#and also because he would have become joyboy and he said that he would have liked to know joyboy... so yeah 🤔
joy-girl · 11 months
Not to sound too insane or delusional right now BUT...
I was looking at pictures of Roger and my attention got caught by the jolly roger on his hat.
Specifically on the mustache of his jolly roger, and suddenly I realised that it reminded me of something...
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Luffy's twirly eyebrows during the gear 5's transformation!
And that's even more weird because if you think about it, jolly rogers are supposed to represent the captain of a crew, right? Like Whitebeard's jolly roger has exactly the same type of mustache he has, Luffy's one has a straw hat, Shank's one has his three scars and so on...
But Roger doesn't have his mustache curved like that or even of that white/light colour. He has normal (and beautiful) black mustache!
So... Why did Roger choose that kind of jolly roger, when it doesn't represent how he normally looks? 👀
You know what I'm hinting at right? Even without taking into account all the similarities between Luffy and Roger's behaviour...
Also I know that the fruit hasn't been awakened in 800 years, but it can't be a coincidence that the moustache on his jolly roger looks exactly like it would've looked like if he ate the fruit (and then awakened it)... even if we know that nobody between the era of Joyboy from 800 years ago and Luffy in the present has ever awakened the fruit, Oda might have still drawn his jolly roger like that for a reason that is linked to that specific devil fruit...
Or I might be wrong and it doesn't have anything to do with it, but in that case the question still remains... why did he choose a jolly roger that is so different from him?
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spam-monster · 2 months
Theorydump about One Piece post Vegapunk loredump
not-as-spoilery theory/headcanons first:
Garp didn't used to be this much of a hardass when it came to his family, the reason he was so aggressive towards Ace and Luffy was because he blamed himself for Dragon defecting from the Marines and thought he had been too soft on him.
There's a lore reason why Garp named his kid Dragon even though he's always disliked the Celestial Dragons - maybe a run-in with the actual mythical beast?
The elephant was cursed because he was friends with Joyboy.
The big one: The Five Elders are not the human forms, but the demon creatures that attacked Egghead Island.
-- I feel like someone would have said something if the 5 elders had been alive for 800+ years, so people must think they're human at least.
-- People are selected to become an elder when one of them "dies"; in reality, they become the new host body for the demon. They also take on a new name - the name of the demon.
-- The 20 original royal families that became the Celestial Dragons made a deal with the demons to defeat Joyboy in return for becoming hosts to demons themselves. The reason the Elders keep the CD all in one place and keep them dumb and ignorant is so that it will be easy for them to find new host bodies.
Devil fruit powers come from the dreams of humans, and although some of them have minds of their own, they ultimately follow the will of the human that eats them. In contrast, the demons that the 5 Elders host are actual mythical creatures that possess humans and enslave their will. The idea of Zoan fruits was based off them, which explains the similarities.
The original Joyboy was a giant, and the giant straw hat hidden away by the nobles belonged to them. Nika is a god of the giants, and his known friends are a giant elephant and a giant robot. And the awakened power lets Luffy turn giant himself.
Joyboy was also the first Devil Fruit user, and the Nika model was the first Devil Fruit.
The reason D is hated is because of Lily, who "betrayed" the alliance of 20 who formed the World Government and covered up the Void Century by spreading the Poneglyphs.
The D stands for Demon/Devil (connection to the original nobles and the fruits), or Dragon (because they were descendants of someone who could have been a Celestial Dragon but chose to defect).
Rocks had the same Devil Fruit power Blackbeard specifically sought out , which is part of the reason he was so dangerous.
There are other Devil Fruits whose powers are based off deities - Blackbeard's is from a god/demon of darkness who was the enemy of Nika, and the Flame fruit is a fire god who was brothers with the god of the sun.
Joyboy did not preserve the Ancient Weapons because of nefarious reasons, it was because the Ancient Weapons were all living/sentient beings and he wanted them to live freely. Since Poseidon is a power inherited by fishmen, Pluton could be some kind of ship spirit that possesses vessels, and Uranus is a sky creature.
Saving the world from flooding will not only involve building massive ships/arks, but sending landmasses into the sky to become Sky Islands.
The One Piece is/was the Nika/Gum-Gum fruit and it's true meaning - Roger found it at Laugh Tale but left it alone because he was already old and terminally ill and couldn't use it properly, setting off a search for it instead so that others would seek the truth.
There is a Sea Goddess who is connected to Imu and the Celestial Dragons and opposed to Nika, the reason Devil Fruit users cannot swim is because of them and they also might be behind the water levels rising. It's possible they are not on any one side and just go along with the Elders because they know how not to anger her.
The ending is gonna have some Fire Force-ass trippy bs in it.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Okay so, I came up with this One Piece theory that I think no one else has come up with yet and I need to know what you think. So, one of the biggest mysteries in One Pice are the 3 ancient weapons: Poseidon, Pluthon, and Uranus. Poseidon was an ancestor of the Neptun royal family who could communicate with the Sea Kings, and her current incarnatio is Shirahoshi. Pluthon was a physically reproducible warship whoose blueprints were owned by Iceburg and Franky before being destroyed. But Uranus is a much bigger mystery, as we know nothing about it yet.
So I looked up what the names mean and Poseidon is the roman God of the sea, Uranus means sky of heaven, and Pluthon is the roman version of Hades, the greek god of hell. So Poseidon is the sea, Pluthon is the underworld, and Uranus is the sky. The meaning seem to go with the look of tge weapons: a mermaid is a sea creature, a warship is related to war, which many people describe to be hell on Earth, so Uranus must be sky themed, or at least it's theme is a creature that can fly and it's also somewhat godlike.
Now, after Robin develoeped her Demonio Fluer during her fight against Black Maria many people started theorising that her devil fruit was actually not a paramisha, but a mytical Zoan. Like how Luffy's Gum-Gum fruit was actually the Nika fruit. I really like this theory and it would explain why Robin seems to be much stronger than any average paramecia user, ever pre-timeskip. So it dawned on me: what if Robin (or rather the previous owner of her fruit) is Uranus?
Think about it: a theme in One Piece is reincarnation, or ratger the spirits of the previous generation coming back in the newst ones, almost binded by destiny. And Luffy, this generation's Joyboy, was unknowingly tied to Shirahoshi (the reincarnation of Poseidon) Franky and Iceburg (the owners of the blueprints for Pluthon) and Robin (possibly Uranus?) Long before he knew anything about the weapons or his fruit's true identity, almost as if faith was guiding him thowards them.
So I firmly believe that in the Final war against the world Goverment and the Celestial Dragons Shirahoshi will learn to controll her powers, Franky will rebuild Pluthon (also sidenote, some people also theorise that Noah and Pluthon were originally built by the same person and that Noah was like a less refinied/incomplete version of it) and Robin will awaken her devil fruit fully becoming Uranus: a flying sky monster of another world that's connected to the gods, since demons are fallen angels in almost all mythology.
And in the frontlines of Joyboy's army alonside her allies and friends, the Demon Child Queen will finally take revenge, having learned the truth about tye world, her heritage, and keeping her homeland's legacy alive, fully using the potential inside of her that she was made feel worthless and sinfull about.
Do what do you think? Did I got something wrong? Is it a strech? Would it fit with the themes and story or would it ruin Robin's development? I need to get an opinion from a One Pice fan
Oh, damn, okay- I just woke up so this is probably way shorter than what you probably deserve for this text, but, yeah. I consider it a good theory! It makes sense if you think about it that Luffy was tied to them from the start and it's true that Robin is the one to end the mystery and also become greater than she already is, especially since, as you said, her powers seem stronger than usual. However, I always leave theories like these to theorists because I am just awful at these things (I'm way better at analyzing characters when it comes to reading canon stuff). But if you want my honest opinion, I think it could work out if they wrote it well. I don't think it would ruin her character, I'm just thinking about how Oda (if this theory ends up being true) will pull the whole "Well, actually, Robn's fruit isn't what you think! hA!" because he already did that with Luffy and it has to be a huge build-up to be interesting and shocking again.
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aangmarble · 1 year
Now that episode 1071 of One Piece is out...
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I'd like to share my two cents on Gear 5. I'm pasting what I posted on ANN's forums:
Episode 1071 is without a doubt one of the biggest turning points in One Piece, but what does it actually mean for the story? Is it really a turn for the best? I mean, sure, Gear 5 looks great, and it's a joy to see the Luffy vs Kaido fight becoming a Looney Tunes segment all of a sudden. One Piece's goofiness has always been one of its biggest strengths, so if you turn it up to eleven, it's bound to be fun as all hell, especially in animation form. But what about Gear 5 as a concept? Because the truth is, what once was a story about freedom and inherited will might now become a story about destiny and The Chosen One™. And yes, you could easily argue that destiny is not a foreign concept to One Piece, not to mention that small doses of destiny in a story are okay**; afer all, that's how most main characters work in the first place. But the way destiny has been framed in the Wano arc is different from the way it was framed in the past. Before Wano, with the story constantly making allusions to "the dawn of the world," it seemed like the world was waiting on someone capable of achieving the will of D, and Luffy was simply shaping up to be that someone. But Wano has been presenting it as though Luffy was always scripted to be that someone. Remember what the Sea Beasts said back in Oden's flashback?:
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Now, with Wano introducing the concept of Nika out of nowhere***, Luffy's Devil Fruit actually being the Sun God's fruit, and Zunesha saying Joyboy is back****, things are not looking good. Did Luffy become a great pirate through his own efforts, or was he always destined to become a great pirate? There are also so many other things that just don't feel good. I will always prefer the idea of Luffy accidentally eating one of the crappiest fruits possible but working hard to make it good versus the idea of Luffy eating the most powerful fruit in the whole world. I will also always prefer the idea of the people of the D. and Luffy being framed as "the enemies of the Gods" versus the idea of Luffy now being a God-coded character. Still, I don't want to make it sound like I think One Piece is ruined like some people have been claiming ever since the Gear 5 reveal. Oda has made it clear over and over again that Luffy is a character that will always go against the path other people want to force on him. He has made it clear over and over again that One Piece is a world where the characters forge their own future. Plus, there are still so many things we don't know about Joyboy, Nika, and the Void Century, and the story might easily pull a twist that subverses all the destiny stuff that was introduced in Wano. So even if it is revealed that Luffy is indeed the Chosen One, how Luffy will react to that information is what I'm interested to see. We'll just have to wait.
*I will say that the episode could've fixed some things from the manga. Hiyori's scene felt pretty out of place and should've been moved somewhere else to give it the focus it deserves. Also, I think they reused the same sequence of Luffy jumping around like three times. **It's worth mentioning that even stories that function on the principle of destiny can be good. Not because the destiny stuff can be good, but because if everything else in the story is great, it balances things out. A great example of this is Avatar: The Last Airbender. The problem with One Piece is that its main theme is freedom itself. Our main character's goal is to become the freest man in the whole world. So if One Piece turns out to be a Chosen One storyline in the end... well, I think we call all see how that would spell disaster. Is our boy Luffy actually free? ***No, that silhouette of Luffy dancing in Skypiea is not foreshadowing. Stop it. ****It bears repeating that there is still much we don't know about Joyboy and the Void Century, even in the manga, so we can't take Zunesha and Momo's words about Luffy being Joyboy too literally yet. I say this because people have been claiming that Luffy is Joyboy's reincarnation or something along those lines, but I believe it's too early to conclude that.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
imu where the wild things are theory
source : twitter . com/WorstGenHQ/status/1664336878764453889
In Chapter 1085 we see Imu and the Gorosei transform into monsters, Sabo describes this as hellish, like looking at hell. I already did a theory about that two days ago, but I'm honest, the theory I read from the two users I mentioned above makes a lot more sense! According to this theory, Oda uses on the story "where the wild things are" and it makes sense. According to this story, a kid dreams about becoming a king over 5 wild beasts. So far so good, the information about the story is even more interesting. Max (the boy) is punished by his mother and locked in his room, he dreams and imagines going on an adventure and becoming the king in the land of the wild things. In it he dances with these five monsters in full moon. Also this part is important: ""Staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking once, and they all were frighten and call him the most wild thing of all, and make him King of all." Doesn´t this kinda remind you of Imu and his eyes? These five beasts are very fitting for the forms that the Gorosei transformed!! The interesting thing about this story is that Max(King) only imagines it all, the most important part for me is that his imagination and dream are created from Anger!! Can you think of a counterexample? Exactly Joyboy Nika who is the opposite, Joyboy who is loud and happy brings joy to people, Imu will be the opposite, his power is similar to Joyboy, both affect reality, just different than Joyboy, Imu generates his power out of fear and anger!! Joyboy is the light and joy while Imu is the darkness and sadness, both so similar but in the end the opposite of the other part. People have said that the power of the Gorosei is part of Imu's and I can even agree with that now! It makes sense that such a powerful being would be able to affect others with his power, so he gave the Gorosei a powerful power, turning them into monstrous monsters with special abilities (through reality warping). I can imagine that besides their monster form, Saturn has a special ability that fits his name, something with time manipulation or something like that. Why did I think of that? I've always wondered how the ancient weapons were created, why a fishman of all things, how did something like that get such power? I think the Ancient Weapons were created by Joyboy's imagination, he changed reality because at that time his three best friends had a wish that Joyboy fulfilled in the end, so they became Godlike. I can imagine the same with the Gorosei, they have been loyal to Imu ever since and have also received their wishes and have become monsters with special abilities. In the end, Imu's power is Anger while Joyboy's power is Joy, both are only equal in the end because no one in the world can match that power. I think this theory with "where the wild things are" is really good because the shapes really match the monsters from the book and Imu is portrayed as Max. What do you think about that?
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Redline and vines? Max kinda dreamed something like that too!!
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irlmicolash · 6 months
ok i've gotten to WCI in the one piece anime and I started reading the manga around the beginning of kuma's flashback. I also dk what oda had said but I know he's said a lot of things. i also only know so much about stuff like folklore and the japanese language so. still I am sure I have this shit on lock
also don't take this too seriously I'm just talking
1. actual god that was worshipped like in canon. died, was somehow cast from earth, or wasn't allowed to interact directly with mortals for whatever reason. left his fruit for them and the person that ate it or was chosen to eat it would become nika's avatar in the mortal world.
2. was an actual god, but also a person that inhereited the name or will. think jesus kind of. nika the god did stuff but also nika the person is who a lot of ancient texts are about. translation might have been off because of the age of the text and records.
3 was just some guy named nika who found the devil fruit and it was named after him in his honor when he died. stories of him got spread around and people started to think of him as a god. or maybe he ascended.
joyboy=nika or joyboy was the title given to the holder of the nika fruit. this ties into what I said about the fruit being nika's connection to the world. maybe nika was the first joyboy. we just don't know because of the blank century and the whole records being destroyed thing. someone would pop up when the last joyboy died and become the next joyboy.
the people with the will of d specifically were there to aid joyboy and/or nika. it was a title moreso than a family name.
the buccaneers, the people that once lived in Jaya, and others were all part of the same group of people that worshipped nika. agaib the D was more like a title that got inhereited. maybe not even in the same place but nika worship was really common and he had different names. that's were the joyboy name came from???
1. is a god like nika but can interact directly with the mortal world. was either jealous of nika or it was in his nature to be nika's enemy. hunts down
2. ala god that has a mortal avatar on earth that is made to be an antithesis to nika. this person also has devil fruit powers meant to oppress and destroy.
3. was a mortal who worshipped nika but eventually resented nika for not saving his people. maybe was an ally of the joyboy 1000(??) yrs ago but they had some kinda spat. imu took it very personally and took it way too far.
4. was meant to strike balance with nika or the nika fruit's holder (is that the right word) and he just didn't want to do that. instead he enslaved people and did all kinds of horrible things. has either disconnected from the original god or just hasn't died so there hasn't been someone to replace him.
the elders are like actual demons or beings meant to serve and help imu like the people with the will of d. they're just too paranoid for anyone else to help and since they might be semi-immortal they don't think anyone else would truly be at their level. that's why they have beef with the will of d. they might have also been specifically made to serve imu.
the CDs whose ancestors used to worship nika but started worshipping imu. he thought it was better to stay on top of the pile than crawl out from underneath it. or never get yourself into that pile in the first place. they liked this idea of freedom more
maybe imu has the will of d just in a bad awful way.
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little-manatee · 2 years
List of wonderful thoughts after One piece 1044+
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Luffy is from Dawn island in East Blue. (...you know, like where the sun rises.)
At the very beginning, Luffy told the fish store owner he had become even happier after eating the Gomu Gomu no Mi. (Although it might be because he now has a rubber body.)
His first ship's name is "Going Merry", which alluded to Joyboy.
His current ship's name is "Thousand Sunny", which alluded to the Sun God Nika.
The flower representing Luffy is the Sun Flower (revealed in SBS). ===
In Loguetown, Sanji asked Zoro if he believed in God, when lightning freed Luffy from execution lunette. (Funny commentary looking back.)
The Loguetown incident is also the reason Bartolomeo started idolizing Straw hats and the beginning of Luffy-senpai cult. (Should it be Luffy-senpai religion, since Luffy is kind of a God now?)
Nami and his crews can hit Luffy without haki. That is either because Luffy unconsciously allow them to or the Nika fruit just like gags. lol ===
In Skypiea, Zoro stated that he does not believe in God. (Well, Zoro, we've got news for you.)
Shandia worships the Sun God (which is probably Nika). So Enel vs Luffy is Fake God vs Real God. They were kinda saved by their own God.
All of the Skypieans and Shandia prayed for God to act, at the same time that Luffy punched Enel and rang the bell through the sky.
Luffy played around in Nola, the sky giant snake / Luffy gear 5 played around in Kaido, dragon form. ===
The fishman dreamt of living under the real sun one day. (Possibly what Joy Boy promised to the mermaid princess and what Noah is for.)
Fisher Tiger created fishman pirate that liberate and accept slaves, and called it "Sun Pirates" 
Many people used to said that one piece themes in each arc is repetitive and often about Luffy and co liberated countries and/or people, well, apparently that was actually deliberated. ===
Oda avoided explaining Luffy's ability to create fire, while explaining Sanji’s flame and Brook’s ice.
Many people, on and off screen, casually remarked before that some of Luffy’s abilities exceed that of just rubber.
Luffy is rubber ALL the time, from the moment he eaten the fruit, unusual for Paramecia users.
Luffy told Momo,  "I am not a zoan type." (Oda is such a troll!)
Zoan fruits apparently have a bit of its own will. Which is probably  why it is the only type of Devil Fruit that inanimate objects have been shown as being able to "eat". (so far.)
Gomu gomu no mi was said (in ‘romance dawn’ version) to be worth 5 billion berry, the same price as the ‘Ultimate’ fruit, Ope ope no mi. (And very few question why before the reveal.)
Also, the Nika fruit apparently outsmarted the WG for 800 years, but got found and eaten easily by a hungry kid. (or maybe it met Luffy and went, "Yeah, this one! Gotta be this one!")
Does Shank know? Shank was in East Blue for a year after stealing the fruit, what was he doing there? Was he trying to find Ace in Dawn? (since in One Piece: Stampede, Roger said next person to find One Piece would be his son.) Why did he not kept the fruit lock up? Did Nika fruit choose Luffy?
Luffy is LITERALLY a ball of sunshine. ===
Hito Hito no Mi : Model Nika with the most ridiculous power. SBS Volume 65 : D: In the ONE PIECE of these days, all kinds of strong ability users whom even Luffy can't compete with have been appearing, one after the other. In general manga and anime, I feel that the protagonist is established to be the strongest of all, but why did you decide to turn Luffy into a pretty weak-looking rubber Devil Fruit user? P.N. Do your best Japan O: Ahaha, that is true. It must seem like a mystery when you consider all the other strong and cool abilities. The answer is simple. I have picked the most ridiculous ability. If the protagonist were the typical strong guy, I doubt I could continue on with this for long. No matter how serious the story gets, Luffy is there to stretch and inflate. He always give me a chance to fool around. That's the kind of manga I wanted to write. ===
Nika is similar to Romanized Japanese word that roughly translates to "toothy grin" or laugh sound.
A eulogy to Rubber hose animation style, which is one of the foundations of modern cartoon and beginning of pop culture animation.
Hopefully, they’ll use Loony toon sound effects for gear 5 animations. ===
Jump rope!Kaido, Giant!Luffy, Gomu gomu no THUNDERBOLT, Lightning pole dance, everyone else also having cartoony expressions, and all Luffy’s bonkers antics. The goofy fight that just make you smile.
Binks' Sake lyric can be apply to Luffy’s fight and the awakening of his sun god powers. Luffy also quote a passage during his fight with Kaido.
Bajrang Gun, Luffy final attack on Kaido, is named after a Monkey deity from hinduism mythology, Bajrang Bali or Lord Hanuman. Who, when he was a child, tried to eat the sun, mistaken it as fruit.  (Also, Hanuman was the son of Vayu, the god of the wind, and Anjana, a celestial nymph.) ===
Feel free to add more.
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uchanekome · 3 years
A One Piece Theory *SPOILERS*
Okay soooo chapter 1043 happened and even before that I had gone down a rabbit hole of speculation about what the One Piece is why it made Roger laugh so hard he named the freaking island after it? Who was Joy Boy and how does Luffy’s Devil Fruit relate him? Who was the Sun God Nika? What is the Will of D? 
Well I did some digging (and by some I mean a LOT) and if what I speculate is true than it’s all this is connected by a single thread called Hinduism. Now I’m no expert on Hinduism but I did some reading on it and found some very interesting things. Hinduism is the most ancient religion on earth. And so naturally many myths have an origin in Hinduism much like the legend of Joyboy. Joyboy the spirit of music, is a myth that had it’s origin in india, africa and Haiti. The legend told of a smiling man who’s drums where the stuff of legend and his songs would spread hope of liberation to slaves. Jazz drum musicians would strive to be as good as Joyboy. 
In the chapter we hear mention from Zunesha about the “drums of liberation”  
This legend was actually derived from a Javanese story about a man, a king actually named Jayabaya/Joyoboyo or Nika. Here’s a link to the wikipidia all about him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayabaya
But to make a long story short the guy was an amazing ruler and his people prospered under him. But it’s hard to tell what was fact and fiction about him cause stories clamed he was one of Vishnu’s incarnations. (We’ll get into that later.) He also was some sort of prophet and foretold Japan’s occupation in WW2 and that the Javanese people would be saved eventually. He also somehow foretold that there would be cars and planes so there’s that. Anyways this guy apparently meditated so long he got supernatural powers. 
Now after I read his Wikipedia article I decided to go to another...Vishnu’s. This was where things got interesting. Apparently whenever the world is threatened with evil, chaos, and destructive forces, Vishnu descends in the form of an avatar to return balance to it. This very much reminds me of Luffy. Whenever there is evil Luffy rights it. Not because of some god granted reason no Luffy just wants to help his friends...but wouldn’t someone like Luffy be the perfect avatar for Vishnu or in other words for Joy Boy? Vishnu’s avatars all had wills of their own. They all had their own goals and wants. But they always aligned with Vishnu’s core beliefs. General goodness, leadership, but most importantly the rights of the individual. Now in the current chapter Luffy seems to have awakened his devil fruit and with it Joy Boy. But what links Joy Boy to the Devil Fruit?
Well the Youtuber “Joy_Boy Theories” (link below) had a fascinating take on this. 
 He believes that Joy Boy’s spirit IS the devil inside Luffy’s devil fruit. And that Devil Fruit were created using souls from the ancient kingdom. The Shandorians believed souls of the dead resided in the trees. And we know Devil fruit are made from a special tree, than henceforth reincarnated into the nearest fruit after the original eater has died. Given the information we have it’s not hard to come to the conclusion JBT did. Still I think we can take this idea a bit farther. 
But first lets go back to the Hinduism aspect.
I always assumed that the Will of D was the will of the devil or something along those lines. After all they are the ones said to oppose the “gods” AKA the Celestial Dragons. However I think history has it backwards. Remember Doflamingo’s words at Marineford. “Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! .” In Hinduism there is a rivalry between two factions, the Devas the Suras. The Devas are basically good gods while the Suras are evil demons. There’s always been a tug of war between the two over control. So if Vishnu is a Deva than maybe the Will of D is actually the Will of the Devas. The gods who existed before the false gods took their place. We know that they were gods because NikaAKAJoyBoyAKAJoyoboyoAKAVishnu was said to be a “Sun God” This terminology has never been used towards ANY of the good guys so far. The “Gods” in One Piece are usually selfish and cruel. But Nika was a symbol of good of hope and of liberation for the slaves. Slavery is something the “Gods” of One Piece the Celestial Dragons and by extension the mysterious Im actively participate in. Meaning there used to be a different set of gods. Gods who’s souls were trapped in a tree and who’s individual powers became the devil fruit.
Now I know what your thinking. “If they were gods how were they killed.” I personally think this has a connection to another aspect of the fight between the Hindu gods. Kshira Sagara AKA the ocean of milk. Which finally brings me to The One Piece TM. It’s my belief that PART of it not all of it, is another pirate legend one that is very well known. The fountain of youth. In Hindu belief Devas and Suras got their immortality from the ocean of milk. They each took turns churning it until it became amirita the elixir of immortality. But if it’s youth and not full immortality we can assume their bodies can be killed. For the fountain of youth to exist in One Piece and no one knows about it it would have to be a well guarded secret perhaps only Im knows about it. After all he seems very immortal. As for Roger, a man dying of an illness the One Piece having with it something he’s never cared about but the whole world would give their left arm and a leg for would be amusing. Of course he didn’t drink it cause like Ace he wasn’t interested in living forever, just living today was enough.
Well I’ve reached the end of my theory. Do yall think I’m way off or do you think I’m on to something here. IDK. But I did have fun with this.  
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disneydeb1928 · 3 years
One Piece Theory: Sun God Nika and Joy Boy
In Chapter 1018, Who’s-Who tells Jinbe about a story he heard from a guard during his imprisonment. According to the guard,
“slaves in ancient times believed in a legendary warrior that would eventually come and save them. They called him ‘Sun God’ Nika!”
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According to Google, Nika is a female name in Persian, language meaning "very good" and "pure crystal water", it derives from "Nik" meaning "Good", "True" and "Chosen". Could also be derived from the Greek Goddess Nike, who was the goddess of victory. I’m sure more information will come from the name’s etiology, but I wanted to shine a spotlight on the next thing Who’s-Who says.
“It was said he would bring laughter to their lips and free them from their suffering.”
What’s interesting about this, is that it sounds almost exactly like an excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were [Credit to megashowdragon on Tumblr] which talks about creatures, places, and people.
“Joyboy” is the West Indian character who personifies the human need to dance, sing, and be jubilate. He is a relation of the Lord of the Dancers who inspires festivals in colder countries, and it seems likely that he travelled to the Caribbean with an early shipment of slaves from West Africa. Joyboy smiles perpetually at all the foibles and problems of mankind and cures human troubles by tapping out an irresistible rhythm on his drum. Whoever hears the music of Joyboy is compelled to dance and sing along until he or she has shaken the black cloak of despair from the shoulders. Some jazz players claim to have captured Joyboy rhythms, but their efforts are a pale imitation of the dance frenzy which can keep humans dancing until they drop.
There’s definitely a connection here. Especially since Kaido’s huge revelation in Chapter 1017 when he says, “It seems like you too… couldn’t become the ‘Joy Boy’.” – which heavily seems to confirm the theory that Joy Boy is a title and not a specific person. Could this “Son God Nika” be another bearer of the Joy Boy name?
Another interesting tidbit is that, while being unnecessarily racist by pointing out there should obviously be a connection between the supposed “Sun God Nika” and the “Sun” pirates – especially since “the history of Fishmen [is] a history of slavery”, it feels like something that we shouldn’t just glaze over. Especially since we know that the Void Century Joy Boy had a deep connection to the Fishmen people. It just feels too much of a coincidence that this “Sun God Nika” was a legendary warrior to “ancient slaves” and the historical Joyboy was said to have “travelled to the Caribbean with an early shipment of slaves”. The use of the world “ancient” is also something that has me side eying. If you’ve read any of my other theories, then you know I believe that Joy Boy was a part of the Ancient Kingdom and was a huge part of recording their history on the ponyglyphs after their defeat by the 20 Kingdoms. So, how “ancient” are we talking? Because, if it’s as ancient as the Ancient Kingdom, perhaps Joy Boy and Sun God Nika are the same person.
Finally, another huge piece of information revealed in this chapter is that CP0's presence on the island has more to do with Who's-Who presence than the trade deal (like we were previously led to believe).
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The CP0 member previously seen discussing the trading terms with the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi back in Chapter 929 (the member with the cylinder mouth) specifically says, “The victor of this is of no consequence to us. We just need to confirm his death…”
The red and white hat guy follows up this statement, saying that “even if it is him, any confidential information he has should be dated by now anyway. His survival wouldn’t harm the government.”
However, cylinder mouth says that “allowing a rogue escapee to live… would set a bad example.”
They’re claiming that whatever “confidential information” Who’s-Who may or may not have from his time in CP9 has nothing to do with them wanting him dead and that it’s all because they want to ‘save face’, but I hardly believe that. Especially when he’s dropped two very importantpieces of information in the last few chapters.
For starters, we know from chapter 1017 that Whos-Who used to belong to CP9 and that he found himself in prison (an experience he summarizes as “having it rough”) after he “failed to guard a devil fruit that was being transported on a government ship” 12 years ago. A devil fruit, that we later learn was the Gomu Gomu no Mi.
In Chapter 1018, He also reveals that the guard who taunted him with the story of Sun God Nika, “vanished a few days later without a trace”. He realized that, perhaps, “the story wasn’t meant to be shared” and that him hearing it “put [him] in danger too”. Ultimately, it was this that gave him the motivation to escape his prison.
Sure, you could argue that the government once having the Gomu Gomu no Mi is “outdated” information and holds more importance on storytelling then actually in the OP universe, but if Who’s-Who is correct regarding the judge’s disappearance, there’s no way that’s unimportant. In fact, covering up the story of Sun God Nika – even if it is just a story – seems EXACTLY like something the World Government would do.
So, can you really expect me to believe that the Government’s sudden interest in Who’s-Who is completely unrelated?
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My theories about the ancient weapons
So I'm too tired and hormonal to actually create anything at the moment. So I am going to share some of my One Piece theories with you guys. Also, beware this contains spoilers from the manga chapters released as of 6/1/2022
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So in regards to the ancient "weapons" so far what we know is that Pluton is a ship, Poseidon is Shirahoshi, and Uranus is unknown (as far as I'm aware).
I've seen lots of theories about Uranus and about what or who it is. I've seen other people's ramblings about the hito hito no mi Model: Nika and joyboy being Uranus. How there was such a big emphasis on how special Momo is, the weapon the celestial dragons have. And the nature of the gods the weapons are named after and the nature of the weapons themselves.
Poseidon is the god of the sea, Pluton is the god of the underworld, and Uranus is the god of the sky. Shirahoshi is a mermaid living in the sea, who can control the sea kings and has the potential to control water with Fishman karate as Poseidon. Pluton is a warship and has no clear connection with the underworld.
The connection could just be a misconception to associate the underworld with death. But Pluton is another name for Hades, who is known to be the wealthiest of the Greek gods and the god of the depths of the earth. And what do you need for a warship? A wealth of resources, especially metal which you need mines for. The name pluton could have been given to the ship to imply that that particular ship will not reappear for it is in the underworld. And seeing as Pluton, the ship itself, has spent the last eight hundred years in the Alabasta desert, it can't be in good condition.
Which connection it is, is not clear to me, but I believe Pluton is obsolete. I think Franky can and will end up building something better. And the ship that Franky builds will become the new Pluton. But like without abandoning Sunny. There is a good chance Shirahoshi is going to reappear with Noah and a fuck ton of sea kings as Poseidon. But Uranus is still shrouded in mystery, and at this moment I do and don't think Luffy is Uranus.
I don't, because Nika is a sun god and commonly in mythology the sun god and the sky god are separate beings. On top of that Luffy's ability comes from a mythical devil fruit, and none of the other mythical fruits are given such important roles. Also, Oda hasn't said dick about Luffy being Uranus, and being true would feel like a cop-out. But we're still in the middle of an important arc. Luffy defeating Kaido is just the peak of the arc, the story still needs the resolution to cool the heat from the battle.
But in many Indo-European religions, the sky god is a leader, the father of the gods, or are associated with rulers also usually an important deity in the religion. Thor is Odinn's son, a key god, and basically a prince. Zeus is the King of the Greek gods, while Jupiter has the same role in the Roman pantheon. I could fucking go on. But if you look at what a King should be, then Luffy has a good chance of being Uranus. He cares for others, he doesn't like injustice. He can move the hearts of many and draws out loyalty and respect in even the worst people without even trying.
There are, however, others I believe could be Uranus.
Momo, because of how much Oda emphasized how special he is, the number of seasons he's been in, and the voice of all things that he possesses.
Morgans, because he is seen openly rebelling against the celestial dragons, and what seems to be an ability to control the birds. He is also a bird himself, associated with the sky like mermaids with water. Also, Morgans has control of the newspaper, over the information. And we all know what kind of storms can form in the wake of bad press. How news outlets can form the opinions of the masses if applied correctly. News can affect the winds of change, and it'd be rather poetic if Oda made Morgans utilize his paper for good considering how the media is utilized in real life.
Then there's Shanks, because of the role of 'father' that I mentioned earlier and thor's father is the King of the gods, and the sky-slicing move as well. But by the 'father' logic, it could also be Dragon. It could also be the weapon the celestial dragons need the ope ope fruit for. A weapon which supposed But that weapon could also be pluton as well because we haven't laid eye on pluton being still in the desert. It's entirely possible that Uranus could also be someone or something we haven't met yet.
But I do believe that all three will be involved in the final arc... so yeah
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First of all, the hype, my heart, it's too much, the minks letting Luffy through is a testament of the true power he holds, getting allies and people on his side because he's cool. Marco gives me LIFE, he just grabbed King and Queen by the neck and told them to stop being bummers and let Zoro through, then, he proceeds to yeet Zoro into the distance, just like Team Rocket on every Pokemon episode, I love this pineapple turkey, i want to see him fight more.
There are only supernovas up there to fight Big Mom and Kaido, the other pirates might stay down to keep that fight isolated, it's a fight at night isn't it? It will be a nice new dawn on Wano, I don't doubt Luffy and company will win, first because it's Luffy, second because he has great friends and third he's the protagonist of a shonen, although one piece is atypical, Luffy wins for him and his friends, he faced enemies way stronger and won thanks to team work and his own will, the will of the fucking D and here I start talking about Yamato, wasn't that a nice transition?
Yamato is a national treasure, he's kept that old diary for so long and he's now giving it back to it's rightful heir. Toki must have protected the diary, or maybe Hiyori while escaping. Omg I completely forgot Momo was on both Whitebeard and Roger's ships, he was born on the first, and I also remembered that motherfucker Orochi, hungry for power, stabbing Oden in the back with such strength, I'm surprised his little arms didn't fall off, and the worst part is I'm SURE that piece of shit is still alive. RAYLEIGH KNEW WHO LUFFY IS, I mean he knows his significance, I shall re read one piece once it's over to rejoice on all that foreshadowing, when I fucking read it to my nephews and nieces I'll be laughing hysterically inside my head as I tell the tale.
I'm still salty about Ace, he ended up dying and was still a symbol of the old era of pirates as Roger's son, he just wanted a family, adventures and to make his existence valid, and he was so much like Roger, they get drunk all the same and Yamato is right, they'd have gotten along, Roger will have to get used to the co parenting thing with Whitebeard on the after life, and they both would have to get used to Ace favoring his mom. Someone tell me if there's fan fiction about this and I'll read it.
I'm super random today, anyways, it's confirmed both Luffy and Roger shared a dream and the will of, probably, Joyboy, my man, the legend, the myth. What the fuck is his dream, maybe to join all the seas? All Blue I'm looking at you, or to make an intricate system to rule the world in a peaceful way, under the watch of Meat McMeaterson, humanity's hope for law and order?
I adore Yamato, he has quickly climbed the stairs to my heart, he is just a nerd wanting to watch the end of his favorite book, his dream is to sail and go on adventures, and he's protecting the most important thing on Wano right now. I love how Oda shows that Yamato is the one who gave Ace his vivre sheet, he was hoping to sail with him in the future and I really hope Ace can fullfil that promise through Luffy, no loose ends in Oda town.
Kaido and Big Mom think they are so hot but Luffy is here to put them in their places, I love Luffy, he's the fucking sun and I'll follow him, go Luffy. They must defeat Kaido in order to open Wano's borders which seems to be the key to start the end, I think they'll have a stop at the island of giants since it was discussed all those chapters ago at Little Garden, how the fuck can I remember the names of islands I read years ago when I started one piece so easily and I can't remember what I ate for breakfast unless I try really hard, why. Anyways, I meant to say that Oden wanted to open Wano and knows that in order to do it Kaido must be defeated, he and Big Mom are remains of the will of Rocks who was also a D if I'm not wrong, although Blackbeard is the real threat here, he seems to be the final boss and the way he was foreshadowed during Oden's flashback, Buggy said he doesn't sleep at all and we know he was with Whitebeard all that time to find the yami yami no mi, he probably wants the same thing Rocks wanted, to be King of the World, and isn't it a fitting contrast to Luffy, he wants to be King of Pirates but not because of the title but because he thinks that the freest man on the sea is the one who holds that title, and let's not forget his real dream, Meat McMeaterson must ascend and become president.
Back to the story, Luffy just passed by those clowns as if it was nothing, power move, and the way Kin'emon asked for his help, that scene always happens and it always pumps me up, Luffy is helping them because they are his friends first, also he saw the horrors up close, he promised Tama she would never be hungry again, and it's so fucking beautiful, as I said Ace's promises are being fulfilled through Luffy. Look at Law receiving orders, good for him, if I remember correctly he doesn't appreciate being ordered around. Big Mom and Kaido shouldn't underestimate the supernovas, I mean both of them are probably stronger, but their abilities and TEAM WORK will save the day, for all the power they hold together they're not stronger, due to what we know about their story as crewmates in the past, they can't work as a team.
Luffy punched him right in the face, he had his power up during his stay in prison. All the flashbacks from all the suffering Luffy witnessed in Wano makes the whole panel come out beautifully, that punch was charged with the anger that was born in Luffy from all of these experiences, and when he turned back and told them right to their faces that he was going to be the pirate king, Luffy you're already King in our hearts.
I hope we get more revelations during 2021, Oda is no longer beating around the bush, he is finally revealing more and more, including that flashback with Oden which I can't wait to watch animated. I can't finish this rant without saying I'm blessed, Killer is here, hope there's a cure for smiles, maybe Law and Chopper will come up with something, but hey at least for now we have Killer, hope he gets to ratatattatatatata yeehaw slash slash both Big Mom and Kaido, go get them you beautiful bastard.
To sum up, all this lore will kill me, i just wanna know the truth, give me the truth Oda, I'm ready.
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wessasaurus-rex · 5 years
Wano Country
41 years ago: start of the flashback, Oden becomes Daimyo of Kuri several years later
33 years ago: former Rocks pirates start recruiting. Kawamatsu, Inu and Neko join Oden
30 years ago: Oden joins WB and leaves Wano
28 years ago: Roger realizes he has a terminal disease, he goes to the twin capes to recruit Crocus and starts his last journey. Momonosuke is born
26 years ago: Roger is shown the road poneglyph from Zou, Hiyori is born
25 years ago: Roger and his crew reach Raftel, they then disband
24 years ago: Roger turns himself in to the Marines and is executed
23 years ago: Ryuma's grave is robbed
20 years ago: Wano falls to Orochi and Kaido, Oden is executed
Now my prediction:
Chapter 965: We will come to know more about Toki. She will spark Odens interest in the void century and the stones. Sengoku said in chapter 957 that Oden was poached by Roger for his final voyage (not earlier then ?), so we can assume Oden spent 2 years with WB, giving him the time to become division commander. The reason why Oden will leave WB is because he will be intrigued by Roger's goal in searching for the poneglyphs and info on the void century, unlike WB who is not interested in this matter. Roger himself got recently interested in the stones as he has reached the end of the road as indicated by the log pose. This is where he realized that he would need the information from the stones to reach the legendary island of Raftel (according to Inu, chapter 820). This is what is behind his motivation to start a final journey where he will go back to the start of Grand Line in search for all the poneglyphs he can find (I dont know if the distinct purpose of the road poneglyphs is widely known as noone has read them all in centuries. A lot of the tribes and kingdoms who guard the stones know nothing of what is written on them). It is hard to guess how much Toki herself knows about the void century (she might have fled from it at a very young age). Whatever she knows, she could decide not to tell much to Oden and Roger so that they can discover the truth by themselves at their own pace, much in the fashion Rayleigh  warned Robin about not rushing this matter back in Sabaody. A pregnant Toki (or already with a newborn Momo) will be brought back to Wano by WBs crew while Oden joins Roger on his last adventure. Izo will stay with WB. When Momo talks about meeting Roger (chapter 820) it seems like he met him once, he didnt grow up on Rogers ship. It is safe to assume Toki and Momo never went with Oden and Roger. As for how Roger will win Oden over, some people said it could be through a Davy Back Fight. That would honestly be a lot of fun but I dont know if it can fit in one chapter. I believe WB will be cool with Odens departure, he never really considered him an underling or his "son". We are 28 years in the past.
Chapter 966: Oden's journey with Roger. They go back to the twin capes to recruit Crocus, then to Skypiea where Oden will write the note on the sky island poneglyph for his captain. Oden is the only one who could write and  engrave it so (although Roger is somewhat capable of deciphering poneglyphs, as stated by Big Mom in chapter 853, I doubt he could write them). They will go to fishman island (maybe finding the joyboy stone along the way). They will reach Zou where the minks will show their road poneglyph to Roger and Oden. We might then learn more about the ancient alliance between the Kozukis and the Minks. They will then venture to Big Moms territory to steal her poneglyph. We are 26 years in the past.
Chapter 967: Next road poneglyph in line is located on Onigashima, it was there long before Kaido came. Oden will return to Wano with Roger for the first time in 4 years. He will reunite with Toki and Momo, who will also meet Roger. At this point Oden will father Hiyori. Oden will leave Inu and Neko behind on Wano as they sail again. Next part will not be shown in great detail, the Roger Pirates will take the remaining year to find the 4th road poneglyph and reach Raftel, completing their journey. They will then disband and vanish. We are 25 years in the past.
Chapter 968: Oden comes back to Wano with the firm intention to open its borders. Orochi became Shogun in the meantime (possibly after having poisoned the late Shogun and fabricated his will). Oden and Toki are probably the only two people who know what is really at stake with Wanos tradition of isolationism. We might learn there what is behind it from their perspective. Ryuma's grave is robbed by Moria. Orochi uses this as a bad omen to fearmonger the people of Wano into opposing Odens wish of opening the country. 3 years later, Kaido attacks Wano (he is in a secret alliance with Orochi). Hiw crew clashes against Oden and his retainers. We are 20 years in the past.
Chapter 969: Neither Kaido nor Oden can best one another. This is where Orochi comes into play. I think he will trick the red scabbards into being captured. As said by Kinemon in chapter 818, "he gave his life most admirably to save the lives of his servants". Also in chapter 920 when Kinemon tells the full story about Oden to Luffy and his crew, Luffy reacts by being horrified at "a dirty thing" Orochi did. My feeling is that Oden was never bested, Orochi blackmailed him into surrender with the lives of his retainers. This is also I believe at the root of the feud between Inu and Neko, as will be shown at this stage of the flashback. This should be the end of the flashback with a return to present day.
Also some food for thought I couldnt really tell elsewhere. Back in Zou Neko said Luffy was like Roger AND Oden when he could hear Zunisha but not be heard back. However Momo is able to talk to the elephant. This power might then come from the Toki side of his heritage. There were also theories rising about the houses associated with the moon (Kozuki, Amatsuki, Shimotsuki) that were very interesting. It got me thinking when I last saw the Kozuki crest. On the sides there are four symbols sticking out of the circle. This could refer to 4 allied clans to the Kozukis (Shimotsukis, Amatsukis, Minks and a 4th ?). This is just speculation. On the same crest you have an "orb" surrounded by 8 smaller balls. This could be tied to the theory that in the past the planet used to have many more moons (as suggested by the globe kept by the Ohara scientists). The central orb could represent the planet while the 8 smaller balls would stand for 8 moons. Last theory: Momo (with his control over Zunisha and maybe more) is an ancient weapon in his own right just like Shirahoshi. It is possible that Roger and his men were "too early" because you need the ancient weapons to be able to do anything about the whole lost century thing. At their time, Momo and Shirahoshi were too young or still not born thus why they felt they got there too early in time.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Pizarro, King of FLEVANCE?! Island Man vs Fish Man! @bottlepiecemuses
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I think Jimbe will fight Jimbe because Jimbe and Vasco shot are polar opposites in almost every sense of the word. Jimbe is based on a famous and epic fish while fasco shot is based on fish that just get’s made fun of the hole time (blob fish). Jimbe represents honor and fights in a very stern way while we see Vasco just being a drunk that is known for beating everyone up. This will probably also be reflected in his fighting style I think Vasco shot will use a combination of 2 fighting styles both the drunken fist style and a fire breathing style. Because of his heavy drinking he could use all the alcohol he has stored up to breathe fire and of course it would make him drunk. Still this Pizarro theory is great.
Hear me out,
Joyboy was a pirate not the king of the Ancient Kingdom. He was just traveling around the world helping others just like Luffy does. He had 3 strongest commanders, Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus just like how Luffy has 3 strongest commanders, Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei.
In the latest SBS it's revealed that Zoro's mother's name is Tera which means Earth. Sanji's mother's name is Sora, which means Sky. And Jinbei is called "First son of the Sea"
The connection, Zoro - Pluton (both have connection with Wano. In Greek mythology Pluto/Pluton is the God of the Underworld/Hell, Zoro also said he'll become the King of Hell)
Sanji - Uranus (In Greek mythology Uranus is the God of the Sky, and Sanji can also fly and have possible connection with Lunarians)
Jinbei - Poseidon (I don't need to explain what connection Jinbei and Shirahoshi/Poseidon have)
This is a great theory, but i still think Jinbe will fight Vasco Shot, like some people have said. The problem with these matchups is that i can't seem to find a perfect fight for Sanji and Brook.
Every other character has a perfect matchup or some good options, but these two, for me, have matchups that maybe will be taken by other characters. The character i think would best suited for Brook would be Doc Q, with the thematic and that sort of stuff, but Chopper will be the one to fight him, probably. While Sanji i could ser fighting Burgess, but he would be also great for Franky, with a Senor Pink type of fight. We take Aokiji out of the equation imo because it's obvious that he isn't TRULY working for BB, he wouldn't fight a strawhat giving his all to the end with killing intent.
Also, Aokiji not being truly alligned with BB maybe confirms to me that we won't have a last strawhat.
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