#and after? it shows me the funniest teddy bear running away (which i had to reblog. like come one. a hilarious picture)
dragonowlie · 2 years
I think my dash today is trying to call me out on bullshit, actually
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gothamslittlejester · 4 years
SFW Alphabet with Phoenix!Joker and Ledger!Joker
Hello, I am not dead. I’m really sorry I haven’t posted in forever, so here’s a pretty long piece for both the clownbois to make up for it for you guys (hopefully,, aghhh). I hope my joker license has not been revoked lol, forgive me lovelies.
The characters will be written separately, but feel free to imagine them together if you wish! I just thought writing them both at once made for an interesting comparison. Phoenix!Joker will be referred to as Arthur, and Ledger!Joker as J. I didn’t do all the alphabet letters because some were repetitive, so here’s the ones I thought would make good headcannons!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
· Out of the two, Arthur is considerably more affectionate. Being so deprived of love for so long, he doesn’t hesitate to absolutely smother you in affection 24/7, whether that be through kisses, long hugs and warm smiles, or more subtle actions like helping you clean around the house or washing your hair in the bath. He may be a killer clown, but he can’t help dotting on you every time you’re together.
· He also praises you any chance he gets, cooing in your ears how amazing you are and how much you mean to him. He wants you to feel loved in every way possible, both verbally and physically.
· His favorite way of showing affection is making you laugh or cheering you up whenever you’re down. Bad jokes? Cute magic tricks? Running your boss over with a truck? He knows the blues can come and go as they please and they can really affect your whole mood, so he makes sure to always bring some happiness in your life.
· J shows his affection in much more subtle ways, although with time you find yourself picking up on them effortlessly. He may not always vocalize his affection, but there’s no denying his adoration for you.
· He’s very playful with you; tickle fights, wrestling matches, pinching your ass and ruffling your hair are all things you grow accustomed to, and they never fail to make you laugh. If you blush or squeak in response to his antics, J will think it’s the cutest and funniest thing in the world. He’ll only be more encouraged to get that response out of you next time, so good luck to you.
· At night, his displays of affection shift from playful to more protective and domineering. If he’s feeling suddenly possessive of you, he envelops you in a protective hug and pulls you into his chest. His side of the bed will always the one closest to the door in case of trouble.
· His affection is very physical, and will often be shown through actions. He’ll take care of any inconvenience you have- someone bother you, sweetheart? You never see them again.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
· Arthur will always be there for you, listening to you vent for hours, helping you with any little chore or problem you have and just chilling with you by the television for hours. He’s never had someone to confide in and care for him, and every understanding look and encouraging smile you give him is stored in a special place in his heart.
· Not only is he a great listener for you too, but his advice is never halfhearted. If you have a problem, or something you’re uncertain about, he’ll do his best to help you sort it out until you’re confident again. He’ll be there for you no matter what, because you’ll be there for him too.
· Now, Having J as a friend is extremely chaotic and often leads to him dragging you away to join him on some illegal adventure at 3 in the morning. Are you gonna go rob a bank or go scare the elderly? Who knows, who cares! Just get dressed and join him!
· Philosophical conversations with J are incredible. He never dismisses your ideas or thoughts of the world, encouraging you to always speak your mind, filter free. There’s no need to hide from him, ever.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
·  When he cuddles you, Arthur feels like all his problems just melt away, and therefor will not let go of your body for hours. It’s therapeutic and heals his soul in a way that his medication never could.
· His little secret is that he loves it when he’s the little spoon, or just generally being cradled by you. Lying on top of your chest just to hear your heartbeat? Absolute heaven.
·  His favorite thing to do is to rub his nose in the crook of your neck and take a big breath, relishing in your scent. It makes him feel so safe and loved he could cry, and during bad days he probably has. Even after he turned into Joker, it would take a bulldozer to rip his grabby hands away from your warm body. Due to how frail and cold his body is, he’s not the epitome of a teddy bear, but the amount of love and comfort that radiate off of him is enough to make for that. It’s nothing a warm blanket can’t fix, and his kisses are the warmest all year round.
· Now, J would never admit it, but he’s just as big of a cuddler as Arthur. I know, I know, controversial! But there is no way you can convince me that this man isn’t an attention seeking, touch starved, hug deprived needy little asshole. Having you wrap your arms around him in the middle of the night, melting into his body with a satisfied sigh, is cocaine to him. Feeling you playfully jump on his back and embrace him from behind makes J want to blow up the city for you. He’ll do it too, don’t tempt him.
· Only difference is, he much more prefers it when you initiate it- seeing you all needy and pouty for him just makes him so giddy. What’s that Y/N? You’re desperate for him? Well, I guess he can hold you in his arms, since he’s so generous...
· Of course, he’s not shy either, and will get his way if need be. If you sit more than 2 inches away from him on the couch you’re instantly pulled onto his lap, and don’t even think about falling asleep without being buried in his side. He wants to feel loved, dammit!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
· Arthur’s kisses are soft and dotting, always gentle and loving. He often moans into the kiss and pulls you closer, never getting enough of you. They can be desperate and needy after a long day away from you, but they are generally very sweet and slow.
· He likes to press kisses all over your face and cheeks, liking the way you giggle as he peppers them all over you. He really cant get enough of you, and just the knowledge that he has someone in his life that enjoys being intimate with him leaves Arthur completely awed.
· He’ll take any sort of kiss from you without complaint, but his favorite is when you’re holding him from behind, either in bed or in the bath, and press a gentle one to his back. It makes him feel loved and safe, which he hadn’t felt in a long time.
· When J kisses you, he truly does steal your breath away. All his passion, obsession and need for you are conveyed effortlessly with the way he moves against your mouth and wraps his arms around your body in a protective manner.
· Although oftentimes rough and sensual, his kisses can also be very teasing and playful. He’ll kiss your hand in a romantic manner just to see you blush and shake your head, or leave little hickeys down neck that he likes to kiss again later. He’s also not opposed to licking you, so watch out for that.
· He’ll never admit it, but he loves it when you lean up to kiss his cheek. It’s such a sweet and gentle action, something he’s not accustomed to whatsoever, and it leaves him feeling very warm and protective inside. Especially when your lips brush against his scars- knowing you love them and want to show them affection makes J want to kill for you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
·Arthur loves being there for children, especially the less fortunate ones. Despite how crazy and ruthless Joker can be, he would never even dream of laying a hand on a child.
· There are times when he remembers the joy that his old persona “Carnival” could bring to the sad young faces of all those kids, and it’s enough to make him grimace and reminisce on what he lost.
· He’d never expect to start a family with you while he’s out being criminal menace as a full time job, but there are times where he allows his imagination to run wild, picturing a world with a better life for the both of you, his children playing in the garden while you grow old together.
· J... J is a bully. He doesn’t have the patience whatsoever to deal with children at all, and overall just finds their incessant questions mind-numbing. They’re not even good questions- questions that provoke a philosophical debate or reconsideration of our purpose in the universe for example- just dumb ones that can be googled in a second. Why is the sky blue? Give him a break.
· Now, He wouldn’t go out of his way to single out a child and brutally kill them- he wants his victims to fully understand their doom, and kids don’t have that level of comprehension yet- but if one of those smug little shits happened to be carrying around a balloon, ho ho! It’s getting popped on sight. You know that saying “steeling lollipops from babies?” Yeah, that’s J.
· May not be a big fan of kids, but if you ever need a top quality dead baby joke, he’s your guy!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
· Having had so many jobs in his life, Arthur has adapted to waking up in the early morning with ease.
· If he has to go somewhere, he’ll quietly tiptoe around the apartment as he gets ready, careful not wake you up as he gets dressed in his red suit and applies his makeup. He’ll place a gentle kiss to your temple just before he has to leave, staring adoringly at your peaceful face for a few minutes.
· If he has nothing planned, Arthur will just lay in bed until you wake up naturally, enjoying the feeling on your arm body pressed against him.
· J is a drama queen. Being mostly nocturnal, J doesn’t even get out of his REM sleep cycle until like 3 pm at the earliest.
· On those days where he gets woken up at, god forbid, 9 am, he’ll be so groggy and grumpy that not even coffee can save him.
· Alarm wakes him up? That’s now enemy number one. Someone outside being loud? If he had the energy, they’d be dead. And don’t think you’re getting out of bed without him either. He’ll pull you back and wrap all his limbs around you like a snake, snuggling into you so you can’t leave.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
· Arthur only really gets angry when someone attacks him or tries to make him feel worthless. As Joker, he’s definitely gained quite a bit of confidence, and will start a fight with strangers for the smallest of reasons, but they rarely actually make him angry.
· His patience in general is actually quite remarkable. Most of his schemes and plots take quite a while to plan out, and although he does rely on luck here and there, he puts in quite a few hours at a time to flesh out the details.
· He’ll wait as long as he needs to get what he wants. For example, it’s not like he shy’s away from stalking people, and that takes quite a bit of resilience and patience.
· J is... an emotional man. An open book. He almost never gets angry at you- unless you do something stupid like put yourself in harms way- but everyone else? All it takes is very trivial inconveniences to get him riled up and ready to murder some poor soul on sight.
·  He’ll be patient for a while if he needs to work on some elaborately villainous scheme, but after a few days of obsessing over the schematics he’ll start to get antsy and bored. He’s a man of action, who has the time for all this planning?
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
· Arthur would do his very best to make dates and anniversaries special. Dinner from your favorite restaurant, long walks by the place you first met, movie nights under a warm fort with intermediate pillow fights; Arthur will always find something that will put a smile on your face.
· He may not have that much money to begin with, but after adapting into his joker persona, a little bit of petty theft is nothing too unacceptable. Especially since he can use the extra cash to treat his lover to the most lavish things.
· J would absolutely spoil you. Unfortunately due to his “job”, he has to leave you for hours or even days at a time to do his business, and he knows you tend to feel lonely in those times. So for him, date night is about you. And he’ll be damned if you don’t get the best present, meal and clown in Gotham all to yourself.
·  You want your favorite snack? He’ll get you a bucket-full.
· You want that new dress you saw at the mall, but can’t afford it? Neither can he! Join him for some late-night theft and he’ll grab the garment just for you.
· You want to spend the whole night tucked away in his arms as he cuddles you for hours? “Come to daddy~”
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
· Arthur sometimes forgets to eat, a habit that scares you. You don’t mean to nag, but you just can’t help it when you see how thin and weak Arthur becomes after barely eating anything.
· You know he doesn’t do it on purpose, and you never hold it against him, but it does scare you when you see how weak and exhausted he gets. You make sure to always fill the cabinets with snacks and get him to eat dinner whenever he’s home, but who knows if he eats while he’s out causing panic in Gotham.
· The smoking is also a bit of an issue, but you’d rather make sure your clown is well fed before you tackle this other issue.
· J’s teeth can be... very much a turnoff sometimes. Stained to hell with a coffee addiction and lack of hygiene, it made kissing him an experience at first.
· He soon began trying to make himself more dapper and charming just for his little one (yes you) once his need for you grew, but sometimes he just forgets. He knew his hygiene wasn’t his best quality, and he often smelled like dried blood and gasoline, so he makes sure to take a shower when he can. Plus, he figured quite quickly that you like the smell of his cologne…
· You can’t be too mad though, not with a smile so bright and yellow it matches the sun!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
· For Arthur, yes. When you finally admitted your feelings for him, he knew you were the first and last person who will ever give his life meaning. He would rip out his lungs if you asked- just if it meant seeing you another day.
· Leaving him would break his soul and put him in such a dark, black space that not even Joker’s red suit would have color there.
· It’s not the healthiest, and he doesn’t want to scare you away, but his obsession and need for you will never die down. He loves you, and you really do make him whole.
· For J, his feelings aren’t that far off from Arthur’s. As his obsession with you grows, so does his adoration and glee. Everyday he finds new quirks and traits of yours that he likes, and everyday he begins to expect them, to crave them, to need them.
· He’ll find out what you like to do, what your favorite things are, what makes you truly and utterly happy, and he’ll store them in his memory to spoil you later.
· J’s love is absolutely obsessive and possessive, like a child with a doll he refuses to share even for a second, but that’s all he knows. He’ll never hurt you or lay his hands on you, but his love is nothing short of mad.
·  Leaving him is not an option. Ever. He’ll do anything to ensure that you stay right in his line of sight, and putting you in a pretty glass cage is not beyond him. You make him happy, and whole- you complete him- so why would he ever throw that away?
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 。◕‿◕。
Hello, not exactly sure what to do so I’ll just try to explain to the best of my abilities. I’m an intp and kinda short (5'2). I get angry real quick when I’m stressed otherwise I’m not aggressive. I like learning new things and talking about things like the ocean and creatures living in it. I really like animals and have recently adopted two cats. I avoid most people. I’m easily moved by sob stories and will help if someone’s really in need. I also speak up for what I think is right and against injustice. I’m also really funny and frequently ‘roast’ people. When I’m comfortable with someone I show them my various facial expressions (which is hilarious), I get startled easily and scream too. I like ghost stories around the campfire but then I’m scared to go to the washroom alone. I tell my friends about the new tea (drama/gossip) but if my friends fight, I try to ease out the situation😳 Basically I am cute and so are you
Hi, there love!🌈 Thank you so much for the request! You are such a cutie😆! Sorry for making ya wait soooo long! I hope you enjoy it, dear and I hope you have a good day!  。◕‿◕。
So I match you with………….. Masamune
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Hehehe I was thinking Mitsunari at first, but as I kept reading the one-eyed dragon just popped into my head and I just think the two of you cuties would be perfect together and here is why!
You are so cute and smol the first time Masamune picked you up onto his hose while you were trying to run for your life, all he could think was damn what a cute little kitten. He brought you to the audience hall, where you were faced with the very man you had saved earlier that evening and a group of unknown strangers. Honestly, your patience was starting to wear thin, and you were feeling exhausted, which just made you feel more grumpy. Nobunaga is his usual demanding voice proclaimed that you were to be the new Oda princess, as a reward for saving his life. 
You were pretty chilled with that until Nobunaga had traced the curve of your cheek with his fingertips. You legit smacked his hand away, and before you knew it, you had pissed of Hideyoshi by “Striking” his lord. “Oh, please, I barely even touched him.” It was now a stand off, between you and Hideyoshi, and you were ready to fight. Luckily before anything serious could happen Masamune picked you up by the waist to pull you away from Hideyoshi, while Mitushide and Ieyasu held Hideyoshi back before he could send you to an early grave. Finally, Nobunaga spoke up to calm Hideyoshi down. He was smirking while the whole affair unfolded, you truly were the most amusing woman.
Masamune carried you out of the audience hall over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Hey put me down, I’m calm, I’m calm.” “hmmm, I don’t know you still sound pretty angry to me kitten.” He carried you all the way to his manor garden, where he made the two of you some tea and snacks. You were a little quiet at first, but you found your self-opening up slowly to Masamune in no time. This boi literally talked non stop to fill the silence, asking you all sorts of random questions. He loved the way various expressions flashed across your face with each random question asked. The two of you spent the afternoon quietly chatting and laughing, and Masa found himself wanting to get to know you even better
He made a point of coming by to pester you every day. He would take you to tea houses, on market trips, and on random horse rides to his favourite restaurants. You low key loved spending time with the one-eyed dragon, and his jokes were hilarious. You always found yourself laughing at his goofy jokes and boy oh boy was it the best day of Masamune’s life when he found out you liked roasting people. The two of you would often get into roasting battles, flinging the funniest comments at each other and then bursting out in laughter. The two of you especially loved teaming up to roast Mitsuhide. Alone sneki boy could destroy you with his quick wit, but together you and Masamune gave sneki boi a run for his money. The two of you would also gang up on the snarky porcupine just to get a few laughs, especially when he is bullying the sweet angel Mitsunari. You honestly can’t stand injustice, and you love sweet Mitsunari so much, so whenever anyone speaks badly of the cutie, you are there to fight for his honour. It is something that actually really draws Masamune toward you. Your willingness to fight for what’s right and for justice.
Masamune being the spontaneous person he is would often whisk you off with him to random cool new places. The two of you would usually go hiking up mountains to enjoy a picnic for two, explore caves and tell each other scary stories by the campfire which you always low key regretted, cause you would then get creeped out by every and any sound you hear. Luckily for you, Masa is there to make jokes and soothe the fear and anxiety. Usually, after the campfire stories, you are too scared to fall asleep alone. Masamune will wake up to your tossing and turning in the middle of the night, and pull you into a big bear hug holding you tight. “Go to sleep kitten, I promise ill protect you from the invisible monster.” You felt so warm and safe in his arms and sleep instantly found you. You couldn’t help but feel like you belonged in his safe warm arms and little did you know Masamune felt the exact same way. He had long ago fallen in love with you, he just wasn’t sure how to tell you
Until finally, the day came when he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He knew you loved the ocean and ocean animals, so he took you on a trip to one of the most beautiful beaches you have ever seen. The water was crystal clear. He told you that he loved playing in this spot as a child because of the clear water and all the different marine life that lived within. He dragged you into the water and told you to look closely. You were amazed at all the different coloured fish swimming all around you. Masamune handed you some homemade snorkels, and the two of you went snorkelling. Afterwards, he set up a little picnic on the beach for the two of you. You told him all about the fun facts you had picked up from your studies of the ocean and the animals within. He loved the way your eyes sparkled in delight whenever you would talk about the things you loved.
The two of you sat on the beach and watched the sunset, it was honestly the perfect day. As the sunset it started to get a little chilly, so Masamune shrugged of his hoari and draped it over your shoulders. He pulled you closer and put his arm around you to protect you from the cold wind. You looked up to smile at him and thank him, not realizing how close you were. Your noses accidentally brushed together and honestly Masamune couldn’t hold it back any more. He gently cupped your cheeks and whispered that he loved you against your lips before giving you the sweetest of kisses. 
Of course, Masamune being Masamune, the second he felt you kissing him back, it grew more wild and passionate. Honestly, at that moment, you felt like the happiest person alive. The two of you walked back home hand in hand in the last rays of the setting sun. If you could, the two of you would stay there longer, but both of you knew the consequences for making mother dearest worry.
You and Masamune made the cutest couple. You would make all the maid super jealous whenever the two of you were together. Especially when the two of you played with the tiger cub in the garden, you were the only one that ever got to see the real Masamune. As the two of you played with the cub, you would always, playfully roast each other, this usually leads to a bit of a tickle fight. Which would leave both of you breathless from all the laughter. In those moments, Shogetsu would always take advantage of the lack of defences and lick your face causing you to break out into laughter all over again, while trying to get the playful cub off you. This, of course, gave his owner enough time to catch his breath and start the tickle match anew. 
Masamune was honestly the perfect man. He would always take you out for tea to make sure you don’t overwork yourself. During these tea dates, he would always have fresh new piping hot tea to spill. Which you absolutely loved, the two of you would usually sit and gossip about all the castle drama, over sweets and tea. The two of you just always seemed to be on the same wavelength, as when someone said or did something while the two of you were together, you would give each other “the look”, which meant that you were totally gonna talk about that later.
Cause Masamune knew you loved animals so much, he actually got you a little tiger cub of your own. He knew you were missing your two adopted cats from the future, so he hoped that he could ease the loss with a new little cat. He had found the little cub much like his brother abandoned in the woods. His mother had been killed by a hunter, and he was left to die. When Masa saw him, he knew you would want him to take him in and care for it, and that’s how Shogetsu got a new little brother.
Masamune honestly loved everything about you. He loved the way you squeaked in surprise every time he would surprise you in the hallway. He loved the hilariously funny facial expressions you made, like seriously he lives for them. His favourite, however, is the flustered look you give him after he pulls away from giving you the most scandalously passionate kiss right in the middle of the hallway.
The two of you cuties can often be found playing in the garden together with your two lil tiger cubs or cuddled up in Masamune’s arms. Not many know this, but Masamune is actually just one big teddy bear that loves to cuddle and snuggle. He will often pull you into his arms and cuddle you while he does his paperwork. When he is done, he will usually nuzzle his nose in your neck and enjoy the quiet moment of peace the two of you share
Other potential matches……………… Mitsunari 
Hope you enjoyed it dear!❤❤@juststalkingsstuff
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
Oh, can I ask what each 92nd Generation Student would be like as YouTuber? (You can also form groups, example Erina and Hisako sharing a channel)
This is going to be quite long, oh no. I had so much fun with this though, thanks for sending this in.
Soma + Takumi + Ryou + Hayama: They have a YouTube account where Soma forces them into doing some weird and crazy challenges and stunts. One of them was the Chubby Bunny Challenge, where they all had to stuff as many marshmallows as they could into their mouth and say chubby bunny after every marshmallow they could fit. Takumi almost fucking choked. “Thanks a lot Soma.” They feature lots of people from the 92nd generation as well as others.
Ryou: He has a separate YouTube account, away from the losers he shares an account with. He mainly shows workout routines and gives helpful pointers on how to get the muscles you want. It’s the real deal, the dude is fucking shredded.
Isami: This little ray of sunshine has a YouTube account where he gives food ratings and ratings to anything in general. He also does reaction videos. Here and then he’ll make fun of the Soma + Takumi + Ryou + Hayama videos. Especially the Cinnamon Challenge one, where Hayama literally snorted and almost killed Soma with his own two hands. He will sometimes feature in those videos.
Ibusaki: He also has a reaction channel. Ibusaki is widely known for the poker faces he makes. Sometimes, he’ll have some funny remarks. “Lmao, he looks like he fell on horseshit.” Here and then, he’ll post some videos of him ranting about the dumb shit his dorm members do.
Marui: He is a semi-educational vlog channel. He’ll give you helpful pointers on how to improve everything in your life. Here and then though, his dorm members will fucking ruin the seriousness by showering him in wipe cream or something. He gets lots of view from his cussing about it.
Shoji + Daigo: They share an account on gaming. Lot of the time though, they throw shade at the other. It catches everyone’s attention. “This fucking loser can’t hit the keyboard keys to save his life.”
Mimasaka: He has a vlog that gives beauty tips and stuff, surprisingly. He’s pretty soft for a tough looking guy. Probably does make-up tutorials if you ask him. Literally shows how to knit and bake sweets and everything and uploads videos of him babysitting and dfnbisfbaid. 
Erina: This is a tough one. I would guess she would have a beauty tip account. Stuff like how to take care of your hair and stuff. At times though, she will also do reaction videos and look at the camera as she watches Soma + Takumi + Ryou + Hayama videos with a straight face. “You have got to be kidding me.” She’ll also do cooking videos. She’ll feature the others too.
Megumi: Her account is probably the most innocent. She just gives healthy lifestyle pointers and motivation. She likes to feature the others in her video and do little crafts with them, like building a stuffed teddy bear. Mimasaka is probably her #1 fan here.
Alice: Also a beauty-tip account, but she does more fashion tips too. She also does the dos and donts. “Lmao, don’t wear that. If it makes ME look like a grape, what makes you think it’ll look better on someone else??” She likes to join in on Ryou’s workout routines by making stuff tougher for him. She features the others too, but mainly Ryou and Erina because they’re her most favorite people to make suffer.
Hisako: She has a pro-tip work account. Gives helpful pointers on how to make your life easier by giving advice. Will also do video answers on questions her fans send and make the funniest remarks.
Erina + Hisako: They do reaction videos. Their fans are ALWAYS requesting reaction videos for the lastest Soma + Takumi + Ryou + Hayama videos. They’re pretty amusing. It always ends with Erina smacking her head against a wall repeatedly while trying to hold in her laughter while Hisako is trying to hold in her laughter and laughing tears as well.
Ikumi: She does workout videos and gives advice on how you can stay in shape while having a meaty-diet. Saves so many lives and makes their lives easier. You’ll sometimes see her working out with Ryou and trying to beat his impossible numbers.
Ryoko + Yuki: Ryoko and Yuki like to give friend-tips and how to have a healthy friendship and relationship. Yuki likes to pull pranks though and has lots of features. A lot of the time, those videos end with Yuki running away from everyone as the camera shakily moves with her. “Shit! Abort the mission!”
Ryoko + Ibusaki: These two are the most calm in their dorm so sometimes they go onto their shared account and give opinions on things everyone did today. “Soma looked like an idiot trying to jump off a fucking tree into a hula hoop as a fucking stunt.” Is something Ibusaki said once, which resulted in Ryoko saying to be nice.
Miyoko: She is such a feminist channel, like half of the time she’s saying how to get over break ups. “You’re a strong independent woman who don’t need a man!” Half of the time she’ll show you videos of her picking fights with guys and saying how she didn’t even need to throw a punch to win. Half of the time the guys don’t even know she’s picking a fight, they just run.
Nao: This is it my dudes. The scare-cam YouTuber of the whole 92nd generation. She’ll post some dark videos of her trying to speak to spirits and post videos of her scaring other 92nd generation students. Those videos are priceless. Here and then though, she’ll be fangirling about Erina and Hisako.
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