#and affordable for me 🗣!!!
invalidname19 · 2 years
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🎄 Happy Holidays 🎄
🎄 And Happy (late) Birthday to this mf 🎄
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carlsaganftsh · 4 months
watching bojack horseman clips is so dangerous cus the PARASITE will tell me to rewatch it but i cant cus then ill become that meme of "check in on ur friend whos rewatching bojack horseman again"
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mangalho · 2 years
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Ex-warbot OC
They don’t have names yet.
The two bots with the scary faces were specifically made for war, and now that it’s over, they still maintained their original ‘warface’ even though it has stigma associated to it. Many robots changed their faceplates post-war, as it made it easier to find jobs and not get into unnecessary conflict.
The sleeker looking guy used to be in their company, though he wasn’t made in the same factory as them; he isn’t their ’batch-mate’.
After the war he completely modified his frame, and now has an idol career. He desperately wats to erase his past, as people (and robots alike) will respond better to a ‘new’ and untainted idol.
The two warface bots are “brother and sister” and they do odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and to be able to afford things they want. Rich people hire them as bouncers a lot since they are a symbol of terrible times. Sometimes they earn 15k in one night for just one gig it’s crazy. They both really love clothes since it distances them from their body’s original purpose while simultaneously not erasing their past. Also they look cute and cool!
The idol bot once meets the warfaces by chance in the street and pretends he doesn’t know them AGAHAKALAK I think he’s insane… completely erasing your past and the person you were is psychopathic to me idk. Anyway
There arent a lot of warfaces going around anymore. since they either died during the war or changed their frames. Pre-war bots were re-fitted during the conflicts and just had to go back to their former unweaponized frames after it was all over so they’re fine.  All of these robots can download information and i want that type of learning to mostly disappear if its deleted, but if they learn things like we do or experience real events, those memories and skills can’t really truly be erased; if they do try erasing them, they will still remember them, just not with HD video clarity, which brings them immense suffering sometimes. “How to people live like this?!” Well buddy it sucks idk we all cope
Newly minted robots are wack because they don’t exactly have a ‘soul’ yet they just do things they’re supposed to do, but after some time, all of them actually develop real awareness and shit… my war bots had like a 78% chance of dying everyday when they were activated, but they survived and attained sentience at like one year post birth and they wised up rly fast after that. They remember their first year, but they describe it as a ‘weird haze’
These robots feel pain so they wont like dive into a hole or damage themselves too much. Self preservation means longer-lived machines which means less repair costs and less human lives on the line as well.. slay !!!
While the conflicts went on, most robots achieved sentience and decided to stop fighting so there was like a robots rights movement and eventually the war stopped altogether and now the robots have a salary and a normal life mostly. They arent organics, so they need other things. They are solar powered and need oil sometimes and also they need new nanomachines once in a while like we need vaccines. Get your boosters… its not just tetanus and coronavirus anymore now they gotta think about like..the trojan horse 9000
I want them to have this aversion to organic things dying bc they are universally gross. Like they dont like seeing living-machines die either but a rat being squished by a car is also gross!
There are probably some tensions between humans and robots but like i kinda get it bc i wouldnt mess with a guy who has like lead pipes for arms. also most robots ARE normal but some are insane idk 🙆‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just  like people are.
 mine are normal tho they’re just vibing 💖🗣🤙
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yourmoonie · 12 days
Moon hello how much do you charge for your manifast me to enter the void state, if it is affordable, I can ask you for it ☺️
I don’t charge to manifest for people and if someone wants me to manifest for them I can do it for free too
Seems like my DMs are working again, so you can try sending me a dm here.
BUT it’s always better that an individual manifests for themselves so they can feel that sense of accomplishment and feel proud of themselves.
On the other side if you need a mentor or a coach you can reach out to me via DMs and we can discuss further on how to book me or any other services I offer such as:
📼Customized affirmation tapes + subliminals / asmr / guided meditation tapes / reiki healing
✨️ Revision audio + text (free of cost but I am open for tips)
🗣 LOA/Mindset Coaching + mentoring (includes talk therapy too)
🧠 NLP coaching
📓 How to read tarot using loass
📋 How to become a coach
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migueloharaslave · 8 months
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WARNING!!!!!!!!! NSFW WILL OCCUR HERE SO SKIP IT IF U WANT OR WHATEVER (obv it's not the best cuz im still new to this pookies)🗣🤪🫶
"You always do this shit. Why do you keep asking me that?" Shawn groaned in annoyance as he slammed the refrigerator door.
"Well I can't help it. Sometimes it just feels like you don't even love me anymore. You haven't even took me on a date in a fucking year." You choked back tears as you studied his movements. Shawn then decided to walk up to you, he pushed you down onto a chair, pointing a finger at you. "You're a bitch. You constantly fucking say 'do you even love me anymore?' Of course I fucking do. I don't take you on dates because your always busy with that dumb job. Plus, I think your cheating. Who's that guy you've been texting.. Miguel? Yeah, you didn't think I saw that on your phone? What fucking guy asks a girl 'You free tonight?' You got something you wanna tell me?"
You stared up at him, you felt tears form in your eyes as you stared at him. "M-Miguel is a friend. He's just a friend I've met at work! I wouldn't cheat on you and you know that. I see him nothing more than a close friend. Sometimes we hangout and eat dinner together that's it." You choked back your tears as she you stared at him, fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you fucking say. I'm going out, don't call me." Shawn scoffed as he stormed off out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
You stared off into the distance before bursting out into tears, all these bottled up emotions were now coming out. You've been dealing with this toxic relationship for so long.. You didn't know how to get out of it though. You felt so attached to him.. emotionally. He's the only boy to ever lay eyes on you, sure you may had a huge glow up since highschool, but deep down you still felt insecure. You sniffed as your last few tears dropped, then you heard your phone vibrate against the table, you picked it up and saw it was Miguel. You wiped your tears away as you cleared your throat and answered.
"Hey." You said in a soft voice.
"Hey.. You sound weird. Are you alright?" Miguel responded, furrowing his brows at the tone of your voice.
"Yeah, just allergies." You giggled.
"Yknow.. If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to me." Miguel spoke in a stern voice.
"Tell me."
"I don't know.. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
"Nothing is going to happen, I wouldn't let a thing happen to you. Talk to me."
"It's my boyfriend."
Miguel scoffed.
"Well anyways, Shawn is accusing me of cheating. Just because we hang out. He thinks just because you asked me if im free tonight that I'm hooking up with you or some shit, it's annoying. I would never cheat, I love him so much."
"Oh... I see. So, he's jealous of me?"
"I guess."
Miguel smirked, "He's jealous because I'm treating you the way any other man would treat a wonderful woman like you. 8 years together and still no ring, he's not worth it. Not at all."
"But I love him. He's just going through a lot.."
"And he takes his anger out on you."
"Well.. I don't mind."
"Are you being serious right now?"
"Yes, I'm not a good girlfriend to him anyways."
"Whatever, stop talking about him. Let's focus on us, hm?"
"Great. Soo.. still gonna go out with me tonight?"
"We're not going out together. We're two friends hanging out."
"Still, you wanna go? I have no plans.. "
"Yeah, I'm going still."
"Great, I'll pick you up."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye." You hung up.
"Love you too." Miguel whispered at his phone. He sighed and sat it down on the table. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. God, he was head over heels for you. Although you two barely even met, he felt so close to you already. Call him obsessed with the way he remembers every single detail. Miguel stood up, and walked over to a window, looking out at the city. He had a great paying job, which was the reason he would be able to afford all of those dates. And there should be no surprise that he lives in a penthouse, his apartment was black and red themed, definitely gave off a romantic vibe.
..You put on a white sweater with a casual jean skirt along with white legwarmers to give it a more cozy vibe, and black boots to top off the outfit, the outfit was cute so of course you did a half up half down hairstyle while slipping a white bow in your hair. You were fixing your lashes that you were putting on before you heard the doorbell ring, you gasped when you knew it was Miguel. "Shit!" You scattered around the room to find your purse, you snatched it up when you found it laying on the ground. You made sure to spray yourself with some perfume before dashing out to the door. You took a deep breath before opening it, looking up.. you saw Miguel.
Miguel.. That man knew how to take your breath away. He wore a white sweater and jeans.. just like you did. You glanced down at what was in his arms.. purple roses?
"Heh, seemed like we decided to match." Miguel chuckled to himself as he invited himself in ,walking past you  he looked around, peeked around the corner, then back at you. Scrunching up his nose he asked, "Where's that boyfriend of yours?"
"He went out.." You closed the door and bit your lip as you watched him, eyes examining his strong build before he handed you the flowers.
"Purple roses, just like you told me you liked. I thought since you liked the color purple and roses that'll I'll get you both instead." Miguel hummed.
"Thank you, they're beautiful." You smiled to yourself, you grabbed a empty vase, feeling it with a little bit of water. You sat it down on the middle of the table, taking the roses out of the plastic before slipping them into the vase smiling at them.
Miguel looked at you, his eyes seemed to narrow as he watched the way you moved across the kitchen. You were kinda like a swan, all graceful and soft with your movements better yet you could be a goddess. A goddess who deserves more in her life then some poor idiot. Miguel scoffed and looked off to the side as he just thought about your boyfriend, the way he treated you.. he hated it.
"What's wrong? You look upset." You looked at him before stepping close to him. Miguel turned his head to look back into those eyes of yours, he licked his lips as he felt his throat go dry.
"Nothing." Miguel closed his eyes and sighed, that vanilla perfume you wore was starting to drive him crazy. "Let's go, Hopefully you don't mind walking. It's not too far from your apartment."
"Fine with me." You smiled.
You two made your way out of the apartment making your way down the streets of Nueva York, the streets were crowded so you held onto Miguel's arm as in hopes to not lose him. Soon, you two made it to the restaurant. It seemed to be a fun little colorful spot filled with laughter and a live jazz band playing.
Your eyes widened with excitement at the vibes this whole place gave off, it was so colorful.. it smelled absolutely amazing, there was nothing but happiness all around. You and Miguel found a spot to sit next to near the band so you could watch them play.
Miguel pulled out your chair, when you sat down, he pushed it in before sitting down himself. He watched you as you smiled watching the band play, seeing your smile.. the way your smile stretched across ear from ear, the way your dimples showed. It felt like he was trapped. Trapped in this curse you had put on him, he bit his lip as you looked over at him, you two locking eyes. He felt his heart pound in his chest, only God knows how long he has been staring at you.
You looked up as a waiter walked over with a big grin, handing you two a menu. "Hello, hopefully you two are enjoying your evening so far. I'll be your waiter, any drinks I can start you guys off with. We have soda, water, some wine.. and don't miss out on our little deal for couples!"
"Oh we're not a couple. Just friends." Miguel cleared his throat, you nodded your head in agreement.
"..Oh. Well, how about you skip over that deal." The waiter chuckled nervously.
"Uhh.. I'll have a coke. You, Miguel?" You smiled at him.
" I'll have iced tea." He looked back at you.
"Okay, okay.. I'll get those ready right quick!" The waiter walked off.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I like it.. It's been awhile since my boyfriend and I been out together, it just feels nice to not be trapped in that apartment." You sighed as you looked into the distance.
Miguel reached his hand across the table, placing his hand on top of yours. He dragged his thumb across the back of your soft hands. "Leave him."
"What?" Your frowned at him. "That's a weird thing to say." You laughed.
"No, I'm being serious."  Miguel squeezed your hand, "I.. I think I'm in love with you. You're so beautiful and just overall perfect, someone like him doesn't deserve you. I can treat your better, I wanna be yours."
You stared into his eyes as you listened to his love confession, you shook your head. "No.. No I can't. Miguel.. I have feelings for you too but I just can't leave Shawn. He's.. He's my boyfriend, he's the only guy I've ever been with."
"Let me be the second and last guy you'll ever be with."
"Miguel." You cocked a eyebrow at him.
"Y/N." Again, he rolled your name off of his tongue in such a way that it made your body ache for him.
The waiter came over and sat your drinks down, holding up her notepad as she smiled at you both. "What can I get for ya?"
..About a good hour and a half later, you and Miguel were walking down the street. "Wanna come over to my place, maybe we can watch a movie or two..?"
"Sounds nice" you smiled softly.
"Great. Let me call a uber."
And after a good ten minutes, you finally arrived at his place. When he opened the door, you gasped. "Oh my god.. It's like a vampire lives here." You joked, looking around. Everything was so nice, way better than your old apartment. You started to walk around, dragging your hands along the wall as you made your way over to the window that overlooked the city. It was night, so the city lights were so bright, everything looked like dream as if it could take your breath away.
Miguel followed you, moving to stand right behind you. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah.." You whispered, looking up at him.
Miguel brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you two locked eyes, his lips parted as his heart nearly skipped a beat. He felt as if his heart was running laps around his lungs as if it was going to do a back as if.. and something soft touched his lips before he knew. Suddenly, his hands found their way to your waist, pushing you closer.
You wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck, closing your eyes as you leaned into the kiss. It was so passionate, you had to part your lips just to deepen the kiss. The feel his hands on your waist was driving you crazy.
Suddenly, Miguel pulled away, He stared into your eyes. "God you drive me crazy.."
"Where's your bedroom?" You asked with a smirk on your face. Suddenly your at home life didn't exist, suddenly Shawn didn't exist. Suddenly Miguel was the only man you wanted, suddenly.. you were in his bed.
You two continued to kiss, practically trying to eat each other's face off at this point. You were desperately lifting Miguel's shirt up, trying to get a glimpse of those muscles. Miguel pulled away, lifting up his sweater and tossing it aside. He exposed those strong abs along with those strong pecs, god the way his body slimmed down at his waist honestly drove you crazy. You bit your lip as you caressed those strong arms of his giggling as you sat up, allowing Miguel to take off your sweater too.
Miguel leaned in, pecking kisses along your neck. He mumbled soft praises along your tender skin, hands on your waist dragging down to your skirt. You couldn't help but feel desperate, the way he unbuttoned your skirt with ease, nearly tearing it off he finally toss them aside, exposing your panties to him. Miguel kissed your ankle before pecking kisses down to your inner thigh, he looked up at you with hungry eyes. He licked his lips as he leaned forward, catching your lips in a kiss once again as he brought his hand down, pressing his palms against your clothed cunt
You let out a small whimper in response which caused him to chuckle. You felt your body heat up as you started to grind your hips against his hand, god how long has it been.. your boyfriend hadn't touched you in what felt like forever, better yet he never made sex feel this exciting. Miguel's pulled out off the kiss to catch his breath, his eyes narrowed as he stared into your eyes. He hummed as he leaned down, pecking kiss down until he reached your lace trimmed panties, he pulled them down gently. He looked up at you, smiling softly. "Tell me when I should stop. I want to make you feel good, not hurt you. You're everything to me.. I want you to have every good thing in this world, mi amor." His words was so smoothing and comforting, the way he talked drove you crazy.
You bit down on your lip as you sat up on your elbows watching the way he propped your legs up on his shoulder. You gripped down onto the sheet when you felt him lick at your slit, your voice hitched when his tongue started to circle around your clit. "M-Miguel.." You whispered, bringing you hand down to grip onto his hair as he started to gently suck on your clit. Miguel pulled away and giggled, dragging his tongue along your clit before pushing it inside of you drove you crazy  the way he gently pushed in it out, flicking against your pulsing walls.. everything was pushing you to the edge.
Suddenly, Miguel grew bold, which is exactly why he pushed a single fingers inside, watching your reaction before he slipped a second inside. "Oh g-god.." You cried as you leaned your head back, your walls clenching around his fingers. Miguel started to thrust his fingers in and out at a gentle pace, then he started speeding up as he leaned in and started sucking your clit again. He looked up at you, watching the way you reacted to the way he made you feel.. you were so beautiful, the way your chest heaved when you took a deep breath.. he couldn't help but chuckle.
Suddenly, his pace quickened even more, his pace quickened suddenly and you let out a cry. "M-Miguel..!" You cried out his name, gripping onto the silk sheets of his bed, wrapping your legs around his head as you groaned. "I'm.. I'm gonna c-come.." You whined. You felt your thigh twitched, biting down on your lip you threw your head back, crying with pleasure. Suddenly, just as you were getting close, it all stopped.
Miguel had pulled away, "Not yet." He spoke softly, leaning in and gently kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips. "But.. Please, Miguel.." You whined.
Miguel smirked as he leaned over, "You might as well get ready.." He grabbed a condom from the night stand, "It's gonna be a long night."
..After a night of nonstop loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other, it was finally morning.. and oh boy you woke up to something crazy. Not Miguel, but your boyfriend or.. ex spam calling your phone. You groaned as you sat up, glancing over at Miguel who was still sound asleep. "My god.." You hissed as you felt your thighs feel numb as you tried to stand up. Maybe you should start doing yoga again because you were not ready for this. You grabbed your phone and sighed, you stood up and answered the phone.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? You haven't been answering your fucking phone, You weren't at the fucking apartment. Your friends said you aren't with them. Where the fuck are you? Huh? Answer me damnit." Shawn grinned his teeth to try and keep his composure.
Just as you felt tears fill up your eyes.. and just as you were about to speak, Miguel snatched your phone. "Hello?" Miguel asked.
"Who the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?"
"..The same guy she told you not to worry about." Miguel hung up the phone.
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boilompiz · 1 year
Dragon oc rambles part 1 - Krovin!!!
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Welp it’s about to be my birthday in like two days so it’s probably about time I post this next ramble DBFJFJ sorry again that this took forever ive been grinding on Pokémon Violet/j
Anyways Krovin
Strange Homosexual man‼️🇺🇸
a helper around the refugee camp area ig! He helps with food stuff mostly but occasionally helps with like medical stuff n all that jazz,, when he’s not doing that he’s just kinda helping individuals with whatever they may need
YET this man refuses to care for himself in the slightest like sir please sleep for more than 3 hours☹️‼️
He constantly busies himself by helping around the camp however he can when he can because,, well I mean people are losing their homes and families and it’s just a BAD TIME.
So if he can help people and make it so life is SLIGHTLY less shitty then he’s doing good,, and he’ll feel selfish and awful if he stops take care about himself for even a minute
He gets it from his childhood 😁😁 yeah I know an OC with a troubling childhood !! Who coulda seen this coming!
Basically his mother had lost her first son before having Krovin which was already bad enough,, and then her husband went and died after getting caught up in a fight during this one dragon civil war typa conflict,, as you can imagine her mental state kinda went down the drain <33
She wouldn’t leave her bed,, she wouldn’t eat, she kinda just let herself rot away in her room for like several weeks,, eventually Krovin decided to try and take care of her FOR her, so starting when he was around 13-14 all the way up until he was like 26 maybe, he’d make food, he’d make sure she bathed, he’d try to help with her all mental issues and grief and all that jazz
He even started helping around town for some extra money ‼️🔥🔥💰💰🗣 yknow to buy more food and stuff,,
No matter what Krovin did though his mom just couldn’t seem to get better,, mentally at least. Even after years and years of him trying to help her she couldn’t move on
So yeah not a good time for Krovin
Eventually his mother died from a sickness plus her age in her sleep,, which Krovin ended up blaming himself for
Did he not try hard enough? Should he have done more? Maybe he should’ve gotten more money to afford medicine ,, maybe he should’ve BEEN A BETTER SON 🗣🗣🗣🗣 sorry I love that song/j
But yeah all of that is kinda why Krovin refuses to take time to properly care for himself,, he had this mindset that if he didn’t give the whole world for someone he cares for, they’d leave, disappear, say byebye or something like that!!!!!! He’s a lil messed up!!! Traumatized man☹️☹️
Anyways when the whole unicorn takeover thing happened he volunteered to help around and stuff, he hit the jackpot with this one/J
This is when he met Norva. She’d frequently turn up with them dragon refugees and occasionally visit from time to time,, checking in on everyone n all. Krovin liked that she was strong and brave, but was also real damn upset that such a young gal had to go through this situation with everyone else,, and she actually reminded him of when he cared for his mom and that like, REALLY upset him
So during one of her visits he’d approached her and they got to talking and soon became besties ‼️‼️
As I said Krovin admired her strength and bravery, and she appreciated his help around camp,, so yeah they became pretty close. Fatherless gang!!!!/J
And that’s all I have to say about Krovin for now sorry this was such a long ramble OUGH he’s just really neat to me,, dad figure man!!!! Who doesn’t love those dad figures am I right
Anyways next ramble will be forrrrr Treya! Hopefully his ramble will come out quicker this time RDHFGCU
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shammah8 · 2 years
THE WORDS WE SPEAK ACTUALLY AFFECT OUR BODY and create the course of our life, as James declared:
If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. Now if we put the bits into the horses’ mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well. Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life. (James 3:2-6, emphasis added).
According to Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
The words we speak create death or life; our words create realms and atmospheres. In the beginning, God created light through His words. He created order in the midst of chaos andsubstance within a void. All this came into being through His declared word:
By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible (Hebrews 11:3).
The words you speak create your world. Choose your words carefully because they will either create a pathway of blessing or curse.
I once ministered in a region of America where you could actually feel an atmosphere of poverty, oppression, and fear.
The precious Christians who attended the meeting were longing for a touch from God but it was evident that they had bought into the lie of oppression that prevailed over the area.
The Lord gave me a word of knowledge for them: “Many of you are struggling financially and feel that there is never enough, and you have been speaking repeatedly, ‘I can’t afford it’ and ‘I don’t have enough.’” Continuing to exhort them in the Lord, I asked anyone who identified with that word to come to the altar for prayer.
Almost everyone in the room came forward. They had been under the oppression of spirits of lack and poverty of that region, and their confessions fed those demonic spirits. Every time they confessed lack, they empowered demons of lack. It created a growing realm of want in the region that affected the entire community.
Then I encouraged those at the altar to repent and receive forgiveness for speaking contrary to the Word of God thatdeclares plenty. They needed to wipe their slate clean and begin sowing words that would bring blessing to their lives and a positive effect in their realms of influence. Up to that time, the meeting had felt heavy but when they repented and started proclaiming the blessings, there was a notable atmospheric shift in the room. Joy and faith permeated the sanctuary, and from there it could spread to influence the community.🗣Patricia King
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noxnixnoxp · 3 days
Please don't ignore me
Hello, I'm Lina from Gaza🇵🇸🍉. I'm part of a family of 8. I'm married with two young children. We've been bombed, besieged, and starved. Sadly, I've lost many of my family members❗ and I can't afford to lose any more. With a heavy heart, I'm asking you to help me spread my campaign. Please, what I'm asking is too much. Can you write a post about my story and share it with your friends? I desperately need your support. My father and brother were injured in the bombing and are in critical condition. They need to travel for treatment. I need your support. The genocide is still going on
You are my only hope for survival.
Campaign verified by
go support this person🗣🔥
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cyarsk52-20 · 6 months
See 35 Totally Accurate Reactions To R. Kelly’s Explosive Interview With Gayle King
Xaviera BryantMarch 6, 2019
Part one of R. Kelly‘s explosive and shenanigan-filled interview with Gayle Kingaired on “CBS This Morning” and it has the social media streets buzzing!
[Read Also: 13 Quotes From R. Kelly’s Explosive Interview With Gayle King + Video]
🗣what about Aaliyah? she was under 17 and you married her! #rkellyinterview#cbsthismorning — HRH👑 (@hrhqueenbih) March 6, 2019
R. Kelly trying to explain to Gayle King that he's innocent.  🙄💀💀#rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/9qqjLbPUrf — @summer0001 (@summer0001) March 6, 2019
If he can't afford to bail himself out of jail, but you live in TRUMP tower Chicago? #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/8RD3iPTwkO — Christianne (@CrissyLawson1) March 6, 2019
Got some real Denzel Washington from 'Training Day' vibes off this performance #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/SYGq9k9uOX — BLACK NATIVE (@AliasEmanon) March 6, 2019
R. Kelly trying to read those  so-called fake blog posts about him. #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/L4WEe6VyJt — Blanche NeverHo (@Black_Daria1) March 6, 2019
When you know they’re lying but you let em tell the story anyway. #rkellyinterviewpic.twitter.com/dny1ZuQToE — philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) March 6, 2019
Live look at R Kelly's lawyers after the Gayle King interview #RKellyGoingToJAIL#rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/nsLwZcZioW — Paco (@PacoRadioShow) March 6, 2019
When my mom yelled at me as a kid for putting aluminum foil in the microwave #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/hlRlIewEhp — Platinum J (@iamPlatinumj) March 6, 2019
When your mom says, “I’m gon give you one more opportunity to tell me the truth…” #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/Pp62rJxo0v — Notorious J.P.G. (@kidnoble) March 6, 2019
“Robert…” @GayleKing’s professional way of calling R. Kelly on his BS. @CBSThisMorning #rkellyinterviewpic.twitter.com/P6uFHvBRDN — Lonnell Williams (@3LWTV) March 6, 2019
R. Kelly flips out during #rkellyinterview Gayle King: Robert pic.twitter.com/kEmyVBkYA7 — Troy CLE (@TroyCLE) March 6, 2019
R. Kelly thinks it’s wrong that the parents brought the girls on stage, but don’t see nothing wrong with him taking them home and keeping them away from their families for years…. OK. #RKellyinterview — Raven Simone (@RavensRantz) March 6, 2019
Our collective reaction to R. Kelly acting performance in his interview with Gayle.#rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/AGY5R8g08Z — Pet Wisdom for Life (@SDWisdom) March 6, 2019
R. Kelly: 🗣🗣🗣!!!!!!!!!!!! Gayle King: (calmly) Robert… #CBSThisMorning #rkellyinterviewpic.twitter.com/eZlZNm00yK — Nikki Pressley-Brown (@NikkiPressley) March 6, 2019
#rkellyinterview Cue fake tears in… pic.twitter.com/zaI3JeR1IQ — Del Sandeen (@DelSandeen) March 6, 2019
I’m sorry who’s yellin at Gayle? #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/reGouLLYlB — k. waldorf (@KayMcCrayCray) March 6, 2019
All my years attending the law school of Oliva Benson have taught me that this mutha fucka past guilty. Like why even have a trial? Let this interview be his closing and opening remarks. #rkellyinterview — Defund. Release. Rinse. Repeat. (@DefundRepeat) March 6, 2019
Damnnnn This is gonna be a close one!!! I thought the #Jordan Crying #Meme was gonna live a lot longer…Drum🥁roll please #RKelly #CBSThisMorning#RKellyInterview #BullsNationpic.twitter.com/7si5x8j17W — Tweet-Pac Shakur (@IbnCutByIbn) March 6, 2019
Definitely a good way to show you’re not an abuser of women is to shout at a woman about it. #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/9Wk2ouaodw — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) March 6, 2019
Rkelly talking to Gayle right now #rkellyinterview pic.twitter.com/L9A7vJbLqg — Lemon Obby (@waistbeaddealer) March 6, 2019
Just because you “beat” your case doesn’t make you an innocent man…#UseYourCommonSense🙄🙄🙄 #rkellyinterview — 🎇New_Year_Who_Dis? 🍾 (@MackTenn74) March 6, 2019
All I am saying on the #RKellyinterview is this; all those years he wasted on lusting after girls younger than 18 and he could have went to school to learn to read ,write , and communicate well — Cricket ™ (@finemamaof4) March 6, 2019
#rkellyinterview all l can say is…ego is one hell of a drug. — Chantal F Glover (@ChantalfGlover1) March 6, 2019
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garruscoochie · 8 months
birthday girl by Raleigh Ritchie (one of my faves fr‼️🗣)
"I wish I could support you
I wish I could afford to
Give me one more chance to shine
And if I don't live up to this
I'll stay in the wilderness
Staring at a lonely sky"
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qilinkisser · 11 months
💅🏻 + 🗣 for ganyu :3
💅🏻 - How long does S/I keep their nails? Do they paint them?
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"Zoru, as adventurous as they are, keeps their nails quite short. I find that they are often shorter than mine, although I am afforded the luxury of not having to enter combat as often as they do. Occasionally, they'll coax me into a day of rest and relaxation with them, and we'll get our nails done together. Not with a file, though. They hate the feeling. We paint them together, and we'll try to match the colors, usually. I wear gloves at work, as is common to do, but knowing that I have the nail polish underneath them makes me think of my sweet Zoru. I find this quite comforting."
🗣️ - How would you describe S/I's voice? What do you like about it?
"They have a sweet voice; it may be described by the more poetic as melodic, maybe. They are quick to find words for many situations, although they tend to awkwardly speak without thinking and find themselves speaking of no particular substance at all. I find it endearing, really. There have been a few times when I have fallen asleep in their lap, at first to my unfortunate embarrassment, and I've caught them quietly singing to me. They love singing when they think nobody can hear them- although a lot more people can hear them than they realize. I've noticed that they often sing when they are feeling particularly good, which makes hearing them gently humming after a period of silence even more relieving."
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eva2z-official · 11 months
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
🗣 bls
"Just a minute!"
The familiar ding of 'Luna's Moonlight Delights' rang through their bakery. A small cozy establishment on the more working-class part of town. The house of pastries was a staple in the neighborhood often serving as a venue for neighborhood events.
Birthday parties, weddings, proms, quinceaneras, you name it. If it required a sweet or two, go to the Lunas. Combined with the friendly face of the owner, Julia Luna, and the hard work of her children they managed to live in some relative comfort. Just enough to get by.
The Lunas worked hard every day. While they weren't rich, they were able to eat and afford the occasional extracurricular. Especially when it came to their darling grandchildren. Thanks to a month of extra parties and orders, the Lunas were able to afford Chris a few music lessons. Within months, Chris was already a master. Lessons would lead him to meet the lead singer of the Pallboys and his boss before him.
A nickname not many could call Alcina so casually. Only people she liked and Chris was one of those lucky few. 
That calm smile spread across his face, happy to offer the lead singer the best seat in the humble bakery. It wouldn’t be a visit without him pouring Alcina a glass of their finest glass of red wine and providing a fresh slice of dark chocolate cake along with a nice conversation. 
Their conversation began with plans for the Pallboys, which soon evolved into a shared laugh about Bobby’s lack of practice. The duo even found some humor in their imitations each of the band members. 
But then came the question of Alcina herself. 
What did Chris think of Alcina ‘D’ Dimitrescu?
Those soft hands rubbed his chin in thought, taking a moment to find the right words.
“Hmm,” he mused, “You can be a little hard boiled, but if I was leader of a group of knuckleheads like us, I would be too. Lord knows we wouldn’t get half the gigs we get if you weren’t. No one else will say it, but I think you got a way with the ladies unlike Bobby. He might be jealous but I think it’s admirable...I could take a page out of your book.”
He takes a sip of his wine. 
“I think you got the most beautiful voices out there and I consider it a blessing I get to hear it so often. I don’t say this often but I appreciate you for letting me join the band. It’s a pleasure to play alongside ya.”
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influencegetem · 2 years
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🗣I'm dead, but alive, bread to survive, till my demise, when The Reaper comes, I'll smile as I close my eyes.. still gotta find reasons not to end life. The fire escape calls me, I hear walls talking, middle of the night, tells me to take flight like them brothers did before the Wrights. I'm glad I'm older, no more getting jumped or knife 🗡 fights. No more trying to win wars; I couldn't win from the doors, or worrying about bills or shit I couldn't afford, or whether there's a Devil or Lord to look forward to.. My life's been horrible, started from the hospital while I had my bottle, asthma kept trying Kill me, watching mom struggle and Grandma reciting the Gospel. That's way before she was murdered by my Grandfather with poisoned food; I watched him prepare, but I was just a youngin of 8 years, and stayed clear, partially fear kept me from getting near. He'd beat me with weight-belts that were heavy as Hell, it never failed, the way he died was beautiful, but that's another story to tell... ✍️🏾 - IG (took about 15 minutes for the Gram) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmr2rBQvyly/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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traxxz · 2 years
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Control the money and you controlling the narrative, they can talk all the shit they want, numbers don’t lie ever. I ain’t never had to ask a man for nothing ever because I controlled the money. I owned my labor, I came with the bag in every single situation I ever stepped into on God. So believe me I can speak 🗣 to this from a real place. So to anyone trying to do this or that, boy or girl you gotta come into any game correct. I even worked for less with certain people for the purpose of networking when I knew they couldn’t afford the tickets 🎟 but that shit ain’t worth it. CONTROL THE MONEY duck everything else 💴 🚨 -LS 🎥📺 (at Beverly Hills, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjjll5QLVXE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awlumii · 2 years
maybe i'll call out today... because if i can't sleep, there's no way i'll be able to function well enough to handle kids all day..
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