#and also my older cousin is also named Daniel but I always call him by his nickname
arabellaseraphim · 10 months
Frienship ended with Lyney and Kaveh /lh (with PJWS as Honorable Mention. Why won't you come home...)
Now Luka and IL Heng (with Kafka as Honorable Mention) is my best friend
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acutemushroom · 5 months
My " 'Jon's characters are related' tree" corrected
So....upon first posting it, I've realized that I've forgotten Roman and Wiggly. But that's not all, I can do better. Yesterday, I've realized that I also forgot Daniel/Stopwatch... So, here is a corrected version of the family tree. Though, I still deliberately did not include Wiggly and cie. for my sanity's sake. I could have added the Emma and her family to the tree, but since her and Paul don't have children together, let alone children played by Jon, I chose otherwise.
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So... here is some explanation on how I connected the Murray and Monroe families the the Matthews one :
Again, Roman doesn't share the same surname. And Roman being the leader of Nibbly's cult, I wouldn't be surprised (and HC) that he is much older than he looks like. Probably around Sheila's age actually... So, it's through his sister that he is connected to Paul ! But again, the ages wouldn't have fitted that well if he was his great-uncle. So, I went down a generation below. Roman's niece is actually the Matthews' matriarch, Paul's grandmother.
Which makes Linda Paul's second (degree) cousin, despite them being around the same age. I partially explain that by the fact that, at least in my HC, her mother was something around 30 years younger than Roman (yeah, yikes) .
In the same order of ideas, her children are Paul's father's cousins, his first cousins then, despite them being younger than most of Richie's generation. In fact, I don't think Trent is much older than little Jerri... Talking about them, I know Gerald isn't the biological father of at least half of Linda's children. But because we don't know who their fathers actually are and that Gerald's name most probably is on the birth certificate, I am going to put them as his children. Not that it changes anything for the sake of relating each of Jon's characters.
Stopwatch is Gary's son. No real reason if why not ?
Also, here's some HCs about the dynamics in the family !
The twins know for Daniel's power, but not for the fighting ring. Richie's been so overexcited to learn that, that Daniel feared he would spill the beans. Thankfully, he didn't. Under oath not to. All the family think Daniel has martial art classes, only his father knows the truth about the fights.
Daniel calls Paul and his siblings uncle and aunt. Jerry did try to break him out of the habit, he's their first cousin not their nephew. But it just made it worst. Now, Jerry is suspecting Gary to bribe his son to purposefully call him that just to piss him off.
Girl Jeri knows that Jerry has nephews and a first cousin. But not at first ! When she saw them for the first time, walking pass them on the street, she legit stopped in her track and searched for a solid minute why they looked so similar to Jerry. He had to clarify why later.
All the men are made from the same mold in the family ! No seriously. If Little Jerri had actually been raised by his parents, instead of being left in the woods as a baby, he'd look like his father's exact copy.
When Paul brought Emma to a family reunion for the first time, she did make a joke/comment on the fact they all look like clones. Which was particularly hilarious in the "Forever an always" timeline...
Linda has no idea that she is related to the Matthews.
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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🔻 Prologue: 
The Royal Romance, an AU series 
Series premise: An American teenager from New York city is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobles, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC (Sophia) 
Other Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC (Daniel)  
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Sophia Taylor and Bethany Beaumont. 
Rating: M *Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language. Please excuse all errors.
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 874, Read: 4 minutes 
Music Inspiration: Everybody Hurts by Tina Arena 
A/N: My submission for @choicesflashfics Week #17, Prompt # 2 “Does it ever stop hurting?” - “No, you just make room for it.” @choicesficwriterscreations 
A/N2: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the US; is Barthelemy Beaumont’s 2nd wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) was Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N3: My submission for Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation 
Sophie Taylor was excited but also nervous about this new adventure. Stepping out of the airport terminal, she breathed in the warm, fragrant air of her new home. 
She never imagined that she would ever be living in a different country, across the Atlantic Ocean; let alone starting her first year of studies at the University of Cordonia in the Fall. 
Graduating from high school two weeks ago, she was leaving behind everything she ever knew about life.  
But ever since her mother was diagnosed with cancer last Christmas, Sophie knew that her mother would start planning for her to live with her aunt in Cordonia when she passes. It was just a matter of time. 
Her father had died tragically, four years before, while on the job as a firefighter. Having no siblings, or other relatives living in the U.S., she would be all alone if she stayed in her home. 
Interrupting her thoughts, she heard her name being called. Sophie turned to see a familiar face in the crowd gathering at the luggage carousel, waving at her frantically. 
“Sophie!” Maxwell cried out as he ran up to her. 
“Max, it is so good to see you!” She dropped her luggage and allowed her cousin to fiercely hug her as she hugged him back in return. 
Like Sophie, Max would be attending U of C, in the Fall. Even though he was in his fourth year master's program, Sophie welcomed the fact that she would know at least one other person on campus. 
Her cousin Bertrand stepped up next to greet Sophie. Always the nobleman, he lifted her hand to place a kiss. 
“It’s so good to see you. I hope your flight was comfortable.” 
“It’s great to see you again, Bertrand.” 
Her older cousin was the Duke of Ramsford, who in effect had assumed the responsibilities of his father as the patriarch of Duchy Ramsford. Her Uncle Barthelemy was currently in a coma with his health in decline. His doctor forbade his current wife, and his sons, from visiting him at the personal care home in Vallenheim, claiming that it was a directive given to him by Barthelemy himself. 
Inside the town car, travelling through the Cordonian countryside to the Beaumont estate, Sophie and Max were deep in discussion getting re-acquainted after not seeing each other for a couple of years in person. 
“Are you excited about starting classes in the Fall? I know you will love it there...I have so many things to show you!” 
Starting her MBA at the University of Stormholt in the Fall, 17-year-old Sophie was anxious about having to adjust to not only losing her mom, but also navigating a new school environment. 
“I am so grateful that you will be there. I feel like a ‘fish out of water’ in so many ways.” Sophie’s lip quivered and her hands started to tremble. 
“Gosh Soph, I am so, so sorry for rambling on. I cannot even imagine the level of stress you are under.” 
Maxwell wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. 
“What about you, Max? 
Uncle Barthelemy won’t let you visit him in the hospital. That must be so hard to deal with for you and Bertrand. 
Does it ever stop hurting?” Sophie asks.
“Well, no, you just make room for it.” Maxwell sighs. 
“It is what it is, Maxwell. There is no point dwelling on it.” 
Changing the subject, Bertrand asks, 
“Sophia, I know that you love horses. How would you like to adopt a horse for your very own?”  
Bertrand had information on a retired derby racer that needed a new home. House Beaumont had a horse stable and was considering adding more horses. 
“Really? That would be wonderful...but, I do not want to be a bother.” 
“Nonsense! Consider it done!” Bertrand smiled. 
“Welcome to House Beaumont, Sophie!”, Maxwell announced, as the town car slowed to turn down the long drive of the duchy. 
Looking at the beautiful estate owned by her Uncle Barthelemy and Auntie Beth, Sophie appreciated how far away from her hometown of New York City she really was. 
“Yes, welcome home,” Bertrand smiles fondly. 
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Tagging tumblrs showing interest for this fic from Sunday Six. Please let me know if you want to be added or removed⚘️@angelasscribbles @kyra75 @mom2000aggie @ao719 @writing-not @busywoman @703cowbarn @princess-geek @kingliam2019 @txemrn @harleybeaumont
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bones-and-whatnot · 1 year
Some Name-Related Mario Concepts/Headcanons
It should be noted that, like the majority of my headcanons, I don’t necessarily hold all of these to be true in my head always or all at the same time, they’re just ideas I’ve had.
The main recurring Toad that we see in the franchise is the Blue Toad, whose full name is Loyle Toad. (Loyle T.) He is a natural redhead, but prefers the color blue to red, and so wears a blue vest and sometimes dyes his spots to reflect that. He is generally only called Blue Toad when his cousin, Oniss T. (Yellow Toad) is around because they both are the kind of people who prefer to go by their last names and you have to differentiate them somehow.
Toadsworth’s full name is Dew Toadsworth (Dew T.)
Captain Toad’s first name is Gravi.
Wario and Waluigi are not their birth names. Their birth names are Waldemar Wicked and Giorgos Crygor. The man now known as Wario adopted that identity in a long-term effort to scam people who had only a passing familiarity with Mario into thinking HE was the big hero who deserved monetary rewards and could be hired for lucrative jobs like plumbing and medical aid. He later brought on Waluigi for added credibility.
Mario and Luigi’s middle names are Albano and Daniele, respectively.
“Donkey Kong” is the name of a vague spiritual thing that passes hereditarily through generations. It is less of its own full entity as much as a sort of presence that meshes with the pre-existing personality of whoever the current title-bearer is. So, while the modern Donkey Kong is separate from Cranky, a part of him is, in a sense, the same “character” as Mario’s original adversary. (As for how the timeline of Cranky and Modern DK being 1-2 generations apart while Mario is still the same works out, I dunno. It’s a magical world, time is weird.)
Morton Koopa Jr. is named in memory of Bowser’s older (or twin?) brother (the concept of Bowser having a brother is, in fact, not something I’m making up: https://www.mariowiki.com/Bowser%27s_Brother), Morton Koopa. When the two of them were very young (as in, prior to Yoshi’s Island), a magical mishap banished Morton the first to Subcon, where he was warped into a froglike form. He rechristened himself “Wart”, as a corruption of “Mort” (whether he intentionally changed his name or just couldn’t remember his real one, I’m not sure) and grew into adulthood there. Bowser has very little memory of this incident and is not aware that his brother is alive.
Bowser is also not self-aware enough to realize that his interest in doppelgängers and facsimiles of himself, particularly small/child-sized ones- e.g. the enemies enchanted to be Fake Bowsers from various games, Mechakoopas, the Koopa Kids from Mario Party (who I sometimes headcanon as being advanced robots in the shape of small Bowsers or clones of him), Bowser Jr. (who I sometimes headcanon as being a clone of his father, but only if the Koopa Kids are not already clones)- stems from guilt over the above.
Diddy Kong’s full first name is Jedidiah.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Can you do one with Dani? Maybe with 56&58 from angst prompts, like they have a kid from a fling but aren’t dating/together
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Summary: You have a daughter with Daniel from a one-night stand.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
Word count: 1.7k
56. “I was alone with my baby. My own thoughts terrified me. And you never bothered to call.”
58. “I keep trying to be a better mother, even when everything I do seems to backfire.”
You can boast that up until the age of 22 you were a model person.
You were the perfect daughter: you were home every holiday or birthday, you never argued with your parents and you made sure to call them every day since you moved out of their home.
You were the perfect older sister: you gave your younger siblings money without your parents' knowledge, you helped them when they asked for your help, and you tried to give them advice when they needed it.
You were the perfect friend: when your friends called you that they needed a shoulder to cry on, you were right next to them with a box of ice cream.
You were the perfect employee: you always got to work earlier, you stayed after-hours to finish all your work and to help others and you did your job perfectly.
But now you're 24 and everything is fucked up.
You moved in with your parents again and you no longer have that perfect relationship with them. You resigned from your job and from all the gang of friends you had, you were left with only one friend: Emilia.
Because now you had a daughter, resulting from a one-night stand.
You were a single mother who relied on the help and support of those around her.
Given that there was nothing more than a one-night stand between you and Kiera's father on your birthday night, you didn't know if it would be appropriate to post him on Instagram and say, 'Hey, 'sup, I don't know if you remember me, you drank a lot of whiskey that night, but we fucked and now you have a baby. Congratulations!' What kind of psychopath does that?
Not to mention that he is a public figure, of course, he wouldn't believe you and say you're just a money-obsessed girl; that if he saw the message on Instagram, obviously.
But it was going to be your daughter's second birthday and you were starting to get remorseful. Sure, you accepted your life as a single mother and you knew you wouldn't have a happy ending like in the princess books you read to Kiara, but it wasn't right for your daughter. She needs a father in her life. And it wasn't fair for Daniel not to know he had a daughter. Of course, you can only tell him and it is up to him to choose what to do with this information: whether he wants to be part of Kiara's life or not. At least you would have tried.
That weekend was going to be the Grand Prix of Great Britain and you didn't do much flying there, and, anyway, you could stay with your cousin you haven't seen in about 5 years.
Although your daughter's father was a well-known Formula 1 driver, you have never been to a race, and you were amazed by the very high prices for a ticket with access to the paddock.
You had a choice of which day to go and tell Daniel, probably, the news of his life.
You were sure you didn't want to tell him on Sunday. Before the race? Maybe he had an accident and he would have hurt himself. So no.
Saturday? Before qualifying? If you had told him then he would have gone to qualifications, he would not have focused and he would have come out on a low position. So no.
So you decided on Friday.
You left your cousin's house in the morning for the circuit where the race took place. You passed security without a problem with Kiara. You could walk through the paddock without any problems looking for your baby's father.
You knew that the best chance of finding Daniel was to go to McLaren Hospitality. On the way there, everyone you met stopped to look at Kaira, wondering how beautiful she was. You thanked them and prayed that they would not realize that she was Daniel's daughter, considering that she was almost identical to him; you could take her curly hair and smile as a positive result of the paternity test.
"What a beautiful baby!" you hear a girl standing in front of Red Bull Racing with Max Verstappen, and you immediately realize it's Kelly Piquet; good thing you documented yourself before you came.
You see her come and lean over the stroller.
"Oh my God, what beautiful eyes she has! What's her name?"
"Kiara," you answer and you look panicked as Max comes towards you.
"Look, Max! Isn't she a beautiful girl?"
Max smiles. "Yes, she is."
"What is such a small child doing here? She's going to hear very loud noises."
Damn it. What would you answer now?
"We came to walk around and meet some drivers," you answer as convincingly as you can. "It's never too early to start, right?" you giggle.
The two laughed, apparently they believed you.
But you immediately felt your legs soften and you saw Daniel walking with his teammate. You bit your lip and held on to the stroller better. All the courage left you and you wanted to leave.
"A baby!" Lando gasps and comes towards you.
Wonderful! Everyone behaved as if they had never seen a baby in their life, pathetic.
Daniel came after him, looking at you strangely. Did he recognize you? He also looks at Kiera and smiles.
You could've died there. You wanted to cry and you couldn't take your eyes off Daniel.
The next thing you saw was black.
You woke up lying on a bed, someone was holding a cold water pad on your forehead. And your head hurt a hell of a lot.
"Hey, are you okay?" Lando, who was next to you asks.
"Mhm, my head hurts."
"Oh, yes, you hit yourself a little when you fainted but a doctor came and consulted you while you were still unconscious and said you were fine. Can I get you something?"
"Just water."
"Coming right now," he says and gets up from next to you, leaving the room.
Kiera! Where was she? You get out of bed immediately, even though it made your head spin and you felt like throwing up.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down!" Daniel says and gets up from his chair with Kiera in his arms.
You look at Kiera and breathe a sigh of relief.
"You seem so familiar to me," says Daniel and you want to faint again. "What's your name?"
He seemed to be thinking. He didn't know how he knew you and you were afraid to tell him anything now.
"Wait! Spain, 2 years ago! It was like your birthday and we did shots together, right?"
Fuck. He remembered.
Daniel was smiling. Did he only remember the shots in the club?
"About that night..." you say and catch Daniel's attention. You signal to Kiera who is playing with some keys in Daniel's arms.
Daniel looked at the little girl and it was as if you could see the wheels spinning in his head.
"Wait a minute..."
"I brought you water, do you feel bet-"
"Go away!" Daniel shouts at Lando. Lando gets scared and gives you your water bottle then leaves. "What were you saying?"
You bite your lip.
"Kiera is your daughter."
Daniel was speechless. His eyes were wide and they seemed to be coming out of their sockets and he was looking at Kiera. You didn't know how to interpret his reaction.
"Are you serious?"
"I don't know why you think I'm kidding."
"Are you sure I'm the father?"
You snort and get out of bed, you go to him and take Kiera out of his arms.
"What do you think? That I go to different wealthy men and tell them that they have a baby with me to give me money? I came to tell you because I thought Kiera would do well to have a father in her life. But I see that her father is not interested at all. You haven't even called me in all these years."
Daniel frowns and looks at you.
"What are you talking about?"
"The next morning I woke up before you and left my phone number on a note. I left it on your nightstand."
All the color was drained from his face.
"I didn't see the note."
You snort again.
“I realize it was a bad idea. I was alone with my baby. My own thoughts terrified me. And you never bothered to call.” you say and a few tears run down your face.
"Hey, hey, hey! You don't get to cry! I found out I lost the first few years of her life! You should have come earlier to tell me! You could come here, I don't know, you could contact me on Facebook, Instagram!"
"Yeah, sure! You doubted me now, if you'd have woken up with a message from me on Instagram you would have believed me immediately!"
"I believe you now," he says and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Please, I want to know more about her life. Can you stay?"
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. Is this really happening?
You both sat on the bed and Daniel took his daughter in his arms.
"Her full name is Kiera Hazel. In two weeks she'll be 2 years old." you start saying it with a big smile on your face. "Her first word was 'dada'."
Daniel laughs and looks at her.
"Was it hard to raise her alone so far?"
“I keep trying to be a better mother, even when everything I do seems to backfire. I had to resign from work because I couldn't divide my time between work and her, I moved back with my parents... All my friends left me, so yes, it's been pretty hard. But it's worth it when I see her smile.”
"I'm sorry you had to go through this alone. If you allow me, I want to be in her life. I want to help you."
"That will be great, actually," you smile.
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Cedrick's birthday, part 3
Attention the characters that appear and will be mentioned are not mine, they are ocs of @autumn2art , @xeo-kunsatan , @ghostbunnyarts , @mq5197 for your attention <3.
In the Underworld, Betrayus patiently waited for Dr. Buttocks to finish the gift for his nephew Cedrick, until he was visited by the ghosts Yin and Yang, they began to surround him and slightly annoy him.
Yin: Hey Lord betrayus! Why so quiet!?
Betrayus: I'm waiting for stupid dr buttocks to finish his invention for my nephew's birthday!
Yang: oh it's cedrick?...
Betrayus: yup.. wait..How do they know his name, do they know him too!?
Yin: Yes... we always tease him at school, and I also like his friend molly ewe...
Yang: And because we both go to the same school -_-
Betrayus: I heard myself a couple of self-conscious fish! Pacman himself is at that party! and they are going to do something to him, my stupid older brother is screwing me up! >:C *scolding the two black and white ghosts*
Yin and Yang: yes 😰😥
Mitzy: Daddy!... :D
Betrayus: Yes My princess?
Mitzy: I already sent all the gifts for my cousin, I just need that Dr. Buttocks finish with his <3
Betrayus: oh Nice! ^^
In the round house where the guests were, they had already finished eating the food that sir.c had prepared for everyone, they had all started a game of guessing who it was without seeing, the game consisted that one had to blindfold, and grab someone and guess who the person was.
Jack: *Blindfolded* oh who is?... *touching Aurora *
Aurora: heheje... you have to guess Jack! <3
Jack: Oh.. it's Ryan! :D
Aurora: eh nope...
Ellie: Come Jack come here :)... * calling him with his voice *
Jack: Yes...
Cedrick: Aunt, is it okay if my cousin Ellie is with Ryan, and is more than friends? :P
Arimette/molasses: UH.. Yea... I have no problem in the least, besides your uncle would have approved too, he was very close to Zac and sunny :)...
Pac: hey Mrs. Arimette / Molasses, do you still remember something about my parents?
Arimette/molasses: oh yes, I still remember well when your mother came with her husband, accompanying Tohru/Shirou home, we had long talks about our daily lives and thus, even she passed me some pretty good recipes. 😋
Cedrick: I wish I could also meet my uncle Tohru / Shirou and your parents Pacman :(
Molly: Cedrick...
Cedrick: Yes Molly?
Molly: Do you want to play to put the tail on the donkey? :)
Cedrick: Yeah.. <D
Cedrick went where they played to put the donkey's tail, the first player was lexy Soto blindfolded, and with the tail in his hand, the first attempt failed and put the donkey's tail on the donkey's nose.
Lexy: hay no perdí... (there I did not lose)
Victor: tranquilo hombre! (calm man!), I will do better than you! *removes his special vision glasses, and shows his gray, pupilless eyes*
everyone except Victor: 👀👀👀😳😳😲
Victor: *grabs the donkey's tail and puts it on the donkey's butt as it should be by winning the game * lo ven cabrones! No estaba difícil! (you bastards see it! It was not difficult!)
Bradley: You say that because you are blind from birth! 7_7
Stratos: eh... Okay, For winning the game of putting the tail on the donkey, as a reward for having won here you have about $ 100 to spend on whatever you want ^^;...
Victor: Jajajajaja al chile Soy rico! (Hahahahah Nice i'm rich)
Rotunda: You know well that you gave that stinky Latino a lot of money! >:(
Stratos: yes mom.. but you have to admit that you win without cheating.
Rotunda: Bradley should bring people from our class instead of these walkers!..
Stratos: eh yes... -_-;
Dr.buttocks: I have finished with the gift for your nephew Lord Betrayus! :D
Betrayus: Oh Nice! >:D
Mitzy: I too am prepared with gifts from my cousin cedrick! :3
Dr.buttocks: Remember Princess Mitzy this gift is a bit fragile and is very unnoticed with her uncles and her grandmother. Uwu
Mitzy: it is well I will take it into account.
The time to distribute the cake arrived, the cake with a soft texture, light blue, and yellow details, there were also some candles that decorated it around, Cedrick blew on the candle, while they took a picture.
sir.c: good time to share our favorite boy's cake! ^^
Spheria: yes.. Yummy...
stratos: hey spheria is not due to recklessness but it is true that Arena is worse in the psychiatrist
Spheria: eh.. yes.. Why the question?
Stratos: The teacher at the school my son attends is Dr. Daniels.
Spheria: Oh really!? for how long?
Stratos: For several months, at first he made me quite suspicious, until I remembered that it was not surprising, he has been recognized as a doctorate and teaching for a long time.
Spheria: oh Of course I also remember him, he was also with us the day we buried all the soldiers who died in the war.
Stratos: that doesn't matter anymore, he must be excellent at his job anyway, I can't complain, now let's eat cake I feel like having dessert right now.
Spheria: oh right.
Molly: mmmhhh.. Yummy.. *eating his slice of cake *
cedrick: you love it, it is prepared by the best pastry chef in town! :)
Molly: yes it's delicious. 😋
while they were eating bradley's dog, Quartzy approached cedrick with a small gift from bradley.
Cedrick: For me?... :)
Bradley: Yes... Open it I know you will love it, it was a bit expensive but I got it.
Cedrick begins to open it and realizes that it was a mobile music player, at the same time with his own headphones and songs already downloaded.
Cedrick: AAAAAWWWW... Thanks You bradley *hugs him*
Bradley: your welcome uwu
Rotunda: *looking very disapprovingly at bradley's gift, especially Quartzy's presence *
Quartzy: Ggggrrrrrrrr... *growling him to rotunda *
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geekys-corner · 3 years
Mind listing the OCs/personas and a couple facts about them? (Might help with questions lol)
Sure! I’ve written 16 below lmao *sticks in a read more*
Anthony - Originally my version of Anti, he’s now a sweet bean who really likes plants. In his backstory and the start of his story, he was found in a tiny pocket dimension inside his old apartment while he and the place around him fell into disrepair with the only thing truly alive being his plants. After losing his entire family, he was very fragile and hurt himself quite a bit, but my other characters rescued him and nursed him back to health and stability!
Onyx - My angsty punk dude who I adore. He is on the autistic spectrum and is mostly non-verbal, once going 4 months without speaking before breaking the silence to tell his best friend that Viggo Mortenson broke his toe in that one scene in Lord of the Rings. They have a twin sister who is 13 minutes older and a firm witch while he is a firm nonbeliever. Sometimes he goes to the junkyard with a baseball bat to let out their anger.
Leon - His backstory is very dark so I won’t get into it, but he’s a very shy bean with one arm and a love for sewing. He has the fluffiest light pink hair, and is just the embodiment of pastel.
Kyle - The older brother of the duo! He’s friends with Onyx and also has a punk look with spiked blue hair, but he’s an absolute sweetheart! He’s eight years older than his brother, and ran away with him when he was a newborn to escape their abusive mother. He raised Joey on his own in the streets, escaping care systems that would split them apart and shove them in to foster homes, and grew up to be completely independent, albeit unaware of what it is like to have a loving family besides his brother. He may be quick to resort to fight or flight to protect his brother and grumpy to strangers, but he’s built them a good life!
Joseph - The little brother! Joey is a smart little kid, (ranging from 10 - 14 depending) with very bright ginger hair and freckles. He’s on the far side of the autistic spectrum and is completely nonverbal, but he’s very expressive, spunky, and loving whenever he’s able to. He adores peanut butter and milkshakes, and would very happily have them six times a day. While he can’t speak, he will send Kyle countless facts from astronomy or marine life through text at any time of day or night. He’s always seen in his blue skateboarding frog hoodie, a beetle backpack filled with his supplies, and his headphones and tablet. He loves to draw and he’s great at it, and always draws sharks, especially whale sharks.
Caelan - Another punk, but this time in bird form. He is a griffin, and in some AUs a dude with prosthetic feet. He has messy blond hair covering his eyes and is based around an Egyptian falcon. He’s very quick witted and very annoying to people who don’t know him, but would go to hell and back for his family. 
Marioma - The model of a modern major general- this dude is the only one like him, meaning he has no AU counterparts! He’s different from my other characters since he’s technically self-aware, and acts in my stories if and when I want him to! He’s a grumpy, determined dude who’s trying to quit smoking per request of his boyfriend, Arthur. Before him, he was a sly, hardened, and cunning man who needed someone to rely on who wouldn’t die on him.
Arthur - Foster fails: 5. He owns a bookstore in the universe he inhabits and, just like Mari, he’s one of a kind! He lives the ideal rainy city aesthetic, with an apartment above his store with open windows, plants, cosy blankets and homemade food, handmade clothing, and animals. He’s got curly hair and his scarf is his comfort item, and he takes in animals if and when he can. He and Mari just live a comfortable life :’)
Clyde - A duo with Anthony, he was originally a version of Henrik, but is now completely different. This boy is a classic OC and therefore my teenage angst punching bag. He’s a doctor in his husband Lucas’ mafia, and is very strong-willed and the biggest sweetheart. He has water powers that I always forget about, and could very easily drown someone if he wanted to. Besides that, he does cry a lot over small things, and Lucas has walked in on him crying over their cat in a business-tie.
Levi - If he and Clyde fused, they’d make Henrik. He’s my 55 year old doctor who just the embodiment of grumpy cat and expresso. He’s very lanky and has joint problems after trauma in his late 20s, and sometimes you can hear his bones cracking as he walks. He has, can, and will slap the sense into Clyde when he needs to and hated him to begin with, but warmed up to him. But, he’s completely different to his husband Sage, and in the end, is a very caring guy who won’t take any shit. He’s also therapist, and gives sessions to most of my OCs- (he’s also the doctor at the end of Don’t Leave! Dr Allison!)
Tyrell (Cloak) - So I split the same OC into two halves, essentially from two AUs but in one? They’re not twins, they’re the same guy with separate families but they’re the same. They’re both POC with the same face, hair texture etc. Cloak-Ty is very grumpy, and is called Cloak because of the cloak he wears in his fantasy-based AUs! He wears an eye patch and lost his eye depending on the AU, and went through a lot. You can tell he’s angsty because half of his hair is buzzed off. He tried to push away his now-husband Demitri, but luckily he’s an absolute himbo who doesn’t know when to quit, and eventually melted through the icy layer to a loving, sarcastic, hard-working man.
Tyrell (Ponytail) - Same as above description wise! He’s taller and buff with a ponytail. He went through the same backstory, but was found by Daniel who took him to Lucas’ mafia where they recovered together and eventually fell in love. Half of his face is badly burned and the eye has pin-hole vision, but it doesn’t stop him from being the best sniper on the team. When at home, he loves tea, hanging with his family, and painting. He’s amazing at watercolour and earns money on the side from selling his work! Sometimes he and Dan team up and draw together!
Wayde - He lives in the Winter Forest Region and hunts for his family with his exceptional archery skills. He’s witty and pretty spontaneous, making him good under pressure, but incredibly reckless. He has a bad claw scar across his right eye which cuts into his hair, but he can see just fine! He has beautiful green eyes with central heterochromia, so they turn brown in the centre. While he may be annoying and hot-headed, he cares a whole bunch and grows as a person to fall in love with Milo. He’s a hopeless romantic and protective as all hell, even when Milo can handle himself just fine.
Felicity - She wasn’t born in the WFR like Wayde, she was adopted by her two mothers and is Wayde’s cousin! She’s a POC with beautiful dark skin, and her parents style her hair in unique braids that are decorated by gold rings. She’s a magic user and a very skilled one at that, even when she’d just started out, and wishes to revive the old form of magic that had been taken over by the modern, corrupted magic form that’s based entirely on nepotism. She uses a staff and a book, and is clumsy to start out, but soon becomes a mage to be admired, or feared if you’re an enemy!
Milo - Unlike Felicity and Wayde, he was born in the desert region, and ends up in the WFR by mistake (which is a vast change in temperature for him). Because of the contrast in temperature, he’s always wrapped up in winter clothes, even in places where the others are sleeveless, just because he’s spent his whole life in the heat! When he’s at home, he lives with his Mother and goes out to collect lightning glass after the nightly storms to sell and turn into jewellery or windows etc. Milo was born deaf and uses sign language to communicate. He’s smart, energetic, and excited to see new things, but can handle himself with ease, and knows how to take care of himself through quick thinking and fighting skills from living in the desert. When he and Wayde start dating, he likes coming up behind him and cuddling him or giving him quick kisses!
Prism - Much like their name, they are very colourful. They are a dragon hybrid and live in a kingdom of others like them, but unlike any other dragon, their scales are - like their name - prisms. They gradient between rainbows across their body, but each scale has a rainbow shimmer when they move. Their wings are like stained glass, and their hair (as of now, it might change) is like labradorite! Prism is mute and doesn’t express much, usually communicating through eye rolls. They live as the King’s new heir after he took them in as he believes Prism is the symbol of their kingdom and species’ beauty. Because of this, they are completely untouched by any blade and don’t have a single blemish or scar as to preserve them. Many guards have died to prevent them from obtaining even the slightest scratch. Beyond their anxiety, they join the crew and act as the voice/sign of reason! Even if they are assigned to their kingdom, they soon learn that their friends truly care about them more than their appearance.
That’s most of my OCs, this is already super long so I don’t want to drag it on! If anyone is interested in any OC, feel free to drop an ask, I’d love to write one shots or answer questions! <3 ^^
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desperationandgin · 4 years
Strawberry Wine - The Final Chapter
Also Read on: AO3
Summary: The end ❤️
A/N: When I started this story, I really didn't think it would take this long to finish! At one point, I posted that it would likely stay an unfinished story forever. But inspiration came in the form of a gifted mood board and playlist, and here we are, at a conclusion. I'm so grateful for everyone who was still interested and came back to read through the end, and I'm so happy that first-time readers have enjoyed it as well!
Thank you to every single person who let me throw the google doc for these chapters at them. To Kris, Danielle, Saba, Beth, Erin, Julia, and Katie - you pushed me in incredible ways and I'm very lucky to have you all. And last but certainly not least, a major shout out of thanks and appreciation to Susan for taking the time to make the playlist that inspired the end of Strawberry Wine. One random gesture meant so much to me that it made me write. I'll always remember that.
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Chapter 16: Green on the Vine (Epilogue)
I stood on the front steps of our home, taking in the rolling hills on the horizon beyond the farm. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the sweet smell of fresh-cut hay, relieved to know that Lallybroch’s most recent harvest was finished, making the air feel light and carefree. Around me were the noises of family, children shrieking and laughing. I smiled as I heard a loud giggle of surprise and knew that Jamie had swept up one of them, carrying them like a sack of potatoes.
I looked up, shielding my eyes from the setting sun as our fourteen-year-old granddaughter made her way up the drive, pushing her bicycle.
“What are you doing here before your parents?” I asked, pleased to see her and reaching out for an embrace once she was close enough. She was taller than her mother, but my dark curls had passed on brilliantly.
“I wanted to talk to you and Grandda. Is he busy?”
I shook my head, looking curiously down at a large manila envelope she held in her hands.
“Never too busy for you,” I promised, leading her inside and calling for Jamie. “Your younger cousins are keeping him entertained.”
When the three of us were settled in the living room, I watched Mandy, realizing she had, unfortunately, also inherited my glass face.
“Is everything alright?” I prodded gently, feeling Jamie tense beside me at the prospect of something being wrong.
“Everything’s fine,” she promised quickly, then hesitated as her hands moved to open the envelope. “Only, I’m doing a project for school. About World War Two.”
Without thinking much of it, my fingers found Jamie’s, holding onto him. It was a lifetime ago, it seemed, those years that we’d gone to war and been separated. As Mandy pulled the contents of her envelope out, I saw my own slanted penmanship and froze, realizing what she held in her hands before she had the chance to explain.
“Mama and I had to prove that these belonged to our family. They’re letters, Gran. The ones ye wrote to Grandda during the war. I wanted to surprise ye wi’ them.” She passed them over and I reached out, holding the weight of our family’s past in my hands and swallowing heavily. For a few seconds, I could say nothing, remembering how desperate my words had become in some of my correspondence.
“I haven’t read any of them,” Mandy promised. “I wasn’t sure how to give them to ye.”
“Darling, you have no idea what a gift this is,” I promised her sincerely, though my voice shook, handing the stack to Jamie so that I could stand and wrap our granddaughter in a hug.
It wasn’t as firm as it once might have been, but I squeezed for all I was worth, pressing a kiss to her temple.
After I released her, she turned to Jamie and bent down to kiss his cheek before disappearing to find her older cousins. Soon, everyone would arrive for Sunday supper, but for now, it was just Jamie and I in the room, the bundle of letters in his lap.
“Ye wrote so many times,” he said quietly, and I pushed a strand of faded copper hair behind his ear.
“I’d wager you wrote just as much. And if my letters were still out there…”
“Aye,” he murmured. “Mine could be, as well. Somewhere.”
It didn’t matter anymore, I thought. We’d shared more between us in half a century than we could have ever fit into letters.
I tugged one of the envelopes free, running my fingers over faded and smeared ink.
“Will ye read it to me?”
“Jamie,” I began, looking at him. “Are you sure?”
He reached for me, and as I curled against his side, I felt him nod and kiss the top of my head. “Aye. I’m sure, Sassenach.”
I pulled out the letter and unfolded it carefully, almost able to hear the sound of practice shots being fired as I wrote it decades ago; the smell of unwashed men and the vibration of military vehicles came back to mind easily. Wetting my lips, I began to read, surprised by how steady my voice was.
“Dearest Jamie,
I’m trying not to panic. I’m trying to calm my own fears by hearing you attempt to soothe me.
‘’Tis war, Sassenach,” you would say if you could. “And letters aren’t exactly a priority.” I know. I know that you’re fighting, that they could send you somewhere with no notice and no way to tell me. But I still can’t help dreading each month that passes without hearing from you. It’s been three now, and I thought perhaps, if you’re too exhausted to write, I could give you something to look forward to instead. When you receive this, if you receive it, you will know I still cherish and want the life we promised one another.
I’ve thought about the number of children you’d like, and four is a good, even number, don’t you think? There’s no telling on gender, but the first boy and our first girl should be named after your father and my mother respectively. Your father will be so proud, toting around his namesake. I hope that my mother would be proud; I think she would. After that, I wouldn’t mind having a wee Jamie. Perhaps even an Elizabeth.
We’ll see.
Today, I met a Scot who was raised in Aberdeen. He sounded so much like you that I wanted to close my eyes and pretend it was. That wouldn’t have been good for the infection in his arm I was attempting to take care of. I wanted it to be you so badly, Jamie.
Where are you?
If I don’t hear anything from you, then I’m going to write to Lallybroch. I don’t want to, I didn’t want to worry your father or Jenny unnecessarily, but if something’s happened to-”
I paused in my reading, the train of thought scribbled through. It was only then that I realized Elizabeth was in the room, her older sister beside her, and their younger brother was cradling our newest grandchild in the doorway.
“Keep going, mama,” Julia encouraged, smiling softly when I looked up at her.
“Aye, Sassenach,” Jamie murmured beside me, squeezing my free hand.
I had no idea how the letter would end, but continued, keeping hold of Jamie while the paper shook slightly as I read once more.
“When the war is over, we’ll pick up our pieces and begin again, Jamie. Wherever we happen to be, whatever we’ve seen and done, we’ll still have our adventures, our life. Think of the days you’ll come home only to find me waiting for you, a child in my arms, and later, children running to greet you. Our home will be warm and filled with a life the war couldn’t take from us. It’s trying, I know it is, but I refuse to give up on what we planned. What we’ve dreamed of together. When this letter reaches you, whether you write back or not, know that you promised me, James Fraser.
Don’t let this be the one you break.
I love you. I will always love you.”
I finished quietly, folding the letter back into the envelope and remembering how desperate I’d been for anything, any scrap of news, any information on where he might have been.
“You did it, Mam. You and da.”
I turned to look at Brian, giving our son a watery, wobbly smile.
“Listen, Sassenach,” Jamie urged, pulling me close so that I could rest my head on his shoulder. As his fingers moved through the silver of my curls, I closed my eyes and did as he asked. There was the quiet fussing of Brian’s daughter, Clara, and the quiet but thumping bass of one of Julia’s children listening to music too loudly a room over. Each one of our hopes and dreams stood under this roof, and I smiled as I let it bring me peace.
I knew for certain, even after all of the pain, death, and heartbreak we’d endured...in the end, the war had taken nothing from us.
It had only made us stronger.
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
Marvel OCs ( wip )
Name: Nico Ikol
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Summary: Let’s get one thing straight, Nico was absolutely not some kinda norse god Okay? Nor the reborn version of one or whatever. They were just a normal kid. 
Okay so they sorta had a knack for getting people to agree with them and fine they’ve been having dreams about a blonde man with way too long hair and lightning and then there’s the whole...powers thing.
But I mean, aside from that.
And oh yeah the guy from their dreams is at the door claiming he’s their lost long brother. 
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Name: Ruth Parker
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Rowan Blachard
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Summary: Ruthie Paker has been dubbed her brother’s shadow from the first time they arrived at their aunt and uncle’s doorstep. The siblings have been together through everything; their parent’s deaths, their adoption by their aunt and uncle, their uncle’s death. It was the Parker kids against the world.
So when Peter starts acting weird Ruthie’s the first ( and it starts to dawn on her, the only one) who notices.
Name:  Astrid Odinsdotter
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
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Summary: Loki wasn’t the only child stolen from a battlefield. Nor was he the only one Odin and Freya raised as their own. Astrid was raised along side her brother as the princess of Asgard unware of her parentage; but her world gets thrown into utter chaos first when her brother is exiled to Migard and then when her true parentage is brought to light.  
Name: Grace Wilder.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
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Summary: tbd ( takes place in Runways) 
Name: Isabelle Nyx
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Holland Roden
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Summary: Heir apparent to Nyx Incorporated, Isabelle like all of the PRIDE kids seems to have it made. Never mind the fact that her best friend killed herself or that her friend group fell apart soon after. 
On the anniversary of Amy’s death, Isa tries reaching out to her former friends but out of everyone, Alex Wilder seems to be the only one interested in mourning Amy with her. She’s surprised when the others join them, and even more surprised by what they find out.
“Fuck our parents. How about we actually run away.”
Name: Michelle -Miche- De Santos
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Siena Agudong.
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Summary: Miche  knows the church of  the Gibberin is evil, knows that they paste on happy grins to prey on runaway kids. She knows because they killed her sister. The problem is no one believes her. It doesn’t matter though, she’s not gonna stop until she figures out how to make people see the rich assholes for the evil they are.
Except that she wasn’t planning to find the very children of the people she’s sworn vengeance against. 
And apparently, they ran away.
Name: Lucille Harkness.
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Amber Benson
Summary: Lucille knows about Agatha Harkness, how could she not. She grew up on stories of the witch that betrayed her coven ( Lucille’s coven) and committed the most atrocious of acts against their own during the time of the Salem trials. Agatha’s name was whispered in Lucille’s family, a warning of how reaching for forbidden knowledge could corrupt; a horror story of the witch who slaughtered her own kind without a care in the world. 
Still she never expected to find any trace of her in her lifetime, never expected Agatha to be more than whispers and campfire side stories, much less find out she’s in  a bubble of  Chaos Magic in a small town in New Jersey. 
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Name: Nancy Keener
Story: The Mechanic
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
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Summary: tbd
Name: Tracey Stein.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sophie Lillis
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Summary: Tracey has known her dad was evil since he beat her brother over a B-. She’s also known better than to think anyone would believe her. Except for of course her brother. They both knew it, they covered for each other, protected each other and that was enough. Even when their social group expanded to include the other PRIDE kids, it had always been her and Chase against the world. When Nico’s sister died and their little friend group falls apart it’s still the two of them against the world. 
And then on the anniversary of Amy’s death the siblings find themselves at Alex Wilder’s house of all places. Turns out her dad’s not the only evil asshole in their parent’s little social club. Turns out all their parents are.
Turns out they have to runaway. 
Name: Gwendolyn -Wendy- Maximoff
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown
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Summary: Finding out her brother was a mutant and that the men who came to look for him when she was five years old, finding out she herself was a mutant, finding out there was a special school for mutants. Gwendolyn Maximoff thought the weirdest parts of her life were behind her. She’s starting to settle in at the institute, starting to call it home, and she has her big brother with her which is the most important night.
Then overnight Peter disappears. Months go by with Hank and the professor poring over resources and Wendy wondering when her brother might come home. When they finally find him she demands to be the one to go find him.
As it turns out she might be the only who can; and that’s how she finds herself in Westview New Jersey...on an entire different dimension. 
Name:  Kamila Maximoff
Story: ( Love ) Persevering 
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Summary: Kamila lives in Westview, a little town in New Jersey where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. Kamila lives with her older sister Wanda and Wanda’s boyfriend Vision who might as well be her father for all intents and purposes. Life s simple in Westview, Kamila wakes up every day and goes to school. She helps babysit her little cousins and gets help for her advanced courses from Viz. She and Wanda are as close as ever...she thinks.
Kamila doesn’t always remember what she learned in school. Their neighbor Agnes gives her the creeps. She doesn’t remember the twins turning 1, or 2, or 3. She doesn’t know why Wanda’s the closest thing she’s had to a mother but she is. She wakes up screaming sometimes with nightmares of Vision’s body and her sister screaming and turning to dust. She feels like time isn’t passing and is passing too fast at the same time. She remembers things..things that never happened. ( why would she ever be in sci-fi YA novel looking lab? Why would Wanda?) 
Kamila lives in Westview New Jersey with her family; in a suburban little town where nothing ever seems to happen. But she’s starting to think their lives are anything but boring. 
Name: Anne Rogers
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sarah Michelle Gellar
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Summary: Steve Roger’s genetic clone. Shield’s pet project. Avenger’s Family Member. Darcy Lewis’ girlfriend. Anne’s gone through a lot of changes throughout her existence. And a lot of loss. 
She refuses to have Darcy be one of them.
“I’m not gonna ask again assholes. Where the hell is my girlfriend?”
Might end Tyler Hayward’s entire career and existence.
Name: Audra  Ward.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim:  Zoey Deutch
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Summary: Audra doesn’t remember much before her brother gained custody of her as baby. That’s what happens when your grandparents and uncle are a load of abusive assholes ( that much Grant did tell her) She doesn’t know what led to their deaths, how Grant was able to find her and gain custody when he was a teenager himself. She doesn’t know anything other that the life they build together after.  Still she has her  brother, and school,  and her life is...well not normal. One does not simply have a normal life with a brother who works for S.H.I.E.L.D but all in all her life is good. It’s her and Grant against the world, and she has a plan to graduate early and find her own calling helping to keep the world safe from H.Y.D.R.A. like her big brother does. 
Then Grant’s team finds a break in  tracking down a hacker and her life gets decidedly  more messy.  
Other Plot bunnies:https://welcometotheocverse.tumblr.com/post/651928008282816512/marvel-plot-bunnies
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btxtreads · 4 years
Halfway There || Choi Soobin
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➳ When feelings you thought have changed do a complete 180 in the midst of a total disaster.
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↳ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader
↳ word count: 4.2k
↳ genre: fluff, angst?, medical au
↳ trigger warnings: mass shooting (NOT DESCRIBED BUT MENTIONED A LOT), mentions of suicide, panic attacks, multiple gunshot casualties, minor character deaths
↳Trigger warning note: PLEASE BE CAREFUL IN READING THIS FIC. IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY THE THINGS LISTED ABOVE--PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED UNDER THE KEEP READING SIGN. this is in no way romanticizing a shooting or anything mentioned in the warnings above--but this is a medical fic that takes place in an emergency room in the midst of a disaster, and i found that this situation is usually dealt with in the medical field would be plausible for the emergencies they would be able to respond to but still be able to interact with. 
↳ a/n: With regards to the general plot between Soobin and Y/N,,,, i had no idea what i was writing man i did this on a spur at 3am. Please be careful in reading, and please tread lightly. otherwise, enjoy this weird soobin fic i wrote because there are no soobin fics for me to read anymore hAHA pls send me some.
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Screams, wheels on linoleum floors, beeping.
All those noises are tuned out by Y/N as she panted, two defibrillators in her hands.
“Charge again. 600 this time. You, move.” Y/N commanded, pushing the patient’s brother away. “No one near the patient. We ready?”
Beomgyu, Y/N’s best friend and co-doctor, nodded firmly. 
“Alright. Three, two, one.” Y/N said, voice alert. “Charge.”
The patient’s body lurched.
Y/N’s head turned to the heart monitor, cursing at the unmoving flat line.
“Shit, again. 800. Ready?”
“3, 2, 1. Charge.” Y/N commanded, defibrillators firmly planted on the patient’s chest.
The patient lurched once more, and a slow beeping started.
Y/N and Beomgyu looked up at the heart monitor which now projected varying sizes of spikes—the patient’s heart was beeping again.
“Alright, he’s stable for now. Wheel him in, OR-5.” Y/N sighed, handing the defibrillator to a nearby nurse.
“Dr. Jeon is in, we’ll page him.” Beomgyu smiled, already on his pager.
As soon as the patient was rolled out of the emergency room and into the operating room, Y/N crashed into the spare bed.
“When will this end?”
“When your shift ends 4 hours from now.” Beomgyu chuckled, ruffling Y/N’s hair.
Y/N raised her head, pouting at him. “I just wanna go get some sleep, babe.”
Beomgyu laughed and pulled her up. “I don’t think we could, but what we can do is get some coffee at the Starbucks across the street.”
“You’re treating me?”
“You’re such a freeloader, but fine.”
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“You have got to be kidding me right now.” Y/N groaned as she pushed the cafe’s door open.
There sat Huening Kai, her cousin and resident doctor, happily sipping on an iced americano next to Taehyun, his best friend from college.
Across them sat Yeonjun, one of the senior doctors of the hospital and next to him is Yeonjun’s best friend, Soobin.
Choi Soobin—she dreaded his entire existence.
Soobin, peacefully munching on a donut, heard the loud complaint from his seat and his eyes immediately darted over to the girl at the door.
“Y/N-ie!” Yeonjun greeted.
“Hey, Junie.” Y/N smiled politely, frowning at Soobin as she approached their table.
“Hey, troublemakers.” Y/N greeted, her hand landing on Hueningkai and Taehyun’s heads. 
“Your mentor teaching you how to slack, huh?” Beomgyu teased, walking towards the line.
“Actually,” Yeonjun raised his finger. “I am not their mentor.”
“All the more. Besides, you’re still teaching them to slack.” Y/N chirped.
“You’re one to talk, you’re here too!” Yeonjun whined.
Soobin chuckled, causing Y/N to shoot him a glare. “Can I help you?”
Soobin stopped abruptly, shaking his head softly.
Yeonjun and Beomgyu exchanged glances as Y/N started doting on Hyuka.
Soobin quietly stood up, excusing himself for the comfort room.
Yeonjun turned to Y/N and whined. “What’s your problem?”
“My problem is that you’re a fully-grown adult, a medicine graduate and a practicing doctor and yet you still act like such a child.” Y/N shrugged.
“Boo.” Yeonjun huffed.
“Yeonjun,” Beomgyu sighed. “He meant what’s your problem with Soobin?”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“They used to date!” Hyuka chirped from his seat, causing Y/N to turn over to him.
“Oh, yeah. They got it on all the time at their house, Soobin was there almost everyday then.” Taehyun giggled, silencing immediately at Y/N’s sharped glare.
“You what?” Yeonjun asked, his eyes wide. “Oh my god.”
“Still finding out your name is Daniel was a bigger surprise, Daniel.”
“My name is also Yeonjun. Both are my names.” Yeonjun groaned.
“Bad break-up?”
“No, kind of?” Y/N sighed, eyes locking with Soobin who just sat down. “Soobin just gave me a good wake-up call.”
Soobin frowned. “Look, can you get over it? It was almost six years ago.”
“Seeing my ex make out with my best friend the day after we broke up was seems kind of like a hate-you-for-the-rest-of-my-life material, doesn’t it, Binnie?” Y/N said, voice emotionless and smile empty.
As Soobin opened his mouth to answer his defense, six simultaneous beeps sounded out.
The six doctors exchanged glances before checking their respective pagers.
Code brown. Shooter at Seoul Community College. First patients ETA 10 min.
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Years ago...
Y/N’s eyes watered as Soobin bit his lip, his head bowed down low.
“No, no.” Y/N whispered, her eyes leaking tears—but she didn’t sob. 
She was quiet, and Soobin thought that hurt more than anything else.
“W-Why?” Y/N asked. “You told me you wouldn’t give up.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Soobin, you said you loved me.” Y/N looked up, locking eyes with him. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me.”
Soobin gulped, looking at the side.
Of course, he loved her.
Soobin actually thinks he’s never loved anyone more than he loves Y/N.
But he can’t.
Soobin loved Y/N—a bit too much.
Too much that he was willing to throw everything away, that he was willing to just drop everything to be at Y/N’s beck and call.
Too much that he thought that he might suffer for it.
He might stop paying attention to class.
Too much that he thought of proposing, dropping is course and getting married, getting her pregnant and starting a family and a business.
That wasn’t in his plan.
When he said he wanted to be a doctor, his family made a lot of adjustments—budget cuts, his older brother going to a less prestigious college to save money, his parents taking on multiple jobs—just to give him his dream.
And now, he was here and thinking of dropping it all for a girl.
So, yes. 
He did love Y/N, but he had to choose.
“I can’t, because I do love you, Y/N.” Soobin smiled sadly. “I have to love myself and my family more.”
“Soobin, I don’t understand. I don’t—just—tell me.”
Soobin only shook his head, any explanation he would offer would be useless.
“I’m sorry. I love you.”
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Y/N, red-eyed and face swollen, finally found the courage to haul herself out of bed to get some food from a nearby cafe.
After a few hours of crying, Y/N fell asleep.
Waking up the next morning to an empty bed when she usually woke up on Soobin’s bare chest made another fresh wave of tears flow out of her body until she was out and had to reload—eat and drink.
As soon as she turned to the corner, her eyes fixed on her best friend.
Seo Yeon sat on the lap of a tall, brown-haired man practically sucking his face off.
What made Y/N stop was when they pulled away, Soobin’s face becoming visible.
Seo Yeon giggled before pressing a few kisses to his neck as Y/N walked over to them slowly.
“I thought you were busy Seo Yeon.” Y/N said, causing Seo Yeon to fumble off of Soobin.
“I-I was, Y/N-ie.” Seo Yeon mumbled as she stood awkwardly next to Soobin in his chair.
Soobin only sighed.
“Busy sucking the face off of the love of my life?” Y/N growled, out of character from her usualy calm demeanor.
Soobin’s head shot up, gaze soft but shocked at Y/N.
Seo Yeon pursed her lips. “Didn’t you guys break up?”
“You didn’t know that,” Y/N smiled dangerously. “I would’ve told you if you picked up the phone, but you didn’t. Did Soobin tell you?”
“No.” Soobin hummed, his gaze set on Y/N.
“Fucking snake.” Y/N chuckled, picking up Soobin’s cold brew and pouring it over Seo Yeon’s head.
Seo Yeon’s high pitched-screech sounded out as the beverage spilled over her head and stained her clothes.
Y/N turned her head over to Soobin, a menacing glare on her face as she hissed. “I thought you fucking loved me.”
“I did,” Soobin said, settling in his chair. “I always will.”
“Bullshit.” Y/N hissed before turning, pulling her hair in a high ponytail as she angrily stepped over to the cafe counter to order.
Soobin only sighed as the cafe’s door closed. “This was the only way to make you believe I don’t anymore.”
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On a totally random Wednesday, Y/N found herself breathing heavily as she rushed from patient to patient. 
She, Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hyuka all pulled on their coats as soon as they read the pager’s message and bolted back to the emergency room to prepare for the incoming patients.
The last she saw, a running Hyuka was fixing the IV of a patient being wheeled to the operating room, with Taehyun pushing the bed and rambling about Dr. Kim.
Yeonjun was screaming earlier about joules—probably using a defibrillator.
Beomgyu crashed in on her cot earlier as she was giving chest compressions to a gunshot victim, stealing gauzes before bolting to the neighboring cot.
Y/N panted as she opened the next cot, empty.
Soobin entered right after her, sighing as he collapsed on the empty bed.
“That’s for the patient.” Y/N panted, readying herself to stand and move to the next cot before Soobin groaned, pulling out his phone to narrate the situation.
“The shooter’s daughter was bullied and killed herself. So, he came to the university and killed everyone he thought was responsible.” Soobin narrated, sitting up and breathing slowly. “He’s still shooting.”
“Shit, so more patients incoming.” Y/N cursed. 
“Definitely.” Soobin sighed as he stood and pulled the curtain open, only to be greeted with another patient—a gunshot wound on his chest, abdomen and leg.
“Oh my god.” Y/N gasped, waving the responders in.
Soobin immediately set to action, pulling out IVs and preparing the heart monitor.
“Dr. Choi, get a nurse.”
“There’s no time, and they’re all busy.” Soobin refused. “I’ll be your nurse for now.”
Y/N cursed before springing into action, taking the cords for the heart monitor to help him set it up.
“He’s got a weak heart beat and were losing a lot of blood.” Y/N hissed.
“Fuck, what’s your blood type?” Soobin asked, looking up at the patient whose gaze was hazy. “Sir? Sir!”
The patient muttered incoherently, causing Y/N to face him as his eyes closed. “Hey, hey. Stay with us.”
The patient breathed heavily before forcing his eyes open to let out another incoherent murmur. “Sir! Wake up!”
“Fuck,” Soobin said, turning to pull out a fresh batch of gauzes to press to the wounds. “Sir!”
Y/N cursed. “Fuck this.”
Soobin’s eyes widened as Y/N grabbed the man and shook him away. “Hey, buddy! Don’t sleep!”
The man blinked before softly muttering out. “Blood…O…Blood…Type of… O…”
Soobin grinned, turning over to Y/N and smiling softly. “Thanks, sir.”
“You gotta stay awake with us. Okay, buddy? We’ll get you out.” Y/N faced him. “Get the blood, doofus. We need at least 3 pints.”
After Soobin and Y/N wheeled their patient into an operating room, leaving him to the care of Dr. Moon before running back to the emergency room.
At least 10 more patients were rolled in while they were occupied.
Y/N immediately bolted over to Hyuka, who looked panicked as he straddled a victim.
“Kai, get off, I’ll do it!” 
Kai pulled himself off of the patient, and Y/N immediately plopped herself over the body.
“Count for me, a hundred a minute. Ready?”
Soobin’s eyes fixated on Y/N as he dashed to another cot with a ma and a stab wound.
She never looked more beautiful to him than she did a while ago, saving a life right in front of him.
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Several cardiac arrests and chest compressions later, Y/N found herself at a loss in the middle of the emergency room as patients were wheeled in continuously.
“Is it still on-going?” Y/N asked as Beomgyu rushed past.
“It’s an open fire now,” Yeonjun answered for Beomgyu.
“Fuck,” Y/N cursed as a patient was pushed to a cot next to her, a black ribbon tied to the bed.
“Doc, we need someone to call it in so we can use the cot for other patients.” The head nurse rushed, causing Y/N to purse her lips and enter the cot.
The patient was a young woman, seemingly in her mid-20s, and her soft face  made her look like she was just asleep—but Y/N knew better, she knew what the ribbon meant.
Y/N raised her watch, glancing at the dark lines forming numbers that would ultimately mark the last minutes of this girl.
“Time of death, 6:53 P.M.”
The nurse thanked Y/N, setting a blanket over the patient’s face before a quick transfer from the bed to a gurney was done and the nurses started to change the bedsheets for the next patient.
Soobin’s groan and Hyuka’s voice sounded from the cot across Y/N causing her to peek over.
Hyuka panted as he fluttered around the patient’s bedside.
“Hey, Hey! Minho, stay with me!” Hyuka hissed as he shook the body.
“Min Ho?” Y/N asked, walking forward. “Son Min Ho?” 
Y/N looked down at her and Hyuka’s childhood best friend on the cot, Soobin working tirelessly as he tried to do chest compressions.
“Y/N, can you press on the wound?” 
Y/N’s gasped, her eyes watering once more as she grabbed gauze pads and started pressing down on the multiple gun shot wounds on Minho’s body.
At the back of her mind, she knew that there was nothing they could do—he was gone as soon as she heard the flatline.
She didn’t know why her body reacted when Soobin pulled a black ribbon out of his pocket.
“No, No!”
Hyuka was silent, sitting down with a blank expression as Y/N shook her head.
“Choi, no, stop.” Y/N shook her head. “I can save him—I can save him!”
“Y/N.” Hyuka said softly, looking up at Y/N. “It’s over.”
“No, no.” Y/N gasped. “Not until I say so.”
“We’re not losing Minho, okay!” Y/N muttered, pulling the black ribbon out of Soobin’s hands and throwing it to the side. “No.”
“Y/N.” Beomgyu said as he entered the cot.
Y/N climbed the bed, straddling Minho. “I can do this, fuck the heart monitor. Beomgyu, a hundred compressions a minute.”
“Y/N, stop it.” Beomgyu said, trying to pull her off.
“No? Fine. I’ll do it myself. Fuck you.” Y/N cursed at Beomgyu, her chest heaving fast as he pressed her palms on her friend’s body.
He was cold, but she paid no attention to it.
No, he’ll be fine. 
“One, Two, Three—”
“Y/N!” Soobin’s deep voice boomed as he forcefully lifted Y/N off Minho’s body and plopped her on the floor where she unceremoniously dropped.
Yeonjun and Beomgyu helped several nurses transfer Minho to a gurney for the morgue as Taehyun consoled a silent Hyuka.
“I didn’t—I could’ve saved him—I could’ve…” Y/N muttered, rambling over and over.
“Y/N?” Beomgyu asked as he stepped forward.
“Panic attack.” Hyuka suddenly said.
“Y/N, Y/N,” Soobin said, his fingers snapping in front of her. “Look at me. Count with me.”
“I c-could’ve saved h-him.” Y/N continued, ignoring Soobin. “He c-can still live, b-bring him b-back. I can s-save h-him.”
“Think about family, think about friends. Your house in the country, your relatives there, your neighbors—“ Soobin abruptly stopped at Y/N’s glare.
“No, okay. Don’t think about it. Hold your breath.” Soobin said, causing Y/N to breathe heavier.
“I c-can’t.”
“You have to.”
“I r-really c-can’t, C-Choi!”
“Fine.” Soobin hissed before leaning in and pressing his lips on hers.
Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hyuka all froze, eyes trained on Y/N and Soobin.
Y/N slowly responded to the kiss before pulling away.
Soobin breathed heavily, leaning his forehead on hers as he closed his eyes.
“Wait—what?” Yeonjun muttered.
“What was that for?” Y/N asked silently.
“You had to hold your breath, and you weren’t.” Soobin said softly as Beomgyu started to usher the others (mainly Yeonjun, who stillw anted to peek) out of the cot. “When I kissed you, you held your breath.”
“Y-You can’t do that.” Y/N breathed out.
Soobin only shook his head before leaning back in, swiftly pressing his lips on hers.
Y/N let out a soft breath, leaning back and running her hand through Soobin’s hair as their lips moved in sync.
Soobin raised his hands to grasp her waist, pushing deeper and angling his head.
Y/N groaned and wrapped her leg around his torso, pulling him closer.
Soobin moved his lips down, kissing from her lips, to her jaw and proceeding to suck a mark on her neck.
“Soobin,” Y/N grunted, sighing.
Soobin hummed, pressing his lips to hers once more.
It was then that Y/N suddenly opened her eyes and pushed him away.
“No, No. This can’t be happening again, not after I just got over this.” Y/N said, groaning as she scooted away.
“Y/N, wait—“
“You hurt me.” Y/N said, turning over to him. “You broke up with me.”
“I thought it was best at the time.” Soobin whispered.
“I loved you.”
“So did I,” Soobin said, taking her hand and pressing a soft kiss on it. “and I still do. I never stopped.”
“Bullshit,” Y/N hissed, ripping her hand away from Soobin’s grasp and running it through her hair. “Stop saying shit you don’t mean.”
“How do you know I don’t mean it?” Soobin challenged, irritated.
“Maybe because I saw you making out with my so-called best friend the day after you left.” Y/N hissed.
“It was the only way to get you to believe that I didn’t love you anymore!” Soobin argued, standing up. “All these years, I never stopped thinking about you.”
“Bullshit, why’d you break up with me?”
“Because I was ready to drop everything to marry you!” Soobin said, his hands flinging around in anger. 
Y/N froze, speechless.
“I loved you too much, I thought maybe that’s bad for me. I was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” Soobin whispered.
“Then-Then, why?” Y/N asked as Soobin walked forward and pulled her in once more, leaning his forehead on hers.
Soobin sighed and pressed another kiss on her lips.
Y/N pulled away, breathing heavily. “Soobin, why?”
“Y/N, I never wanted to let you go, but the hardest decisions always seem like the good ones.” Soobin explained, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Y/N’s head.
“Oh,” Y/N replied, swallowing a lump on her throat. “Was i never a good decision to you?”
Soobin shook his head. “I don’t know. It was so easy to love you, maybe that’s why I thought you were bad for me.”
Y/N sighed and pushed him away gently. “No.”
Y/N stopped, opening the curtain to the cot and turning to face Soobin with pursed lips.
“You know, I wouldve done all that I could to hold on to you, but when I saw you with her, I thought you wanted me to go. It’s nice to know you didn’t.”
“I never wanted you to go, I still dont.” Soobin said, reaching out to grasp Y/N’s hand.
“I don’t believe you anymore.”
Y/N gave a sad smile, placing a soft kiss on Soobin’s hand before turning and leaving him alone.
Next to them was the distinct sound of a heart monitor flatlining.
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Y/N heaved, inserting a tube in the patient’s chest after making a fast incision.
Y/N waited for a while until the patient stabilized.
“Keep him in observation. Once Dr. Seo clears up wheel him in and say he had tension pneumothorax.” Y/N yawned and patted the nurse at the back. “He’ll be alright for now.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I’ll take over now.” Taehyun says, ruffling Y/N’s hair as Hyuka enters the cot.
“Y/N, you look horrible.” Hyuka gasps, causing Taehyun to snort in laughter.
“Thanks, cousin. Nice to hear.” Y/N replied, voice laced heavily with sarcasm.
Hyuka held his hands up. “I’m just saying.”
“He’s not wrong,” Beomgyu sighed, entering the cots and leaning on the bed. “You should get some sleep.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“No, I’m serious.” Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. “You look like you’ll drop dead any minute. I’d rather you get a nap before you become an extra patient here.”
Y/N pursed her lips as she peeked out the cot, running her eyes through the emergency room.
It was a little bit calmer now, a stark difference from the chaotic messy room it was earlier.
“You guys will be fine?”
“We got it,” Hyuka smiled.
“Go to the break room, get some sleep.” Beomgyu pushed Y/N lightly. “We’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay, sheesh. Will do.” Y/N shook her head and started to trek her way to the second floor.
It was now silent, the break room situated between patient’s private rooms for peace and quiet while doctors take their rests.
Y/N entered the room silently, her eyes locking over a lone figure laying down on one of the bunk beds—an arm covering his eyes.
As she closed the door, Soobin sat up slowly.
“I was waiting for you.”
“Did Beomgyu and the others put you up to this?” Y/N sighed.
“No,” Soobin shook his head. “But Yeonjun sent me up to get some rest, and I knew it was a matter of time before Beomgyu sent you up, too. So, I waited.”
“So, you waited.” Y/N hummed. “Soobin, what exactly do you want from me?”
Soobin stayed silent as he stood up and walked closer. “I want you.”
Y/N turned abruptly, lips pursed. “You had me, you let me go.”
“Yeah, well I’m not making the same mistake again.” Soobin said, pulling her closer. “Y/N, I know I still have you.”
“Down there, in the ER,” Soobin asked. “You kissed me back. Was that real?”
“That was real.” Y/N replied curtly.
“And you wanted to kiss me, right?”
“And you still love me, right?” Soobin asked desperately.
“I do,” Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Soobin lean closer. 
“Y/N, I want you back.”
Soobin swooped down to plant a kiss on Y/N’s lips, but she only sighed and turned her head.
She walked over to a nearby bunk, shrugging her coat off. “It’s not that easy to forget everything, Soobin.”
“I never stopped loving you. It was always you.” Soobin said, following her and laying a hand on her waist. “Please, let me prove it to you.”
Y/N turned in his arms and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m scared of you—I’m scared you’ll turn around and go once you realize I’m not something you want.”
“No, not anymore. I know it’s you.” Soobin shook his head and placed his hands on her cheeks. “The greatest mistake of my life taught me that sometimes, the best decisions are the easiest things to do—and it’s so easy for me to say I’m in love with you.”
Y/N smiled softly at Soobin before leaning up to kiss him.
Soobin laid Y/N down on the bed, not breaking the kiss as he crawled on top of her.
Y/N pulled away and ran a finger across his cheeks.
“I’m supposed to get some rest, Dr. Choi.”
“So was I,” Soobin smiled, satisfied and happy as he plopped his body down next to Y/N and pulling her close.
Y/N lifted her head to place it on his chest, laying her hand above his heart.
Y/N smiled at the rapid beat of Soobin’s heart as he tightened his grip on her waist, burying his face in her hair.
“Soobin, what happens tomorrow?” Y/N asked, starting to trace abstract lines on his chest.
“I don’t know, baby.” Soobin smiled in her hair. “All I know is that it’s still you and me.”
Y/N smiled burying her head in his chest. “I still don’t forgive you.”
Soobin smiled, the pout in Y/N’s voice and the way she snuggled in his chest was a clear indication that somehow—even just a little—she did.
“I know,” Soobin hummed. “but I’m halfway there.”
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The morning after the emergency, Soobin drove Y/N home.
He absolutely refused to let her go without at least one goodbye kiss—or three—demanding that she free up her night for a date.
He won her over by more kisses.
After seeing Y/N practically make out with Dr. Choi Soobin, the tallest bachelor doctor you can find in Seoul Medical Center, her roommates were shocked.
To say the least, various questions was thrown left and right about Soobin.
(“Does he kiss nice?” “Yeah, his lips are soft.” “How tall is he?” “6”2, but you can literally just ask him this.” “I thought you were dating Choi Beomgyu?” “I never was, but I guess I’m dating Choi Soobin now.” “Is his dick big?” “if it’s just like I remember, then it’s huge, yes, but I don’t see why you have to ask me this.”)
At exactly 5 in the afternoon, Y/N shot awake from the alarm she set.
“7pm. See you, babe. ;)” was the short text waiting for her—sent at exactly 3:30 PM.
Immediately, she dashed into the shower.
Afterwards, she took the best outfit she could find.
At exactly 6:48, she settled into her couch and waited.
As 7:00 sharp rolled in, there were three knocks on the door.
When Y/N opened the door, she was greeted with a bouquet of roses and a smiling Soobin.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hi.” Y/N smiled brightly, leaning forward and kissing him gently. “These are beautiful.”
“I know, just like you.”
“Cheesy.” Y/N hummed with a smile, placing another kiss on his lips before setting it on a nearby coffee table.
“I know you love it,” Soobin grinned as he intertwined their hands. “Am I forgiven yet, baby?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and biting her lip. “but you’re halfway there.”
172 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (2/3)
F o r e v e r - y o u r s - F
Do you fancy any celebrities? If so, who? KIM TAEHYUUUUUUNGGGGGGGGG
Do you watch any FBI shows? Which ones? No.
Have you ever been to a festival? Which one? I don’t think so.
Do you have a fireplace in your house? Hell no. Just the idea of having a fireplace considering where I live and the general climate we have all year makes me nauseous haha.
Do you have a hot flask? I’m not so sure what you mean but if you’re referring to tumblers like Hydro Flask that keep drinks hot/cold for a really long time then yeah, I have one.
What decade were you four in? 2000s.
Do you like the TV show Friends? I love it. I haven’t watched an episode in a while, but it’s always a go-to for me whenever I feel really really really down.
Do you like the feeling of cat fur? Sure, it’s pleasant. Same with dog fur.
Go girl, go; G
Do you have a back garden? Not really a garden but we do have a sort of backyard; basically some space behind the house. 
Do you have a gentle touch? Idk...depends on what I’m holding or touching, I guess? Like I would obviously hold an infant as gently and gingerly as possible, but I wouldn’t pay as much attention if I’m holding something ordinary like my phone.
Do you like girly programmes like Gossip Girl? LOL at girly. Who says Gossip Girl and literally any other show out there has to be for a certain audience?
Do you ever use gloves? Only when I order from Frankie’s since they provide gloves with their meals.
Do you prefer gold or silver? Silver.
Are you a greedy person? What makes you greedy? A little bit, when it comes to food hahaha. I don’t like sharing and I get angry if someone eats a portion I already called dibs on.
Have you ever seen a gypsy? No.
Hold on honey, I'm here. - H
Do you have any bad habits? What? I pick at my nails - either set - when I get tense. I also tend to get a liiiiitle bit reckless with my money, if I do choose to spend. I’m pretty self-disciplined for the most part, but I let that go as soon as I give myself the green light lol. Exhibit A would be me spending a total of nearly P7,000 just this week alone on BTS merch...
Do you know anyone called Helen? I don’t think so. My dad has a cousin named Helena, though.
Have you ever watched a documentary about Hitler? Not directly related to him, but I remember watching Night Will Fall in high school.
Do you put hm in a lot of your survey answers? Not a lot. Occasionally, though.
When was the last time you went to hospital? What was it for? May last year. Blood and urine tests.
Do you like HP (Harry Potter)? Who's your favourite character? I didn’t grow up with it, but it’s not as if I’m a passionate anti. It’s just not my cup of tea, even after trying to read the books.
Do you spell it honey or hunny? I never spell it as hunny unless I’m saying it sarcastically or playfully with friends.
Are you afraid of this Swine Flu Hype? That’s gone now, right? We’re dealing with something else entirely.
In the end we all die broken. - I
Have you ever been to Ibiza? Nopes.
Do you take ice in your soda/fizzy drinks? I don’t really have a preference as I don’t regularly consume fizzy drinks anyway, as long as it’s not lukewarm.
Who do you think is a complete idiot? Anyone supporting the government at this point is a good runner-up.
Do you often wonder what if? Sometimes. But I also find it a waste of time, so I don’t dwell on them.
Have you ever seen an Igloo? I haven’t.
Do you get ill often? No, almost never.
Do you ever imagine you were not human? What did you imagine you were? No, this has never come to mind.
Do you like sexual innuendos? If it’s not too trashy, sure.
What is your IQ? Idk, I’ve never had it checked.
Do people often call you irrational? I’ve never been called this before, at least not to my face.
Do you think the name Isis is pretty? ...Welp, not anymore.
Do you get itchy eyeballs? That never happens. Is that even possible?
Do you know what ix stands for in roman numerals? 9.
Just breathe baby, breathe. - J
Have you ever been in jail? I have a very vague memory of visiting a prison with my parents before, but I no longer remember why I was there.
Do you like JD (Jack Daniels)? Nahhhhhh. Had a tiny sip of it once, found it absolutely nasty.
Do you get jealous easily? Not anymore.
Do you tell a lot of jokes? Yeah. I like making people laugh, so I drop jokes whenever I can whether I’m in a formal or informal setting.
Do you finish school/college in June? When I was in college, my school year ended every May. Before that, the academic calendar ended every March.  
Kiss me, kill me, thrill me. - K
Do you know a girl called Karla? Yeah, one of the managers at work is a Karla but I don’t work with her. I also went to grade/high school with a girl named Karla; she was my friend for a while as well, but we grew apart over the years.
Did you watch Kenan and Kel? Nope.
Do you prefer kisses or hugs? Depends on the person, I guess. But in the context of being in a relationship, I do love being kissed.
Do you like Korn? I don’t listen to them.
Do you like watching films with Kung Fu in them? Not in particular.
Lessons learnt the hard way are the best I've ever had. - L
Do you like Lady Gaga? She’s okay. I’m not super crazy about her but I tend to like all the stuff she puts out.
When was the last time you had lemonade? Wow, it’s definitely been a while. Maybe a year or so ago? I don’t get to have it a lot; usually only when it’s offered at hotels or resorts when I go on vacation.
Do you ever lie to save your own skin? Sometimes, but I never let the lie be too big just in case it bites me back in the ass one day.
Do you think llamas are cute? Sure.
Do you use Lol a lot? Yes.
Do you think you are lucky or unlucky? Neither.
Melody in my heartstrings. - M
Do you like Mac and Cheese? Loooooove mac and cheese, especially truffle mac and cheese.
Do you ever eat at McDonald’s? What's your usual? Not very often tbh, but I do like McDonald’s. I don’t eat it frequently enough to have a usual order; I get whatever I feel like having at a given moment. And since we’re here, I’m gonna be plugging the BTS Meal, in stores 5/26! HAHAHA
Do you like Medieval games like 7elda? You mean The Legend of Zelda? I do love that franchise, but I don’t like the medieval genre as a whole; I just happened to grow up with the Zelda series and Nintendo as a whole, so I’ve taken a liking to it. 
What's on your mind right now? That it’s Monday again tomorrow. I feel like I’m starting to get burnout :/ I’ve definitely noticed I haven’t been being 100% at work lately...but it could also be because the weather is crappy hot again, which makes it a lot harder to work and keep focused.
Is money in your opinion, the root of all evil? It’s part of it.
Do you like Mr and Mrs the show? I’m not familiar with it.
Do you read murder mystery books? Which ones? No.
Do you find Mystical stuff fascinating? Not really.
Nobody loves me, what a change. - N
Do you know the name of your local shopkeeper? We don’t have those here.
Have you ever been called nerdy? I’m sure I’ve been.
Are you you truly a nice person? I hope that’s what people see and think.
Do you overuse nouns in your sentences? I like using adjectives, for one; but I don’t exactly know how you can overuse nouns hahaha.
Do you know anyone personally who is a nurse? Yes, I have several relatives who are in nursing.
Only you - it always has been. - O
Do you obey authority or deliberately disobey it? Obey for the most part.
Is there anything in your room that is an Octagon? What is it? I don’t think so.
What odor can you smell in the room you're in now? The neutral scent my aircon is blowing out.
Do you get offended easily? I think sensitive would be a more fitting word.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you ever say Oi? Sure, but not frequently.
Do you spell it OK or okay? I use both; I don’t have a preference. What I avoid is ‘K,’ though.
Are you older than the number day you were born on? Yes.
Have you ever watched the film the Omen? I haven’t.
Name one thing you always have taken for granted? The basic things, I guess, like breathing.
Have you ever had an operation? On what? Never.
Do you like things in a set order or doesn't it matter? As much as possible I do want things to be organized, yeah. I get restless if I see a very messy spreadsheet or Powerpoint, for instance.
Do you have a habit of overreacting? I was a lot more...theatrical in my reactions before haha. Not so much these days; I’ve toned down a lot.
Do you think Owls are nice? Sure.
Do you know what an Oxymoron is? Yup.
Have you ever tried Oyster? Yessssssss I love them and now you’re making me crave them :(
4 notes · View notes
Chapter Three
(danny gets his reading interrupted, the chapter)
Danny finished the letter rather quickly. But he didn’t know how he was supposed to get out of the house to mail it off in secret. He sighed, and put it in his drawer for later. He sat down on his bed, grabbing his favorite book off of the shelf. A Tale of Two Cities, of all books. He had to have read it about a million times by now. He sighed, turning to the page he left off on, when Nancy barged into his room.
“Daniel, come down and get your dinner.” She said, as Danny reluctantly put his book down and sighed. He walked down the stairs, right behind Nancy. It took everything in his power not to step on her long dress and make her fall down the stairs. He didn’t, though. He wanted to prove he was becoming more mature. More grown up, like his sisters.
He sat down at the table, his family all suddenly looking over at him. Everyone was there, his niece and nephew’s , his brother-in-law, father, mother, and grandfather. But there was someone missing. Kendrick was missing, and his son of all people was sitting where he once did. The entire family was eerily silent. John Zachary, his brother-in-law, finally started talking. His father looked him straight in the eyes, shutting him up very quickly.
“Helen, can you please pass the-“ Nancy started, looking at her young daughter. But Opal looked at her, the look on her face telling her to be quiet. “margarine.”
Helen nodded, quickly handing her mother the margarine. Danny let out a sigh. When Kendrick was here, they were happy. They talked and laughed, but his death just..shook them all to their core. That’s the reason Danny went out West in the first place. To get away from these people. And he didn’t want to come back. But after the gang split up..where else was he supposed to go? The Wild West was coming to an end after all..
“Y’all Better not be like this at my weddin’.” Danny said, finally breaking the silence. Everyone looked over at him.
“Wait, Tim, you were bein’ serious when you said Danny was gettin’ married?” His mother asked. Everyone, except Opal and his father, looked utterly shocked. Including his grandfather, who never had an emotional response to anything.
“Yes sweetie, I was bein’ very serious. Danny, our oldest son, has finally agreed to get married. Take this as an official announcement.” He explained. Danny was quite embarrassed, and tired, but didn’t say anything. He just went back to eating, and soon finished. The family finally started talking. Mainly about what the wedding was going to be like, who he was marrying, etc. They were all directed at his father, of course, because they couldn’t just ask the man who was actually getting married, no.
The dinner ended soon after. Nancy and her family left, and Danny snuck back up to his room. He grabbed his letter, and managed to sneak out of the back door when no one was looking. The post office, luckily, was still open. He quickly mailed the letter, and snuck back home. He was lucky no one saw him. He went back to reading his book, but he found himself reading the same page over and over. He couldn’t stop thinking about this wedding. About everything. So he just sat there, put his book away, and sunk into his bed.
Who killed Kendrick Peachy? That was a good question, because no one on Earth knew, except the killer themselves. He always doubted it was his fiancée, Alexandra. No, never. He’d had an inkling it was one of his in-laws..John Roberts. He was a real snake of a man. Married to his cousin Catherine. Plus, he was a Roberts, Alexandra’s own cousin, in fact. They weren’t the nicest people, with the exception of Alexandra herself. They’d even had a son, who they named after his dead brother. How dare they..
He also found himself thinking about Uncle Hamish and Uncle Otis. They always were so happy. They’d already grown old together. And Danny wanted that. He wanted to grow old with Ron, specifically. He loved Ron very much. He couldn’t wait for his reply. He knew it probably wouldn’t come until after his wedding, but he was still prepared. He hoped Ron wouldn’t take the news of his marriage too badly..
He drifted off to sleep that night, and his dreams were the same. Nothing new. He woke up the next morning, with a yawn. No one had even woken him up, he did on his own. He pulled out his book, hoping he could make some actual progress on it, when his father walked inside again. That man had no idea how to knock.
“Hey son. I have a huge surprise for you, so you better hurry your butt downstairs.” He said, before closing the door again. Danny let out a huge sigh, closed his book, and changed into something new. He came downstairs, his father all smiles. It was a little odd for Danny.
“What is it, Pa?” He asked, his confusion very clear.
“Well son, you’re becomin’ a man! So I thought I’d gift you somethin’ nice, as a sort of weddin’ present. Follow me boy, we’re going somewhere.” He explained, as he opened the large front door. Danny followed, still very confused. Something nice? Maybe a new horse? Or better yet, maybe a new book? No, probably not..
Timothy stopped in front of a house Danny had never seen in town before. He presumed it was new. He was still confused.
“Here it is son, your very own house!” He said, very excited as he walked onto the porch. Danny was shocked, and nearly floored at the news. He smiled, and nodded.
“Thank you very much, Pa! Thank you!” He yelled, shaking his own fathers hand in thanks. “I’ll go back and grab my things, and then I’ll make myself comfortable.”
“That sounds good son. I can’t wait to see the family you’ll raise with that girl. Bye now!” He said, walking away, in the direction of the saloon. Danny let out a massive sigh. He walked back to his old house, his own room, and grabbed what little stuff he had. He packed it into a small suitcase, all of it easily fitting. He brought it back to his new house, and went inside for the first time. He placed the suitcase down. This place..looked exactly like his father’s house. But that made sense, he’d built the place after all. He unpacked his stuff, hung the clothes in his closet, put his few books away, and sat down on the couch. Wow. This was lonely.
He pulled out his book, finally able to read in peace. But just as he was getting into it, there was a loud knock on the door. He let out a low groan, got up, and answered it. It was Nancy, standing there with his nephew Vincent. Kendrick’s son.
“Hello Daniel, I thought I’d just pay you a visit. Nice new place!” She said, her big, fake smile staring back at him. He smiled back.
“Yes, it’s very nice. Just moved in today, actually.” He explained, and she nodded.
“Well, I thought that because you have a new place, and will have a new wife soon, I’d give you this runt of a boy!” She exclaimed. Vincent just stood there, and Danny finally noticed the suitcase he was holding. “John doesn’t like the boy there, he wants more space for our children. We think I’m pregnant again.”
“N-Nancy, are you sure-“ Danny stuttered out.
“Oh, really, you’re so kind Daniel! Bye now!” She said, leaving her young nephew on Danny’s doorstep. He was only 9 years old. Danny sighed, took his suitcase for him, and led him inside.
“Uncle Danny, what just happened?” Vincent asked.
“Oh nothin’, boy. You’re stayin’ here now, is all.” Danny explained. Vincent looked sad.
“Aunt Nancy said I would be goin’ back to mama’s when I was older, Uncle!”
“Well..she’s wrong. I’m sorry, Vincent.”
“Vinnie, Uncle. They call me Vinnie.”
“Well, Vinnie. You’re gonna be stayin’ here now. Nancy don’t want you no more, I’m sorry to say.” Danny explained, a pained expression on his face. He sighed, as the kid just sadly walked around his living room.
“Where will I sleep?” He asked.
Danny quickly led him to the empty downstairs bedroom, clearly meant for a child. And Vinnie definitely was a child.
“Here, okay? I’ll make dinner for us in a little. You can find me in the livin’ room if you need me for anythin’.” He explained, and Vinnie nodded, as he unpacked his own suitcase. Danny just went back to the living room, sat down on the couch, and put his head in his hands. What a god damn mess.
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agrosehamada · 3 years
Rose’s Stories
So below are some very rough ideas that I have for what Rose’s book series would be like--I hope to eventually write all of them but I thought it would be fun to share this with all of you! 
Tadashi and Fred Hamada: Dads
Daniel: Older brother
Hiro Hamada and Ezra Bridger-Hamada: Uncles
Hope and Dev: cousins, kids of Hiro and Ezra (Hope is younger than Daniel but older than Rose and Dev, Dev and Rose were in the same incubator at the same time so are cousins but also consider themselves to be sort of like twins)
Cass: Grandma on Tadashi’s side :) (Really great aunt but all the kids call her Grandma)
Stan: Grandpa on Fred’s side (as a superhero he saved Tadashi from the fire and is the reason Tadashi is still alive! Yes his name is Stan Lee as an homage to Stan Lee being the model for Fred’s dad in the movie BUT to clarify he has no connection to the real Stan Lee, may his memory be a blessing!)
Meet Rose: Story starts with her finishing up her last day of homeschooling, Rose is going to start regular school for junior high in the fall. Possibly just Fred homeschooled her and Danny to give them a good foundation, or possibly because she’s ASD and didn’t handle elementary school well when she tried they decided to homeschool her but she’s agreed to try again in Junior high (she’s a bit nervous but mostly excited.) She gets A’s in all classes but math she gets a B which she’s a bit sad about but she tried her best (math is hard for her, she does good but it’s not fun which kinda sucks since math comes naturally to everyone in her bio family except for Fred.) Theme of the book is Rose is a very helpful person but sees everyone in her family is doing big things to help the world (making Baymax, etc.) and she wants to do something meaningful with her summer, feels like she needs to accomplish something big before starting junior high (aw, sweet summer child thinking junior high is so grown up and important XD). She goes around asking everyone what she can do to help them and keeps doing little things that they ask her to help with but is worried she’s not really doing anything important. Story ends with Tadashi explaining that she doesn’t have to do a “big thing” and the “little things” are actually really important, but does take her to adopt a cat since she can make a big difference in the life of the kitty :) Random note: Tadashi and Fred always make sure to have family time on Friday nights and Tadashi, since he doesn’t have as much time with the kids as Fred working full time, has special time for one-on-one time with each of the kids at some point during the week to check in and see how they’re doing/spend time doing something that’s important to them :)
Rose Learns a Lesson: Rose going to school. Lots of stress: For one thing just struggling socially but especially because of how she and Danny were born some of the bullies decide to pick on her for being “a freak”, ask her if she was born in a test tube/is a clone, when she explains about the incubator they make a connection to chickens and start calling her “chicken girl” or “egg girl” and spread a rumor she was hatched from an egg or some shit. Also teachers expect her to be just like Danny (who loved math) and Hope (who wasn’t super into math but it was easy for her) and are frustrated that she struggles with math. Oh, and she was supposed to have the same schedule as Dev but the principal separated them for most of their classes, except maybe home ec where he kind of outshines her in baking/cooking so there’s drama there too. She does make a friend, Hermoine, who has two moms (one of her moms is trans so she was born that way) and they hit it off really well :) They bond over Harry Potter (Rose is a Hufflepuff with a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor for dads while Hermione is a Ravenclaw with a Gryffindor and a Slytherin for moms) and other nerdy stuff :) Hermione is an avid fanfic writer and Rose loves reading, and Hermione loves Rose’s plushies so they work really well together!
Rose’s Surprise: Christmas story, Rose loves Christmas and is hard at work on making Christmas presents for family. Expected a small Christmas but Tadashi and Fred invited a lot of the adopted family to celebrate (BH 6 team and their family plus Ezra’s family) to celebrate with them and so there’s a LOT more people around than expected (social anxiety), Rose feels like she has to make present for everyone (PANIC), and she keeps getting pulled into doing holiday things which means she has even less time to finish making presents (MORE PANIC.) Resolution is everyone realizing she’s stressing out but she didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by saying no to celebration things or by not making presents and everyone reassures her she doesn’t have to make presents for everyone but also gives her some down time to finish making the presents :)
Rose Saves the Day: The annual Sakura Festival is happening in San Fransokyo! Rose is super excited, it’s one of her favorite times of the year, and she always helps Aunt Cass with the extra customers she gets during the festival (they usually give it a special theme, this year it’s a cat maid/butler cafe!) But this year Tia Honey Lemon asks her to help with her fashion show as a model (Honey Lemon gives her sewing lessons in exchange for her helping model her clothes) and helping make outfits, and also the animal shelter where Rose got her kitty from needs support so Rose offers to make plushies for them to sell at the booth/offers to help run the booth and kind of over extends herself. Not a lot of story ideas built out on all of that yet but she’s doing lots of running around and she’s really tired and possibly gets a bad grade on a math quiz because of it and she kinda melts down and Tadashi has to help her figure out how to calm down and do what she can while also making thing manageable (including apologizing but telling people she can’t meet all of her commitments and everyone is very nice and understanding about it!)
Happy Birthday, Rose: I don’t have a lot worked out aside from Rose having a summer birthday, possibly she invites classmates but gets ditched (except for of course Hermione and her fam) for someone more popular running a party (maybe also Rose made it a costume party and people were like “You’re turning thirteen and THAT’S what you’re doing?) For sure the family goes to DisneyLand! Also possibly some angst because Danny has graduated high school now (he graduates at sixteen and is starting at SFIT next year) and overhears Hiro saying something about how when Tadashi started college he was never around and so she’s worried about losing Danny and he has to reassure her that he will always have time for her. Possible angst if Rose gets ditched for her party trying to convince her dads into homeschooling her for eighth grade and try again with high school, but she gets talked into trying again. 
Changes for Rose: It’s a new school year, Danny has started at SFIT and yeah, is not around as much and Rose is missing him and maybe he’s missing family night on Fridays and Tadashi and Fred are like, “Well he is in college, it is going to happen as he gets older” and Rose isn’t happy about it. Main plot point is Callaghan is being paroled from prison, it’s been about twenty years now and he’s in his sixties/seventies and is pretty broken down at this point. Abigail is living on the other side of the world now for work, and Callaghan has no one else to turn to but a desperate hope that Tadashi might help. Tadashi has been visiting him all this time on the down low (Hiro and most of the others don’t like it) and is like, “He’s still my dad figure, I can’t let him end up on the streets, he can come live with us.” (Callaghan was a friend of the Hamada parents and helped raise Tadashi after they died/got Tadashi interested in robotics, losing Abigail pushed him off the deep end but once he had time to think about what he’d done after it was all over he was horrified and is still incredibly guilty about almost being responsible for Tadashi’s death.) Fred is not terribly happy about it but is kinda understanding. Hiro is NOT happy at all (has never forgiven Callaghan.) and there is a lot of family drama going on. Rose is a bit nervous around this strange old man, she does know what happened but Tadashi always spoke highly of him and he seems lonely and sad just sitting quietly in the guest bedroom all day, maybe reading but often just staring out the window. And she’s feeling lonely with Danny being gone so much so she ends up making friends with him and kind of helps the others come around to him and is happy to have a new family member :) Random note: Maybe Callaghan helps her a lot with her math homework, he’s a really good teacher and helps her find ways to understand math that work with her learning style ^^ Other plot point: Rose might be realizing that she likes Hermione as more than a friend?
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im-a-lonelyheart · 4 years
Fitzsimmons Family Headcanons in case canon fails me
And before they destroy them. Buckle up.
(I wrote this in less than an hour and english is not my first language, sooo sorry for any mistakes)
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Edit: I re-posted it because it wasn’t showing up in the tags. sorry.
Enjoy! (Gift credit: X)
They finally decide to retire to their cottage.
Daisy and May lived with them for a while but at different times. Daisy around the time their first kid was born and May when the youngest was a kid already.
May and Daisy totally live together in the USA.
Fitzsimmons started a biomedical company, they make prostetics and medical supplies. They fund small researchers and become relatively known in the medical field (under aliases of course). They run their company from their home as much as they can.
Deke got bored of his company, so he eventually fused it with FS’s, he has enough money to travel around the world and be whatever he wants. Once was a TV chef, and he got bored and became a travel blogger, then launched a clothing line so it goes…
Tried to convince the team to turn their story into a broadway musical. They all said no. He brings it up everytime they are all together (you never know)
Fitzsimmons have three kids, they were all planned ;) of course
Daisy teases Fitz about how the three of them look like Jemma. “You are adopted”. the son is the only one who kinda looks like him. Fitz doesn’ t mind.
After the kids go their own ways they leave together again.
Have their own quinjet in case of emergencies, they say. Let’s be honest after years of flying with SHIELD, commercial flights lost their charm.
Look retired Fitzsimmons would be that kind of couple who travels the world together (properly this time), they say the quinjet is to visit their friends and Family around the world but would randomly send pictures of them in front of a famous landmark.
Mackenzie Skye Fitzsimmons (Daisy calls her Kye) (Born around 2021) (Quarantine baby) or (Timetravel baby)
They never asked Deke about their daughter’s name in the original timeline, but once they told him, judging by his reaction they knew it was this. (but in the lighthouse timeline her nickname was Kenzie)
Fitz was really adamant on this name, Jemma thought it was cute and a great way to honor their best friends, but years later he told the kid:
“you were named after two of the bravest persons I’ve ever met”.
Jemma just stared into the space as it dawned on her that her husband was really an idiot.
He winked at her and she forgave him. Eventually.
When she was a toddler Fitzsimmons moved back to the city and left their cottage, they wanted their daughter to have the best education and also didn’t want to wake her up early because the closest school was still an hour away.
Around that time Daisy found Bobbi, they met up, and Bobbi introduced her to her baby son Owen. 
“oh my god. I need to call Fitzsimmons” 
“shhhh. wait, it’s connecting... Hey guys! Look who is here! Bobbi and her baby Owen Shaw” 
Fitz spits his tea all over his phone. Bobbi doesn’t know what’s going on, and they eventually explain it to her, well, after Daisy stops laughing and Fitz stops coughing.
Bobbi and Hunter had changed names and moved to England. After learning that Fitzsimmons live nearby, they make plans to see each other as much as they can. Look this is my headcanon AU so Fitzsimmons offer them positions in their company, Bobbi in the lab and Hunter in a made up security position that doesn’t fit his nametag. 
Some weekends Fitz and Hunter take the babies to the park together, while Jemma and Bobbi work or hang out together. One day kye and Owen were playing and Owen proudly declared he was going to be an astronaut. Fitz was like “you and your son are the bane of my existence”.
The kids become best friends. Duh 
BUT this is Bobbi and Hunter we are talking about, they’re nomads so they eventually move out around Europe and America, when the kid started high school they agreed to stay in one place.
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Amazing kid, took a while for her parents to figure out the whole parenting thing but she was so great, as long as things went her way.
Fitz can’t say no to her. A dog? We’ll manage. Ice cream for breakfast? c’mon you know how convincing she can be. 
She is a really calm kid, well behaved. Responsible older sister, mom friend, but messy af. “look mom, I have a system and I know where everything is”.
Nicest kid you’ll ever meet, but if you mess with her siblings be careful, you never know if you will find trash in your backpack.
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She is an MD. Eventually, her parents moved back to the countryside but she stayed in the city with her sister to finish her education.
Makes friends everywhere she goes.
She and Owen started dating in their teens but were on and off several times, they even briefly dated other people because one of them would get scared of things becoming too serious (even more when they learned that Uncle Deke was genetically their son). 
In their late twenties they decided to get married as a compromise to stay together and work things out, after all, some things are inevitable.
They had two kids: Daniel Shaw (Deke, but They wanted him to be his own person so they changed the name), Gabrielle Shaw (Born as Oliver Shaw)
Owen worked for a while for SWORD. Eventually decide to move to Germany to work as researchers.
Margaret Abigail Fitzsimmons (Maggie) (Born 2025)
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The odd one. Grew up to be a successful artist. Really independent as a child, could play hours by herself or caually chill around her parents or her brother’s crib.
Despite being the only one in her family who isn’t into science, she loves doing experiments all the time, in the name of aesthetic. One time turned the dog blue. There’s a fire extinguisher in the living room just because of her. Banned from her parents’ lab “Pretty colors can go boom”. Aparently.
After being constantly told she is diferent from the rest of her family, she feels happy when someone tells her she looks like her mom. She scoffs but she doesn’t really mind.
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Acts though but is a softie, vegan, activist, animal lover. Loves to tease everyone, prankster, makes fun of her mom but it’s the first person she thinks of when something troubles her. Late night calls are not unheard of.
Can’t commit to a single hobby. Photography, cooking, volunteer work... name something, and she has probably already tried it.
Really close to Deke, sometimes travels with him. They are kindred spirits. Feel like only them understand the need to explore and try new things.
She grew up to resent shield. Look she loves what her parents and their friends did, but hates how it affected them. Forgive and forget? in this economy?? 
Lives in Paris by herself but somehow always manages to get everyone to come to her art exhibits. You won’t be able to stop her once she sets her mind to something. Stubborn as her dad.
Doesn’t want kids, maybe one day if she feels ready she will adopt but she is happy as an aunt.
Matthew Phillip Fitzsimmons (Matthew) (Born 2030)
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Ray of sunshine, Momma’s boy. He loves it when his parents take him to their lab. Ever since he could walk he is always following his sisters around, if they are up to something he is the first one to know. They love to tease him, but he has enough blackmail material to get them to shut up. He would never use it tho.
Computer genius. He has his own video game company. Launched his first video game at 16. Fitz is mildly offended he sees the Framework code as “old stuff”.
He is a sweetheart, adores his parents and calls them every single day. He met his wife in college and has been happy ever since. It was fast and passionate, they got married within a year and a few years later they had a baby. 
Truly an example of living fast. 
Melissa Fitzsimmons (his daughter) a sweetheart, may is her godmother. (The babies’ baby’s baby, i cry). The cousins are thick as thieves. 
May loves the kid, “age is making you softer”, Daisy tells her and laughs, May’s glare while holding a baby is too much for her.
Emma Johnson (born 2029) (the honorary fourth kid)
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Daisy’s daughter. Jemma cried when she told her the baby’s name. She wanted May and Jemma in the delivering room with her. 
I can see Daisy being a badass single mother but I also see her finding love, I haven’t made up my mind but I think she will be loved either way.
Only child, so loves to hang out with the FS kids.
She and Matthew are best friends since they were little, even having video calls when they couldn’t see each other in person.
Fitz and Daisy had a bet on whether they would get together, but it was called off when it became apparent Emma wasn’t interested in men altogether. She was the first woman in his wedding.
The “Quake” legacy was too much for her so she decided to focus in something different. Currently works as an architect and on her spare time works as a freelance illustrator.
All I can imagine is a scene where the are all together in a field (probably the same one where they buried Coulson and Loop!Fitz) May, Fitzsimmons and Daisy. They try to meet up there at least once a year to chat and reminisce about old times, sometimes with Deke, Mack and Elena (and their twin boys) or just them. 
Their kids are playing while their parents watch, but May’s watching them, with their backs to her they almost look like the kids she met in the bus all those years ago. Coulson would’ve been so proud, this is the future we were fighting for all along, she thinks.
“You did good”.
Daisy turns around with a soft smile on her face and says “yes, we did.”
The end
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raleigh-ocean · 4 years
our love (made for movie screens) | billie dean howard x dara ann lynch | TOMU
words: 1,433
AU & Time: Single Parent, non-famous!Billie, famous!OC. 1h30 minutes.
summary: Looking around, Billie felt that everything in the house had a passive task to fulfill without its owner in it. The decorations, the toys scattered around the living room, how Buttercup kept her company without her calling him. Everything was made to make you feel you weren’t alone and Billie couldn’t come up with why everyone, as Audrey had chimed her, thought Dara was a lonely person.
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“You know, I’m getting fond of you.”
The loud purring that Billie got from the sphinx cat was enough for make her smile, scratching his head a bit more before looking back at the pile of exams she still had to correct. Her laptop was in front of her, displaying her notes and guides but also a live stream of an awards gala. In the last seven months she had gotten used to do that, have those videos as background noise while doing her stuff.
It wasn’t that she was much of an enthusiast, being completely honest, but the circumstances had led her to it. All those well dressed people, posing and smiling to cameras, talking about their next projects or on going projects...it was so out of her comfort zone, of what was she on daily basis, that she still wondered how she ended up dating someone whose world revolved around all of that.
Her, a history teacher, dating an actress, who would have thought?
Well, she didn’t expect getting charmed by one of Josephine’s friends, first of all. She was only there at that birthday party because her five years old nephew was pretty adamant that he wanted her to come, even when Billie knew he was going to be busy with all her tiny friends. But she arrived and by the time the cake was getting cut, three hours had passed and she found herself tagging along with the woman of the dimpled smile, gold in her hands, cane and deep laugh.
Second, she didn’t expect either that she would get charmed by a mom neither. She was good enough with her emotions to hide the surprise when, by the end of the birthday party, this beautiful woman was called ‘mama!’ so enthusiastically by a little girl with the same dimples her mother had in her baby cheeks. 
And third, her sister couldn’t stop pestering her because she had managed to land a solid date before all of that with said woman, which apparently was a known actress but she was so out of everything that she didn’t even notice.
Audrey left her deaf for a few hours when she told her about this, her, always so into all this world of celebrities. 
And now, Billie was there in her girlfriend of seven months’ house spending the evening babysitting not only the house and the cat but also a five years old girl that was sleeping soundly in her room. God, she couldn’t believe she was actually good enough with kids and she was a teacher, a high school one but one nonetheless.
Buttercup got closer to her, taking advantage that Billie got a bit lost in her thoughts, and licked her fingers so she could keep petting him.
“You’re lucky I like you,” Billie mumbled, kissing his head and putting him in her lap, deciding to take a break from grading exams. “I don’t usually let animals do that,” she pulled the laptop closer to turn up the volume because she overheard some louder cheering noise coming from it. “Let’s see if this time is your big human.”
Her eyes focused in the few figures that were walking in between camera flashes and then listened to the interviewer starting to talk about those people, until a couple got closer to her and Billie only had eyes for her girlfriend.
“I didn’t expect you two to come together,” started to say the young girl with the mic, a polite smile yet excited smile on. “You always come with your wife, Danielle.”
“We thought some family time would be nice for a change,” Danielle, her girlfriend’s older cousin and actress as well, was wearing a burgundy tuxedo that brought out all her beauty. “And taking in count my wife is on tour, this was the best idea we both could come up.”
“Of course, of course, even more when you two co-stared in your last film,” Danielle smiled at that and Billie’s girlfriend said ‘hi’ to someone off camera. “How was the experience of acting with your cousin, Dara?”
Dara. Billie felt warmth spreading all over her chest like wildfire with the name.
“We had done some stuff in the past, as you know, but after what? Ten years? I think we had something like this pending,” Dara was too pretty, her midnight dress hugging her body perfectly, her make-up on point for the night and her short hair styled so her natural waves stood out. “Working with Dani is always rewarding, it feels like coming home, no doubt.”
“That much we all can see on the screen, your performances were magnificent and I hope any of you get one of the awards back home at least,” both women laughed at that and thanked for the wishes. “But talking about something more personal, if you let me, some rumors say that you’ve been seeing someone these past months, that you aren’t alone anymore,” Danielle’s face got more serious but Dara seemed to just keep shining like always. “Any chance we will meet them in the future?”
In that moment, when Dara looked at the camera, Billie thought that she was looking directly at her. The effect she had in her was something truly out of this world, even when they weren’t together, because with only that, Billie felt her whole body react to it.
“Oh darling, I think that would be a decision they have to make, but I’m pretty much content to keep them for myself for a while longer or even forever,” Dara’s brown eyes seemed to sparkle with that. “As I do with my daughter, I like my private life to remain that, private,” She smiled prettily and Danielle offered her again her arm, so she could walk more comfortably. “I hope you have a great night, sweetheart, we should get going, okay?”
And then they both walked off the camera with almost the same smile, being effortless classy just with some few words.
Billie looked down at Buttercup after that, trying to come up with something clever to comment. But the only thing she did was to look around the house, with what the interviewer said about Dara being ‘alone’.
Looking around, Billie felt that everything in the house had a passive task to fulfill without its owner in it. The decorations, the toys scattered around the living room, how Buttercup kept her company without her calling him. Everything was made to make you feel you weren’t alone and Billie couldn’t come up with why everyone, as Audrey had chimed her, thought Dara was a lonely person.
But any train of thought was stopped in its tracks when she overheard tiny barefoot steps getting closer. Maybe that was a pending conversation she had with her girlfriend.
“What’s wrong princess?” Billie said with a little smile in her lips when Helena, Dara’s daughter, reached her, making her give the girl a tiny cuddle in her chubby cheek.
“Is mama home?” she asked in even more tiny voice, rubbing one of her eyes.
“Not yet,” Buttercup used his paw to get Helena’s attention. “She’s still with your auntie at the event.”
“Otay,” Helena petted Buttercup with as much care as she was taught to. “I’m sleepy.”
“That much I can see,” Billie couldn’t help but chuckle, Helena looking up at her when Buttercup seemed satisfied with his intake of attention and leaving. “Why don’t we go back to bed, hmm?”
“Otay,” Helena could be five, but she wasn’t that talkative as any other kid her age and was pretty compliant as far as Billie had seen, only raising both arms so Billie could pick her up. 
“Come here then,” she had Billie wrapped with her little fingers and when the warmth of her body got to her, it made Billie to sigh contently. “I think I’m sleepy too.”
With that, Billie left all her work there over the table and walked back upstairs with a sleepy Helena asking her if she could sleep with her. That was something unexpected, for sure, but when Dara came back several hours later to this little scenario she thought about what the interviewer told her.
She was never alone, since she always had her baby girl with her, but having someone like Billie around truly showed her that maybe yeah, loneliness was about to catch her up by the time the blonde history teacher showed up in her life.
But she was thankful that what she thought would be a lucky movie cliché was finally showing her that she deserved to be happy.
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ofpvrkcr · 4 years
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❛ ✶ ( CALUM HOOD , CIS MALE , HE / HIM ) . who the hell is blasting LITHIUM by NIRVANA at one in the morning ? nevermind , that’s just RILEY PARKER from 1615 . apparently , they are a TWENTY - FOUR year old AUTO MECHANIC from CHESHIRE, UK , and they’ve been living at the complex for ONE YEAR . i heard they can be a bit - CHOLERIC , but they make up for it by being so + BOLD — which makes sense , considering that they are a AQUARIUS ! when i think of them , i imagine BAND TEES STAINED WITH MOTOR OIL, TEACUPS THAT REEK OF WHISKEY, & TOTAL STRANGERS PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. and of course , don’t forget to follow them at ( @RABIDPORCUPINE ) ! ooc . sam , 23 , est , she / her .
hello it’s me again, sam, here with my longest - running active muse and one of my most beloved. details are under the cut and feel free to message me if you would like to plot!
FULL NAME: riley ignatius parker -worthington NICKNAMES: literally everyone calls him parker and most people don’t even know that it isn’t his first name. GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis male + he / him DOB + AGE: january 31st, 1996 + twenty - four ZODIAC: aquarius HOMETOWN: alderley edge, cheshire, uk OCCUPATION: auto mechanic / lead singer + guitarist of punk band rabid porcupine FUN FACTS: he has a tongue piercing + has a pet rottweiler puppy named heroin bob.
riley ignatius parker - worthington was born and raised in alderley edge, a small and affluent village in england’s northwestern county of cheshire. he’s the youngest of four boys, so he has three older brothers.
his family, the parker - worthingtons, are one of the richest in not only the uk or england, but the entire northern hemisphere. throughout a history that spans over 150 years, the family business which began as a small architectural firm expanded its reach to areas such as real estate, banking, oil, and mechanical engineering and is worth approximately 60 billion usd.
he was under constant guard at worthington manor, but not by his parents. raised by nannies and educated by private tutors, he went through most of his childhood prohibited from leaving the property and training to one day occupy a prestigious spot in the family company.
it was a very sheltered life and he rebelled against it from the start. being the unplanned child ( along with his twin brother ), his parents went through the motions of hiring private tutors and grooming him to be a successful businessman, but he was still quite young when he figured it out : they didn’t really care. their eldest sons were already the heirs, primed and eager to carry on their legacy of wealth and power. their youngest sons were simply the spares, and they were treated as such all their lives.
he began acting out the moment he realized it, refusing to participate in a game that would always be rigged against him. his parents viewed him as a problem? fine. he could be a problem.
he was kicked out boarding school ( several times ), he got a sketchy back alley tattoo, he was failing every single one of his classes, and the only thing he showed any real interest in was music. he had been taking piano lessons since before he could even reach the pedals and had a natural talent for it. his instructor ( the only adult he ever really liked ) actually believed that he could become an accomplished classical concert pianist, which was enough for his parents to essentially decide on this career path for him.
when he was fourteen, parker repeatedly slammed a car door on both of his hands, breaking several fingers and bones and, of course, crushing the classical concert pianist aspirations of his parents. he eventually regained about 70% mobility in both of his hands. but he’ll never be able to play piano like he used to, and to this day he often noticeably struggles with his grip on most things.
but hey, at least he stuck it to his parents, right?
he was seventeen and attending boarding school in switzerland when he snuck off campus one night and never came back. his parents cut him off, disowned him, and disinherited him. he traveled around much of europe and the usa before moving to seattle for a couple years where he bought a motorcycle, took some courses in auto mechanics, and then about a year ago he moved to new york city where he got a job at a garage and started a three - piece punk band called rabid porcupine.
has this very intentional standoffish, stoic, don’t fuck with me vibe, but ... he’ll also hold the door open for a total stranger and help an old lady cross the street.
guarded. his very, very few close friends are the only people he would readily admit to caring for. his parents never said the words i love you to him. no, not even once.
will say exactly what he’s thinking. he doesn’t coddle anyone and he won’t lie to spare someone’s feelings. if someone fucked up, then he’s going to tell them so, but it’s usually out of an honest desire to help rather than rubbing someone’s mistake in their face.
stubbornly independent. would rather struggle in silence than ask for help. if someone spots him struggling to hold or carry something and offers to help, then he’s very likely to snap at them
never under any circumstances will he talk about his family, especially his parents.
has the thickest, most posh british accent.
pretends like his favorite beverage is jack daniels whiskey when it’s actually the quintessential british cup of tea ( he doesn’t even drink coffee because he doesn’t like it ).
fluent in english & knows some german.
he literally never watched movies or television growing up so 100% of throwback pop culture references will fly right over his head.
has a pet rottweiler puppy named heroin bob ( harry for short ).
his motorcycle is a norton that he basically built from scratch all by himself so it’s his child and he is very protective.
his bandmates ( bassist and drummer )
cousins ( paternal cousins would be white and most likely from europe ; maternal cousins would be māori )
party friends who can only stand each other when drunk
friends from boarding school in the uk or switzerland
ex friends / enemies
fwb / ewb / one night stands
messy on / off relationship
these are just some base ideas and i’m definitely open to brainstorming!
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