#and also building geppy
petrichorium · 11 months
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solemntitty · 1 year
thank God I lost the 50/50 for jingliu, now I got that guarantee (plus another Himeko)
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lecliss · 11 months
Baffling how much help Gepard has been in hsr and I only have him leveled up to 62. I managed to beat both Svarog and the deer on max difficulty thanks to his shield and the preservation path. Like finally, I'm going places. Getting things done. I never thought I'd see the day.
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uwuyangeppie · 4 months
your stomach sinks.
none of them know that their brother is downright insane, and you really don’t want to break the illusion for them. however, you also want to be free.
and it looks like those two things can’t exist at the same time.
serval landau hugs you tightly.
“ah! you’re alive! we all thought you’d been kidnapped!”
you were, you think miserably. you don’t tell serval this. how could you? gepard is her baby brother; even suggesting he’s corrupt would break her heart- and quite possibly brand you as a liar.
“geppie’s been so worried! stay here, i’ll text him now.”
you want to protest, you want to leave, you want to cry. don’t text him, you want to say. i’ll get locked up again! she doesn’t notice your eyes flickering back and forth, your breath quickening, anxiety building in your chest.
geppie! i found them!!! they’re safe and sound :D
thank qlipoth. are they with you?
say no, you want to say, watching the exchange of messages. SAY NO.
yup yup!!
where are you? i’ll come now.
awwwwww does my baby brother have a crush? is lil geppie in love?!
yes. where are you?
out by the fountain in the main square!
you look up at the sky; the sun is shining today. not a cloud in sight. and gepard is like lightning- he’s already quickly striding towards the fountain, eyes firmly fixed upon you.
you sigh. at least it’s a nice day to be recaptured.
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shoezuki · 6 months
Drunk Gep anon back at it again. How bout I call myself Whiskey🥃?
Fully agree. Dude didn't make it to Captain of the guard with little noodle arms and a weak stomach. I'dimagine Sampo'sbeen slung over his shoulder more than once lmfao. He's defo been shoving bite-sized anything in his gob since he could crawl.
Also love earnest Gep!!! Gepard being all soft and inquiring. Bet Sampo isn't used to havin someone so genuinely interested/knowing of him but so gentle about it, with no ulterior motive. He's got Natasha but she's more the loving yet serious sister who damn near KOs him with the first aid kit when he tries to sneak out whilst injured. Now you've got my head spinnin with ideas!!
May we also consider:
Sampo fucks up. Geppie started gettin soft, not quite drunk but enough to loosen him into sayin things that make Sampo's heart warm and hands fidget, and he just stopped keeping track of his drinks.
He's on cloud 9. Maybe? He's not exactly ecstatic but he's havin a pretty grand time. Maybe cloud 7? He doesn't remember when they left the bar but they've been wandering about for so long it's gotten dark and his mind's too foggy to recognise where they are.
He's also too loose lipped, knows he's being too honest, that his attempts to play off his words as jokes is too long winded and fake but he also can't quite remember what he's said???
Gepard is havin a grand time. He's pretty out of it but can at least walk this time. Happy to trail after Sampo, ask questions about obscure places they pass in the Underworld and about the people, before working up to talk about Sampo himself. How he's a pain in the ass but he admires his work ethic yada yada. He's unfamiliar with the area so he's hoping Sampo knows where they're going. He doesn't.
Neither of em make it home. Not even into a building. Sampo wakes up in the geomarrow equivalent of a tree, doesn't fall purely because he's damn near tied to the thing. There's more half empty bottles on the floor and Gepard has absolutely no clue where his jacket is and Sampo does not own a cane that embezzled, where did he get that?
There's an attempted 'arrest' of course. Gep may be off duty but he's nothing if not devoted to his role. They don't make it far and Bronya/Seele find them half curled up on the floor, holding their heads up against the cold brick XD.
The previous night's open-hearted discussion is blurred but not forgotten.
~ 🥃
Sampo stumbling into gepard at a bar nursing a drink, not tipsy but still loose enough to tell sampo to leave rather than tryna arrest him right away. Sampo obviously staying cuz this is a Great Opportunity no way hes letting this chance to break down geps walls slip thru his fingers.
And just. Sampo wanting to get gepard to open up to him and break down his barriers. Totally to get info out of him of course its not like hes infatuated with the man and wants to know him underneath his position as captain.
Sampo doesnt realize hes getting drunk too, opening up himself. Doesnt realize hes actually having fun w gepard and enjoying talking with him. Doesnt realize hes actually answering gepards questions, telling both personal things about himself and small inconsequential things that arent important but gepard acts like they are.
Gepards genuine So SO genuine and earnest. All kinds of 'youre a hard worker you do help the underworld a lot even if you pretend you dont' and 'i know some of those tips about illegal operations were from you sampo thank you' and 'i admire how focused and strong you are. If only youd put the criminal stuff behind you' and sampo isnt sure if its the liquor or gepard hes drunk off of.
And it ending with gepard having the fucking worst hangover of his life, sampo tied to a large stalagmite passed out and snoring. Gepard like 'god my head hurts. That was the best night of my life. Time to arrest him i guess' and seele being the one to find em bickering halfheartedly while gepard keeps trying to get handcuffs on sampo
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my-little-loverboy · 1 year
Oh boy I just kinda, wrote this on a whim uh, I’m sorry lmao
Pairing: Gepard Landau/GN reader
TWs: Implied child neglect, thoughts of cheating, implied age gap (geppie is 36, reader is at least 15 years younger)
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Gepard Landau, second eldest child of the Landau family and their only son.
The man who commanded respect no matter where he went in the Belobog overworld. Polite, respectful, and a skilled soldier and strategist.
To say expectations for him were high could be the understatement of the century. Especially with his very traditional, and militant father. Who barely even congratulated him when he became captain at 18, the youngest in history, who rarely looked at him before then.
But also;
Gepard Landau, who enjoys growing flowers, and drawing, but it’s not particularly good at either activity. Who is still close friends with Serval. Former crybaby and now, unbelievably, desperately, head over heels in love with the person staring up at him, curious eyes and a confused expression as to why Captain Gepard was staring at them.
“Captain? Is there something wrong?”
“A-ah. No. Continue your training.”
“Yes Captain.”
The warmth in his cheeks makes him want to melt into the ground. He should not be thinking about anyone like this, but especially not you. One of many new and, frankly, unremarkable recruits. Your stance was fine, you knew how to use your weight to your advantage to make up for strength you had yet to build, just as you had been taught. A perfectly average recruit who would grow into a perfectly average soldier.
Yet he found his eyes drawn to you time and time again, his mind rebelling against him and finding its way to you only when it’s the most inconvenient for the captain.
Even if you weren’t a recruit, he’s married. The woman his father picked for him 5 or so years ago now, a perfectly palatable woman. She had no interest in him nor him towards her, but that is the life of a nobleman. He still is expecting not to cheat, to be faithful regardless of his opinion of her.
And yet here he is, trying with all his will to not stare at you, the fresh recruit easily 15 years his junior if not more. That alone made him feel… Something, the fact that he can’t place what is its own beast.
He is Captain Gepard Landau, 36 years old and married, his wife 4 months pregnant. Cornered in a quiet part of the restricted zone by the person his brain had been fixated on for 2 years now.
“I’m done with this little guessing game, Captain. What have I done to make you hate me so much?”
His flesh burns like he’s been set aflame. He can’t tell you he doesn’t hate you, that he loves you more than life itself.
“I don’t hate you.”
“You’re a shit liar, Gepard.”
It’s been a long time since he’d cried, but the pure malice behind your words and the way you spit his name made him want to.
“I’m.. not lying.”
“Then tell me what’s going on. For as long as I’ve been a soldier you’ve been harder on me, and at the same time won’t let me take any important patrols. You clearly think I’m a good fighter or you wouldn’t have me spar with the lieutenants, why can I not go on night patrols, or be on the front lines with the others you put against them?”
Because the thought of you getting hurt makes him feel sick like nothing else ever has.
Because if you died fighting a fragmentum monster he doesn’t think he could ever see one again without sobbing.
“Because I-“
No, no he can’t. Not now, not yet.
“Because what, Gepard?”
The way your voice softened… Maybe he can.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
the hsr swarm person: im level 66 which is why im so confused why im suffering so much; using my gorjus maxed out jingyuan, luocha 6/8/8/8 + all traces unlocked, seele with an honestly really bad build and preservation mc for survival who also isnt the best
im leveling up il dan heng rn but i have NO destruction mats and even less light cone level up mats so i guess we'll be grinding
so i guess a good team then would be ildh luocha and who else??
take my words w a grain of salt because i've really only managed to clear level three a few times and almost beat difficulty 4 but i would assume the main issues is that you need to spend your resources on a preservation unit and debuffer / support.
for jy ESPECIALLY because he's very vulnerable to crowd control. your preservation MC is viable but i'd recommend march 7th over them (or gepard if you managed to get him). a lot of the content in swarm will want to oneshot you so damage mitigation is more important than healing in my experience.
(which makes sense because fu xuan is next and her entire kit is damage mitigation but kjfdksd i digress)
i would say with your current team, drop seele off of your team and use luocha primarily for breaking imaginary shield. replace seele with a semi-built debuffer or support (the best option for both JY and DH IL is tingyun, but pela is also very viable for both. asta also works very well but more for jy than dh il. yukong is Fine but her kit is imo tricky and shes also kind of skill point greedy)
so for team comp recc jing yuan, flex support / debuff (tingyun works best for jy and dh il, as does pela.) / preservation / shielder / luocha.
for dh il i use dh il, tingyun AND pela, and then gepard for best results
after that - it's mostly about choosing the correct path for you based on your team comps. i don't have a lot of experience with elation path in swarm but i hear it does well for jy so you'd have to try it.
you can use destruction path for dh il since you have luocha but i do not use it much since i think it works better for self-sustain characters and i find it very tricky to use. its not impossible but its kind of a suicide mission since it mostly focuses on hp consumption.
me personally, i universally always go for the preservation or remembrance paths, abundance also works very well for this. preservation is preferred for me since i have a crazy stacked gepard lmao. mix preservation with some healing or debuffing blessings and it basically keeps you alive no matter what
remembrance (aka freeze path) is also pretty good because well. it freezes everything and if something is frozen it cannot hurt you but it only works if you have someone like pela, march or geppie.
abundance works well but you have luocha so it might not be as necessary for you. still i would say the blessings for abundance in swarm are wayyy better than the normal SU. it's kind of up to you
either way, always try to go for things that contribute to your path though because once you hit max you can combine paths as well and get more bonuses. having a lot of path resonance is good.
ALSO MAKE SURE YOU READ EACH BLESSING CAREFULLY!! i know that is obvious but its a good reminder. understanding exactly what stats you have can make or break your run i find
also and this is just my personal experience but i will always choose curios over blessings if i have a chance because i think curios have better universal effects. blessings can be random but curious are imo more consistent.
i hope this helps!! i can give more advice if anyone wants specifically because clearing swarm is very dependent on ur actual account but i do pretty regularly clear difficult content in game!!!
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deathbxnny · 6 months
You’re really good at tugging at people’s heart strings, huh? That really felt like Makima was back and just doing her evil stuff again..
Tysm for making my request btw! I can just feel the despair Lyney and the others felt and it makes me feel like that the Fontaine storyline would be drastically different from canon now that the three of them have a reason to hate Arle. I havent played the Fontaine chapter yet (im procrasinating HARD) but i just feel like they would seem more starined than canon when doing whatever at Fontaine. Also i apologize that my request was a bit difficult, i made it on a whim due to the brainrot i got after realizing the Parallels but even so, you did amazing!
ALSO AH IM SO GLAD YOU’RE PLAYING PENACONY RN! Bc MAN there are so much plot twists and im genuinely scared and excited for the next part of the story. Congrats on your Acheron! I tried getting her but i lost my 50/50 to Bailu, so im now planning to get Aventurine because he’s a really good sustainer and i need a good shield to beat that DAMN SODA MONKEY (i mean i have gepard but im kinda lazy to build him, sorry geppie) also i have a penacony request and spoiler, it’s an Acheron one ;)
(Also i want to apologize for not being present that much here. Im not doing great in terms of mental health, i’ve been procrasinating too much and I wanted to send an ask to just say anything here but i didnt know what to say. So please remember to take care of yourself and take breaks as well, okay?)
- Flower Anon 🌸
Hello Flower Anon!!!<33
Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm really glad you liked it!
And yeah, I totally feel you on the procrastination tbh. It took me a whole new patch to even START the Fountaine quest back then, so yeah, I get it lol.
Also don't worry! I totally understand you not being present often due to mental health reasons (knowing how I am after all-), but I seriously hope that you get better soon Flower Anon, because you really are a cherished part of our little community!!<33
Take care of yourself too!!!
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woman-respecter · 6 months
hey queen, what team do you use against sam in moc? i’ve gotten my ass beat with my acheron team so far
i did fu xuan/ruan mei/black swan/kafka but i think a good acheron team would actually be better than this
really there are two keys to sam: a good sustain and ability to take him out of his special state. the best sustain here is geppie. i don’t have him but my gf does and when i was clearing moc for her i was shocked by how much easier he made it. fx is second choice, followed by the healers. i’ve heard its possible with a healer by stacking healing% but its very hard.
there are two ways to get him out of his special mechanic: by breaking him or spamming sp consuming attacks. fortunately this actually works pretty well with acheron’s best team of sustain/pela/silver wolf/acheron bc pela and sw both have attacking skills. no sw? try welt or guinaifen.
pela and silver wolf can have pure support builds (stack spd and ehr and nothing else) so theyre p easy, but acheron and your support will need higher investment. also remember that unlike most dps, acheron can be at base spd so use atk boots. as always, find further build info on prydwen.gg
good luck! sam kicked my ass literally almost 50 times so there’s absolutely no shame in struggling with him
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the-smol-boys · 3 years
Size shifter! bad
Part 4 I think?
Skeppy woke up the following morning in Bad’s chest. The demon was actually awake and seemed to be staring at him.
“You watching me while I sleep, bad? That’s creepy”
The other immediately flushed. “W-what no it’s not! I mean I wasn’t even looking at you! And if I was it’s because there’s nothing else to look at in this cave....and you look pretty cute when you’re this short~”
“What the hell bad! I’m not short! You’re the one who’s tall!”
“Hey! Language!”
The two bickered for awhile as usual. Skeppy was happy Bad was acting like himself despite everything.
Bad is still a giant and it looks like he will be for awhile, but he agrees to go back to the badlands with Skeppy riding in his scarf. The first order of business is fixing up the mansion, so they head to the neather as soon as Skeppy builds a big enough portal for bad. The trip goes a lot easier than usual. Bad is fire resistant and can wade through the lava. He can also take down blazes, piglins, ghosts...basically everything With ease. Even so Bad is still careful to avoid stepping on any of the peaceful striders, which makes Skeppy smile a little, Bad will always be Bad no matter what size he is.
“Step on them, bad! Crush them! Crush them!”
“No skeppy! That’s awful don’t even say that!”
“Hehe but whyyyy?”
“Stepping on them is mean! And then don’t even drop anything anyway...” the demon frowned and poked Skeppy in the stomach.
“Owwie...” he whined
“Oh my gosh Sgeppy I barely touched you!”
“That huuurt” Skeppy pretended to whimpered
“Sgeppy! Did I really hurt you!? I’m sorry I didn’t mean-“
The diamond boy burst out laughing. “Hahaha, did you really think you poking me would actually hurt? My bones are made of diamond!”
“Geppy! that’s not funny! You’re a muffin head! Don’t do that!” The demon whined
“Ok ok, I’m sorry, but I have to mess with you a little when you’re like this!”
“...no you don’t”
“Bad come on, I’m sorry...”
“Bad, please I won’t do it again, I promise”
The demon sighed. “Ok I forgive you Skeppy, just don’t do it again.”
Mining quarts was a lot easier when you had a giant friend. Bad held Skeppy up to high places to reach quarts that was on the ceiling and they didn’t have to go around lava pools as bad could just walk right through them.
It wasn’t long before they had enough quartz to repair the house and then some.
Bad watched Skeppy fix the house. He was too scared to get close to it and risk falling onto it.
It took Skeppy about half the day to finish fixing it up.
“There” he said as he placed the final block. “All done!” He beamed at the demon who was sitting 20 feet away.
“I can’t fit in it...”
“You will once you go back to your normal size”
“What if I never...”
“Bad..we’ve been over this...”
“I know...I know it’s irrational but still...”
Skeppy approached his friend and took one of his clawed fingers and hugged it. “It’s going to be okay bad, no matter what happens alright?”
The demons face turned a muddy red. ‘He’s blushing’ Skeppy thought with a bright smile plaster fo his face. Bad smiled back and Skeppy swore he saw him shrink ever so slightly, no more than a foot, but it confirmed his suspension that Bad wouldn’t be stuck like this forever. “I bet one day you can learn to control it, then think about how much we can mess with the others”
Bad laughed evily . “Ooo, you’re right, I can force everyone to do my bidding and make me all the muffins in the world!”
“Bad...so devious~” he smirked, happy he managed to cheer his friend up. Unfortunately the good mood didn’t last long as lightning flash across the sky, followed by booming thunder and then a down pour of rain. “Shit...”
“Language...” Bad outstretched his wings to cover himself and Skeppy from the droplets. “You should get inside geppy”
“What about you?!”
“I’ll just hide out in the nether for now”
“Oh..good idea”
Bad picked up his friend and set him down in front of the mansion. “It’s late anyway. I’ll see you in the morning and hopefully the storm will be over by then..”
“Yeah...night, Bad”
“Goodnight sgeppy”
the demon lingered for a moment, Skeppy realized he was waiting for him to go inside. He went inside the mansion and he watched bad head towards the portal through the window. “Poor Bad...” he sighed and turned to go to the bedroom. It looked a bit different now, Skeppy wasn’t able to fix it perfectly. Not to mention Bad had crushed to the bed and most of the other items that decorated the room. Skeppy had to throw everything out basically. All that remained was a small bookshelf and a small bed he got from the guest room. He crawled in, Skeppy knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep. He missed Bad’s warmth and the way the demon would curl around him in his sleep. He even missed his soft snoring and how he’d hog the blanket and Skeppy would complain and try to take it back only for the demon to wrap one of his wings around the diamond boy to get him to shut up.
He was tossing and turning for hours before finally giving up. “Ugh! This will never work!” He sat up and stomped out, heading towards the nether portal. Skeppy was drench by the time he entered the glowing purple field.
It didn’t take long at all to find bad. He had dug out a little cave in the netherac wall and was laying down but seemed to be having the same trouble Skeppy was.
The demon perked up when he noticed his best friend. “Sgeppy, something wrong?” His voice full of concern
“No...well, yes. The bed I took from the guest room is super uncomfortable...”
“Yeah so...um..can I just-“
“Stay here? Of course you can Skeppy! Come in” Bad moved so he body wasn’t blocking the entrance.
“Why thank you~” he said while hurrying inside.
Bad moved, blocking the entrance again. He definitely didn’t want any mobs sneaking in now.
Skeppy didn’t know what he was expecting. The little artificial cave was completely barren aside from some glow stone lighting up the ceiling. He turned to look at bad, who had his wing raised, offering Skeppy to cuddle with him, which the diamond boy gladly accepted, laying down on his friends chest. Bad placed a hand over Skeppy and curled his wings around the both of them in a cacoon, making the smaller feel safe and protected, in the nether of all places!
The demon hummed happily, and Skeppy could feel the vibrations of it. “Goodnight sgeppy, for real this time”
The other giggled “yeah yeah, goodnight bad, love you”
“Love you too geppy”
Day 5 of not knowing how to write but writing anyway
Is it a plot hole that Skeppy is able to sleep in the nether?
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shushiyuii · 3 years
are skeppy and bbh in the t0m au? if so can we get some fluff for them ;)
Skeppy and Bad fluff? Yes Indeed
Warnings: None
Words: 700+
Subject B4D-BH
Assigned to: Doctor Skeppy Diamond.
Subject B4D-BH is one of the largest subjects in the facility standing at 8 meters tall, their appearance is similar to mythological demons and dragons having sharp fangs, claws, horns, and a long tail with a pointed end.
Their appearance is a completely black somewhat humanoid body, they are usually okay to wear attire but mostly seen wearing a black and red hoodie. Their eyes are also pure white, described by others to be angelic.
He is able to summon wings as he pleases but is usually hidden as they tend to take up a lot of space as Subject B4D-BH says. Subject B4D-BH is also very friendly in nature, often seen to take other researchers and advising them or comforting them, trying to help them when possible, they’re also very gentle with their size and love to cuddle with their researcher.
His abilities consist of being able to resist high temperatures and things such as fire and maybe even lava (During an incident regarding a fire, Subject B4D-BH saved multiple researchers by using their body as a shield from the burning building).
They are also able to manipulate flames and summon them to their will, much like Subject 54P-N4P, they are even mentoring them to help them control their abilities and the two have a somewhat father and son relationship.
Subject B4D-BH is also able to manipulate their size, although prefer to stay at the preferred normal height.
Skeppy sighed as he entered the facility, once again being told off by Puffy that he was late and he had to be careful! But that didn’t really matter, what mattered was checking up on Bad.
Now Skeppy wasn’t the best scientist out there, he wasn’t able to stand out among his peers as others do so easily, he didn’t have the favour of the higher-ups either despite him being somewhat acquainted with Schlatt himself.
But he never hated it, it just meant he had less work to worry about and that he had more time for himself and with it came Bad. Ever since he met Bad his life had changed and Skeppy would say for the better.
Skeppy had struggled for so long to get a job, struggling financially but eventually, he landed an interview with Schlatt, despite his lack of talents in the science field, Schlatt found interest in his sneaky tactics, Skeppy had a unique way around things from no other he’d seen before.
And with that ability, Skeppy was withheld from main work, with checkups mainly being done with Puffy, who was his advisor, she was a higher-up after all. And Skeppy mainly helped out in projects and personally helped Schlatt himself, giving his advice and perspective on things, able to see things the eye itself wouldn’t see.
Hence why a majority of his time was in online studies when the lab offered him the internship of studying psychology. In order to be properly qualified for the job and eventually move his way up the ranks.
But that never stopped his relationship with Bad, once he was done with all his work for the day, he’d hop into a cell Bad and start talking on about his day and Bad was more than happy to listen.
“Hey, Geppy!”. Bad smiled down at him, offered his hand for Skeppy to hop onto, “Hey Bad!”. Bad seemed really cheery today, “How was school today? I hope you did your work!”. “Yeah- yeah don’t worry, I did it”.
“Who knew psychology would be such a bit-“, “Language!”. “Right, sorry…” A moments pause, “A bitch.”. “Skeppy!”.
Skeppy laughed at Bad’s usual reaction which never failed to bring a smile, “Sorry, couldn’t help it!”. Bad sighed and brought Skeppy closer to his chest, “I worry about you”. “I know, you don’t have to though”. “How's everything at home”. “Good, I’m settling in alright, getting used to university and stuff”.
Bad began to playfully ruffle Skeppy’s hair, much to his protest but soon Bad was purring happily, Skeppy happily laying in his arms, “Fine, you win”. Bad smiled again, “Night Skeppy”, “Night Bad”.
They were both happy with the way they were and couldn’t have it any other way.
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jeawrites · 4 years
Hi again!! This ones for my friend, cause they're super into Skephalo rn. Could you do 13, with P and KK? Skephalo for the ship. Tysm!!!
((Oh, of course!! I hope your friend likes it!!))
13. Secret dating 
p. “Morning, Cutie.”
kk. “Can I hold your hand?”
Bad hummed to himself as he walked down the path, moving to his own tune as he approached the event building. It was essentially a Colosseum, but designed in a way to hold huge events and hold a modern flair.
He headed towards the receptions desk to check in and find out which floor he was supposed to head to for today’s event. He caught rumors that it was going to be a sky wars one today, but he never actually checked, which looking back that was probably not the best decision, but whatever.
The receptionists told him the fourth floor and he turned to head off but paused as the doors opened. He smiled brightly as he caught sight of a blue hoodie and hurried towards him. “Geppy!” he exclaimed. “Morning!”
Skeppy laughed as Bad approached, though it came out as more of a tired chuckle. When bad got close enough, he smiled gently and nudged his arm. “Morning, Cutie,” he mumbled, quiet enough that only they could hear.
Bad blushed lightly, swatting at him with a small giggle. “Oh shush,” he huffed, covering his mouth as he giggled again.
“So, what floor are we on,” Skeppy asked, tilting his head in a gesture as he turned to walk to the elevator. 
“Fourth,” Bad answered, dropping his hand and following. 
Skeppy groaned, tilting his head back in annoyance. “Fourth? I thought today was a Sky Wars Event?” he asked, looking over as Bad shrugged. 
“I did too,” he rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged again. “Maybe they changed it?- But, hey, wait? I thought Fourth was Sky Wars?”
Skeppy rolled his eyes and stopped as they got to the elevator. “What’re you dumb or something?” he teased, gaining a pout. “the fourth floor is parkour. It has all those training jumps and stuff all over the place,” he gestured around before pressing the up button.
“You’re mean,” Bad mumbled, pouting, but he nodded regardless. “Are you sure?” he asked, stepping to the side as the doors opened, just in case. When no one came out, the two stepped in together. 
“I’m positive,” Skeppy said as he pressed the button for the fourth floor. Once the doors closed, he turned to Bad with a small smile. “You know I didn’t mean the idiot thing, right?” 
Bad glanced back at him and deflated a bit, nodding. “Of course I knew that,” he waved a hand and stepped closer to Skeppy, resting his head on his shoulder with a small sigh. “You’re annoying sometimes, Skeppy,” he pointed out.
Skeppy gasped. “Wow, Bad. That’s not nice. Maybe I just like teasing you cause you’re cute when you pout,” he nudged him but also let his head rest on top of his. “You’re, like, the cutest thing ever. Next to me, probably.”
“Probably? I’m literally standing right next to you, silly,” Bad giggled, and then laughed as Skeppy did.
They fell into a comfortable silence that broke when the elevator dinged. And, Bad frowned as they had to separate. 
“This is our stop,” Skeppy announced as the doors opened. He went to walk out, but Bad stopped him, grabbing his sleeve. 
“Hey.. I- uhm...” he bit his tongue lightly, trying to articulate his thoughts. “I know... we’re trying to be secret and all- but can we...” he trailed off. 
Skeppy raised a brow and glanced behind them before back at Bad. “What, d’ya want a kiss?” he asked, grinning a bit.
“Wha- no! I- I mean that’d be nice- but- but that’s not- ugh. Gah!” he threw his hands in the air as he released Skeppy’s sleeve and then turned his head to look away. “Can I hold your hand?” he asked, his voice flustered and a bit annoyed in tone. 
Skeppy didn’t mind though and he laughed lightly. “Alright, fine. Just for today, though, okay? And, only cause I called you an idiot.” 
Bad grinned a bit and nodded. “Deal!”
Of course, he was going to get away with holding Skeppy’s hand again. But, maybe after clearing up rumors that they might be dating, cause they can’t have their secret getting out.
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sucrefemme · 4 years
My friends are really cool and I love them a lot. Kannon builds such awesome stuff in Minecraft and is so genuinely passionate about it. He’s such a pleasant person to be around and talk to. I care about him. Rex is so fucking amazing at art and it’s nice to listen to him talk about interests (games lore. Orc. Animal. His own life.) everything feels like a story, like something to get excited about, and it makes me happy when we talk. Lily Jay is not only *the* most beautiful person I’ve ever met, they also get so much joy out of so many hobbies. It’s so cool how they pick up hobbies and don’t just drop em like I do. Means that they’re good at piano, sewing, jewelry making, prop making, interior design, composing, fashion, cross stitching, eating with chopsticks, and EVERY. GAME. THAT EXISTS. I have NEVER beaten them at ANY game. And that’s just like... the three who I hang out with a lot. I think I care about more people right now than I maybe ever have. Kacper, who is so good at animating and has such an infectious laugh, the kind of guy who lights up a room. Laeli, who is absolutely one of the funniest people I know and also has secret hidden skills (he made a cool bot AND half life scientist scream WAP remix). There’s Benny, who I feel like I haven’t seen in a while, but he makes awesome characters and likes good colors and also sonic hedgehog. Zach, who is a Catboy, and also has so much fucking Style. BUNNY. my friend BNUUY. talented, funny, hamdsom, local ENJOYER of Dolls and Haver of my Love!!!!! OH AND GEPPO. my friend geppy, they are so awesome. I picked up so many of my speech patterns from geppy as of late. Geppy got me gifts that were so good that I cried and also has so many bugs!!! Gep is also like... really really really easy to talk to. I love that about them. Mal is also my friend. Mal likes Jams. Mal has such an air of confidence around them it’s just... how could I *not* look up to them, yk. Also fuckin. Awesome art. Awesome BEASTS. I say awesome all the time now thanks to mal. Adrian is also my friend. She is so nice and it’s fun to watch her play games and her art is just really REALLY cool. She’s just a cool person. So yes. My friends. People I care about. I started writing this because I was sad and angry but now I’m not thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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