#and also thank you for bearing with the cringe lmao :'v
natolesims · 2 years
hiiii thank you sm for posting your NSB, I am absolutely devouring it today and loving every second <3
AJVSJSBSKSKS I NOTICED ;A; thank you so so so much 💕💕
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hi there! And congrats for your graduation! I am really happy for you and I hope lots of beautiful things await you in the future. I am that anon who wrote you about a month ago, by the way... I am very sorry, I really didn't want to make you wait, it's just been a bit of a rough period and I've been feeling a little down, but now I am better :) May I ask for some platonic Jumin/MC headcanons in which they are best friends? I love him, just not in a romantic way. Thank you so, so much again. <3
a/n: you are such a sweetheart :') anything for you <3 i just moved so that's why i've been seemingly MIA. thank you for the well wishes. i wish you all good things as well. p.s. - i'm back babes <3 i'm going on an all-family-required trip in a week or so but I plan to write during the long trip that i'm already mentally preparing for. may or may not be uploading from hotels lol. // kira-chan
Platonic!Jumin x MC Headcanons
alright so let me just begin by saying you two would be absolutely adorable
i can just imagine your dorky little snorts at jumin's sarcastic expressions
you know the thing when someone does something really stupid and he's just like " - _ - "
i firmly believe the friendship between you two would strive for both of you to be better people
like, i think your influence on jumin would make him realize he really needs to recognize his worker's needs and accommodate for them both professionally and morally.
jaehee says thank you <3
as well as yourself
jumin is definitely the friend who teaches you to savor the good moments
like this man is a GOD at stress management
when you find yourself starting to get worked up, he would be there in an instant
"MC, it'll be alright. Let yourself feel what you need to feel right now, but know those feelings cannot control you."
who says jumin isn't a cuddler.
like ok maybe he doesn't look like a stuffed, fluffy bear but lemme tell you
but he'd also sorta ruin movie nights with his obsession with logical reasoning lmao
"there is absolutely no way that bus would roll off a small vehicle without crushing it."
"jumin it's Fast and Furious let it go."
*pauses the movie again to complain about the amount of 'oil' on The Rock's body*
don't hate me i'm trying to think of the worst movie that you could possibly choose to watch with him
i can't even fathom jumin's reactions to Guy Fieri PFFT WELCOME TO FLAVOR TOWN
you tease him for his bs attempts to sherlock movies
sitting together watching a movie with a blanket draped around both of you
and he's so tall that he'd be such a blanket-hogger too
jumin is the mom friend through and through
you've entrusted him with your like 9 spare keys because you keep losing them
and then losing your spare key
and then one time you lost your spare spare key
so yeah he keeps one on him at all times
that one time you got totally wasted, it was jumin who received your texts riddled with errors
and of course he was the one that insisted on driving you home that night, not trusting you'd make it to your front door even if you took a cab
and let's face it, you probably wouldn't have.
he also takes blurry yet still completely embarrassing photos of you
"what i thought that one of you looked good"
how is it that someone can be so smart and stupid at the same time?
i say he's the mom friend yet he is also a designated airhead when it comes to anything digital
so basically the ultimate mom friend because like have you ever a mom who actually knows how to work technology
the type to get mad if you don't know where you wanna go eat but it's because he doesn't like fast food lol
if you call him something sappy like "bestie" he will saying to the effect of "that's cringe" but secretly he's like "awe bestie"
will remember the little things istg
like your favorite movie is the unappreciated "Atlantis"?
he is extra as hell so bday prezzie would be a casual trip to disney
bc come on that's not even pocket change for him
but mostly he wants you to think he's the best friend you've ever had
i'm imagining you've been friends since high school (assuming he didn't grow up on private tutors)
back then, i imagine he was very anti-social
even V couldn't bring him out of his shell at school
it was your brightness that thawed his seemingly cool exterior
he'd listen to you as you rambled on and on about this book you'd been reading
or perhaps he'd chat himself about some of his random cat photos he'd gotten from V
sometimes you'd take pictures of cats while walking to school to show to him later
like it was the highlight of his week
you became friends mostly (besides the fact that jumin just likes your company) because he never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do
it was so important to him to make his own choices because he lost that ability so many times in his life.
jumin didn't have a say when his father and mother divorced
from seven years old til then, he never felt like he truly had a voice
so when you'd listen to him even if someone else interrupted him..it meant something to him
he wasn't shy, per-say, just reserved.. distant.
when jumin decides someone is his friend, it's very hard for him to ever let go -- he's fiercely loyal.
above all, he's grateful to you for staying by his side and continuing to care for him even now. <3
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Hi :") I would like to ask which footballers are at the top of your mind when it comes to being "masters of duality" (aka being cute at one moment and suddenly being hot at another)? cause there are quite a number of players who fall quite strictly into either categories, like we think of some of them as being helplessly cute and adorable, and others as being just hot and making people feel nsfw all the time jsdjsjdkl,,,thanks!
as a personal tradition i keep up with chelsea and bayern so i can name you a couple representatives from there. let's #gossip 🕵 
- manuel neuer:
baddie body baby face, v chill... blink once and manuel’s acting up, rapid fire comebacks on live television, sobs instantly and needs to hug his plushie when he concedes a goal, goes full mike tyson on any living man who challenges the fruit-tastic sex appeal of our german lgbteam, the next minute blondie causes drama scandals thirst and chaos, ironically when you listen to him u wanna fall asleep, can actually levitate, cutesy simpatico type who’s 1000% mad, morbidly obsessed with sticking out his ass, is 7'11, truly multifaceted and thoroughly untrustworthy himbo hoe, out of his mind, you do you manuel, we love your waist just stay at a distance, his duality scares the whole nation 
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- jorgiiiiiiinho:
contrary to his congenially clownish vibes —and they truly are remarkable— jorgeyboy has some ice cold penalty skills (i'm starting to believe not even a magnitude 11 earthquake could throw off his edgy run jump kick technique) and he organizes the entire team strategy cuz he can hashtag mastermind! but off the pitch he has the most inexplicable kitten-like hand gestures and sailor moon level hip poses lmao! there he is, with a beard like a french vice count, and then he acts like he's the brazilian version of pusheen (thx for still serving catboy realness in 2022). needless to say i'm fascinated, jorginho is the manic pixie dream boy i always wanted. stay quirky u bottom
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- robert lewandowski: very kind, very lactose-free, and extremely um, he loves a silly little dance, lewy invented cringe before it was cool, not that we should flame him for it but anyway loves. managed to get that one "🌸 tiktok's favorite 🌸" award (INSTEAD OF THE F/$§%&G BALLON D'OR), and then oh i almost forgot: he's also a notorious record goal scoring robot with torso muscles in places u never even knew existed, 999 years old and still wants to go to real madrid, total bookworm introvert but rides the jetski, has the only working marriage on the planet, is a leo, it all just doesn't fit together, but yeah we're gonna win the champions league because of his tiktok dance moves just wait. lewy is always embarrassing us trying to act trendy but he makes up for it with records
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- reece james: the only non-ridiculous speciman on this list, i think he's like a cute smiley teddy bear who couldn't harm a fly but the next second u notice all over again just how painfully thicc he is head to toe LIKE WHAT, LIKE WHAT!!!, serge gnabry would be so amazingly proud of all the cakey cake that reecey is baking, and ofc he has that intense sexy bedroom gaze during free kicks, the next second you find out he plays online chess with ben chilwell in his free time lmao i love it, why the hell is he a sagittarius how does that work, did somebody tell him he's sending all these mixed messages? the most confusing duality out there, get well soon baby bun by the way he's dearly missed, and talk about buns: this was the cutest insta post i’ve ever seen below
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- kai havertz: there we go again talking about the moody asparagus noodle that doesn’t like pineapple on pizza but alright he’s goodlooking so let’s go, whenever he runs around u ask yourself... is... is this sexyman okay? did someone wave a giant wreath of garlic in front of the weak habsburgian vampire prince? then suddenly he's the most clingy dog dad joke machine alive. tallest in the room but still hides behind his girlfriend or climbs up julian brandt when he's shy, scores the champions league winning goal but breaks his little finger in the carabao cup (get well soon babu), strips on insta one second and takes care of his donkey barn the next, boy toy but make it rural i guess, vain adonis with a flat ass, 90% stupid but his hair has its own gravitational intelligence, has several dualites and i hate it, at least he's always standing around being useless and handsome with his eyes squinty (is he shortsighted? even more sexy points)
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BONUS: kings of anti-duality - n'golo kanté. no matter what — always wise and always nice :D someone could go full throttle pep guardiola 'pep' talk on him and he'll just mysteriously giggle. cuz why: n’-goal-o values his time, his life, his happiness, and simply winning. loving the consistency. loving the attitude. loving the smile. hurt him and i’ll destroy you 
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- toni kroos: full time dedicated hater of everything & everyone, an interview w/o kroosie nagging = not an interview, most relatable unrelatable person ever, emotional honesty 5000, if a dramatic villain origin story was a person, twitter thug mode dragon slayer, outcritiques timo werner and the german press, probably listens to ice cube, would attack call out and defeat god 
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- serge gnabry: category is! sergio's same sarcastic grind 365; try to impress him and you will fail miserably, serge sees through all the bs don’t even try, either busy cooking modelling or fistfighting leroy sané's bullies as they deserve, with serge you always know what you're getting, grew up watching vintage shonen anime what did you expect that builds actual real character. he’s the anti-ronaldo, we should congratulate him on it
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- thomas müller: sigh. he’s been doing this for so long we all know the drill... it doesn't matter the situation... full throttle late night bavarian comedy programme mode it just never stops, he's so exhausting and over the top but we all depend on it what do we do, least two-faced person on earth, froze his character since he was like 12, how do his managers survive him, he outlives all of them anyway, zero debate on that he’s football’s funniest manchild
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interstellix · 4 years
to those who made my 2020 a little better,
i just wanted to let each one of you know that you mean tons to me and that you truly have, in one way or another, made this year better. i’ll be honest, 2020 was just not it for me, a whole lot of shit happened and i’ve had countless of days where i’ve been too tired in ways i can’t explain. at the same time though, good things have happened as well, one of them being the people i’ve met on tumblr; some of you i’ve been friends with since before, some of you i got to know this year and some of you even very very recently. still, i can’t thank these people enough because they’ve all been part of making this year less shitty than it would’ve been otherwise. thus, i wanted to at least let the mentioned ones know that they’re the ones part of that
now, i’m really not good with words, and i absolutely Hate being sappy, yet that’s exactly what i’m being here fjkdfk. i’m deadass out here cringing at my own words but please bear with me this one time LMAOO.
tldr; ily and u’re all v v precious people to me
@ohmyhao i don't think i'll ever be able to explain just how precious you are to me, no joke :( i'm almost 100% you're the one who's been sticking around my blog(s) since the very start and i want you to know that, even if we don't talk as often, i'm grateful for each and every day knowing i deadass have someoone like you around. i mean, i'll be honest, i still question your choice of favorite haikyuu characters because oi🤮kawa bUT!! i'll forgive you bc!! you're literally among the cutest people i've ever come across (don't even think of arguing with me this time), you're no joke one of the reasons i continued staying on tumblr and getting to know you is something i'll always feel blessed over 🥰
@kachulein LOL OK i could go on for hours and hours here, mostly because of how many and all the different things we talk about stuff that just shouldn't see the light of the world included. talking to you is something that never fails to make me feel happy but also incredibly at ease; i really, really want you to know that something i’m incredibly grateful for is how i’m comfortable enough with you to be able to talk about things i otherwise just can’t :( aside from that, listen, 99% of our conversation have me wheezing my throat off, like it can get weird af but it still has me laughing. something else i’m really happy is when you put in your two cents in our conversation, i’ve said it before but as someone who struggles with seeing things from more than one perspective, i really admire hearing about your own! all in all, i love you tons and tons, you’re an incredible person through and through and i truly appreciate the time i get to talk to you!
@starryarles i don’t think i tell you this enough but?? mae?? i literally love you so much, legit l-o-mae-l??? i still laugh my ass of looking back at the time you found my other blog and i had to guess which one of my mutuals you were LMAOO listen the panic fjijfkjk. anyway, i absolutely adore every message, ask and comment i receive from you, no joke i always get really happy from each one of them and tbh?? during that long period of time we didn’t talk i genuinely thought you hated me or something HAHAH. turns out that that was not true at all or so i hope and not to sound like a sap but i’m deadass overjoyed that we started talking again. and really, you’re way, way too supportive, i literally don’t deserve how much love i’ve received from you even but please know that i’m grateful for every bit of it and that i love you stupid much and hope we can have another good year together :’)
@milkteandhan you?? are also?? one of the few who have been dealing with my ass literally from the very start?? because i seriously can’t remember having been on tumblr without you around?? BUT ALSO YOU LITTLE SHIT IDGI you bully me to the ends of the fucking world but for some reason?? i still love you?? >:(( ok but jokes aside, i really do love you a lot, i mean i love you as much as you make me suffer and that? that’s a lot :) you drop by my inbox with either the cutest/funniest message or pictures that make me wanna dig my grave but either way, they always make me smile like a fucking moron and listen LISTEN. i really wanna explain to you how much you mean to me but idk where to start bc i can’t. literally just can’t. find the words for that. but all i can say is that meeting you is something i’ll thank any and every damn god out there for and i’m not even religious, like at all fjkdjfkd so yeah. mwah
@astronomlns my god you bitch you bully me almost on the daily and then you?? have the audacity to deny it?? but! that said, i don’t mind lol. one of my biggest regret what goes my “”online-life”” is the awfully long time we didn’t talk but that’s also why i’m mad happy that we actually do now, almost every day even. i’ve already said this before but have the friendly reminder that you’re among the few that i feel really safe when talking. we’ve also pointed out this before but it’s almost been two whole years since we became friends and i hope you can stick with my shit for another whole year. again, you bully me a lot, but i still love you a whole damn lot, never forget that
@lixchannie i’ll be flat out honest, idk what the hell i’m supposed to say here. despite all bullshit that has happened you’ve been there with me this entire, entire time ever since we became friends and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to explain how thankful i am for that. we don’t talk every day and imy when we don’t lmao but tbh i’m fine with that because i’m genuinely glad knowing that i even get to have someone like you in my life. so yeah don’t leave me bc i’ll deadass hunt you to the end of the world
the rest of the “”kin-gang”” like some like to call it @bubbleskz @berryyyyyy @skzbbie we don’t talk as often, v v rarely actually but i want y’all to know that i don’t appreciate and love you any less than i did before we started somewhat losing touch. i don’t like sounding cheesy and shit fjkfkds but let it slide this time, the times we do talk are times i treasure more than i can explain, deadass. i feel like i don’t tell you this enough but you guys are better friends than i could ever ask for. again, we don’t talk as much, but 2020 would’ve sucked a thousand times more if we didn’t talk a lot, so thank you tons for being part of it and i hope you’ll be there for 2021 too :’)
@soulkhunscompass LISTEN. listen. i’ll say it, i’ll just fucking say it: i don’t deserve you at fucking all :///// you’re way too sweet to me, talking to you always makes me smile and laugh, esp when you promise making me food one day ffjdkfjkds. but somehow?? at the same time, and idk how you do it, but somehow SOMEHOW you never fail to make me feel appreciated whenever you tell me sweet ass things. ‘in return’, never forget that both that and you are something i appreciate way way more k >:( and also >:(( never forget that i love you so much, literally more than i love how the corner of felix’s eyes crinkle up whenever he smiles and that’s,,, that’s a damn lot tbh 👉👈
@chwe-yeeun honestly i’m lowkey sobbing while writing this. you’re one of those i only got to know this year, in fact just a few months ago but nonetheless, you’re still one of those i treasure a whole damn lot. like you said, you love making me suffer with pretty boys, it hurts but it’s still funny lmao, i appreciate but also feel bad whenever you have to deal with my bullshit whenever i come crying to you over eric those pretty boys, aNd ThE tImEs yOu SeNd ThAt CuTe HuG?? i return them all, like fr take my heart i don’t need it, it’s your for the taking like literally fuck it. moral of the story, i love you tons and thank you for being there with and for me :’)
@riskyrenjun i might as well start off and say that i fucking screeched when i saw you in my notifs and mention my content on your blog bc?? the queen herself?? noticed me?? wtf?? and i’ll be honest, i’ve been following you for a good while and for the longest time ever i wanted to hit you up bc you’ve literally always seemed so precious sO?? dO YOU EVEN KNOW??? hoW hAPPY i am?? that we actually?? are friends?? i’ve done nothing to deserve that but here we are fjkflkd. i saw your end-of-the-year post, i’m sorry i haven’t responded to it and that i’ve been so shit at talking lately, but i promise i’ll try to get better at it lmao so!!! i hope you’ll still stick around with me at that point because i can be really fucking damn annoying 🥺 long story short pray for a good 2021 bc you’ll probably regret ever even wanting to talk to me once we’ve become closer lol <3
there are a few other friends and mutuals i wanna include here; i don’t talk as much with some of y’all, others are people i’m still getting to know but nevertheless, i want you to know that meeting each one of you here on this hellsite is a blessing in itself and that it’s one of the things i’m happy 2020 has actually given me :’)
@0325-4419 @marculees @jwisungchan @stealerz @ciiikb @zoey-angel-istaeminsbitchnow @yangles @violethhj @littlefallenrebel  
alllso to dear dc servers: @planteii @joey-yellow-county @sakura-writes-stuff @bound-writings @koukounuts @classicalsylph  the rest of the server bc i’m struggling really hard to find them // @crimsoncitrus @everythingsinred and the rest of that server because again i’m struggling to find the url to the rest fjdkfkd; i’m not particularly active in neither but i still want you to know that i’m very grateful for being able to be part of two v v warm and welcoming servers, so thank you for that 🥺
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick thoughts: Ch 12 - end
Full video here.
Nora’s mom is on her way home
Nora goes to visit V
“I love drugs” LMAO
She goes into a diatribe about her doctor only eating easter candy i’m crying
It was a guy!!! He had dark eyes and he was wearing a ski mask!!!!!
After thought: was jules just manipping them SO HARD they couldn’t keep a grip on what the ski masked person looked like? If so...why keep wearing a ski mask as your calling card??
V had told elliott they were going shopping
Nora tells V about hitting the guy in the ski mask
Ooh nora told patch about shopping too!!!!
Too short and too skinny to be elliott though
V is like “the more i think about it, i really think it was patch”
Nora doesn’t get a chance to tell V about elliott before the drugs kick in hard
“I brought your homework, where do you want it?” she pointed to the trash can LMAO V IS THE BEST
She goes home and hugs her mom
She and V go to borderline where patch works to get info from his coworkers
Nora is sweaty lmao
Nora literally wrote interrogations on one side of a piece of paper and flirting prompts on the other side this girl is ridiculous
V brought slutty heels to make Nora more seductive I’m dead
V invited Jules and Elliott...she’s been seeing Jules
Nora goes to tell V about Elliott but he shows up before she can
Jules doesn’t show up
Nora is like so Elliot if the prep school is so great why did you transfer basically challenging this potential murderer
Elliott is like “heard the girls were hotter at your school”
I am beyond confused as to why V invited these guys who know who Nora is, but also expects Nora to put on a whole ass disguise in the bathroom and go talk to the bartender… Why would you invite these guys along? This just makes it way more difficult…
Nora goes to the bartender and tries to make conversation; is terrible at it, basically asks him is it possible to get hired here with a felony, can I see patch’s job application, does patch have a girlfriend?
Patch is covering a shift so he is NOT off as originally expected
Patch confronts her in the girl’s bathroom and he’s like “are you following me?” POT KETTLE BITCH
She goes to take the high heels off and drops the list of interrogation questions and patch picks it up and I am nervous
Patch had a girlfriend but she’s dead
Gonna call it: she’s the girl who was hanged at kinghorn that Elliott was questioned about
Chapter 14
Her mom “Blinked owlishly” excuse me??
Nora’s mom wants to sell their house because it’s too much $
So Nora decides not to tell mom about the ski mask guy
She asks her mom about knowing if she loved dad and if she was ever afraid of dad
When the pats lost her dad would chop down trees with a chainsaw lmaoooooo what
Nora‘s mom says “ooh a boy is he on chess team? Student council? Tennis team?”
And Nora says… He likes pool… and her mom says “ooh a swimmer” LMAO
Someone ripped her room APART
It’s the ski mask guy!!!!! He jumped out the window
One of the cops looks like patch…
Nothing is messed up when the cops look at the room…
Is Nora going insane or is it angel shit
Unfortunately I think this book would be so much more interesting if I didn’t already know that patch was a fallen angel and I don’t know if that’s my bad for trying to fine just like a quick summary of what the book was about on the Internet, or if like the back of the book let you know that this is about an angel… I mean the cover let you know it’s about an angel but I would’ve thought these dudes are like…serial killers or something and that Nora had some kind of mental issue or they had messed with her iron supplements to make her go nuts…Which might’ve been more interesting than whatever is going on here
Chapter 15
Nora finally tells V about the article and v doesn’t believe her
Nora thinks that she has a great point because Elliot transferred schools after he was questioned… I’m sure it was really hard to keep going to school with people who knew you were a murder suspect...so…
Nora wants to go to kinghorn and question the students about elliott
The fact that this all somehow ties back to fallen angels is really pissing me off because we are halfway through it, and we have not even really from Nora’s point of you introduced the idea of Angels
Nora is suddenly like why the fuck is Jules always sick
Also how is he always around if kinghorn is such a difficult school
Nora realizes the article that she printed about Elliot was missing from her room after the ski mask guy broke in so now she is convinced Skimask guy is Elliot
I will say that I have absolutely no idea where this is going so it is keeping my attention because again I don’t understand how this is going to tie back to angels and why the girl died and etc.
Coach makes V and Patch switch places
“I didn’t do homework” “who did you do?” Bro come on
“The subjects pulse increased on contact”
She goes to her appointment with Miss Green and somehow Miss Green knows that patch took her home from the pier and that patch went into her house what the fuck is going on
I really really really hope that all of this weird shit comes together in the last like five chapters and I end up like screaming OH DUH putting all this together… But because this was recommended as part of my cringe series, I have a very strong feeling that is not going to happen and all of this means nothing
“something about Miss Green bothered me, it was almost like she had an agenda“ yeah bitch she knew a guy took you to your house and came inside, she is stalking you
Chapter 16
Nora runs into Marcy at the library and basically Marcy says V got attacked because someone mistake her for a bear or a moose because she’s fat, and then they have a name calling back-and-forth of skank, slut, anorexic pig like real vile shit
Nora goes to the underground tunnel to get to the parking lot even though...she didn’t drive…
Patch is in the tunnel
“His smile looked like he didn’t play by the rules”
She immediately is like “if he’s gonna rape me he cornered me in the perfect place” JESUS
I mean all women think like that in a dark space but she likes this guy and they go to school together and...damn that was a jump!
Nora gets a car between them and they have like a run around while she’s asking him questions
“Was it a coincidence that the last normal day in my life had been right before that fateful day?” Editor fight me
She lets him take her home again
I am starting to feel like we are back to after, where the same things keep happening over and over for no reason… She was so determined to get answers and then she let it go because he turned the conversation on her...she should’ve just held her ground and then like I am not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is going on, but she didn’t, so does she care or not
He asks her out…
Chapter 17
She is so infuriating, she’s getting ready for this date but thinking about kissing him rather than thinking about getting answers on if this dude is stalking her / reading her mind...it’s so frustrating
The detectives show up
Asking about Marcy…?
Marcy got beat up!!!! By patch??
She lies that patch isn’t on his way
They go to the arcade
He’s behind her showing her how to play pool fuck yeah
He’s like “if I hit this, take off your jacket”
A guy named Rickson shows up, him and patch start roughhousing and we see patch’s giant back scars
They call him patch because he used to get his ass beat in bar fights and had to get patched up a lot lmao
Chapter 18
He leaves her in the Jeep while he gets dinner and she goes sleuthing
So in chapter 18 she is saying she would settle for finding his cell phone number but...she called him at Boze arcade in like the third chapter so what number was that, did you not write it down once you washed it off your hand, or was that the arcades phone... why do you not have his phone number anymore
He has a metal flashlight with blood on it in his glove compartment, making Nora think he had beat up Marcy after all
I swear to God, if he gets back in the car and she starts getting horny for him after finding this flashlight I am not gonna finish this book I am going to quit
He pulled out a gun?!?!?!?!!?!?!???!?!?
Paintball gun. He says it’s paint on the flashlight?? Sure Jan
He gives her a snow globe of the pier, cute!
Mom catches them lmaooo
Chapter 19
So Nora is on the phone with V and she’s like how did the date go with patch and Nora said something about him giving her pool pointers and he says I bet he could give you pointers in other areas… And then the next sentence is V trying to convince Nora once again that patch is the one who broke her arm… So… Why the fuck do you want your best friend to fuck the guy who broke your arm????????
Nora realizes that the angels that were painted on the roller coaster have the same scar that patch has
“My voice was strewn with cobwebs” huh?????
She goes on their home computer to google “angel wings scars” LMAO why did every girl in a YA novel in the early 2000s google what their monster boyfriend was
Info dump re angels: they talk to humans in their minds, can possess them during the unholy Hebrew month
“I filed everything away that I had just read in my mind, and stamped ‘scary’ on the outside“ lmao
“V, do you believe in superheroes? Do you think the Bible is real?”
Chapter 20
Elliott is at her house...drunk
He punches the side of her house
He invites her to go camping with him Jules and V...after he acknowledges she doesn’t like him
He rips her out of the house and throws her against it when she says she doesn’t wanna go
Thank god her mom wakes up
V tries to talk Nora into going, and Nora tells her what happened at the house, and V is like “well he was drunk”
Insert pic of unamused Kristen Stewart face
PLEASE tell me she’s being controlled by the angel powers because wtf
“Maybe you’re trying so hard to pin the ski mask on Elliott because you know it’s patch deep down” she’s not wrong tho patch is also a terrible dude who is stalking(?) her
Nora goes to Portland to investigate Elliott, and kierstens death
She throws away her questions this time, smart
She interrogates the waitress at kierstens old job, who is NOT amused but agrees to tell her some tea if she gets food and tips her big
Kiersten and Elliott were hooking up
Elliott bought kierstens apartment so he def coulda planted the note
Elliott and Jules were in the restaurant talking about a test that Jules has failed...I get the feeling it wasn’t academic
Chapter 21
Someone’s watching herrrr
V is in Portland with Elliott…? But she’s alone...she wants Nora to come get her
Red flag
She gets hustled by a homeless woman for her coat
She left her phone in the coat
She witnesses a shooting...of the bag lady...who was wearing her coat and hat!!!!!!!!!!
She calls patch and he comes to get her
V went home with the boys
“The water was smooth black poison” wut
The Jeep dies on the highway and a storm rolls in
Chapter 22
They get a room to wait out the storm because the lights and phones are down
She still is like wary of him but she doesn’t really have a choice at this point, fair.
Also, favorite trope: there’s only one bed
Her clothes are wet so she makes him blow out the candles so he can’t see her in her underwear….
She touches his scar and gets sucked into blackness?!?!
Chapter 23
There are 8 chapters left and I have a BAD feeling that we’re in sequel bait territory
She’s in like a flashback from 8 months ago
Miss green meets patch at bo’s, he calls her Daubria
“Your kind and my kind don’t mix” she’s an angel and he’s a fallen one, I just know it “it’s not easy getting down here”
“If you save a human life, you can get your wings back”
“Now tell me why you’re really here”
Something about the book of Enoch and him wanting to recreate it
He wants a name from her list since she’s a death angel
Daubria says Nora’s name and patch asks who wants to kill her and Daubria says, “you”
So…..if he stops himself….he can get his wings?
She comes back and patch pins her to the bed, pissed
So she has just found out that he wants to kill her, he has her pinned to the bed, and she asks “is Daubria your girlfriend???” Why do you literally care and why do you not have any self-preservation skills
He kisses her?!?!
She bites the shit out of his lip
He did try to kill her on the archangel but couldn’t do it, he was gonna stab her in her house, couldn’t do it
She’s passing out because she needs her iron pills
He calms her down
He lets her touch his scars again so she’ll trust him
Chapter 24
She wakes up next to a skeleton in a graveyard
The Irish guy is talking to patch there
Patch wants to become human, as he heard in the book of Enoch
She comes back
Patch feels through a “sheet of glass” unless he possess a body
Patch is the angel from the prologue I think
“If you can’t feel, why did you kiss me?” “Because I can feel it in my heart”
He fell because he lusted after a human girl
He didn’t know Daubria was still on earth…
She now thinks Daubria is the ski mask person
Chapter 25
Patch goes to get the car and leaves Nora there
They get her home and patch checks the house for her
V doesn’t answer her phone
Daubria is there!!
She says she isn’t the one who has been spying
She planted the idea in V’s mind that patch attacked her
Her birthmark means she’s Chauncey’s descendant, and the book says if patch killed his vassal’s descendant he can be human (according to Daubria)
She goes to kill Nora so she’ll be out of the way
Daubria is v hurt by him falling and “falling” for the human girl
Daubria goes full angel, using tk, glowing, trying to stop Nora
Daubria sets the house on fire
Patch comes back and tells her to drive his Jeep to Delphic
She starts to search for V in the meantime
Chapter 26
She goes to the movies and gets a ticket for the sacrifice, remarking on the irony of the title
V isn’t at the movies
But patch is?!?!
“Shut up or I’ll get security” “yeah, get security, this guy wants to kill me” “I want to kill you”
“I’ll tell you what I’ve done: I’m not good, but I was worse”
He’s now saying she’s worth falling for basically
“I don’t kill people who are important to me, and you top the list”
Patch ripped daubria’s wings off
“Let’s be honest, you got it bad for me, and I’ve got it bad for you.”
“You don’t need me to help you fight her.” “What do I need you for?” “We have unfinished business”
They making OUT in this theater bathroom
Her phone rings, V and the guys broke into school, and Elliott says “Nora come play or there’s a tree in the courtyard with V’s name on it”
Listen. To. Me. If these two plots have nothing to do with each other, I am going to rip my hair out. These could have been 2 different books.
Chapter 27
She tells patch about the article
Patch says he doesn’t remember Jules being at the arcade…
Jules is an angel I bet
The jeeps tires are slashed so they pay an employee to take his car
He tells Nora to stay in the car
Chapter 28
Elliott calls Nora and says he’s watching her
Nora tripped over Jules’ dead body…
Elliott is in the library, basically dead…
The lights keep going on and off…
The ski mask person is here!!!!!!!
He’s an angel!!!! Called it, He’s been fucking with her mind
He throws her in the bio room, and she sees a scalpel on the ground and grabs it
Jules was Elliott’s benefactor and made him choose between love and money…
Jules really wanted patch, but patch can’t be hurt...so he’s using Nora to get to him
Jules is patch’s vassal!!!!! So he’s fucking PISSED
The guardian presence she felt wasn’t her dad, it was Jules
She stabs him, but bumps a table as she tries to escape…
He passes out
Chapter 29
She finds V in the e-zine lab
All the doors are chained…
She ends up trapped in the gym
Jules has a gun!!!!
He beat up Marcy because he didn’t want anyone messing with “his girl”
Patch finds them, Jules holds her at gun point, patch possesses Nora to beat the SHIT out of Jules
He couldn’t stay long enough to kill Jules, and the effort made him pass out
She climbs up the air shaft despite being afraid of heights and Jules is fucking with her, making her think she’s falling
Patch helps her anchor to reality
They’re both on the rafters
She realizes if she sacrifices herself, patch can be human
She throws herself off the rafter
Chapter 30
She hears a clock and wings, but then she slides backwards instead
She wakes up in her bedroom, with patch
Patch turned down her sacrifice so she could live
“What good is a body if I can’t have you?”
He’s a guardian angel because he saved her
V and Elliott are fine
The police think Jules killed himself
V says “shoe-shopping therapy” instead of retail therapy why
The book ends with patch coming back to give her a kiss...boring
There’s an exchange that’s the last sentence of the book where he pulls away and she’s like “more” “more?” “more”
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johntenctzen · 6 years
get to know me tag
i was tagged by @whaechan :) thanks boo!
name: chandni
nicknames: chaan, huba/wuba
pronouns: she/her
zodiac: virgang represent
age: 23
height: 166cm
hair color: a very dark brown, almost black
time: 22:20
favorite fruit: watermelon
favorite season: autumn
favorite animal: panda bears
favorite fictional character: draco malfoy, probably
favorite tv show: at the moment the haunting of hill house
cats or dogs: both fam but if i was forced to pick one then dogs
do you have a tumblr crush?: yes, my girlfriend :) and @justalittleproblem obv
favorite artist: dude :((((( i have so many :’(( brendon urie or patrick stump or marina or mark foster or olly alexander or lady gaga or grandson or jon bellion or
song stuck in my head: a mix of no air by the boyz and 121U by day6
last movie i saw: bohemian rhapsody
last thing i googled: my star signs compatibility to other star signs
other blogs: @draco-mafloy
do you get asks: not really
why did you choose your user: i needed an nct-related one, i’m an nctzen and i really enjoy johnten as a ship so i put two and two together
following: 32
what are you wearing: pajamas
dream job: either becoming an english teacher or traveling the world as an interpreter
dream trip: i’m not picky, i just want to see the entire world. however, if i have to choose, then i want to go back to london with my girlfriend
favorite food: e v e r y t h i n g - or endive stew (a dutch dish)
favorite song: probably no air by the boyz or days gone by by day6 or n/s by stray kids
play or played any instruments: i used to learn how to play the guitar but i quit because it hurt lmao wish i could play the drums tho
favorite drink: water
are you older or younger than your ult: my ult is actually exo’s kyungsoo so younger; i’m also younger than johnny but older than ten, mark and haechan!
what do you notice first in a person: their ability to handle my dumb ass, meaning if you can handle me being myself (dumb, awkward, and i always say weird stuff dude i’m so sorry to anyone who knows me) when we first meet, i’ll probably end up liking you! 
put your playlist on shuffle and list the four first songs:
boa - like it!
alphabat - new way
gugudan - not that type
ateez - treasure
do you believe in ghosts: hell yeah dude, i also believe in aliens and many other conspiracies
do you drive? if so, have you crashed?: i know how to drive, however, i sadly didn’t pass the test the first time so i gotta do it again
languages you speak: english and dutch
random fact: i enjoy asmr but most of the time i cant stand looking at the videos because they make me cringe iauhjiusjd
i have no friends on here so i’m gonna tag some mutuals, feel free to ignore this tho!!!: @redcucumbers @holymolymarkhyuck @reblognct @fullofjoysblog
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