#and also how much this character design's changed
ominus-potato · 1 day
Need a universe where your MarWare fankid grows into a Tumblr sexy man like his tv dad.
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Dunno about Tumblr sexyman but he’s pretty darn cute!
He grew into his eyes a bit although they’re a little red. He still has his noodle legs too but he can actually walk with them now! Just has a little bit of a limp. Head is still dented too. It’s not as obvious but the dents are still there. Also I changed his screen from green to red to get a bit more of Mario in there.
This is just my interpretation of how he’d look. I know a few people already have their own designs and headcanons for him so feel free to keep adding your own interpretation of this character. This is just how I imagine he’d look when he’s older.
With the combination of Mario’s wackiness and Mr Puzzles creativity, SpagheTV managed to become a successful director at a big studio! Bigger than Mr Puzzles ever was. He mostly specialises in horror movies and he spent years away from home as he was building his career.
He didn’t see his parents for about 5 years as he was working abroad but then he finally saw them again at an event where he was accepting an award for his work. He was definitely nervous to see them. Part of him was worried that Mr Puzzles would be a little upset that his son had managed to out-do him in the movie industry but nope!
As soon as Mario spotted him, he ran over to him and gave him a big hug, crying about how much he missed him. Puzzles did the same, trying not to cry as much, and both are extremely proud of SpagheTV.
Sorry angst enjoyers! Everyone is a big happy family here!
(Again, feel free to interpret SpagheTV in your own way! If you wanna make him a crazy angst ridden broken child then go nuts!)
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wmnwntmefshfrme · 1 day
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design notes:
Yaira: nothing changed
Estrella: dead mom ponytail gone </3 i only did it in the og drawing of her bc its funny
Robin: ROBINNNN. IM SO SORRY I FORGOT THE PUFF BUNS UUEHEHHHHH- anyway, when i was planning out the designs for the other named npcs, i was like "why the hell are there so many gingers" so i made her have blue hair :3 to match with her confidence stat :3 also gave her yellow/orange eyes instead of green bc there were also a lot of green eyed npcs
Sydney: SKUNK HAIR. I DUNNO HOW I FORGOT ABOUT THAT YUMMY DYE STYLE. SYDNEY IM SORRY. i completely forgot i wanted to still have her natural hair (also just made pink bc teehee i like whimsy) to show
Whitney: not much changed besides the hair style. completely forgot i wanted her to be super gyaru OTL. gave her cheek piercings bc they're cute :3
Kylar: i lowkey started to not like how i did her hair originally and then came across all the sketches i made for the LIs and was like FLUFFY KY :3 ofc had to keep the emo bangs :3
Avery: nothing changed LMAOAOA
Black Wolf: not much changed, just made her hair longer bc why not
Alex: not much changed, just made he hair more of a red red, darkened her skin, altered her bangs, and changed the color of her bandana. still wanted to keep her looking like a cutie patootie
Eden: I ACCIDENTALLY GAVE HER A GIANT FOREHEAD THE FIRST TIME AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOBBING. not much changed though, just made her hair darker and have a green tint to it. look im trying to make my designs have lots of whimsy
Quinn: you can tell with Quinn LMAO. i just felt like she needed to have a distinct look since she's a special npc n all :3 classic purple and green color scheme for a shady character
Bailey: i'm gonna be honest, i was originally gonna go with a mean asian mom look for Bailey but then i was like "....what if muscle mommy"
Remy: i wanted her to look like a little shit. that's all
Briar: tried to go for a bit of a Jessica Rabbit and Rarity type aura. i really like her design and she could put me in the underground brothel any day :3 /j
Leighton: just an old hag, nothing special
Harper: wanted to make her look a little inhuman??? i think i got it with how dead her skin looks idk. also wanted her to look like a little shit
Landry: here's where the asian mom look went. i like her and Mickey's dynamic and they both just look like regular people (better for crime)
Sirris: Sydney if she was older. idk what else i should've done lol
River: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 1)
Doren: i wanted her hair to look fluffy as hell
Winter: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 2)
Mason: SEAWEED HAIR. that's all
Charlie: wanted to embody :3c
Darryl: she's very cutie patootie to me so i made her a cute patootie
Sam: wanted her to look like candy kinda. idk :3
Niki: i only made her hair a little longer and no weird two layer thing for the short portion
Zephyr: wanted her to look smug and also kinda cute???? idk, i didn't really have a vision for her
Jordan: also didn't really have a vision for her, but it did want her to gave similar eyes to Quinn
Gwylan: her i did have a vision for :3c she's a cutie patootie, that's all :3
Wren: thought a side shave would make her look cooler
Mickey: hairstyle changed a little. other than that, not much changed
Morgan: still a wet rat
Ivory Wraith: nothing changed (they have special eyes tho)
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I don’t understand the appeal of Gnarpy’s old design and why it’s missed by so many fans.
I love Gnarpy. Xey are my favorite Regretevator character, but something that bogs my mind is the constant obsession some Regretevator fans have with a design that was replaced due to behind the scene controversy. I will admit, I do feel bad that the design was tarnished as a result of its creator’s degenerate behavior, but I can’t help but ask why people continue to view the redesign as a terrible thing. Let me take you through a crash course about why I dislike the old design and how the redesign is actually the best thing to happen to Gnarpy in an artistic standpoint. Allow me to explain:
Let’s face it, the original design was bland. For what is supposed to be an anthropomorphic alien cat warlord with a superiority complex, the original design fails at conveying that. Good character design should be able to tell the viewer something about that character’s personality and who they are just by looking at them. The original design fails at doing that. It’s just a generic green cat with some antennae and glowing stuff, that’s it. There’s nothing that tells me xyr an intergalactic general, no attributes that makes xem seem otherworldly like an alien should be, and it just doesn’t match the rudeness, arrogance, and exaggerated energy of xyr in-game dialogue. Instead, it just made Gnarpy look like uninspired furrybait for the sake of furrybait, which to me is an insult towards a genuinely interesting character concept.
The redesign on the other hand is way more faithful to Gnarpy’s character than the original design ever was. Redesigned Gnarpy looks more cartoony, having more alien-like details such as four arms, four eyes, conjoined ears, double tails with pincers, and a red outfit with a yellow star badge. Not only that, xyr color scheme is more interesting, xey have a recognizable silhouette, and xyr new animations perfectly capture xyr pompous ego. Some may argue that the deviation from the blocky style makes xem less charming, but to me, I feel the opposite. The complex goofiness of the new design not only fits xyr personality perfectly, it also gives xem a sort of an Invader Zim/Peridot type of charm that makes me like Gnarpy’s character so much more.
Overall, I know that art is subjective and I know that making this confession may have put me at risk of getting publicly executed (French Revolution styled). I just don’t get the appeal of such a bland design, especially one made by a creep. I like the way Gnarpy looks now and I feel that most Regretevator fans are too harsh on it solely because it deviates away from the original. Yes, it was a sudden change nobody asked for, but that doesn’t make it right to immediately hate it without giving it a chance (also it’s not like the developers had a choice). If you genuinely prefer the old design, have no ill intent on bashing you for your preferences. If you like it, all power to you. I’m just tired of hearing the vocal parts of the fandom complain about a fictional character just because they were changed. Old Gnarpy is dead, xey died behind the Shwaffle House parking lot. Just be glad Gnarpy didn’t suffer the same fate as Miché did: completely removed from the game.
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ashenquill · 2 days
It's time to info dump about my character headcanons some moreeeee I love spreading my agenda on the internet hehe
Mumbo Killsalot Jumbo is one of those ambiguous types where you can't tell if he's actually a hybrid or not? Like, there's something a little bit... off about him. Something distinctly non-human. Also he's a really weird guy, which makes even less sense, because at this point hybrids are like 60% of the population, and nobody bats(ha) an eye at them anymore, so it's not like he needs to hide it. But he is, in fact, secretly a vampire. Or at least, he's 1/16th vampire or something like that. He just remembers this one guy named Vlad who he refused to believe was actually his great-grandpa because he's literally, like thirty? How on Earth would he have been old enough to father children with children with children? Mumbo started believing it when he saw him again ten years later and he hadn't changed in the slightest. Suddenly, the strict nobody open the curtains rule made a lot more sense.
Now, even though Mumbo is technically a vampire, his family is primarily human. The only reason they even have vampiric origins is because Great-grandpa Vlad got turned at the ripe age of 27, and wasn't about to abandon his wife over his new and very serious garlic allergy. She thought it was all one big prank he was pulling to get out of working on the farm, but after twenty years and seven kids, she realized that being a stay-at-home dad was definitely not taking the toll it should.
Mumbo and his immediate family have retained a few of the traits they inherited from Vlad, but it manifests in very mild coincidences. His mom is allergic to garlic and his dad has a strange Scarland-Princess-like affiliation with bats. Mumbo, meanwhile, really got the short end of the stick, as he can't expose his shoulders to sunlight without them miraculously burning (he's gone through more bottles of M-77 brand sunscreen than he'd care to quantify). Not to mention the insomnia! He'd be lucky to get two hours of sleep on an average night, and the fact that the only affect it really has on him is making his eyes look baggy is truly an injustice. Wasn't insomnia supposed to cause other serious health problems? How could he even complain about it if he wasn't constantly overtired? Rather inconvenient, that.
Don't ask my why I have so much lore for this guy when I don't even write him that often. It's just the Mumbo Jumbo allure, I guess
Here's some other fun facts:
Smells like iron/copper (metallic)
Book smart - special knowledge of redstone
Likes: cloud gazing, embroidery, old westerns/duels/guns, rubix cubes (only to look at though, bro can’t solve them for shit)
Dislikes: designing floor plans, social interaction, eye contact
Passions: philanthropy, travel
Habits/other details: Super fidgety like holy shit he never stops moving, picks at his nails and has lots of scabs & hangnails bc of it, he is littered with cuts and bruises of unknown origin, also usually covered in redstone & he mistakes his blood for it half the time, can’t tell if he’s ADHD, ASD, or both (deffo both)
Reactive to their environment - does not like to be around danger most of the time, would rather watch from afar, would rather not even watch tyvm, too bad he’s always a victim, #easytarget, your honor he’s just a wet cat
Special, plot-relevant skills: good w/ redstone, rich asf
Insomniac, also has RLS, always tired but it’s not very obvious, mostly just has dumb blonde moments, his intelligence would be 10% more if he actually slept, what the heck Vlad why'd you have to get bit by a vampire
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sweetbillwriting · 2 days
The Key To His Heart - II
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Description: As a hard working novelist and single dad hasn't Bill had much time for dating but gets an unorthodox chance to meet women when his friend persuades him to be a part of a dating TV show.
Characters: AU Bill Skarsgård where his life changes in 2013 and later 2019.
Setting: L.A, 2024 but in an alternative universe where Bill having a completely different life.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Bill's Guests:
Maria: Writer, 38.
Violet: Entrepreneur, 22.
Camila: Engineer, 31.
Victoria: Shop assistant, 34.
Sandra: Fashion designer, 36.
Julie: Model, 25.
Esmeralda: Model, 27.
Rose: Personal trainer, 22.
Odette: Pediatrician, 33.
Tiffany: Actress, 30.
Sienna: Painter, 28.
Brigitte: Chef, 29.
“Why not?” Bill looked irritated at Herman, who had come in unannounced into his bedroom. The bedroom and office were those places they could talk without the camera team and the girls close by. Bill had just come out of the shower and dried himself with the towel without shyness. Even if it was Herman who had taken the liberty to walk into his room, he looked away uncomfortably when Bill let the towel drop to the floor.
“It's too predictable. The viewers will already know Camila is your favorite.”
Herman didn't let Bill ask her out for his evening date and instead wanted him to choose someone who wasn't as expected. Bill was really annoyed, he believed he would get to make his own decisions.
“Is this how it's going to be? Will you pick who I choose in the end too?”
“No, just that I will help you make wise decisions.”
Bill laughed unamused and pulled on a pair of dark gray boxers.
“If you couldn’t pick Camila, who would you choose then?”
“I’ll take a night for myself on the couch.”
Herman sighed deeply. Even if he knew Bill was stubborn, he hadn't expected he would start with those sort of childish behaviors.
Bill pulled on a pair of black loose fitting slacks but left his upper body bare so he could dry his hair without dripping water on the shirt.
“Bill,” said Herman in a parentified tone.
“Fine, Rose then? Is that okay?” Said Bill, still with attitude.
“That's a great choice, Bill! Then you can invite Camila for the group date.”
Bill didn't say anything, still annoyed that Herman decided who he would spend his time with. He had thought this would be a way for him to meet a woman and had forgotten that the first and foremost purpose of the circus was to entertain an audience. He was stupid for having forgotten that, but Herman had sold it to him so nicely.
When Herman had left and Bill had fixed his hair, he pulled on a white t-shirt. It was time for him to go down to the women, but it didn't feel as good now as it had done earlier; he felt dirty like he fooled them all.
Bill looked at the girls while they ate breakfast. They had placed him at the head of the table so all of the women could see him eat his scrambled eggs. Discreetly, he looked at what they ate. Sandra ate an omelet, Victoria a big plate of fruit, Tiffany ate scrambled eggs just like himself, Maria yogurt with berries, and Sienna toast with marmalade. He gave Camila a look, and she looked back at him with a smile. She also ate yogurt, but as plain as it had been in its package.
He smiled back at her but sighed. He wanted to be with her, not Rose or anyone else; he wanted to be just with her.
“Bill?” Said Brigitte from the kitchen counter but walked up to him.
“Hm?” He looked at her a bit surprised. She had her mahogany colored hair gathered in a long braid over her shoulder. She smiled at him sweetly and gave him an off-white envelope. It had a red wax seal that reminded him of a Hogwarts letter but he brushed that thought away when he saw it was heart-shaped.
He gave Brigitte a little smile and waited for her to sit down before he opened it.
(Read out loud)
Good Morning! Today you will have your first group date, but it will also be the first evening date where Bill picks what girl he wants to have some special time with! Bill will announce what girls he wants to see on the group date and also what lucky girl gets to spend the rest of the day with him!
(Group date: Sienna, Odette, Camila, and Esmeralda.
Evening date: Rose.)
Bill read the part they wanted him to read out loud in a light, cheery way. He was happy right then that he still knew how to act because on the inside he boiled. This was not what he thought it would be. He didn't think his love life would be directed like this, but he just needed to hold up the facade; hopefully it would lead to something good.
“Ehm… I chose Odette, Esmeralda, Sienna, and Camila for the group date, and… I wonder if you, Rose, would want to see me tonight?”
Bill still had great acting chops, but asking a girl out for a date would always make him shy. He looked at Rose, who was still make-up-free and now a bit rosy in her cheeks from a hot shower. She got even more pink when he asked her the question.
“Yes, yes, of course!” She giggled a little but stopped herself when she realized the girls surrounding her were visibly jealous. Bill smiled at her, genuinely happy to see her excited, but by accident he looked towards Camila. She sat with her eyes low and dragged her spoon through the yogurt. She probably had believed he would ask her. He wanted to say to her that it wasn't his choice to go with someone else, but he couldn't; he needed to follow his contract, and it stated clearly that he couldn't talk about the production with the girls. He looked around at the other girls, some were disappointed, even annoyed, while others looked pleased. He looked at Odette, who ate a piece of pear with her fingers; when she turned to him, she smiled with her eyes. She was amazingly beautiful and reminded him of some actress from the 90s. He smiled at her because he was curious to know more about her, but even so, he felt his heart being weighed down by bad conscience for Camila.
Before the date, Bill took his right to some alone time but also received even more information from Herman. He was already tired of his nagging. 
“The date will be a hike. The girls have received a letter about it. But Bill, I know you like Camila, but you can't favor her, and it's not okay to do anything-”
Bill spun around in his computer chair and didn't seem to want to listen to Herman. 
“Bill! Could you just listen? I get that you don't like the rules, but it is a TV show.” 
Bill sighed and stopped the chair. His head was even spinning, so he was a bit glad he could stop spinning physically. 
“Yeah, yeah. I get it; I must give all the girls time.” He cleared his throat and then turned towards the laptop on his office table. 
“And nothing… No kisses or so.” 
Bill didn't say anything because even if he agreed with Herman, he wanted to decide for himself what he would do. He didn't have a problem giving all the women attention and doing what they wanted, but Herman nagging him like a parent was just too much for his patience. 
He continued to work on his own things and tried to pretend he was alone, but the whole time his heart beated with stress by knowing the girls were spread out in his house and he could meet someone of them whatever he did. 
He met the girls invited to the group date on the porch. He had hiked quite a lot and liked walking in different terrain and weather. Today the sun stood high in the sky and made the air hot and dry. It would be a rough walk, and he wondered if they were prepared for that when he looked at how they were dressed. The first thing he noticed were Esmeralda's jeans shorts. They were short and seemed to ride up between her thighs while she moved. The next thing he noticed was Sienna's choice of shoes. Vans. Camila wore a tight black set that mostly looked good for taking selfies in the gym mirror. The only one who looked prepared was Odette, who even wore a bucket hat, ready for the hot sun. 
“Have you hiked before?” He asked them with a crooked smile. 
“I walk a lot with my dog, out in the forest and so on, but never like over mountains,” said Esmeralda with a laugh. Her energy felt really different from the first time he met her, and he thought to himself that he maybe had judged her too fast. 
“No… I'm a bit afraid of bugs,” said Sienna, a bit embarrassed. 
“Yeah, me too! I don't even like being outside that way,” said Camila and shrugged her shoulders. Bill looked at Odette, who stood and listened to the others. 
“What about you, Odette?” 
“Ehm, my family has camped a lot, and I was raised close to nature.” She sounded embarrassed, like the other girls’ answers were the right ones just because they were in the majority. 
“Yeah, that's cool. I guess you will lead the way then.” He wanted to encourage her because he liked a girl who wanted to exercise and challenge herself. Odette smiled warmly at him. 
“We can do it together.” 
Bill smiled back, and for a few seconds he forgot the other girls surrounding them, even Camila. 
They were given a ride to their destination in a minibus, and it was then he noticed some actual competition between the girls. It seemed like all of them tried to avoid getting into the car so they could be the lucky one who got to sit next to him. It was silly, but he couldn't lie to himself; he loved it. They were actually fighting for his attention. When Bill said a second time they could jump into the bus, Odette jumped in, then Esmeralda and Sienna. Camila became the winner, who got to sit next to him, pressing her leg against his. Bill was pleased it was she who won, and he took the moment to smell her spicy perfume and talk lowly to her about the places they went by. She liked trying new restaurants too, so when they went by one they both visited, they really spoke. Bill smiled big while talking to her, loving everything she said, but also how she said it. He loved her mouth and the shade of her lipstick. For a short second, he wondered why she wore lipstick to a hike, but it disappeared quickly when she laid her hand on his thigh. 
The sun was really gazing at them while they walked up the hill. He walked next to Odette, and they smirked at each other when they heard how the other girls complained. 
“Maybe we should give them a break?” Bill asked her. “And we can talk a little, just you and me?” 
Odette nodded happily. 
“There seems to be a resting spot up there.” 
Bill replied with a nod, then looked back at the others. Esmeralda pulled on her shorts’ legs over and over; Sienna seemed to have shoe chafing. Camila looked so warm she was close to fainting. 
“I think a break is a good idea.” 
“Yes please!” Camila said, exhausted, while the other girls nodded. 
They ogled him and Odette when they walked away and sat down on a stone by themselves, but it didn't seem like they had energy to do anything else than sit in the grass. Someone on the TV team talked with them, and Bill could guess they wanted to quit. He looked at Odette, who didn't look so affected at all, just a shiny forehead and nose. 
“You're a doctor, right?” 
“Yes, a pediatrician. I love it. It has been my dream job since I was a little girl.” 
“But isn't it hard? Working with sick kids?” 
“Of course it is. But…” She shrugged her shoulders and looked out over the view. “You can't stay in that. It's awful that kids get sick and even die, but they also survive, and I can be a part of that. I can make that change.” 
They were beautiful words, and Bill felt himself start to look at Odette in another way than before. She was that strong kind of woman, that sort who gives everything, every day. It was admirable but also really sexy. They continued to talk about her work but also places they had hiked or wanted to visit. Bill wanted to visit Oceania more, and Odette agreed. When they smiled at each other, they knew the other also thought about how it would be if they did it together. 
The TV team decided they would end the hike because of the girls’ state. It was disappointing that they couldn't survive a hiking trip, but he hid his negative emotions and looked at them with empathy. Esmeralda had gotten rashes on the inside of her thighs but tried to hide that fact from Bill, and Sienna cried silently because of her shoe chafing. Camila didn't say anything though, and Bill wondered to himself if she would have been able to continue, even if she was dressed in black spandex. 
They walked down the hill again in silence; they wouldn't go down the whole way, just to the highest place cars could park. It wasn't that long, but Bill noticed Sienna had problems keeping up, and he stopped to wait on her. She limped because of her foot but brushed away her tears when she saw Bill. 
“Are you okay?” He asked and fixed his cap so it sat a bit higher so he could see her better. 
Bill nodded towards a stone behind some bushes and, with a bit of a doubt, Sienna sat down on it. Bill searched through the pockets of his pants and found a bandaid. 
“Hopefully it'll help some…” he said and sat down in front of her and helped her off with her burgundy Vans shoe. She grimaced when he pulled it off her heel, and Bill looked at the wound. It was deep and bloody. 
“Didn't you have other shoes with you?” Sienna shook her head while she watched Bill put the bandaid on.
“I don't have such shoes.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I would never use them.” 
“Don't you work out or something?” 
Sienna shook her head. 
“Not really.” Bill nodded a little; he himself worked out as much as he could, so he couldn't really understand how she could function without it. 
Sienna stood up carefully but grimaced again. The bandaid didn't seem to make much of a difference. Bill waited for her, and together they walked down the hill. Bill noticed her focus was to just walk, so he didn't say anything, but if he was being honest, he didn't feel like he had so much to say either. Something with their chemistry was off. He didn't feel excited or curious walking with her; instead, he felt a bit annoyed. He liked hiking and being outside, but that had been ruined. 
“This is really not my thing, I would never do this kind of thing otherwise,” she said with a pained laugh. Bill smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders. 
“It's not for everyone.” 
When they came down to the minibus, a person in the team arranged how they would sit, so now Bill would sit next to Esmeralda instead. She laughed at how wrong everything had gotten and at how stupid she had been taking those shorts. 
“I've never worn them before but believed it would be cute!” 
Bill smiled amused at her. She really was different from the cocktail party. 
“They are cute, but maybe not for hiking,” he said, looking at the light denim shorts. 
“So typical of me to not be practical at all. Are you practical?” 
He pursed his lips for a few seconds before answering. 
“I think so? Most often, at least. I guess having kids... Do you have kids?” He realized he just took for granted she didn’t just because she was quite young. 
“Yeah, I have a son who will be four in December,” she said with a proud smile. 
“Really? What's his name?” His smile broadened; he liked the idea of being with someone with kids, who knew how it is. 
“Carlton. He's the sweetest. He's like a little old man—no drama at all. How are your girls?” 
“Ehm, the oldest is drama. I think she has inherited that from my side of the family. The younger one is a thinker. I think she has deeper thoughts than me if she could put words to them.” Bill looked as proud as Esmeralda, and the both of them giggled. 
His plan was to take a shower and a nap before his evening date, so he said goodbye to the girls by the stairs with a hug each. He had a better view of them and could see both sides he liked and disliked in them. Some of them made his cheeks glow pink. It was just one of them who took the liberty to give him a kiss on the cheek: Camila. Bill gave her a smile when she wiped her lipstick away from his cheek, but he actually felt less for her now. She wasn't the only interesting girl there, and he actually wanted to get to know them all. Camila was interesting and sexy, but the other women had other qualities he also liked. 
The orangery:
Bill: Odette is really interesting. She's that kind of woman you travel the world with, and I love the thought of that. Just do whatever we want. 
Odette: I think Bill just gets better and better. He doesn't feel shallow at all and seems to appreciate the real things in life. 
Esmeralda: I got too little time with him! I want to be closer to him, just me and him! It's frustrating to wait. 
The bed was too soft and his head too heavy, but he still needed to go on a date. Even if it was with a woman he looked forward to getting to know, he dreaded it. Two dates in one day was too much, but this was the concept. He should date intensely until he had fooled his brain into thinking he was in love with all of the women at the same time. 
Herman had told him he and Rose would go to her favorite restaurant, a quite simple Italian restaurant where he could eat a good pasta and share a bottle of red. He looked forward to that; he could use a calming glass of wine that would make him soft in his joints, but... 
“Oh, I don't drink.” 
Rose shrugged her shoulders. Bill looked at her with big eyes. He didn't care about other people's drinking habits, but right then and there he would have liked alcohol to calm down, but now he wondered if he could show his normal drinking habits to her. He couldn't deny he liked his liquor. 
“Can we share an alcoholic-free bottle?” Rose looked at the alcoholic-free part of the drink list, but Bill stayed on the red wine list. Would he eat a bolognese without red wine? 
“It's good for you; I know you work out a lot. You get better results without alcohol.” 
Bill smiled, strained. He did workout a lot but giving up everything good in life to have defined abs he would never do. Plus, he could have both if he just ate and drank in moderation. 
“I think I'll take a glass of barbera.” 
“What's that?” Rose looked through the alcoholic-free menu like it was a soda. 
“Red wine.” Bill pretended to be looking after the waiter but felt embarrassed for some reason. He felt like his alcohol consumption was something to be ashamed about. 
“Oh, okay. I thought we would share a bottle?” Bill dragged a hand over his jaw. He would sound like an alcoholic to her young, naive ears. 
“I really just want a glass of wine. The food gets much better with a great wine.” 
Rose nodded a little but lowered her eyes. Bill couldn't read her face, but he still felt ashamed for taking the glass, but he didn't want to give in and drink alcohol free wine because he would never do that otherwise. Even if his brother and mother lived a sober life, his social life often had alcohol in it. 
They ordered their food and had a relaxed talk about their lives and interests. It was nice; she was beautiful in her thin floral dress, sweet in her way by asking him things, but it was obvious she was younger than him. He also had become a father really early in his life, and it had shaped him into the man he was. 
“So you want to have your own business then?” He asked and took a sip of his wine. 
“Yeah, I hope to succeed with that before I am twenty-five or something, then work hard for it to become like a thing in Hollywood.” She smiled dreamingly, and Bill smiled seeing her like that, even if he had an important question that he must ask. 
“What about family?”
“Yeah, of course I want that too, but when I have the time.” 
Bill nodded a little. It was obvious she hadn't thought much about how their life would look if they were a couple. She would have kids to care about, even if she wasn't ready, because they came as a bonus with him. His daughters were eleven and five years old and were the most important people in his life. He also wanted more kids. He was 34, and who knows how long he needed to wait on her to feel ready. 
Bill swallowed his feelings down and took her hand on the way home in the limousine. She looked at him with stars in her eyes, and he smiled back at her, even if his emotions for her were really mixed. She was so sweet, but their values were so different from each other. 
The Orangery: 
Rose: He's such a good listener, and I think my mom would love him. He's just really humble and calm. 
Bill: It was good, a good date, but she's young! Yeah, I'm maybe a bit too old for her. 
The next day the idea was for them to have a long champagne brunch, and then the letter would come and drop “the bomb." The bomb everyone knew would come—he must pick a girl to leave his home. It was expected, and Bill had thought about his choice the whole night. There were actually several he could see leaving, but it was just one who would leave. The question was who he could see himself spending more time with. 
When he came down to the big kitchen where the caterers presented the food, he felt overwhelmed by how many girls there were again, and he actually thought it would be a bit nice to have one less. He couldn't give them all attention when they were all gathered and he felt torn and insufficient. 
Something was off though, and he looked around at the girls in confusion. Several of them tried to hide irritation, and he scratched his elbow uncomfortably. He wondered if he had done something wrong. 
He paused by the dinner table, but luckily he quickly got an answer from Odette, who came up to him. 
“Julie and Esmeralda have been in a fight. I think it was about Julie thinking Esmeralda is copying her?” 
Bill gave her a confused look; he didn't get what she meant. 
“In clothes and style and so on. They share a room, and Esmeralda was out shopping for some new clothes after we came back from the hike, and Julie thought she had bought clothes similar to hers…”
Bill dragged his hand over his jaw, covering a smirk. Girl fights could be quite silly. 
“Then I think it escalated quite a lot, so the production went in and stopped it.” 
Bill looked towards Esmeralda, who popped grapes in her mouth in an irritated way. Julie couldn't see at all. 
“I think I should...” He pointed towards Esmeralda, and Odette nodded in understanding. 
He almost got nervous walking up to Esmeralda, who looked so irritated he wondered if she would be mad that he bothered her. 
“Hey, can I sit down here?” He pointed to the chair next to her. Esmeralda looked up at him, fixed her face fast, and smiled at him. 
“Of course, Bill.” 
He sat down, leaning his arms against the table, and looked at her with big eyes. 
“What's going on?” 
“She's a Trump supporter!” She said fast and gave him a pointed look. Bill looked out over the room. It wasn't such a silly fight as he thought. 
“She's a racist, stupid, fuck! And says as stupid things just like him! I can't stand it, and I'm not the type of person that allows people say such shit!” 
Bill nodded in understanding. He was not a confrontational person, but he admired her for standing up for her beliefs. 
“I get you,” he said and nodded. “Sometimes you will get mad at people who don't know better.” Esmeralda looked at him thankfully and took a calming breath. 
“I shouldn't get so mad, but it's a loaded topic for me.” Bill nodded again and carefully took her hand that lay on her thigh. There weren’t many who saw him take her hand, but some did. Esmeralda hugged his big hand in hers and dragged her other hand’s finger tips over the back of it. She seemed to calm down, so Bill sat with her for a while. It was probably obvious who's side he had taken. 
Herman looked at him and then made a head movement to make him understand they needed to talk. Bill excused himself and then walked to Herman, who led him to Bill's office again. 
“What's going on?” Bill asked with furrowed brows. 
“Everything Esmeralda is saying is true.” 
“Then Julie leaves today.” Bill was determined; he knew his believers and also knew he couldn't be with someone with such different opinions than him. 
“You can't.” 
“Of course I can!” he said, upset, once again that he couldn't make his own choices. 
“No, we are not allowed to talk about politics.” 
Bill started to walk around the room with his hands on his hips. Even if his cuban collared shirt sat loose on his body, it felt hot and sticky. He hated that he had these rules. 
“But we have other footage...” said Herman carefully. Bill looked up at him. It maybe wasn't a big deal for others, but Herman knew Bill would react to Julie's comment about the portrait; that was also why it was hard to tell him about it. 
“She commented on the portrait in the stairs. She thought you would have taken it down.” 
“Of Kate?” Bill sat down in the computer chair.
“Yes. She called her ‘your ex’.” 
Bill scoffed and shook his head. Kate would never be his ex and a girl who couldn't understand that was the wrong girl. 
“Would it be okay if we had that in the show? In that case, we can make it seem like that's the reason you let her leave.” 
Bill looked a while at Herman. His plan was to leave Kate out as much as possible, but he also knew what her beliefs and values had been. If he were religious, he would have believed it was what she wanted. 
“It's okay. Yeah, do what you have to do.” 
The production had tried to play down everything that was happening, and Bill was given the instruction to act like nothing happened as well. He did his best even if he wondered what the rest of the plan was to get Julie out of the house. 
Maybe it was drastic, judging her for her political view, but he had two daughters and didn't want any such opinions to come close to their ears. He also had friends of many different ethnicities and wouldn't be able to look them in the eyes if he had a girlfriend saying things like Trump would. It may have been drastic, but for him, it was the only right thing.  
He talked lightly with Violet about the food when Esmeralda came up to him. 
“Can I talk to you?” 
He looked at her while swallowing the chicken that was a little bit too dry. 
“Sure.” They went out to the porch, and Bill leaned against the railing while Esmeralda hugged the pillar. 
“Something happened this morning, and... I thought you had the right to know.” Bill nodded with big eyes. He understood he would pretend to not know anything. 
“Me and Julie got in, sort of, a fight this morning about all kinds of things and like... She has some weird opinions; we have discussed things before, and... She said some things about your late wife.” 
Bill just stood and looked at her. Esmeralda's acting was okay, but he was great. He looked down at the ground and scratched his jaw uncomfortably. 
“I'm sorry for telling you that, but it's just weird and disrespectful that she talks about her like that.” 
Bill knew the team wanted it to sound like she had spoken about Kate even when the cameras were off, like that was what the fight that morning was about. 
“Thank you for telling me… Kate will always be a part of my life, you know.” 
Esmeralda gave him a warm smile. 
“Of course. I don't think any of us believed any different. And that's beautiful, anything else would be weird.” 
Bill smiled; even if they had been acting, the conversation was now completely real, and he got a bit emotional with Esmeralda's words, so he spread out his arms towards her. She happily pressed her cheek to his collarbone and let his long arms embrace her. Esmeralda looked up at him, and for a moment it felt like they would kiss, but she settled by giving him a kiss on the cheek that landed on the corner of his mouth. Esmeralda giggled when he smiled so big his dimple deepened. 
“We should hang out more,” said Bill lowly, believing the camera couldn't hear him, but they heard it all. 
The TV team had collected all the keys the girls had gotten, and now he would be giving them out again, but one less. It felt good knowing Julie would disappear. One less problem. The keys were laid on a red velvet cushion on a waist-high pillar. All of them were just as shiny as they had been when he first gave them out, but he wondered what they had done with them. Had they just been lying on a table or had some of them sucked on it or something? He didn't know. 
The girls stood in a half circle around him as the last time and looked at him expectantly. He took a deep breath before saying the first name. 
Several of the girls looked surprised, and two of them were even upset. Esmeralda smiled big and walked up to him, throwing with her long hair. 
It was painfully silent when all the girls except Julie had gotten their keys. Bill stood with his hands clasped in front of him and gave her an apologetic smile. She looked like she didn't understand a thing and then made a scoff. 
“Okay…” she said with some attitude and walked up to Bill on her stilettos. 
“Esmeralda is your favorite, and I must leave?” 
“I'm sorry… Should we go out and talk?” He said and did a motion to the porch. Julie scoffed again but walked towards the porch. Bill gave the other girls a quick look but also Herman behind a camera, then he walked out to Julie with a deep sigh. She was beautiful with her brown hair with highlights and super tight turquoise dress, but he had never been so shallow that a girl with awful opinions would get a chance just because she's pretty. 
“Wow, it was nice to get sooo much time with you!” She said, bitterly with crossed arms.
“I heard that you had talked about Kate.” 
“Hm? Who the fuck is Kate?” 
“My girls’ mother.” He talked a bit too harshly, but at that moment he spoke on behalf of his girls and became more upset than he would be otherwise. 
“Oh. I haven't said anything about her.” She furrowed her brows and shrugged her shoulders. 
“I know you have. Esmeralda told me.” 
The viewer would believe that there were other instances than the time by the stairs, while Julie just thought about that time. 
“Oh. It was nothing! I just meant you maybe should remove her from your life, a bit.” 
Bill gave her a pointed look.
“It's my daughter's mom, and if you don't understand how important it is that they remember her, we will never work.” He took a deep breath while Julie looked at him, upset but now with regret. After a few seconds of staring came a man from the team up to them. 
“Your bags are in the car, miss.” 
The Orangery:
Bill: I hope the other girls understand it's really different being a widower than a divorced father. Of course I want them to feel comfortable, but not at the expense of my girls. 
Esmeralda: I will sound like a bitch! Oh my god, I will sound like a bitch, but it's nice Julie has left. She was the bitch!
Tiffany: I think it's my turn to see Bill now! God, the other girls just seize him! Bill, it's my turn now! 
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carlyraejepsans · 2 days
AMA: A Cursed Amulet Appears Before You And Demands You To Choose,
You Get To Talk To Toby Fox For 30 Minutes And He Has To Answer Any Questions Truthfully. This Is Broadcast World Wide Over All TV And Radio Waves, Meaning You Will Be Criticized By All For The Questions You Choose.
You Get To Marry Toriel For Real But She Has A Really Regular Animal Head.
What Do You Choose?
i would not choose the second option. this is not because the animal head is a turnoff, rather this whole thing smacks of monkey paw curling business. getting to marry toriel doesn't necessarily imply any of the other characters also exist, and i daren't separate a woman from her emotional support bestie. if ONLY toriel becomes real i am not doing that to her, even if she was the perfect irl furry replica of herself.
i would unironically choose the first option AND i would ask him intentionally non spoilery or lore questions. i trust the guy too much as a storyteller to disrespect his reticence towards word of god. here's a list of cursed amulet toby fox questions i would ask on live mondovisione so you can yell at me for them.
if you could change or have another try at any part of undertale now that you have more experience as a gamedev, what would you revisit
what's your workflow while composing? has it changed much since you started out? how, how not?
if you magically had the resources to localize UTDR to yet another language (and also personal knowledge of said language to oversee the project for accuracy), what language would be your first pick?
when asriel/flowey shrugs and acts cool it kinda reminds people of sans. was this something you were aware of while making those scenes, or would you say it's just part of your writing style
ever thought of pursuing digital art beyond concept designs and ms paint doodles? if yes, what art styles are you more drawn (lol) to, what artists would inspire you the most?
personal favorite character from each UTDR game currently out?
favorite game you've played recently
have you watched revolutionary girl utena
have you read the omniscient reader's viewpoint novel
when will you read omniscient reader's viewpoint
while avoiding spoilers, if your characters could see any person, from any time in history, regardless of age, logic, or life status, who would they pick?
ok seriously though i think you would really like orv...... promise....
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askepicdragons · 1 day
ASK EPIC CHARACTERS !! (But they’re dragons!! :0)
Hey hey hey guys !! This is just a silly little blog I made where you guys can ask EPIC the musical characters anything, but they’re dragons !! (Yes most of their designs are Wings of Fire dragons, shhhh) Anyways yeah you can put anything (NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE OR NSFW, THIS ACCOUNT IS RUN BY A MINOR) into the inbox to ask the characters and you’ll most likely get a answer! You can also ask me to redraw any scene from Epic as dragons and I’ll do so!! I’ll also take requests for silly doodles of the characters!
-ran by @sombrathedragon (if you aren’t talking to any of the characters and just talking to me, calling me Sombra is fine! :])
-Designs for the characters probably will change as the sagas come out, and if a important character shows up in a new saga, I’ll probably make a ref for them soon after (maybe 3-5 days? Depending on how much the saga affected me lol)
-I have been thinking about this au ALOT, so do not feel afraid to ask me questions about it !! Unlike the dragons I do not bite :]
-Tags for this will be: #*character name* roars (this is for when a characters answers a question) #Sombra scribbles (this is for when I’ll draw more serious/more well detailed art) #Sombra doodles (this is for when I draw silly doodles/small doodles of the characters :]) #Sombra informs (This is for when I answer questions about this au !!) #Not Epic (this is for when I post something not epic related, most likely just status updates or info)
-Basic DNI falls into place (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, etc..)
Anywaysss I’ll probably update this intro post more as time goes on, so yeah :)
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grimlock · 6 months
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working on finishing this file from 2010 i found for fun, it's kinda fun to see HOW much my art's changed
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bunnieswithknives · 14 days
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AGHHhhh I swore off Inanimate Insanity after the Cabby disrespect but then I heard they were KILLING PEOPLE IN THE FINALLE???? I want to rewatch the season before I draw anything serious but Oh my god the plot twist makes me feral
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oneluckydragon · 3 months
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“Fool me once, Dusknoir. Fool me twice?” Echo supplies, ice in the bite of her voice, “And you’ll regret it.”
--- --- --- --- ---
ECHO : (Hero)
Abilities: Bad Dreams / Synchronization
Nature: Impish / Quiet
Moveset: Dark Void / Psychic / Alluring Voice / Moonlight
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Finally back, with a lil more of Chill's Artist Admiration Sketchbook; making fanart for blogs I like :D
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Accessoires and colours my beloved <3 <3 <3
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airawisteria · 2 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of Tamarack Baumann, specifically her step 3 design. The version drawn is the long haired one with a braid in her hair that has a red ribbon in it. She is wearing a mushroom themed dress with mushroom earrings. She is holding up the ends of the skirt part of the dress to show it off. She has a close eyed smile and is wearing red lipstick.]
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chiricat · 2 years
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happy cat day🎉
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luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
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OH ARTHUR BENNETT.. such a gorgeous and intriguing character. terribly burdened by a GRUESOME set of crimes, his light suffocated by a HEAVY century of GUILT. so tragic, so dark and broody, and yet PAINFULLY awkward in any social setting ever
#jrwi fanart#cw blood#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#arthur bennett#OUHH THIS ONE WAS SITTING IN MY WIPS FOR SO LOOOONGwhen i took it out there was mould on it :sob:#BUT i think i was able to fix it up okay#i keep seeing SO MANY MISTAKES RRAAAHHH BUT YOU DONT SEE THEM RIGHT?? THATS ONLY ME. RIGHT?? EXACTLY.#THE KEY IS TO SAY. AND REPEAT AFTER ME. 'FUUUCK IT WE BALL#so anyway. arthur bennett huh? grizzly says that arthur is reaal fuckin difficult to play. and i SUPER get that. i mean LOOK AT HIM..#grizz often needs a minute to think abt what hes gonna say in a way that matches w that Stoic Personality. which is FAIR but also that#ends up making way for awkward confrontations like: the lady in the parky lot. he took too long to answer and scared her away.& I LOVE THAT#arthur is tragic and sad and cool and stoic but hes ALSO awkward and silly and kinda dumb and short sighted. HE HAS COMPLEXITIES#I LOVE WHEN TTRPG CHARACTERS HAVE A GOOD SET OF SHORTCOMINGS. ESPECIALLY WHEN U FIND THEM ONLY AS U PLAY THEM.#I COULd go on and on saying the same things w different words abt arthurs intriguing and entertaining character but i shall spare u. for no#ILL ALSO MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE HIS FLAVOR THO.. I LOVE TALL HOT BOY WHOS ONE W THE DARKNESS.. I REMEMBER WHEN HE FIRST MENTIONED THE#BADLUCK. N I WAS LIKE OOOHH THATS WHY HIS DESIGN IS SO COOL N CHAOTIC N ASYMMETRICAL. HES UNLUCKY!!! i love love love his design so much...#GRaaauruguguraguhhghghgh what else what else is there for me to spew on abt...i think im reachin a limit here..OH MAGNUS. i hope that#we get to know more abt how magnus and arthur met.. like How they became besties... ouuhh... I ALSO WANNA KNOW MORE ABT MARY DAVIS. LIKEHOW#he also apparently spent alotta time in a zone dominated by edward twilight? all he remembers is constant partying? I WANNA KNOW MORE..#i think i got room 4 one more ramble SO. THE ART PIECE.as i said its gone a lil stale BUT. im still very proud o the bits where hes allScar#I WANNA SEE HIM GET SCARYMORE. I like the idea of shadows solidifying to make him strange and eerie.like TEETH n CLAWS n SPINES n YESS#also the SILVER EYES.no1 does silver eyes like the show Claymore. they make em look so striking and eerie...i also like to think that#human arthur had deep beautiful brown eyes.just in my beaitufl heart.i mean look at him..i wanna cook him n eat him.ANYWAY#i think thats all my ramblin for this piece. now i gotta go cancel a single day i had ata hotel bc my work schedule change last minute FUCK#feel free to ramble in my tags aswell tho i read all of them and i chew on thenm and i love them so sos os mcuh
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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The Hetairia of Cassius, Luciano Canfora
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Cic. Phil. 2
(taps mic) so as we all know, conspiracy is a kind of seduction, and actions not taken can be just as loud as the ones that are. so. uh. fellas! hey fellas. heyyyyyy.
like, I was looking at the Dolabella-Caesar-Antony mess yesterday, but something really fun and vicious happened here and I will be rotating it around in my head at maximum volume for the foreseeable future
the red panels are the Assassination of Julius Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini (the pen and ink drawing, not the painting)
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Mollie, how did you meet Lloyd and Rambley?
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Ooh, there's a bit of a story to each of them... I'll try to tell it quick so I don't keep you here forever.
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Rambley's been workin' on the tracks since forever, but I met him back when we were both just startin' out. We got to talking while I was riding out somewhere far, and we just couldn't stop! We just clicked so well together we kept in touch.
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Lloyd has always been a part of the community of explorers, so when I first started out and started asking around on how to adventure he took me under his wing and taught me a bunch of what I know now! I kept in touch since he was so much more experienced and knowlegeable, and we've been friends ever since!
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Salem arrived in Aviary Station one day and never left. They run a niche market, selling really high quality potions; we started talking 'cause I bought so many potions that one time - we became friends after they decided to treat me to dinner as thanks!
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