#miyoko hojo
pbear · 2 years
If your favorite isn’t here, then maybe they’re on @purplehairswagtourney. I just picked some of my favorites to put in this poll.
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liesweliveby · 1 month
TW FOR HIGURASHI-TYPICAL VIOLENCE (murder, maggots crawling out of wounds,etc)
wtc my beloved. my favorite visual novel series.
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nothingavailable · 1 year
Here are the critical points of my ideal timeline for the When They Cry entries Higurashi and Umineko:
Miyoko Tanashi never loses her parents in an accident and gets sent to an orphanage thus never becoming Miyo Takano.
The director of the orphanage Miyoko is sent to in the prime timeline dies before he can found it.
Tetsurou Okonogi and Nomura both die in the line of duty before they can found or join the Tokyo organization.
Rena Ryuugu parts on more amicable terms with her mother Reiko but never leaves Hinamizawa.
Dr. Hifumi Takano turns his attention elsewhere and eventually retires.
The Japanese government still takes some interest in Hinamizawa but never truly finds any support.
Hinamizawa is never set up to be demolished over flood concerns.
Satoko and Satoshi Hojo’s (step)parents never get involved with the plans to build a dam around Hinamizawa and fall to their deaths.
Teppei Hojo and Tamae Hojo both die of old age before they have the chance to get involved in Satoko and Satoshi’s lives.
Rina Mamiya is killed for trying to scam Mion and Shion’s family before she can get involved in Rena’s life.
Rika Furude still grows up to be kind and with her parents alive.
Keiichi Maebara and his parents still move to Hinamizawa.
Mion and Shion Sonozaki reconcile and confront their family to straighten things out.
Japan’s leadership loses interest in developing a bioweapon and is never convinced to authorize the decimation of Hinamizawa.
Any other conflicts, including those regarding the Ushiromiya family are resolved peacefully meaning the deaths at Rokkenjima never have any reason to occur.
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polar-stars · 3 years
☕️ + megumi and hojo?
(Give me a ☕️ + a character/ship and I’ll ramble off whatever thoughts and opinion I have about it)
Oho, interesting! Thanks for the ask!
Megumi Tadokoro
Megumi is a character I love and adore. She has given me no choice in that matter, lol. I cannot possibly dislike a character who portrays such a huge amount of real, genuine kindness. Adding to that, she's incredibly easy to relate to (I know that I am not the only one who does).
In my opinion Megumi has had some of the very best moments in all of Shokugeki, especially in it's earlier parts. The Shokugeki against Shinomiya in Trainings Camp is still my favorite battle in the whole manga after all. Her performance in the Autumn Election Premlins was also really satisfying and sweet to see. (Monkfish Preperation Scene Supremacy)
Tsukuda really did great on making Megumi a character that I really want to see succeed.....But that is where the problem comes in.
The problem is that Tsukuda struggles with the Show, Don't Tell-Rule from Central Arc onwards.
Pre-Central, Megumi's character development was solid in my opinion. It was believable and not too fast-paced. But once focus was shifted to Azami-Drama, Megumi and other characters had to take a little step back from the action. And Megumi's character arc started to stagnate.
Through Training Arc. Autumn Elections and Stagiares, Megumi had visibly gained some more confidence in herself and her stage fright problem from the beginning of the series was ceasing. However there was something missing: pay-off. Her character arc lacks proper pay-off.
You see, throughout all of Central Arc Megumi has not won any single fight on-screen. She was given one victory against Shigemichi Kumai but not even second of that fight was actually shown to the reader. But when it's time for a more detailed fight against Momo, she looses.
In her fight against Momo, the judges do find the time to point out tho that Megumi might hasn't been able to beat Momo however there is quote unquote ✨potential✨.
Thing is that the "potential"-thing has been getting old at that point. It felt very reminiscent to Megumi's fight against Ryo back in the Autumn Elections. Ryo was able to win, however it was made clear through multiple dialogue-lines that Megumi did give him a good fight, defying the expectations the audience had from her. So basically that fight was like: Yes, she lost now. But she is on the right path. There is a lot of potential.
The issue is that time has progressed ever since the AE and it was about time for us, the readers, to see that potential unfold.
But we never got that.
We get a lot, a lot of talking about Megumi's potential throughout Central Arc but never an actual showcase of it. And it does not get much better with BLUE Arc either (I mean, what do you expect from that trainwreck of an arc anyway?)
First off, despite all of her potential and her participation in the Regiment de Cuisine & the retaking of Totsuki as a whole Megumi somehow ends up with the lowest seat in the Neo-Elite 10??? And I'm just: Why??? Why is she the only explicitly ranked below Eizan & Nene (who got a massive downgrade) with everyone else far ahead? (Tho the Neo-Elite 10 Ranking as a whole is one confusing mess and I should probably stop trying to bring sense into it if I do not want to go insane, lol.)
The infamous Hot Spring Fight against a Noir is where we finally see Megumi shine a little on-screen (at least in the manga). And well....I enjoyed seeing that but...
It is still not the proper pay-off she deserves, I'm sorry. Because ultimately that Noir-Guy is some random One-Off we never saw again. And that's a problem.
This character had no time establishing himself to us. We barely know him.
To put it into perspective: Satoshi Isshiki beating Julio Shiratsu in the RdC did not feel like a very impressive thing. Because we have only come to know Julio in that one fight and had absolutely no judgement on how powerful he may be (not to mention, that he was mostly placed in a very ridiculous light). It would have been a lot more impressive to the reader had Satoshi won his later fight against Eishi Tsukasa, because Eishi is a character who we have spent a lot more time with and who has repeatedly been portrayed as absurdly skillful and an actual threat.
See what I mean? As much as I loved seeing Megumi being an absolute badass in that Hot Spring Saga...It was not the satisfying pay-off I want for her.
The few victories she gets are always against random One-Offs while her fights against the more important characters are always a loss for her. Case in point: BLUE. She gets anOTHER off-screened match against some Noir in Chinese clothes, whose name I won't bother looking up if he even has one, where all characters talk about how talented she is but once it's time for her to go up against big bad bitch Asahi she looses. And that sucks.
Not to forget the fact that Megumi always gets strung along to every big event but we never get much justification for her participation (other than the obvious Meta-Reason that she's a main character).
Think about it, her and Takumi got extremely lucky in Train Arc by having Rindou giving them a free pass just for the lulz, while everyone else got expelled. Then a good number of messy chapters later, Megumi and Takumi get invited into BLUE without even a shred of reasoning behind it. Why them? How random is it to invite the 1st, 7th and 10th seat but no one else? Meanwhile when BLUE Arc was first mentioned in the manga they told Jouichiro that it's actually extremely rare for a student in that age to get into this tournament. And Jouichiro was a 3rd year back then, what are those three 2nd Years doing there??
The anime at least addressed that by having Totsuki's students fight for the participation (I appreciated that, if only the episode that covers it wasn't so lazily done)
I'd have much less of an issue with that if they actually gave Megumi something to work with in that arc. But really in RDC and even more so in BLUE, she's mostly just there I feel. She barely really impacts the story meaningfully in both of these arcs, I feel.
And it's one big shame.
As I said, I love Megumi and Tsukuda set her up as someone who I wanted to see succeed and defy expectations. Her journey up till Central Arc was a lot of fun and very compelling but then it just...came to a halt. And her arc never got any real, proper closure I feel. She was instead pushed more and more into the background and she just did not deserve that, man.
Never forget that she is one of the mains after all and she should have been treated as one.
damn I did not think this would get this long ahhdhdf
Miyoko Hojo
When realising that Miyoko's speciality is Chinese cooking, I was super excited for her! I really love Chinese food and I've been waiting for it to be covered in Shokugeki up till that point.
I like Miyoko quite a lot, she's definitely one of my faves from the...well, I don't think "secondary" cuts it...the tertiary cast. Unfortunately we've got to see so painfully little of her.
I like that Megumi, in the most Megumi-ways, made her learn a lesson like "Feminism =/= You can not possibly get along with a man. Ever.", but it was also interesting to see acknowledgement of the inequality of men and women within the culinary business through Miyoko.
Miyoko's friendship with Megumi is something I adore and I would have very much liked more of it please. I enjoy the thought of Miyoko, this tough, unapproachable woman, having her face soften whenever this pure, little angel approaches her. Also 100% sure Miyoko would drop-kick whoever gives Megumi a funny look.
I also would have liked to see Miyoko interact more with Kuga, because I imagine it could have been a lot of fun. From the one, tiny interaction they've had I feel that Terunori actually respects Miyoko quite a bit. Which I think is interesting, because Terunori otherwise seems to enjoy bitching at people.
Honestly? If you ask me??? Miyoko should have been in the Regiment de Cuisine.
I'll never get over how she's shown in the audience, alongside Nao, smiling when the rebels are about to snatch victory. Like ahdhFJG, excuse me Ma'am what business do you have just watching??? You can not tell me that from what we've seen about Miyoko that she would not be up to kick Azami's ass out of Totsuki. I generally think it's stupid for the Rebels to go up against the Elites in a number even to them.
Azami. Explicitly told you guys. That you can bring more than that.
You were up against the Elite 10 Council.
(and Nao as well tbh)
(The Regiment de Cusine could have been a lot better to buy for me if the Rebels had shown up with more participants tbh but that's a different subject)
Anyways, as I said I wish we could have seen a lot more of Miyoko. But it just wasn't meant ot be :( I mean, when characters like Alice and Akira get pushed to the side, what chances does the tertiary cast have?
I'm at least glad that she is sort-off shown being the new president of the Chinese RS in Les Dessert 1? I like that for her.
But yes, ultimately...another criminally underused character. I look forward to write her being a cool mom in my fanfic tho.
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umaruthehimouto · 3 years
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Also since we’re already at rarepair stanning maybe just some general headcanons Subaru/Nao and Terunori/Miyoko?
Fuck yeah, let me spread some rare pair content!
♥ Probably just my personal headcanon... BUT, BUT BUT... imagine them meeting through Mitsuru. Imagine them both having a common friend and they both help him with his interviews... A TRIO WE DIDN’T KNOW WE NEEDED.
♥ Okay but imagine fucking Subaru copying different people in front of the mirror just to do a perfect confession... He copied fellow Totsuki students, drama series, shoujo manga and he can’t do it RIGHT until he knew it was best to confess as himself- without imitating anyone or anything, just be himself
♥ Nao ends up confessing first and debunks all the hardwork of Subaru, she casually says she fucking loves him with a meal she makes just for him, A FOOD THAT IS MEANT TO ONLY BE FOR HIM
♥ Subaru accepts her feelings with his own words and as himself, so hey, watching other people confess did pay off because it made him realize not all confessions go the same way, but they are ALL memorable
♥ They fucking yeet over to stalk people together, Nao has the camera and Subaru has the fucking locations, they’re named as the CC (Cute Couple, Cryptid Couple, your choice)
♥ “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WE’RE EATING IN A CHINESE RESTAURANT WE’RE EATING IN MY RESTAURANT -Kuga thinking he’s best 2k19″ VS “We’re eating in my restaurant.” -Miyoko, knowing she’s the best 2k19
♥ They’re literally the friends to rivals to lovers trope to me because imagine them having shokugekis to show who’s the best Chinese chef... IMAGINE HER PROVING TO HIM BEFORE HE GRADUATED HOW CAPABLE SHE IS BEFORE SHE TOOK OVER THE CHINESE RS
♥ They take one of the longer ones to get together because Miyoko isn’t the type to let her emotions to take over, but once they are together? THEY’RE CUTE AS FUCK
♥ They watch movies together, their favorite ones are the action packed ones... Miyoko has to watch as Kuga dances along to fucking Kung Fu Panda or Mulan
♥ Nao and Miyoko are dorm mates so once the couple start dating, they have this fucking 4 player games together
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vistargalaxies · 6 years
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A Bad Guide to Food Wars
this only focuses on the 92nd generation of Totsuki because I and my friend made this and had too much fun and we might make it for some other generations! this isn’t meant to be offensive or anything and this is completely for fun pls don’t take this seriously [also we might have forgotten students and we’re sorry for that too kgdfbg]
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and ;w; if it's okay, May I also ask for: “i don’t need a man.” for Miyoko & Kuga (can be romantic or platonic whatever you prefer ;w;) and “i wouldn’t dare let you down.” for Yuki/Marui, aaand maybe “is it tears or just the fucking rain?” for Nene/Eizan
Yes!! Of course!! This will be the first time i’m writing Miyoko though ahhh but I hope you end up liking it!!
The Chinese Cuisine RS had been busy for the past couple of weeks and it was mostly because the Moon Banquet Festival was coming in soon. Kuga, as always, was the one leading the research society because he was the president of it. He commanded each one of them and continued to watch the synchronized movement of everyone inside the place. “Alright! One! Two! One! Two! Do it faster!”
He stopped yelling at his men for a second once he spotted someone entering the place. He actually expected it to be someone from the Elite Ten to call him for a meeting because he has been ignoring the messages they sent him for almost the whole day but he saw someone else. Someone who he didn’t expect at all. A grin got plastered on his face and he called out to her. 
“Miyoko-chin!” He raised his hand as he began going to her. “Is there something you want to tell me? Hm? Hm?” He was pretty excited to know the reason why she was here since she didn’t come her too often because she knew that he would end up questioning her just like this. She sighed before rolling her eyes.
“Nothing, really.” She replies, a bit uninterested. “If you expect me to ask if I could join- you’re wrong.” She states this bluntly before she crosses her arms and looks over at the men who were working their asses off for the next Banquet Festival. “I only wanted to observe how your men worked. You’re graduating soon anyway.” 
He wouldn’t openly admit he was confused, but what was she talking about? He could only make intelligent guesses, so he placed his hand under his chin, imitating the post of the statue “The Thinker”. Once he made a guess, he brought it up. “Are you actually planning to be the president once I graduate, Miyoko-chin?”
She stared at him for a moment before closing her eyes. “Maybe, who knows?” He pouted because of her reply- he hoped for something more direct. Not something like this. She ended up opening her eyes again, but it was to only focus on the people who were currently cooking.
“You’d need a lot more men if you want to actually beat me! The Chinese Cuisine RS loves their ever-so-great leader!” He gestured to himself and Miyoko only gave him another stare- well, it was more of a glare. He waited for her response to his comment, a bit interested on her sudden reaction.
“I don’t need your men to add up. I’ll make it change in a different way while you’re out of Totsuki.” She squinted at him. “In fact, I don’t need a man. I don’t need them in general.” Once she says these words, she ended up leaving the place with only a few word left to him. “Enjoy your reign while it lasts.”
Kuga stood there silently, but a tiny smirk began forming on his lips. “Miyoko-chin is always so interesting.” He went back to his place, but there were thoughts that invaded his mind that he chose to ignore. “Enough of being so casual, let’s get back to work!”
How many days were left again before they reached the deadline of looking for evidence? Oh… It’s not days left, it’s just hours. Marui was currently panicking because of the deadline that was nearby while Yuki only looked around the place to look for any possible clues. The whole place was filled with clues that were missing, so they couldn’t make any assumptions just yet.
“Oh god, we’re too near the deadline…” Marui mumbles as he looked around the house to look for more clues. “We might end up disappointing the head chief because of this!” Not going to the deadline as planned wasn’t always a good thing- but of course, extensions were accepted. The problem was that Marui never went pass a deadline his whole life, and he didn’t want a criminal case to be the first.
Yuki only tried to look for more things that seemed out of place, and she admitted that the criminal did a really good job in keeping themselves clean. “Don’t panic, Zenji!” She tried to reassure him. “We can do this!” Her positive atmosphere was always a perfect match for someone who was worried about almost everything.
He sighed loudly, showing a little sense of giving up. “We can’t do this within 4 hours, Yuki…” He brought up what he thought were facts. “This house is too big, if we explored this place for 4 hours, it would only be half of the house. According to my calculations, we’ll need 8 to 10 hours… We can’t do it!” He had to point out things he thought were true and Yuki began pouting at her partner before slapping both of his cheeks with her hands- cupping them seconds later.
“I think it’s best if you stop panicking first.” She brought up her side of the whole thing and he knew he had to listen to her. “You’re one of the smartest people I know, and that isn’t a joke! We’ve been friends for so much years and I still haven’t found anyone who has matched your skill.” She voiced out what she held in. “So don’t panic because I know you can do this. I trust you! Completely!”
She was the person who knew what to say in the worst times, and he was always relieved that he ended up with someone like her, partner in work and of course, his partner in life. He began calming down, and he ended up gaining confidence again. “Thank you, Yuki…” He thanked he before he began smiling. “For calling me the smartest person you know. Now… I wouldn’t dare let you down. I should show everyone that you’re right.”
Yuki began grinning before nodding her head. “That’s right! Prove to everyone that you’re the smartest detective in the world and that the books in your room mean something!” She cheered for him and before they could actually get serious, he spoke up against her.
“Of course they mean something! Why would I buy them if they didn’t mean anything?!” He ended up fixing himself after saying that before he pushed his glasses up, “Nevermind, we’ll talk about that later. Pass me my magnifying glass. We have a case to solve.”
Yuki felt proud of herself and she wanted to savor the moment. She was able to make him gain confidence even in situations like this. She handed him the magnifying glass. “Here it is! Now…” She brought out her own tools to start on the serious part of her work. “Let’s do this!”
It was pretty dark because of the weather- and it was actually something that suddenly happened. The weather forecaster said that the rain would stop a couple of minutes and soon it would be sunny again, but there were people who were in a hurry to go to places on time. 
Eizan was lucky enough that he had an umbrella so he could go to the Elite Ten Council Meeting in peace. The main reason why he had an umbrella was because he didn’t bring it out of his bag from two days ago because he decided to keep his thing in tact as he believed that he had no reason to change the things he brought in daily life.
However, there was someone else who wasn’t lucky enough... and that was the surprising thing. Nene Kinokuni didn’t bring an umbrella, but this was mostly because she was in a hurry ever since she woke up. She didn’t know why or how she woke up an hour later than usual, and she ended up not being fully prepared for the day.
He was walking to his destination but he immediately stopped walking once he saw a girl covering her body with a school bag to avoid getting too wet by the rain. “Kinokuni?” He mentioned her name to himself, and after focusing harder at the figure that was pretty far away, he confirmed it was her. Shit! It is Kinokuni.
He may have had a crush on her and he would rather choose to not show any kind of gesture to make it obvious, but he didn’t want to be straight-out evil and leave her alone she can be soaking wet. Yeah sure, he was evil- but not that evil. He grumbled and sighed, giving up on thinking what he should do. He ended up going to her to shelter her with his umbrella.
“Eizan?” She looked up at the male who was currently looking away from her direction. Even if he wasn’t looking at her, she was already able to tell it was him by the figure. “... Thank you.” She muttered softly and he looked back for a moment, noticing that her face was all wet, and that her clothes weren’t the only thing drenched by the rain.
“Tch. Whatever.” Even if that was his initial reaction, he began worrying for her a bit more because of how there were also some drops of liquid on the corner of her eyes. Did she cry? He didn’t want to show any portion of concern so he ended up wording it horribly. “Is it tears or just the fucking rain?” He wanted to punch himself on the face for the question he just asked.
Nene didn’t respond for a moment while they continued to walk together so they could both end up in the Elite Ten meeting. “It was the rain.” She soon answers his question, even if it sounded pretty unpleasant to the ears. “Thank you for worrying though. I truly appreciate it.” There was another moment of silence between the two until Eizan shrugged.
“You’re welcome, I guess.”
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imamjenni · 6 years
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Tell me I’m wrong. Go on. Tell me.
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Okay, but why are Nao and Hojo not participating in the rdc ? Where are they ?? They can't possibly be brainwashed....right? Hojo seems to strong for something like this and Nao is loyal to Hisako and Erina, so again...Where are they??
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harumaki03 · 6 years
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They all passed.
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taku-megu · 7 years
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Even though there are people hating Megumi Tadokoro thinking she's plain and boring
There are people who like her personality / approve her cooking / are rooting for her
Whether she will win or lose against Momo Akanegakubo
She will always be the special girl in my heart and no one can replace her
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And of course somewhere in here I got to include Takumi Aldini, who watches her match silently with a faint smile on his face
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sansan9 · 6 years
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polar-stars · 4 years
Random Headcanon’s on some of the Shokugeki Girl’s favorite flowers
I’d like to draw but I’m chained to the bed due to tummy-aches, so we’re doing this instead. So yeah, have some silly little headcanons on what I personally imagine to be the favorite flowers of the girls in Shokugeki
Erina Nakiri - Amaryllis and Roses
Megumi Tadokoro - Tulips mainly (especially yellow ones), but she also likes daisies and morning glories. 
Alice Nakiri - Peonies. Roses are “overrated” in her mind. Also has a soft spot for snowdrops though. 
Hisako Arato - Purple Hyacinths and Zinnias. 
Ikumi Mito - Hibiscus. 
Ryoko Sakaki - Orchids. ORCHIDS. O R C H I D S. (#FightMe) Also likes white jasmine or chrysanthemums though. 
Yuki Yoshino - Sunflowers. And Freesia. 
Rindou Kobayashi - Bird of Paradise, daffodils ands honeysuckles. 
Nene Kinokuni - Camellias and carnations mainly. She think lotuses are really pretty as well. (Oh and like, I nearly forgot but ahdh cherry blossoms count right?)
Momo Akanegakubo - Also roses. But also gladioulus. 
Miyoko Hojo - Snapdragons and Dahlias. 
Nao Sadatsuka - Lilies and Orchids. 
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shokugeki-no-megumi · 7 years
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Hojo’s basketball dunk
Shokugeki no Soma is a sports cooking anime!
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Hey, if it's not too much bothers can I ask you for headcanon for Terumiyo on pre-dating (like who realises their feeling for the other first, who confessed, was there a rejection)? thanks in advance ^-^
Of course my dude! Ayeeee, no problemo!
TeruMiyo Pre-Date
♥ Terunori, the well known President of the Chinese RS, in love?! Hah! Make him laugh, if someone would be falling in love, it would be the other pers--- *sexy romance music plays on the background, I would have said Careless Whisper but that’s nOT SO ROMANTIC* Terunori is 1000000% the person who falls in love first from these two.
♥ This ends up with him being more playful in a way, dropping little hints he likes her, but it ends up increasing and getting more obvious because he straight up spoils her? DID SHE NOT GET THE HINT???
♥ No, she did not get the hint. She literally thought it was him trying to convince her to join the RS, where in fact, it was sort of indirect flirting. She didn’t get the hint AT ALL.
♥ This ends with him getting totally upset over the fact she isn’t reacting to anything at all and it is the same thing??
♥ He goes to google for answers, and google just fucking tells him to confess with words instead, he does not like where this is going but he gotta? He gotta because google says so
♥ So some months days after searching in google, he decides to be the one to confess to her. Unlike popular opinion, he doesn’t make this confession extra because the way of courting he did for MONTHS was always grand and she never reacted.
♥ His confession ends up being honest, and Miyoko was honestly really fucking surprised that he could be this sincere without exaggerating anything. LIKE HE WASN’T BEING EXTRA AT ALL??
♥ She, at first, didn’t know how to deal with this confession and this was the point where she REALIZED he didn’t do all of that for her to join the RS, she brings up that she believed it was for that and he confirms it wasn’t!
♥ It ends up being awkward because Miyoko isn’t too much of the type to show her feelings, romantic feelings, to be exact. For this reason, she has to reject his confession. She does explain it is more of she doesn’t even know what she feels more than anything.
♥ Kuga gets rejected and it is a surprise that he takes it so well? He was sort of ready for this? He did know that she probably didn’t like him back, but he still wanted to try, you know?
♥ But after some weeks, she finally talks to him about it again, but it wasn’t because of the confession but for something else. She actually realized that she did depend on him sometimes, and she may have liked him.
♥ WEEKS PASS AGAIN and she talks to him about actually liking him back, and he gets so fucking happy. HE YEETS OUT AND PREPARES A PARTY
♥ The end of the pre-date? HELL YEAH, THEY BECOME A COUPLE AT THE END!
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