#and also big mood lazlo
theadoptedfandom · 1 year
If you told S1-watching-me that Lazlo would become my favorite character on this show, I wouldn’t have believed it.
And now here we are. I love that King of Bottoms ™️
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Gotham Villains x Hotel Owner!Reader || Headcanons
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Explanation / Topic: You run one of the cities dingy hotels except this one, in all of its glory, is only ever visited by bad guys. Your hotel is well known as the place rogues hide away in when they're planning or they're just out of action for a while because you refuse to give up information to the police no matter what (Its proprietor-client confidentiality! Ha ha) and you're treat them fairly (Although- on the kinder side of course)
These are the many ways they show their gratitude, no matter how small.
Character involved: Most, if not all, of Fox Gotham's rogues. Except Ra's Al Ghul because he bores me. Nevertheless, not just the Legion Horrible's like the picture might lead you to believe- that's just the picture with the most villains that I could think of.
Warnings: Probably too much fluff. I'll make a sequel to this with the less-then-pretty, nitty grotty details of this hotel too probably XD
Barbara likes to invest every now and then, "Just making sure my affairs are in order baby- gotta make sure my hidey hole's still there when I need it." but she always adds a little something for you to buy yourself 'something pretty' (Since your style is SO plain, according to her but then again who isn't plain compared to her XD). This little something is always upwards of a hundred dollars. She's such a sugar mommy you cant convince me that she isn't-
Butch (Or Cyrus Gold, or Grundy. he has too many names) has made it clear that if you ever need help, you can always call him and he'll be there. Very gangsta about it. He's such a big, tough guy but such a softy on the inside XD When he had Grundy brain, he still had some kind of tracker in his mind like dogs do that took him 'home' (To your hotel), dragging Ed along with him. He gave you a big, bone crushing hug when he got there.
Dr Strange is not allowed in as he'll steal your guests and experiment on them.
You don't know Ecco too well yet and vice versa but when she turned up with Jeremiah and Jervis- you definitely appreciated her presence more then that of Jeremiah's. You were still sore over Jerome and didn't trust this new brother. Still, you complimented the bullet in Ecco's skull, saying it was pretty cool, and now she loves you XD When she's in the neighbourhood she occasionally likes to pop in and say hello; Spread a little chaos, you know the deal.
Honestly you probably new Bridgit long before Strange forcing upon her the heat resistance thing and her becoming Firefly. She of course didn't remember you but soon *warmed* up to you after you gave her one of the few rooms with a fireplace and easily forgave her when she accidentally set the couch in her room on fire (I mean its for sure not the worst thing that has happened within these walls- no worries). She has been known to go around lighting the fireplaces for you under the pretence of having fun (Which is true) but also so that you can worry about one less thing. Firefly is also one to come chat with you if she's bored.
Fish Mooney obviously doesn't stay with you very often at all, because this lady can find better dwellings (As, no offense but your hotel is kiiiiinda dingy. What can you do about it, though? You house rogues and a lot of them don't have a lotta money) but she still absolutely appreciates what you do. She'll send bad guys that she does business with that have deeper pockets then your usual client, your way. She's also kind to you, which to me is even better honestly haha XD
Headhunter stays with you a lot when he's on business and often reminds you that you get a discount from him if you require his services. Hey, you keep him in milkshakes! He's gotta repay you somehow.
Okay, the twins. You knew Jerome first and got off to a bad start with Jeremiah due to that. Still, we aren't talking about relationships; We're talking about nice things. So moving on. Just assume that you warm up to the brainier twin.
These two are hard XD Cuz their 'good' and 'bad' sides kinda blur together as they're so unpredictable and don't really care about anyone.
Still, I can see Jerome being pretty light with you and valuing the fact that you can keep up with his banter- so he keeps you alive. You're basically his mother actually, despite the possible lack of age difference. Like, he wants to show you stuff he does and tell you about chaos he's created.
And Jeremiah honestly appreciates that you'll listen to his long speeches (You've gotten pretty good at just sitting and nodding your head and you've perfected the art of the well placed understanding noises like 'Hmm' and 'Ah!' and 'Oh dear' in your line of work)- so obviously, you're invaluable to him. Must keep you around. I mean, Ecco listens, but does she really understand? That is the question.
When he's around, Jervis is very polite and gracious. He'll duck into the kitchens after dinner and start helping you with the dishes and clear dining tables, he'll ask you how you are and mean it (Like, he'll stand there and discuss it with you), he'll try to keep Jerome from barging into your room in the early hours of the morning, etc. Just nice things like that ^^
Magpie tries not to steal from you... Haha XD Like, she'll pick up a pretty clock off a mantle piece and then go to leave with it... then realise that this is yours and go 'Oops!!' and put it back, giggling nervously.
... When she leaves you still find various items from other places in the hotel, in her room, but still. The fact that she tries is enough!
Mr Freeze is a pleasure to have around, of course!! He's quiet, he nods to you when he passes, and he's there to freeze assholes that harass you (And then take them outside so they don't melt all over your carpet). A respectful dude. He has frozen Jerome multiple times... particularly when Jervis has been unsuccessful in persuading him not to wake you up at 3 in the morning.
Ivy gets so happy whenever she sees you. Lots of hugs and telling you all about how she's been. Her energy is enough to cheer you up, and on your birthdays she always brings you a new plant that has meaning to her. Like, a sunflower for how kind you are, a Ficus for abundance, etc. Always in a pot of course, never dead. So of course, you have to take care of them but its a small price to pay for the sweetness ^^ And the not being murdered thing.
Like Mooney and Barbara, Oswald doesn't stay often due to having that mansion from his father but he remembers your kindness from when he would fall on hard times before that (And after the fact, too of course) and whenever he's making some kind of mafia deal he always ensures your and your hotels safety in the contract.
Pyg / Lazlo (I cant decide which name I like best XD) is just very polite, like Jervis. Gentlemen. Also his impressions- God. Have fun with that. He might just do your favourite Looney Tune character if he's in a good mood.
With Ed... look, if you even try with his riddles without being prompted, he'll do anything for you. It's well documented. I'm not sur about nice deeds, cuz Riddler's kind of a dick, but he'll for sure send you a birthday card every year! Christmas probably too ^^
Scarecrow: I will not spray you today. You: Gee thanks. // No but seriously, he's quiet about his gratitude but he is definitely once of the good ones ^^ Would absolutely take it upon himself to come save your ass if you got abducted.
Tabitha... well, you know how Headhunter will you get a discount if you want someone killed? Tabitha will do it for fucking free.
Hey, if you feed Victor (Zsasz), you have a friend for life. He will bring pizza and just hang out together. He is also willing to murder someone for you.
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alltimefail-sims · 3 years
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Corrina “Rin” & Lazlo Fite For Ollie’s Prom Night ♡ @sojutrait
Rin - She/Her | Lesbian | Moody, Romantic | “Bestselling Author” Aspiration Lazlo - He/Him | Undefined Sexuality | Active, Loner | “Academic” Aspiration
Twins Corrina and Lazlo are the new kids at San Myshuno High; they settled into their new home just two weeks before the start of their senior year. After the unexpected passing of their mother, their dad thought it would be good for all of them to get a fresh start away from Brindleton Bay. Aside from the expected awkwardness of moving schools at *literally* the worst time, the two of them have acclimated fairly well; after all, they didn’t have a ton of friends at their old, uptight private school anyway, and they love all the diversity. opportunity, and inspiration that comes with living in the art district of San Myshuno.
Fun Facts:
Lazlo is in every class with Ollie and “Respects her hustle.” He’s never bought test answers from her, but understands the art of thievery for the greater good (haha). Plus, Lazlo is on the boy’s basketball team, and he goes to all the girl’s games with his teammates to show quiet support for them! Rin is in yearbook club, and she also goes to all the girl’s basketball games, but she doesn’t have an athletic bone in her body. It’s really because she loves to joke with Ollie that “the camera loves her” just to make excuses to take pictures of her (she’s a shameless flirt!!!). Oh - and her locker is next to Ollie’s!!!
People usually assume Rin is the star student, but she’s actually an average student who is only interested in the classes that pertain to what she wants to do in life, whereas Lazlo is the one in all AP classes and pulling straight-A report cards.
Rin wants to be a journalist when she grows up, and she loves photography. Her passion for the truth (and her general nosiness, lol) can sometimes get her in trouble at school or put her in awkward situations. But on the upside, she pretty much knows everything about everyone, and she isn’t afraid to fight authority to address injustice head on. 
Lazlo, on the other hand, wants to get an economics degree so he can eventually become a charity organizer (he’s got a big, giving heart but he doesn’t make a big deal about it).
Rin is a high energy, loud, delightful presence by default- but there is an underlying somberness that she deals with. She can have pretty harsh mood swings, feeling sad out of nowhere, and she feels guilty whenever it happens around the people she cares about (she has always taken on the role of the “strong one” so as not to worry others, whereas Lazlo has always been more openly sensitive).
You can’t see in the photos, but Lazlo has braces! Rin opted to forego braces because she says her gap gives her “character.”
Even though Lazlo and Rin are into different music and hobbies, they are truly best friends. 
Rin is younger by 11 minutes, and Lazlo loves to prat on about that. But Rin acts more like the older sibling, she’s always been the one calling the shots.
Rin is a very proud lesbian, and she’s always known. She tried to have (1) boyfriend in 7th grade, he was her first kiss, and after they kissed she immediately broke up with him... (like, literally right after. They pulled away post-kiss and she was like “yep I’m gay, I’m sorry this isn’t going to work out.” Lol.)
Lazlo is a man of few words, but when he has a crush on someone he gets all flustered and can’t stop talking (it’s very cute). Sexuality wise, he’d just shrug if you asked him for details. He’s never had a serious relationship and doesn’t feel comfortable with any labels yet, but is open to dating anyone he has a connection with. Gender does not matter to him!
Rin and Lazlo are both into environmentalism! They thrift clothes together, are always pushing administration for better recycling, etc. Rin even sews a lot of her own clothes and likes to make handmaid gifts for her friends and family instead of buying new. Both of them are trying to be vegetarians!
The Fite family keeps the memory of their mom alive by leaving her favorite mug hanging by the coffee pot, putting a plate down for her when they set the table for dinner, and speaking Spanish at home, primarily. (Their mom was Cuban, their dad met her studying the artifacts in Selvadorada when he was a history major in college. She constantly emphasized the importance of her kids embracing from their black and Hispanic culture so it didn’t get “watered down” by suburban life. Now that she’s gone, none of them want to lose the language.)
Their mom’s name is Mariana and their dad’s name is Brandon!
Download link will be sent privately if Rin, Lazlo, or both of them are picked - but I’m WCIF friendly so don’t be afraid to inbox me if you see something you like!
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zamoimagines · 4 years
Nadja As a Girlfriend (Headcanons)
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A/N: here’s my first Nadja thing! if ya’ll want more then please let me know! it’s a little short, but I hope ya like it!
*✧・゚okay when Nadja is in love she is OBSESSED
*✧・゚ I mean, we saw how she was with Jeff
*✧・゚ but you’re definitely different. Jeff was just a guy, a love toy if you will. 
*✧・゚ You, on the other hand, are Nadja’s absolute world 
*✧・゚ I mean we’re talking love for Lazlo but x100000000000
*✧・゚ she just values women a lot more (for obvious reasons)
*✧・゚ She has this persona for being the baddest bitch around that will cut you, but you make her go completely soft 
*✧・゚ She’d always have you over, it’s like you live there part time
*✧・゚ Always takes you to house meetings
*✧・゚ Always insists that you sit directly next to her, or on her lap, or she’ll sit on your lap, anything that’s close
*✧・゚ She follows you around like a puppy dude it’s the cutest shit 
*✧・゚ Lazlo even starts getting jealous and trying to impress her like “My darling! look at the sculpture I’ve made of you!” and makes this big grand thing for her 
*✧・゚ in which she replies “yes, yes, that’s nice. Did you see the drawing that Y/N did for me?? Isn’t it just a masterpiece!” and she shows him a stick figure you drew for her 
*✧・゚She loves going on nightly strolls with you and genuinely spending time with you
*✧・゚ Loves to play with your hair constantly. She’s always running her fingers through it, or petting your head, or twirling little pieces of it 
*✧・゚ Loves inhaling your scent, but not for food, it’s just a genuine romantic thing she likes doing
*✧・゚ She even keeps one of your shirts in her coffin so that she can have a little piece of you while she’s sleeping (it helps when she can’t sleep bc she’s missing you too much)
*✧・゚ if you ever spend the night and she wakes up to find you asleep, she will most definitely climb into the spare bed with you and cuddle you until you wake up and even hums little tunes for you 
*✧・゚ or if she knows you need your sleep, she’ll get three blankets and tuck you in and just like watch you while you’re dreaming bc she wants to make sure you stay safe 
*✧・゚ btw she is a huge cuddle fan and is constantly hugging you/touching you in some way
*✧・゚ this bitch is always looking for excuses to cuddle you bro
*✧・゚ Nadja is definitely a verse, but her favorite is when she can be on top of you and show you all of the love she has for you
*✧・゚ this kinky bitch let me tell you
*✧・゚ your sex life with her is definitely not boring, i mean this bitch is willing to try ANYTHING
*✧・゚ huge fan of giving oral, using different toys, into BDSM, but also can give you cute passionate sex, so much versatility with this woman
*✧・゚ any time one of the men of the house insults you or tries to make fun of you, she curses at them and chases them like “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY??? NO, GET BACK HERE SO I CAN RIP YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR NECK!”
*✧・゚ clingy af but you don’t mind it bc that shit is ADORABLE
*✧・゚ when you have to go to work or you can’t come over or something, she gets depressed and whines about how much she misses you
*✧・゚ but it’s cute whenever you show up unexpectedly or in general bc the mood instantly changes 
*✧・゚ she runs into your arms and covers you in kisses and hugs
*✧・゚ like complete shift from “I don’t know if I’ll ever feel better... I’ll just settle for my husband” to “My darling!!!! You’re here!!!! Lazlo, get off of me, I don’t need you now”
*✧・゚ always telling you stories about her village and different adventures she’s been on bc you’re always so genuinely interested in everything she’s ever done
*✧・゚ likes to read to you when she has down time 
*✧・゚ loves pressing her nose to yours gently
*✧・゚ always holding your hand and resting her head on your shoulder this affectionate baby
*✧・゚ loves giving you hugs from behind and whispering cute things in your ear 
*✧・゚ also loves random makeout sessions and we’re talking anywhere
*✧・゚ you figure the guys would be creepy whenever ya’ll kiss, but no they get annoyed and grossed out (specifically Guillermo and Nandor)
*✧・゚“Get a room, that is disgusting to see! We’re in the middle of a house meeting... Fucking guys.” Nandor hates ya’ll
*✧・゚ you do any minor thing and Nadja brags about it to everyone like
*✧・゚ “Everyone! Look at my darling Y/N, she’s reading a book! Look how smart she is!!!” or “Y/N brushed her teeth again today, she’s amazing!”
*✧・゚ Plans adorable dates for the two of you, whether they be at home or out and about 
*✧・゚ Out dates usually consist of taking you to a live show since she loves the arts, or simply taking you out to the movies, at some point she hella wants the two of you to take a painting class together or go dancing somewhere 
*✧・゚ She even tries to take up cooking so she can feed you herself (though let’s be real she’s an awful cook, it’s the sentiment that counts)
*✧・゚ like you come over one night and she’s like “Look my darling! I have made you a roasted chicken!” and it’s literally a whole chicken, feathers and eyeballs still intact, it’s just been burnt to an absolute crisp but her eyes light up when you show your appreciation that it’s too fuckin cute (please don’t eat her cooking I beg of you)
*✧・゚ Always showering you with gifts, from little knick knacks like furs of an animal she accidentally killed to big lavish gifts such as ancient jewelry 
*✧・゚ constantly getting out older more extravagant dresses to wear so that she can impress you
*✧・゚ You get her a phone so she can text you but she’s awful at it, constantly sending you accidental selfies and taking pictures of everything around the house to show you what she’s up to, you also have to teach her not to use all caps with her texts  
*✧・゚ if you’re sad or someone upset you, the world better be ready for her wrath because she will destroy anything and anyone that has made her baby cry, let’s get that clear 
*✧・゚ seriously someone gave you the wrong sandwich at mcdonalds one night and the next day you saw that the restaurant was completely closed bc apparently someone was very badly injured and there was blood all over the building 
*✧・゚ and when you confront her about it all she can say is “well hopefully they’ll get my love the right order next time”
*✧・゚ Gets you a gorgeous ring for you to wear as a symbol of your commitment to each other 
*✧・゚ She always constantly hints at turning you and really wants to, but she always wants to make sure it’s something you want and hella respects whatever decision you end up making 
*✧・゚She doesn’t care if you’re a human or a vampire, all that matters to her is that she has you and she’s able to show you her unconditional love every day
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ducktracy · 5 years
i’ve always had an idea of what i wanted in a cartoon but never took the time to write it down concretely. i wouldn’t call this concrete or professional but it’s just something to organize my thoughts
what i want in my cartoon is
musical timing. i know it’s much different working with stock production music rather than live orchestras to work with your plot and story ideas, but i want to make it work. it enhances the quality of the cartoon so much. it creates a mood, it inspires fun animation, it’s so pleasing to watch
have it in-house. there’s a push for animation to be made in-house again which is GREAT. i hope that trend continues to rise. ideally, everything would be in-house. animation, in-house. i’d bring back layouts, and in turn get rid of the storyboard animatics that are so prevalent today. i MIGHT even just make the storyboards on paper. i want them to look rough, i don’t want people to slave over how they should look and how appealing they should be. storyboards now are basically just layouts. i want the IDEAS to be the focus of the storyboards. doing it on paper might help erase the tendency to go back and undo your mistakes and try to freshen each board up and spend much more time on each one. it’s good to put thought into them, but the presentation lies in the layouts, not storyboards.
nostalgic timelessness. i’d really like my cartoon to source its aesthetics anywhere from the 40s-early 60s (quite the disparity i know!) but not make it feel like “hey! this is in the PAST!!! look! there’s a reference so you KNOW it’s in the past! get it? get it?” i already try to make my art have that vintage sense to it, and i want that in my cartoon. ultimately because i like the aesthetics, but i feel it’s comforting, too. and if kids don’t quite get it, that’s okay. i’m not going to make it chock full of obscure references no one MY age would even get. sort of like camp lazlo—black and white TVs, big clunky radios, wooden paneled cars, i know joe said he got a lot of inspiration from the 50s (i especially see a 60s inspiration in like, background women characters’ hair). something like that where you know it’s there, but it’s not make or break if you don’t.
for it to be a cartoon! i want it to be silly, weird, funny, and happy. i had thought about having an overarching plot to it, but i don’t want to go down the serialization route, either, so i’ve been sitting on it thinking a lot. regardless, there’s too much serialization in cartoons today. they’re too serious. it’s always good to teach children valuable lessons, and they should be exposed to serious topics to learn from them, but i’ll leave that to someone else. if anything, the message i’d want to send is “be weird, be happy, embrace every little detail in life and make it into something big, something funny, something weird. find humor in everything and stay true to yourself.”
lots of great visuals. this goes back to the previous bullet, but i want you to know that this is a cartoon. nobody takes advantage of that anymore. animation and cartoons are fascinating because ANYTHING is possible! any stretch of the imagination (or limbs) is right there for the taking! you can make anything happen! and yet i feel no one takes advantage of that. i certainly want to take advantage of that to no end. i want my cartoon to be fun, to be wacky, to have lots of impossible gags and visuals... i want it to be a cartoon!
movement as a priority in animation. movement as a priority has fallen out of animation in favor of pose to pose animation. that’s also because of budget restraints, and too much wacky animation is certainly a distraction—you need a bit of a balance, but i really want my drawings to move, to come alive, to feel real. i want it to be a labor of love, not something sloppily put together. i want the animation to be fun and stretchy and movement oriented, which will fuel the imagination and creativity, which fuels the animation, the cycle repeats.
i realize this is pretty lengthy, and there are a lot of inarticulate ideas and thoughts bouncing around in my head that don’t make it here because i can’t think of how to put it, but i just want to make a cartoon that everyone has fun on. i myself want to get involved, whether it be animating, voicing, writing, storyboarding... i want to be personal with every one of my employees and for them to have fun and for it to reflect in their work. i want to make people laugh, to feel warm, to feel comforted, and i want to inspire. i want there to be another me out there, who finds solace in everything weird and full of individuality. i want someone else to ogle at the animation and characters and to talk about it nonstop and breaking everything down into pictures and videos, and getting that rush of adrenaline each and every time they mention it. i want the cartoon to have my signature on it, not for greed or for bragging rights. but just so i can say “i made this” and i can watch something i would want to see on tv. i don’t want to worry about what the higher ups would think, or what my peers or anyone would think. i just want to stay true to my vision of having fun and to never let go of that
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DCULSS Chapter 3.5: Piggy
This took way longer and was way more lengthy than originally intended. That’s cool, though. At least I got it out. Anyshoe, this is a bit of a break from my third chapter of DCULSS, and surprisingly, it’s not a shitpost. If anything, it’s a SHIPpost, seeing as I hadn’t realized I was into this pairing until I was writing last chapter’s scene with the two together, despite the fact they won’t be too important moving forward.
So, warning: a bit of blood, but nothing graphic, Pyg isn’t actually in this one, and I guess implied shipping warning. I also took a few liberties with Zsasz’s background, sooo yeah.
Professor Strange came to sit before the patient, adjusting his notepad silently. His pen met paper and soon he began to write. “Viktor.”
“Doctor Strange. A pleasure,” Zsasz greeted, his arms cramped from being tightly bound against his body. He would have sworn straight jackets had been put out of use by now. He didn’t mind it; it was something he’d grown used to during his initial years as one of Gotham’s most abhorred.
“Would you like to explain the mark on your neck, Mr. Zsasz?” Strange requested, gesturing to the scabbed-over mark that had appeared beside his jugular seemingly overnight. Viktor’s smiling expression didn’t flex at the comment, having known such a question would soon befall him. “A piece of discarded glass works wonders, Hugo,” was all his patient had to say about that, putting himself on a first name basis with the psychiatrist.
“What is it for, if you don’t mind me asking?” Hugo pried, showing no expression of suspicion towards the man. When given a small curious tilt of the head, he continued. “Your doctor, Dr. Chen, saw the mark and immediately assumed it was for her, which is why we sit together here today.”
“Miss Chen needn’t worry,” Zsasz told him calmly, feeling as though his head was clear for the first time in near ages. “The mark isn’t for her.” Despite his apologies, it was most likely they wouldn’t be interacting again for her safety; a mere obstacle, he reasoned, as he would easily find her once he was out of the asylum.
“Who is it for then?” Hugo repeated, his patience undeterred as his pen scrambled across the page with detailed notes.
Zsasz’ grin never faded, a faint song playing in his head that’s melody escaped between his teeth under the mounting pressure of the professor. “Can I simply say I needed the mark? Is madness not reason enough for you, Strange?” Sleepless eyes scanned over the other’s flesh with an internal ache to sink something sharp in there. He was already dreaming of the poses he could put the man in; playing cards, perhaps? No, something more professional. Draped over his own desk in a collapsed heap of sleep? Possibly. He was sure a workaholic was hidden somewhere behind those thick frames, aching to be set free from the limbo that was life itself. But where would he put the mark? For Strange, it had to be someplace special, and his palms were bare enough as it were.
“Are you implying that many of your marks are unearned?” Strange suggested, quite obviously using a triggering statement to catch the serial killer off his guard whilst he was lost in thought. Zsasz’s evaporation of his smile spoke volumes of his true thoughts. To even suggest any of his scars could be faked was an insult to the legacy of terror that sat before him. Hugo thought it redundant to pry more on the scars, and so therefor moved on.
“According to Officer Kieth, one of the guards that had been watching over you three, another officer had taken you, Valentin, and Wesker to get sorted out in Solitary, only to be found later in your cells. Would you perhaps like to explain what happened then?”
Zsasz’s brow raised ever so subtly, the frown retained on his expression. “It was all a misunderstanding,” was all he would offer, the foreign lilt of his voice not being able to disguise his contempt matching Strange’s. “Wesker apologized after all. The little man meant no harm towards our little Pyggy.”
Strange stopped writing for a brief moment and tapped the thin pen against his clipboard patiently, adjusting thick glasses that hid a more fiendish glint. Despite the disguise of those thin frames, Zsasz could see eyes searching for something; a crack in the wall or a well hidden doorway, perhaps. At this point the professor was poking around, scanning for that pressure point that would further split the cracks. He found them in his cellmate. “That’s good to hear, Viktor,” Strange congratulated. “We should never solve our differences through violence alone. Wesker could certainly teach you a thing or two.” Violence alone? “Perhaps I should meet with Mr. Valentin. I’m sure he would do well in holding you to the truth.”
That had Zsasz’s jaw working, although nothing was said initially. Viktor admitted to nothing, instead finding it rather irritating the man found a proper angle in the his cellmate. He took a moment to consider everything, keeping consistent eye-contact with the only other man in the room. “These guards of yours,” he said finally, a faux tone of curiosity drenching the cadence of his voice, “do you treasure them? They certainly are hard workers, aren’t they?”
“Arkham staff work very hard to maintain a peaceful environment,” Hugo said briefly. Viktor had a point to make and a story to tell. It was simply best to listen on and let him speak.
Viktor looked away, a scowl briefly crossing his features. “Yes, such lovely fellows. Gifted me with a little piggy, as you most certainly know.” As silence enveloped the room, he only continued. “Before my father had finally gotten big with his business in America and met his end in a… tragic accident along with my mother, he tended to the farm as much as he could back home.” He swallowed, remembering his parents fondly. “One morning when I was eight, he taught me about the pigs. Plump little creatures they were, blissfully unaware of the hatchet within my dear father’s shed. He used to tell me you could kill off the runt little piglets, do away with the deformed little monsters and keep their pork, but that sows were too valuable to the farm to kill off.”
Hugo said nothing, merely wondering where this would lead. The attempts at symbolism were far from subtle.
“Your guards gifted me with a horrid, deformed sow, hoping (praying perhaps?) that I would off the poor thing, or perhaps they he would eventually end me,” Viktor continued, grin slowly returning as his mood shifted back into proper place.
“They placed you in the same cell hoping you would kill each other,” Hugo stated matter-of-factly, surprise curiously absent from his stoic tone. Zsasz remained undeterred by the objective nature of the statement, only continuing with his tale.
“I took in this deformed sow,” Zsasz began once more. “I was patient and I waited and cared for this pig the best a man can do when constantly restrained by cuffs.” A chuckle left his lips. “And this Pyg, in return, gifts me with many little piggies as deformed and faceless as he is, but in an oh so different fashion; all living their lives unaware that they serve a purpose higher than simply living in the monotony that is the zombie infested world we live in today. He let the world see just what little zombies they were raising; that is a man who only deserves my respect, I truly believe, especially when he allows me to drive that icepick in myself.” He smiled gently, as if recalling a fond memory.  
“What is your point, Viktor?” Strange demanded, receiving one of those mad grins he had seen countless times before. “My point, doctor,” Zsasz hummed, “is that when a man is desperate and starved they may have no choice but to kill off that sow when the poor Pyg has eaten up his convenience.” A grin split his face. “As much as I enjoy my time with the Pyggy, I’m afraid that if you involve him in this little… misunderstanding, he may not exactly be well enough to see you. And although it aches at my dying heart, sometimes you simply need to know when to put an animal down.”
Strange had been threatened many times before then; Joker enjoyed his threats of violence whilst Nygma was always keen on suggesting action for slights against his intellect. Rarely, however, had the threat been made of a person other than himself. This rather grandiose brand of criminality usually brought about conceited and more direct threats. Zsasz, curiously, always was a bit more practical. All he ever really needed was something sharp to get he job done; wasting words had no true purpose to him.
Strange considered the man for a moment, turning his attention away when the door to the room was opened. “Is he ready for Solitary, Professor?” an officer asked, two more flanking for what would certainly be a difficult transport. Hugo’s gaze returned to Viktor’s, who seemed rather anticipative for what he was sure was to come. Instead, Strange shook his head and gestured them to leave. “Fortunately, no. It seems to have all been a misunderstanding.” He savored the subtle look of surprise on the man who always seemed to be so in control of his own madness. “However, I would like a few more minutes with my patient.”  
The guards merely looked at each other, before nodding and closing the door behind them. Zsasz had to bite his lip until it leaked blood to keep the grin off of his face. There were so many unspoken questions, and yet Viktor was content with not knowing the finer, more pointless details.  
“Does Lazlo mean so little to you?” Strange asked, noticing with subtle curiosity the fading ink of his pen. He had only just realized his notes filled the page with him inquiries of the possibilities. Despite this, silence needed to be filled. “You seem just as happy to keep him around as you are to do away with him.”
Zsasz had been following the pen with his eyes mindlessly, only seeing pointless scribbles within the twists and turns of neat penmanship. “Pigs are as brilliant as they are for making good companions,” he noted, not caring for the implications of his words that would be enticing to any doctor within Arkham. Such a peek behind the curtains was such a rarity, after all.  
Zsasz finally found it appropriate to take his gaze off of the finally dead pen. “Oh, what can I say, Doctor?” The killer smiled softly, wild eyes lifting to meet scrupulous ones. “I like pork.”
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stvrmwitch · 7 years
Fave Reads of 2017
(in alphabetical order)
Eliza and Her Monsters
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Motor Crush
Patsy Walker, Aka Hellcat! (and vol. 2)
Ramona Blue
Spell on Wheels
Strange the Dreamer
We Are Okay
When Dimple Met Rishi
I came into 2017 riding a two year reading slump. Comics were a major factor in turning that around, as well as actively choosing books over Netflix many a time. Unsurprisingly, my tbr pile has grown much faster than my finished pile. Still, I’m really proud that -after force feeding myself six books in 2016- I not only hit but nearly doubled my goal of 25 this year. 
Here’s to 2018 being an even better year for reading! 
More below about why each made this list.
Eliza and Her Monsters
Took me back! To be sure, I was never famous but I was definitely in the fanfiction game during college. So major points to this one for providing me nostalgia. 
It also dug deep into the split between worlds, the internet you vs. you irl. Especially when internet you is an escape, no matter how similar that is to you irl. It shows how the greater an imbalance exists -esp. if your mental health at all hinges on internet validation- the barrier between your worlds can (and most likely will) rupture and send you spiraling. 
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
The worldbuilding. It’s magnificent, thorough, and pretty much convinces you that author Becky Chambers has secretly traveled the universe and simply returned with notes. 
Motor Crush
Honestly it’s just cool and queer. There’s action, a little mystery, a lot of sci fi, and it left me hungry for volume two. 
Patsy Walker, Aka Hellcat! (and vol. 2)
A hero burnt out on all the trauma she’s accumulated takes a break from the big scale stuff. Patsy is so pure and upbeat, and anytime someone tries to undermine her intellect or ferocity because of her positivity, she’s quick to shut it down. 
There’s a moment in volume two where she even has to gently remind a good friend that their rightful anger doesn’t justify taking it out on her. The message being: respect is important and boundaries shouldn’t waver because you care about the person who crossed them.
Ramona Blue
A girl who knows (very comfortably!!!) that she likes girls learns that her sexuality isn’t done revealing itself. Reinforcing the idea that labels only matter if they feel right for the wearer, and can change if it starts to feel scratchy, is so healthy and rarely seen. 
There was storied backlash at Ramona Blue before its release. I won’t speak for anyone though I suspect it came from this idea that if you’re at the far end of a spectrum and you start sliding around and end up somewhere that isn’t an extreme, you’ve walked back your sexuality. But that’s really not how it works. 
We don’t discover ourselves that way. 
In practice, it’s like walking through a door and thinking you’ve reached your destination, then eventually noticing another door or a window. Or a goddamn ax because there are lots of people who’ve gotta work for it. It’s definitely not always walking back through the same door you’d come in through to a room you were already in.
Ramona takes the ax.
I'd say Saga comes with its own reputation. The art is amazing, the story is thrilling and intriguing and a host of other things that have all been said before. I’ll add that it’s totally worth the hype! 
Spell on Wheels
Follows three witches on a road trip to retrieve their stolen belongings. 
If you want an example of effortless diversity, check out this comic. The leads are varied in speech, tastes, interests, skills, looks (more on this in a minute), POV, sexuality, backstory. They’re fully realized. Also #girlssupportinggirls!!
Looks. I love how this comic is drawn. Everybody -both the leads and the people they meet along the way- has their own personality drawn in. Facial features vary greatly, body type, fashion, hairstyle. It’s not unheard of obviously, but it’s not a way to pit anybody against each other rather than to reflect reality. No one with a closet has the exact same wardrobe as everybody else, and even a similar taste in clothing doesn’t mean you’ll style a dress the same way. It just made me happy when I noticed all the little individuality quirks.
Strange the Dreamer
One of the few books this year that pained me to put down. I didn’t want to go to work or sleep or feed myself. I just wanted to finish reading Strange the Dreamer. Laini Taylor’s writing is goals. Lazlo Strange is a damn mood. And the book is absorbing from page one.
We Are Okay 
Most cathartic read of my life.
When Dimple Met Rishi
I actually didn’t finish this one!! I have about 50 pages or so left, but even still. It feels like the perfect summer day just thinking about this one. It’s vibrant and warm, and the characters are instantly lovable. The romance is sweet and affecting. And I just generally recommend picking this one up if you haven’t yet.
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pbscore · 7 years
Hmmm, I'm really bad at giving favourites. It really depends on my mood and all. And a lot of the ones I come up with are pretty regional things from like the late 90's. Not to mention that I'm awful at remembering names, especially when I've got to translate them into English. I really just think it looks cool even if I've never been super invested. I used to love watching Pokémon on vhs with my brother though, and he'd always put on chicken run when I was sick. What're your favourites? -IL
Ah, that cool! It’s ok, I’m always indecisive about my favorites when it comes to cartoons and movies! Also, where are you from, anon?? I would love to hear about the cartoons you grew up watching or are currently a fan of! Also, I love Chicken Run with my whole heart!
I have a HUGE list of favorite cartoons that I grew up with and still watch if they’re on TV, so brace yourself anon!! Check them out if you get a chance and let me know if you’ve ever seen any of them! A lot of these are from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. My mom would have me watch cartoons from when she was a kid (in the 80s) and that’s why I watch a lot of old stuff lol!
Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Jojo’s Circus, Rocket Power, Pepperanne, The Rugrats, PB&J Otter, Oswald, Winnie the Pooh, Arthur, Hey, Arnold, Franklin, Little Bear, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Batman Beyond, Gargoyles, Thundercats, X-Men Revolution, Justice Friends, Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, Space Ghost, Freakazoid, Static Shock, Dave the Barbarian, Rollie Pollie Ollie, Clifford the Big Red Dog, The Proud Family, Dark Wing Duck, Chalk Zone, Yugioh, Dragon Ball Z, Hamtaro, Transformers, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, Snorks, Underdog, Mighty Mouse, Superman, The Land Before TIme, Maisy Mouse, Stanley, The Big Comfy, The Gummi Bears, Ben 10, Jackie Chan Adventures, Pokemon, House of Mouse, Mighty Ducks, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Johnny Bravo, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Chowder, Flap Jack, Codename: Kids Next Door, The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Totally Spies, Winx Club, Jimmy Neutron, Garfield, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Fairly Odd Parents, School House Rock, Woody Woodpecker, Dragon Tales, Sagwa, Krypto the Super Dog, The Magic School Bus, Kimba the White Lion, Josie and the Pussycats, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, American Dragon Jake Long, basically ALL of the Disney channel cartoon shows based off of their movies, Kim Possible, The Wild Thornberries, Tom and Jerry, The Looney Tunes, Dexter’s Laboratory, Digimon, Animaniacs, Recess, CatDog, Camp Lazlo, The Amazing Spiderman, Captain Planet, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora the Explorer, My Little Pony, Madeline, Care Bears, Sailor Moon, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Pink Panther, Tiny Toon Adventures, Yogi Bear, Scooby Doo, A Pup Named Scooby Doo, What’s New Scooby Doo?, Pinky and the Brain, Teen Titans, Chip and Dale, As Told by Ginger, Invader Zim, Peanuts Specials, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Jem and the Holograms, Betty Boop, Lucha Libre, El Tigre, Powerpuff Girls, Blue’s Clues, Gumby, The Justice League, and Spongebob Squarepants!
Sorry for such a long list of cartoons, faithful anon! But I figured I’d list out all of what I remember liking so other people can find it if they remember them too! I can make a list of favorite animated films and anime films if you want to know about that, too!
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cover2covermom · 5 years
Well this is embarrassingly late… seeing as I attended this event back in October.  Oh well, better late than never right?
At this year’s BBTB, I got to see authors like Laini Taylor, Anne Bogel, Jasmine Warga, Emily Duncan, Kristen Simmons, Mindy McGinnis, and Eddith Pattou.
Books by the Banks took place on October 26, in Cincinnati Ohio.  I attended with my bookish bestie, Nicole, who had matching shirts made for us.  We were living our best #NerdLife.
We got many compliments on our shirts… and the wire shopping cart that I used to tote around our books all day.  After attending many of these types of events, I decided it was time to invest in some type of cart to save us the misery of carrying heavy books around all day.
Everyone was totally jealous of my awesome cart… best $14 I’ve ever spent!
We sat in on 3 panels: Teen Fiction, Author Spotlight: Laini Taylor, and Creating Lifelong Readers.  Here are a few highlights…
Teen Fiction: Adi Alsaid, Emily Duncan, Debbie Rigaud, and Kristen Simmons.  Moderated by Mindy McGinnis
Adi Alsaid
Adi was promoting Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak
He writes YA books because it suits his writing style and voice.
Fun fact: when he was in college he joined a market research project & got paid to brush his teeth.
The best compliment he has ever received was from a reader that reading North of Happy got them back into reading after the loss of a cousin.
The worst thing he hears about one of his books is “meh.”
When he wants to feed his insecurity he reads his book reviews on Goodreads.
His writing process has changed over time.  While he does outline, they have become more vague as the years go on.
Adi believes that writing is a skill that you have to practice.
Debbie Rigaud
Debbie was there to promote Truly Madly Royally, a Meghan Markle inspired rom-com.
She likes writing for a YA audience because she finds YA readers are less pretentious.
The best compliment she’s received are the readers who say they read her book in one sitting.
The worst thing she hears about her book are readers complaining that the characters are too young…
Debbie will begin her writing process by writing a 5-6 page synopsis, then expanding from there.
Emily Duncan
Emily was there to promote Wicked Saints
Her favorite part about writing Wicked Saints was writing the progression of her main character – from her sheltered life view to broader view.
The worst comment she has received for Wicked Saints was that a reviewer said it was a “spiritually concerning Shadow and Bone.”
When asked about her writing process, Emily joked that she wouldn’t wish her writing process on her worst enemy.  Emily is a pantser.  She will panic at various points during the book and rewrite many times.  After her first draft is finished, she goes back and marks places where she needs more description or expansion.
Kristen Simmons
Kristen was promoting The Deceivers
Kristen feels that adults often let their experiences inhibit them which is why she enjoys writing for teens because they don’t have those experiences to stop them from attempting big things.
She writes books that are very feminist.
The best compliment she received was when a reader told Kristen that she left an abusive relationship after reading one of her books.
The worst thing she has heard from a reviewer was one that wrote “this author is seriously messed up” in their review.
She has gotten to the 70k words point of a book and scrapped it.  Twice.  She feels it is important to accept the fact that many words are not going to see the light of day.
Kristen is an outliner, but that can change with the book.  It depends on the number of perspectives she is writing.
She suggests writing from the 5 senses to practice descriptive writing.
Kristin recommends to always think about tension when writing.  The big scenes don’t mean much without the tension beforehand.
Mindy McGinnis
Mindy was promoting Heroine
Mindy once caused an accident because she was texting and driving.  All the other cars involved were teen drivers, yet the adult caused the accident.
The best compliments she has received for Heroine are from recovering addicts that tell her she tackled addiction correctly & respectfully.
The worst comment she has ever received about one of her books was from someone that hated her book so much, they fed it to an alligator.
Mindy writes linearly from start to finish.  She is a pantser.  On a good writing day, she does not feel in control.  Mindy describes herself as a “tight” writer not a descriptive writer.
Author Spotlight: Laini Taylor
The author spotlight on Laini Taylor was moderated by Intisar Khanani.
Laini went to art school.
When asked why Laini writes fantasy, she responded that fantasy is what made her a reader.  She feels fantasy is so important because our brains need stories of hope & heroism.
She has tried to write realistic fiction, but had nothing to write.
Harry Potter inspired her to write for young people.
When writing for young people, Laini feels it is very important to handle sensitive topics with care.
Laini joked that writing a book is “an experience in learning how much you don’t know.”  She feels she has learned a lot about herself as a writer.
She likes to explore seeing people through different lenses because she has had a very privileged white middle-class experience.
She likes to explore themes like redemption, forgiveness, and hope in her books.
When Laini starts a book, she has a vague sense of the end, but doesn’t know how she is going to get there.  It is trial and error.
Strange the Dreamer started out as a standalone.  She had an idea about a character that lives above the world & sends down nightmares.  It was originally going to be Sarai’s story, but Lazlo stole the show.  The moment that it became Lazlo’s story, the book became much easier to write.
She spent 8 months writing in the wrong perspective in her current work in progress.
To her, writer’s block is when writing feels like driving with the brakes on, but just because writing can be hard it doesn’t mean that you are not meant to do it.
She finished her first book when she was in her mid-30s.
Laini likes to write fast drafts of scenes, then goes back and rewrites them until she is ready to write the scene.
If she feels stuck, she will brainstorm potential “what if” scenarios until she finds the right one.
Laini balances the dark moments with secondary characters to lighten the mood.  She lets her main characters do the heavy lifting.
She feels that to write a villain these days is challenging.  The stakes are so high, so a villain has to be really bad.
Laini is currently writing her first adult book.  It is a gender flipped retelling.
Creating Lifelong Readers: Anne Bogel & Meghan Cox Gurdon
Anne Bogel
Anne runs a popular blog called Modern Mrs. Darcy
She also has a podcast called What Should I Read Next?
Her book, I’d Rather Be Reading, is on the joys of the reading life.
Anne feels that adults can often lose the habit of reading.  Reading is something that you need to make time for.
She loved to help people find books that they will enjoy, and is honored to be a trusted source for recommending books.
Meghan Cox Gurdon
Megan wrote The Enchanted Hour
She is a children’s book critic for the Wall Street Journal.
Megan is a mother of 5 children.
Meghan feels technology has impacted our attention span negatively.  We are living in an age of distraction.
She feels imagination is a muscle that needs exercised.
Meghan is hesitant to offer book recommendations because books are personal.
She feels reading aloud is a natural experience that has so many benefits to children AND adults.
Do you attend book festivals?  If so, which ones?
Have you read any of the authors I mentioned in the post above?  If so, what did you think?
Comment below & let me know!
Author Event: Books by the Banks 2019 Well this is embarrassingly late... seeing as I attended this event back in October.  Oh well, better late than never right?
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