#and all her friends in the insta comments making me so excited for every track they got to hear 😭😭
thissmycomingofage ¡ 11 months
I'm gonna be so annoying on October 27th and NOT for the same reason as everyone!!!!!
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thekidultlife ¡ 4 years
idk if this is where i post drabble requests but can i have idol! cheol with a famous singer foreign! reader where she admits her ideal type is cheol on a show, then like a week later the boys expose cheol for having a big crush on you on a show. they end up meeting somehow, maybe on a show or through working on a song together w seventeen and they’re all cute and blushy around eachother but at the end cheol asks for her number ? it’s long but i think it’d be rly cute! - dimple anon
Author's Note: Hello, dimple anon! This was supposed to be posted earlier, we're so sorry! 😂 Also, this is just a snippet of the idol AU I am making through this imagine, so please wait for it to unfold! Thank you for sending your request, too!!! You can send one again, too! Just use the format "word + SVT member" (which we strictly follow haha) and we promise to deliver! ❤
I mentioned Sam Okyere here, an amazing man who doesn't deserve the hate he receives from racist people in and out of South Korea. If you do not know what'a happening to him, please read about it here.
Word Count: 830+
. . .
“I’m coming, I’m coming!!!” Seungcheol bounded across the room and jumped onto the couch, his face all red as he kept typing furiously on his phone.
"Hyung, the show is about to begin!!! Guys, it's on now," Mingyu declared. It was their rest day at the dorms, and they were anticipating all morning for Sam Okyere's morning show to come out on TV.
They've been longtime fans of Sam Okyere, but this morning, they weren't just waiting for Sam Okyere himself to appear onscreen.
Giggling like teenagers, the boys filed into the living room and scrambled onto whatever couches or chairs they could find around the massive television set. Seungkwan and Chan bickered about who gets to sit closer to the TV. Mingyu frantically planted a leg on the place beside him. “Seungcheol-hyung! Jeez, where is that guy?”
“What are you doing? The show’s about to start!”
“I know! And I’m documenting that I’m about to watch it.” Seungcheol kept typing on his phone. Every now and then he would be hitting Mingyu on the shoulder or he would hug him close as he did his best to release pent-up excitement. “SHE’S ABOUT TO COME OUT!!! Wait, should I video this? Like record it? Or do I just watch? What do I do? I can’t. I’m too excited I just can’t—”
“—Ouch.” Mingyu drew back from Seungcheol, annoyed and massaging his poor shoulder. “You have a Twitter account just for stanning her?”
“She’s my ultimate crush, Mingyu.” Seungcheol looked at Mingyu with besotted eyes. “My ultimate crush. And, actually, I have two Twitter accounts for her. Then an Insta. Snappy. The works. Everything.”
“Crazy,” Mingyu muttered, suddenly scared as he thought of Seungcheol snooping around TWT and Instagram with secret fan accounts.
“I’m president of one of her fanbases, too!” Seungcheol declared with bleary eyes and a voice full of emotion as he briefly showed Mingyu his phone. “This is how much I stan her.”  
“You’re crazy,” Mingyu declared in his adorable English, shaking his head, before turning away.
“What are we doing?” Jisoo asked, laughing as he caught himself also participating in the rush to the couches. “Why are we acting like teenage boys?” Even as he slapped Jeonghan’s legs away from the spot that he wanted to squeeze himself into, he added as he shook his head, “Why are we like this?”
Even though Jisoo knew the answer and he was just voicing out his thoughts, everyone answered (and not without sassiness in their voices), “Duh.” “Did you really have to ask that, hyung?”
“The host is about to announce her!!!”
“I’m going to faint, I’m going to faint,” Seungcheol muttered to himself as he shakily zoomed the camera in on the TV.
“Hello, everyone!!!”
At the sound of your voice, everyone in the room started screaming, covering their blushing faces.
“She hasn’t even sung yet and we’re all going crazy,” Chan lamented, leaning on Hansol as he did so. “How is she that pretty onscreen? And she doesn’t look like she’s wearing too much makeup, either.”
Seungcheol dried his eyes, which were tearing up as he collected his emotions while videoing everything that was going on the screen. “She’s so beautiful,” he gushed adoringly, “so beautiful.”
. . .
“Now that we’ve finished talking about your concert, I’d just like to ask if it’s your first time coming here to South Korea, or have you visited before?” the host, a cheerful, beautiful man named Sam, asked you brightly.
You laughed self-consciously and nodded. “Yes, I’ve been here before! Actually, I come here almost every year since 2015. I wasn’t as big a singer then yet, so I had more freedom coming in and out of the country. I love this country. Feels like home to me! I stay here for about two weeks, tops, after concerts—” you stop in your tracks, your hand flying to your mouth.
Sam wiggled his eyebrows comically. “A concert? Which group? There are a lot of groups here! And we’re so glad that you go to one—or two?”
“One,” you acknowledged, blushing a crimson red and smiling. “Just one. But I do know a lot of groups, though. It’s just that I’m an avid fan of this particular group…” you debated revealing which group it was, and you kept laughing with Sam because you have been outed.
“Can you tell us which one?”
“Of course!” you answered, smiling at the camera. “SEVENTEEN, if you are watching this, I just hope you know that I’m your biggest fan and I love you guys!” You hesitated, before adding, as your face turned very red but very happy, “Especially you, Choi Seungcheol!”
. . .
As everyone watched the screen, they were dumbstruck.
Slowly, the twelve boys looked to their leader, who had dropped his phone on the floor the moment he heard you say those words. Seungcheol’s mouth hung open, his eyes so wide and so sparkly that it looked like the flecks of light on his eyes would jump out like stars.
“Especially. Me?”
“She probably doesn’t know what she’s saying,” Jeonghan commented calmly but with venomous intent, as he playfully glared at his friend. “She’s probably jet-lagged. We say crazy things when we're jet-lagged."
Soonyoung turned to Seungcheol, his adorable, tiny eyes narrowing glaringly. “I am such a hater.”
“Especially me.”
Seungcheol couldn’t breathe.
“Especially me.”
- Leanne. 🙆‍♀️
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xmilenavsch ¡ 4 years
Tumblr media
the only exception: a pat murray x fem!reader one shot
gif credit: @hollyjollyriphunter
pairing: pat murray x reader
word count: about 2,3k
warnings: none! maybe a little angst if you may see it like that & a lot of fluff!
a/n: my first fanfiction on here and my first one after literal years, haha! (bare with me for that matter) also, keep in mind that english isn't my first language, so i'm really sorry for any mistakes!
this is mainly written for & because of one of my best friends leila - leave her some love on her insta @ angelmazzello! <3
summary: y/n is a worker at the d-back's agency, as the woman for basically everything – mostly bringing the boys snacks or drinks or just for their entertainment, considering that all of them are mad obsessed with her & never fail to show her that. but for her, there's only one: the world's most angry but soft boy, patrick murray.
enjoy this fan fiction for now & don’t forget to request me stuff in the comments or via dm!
It was a sunny and hot Saturday in August, when you, Y/N, got ready for work. The Californian sun shone into your bedroom as you were getting ready, excited for the game, and excited to see your favourite team in the world in action once again. They didn't always gain as much as they may have wanted to, but you knew that they gave their best every time and how much they lived for the game.
Leaving your appartment with fast steps, getting into your car and driving to the field, the only thing you could think about though was this one specific man, who you couldn't keep out of your mind since the minute you saw him for the first time. You never really knew if he was feeling equally, but the only thing you really always knew was that the things with him were different. For better understanding: The D-Backs team is a dysfuntional team of college allumni baseball players, who never manage to close their months and who can't go a day without insulting one another so much you might think they'd hold it against each other until the end of time. But when you see them on the next day, everything's back to normal and everyhing happens all over again. You love watching them being by themselves and also their dynamic on the field. They had some kind of magic within their group that amazed you every time. Well, maybe it was just the magic that your best friend, John „Mazz“ Mazzello always tried to point out, but you really didn't care. You loved these boys. And they loved you too.
About that: They didn't just love you, they were quite literally obsessed with you. There was never a time when they saw you where they didn't whistle after you, told you how good you looked with your tied up hair and in your jumpsuit and how well you smelled when you hugged every one of them. It didn't really bother you, you in fact found it extremely funny and always told them that – even when Vinnie sort of revealed to you that all of them had a list and a bet on the go who would get you in bed first – but you still didn't care, you also had a share on that one after all. But there was still just one of them who never really was into that whole thing – it could've been no other but Pat Murray. Mazz's childhood friend, the most enthusiastic screamer on the field, who deep down just was somebody who needed and wanted a lot of love. Which you never told him of course, because those were just thoughts in your head, and you would never dare letting those out. It was too risky for you. Because you definitely didn't want to lose him. Even though you weren't the closest friends, there was always something about your bond that was different to the ones you had with the other boys. But you never knew how you were supposed to tell him that. You just couldn't. Even though you felt his stares, his gazes, his secret attention he gave to you. The little smile he made when he heard you laugh. But he also couldn't admit to himself that there could be more between you guys. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that someone so pure, beautiful, kindhearted, amazing, supportive and angelic like YOU would actually want him. HIM. The messiest person to exist. So you were stuck in your denial of wanting the other and living with it for as good as years now. And so far, this life has been really good. You were just too tired from it, which didn't make it any better. „But it is what it is! Y'know!“, something Zapata would say from time to time when they lost another game.
( OH RIGHT, Y/N is literally on her way to their next game! Back to that topic I guess. )
As you arrive on the parking lot next to the baseball field, you start your normal routine – getting out of your car and locking it, checking yourself in so you at least gain a little money from all of this, getting into the building of the D-Backs home place with their lockers and all, getting into its kitchen and getting everything they needed for the day. They had a home match, meaning they must all have been pretty nervous and maybe even scared to fail. Which is always a matter of the atmosphere within the team, which was different every time, which amazed you always. So you get their snacks and drinks, say Hi with a bright smile to everyone you cross paths with and head to your boys.
As they see you from afar, you can already just smell Palacco's grin towards you and Dells' whistles. „Well well well, look who it is! Our entertainment during our misery!“, the raven haired yelled at you. You scoff a little. „I'm also really happy to see you boys, Johnathan. And just for your reassurance: Go fuck yourself loser.“ All of them laugh at you, which just makes you roll your eyes. As you hand them their snacks, Mazz walks up to you last to get his own, giving you a kiss on your cheek. „Thanks for doing this every time Y/N, you know you're an angel“, he winks at you. You just nodd your head slightly, while looking over to the boys. After some time you just look confused at them, because one special one is missing. „Hey, has anyone seen Murray? He normally is the first one to get this snacks every time. Stress eating and all.“ Arthur just nodds at the field. „He's right there, just checking out the grass' new cut. Y'know, he likes to play specified.“ Another laugh leaves the boys' mouths. You just shake your head and walk up to him, his snacks in your one hand, the other one stuffed into the bag of your jumpsuit.
From afar you can already see his auburn hair glowing in the sun, how it matches with his red team uniform and how his light skin just looks purer than anything else you've seen in your life so far. This sight makes your heart jump into your stomach and you need some time to catch a breath, before you raise your voice a little. „Murray!“, you yell towards the man in front of you. He quickly turns around to see you and you could've sworn that there was a slight smile on his lips as he faced you. „Oh, Y/N, good afternoon. What's the matter?“ You just walk closer to him and hand him his food. „Here, you weren't with the others when I handed it out, so I just thought I'd bring it to you like this.“ He nodds his head and takes it on. „Yeah, I just wanted to check if all the lines are still on track after the grass was cut a couple of days ago. So we don't fail completely. But thanks.“ You scoff, following his eyes as they're sampling the ground. He then sighs, a sound he makes very frequently and which you were already used to hearing from him. „What's wrong Patty? You worried you guys are gonna lose today?“ He laughs a little at the nickname, but then faces you again. „Well, you know Y/N/N, I'm always worried we will. But with home matches-“ - „-it just hits different, I know“, you cut him off. „But y'know, I will be there cheering you guys on from the fence, right next to you. You guys will rock this“, you reassure him, patting his right arm a little bit with your left hand. You wouldn't be lying if you admitted that the both of you felt some type of electricity from that embrace.
He just nodds his head about what you said and actually smiles a little. „Yeah, I know that: It's always you cheering us up the most. And it's the sweetest thing ever.“ You smile hard at his words, probably harder than you should, and do you even blush a little from them or is that just the summer sun shining straight in your face? You don't really know, and maybe you don't even care. What you do care about though is when Mazz yells over to you guys so Pat comes back to the rest of the team to get ready for their game.
You know he does this every time you and Murray have a moment like this, because he doesn't want you to get hurt. Pat didn't have the best experiences when it comes to love so far in his life and because of his broken soul he sometimes makes decisions that don't only hurt him, but also his partner-at-the-time. His last relationship ended pretty bad, you were the one comforting him, already being head over heels crushing on him. But you didn't want to let your feelings in the way of him being hurt, because he was your friend and you wanted to be there for him. Now things are way different and he kind of got over the heartbreak he experienced, but you still couldn't find the guts to tell him. You just couldn't. And Mazz knew that. So every time you guys talked about it, he accepted your decision, even though he was basically the only one believing this thing between you and Murray could work. But he accepted your decision, and whatever decision Patrick would make, because you guys were his best friends and he didn't want anything bad happen to you, nor to lose either of you. So he was just there. Being the secret admirer of secret admirers.
As Murray and you get back to the rest of the team, you hug every single of them, wishing them the best of luck. Mazz comes last. You embrace each other the tightest, because you knew that'd give him strength. The only one you didn't hug was Pat, but you just never did that. It sort of never „fitted the vibe of your bond“, as David would say. So you just walk over behind the fence, watching the game elope.
From the beginning the match was an intense competition, not only between the two teams, but also between the teammembers within one. But with the D-Backs, that was normal. You were used to listen to them insulting one another in the worst ways possible, with words you didn't even think were a part of the English dictionary. But you just watched and enjoyed the whole thing.
After a lot of time has passed and a tie has been declared, somebody had to be chosen for the last pitch to win the whole thing – this time for the D-Backs. You nervously stand on your tip toes, waiting for a decision to be made. The referee had decided to select the performer at random. So they try to find someone, everybody in the crowd is extremely tense, just like you and the rest of your boys are, when they make a decision. „Patrick Murray, 7th, centerfield!“. You gasp loudly and a shiver runs down your spine. Oh god, this can't end well. But Pat walks up to his supposed spot with a kind of confidence you've never seen before on him, with his bat, his baby, his basical everything, standing there and waiting to hit it off. As he's waiting, he turns around a little to face the crowd, finding your face and looking you straight in the eye. You just nood at him, fingers intertwined next to your mouth, and somehow, this gives him all the strength he needs.
As the ball flies up to him, he stands on his position, waiting for the right moment.
Then he hits it.
And then he gets it.
The crowd and the rest of the team are cheering more than ever. They really did win! The disappointment on the faces of the opposite team were probably able to be seen in a country 10,000 miles away, but you didn't care. You just were so incredibly proud of your team and especially of your man, Murray, who practically wasn't your man yet officially, but that didn't stop him from owning your heart to the fullest. You push yourself through the cheery people, ignoring the rest of the D-Backs being all over each other, walking fastly towards Patrick. As he sees you, he drops his bat and also walks up to you, hugging you tighter then ever, which gives you more and more shivers and just lets all the adrenaline overflow you that you could ever be able to. Out of the sudden, he picks you up, making you squeak a little, spinning you around for a moment. He let's you down again, looking you straight in the eyes, you just smiling at him the brightest way possible. God, he freaking loved your smile. And from all the previous events, all the strength you had given him, he finally says the one thing you've desired to hear from him for such a long time now: „Go out with me Y/N. I mean it. As a Thank you for helping me today.“ You gasp a little, holding your breath, still having your arms around his waist. „Are you sure? You know that was only you being the talent you are just a few minutes ago.“ He scoffs. „Yeah, I know, but I'm also sure. And dead serious. Just go out with me, sweetie. You won't regret it.“
You just shake your head in agreement. You would most definitely finally go out with the man who owns your heart. And then you'll see what will happen from then on.
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darlinvandijk ¡ 5 years
Wrong about you
Concept: request where we get off on the wrong foot when we first met so we don’t like each other but then we have to work on a song together and gain feelings. Like usual dm me and whatnot for a request and I’ll be happy to comply! (Sorry if this is long lol) Hope you enjoy :)
I remember it vividly, as if it just happened, the infamous day I met Ruel. Some might say we got off on the wrong foot, but I’ll correct them with the fact that there was no misconception, he’s just a dick, but a beautiful one even if I don’t want to admit it.
The day we met, I had been been wearing an all white with pink detail Golf hoodie, this hoodie was my life. It had actually been signed by Tyler, the year prior when I had helped headline Camp Flog Gnaw, and was my most prized possession. I was wearing it at the studio, when I turned a corner and smashed into a fucking wall, but in case you didn’t catch on the wall was actually a 6’5 idiot. He slammed into me, causing my drink to just spill everywhere, completely changing my hoodie from the pristine white shade it was.
People would assume he’d be as charming as he is in his interviews, but those people are wrong. He slammed into me and gave me a blank stare before lifting me off the ground and walking away. I of course yell at him that he could at least say sorry for spilling my drink everywhere, causing him to turn back around and flip me off before going back to walking away. Leaving me in frenzied mess to clean my beloved hoodie.
The only reason these horrid memories are coming back to me, is because of the disgusting words my manager Jeff just said. My head snaps up suddenly when a hand is waved in front of my face.
“What” I snap out, extremely unhappy with what my team wants me to do. You’d think they’d care about my feelings more than some work deal.
“We’ve said it like five times already. You and Ruel are going to collab on a track together, there’s no way around it. You both need to suck it up and be mature, this industry has no time for your drama. Also, you’re on his insta every other day, I highly doubt you dislike him that much” Jeff states before dragging a hand down his face in an exasperated manner. Jeff here has been my manager since I started, he’s been through a lot with me. He’s pretty young for being my manager, but he’s the only one that truly gets me and is willing to put up with me, he’s the older brother I never had.
“Fine. Just know that I won’t like it.” I mumble with an eye roll, ignoring his little remark about my social media habits, watching as Jeff walks over to me before slightly ruffling my hair with a grin. I look up at him and flip him off, listening to him cackle like a witch as he walks out of the room.
I don’t have a crush on Ruel, he’s an ass, it’s just that he’s a very attractive one, but it’s not like I’ll ever change my mind about his personality. I’ll just have to admire from a distance.
I get up with a sigh, knowing that the Australian oaf is probably already waiting for me in the writing room next to the recording studio I’m laying in. I open the door and walk in, seeing him sitting on the sofa, with a matching glare as he looks at me. Glad to know the feelings mutual bitch. I make my way to the recliner next to the couch and sit down, waiting for someone to talk first.
A couple moments of silence past, with Ruel and I staring respectively at our own managers. Nate and Jeff both heave out matching sighs before looking at each other with annoyed looks.
“I thought you talked to her?” Nate says with a glance in my direction, causing me to scoff and wave a hand at Ruel who’s doing the same thing as me. Ruel scoffs in return and slightly pushes my hand away from him.
“I did, but obviously neither of our talks worked.” Jeff snorts back, causing them both to look at us as we glare at each other. Some might think we’re overreacting, but trust me Ruel is insufferable.
“Look, get over yourselves. You have to write this song and I don’t care if you don’t like each other, suck it up and do what you have to do. This is your job, not just a fun hobby.” Nate lecstures with a strict tone, causing the both of us to stiffen up. Jeff nods his head in agreement and observes the tense environment of the room.
“What’s so important about this song? I could have easily had a collab with someone else that’s bigger in this industry, why the one girl that fucking hates me?” He hisses out, causing Nate to give him a sharp look. The look instantly shuts him up, but he’s not my manager so I openly speak up.
“Then go collab with someone else, but don’t act like I’m the only one causing issues. You hate me too and don’t try to deny it. Also don’t you dare try to bash my career ” I snap out, slightly hurt by his words, he might not like me, but he has no right to undermine my career when I worked hard to be where I am. He gives me a shocked look, with regret in his eyes, but I turn my head away from him before he can say anything.
“Both if you cut it out. Get over it, you need to learn how to work with people, because surprise not everyone is going to like you guys. We’re going to go in another room and work on paperwork for some scheduled performances, stay in here and start writing. Please.” Jeff says with a pleading look aimed at me, I nod my head and keep my head down as I open up my notebook.
Jeff and Nate leave the room, encasing Ruel and I in a tense silence. I feel him staring at me, I start to become irritated by his watchful eyes. I snap my head up and glare at him, hoping he doesn’t notice that my eyes are slightly watery. I’m being a baby, I shouldn’t let his comment hold that much of an affect on me. His gaze slightly softens and he opens his mouth to speak, before I beat him to it.
“Don’t. You’ve done enough. What is the song going to be about?” I mutter, keeping my eyes trained on the page, waiting for him to talk so I can start outlining. He lets out a soft sigh before shifting his body, making it completely face me. I tense up at the direct attention from him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I was pissed and it just came out. It’s not an excuse to have been an ass like that, but you’ve also said some shitty things since we’ve met. Look you’re talented and you know it, there’s honestly no other person in our age group as big as you in the industry, I was just trying to be a dick. I’m sorry.” He whispers out, watching my face to see my reaction. I give him a hesistant nod, watching the sad look pass over his face when he realizes I’m not going to respond.
“I was thinking maybe a love song? I know it’s cliche, but I think it could work.” He mumbles, playing with the sleeves of his sweater. I nod my head and write the idea down.
“It could, just depends on the type of love story we want to portray. We don’t want a corny song, but something that’s still relatable” I tell him, watching him nod his head with a intrigued look on his face.
“I have an idea, you can be honest if it sucks. What about like what both of the people are thinking? Like fuck I’m not sure how to explain it, but like we’d both be singing obviously, but two different perspectives, to show what the two people feel?” He says, with a confused look on his face, struggling with how to explain his idea. I nod my head slowly, still not sure what he’s trying to say.
“Okay wait, kind of like a wistful song. Both wishing they could be with one another” he muses, I nod my head frantically writing down what he’s saying, hoping it can actually be a start for this project we have to do.
“So something where they both want each other but-“ I get cut off by my phone buzzing, causing me to grab it and look at what my friend sent me. I smile and repost the picture to my insta story. Ruel watches me with a curious look before letting out a slight cough.
“What’re you looking at? If I may ask, you just looked happy and I’m curious” he mumbles with a shy look. I give him blank look before remembering that I’m doing this for my fans and grin before turning my phone towards him. I might not like him, but the love I have for my fans is overpowering my current feelings, making me want to show off how talented they are.
“Holy shit, did one of your fans make that?” He questions with amazement covering his face. I nod my head before looking at my screen with nothing but love on my face.
“Yeah it’s a painting of one of my pictures, they’re all so talented. Everything I do is for them.” I say with a grin, causing his head to shoot up with a giant grin. I regard him with shock and hesitance at his fast movement, kinda nervous about why he’s so excited.
“That’s it!! Holy shit that’s perfect, that gave me the perfect idea” he practically yells, snatching my notebook and pencil, and scribbling away before I can even stop him. I move to sit next to him, leaning over his shoulder to see what he’s writing.
“You got me painting pictures in my head” He quietly sings out, I watch him with a curious look, wondering how that line relates to anything he’s said this whole time.
“So I’m just gonna be honest here, how the fuck does that relate to what you’ve been saying?” I question, letting out a small laugh. He gives me a smile and shakes his head softly.
“Okay so think about it, like they can’t see each other all the time but like they think about each other all the time, hence painting pictures, and well we can figure out the rest, like I want a love song but not a typical one” he says while scribbling away on my paper. I nod my head and let him write, before grabbing it from him to read and see what could be fixed.
“Ooh I like that chorus you wrote, okay so how about here on verse two we have like ‘golden skies, your water blue, perfect muse, I might be drowning’ but with a deeper tone for the end” I murmur trying to piece things together, only to be met with silence. I look up and watch him analyze me with a soft look. I blush from the direct attention before turning back to the music, hoping he doesn’t notice.
“You’re a genius, there’s no one I’d rather do this with.” He whispers before grabbing the notebook and seeing how the lyrics go together. I smile at him before leaning back and singing along with him. Both so us laughing and joking around as we write. Forgetting about the tense and unhappy relationship we’ve had for so long, letting it be replaced with a new start.
While we messed around and wrote our song neither of us noticed Jeff and Nate peeking in the room to see how we were doing, only to see us laughing and working perfectly together. They smile and shut the door, heading back to the room they were in. We both look up when we hear the door shut before looking each other and laughing again. I watch him sober up as he moves his hand towards my face and brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear, letting his hand linger there for a couple seconds before it drops back to his lap. We both turn red, not expecting this change in atmosphere to happen. He looks me over before shaking his head with a small smile and red cheeks, reaching over to grab my notebook.
“You know that you’re art to me... you’re art to me.” He quietly sings to himself, causing me to read it over and give him a small nudge. He looks up, waiting for me to say whatever it is that I took him out of his trance for.
“I really like that line, what’s the inspiration behind it? Don’t tell me it’s jack black like you’re other song” I laugh, before my face heats up, at the fact that I just practically admitted to watching some of his interviews.
“Don’t worry, I watch your interviews too. But uhm no, it’s not another movie reference. It’s uh a person” he mumbles trying to turn his head so I don’t see his face heat up in nervousness. I feel my heart ache for a second, I guess having gotten over our petty drama, I let myself get too caught up in thinking he was being more than just friendly. I slightly nudge him with a smirk, masking my true feelings.
“Ooh Ruel likes a girl huh?” I laugh watching him roll his eyes before nudging me back, causing me to almost fall off the couch, before his hands shoot out and pull me flush against him.
“Yeah I do, for awhile now. But she hates me so” he laughs, looking at me with a look I can’t quite decipher. I give him a curious glance, before asking a question that completely changed everything.
“How can someone hate you? I honestly don’t think I even hated you, just strongly pissed off and annoyed, but I was wrong about you as we can tell. Who’s the beautiful girl that made you all sappy to write that line?” I say with a smile, trying to cheer him up from the obvious distress he was in about this girl.
“You.” He whispers before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I freeze up, not expecting this to happen in a million years. I feel him tense up before pulling away, causing me to snap out of my daze and grab him by the collar of his sweater, crashing our lips back together. Leaving us in a flurry of rushed kisses and fleeting touches.
“This better be a great fucking song, come back to see them not even working but swapping spit” Jeff mumbles to Nate with an eyeroll, as both regard the two young adults with a smirk. Knowing all along that this was going to happen, having seen both of them lurking on one another’s socials ever since they first met.
“If only they weren’t so stubborn to keep up with the petty drama, could have made this happen ages ago” Nate laughs, before closing the door to leave the two alone.
I pull away breathlessly before giving him a soft smile, watching him smile back before brushing his thumb along my face. He leans back on the couch, pulling me with him so that my back is pressed against his chest. He holds my hands that are pressed against my stomach, drawing patterns on my palms before leaving a soft kiss behind my ear.
“I was wrong about you” he mumbles next to my ear, causing me to nod my head agreeing with him, before I reply back.
“You’re not the only one, I was so wrong about you too. I’m sorry for being such an ass this whole time” I whisper, pulling our conjoined hands up, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. He lets out a laugh before reassuring me that everything was okay. Sitting there together in a happy atmosphere, thinking about the newfound inspiration we have for this song while laughing and coming up with more parts.
Lets just say that was only the beginning of our story together and one of the many songs written between us. Definitely not a cliche love story you could say.
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artificialqueens ¡ 5 years
Bring It On: Eyes On the Prize (Branjie) - Ashley
A/N: This is the last chapter of Bring It On and I just wanna say thanks to everyone who sent a lovely comment my way - it really does motivate. I’ve loved coming back to AQ and writing and maybe I’ll explore that some more in the summer - in the meantime you know I’ll be here reading as much Branjie as you lot wanna give me. Happy bank hol to my fellow Brits and just happy day to everyone else! Hope yous like reading this chapter as much as I liked writing it. Hopefully I can focus more on my A Levels now oops….xoxox Ashley.
Brooke woke to a foreign stream of sunlight forecast across her. Initially, she was panicked, used to her rigid alarms and blackout blinds, the initial unfamiliar scaring her - until she saw Vanessa.
Looking down at her chest she saw the brunette’s head nestled below her shoulder without flaw, slotting into her own body as though they were a lock and key. Two continents bound apart by continental drift now slotted back together with a satisfying alignment. Vanessa’s caramel arm around her stomach, Brooke felt like she’d woken up in heaven, the pair of them entangled in a field of white sheets. Something about seeing the girl who was always on the defence being so serene and calm as she burrowed into Brooke’s body gave her the urge to kiss the top of her head. Brooke didn’t want to leave the celestial city - or the empress who ruled it. She wanted to stay in the clouds with her forever, Vanessa’s bed a safe haven from the outside world.
Like usual, it didn’t take long for the clouds to part and for Brooke to come crashing back down to earth.
The time it took for someone to knock on a door three times if she was being exact.
“Vanessa?” the instantly recognisable tone of Jovan’s voice rang through the room like a panic alarm.
She watched in dismay as Vanessa’s eyes shot open and adjusted to the scene in front of her.
“Shit,” Brooke whispered, leaping out of bed and making a dive for the pile of discarded clothes from the night before.
“Under the bed!” Vanessa mouthed to the girl frantically, pointing her perfectly manicured nails downwards.
About to throw herself under Vanessa’s bed, Brooke stopped in her tracks, seeing a row of red draws where there would normally be a gap.
“It’s a box spring!”
“Vanessa!” he started to bang on the door louder.
“Closet,” Vanessa pointed again - resulting in a deadpan glare from the other girl.
If she’d thought that her life had resembled an Alanis Morissette song earlier then she may as well have thrown on a red beanie and hung out of a car window at this point - bundling her clothes into her arms and plunging into the closet of the lesbian head cheerleader.
“Come in,” Vanessa shouted, her voice still shaky from the near-miss.
Although she felt a twang of pain at the thought of hiding away, as though Vanessa was embarrassed by her, Brooke couldn’t deny that the rush of sneaking around turned her on a little, flashbacks of the night before jolting through her brain and she huddled her knees to her chest and eyeballed Vanessa through the slit in the doors.
“Why are you still in bed - we’re gonna be late!” he picked a sock from the floor and threw it at his sister’s head. Brooke’s sock.
“Sorry, I’ll not be long,” she started to get up and brush her hair, her brother rolling his eyes at her dishevelled state.
“I’ll offer Brooke a lift, I know she’s free first period,” Jovan grabbed his phone to dial.
“Don’t!” Vanessa grabbed it from his hands, quickly glancing at her bedside table where Brooke’s phone was sitting.
“So that’s why she’s been avoiding me,” he snatched his phone back from Vanessa, “You know Vanessa it would be nice if you didn’t fuck around my friends with your cheerleading drama. What was it this time, she didn’t throw you high enough?”
“Something like that,” Vanessa mumbled - Brooke constraining a laugh from inside the closest, the sheer awkwardness and irony of the situation once again making her life a satire of itself in the form of a teenage coming of age flick.
“Well, you better make up soon because I did not buy a ticket to nationals to watch you two scraping.”
“Don’t worry about us,” Brooke could see Vanessa smiling through the gap, visibly excited at the thought of her step-brother coming to watch her cheer.
“Go without me, I’ll head in later,” she motioned for him to exit - Brooke releasing a heavy sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to be stuck making friends with Vanessa’s shoes for much longer.
Moving out of the closet still semi-naked, Brooke was anything but enthralled by Vanessa’s reaction - scrunching her nose at the girl’s cackles.
“How do you not know what type of bed you have?” Brooke asked the girl, utterly flabbergasted at how they managed to pull the wool over Jovan’s eyes.
“I panicked, it’s what they do in the movies,” Vanessa started to laugh even more until Brooke couldn’t help but join in.
The morning after the night before had always been awkward for Brooke; from the surface, she’d have assumed it would be today but something about Vanessa and her laugh made her feel more at ease than ever, floating above all the unspoken pleasantries.
“Hey, if my ass is big enough to form its own Insta then I doubt it’s gonna fit under there!” Brooke giggled as she pointed to the tiny gap between Vanessa’s bed frame and carpet.
“I’m sorry about that,” Vanessa visibly grimaced, “I just get so defensive and on guard - I shouldn’t have been so rude. I can’t explain it. Like this big fear just comes looming over me, I was petrified everyone would know, that they could see it all over my face,”
“There’s nothing to be scared of,” Brooke grabbed the girls wrist.
There was that fire, back again to swallow her up and cut off the outside world.
“Brooke, you can’t tell anyone about this,” Vanessa dismissed her reassurance, giving Brooke a death glare that made her want to run away afraid and pin her down longingly at the same time.
“I won’t. But you can’t treat me like shit whenever you get scared. And you can’t mess the squad about either, going back and forth with our routine like that so close to nationals.”
Brooke was serious - ever since joining the squad and moving to Tampa those months ago she had channelled almost everything she had into winning nationals; her feelings for Vanessa, her homesickness, her anxieties - they all lead up to that moment and she wouldn’t allow what she had with the girl to mess it up, despite not caring whether it would mess herself up in the process.
“Prom,” Vanessa held a manicured finger to Brooke,
“I need a full promise,” Brooke teased her, raising her eyebrows.
“I promise.”
“I best be going then,” Brooke looked at her phone, wishing she could stay longer but not willing to risk exposure for Vanessa’s sake,
“Yeah, don’t want my brother to think you’ve been held captive by some psychopath.”
“The truth?” Brooke grinned - her heart shattering into a million pieces on the floor at the sight of Vanessa’s toothy smile in response.
“Shut up,” she responded, Brooke proud of herself for out-whiting the sassy cheerleader. “I’ll see you at the fundraiser!”
“Yes, the car wash. The car wash I definitely didn’t forget all about,” Brooke cursed internally and began to text Jovan with a proposal to skip double English that afternoon for a trip to the mall.
“I didn’t,” Vanessa winked as Brooke left.
Shaking her head to herself, Brooke decided that this had been the most clinically insane week of her life. Vanessa kissed her. Vanessa had feelings for her. Vanessa wanted to see her in a bikini. All that had crossed her mind since moving to Tampa, every lustful thought she tried to repress and dismiss as fiction was now beyond belief fact, and Brooke knew she would bask in every minute of it even if it meant lying to the whole world around her.
“What about this? It’s kinda Amazon-esque,” Brooke held up a half cobalt, half snakeskin print bikini with high-waisted bottoms to her absent-minded friend.
“I might just go naked,” she tried to get Jovan’s attention as he mumbled in agreement, unable to take his eyes away from his phone; “It’ll save me some money at least!”
Rolling her eyes at his inability to be present, she looked over his shoulder and sighed, “Jacob again is it?” - his head perking up at the mention of the boy’s name.
“I’m sorry,” he pleaded with her, “He is waaay out of my league and I don’t want to seem weird!”
Brooke knew the feeling.
“He’s not and you seem more weird hanging onto your phone every second - let him wait for you,” she snatched it away and shoved the swimwear back in his eyesight.
“Who are you trying to impress with that! My, my mami. Can’t imagine our Canadian princess getting down and dirty in that,”
“No one,” she panicked, Vanessa’s words ringing in her head as she threw the suit back on the rack.
“Get it, I’m kidding,” he picked it back up, “You have the boobs for it and you aren’t in Canada anymore Dorothy. You wanna make enough money to get that extra day pass for nationals and as awful as it seems you ain’t gonna be making it hiding away those twins.”
Turning a deep shade of red, Brooke’s mind couldn’t help but revert back to Vanessa - she figured it wouldn’t hurt to show up to the fundraiser in the bikini to impress her along with making more money. Brooke was adamant that her good intentions certainly outweighed her skewed motive.
Like usual, Brooke heard Vanessa before she could see her - always finding something amusing in the contrast between the tiny beautiful girl and her loud gravelly yell. She longed to hear her record an audio book or narrate a ballet - a recording Brooke wouldn’t be able to stop replaying.
Clad in a leopard print kaftan with her dark hair slicked back, Brooke could see the clear frustration in the girl’s face as she tried to draw people into the car wash, taking pride in the quick flash of a smile that ran across Vanessa’s first when they first noticed each other.
“How much we made so far?” Brooke asked the girl, trying so hard to ignore the way in which Vanessa’s eyes did a once over of her body in the bikini.
She still hadn’t fully adjusted to the fact that whatever they had going on was real, that their night together hadn’t just been a fantasy and that Vanessa had felt the same way all along - so moments like this were still surprising her and giving her the urge to kiss Vanessa then and there, her years of disciple training from ballet having the most unexpected use.
“Hardly anything. I knew we should have done something else, I just didn’t want to stray away from tradition. I just wanna make sure we get the best passes,” she started to vent to Brooke whilst she counted the little money they had made.
“We’ll get there,” Brooke smiled as she started to gather her bucket and sponge.
“Maybe the money will come flooding in now we’ve got some snow,” Vanessa grinned at the girl, catching her off guard by throwing a dry cloth in her direction.
Rolling her eyes in the process, Brooke made sure to use her flexibility to her advantage as she bent over for the cloth, earning hollers from the other students around - but there was only one she cared about, the one shaking her head playfully at Brooke; touche.
Brooke’s jaw nearly hit the floor when she saw the car in front of her.
Drenched bonnet to boot in mud - she was already having a mini panic attack and examining her nails before even speaking to the driver.
Purple dreadlocks and sharp eyebrows, the girl wound down her window and gave Brooke a quizzical once over.
“You’re an Amazon?” she asked, clearly picking up on Brooke’s different appearance to the squad, something she herself had felt self-conscious about before moulding into the family like nothing was different. The teens in the shotgun and back laughed as they handed the girl a clear bag bundled with cash. Probably the most cash Brooke had seen in her life, she thought to herself as she scanned the parking lot for Vanessa.
“$1000 to clean this thing?” she waved the bag in front of Brooke’s face.
Confused as to what to say, Brooke stood bewildered a moment before Jaren came to her side.
“Vicky, what you doing here? Vanj will flip,” he asked the girl with a gloss of panic on his face.
“I’m here for this lovely girl to wash my car,” she motioned to Brooke who was starting to assemble the missing pieces to the puzzle - before her sat the captain of the Amazon’s rival squad for nationals, Vanessa’s arch-rival.
“She’s not laying a finger on this piece of trash.”
There she was, Brooke’s knight in a leopard print bikini.
The superhuman who protected her from the cruel realities of Earth.
“Hey, miss Vanjie!” The girl waved with a splinter of sarcasm that could impale metal.
“Don’t tell me you’re here to fight,” Vanessa looked down at the girl with her usual fierceness.
“The opposite,” she tossed the bag of money out of the Amazons - green rain at their feet. “I wanna help you get all the funds you need to compete to your best standard at nationals. That way it will be even more satisfying when we wipe the floor with you again, we can win from a level playing field.”
Brooke instantly understood why Vanessa’s nose flared at the mention of the girl, seeing her first start to form a ball in her hand a la Arthur. Her acrylics digging hard into her skin.
Brooke placed a reassuring hand on Vanessa’s arm, slipping a whisper in her direction; “She’s not worth it.”
“We don’t need your dirty money to get on the same level, it doesn’t cost shit to go downwards,” Vanessa kept her cool with a reassuring squeeze from Brooke.
God, Brooke couldn’t wait to compete.
“Take it, don’t take it,” Vicky gave Vanessa an obviously fake smile, “I doubt all the help in the world can get rid of your curse.”
And with that they were gone - Vanessa left a cartoon character with steam blowing out of her ears.
“I’m not fucking cursed,” she started to ball up the money that blew across the car park, gaining attention from others. “We can take all of this to a charity, we don’t need it. It doesn’t matter how many nights we stay at nationals or how new our Pom Poms are, we’re gonna fucking destroy them.”
“It’s okay, she’s just trying to rattle your cage,”
“Well, it worked. I hate the thought of her pitying me,” Vanessa started to run her hands through her hair with frustration. Brooke wanted nothing more to hold them and tell her it was all gonna be okay. “I only did this stupid thing cause it’s a tradition, I’m sure there are better ways of making money than whoring ourselves out washing cars!”
“I’d ask my parents but there’s a reason we moved down here,” Brooke looked down at the floor.
“It’s fine B, we’ve got enough to get by we’ll just have to skimp once we’re down there but it doesn’t matter. We ain’t gonna care what new shit we had and how many days we had passed for once we win,”
“That’s my girl,” Brooke smiled; Vanessa’s sense of determination always sending her head into spins. Her fiery way’s sending Brooke insane.
“You wish, Brooke Lynn.”
She did more than just wish.
Brooke couldn’t help but gain a rush from sneaking around with Vanessa. The nights she waited till Jovan was asleep and crept down to the bottom floor bedroom - his new relationship giving them ample time to roam free together. The walks they took to far away parks, buying ice cream and milkshakes - Vanessa was always cherry. The stolen glances they had in practice. It was more than a lust for someone commanding, someone beautiful - it was the way she clung onto every one of Vanessa’s words, the way in which she knew just what made Brooke laugh. It was her vulnerable side, the side she only showed to Brooke. It was all the different layers of her personality in one big ball of sunshine. Around Brooke, Vanessa was irrevocably herself and Brooke was the same.
There was something special about what they had - their little secret away from the world. No one knew about the things they did, no one knew how special Vanessa really was. How she cried at the end of Pocahontas when she waved goodbye to John Smith and chose to stay with her people. How she couldn’t take one bite into a hot pepper without demanding water and screaming at Brooke to help. How she stayed up all night on the phone to Brooke - asking question and question about her old life, wanting to know the girl the best she could, genuinely interested in her stories of ballet and boys. No one knew about them and Brooke didn’t mind because it just felt right - why let the world in when what they had was so perfect just with the two of them. Yes, she sometimes longed to tell the world that Vanessa was her’s, to shout from the rooftops that she chose Vanessa over everything - but she knew in the back of her head that things wouldn’t be the same. That behind the stormy captain there was a small girl afraid of one drop of rain. Although it lingered in the back of her mind that they couldn’t stay this way forever - Brooke knew she would go as long as she possibly could hiding with Vanessa if that’s what it took to be with her - she would wait as long as it took for the girl to be ready so long as she could keep holding her hand, laughing with her and kissing her along the way.
She just didn’t know that their own movie-style romance would be cut short by an ad break they were unable to skip.
“Everyone’s gonna be here soon,” Brooke muffled as Vanessa made for her neck, leaving smooches down to her clavicle as Brooke sat in her tank and shorts ready to practice.
“It’s fine, I told them to come a little later,” Vanessa grinned before kissing the girl.
“Wait,” Brooke pulled away, teasing the girl, “You postponed practice one week from the biggest competition of the year just so you could get something warm between your legs? What kind of captain are you?”
“Well it was just to spend time with you, not sexually driven but if you’re that way inclined,” Vanessa raised an eyebrow and started to kiss Brooke again, deeper, with more passion.
At first, Brooke could tell it had been hard for Vanessa to say things like that aloud, to admit that she wanted to spend time with Brooke, that she wanted her body, but as times progressed she had become more open around the girl and started to throw her inhibitions out the window.
She hadn’t even registered that her top was off, and so was Vanessa’s until they heard it - the almighty boom. The fatal voice.
“Vanjieee!” Silky burst into the room.
Glass shattered. Shelves collapsed. The sound of distant cries rang in her ear.
Her whole world was now upside down and the gravity that once pulled her to Vanessa now pushed her away even further.
“Shit,” Brooke cried, pulling the covers over herself quickly.
Vanessa stayed silent, a blank gloss over her usual heightened expressions.
Brooke didn’t know where her mind had gone, but it wasn’t there.
“Holy shit,” Silky laughed to herself as she looked back and forth between the pair in disbelief. “Vanjie, you rug munching?”
“Get the fuck out,” Brooke avoided eye contact with the girl as she raised her voice, her concern about Vanessa taking over her embarrassment.
“I guess I’ll be in the garden then,” Silky gave the girls another sceptical look before leaving the room.
The door shut in place.
Barely 2 minutes had passed and what had felt like an eternity of the relationship between Brooke and Vanessa was gone with the click of that door.
“Vanessa, it’s okay,” Brooke wrapped her arms around the girl after putting her shirt back on.
“Just go,” Vanessa looked straight ahead - Brooke didn’t know where she was, but it wasn’t there with her.
“You don’t have to be defensive, it’s fine,” Brooke tried to hold the girl’s hand.
“It’s not the end of the world, she’ll understand, I l-”
“I can’t believe we let it get this far.”
“Vanessa,” Brooke’s eyes pleaded at the girl, waiting for her Vanessa, her soft Vanessa who smelt like cherries to come back.
“Just go.”
So she did.
She walked straight out of the house and kept walking until she was running, sprinting. Sprinting away from the pain, away from her problems. Sprinting until her legs hurt and she was going to be sick. Sprinting til her chest leapt up and down with each heavy breathe - letting the tears hit the ground like black rain on her wedding day. Sprinting till it was dark and late and she didn’t know where she was. She was scared to stop because once she stopped it was all real and she had to think about it. When she stopped, she was alone.
Her fingers were numb and the streets unfamiliar. Pulling out her phone, she almost called Vanessa as she went onto her recent conversations, forgetting that her usual saviour was the one who had banished the damsel this time. She flicked past her parents, they would ask why she was there, what was wrong. Even though she knew Vanessa would hate her for it, Brooke called the only person she knew that wouldn’t pressure or pry, the only person here who had seen her anxiety at its deepest and darkest.
“Hey girl, I’m kinda in the middle of something,” he hinted to her.
She tried to find the words but couldn’t and let out a panicked breath.
“Brooke, you okay?”
“Just breathe okay, it will pass. It always ends Brooke, it’ll pass.”
Brooke tried her hardest to listen, to home in on his words and let them overpower the negative.
“Just breathe nice and slow Brooke, it’ll be over soon,”
Counting to ten and doing as he said, she managed to find a part of her voice that hadn’t be stolen by Vanessa.
“I don’t know where I am,” fear started to set in more when she said it out loud.
“It’s fine, I can see on snap, okay?”
“Can you stay on the phone?” she asked, trying hard to let anything else take over her mind - a distraction from the voice in her head telling her she wasn’t good enough.
“Yeah, Jacob can drive and I’ll stay on the phone. We’ll be 20 minutes. It’ll be over soon Brooke, we’ll get you some gravy and fries, yeah?”
She could hear some shuffling and muffled conversation, a thank you, the shutting of a door.
“I’ll even let you add the cheese on top,”
“Yeah,” Brooke started to return back to reality ever so slightly - trying hard to breathe naturally and think about the end when things would go back to normal - her voice still hoarse, fighting its way to be heard, that one syllable a small step to victory in her mind.
“Oh god, your boy is waiting in the car!” Brooke exclaimed, only remembering after Jovan had helped her return to normalcy.
“I’m so sorry, I interrupted your night and dragged you out here,”
“Don’t apologise,” he shook his head at her, “I’d much rather know you’re okay then get a bit of D. He can wait.”
“Well thanks anyway, for understanding,” Brooke pulled her friend into a hug, grateful to have someone who would help with her without asking what lead her to that state, still weighed down by the embarrassment that came after a panic attack.
“Anytime,” he grinned, “I’ve been meaning to introduce you to Jacob again anyway, I think it might be getting serious.”
Although she was happy for her friend - Brooke couldn’t help but feel a pang at her chest at the thought of Vanessa - the girl she would give the world for telling her to go. Telling her it had gone too far.
“You better not make anything official without making sure he likes our lunch combo first,” Brooke smiled for what felt like the first time in forever as she made her way to the car.
“I guess we can stop at the 7/11 and see what they have,”
“I believe I was promised cheese on top too,” Brooke curled her lip at the boy jokingly - trying her hardest to think of anyone, anything other than Vanessa, about ‘I can’t believe we let it go this far.’
When was too far? Was it when they kissed in the street after Akeria’s party? When Brooke showed up at Vanessa’s window and gave herself to the other girl. When they stayed up late eating takeout, planning routines and Vanessa fell asleep in her lap. When they walked by the river and talked about plans of sailing away together to their own little island away from everyone else. Or was it when Silky saw them. When Brooke went to usher the 3 words she had began to realise she meant more than anything and Vanessa stopped her.
She didn’t know and didn’t want to.
All she wanted was to have it all back - she knew she would keep the secret forever if it meant having Vanessa.
Once again, Brooke had thrown herself head first into cheerleading - yes, she wanted to beat the Vixen’s and come first place, but she had a more important prize in mind. She would stop at nothing to show Vanessa what she had let go. Wanting to perform with the girl one last time before she could walk away and drop it - she needed to show Vanessa that she wouldn’t give up that easy. No one told Brooke Lynn Hytes to go and didn’t expect resistance. The past week had been hard, knowing she’d have to spend time with Vanessa in practice, constantly keeping her head down, avoiding eye contact, knowing that if she saw the girls face she would just crumble. She spent most of her time with Jovan, her solid rock there to catch her when she fell - figuratively and literally - she had never been so grateful for all the times he had watched her routine and helped her through, her gratitude only amplified knowing that he himself had never been given the chance to cheer.
She began to doubt even going to nationals however, once she made her way onto the bus there.
One of the school gym teachers greeted her, ticking her off a sheet and giving a generic rundown of the following days; when they would arrive, what time was free, who’d she’d be rooming with. A surge of sadness welled over Brooke at the thought of all the plans she had made with Vanessa. All the talking they had done about their trip had boiled down to this - to sitting at the back of the bus barely making out her dark ponytail above one the seats. They were going to go to sneak away to the rides in the daytime, Vanessa said she wasn’t a screamer and Brooke knew this was a lie. They would share a room on the night and fall asleep in each other’s arms before waking up the next day ready to kick ass with all their competition. The difference in expectation and reality hit an all-time high to Brooke at that moment. She was only just learning how quickly things can do a 180 from their original path and smack her right in the face.
The energy was immense; everyone happy and excited, the moment they had waited for all year was finally coming but Brooke couldn’t help but sulk back and hide away from it all, building her own fort of loss and longing to comfort her. She closed her eyes in a bid to fall asleep despite knowing she wouldn’t be able to; even the top of Vanessa’s head proving to be too much for her.
“You alright?” she felt the seat beside her dip.
No, she wasn’t. Brooke hated the bipolar captain who was too caught up in her own feelings of self-loathing to give a thought to hers. She was also in love with her, but that was neither here nor there, she lied to herself. She wanted nothing more than to go over and slap Vanessa for being a bitch, to show her that she wouldn’t be trampled on by her sparkling white trainers. She also wanted to slip her the tongue. She really really wanted to slip her the tongue.
“Fine,” she told Jay, feeling reassured that someone had noticed her off-kilter demeanour, “Just nervous, you know?”
“It’s natural,” he smiled, “But once you’re in that moment, everyone cheering for you, the judges right there, it’s all in the flow.”
“Thanks,” Brooke responded, starting to wish she’d spent more time getting to know the other Amazons - her infatuation with Vanessa had kind of put them on the back burner.
“Just enjoy yourself - have you been to Disney before?”
“Not my scene,” Brooke responded, and it hadn’t been, or at least it hadn’t been until she’d pictured herself there with Vanessa.
“That’s what everyone says,” he laughed.
Maybe Brooke wasn’t as alone as she thought.
“Oh my god girl, get up!” Monet motioned her arms around the room. “We are in Disneyland, it’s your first ever nationals and you gonna tell me you’ve spent all of today looking at these 4 walls,”
“Yes,” Brooke responded bluntly, turning back over onto her side like the sullen teenager she could be.
“Half of the fun is in the atmosphere. You should have gotten yourself down to the Sports Complex - all the teams practising, doing their little talks, ESPN cameras everywhere. It’s mad.”
“I’m just not feeling well,” Brooke looked at her roommate apologetically.
“I call bull,” she shook her head at Brooke whilst pulling out a makeup bag from her suitcase, “There’s a special UCA night at Hollywood Studios tonight. The Vixens are gonna be there so we can psych them out, and have a little fun before the big day too.”
“I’m good,” Brooke responded, the thought of being in a social environment with Vanessa driving her crazy, she didn’t know if she’d be able to control herself face to face with the girl, she just wanted to be out there performing.
“I wasn’t asking!” Monet pulled a blending sponge from the bag, “And I’m doing your makeup, get over here.”
A purple lip and smokey eye later, Brooke was starting to get paranoid about standing out as the squad began to gather piece by piece at the studios. She watched as one Amazon after the other came and said hello - until there was just one piece of the puzzle left to be fitted.
“Vanj just texted,” Silky announced, “She ain’t coming,”
Brooke piping up at the mention of Vanessa, Silky only gave her a dirty look as in to say ‘it’s your fault’. She had spent the past week walking on eggshells around Silky, desperate not to get on her wrong side but also longing to pull her aside and ask about Vanessa; what did she say? Is she okay?
As if on cue, Vicky Taylor and her secondary Vixens strutted over to the squad.
“Where’s miss Vanjie? Too scared to fight?”
“What’s it to do with you?” Akeria stepped forward, giving the other captain a stare that would give Cerberus a good scare.
“Hey Jaren,” she smiled and waved, ignoring Akeria entirely, “you decided to move to a better squad, yet?”
Jaren looked down embarrassed, clearly torn in the battle between his friend and team. “I’m good here Vic,” he responded politely, ignoring the taunting nature of her tone.
“That’s alright, my girls can wipe the floor with you either way,” her eyes scanned the group dismissively, landing on Brooke. “You know, I gotta hand it to you, I really thought Vanjie might bring the slightest bit of competition this year, guess I was wrong for once,” she smiled at one of the girls next to her.
If Brooke had guessed where she would be a few months ago - it would certainly not have been having a dissing war with cheerleaders in the middle of a Disney park but she couldn’t help feel a sense of pride and protectiveness over her squad, over Vanessa’s reputation.
“You know if Vanjie was here you’d be quaking in your boots,” Brooke looked the girl up and down sourly, “She may be half the size of you but she has ten times the bite and you know what Vicky, I think you need to find a dictionary and look up the word insecure cause you’re gonna need it when all your smack talk means nothing on the mat tomorrow.”
“Who are you, her lap dog?”
“No, I’m your worst nightmare. And you better bring it tomorrow or you’ll be crying in your sleep,” a confident side of Brooke emerged and the thought of Vanessa being unable to defend herself to the girl. She may have been furious with her, but she understood better than anyone the fights and effort Vanessa had put in to get to this moment, and Brooke would be damned if she let some sly foxes try and take it away from her.
With the flick of her blonde hair, she walked away triumphantly, only wishing she had the confidence to speak up to Vanessa in the same way - to tell her everything she was feeling and more - the good, the bad and the ugly. The nerves she’d felt in her stomach since getting on the minibus were starting to fade away - Brooke once again knew what she was there to do and she was gonna do it right.
Brooke couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming smell of hairspray as she walked into the Sports Centre. Everything was bright and colourful - red to the left of her and purple to the right. Girls scattered everywhere in the most organised chaos she had ever seen. Monet was right, something about walking through the building, hair curled and scrunchies in place, not a wrinkle in anyone’s uniform, cameras all around made her feel like she was on the set of a movie.
Backstage ballet was always reclusive, girls sat at their mirrors focused silent. Here, cheerleaders flipped their way across the room, competitive banter being spat across the room like water. Following the teacher from their school, she walked alongside Monet, taking the place in like a little kid in a costume store - drawn by every sequin and bow.
Near the front of the group, she heard Vanessa and Silky mutter in hushed tones - Brooke having spent the night before laying in bed, willing herself not to pick up the phone and dial the number of their room, or walk up there herself. She knew that her words were wasted on Vanessa at this point, all that was left to do was to throw her heart and soul into the routine and let Vanessa know that she was a fighter.
Adrenaline pumped through each and every one of their veins as they waited in the dressing room. Every lace tied, every t crossed and I dotted, the squad had nothing more to do but wait for the competition to start, an angsty Vanessa pacing back and forth between the seats. All Brooke wanted to do was to hold her and tell her she was going to kill it, but once again she knew that the glossed over Vanessa in front of her was not the one she had grown so close to, the fear of rejection taking over the girl completely. She knew that soon the competition would start and they’d be waiting at the sidelines watching the other teams - and then they’d be up there. Months of practice, months of fear, months of love, months of heartache all bundled into 2 and a half minutes. Her parents, Jovan, all the audience focused on them. A shiver ran down Brooke’s spine at the thought of baring her soul to all those people. Even though she’d performed with more emotion in ballet, there was something about the big open space, the way she could see the judges and the audience that she found more daunting than any theatre stage.
“Everyone go run about; get some fresh air, a snack, a drink, have a stretch - we’re no good cooped up in here,” Vanessa announced to the group with her powerful command. Brooke didn’t know if she’d seen her start to get anxious or not but took the break nonetheless - afraid of the dead air that lingered between her and Vanessa, the noticeable heaviness that hung around whenever they were in the same room.
3 bottles of water in her arms and waiting at the door, Brooke was growing impatient at the boys’ messing around; “C’mon guys we gotta get back!”
“Lighten up Brooke, you’re so tense, you gotta go out there all loose.” Jaren pulled a face at her before leaping into a back handspring tuck.
And then she heard it, the death-defying crunch.
It almost happened in slow motion, the way his foot twisted one degree extra to the right, all his weight resting on that extra turn. All that pressure cracking down hard on his ankle.”
“Fuck,” he cried, falling to the ground.
Jay ran to his side.
And Brooke ran to the only person she could think of, the hero who always knew how to pull her and the squad out of the murky waters and into the clear tracks.
“You have to come quick,” Brooke half-shouted when she found her, “It’s Jaren, I think he’s broke his ankle.”
And then they were holding hands.
Brooke didn’t even have time to think about the spark because she was jumping at high frames per minute - someone pressing fast forward one, two, three times on her and Vanessa until they were in the room. Paramedics already at Jaren’s side.
“No,” she looked ahead, “No.”
“I’m sorry Vanjie,” he grimaced with shame as he was helped into a chair.
“The fucking curse,” Vanessa crouched down on the floor in disbelief.
“It’s fine we can get everyone around, we can figure out how to do it without him,” Brooke put a hand on her back and felt like she’d returned back to their little safe haven, her fear and resentment for the girl sizzling away when she saw her looking so defeated.
“We entered with 20, so we have to perform with 20. They have that routine on record we can’t show anything else. You can only change who is competing and your routine if you phone like months in advance,” Jay winced at Brooke.
Brooke watched as the tears streamed down Vanessa’s face - heavy tears of frustration. Years of hard work and she had slipped at the very last hurdle.
“What if we had 20,” Brooke asked, looking pleadingly between the two of them, wanting desperately to make things right for them, to make them right for Vanessa.
“People can’t compete on two teams, and you’re not gonna find some secret cheerleader hidden about who can learn our routine within the hour,”
And the missing piece of the puzzle all clicked into place in Brooke’s head.
“I’m gonna fix it,” she knelt down to whisper to the girl she loved, “I’m gonna fix it all.”
“What?” Jovan looked at her blankly, His parents and Jacob either side giving Brooke equally quizzical looks.
“Please, Jovan. Not for me, for Vanessa. You know how hard she’s worked, how much this means to her,”
“I don’t know what I’m doing!”
“You do, think of all the times you’ve helped me practice, watched us in your yard. We have an hour,”
“I don’t exactly scream enthusiasm though do I,” he looked at Brooke, highlighting the flaws in her plan - but she didn’t mind because this was her only chance.
“I know you used to when you first auditioned. Now’s your chance to prove to those stupid bitches what they missed out on and to stitch up that open wound with Vanessa,”
“You owe me like a thousand favours,”
“Thank you,” she pulled Jovan into a hug before grabbing his hand and practically dragging him towards their dressing room.
The tension in the wings was undeniable. Everyone had spent the past hour giving it their all, showing Jovan where to stand, who to hold, how to present himself and their routine was now a ticking time bomb that could blow at any minute. Any wrong step would put them at an automatic point disadvantage compared to the Vixens who they had just watched perform flawlessly.
They all huddled together, Vanessa giving the usual pep talks and chants, but Brooke could tell she was scared, she could see the anxiousness in the other girl’s eyes, watching her looking back at Jovan as he went over all the steps in the wing.
They made eye contact across the group, and Brooke was surprised to see a smile from across Vanessa’s face; a hopeful smile; ‘oh, there you are’ it read.
Brooke gave a reassuring smile back; ‘I’m always here for you.’
She watched as Vanessa made her way towards her and just stood in silence, looking at Brooke.
Brooke felt a familiar twang of reassurance. For one of the biggest performances of her life that she had stressed about so much, at that moment, in the wings with Vanessa, she was completely calm.
“Your parents have come to watch you,” Brooke smiled at her, knowing what it meant to Vanessa.
“Jovan told me,” she smiled up at Brooke. God had she missed waking up to that toothy grin.
Before Brooke could begin to respond she blurted out to her: “I fucked everything up Brooke,” sincerity in her voice, “but I’m not gonna fuck this up. This is the last thing I have”
“You gonna bring it, Vanessa?”
“I’m gonna bring it, Brooke Lynn.”
And then they were running out, the energy vibrating through her ears, the crowd going wild.
This moment was Brooke’s and no one would take it away from her.
“The R. A. Charles Amazons!” The announcer bellowed as they pumped up the crowd at the start of their routine, adrenaline seeping through every pore.
And then the music started.
They all started to walk backwards before flipping around - Vanessa front and centre, Brooke could see her shine.
They moved like parts of a finely tuned design. Not a wasted through, not a toe across the line. She looked around the group, Jovan killing every move, Vanessa flying higher than she’d ever seen her before. Brooke knew that second place was no such category. She pushed herself further and further into every tumble, emphasised every beat that little bit more. At that moment, it wasn’t just Vanessa who she thought was superhuman, she was starting to think it about herself. She looked the judges in the eye as they added their quirks, making eye contact as she grand jete’d her way across the floor, as Vanessa did a death drop between their routine.
Brooke could see Jovan beaming through every move, smiling more than she even figured was possible for him to smile. A satisfying warming formed in her heart at the thought that he had finally found his dream again years after it was tossed aside.
By the end of the two minutes, the crowd were roaring for them and everything with hazy for Brooke, surrealness taking over.
She felt someone grab her hand as they all ran to the edge of the boundary, throwing their arms in the air and cheering for the crowd, showing that spirit that they all possessed.
Brooke was elated, with Vanessa’s hand in her own, she was grinning from ear to ear and wasn’t even trying to but when she looked to her side she noticed that Vanessa looked more serious like she was thinking about something.
“I love you.”
Brooke did a double take, about to ask her what she said over the roaring crowd.
And then Vanessa grabbed the back of Brooke’s head and kissed her. She kissed her in a way of telling the world ‘this girl’s mine.’ She kissed her with an apology, with regret. She kissed her with happiness, with cherries. She kissed her with all the build-up from the past few months. She kissed Brooke with the look she’d given her that day in the canteen, the time in the kitchen. She kissed her with everything she had and Brooke gave it all in return. She kissed like she didn’t have a care in the world what people were thinking of her because none of that mattered when she was in Brooke’s arms.
Brooke didn’t know and didn’t care how the squad and the crowd were reacting, because all she cared about was Vanessa.
She didn’t care whether they had come first or not, because she knew that she had her prize either way.
She didn’t think all those months in that car journey that she’d be a cheerleader let alone be in love with one, but she knew that this was right, she’d finally figured out what she was there to do.
“You really brought it, Brooke Lynn,” she smiled at her as they pulled away, tears starting to well in her eyes.
“I learnt from the best didn’t I?”
It was true. Vanessa was all of the best parts of Brooke bundled into a little dark-haired firecracker - and she was finally ready to be open and burst into flames for everyone to see.
“Maybe next year we can do this trip how we planned it?” Vanessa asked.
Next year. Brooke’s heart just about melted. How we planned it.
“We still have tonight!” Brooke pulled the girl back into another kiss as they made their way off the floor.
She knew they had tonight, and the next night, and every night because Vanessa “Vanjie” Mateo loved her and she wasn’t going anywhere.
She knew that whatever battles they faced, the two of them were now going to face them together, telling anyone who dared to cross them to bring it on.
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chippa-thoughts ¡ 5 years
Kwami Buster Theory: Mousinette Debut
I agree with a lot of people when they say Kwami Buster is most likely the episode where Multi Mouse will debut. Here's my thoughts on it:
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The fact that Ms. Mendeleiev is going to be the one who gets akumatized reminds me of this episode in "American Dragon: Jake Long" where Jake also has a professor at his school who spends his time making conspiracies and trying to prove that the mythical world is real.
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After seeing a Kwami, she tries as hard as she can to convince everyone that she's seen them and they exist.
Following the narrative of the American Dragon episode, my guess is, something happens that causes either Plagg or Tikki to be exposed and Ms Mendeleiev witnesses it. It could be something as simple as Tikki floating about and Ms Mendeleiev just happens to walk in on it by accident.
Ms. Mendeleiev actually has gotten a hold of Tikki. (Maybe we'll get some Plagg/Tikki moments where it's actually Plagg who's been careless but Tikki takes the bullet for it.) Marinette tries to explain that it's just a toy, but Ms. Mendeleiev swears that she saw it move. So she does what every teacher does and "confiscates" Tikki.
As a science teacher, discovering a kwami could be ground-breaking: she'll want to study them, expose them, learn about them! (I think what would be great for added character depth too is that she's already interested in Kwami lore and has been obsessing over it in her spare time - much like Professor Rotwood in American Dragon)
I reckon she would freak out in front of her class/confront them about it.
This would give us a great opportunity to see Chloe, Alya, Nino, Adrien and Marinette awkwardly pretend they have no clue what she's talking about.
Marinette especially, seems particularly passionate about saving the little red creature from Ms Mendeleiev's captivity and Adrien takes note of this.
So everyone tries to disprove her even though Ms M is insistent that she saw what she saw and she's 100% not lying.
This would be where the Akuma comes flying in. Maybe she's angry/upset that no one believes her. Maybe she's humiliated and embarrassed because she DOES in fact have evidence but people think she's crazy. Or perhaps she has Tikki in her captivity but Tikki escapes and when Ms. Mendeleiev is just about to reveal her new "discovery" to everyone, no evidence is there.
A similar plot point happens in American Dragon.
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Then she becomes "Kwami Buster" - the akumatized!Ms. Mendeleiev has the power to seek out Kwamis - maybe track down the escaped Tikki or hunt down more! Hawk Moth gets excited - perhaps this villain might actually be able to track down the miracle box, or it might be easier to defeat Chat Noir and take his miraculous now that they have Ladybug's Kwami in their posession and she cannot transform. Maybe they'll use Tikki as bait to find Ladybug's identity.
Marinette is now Tikki-less and perhaps she runs to inform Master Fu that Kwami Buster has either captured Tikki or she can't find Tikki anywhere.
OR perhaps, Master Fu finds out himself that Tikki has been captured (maybe through the news, or witnessing the villain running rampant up close).
Now, even though it's logical for Master Fu to give Marinette the mouse miraculous himself right there on the spot, I really want ADRIEN to give it to her.
The way I see this happening is if Master Fu delivers the message to Adrien saying that Ladybug's Kwami has been captured and she cannot transform. So Adrien has to pick a partner who will help him stop Kwami Buster and track down the missing/captured Tikki.
And he remembers how passionate Marinette was about saving the little red creature and chooses her to fight alongside him. OR perhaps he just thinks Marinette will suit the Mouse Miraculous well and gives it to her anyway.
OR if Ms Mendeleiev has truly captured Tikki and reveals it to everyone - Adrien will recognise her (from Reflekdoll with the Kwami Swap) and he'll put two and two together and realise Ladybug can't transform without Tikki. So Adrien takes the initiative to visit Master Fu himself and gets the mouse miraculous from him. If this happened I think it would be a great moment for Adrien's sense of initiative to shine again (like in Oni-Chan when he realised Lila only faked being hurt to get him away from LB, or in Oblivio when he made CatBox) however, I'm doubtful this would happen because the show has a pattern for making Marinette initiate most ideas and it's only so often we get to see Adrien take on a similar mantle. (Here's to wishful thinking though!)
Side note: if this happens, it will be the first time Adrien chooses a hero himself! (We have yet to see Viperion and Pegasus' debut to test that thought though). The fact he chooses Marinette shows how close he feels to her and how much he trusts her (this is why I want HIM to give it to her, it would add more layers to their friendship) But perhaps it might be another "Bee Miraculous" scenario where Marinette intended the Bee for Alya, but Alya gets apprehended. In the same way, perhaps Nino might be Adrien's first choice (as his best friend) but something happens to Nino that makes him unreachable, so he picks Marinette instead. (But if Marinette is his FIRST choice oh boy wouldn't that be the sweetest).
And if Adrien DOES give the miraculous to Marinette as Chat Noir, can you IMAGINE the interaction they'll have?!
Chat Noir (with a soft look): "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, this is the miraculous of the Mouse/Rat. You will use it for the greater good."
Just imagine all the possibilities! The MARICHAT content! She could:
- Accept it right away
- CN would flirt with/tease her and make all the Cat & Mouse puns and jokes (Check out @Solunia on insta & tumblr for all the cutest Chat/Mouse comics!)
- She might resist it because she's already "Ladybug" and who knows if Chat will recognise her. But if she does resist can you IMAGINE Chat insisting that SHE'S the one he's chosen, and there's no better person he could trust: "I've chosen YOU Marinette, there's nobody else better suited for this that I could think of but you"
And boy, I am weak for those cheesy, soft, one-liners.
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Then after they have retrieved Tikki, CN takes the Mouse miraculous off Marinette, thanks her for the help (I'm hoping for some hand-kissing action here ✋), then he delivers both Tikki and the jewel to Master Fu who dismisses Chat (to protect their identities) telling him he'll alert Ladybug that Tikki is safe and he should go and hold back Kwami Buster until she arrives. Marinette then sneaks her way to Master Fu, transforms into Ladybug, apprehends Kwami Buster, purifies the Akuma, calls on the miraculous ladybugs and calls it a day.
OR perhaps NONE of this happens. Maybe Tikki AND Plagg both get captured and Master Fu gives the Mouse and Snake miraculous to Adrien and Marinette individually. And we get Aspik AND Multi Mouse. However this will take away the chance for Adrien to give it to Marinette and I would love for that to happen instead and fingers crossed maybe Aspik will show up some other episode.
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As of Ms. Mendeleiev... Will she forget all about it? Will she suspend her belief and call it all a fever dream? Will she continue to obsess over kwamis? Who knows, I guess we'll find out.
Well! Those are my thoughts/theories so far about Kwami Buster! Feel free to reply and comment what you think too!
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thorne93 ¡ 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 9)
Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 2312
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes??
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​
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The countdown had begun for the wedding, and the engagement party. It was only two weeks away, but work right now was more important. Your film with Tom was closing in on shooting soon and you needed to make sure every muscle on your body was toned and fit. Thankfully, you had a health nut for a best friend who said he’d accompany you at the gym while he was in town for a few days.
“You excited for this new gig?” Seb asked as the two of you drove to the gym a few miles away.
“I am.  A little nervous though,” you confessed.
“Why? You’re working with Tom. Chris says he’s great.”
“No, yeah, I know that. That’s not it. We did those plays together at RADA…”
“So what’s the issue?”
“Well we have to… kiss. Like… eventually.”
“Yeeeaahh?” Seb dragged, glancing at you from the corner of his eye as he drove.
“Isn’t it weird? I know it’s part of the territory but if you and I had to kiss for a movie you don’t think it would make shit weird between us?’
He chuckled slightly, his nose scrunching as he shut his eyes briefly, his famous giggle face. “No, not really. Whether we’re strangers or it’s you and me, the kissing isn’t romantic at all.”
“Yeah, I know that. It never is. I usually just pretend I’m kissing Chris in those scenes, making sure my head is tilted right and all that jazz…”
“But you can’t do that with Tom?”
“I don’t think I can kiss my best friend and fantasize about my fiance, no,” you stated, an air of humor and sarcasm in your voice.
Seb reached over and patted your leg. “You’ll both do fine. Just don’t dwell on who it is. Close your eyes and let your lips do the talking.”
After a moment, you arrived at the gym. You got in, got your bag put away, and you were doing your warm up stretches when suddenly, Sebastian’s voice surprised you from behind.
“Look who decided to join me at the gym!” he said happily.
You spun and saw his phone was trained on him and you. He was taking a video for Insta…
“Ugh. Jesus. Sebastian. No one wants to see my ugly mug,” you complained, pushing the camera away. Your hair was in a messy ponytail and your makeup was nonexistent. You didn’t need fans (or worse, haters) seeing you like utter shit.
“Ugly? In what world are you ugly?” he asked as he peered at you with a cocked eyebrow. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, back into the video. “What are we working on today, Y/N?” he inquired, trying to get some hype and enthusiasm from you and his followers.
“We’re working on not forcing people into social media!” you teased, shaking your head and sticking your tongue out.
“Oh, come on, don’t be a jerk,” he requested, his voice tender and pleading.
“My abs and my legs,” you informed finally, your hands on your hips as you looked at the camera, putting your feigned annoyance on it. “And you?”
“Arms and back,” he answered.
Finally, you decided to join in on the fun. “Tell us in the comments what you’re working on today or this week! Feel free to add gym and health tips!”
“What she said,” Seb reiterated with a nod towards you. “Okay, we better get to work before they kick us out!” He leaned in and kissed your cheek quickly before ending the video.
That kiss seemed to make butterflies burst in your stomach… why?
“Well, shall we get to it?” he asked as he gestured to a piece of equipment.
“Ready to get your ass whooped?” you asked, breaking free from the trance he’d put you in.
“Oh, you’re on. I bet I can bench for longer than you can,” he challenged.
“I bet you can’t even get on the bench,” you teased in a mutter.
He climbed onto the bench while you stood over him as his spotter. “Hey, I heard that.”
“Oh, really, old man? Wasn’t sure you had your hearing aid turned all the way up,” you mocked with a goofy face.
“Shut up and spot me,” he ordered playfully.
“Hey! Hey! So good to see you!” Chris said for probably the tenth time already. You had stressed to him that the engagement party list should be like one-quarter, if not less, than the wedding guest list, and so far, people were pouring in.
The party had started hours ago, and now it was getting a little later but the party was still in full swing as people were still showing up.
Hors d'oeuvres were being passed around on silver platters, champagne and ice water were being handed out to guests. Guests were coming in with small token gifts, hugging and kissing you, congratulating you and Chris. Tasteful metallic decorations were accented everywhere inside Chris’s home.
He’d just welcomed in someone you had never met. You think it was his cousin that still lived in Boston with her husband and their three year old. Your parents had managed to make it, Chris’s parents were there, Sebastian and Tom were there. Mackie, Lizzy, Robert, and Paul were all there. Other than your immediate family and like five friends outside of the Marvel cast, you didn’t really invite anyone to this. It was mainly Chris’s huge family and a crap ton of friends. Everyone was kind, sweet, supportive. Everyone was throwing advice your way, or asking a million questions about the wedding. Everyone demanded to see the ring, to which everyone gasped when they saw it.
“If I could have everyone’s attention for just a second,” Chris suddenly said, taking place at the entryway between the expansive living room and state of the art kitchen. His raised voice commanded everyone's attention and after the commotion died down, he continued. “I wanna thank all of you for coming tonight. It really means a lot to Y/N and me. For me, this has been a long time coming. From the moment I laid eyes on you, Y/N, I knew you were my world.”
A sound of appreciation went through the crowd, making your cheeks blaze red as all eyes shot to you.
“Of course, you didn’t make it easy though,” he remarked, a small laugh coming from him, inciting a laugh from everyone else. “She played hard to get. Now, I’d like to say it worked. But I think the truth is, whether she said yes to me the first day, or fifty years from now, I would still be chasing her. She said yes to marrying me. In a few months, she'll say yes again, I hope--” more laughter trinkled around the room “and I’m blessed to have that. Because Y/N, babe, I will say yes to you every day for the rest of my life, even if you tell me no.”
A small tear reached your eye as Chris raised his glass.
“Here’s to chasing love. May we all get the chance to find a love worth fighting for. I love you, baby,” he said with adoration.
Everyone joined him in raising their glass and then took a sip.
Chris made his way over to you as your friends and family went back to their chatting. He wrapped his free hand around your waist and pulled you close.
“You’re a sap, you know that?” you asked in a chiding tone.
“Only for you,” he cooed before kissing your cheek. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it… you know, except for the part about being in front of everyone we know,” you said, your cheeks still hot from the sudden attention.
“You’re gonna have to declare your love to me in a few months, better get used to it now,” he said in a low voice before smacking your ass. You gasped in shock and you were about to admonish his behavior, but then Lizzy, Mackie, and some of Chris’s family you had yet to remember came over.
“So how are the wedding plans going?” one woman asked cheekily, you thought it was his aunt.
“They’re going. We’re knocking stuff down,” Chris informed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his hand holding your arm, his thumb moving slightly in a reassuring motion.
For some odd reason, you couldn’t shake it, you wanted to leave. You wanted to go into the backyard, or the bedroom. You weren’t sure where, or why, you just felt like you needed to escape, like you were suffocating. It wasn’t all the attention, you were somewhat used to that in public, on the red carpet. You just couldn’t get over this feeling of needing a breather.
But why would you need a break at your own engagement party? Shouldn’t you be enjoying friends and company and food? The celebration of love?
“That’s good! So have you two decided on where you’re going to live?” she inquired. “I hear you live in LA. That might be hard on a marriage, with Chris being here. Are you going to find a new place or--”
“Boston, for sure,” Chris interjected with confidence.
“Oh good! It’ll be nice to have the family nearby!”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” Chris agreed.
From there, Chris mainly managed the conversation with everyone, answering his families questions as well as Lizzy’s and Mackie’s. You just stood by his side, sipping your champagne, hoping something would happen to pull you away from this, as badly as that sounded.
Eventually, Chris steered his family away to go talk to someone else in his family, discussing something sort of personal he probably didn’t want the other two to hear.
“You okay?” Liz asked, eyeing you.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, just a lot on my mind. People keep asking all these questions about the wedding and I’m having to make all these mental notes. Like nothing too sweet for wedding favors. I can’t play this song or it’ll make Chris’s Aunt Trina sad… Just stuff like that,” you answered. It wasn’t even a lie, thankfully. You were trying to keep track of everything people did and didn’t want, and other things you needed to check on or add to the checklist.
“Okay you just seem… down?” she commented.
“Yeah, man for a party that you’re hosting, it sure seems like you’d rather not be here,” Mackie noted.
“I’m just stressed, I guess,” you huffed. “One film has started filming, I’m trying to learn this script and plan this wedding--”
“You know I’m here for that, right?’ Liz reminded sweetly, humor mixed in her voice as she reached up and squeezed your arm slightly. “Anything wedding related you need me to handle, I can do it.”
“Thanks. I may send you some stuff tonight or tomorrow…”
At that moment, Sebastian walked up, evidently drunk. He was stumbling and a little sloppy. He wasn’t so far gone that he needed a cab, but he looked like he was just past the mark of tipsy. Heading into full drunk territory.
“Hey, Seb,” you greeted, a light filling you. You should’ve just found Tom or Seb to stick around all night, maybe then you would’ve have felt so bombarded and overwhelmed.
“Hey… you know, I love you,” he said as he stood awkwardly against the built in entertainment center.
You smiled at him. “I love you too, Seb. You’re my best friend.”
Seb shook his head and said, “Not like that.”
Color drained from your face as a pit in your stomach formed. You looked to Lizzy and Mackie who had concerned expressions on their faces. This wasn’t good. What the fuck was he talking about?
Did he really confess what you thought he did? What the hell was he thinking saying that in front of everyone?
You were mortified. Half of you wanted to hit him, the other half wanted to just laugh it off.
But you took an alternative route.  
“Would you excuse us?” you requested politely with a dazzling smile as you grabbed Seb’s hand and nearly yanked him away with you. You hauled him into the master bedroom and shut the door behind you, leaning your back against it.
“What the hell are you talking about?” you demanded, staring at him.
“I’m talking about us, Y/N,” Seb said, before sitting on the bed, putting his face in his hands for a moment. He rubbed his face and looked up at you. The drunkenness had started to fade. He seemed… tired now.
“What us? There is no us, Sebastian. We’re friends,” you stated, your arms crossed as you stared him down.
“Really?” he challenged in a disbelieving tone. “Just friends? Is that all you feel when we’re together?” he asked, looking deep into your eyes.
For a moment, you just stared at him. You swam in his ocean blues while he searched the depths of your irises. What did you feel when you were with Sebastian? Did it compare to Chris? Was it romantic love or platonic love? Sure, you and Seb seemed to have more fun than you and Chris, and sometimes Seb really understood you in ways Chris didn’t yet, but that could be because you knew Seb a long time.
Yeah, you had felt some things with Seb. Ways that made you question your entire relationship and dynamic.
But right now, at your engagement party to Chris, that wasn’t one of those times.
You shook your head. “I’m not doing this… I can’t do this, not at my engagement party. We’ll talk about this later,” you said before quickly exiting the room, leaving a very confused Sebastian behind on the bed.
You made a beeline for Chris, and didn’t dare look or speak to Seb for the rest of the night.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark @tacohead13
56 notes ¡ View notes
thelittlestkitsune ¡ 7 years
Mid-Semester; chapter three.
A/N; I just want to apologise in advance. I am so sorry. So very sorry. Enjoy! xoxo Lau
Pairing: ScottMccallxProfessor!Reader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: none. for now.
Word count: 4,926.
Listen to me.              Mid Semester Masterlist               Let me know?
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                                Just listen to me okay? Don’t question it. 
You sat back, relaxing into your chair as you shut your laptop, picking at the pomegranate seeds in a ceramic bowl on your desk as students flooded through the doors, cheeks reddened after the trek up the stairs. You smiled, popping seed after seed into your mouth, the scuffling of feet on linoleum calming as they settled into their seats. “How is everyone?” You asked as you heard a chorus of groans, yawns and mumbles. “Oh that good huh? I guess you guys need to get a load off?” You heard chuckles from some of the more immature students in your class. You licked over your lips, folding your legs underneath yourself as you pulled at your shirt, closing away the sliver of skin you had on show; away from prying eyes. “Not like that you pervs. But kind of like that-” You paused, clearing your throat as you leant against your desk, your hands folded beneath your chin. “-I mean you guys are probably so stressed huh? What with midterms and job prospects?” You finished as almost every head drooped. “So how about we take it easy this week? I can’t be fucking bothered grading a paper, so instead we’re just going to do a discussion that okay?” You could practically feel the room vibrate with excitement, cheers whispered underneath breaths as the room sighed collectively.  
“So what are we talking about this week Salt?” You heard Cat refer to your nickname, gifted to you by the class. “Well Yankee-” You smiled as you continued. “-I was being kind of figurative when I said get a load off. I was also hinting at who we’re going to savage this week.” You sighed as you lifted the bowl of pomegranate seeds, half empty due to your absent minded picking. “Um, Persephone?” Audrey piped up, her blonde hair falling in curls around her face, cheeks flushed pink as she leant forwards. “Close enough Aud One.” You joked, scanning the crowd for the other Audrey. “Where’s Aud two?” You asked as you furrowed your brow, not coming across her familiar smile. “She’s not well, she’s snowed under with a cold right now.” You frowned, leaning back. “Someone should sent her hot soup and a hot boy. No one should be ill at this time.” You shrugged, looking for someone else to pick on for an answer. “Todd. Who do you think we’ll be talking about?” You asked as he looked up, his eyes red rimmed, his face sleepy. “Um, knowing you probably Zeus.” He answered nonchalantly as you shook your head, a sheepish smile on your face.  
“No fucking way.” Em muttered, her hands wrapped around her jaw as she doodled on her notebook. “Don’t fucking swear! I can talk about other things! Kinda-” You laughed as you placed the bowl back down, unaware you were still gripping at the rim. “- think of someone who is just as salty as I am and probably had the dead sea named after them.” Students seemed to pause deep in thought before Cat’s head shot up, her unusually smart shirt sticking out in comparison to the normal baseball merch she wore. “Hera. His wife and sister right?” She questioned, vaguely unsure of herself as her brows knitted low over her green eyes. “DING DING DING. Yes!! We’re talking about the Cersei and Jamie of Ancient Greece and how her spite and fury made something we are still heralding about to this day.” You licked over your lips as you pinched some seeds between your recently manicured fingers. “Okay you guys, it’s time to make like the great R&B songs of the nineties and talk about sex. Mainly about Succubi and Sirens.” You raised your brows as your lip quirked, excited chatter filling the room.  
“Weren’t sirens just mermaids with a higher sex drive and a penchant for driving men mental?” Em spoke up, her british slang confusing some of the other students as you sat there, chewing over her question. “Well, yes and no, they liked to take the lives of hapless sailors that had not blessed their voyage by praying to poseidon. They also did it for the bants. But they weren’t always seen as mermaids per se, some were half chicken?” You spouted off a useless fact as some of your students broke out into laughter. You followed suit, your lungs aching as you heard comments of chicken fucker going through the air. “But what has a half chicken woman got anything to do with the succubus.” Kenzie asked, pulling her caramel blonde hair behind her ear as her nose scrunched quizzically. “THANK YOU KENZIE.” you sighed dramatically as you flung your arms in the air, not catching them before you let your hands slap back against your legs. The slap echoed through the uncharacteristically quiet room as you swore under your breath.  
“Ow, fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck-” You caught yourself, looking up at flustered smiling faces as you collected yourself. “What I was going to say was thank you for asking that. So you know myths are connected? Every myth nicked bits and bats from other countries and legends, but never cited their sources much like the most of you-” You looked at certain students, their eyes guiltily averting away from your gaze. “-and most of what is believed to be a succubus could easily be tracked back to the siren. They were often seen on land, gorgeous insta models of women.” You soothed over your stinging skin as you cleared your throat. “Basically they were the epitome of female beauty, super gorgeous women that would lure men to sleep with them. However upon actually doing the nasty she’d suck the life force from him, leaving him a husk of a man.” You sighed, your skin calming as you leaned back. “That’s kinky.” Todd laughed, looking at his friends as he covered a grin. “Not really, if you’re doing something right any man is left a husk at the end.” Maddie giggled as she high fived Kenzie, her head turning back towards you.  
“Neither of you are wrong. Either way, we should get this lesson actually underway cause I have somewhere to be after class.” you laughed as Cat looked at you, a questioning look in her narrowing eyes. “Where you going?” She asked as you smiled, thinking of the evenings activities. “Well if you must ask, I’m heading to my best friends engagement party.” You looked down at your own hands, wondering when you’d get a ring like hers. “Congrats to them.” Cat spoke, her accent barely noticeable as you nodded, your lips pressed together firmly. “Yeah, congrats to them. Anyway, let’s talk about boats and hoes.”  
“Look I’m not saying dress like a hoe, I’m just saying you have a cracking set of tits and you should get them out!” Mal laughed as she nudged at you, her ring sparkling in the low lighting of the restaurant. You sipped at your wine, lowkey wishing it was something stronger. “She’s right you know!” Thomas spoke, his whiskey brown eyes skating over you quickly as Camile looked at him, her mouth hung open in shock. “What? I’m just saying! Remember, I only look at you that way.” He smirked as she smiled, pressing her lips to his cheek as you wished even more that you were drinking anything other than wine. Bleach? Too far. You placed your glass in front of you, looking around the table as all your friends had coupled off, arms slung over their partners, doe eyed looks on happy faces as you frowned slightly. “Cheer up buttercup. I saw the dude you’re going out with tomorrow. You won’t have that frown on your face forever.” Mal spoke cheerily as you smiled, your eyes not quite meeting hers. “Thanks!” You gripped the stem of your glass as Camile turned to you again, her lips finally leaving Thomas’. “So, what are you going to go with?” She referred back to your conversation as you shrugged. “I’m going straight from the office so I have no idea. Maybe some trousers and a shirt?”
Her head shook vigorously as she sipped at her drink, mulling over her response as she gazed off into the distance. “What about that green dress? You know the backless one? With a blazer over top for when you’re in the office?” You gulped, mouthing no as you pushed around the food on your plate. “Oh! What about the red one? The tight and short one?” Mal put forward, spooning some ramen into her mouth as the korean bbq sizzled in front of you. “It makes me look like slaggy barbie. Maybe not the best if I have a student meeting tomorrow.” you bit at your lip as you thought of Scott, quickly squashing any feelings that bubbled up. “Purple is always a nice colour?” Stuart spoke, unusual for the quiet reserved guy. “I don’t know if I have a purple dress. But I like that idea!” You smiled, giving him a small wink as he blushed behind thick rimmed glasses. “I have one you can borrow. However, if you’re going to get laid in please for the love of all that is holy; get it dry cleaned.” Camile laughed as you play slapped her arm. “Are you insinuating that I’m going to sleep with him on the first date?” Your lips quivered as you laughed.  “A man like that? You drop your panties or forego them all together. If you strike out that’s on you boo boo.” She cheersed you as you smiled, uneasy butterflies swarming in your stomach as you looked forward to tomorrow. Just got to get through tonight first.  
The dress you wore slid up your thigh as you walked across campus, your head ducked as you tried to cover yourself up. I should’ve worn something else. You bit at your lips, dry skin pulled off as you walked, nerves bubbling up as you headed to your office. At least I have my blazer on, and flats. You mentally thanked your morning self for deciding to put on the blazer rather than the leather jacket you had planned on wearing. Coffee first. You walked through throngs of students, heading to the coffee shop for your daily fix of caffeine. Your earbuds hung around your neck, your head whirring with thoughts too loud to be drowned out even by the likes of real friends. You clutched at your bag as you ascended the steps to the coffee shop, your footing uneven as the tight dress didn’t move much with your legs. Finally when inside you glanced at your phone, noting the time and how little of it you had until Derek was picking you up.  
As you ordered your phone vibrated in your hands, your poker straight hair pushed behind your ear as you smiled at your phone like an idiot.  
Sourwolf: I can’t wait to see you again, pick you up at 8?  
Smartass: Sounds great, I’ll text you when I’m finishing up my lesson okay? Can’t wait!  
Your thoughts were briefly distracted as your fingers clicked over the keyboard on your phone, only thoughts of your impending date occupying your mind. “Y/N?” A young guy spoke as he held out a takeout coffee cup, his fingers curled around the blue cardboard. You looked up, the concentration on your face evaporating as you smiled at him, handing over the cash that you owed him. You glanced out the window, cursing quietly as clouds hung low in the sky, your mood diminishing as you scurried from the warmth of the small shop, back out into the square. Students teamed the large area as you navigated through the masses of people, almost cheering as you hit a stretch of land that was barely populated. You walked fast, wanting to get to your office as quickly as possible, almost speeding through the walkways of the crowded college. You bit at the plastic lid on your coffee as you walked, deep in thought as your heels drummed against concrete, your building coming up on the left as you banked towards it. “Hey Y/N, you look nice!” Kenzie and Maddie passed you, textbooks clamped in their arms as they headed towards their psych class.  
“Thank you!” You smiled as they paused, looking as though they wanted to ask a question. “What’s up girls?” You asked, gripping your coffee a little tighter as you turned to talk to them, the sun lowering in the sky as you shivered. “We were just wondering what the mid terms are going to be like?” Kenzie looked at you with wide eyes as Maddie stiffened. “You don’t have to worry, it’s an overall paper and by both of your guys work so far; you’ll ace it.” You smiled as they both exhaled, clearly relieved. “Well hope you enjoy whatever you’re all dressed up for!” They smiled as you nodded, scurrying away through the door to your building as coffee lapped over the lip of your cup. Unlocking your office you threw your bag down, grateful you hadn’t bothered to bring your laptop. 5pm. Scott should be here soon. You had emailed him the night before, pulling the normal time forward so you wouldn’t be knackered when Derek picked you up. You slipped your shoes off, opting to pad about your office just in your stockings as you tidied away the mess.  
A knock on the door came as you bent over to put away files, your dress stretched over you almost looking like a second skin as you shouted for Scott to come in. “Hey Y/N!” Scott sang cheerily, his footsteps halting as he coughed awkwardly. “Sorry did I interrupt something?” He sounded flushed as you stood up straight, your face red as you looked at him. “No? Why? Does it look like I was doing something inappropriate?” You blew your hair from your face as you realised how short your dress was, the hemline barely skirting the curve of your ass. “Oh my god Scott, I’m so sorry! I had no idea; I pretty much just completely flashed you I'm so sorry-” You gushed, turning quickly as you pulled the bodycon material further down, his eyes twinkling as a smile played on his lips. “It’s okay Y/N. You look nice.” He blushed, his smile spreading as he gave you a crooked grin. “Why thank you Scott, that’s really nice of you to say!” Your skin grew hot as his eyes trailed over your plunging neckline, shivers spreading wherever he looked. “What’s got you all dressed up? And in colour for that matter?!” He joked, a personal jab of the lack of colour in your wardrobe. “I have a date I’ll have you know!” you smiled, suddenly shy and guilty as his face dropped.  
“Oh, that’s great!” He spoke despondently, crossing the room in a few bounds, his long legs carrying him swiftly across the small room. He took his normal place in the leather chair, his legs stretched out in front of him as you took him in properly, allowing yourself one indulgent moment. Baggy jeans coasted over his long legs, a leather belt strapped around his hips. Peeking over top was a band of white, stark against his caramel coloured skin, the hints of ink sprawled across hard muscle. You tore your eyes away as you travelled up his body, his chest hard as he sat up, the light grey henley he wore tight across his chest as it gaped open; his neck stiffening as you sucked your lips between your teeth. His arms flexed as he reached into his bag, your eyes almost glued to his forearms as he pushed the sleeves of his shirt up, bunching the material at his elbow. His skin almost shone as he looked at you, your eyes tearing away from him as you became flustered, your cheeks burning as you smiled.  
“So who’s the lucky guy then?” Scott asked his brows knitting together as something shone behind his eyes. “Just an old friend. I’m probably reading far too much into this, he probably just wants to catch up, it’s been like a decade since we saw each other last.” You sighed, settling into your chair as you undid your blazer; the material sticking to your hot skin. “Wow.” Scott sighed, regret blazing in his eyes as he looked over you. The plunging neckline of your dress skated down your chest, the delicate eyelash lace covering your freckle dusted shoulders. “He’s a really lucky guy anyone would be lucky to go on a date with you.” He breathed as you hid your smile, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Thanks, it’s really sweet of you to say.” You let your smile break free, the simple act of happiness breaking over your face as his eyes softened. “I mean it, but that’s enough of that, how about we get on with this?” He averted his gaze from you as you nodded, breaking yourself out of the bubble you had wrapped yourself in. “So what bullshit are we breaking ground on?” He asked as you rolled your eyes. “Succubi and Sirens.” You spoke, your voice slightly hushed as he looked at you with a pointed brow.  
“Succubi? We’re actually covering this?” He asked incredulously a laugh on the tip of his tongue as he ran his fingers across his chin. “Yeah, why is that hard to believe?!” you responded, confusion tinging your words. “Nah, it’s just rather random you know? You were telling me last week how you knew werewolves are real and now we’re talking about succubi and I know they’re real; it makes me wonder if vampires are lurking about somewhere in the shadows.” You laughed before his words processed, your mind reeling back to what he said. “Wait, you said succubi are real!??” You leaned forwards, your shoulders pressing your tits together as he tried to avoid looking at them. “Yeah, I knew one back in Beacon Hills. She dated my friends.” You smiled as you leaned back, an oh leaving your lips. “Friends? As in plural?” you asked as he nodded. “My best friends in fact. Derek and Stiles. She was with Derek originally and then Stiles got involved and it was all confusing cause she had no idea what she was and oh god it was a mess.”  
It was almost as if your blood ran cold at the mention of Dereks name. “You alright Y/N? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Scott waved in front of your face as you zoned out, your heart beating faster as you pieced things together. Of course they know each other. Fuck. I’m going to be sick. I should cancel. I am definitely going to be sick. This was a mistake, their both werewolves for fucks sake. IT’S OBVIOUS THAT THEY KNOW EACH OTHER. Beacon Hills isn’t that big? Maybe I’m over reacting, maybe it’s a different Derek. “Hello? Earth to y/n?” Scott called as you blinked, shaking your head as you paid attention to the wolf in front of you. “Are you okay? You went really pale?” His eyes softened as he reached for your hands, his fingers pressing tentatively against your forehead.  
“You’ve gone cold are you okay?” Scott spoke, his voice soft as his fingers trailed down the side of your face, his lips slightly parted as you looked at him. “Yeah, just got really nervous all of a sudden, sorry!” You smiled slowly, unsure of yourself as you pulled away from his touch. His hand paused where it was, retracting back slowly as he coughed. “You’ve no need to be nervous, you’re gonna kill it.” A half smile played on his lips as you mouthed a thank you, something itching inside your throat. “I’ll tell you what, how about a drink?” the words spilled from your lips as you tapped on the desk. “Coffee?” Scott asked, his hands gripping at the arms on the chair as you shook your head slowly. “Whiskey. I know it doesn’t affect you but it tastes good?” You licked over your lips as he nodded, twiddling a pen in his fingers. “Sounds good, seems like you need it anyway.” Your eyes widened as you stood, smoothing over the wrinkles in your dress. You tugged at the material, slowly pulling it down your legs as you crossed the room, your stockings snagging on the corner of your desk.  
“Oh for fucks sake.” You studied the ladder going straight down your left leg, the thin material ripping just by standing there. “The curse strikes again!” Scott laughed, covering his smile as you threw your head back. “I’m gonna make myself a double.” You sighed, bending at the hip as you unlatched your stockings from the clips that held them up. “You want one?” You asked Scott, your question unanswered as you slowly rolled your stockings down your legs. “-Yeah, a double sounds good.” You snapped up quickly, gathering the ripped material in your hands as you balled them up. “Guess I won’t be needing these anymore.” You lined up your eyes with the bin near the door, aiming your arm as you threw them across the room. They somehow bounced off the rim of the bin as you let your arms drop to your side. “I guess I’ll never make the basketball team.”  You sighed, a chuckle on your lips as you stepped forwards to pick them up, your dress riding up as you felt Scott’s eyes on you.  
“You’re too short for that anyway!” he joked as you turned to him, putting your hands on your hips. “I am not! I’ll have you know that I am above the national average height!” You smiled before turning around, heading to your bar cart in the corner by your kettle. “And how tall is that?” He asked, his voice sounding closer than before as you shrugged. “I dunno, I just know I’m not that short.” You admitted, grabbing your decanter as you poured two double whiskies. “You’re short compared to me.” His breath coasted over your neck as you stiffened, his cologne filling your nose as you shook your head. “That’s because you are the size of a rather large tree.” You laughed, your skin sizzling as he reached one arm around you, gripping at the glass on your right. You shivered as his skin brushed over yours, your lips caught between your teeth. Reaching for the other glass you turned, your body almost completely pressed against his. Okay, just breathe. “To calming down.” his voice was deepened as his chocolate brown eyes bored into yours. “To calming down.”  You smiled, clinking your glass against his before lifting it to your lips.  
“I’m just saying she’s definitely a succubus, there is no way in hell that you can look like that and not be?” Scott laughed, trying to prove his point. “You said that your friend back in Beacon Hills was a succubus out of being lonely. AT WHAT POINT IN TIME DO YOU THINK THAT GAL GADOT WAS EVER ALONE. THE WOMAN WAS FUCKING WONDER WOMAN.” You joked, your spirits lifted as you sipped on the last of your drink. “I’m just saying, the woman could get away with anything.” Scott shrugged, a cheeky smile on his face as you nodded, your eyes glancing at the clock. “You’re probably not wrong-” Your phone vibrated for the ninth time that hour as you paused, finally picking it up. “Sorry Scott, my group chat is insane right now.” You flickered through your chat with Malissa and Camile, laughing at the gifs they had sent you. Your phone vibrated again as you checked the chat, confused when a new notification didn’t pop up. Clicking back to your home screen your lips parted as you read over the texts from Derek.
Sourwolf; Hey! Sorry to drop this on you last minute but I’m actually going to be early, I got out of my meeting early and I couldn’t wait. I’ll be there around about half seven?  
Sourwolf; Sorry again y/n but I just didn’t know if you got my messages! I know you’re in a meeting right now, just gonna wait in the Camaro, if you’re late then i’ll just drop by your office!
You looked back at the clock, scrambling as you read the time. Seven fourty five. “Hey Scott, we’re going to have to leave it there, my date just texted me and he says he’s picking me up from the office!” You rushed your words, panic rising in your chest as he leaned forwards grabbing his bag. “Yeah, no worries!” He smiled reaching out to grab your hand as he calmed you down. “Don’t sweat it. Enjoy your night Y/N.” His words were tinged with sadness, guilt washing over you as you remembered he knew Derek. Please don’t cross paths. You wished as Scott stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the golden hour sun hitting his skin. “I’ll try!” You smiled, grabbing your heels from your bag as you slipped them on. You stood shakily, your head rushing as you smoothed over yourself, taking your hair from the ponytail you haphazardly had it in. “I’ll see you in a few weeks then!” He spoke, his hand on the handle of the door as you finger combed through your hair. “A few weeks?” You stuttered, your lips pouted as you ran a gloss over them. “Spring break? I’m heading home for a while, thought I should try and see my friends.” He smiled, his eyes drawing over you once more.  
You felt shy under his examining eye, your body singing at the mere thought of him looking at you like that. “Well enjoy yourself. I’ll be heading home to Paradise for a while, maybe we’ll see each other.” You smiled as he laughed, dipping his chin to his chest. “Yeah, I’d really like that-” Your heart fluttered as you grabbed your phone and your leather jacket, a knock at the door making your heart plummet into your stomach. “Do you want me to get it?” Scott asked, pointing to the door that he stood beside as everything in you wanted to tell him to wait here whilst you left. “Sure-” You breathed, readying yourself as you grabbed your bag. “Hey man, sorry I’ll get out your way, I was just finishing a lesson with Y-” Scott gushed, finally looking up at the dark haired guy in front of him. “Derek?” He asked confused as he stepped to the side, letting Derek in the room as you stood there frozen. “Hey man, what you doing here?” Scott asked as Derek smiled, his stubble thicker than the last time you had seen him. Werewolf or not that stubble grows thick.  
“I’m picking up Y/N for our date.” He smiled, his pearly white teeth flashing as he looked at you. “Beautiful as ever of course.” He looked at you appreciatively, crossing the room as he placed his hand on the curve of your back, pressing a small kiss to your cheek as you glanced at a rather broken looking Scott. You swallowed thickly, trying to suppress the feeling of your heart breaking into a trillion pieces as he pressed his lips together slowly. “So this is your date huh?” Scott plastered a fake smile on, his eyes showing how he truly felt as Derek’s hand still pressed against you. “Yeah, me and Derek go way back!” You could almost hear how thick you were laying on the happiness, a little too much to be believable. “Well I hope you guys have a great time.” He waved, chucking Derek something. Derek lunged to catch it, his fingers gripping at the silver key. “Don’t be back too late okay?” They nodded at each other as Scott gripped at the strap of his bag, biting his lip as he left the room. You felt sick as you stood there, your fingers gripping onto the leather of your jacket as you felt your stomach lurch. “You ready to go?” Derek asked as you thought of the look on Scott’s face. Maybe it isn’t one sided. “Sure, let’s go.” you smiled, the corners of your lips not quite reaching your eyes as his hand laced with yours.  
You walked outside, the late California sun setting over the skyline, your eyes darting about as you looked at Derek, your stomach still unsettled as you walked to his Camaro. It wasn’t a long walk by much, but by the time you reached the black car your feet were on fire. “You hungry?” Not at all. Derek paused by the passenger door, opening it as you ducked your head, ready to climb in as you saw him. The look on Scott’s face in that moment both made your heart soar and fall into a pit. Mutual or not. I can’t be with him. I made my bed, now I have to lie in it. Your eyes fell from his as you climbed inside the car, your head slamming against the head rest as Derek rounded the car, sliding in next to you. “You okay?” He asked, smoothing over your hand as your head swam with thoughts. “Yeah, just really hungry.” You lied, the truth skirted as he revved the engine, peeling away from the college as you saw Scott in the rear view mirror, finally turning away, his head downturned. No matter how much it sucks.  
@thisrandombitch  @honeymoonmuke @sincerelystiles @sammyrenae68 @fillthevoid-stilinski @5sospoplikerock @lovefilledtragedy @ellie-bee242 @cobrienkai1972@dumbass-stilinski @maddie110201 @rememberstilinski @sweetmisseddreams2002@random-fandom-fangirl2112 @obrosey-af @sammwhiches @parislight @mf-despair-queen @7e6205 @stilinski-stydia-obrien @disagreetoagree @slow-bee-at-play@minhosmeanhoe @redstringlovers @werewolfmutant @itsall-inmy-head @susybird@hirafth @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @wydobrien @sokkasbae255 @we-are-like-a-timebomb @girlwiththerubyslippers @fan-child @fuckwhateverfuck @itsbilescallmebiles@relentlessgame @ninja-stiles @sumcp @obrienswxlf @lovelymalira@mixedupsammy  @sarasmismyonlydefence @cuillere @vixsyncynco @sumcp@fuckwhateverfuck @bluskai @lovelymalira @pentatontits  @teenwolves-ahead@skepticalstilinski @sarcasticallystilinski @apollogirl13 @savage-stilinski@montanagirlatheart @alexhmak @cathobs @blairscott @l4life
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seven-oomen ¡ 4 years
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First, I swear I’ll explain about the picture in a minute.
Next, it’s totally okay, I understand completely.  I, too, am prone to being a total space cadet sometimes.  My top skills are remembering/thinking of things when I’m in no position to act on them (composing review questions while at work, thinking of phone call I forgot to make while driving, realizing I didn’t show my mom the sonogram my friend sent me right as I fall asleep, etc.)  Really, I’m just happy finding others to talk about this stuff with who seem to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Omg, I’m SO EXCITED to see the necklace turn up, however that happens!  And as someone who 90% of the time also uses drinkware featuring superheroes and other nerdery for their alcohol, I very much approve Derek’s choices, whether it makes it into the story or not.  I also enjoyed both versions of the chapter flashback, but the first was definitely more “Oh My…”, and the redo more straight up fluffy and adorable. 
And I love all that stuff in the ideas tag!  With Corey there’s so much potential stuff that can be done with someone with those types of powers.  I admit I don’t know too much about exactly how his are supposed to work. his powers are due to genetics and not outside forces in this, could it perhaps be connected to how Gerard has been able to do some of the things he’s done?   (Could the wolves track him while invisible in the show?)  And oh, my God, that is a total Moon Moon moment (resisting the urge to make a comment about why Ian was trying to fit a ball in his mouth).  I choose to believe that Noah and Chris coordinated to trick Peter into doing that and managing to get it on camera.  They threaten to make it part of the family Christmas card.  Peter only agrees if they make it so that all the pictures used embarrass everyone equally.  Which is where some of the BTS type stuff could come in.  (My lord, they are all such dorks.  I mean, I follow Ian, Linden, JR, and Hoechlin on Insta and or Twitter, so we been knew, really, but still. XD )  And I’m all for any plot points or incidents that allow Lydia to showcase just how awesome she truly is.  Also, I will never turn down an idea that involves puppy piles and cuddle puddles.  I’ve been in this fandom too damn long not to have developed a deep-seated love for damaged characters getting the affection and comfort they deserve.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the examples of my often questionable musical tastes. ;D  I think I first heard that song on an anime music video (for LOVELESS I think, of all things), and I was just like “well this is catchy as hell”.  As someone whose musical tastes are all over the gd place, I like to imagine they all have some genre that they’re secretly a fan of but don’t want to admit to because it might clash with their grunge-y punk image (the other two totally know anyway.)  Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions. 
And jsyk, it really makes me happy to know that my reviews are helpful for more than just story ideas.  Which partially brings me to the picture I’ve attached.  I work in a pet supply store, and the item on the right is a dog toy we carry and every time I look at it, all I can think of is how much it reminds me of Deucalion.  Like, I can’t not see it at this point.  And nobody I work with would have the slightest idea what I’m talking about, so I finally made this so that I could share it those that might get why it’s so funny to me.  So here it is.  And if you are still in need of things for distractions, here is a list of some random incidents that have (mostly) occurred at my work in the last few days:
1) Someone left a 4 Iron in one of our shopping carts along the far wall of the store.  We have no clue where it came from, we aren’t anywhere near any kind of golf or sporting goods store.  (I checked and there was no sign of blood on it, so no one was ditching a weapon on us or something.)
2) I walked into our warehouse and asked “why does it smell like sparklers in here?”, saw a coworker standing looking out the back door, and walked over to see that there was a car on fire about a block away in another parking lot.  (The fire department was already on scene putting it out, it looked like it started near the front driver’s side tire?)
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
5) One of the smoke alarms in my apartment started doing the dead battery warning beep at around midnight Sunday night.  I unfortunately was out of the size I needed to replace it, so I just popped out the one that was in it.  Turns out it’s also hardwired, so that did nothing.  It beeped the entire night.  I would have gotten worried about my neighbors, but they had one that they let beep for like a week back in Feb, so I decided I didn’t care.  When I stopped to buy a replacement I also ended up buying two bags of candy with the justification that they were on sale and I might need them for the next chapter.
6) Our pet bathing area re-opened, which meant we finally got a visit from one of my fave canine customers.  His name is Jax, he’s an American Akita, and he is a gigantic, sweet, bear of a dog.  Seriously, he comes to about my hip (I’m right around 5'4), weighs around 190lbs, and is a beautiful dark brown/black brindle all over.  He is also one of the most calm, chill dogs I have ever met (he’s been coming in for years), and I love to watch other people react to seeing him for the first time.
7) While searching around my music files and Spotify for suggestions, I got distracted and ended up treating my neighbors to an impromptu concert that consisted mostly of 00s divas and 60s bubblegum pop (oddly, a lot of Herman’s Hermits and Ohio Express has a very similar vibe to Bowling for Soup, to me at least), because I had headphones in, and didn’t realize I’d started singing along for…a while.  I did consider apologizing for that, at least, but ultimately decided to just ignore that it happened.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, and that some of the weirdness that is my life at least provides some entertainment.  And that the therapy session at least feels like something you think will help in the long run, even if it sucks massively right now.  I’m so proud of you for going, and sticking with it (I know so many who need to who don’t, for whatever reason).  It is hard, and exhausting, and I am always awed by those that are determined to see it through.  (Sorry if any of that comes across weird.  My automatic supportive defaults tend to be humor and awkward sincerity, and I always worry that one will come across as the other and vice versa.  Social anxiety is a hell of a drug.)  So, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the verbal flailing for now, please enjoy whenever you see this tomorrow (I think?  I’m terrible about keeping track of that sort of thing.  Also, how is most of Europe just one time zone?!  …anyway…)
Ok, I need to find out where I can get that crocodile/Alligator. for uh, for Mo...
Yeah for Mo.
(It’s for me, I would totally buy a dog toy if I thought it looked adorable.)
I definitely toned that scene down, though I kept some necessary exposition where Chris thinks on what happened between them. Might include some teenage raunchiness later, as someone pointed out to me, Peter would definitely be like that, as would Noah (probably). Chris would definitely be more reserved, he barely got a sex education aside from abstinence. ( Because I don’t see Gerard as the type of person who’d give his son the talk, honestly.)  
And as someone who also drinks alcohol in superhero or Halloween glasses and mugs, I had to throw Derek’s very mature choice in there. Batman mug stays XD
I’ll admit, that was exactly what I was thinking with Corey’s power and how I could use it in the story. So I’m curious to see where I’ll go with it eventually, but yeah, that’s on my idea list.
.. must resist Ian & JR ballsy jokes.. you are not twelve Ben.
I am.
I really am. A twelve-year-old in a twenty-nine-year-old body.
I bet Ian wanted to prove what he could fit in there. He wanted to show some ballsy moves. It’s practice for-
Okay, I’ll stop.
And they are the biggest dorks, I follow Ian, JR, Colton, and Holland on and my lord, they’re such dorks. Definitely following Linden now too though. hehe.
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I can see them trying that trick with Jackson, Malia, Ben, and Scott as well. Scott just falls face first and tries to fit a tennis ball into his mouth. Ben just looks at the tennis ball, figures that ain’t gonna fit and balances it on his face instead. Malia opens her mouth, notices the camera coming out, and just poses while smiling at the camera. Jackson though pretends to not understand what he has to do until Chris shows him how it’s done and then Jackson quickly points to Chris and while Noah films it laughing his ass off.
They make an awesome Christmas card with all of them doing something with that tennis ball.
Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions.
Also, Nickelback for Chris & Never gonna give you up. They're guilty pleasures. I would also like to suggest for Peter, either the Spice girls or like the Vengaboys. Gets him going but only when he’s alone at home and he’s wearing headphones. Because God forbids someone else hears it too. And I kinda wanna say Baby Metal for Noah. Idk seems like that might fit him and it’s hilarious to think about. Some headcanons don’t need to make sense.
Also, just for shits and giggles.
Caramelldansen in English and Swedish. 
Makes these dads (and Melissa and Derek) move and dance around the new house like crazy, Ben joins in, because of the funny voices. 
The teenagers are mortified.
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This made me so happy, 
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
I feel like that’s basically toddler behavior. Also, Ben did this at some point. One hundred percent. He walked into the pet section at a store and started eating the dog treats. Chris didn’t notice, Peter did, asked him about it and went; well, it’s probably not toxic for him, so whatever. He did film it. Noah and Chris yelled at him.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
That is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard. And yes I’m white too from lower middle class. But still...
But maybe that’s because I live in a country where I can drink tap water so that’s what Mo gets in his fountain.
And your stories made me smile my friend, every single one. <3 thank you for sharing these.
I wish I had funny ones really. Only one I can think of is some of my customers I run into as a tech support guy.
Customer calls me to tell me they don’t have internet. I ask, “Where’s your modem and how is it plugged into the network?”
Customer: It’s still in the box I received it in.. it’s wireless..”
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Cue ten-minute argument on how it’s not wireless like that and how he needs to install his modem... yeah. People and technology...
But anyway, I’ll stop rambling now because it’s 1 am here and I need to go to sleep again.
1 am is in the Amsterdam/Berlin timezone where I live in.
That is 6 pm in NYC
And 4 pm in California.
So I am 7-9 hours ahead of the US, to give you an idea about timezones.
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New Moon, New Goals
As we enter into February, the moon phase is changing. We just passed the New Moon people! This is exciting news. The New Moon is a time for cleansing and goal setting.
Since the moon phase has passed, I’m a little late in getting around to this, but I’d like to talk goals. I have created a list of habits to kick and habits to gain. Under my ‘habits to kick’ headline, I’ve listed ‘social media overload’, ‘girl hate’, ‘judgments’ and ‘snacking when bored’.
I’ve gotten myself into the habit of scrolling through social media in any and all of my downtime. Every morning after my first alarm goes off I pick up my phone and take a peek through all of my apps in the folder ‘social’. Through commercials on tv, sitting at stoplights, waiting for class to begin and many more moments of free time, my eyes are glued to my screen. I’ve only started to notice how unhealthy this habit has become because of the election. Facebook has been a source of some serious anxiety going on in my household. And by that I mean; everything anyone posts relating to donald makes me want to vomit. A middle-aged woman made a very harmful comment on my photos from the woman's march SEVEN times after I continued to delete it. I sent her a quick, politely worded message explaining the sad nature of the fact that she was belittling another woman and trying to start an argument on an eighteen year old's facebook page. I spent almost two hours in literal tears afterwards. That was my first step in my social media cleanse. Blocking those on my friends list who were harmful to my mental health. I can’t bring myself to delete the app; I use it to keep track of event invites and things of that nature, but for now I’ve pushed the app into the farthest possible corner of my phone, away from my home screen. This morning was the first morning in a long time that I’ve rolled out of bed without scrolling through all of my social apps, and I believe it is a habit I would like to continue.
Another bad habit I have acquired is the tendency to dislike other women for no apparent reason. I avoided ‘mean girls’ in high school at all costs. I disliked the girls who associated with the ‘popular kids’. I believe this is a mindset that should be left in high school. There are still mean girls of the world, even at the technical college I attend, but they are few and far between. I have come a very long way since my high school days. I used to see other women as my competition and automatically hate them the moment they walked in the door. I don’t carry those ideas so much anymore. It started at a party when I needed sisterhood the most that I came to realize that every other girl is thinking the same thing. “Wow, I thought she was stuck up, but once I actually got to know her, she’s pretty cool.” There was some creepy asshole following me around this house party and a small circle of girls off in the corner. They were in their own little world, and they looked exactly like the girls I would have avoided in high school. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I approached the girls in the corner and began with the easiest conversation starter. “Ohmigosh, I love your top. Where’d you get that?”. They saved my night and I left the party with three new friends. We bonded over our mutual hate for obnoxious guys who think they’re entitled to your phone number and our mutual love for animals. We found the owner’s cat and didn’t let go of him the whole night. Since then, I’ve been much more open to meeting new gal pals, but I still have some reservations I’d like to break down. There are girls from my middle school clique that I still hate-stalk on insta and a string of my ex-boyfriends love affairs I judge on facebook. This needs to end. It’s not doing me any good and I have much better things I could be doing with my time.
This goes along the lines of my next ‘habit to kick’ list. Judging people. I am a very open minded person and I’d like to think that I don’t judge people. But sometimes comments sneak into my conversations with some of my closest friends that shouldn’t be happening. “I hate to judge, but...” Is a phrase I use quite often. Honestly, it’s mostly along the lines of harmless things like fashion choices and resting bitch faces. While I consider myself to be a pretty non-judgemental person, it happens more than I want it to. I need to learn to hold my tongue and retrain my brain.
Next on the list is pretty self-explanatory. I tend to stuff my face when I have nothing better to do, and it’s unhealthy. I’ve realized it happens a lot more now that I’m in college. I do a lot of mindless snacking while studying and watching tv and I’ve just gotta be more aware of it and kick that habit to the curb.
On another note, I’ve got a list of healthy habits that I’d like to adapt. These include less screen time (to counteract my first ‘habit to kick’), meditation, good posture, snacking healthy (for those times that I end up mindlessly snacking), and write more often.
I’m excited to see what this month has in store for me.
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airoasis ¡ 7 years
Inspiration Monday ~ Ashley's Transformation Story Will Give You SO MUCH Inspo Today-- ToneItUp.com
Morning gorgeous! Today we're enjoyed share a transformation story that's really near to our hearts! You most likely know our woman Ashley ~ she supports and loves every girl in the community! She's constantly there to provide recommendations, support, and inspiration! When her fellow TIU mommies and runners need pointers or inspiration, Ashley is the ideal woman to turn to! She's likewise a total employer in her busy career, a caring mama, and a stunning wife!We got to hang out with Ashley in Cali at the Try to find Love winners' trip! Her energy was infectious and she lit up the space as soon as she strolled in! She truly embodies the style "Try to find Love." Ashley radiates love and shares her lovely, sweet spirit with her family, friends, and this community.About a year after
signing up with Tone It Up, Ashley conceived with her adorable child Gemma. With the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan, Ashley had a healthy pregnancy andnow feels the fittest and most confident of her life! Now we're catching up with Ashley about how she remains balanced with her hectic life and rocks her workouts and nutrition!Ashley, my totally free spirit, my wild '70s kid, my heart ... we're so pleased with
you for everything you reveal us! Love you so much!! Hear Ashley's story!You can likewise view on YouTube & Apple TV HERE!
.?.!! Exactly what's new with you considering that the Appearance For Love Difficulty ?! Tell us everything!Life feels so chaotic, in the outright best method possible these last few months. Expertly, my company is getting ready to open a gambling establishment in Spokane
Washington, which is actually interesting for everyone! I have actually been SO motivated by many TIU ladies who are chasing their dreams that it really got me believing about mine. I cannot share details but when I consider my individual 3 -to 5-year plan I get actually excited. I just desire to say if you too have a dream or something that actually excites you but your head obstructs ... I get it, that has always been me BUT don't be frightened! Believe it, believe it, and after that do it! Whatever it is, chase your passions since you should have to be delighted all the method to your core.Personally, my child Gemma (now 20 months)is beginning to talk( and bathroom train! ). I feel like I am finding something new and challenging and fascinating about parenting every single day.
I also find myself constantly looking for inspiration and mother pointers and advice from other TIU moms.From a physical fitness perspective, I simply signed up for a half marathon in March! I'll be running the Rock 'N Roll DC and I am so fired up to have this brand-new obstacle and goal to squash.
Since I posted this journey, many other TIU ladies have actually connected and stated they are either running the same race or are training for a race at the exact same time, I chose to start a responsibility group so we can all remain motivated and liable during training.What initially influenced you to make a modification in your life?I understood I was not living the finest version of myself. I was in my twenties, working my method up the corporate ladder working 60+ hours a week, and I was binge eating and crash dieting. I knew there needed to be something more. I KNEW my body might feel and look much better. I believe my practical thinking of"hi ... who are you, this is not who you desire to be"sent me on the google look for something different, something brand-new-something that may"assist "me ... then I discovered K&K! How has the Tone It Up Nutrition Strategy contributed to your success? The Tone It Up Nutrition Strategy takes a science-based approach to food and nutrition. When Iife gets stressful and I am feeling myself slip into some bad old routines, I take some time to reread the Nutrition Plan. It inspires me to get back on track and reminds me that we sustain our bodies with well balanced Lean, Tidy, 'N Green meals not simply to look our best, however to feel our best.I desire to feel good in my body, I want to be strong for my daughter, and I wish to practice balance in all areas of life. The Tone It Up Nutrition Strategy and lifestyle offer us ladies the tools and flexibility to live our best life.
No diets! No cleanses! No calorie counting! Simply entire, real food dishes together with guides, suggestions, and calorie add-ons to make it work everybody. Our bodies are distinct, our requirements are various, and the Strategy assists you discover what is right for you and me!How have the Daily Moves contributed to your success?I have talked to a great deal of TIU runners and the one constant comment is that integrating strength training into your run schedule makes you a better runner. The Daily Moves are PERFECT for this. No matter where you are or how hectic you are, you can constantly make time to squeeze them into your day.I have always enjoyed the Daily Moves however because I have started half marathon training, the DM's are the best addition to my training. Can I just say THANK YOU for the brand-new format in the TIU app. I like having the ability to follow in addition to a basic click. It takes the thinking out of which move or round am I on! What did pertaining to California on the winners'trip suggest to you?Getting to invest the weekend with the other obstacle winners, TIU HQ and of course K&K was the most unbelievable and motivating trip. While I attempt to live a healthy and well balanced life everyday, I'm not constantly surrounded by like-minded people. The
winners 'journey provides you the chance to surround yourself with 100%like-minded people. I left feeling more inspired and inspired than ever! AND I genuinely feel like I have made long-lasting pals with the #lookforlovesquad. Those ladies are INCREDIBLE. Exactly what was your preferred memory from the journey? Wait I cannot pick them all? This is sooooo difficult ... running around the beach in a swimwear drinking rosĂŠ with Kat presenting us and Jana Williams shooting was something I will always remember. The Uber flight to the photoshoot where we needed our motorist to sing and dance to Bruno Mars with us, and lastly, by far among the coolest parts was the trip to the"Love Wall."That was not on the schedule and it was not expected
, but it became a walk/tour of Venice and its charming stores. How do you keep yourself motivated?These days it is actually easy. I have a daughter and the most incredible spouse! 80 years with them is not going to suffice! I have to look after my body now, so it can look after me later.What are your go-to Tone It Up Nutrition Strategy meals and snacks?Hands down Tone It Up Protein Smoothies, I have one nearly
day-to-day( I have TIU Protein and a mixer at
the workplace). My preferred EASY refuel dish is ~ 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1/2 frozen banana 1 cup frozen pineapple/mango mix 1 cup fresh spinach 1 scoop vanilla Tone It Up Protein TIU Tray Dinner is our household's go-to supper option one to two times a week. The Turmeric Cauliflower Rice from the Bikini Series Edition is another preferred for my whole family!Where can we find you on Insta? Anything else you wish to tell this group?! There is a location in the
= "https://www.instagram.com/toneitup/?hl=en "target=_ blank >
Tone It Up Community for everyone! Students, Mommies, Professional Athletes, Pregnancy, Post Natal ~ you name it there are ladies out there with comparable stories simply waiting to find you, discover them! Share your stories, reveal love and support, and influence each other to be better and obviously SWEAT it out! That's what the #tiuteam is everything about. Blessed to be a small part of an amazing group of
ladies! Let's all provide Ashley some love in the remarks! A lot of gorgeous TIU women have attained all their goals and dreams with the Tone It Up Nutrition Strategy!.?.
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