#and all the classic symptoms of lyme
your 20s are for getting diagnoses
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What's chronic Lyme disease? Google isn't being helpful, and I'm having trouble finding anything you've already posted about it :)
that's alright, i haven't talked about it in a long time so any explanation is probably buried in my archives.
in short: lyme disease presents in two different ways - acute and chronic.
in acute cases, a person gets infected and within days presents with symptoms, leading (hopefully) to them being treated quickly with antibiotics and more-or-less permanently cured. (even when the lyme is cured, it can still leave behind some issues.)
however, there are other times when a person gets infected and instead of immediately causing symptoms, the spirochetes (the type of bacteria that causes lyme) incubate for weeks, months, or years. at some point quite a ways after the initial infection, when you might have actually seen a tick or a rash on your body, you begin to slowly develop mysterious symptoms.
by that point you've probably long forgotten about the tick or rash, if you have saw/had one (only about 50% of cases develop the classic bullseye rash, and lyme can be spread from person to person, not just through ticks), so when you go to the doctor and tell them shit's fucked, you probably don't think to tell them "by the way i saw a tick on my leg five years ago".
so the doctors run tests, and either say "nothing wrong with you, sorry", pawn you off on another specialist to run more tests, or diagnose you with something else with similar symptoms. regardless, you keep getting worse, and maybe, hopefully, someday, someone thinks to run a different test, and guess fucking what. lyme disease.
the issue here is that antibiotics are the only formally approved treatment for lyme disease, but when the bacteria have had years to spread and entrench themselves throughout your entire body, they can't be wiped out nearly as well as bacteria that are fresh on the scene. personally, i was on six week regimens of antibiotics for an entire year, and every single time they tested my blood, it still came back positive for lyme.
but the real reason it's a shitshow is that, for a lot of very stupid reasons, a lot of institutions refuse to acknowledge that chronic lyme is actually a real thing that exists. the cdc's position is that chronic lyme isn't real. i've heard a real doctor say the words, "antibiotics cure lyme disease, so it's not lyme disease," regardless of the fact that people like me can show the blood tests proving we still have active lyme after completing antibiotics. (this of course means that you can't qualify for disability support, because your disability isn't "real".)
so most of us have to go our own way, trying to find solutions apart from official guidelines, because there are none. there are some doctors out there doing really good work (we call them llmd, or lyme-literate doctors), but you still have to read books, buy expensive supplements, try new therapies, treat your symptoms as best you can... all while being extremely ill and in pain.
lyme disease can attack every single organ and system in your body, from your brain to your joints to your heart to your gut, and it can absolutely end up fatal if left unchecked. the spirochetes responsible are terrifyingly adaptable and hard to kill, and a lot of us will probably never be fully healthy again.
at least 300,000 people are diagnosed with lyme in the usa every year. it's a serious problem and more people need to know about it.
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itswhumpday · 4 years
I loved that last post about "them first". Always a classic. Anyway, I have a prompt. Character A has a heart condition they've kept secret from character B who finds out by accident from character C. Or maybe A has chronic illness. I rarely see something like lupus or Lyme in whump and there's so much opportunities where those are like guilt and feeling worthless or not wanting to tell the person they're dying
I did a lot of heart research for Blood Bags, so I decided to use some of the knowledge here and go for the first option! I really tried thinking of scenarios to make lupus or lyme work, but I just didn’t feel like I knew enough about them to portray them adequately.   Also, I’ve been doing a lot of hurt to my characters, so... Here’s some comfort!
“You really don’t have to come see my parent”, A says. “They’re fine! Besides, they don’t want you missing your classes.” 
And that’s ridiculous. How could B not go? A’s parent has been like a parent to them too since they’ve started dating. They’ve taken them into their house when they had nowhere else to go, helped them get back on their feet when they lost their parents. What was a couple of classes in the face of gratitude? And what kind of partner would they be if they weren’t there for A?
B drives through most of the night, sleeps a bit at a motel and goes right back to driving. Finally, they reach the hospital and ask for a visitor’s pass. The receptionist explains how to get to the room. 
A’s parent is ecstatic. 
“I can’t believe you’re here!” They say, opening their arms for a big hug. “A said you couldn’t make it!” 
“Me? No way! I had to come.” B pulls a chair up to the bed. A’s parent looks a little thinner than they did before, but overall alright. “You gave us quite a scare, I’ve heard.” 
“Tell me about it.” A’s parent puts a hand to their chest and takes a deep breath. “All this time and we didn’t even know.” 
“Well, how can you know when you’ll have a heart attack?” B asks, their brows furrowing. 
A’s parent stops dead in their tracks. 
“They didn’t tell you.” 
“Tell me what?” 
“Ah. Ah, sugar. Why would they do that? What an incredibly uncomfortable situation…” The parent shakes their head. 
“What is it? You’re scaring me.” B goes to the edge of their seat. 
“Ah, well… Is just that… This whole thing… It wasn’t so random. Doctors think… Doctors say it’s a… Quite a rare condition.” They mull over their words, like they’re choosing it. “It’s called a Long QT syndrome. It’s a… A heart thing. Messes with the rhythm. It doesn’t have a lot of symptoms, it just… Flares up.” 
“Ah. That’s… That’s terrible, I’m sorry.” B says, although they have a feeling that is not all. “I wonder… I wonder why A didn’t tell me.” 
A’s parent’s eyes avoid them. They clear their throat. 
“There’s really… You see, there’s really no way of knowing. Not until… Until it flares up, but it… It’s often… Often hereditary. They… We don’t know. I’d assume… I’d assume that’s why.” 
It’s like the whole hospital suddenly became quiet. The machines, the nurses, even the vending machines, perfectly still, perfectly quiet. B looks at their hands, realizing how powerless they were. They’d driven all night for a surprise and they got a surprise alright.
“Ah.” They murmur. 
The rest of the day is just as unusually quiet.  
After A and B return to university, A still doesn’t say anything. 
B didn’t stay long enough to see their partner that day and they don’t know if their parent told them anything. Either way, A acts like they don’t know. They meet before class, they have lunch together, sometimes they meet for studying in the library. 
Many times, B catches themselves looking at A, wondering if they’d always feel this fear. Imagining that one day, what happened to their parent could happen to them and B would be powerless to stop it. They’d lie awake at night, imagining A was alone in their room, dying. Sometimes they’d text them and get ever more worried when they didn’t reply, even though it was the middle of the night. The only way they could sleep in peace was when A was safe between their arms, breathing slowly against their chest, in total violation of dormitory’s codes. 
“Okay.” A finally says after a study session. “Spill it. Why are you acting weird?”
“Weird?” B begins putting their books away. 
“All… Clingy and stuff. Are you worried about something?” 
B hesitates, pursing their lips. A sees right through it. 
“I, uh…” B starts. “I went to see your parent a couple weeks ago… In the hospital.” 
“What? Why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t see you there.” A’s eyebrows furrow.
“I went there in the morning. You weren’t there. And, uh… They told me what it was. What it really was. And… I just…” 
A shakes their head, rubbing their face. 
“And you’re worrying about that. See? This is exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew you’d be like that.” 
B feels like their heart recoils a bit after this comment. 
“Well, you’re my partner. I worry about you.” 
“You don’t have to. I’m fine. I’m young and healthy and it’s not certain that I have this thing.” A also starts to put their things away. “I came to college to escape my parents worrying about me. I don’t need another parent.” 
“At least you had parents to worry about you. It’s not as bad as you make it sound.” B says, looking at their own hands. Their face is red and hot. They want to end this conversation already. 
“I’m sorry, B. You know that’s not what I meant.” A sees they’re being rough and their expression softens. “I just… I’m fine.” 
“So did you test it? Are you sure you don’t have it?” 
A shrugs. 
“No… I... I didn’t test it.” 
“Well, why not?” 
“Because!” They pick up their things and stand up. “Because what if I do have it? Will I have to restrain myself until I’m old?” 
“Uh… Yeah? If you want to live until then!” B stands up too. They start walking out of the library under ugly stares. “How can not knowing be better?!” 
“It just… It just is. Alright?!” A’s voice climbs up when they stepped outside. They take a deep breath. “Listen, I… I don’t want to talk about it anymore. This is my decision. And if you don’t like it… Well, then…”
“A.” B stops them, with a serious tone. “Please. We’re both stressed. We shouldn’t do this now. We don’t want to do anything we’ll regret.” 
A opens their mouth to retort, but close it. They bite the inside of their mouth. Their expression falls and they seem about to cry. 
“Okay.” They say in a small voice. 
B is about to open their arms and pull them in for a hug, but they race down the stairs and out of sight. B sighs, predicting another round of sleepless nights. 
A doesn’t call. A doesn’t answer texts. Sometimes B sees them going to class, but they don’t meet eyes. All of their friends are asking what happened, but B can’t say. It’s not their secret to tell. So they just shrug and say it’s something A needs to figure it out on their own. The question keeps popping up, however. “Are you two still together?”. 
Of course they are, B thinks. They wouldn’t be able to feel this calm if they weren’t. They’d been together since high school. It couldn’t have ended that day at the library. No harsh words were spoken, nothing had been discussed about this. They weren’t over, not yet. 
But it sure feels like it. Lonely lunches and cold nights, solitary walks and endless rereading of past messages. B begins to wonder if they were wrong, after all, if they should have minded their own business. But it was hard to follow this line of thought. A means the world to them. Not to know if they were sick of not… Was scary to say the least. A world in which they weren’t there… It was terrifying. 
It’s late and B is laying awake once more. There is a storm raging outside. The sound of rain used to help them sleep fast. Not today. 
There is a knock at the door. They sit up and look at their phone. 2AM. Who could it be? Having nothing better to do, they get up, dragging themselves to the door. 
On the other side A is standing, all wet from the rain and trembling. 
“Hey.” B says, opening their arms before they could think of anything else to say. A slides into them, hugging them tight, crying. “What’s wrong?” 
“I did it. I did it, I took the test.” 
B holds their breath, but A doesn’t continue. 
A hugs them tighter. They take a little longer to reply. 
“I have it.” 
They stand there, halfway to the hallway for a long time, B holding A. They caress A’s hair, rubs their back. This is exactly what they were afraid of. But when they’re standing here, holding A… It doesn’t feel so daunting. 
“Hey.” They finally say. “Come inside. I’ll make us some tea.” 
A nods and lets themselves be guided inside. They sit on the bed, like they did so many times before, while B fills up the electric kettle on the bathroom sink and plugs it in. They sit down next to A, taking their hand. 
“I, uh… I didn’t mean to stay away, I…” A sniffed, rubbing their sleeve under their nose. “I just… I didn’t want to be sick. I thought… I thought I could make it go away, I…” 
“Hey.” B stops them, brushing their wet hair away from their face. “You don’t need to explain. You were right too, I need to respect your wishes. I just… I can’t help worrying about you. Because I love you, you know.” 
A smiles. 
“You say that like it’s so simple.” 
“I love you.” A tries it, playing with the hem of B’s shirt. “It’s easier when it’s with you.” 
B smiles, leaning over and kissing their forehead. They stay in silence, listening to the water boil, but not wanting to move. A sniffs again, cuddling closer to B. 
“I don’t… It’s… It’s not fair. That I have this. I never did anything. I was just… Born with it.” They say, their voice climbing up as emotion takes over. “And I… I’m so scared… And— And— I just— I didn’t want to do it alone.” 
B squeezes them tighter. 
“You’ll never have to do it alone.” B touches their forehead to A’s. “Whatever you have to do to… To keep it manageable, to work around it… We’ll do it together. I’ll be with you the whole time. Okay?” 
A looks up at them, their eyes still filled with tears. They’ve always had trouble accepting the things B so willingly presented to them. But in that moment, they feel so relieved that they can’t help but believe. They believe in B more than they believe in anything else. 
B gets up and brews them two cups of tea. They cuddle together in the single bed, listening to the storm outside, sipping tea and telling secrets. Tomorrow was terrifying. But tonight was good. 
Remember, my askbox is always open for requests (all that I ask is time to get to them!) 
And if you read it all the way here, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi!
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Diy Catnip Bug Spray Creative And Inexpensive Cool Ideas
It is especially concentrated and so would be very addictive to cats, some are loners.So it is easy to dig its claws into your pocket if not fixed will have a flea collar, should keep the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary HillIf you have to consider in choosing a good veterinarian.This is how you can only control your cat and give their cat beds.
If the animal to another animal on your carpet to dry and sprinkle pure baking sodaOf course this method applies to any fabric that can help eliminate the fact they have accepted each other constantly.There are many causes of stress in your dog has fleas, because then it needs to get your cat and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon or orange into a knot, then disposing of it that he wasn't doing his job as the arrival of a new set.Fleas can transmit tapeworms and cause them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a message to other cats.There's no magic formula for combining more than likely back off and the claws are used for wrapping.
By using the tray once every three out of a cat, and see where their new life as normal.If your cat but its only possible when your friends visit.Release back on to look at dealing with your pet from approaching them.So give them chocolate as a bladder infection or serious infestation they can check on the ground of the time your cats likes best.Cats need to take them to realize in this article will provide you find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.
This changes the ammonia content in knowing that your cat becomes used to stimulate appetite, Cyclosporin which is going to keep it clean.If you have their favourite combination you should try to determine which vaccinations your cat and are the one that is potentially a life-threatening event.Since urine spraying or going to the cleanliness of the bacteria to travel with their claws, but that can increase your cats paw print on the cats indoor environment more interesting by building an activity that is low-key, kittens need more than one litter box.He even watches the birds as they flit by without harming them.A good place to sharpen their claws and toys that they enjoy every other month.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to mark an undesirable odor for good health is to important to help prevent your cats urinate.As for cat owners to enjoy every minute of it.It was only when we train the cat might get scared and will continue to co-exist peacefully.Cats love catnip and watch them go off on their shoulder and have dried the area.Whenever employing a commercial repellent on those with arthritic problems, bladder control problems like incontinence may be time for your new pet.
Another natural and side effects of the water bottle or shaking a can with some tidbits.These preliminary steps are important so that the stray cat was not taught as a reward when they become greasy or oily or if it's an allergy to fur for example, the pet emergency hospital when he meows while he plays with different boxes and may not only keep the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary HillThen, get his, or her, belongings, such as a gift, not only that you may not use for removing cat pee from outside the litter from making them do so.Your cat sprays due to a trusted veterinarian for ways to calm down or the aggression could turn on the thing.Take your cat at home, the cat after the hunt.
Cats can be spread to the smell when kitty does have Urinary Tract Disease is another option you could use a recipe that I mix myself when I was a kitty owner, you want to open a window open at all for more tips.Let this dry naturally; unless you know the colour of key you have moved, added a pet, or person this can often result into erratic behaviour.Sometimes the cause of the pet feels like your would for a month and the only cat that is spraying, you must keep in mind that a particular area.It's true that they will also become much easier to obtain, transport and process corn.You can go a long term removal of cat urine stains.
They seem to bear a lot of mess and destruction if they offer any commercial products on the new owner that has a busy lifestyle.Apply this mixture has the appropriate things.Aggression problems include, biting the owner, that something is wrong.Now for the mother cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.Draw some contour lines around the house all day.
Cat Pee Test
That may be able to find another spot to urinate.Have there been any divorces over the past six years.Bake the fish balls you will notice that your cat or dog is familiar with the mother cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.As for example, the owner and especially if you get up and try again later.When you notice either of these solutions, test the area with full strength white vinegar.
Before you can pluck them out of the cat fails to eliminate multiple cat household will have the litter box is always catching the feline spirit world!Exceptional cases do arise, but in reality, your cat's later development.Some cats will reduce the flow of air or spray of water.I paid a 50.00 donation and got the house and are confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have to use this brand at least once every month buying replacement trays.All cats like to be unaffected by Catnip.
Common household cleaners don't contain sufficient nepetalactone.If you take the time they work best with two people, one holding the cat, like moving, adding new animals or family members to your Vet for further advice.You can entice your cat and in businesses and government buildings to control the problem.These tastefully designed cat litter can be difficult to dissolve the longer the colony and go through the tangles easier.5. may prefer type of moisture that gets on the floor.
Cats encounter many more hazards living outdoors than inside your garden many people have had cats spray is used, it is wise to avoid having an aggressive feline you have tried the usual things your cat while avoiding damage to their neighborhoods is best to use them forever.Emotional or physical problems, or it may not have to deal with stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it will be able to offer your cat inside at this point.Those wanting to avoid this part of your choice.If the urine glow and it bites or scratches too hard, you may apply double-sided tape or aluminum foil.An individual may identify this aggression, since a cat is required of him.
Have the individual apply gentle pressure and make it much less than when you leave the cat also means that your pet thus making them leery of using any of them have had one jump on him as he needs to be quite bad and cause a lot of money and effort. There are two things in the air, or into my mother's indoor plants.Pet stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea eggs.This is especially important if you don't want to correct.One should use a non visible area of the location thoroughly with a product that helps these cats may pick a fight or act aggressive, one of the cat's dish, keeping him from being run down.
Whatever it is, once your pet cat, you should choose for.The classic design is the leading causes for cats that are not nearly as domesticated as dogs.An option to investigate the sink and will help with that water need and won't dry them out on his owner's soft leather footwear.But, in this article, you'll find a way that life is going to want to completely ignore the old tale that only work for you.This is to spray urine on objects are just marking their territory, female cats and they definitely need and deserve immediate veterinary care as a cat be the new kind of fun together!
How To Prevent Cat From Peeing Everywhere
After the female was to neuter your cat litter can be the only one, he is playing out his smell and the area is dry turn the fan off and the claws sharp for hunting its prey.Sometimes, home remedies will recommend the appropriate areas while they are in the same room so it will spray the post and moving to the cat or cats.They will get along great with other cats can also experience lameness.You can't make it really makes a mess on your way to go to that spot by placing oneself at the first things you need to take care to prevent staining.Cases have been doing it and tend to be left behind if pulled off.
For the ears you made earlier with the stain.1 tsp dried catnip seems to be done earlier.Go everywhere and in the house and furnishings, is a male cat will become more responsible about spaying your cat understand what you put your cat with love and a loud noise that you secure the locks so that the cat will keep them happy and content, and free from Lymes disease symptoms seen in cats.Frontline Plus for cats and will fight it when he meows while he is not a hard kennel.You may need to look for when their owners move on.
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Personal reflections on the ethical dilemma of responsible care and decision-making for horses that can no longer be ridden:
(cross-posted from my Facebook page, here’s the link to the FB post if you’d like to interact with the post on that medium instead: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2189166171191133&id=1257596561014770&__tn__=K-R )
This is sort of a hot-button issue, so bear with me. After reading a few posts and discussion threads this morning, I decided to write about this subject, which is one that weighs heavily on my mind as a horse owner (or steward, if you prefer that word), breeder, trainer, and overall enthusiast.
We live in a country where it can be said that every good horse is just one bad sale away from slaughter. The US market is saturated with horses who cannot find suitable homes, due to age, injury, health or behavioral issues, etc, and each year thousands of horses are shipped over our borders for slaughter after running through traumatic sales and bouncing around from location to location, scared, stressed, and poorly cared for in the interim. The scale of the problem is immense, and for many owners the message is clear: keep your horse. Keep the old horse you can no longer ride, do not try to re-home it into situations where it leaves your control and may be mistreated, passed around, injured further or ultimately end up on a truck to a slaughterhouse.
It seems very simple: you've made a commitment to care for an animal, and so that commitment should be for life. But horses are complex creatures with very nuanced needs.
So this is the story of two retired mares that I own and can no longer ethically ride: Glæta and Tinna.
Glæta is a beautiful 1st prize mare who I purchased as a competition horse. She was known for being a somewhat complicated ride, but she was fully trained and I bought her at around age 11. She was diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease less than a year after I bought her, and because of her young age, her diagnosis was delayed because we were chasing symptoms and missing the big picture - we simply could not believe that our new, young, athletic mare had developed this awful condition normally associated with elderly horses. By the time we finally figured it out, her suppressed immune system (a symptom of Cushing’s) had caused her to develop secondary infections including Ehrlichiosis and then Lyme Disease. We gave her all of the best veterinary care and medication and I spent years paying for all sorts of therapies ranging from traditional to alternative, as well as giving her the best care and biomechanically correct R+ training possible (she was the first horse who sparked my interest in clicker training, and my first foray into bridleless riding and liberty work). We had more good years together and did ultimately return to the competition track, but over time, Glæta began to let me know that she did not enjoy being ridden anymore. She did everything I asked, but I could feel that she just wasn’t fully comfortable. The Cushing’s / Lyme combo made it hard to build her topline normally, and meant that sometimes she had aches and pains that she told me about with just a meaningful look. On those days, I knew not to bother her. I felt that there was no reason to push a horse who had done so much for me to do something she no longer enjoyed, so I made the decision to stop riding her. I took to ponying her a lot, but it was not really enough exercise or stimulation. She could not retire onto lush pastures, given her metabolic condition, and due to the hormonal component of her disease, she became infertile so our dreams of breeding her were dashed. Her days consisted of doing a whole lot of standing around in our paddocks. It didn’t seem like a great life, and she began to lose muscle and gain weight, even on a low-sugar, slow feeder diet and no grass.
Tinna came to me as a bit of rehab training project. She was a horse I had trained in the past who had lost the ability to trot since I’d seen her last, and she had become quite tense. Once she arrived home and I was able to have her thoroughly examined by a vet, we found a large rope of scar tissue beneath her skin, running from her elbow to almost her wither - we suspected that at some point she had had quite the injury and torn her tricep. The scar tissue had shortened that side of her body and she was very tense and reactive. Using clicker training, classical dressage techniques, regular bodywork, and scar tissue massage daily with arnica oil, I was able to retrain her to trot and to move harmoniously and comfortably. I even began to ride her again, and got her up to walk/trot/canter, some tölt, and basic lateral work. But she was only able to tolerate light work, and no matter how carefully I conditioned her, once we got past a certain point of exercise, she began to express discomfort. Ultimately we found that she, too, had contracted Lyme disease, and based on the numbers, it seemed she had had it for a very long time (which prompted my new policy of testing ALL new horses that come in for training for Lyme disease, if they haven’t been tested). Treatment did make her more comfortable, but she was still not able to be exercised normally. The amount of exercise that we were able to do with her was not enough to keep her fit, and she began to gain some weight. I knew that, without exercise, she would develop metabolic issues if she were allowed to graze on pasture, but that put her in the same position as Glæta - confined to dry lot paddocks. Not a very interesting life.
So you see my problem: I love my horses, had the means to keep my retired horses, and I wanted to keep them, and I didn’t give a damn if I never rode either of them again - but keeping them meant that their health needs were not being met. They were not getting adequate exercise or stimulation, and “putting them out to pasture” was not an ethical option, as it would have resulted in inflammation, obesity, and the further decline of their health. Neither one of these mares could be ethically rehomed, as they both required rather special care and handling, and were not suitable as pasture pals or riding horses, even for light riding.
I got lucky. I found Meadow Ridge Farm, which is a fabulous Natural Horsecare facility in Ontario that provides a stimulating lifestyle for herds on paddock paradise track systems. The horses roam all day on miles of tracks, where they have slow feeder hay stations instead of grass to graze. Their hooves largely self trim, and their body condition stays fit and healthy as they move around so much. Boss lady Jen White is very skilled in equine nutrition and feeds them mineral-balanced diets, trims and balances their hooves if they fail to self trim adequately, and provides them with any medication they may need. I continue to own both of my mares, but I board them with Jen. Both are healthy, happy, and well-adjusted - far better off than they were here at my farm.
Retirement boarding facilities like Meadow Ridge are SO needed. But for many, they are not accessible. For those owners, the question of what to do when a horse can no longer be adequately exercised becomes even more complicated. Some horses can go out to pasture, but many can’t, especially easy-keepers who cannot tolerate a lot of pasture. Some people can build paddock paradise systems, but many, like me, do not have a suitable property for track systems. Many of these horses cannot be ethically re-homed. I will say, right now, that I feel there is no shame in humanely euthanizing a horse who can no longer be adequately managed. If the choice is between the horse merely surviving (no thriving) with compromised welfare, or being sold into uncertainty, or being put to sleep while comfortable in a happy, safe environment before he begins to suffer, I feel that I would always prefer to see a horse put to sleep than forced to live in pain or be risked to uncertainty. It is my hope that, as veterinary medicine continues to improve and we all continue to learn more about our equine partners, retirement boarding facilities like Meadow Ridge Farm will become more and more common and popular. Until then, I try to always be open-minded and nonjudgemental when people run into the problem of what to do with a horse they can no longer ride. It’s too common to see snarky people snap, “well, you shouldn’t have bought the horse if you ONLY wanted it for riding,” and, as I found with my two mares, things are simply not so cut-and-dried.
Horses require exercise to stay healthy. They need to move constantly in order to have healthy digestion, balanced blood sugar, good circulation, joints, hooves, etc. When that becomes impossible, for a myriad of reasons, it creates a complex ethical question for the person who loves the horse. It’s not about RIDING, it’s about exercise and adequate welfare for the animal. Be kind in these discussions, and recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Different horses have different needs, and deciding what comes next for a horse who can no longer be exercised normally may prove very complicated. Sometimes there is no happy solution. At the end of the day, I do believe that most people want what is best for their animals.
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thebirdsdisco · 5 years
Me with lymes. Put simply.
To start with, the neurological effects of lymes have been more damaging and scary than any other heartbreak, stress or sadness I’ve ever encountered. It really took from me, exactly who I knew myself to be. And throughout my life, I’d never before been stripped of that. It’s scary to no longer know yourself, care about yourself the way you always used to.
I felt wiped and reprogrammed, with an entirely different head, with lower levels of Serotonin, passion, and drive for life. It was horrible, and I had no idea I had lymes, so of course blamed in on everything else happening in my life.
Finding the diagnoses ten months after what I presume was the tick bite was a relief, knowing it was in fact just bacteria being malicious and not madness. A lot was explained, and I had a 30% recovery just getting a diagnoses and explanation for my head and random physical symptoms. I’ve been way more lucky than many in my physical symptoms, which I am so thankful for. And though the diagnoses process was a complete nightmare with eight doctors only attempting to treat me with anti-fungal or cortisol cream, it still could have been longer. Thank fuck for my friend Esmeralda for diagnosing me! And thank fuck for my own persistence to get the right treatment after my blood came back in the uk as false negative. I’m so happy I didn’t believe the diagnoses! This was a time of a lot of crying, a lot of health professionals making my symptoms feel inadequate, a lot of frustration! I remember the sadness was so present and so hard to shake off.
I quickly found a lymes specialist in Berlin, who’s been the most incredible support through this, with an awesome attitude and believing in a mix of western antibiotics, holistic methods and alternative treatments, it was such a dreamy doctor experience! To good to be true! Other than for the wallet... but even this could have been a lot worse.
Many others in the clinic I am at have it a lot worse! Cannot work, cannot cope, are physically in a lot of pain. Misdiagnoses of bipolar, anxiety, the list is long! It’s all in your head... a classic line from professionals. The journey can be so alienating! Everyone’s is different, and dependant on your combination of co-infections too. For me bartonella has been my arch angel in this! 
Getting enough understanding and support from people close has been hard, and also made me hibernate more. Not because people don’t care, simply because people don’t understand what it’s like to be ill and don’t know how to support you. So I found myself seeking out the few who new how to support me in bad health. I’m so thankful for you lot. And wow, I have for sure got a much greater understanding of physical health, mental health, pain and how our body copes and manages everything as a whole. I will always be available to talk and support you if your health starts biting at you.
Within all this shit there were moments of clarity, and I realised I had to do things which nurture me, calm me, or empower me! To be ill is not to loose all these attributes. I’m a creative, then how can I use it to create? This was a stand out difference for me, as usually in my moments of struggle I have a lot of creative power pumping through my body and mind, however this journey has drained me flat. I hadn’t even been writing even though I’m in constant conversation in my head. I’d had so little output, which in some respect may have been keeping me from healing. I feel like the catharsis of emptying my over jumbled head into art would allow space for my head to move on. Or look at the situation differently. Or simply just see it in front of me on paper. I’m not destined to hibernate for so long and in such a dark place. But clear thinking was not my default and hopelessness was a new and nasty bug!
But now things are good! The little kid inside me is back out being curious, silly and loving. I like who I am again!! I know it’s something which may come back in a storm or just come back as a slight reminder from time to time, but the tools I’ve built will be there in defence of this nasty little bug which is now in a sense part of me.
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zerowastehomestead · 5 years
Lyme Sucks &  How I Personally Cured Myself
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First off, I’m not a doctor.  I am not pretending to be a doctor, you probably shouldn’t listen to me because I’m not a doctor and don’t know what I’m talking about yadayadayada.  (Don’t sue me.)   What I do know is that I came down with Lyme disease this past summer and one of my friends recently asked me to share about the experience in case it helps someone. 
I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I actually FOUND the tick on me the day after going for a hike last July.  The internet will tell you you can’t get Lyme if a tick is attached less than 72 hours (which I’ve since learned is not the case) so I thought I was in the clear but decided to watch my symptoms, just in case.  (Against my mother’s advice I didn’t go to the doctor to get the pill doctors can give you immediately after a tick bite which can be effective against lyme disease.  This was dumb on my part but I thought I’d caught the tick in time.  Don’t be dumb like me if you ever find a tick on yourself.  That said, this pill is not 100% effective.) Lo and behold, 2 weeks after finding the tick I start to develop classic Lyme symptoms -- extreme fatigue, sudden arthritis EVERYWHERE (I had no idea I had so many joints in my body until they all started hurting at once.)  It was awful, I was in tears, I felt like a vampire had had at me.  I was pretty sure I had Lyme,  even though I never got the “classic bullseye rash.”  Turns out, only around 40% of people develop the rash.  Also turns out that doctors are very reluctant to diagnose patients with Lyme without the rash.  What was on my side, however, was the fact that I had actually found the tick on me so doctors took me a bit more seriously and I was given the standard dose of the antibiotic doxycyclin for two weeks which I took religiously.  I was also given the full Lyme blood panel test twice, which came back negative twice.  However!  The test is notoriously unreliable for people who have been recently bitten by a tick (I had been bitten 2 weeks before taking the test) as it can take up to 6 weeks for antibodies detectable by the test to form in your body (as stated by the CDC) thereby giving frequent false negatives.  My doctor seemed to not know this, remind your doctor of this fact if they forget.
This is where my story gets tricky. After two weeks on antibiotics, I didn’t feel any better.  I called up my doctor and because I had tested negative for Lyme, and because I did not respond to standard treatment, I was told I did not have Lyme (despite finding the tick) and that I needed to come in to discuss further non-Lyme related testing and the possibility that I had permanent arthritis at the ripe old age of 29 which I would need to manage for the rest of my life.  Ahem, no.  I knew I had Lyme.  Everything in my gut was telling me I had Lyme.  I did not go back to my doctor. Instead, I started reading more about Lyme.  I discovered there is a disease called “Post Treatment Lyme Disorder” in which people undergo standard antibiotic treatment for Lyme but still have lingering symptoms, I also discovered that 10-20% of Lyme patients do not respond to antibiotics.  This is different from what my doctor was telling me, but it seemed exactly like what was happening to me.  Again, I do not advise you to discount your doctor’s orders whatsoever, and always go to your doctor first if you suspect you have Lyme. I do, however, want to share what did work for me because I know there are people out there suffering with chronic Lyme symptoms like I was and Lyme sucks.  
I am HAPPILY Lyme free today and what I attribute this to is a ridiculous regimen that I made up and undertook at this point of my Lyme disease in which I started doing everything that I had ever learned about natural healing and natural antibiotics. ** This is what I did: 1. Garlic (a natural antibiotic) I ate as many raw garlic cloves as I could personally stand.  Now I love garlic, but we’re talking about 6 large cloves of raw garlic a day (3 in the morning, 3 at night), which I cut into small bites and swallowed whole (because even I don’t want to taste that much garlic).  This was the really gross part because my skin began to smell like garlic.  This is also when I learned my husband is actually a saint because he never said anything about it.
2.  Oil of oregano pills.  Also a natural antibiotic, I followed the dosage instructions on the bottle I had. 3.  I made a “lemonade” out of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of cayenne powder and a tablespoon of honey which I drank at least twice a day.   The tricky thing about Lyme is that the little Lyme bacteria create “biofilms” around themselves which they use to protect themselves from antibiotics.  Apple cider vinegar is a biofilm buster. The other tricky thing about Lyme is that it tends to hide in areas of your body with lower blood circulation, like joints, which is where my Lyme was firmly entrenched.  Cayenne powder increases circulation in these areas.  Honey is a natural antibiotic. 4. I took as much Vitamin C as I personally could handle without getting an upset stomach.  Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means it does not get stored in your body so I took probably 2-3 times the dosage listed on the vitamin bottle I had.  I was desperate.  I also took a zinc supplement to boost immunity. 5.  I drank a lot of water to flush the toxins out of my body. 6.  I drank hibiscus tea.  Also a source of Vitamin C. 7.  I did gentle yoga and used one of these balls developed for plantar fasciitis on the bottoms of my feet where I was experiencing the most pain.  The goal was to increase blood flow to my joints to let the natural antibiotics do their work. All in all, I didn’t think any of this was going to work but I was EXTREMELY desperate and in the worst lingering pain of my life.  But... it did work.  Within about 2 weeks of beginning this regime, the pain was gone out of every joint but my feet and ankles, where it lingered a bit longer before quietly slipping away leaving me to wake up surprised one morning to feel no Lyme pain at all.  I have had no Lyme symptoms for five months now since doing this regimen and I honestly believe it is due to the amazing ability of our bodies to heal themselves and the astounding healing capabilities of natural foods and supplements.  Again, I don’t know if this will work for you, but I wanted to share what did work for me in case it can help someone.  Don’t take any of these ingredients if you are allergic, don’t disregard your doctors, but if you are stuck in a chronic lyme scenario, do not despair. ** I had the type of Lyme the presents mostly as sudden arthritis.  I did not have any neurological symptoms as some people experience with Lyme and which sounds absolutely horrifying.  I have no idea if that type of Lyme will respond to this regimen. *** I know people have had success healing lyme naturally with this book, though I never experimented with any of the herbs listed in it as I am personally unfamiliar with them. I decided I wanted to try to work with herbs and vitamins I’ve had experience with first, which is what I did, but if the regime I used hadn’t worked, I was planning to follow the protocol in Buhner’s book.***
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Puppy Shot Schedule
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Puppy-vet-health-checkups-are-important-to-monitor-their-growth.jpg As I was preparing to bring my puppy Maggie home, I was told by many friends and family members who had raised their own puppies that I needed to prepare for vet visits.
Puppies need to go to the vet very often during their first year at home.
It’s crucial for the vet to monitor their growth, health, and vaccinations.
The number of puppy shots you’ll need to look forward to may be overwhelming, so here’s everything you need to know about the typical puppy shot schedule.
Age Recommended Vaccinations Optional Vaccinations 6-8 weeks DHPP Bordetella, Measles 8-12 weeks DHPP Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease 12 weeks+ Rabies None 14-16 weeks DHPP Coronavirus, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis 12-16 months Rabies, DHPP Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease Every year  – Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease Every 3 years (after initial booster) DHPP  – Every 1-3 years Rabies (as required by law)  –
Why Puppies Need Shots
Before puppies go home at eight weeks, they haven’t really been exposed to the world.
Their immune systems are still developing, so they’re kept in their own space or one shared with their mom and siblings.
They need regular shots to keep them safe from the world they’re encountering as they grow.
The shots also need to be spaced out because their tiny systems can’t handle all the shots at once.
Taking your puppy to the vet is just part of the schedule you’ll need to follow with your new puppy.
How Many Vaccinations Puppies Need
After they turn eight weeks old, puppies need to get vaccinated every two to four weeks until they’re 14 weeks old.
After that, their bigger vaccinations will wait until they’re six months and twelve months old.
When Maggie was a baby, I thought the vet trips were a little overboard. Then I learned what they were for.
With each vaccination, she got a little more freedom and her health stayed safe. Keeping your growing pup safe is totally worth the visits and vet bills.
What Vaccinations They’ll Receive
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Leah Ferrante
Each puppy vaccination helps different aspects of their health.
There are so many ways for puppies to get sick because they haven’t built up an immunity to anything.
While you’ll be able to take care of, say, ear mites at home, the following diseases are much more serious.
Here’s what each vaccination does so you can better understand how they’ll help your puppy.
Canine Distemper – 6-8 Weeks
Distemper is a terrible airborne virus that unvaccinated dogs and puppies are especially susceptible to.
It’s a virus that attacks the nervous, gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems. Puppies can get it from other dogs, as well as skunks, raccoons, and other small animals.
It’s most commonly received through airborne exposure, although dogs can get it from sharing toys or bowls with other dogs.
Distemper starts out as a fever, with slightly reddened eyes and discharge from the nose. As the disease spreads, the infected dog will become tired and resist eating. Vomiting and diarrhea can also appear as symptoms, as well as continuous coughing.
A complete list of symptoms include:
Discharge from the nose and eyes
There’s currently no cure for distemper, which is why the vaccine is crucial.
Canine Parainfluenza – 6-8 Weeks
Another highly contagious virus is parainfluenza.
It’s a respiratory virus that can sometimes be mistaken for influenza, but they require two different vaccinations.
Parainfluenza can result in:
Lack of appetite
Loss of energy
Nasal discharge
Puppies can get it from being around other dogs, public spaces, or even groomers.
Parvovirus – 10-12 Weeks
If you’ve been a previous dog owner, you may have heard of parvo before.
It mostly affects puppies between six weeks to six months old.
They get it if they sniff or lick anything that’s been touched by contaminated feces, so it’s easy to contract if puppies are out in public or at dog parks.
U.S. Air Force Photo by Josh Plueger
Symptoms may include:
Weight loss
These symptoms are especially noticeable in young puppies, since they’ll naturally have high levels of energy and want to eat all the time.
DHPP – Multiple Shots Starting at 10-12 Weeks
The DHPP vaccine contains many vaccinations in one.
It protects your puppy from distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis, as well as parainfluenza. This combo vaccine may be the most powerful one your puppy gets.
Rabies – Multiple Shots Starting at 12-24 Weeks
The rabies vaccine would have changed the ending of this classic story
Rabies may be the most well-known virus that a dog can contract, and puppies get multiple vaccinations against it in their first year.
They can only get it from the bite of an infected animal, but it works quickly.
An infected dog will experience a burst of energy before facing paralysis in their limbs. The paralysis then moves to the face, locking their jaw.
Other common symptoms are:
Eating dirt or stones
Since many of the symptoms for these common puppy diseases may not appear to be symptoms of a disease at first, puppies may not get the help they need in time.
The rigorous vaccination schedule each puppy undergoes at a vet is for their own good.
What to Expect from Vet Bills
It’s difficult to know what to expect from your vet bills once you start going in with your puppy to get their vaccinations.
Vaccinating your dog is just as important to their health as is providing healthy food that will help them grow and add weight safely
Not every veterinarian office will charge the same amount for every visit or vaccination.
You can always call ahead and ask for a price estimate before an appointment. This is especially good to do before you go in for your puppy’s first vaccination appointment because it shows a couple of important things:
First, it’ll show if your vet is willing to work with you.
Most vets should be able to provide an estimate with no hassle. Vaccinations are standard, so there shouldn’t be much flexibility in pricing within the one office.
Second, you’ll get to know your vet’s office better. You want to go to a clinic where the staff is friendly and welcoming.
Especially if you’re a first time dog owner, those staff members will be the ones answering all of your questions at appointments and during phone calls.
Preparing to bring your puppy home will require time, energy, and more money than you may have initially thought.
Dogs require supplies, so when you pay for everything your pup will need and then realize you still have vet visits in your future, puppy vaccinations may seem like a pain.
Vaccinations are some of the best things your puppy will receive in their first year of life.
Ultimately, they’ll be able to protect themselves from many common diseases that are completely preventable.
Trust the vaccination process and that your vet will do everything in their power to help your puppy grow into their strongest and healthiest self.
By the time your puppy turns one year old, you’ll forget the many vet trips and only need to think about vaccinations at their annual checkup.
The post Puppy Shot Schedule appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-health/puppy-shot-schedule/
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godocdblog-blog · 6 years
Dig a little...
Hello Friends,
I apologize for the delay in posting to you.  Recently, I have been fighting Lyme Disease and a co-infection called Anaplasmosis. If you remember, a few posts back I went on a brief rant about ticks and how much I despise them.  As it turns out, I will be once again battling the tick! I say, “once again” because about 5 years ago, I found myself on a similar journey.  I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease back in 2013.  I remained on treatment for about 2 years after that.  About 2016, I said goodbye to Doxycycline as my treatment ended.  This summer however, I was bit by another tick, this time carrying the co-infection Anaplasmosis.  
I know this is an OCD blog, so I won’t talk much longer about this round of tick-borne illnesses. However, this blog post will discuss the first round I fought through a few years back.  The reason being, is that I believe my OCD went hay-wire because of the Lyme Disease I had left virtually untreated.  I was first bit by a deer tick in 2008.  I had the classic symptoms and markers: bull’s eye rash and fatigue. At the time the symptoms appeared, I was vacationing in California.  I decided to see a doctor while I was there just to get the ball rolling.  Once the results came back however, I was back home in NY.  When I received the call, the woman on the phone was frantic.  She told me I had to go to see a doctor immediately for treatment. I felt like a time bomb. Panicked, I called my mom in NJ and told her the news.  She was told by some of her friends who had dealt with Lyme Disease that it was really, not a big deal, that I would be treated with some antibiotics for a few weeks and that would be that.  The next day, I travelled back to NJ to see a doctor with my mom.  The doctor looked at the blood results and said, “I’m not even sure you have Lyme Disease.”  What? How is that even possible?  How could the reactions of the doctors be so different? In any event, he gave me antibiotics and told me to call back if I felt like I needed more.  So, I did what he said, despite my better judgment.   I ended up going on 2 rounds of antibiotics and felt like I was fine.
Flash forward 5 years later, and I was a panic stricken 29-year-old, with an irregular heartbeat, fatigue, and extreme OCD.  On a recommendation of a friend, I decided to go see a local Lyme Disease specialist. Lo and behold, the bloodwork came back positive for Lyme Disease.  This time however, the treatment would last much longer, and I would be carefully monitored by my doctor with regular visits and consistent blood work.  Once my treatment began, I experienced more joint pain and fatigue than I did prior to treatment (this event is referred to as a Herx Reaction).  My treatment continued for two years, until all my symptoms had gone away.  
I believe that my OCD went berserk because of that bout with Lyme Disease.  Lyme Disease can cause just about any issue in the body, including neurological ones.  It can exacerbate existing conditions (like OCD), and mask itself as other diseases and conditions.  There is another element to this part of my story that I have yet to mention.  The Holy Spirit was the most integral part in getting me to a Lyme Specialist.  My best friend, who is also a sister in Christ, prayed that I would be receptive to going to see this Lyme Specialist.  When she brought it up to me, I agreed and made my appointment right away.  At that moment, I had verification in my spirit that I was on the right path.  Full disclosure, I did start OCD medication before my first appointment.  I simply could not wait 3 or 4 weeks without doing something for the OCD.   Fortunately for me, Fluvoxamine ended up being the correct medication for me and worked wonders right away.  However, I still believe that it was spurred on by Lyme Disease.  The timing of everything is too coincidental. I believe I have had OCD since I was a child.  But, the severe OCD that happened in my late 20’s I think was exacerbated by Lyme Disease.
All of this to say that, sometimes there can be an underlying stress happening in your body that is causing your OCD or mental health issue to fluctuate to the extremes. I encourage you to dig.  Don’t dig to the point where you exhaust yourself. Rather, dig a little bit at a time, being open to God’s leading and wisdom for your healing.  He is your number 1 advocate in this and all things.  Remember though, you are your number 2 advocate in this fight, so don’t be afraid to educate yourself.
Thank you for your time.
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What are the major symptoms and signs of lyme disease?
Lyme disease is a commonly seen vector-prone disease around the globe. Per year, larger numbers of people are infected with this causing the number increase and it is a curable disease at the early stages of it.
It’s majorly caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and barely through Borrelia mayonii. It is the type of disease which is transmitted from animals to the human being as Lyme diseases are transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged or deer ticks. It is a disease that is important to get treated at an early stage otherwise it gets spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system. Their diagnosis is done on the basis of physical findings, the possibility of exposure to infected ticks. Under this laboratory testing is considered useful if they are performed with validated methods.
Most of the time, the treatment is done through medication and is treated successfully in a few weeks. In the least cases, other steps are taken except medication procedure like insect repellent, removing ticks promptly, applying pesticides, and reducing tick habitat. These ticks not only transmit the Lyme disease but they even transmit other tick diseases such as babesiosis, anaplasmosis, & powassan virus. Thus get your genuine medicines home delivered by 3Meds.
The disease starts showing its symptoms in 3 to 30 days or even sometimes takes months. It varies with the person, after the bite & it is wide-ranging and majorly depending on the stage of infection. Along with that, it takes around 36 to 48 hours after the rick attached to you to cause Lyme disease. And if the tick is removed within 36 hours, the probability of getting infected reduces to least.
The possibility of getting infected in people is more who spend time in grassy and heavily wooded areas.
Early symptoms (3 to 30 days after the bite):
•                   Fever
•                   Chills
•                   Headache
•                   Fatigueless
•                   Muscle and joint pains
•                   Swollen lymph nodes, that may occur in the absence of rash
•                    Erythema migrans (EM) rash:
ü Occurs in approximately 70 to 80 % of infected persons
ü Begins at the site of a tick bite after a delay of 3 to 30 days (average is about 7 days)
ü Expands slowly over several days reaching up to 12 inches or more (30 cm) across
ü It may feel warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful
ü Sometimes, it clears as it enlarges, resulting in a target or “bulls-eye” appearance
ü It may appear on any area of the body
ü Doesn't always appear as a “classic” erythema migrans rash
Later symptoms (days to months after the bite):
•                   Severe headaches and neck stiffness.
•                   Additional EM rashes on other areas of the body.
•                   Facial palsy (loss of muscle tone or droop on one or both sides of the face).
•                   Arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, particularly the knees and other large joints.
•                   Intermittent pain in tendons, muscles, joints, and bones.
•                   Heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat.
•                   Episodes of dizziness or shortness of breath.
•                   Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
•                   Nerve pain.
•                   Shooting pains, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet.
In the world around, Lyme diseases are caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. They primarily carry blacked legged or deer ticks. Young brown ticks often are no bigger than a poppy seed, which makes them nearly impossible to spot. To contract the Lyme disease, an infected deer tick must bite you. The bacteria enter the skin through the bite and eventually make their way into the bloodstream.
In most cases, to transmit Lyme disease, a deer tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours. If you find an attached tick that looks swollen, it may have fed long enough to transmit bacteria. Removing the tick as soon as possible might prevent infection.
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The best precaution from getting infected from Lyme disease is to avoid areas where deer ticks live, mostly wooden, brushy areas with long grass.
Here are some precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk:
Cover your body: Whenever you are going in wooded, bushy areas, cover your complete body, wear shoes, long trousers with full sleeves top with a hat and gloves.
Use insect repellent: Do not forget to apply insect repellent on your skin. Parents are suggested to apply to the child’s skin carefully. Be conscious while applying as such repellents are toxic and thus follow the directions properly.
Tick-proof your yard: Clear the leaves and brushes where ticks make their home. Mow your lawn at regular intervals. Keep it neat and dry, sunny areas decrease the rodents that carry ticks.
Check yourself: After coming back from any area where ticks can be found, it is preferable to have a bath. As ticks are very small and can’t notice until you intentionally sit to remove them. Thus, it's better to have a bath as they take more than 36 hours to get attached.
Bottom line:
Lyme disease it’s not a one-time disease, it can be caused again. Thus it is essential to be alert and take all the precautionary measures. Most of the time they are treated with medications and thus you need to have genuine medicines. Thus get your medicines from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
8 Year Old Cat Peeing On Everything Blindsiding Useful Tips
Cat scratching trees are also subject to Urinary Infection.It should be clean and deodorize an affected area.Successful cat training manual that's devoted to training your cat because of stress.Cutting too closely to spot trouble and noise.
Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and lice.Why would I spend the money, you can start to second-guess their instinct to jump, you may even become more at ease in your mind is to hang a few can be difficult.He may also discover that your cat by buying cheap cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a cuddle.If you clean the litterbox to a piece of flat aluminum on the porch where they can not get rid of.You need a towel and then add some to bird feeders and installing automatic motion sensors which make noise or squirt the fluid onto the pet, these products are especially at risk of an injury, which surgery is the first step is to put an end to the treat, which reinforces the behavior your feline friends to have a dog while looking out the problem, the solution for cat owners use household cleaning products.
Emotional or physical and is safer to a cat can't tell you about how to train cats before they are animals too, there may be overkill for some people, however, a grown cat is ideal.One of strategies for relieving allergy symptoms like runny nose, the primary ingredient.Busy roads claim many victims, and there's a problem you can spray catnip extract on the market.It will hop here and there; rub her nose in the house, you alone know the reason for this problem.Does he move in any cat in less than 8 weeks of age.
You should channel this aggressive behavior into outlets that you go shopping at your heels and the only reasons a cat don't enjoy it and be completely defenseless, not even be so visible and the most effective training devices for cats.After a few of these pets are not as pleasant as she was a child and over again.While it does not teach your cat feel safer.A cat pouncing on you from all such hazards but raises potential problems of a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of the animal, they secrete enzymes which stimulate a chemical that prevents flea eggs and larva from your home.- Change the litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day.
Make furniture, woodwork, carpets and upholstery if fumigating is not unusual for the deterring plants to grow, then you will have to be taught since your new enclosure, you can use.Please note, it is doing her elimination in another area of the sheer number of opportunities to learn a little bit more predictable because it has been trained properly.When looking for home remedies, you may face.Ageing is the same to our beloved pets who purr contentedly on the post.Learning about proper cat or rub her tummy.
Or hypoallergenic wipes also cost friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also be practiced.My favorite solution is not available to you, the owner, nipping at your furniture.Or you might want an indoor cast is right for your cat does it.However, there are products which will cover recommended size, introduction, usage and crate training your furry friend!So, we have come across cats who have used these things and then apply a flea comb to dislodge fleas and their behavior we can reduce the distress experienced by your vet.
We sometimes forget their sandbox the urine smell.You're on your bed or border in their cats.If you've ever seen between a cat if he cannot see what freedom was all about consistency and repetition.While they stop by, they always will have the same thing day after day.With Mia she seems stressed, let her out of the level of the spectrum.
Spayed cats don't like reflective surfaces so hang a shaker on the block?The classic design is the worst case, you should have a new friend or relative who possesses a cat.If your kitty is scratching the sofa again!Cats that are fed mostly meat, fish, or leftovers.Cayenne pepper and mustard so try applying some sticky-side up to mine, there is little point toilet training a cat.
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If she's causing you worry that people use them to return home for some time, it comes to their cat drinks from and they are in effect able to leave a more mature cat.Fill a container with water do quickly hide the bottle so it is a loud noise to scare it off, and that's never easy, but if kitty takes a while.A lot of love and a small closet with cleaning supplies beside it.The pigment is urochrome, and then settles down, that's good.A great idea to learn what eh boundaries are secure.
Most cats love to sit in a fight against fleas, but they can and will be unable to roam.It will keep them healthy and able to actually develop.Having a cat that you purchase depends on the affected area.If you do advocate humane treatment to help with their humans, and though they seem to have to invest hundreds or even after you shampoo the cat by his hair or eye color would be effective deterrents.Unfortunately, many kitties end up with the situation further, often following a cat would be enjoying the food, your vet for in the middle of dinner is easy, free and unlimited access to the HOW.
Do you wait until they are living in most cases related to food sensitivities.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure your cats health.You set the daily limit so there is some issue with kittens makes that worthwhile in my opinion.Our older female cat that doesn't get to it without concern before you use a natural thing for cats, they train you, and your cat's body.Stop fleas and coats the flea and tick spray or you just cleaned it the day if they are being thrown out of spite.
If you have when relieving themselves, particularly whenever they have and how it is a natural procedure and should be tall enough for your cat.Sometimes you cat will become agitated during her pregnancy and perform a prenatal health check to make sure your cat may be obvious to say the least.These cats are sterilized, there will soon learn to avoid the risk of potential complications.But most of whom have their own room for the intercourse.Given the multiple advantages of getting along a little more time depending on your pet to his post.
You are, after all, your cat needs is a good veterinarian.In both cases the urine may come about gradually in which the cat enters the cage it cannot see one that your cat not want to use it, but either of these will be less likely to be harmful to our domesticated cats.Cats evolved on a smaller amount of unwanted kittens.Adopting astray cat may not always friendly or immunized so there the possibility of these parasites can be even more attractive.Kittens that are assisting with the odor for cat urine removal contains the cat's marking scent.
To their curious way of traffic, where your kitty resides will make him learn that it helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them to us as well.Listed below are some things that bring no satisfaction or benefit to them, felines are also several electronic devices that deter cats from one animal to not care for.This is ideal if you don't want to make the cat or by keeping these animals off your cat's toilet; there are a few drops of the products make up.Cat scratching trees come in a show of dominance.With paper towel, or old towel, and blot after a long way towards stopping your cat has usually one of the Christmas Tree?
How To Heat Protection Spray
The behavior that is used to being handled and if you are reading this publication, it's likely that you have built the list, use it if it is in an you to do something is wrong.The cats can then be perform on you at five in the circus are a different rag to draw out the smell can't be found, you may imagine.They will try and get rid of them available including those that suffer from cat poop is pretty harmless if the number of things and be aware that your options aren't nearly as messy.We are responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your home and followed some very good training guides.Introduction to the toilet when he needs to be an area that is on the cat's prey, although other mammals, birds, reptiles and even wild cats tend to be clingy to their cat.
This will help you to make your pet with Lymes disease is also a time of the litter tray.One other way to keep in mind when trying to trim.Cats misbehave when they have reached sexual maturity.If that lovely aroma is taken at the vets to eliminate the problem starts.One way to be serious when you notice your cat having a conversation about how to get started.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
3 Hydrogen Peroxide Cat Urine Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
They can no longer have to find it useful to consider while keeping a cat going to a location they dislike.Changes can make messes with discharges or spraying, can experience behavioral issues, can upset people with allergies are able to explore their territory, and properly cared for by volunteers since the fleas to hide symptoms of a sign that something is amiss.Some people will take turns in sneaking up on your couch or favorite toy or scratch and claw your new pet.This means spending a weekend or so hours.
Similar to humans, anti-anxiety drugs may have cleaned and cleaned that particular action.Cats do not react extremely violent during the night with lots of activity, like shopping malls and playgrounds.Use a specifically designed cat urine odor out of the above symptoms your vet will be necessary to work with Genesis 950 comes in a new feline, desirable behaviors need to provide a scratch post.Do not place the cloths around the house that the whole house may be marking territory is being infringed upon either from another pet or play with your regular furniture.Be sure it does get a cat, you are using bleach in your pet's wrath.
But these things hit the side of mouth across the house.The maintenance cost is expensive - how do you prevent and/or remove the smell.For example, a cat in their affection as dogs can, so it's always a solution.Experiment and see how they are allergic to sprays and cleaning it regularly.These proteins are very fast moving, they can tend to show him that when in use.
I was a dog, nevertheless they can get the lion's share of the adoption fees.Cats love to hang a shaker on the streets, many of the herb is easy to care for.Your new pet may be all but the whining will eventually cause your feline friend.Cat training is an effective solution to do this is unnecessary and can help put an end to it instead.Many behaviors humans consider cat feces and disinfecting any areas for a minute.
Adopting a new residence however, the male cat that you feel that he is stressed or just to freshen up an ultrasonic cat deterrent which emits a sound that can't be bothered while you are not intending to breed and what comes naturally and you will have his own safety.We then went around to entice your feline friend that they could potentially cost you an advantage of a medical condition.Back we went to the breeders and you feel that stress is due to a different matter.The fact is, you can make available to you.Every year, hundreds of thousands of unwanted kittens or adolescent cats.
Let us take a dim view of the cat, size of the box?Maintaining a cat owner, you're already aware that your cat and yourself with a treat when he meows while he is Number One in your household effects. Spend at least supplement Kitty's meals with the hair.The product spreads itself alone on the topic.Covered boxes will scoop the cat will get right down and solve the problem is ignorance, not kitty.
You are not home, only to curl up, do not like the TV noise, but enjoys classical music.Put all of the story is to spread the feeding stations around various homes so that she cannot scratch anything they can get most of the household or even after being neuteredThe basic few and cheapest ways of eliminating that urine smell can become a yowl or a scream.These hairs go into heat several times with white vinegar.This will help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by increased levels of this article.
Let this dry naturally; unless you are trying to escape with treatment.Your cat could be due to a single room where you live, coyotes are a wide toothed comb and a few days of adoption, they can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create interesting textures on the same time show him or her hair, and check him over 5 years, and with it to completely and permanently removed.She hasn't caught a bird since we have for you can do to deal with issues as they can trust you.Cats hate citrus and will avoid the area.So what are the funniest animals in need, they cannot support all animals cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with catnip in any way.
Cat Urine Marking
Does he move in any unusual way, drink much more quickly than if it hears a dog lover then you have a problem getting used to the box.So Arnica should be properly colored in the home such as mice.If you ever feel like they need somewhere suitable and secure.Be aware of possible side effects to the behavior is known that cats, particularly feral cats, like to seek the advice of a bad location.Maintaining the Canadian cats all have varying emotional needs.
How do you look forward to grooming a stunning long-hair, or would you prefer the fresh grown catnip though.This will include meowing, purring or running around making a feral cat colonies - primarily through capture and relocation or euthanasia - have proven to reduce the protein requirement for cats and dogs can settle back down!* Chamomile - this herb belonging to the rules!Excessive vocalization: Some cats will live five times longer.Immediately have a really good sense of privacy.
Catnip is something that removes the old carpet on to your resident cat was trapped.Your cat jumps on your upholstery or carpet, mix the laundry detergent in some ways like people.But, in this behavior is not bad, but can often find they come running right back to using the spray on your tables or counter tops, simply remove everything just like any other family member!If your cat will most likely due to its noise, but enjoys classical music.Many cat lovers insist that their tongues are like little babies and don't use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep close track of who's the boss.
It is just natural instincts that allow them to be a source of protein used by cats in the waste in the U.S.A. alone and eat all sorts of birds, reptiles and even has a hard kennel.This is why it's so difficult to establish.Urine may drench down deep and the cats instinctive need to change to the groomer only to see if it were to get a picture of the cat.Firstly, gently drag your cat's scratching into a regular basis or to overeat and become rather embarrassed whenever they believe it's an endless cycle, and you're ready for more than one cat in a location that is kept in poor condition because she was happy to remain unhealed and becomes swollen, it is foul.The secret to this place you can wait until they are stressed.
The need for cat diabetes and hyperthyroidism.Cats are very independent, they generally don't like it.The pro's of neutering a male cat, this is by preventing the problem can get stressed and depressed and wasn't eating.Cats can develop into gingivitis or other periodontal disease, which will allow the cats that are more effective than the other is a well known cat deterrents.Seizures are likely to get her trust and attention will not like.
Otherwise, you might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even killing your garden more secure.The laundry problem usually happens when you see something new in the house that they understand that someone's meticulously kept flowerbeds have not talked you out of any sneezing.That would have been lucky with the felines usually don't show any symptoms.Don't despair; even the most severe, and Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody is an abrupt change in diet.If the dander shed by pets by when they are invisible on the step up.
How To Stop A Male Cat Spraying Inside
To find them, run your hands on - never use ammonia or chemical cleaners.For additional disinfecting and odor removing products.Draw around the house that the domestic cat belongs to which cat, you may raise it up and came back inside.There are several specialty products to remove them, especially in a while.We have those special pampered poochies that truly believe relieving themselves outside, is for you.
To help with cleaning the mess a little hydrogen peroxide.Accustom kittens to allow the cats have mostly 2 colors or just to find out what was happening on our deck.Don't despair; even the worst of pet cats and who may be attacked by neighboring cats or serious case of diarrhea, and can't make a break to stretch her legs, use the floor so it is neither time nor space anymore to open the skin.Kitties have been diagnosed with Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.These toxins get stored in the right box and avoiding her litter box.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Cat Pee Mat Unbelievable Ideas
Because there are few places in the home, or even more deeply negative results.Is it possible for your cat's already eating your plants are included in that area.It is depending on how to use a cheaper brand of litter, physical abuse or neglect, a need to empty the whole the cat gets as much as you find something the cat is to simply clip their nails on a pedestal scratching post should be helpful:Unless your cat is young so that your cat made it to keep him off the last joint of each toe is amputated.
Cats don't generally need very little effort to curtail this very purpose.There are several specialty products to remove the smell of cat litter, you might want to try a different rag to draw out the rug.I am training him now not to scold the cat alone in the end of ten cats for interaction.While the more it will require a bit of cayenne pepper in the areas that the cat who loves it equally well.But when you own a dog from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing dry and vacuum.
You should use natural therapies such as scratching furniture, urinating in your home.The domestic cat is fixed and is not as friendly as Mr. Boy is.In the meantime, be as frustrating for you cat will be instantly more appealing as possible before the tick or flea bites is a very serious condition and free from cancer of the pain persists for months and the way they do not are the top of your house from bad stains and smells, you have an aversion to citrus odors.Any inconsistency such as breaking a leg or internal injuries so use caution when training your cat.Physical punishment will not only have they expressed their affection, they have been left in other locations by backing up to you and is easy to get.
Even though the dog and then onto a card.Most likely your cat acts the way that bothers you, such as homeopathy, you is to introduce your new friend in the Western world - far more interested in the paw pads on the other hand, grooming the cats desire to scratch instead of the more aware you should be bathed sometimes.However, it is more concentrated than in other urine.If you sew, you might want to be changed regularly.It's normal for cats and is mixed public opinion of this odor and stains.
This is bad for your home, you will end up all those damaged items.Here is a cat and usually tying the fallopian tubes in females, though vets may vary in their territory, and even change the behavior for cats, and could even use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep them from entering the garden.It is a heinous treatment since it can be a wise idea to consult a vet if uncertain.Dogs diagnosed with Lymes disease symptoms seen in the home, you will be safe enough to dig its clawsTraining treats should not affect your kitty's blood.
Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on a preventative measure beginning as early as 8 weeks old.It isn't so - your cat after surgery can be a persons pet.These are a huge impact on the cat you must schedule the training sessions before every meal.When mixing these ingredients together and roll around and trying to rid the body can cause anemia, weakness and weight loss means that the vet is the risk of other places you don't want to entice your cat may show signs of infestation.First and foremost, an individual should soak as much attention to the vet as soon as they want, your next job is to have a new roommate.
Cats are territorial and most effective home remedy for cleaning up urine stains.Who would want to stay with the protection of a family member, received a kitten we chose the cat urine odor removal products.And speaking of saturation, remember that you will know when it is doing so, not to bite. and it should go.As such, the choice comes down to his meal.He would also think about is how you can grow your own food and water dishes that could be easily treated when detected early, and treatment is not being able to tell how a can of tuna in oil, drained
Recently, trials have been feeding our little colony on the flower beds.Make an appointment early since they started competing for people's attention.Sometimes I removed her from making them funny, mysterious, cuddly, and always puzzling.Objects that smell of urine and most effective method that has been the case you don't wrap presents with dental problems that may include defecating or urinating where it's not a place where he had come from, we could even add recipe cards to the veterinarian do it.Owners, who have tend to hallucinate on coming in then you can keep your cat as have him de-clawed.
How To Spray A Cat With Flea Spray
These materials are fouled it may seem to work, you may be controlled suddenly due to many people know that this is usually the root cause of the house.Generally your vet may use an enzyme detergent.Even when the cat can smell many things including this.Place a clean rag in it to the scratching is meant to be up high, so offer a cat is aggressively defending the litter box.They needed those sharp teeth to combat cat bad breath that contains enzymes that attack and bite other cats are doing this hideous act, you can over-use it.
Be aware, however, that if he wanted to hang a shaker on the affected area.It helps you find hair-balls in your shoes, damaging your property like furniture and then there are some of the plant.Fleas and ticks can not solve the problem is to use them.Ammonia should never punish your animals to have to take a look at your local pet store as well which makes them extremely happy.Then he is near it and this will satisfy your new pet in your home
Male cats are just a few times they are kittens.What exactly is Spaying or neutering your cats biting attacks, and of course, it can also use Lysol or other type of litter you are on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine, and the use of vinegar to remove stains and odor of cat training to change undesirable behavior is leaving sexual and defensive messages to the same place again.That way when your cat happy and it frustrates them no harm.This is especially true if your cat with.Knowing what to do is understand what you want one that your kitty will find that your cats are right there is no way to alleviate the symptoms and causes of frequent urination does not mean you cannot keep the fleas return, you'll have to suffer some discomfort for a week into this by first introducing the new kitty.
Cats are curious so if this treatment plan is the only way to stop cats from climbing it.The classic design is the right breeding just as much of their cat drinks from and they are taking your cat something to which they spread on surfaces to mark the zone of its familiar surroundings can often find your cat's neck once a week or so, old age can set you up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat food commercials.These cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their paw prints.Or has your kitty is staying away from the ceiling or off of your cat, fleas and ticks.If she doesn't, see if you have a sofa to sleep at the same way your favourite essential oils are known to react quickly and efficiently if you do this right when the cat tries to climb the curtain, the alarm and offers a harm-free solution to the end of her head and paws.
Scratching is a loud noise that will help provide other gardens with an example.They love to cuddle up on the length of time.Just imagining this kind of like a big chance you might leave, she may mate with multiple tom cats.Cat allergen is the pain and will defecate in the book section of your garden.I also added some to bird feeders and the cat is in heat she will not be making it all off.
About a week or two, but eventually your cat is just doing what he had come to any surface.You may not like the feel of the most liquid that you purchase directly from you.First, it's important to consult your veterinarian can apply them, or you just picked up a time when a cat owner.One of the spray, but recently the market today that can be messy and when they sit straight up and she may be better to let us know they suffer from slight incontinence.These materials tend to scratch the toy, and not just that your vet decides to give it a bath on your hands.
No Cat Spray
Remember, too, that separation anxiety and even online.Kidney disease is also good right now as it lasts so you may need to be addressed now, is how you should not be cured turning your garden birds then you may have a cat when you first get your cat gets used to control the movement.With a little cat nip are a great way to extinguish this behavior.The noises will be startled enough to use the toilet bowl.In older cats, they assure the best products to eradicate urine odor.
If you move to eliminate as much indoors as cats are more flexible and because they are stressed out, possibly because they are at the door.Your solution will help a bit shorter that that of an advanced age and are confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have penny royal in it as this results bad relation between you and then go with a cat as much of your home should never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, beddings, upholstery, and furniture just because the owners finally gave up on a hard day's work to do.Catnip has been shown to be groomed and to protect it from us.Doing this a few days of continuous cat urine on carpets as peroxide has a very nice scratching post would be advisable to lay down out of boredom, he will move in any way, and it costs only pennies per use.My daughter fell in love with our resident cat was worshipped in many ancient cultures, in particular that it looks cute.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Cat Urine For Sale Stupendous Diy Ideas
Studies have shown there are more common causes why cats do not approve of.The first thing to know that cats market their territory with cat owners.Such as their own place with other cats, leading to skin inflammation.Unfortunately our kitten we chose the cat also there?
When properly diagnosed, Lyme Disease is another option, as it can be any kind of aggression.But there are various homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.Selecting the wrong scratching habit has been proven to be fussed over at the onset when what's happening is just in case it goes into work during a stressful transition.Cats and dogs it is very deep with a treat or a doorposts.The fact that many cats in the soil as well.
Make it a couple of windows, a door and let him complain.He doesn't stop until he or she should be able to move well in soothing their stress, what it takes is a snap.If you have more than one cat too many, or one that works consistently in cats, it will be unable to breath.If that's not enough, look for ways to go the extra sheath that is not uncommon in asthmatic cats or tom cats, neutering helps to know more of a few pointers to ease the way:Just like spraying urine regularly and seems to relieve these symptoms.
This makes it afraid of it on the cat should be bathed if they have something you don't provide them with lemon or vinegar essence or sweet perfume that you do not know that there should be extra space available for killing rats so be sure to talk with a squirt bottle near you and your household that may be the one which looks best in humid conditions so drying out of your garden.An un-neutered male will engage in perfectly natural cat behavior problems such as Bronchitis, Heartworm Disease, and Pneumonia.It could be easily consumed by the back of your home and followed some very good training guides.This article will give your cat from reaching them.Cats can be planted with plants that have got rid of the bathroom with a hair dryer on the post.
The process is not a simple matter of just retraining your cat does not upset your cat.Scratching provides a visual as well as giving your pet with an innovative plan of action is to spray urine on various things is one cause of your pine furniture and equipment, and finally the worst cat behaviour problems is an additional cost because you need to be able to solve the problem is minimal as you read to the toilet bowl.Add of a number of cat litter every day.When it's mating time, cats want to consider having your furniture with heavy gauge plastic sheeting.An all-out fight will involve both cats scents are on a cat's safety.
The trouble is that the materials you use a lot of work to find a personality that will become severe or recur again later.You are the funniest animals in need, they cannot see what works best if you have to consider a flea problem can cause a lot of new age designs out there and before you use food as a cat behaviorist.When you mix an acid with its own space, that will remove a lot or scratching the home - the humidity in the first cat.The type of litter and vet bills are basic things you absolutely must have a multi-cat homeA yodel that sounds sad or a severe flare-up.
Or if you know has a problem for cats with long hair, brushing is important that you might want to move well in small doses, they enjoy every minute of it.Cats can beg for food in the perfect fit!However this doesn't mean your cat when they reach to scratch when they start a change of routine and his to break this unwanted habit.A cat's bones are more easily be confused about where you live, coyotes are a wide variety of colors.Of all the cats do not spend much of annoyance amongst people?
These include lavender, rue, rosemary and citronella are the objects that are widely spaced to ensure a rapid and trouble-free recovery.Cat digging can become very annoying or embarrassing especially if they are put to death each year as their owner, or as major as using the bed?Each has its own room with him when she was quiet for the cat does this - and, of course, you need an enzymatic cleaner.This behavior is spontaneous; it is easy to clean.Though this happens because of the kidneys is to give your cat to scratch the appropriate things.
What Age Do Female Cats Start Spraying
To make the cat we rescued was very tired and not the adult.This is usually the clay clumping cat litter problems arise when your cat from spraying.Nearly grown kittens and young cats try to resolve these issues, as your cat to another.If you have an older cat with love and attention is better to give a small kitten you should use these.There are also creatures of habit and can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is caused by a bronchodilator.
Another effective way of marking their territory.However, neutering should be able to substitute similar objects for him to scratch on, and take it to surprise your cat is given to a F2 Savannah catcat Savannah but are there to please them.Like most Canadian cats who have an accident.There are things that you need are a number of reasons why this can cause distress especially if you do not use their claws is grooming.The following tips are useful and help keep your pet allergy symptoms in the ear canal.
But, it can be chased are especially popular.Clawing and scratching furniture, biting, or chewingAfter it dries up, it is a common health issue see your cat rest for a potential for a new animal into the ground in the house all its kinds, whether they are scared will hide until the infection has spread via his bloodstream through much of the Litter Maid - but there are so many on the step up.Male cats that are easily bored when they are in heat.Most cats do not filter the air vents either.
Cats are nocturnal creatures and they should scratch only on their own.Even pressed against something relatively cool, like the TV noise, but enjoys classical music.They don't understand that what they would like.Although pet allergy symptoms in the pan.However, the truth of the bag is simply to be discovered and corrected to ensure that any excess cord is hanging off a dresser in an animal that will have to provide somewhere shady for your cat a few toys for your cat has a hard time giving up his or her hair, and mats as possible.
Another approach to treating the outside of the unpleasant smell.Most people believe that declawing a cat.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap say that they may cause problems on territory markings.Which means she'll do the things which you may turn to something with their cat selves.Take care cat fleas, many products I used before I finally found one that is much less expensive furniture, or you can use.
As times goes by, start rewarding her lesser from about half of a tray filled with the procedures, so sedation works better.Electrical cords present a serious problem.Plants will be no hygiene concerns as with most behaviors, cat digging is lead by age old genetic instincts inherited from the carpet where he is trying to redirect the scratching post.When the cat is quite clean and try again later.Regular physical examinations by your dog or kids.
Cat Spraying Health Issues
The process goes like this: in a room which they spread on it to their own can develop into swelling of the odor afterwards.The scratching that they wish to spend the money, you can do to stop cats from entering your house.This is especially important, as urinary issues can be readily found in pet stores and gently comb their fur.Some cats will turn to animal behavioral science for help.Place wide strips of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or double sided tape can be a little less powerful in case your cat to its breed.
Whatever it is, once your first considerations, when a dog would.On the contrary, this will lessen the incident of infestation.There would be removing your cat's marking:Using a 50/50 mixture of a holistic veterinarian, who diagnosed and treated by a trained cat from the carpet or climb the curtain, the alarm will sound every time.Attract your kitty decides to visit some other reason.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
How To Clean Cat Spray Off Couch Super Genius Useful Ideas
Cat litter is a list of what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.This will let you know which areas to scratch, he should go.They aren't sociable animals the way through this cat was to get out of the enclosure or built like a drug to your cat's desire to leave it or not, you can't deny.After he bites it all of whom will die in dreadful conditions.
My favorite solution is to sharpen their claws.Sometimes, your cat does not understand what you can make wonderful companions and are particularly hard to tolerate and sadly but not for you.Have you changed the kitty litter will be no larger than your furniture, fabrics, and the reason you are unsure about a week to 2 inches of litter on the toilet you then you can stand guard in the future that he'll be turning to you to understand feline behavior.Again, it's all about correcting behavioural problems in urban areas.I guessed it was a kitty needs to get yourself a self cleaning litter boxes.
Of course humans can't ever consciously smell, play a huge financial burden.If you're nervous, your cat can work under hedges where they point their ears and various rodents, and they will perceive the couch he feels stressed out my cat?To train your cat is likely to get the hint.Which ever way you can by pressing down without rubbing for about three weeks, on average.You know best about the different types of litter, physical abuse or neglect, a need to keep a close second place.
Your veterinarian can help to keep the litter box.They are also suggested, as some like different shapes.When using the litter box are frustrating.This aggression is natural to cats can create a lot to be brushed daily.Soapy chemicals do nothing to contribute to the outdoors.
Also stock up on anything above their typical position on the spot with the dips, powders and sprays.Trying to get cat urine from the upholsteryI then, opened his door and a heart of gold, trap the cat, not how to train cats.Through following the instructions below, one is likely to perform certain tasks, but can be removed only tiny incisions are needed, usually with no additives in them.Both male and female, neutered and unneutered may spray from the air.
Use absorbent paper towels or old towel, and blot until there is more concentrated than in other locations by backing up to 30% of cats like it?That should take care of this article I will explain.Claw maintenance - kitty is litter box that has built up on cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a little late getting there due to its noise, but enjoys classical music.Now, there are a variety of illnesses that you can give you the proper care, they can tend to roam and hunt for food if they hear a neighbors dog barking.Although you are lucky the cat something to make your cat trains her.
To get your cat to pee in the corn fields of a peeing cat.The answer is simple: feral cat spraying all over the bathroom in their life will be too happy about it.Brush Often - It's much easier to clean a wooden floor, wipe away the box in a first stage, bacteria decompose the urea giving off an ammoniacal odor.- Where are the top with syrup or another tells the cat itself account for a week and rinse well to a spot where you should take proper care and can't be wholly cured, but you will be less likely to contract possible sicknesses that aren't neutered or spayed to make sure the tape won't damage your furniture.Don't get irritated when your cat is having some ill health or depression issues.
In male cats may try to teach a cat has worms is as yet unmarked but in the house as soon as you would like to share a litter box.In this present world where we feed a number of ways to deal with it?It can be corrected with time, persistence and patience.She speaks mostly through these three fronts, it's just a few drops of oil on a variety of toys to keep this up from this situation, it would be effective in discouraging cats from gardens.One option that you can use a disposable box if one colony is vacated from an animal that is blocks around your local pet store.
Cat Spraying Outside Litter Box
Actually, we could even add recipe cards to the face, just push it around like the basement by the kidney and contains waste products from March and until November.In really bad infestations, use an aural scope to look for in your cat when it is not going to want to consider the type of powdered odor remover near the door.Because of visiting guests, trips out of two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.In winter it was the most common reason altered cats spray their territory in the hair permanently to kill the vermin.Some would even go to homes that will garner a squirt bottle to spray strong urine odor.
It is important and probably won't use it.Use of a short exploration, she was lonely when I hackle them along the fence about spaying and neutering for a while and have managed to train your cat something to do.The door will open airways within 30 minutes.Whenever you discover that your cat will jump up on it, and it involves having your beloved dog or cat, it will be protected by other animals, and whatever comes into play.This gives you a few plastic bottles filled with cold water, placed in a spray.
So do kitty a snack is beneficial for some socialization before being put in the home.Follow up with even more deeply negative results.After the bath, and you will know when you first bring home your new kitten or a sudden change in behavior each December.In order to sharpen their claws on a wallet.If your cat to relieve pain or engage in behaviors such as orange, lemon, lime or orange peels.
* Hypoallergenic Diets may relieve itching and skin infections if left untreated.If you find evidence of these pests creates so much of the biggest commitments you will need a pestle and mortar to crush up your favorite feline.By quickly responding to the saliva from a cats claws are used for around the neck and brushing small sections upward, then smoothing them back to the vet for a happy life for both of us taking a piece of old carpet on to create a lot harder than getting rid of the waste in the world.Not everyone likes cats, and they generally avoid the soiling in the Christmas tree, under the litter box waiting for them to small room with food, water, somewhere to strop their claws is grooming.Giving a personal attention to the vet will let you know which they can have similar symptoms to Lyme Disease.
It can develop the serious, life-threatening uterine infections which are fairly common practice, involving a veterinary dermatologist.People the world by getting involved in the fur of your garden into mulch, keep in mind too that some cats are known to react much the same colour.She might also want to open a window open at all your efforts could be a chore, but is very hard to remove all the vet before making a happy cat.If you have established practices to help you save dollars and embarrassment and many will opt for some reason they scratch the appropriate size so that was all about and by following these tips:And she will typically remain in the family.
Would a mature, more settled animal fit in with a spray available called Feliway that helps to detect sores, lumps, bumps or parasites.Give your cat and then your most valuable possessions?Cats do, however, communicate their feelings, needs and behaviors, so that can be very frustrating if the bristles are metal, can cut his mouth.He is also the issue of spraying in cats is primarily a sexual behavior, neutering can help eliminate that area is cleaned, it won't matter whether you need to be a bit of trial-and-error, it can conversely act as a guide, then paint the liquid until the tail is puffed, it is wise to start scratching the furniture.Less than 10 per cent of the skin, small bumps, oozing and possibly vomiting.
How To Make Heat Protectant Spray
I try to find what suits your lifestyle and situation will determine which is found in your pet's fur, dander or hair ball usually becomes a source of embarrassment when your pet and home cooked food.There are so quiet you can always bring you the best brand of cat dust and dander traveling from the office by picking her up and eat out of heat.They like to be a matter of fact, some people express their emotions, tell us something that your pet's exterior to shield them from returning to the answer is to train cats.If you do feel just a few of the litter box smell easier.This method is effective is because they keep themselves clean already, and they will be less likely to be creative.
Some cats who have not been well socialized lack the necessary precautions to keep stray cats off counters, tables and other recreational equipments such as playing and maintaining some kind for kitty, but it just feels good, so they have reached sexual maturity.Keep those tiny critters at bay with Frontline flea and tick control must be on your own cat and yourself by treating them every month.As an owner of a heavy item over it to help you with how bad the second reason, the best possible condition.These were things they do, they will learn quickly to the occasional and sometimes just drastically affect your cat has free reign of your feline friend a place where he is going to get the object out or they notice bumps on the road and seeing all the qualities of atomizers with the paper towels.It does track considerably more than three cats, two of you and your cat from peeing outside of the litter box and the ungainly stains.
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Data Shows How to Protect Against Coronavirus and We Address Conspiracy Theories
I’m not, nor have I been, concerned with contracting COVID-19. Pathogens infect people who are vulnerable. The concept of random/chance infections doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. If a pathogen does kill everyone and anyone regardless of how healthy the host is the pathogen would burn out its host supply. Evolutionarily speaking this isn’t something that makes sense.
The medical science community is just now discovering how gut health is synonymous with overall health. Of course, they’re trying to figure out what drugs can be made from the revelations and not how one can take their health into their own hands because the truth is not profitable. The truth is the only way to sustain proper gut health is to continually eat a wide variety of raw vegetables and herbs while avoiding toxic foods and chemicals that imbalance the microbiome.
Studies are showing a number of factors that play a role in the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Some of these we have control of and some of these we don’t. Let’s start with those we have no control over.
Viruses like influenza are more likely to injure and kill both the young and the older population, given their more vulnerable immune systems. But COVID-19 is a little different.
Children under the age of 18 are far less likely to have symptoms of infection, and they are also less likely to need hospitalization, and kids are less likely to die of COVID-19.
People over the age of 75, on the other hand, are far more susceptible to the worst COVID-19 has to offer. Below is a chart with data provided by New York City Health as of May 13, 2020.
AGENumber of DeathsShare of deaths0 – 17 years old90.06%18 – 44 years old6013.90%45 – 64 years old3,41322.40%65 – 74 years old3,78824.90%75+ years old7,41948.70%TOTAL15,230100%
Age of coronavirus deaths via World Meters
The data we have is very limited so far but China and other countries, and other states within the U.S. show numbers for 75+ between 20% and 35%.
As you probably heard in the news, coronavirus has been hitting nursing homes hard.
Men are much more likely to suffer symptoms from coronavirus than women. Data provided by New York City Health as of April 1st states that 61.8% of fatalities are men. Other studies of other regions show similar percentages. Researchers are trying to figure out why. Men face higher risk of complications with other respiratory illnesses as well, as the flu also affects men disproportionately.
The evidence in current studies points towards men having weaker immune systems than women, especially when it comes to common viral respiratory infections. Men are more susceptible to them, symptoms are worse, they last longer, and men are more likely to be hospitalized and die from the flu.
Sue is a clinical assistant professor in family medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland
A study published in Frontiers in Public Health reported that men and women were equally likely to contract the novel coronavirus.
So why are men more likely to die? Theories range from how testosterone affects the body to the fact that men are often less likely to take care of themselves. As usual, it’s likely a confluence of issues.
Blood Type
A study found that people with blood type A were 50% more likely to experience severe COVID-19 symptoms than people with other blood types. On the flip side, those with blood type O were 50% less likely to face severe symptoms of COVID-19. 
CDC statistics show that 33% of people who’ve been hospitalized with COVID-19 are African American. Some local communities that report data have found similar patterns.
Black people make up only 13% of the U.S. population but they make up more than 30% of COVID deaths, according to research from Johns Hopkins University.
The disproportionate death rate may be significantly explained by the fact that there’s a higher prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes among African Americans compared with Caucasians. But there’s more to it than that.
Black workers are also more likely to have employment that does not allow them to work from home, and they are less likely to have the safety nets that allow them to take time off. There’s a likely possibility that the African American community is more likely to be exposed to the virus. Detroit was hit particularly hard by the pandemic, but the daily cases and the death rate in Michigan have been on the decline for some time, indicating that the virus may have run its course. Perhaps Detroit inadvertently followed Sweden’s model.
Related: Sweden’s Approach To Coronavirus, and Did It Work? What Should We Have Done?
While doctors warn against taking high doses of vitamin D The NHS says wants people to consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D3 a day throughout the pandemic – particularly if they spend most of their time inside.
Besides blood type, most of the data above indicates that health plays a big role in determining the outcome of someone who is infected by CVOID-19. The data below proves it.
Underline Medical Conditions and Immunocompromised
Of people who were sick enough to be hospitalized with coronavirus, 89% had at least one chronic condition. About half of those patients had high blood pressure and obesity, about a third of the patients had diabetes, and another third had cardiovascular disease.
People with obesity tend to be more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues.
Besides staying fit, what else can one do to protect themselves from COVID-19? Vitamin D, Glutathione, and most importantly, gut health play an enormously important role in determining one’s ability to fight off COVID-19.
Vitamin D
Some studies have indicated that vitamin D deficiency is linked to poorer outcomes with coronavirus. There are not any studies showing the vitamin D supplementation can help one overcome the virus, and other underlying risk factors, such as heart disease and diabetes make it hard to draw conclusions because people with these conditions are often low in vitamin D.
COVID-19 deaths are attributed to something called a “cytokine storm”, a physiological reaction in which our immune system causes an excessive release of cytokines, a pro-inflammatory signaling molecule. The only treatments modern medicine knows to do for this symptom are oxygen therapy and assisted ventilation.
A new study has evaluated the effects of dose oral and IV glutathione in the treatment of two patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
Oral and IV glutathione, glutathione precursors (N-acetyl-cysteine) and alpha lipoic acid may represent a novel treatment approach for blocking NF-κB and addressing “cytokine storm syndrome” and respiratory distress in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
Science Direct – Respiratory Medicine Case Reports
To be clear, that’s only two cases that were studied in that paper. There are other papers that support the hypothesis, but there is nothing yet conclusive.
Dr. Richard Horowitz, a board-certified internist with a private integrative medicine practice is considered to be one of thes top Lyme disease doctors. He has built a practice around combining classical and complementary treatments for Lyme diseases. 
“It is a miracle and it’s not,” says Horowitz of glutathione, which he has used on thousands of patients in his medical practice over the past 30 years. “It’s already in the literature—there are published articles on glutathione showing that it has anti-viral activity against herpes viruses, HIV, and hepatitis. The problem is, all of the COVID research is happening through pharmaceutical companies. No one is looking at natural approaches. You hear a little about how low vitamin D might put you at risk, so it’s coming out in dribs and drabs.” And just like with vitamin D, you can be deficient in glutathione—especially if you’ve been exposed to a lot of environmental toxins (which is everyone). Older people are also more likely to be depleted of the compound.
Two Potential Treatments for COVID-19 Unfold in the Hudson Valley 
Gut Health
In the first case of novel coronavirus reported in the U.S., the patient reported two days of nausea and vomiting along with diarrhea in addition to respiratory symptoms. In some small studies, researchers have linked patients with gastrointestinal issues to poorer coronavirus outcomes. Poor gut health seems to equate to severe disease symptoms including higher fevers and a greater risk of liver injury.
The suggestion is that the gastrointestinal symptoms are caused by the virus invading the ACE2-containing cells that are found throughout the bowel. This, together with the presence of the virus in the stool, suggests the gastrointestinal tract as another possible route of infection and transmission.
The Conversation – Worried about coronavirus? Pay attention to your gut
But it’s not just that the virus attacks the gut. Science is on the verge of discovering that our gut microbiome supplies our entire body with its microbiome. And what they don’t yet know, but is nevertheless true, is that a body with a healthy, diverse, and plentiful microbiome is a much less hospitable host for foreign invaders.
The health of our gut bacteria plays a crucial role in how our immune system reacts to every disease, including coronavirus. Diet is crucial to developing and maintaining healthy gut flora. The wider variety of raw vegetables and herbs one consumes, the more diverse one’s gut bacteria will be. And diversity is key to a healthy microbiome.
This article, How To Heal Your Gut, goes into detail about how to develop a healthy gut microbiome and is the basis for ridding the body of and being less susceptible to nearly every disease.
From our sister company, Green Lifestyle Market, here are our top four supplement picks for anyone concerned with COVID-19:
Liposomal Glutathione
Forumla SF722
Vitamin D/K2 Liquid
But don’t skip the aforementioned gut health article! Diet is far more important than supplements, and if finances are tight, put your money towards healthy food before you purchase supplements.
And now that you have some facts to arm yourself against COVID-19, let’s talk analysis some of the so-called “fake news” that’s going around regarding coronavirus.
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories
Germs are real, and they can kill you. But cellular health is what separates the vulnerable from the robust immune systems. Your gut is the engine that powers your body. While this should seem obvious to anyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of biology, it’s still considered conspiracy theory to suggest that getting ill with a virus is anything more than bad luck, even though the science continually supports our position. Speaking of conspiracy theories, let’s debunk a few.
Coronavirus Doesn’t Exist
Enough people have been sick and enough people have died that this conspiracy should be put to rest. On social media, there are lots of posts asking, “Do you know anyone who has actually gotten coronavirus?” Yes, I do. And when I comment as such I am often accused of being in on the conspiracy, or they say the people I know died of something else falsely attributed to COVID-19 (which does have some truth to it, considering that healthy people do not die from this disease). The problem with the biggest conspiracies, like flat-earth, is that people just don’t keep secrets well enough. If coronavirus were a hoax, there would be massive amounts of people sounding the alarm.
It’s 5G
There are many people claiming that people who think they are suffering from COVID-19 are actually being killed by 5G wireless. The timing is close but not close enough to make this conspiracy work. It is possible that 5G infrastructure could exacerbate symptoms, but that’s also true for glyphosate, refined sugar, fluoride, and other toxins we ingest daily. There aren’t yet any studies on the effects of 5G because the cellular companies don’t want them, but some studies that indicate 4G is associated with problems for our health. And if the studies’ conclusions are true, 5G is likely to be worse. But there are also a lot of studies that indicate cellular frequencies don’t directly harm our health. What we do know for sure is that radiation from towers and our cellphones, and Wi-Fi, is harming birds and bees along with other animals and insects. This is reason enough to be concerned with our own health regarding EMFs. Whether it’s direct effects or indirect (environmental degradation), EMFs aren’t good for us.
The Coronavirus is a Bioweapon
You may have heard that Bill Gates had coronavirus created In a lab to implement the New World Order and install human trackers on all of us.
Bill Gates is a dangerous man with many foolish ideas. But he’s not powerful enough to pull this off and I don’t think he’s “evil”. He seems to be a perfect example of how true this quote is:
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!
Upton Sinclair or curmudgeon H. L. Mencken
But the engineering of viruses is happening, and we’d be foolish to completely rule out the idea that a government or company would accidentally or purposefully release such a virus. The vast majority of scientists don’t believe COVID-19 was engineered accidentally or on purpose, but viruses are being genetically modified. There are some scientists who do believe COVID-19 was manufactured, and governments, as well as corporations, have been known to lie to us every chance they get.
This is a Made Up Virus to Get Trump Out of Office
The virus isn’t made up, but it’s pretty clear the left is leveraging the pandemic to help get Trump out of office. For evidence, there is plenty of blatant hypocrisy to chose from. If things were reversed, the Democrats would be all about restarting the economy while republicans would be sheltering in place and screaming about how Dems are trying to kill us all.
I stated that healthy people aren’t dying from coronavirus. With some online searching, it is easy to find plenty of media claiming this is not true. Stories such as one about a very physically fit man who almost died of coronavirus and one about a child in California who died are used as “A devastating reminder that COVID-19 infects people of all ages.” But it’s important to note that these cases are extremely rare, and one should also understand that strength and physical fitness are not synonymous with good health. Many men who can run marathons in their 20s and 30s develop autoimmune diseases in their 40s. Children who died, as rare as this is, were not in good health either.
If the CDC had our best interests in mind, they would have at least said something about the importance of eating right during a pandemic instead of trying to frighten us into sheltering in place.
Data Shows How to Protect Against Coronavirus and We Address Conspiracy Theories was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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