#state of being
yourmoonie · 3 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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zegalba · 4 months
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Chiharu Shiota: State of Being (2015)
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heavensentbabe · 1 year
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What I like about loassumption, is that you don't have to dwell on potential outcomes as 'what ifs' or 'what could've been'. You can revise, you can just embody a new state of having fulfilled whatever it is you wanted in the past. If you apply, and quit complaining about the old story, you'll find this liberating.
1. The old story doesn't exist anymore, you're completely removed from it. If it comes back to you in thoughts, correct it with the new story.
2. Don't worry, you're not practicing perfection. It's alright if you fall out of the new state and back into the old story again; you can spiral. Please allow yourself the space to make mistakes, allow yourself to be human. As long as you pick yourself up again.
3. As long as you keep consistently coming back to the new story, and stick with it, you're doing well. Wake up thinking from it, sleep thinking from it. Even the gap between morning and night, you're coming back to the state.
4. Relish in that new state, the same way you've always dwelled in negative states in the past. Marinade in the fact that you have all it is that you want, and you've already manifested it — creation is done!
5. Persist, persist, persist. So long as you don't allow the old story to be dominant anymore!
You're to be fully saturated with the new story. Whatever the hell you want, you have it. And that includes new memories, too. Revision can affect any tense. You can use it to continue a new current story, or change the story of past events.
• Don't like how that TV show ended? Revise it from the very first episode, to the details you didn't want. It ended exactly how you wanted it to end. It had the narrative you wanted it to have and everything about it is perfect now. Wow you're so powerful that you changed past events of a well known fictional series? Congratulations for using your god powerful abilities.
• You're anxious about the grades you'll get once the results come out? Revise your state; 'no I'm excited to get my grades because I know I did so well because I've always done well.' Of course you did well, of course you got distinctions. You always got distinctions. Your worst mark is an 80 % .
• You felt like your hair hasn't been healthy/ growing for years? Revise it. Your hair has always been healthy. You only have memories of people complimenting your hair.
• You're not comfortable in your body shape/appearance? Revise it. You were always meant to look the way that made you comfortable. Right now, you're so comfortable in your body and skin. You feel so content in your desired body, you look exactly the way that you feel about yourself now. Everything is perfect!
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘗𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘵 𝘕𝘰𝘸, 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺
At the end of the day, think from when you woke in the morning. Where did you wake up? How did you wake up looking like? Is there a desired person beside you? Did you wake up in your desired mansion? What is your daily routine of your desired lifestyle? Did you go to your desired job?
You don't have to be that detailed about your daily revisions. As long as everyday you're living the life you wanted. You can revise in any technique. Visualizing how the day went, journaling it — writing it down in your diary, voice recording how your day went etc.
Please utilize it, it's so perfect if you have an issue with constantly embodying states or if you may have shitty days! And you don't just revise by the end of the days, you can revise on the spot!!
For example, let's say you're out & about and you're driving/walking passed advertising boards. And you're living in the end as a fashion model!
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Well, those boards you passed by had your face in them. You saw your face there and oh my god you're so famous because it's at least twelve boards you spotted your face in!
It can be really as simple as scrolling through your phone, and revising that every social platform you go to, you see people using your face as their avi.
Revision can be used in so many ways, don't waste it.
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funpolls · 2 months
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evangelineshifts · 25 days
yall i started consistently listening to this self concept subliminal while i slept and ive been having the most amazing dreams about my manifestations and like people adoring me, coming up to me just to tell me im pretty, people always searching for my eyes so they can wave and smile, having loads of friends who hang on to my words with interest and laugh at my jokes, and people caring about me so much that the thought of me being gone literally sucks the life out of the room.
my celebrity confidence icons (Alexa demie, Nicki Minaj, Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Megan Thee Stallion, etc) knowing me and getting visibly excited to see me, me having confidence that literally exudes from me being (ex. this group of boys tried making fun of me in my dream and all i did was make a witty quip and tilt my head at them and they switched up so fast 😭😭 like falling over themselves), etc.
and in my waking life i feel so much more confident about my journey. i’m having an easier time persisting and accepting my desires as mine. i can feel myself fulfilled without trying so hard and i love it
this is the subliminal if anyone wants to try!! remember subliminals are tools that just help aid the power already in you!!
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kaayxshay · 9 months
just be indifferent to it. remind yourself it’s yours and go on abt your day. no need to spiral waver or nun of that…
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goddessofmyreality · 1 year
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I’ve been reading through the Neville Goddard subreddit, and I wanted to share a few posts on states that gave me an understanding.
— Shifting Dominant States
— How to switch states to manifest fast?
— "The Mirror's Truth"
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The states that reflect in our 3D are those that we feel are most natural to us and are most dominant over other states. When manifesting, the goal of SATS or visualization or any other technique is to get yourself into the state of having your desire. If it feels unnatural to you, you may only be able to occupy the state of having for moments at a time. Maybe in the middle of your SATS session you may feel the state of having, and then immediately go back to feeling like you don’t for the rest of the day. That is why it is important to be patient with yourself. It gets easier to occupy the state of having, but depending on how unnatural this state feels, it may take some time and effort. The important thing is to recognize when you are in the state of having, and when you are not. When you are not, then you should be making efforts to be in the state of having, even if it’s for a short period of time. The longer you do this, and the more times you shift yourself from a state of lack to a state of having, the easier it gets. You will get to a point where being in the state of having will feel incredibly natural and feel like your true self. Even then, however, you may still fall into the state of lack, with no fault of your own. Many times have I woken up feeling apathetic or feeling lack towards my desire, even though I was living in the state of having for an extended period of time before this. Again, the important thing is to recognize that you are in this state, realize that it has no bearing on your manifestation, and use the techniques that have worked for you to shift yourself back into the right state. Basically what I’m trying to say is to never give up. It gets easier the more times you do it, and it will eventually become your dominant state if you come back to it again and again. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, as long as you keep getting up and getting back to it.
you should already know that manifesting happens when you change states. The 3D world is mirroring you and giving you a perfect match to your "state of being". You should also know that techniques are only used as a way of shifting states which is why we only see success when we change our inner state and not when we spend years repeating affirmations or doing SATS.
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Your state is the "avatar" through which you experience life. Remember how creation is finished?? Well that means that there are countless versions of you. Each of those version is bound to a certain timeline/reality. Your state defines which of these versions you are and on what timeline you are now.
So if you want to win the lottery you know already that there is a version of you that won that lottery. Congrats 🎊 but we don't want to be happy just because one of our versions won .. we want to experience it !! How do we experience it? ***We become that version! ***
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If the honesty police comes at you now, puts you under a polygraph, who do you really say you are? Are you the person that has the desire ? Or are you the person that is trying to get the desire? What are your thoughts during the day ? Is your desire taking over your thoughts ? What are your first and last thoughts of the day? Do you think to yourself "I am so grateful for having what I want" or do you think "okay I did my sats correctly, it should work this time, it is coming to me, or even where is it already, why isn't it working? Hum let me check some more videos on how to manifest, let me ask people around how they succeeded and do like them, etc etc etc." Those thoughts and actions are determined by your state. It doesn't matter if you did 24 hours of SATS, if you did 10 thousands affirmations, if these are your thoughts, if deeeeep inside you are still acknowledging the lack and still putting your desire on the list of stuff that are yet to come, IT ONLY MEANS THAT YOU DON'T HAVE IT!!!!!And the you that doesn't have it can never have it, because as within so without. This is the law. Fine!! HOW do I change my state and manifest easily? You change your state by doing techniques correctly and by actually living in the end!
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1- You do your technique (whatever you like you can even invent your own) and you do it correctly. (Correctly means that as you're doing it you are not thinking of it as a technique... example: If you do SATS don't think of it as visualisation, think of it as reality. I don't mean visualise in 1st person or in full HD, I mean you see the sats the same way you read this now. You know you're reading this, you're not imagining right? Well your SATS should be the same. This is the "feel it as real" part of it. See it as a portal in time and space and that is what you are experiencing now! If you affirm again, don't affirm with the intention of making it happen. If you affirm now "I am reading this post" how real does it feel? Your affirmations should be the same. You are not affirming in order to get something, you are declaring what you have already.) Neville gave this advice in his masterclass, I highly recommend you check it
2- You start to live in the end. You live in the end when you simply know that you got the desire. You think and act as the person that got it already. You stop thinking about it, you stop trying to get it and you stop noticing the lack of it. This is the part that requires a bit more of mental effort and creativity as you will have to ignore the 3D and keep focusing on the end. In case of doubt ask yourself if my desire was here now, would I be doing this or thinking this? (This step should happen automatically as a result of a successful technique but if you want to make it happen anyway, just use your IMAGINATION. Imagine having what you want and see how it feels like, how do you act, how do you think, what do you watch or listen to? And just do it.) I know many people that turn living in the end to a technique and they do it from a place of lack. Living in the end is a result of knowing that it is done. As if someone from the future came back and told you it happened. As if a genie just granted your wish. You KNOW it is done you don't "pretend" that it is done.
3- You change your state! The change of state is the last part of the process and it should happen naturally after living in the end and acting as if you got the desire. When you change your state, you will fully, completely, totally become the person that HAS the desire. Your first thought in the morning will be in line of having that desire, your last thought too. All your daily thoughts will be as if you got it and I am not speaking about thoughts that you make like affirmations. No, your autopilot thoughts will become the thoughts of the you that has the desire. You will notice yourself making room for something you're buying, or buying grocery to cook the favorite dish of your SP and all this comes naturally to you. You don't even question it or feel weird about it. It is a heavy and general feeling of knowingness just like you know your name or which planet you're on. From that state you will no longer notice the lack, and you won't even need to remind yourself or do any techniques.
Techniques—> Living in the end—> New state —>New 3D.
From my own experience whenever I fully change states, my desire comes within minutes or hours, sometimes within 48 hours if I keep going on and off but never more than that.
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Your I AM is your consciousness of yourself. It's what you're aware of. It's everything you know you are, and know you have. It's your knowledge of where you are. It's your knowledge of your condition. It's also your awareness of you being aware. The 3d is a mirror. This is why you can't find what you're looking for. I don't think many people fully appreciate the analogy of "trying to change your 3d FROM the 3d is like trying to change your appearance by changing the mirror.
The 3D HAS NO CONSCIOUSNESS. It cannot Change, in itself. The mirror isn't alive. What you're looking at is the result of STATES changing. What we call time is the measure of STATES CHANGING. Your current life, IS A STATE. STates are changed BY CONSCIOUSNESS.
THE 3D IS DECIDING YOUR STATE FOR YOU. Your objectivity is the image of your CONSCIOUSNESS, but you're letting your Consciousness be the image of your OBJECTIVITY. This is BACKWARDS, and creates the nasty feedback you get when you bring to microphones together. Trying to change your state FROM THE 3D, is like taking an Iphone out of the box, then looking for the iphone IN THE BOX. IT'S NOT THERE. YOUR STATE IS NOT IN THE 3D. YOU ARE NOT IN THE MIRROR . When you DECIDE what you are, it's INSTANT. When you decide that you HAVE SOMETHING CONSCIOUSLY IT'S INSTANT DAMMIT TRYING TO CHANGE THE 3D FROM THE 3D IS LIKE SLAPPING YOUR TV SCREEN TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL
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sencubussubs · 3 months
I've seen ppl say that it's okay to know that your 3d will conform soon. But ppl always say to affirm that the 3d has conformed INSTANTLY (like, the SECOND you affirmed/decided to have something) because doing the former could unknowingly put you in a state of WAITING for your 3d to conform, & constantly pushing your manifestation into the future. BUT THEN AGAIN, ppl will say that "the 3d always gives you results INSTANTLY, BUT that the results aren't visible to our eyes yet because they're "still within the realm of the unseen" (which i think just means imagination/the 4d, the thoughts of other ppl, etc).
So my question is: WHICH IS IT THEN?
Because I KNOW, instant manifestation is possible, 'cause you can materialize $1billion in your bank account or revise a drastic appearance change in seconds, but I just don't understand what exactly these ppl mean by "you're results are always instant. you just can't see them in your 3d right now".
(idk, maybe I need to stop reading just EVERY & ALL blogs 'cause even though most of the info is the same, maybe I'm just getting confused by how differently everyone explains it😭)
hi lovely!
I was thinking of making a post like this so i am very glad you asked :)
firstly let’s talk about the instantaneous aspect:
The difference is internally vs externally. Internally is instantaneous, and externally (3d) can be instantaneous but people tend to be too busy looking for the desire and thereby internalising not having it. Thus 3D also will reflect not having it. The 3D will instantly start bringing it you though.
If you order a package from (some place far away) and cannot see the package in your hands rn you don’t start saying ‘it isn’t mine’, you know it is yours and on its way to you. Whether you focus on it being yours, or it being on the way to you doesn’t matter, both ways you know it is yours.
Essentially as soon as you decide you have your desire, or start affirming for it, you have your desire internally. Since the 3D is a reflection of your internal world, your dominant thoughts / assumptions, it instantly starts to manifest physically, bringing your desire - understand that your desire can come about in all kinds of ways (the unfolding) . Mountains will move if they need to for. Honestly as soon as you internalise the decision that you manifest instantly - you can. But if the way you ‘try’ to manifest instantly is by saying your affirmation then looking everywhere in your 3D for it, you aren’t understanding manifestation. it’ll come to you - literally in seconds - but looking for it is what is gonna make it not manifest, because looking for it is just reaffirming the dominant thought / state or identity of you not having it. Like seriously just let it come to you, it will.
do not allow the 3d to tell you what you can and cannot have, since it is only a mirror of you.
Now this is what feeds into the idea of ‘waiting reaffirming you don’t have it’
Yes, if you sit around waiting, staring at your phone for the text from your sp and only thinking about how it isn’t there - you are reaffirming you don’t have it. I personally do not believe this is the same thing as using “i will receive” (or just future tense affirmations) as long as you claim you have it internally, or you are saturating your mind with the knowing it is becoming yours. (this really depends on if you’re more of a states / feeler person or robotic affirmations person) at the end of the day in both scenarios the only thing preventing you from not manifesting the outcome you want (you receiving your desire) is telling yourself it’s not / never will be yours. Whether that is because you don’t see it right now or because of how you value(d) yourself in relation to your desire whatever.
So quick answer: I will be/have vs i am/have both work unless you’re gonna overcomplicate it in your mind and say they don’t. I think there are benefits to saying *desire* manifested instantly etc as your affirmation because it’ll saturate your brain with the idea that the 3D conforms instantly which is good :)
This being said, don’t demonize coaches who give example affirmations etc following a certain method/ affirmation type. Coaches / loass content creators typically are only gonna give you advice based on what worked for them, and usually if they find something that works they’ll stick with it yk, so their advice is biased to their success. And that is FINE but other methods / affirmations still work :)
Since LoAss is so broad and works for people in so many different ways (states, affirmations, visualisation, scripting) some loa coaches / cc are going to give cookie cutter routines etc to follow based on their success. As a result you may find clashing advice to follow when it gets down to specifics of different coaches’ methods. This does NOT mean that one does work and one doesn’t, they BOTH work. Just take a step back and bring it back to the basics. Avoid overconsumption.
What works?
- saturating your mind either with a state of being/ identity or affirmations
- Knowing you validate the 3D, it does not validate you
What is the only must?
- Persistance
So to summarise + a bit more
internal manifestation is instant, 3D will reflect that unless you start waivering / returning to previous dominant thought / state of being / identity that you don’t have your desire. As soon as you make the decision the you have your desire, 3D reality is working on bringing it to you so that it can reflect you correctly, until your desire is in your hands you do NOT take anything in the 3D as a sign of you not having it.
You don’t have to affirm that your desire manifests instantly - just saying you have it or are getting it doesn’t push it away - but it certainly won’t hurt :)
Try not to get too caught up on the specifics on how 10 different coaches manifest, most people don’t follow the exact same way of doing it, the thing that remains the same is some type of internal saturation. Manifestation is broad and there are so many methods to help you saturate your mind so just cause person A likes affirming “i love my blue porsche”, person B likes affirming “i am receiving a blue porsche 911 cayenne” and person C hates affirming but enjoys visualising themselves driving the porsche and embodying the feeling of having it, doesn’t mean any of them are doing it wrong, it just means they all found what works for them.
Not to sound like every manifestation blog ever but there comes a time when it’s time to stop reading/overconsuming and to start just applying. The world is your oyster as long as you allow yourself to believe it to be true.
I hope this helped answer your question and if it didn’t (embarrassing) please feel free to message me / clarify in a new ask and i will correct myself haha.
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la-lil-alien · 2 years
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serenityquest · 2 months
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ksjanes · 2 years
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As I become deeply acquainted with being ok, the clouds are just a beautiful thing to experience. It know longer matters what they become it is what they are right now. This state of being ok begins to touch me personally and I become ok with me in all the moments that I have been given. I graciously receive all that has been given.
K.S. Janes
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yourmoonie · 3 months
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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1introvertedsage · 10 months
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. ~Anais Nin~
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 6 months
hi mommy:)) stuffs been going weird, I dunno I haven’t been doing too well, and now I’m sick and 🤷‍♀️ but I dunno, I missed you and yeah
Hi sweetheart…!
Awwww, I missed you too, sweet anon! It is truly lovely to hear from you 🥰
I hear you, things can be weird sometimes… That’s so valid ♥️ *sigh* It hurts my heart that things haven’t been doing too well with you… Know that I’m always here if you need anything 💞💞 And I really hope that you get over your sickness and get healthy soon.
Sometimes life gets really weird, slow, and hard, and the best we can do is take it one day at a time. Remember to eat, sleep, and hydrate every day. And remember that you are not alone. ♥️♥️ Don’t hesitate to reach out…! I love hearing from you! 🥰🥰 You got this, lovely, I believe in you.
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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shemanifesttt · 19 days
Welcome to She Manifest, where we delve into the realms of personal transformation and empowerment! In this episode, titled "What New Transition is Happening For You," we explore the exciting shifts taking place in your life. Whether you're experiencing changes in career, relationships, or personal growth, this video is your guide to navigating the unknown with confidence and grace. Join us as we uncover the hidden opportunities within every transition and embrace the journey towards your highest potential. Don't miss out on this empowering community– hit that subscribe button and let's embark on this transformative journey together!
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kaayxshay · 11 months
my inner man is not starving my inner man is not hungry…my inner man is SATISFIED & WELL FED
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