hehe, kyojuro is unaware about the situation at first, fluff, depression, negative thoughts, it also comes a bit from my own experience so um it might not be the same to everyone yeah. lemme know if i forgot to tag something pls.
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before we start, i want to add that i deeply care about this particular request <3
kyojuro noticed you were acting “strange” but he thought that you were simply tired, some sleep would surely help you…
if you were able to sleep, he noticed you’d sleep too much
if you didn’t, he heard you toss and turn around the whole night
he felt bad because he didn’t know how to exactly help you
the worst came when one day you didn’t wanted to get out of bed
“good morning, sunshine,” he gently murmured while moving the cover off your head. he kissed your forehead and stayed there cuddling with you, hoping this would help you getting up
“you’ll be late,” you said, not moving
“i wanted to have breakfast with you first,” he smiled widely, caressing your cheek. “it’s all ready,” he added
“i’m not hungry.”
he frowned. he wouldn’t actually force you to get up, he’s not like that, but he tried to playfully grab your hips to move you
“leave me alone!” you pushed kyojuro away, snapping at him
kyojuro apologised and sat there for a moment, deep in thoughts
he decided to get up and eat his breakfast. he got ready for the day and decided to leave the tray with your portion close to the futon, so you could grab it easily
“i’ll be back,” he informed you before reluctantly leaving
once gone, you started crying and hid yourself under the covers. you felt bad about snapping at him, but you couldn’t control it
needless to say, you didn’t get out of bed once and the food was long forgotten
you simply felt stuck
you wanted to go out with kyojuro… but you just couldn’t do it?
when he was finally back, his smile disappeared completely when he noticed you were still in bed
he took a deep breath and put his katana away, taking off his haori too. he kneeled beside you and gently moved the covers
“would you like to take a bath with me? it might help,” he asked you, caressing your cheeks. “i… don’t know?” you met his eyes
“i’ll take you there, alright?” he said before gently taking you into his arms and getting you to the bathtub
kyojuro helped you bathing, praising you the whole time
he saw you struggling and he had not intention to call you lazy or something, on the contrary he wanted to help you the best he could
“i know you’re not hungry, but it might help you feel better?” he caressed your back slowly, comforting you
somehow he convinced you to eat, you felt a little better after the bath after all
he changed the futon, so it would be fresh and clean and feel more welcoming, before convincing you to sit on the engawa with him for a while
the gentle breeze of the night caressed your face, making you shiver
“i’m so sorry,” you whispered before starting crying. he hugged you and kissed your head, holding you close to his chest. “don’t apologise, darling. i know you’re struggling and i’m here to help you.”
you felt somehow as a burden for him, he had to take care of you even after his training session and you knew how tiring they were
“it’s already getting better, you see? you’re out of bed,” he smiled, kissing your nose. “tomorrow will go even better, trust me.”
he wasn’t grossed out by your behaviour, he helped you keep yourself clean and convinced you to eat if you refused to
he spent the night awake with you if you had trouble sleeping, making sure the negative thoughts filling your head would go away by talking and talking, making you finally smile
kyojuro never pushed you to do anything tho, because he wanted to avoid you from closing up in yourself
he’s not perfect but he’s learning.
tengen was a bit harsh in the beginning
[let’s be serious for a moment, due to the time they’re living in i don’t think they would be that experienced lol]
he noticed you slowly retiring from any kind of activity
you didn’t wanted to leave the house that much
you prepared lunch and dinner with less enthusiasm
your sleep schedule started to get messy
you even skipped bathing with him
you started feeling self conscious and avoided being naked around him
but you also felt like some kind of force was blocking you from following your usual routine
it felt heavy. too much.
“hey, it’s really late,” his voice startled you. tengen got up early as usual, but didn’t forced you to do the same
“baby, with late i mean it’s past lunch time.”
you stayed hidden under the covers, his eyes burning on your figure
“y/n,” he tried again, getting down on his knees. “baby, you really need to get up.”
you didn’t reply, of course. you knew you had to but you just couldn’t do it
tengen moved the covers away from your body, making you flinch due to the light coming from outside
“no!” you tried to get em from his hand, your expression screaming that you were angry for his actions
“tell me what’s wrong,” he effortlessly kept the covers away from you, staring at you in a serious manner
“i don’t know, okay?! just leave me alone!” you hit his chest, trying to move his body away. useless.
“you’ve been sleeping a lot these past days, you’re rarely getting up. tell me what’s going on,” he tried again, clenching his fist
“i told you already!” tears rolled down your cheeks, catching his eyes. his gaze softened, feeling bad for the way he acted. “i can’t do that, i just can’t.”
tengen pulled you to his chest and let you cry, caressing your back in a comforting manner
once you were done crying, he stayed there with you for a little more
“i’m sorry for screaming,” you muttered after a while. “that’s okay, i was in the wrong.”
“are you hungry?” he asked you, his big hands kept caressing your back. “i think so.”
“good! cause i made something very flashy,” he winked at you, trying to make you smile
tengen learned to respect your times, not forcing you
he helped you eat, bathing yourself even if you were a bit contrary on him seeing you, made sure you were sleeping properly
he enjoyed cooking for you during these kind of episodes ngl
“i’m very, very proud of you,” he kissed your head while cuddling with you in bed. you were grateful he didn’t judged you and didn’t complained about your behaviour
he showed patience and showered you with his love nonetheless
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. what it i tell you the draft was about the get deleted after i finished writing it? lmao. as i said, it might work differently for others, and if you have gross comments to share then keep ‘em to yourself, thank you
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signedeclipse · 2 years
I had this cute idea that I need to let out... so could I have a headcanon of the any Hashira whenever their haoris get damged they go to Hashira! Reader to mend it since she is a excellent seamstress? If that make sense.
Giyuu always had a very unique haori, split down the middle with an intricate and plain design on either end
It was actually made that way by you
In a tough battle, he had torn his patterned one's sleeve right off and tattered the same side to shreds
Of course, you couldn't fix it, but Giyuu seemed pretty upset that his favourite haori was ruined
So you came up with a new idea, you found a haori in a colour he liked under the guise of 'making him a new one,' sliced it down the middle and attached them together
He is left speechless, or perhaps just as he always is, when you manage to bring him this masterpiece
For the first time ever, he actually smiles and bows to you
He has never taken it off since, not publically, at least
You were a little worried it'd be too 'flashy' for him, but he looks as happy as can be
Not only had you repaired his haori countless times, but you also made it entirely new as he grew physically
He noticed how the fabric changed and became more comfortable with every new rendition, how your stitches improved with time
He could feel at the seam line so see how well you had done and give you all sorts of compliments
At this point, it only got in the way during fights, but he wears it because he sees it as a good omen
On several occasions, demons have underestimated his form and missed, so you'd consider it a good thing he wears it
Not only that, but you've even gone out of your way to fix the string of his prayer beads on several occasions
One day, you'll find he's gifted you your own string of prayer beads to keep
He made them himself :]
Once upon a time, Muichiro used to have a haori of his own
As in when he started demon slayer training, which was only a few months ago
When he became a hashira, it was already in a horrible state, so you offered to mend it to your best ability
But every battle, he would return, and it would only be torn more
So eventually, you just told him you'd keep it until you could find a replacement
Much less frequently but still concerningly often, his own uniform ended up torn
That, Mui cared enough to waddle over to your estate and request you fix it
" Sure! Did you bring something to change into while I fix it? "
" ... "
You end up fixing it while it's on him, extra cautious to not poke the boy with the needle and thread
It's almost funny how patiently he sits there and stares off into space
And whenever you announce you are done, he always inspects it for a good minute or two before leaving and thanking you
It seems he always forgets a spare set of clothes, so he gets to has to sit there the whole time
Being experienced with stitching wounds, Shinobu could mend her own garments
But when she did, it never gave her the satisfaction yours did
How all your stitches were unique or well hidden
How you'd match the thread to the exact gradient on her garment so only someone paying close attention would notice
The haori was originally sewn using only white thread, so anywhere you mended stood out a little more
Since you also helped the other girls around butterfly mansion and fixed the uniforms of those she took care of, you were very frequently right next to her while she worked
At this point, you had your own space for it, right next to her countess desks and shelves worth of books
Nothing helped her work better than the sound of you cutting through fabric and thread while humming small songs
His uniform used to be full sleeves
But you eventually had to trim it down because it was getting too torn, and he really liked it
When he added the little gem strings to his headpiece, you had to fix those a lot
It used to be held by a thread, but over time it became wire and then a small iron chain, so it was much harder to destroy
You make the gems into beads yourself and keep an extra bag of them in your sewing room in case he ever needs them to be fixed again
Jewelry wasn't really your expertise, but you appreciate the challenge
You decided to save some of the old gems in case he decides to take on a wife (or three)
That way, you can sew them into the wedding dress instead of rhinestones
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Authors Note - This was a super cute request!! Thank you so much for sending it in <3 Please take care of yourself, Anon!
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auraee · 1 year
 - ℍ𝕖𝕣. -
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ꕤ 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 - Well, this is another little something that I came up with today. I've been having trouble working on my main pieces because perfectionism, but I've talked myself out of making myself feel bad for not getting what I originally wanted to done. Sometimes I wish I could get rid of that little voice in my head judging every word I write, or every sentence I make, but I've found it's more a process, you know? Also in this one I decided to take on the perspective of our lovely suitor. I'd like to work on that because I'd like to write the experience of falling in love from Kyojuro's perspective, so I think this is a good start.
Recommend theme ~ Kairi's theme - Mree
Tagging - @potofstewie @kyojurosfirelilyy @mitsuris-big-boobies @comatosebunny09
ꕤ 𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀!
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- ꕤ -
…There she is. 
When did she become so breath-taking? 
The sun tended to her skin, streaks of powdered gold brushed her brown skin, lighting her soft brown eyes to almost resemble a sweet honeydew, drawing me in like a heart-stirring book. While others disliked the sun, fearing that it would alter their status, she willingly embraced it and the sun held her. The sun tended to her hair, soft as clouds, delicate rays of light outlined her curls, adding a vivid contrast to her predominantly dark hair. 
It tended to her smile— there was nothing brighter. 
My instinct was to take my feelings for her as admiration, that I was just in awe of her capabilities as a swordswoman. Developing her own breathing style alongside Uzui, she was able to face down many demons. She moves as though she was dancing, elegant and nimble and able to fool many with her technique.
Being shy by nature, it took her a moment to warm up to me. I understood that I could be overwhelming at times and thought to adjust while I was with her.
Only, she noticed.
“Why are you being so quiet Rengoku-san?” She asked. “Is something the matter?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong.” I smiled. “I just don’t wish to make you uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable with what?”
“Well, with my voice!”
In that moment _____ frowned, furrowing her thick eyebrows to form a cautionary bridge under her fluffy bangs. “Why do you think your voice would make me uncomfortable?”
An instinctive hum slipped from my lips, my answer resting on my tongue.  “Because I thought that being loud would make you uncomfortable.”
_____ blinked at me before averting her gaze.
Did… I say something wrong? Could I have phrased that better? Why did she look upset? Well, she asked. I couldn’t give her any answer other than what I believed to be true.
“Don’t do that…” 
“I like listening to you talk.” She mumbled, awarding me a small, soft smile. “So please, talk as loudly as you’d like.”
I peered into _____’s eyes and _____ seemed to do the same. That tender smile never left her features and somehow wove itself to the depths of my heart. I’ve known the feeling of excitement, when I’m amidst a battle with a demon, or even when I’m given a chance to visit my home and see my brother and father, but this… this was different. 
When… did my heart start beating like this for her? 
- ꕤ -
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- 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕘𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 -
❀ 𝔸𝕟 𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 ⚘ ꕤ 𝕀𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 ⚘ ❁ 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕟
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milkyybuns · 2 years
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uzui tengen x reader
contains: Smut (MDNI!!), master x maid dynamics, Tengen is retired, fem reader, tengen is in a position of power, dubcon, dialogue/plot, praise, reader is called pet names, corruption, gentle dom Tengen, inexperienced reader
summary: The cute new maid in the Uzui manor has a very eventful first week.
Word count: 1.5k
a/n: Ok SO I think retired Tengen is like regular Tengen but more mature and confident and just a male equivalent of a cougar ok. Think regular Tengen but much more patient and (/ω\) !!! This one is a little more descriptive than my usual stuff, let me know what you think!
The hand-painted screen door glides open as you enter Lord Tengen's quarters, tea cup and saucer in hand. To your dismay, your new employer was nowhere to be found. You look around the lavishly decorated room: an ornate dresser with a large gilded mirror, varnished cabinets with gem encrusted handles, not to mention the size of the bedroom...
What must it be like to live like this?
You thought to yourself as you reached out to feel the silk prints that adorned the walls. The cranes painted on it seemed to come alive as the evening breeze shifted the fabrics. You shivered, the doors to the backyard has been left open and you could see the beautiful moon peeking through behind wispy clouds. Figuring you would have to return at a later time, you turned to make your leave when a deep, silky voice stops you in your tracks.
"Are you the after-dinner refreshment?"
You startle, both at how sudden and how close the voice was. The tea cup in your hand wobbles just enough for some of its piping hot contents to splatter onto your skin. With a yelp, you drop the small saucer and cup. You squeeze your eyes shut on reflex, as you waited for the shattering noise. It doesn’t come.
When you opened your eyes you saw none other than Lord Tengen, a large hand holding the tea cup and saucer steadily, inches from the floor.
"I-I didn't hear you come in m'lord!" Not only were you already nervous about working at the prestigious Uzui Estate, your first week here was already off to a terrible start.
"Well that's hardly surprising, I was raised as shinobi after all. Good to know I still got it." He winks at you, and it makes you feel a tiny bit better. You watched his every move as Tengen gently sets the saucer down on a nearby table.
"More importantly..." Tengen tilts your chin up to examine your face.
"They hired such a cute little maid and didn't tell me?"
"I-it's my first week, m'lord." You answered quietly, unsure of how to take a compliment, especially one from your new boss. Secretly you think you know exactly why the head housekeeper didn't inform Lord Tengen of your employment.
Not wanting to spend any longer in his dangerous presence, you prepared to excuse yourself. But Tengen was fast to follow up.
"Since you're here already, why don’t you have a drink with me."
You weren't sure if this was an invite or a command, or both, but you felt you already made enough of a fool of yourself, and wanted to get on Lord Tengen's good side. The evening passed quickly, your conversation paired with the mellow sake. You were starting to open up a bit more to this man who was practically a stranger second ago. You were just telling Tengen more about your childhood when he noticed you were shivering.
"Are you cold?" He asked.
"Um, a little. But it's no big deal, really."
"C'mere." Tengen gestured to you, patting the ground before him as he spread his thighs to make room.
"-I-I don't know if that's appropriate..." You were woozy and the offer was tempting. "...m'lord." You added.
"Stop being stubborn and come over here. Plus, you'll have a better view of the gorgeous full moon tonight."
You crawled over to settle between his muscular thighs, his large frame like a comfortable armchair that you melted against. You looked over to the night sky in the back garden, he was right. The bright moon was in full view now, the clouds having dissipated into the darkness. You craned your neck to look back at Tengen: his silvery locks caught the moonlight like spun platinum, his fine facial features perfectly serene, and just like that you were like a butterfly mesmerised by his beautiful, silken web, a willing victim. Suddenly acutely aware of how close you were, how warm his chest is and how warm you were, you shifted in his lap slightly and looked away.
"Thank you for keeping me company tonight." He breathed against the shell of your ear, and watched with amusement as goosebumps rose on the skin of your neck.
"I-it was my pleasure, m'lord." You answered as curtly as possible, trying to hide the fact you were feeling more and more restless. "You can drop the formalities my dear." Tengen smiles as he draws circles on your knee. "I think you need to relax, it’s not good for your heath if you are so wound up." Tengen undoes the belt of your uniform, parting the fabric just enough to slip his hand between your thighs.
“Lucky for you, I know exactly how to relieve some stress.” He chuckles.
He rubs slow, gentle circles all around your folds, feeling the wetness gather on his fingertips.
"Seems like I'm not the only one enjoying our night." He teases.
You flush red, squeezing your thighs together. You wanted more but didn't know how to ask for such a lewd thing from your lord.
Thankfully you didn't need to. Tengen slipped a thick digit into your wetness, shallowly fucking you as you squirmed and mewled against him. “…so soft.” He whispered as another thick digit joins the first, making you gasp and your walls clench around him. It was so good, so overwhelmingly good. His fingers were curling and pressing and gods you felt dizzy as the pleasure intensified. You decided to stare at the ceiling light just so you could ground yourself. It was almost too much, his spicy sweet scent filled your nostrils as he nuzzled against the crook of your neck. Filthy words dipped in that silky, deep voice that had you gushing around his diligent fingers.
“M’lord…! I-I think I’m gonna…” you whines as the room turned blurry, desperately clutching the fabric of his robe for support. All you could hear was the obscene squelching sounds of his fingers slipping in and out of your messy folds, his low groans mixed in with your own needy moans.
Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm hit you like a train, arching your back against his firm chest as he helped you ride out your pleasure. Through your blurred vision you see him bringing those same fingers to his mouth, before sucking them clean with a wet pop!
“I-it’s dirty…” You panted.
“Don’t be silly,” he chuckled. "Want a taste?”
Before you could reply he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, tongue shoving into your mouth. It wasn't entirely unpleasant.
As you came out of your blissed stupor, you were suddenly acutely aware of something hard pressing against you from behind.
“I-is that…?”
“…what you do to me?" Tengen chuckles. "Yes it is my dear.” He kisses down your neck and shoulder, before laying one final kiss on your inner wrist. “I think...it’s time you returned to your own quarters.”
“A-are you sure m’lord? I can help you if you’d like?” You boldly offered, surprising even yourself.
“I can take care of myself.” He paused. “I…don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“But m’lord, I want to make you feel good too…” you admitted. “May I? Please?”
Tengen could tell you've never done this before. He thought it was cute how you gasped at the sight of his semi-erect cock. The way you shyly stroked his thick shaft with two hands before dipping your head down to give it a tentative lick.
Which is why he was surprised when you parted your lips to slide his fat tip in, whimpering at how wide your jaw had to open for it to fit.
"Oh fuck." Tengen let out a deep groan as he threaded his hand in your hair. Massaging your scalp as you dribbled all over his cock. You were around a third of the way down his girth when your gag reflex kicked in and you pulled away, coughing.
"Too much for you my dear? Why don't you give it a few licks up and down here." Tengen cooes, eyelids heavy as he guided your head with a large hand. "...hnn that's it, you're getting the hang of it. Such a quick learner."
After some experimenting, you settled for lavishing his tip with attention as you stroked the rest with your hands. You enjoyed how you were drawing the most lewd and heavenly sounds from a powerful ex-hashira and your boss no less. Soon Tengen was bucking his hips up, you could feel him throb against your swollen lips. His large hand firmly held your head in place as his warm seed filled your mouth.
"I-I'm sorry I couldn't take more m'lord...!" You pulled away, gasping with a thin line of saliva and cum connecting his cock to your mouth. A sight Tengen carved into his memory for later.
"Hahh, pay it no mind sweetheart" He panted. "...you did well, so well for your first time." Dark eyes look up at you through thick lashes. “Practice makes perfect, hm?”
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nightofsky101 · 1 year
Top 20 Animes of 2022
Sorry I skipped last year. Trust me I was watching I just didn’t feel motivated to make another list. However this time I am, but little longer. That’s right it’s 20 now. Plus I added my reasons too. Enjoy.
1. Dance Dance Danseur
Captivating characters, beautiful animation and intriguing story. I really fell in love with this one I went far as to read the manga translation AFTER episode one and continued while the anime was airing. I love how Jumpei over came the toxic masculinity to pursue ballet. His love for ballet really is inspiring. You can see the joy in his eyes. Plus I love Jumpei and Natsuki’s chemistry there’s more of them in the manga. I really do wish the manga would get serialized here in the USA and for Mappa to do another season.
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2. Sasaki and Miyano
Cute sweet wholesome BL love story I LOVE MY BABIES. If I had to pick a favorite couple of the year it would be Sasaki and Miyano. AAAHHH I couldn’t stop smiling watching this anime it’s good for the soul. Even if you’re not into BL this is the most safest to watch. The anime version of Heartstoppers.
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3. My Dress Up Darling
Cute fun wholesome and sweet romance blooming in front of you. Marine is such a joy no doubt my best girl. Goujo’s passion for hinadoll is inspiring. The animation is so pretty especially when they smile. This really did made me proud to be an anime fan. I can’t wait for more of Marine and Goujo.
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4. Blue Lock
Out of the ordinary sports anime with some wild and intense animation. Forget about friendship and team work. It’s all about being an egoist survival of the best striker. I really love the characters. BTW I was watching this before the World Cup started and during it really was life imitating anime. Until Japan lost to Croatia. Root for them next World Cup. I can’t wait for more I probably will reading the manga.
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5. Demon Slayer Season 2
I laughed cried and screamed. This season was full of emotions plus I felt like I was watching a movie. I love Tanjiro’s growth this season, Uzui was a badass he really is so cool. Nezuko was amazing. Daki and Gyutaro got me heartbroken. Zenitsu and Inosuke were unstoppable everyone really had a fantastic moment.
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6. My Hero Academia Season 6
A whole lot better than season 5. A few nip picks here, but it didn’t bother me too much. I really did enjoy this first half. The voice acting was phenomenal and I was just so happy to see my favorite parts of the manga finally animated. Deku is a beast, Bakugou got me screaming, Shouto I want to hug him. I super excited for the next arc.
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7. Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Cute and funny anime to watch. The moments with Shikimori, Izumi and their friends made me love this anime more. Who said a girl can’t be cute and handsome. BTW Hachimitsu is my spirit animal I love her.
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8. Raven of the Inner Palace
The magic in this anime was pretty. The characters were fascinating, I love the Chines setting. Shouxue bring peace to the dead was uplifting. Plus I love Shouxue development she deserves the friends she has made.
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9. Urusei Yatsura
The return of the original waifu Lum. I only watch a few episodes of the original anime they were pretty funny and the remake so far is fun to watch. I can see why Lum is so lovable.
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10. Love Live Superstar Season 2
Between this one and Nijigasaki I like Superstar’s story more. Plus the series has broken some Love Live traditions. Liella really is a group you should be watching. Magaret and Lanzhu from Nijigasaki are queens. Love Live keeps on innovating new barriers.
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11. Attack on Titan Final Part 3
Had me on the edge of my seat. Eren is a freaking beast I couldn’t believe this season it was shock after shock. I can’t imagine how this is going to end. I can’t handle anymore deaths.
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12. Kaguya sama Love is War Season 3
Cute and super funny season. Ishigami had me proud like a mama. Miyuki and Chika’s rap was the best. Kaguya finally admitting to herself she loves Miyuki was so sweet.
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13. Tokyo Mew Mew New
Another well done remake. I did watch a few episodes of the original anime when I was a kid. So this was kind of nostalgic to me. The girls are so cute I can’t wait to see more of the remake.
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14. Mob Psycho 100 Final
A great ending to Mob. After 3 season it really was a joy and emotional journey to watch Mob Psycho 100. I will miss the crazy animation and deep story so much. Thank you Mob for everything a classic that will always be remembered.
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15. More than a married couple, but not lovers
To me this was the vanilla version of Domestic Girlfriends. No step sisters, just a love triangle between a guy, his childhood friend and his marriage partner. So many funny and sweet moments. I do ship Jirou and Akari more.
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16. Chainsaw Man
Wild and crazy anime to watch. It felt like I was watching a fever dream. I will be honest it didn’t get me hyped as the manga fans expected. But it was great to watch. It’s only the beginning though I do hope it gets another season.
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17. Spy x Family
Funny cute and little suspenseful. It did felt like the Loid and Anya show though I do wish we got to see more of Yor’s assassin work too. The heart warming family moments really did touch my hear. Again family doesn’t always have to mean by blood.
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18. Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting
Another cute and wholesome anime. Kirishima acted more like a big brother to Yaeka who knew a killer yakuza could have a heart. Family doesn’t always have to mean blood.
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19. I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss
Another otome isekai, but it did felt rushed I wished it was more slowed paced. I love Aileen and Claude’s relationship they are so cute. At least they had a happy ending.
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20. Shine Post
Such an underrated idol anime. Probably because Love Live was airing around the same time. Love seeing each girl’s reason for being an idol and how much they want to achieve their dream. BTW Rio has the best voice.
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Motorcycle Ride (Gyutaro x Artist F! Reader) (Modern AU sequel to Art Thief)
Make sure you read Art Thief before this! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
After Gyutaro had helped you in the art contest, you were so utterly grateful for him. With the added bonus of winning, you absolutely HAD to do something special for Gyutaro. The problem was: you weren't sure what to gift him.
At first, you were thinking of gifting him a pizza, having heard that he and his sister got in trouble for stealing a pizza the other day, but they’re probably tired of pizza already. Then, you thought about giving him chocolate, but it just didn’t express enough of your gratitude towards him. Eventually, you thought about baking him something, but you also scrapped that idea. What if you made something too foul? No, you couldn’t risk that. Damn, you really focused on food a lot too, didn't you? Maybe you were the hungry one.
Later that day when class ended, you spotted Gyutaro in the parking lot. He was on his motorcycle, looking down on his phone. You could see Ume approach from a distance, hopping onto the spot behind Gyutaro. They seemed to bicker for a bit until finally Gyutaro turned on his bike and Ume wrapped her arms around him. Soon enough, he pulled out into the street. He looked both ways, making sure no cars or dumb students were in the way before speeding down the road, revving the engine. You had to admit, you were mesmerized by the way his hair flowed wildly through the wind. You wondered what it would be like to be his passenger, riding with the wind and holding him tightly. Every time you saw him with his motorbike, Gyutaro just looked so cool.
Wait, what are you thinking? You shook your head. There is obviously something wrong with that thought. What about Gyutaro’s safety? And Ume’s too? You have never seen either of them wear a helmet. Did they just not have any? Well, maybe this was your chance to change that. This could actually be a good reward.
Immediately, you head to the store and pick out some strong, full-face helmets. You had to make sure they were extra protected. When you got home, you set the helmets down on your desk, but then you stared at them.
They were kinda plain, weren’t they? It didn’t really scream too much of a special gift, at least for your standards. Suddenly, you got an even better idea. Quickly, you pull out your phone and send an email to Mr. Uzui.
For the next few days, Mr. Uzui granted you special permission to use the art room for your little project. It took a lot of effort. Not only did you have to dismantle the helmets, but you had to rub sandpaper on them to get the old paint off, prime the helmets, and some other steps before finally designing. Luckily Tengen was more than happy to help you, since he had painted helmets before.
“Who are you making this for?” he asked one day as he watched you paint.
“Oh, y’know, the Shabana siblings,” you smile giddily.
“You sure do like each other. That Gyutaro especially likes you, huh?” Tengen chuckled.
“Ah, you think so?” Your cheeks dust with pink and you stopped painting for just a second, “He’s really such a nice guy.”
“Mhm, he’s really only flashy around you and you sure are putting a lot of effort into thanking him.” You were too stunned to speak. Your teacher smirked before leaving you to continue his work elsewhere.
Finally, after so many days of working on these helmets, they were complete. You were quite proud of your work. Excited, you looked around for Gyutaro during lunch, but you couldn’t find him anywhere.
Halfway into the next class, Gyutaro finally showed up. Sanemi, the math teacher, glared at Gyutaro as he plopped right down into the seat next to you.
"Hey, where were you during lunch?" You whispered to him as Sanemi wrote equations on the board.
"Uh, with my sis. Why?"
"Oh, well, I was just hoping we could chat. I couldn't find you in your usual spot."
“Ah, um, yeah sorry ‘bout that,” Gyutaro flushed as he rubbed the back of his head. Even though he knew that you knew about his scandals, he didn’t like admitting them to you. As much as he didn’t care about anyone’s opinion, when it came to you it was definitely a different story. “We can hang after school, if you’re free.”
You flash him a smile, “Perfect!”
“(Y/n), be quiet and pay attention,” Sanemi barked at you.
“Man,” Gyutaro barked back waving his pencil, “I’m just borrowing a pencil. No need to have a stick up your ass!” Ever since Gyutaro started crushing on you, he had been holding back on causing trouble in front of you, but since you were being unjustly targeted, he had to say something.
“I’ll stick one up your ass if you don’t complete 20 pages worth of equations after school!”
“I’m calling Child Protective Services!”
“I’ll call your paren-”
Holding back laughter, you were reminded of why you loved talking to this dude so much.
Of course, Gyutaro’s smartmouth still landed him in detention, but you sat outside on some stairs. You decided you would bring the helmets with you this time. Despite knowing how strong they were, you still cushioned them inside of a gift bag. You didn’t want a single scratch on them before Gyutaro had a chance to see it. Ume walked outside and spotted you. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m waiting for your brother to get out of detention. I was gonna give him something.”
“Ooo, what are you giving him?”
“You can look,” you hold out the bag, “they’re helmets. I painted one for each of you since I notice you two never wear helmets.”
Ume peered inside and smirked. “Oh my gosh, they look so pretty! And caring about our safety? That’s total girlfriend duty. Or friend duty, but I like girlfriend duty more. Love that,” she snapped her fingers.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” you blushed.
“Okay, well, when my brother comes out, tell him I went to the mall with a friend. Okay? Cool, Bye!” With that, Ume winked at you and sped off.
You were a bit confused by Ume’s sudden exit. Was she actually going to the mall? You shrugged it off and continued your wait.
After some time, Gyutaro rushed out. Ume had sent him some winking emojis along with a “have fun” text. He thrusted the door open and before staring down at you.
“You- you actually waited?”
“Well, yeah? I had something I wanted to show you,” you smile at him. You get up and pick up the gift bag. “Or more like, gift you, since,” you hold the bag up to him, “I really wanted to thank you for helping me out during the art contest.”
Speechless, Gyutaro took the bag from your hand and opened it. Instantly, he couldn’t help but smile. Truthfully, he didn’t wear a helmet because he wanted his sister to wear the helmet, but Ume thought his helmet was too ugly to wear. Carefully, he pulled out a fuschia helmet with yellow dashes and flower-like patterns all over it. It looked cute, and seemed to be designed with Ume’s style in mind. Knowing the bag still had weight to it, he looked back down. His grin grew wider as he pulled out a black helmet with some thick, red, stripes with a cobblestone-like pattern to it. It clearly looked like they were delicately worked on.
“(Y/n), this is so dope. You made this, didn’t you?”
“Mayyyybe,” you blushed.
Gyutaro bit his lip, “Man, you really didn’t have to waste your time on me.”
“It’s nothing, really,” you shook your head, “but that’s all I wanted to show yaaaa’. Soooo, I’ll see you on Monday.” You wave before slowly stepping down the stairs. Leaving already? Gyutaro wasn’t ready for you to go just yet. Still, you almost forgot one thing, “Oh, and, by the way, your sister said she went to the mall with a friend.”
Before you could turn around, Gyutaro asked, “Hold on, (y/n), are you heading home? I’ll drive you… if you want.”
You stop, and with a large smile on your face, you turn back to Gyutaro. "I would appreciate that!"
Gyutaro's stomach fluttered and he looked away, hiding his excitement behind a "cold" face. "Come then," he walks past you, heart palpitating, "my motorcycle is over here."
You follow Gyutaro to his motorcycle, parked in the same spot as usual. He pulls out his keys as he sits on it and starts the engine. You take out your phone and pull up Google Maps. You show Gyutaro the address and he nods, “Aight, got it.” He passes you Ume’s helmet and you slip it on. Remembering how Ume would do it, you try to replicate her by sitting on the raised seat behind Gyutaro and wrapping your thighs around Gyutaro’s waist. As soon as Gyutaro feels you behind him, he can’t help but feel the heat all over his body. He feels surprisingly skinny, something you weren’t expecting due to his well-known strength, but then again he always wore baggy clothes.
“Is this fine?” You ask.
Tempted to tell you to just rub yourself all over him now, Gyutaro nonchalantly looks back at you and smirks, “Yeah, you’re good… just wrap your arms around me and hold on tight, (y/n).”
Then, he slips on the helmet you made and revs the engine. Quickly, you cross your arms around his chest and he pulls out of the parking space. He approaches the parking lot exit, and once he determines there were no cars in sight, he speeds down the road, opposite of your house. You could feel the breeze graze your bit of exposed skin as you press yourself against Gyutaro tighter and your fingers grip his uniform.
Savoring the way you’re holding him, Gyutaro calls out, “Doin’ good, (y/n)?” He raised his voice due to the helmet and the sound of the engine.
“Good, cause Imma turn.”
As soon as he gets to an area without any cars or people, he swerves his motorcycle into a full circle before going back to your home’s direction. You can feel your stomach lean along with the motorcycle, making you hold Gyutaro even tighter and you lay your head on his back. “Oh gosh, Gyu!” Gyutaro chuckles as he hears you. Once the bike returns its balance, you regain your composure.
Once you pass the academy, every swerve and turn makes your heart race. Gyutaro is just cherishing this moment with you, satisfied that you enjoy his company enough to do this with him, even if he is secretly hoping for more. He isn’t even going all-out on tricks because he knows you’re not used to this. Soon enough though, he approaches the final street. One final steer and he slows down to a stop.
Undeniably, you loved your ride with Gyutaro, even if you were too scared to stick your hand up like you’ve seen Ume do. Still, when you get off and give the helmet back to Gyutaro, you give in to your desire to hug him.
“That was awesome, Gyutaro. Let’s do that again, alright?”
Gyutaro turns a deep scarlet under his mask, but he hugs back as he brushes his fingers through your hair. “Sure. Thanks again for the helmets, (y/n).”
I'm so glad I'm almost done with this semester. (⁠。-ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Soon enough imma start working and buy all the Gyutaro merch I want (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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raw unbridled thoughts because I just saw the KNY movie and I am!!! full of emotions!!!
spoilers galore though so read at your own risk, i know it's not released in US theaters yet but in case you want a "little" preview, here it is !!
MAN!!!!!! i would have paid 12 euros just to see a remake of the last two entertainement district episodes in 4k, but man did I get my money's worth :')
it all started with a quick recap of the first seasons, with Gurenge and Homura as BGM, so the hype was already off the charts. I didn't dare sing along but I mouthed the lyrics and man was it good to hear it all with the images on the big screen ;w;
speaking of sound design though, my cinema's speakers weren't optimal, it felt like the music was coming only from the front and some of the noises were horribly loud. Remember when Gyutaro breaks Tanjiro's fingers? MAN. Overall, the musical experience was wayyyy better at home with headphones, but at least the visuals more than made up for it.
I won't go too much into detail over episodes 10/11, because the screening was pretty much identical to the regular episodes. The end of episode 10 still hits super hard, the sudden quietness and the billowing smoke... simply mindblowing on a large screen. We even had opening and ending credits, which made this very different from the Mugen Train experience, but the audience needed time to breathe haha
Uzui's battle against Gyutaro was really made to be viewed like this. You have a much better sense of all the details ufotable put into the whole thing when you're watching on such a large screen.
alright alright i gotta move on to the most exciting part. The actual opening of S3 played at the very end, so the transition towards the next arc was opened by none other than Gotou, finding the squad all passed out in the rubble. Man do I love this guy, he really feels like the "normal dude that the 20-something audience will root for" trope.
The upper moon meeting was... both mindblowing and somewhat overwhelming. There were lots of flashing effects and very insistent transitions, with (in my opinion) too many visual effects that bloated the scenes without really adding too much to them. I now that ufotable is probably just flexing their skills because this was MADE for cinemas, but still, it felt a little 'too much' to my taste. But then I'm easily overwhelmed by flashing things, so that's surely just a matter of personal preference.
The insistent transitions aside, that scene was just amazing. The inifity castle is an amazing place that reminded me a LOT of that scene towards the end of Interstellar. Muzan's science equipment looked very REAL, I bet that ufotable has been using real life footage to put it together.
And now... I can't really avoid talking about him, can I? Douma. I despise this character with everything I have and I even more despise the way the fandom treats him... and man I'm in for a ride. Curse you Miyano Mamoru. How DARE you be so GOOD at your job??? He's really THE most outstanding cast in the whole series in my humble opinion. I was already in love with the VA for his previous roles (Dazai from BSD!! Rintarou from Steins;Gate!!) and he's bringing the perfect vibe to Douma, I can already feel the fandom misinterpreting him more :') I absolutely cannot wait for his performance in the Infinity Castle. It'll be amazing.
May I also say : thank you Akaza. He had me cheering out loud in my seat when he chopped half of Douma's face off (and immediately got scolded for it like a naughty boy by Dad Kokushibo lmao). Thank you, Akaza. I'd almost forgive you for making Rengoku donuts ;(
I don't have much more to say about the rest of the Upper Moons because they hardly left a impression on me when I read the manga. Their voices are a pretty good fit, and I don't doubt that ufotable will make them shine.
The dream sequence was short but very well done. Alas I must shorten my speech too because I'm so excited to get to the next part.
Cue Gotou walking around with a very tasty looking Castella. Thanks ufotable now I wish I'd bought popcorn. He's funny as always, the way he gets mad at Kanao for not telling anything is even funnier animated, and the apparition of ghost Aoi just the same
And now... ladies and gentlemen and nonbinary folks... it's time... for HIM....
He definitely got the loudest laugh from the audience out of the whole movie. I feel so proud :') The way he's clinging to the ceiling is just too hilarious, with Tanjirou's like "so Inosuke on the ceiling..." coming before we actually see him, which had the laughter really explode. The comedic timing is absolutely perfect. I cannot wait to make 414630316 giftsets from this scene when the season is released.
Matsuoka really nailed the "SO YOU NOTICED ME, TANPACHIROU!!!" I'd been picturing it in my head for so long and it was exactly as I thought it'd sound like. The book about the honey badger was actually in english, I can't wait to see what else it says when we get a longer look. Inosuke looked like he had no idea what was going on, and Aoi telling him to get off the bed was just perfect. The way she clung to him when Kanao spoke up... *chef's kiss*.
I cannot wait to make a transparent edit of the ceiling boar so it can become my icon on every website forever haha
I have to be honest and say I paid a little less attention afterwards :') i was on a little cloud thanks to the ceiling boar. Though we got to meet some adorable kakushi, the scene of them dancing amongst the crows was really neat. Big up to the Kakushi for all their hard work!
Our good bois go off to work (and Zenitsu destroys the fourth wall by fawning over... Aoi, who yells at him through the shreds of the fourth wall haha), and that's it, that's all we're gonna see of Inosuke and Zenitsu this season ::')))))) hahahaha..... i am not upset at all.....
And then... well, there's some fanservice (and I'm not even talking about the bath scene). An unusual amount of it for KNY. A very very BLERGH from me. Even the audience seemed a little unconfortable. It's nothing harmful, it's just a little dumb and out of place.
The swordsmith village feels a little underwhelming in terms of design and general aesthetic, but it's no wonder when it's coming after the mesmerizing entertainment district. I'm definitely gonna miss the ambience of it all, though ufotable will probably impress me anyways.
Genya's here and he's pissed as always. I cannot unhear the Bakugo in him. Put your teeth back where they belong, boy.
Mitsuri is very wholesome though!!! I'm trying my hardest to cling to her as my favorite character this season (with lil' Kotetsu!! a baby!!). Ufotable, you better treat her well. I am BEGGING you.
aaand I think that's it from me. The hype did not disappoint. As a big fan of Inosuke and Zenitsu, I'm going into this arc without much to expect, as it's by far my least favorite in the series anyway. Still, Ufotable is going to do an awesome job, the characters might grow on me, the voice actors will be mindblowing, the music will be amazing, and well... I cannot wait for what will come next :3c
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
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[ID: A tier list for Demon Slayer Characters. The tiers from top to bottom are “logo,” “basically perfect,” “kinda liked you”, “neutral,” “could do a lot better,” and “what did gotouge do to you?” End ID.]
Ranked based how I felt about their characterization in canon, and how it was executed
this goes with this tier list
The “basically perfect” tier means both the characterization and the execution of the concepts/themes associated with the character were done expertly and in a personally satisfactory way. There may be some things I could complain about, but it is very nitpicky (like the Mother Spider Demon having a weirdly exposed design). Also Murata is great.
The “kinda liked you” tier is for characters where I felt their characterizations served the narrative in a functional way, but it was a tad rushed, a little weirdly executed, or a bit underdeveloped. For the Daughter Spider Demon, she’s a special case where her anime counterpart got more screentime and I liked the additions to her backstory, which pushed her from “neutral” to “kinda liked you”.
The “neutral” tier is for characters I didn’t particularly care about. Like, they may be important to other characters, but that’s pretty much all they got going for them. Most background characters are here. Muichirou is in this tier because while their story is alright, the way it was included in the story (shittily) kinda makes me upset, but it’s not completely abhorrent. For Kyojuro, I just didn’t like the whole message he was sending in general, it’s very personal.
(Honestly if I were to redo this, I’d knock Muichirou and Kyojuro down to the “could do a LOT better” tier.)
The “could do a LOT better” tier is for characters where I get actively annoyed thinking about how they were handled. Honestly, this tier and the last one could be the same, but I separated them based on how much work I personally had to do to improve them in the Rewrite. For this one, they have the pieces, an interesting backstory, maybe an interesting conclusion to their arc, but its rushed or poorly done or went in a direction that muddled any themes in this story (this point is mostly relevant to Tanjirou). Uzui is also here because while his arc is nice, Gotouge kept adding weird problematic shit to his character for literally no reason other than comedic relief which wasn’t even funny (He, Obanai, and Zenitsu deserve reparations for this).
The “what did gotouge do to you?” tier is for characters that I literally could not stand in terms of characterizations, and in the case for my Rewrite, had to COMPLETELY rework in order to have something that didn’t piss me off (I’m looking at you, Muzan, Kagaya, and Nezuko).
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serenevenene · 3 years
Tengen Uzui x Fem!Reader
Kinktober 2021 - Day 16
You have to work hard if you want to be Tengen's fourth wife.
Choking kink, polyamory(?), con, ass fingering, deep throat, thigh fucking
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11:55 pm
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Long silver hair tickled your chest. Strong, calloused hands were wrapped around your neck. Powerful hips were aiming to split you in half.
"Don't faint, Y/N," he said. His red eyes glimmered with the full moon. He looked like a demon about to devour you.
You weren't planning on fainting. You were planning to win. You, Uzui and his three wives agreed that if you could last all night with Uzui, that you could join their little harem. Some people might not have approved of this decision, but you knew the benefits: a supportive and loving relationship with everyone involved, wealth, and power.
You promised yourself you wouldn't lose, but with his hands around your throat, you wavered. The lack of air had your pussy tightening up. You liked it because it heightened your other senses, letting you focus on the shape of his dick as he unapologetically fucked into you. You appreciated that he had the decency to not crush your trachea. He could make you submit to him if he kept this up.
Underneath his grip, Uzui watched carefully as your face reddened more and more, reminding himself to let go if you gave any indication that it was time to do so. He was surprised that you made your interests known to him, and was even more surprised that his three wives all agreed to a fourth. He felt a gush of wetness around his dick, bringing him back to the present.
You came. He pulled his hands away from your neck only to grab your waist and pull your hips up towards him. Your body convulsed at the overstimulation. You gasped, trying to escape, but he kept rutting into you and hitting that place, not letting you come down from your orgasm.
It was almost too much when he came into you. It was then that your body went limp, focusing only on staying conscious.
"You're gonna have to try harder than this," Tengen said, pulling out of you. He licked his lips while he watched his cum drip out of you.
Shakily, you willed yourself to sit up. You didn't have the energy to care about how his sperm trickled out and soiled the bedsheets. "I'm no quitter. Besides...you need to get it up again."
The former shinobi smirked.
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1:31 am
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Your head hung off the bed. Your fingers dug into Tengen's muscular thighs as he plunged his girthy dick into your throat. He could see your throat distend as he plowed you, his lust only growing more and more.
Tengen had a few seconds to fill your throat. The short intervals had him edging. After the seventh go-around, he needed to reach his peak. He made you take him all the way to his hilt while he wrapped his hands around your throat to increase the pressure. He knew he needed to work fast so he shortened his strides.
You were running out of air. His hands around your neck, and his dick inside your throat didn't leave much opportunity to breathe. Your eyes started to water. It didn't matter much, with all the saliva smeared around your face.
There was no way you could possibly continue like this. You needed to make him cum, and fast. You lubed your fingers with the saliva on your face, then stuck your thickest finger into his ass. You felt him jolt in surprise, his muscles stiffening. Thankfully, he relaxed quickly, getting lost in the sensations happening in his lower regions. You added another finger as you massaged his prostrate. You felt a surge of cum shoot out of his dick, his ass clenching down on your fingers.
Tengen let out a loud groan, and you pushed him off of you with all your strength. Once he was out, your body contorted on the mattress, coughing and gasping desperately for air.
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3:14 am
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Tengen was fucking you from behind. You were on all fours, your legs pressed closed. This position tightened you up and let him hit you g-spot better. Your hips rocked along with his tempo.
How was this man able to get this hard after so many rounds? You wondered if this was a result of having so many wives, or if he had so many wives because he could last for so many rounds.
"Uzui," you whispered, losing yourself in the ecstasy. He wrapped his arms around your chest and pulled you up so that you were on your knees as he kept thrusting into you. You arched your back. Your torso was shorter than his, so you were able to arch far enough that you could upside-down-kiss him. You felt his hands tighten around your throat again, keeping your head in place as his tongue explored your mouth.
You moaned, the intensity of the position sending you over the edge. The strain you were putting on your back was almost unbearable. You returned to all fours, resting your chest on the pillows as your hips continued to take Tengen's assault. You could feel your cum running down your thighs.
"Y/N, Y/N...you're so tight," Tengen said in a strained voice. He slapped your ass. Hard. Your pussy clenched. He did it ten more times until you heard him groan, followed closely by the feeling of his hot, thick cum erupting into your deepest parts.
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5:47 am
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Your brow was covered in sweat. Your chin was covered in saliva. Your thighs were covered in cum.
Almost there. You were almost there. You were riding on Tengen's cock and you were almost at an orgasm.
"Please...one more time...one more time..." you begged. You weren't even sure you were begging Tengen at this point. Perhaps you were begging yourself to last just one more round. Perhaps you were praying to any ethereal being that happened to be listening.
"You're doing so well..." Tengen cooed. He was caressing your thighs as they went into overtime, trying to chase a high that just wouldn't come. You felt like you were going to lose it if you didn't orgasm right then and there.
Sensing your urgency, Tengen pressed on your clit with his thumb.
"Press harder..." you asked, closing your eyes. You hoped that stunting one of your senses would heighten your sense of touch. Your breathing grew more and more ragged, your bouncing more and more animalistic.
And finally...finally, you came. Your thighs shook as you came down from your high. Tengen laid you gently on the bed, and pulled out.
"Wait," you objected, "You need to cum too..."
Tengen looked at you with wide eyes, surprised that you were still forming coherent sentences. "You really want to marry me."
"I want nothing more," you said weakly, fighting sleep away with every ounce of energy you had left.
Tengen smirked. He pulled your legs up and rested your ankles on his left shoulder, positioning his dick between your thighs. His arms wrapped around your legs, tightening their hold around his dick. He started thrusting. It wasn't as pleasurable for you, but you didn't care. You liked how he looked, losing himself while he used your body.
Soon, he came, white ropes spurting onto your stomach. He wiped you down with the blanket, before he fell beside you. He was panting, trying to catch his breath. His arm was flung haphazardly over his eyes.
You kissed his cheek, loving this side of him.
"We'll be married tomorrow," Tengen said.
"But the sun isn't up yet."
"No, but you win," he said as his eyelids grew heavy, "I can't keep up with you."
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Reblogging is fine, but don't repost to Tumblr or any other platform without permission.
Tags: @mintyrae
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Friendly neighborhood Koku-chan summoner 🤣 damn this is not funny but oh well
I think I remembered my previous asks and I'll add a cursed meme at the end, as promised
One was about yandere Kyojuro, Sanemi, Kokushibo and Muzan(if you don't mind, can Uzui, Douma and Akaza be added, if it'snot too much) , where let's say one of these cheesecakes already kidnapped their Darling, but the other yandere is also simping for the Darling, like what would let's say Kyo do if Sanemi was also yandere for his darling and ect.
The other one was like a Yandere Darling secretly in live with the Yandere cheesecakes, if you watched Hey Arnold and remember Helga, so that's the Darling. Maybe not insulting but aggressive and stuff, but secretly deeply in love but somehow even after being kidnapped need a lot of time to actually act normally towards the cheesecakes.
Hope this makes sense, but you always amaze us so I'm not worried.
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Spill the tea sis.
- Steal -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Rengoku , Sanemi , Kokushibou , Muzan , Tengan , Douma , Akaza
A/N = I will probably complete the second request a little later , i had a lot of fun writing this !!Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Sanemi tried to steal you from Rengoku
• Rengoku had always known that Sanemi had some feelings towards you. Let’s just say Rengoku tried to act as civil as he can around Sanemi but it was very hard too , when he knew that Sanemi was simpimg for his Darling.
• After Rengoku kidnapped you , he started to act a lot more relaxed around Sanemi because he felt like there was absolutely nothing to worry about , because you were safe in his home.
• Little did Rengoku know , that Sanemi knew about him kidnapping you. Sanemi had been watching Rengoku for a while , and knew that he had taken you because he followed him home one day. Sanemi was furious that Rengoku would even dare lay a hand on you , so he decided to confront Rengoku about it. Let’s just say that , it did not end well. Turns out that , Sanemi had threatened to take you from Rengoku , all Rengoku did was laugh in his face and tell him “ good luck “.
• A couple weeks later , when Rengoku was walking though the front door , he expected to see you laying on the couch, but instead he could hear you crying for help in the bedroom. When he walked in , he saw Sanemi Sanemi jumping through the window. He was about to go after him , but he decided to ask you what had happened.
• Turned out that Sanemi came to try to convince you to come with him , because he can “ protect you better “. Rengoku was furious , but he knew that he could never approach Sanemi about it , because Sanemi would report him.
• The only thing that Rengoku did was , put wooden boards on most of the windows.
Obanai tried to steal you from Sanemi
• As we all know , Sanemi is very protective and possessive over his darling , saying this , sometimes he can act like a very aggressive dog around his Darling. He does not like it when people talk , touch or interact with his darling in any way.
• The only person that he does trust around them , is Obanai. Sanemi really trusts Obanai , so he did not think that Iguro would try anything with his darling. Little did he know , that Obanai had fell in love with you from the moment he first saw you. That being said , Obanai felt a strong responsibility over you. When it was announced that you had gone missing ( Sanemi kidnapped you ), Obanai was completely destroyed over the news, but he tried to hide it so Sanemi would not question him.
• So imagine Obanai’s surprise when he looked over , and saw that Sanemi had a calm face , and was showing no emotion over the fact that you had just been kidnapped. When Obanai approached him about the matter , Sanemi whispered in his ear , “ the only reason why I am not worried , is because I took them , they are safer with me “. Obanai only nodded his head , and started to plot a way to get you back to him.
• Obanai decided that the best way to take you from Sanemi’s house , is if he waited for Sanemi to go on a long mission. That way the house would be empty. He waited for the moment Sanemi went off on a mission , and he headed to his estate to get you. Unknown to Iguro , Sanemi had actually stopped by his house to kiss you goodbye.
• Instead if being greeted with you , he was greeted with Obanai in the middle of his living room. “ what the fuck are you doing “. Sanemi asked. “ nothing I just wanted to make sure that all of your doors were locked… the window was opened”.
• Sanemi only stared at him, before asking him to leave. Sanemi knew that something was up, but he did not want to cause a scene in front of you.
• Iguro would have to come get you another day.
Douma tried to steal you from Kokushibou
• When Kokushibou first kidnapped you , he took you to the infinity tower and introduced you to Muzan and the other upper moons. Kokushibou felt like it was very important that you get along with them , especially Muzan. The reason for this , is because he wanted you to join him as a upper rank demon. Just because he told you to be nice to them , does not mean that he wants you to have long conversations with them.
• Kokushibou always feels like the other upper moons are trying to steal you away from him, especially Douma. Ever since Douma first met you , he has always made a effort to talk to you , or be in the same room as you. Every once in a while , Douma will give you compliments and tal bad about Kokushibou in front of him and you.
• Still , Kokushibou did not feel like Douma was a threat , until Douma started to make many different comments about taking you , and keeping you all to himself. That crossed the line for Kokushibou. One time , Kokushibou even threatened Douma about the whole matter.
• Lately, you had been spending more time with Douma , then with Kokushibou. Kokushibou never brought it up because he did not want you to think that he was insecure. One day , Kokushibou walked into your room after a long mission , expecting some cuddles , but found that you were not there. So he started to look for you around the palace , but he could not find you.
• He tried not to panic , but every time he went into a empty room , he could feel a sense of anxiety start to wash over him like cold water. Eventually he found you , but you were with Douma. Turns out that Douma wanted to show off some of his expensive jewelry. Kokushibou just watched from the doorway. He knew that you would never try anything with Douma , but he wanted to see how Douma acts around you.
• “ Does Kokushibou ever buy you expensive stuff ?”. Douma asked in a teasing voice. “ Oh Yeah !! He buys me a ton of stuff “ you said proudly. “Don’t you think you would be happier with me “?. You froze when you heard that question coming from Douma’s mouth . Kokushibou felt like he was going to explode out of anger , it took everything in him not to beat up Douma. All there was , was silence. Eventually Kokushibou walked in and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder , and started to walk out.
• He was going to have a serious talk with Douma , after he is done cuddling you to death.
• This is going to be really short because I don’t think that anyone would even try to take you from Muzan. Not even Kokushibou would dare try . You have to be mentally insane to think that you could get away with taking Muzan’s Darling.
• The second Muzan fees like someone is going to try to take his darling , they are dead. He does not even want anyone else , but him , to be around his darling.
Rengoku tried to take you from Tengan
• It had been a while since Tengam and his wives had taken a you , but by all accounts , you were adjusting very well to your new life.
• But sometimes , you start to miss your old life. You were a hashira in the demon slayer corps. That is how you got to meet Tengan Uzui. You also became quite close with most of the other hashira’s. You were very close to Rengoku in particular.
• Sometimes , Rengoku used joke about the two of you being together, most of the time , Tengan would just laugh it off . Little did Tengan know that Rengoku had fallen head over heels in love with you , and was stalking you. Rengoku knew that Tengan had taken you .
• After Tengan had taken you , however , he stopped worrying about all of those things , and was just focused on you , and his wives. One day , one of his wives spotted Rengoku in the distance. This was unusual, because Tengan wasn’t here , and he was suppose to be on a mission.
• Almost immediately, his wives started to rush you into a secret bedroom . Tengan had warned them that Rengoku would suspect them . When Rengoku came banging on the door demanding you , the wives simply kicked him out , and sent a crow to Tengan , asking him to come home immediately.
• This won’t be the last time Rengoku tries to get you. The next time , would be bloody.
Akaza wants to steal you from Douma
• This sneaky little bastard.
• He would always tease Akaza about him having a huge crush on you. I mean who wouldn’t? You were perfect in Douma’s eyes. He saw nothing wrong with bragging about you to everyone.
• Apparently, Douam bragged one too many times to Akaza , because Akaza snapped at him one day.
• He basically told him to shut his mouth , or else he will take you from Douma.
• Douma was speechless
• How dare his underclass man threaten him. Douma did not take this threat lightly , and locked you up the next day.
• Every once in a while , you swear that you can see Akaza looking through your window. You will be Akaza’s, one day..
• Same thing as Muzan -
• I don’t think anyone has the guts to take you from him
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujitsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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silverynight · 2 years
Tanjirou hasn't thought about what his teacher Urokodaki told him once... Something about being chosen by a hashira.
"Before you commit to this path, you must know this too. It hasn't happened in a long time and I believe the current Pillars are not really interested in that at the moment (except for Uzui, but he has three wives already)" even though the words are clear, Tanjirou feels really confused for a moment. Urokodaki looks a little bit uncomfortable.
"What is it?"
"You see... The hashira are the most skilled warriors among us. They have trained for years and saved many lives, constantly risking their own in the process," Urokodaki sighs and puts a gentle hand on Tanjirou's shoulder. "So they're seen with respect and almost veneration to the point they're allowed to get things most people can't."
Tanjirou tilts his head, puzzled.
"It hasn't happened in this generation, but sometimes they choose another demon slayer to get married to."
That confuses him even more because that's exactly what people do, they get to choose whom they want to marry and Tanjirou knows this so why is Urokodaki–
"Even if they're not really in love with the Pillar that chose them."
"Oh. So... they don't have a choice?" Tanjirou asks, feeling sad for a moment. That doesn't sound that good. How could they ever find true love like that?
"They do," Urokodaki says and takes a deep breath before adding: "You all do. However, it's considered an offense to turn down a hashira. As I told you before, they're almost worshipped. No one has ever rejected a Pillar before."
"I see..." Tanjirou mumbles. "But why are you telling me this? You said there were just nine Pillars and one of them is already married so I don't think–"
"It could happen," Urokodaki cuts him off. "Or it could not. But if you agree to become a demon slayer, you agree to this... possibility as well, Tanjirou. Now I'm not saying I'm happy with this tradition, but it has been like that for years and it has never been changed."
"I just want to help Nezuko become human again," Tanjirou mumbles. "No matter what it takes."
Urokodaki nods and they don't speak more about it until a couple of days later.
"It has happened? I mean you know about someone that married even though they didn't want to?"
"Yes. But that was years ago. This generation hasn't chosen anyone. Well, the sound Pillar did, but I understand that his wives really love him."
"Oh." He mumbles, it makes him feel a little bit better. Even though he doesn't think someone could be interested in him, he worries about other people. "But why they don't... just ask? I mean like everyone does? I'm sure if they tell the person they love about their feelings most of them are going to feel the same..."
"But some of them won't. Besides, I understand it's tempting, because if they select someone following the tradition they immediately lay a claim to them. Once it's done, the others will respect it. They won't even flirt with that person or look at them with interest again."
Tanjirou nods, letting Urokodaki know he understands, although he doesn't agree with it. He just hopes if they decide to do that, the other person is as in love with them as they are.
The years go by and he forgets about it almost completely, at least until Kocho brings it up again.
"Kyojuro asked about you before leaving," the insect hashira tells him, smiling at him. "He wanted to know why I was keeping you here."
Even though Tanjirou is glad, because it would probably make it easy for him to ask him about the Dance of the Fire God the next time he sees him, he's a little bit confused. He's sure none of the hashira like him, not after what happened during his and Nezuko's trial.
Maybe Tomioka likes him or maybe he's pissed at him for giving him so much trouble.
Tanjirou wouldn't blame him if that was the case.
"I think you will be selected soon."
The young demon slayer is so immerse in his own thoughts he's not sure if he heard well.
"Chosen. Surely your teacher talked you about this, right?"
Blushing, Tanjirou nods, even though he doesn't believe he could get selected.
He forgets about it again, especially later when he gets in that train.
And then Rengoku almost dies trying to protect them all. He loses an eye, he stays unconscious after a couple of days of being brought to the butterfly mansion and Tanjirou is not allowed to stay because he has another mission already.
He tells himself that he shouldn't cry, he believes he's strong enough to stop himself when the moment comes, but as soon as he sees Rengoku again, with his dark eye patch, he starts sobbing.
"Come here, my boy," Rengoku smiles, spreading his arms; Tanjirou doesn't hesitate to jump into them, however he regrets it almost immediately.
"No, wait, your wounds!" He tries to move away, but Rengoku tightens his grip on his waist.
"I'm alright now. It doesn't hurt anymore," he assures the young demon slayer.
Tanjirou becomes Rengoku's tsuguko; the flame hashira starts training him and taking him on a couple of missions with him. Of course, Tanjirou has his own missions that he gets along with Zenitsu and Inosuke, but he spends most of his time in Rengoku's house.
Even Senjuro, Rengoku's brother, has become great friend of his; it always reminds Tanjirou of his little brother.
However sometimes he says things that always end up confusing Tanjirou.
"What are you doing, Senjuro?" Tanjirou kneels next to him on the floor, looking with fascination as he keeps sewing a dark haori, it looks really formal. At first he thinks he's just repairing it, but then he realizes that he probably made it from scratch.
"It's for my brother!" He grins happily. "For the wedding of course!"
It hurts. Although Tanjirou doesn't know exactly why. He just hopes the person who Rengoku asks to get married to is as in love as he is. But they probably are, aren't they? Who wouldn't love the flame hashira?
"I didn't know Rengoku-san was getting married," he mumbles. "I hope he's happy."
Senjuro looks back at him almost in shock, he stops what he's doing but then sighs and keeps sewing as if nothing happened.
The next day, when he's laying on the grass of the backyard after a hard training session, Tanjirou looks up only to notice Rengoku smiling softly at him.
"I'll make dinner," the flame hashira says. "I'll call you later."
Tanjirou would like to help, but he's too exhausted to move. Then, he starts hearing Senjuro's voice and realizes he's irritated for some reason.
Even though the discussion comes from inside, Tanjirou can hear a few fragments of it.
"You have to claim him! Or someone else will do it!"
"Senjuro, please calm down. This is... I don't want to do anything against his will."
The words confuse him because he thought Rengoku had already proposed to the person... But if not then why–
"I just don't want you to get hurt!" Senjuro sobs. "I know how much you love him and I know it'll break your heart..."
The voice turns suddenly into a whisper, so Tanjirou moves and manages to sit under the tree. He's thinking about going inside when he sees a pair of deep blue eyes above him.
"Tomioka-san!" He beams. Even though most of the time he's at the Rengoku residence, he sees the water hashira very often.
"I came to see how are you doing," the Pillar mumbles. Tanjirou thinks for a moment he can see the glimpse of a smile.
"I'm great! How about–"
"You're here again, Giyuu." Even though Rengoku is grinning, Tanjirou can smell the irritation coming from him. He's tense.
"I wanted to see Tanjirou," Tomioka responds, looking calm, even though he's a little bit tense as well.
"Now you saw him."
Tanjirou can't believe it, he's never seen Rengoku act like that before. For a moment he thought the flame hashira was going to invite the other to have dinner with them but it seems he doesn't want Tomioka there.
"I'll come back soon," Tomioka whispers to Tanjirou, stroking his hair for a moment.
Tanjirou nods, feeling a little bit uncomfortable because he knows Tomioka is ignoring Rengoku on purpose.
"Are you alright, Tanjirou?" As soon as the other Pillar leaves, Rengoku kneels next to him. He touches his cheek gently.
"I'm fine. He just wanted to know how I was doing..."
"I see..." Rengoku frowns, surprising him, he almost never does that. But then, he smiles back at Tanjirou again. "Come, my boy! I'll carry you back inside!"
He assures the hashira he can do that on his own, but Rengoku purposely ignores him and takes him in his arms.
For some reason, Tanjirou feels like his cheeks are burning.
Tanjirou finds himself in front of all the hashira again. He's nervous, the master didn't mention why he wanted him to be present during that particular meeting.
As usual, the Pillars are on his knees, with their heads bowed respectfully. Tanjirou is about to do the same, but one of the little girls whispers something to Ubuyashiki.
"There's no need, Tanjirou. For this I want you to stay where you are," he says. "You can stand now, Kyojuro."
Tanjirou has never seen the flame hashira blush before, but he does now as he walks towards him and stops to hold both of his hands.
He smiles, hopeful.
"You've been claimed by Kyojuro," the master says. "He wants you to become part of his family as his husband."
Tanjirou knows his face is completely red at the moment; he's surprised, he'd never thought Rengoku would choose him.
"You can say no if you don't want to marry me," Rengoku whispers. "I didn't... This not how I planned it, but I didn't want anyone else to take you first."
Urokodaki had explained to him what could happen if rejects a hashira; Tanjirou had agreed to this possibility a long time ago... He knows when this happens the person selected doesn't have much of a choice... However, the truth is that he wants this.
"I want to marry you," he mumbles shyly.
Rengoku's grin becomes huge and he leans to take Tanjirou in his arms.
"Excellent," the master approves. "I wish you true happiness... I think you'll make a great couple."
"Giyuu, what are you doing? The meeting hasn't finished yet!"
Suddenly, to Kocho's irritation, the water hashira vanishes. It's disrespectful and has everyone whispering until the master silences them with a gesture.
"Let him be. He'll come back eventually."
For a moment, Tanjirou worries about him, but the master seems to be fine so he supposes he knows why Tomioka left.
Rengoku takes Tanjirou home, where they both tell the news to Senjuro and Nezuko. Even though Nezuko can't say anything Tanjirou knows she's happy for him.
Of course Tanjirou is very much on board with the idea of getting married, but he's still not used to all the affection he receives from Rengoku.
"Wait! Let me just... Give me a second," he stammers, face bright red as he moves away from the flame hashira.
Rengoku chuckles, but leans again to kiss him all over the face. Tanjirou's heart is going to explode if the man keeps doing that.
"I'll make you happy, Tanjirou!" He promises before pressing his lips against his.
"I'll try to do the same," Tanjirou says, finally relaxing into the embrace.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Hey :) I really loved reading ‘Wish I could tell you’ would it be okay to request a NSFW part 2 where he admits he’s in love with her which leads to an intimate moment :)
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Wish I could tell you II [Uzui X Reader]
Reader is Human Female | NSFW | First Part
Recommended Song - Patience by Tame Impala
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The flowers from last night's date sat in an opal vase atop your bedroom windowsill, shifting in the water you gave them whenever the breeze from the open window picked up.
You had been lying in bed staring at them for the last few minutes, pondering the prior evening.
Uzui had gifted you a fresh bundle of wisteria by the night's end and said something cheesy about them protecting you on your way back to your estate.
Protection was not something you needed, but you appreciated the gesture.
Besides, he never really parted ways with you after your night together. Rolling over in the bed, you met face to face with his sleeping form. In his sleep, he looked relatively peaceful.
A stark contract to literally any other time of the day but-
"Not done staring yet?" His magenta eyes were open now, piercing into your own with a look of pure satisfaction.
He had managed to pull the strings and land himself between your legs last night. You could have never imagined it, let alone the idea he felt anything for you as deep as this.
You only shook your head and snuck out of bed, covering your body with one of the stranded pieces of clothing, to walk towards the bathing room. You had a lovely estate known for its hot water springs, so you decided to wash off yesterday's filth in the onsen just outside.
Reaching the bathing room, you were surprised to see the stove for heating the water was already on and noticed two piles of fresh clothing nestled on the wooden bench.
"You know what they say; a happy wife makes a happy life!" Uzui spoke from right behind you, and while you wanted to turn to face him, it didn't take long to notice he was completely naked.
Not only that, but he was pressing up against your back.
You could feel his hardened member pressing against your lower back, with the difference in height depriving it of slipping right between your legs.
Your face flushed red; thus, Uzui took his opportunity to walk you into the water, spin you around and press you against the wall.
With your lower halves touching, your chest smooshed into his, and his arms on either side of you, it was hard to plan any escape.
But that insinuated you wanted to be anywhere but here, right now.
His silver hair clung to his face from the water, which allowed you a better view of his face. Uzui was also a tad pinkish in the cheeks, which you found a bit amusing.
"Found something to smile about?" His eyes locked onto yours, flashing his signature smile.
Anybody could tell there was a further intention than showing off his pearly white. His hands pushing you up on the wall till your feet didn't touch the ground only proved it.
Now, he lined up perfectly with your heat. Uzui took the opportunity to slip his cock right between your inner thighs, rocking his hips back and forth just high enough to gently brush your clit and stimulate you further.
As he got himself off with your tighs alone, you couldn't help but let out careful whimpers every moment he brushed a little too close to your needing heat.
Uzui took notice every time but was eager to get a little more out of you.
"Go on, what is it?"
"Please, Uzui…" Your voice broke due to how quiet it was, but it was more than enough to keep him content.
He pushed one knee right between your legs to keep them nice and open before lowering you just enough to fit his cock nice and deep. He fit much better now than last night, having taken the time to stretch you out.
It was cute how your grip on his shoulders tightened, how your knees shakily tried to close only to be kept open by his. With every inch added, you had to let out a shaky breath of approval.
He let you slide down the wall until you reached the very end, and now he was pressed against you enough to hold your whole body up.
Then he moved back and pushed right back in. Again and again, until a steady rhythm formed and you were bouncing against the wall, legs reaching to try and grab at the floor that managed to evade you no matter how far down you fell on his cock.
With one hand helping to hold you up, his other grabbed at your cheek to pull you into a much-earned kiss.
He could taste every moan on his lips, the way you begged for him with those delicious noises.
At times like these, he saw himself no better than a demon, just wanting to devour you whole. The way the water and soapy bubbled brushed down your mixed bodies. He almost distracted himself with it.
With a few final pushes, your thighs gave a tight clench against his knee, all the while his hips bucked forward to release his hot seed into you. He held you there for a few moments more, letting the water beat down, before pulling out and carefully letting you to the floor. The silence he typically filled with banter was now replaced with careful panting.
Uzui knew you shouldn't be walking after that and scooped you right up into his arms, all bridal style.
"I heard you have amazing hot springs here, care to show the way?" A nice warm soak could help your muscles after ecstasy like that.
Defeated, you weakly pointed in its direction and snuggled your face into the crook of his neck.
Author Note -  I couldnt avoid female bits in this one, but I also didnt want to say AFAB because theres a few pronoun specific terms used in here. Apologies! Hope it still works for you <3 Please take care of yourself, Exo!
Word Count - 947
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softscummymammon · 3 years
€Male Hashira React to Their MALE S/O Coming Out As Asexual€
••Part 1 ||→ Giyu, Rengoku, Obanai
••Part 2||→Sanemi, Gyomei, Tengen
→+*:;;:*Demon Slayer Headcanon*:;;:*+←
I have decided not to do Muichiro because of the context that he is 14 years old. Due to this, I will not be adding him to the fic. Though this is about asexuality, and therefore the lack of sex, it is still considered wrong to me.
←Sanemi Shinazugawa→
Really, you were kinda shitting your pants at the idea of coming out to Sanemi. You know he's only abrasive and stubborn because of his past, but sometimes reading him is like asking Gyomei what color shirt you should wear.
Aka, pretty much impossible.
But you both were in a committed relationship, and you didn't want to feel like you were leading him on. There is also the possibility of him feeling like you had higher expectations. Knowing how that feels, you never wanted your boyfriend to feel like that.
So, deciding to get this over with and be blunt, which really is the only way you can approach this like this with Sanemi, you sat him down after his afternoon training. When he heard your voice and how serious you were, he made no move to object beside the occasional grumble.
His normally scowly face turned inquisitive as you sat at the chabudai. He sat across from you and asked what you needed him for. Steeling yourself, you tell him you're asexual, and have no or little desire to have any sexual activity. Making sure Sanemi didn't blame himself was key. Otherwise, he'd blame himself.
His face blanks for a second, then he asks if he made you uncomfortable in anyway. You tell him no, that you trust him to control himself, but some touches just can't happen. Sanemi starts to get a little irritated and asks then what is comfortable to you then? You try to calmly explain that cuddles are fine, soft touches on the shoulders, arms and head are fine, kisses too, as long as it doesn't get too heated.
Sanemi takes a few breaths, but explains to you that he has needs too; sexual needs he wanted to carry out with you since you're special to him. You can't help the tears that start to fall, but Sanemi is quick to sit by your side and wipe them away. He's cursing himself out and telling you he's sorry while you're trying to say you understand and feel sorry you're limiting the his show of love.
It gets so hectic, Sanemi leans forward and head butts you. Nothing like that brat did to him, but it was enough to catch your attention. He firmly apologizes for any misstep he took, and shushes you when you trying interrupting him. He carries on saying his love for you can be expressed in more ways than sex ever could, so he'll just have to get creative. Sanemi loves you dearly, and he doesn't want his lack of self control to be the end what the beautiful thing you both had.
So, he does. Whenever he gets that urge he'll leave and deal with it, then come back and pamper you till you both fall asleep or take a nap. He's still weary about how he touches you, but confident hands on your part will ease his hesitancy. Sanemi also becomes super over protective. He'd glare and growl at anyone that gets too close.
He can't grope you like he would have done originally. So, to combat those people that can't seem to think through their brains, he uses his wind breathing style to quite literally blow them away.
←Himejima Gyomei→
Trust and commitment was always an issue of Gyomei. But once he opens himself up, he is unwavering in his care. He loves you dearly, and he takes this relationship seriously. So why have you been avoiding him?
Gyomei sighed heavily and settled down near the water stream. Thinking over the day within his memories, he recounted how you seemed to have been anxious. Himejima may not be able to see, but he can hear your emotions clear as day, your anxious heart and breathing.
The water rushing through the stream eased him slightly, but the memory of your fear put him on edge. He never liked when you felt anything negative. Himejima always wanted to hear that smile on your face and laugh in your speech.
Standing up, Gyomei listened for your heart beat and followed it towards your shared home. Ever since this relationship became serious, you both decided living in Gyomei's home was the best idea since it had more medical supplies and felt more lived in. So it was an easy walk he figured out leads to the training area in the back of the house.
Opening a sliding door that leads to the Zen garden you helped him plant, he found you setting next to the water fountain you both had chosen as an added on feature. Sitting down next to you, he heard you sigh and felt you lean into his side. Gyomei wrapped a careful hand around your waist and let you get whatever was bothering you out your self.
Mustering up your confidence, you suddenly blurt out that you believe you are asexual. He pauses and let's the thought wash over him, trying to remember where he had heard that term before. Now that he recalled, one of the many older children he had helped before becoming a demon slayer had confided with him about the exact same thing.
With a careful voice, he addressed your rising nervousness, " Sex was never my end goal with you, my Rock. My only goal that I ever had was to make you happy. If you believe that sex would only ever make you uncomfortable, or that being sexually active on a regular basis is unnecessary, then I will do whatever it takes to love you thoroughly another way. "
He embraced you that night, feeling the coolness of the sun slowly setting behind the hills. Gyomei held you close to his chest as he rocked you back and forth, setting a firm, callused, yet somehow soft hand on the back of your neck to keep you still and comfort you.
Himejima no longer tolerated you being around people that he could tell made you uncomfortable. He knew all too well how dangerous and capable you could be when you wanted to, but he also wanted to get that feeling of accomplishment when he successfully guarded you away from those he knew where only trying to get with you for something other than your opinion. Besides, it was rather easy to just walk up behind them and set a hand on their shoulder to scare them off.
← Tengen Uzui→
To say that you were nervous with your most recent, yet blatantly obvious, discovery was an understatement. Being with Uzui was a whole other thing in on its own, and you had to overcome hurdles like any couple to be together. For one, it was rather odd to you that he already had three wives, beautiful women that could give him anything he wanted, yet he still chose to date you.
It unnerved you, a little. Though it was common in your home country that having multiple married partners was common, you always felt like you were encroaching on their daily lives.
But, they always made a show of accepting you. Even going as far as to invite you to their gatherings and trips to the city for shopping and sight seeing. You had an amazing time with them, but you can never get away from their....steamy stories. They always got blushy when recalling their first times with Tengen. It never ceased to make you uncomfortable, and they would always tease you about having to excuse your self when the topic of their sex lives came up.
Now that you thought back on it, it was glaringly obvious how you came up with your discovery in sexuality. Though it was already said, you were nervous. Nervous about what Uzui would think, about how his wives would think, and your standing in the relationship would turn. If you even had a relationship after this to begin with.
But, this needed to come out, and you don't think you'd be able to continue to live in a relationship where you couldn't be yourself. So, you had called them all in. It was a lot more intimidating than you would have imagined it to be. All four of them sat around the table with you, each had a different expression on their face.
Tengen set a firm hand on your thigh, trying to give you a supporting hold, but it only made your nerves stand on end. Taking a deep breath, you took his hand into your own and lifted it to sit firmly on the table. Tengen blinked in surprise, as did Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio.
Deciding to not beat around the bush this time, you tell your recent discovery about being asexual. The silence given afterwards was very...tense. They looked in between each other for quite sometime, likely having a silent convention you weren't privy to even try and understand. It started to get suffocating, and it felt like you couldn't breathe.
You quickly made your way out of their. Standing up quickly and getting out of the room despite your name being called out by four other voices. Getting to your room within Uzui's home, you close the door and lock the door. Going to your futon, you breathe deeply in and out while tears stream down your face.
Footsteps made you freeze. And a soft whisper of your name made you look up towards your door. Hearing a slight thump, you can only imagine as Tengen sits against the locked door and calls out your name again. Sighing, you get up and sit on the other side of the door, giving him a chance to hear you.
Uzui makes sure you're okay before telling you that he was sorry. He explained that he didn't mean for allowing your anxieties to eat away at you like they did, and expressed his wish to be able to help you with them like a good partner should. He tells you that he loves you no matter what, and Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru agree. He didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with his touch either, and his wives apologize for not seeing how uncomfortable you were listening to them talk about their past experiences.
Listening to them, you could hear that they were genuine. So, you stood up and unlocked the door, immediately getting engulfed in a hug by the man himself. Sighing, you felt so much better for being accepted. Leaning into his embrace, you were swept off your feet with a yell and layed down on your futon where he and his partners cuddled up around you.
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