#and also i did muay thai for a good for years
thesirencult · 8 months
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Discussing your feminine's general aura and characteristics. Friendly for both men and girls/theys who like girls. You can also pick it to see how your aura is as a feminine ❤️
Book your reading by sending me a private message xoxo S.
Pile 1
7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords
Your DF has the aura of a sweet herbal witch. She lives in her little cabin in the woods and like a fairy she works on perfecting her craft. Greens and purples look great on her.
This is a slow and steady energy. This is someone who loves taking their time. She loves learning and implementing her skills. Making coffee becomes a daily ritual and same goes as washing the dishes.
Her attention to detail is immaculate and that can drive you crazy sometimes but you know that with all that good comes some bad. Very well presented, you can take her anywhere and all eyes will be on her. Very earthy, stable and focused on building a foundation for all things practical before she jumps onto commitment.
Her steady "working on myself" attitude stems from getting backstabbed one too many times. She knows that she has to build herself up and after that all her dreams will manifest. She is into self development and may love going through that tag on Tumblr. She may even be a blogger herself.
She is investing in herself and doesn't shy away from learning about accounting or law. Nothing will stand on her way to that cute fairy cottage *aggressive cute walk* 😉.
Pile 2
9 of pentacles, queen of swords, the magician
Whoever has this DF as a counterpart or has that aura, WOW. Miss Independent. A handful. We love seeing that *sprinkle, sprinkle* here. CEO. That's C-Suite energy!
This woman is someone powerful and dominant. Like a race horse you will always bet on because you KNOW, it will always come first 😉 (pun intended). She works very very hard for what she wants and similar to pile 1 she can be in accounting, finance and law. Good with numbers and her hands. I bet she has a dirty sense of humour.
From the first moment you see her you will know she is the real deal. Others blend in the background while she power walks in the room. Penetrating stare and red bottom high heels, her allure is different. She doesn't have to show dominance, others feel that she is the boss. Mami energy. Ferocious when someone comes for her loved ones. She could even be in law enforcement.
Red and brown. Symbolising high energy that's still grounded and serious. Do not cross her.
Pile 3
King Of Swords, Knight Of Wands, Ace Of Swords
Now, this one? A handful ! Try to tie her down. You just can't. A brat.
This person is very fluid. They don't care about terms and conditions. They are highly intelligent and her mind walks a thin line between spirituality and logic. The most unconventional, they will find a solution no one sees yet it's right in front of them. Highly intellectual and well versed in philosophy and math.
This reminds of a movie with James Franco where he played a start up founder who was into spirituality. A crazy genius. A party is a party and they will be there.
Partying in Ibiza? They've done that. Phuket for a Muay Thai Camp? That did that last year! Eiffel tower to try a croissant with pistachio filling? They just got back yesterday and guess what? They hate pistachios.
This person is the type to run a start up company focused on clean energy and when shit hits the fun they will call an astrologer and ask for recommendations. They respect everyone. They will listen to your mom and dad when they talk about their days and take mental notes of great ideas. They know great ideas come from the most unconventional places and fields.
Pile 4
Page Of Cups, Page Of Swords, The Fool (5 Of Swords + 8 Of Swords + 5 Of Pentacles flew out)
This can be my age difference pile. They will run you to the ground lol.
This is someone with lots of mental capacity. You ask them about World War II and they will tell you how Nazis and Churchill used astrology and why the war happened and after 5 hours you will be listening to them about Ancient Mesopotamia. "How did we get here?" You will think.
Well, it doesn't matter cause you love listening to their voice and their warm heartfelt laugh. They look innocent and pure and even if they try to intimidate you you will let them think they can but in reality they look like a cinnamon roll and they are a cinnamon roll. Their life was not the best and they have lots of trust issues. They may look innocent but their eyes hide a painful past. Like a kitten thrown out and left out in the cold they feel lost and unappreciated.
You listening to them means the world and you will be shocked at how appreciative they are and how loving with you. They are very romantic and they may have great expectations and daydreams about their love life.
I get that you might start off as friends and meet in a very random way on a daily run or while getting groceries or a tire changed. You will immediately fall in love with them and they will seem like they don't suspect a thing. Let me tell you, they know, they are just too scared to show their feelings and until you grab them and kiss em you won't know how much passion is brewing underneath this innocent and clever facade. They might turn into pile number 2 in a few years lol.
Ready for everything, you will always be a warm embrace and their home when they come back from exploration. You will love how they yawn while reading a book and how they stretch when they wake up showing revealing their tummy. They are cute to you, even if everyone else sees them differently, that's how you view them. They might be a black mysterious cat but you think of them as a tired little kitten waiting for a safe home that will accept them as they are.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
10 Anticipated BLs for 2024
Since I'm excited for ALL the GLs (Pluto, 23.5, Sunshine in the Wind, Chaser Game, Be Mine, y todo!), I'm making my list of the 10 BLs I'm excited for this year with brief reasons why I'm looking forward to them. In my normal fashion, I cheat my way into having more. All except one is Thai because Thailand loves to tease series three years in advance, then never make them, but I strongly believe these are coming:
The Next Prince
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Zee continues to never play a poor person, and a trailer is supposed to drop in the first quarter of this year. I never knew there was so many fencers on BL Tumblr, so I'm looking forward to everyone's commentary on how well the characters poke with their sticks or whatever fencers do.
Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart
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It's a heist BL. It has YinWar. It has Prom x Mark. It has Bonz. It's Dee Hup House (we got beef). It's Director Tee and probably Cinematographer Jim. It might have color coding. There is not one thing I can find wrong with this series. It's perfect on paper, and I'm praying that translates well to the screen.
Spare Me Your Mercy
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Like that lady in Titanic, I've been waiting 80 years for this series (give me a minute to cry about MaxTul), and it's finally near! I'm getting JJ & Tor in a Dr. Sammon piece, who I feel writes "Be Gay, Do Crime" very well, so I'll be forgiving any of these two gays' wrongs including murder, attempted murder, contemplating murder, and murdering each other in the bedroom (ahhhh!).
Wandee Goodday
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Golf from The Eclipse is directing. It's about Muay Thai. It has an older doctor and a younger boxer who start off as bed friends (and I think one is actually a virgin). It has color coding. It has me already seated and waiting with popcorn, and I think it might be the first offering that will be delivered from GMMTV's 2024 lineup.
Sequels: Choco Milk Shake 2, Unintentional Love Story 2, My Doctor
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Is Choco Milk Shake 2 gonna finally give me poly? Probably not, but I hope My Doctor brings the same heat the side couple did in Be Mine, Superstar, and the side couple getting the spotlight in Unintentional Love Story 2 will also make my side-couple-supremacy heart very happy this year.
Live in Love
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It looks color coded. That's it. That's the reason. Keeping my expectations low because it might not get made since this is Thailand's favorite game.
Red Peafowl
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The character reveals were absolute chaos, so I'm hoping that chaos transfers over to the actual series because it can either be a mess or a masterpiece, but it cannot be mediocre with Max, Cooheart, Boun, Mek, and Yacht as supports. Plus, it has color coding and a bird that is quickly becoming a Tumblr god.
Love Upon a Time
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Even though it is a historical queer series, which means it could be sad, I think Domundi will keep the sass, so James' character won't be crying in the 1600s club but instead eating fruit seductively to encourage Net's character to put his homosexual skills into practice instead of simply theorizing about them, which is something I need more of. Plus, it has color coding.
Love Puzzle
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This is one that might not get made because . . . Thailand. It's connected to Chains of Heart, but I don't care because the cast looks good and Poppy is gonna finally get to kiss a homie. If this doesn't get made, I will cry thug tears. It's 2024. Poppy deserves to kiss a man already.
My Stand-In
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I don't understand the plot, but it doesn't matter because Pepzi and Khom are directing, and in case that means nothing, those were KinnPorsche's directors! Then, it has Up and Poom as the leads, plus a stacked supporting cast. I'm here. I'm queer. And I'm ready to be served.
Honorable Mention: Peaceful Property
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It's about los espookys and features Tay and New. Will it be a QL? The streets are saying no, but all the characters are color coded, and all's I'm saying is what would be the point of color coding them if I ain't getting a BL main couple and a GL side couple? It's already canon to me.
Bonus: MosBank & JoongDunk
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MosBank had like eighty projects announced for 2023, and I got NONE! Big Dragon 2, Big Dragon: The Movie, SunsetxVibes, where you at?! Y Journey: Stay Like a Local and Club Friday do not count. I don't want to watch their horror movie, but gosh darnit, if that comes out before everything else, I just might.
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And I am a JoongDunk fan first, and a human second. Give my boys a gym BL already, GMMTV!
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"Edmundo the Protector" makes a comeback in 7x6 for the other T.K.
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I've already posted about the similarities between Taylor Kelly and T*mmy Kinard (linked here) and now more than ever, they're unmistakable because T*mmy is just like Taylor except he's a man. He slyly tries to belittle Buck the same way she did.
The sneak peek of Buck, Eddie and T*mmy at the pre-bachelor party from 7x6 is not the first time T*mmy made a nonchalant, uncaring and just off-putting comment to Buck. Initially, I clocked his attitude towards Buck in 7x4 (the first scene at Air Operations) and I posted about it after the episode aired because I noticed his behavior (linked here). Dudes like T*mmy are arrogant, jealous, obnoxious and only want to be with a person they can treat like they're in control. Which is the reason why I believe he calls Buck "Evan" instead of Buck. He's trying to "kid" him just because he's older.
Be clear, T*mmy's not the least bit interested in Buck! It's an ACT and he's just along for the ride because he wants what Buck has (his apartment, his life and his family status with the 118). If you don't believe me, go back and watch 7x4 and LISTEN to the things he said. As soon as he walked into Buck's loft, he saw how nice it is and he made a comment about how he's working at the wrong station. But everyone should remember T*mmy's been a firefighter longer than everyone at the 118 (except Bobby who was already a captain in Minnesota) which means he makes more money than all of them. Also, he got a promotion when he went to the 217 and he flies helicopters and airplanes for a living. Therefore, he should be making at least $250,000.00 per year without OT compared to the rest of them. He's a low budget Wal-Mart or Dollar Tree dude who wastes money on toys like car lifts, helicopters and Bull$hit but he couldn't spend any money to buy a costume to show the guy he's dating that he's interested? I call BS because he could have, he just didn't want to.
Edmundo the Protector
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Eddie clocked T*mmy's attitude in 7x6 when he gave that lame ass excuse to Buck about why he didn't dress up and he didn't put in any effort at all even though Buck asked him to.
Eddie is protective of Buck, hence his legal name "Edmundo" which literally means wealthy protector (linked here) and he'll do whatever it takes to stop T*mmy from brushing Buck's feelings to the side. I do believe Eddie's trying to let Buck realize how T*mmy's not right for him on his own the same way he did with the first TK (Taylor). Reminder, she was verbally unkind to Buck too when she told him to his face he was needy in 4x8. Also, Buck finally did figure it out (almost a year later) that Taylor wasn't good for him but this time there's a major difference because T*mmy's a man.
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In 5x11 Eddie gave Taylor the "Maybe you should go home" face but since T*mmy is a guy and they both know Muay Thai, it means Eddie can kick his ass.
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greendragon19 · 2 months
Ok but TK and Marjan, both trying to figure out if Buck and Eddie are dating after following them on Instagram because they both seem to exclusively only post stuff of each other and Chris. 
Like TK would see it first but it doesn't take long before Marjan is right there with him and they both become lowkey obsessed trying to figure it out.
And then season 7 happens
TK - who the fucks Marisole?
Marjan - no clue why?
TK - she just tagged Diaz in her story, I guess they're moving in together
Marjan pulling up Instagram - when, I've literally never seen him post anything about her before
TK - I know, it's weird right.
Marjan - really weird
TK - Marj have you seen?
Marjan - seen what?
TK - Buckley took a guy to his sisters wedding, I knew he was flirting with me
Majan - as in some guy that's not Diaz?
TK - yeah he's called Tommy
Marjan having already pulled up Tommy's profile - wow…
TK - he's hot right
Majan - yeah but that's not what I meant have you been on his profile
TK - no I just saw the pictures from the wedding why?
Marjan - he also a firefighter, he's ex army and he seems to be into basketball, cars and Muay thai
TK - So Buckley is dating a clone of Diaz
Marjan - certainly looks that way
Like an hour later 
TK - do you think we should tell him?
Majan - Buckley? You know I was thinking the same thing. Like we should just drop him a quick dm or something
TK - I don't know it feels like the kind of thing you should call someone about
Majan - Wait, you got his number when he was flirting with you during the wildfires?
TK - unfortunately not
Marjan - damn, you think you could convince Carlos to find his number in the police database? 
TK - If I explain it's for the grater good maybe
Paul who has been listening to these two idiots speculate for the past few years - No no no, you absolutely can not do that!
TK - but it's for love
Paul - you're going to what call this guy up and and be like hey you remember when we met briefly in Texas during the wildfires well me and my friend have been insta stalking you and think your in love with you best friend
Marjan - well it sounds crazy when you say it like that
Paul - you would be lucky if they don't file restraining orders against you for stalking. Look, you don't think I clocked them both during the whole five minutes I spent with the two of them, of course I did but you can't just tell people how they feel either they will figure it out on their own or they won't. But whichever it is you have to stay out of it. 
TK & Marjan pouting - fine
TK once Paul is out of earshot - what if we dm Diaz?
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inqilabi · 2 months
I’ve been following you for a while (since 2017ish) so interesting to see how your views and ideas about certain topics have evolved! It’s refreshing to see. In terms of dating/relationships, is there something in particular that made you become more open to relationships/dating after so long? did you actively made an effort to seek out romantic connections or do you think it’s something that was naturally bound to happen being that we live in a society where romantic relationships are more valued so becomes a natural trajectory..?
thank you so much, i appreciate it 💖💖
i think what made me open to it is realizing that 1) life is going to more difficult alone. This world is not built for single people. And while, i have been isolated and "alone" for many years - because many of my friends got married long ago and i didnt date for like almost a decade. So I was use to this. But the other aspect is that i realized 2) the acceptance and comfort i had with being alone was likely a trauma response. I didnt have the best upbringing. And i think being comfortable with being alone was a cope. A good one because i mean, it does protect you. especially from men - if you are okay leaving men behind because you know youre going to be fine, it's very protective.
Me not wanting to seek out relationships for a decade is something i dont fully understand. I dont understand now what i spent my time on. Why i didnt build this aspect of my life. I did write about it a bit here where i say that i intellecualized a lot of my feelings. And honestly when it comes to relationships with men, all of that intellecualization is spot on. That's what made it hard to discern from whether this is actually a legit response or a trauma coping mechanism. I was just so apathetic.
I do think that in a healthy happy upbringing and society, we are social communal beings. You do want a companion. Could be romantic or platonic. Someone to share things with. It could be friends as well. I socially isolated where i didnt try to make new friends either. You want to build basically as i said in this post. If you are well adjusted, you want positive outcomes. Not negative or apathy or indifference. It doesn't have to be romance, it can be friendships and community. you just want more for yourself and the world. And that was not a state i was in until recently. When i did get into that state, i started muay thai, i made a group of local women to meet up with and do activities and i also started dating. all of these things happened simultaneously.
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jtl07 · 8 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s2 e1 - Avatrice fight thoughts pt 1
Okay, I know I haven’t finished my first post about s2 e1 but there’s that post going around showing Alba practicing Ava’s opening takedown and yeah I know I’m not yet at that scene yet, but I had a couple thoughts about that particular move (reference vid here).
The first thing I thought was, “That’s so extra” - because that’s like, the opposite of straightforward lol. Straightforward would be a double-leg takedown or even just a simple strike. No, Ava’s gotta literally leap in with a scissor takedown that reverses direction with a flip??
But then I got to thinking about how much Ava has trained up to this point. 2 months isn’t a lot, but as a beginner, and with an intensive schedule, you can learn a ton - especially with a good teacher. So it made me think, well, what if that opening move is less representative of Ava being, well, Ava (which it still totally is) but more representative of just how good Ava has gotten?
So, when I competed in BJJ (which I focused on in recent years, though I studied Muay Thai as well), the opening sequence is usually something you’ve drilled dozens if not hundreds of times. It sets the tone of the match and at the high levels, whoever can successfully execute their opening sometimes determines who wins or loses. Stand up/striking is a bit different but there’s always a game plan, always an overarching strategy. Additionally, there’s always certain sequences that you drill, and drill, and drill, until you can do it without thinking.
The fact that Ava chooses this takedown as her opening move could mean that she drilled this with Beatrice a shit ton of times. I mean, to just immediately launch into that without any hesitation? And execute it flawlessly? That’s incredible!
It also makes me wonder how that move fit into the training plan/curriculum (that we know Beatrice drew up for them, probably had spreadsheets and everything lol). Either Ava asked to be taught it - idk maybe she saw the move online or had seen someone do it at Cat’s Cradle - and Beatrice indulged her, or this was an actual technique that Beatrice had planned for them to go over.
With the latter, I’d bet that Ava would have needed to be hella advanced into the curriculum to get to a point where Beatrice would allow her to do something that flashy. My reading of Beatrice is someone who’s very structured, methodical, and will not advance from point A to point B without having gone through points A1 through A999, yknow? And even with the former, Beatrice would’ve needed to train Ava to a certain point to be able to properly and safely execute a move of that level of complexity.
And now this makes me think about that car scene where Beatrice tells Ava she’s not ready - Ava’s so offended when she says that. Which makes me think two things: 1) Ava may have been aware of how much she’s improved and was offended at Bea cutting down her progress, and, more of a ponder, 2) just how good did Ava need to get for Bea to deem her “ready”? If they’d had more time, gosh, how much better would Ava have gotten? Kind of mind boggling to think about tbh
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okkalo · 1 month
hi!! congrats on 1k! ive been following you for a while on my main and i saw your event here on my writing acc:3 could i get a genshin matchup? heres my info!!
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basics: hi my name’s aki!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11.im also gay.  i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain.
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains. i tend to bottle up my feelings and sometimes just burst out like crazy. i used to do muay thai to help w that but my coach disappeared(literally)
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
music and interests: i listen to artists like the gazette, dir en grey, kamijo, mejibray nd more!! i also listen to bands like smashing pumpkins, le tigre, foo fighters, deftones, mcr, radiohead, alice in chains, misfits and weezer(so weezy) i had a BIG grunge phase. i love rainy sundays!! i am literally the biggest halloween fanatic ever. once me and my old lover pulled up in a matching viktor and corpse bride costume i loved it. as mentioned earlier i play basketball and crochet, i also play the guitar!
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. i wear a lot of accessories nd stuff. bat hairpins<33 
thanks!! sorry if this was a pain to read,, :<
hi aki! thanks for following me even through my hiatuses 🫶 and no worries ur matchup was fun to read!! u did have me very confused who would be a good matchup for u, however, so i hope u like who u got 🫶🫶 thank you for the request
ps. i have also been wanting more peircings on my ears (maybe a nose one too) but also haven’t gotten any so u are not alone
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : tighnari from genshin
tighnari is an overachiever just like you! though, he knows when to draw the line so that he doesn’t get too exhausted. he would definitely try to draw a line for you, as well! that, and he knows how to give praise when it’s needed! he’ll always try to make sure you know how well you’re doing while also trying to keep you safe from a burnout!
he once considered handing out your crochet keychains to fellow forest rangers. he thought it would be an additional nifty way to scout out fellow forest rangers. though, whether he went through with it all decided on how you responded!
whenever someone misidentifies you as japanese or any other race you will always see tighnari’s ears twitching from annoyance. he’ll oftentimes be able to hold himself back from correcting the person right away, though not all the time. when it comes to your style, however, he’ll always go on a tangent about how you are not goth to provide you support as well.
tighnari is also very introverted as well and lives for his alone time, which he still considers to be with you on some occasions. he’ll love to hear your guitar during these times. i also head canon that he would be so interested in learning crochet for himself as well! so, if you would, please teach him!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
4, 33, and 36 for the weird questions for writers? :D
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I've suddenly forgotten every work I know so I'm gonna take someone else's answer and go with writhe. I also love good gothic words, like miasma, sepulchral.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Allegedly I'm an artist, but not a very good one lately. I had to buy a whole new charger for my tablet pen bc I lost mine and just. didn't notice for the last two years the charger I left in the box was actually for a vibrator RIP me. I really like crafting though. The main thing I do right now is journaling, kind of an art-journaling/scrapbooking style? And I knit/crochet all the time!
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Medical! I've grown up with a medical family, and now I work in the field (Trauma ICU + nursing school!), so all things medical/trauma related, I love. I also know a lot of medical history, as far as old medical practices go, which is part of why I love writing gothic/victorian-era! The medical practices were super fucked up! Aside from that... I know weapons/martial arts? I've done tae kwon do, MMA, krav maga, and now I'm trying to get into Muay Thai, but I just haven't found the time for it. I did archery for years, I'm a certified skilled marksman (handguns), I've been trained in tactical rappel and rescue, and I can rock climb, both sport and trad! Technically I also know how to be a wilderness survivalist (I haven't done it, bc I haven't needed to, but yeah). Side note, I wanted to be a stunt actor when I was 16, which is the reason for a lot of this lol I'm pretty sure I could give a seminar on 18th century trade in Siam/Thailand at this point thanks to my recent hyperfixation...
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118diazs · 3 days
good morning everyone. i need 7x04 but from e.ddie's point of view so bad. because????????? that man made a friend and went to vegas and then him and t.ommy??? did???? muay thai in his garage???? and then he was so excited when his boy best friend showed up to play basketball with him because he's been ASKING HIM TO FOR YEARS BTW ???? he was being so silly and goofy and having fun. and then buck hurts his ankle and later t.ommy said that e.ddie feels bad about it?????? like he recognized what was wrong with b.uck and didn't realize he was leaving him out because once again hes been asking b.uck to go play basketball for forever and also he thought buck was coming to vegas with them and was obviously excited. so instead of going over there himself or talking to him he sent t.ommy. because????? they they just didn't talk for a couple days????? and didn't give us any resolution to that???? also . the painkillers of it all. show me
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psycherprince · 21 days
Get to Know Me Game!
@spadefish tagged me! I tag @rainbowdrink @thatconfusedfanboy and @squidbeaksplatoon if yall want to do it!
Are you named after anyone?
I guess technically my name has a mythological origin iirc but that isn't relevant to how it was chosen, and my first name is also not named after anything. Shrug.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Had my sesquimonthly cry on like... Thursday, brought on mainly by the fact that my wife was sad.
3. Do you have kids?
I have a cat named Cult Classic and a roomba with googly eyes named Sisyphus, but that's the closest I've got
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer as a kid and did MMA for several years as a kid/teen (I was a second degree black belt) and muay thai for like... maybe a year after that? I want to find some sport or something to get involved in now, but lack the time/remaining athleticism/social capability for it
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Relatively often, but if the other person seems not to have gotten it (bc I can have a pretty deadpan tone) I'll immediately clarify
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
If they're wearing/holding/talking about/etc any recognizable object, words/phrases, images/symbols, or anything like that. Graphic t-shirt? What does it say? Printed tote bag? Can I make out the image? That kind of thing.
7. What's your eye color?
Green, I think
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both are good in their own way, though I'm more of a tragedy enjoyer than a horror person.
9. Any talents?
An absolute vault of mostly useless trivia. On most subjects, I know just enough to be dangerous. This is not necessarily a good thing.
10. Where were you born?
Dallas, Texas
11. What are your hobbies?
Dungeons and dragons, warhammer (though I mostly just build and paint, as opposed to playing the actual tabletop), bullet journaling, cooking/baking, drawing, writing
12. Do you have any pets?
See question 3. Also, my parents have a great dane and a lab/pyr mix that I still kind of think of as mine, since they've been around since I was in high school.
13. How tall are you?
5'7", but when I was a kid the doctor said I would be 5'11" so I'm kind of bitter about it (not really)
14. Favorite school subject?
Math and science were always my favorites
15. Dream job?
Tossup between therapist and educational psych researcher
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rabiesband · 4 months
What's your favorite martial arts style to practice? Do you frequent any schools/dojos since coming to NYC? If not, do you have sparring partners, or do you just practice solo? Do people on the street ever pick fights with you because of your mask?
<< In my years of doing martial arts, my favorite style is hapkido. It gives me a sense of self-esteem, a knowledge of my defense, and it heightens my mental and physical being. There are other techniques used in hapkido, such as using weapons. I am unable to go to any schools or dojos due to me working overtime at my job, but if I have the time, I would practice in the living room of our apartment. >>
<< Most of the time I practice solo, but if June is around, we spar from time to time, a majority of it being Muay Thai. >>
<< In the case that I was picked for fight; there was one time where I was entering the subway on my way to work, minding my own business. There was this man, crazed like the usual man in this city is, bothering others. He gets into my face and screams nonsense, and for some reason that day, I was his target. He continued to harass me, even after I stepped out for my stop. In my head, I had to remind myself to have good thoughts and only focus on work, but... This man could not stop shouting. At the moment where I went upstairs from the station, where there is a crowd of people during the morning rush hour, I snapped. I dropped everything in my hands, gripped his arm, and threw him across the pavement, smashing him. Of course, people were shocked, but they also did not help him. I got my things and continued my way to work, forgetting that this ever happened until now. I am not surprised that the NYPD has tracked me down. >>
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nuclear-cowboy · 10 months
Tagged by @callcenterkilljoy to do 15 questions, 15 mutuals
Were you named after anyone? My first name? No. But my middle name I stole from an actor cause I thought it was cool
When was the last time cried? Like. Earlier today. I will cry tomorrow as well. That's how it goes.
Do you have kids? Absolutely not. Please god no. I am barely a functioning person. Also I'm not old enough for this to be considered
Do you use sarcasm alot? Sometimes? I dunno a normal about? You ask me to hand you something and I will say no while handing it to you. I guess this is sarcasm
What's the first thing you notice about people? I don't know if there is anything in particular I notice? Usually it depends on the person I suppose. I'm also just a pretty unobservent when it comes to people honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's your eye colour? Brown. I do have sectoral heterochromia in one of my eyes but it's just a darker brown so it's not really noticeable. It's kinda cool though
Any special talents? I can make bubble sound effects. I can solve a rubix cube. I can bend just the top joint of my pinkie finger. My thumbs bend backwards. Actually useful special talents? no not really lol
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings usually. But this is mainly just cause I barely watched anything ever so most movies I have watched I watched when I was a kid. But I do love horror as a genre and I have a whole lot of horror movies I want to watch so my answer might change
Where were you born? Aoteroa
What are your hobbies? A lot of drawing, in theory dnd (but I hardly ever play so mostly its just worldbuilding for fun), playing music, I go through phases of various handcrafts
Do you have any pets? I say i have 3 1/2 cats, They're of varying levels of feralness. Gonzo who was a kitten when we found him is basically just a house cat. Spud will occasionally cuddle but is pretty skittish. Lion you can pat sometimes but he's really scared of people, and Nala is basically a complete wild.
What sports do you play/have played? I did ballet for like 7 years growing up. I played one season of football (soccer if you're american). And then on and off muay thai, mma, and wrestling
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? Drama or history probably. I was a chemistry nerd but I dropped it as a subject. It got to much about the maths for me
Dream job? For the most part I don't have one, I do not dream of labor etc etc. But for the sake of the question I'd like to be a tattoo artist. I dunno I just want a job that I can be a functional person and make art and have hobbies and live my silly little life. And I need to be able to make art in some form or else I will simply die so. whatever I can manage
Tagging the mutuals i hope yall dont mind, obviously you don't have to do this, it's chill either way. You all are really cool and tagging this many people makes my anxious. Hope yall are having a good day (。•̀ᴗ-)♡
@probablyahazard @horsecursed-cowboy @myc0l0gy @cowboycunt @alittleannihilation @draculagerard @bugfag @transaurus @mtmblid @faithdeans @kentuckycaverats @styxnbones @wormtiddies @shadowgast4t @deadmervsociety
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pharawee · 1 year
It sure feels great giving The Promise a 10 star rating on mdl and then making the mistake (again! I do it to myself...) of wading through some of the comment section.
I mean, yeah, the last-minute plane crash plot was a bit over the top (and if I was Phu I'd now need therapy - but at least it wasn't a cruel joke to get back at him) but to hate every single thing about this show? Why even watch it at this point? That sounds exhausting...
For one giant skincare commercial (and it worked for me since I love skincare lmao) I found it beautifully filmed and acted, and I thought the script was well done as well. I'm not-so lowkey hopeful they'll give Phu's brother and his own Nanfah their own show. We need more Thai BL with Muay Thai elements (and why isn't there Muay Thai BL yet? Long, Victor, Boss & Great are all right there!!*).
As for Phupha, I love him so much. I know that's an unpopular opinion to have and I don't begrudge anyone theirs. It's just that I can relate to him so well. I used to be so much like him. I know exactly what it's like to be so insecure, so selfless, and so scared that you end up hurting the people around you - even though it's the exact opposite of what you wanted. The script showed this so well. How hurtful (to yourself and others) and how isolating it can be to never put yourself first. To always withdraw because surely that's the way it HAS to be. Surely it's the way people EXPECT you to be (and surely it's the only way to protect yourself).
Because it's exactly how Phu said in the finale when he told Nan to go abroad. He didn't want to send him away. He wanted to be selfish. But he couldn't. Because putting himself first and saying what he really wants couldn't possibly be the right thing to do. And so he ended up hurting Nan deeply - and only then did he panic and tell the truth.
And when Nan and he said their goodbyes, he only broke down once Nan was gone. Because he couldn't possibly burden Nan with his sadness.
But, like I said, I also love how this show showed the other side of this: how it hurt Nan and how it made him second-guess and wonder for years. How he had to be strong and decisive and angry for both of them. That had to be really exhausting.
So, yeah, I see no one to blame here. It just be that way sometimes. It wasn't intentional. Plus, the moment Phu took the courage to confess to Nan (and it really HAD to be him to confess - otherwise I'd agree with some of the other criticism: that Phu would run away again sooner or later) the cycle of selflessness was broken and they both could move forward together (with a few twists and turns along the way).
Uhm, anyway, this ended up being deeply personal (but I also think it's a really important thing to talk about openly - that being selfless isn't always good, and being selfish isn't always bad) but it's why this show means so much to me (and why I was selfish enough to give it 10 stars on mdl lmao).
(* yeah, I know we had side stories in Y-Destiny and Even Sun and Second Chance (?) but it's not the same)
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petite-ursus · 4 months
I didn't really want to go to the box for A Lot of cardio today. A sprint in 2minutes of of 12cal row, 36 jump rope, then max rep wall balls in remaining time... 4 times. With two minutes rest between rounds.
I've been stupid disregulated and honestly I don't always want to pick exercise as the way to shut my brain up, even if it actually is the best option. But. I got myself there with the promise to myself that I would get to practice hand stand walks before and after. I've been wanting to get the move but don't like the idea of practicing at home... cramped space.
Today I walked probably a foot on my hands. And this was such a win. One of the lads was watching at the end of class and he suggested committing to the forward lean and if you have to bail bail forward not back to really commit. And THAT helped.
I've been able to do wall walks, and handstand pushups. But. Free standing and walking. This is a totally new skill for me. I'm pretty pleased that I made so much process with just like... 15 total minutes concentrated practice. It's one of those moves where you can feel in your body when you have it. And even when I didn't WALK I had a few instances where I was upside-down and the balance was dead on.
This is going to be a year that I do new fun things with my body. More advanced yoga. Climbing. I've also gotten hooked on the idea that I'd Like to try muay thai. Some functional fighting.
It's one of my favorite things. That one day we can just choose to learn something and then just... be able to do it. Crochet. Handstand walks. The human brain and body are absolutely bananas.
I DID tweak my back a little bailing into round-offs. Hopefully it'll ease up by tomorrow. 🫠✌️
Meisha news: the drugs are doing good things for her. She is eating and seems less lethargic and sad so I think the anti nausea medication was a good addition. She Hates pill time and there are so many to give her but it is what it is. Really. Nervous for March 4th. But hopeful. After this coming Monday she'll be recovering and this will be a horrible blip.
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tehloserprince · 5 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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lord-radish · 1 year
I love fighting game characters. I'm not good at fighting games but the characters are really really good.
I tend to love heavy characters like JACK from Tekken, there's a new JACK robot in every Tekken game except for Tekken 4. He's a big Russian war robot who turned good to protect a little girl, and he got zapped by a death laser from an orbital satellite. The girl he turned good to protect became a computer programmer to revive her old friend, succeeding in restoring his memories in Tekken 5.
Oh and also HE CAN FLY, and it's a combat move that's tricky to pull off but takes off like half a health bar if you land on your opponent.
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On the other end of the spectrum, you have your standard kung-fu guy character except he's a joke character who exists to shit-talk one of Capcom's rivals in the market during the fighting game boom of the 90's.
Dan Hibiki is basically the embodiment of "we trained him wrong, as a joke". He's actually kind of a lore-important character, at least to some of the characters - there's a Muay Thai practitioner named Sagat who's the final boss of Street Fighter 1 and is one of the most powerful characters in the series. Dan's dad fought him and died, but not before blinding Sagat in one of his eyes.
Dan challenged Sagat to a fight years later, and Sagat felt so guilty about killing his dad that he let Dan win, despite the fact that he's kind of terrible at fighting. Like just to emphasise that last part, Ryu - as in THE Ryu, punchy kicky spinny kung-fu man - had to give in to an evil force in order to beat Sagat in the first game, and the impact left Sagat with a massive vertical scar right up his chest. Sagat is fucking legit.
He felt so bad about killing Dan's dad that he jobbed to him, despite Dan being terrible. And the win gave him a fat head, and led to him opening his own dojo. The dojo was a failure and he lost all his money, but he did train another fighter named Sakura - who surpassed his skill level in one day and left the dojo without telling him.
Dan is, to my understanding, a down and out loser whose abilities are intentionally nerfed to parody SNK's fighters. He's a jerk and a loser and I think he's super funny.
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And then there's Faust, who's kind of like if JACK's backstory was even more dramatic and edgy, but applied to a guy 1000x goofier than Dan Hibiki.
His backstory is that he was a world-renowned surgeon who had never lost a patient. One day he's performing surgery on a little girl and she dies, causing Faust - known as Dr. Baldhead at the time - to lose his shit and become a serial killer with a giant scalpel. Eventually he comes to his senses and is overwrought with guilt, so for the rest of the series he uses a big stick and wears a paper bag on his head out of shame.
I can't even describe Faust, except that he has big springy legs like a frog and he can manifest cartoons out of thin air like Looney Tunes physics.
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And then in Guilty Gear STRIVE something happened to him, and he's sick and dying and he looks so scary and sad :(
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