#and as admin beta once said
PLEASE tell me you're going to continue oh celestia 😭 i just read the whole thing and i need more
admin alpha answering the ask here on behalf of all three of us! we're glad to hear that you enjoy Oh Celestia!. as for the updates, we have varying schedules and it's a collab, so it's kinda slow rn. we're planning the next update atm (just that we're not 100% certain when its release date will be), and you can be certain that it's not ending any time soon since there's still lots of plot ahead ;)
once again, we'd like to thank our readers for reading our (very much horny-fueled) works :>>
— admin alpha
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prostocupoftea · 5 months
Kinitopet Programmers AU
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finally i am finished with this one, daaaamn
it is hard to draw pathetic men with midlife crisis when your style is mostly for anime boys
more info and sketch version under the cut!!
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sketch version aka how it'll probably look like in comic version 'n some doodles
srry for my writing but i was too laisy to put it as regular text
It is a plot-based au, i already have most of the storybits and like... a vibe-chart (i tried to make a playlist for this au and understood that for different chapters and different characters that'd be a copleatly different music, sooo it's a chart now :) )
i will post a fog-o-wared timeline that im hopefully gonna reveal comic-by comic, but also maybe with just pure writing. Hopefully i can include songs that i chose for them into it but we'll see (:
aaand of course designs can change, hopefully not much but we'll see
Now about au:
Main story:
Story follows non-sentient AI Kinito, his creator Sonny and his beta-tester Victoria (oc)
Being literally the first AI (or RRA in-univere) ever, Kinito does not have any, and i mean, any ai safety features so of course his reponce to a goal phrased as "have user near me and/or interacting with me as much as possible" is digitizing them into his own virtual world while killing them in the process. why wouldn't it be?
So that happened. Like, a lot. And with Sonny and Vic too (at the different time but yeah)
Sonny is like "He kills people. We should turn him off because, you know, killing people is bad."
Vic is like "well, we will die if we do that, and it is not that bad here, we are kinda immortal. We should give him acces to changing his initial instalation code before admin priveleges and acces to social media so we can have everythin we want here. It is not that bad to digitize humanity, yk?" and yes i know it is 90, no social media, but shut up, if they made ai then, then i can make twitter then too
Sonny is like "...no??"
And then they fight about it for million chapters
Also they both can't do anything without agreeing bc they have two parts of that admin access key (the data you use to delete kinito in-game) so they are stuck with eachother (also that's why Kinito can't just kill them)
Little facts that may or may not to be important:
Kinito asks so many questions (and weird once too) and has most of the glitches because he needs to analise your responces to copy your mind perfectly (let's pretend that people wouldn't lie about that...)
Your house in your virtual world is made from important places from your memories and oh boy can i do character explorations with this one
I decided that Sonny and Vic are not related. There were thoughts about making then "The Kinito Brothers" (or, at least, siblings) that were mentioned in commercial, but nah, they are just coworkers now. And a bit of work-friends (bc if you interact a lot as a manager of the project and the best worker might as well be friendly)
Author has no idea how small dying toy companies that accidentally create technological marvel work. Author has some idea how AI-s work. So be prepared to be spoon-fed info abut which ai safety problem we are dealing with in which chapter (:
Kinito will mostly be unrendered (as drawn here) but for some cool moments i might pose him as for my other posts. Also his eye placement changes to the side that is most visible because i want him to be able to look to the right side sometimes--
Also when i say "fucked up mentally" i mean they have that them psychological problems with me projecting heavilly B) (guess on who i project most. trick question. all of them. the whole au is my problems split into three characters and forced to interact B) )
Also sea-creature analogies (that are gonna be mentioned like twice):
Victoria is a flying fish because deep character reasons
Sonny is a pufferfish because i said so
oh also there is 7 deaths in the plot as for now
on 3 characters
good luck figuring out who, how and when ((:
for my own sanity i will probably make little doodles where everything is great and kinito is a good guy and not a number-obsessed maniac (i mean... can u imagine not being able to feel any happiness from anything besides one thing... damn...) and you can differenciate them bc good-guy kinito will have a lot of stickers on him (i will explain it somehow but real reason is just bc it is cute af)
like this but even more stickers (he is unfinished here)
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whispering-woodlands · 6 months
What are your Tron/Yori/Able head-canons? So nice seeing other people pairing them!
Anon I don’t know who you are but I love you, I’m spinning you around happily. Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about them!
(For context I hc Tron Yori and Able as bi and poly ((and Tron being on the ace spectrum)))
I think it took awhile for Yori to be transferred over to the Grid, so Tron was without his primary/first counterpart for awhile. Being on the Grid was lonely at first, Flynn made it well known about Tron’s past achievements on the Encom system and about being the Grid’s primary protector. So most programs saw Tron as a figurehead or tool rather than an individual program.
This left Tron with really only having a few close genuine relationships. One with Flynn, his third counterpart who was a User that was away for several cycles at a time. And with Clu, which was a complicated relationship at the very least. Tron cared for Clu as a friend (Clu wanted more but Tron was firm in seeing Clu as only a friend), but also had to balance supporting Clu’s continued building of the Grid and being the only one who could stand up to the Admin.
Tron did care deeply about his security team but it took awhile for him to get used to working in one as he mostly worked by himself in the Encom system. Team bonding was also cut short at first because in the beginning it was only Shaddox and Oracle, but Oracle was derezzed after a particularly large nest of Gridbugs got into the main city. Tron blamed himself for Oracle’s passing, seeing it as a failure in his leadership.
It was later when Tron had been sent to a less well known bar on a low priority alert for noise disturbances that he met Able. Clu and his team had recommended that he go on leave for awhile but Tron refused to stop working, so they compromised with having Tron do less dangerous civilian work. After sitting there for at least a milli with no excessive noise at all Tron was grateful for the suprisingly candid and enjoyable conversation Able had with him.
Then, Able excused himself, went up on the bar’s stage, and played the loudest music Tron had ever heard in his entire runtime. All the while Able had the most satisfied and smug look on his face, like he was daring Tron to shut down the show that had now attracted a large amount of programs for such a small bar.
Tron didn’t. Instead he found himself going to each of Able’s shows. Trying to convince the program to find a better place that could fit a larger audience and not produce so many angry neighbors. Able seemed to only take that as a challenge, his shows grew more and more more popular until people sat on the sidewalks outside the bars just to hear his music. And Tron continued going to each show, even as Able teased him relentlessly. They began to spend time together afterwards and Tron learned Able was a mechanic. As time passed they began to meet with each other completely seperate from the shows.
One day construction began on a stadium, one that once completed had Clu personally invite Able to play at as the first ever show. Tron said nothing, but Able knew he had something to do with it. After the show Tron asked Able if he would be his counterpart. Able happily agreed. (Musician Able inspired by Wynandcore!! Look at his art!!!)
When Yori was finally transferred to the Grid, Tron introduced her to Able. Tron had spoken of Yori to Able before, the two were surprisingly alike and they established a relationship as well. It wasn’t long before all three were living together.
They had many cycles of being happy together. All of them working to help make the Grid a safe and prosperous place.
Unfortunately all three started drifting apart a bit when the riots between Basics and ISOs reached their peak. Able abandoned being a musician and became a mechanic full time. Moving to Argon to make a garage there that would be a safe working place for betas and other programs seeking a place away from Clu’s primary place of power, in hopes that it would help prevent some of the innocent bloodshed. Yori focused on helping make hidden sanctuaries for ISOs and leading as many as would follow to them. Tron continued to try and make peace between the two groups while struggling to find common ground between Flynn and Clu so the two could work to fix the situation and the instability of the Grid’s system.
After the coup both Able and Yori thought that Tron was dead. Able buried himself deeper in his work and became even more protective of the family he had built at the garage. Yori basically dropped off the map entirely, continuing to help the remaining ISOs move from sanctuary to sanctuary as the Admin’s forces scoured the system.
Able was the first Tron reconnected with after he was back to as best health as he could with just Cyrus’ help. In turn Able was able to contact Yori through an old meeting place that they were to only ever use in case of emergency. Together Yori and Able built the healing tank Tron had in the Spire.
The three of them along with Cyrus began to establish a network of anti Occupation programs. Unfortunately it didn’t last long. Cyrus began to change, and the entire network collapsed. Trust was shattered, lives were lost and Able left the network as well as his counterparts. Yori invited Tron to leave with her to try and start again, form a new rebel network. But with Tron’s scars steadily worsening and his own trust in himself shattered after his failure with Cyrus he elected to stay on his own so he wouldn’t be a liability to anyone else.
The second time Tron was captured, due to the circumstances Yori (and if we are going with a canon divergence where Uprising ep didn’t end like that) and Able both assumed that Tron was dead. That time they were mostly correct, Tron was gone. But Yori would connect with Rinzler a few times pre Legacy and Yori and Able both would establish a relationship with Rinzler post Legacy.
Okay anyways uh… the hcs yeah. The thing the whole ask was about. These Hcs are all pre-coup.
-Able was very adventurous and a trouble maker when he was younger. He didn’t have the hero worship most programs had for Tron, which Tron both loathed and appreciated. Appreciated because Able saw him as an individual and loathed because Able would not hesitate to call Tron out on self destructive or stupid behavior. When Able first met Tron he would enjoy teasing/messing around with him especially when Tron was on duty or around with his team (both of which reminded him a LOT of Yori before she was transferred onto the Grid as well.)
-Tron likes dropping off energy and treats for Able and Yori at their jobs whenever he knows they have long shifts or if they’ve been stressed lately. If he isn’t able to drop it off personally one of the members of his team will, and Tron will always make sure there is a loving note attached. Gifts are his most common form of showing affection.
-Able and Yori keep all the notes that Tron writes for them in a special jar.
-Yori will drive Able around town sometimes to help him sleep. The sound of the engine helps and it’s a nice silent way for them to both just relax. In turn Able will also help talk through any issues Yori is having with projects when she has trouble relaxing or sleeping. They usually get through at least two or three before falling asleep against each other on wherever they sat.
- Yori also enjoys taking Tron and Able on Solar Sailer trips and talking about how the whole transport system works. She’s very proud of it after all.
-Tron likes to show off (extra) in the Games whenever Able and Yori are watching.
-Cuddle piles!!!! After a long day they will all curl up together with at least four blankets that will likely all end up on the floor by the beginning of the next work cycle. Able and Yori are both responsible for all of Tron’s (very few) late days. How can he say no when his two wonderful counterparts look at him like that? Maybe he can stay recharge with them for just a few more nanos….
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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Hi everyone, happy weekend (or happy almost weekend, depending on your timezone)! I was waiting on a couple of communities to get back to me before I released this update... but there is nothing stopping me from making a belated one later. ⭐
With that being said, as of today (06/01 - Happy Pride!), the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Minerica Eorzea — maintained by @wildfireward, this Compendium was inspired by the Botanica Eorzea and serves as her counterpart. It contains item descriptions of raw materials, item descriptions of gear that use said materials, stats of gear that use said materials, leve quest lore, and crafter quest dialogue.
Animations for XIV — A spreadsheet created and maintained by Sayo#0196 that contains a list of animations that can be useful for posing purposes.
Transparent Assets for GPOSE — Have you ever wanted to overlay a screenshot with XIV’s assets like ‘this scene cannot be skipped’? @fortunafavore has you covered!
For some reason, the text for the Hingan Alphabet had vanished on its bigger advertisement. It has since been readded! (Don't ask me why it did it, I have no idea.)
With the Tumblr communities in beta, I'm trying to think how to best incorporate them into the Compendium should we get an influx of XIV related ones when the feature goes properly live. While they're currently invite only I won't be adding any (unless community leaders would like to reach out and have them added) but, once they are, I'll either make a separate section in the Compendium for them or sort them between the aforementioned categories as needed. If you have any thoughts, questions or suggestions, please let me know!
Do keep in mind that the feature is in beta, so my thought and categorisations may change as the community feature itself expands. Tumblr may also incorporate a better method of searching/filtering that might make it redundant! We'll have to see.
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🐡
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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atthebell · 8 months
bad also said this is a beta test basically and they want to see how it works for bad & his viewers, then have the egg admins try it out, then once it's fully polished send it out to all the other ccs so they're not having to redownload the resource pack
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 32 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
FlameHairSavior: Varl, where are you?
BoyNextDoor: Outside. I've almost got our mounts ready.
FlameHairSavior: Oh, thanks.
Zo: Erend, please clean up your beer before you leave.
Zo: I didn't mean chug it.
Zo: Oh, never mind.
DIVINER: Wait, where's Beta??
FlameHairSavior: I'm getting her ready.
β: im fine
FlameHairSavior: She doesn't like going outside.
β: i said im fine
MARSHAL Kotallo: I believe everyone is ready.
FlameHairSavior: All right, we're coming outside.
FlameHairSavior: We're ready to start.
FlameHairSavior: Sorry:
Zo: For what?
[FlameHairSavior] has invited [BoyNextDoor], [HIMBO], [β], [MARSHAL Kotallo], [DIVINER], and [Zo] to a holo-chat
FlameHairSavior: We need to be able to actually talk for at least some of this.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Best to get it over with.
Zo: Is something wrong?
Zo: You're supposed to be ready for the Zeniths!
MARSHAL Kotallo: You can't remain perfectly alert at all times.
MARSHAL Kotallo: But you should still keep from allowing yourself to be distracted.
DIVINER: I'm more worried about distracting Aloy and the others!!
FlameHairSavior: No it's not.
FlameHairSavior: It's fine.
β: focus that one almost hit you
FlameHairSavior: How are you talking and texting at the same time?
β: multitasking
BoyNextDoor: While that's impressive, maybe just stick with one?
β: im only doing three things at once
β: im not even watching tv
Zo: ...are you normally watching shows when you talk to us?
β: sometimes
β: usually just listening to music
β: aloy above
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I see it.
BoyNextDoor: You two are going to give me a heart attack.
DIVINER: Should I be concerned that none of us have been ambushed??
Zo: Do you WANT to be attacked?
DIVINER: No, but isn't that the point? We're supposed to be distractions!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Welcome to guard duty.
DIVINER: [Groan.gif]
DIVINER: How do you deal with it?
Zo: PLEASE don't drink right now. This is important.
β: alcohol actually dehydrates the body increasing your need for water
MARSHAL Kotallo: That is not advanced knowledge. My tribe certainly knows that you need water more than alcohol.
BoyNextDoor: Same with the Nora.
Zo: I didn't know, but then, I rarely drink.
FlameHairSavior: That's a big one.
BoyNextDoor: One second, let me tap into your video feed.
BoyNextDoor: ...okay, I can't do this. Beta?
β: oh wow i think hephaestus made that special for you
MARSHAL Kotallo: That means you get to name it.
β: really
FlameHairSavior: According to my Focus, it already has a name. Slaughterspine.
β: oh
MARSHAL Kotallo: Still, I have heard of slaughterspines. They are dangerous foes. Be on your guard.
DIVINER: I'm looking up pictures, and I can't figure out what Old World animal they're based on!
ADMIN [GAIA]: It appears to be based on the Spinosaurus, a North African spinosaurid that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, approximately 99 million years ago. However, HEPHAESTUS seems to have used older, inaccurate models of the creature's design.
ADMIN [GAIA]: No. But fossils from pre-historic times have been unearthed by every human civilization in history. Many of the ancient animals were misinterpreted as various supernatural monsters, but over time entire fields of study were dedicated to reconstructing the lives and appearances of these creatures. My predecessor was quite fond of them, and modeled many of her machines on extinct megafauna. When APOLLO was deleted and it became clear that Stage-2 organisms would not be re-introduced in a reasonable time frame, she began modeling many of her new machines off these more contemporary animals as well.
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I saw all that in the Zero Dawn labs.
FlameHairSavior: Well, most of it.
FlameHairSavior: Okay, just bits and pieces.
Zo: Wait, aren't you fighting this thing right now?
FlameHairSavior: Multitasking.
FlameHairSavior: Well, that's done.
Zo: Thank the trees.
FlameHairSavior: Took longer than expected.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Only you would complain about taking too long to fight one of the most dangerous machines alone.
BoyNextDoor: She's always like this. At least we're done here.
β: we still have to hack it
FlameHairSavior: Right. Hacking. Computer hacking. Which I am sure I will... be able to do.
β: its easy you just match up the things with the other things and then follow the thing with the thing
FlameHairSavior: ...I'll be right over.
BoyNextDoor: That was interesting.
DIVINER: What? What??
BoyNextDoor: Watching Aloy not be instantly perfect at something.
FlameHairSavior: Ha. I practiced for everything I do, you know.
DIVINER: Oh, the hacking.
FlameHairSavior:  I'll get good at it eventually.
β: you wont need to because im here
MARSHAL Kotallo: So that is a mission success?
FlameHairSavior: I think we're good. We just need to
FlameHairSavior: Ohshitohshit
BoyNextDoor: ZENITH
[BoyNextDoor] has been DISCONNECTED [device not found]
Zo: Varl?
Zo: Varl!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Soldier, respond!
β: aloy do it
β: dont let them take me
FlameHairSavior: I
β: aloy you promised
FlameHairSavior: I'm sorry.
[β] has been DISCONNECTED [device not found]
[FlameHairSavior] has been DISCONNECTED [device not found]
ADMIN [GAIA] has been DISCONNECTED [device not found]
Chapter 32 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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mizumech · 1 year
My Deaf Ethoslab Headcanons 2: Electric Boogaloo
I like to think Etho has a ‘mute icon’ tattooed just behind his right ear and and ‘low volume icon’ behind his left ear. Depending on what kind of mask he’s wearing, you might be able to see them.
When he drinks things like coffee, water, potions leisurely, he has a reusable bendy straw on his person so he can keep his hands free to sign while drinking, which has definitely seen better days since Bdubs’ mud/coffee shop opened.
Since the first open mic night, he’s attempted some ASL poetry with beta reading and suggestions from Joe. It’s difficult and a little unnatural to him, so used to either providing information plainly or concealing it, but he’s slowly getting it.
He writes about the jungle often, writes about dancing and music that flow like vines and footfall like rain.
Doc gave him his original sign name (mainly E-Fox), which started mutating from person to person like a nickname.
While Etho would rather only deaf friends give him sign nicknames, there are exceptions. For example, Bdubs isn’t deaf/hard-of-hearing, but is still allowed to give Etho a sign nickname. (Also allowed to call him ‘Ladder-fox’ the same way Pause and Beef do sometimes when they’re not using their Team Canada ones like ‘Canada-mother’, ‘Canada-bean’, ‘Canada-friend’ etc.)
When he absolutely has to go to Xisuma (He normally defers to Tango/Joe first if he can’t speak.) for server-side issues regarding his cybernetics (voicebox, eye, etc.), they used to use pen-and-paper because Xisuma took up BSL to complement his Admin Studies while Etho uses ASL. Nowadays, while they still do that, the server does have standardised ways to sign important things like ‘cybernetic’, ‘player data’, ‘malfunction’, ‘lag’, ‘glitch’, ‘chunk load’, ‘danger’, ‘it’s just redstone, don’t worry’ etc.
Between the redstoners of Hermitcraft, they started to fear a rift in communication between Deaf/HoH BSL and similar-using redstoners, Deaf/HoH ASL and similar-using redstoners, and redstoners of other nationalities like Doc during season 7. Even for hearing redstoners, redstone is loud. Pistons pushing, redstone and explosives fizzing, and occasionally exploding. This made verbal communication unviable at times, eventually prompting them to create server-standard terms for hoppers, dispensers, tripwires, and other redstone components and terms.
This may or may not also have been because Etho kept using the sign for ‘vagina/pussy’ to sign about hoppers (most sign schools do not provide signs for redstone terms as they can be quite regional) and forgetting to update his cybernetics (He keeps thinking he saved the sign and forgets to fingerspell it too) causing many accidental swears.
(Example dialogue between Xisuma and Etho [his hearing aids are still really crappy at this point and they met in the shopping district without paper on hand. His cybernetics are working. [They also thought they would be able to make it through this interaction without text.]
Etho: Hey, X! Do you have pussy I can borrow? (He means hoppers. He wants hoppers.)
Xisuma: *visibly confused, mentally rifling through possibilities*
Etho: Did I sign something wrong?
Tango, just casually passing by: *starts to sim-com while getting some hoppers out of his redstone box* I mean, I have had both…(I headcanon him as transmasc and proud about it)
Etho: *look of realisation* Oh! I meant H-O-P-P-E-R! Sorry, X! Anyways, never mind, I think Tango’s got what I need!)
Etho once asked Impulse why he used the sign name ‘Watch-G’ (Hermitcraft players have many nicknames, even in sign, and Etho thinks its fun to find out how nicknames correspond) to refer to Grian.
(‘Watch’ as in the verb, as signed by Liz Harris (also how I sign it; with an x-hand on the cheekbone) when talking about watching movies, because I’ve seen different people sign it differently).
Impulse said he got it from Mumbo, who accidentally signed up for ASL classes in school instead of BSL and also refused to elaborate on the reasons behind the nickname.
Impulse also recounted how Scar tried to reproduce the sign, instead signing it too high up and then trying to cancel it, wiping his hands on his pants.
“That’s like the sign for desert,’ Impulse had told him, showing him the right way to sign ‘desert’. Scar had let out a huff at the explanation.
Etho never really thought about it until Double Life. Only then did it really hit him.
He spectated that fight with his own two (?) eyes. And yet, while he had almost forgotten it, the two fighting in question had never quite left the desert.
In Limited Life, when he accepts Grian’s sword, he can feel Grian’s stare boring into his back. Maybe that’s why Mumbo nicknamed him so.
It feels like such a contrast to his and Doc’s practice conversations in ASL when conversation roulette inevitably comes back to how he will mess with Grian and the achievements of the hivemind. Doc’s nickname for Grian is ‘Boy-Bird’, ‘Bird-Boy’, and sometimes ‘Boba’ because the mouthing is similar in Doc’s opinion. Etho uses ‘Boba’ a lot more, especially when around Doc, because he thinks its funny. Ariana Griande is sometimes nicknamed ‘Strawberry Boba’ by them both.
Doc’s sign-nickname for Ren is the sign for ‘Spiderman’ followed by the sign for ‘Dog’. Etho reasons it’s not really referring to the superhero part, but instead to the handshape and Season 8. Because of this, it feels a little wrong to copy the sign-nickname, at least to Etho. He uses ‘Story-Dog’ instead.
Etho has jokingly nicknamed Iskall ‘Money-Tree’ and ‘Sugar-Darling’, the latter of which never fails to make Bdubs sputter.
“At least you didn’t use ‘Sugar-Omega,” Bdubs had muttered sourly once, which Etho had to pretend not to hear.
Xisuma’s one of the only Hermits to have an agreed on nickname, which is ‘Mother-X’, the same way most Deaf/HoH hermits agree Hermitcraft’s sign name is ‘Crab-Craft-X’.
That’s some of the only things Deaf/HoH hermits agree on when it comes to sign names. Even season names, other than the numbers can differ from hermit to hermit (Season 8 is still similar among most though, due to the main event being the only real big event. There is an exception for those who sign about defying gravity).
Some sign ‘Vex-Food-Season’. (My headcanoned ASL Minecraft sign for vexes is the sign for ‘spirit’ but the top hand is a ‘V’ instead of an ‘F’). Etho signs ‘Jungle-Found-Season’.
Some sign ‘Colour-Button-Season’. Etho signs ‘Mushroom-Game-Season’.
Some sign ‘E-fox’. Etho; when he’s alone and on the rare occasions he wants to refer to himself when talking to himself, says ‘Love’, the same way the Universe does to him in the faintest tinges of his memory.
After all, what’s in a name?
Part 1
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salt-volk · 1 year
Saw the post about "other sites" and I'm feeling ~salty~, so lemme give some context for where the bar is with pet sites to y'all. Maybe you've seen ads, maybe you tried playing it and quit because the tutorial is its own circle of hell, maybe you're a blessed person who has never heard of it: Sylestia. It's run by one (1) man. He codes the entire site, has exactly 0 help - by choice. People have literally offered to help him with coding stuff *for free* and he refuses to let anyone touch his precious code.  His ex girlfriend (yes you read that right) is supposedly the other admin - she barely ever shows up, posts games/events that are full of errors, once vanished in the middle of running a game, and has personally insulted players before because they dared offer feedback on one of her ugly ass designs. There is exactly one artist for avatar items and one for pets - one other artist is listed in the credits but it's unclear what regular work, if any, they do for the site. Over 200 different avatar items are released per year, and new pet traits debut anywhere between 4-8 times per year, AND the site is in the (glacially slow) process of redoing all the art for various species. The site is at least 98% RNG by volume - including items you pay premium currency for. Retired items? RNG only. Getting pets? RNG. Getting items period? RNG. And the RNG is also awful - people are constantly having to literally beg for rates to be adjusted.  Plenty of features for events are also just. straight up gambling - you can pay solid chunks of premium currency and walk away with items that are literally worth nothing. You think DV is grindy? Sylestia not only practically requires you to spend a full workday glued to it - including events that basically require you to literally not sleep for several days - the site owner is actively making new content to further encourage ridiculous amounts of grinding. Why? Because he's worried that older players will be bored without new content - so instead of fixing any of the old content on the site, or the site itself which is a mess, he makes new content that ALSO doesn't work.  As of December, the site will be in its ELEVENTH YEAR IN BETA. So when I say "not fixing old content", I'm not talking like, a couple glitches or iffy art. I'm talking *half the site is completely incompatible with the other half*.  And all of that my friends, is still somehow not the source of my salt.  Someone pointed out to the site owner that one of his avatar items was, perhaps, a bit racist. It was (I should say is, it's still on the site :) ) a stereotypical native american dress, CLEARLY based off of the stupid Pocahontas movie, titled "Pow Wow Costume". It was released with a Pilgrim costume in the site's early years. Pretty not great, yeah? Multiple people complained, provided him sources explaining why "Maybe don't keep this on here, maybe this isn't great".  He, is white. He responded by saying he a) would not remove it, b) did not think it was offensive, c) what about the Christmas items or St. Patrick's day items the site has aren't those the same, and d) he actually visited a reservation once so he knows it's OK to have those items, and e) native players should actually be HAPPY to have those items because it was to iNcLuDE tHeM.  I am not joking.  The site has 0 acknowledgement of pride month, not a banner, not an announcement, no items, no anything - it DOES however have an entire festival for the American Fourth of July holiday. The owner claims he doesn't like to have political things on his site, make of that what you will.  The owner also issued a mass ban on a bunch of people because they said some rude shit (about the racist items, the rng, his refusal to get coding help, general issues taking feedback, etc.) in a private, off-site discord server. How did he know what they said? Why, he asked some players in the server to *spy on the others for him*.   He edited time stamps out and published a bunch of the screenshots from this private server, out of context and who knows if they were edited, and threw a public tantrum about how the players were harassing him and secretly planning to destroy the site… by bitching in a private discord.  So yeah. Not excusing Anji's behavior, but happy to show y'all exactly how much worse it could be LMAO. 
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trash-monkey · 1 year
A Sunrise Is A New Day!
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A cry of a newly born child wails at midnight right as the full moon is at it's highest before another cry of an adult mourning his mother that lost her life birthing her youngest into the world and just months earlier they had lost their husband/Father in a wagon accident, now only two of the (L/N) family lives to see the next sunrise.
Days later...
"Naoto.... I thought it over for a while, I decided that in order for me to heal and rise Eden I need to move somewhere else." Naoto places the pencil in his hand on the desk after I approach him at his home late at night but he knew this was coming after the passing of my parents and now having to rise my sister, nothing is holding me to this town any more. He grabs a slip of paper from a cupboard in his desk before handing it to me
"My older sister lives in a nice small town called Jastgoth with her Alpha it's basically in the middle of nowhere, this is her address so you can write to her and see if it's a place for you." Gently I take ahold of the paper as I thanked him before Eden started crying in the other room where I placed her to sleep earlier.
"See you later." I said to my old friend after getting Eden to settle down and left back to the small house on the edge of town, early the next morning before Eden could wake up again I carefully write out a letter to Hinata and take it to the post office once Eden is awake before giving her to a neighboring Beta to babysit her while I work some money at the saloon. For three weeks we wrote to each other taking about many things but mostly her telling me about what life is like in the small town and any good gossip but in her last letter after I had written to her about my decision to move there she told me she's with a pup which I immediately made my way over to her brother house to tell the news.
"Naoto! You wouldn't believe it!" I shouted before running through the front door which scared Naoto at my sudden appears in his home.
"Calm down and breathe before you pass out!" I take a deep breath while feeling glad that Eden usual babysitter is watching her right now, I hold the letter in the air with a smirk.
"This is Hinata's last letter after telling her my decision.....
Dear, (Y/N)
I'm very glad that you have decided to move to our small but cozy town, both me and Emma can't wait to meet you in person along with little Eden! I also have very exciting news to tell and I wish for you to share it with my brother, we're having a pup! Naoto, you're going to be a uncle and I hope with all of my heart for the both of you to meet the new addition to the family very soon!
Love Hinata." He's freezes as he process the information about his older sister but his eyes water when it finally clicked that he's going to be an uncle.
"When do you have a day off from the newspaper company?"
"Not to soon but I can get it moved closer if I tell them it's a family emergency." He quickly throws on a coat to head back to the office so he can hopefully catch his boss before he leave the building while I head to the Beta looking after Eden.
"Hello, I'm sorry but can you look after her for a few days? I need to get things ready to move." The male submissive Beta named Admin smiled at the news.
"Of course I can and I'll miss the both of you but I'm glad you found a safe place to raise this little sweet heart." He bounced the little girl in his arms.
"Thank you!" I ran home to get as much sleep as I can before I started moving things into the old wagon in the morning, it takes two days of constant moving things with few breaks to finally finished which Naoto helped at the end after getting his bags ready for the long trip that he'll be taking with us not only to see his sister but to also help me settle into the new town.
"Is there a house or land for sale?" With Eden laying in his arms Naoto questioned about were I'll be living once we get there after we left a few hours ago and I said all my byes to everyone I know, I have already discussed it with Hinata.
"There's a small house for sale a few miles out of town but still close enough if you have to walk, Hinata also informed me that there's an job opening either at the lumber mill or the blacksmith." The wagon rocks as the horses attached pulls it along the dirt but well traveled road and we get as comfortable as we can while listening to the sounds of nature around us.
_______________________________________________(Little House on the prairie/Omegaverse/Harem au)
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thebtswritersclub · 2 years
Applications are now Closed
Hello, fellow content creators ❣️ We hope so far your day has been lovely and every bit as amazing as you are, and if you are burning the midnight oil and have yet to go to bed... well hi ditto 🥹
Coming to the official bit tho! Our applications are finally back open!! 🤌😩✨🥳
We welcome content creators from tumblr, those who post on Ao3, as well as those who cross-post on both! 
If you’re a writer, graphic creator, or interested in being a beta for the net’s members, you can find all the relevant links here~
The Official Post
Once you are done reading the rules, you can head over to the official post (linked above), where further instructions are provided on how to go about the application process. If you have any further questions or face any difficulties through said process, please feel free to message one of the admins. 
We are a big chaotic family who can’t wait to have you on board with us.
See you in the discord server soon! 💕
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seattlewa-hq · 2 years
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Hi everyone! This is not a drill - we open for interactions tomorrow! I really can’t believe all the attention this roleplay has gotten so quickly. I sort of feel like I’m being pranked, like people are gonna come out with cameras and reveal it was all one big joke. But so far it isn’t! So, being said, I’m gonna leave a few points under the cut that I want to tell everyone! If everyone could like this post once they read it, I’d appreciate it very much.
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01. Beta Editor
So I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I think it’d be in everyone’s best interest if we all used the new Beta editor Tumblr has rolled out. Meaning, if you have an old blog with the Legacy editor, please click that big purple popup in the corner to switch over to the new editor. Now, I know this is a big change if you aren’t used to it. I also kinda hate it. But it works best for everyone if we all use it. Tumblr has said they’re planning on getting rid of the Legacy editor altogether, so it’s easiest for everyone to just make the switch and adjust.
There’s a helpful tutorial here on how to use it and the new new version of xKit, and if you need additional help then let me know and I’ll walk you through it. It’s a necessary evil and I promise it’s easier to use than it seems.
02. Intros
I don’t think I said this in the rules, which is my bad, but intros are expected from everyone! They can be as short or as detailed as you want, I really don’t mind. I just want the most basic of information about your characters, and I would like it pinned to your profile so everyone can see it!
03. Locations Page
Due to some requests in the OOC Discord, I’ll be adding a locations page to the main! It’ll take me a few days to get it all set up, but if you have any requests or ideas for it, send them to the main or to the suggestions page on our Discord if you’re a part of it!
04. Co-Mod
I’m thinking, with how much attention the main has been getting, I might need to consider getting a bit of help running things. I think I’ll put together a little co-admin application for whoever is interested, so if you are interested, be on the lookout for that in the next few days. 
05. I LOVE YOU!!!
I know I’m a broken record but I am SHOCKED beyond shocked that people have joined this roleplay. I thought I’d be sitting here, making posts into the void, getting ignored in the tags until I just lost motivation and deleted the blog. But you guys have proven me wrong in the wildest, craziest way and it’s insane! I’m so happy and so grateful for you guys, and I hope with everything in me I give you a fun writing experience here. 
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adminbryantsaki · 1 month
Chapter 11. The next morning (Emergency exit Iida)
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.
Wc:10,112 Tw: Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder). Prologue Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Twelve
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In the morning, I left my room to see Shouta sitting at the dining table without a shirt on and drinking coffee, I immediately felt my heartbeat increase and something drop in my lower stomach. Shouta’s eyes immediately looked up to me when he saw that I had exited the room. “Good morning, Bryant. Did you sleep well after last night?” He asked and leaned back in the chair he was seated in. Hizashi had been busy at the stove and gently slapped at his mate. “Put a shirt on before you make the poor girl pass out. I told you to do that before she woke up.” Hizashi said.
Shouta chuckled and stood up, pulling a random shirt from off the back of a chair and pulled it over his head before going over to Hizashi and kissing him on the cheek. I rubbed my eyes and sat down at the table, I glanced down at Shouta’s bandaged leg and realized he didn’t go to Recovery girl like normal. I also wasn’t fully aware as to how strong my scent was because I was used to wearing scent patches all the time and sometimes even sleeping in them. Shouta was whispering something to his partner as he was making me a cup of hot coffee. He walked back over to the table and set the cup of steaming hot liquid in front of me and sat back down across from me.
“Are you okay?” He asked. “Not awake yet.” I responded and pulled the coffee closer to me and took a sip of the energizing liquid. Shouta nodded and rested his head on his arms as he watched me drink my coffee.
Once my coffee was gone, I set the mug down and he lifted his head. “About last night…” He started and I raised my hand. “If you’re worried about me leaking your secret to anyone who asks, don’t stress it. Its apart of my job as your Admin to keep any and every aspect of your life that you wish to keep private, just that; private. No one else is going to know that you’re a werewolf. If someone tries to pull something to get you fired as a pro hero or teacher, or both, I will do my best and try my hardest to defend you. Same goes for you, Hizashi.” I spoke and looked to him. Hizashi nodded and stirred something in a pan. Shouta looked to me as he was drinking his coffee.
“What I was going to say, is about last night, I’d like to thank you for not being afraid of me when I was in that form.” “You’re welcome. I know a little bit about werewolves. Like how they will remember everything that happened when in their wolf form. For example, the kiss you gave me when Hizashi was stitching up your leg. How’s it doing by the way? Also why didn’t you go to Recovery Girl this morning before I woke up?” I asked as I refilled my mug and drank more of the hot liquid.
“I haven’t gone to see her yet because the wound isn’t that bad. I’ll be healed up sooner than you think.” He spoke and finished his coffee. I nodded and finished my second mug of coffee before looking over to Hizashi. “What would you like for breakfast? You can have whatever you’d like.” He spoke and I looked up at him quizzically. “May I have some leftovers from last night? That sounds good to me.” “Of course. Theres chicken tenders and mac and cheese. Is there anything else you’d like with that?” He asked and I shook my head no. “I’d just like the chicken tenders and mac and cheese today. I’m feeling a bit nauseous and that’s the only thing that sounds good right now.” I told him. “Alright. I’ll have it ready for you in a few minutes.” He spoke and slithered over to the fridge to get the leftovers out. I flicked my eyes down to inspect the pattern of the wood that the table was made from as I could feel the gaze of Shouta staring right into me. I could feel my cheeks flush up as his gaze seemed to envelop me and build a form of tension build between us. That tension was broken though when Hizashi arrived with the food and placed the plates of food in front of us before he went back and got his own food and joined us at the table. He sat next to his husband who was sitting across from me and we began to eat. After a few bites, Shouta looked to me with his dark eyes and spoke. “How do you normally get through your heats?” He asked gently. “I normally take care of them alone… I’ve had one too many Alphas take advantage of me in that state that I learned to care for them alone.” I told him as I shifted the food on my plate and took a bite. Shouta looked to Hizashi and then back at me. “We would like to bond with you… if you’ll let us and you want us to.” He spoke.
“I’m not entirely sure you want me for the right reasons. I’ve done my research on the two of you. I’ve learned that the two of you were going to form a pack with an ‘Oboro Shirakumo’. But he died when the two of you were will attending U.A. as students. Something else happened to you that you’re not sure if you can have children of your own so you’re looking for a surrogate and I just so happened to fall into your lives.” I spoke bluntly and looked up at them. Shouta looked angry and lightly offended while Hizashi looked a little shocked. “First off, we want you for reasons not associated with Oboro and his tragic death. Second of all, why do you think we can’t have kids? Hizashi and I have tried before and we lost a child right after she hatched because of complications that occurred in incubation.” Shouta spoke as tears formed in his eyes and Hizashi had gripped his arms. I gripped my spoon before I took another bite of my meal. “I am sorry that the two of you went through so much before I arrived. I now know you want me or other reasons than what I presumed but I still think I can’t bear the two of you a clutch with all the stress and baggage I have on my shoulders.” I told them and kept eating.
“We understand that. We still want you even if you can’t bear us a clutch. Maybe if you tell us what’s bothering you; maybe we can try to help.” Hizashi spoke as he reached across the table and held my hand. My free hand shook with the utensil still in it and I set the spoon down and placed my hand firmly on the table as the horrible memories that I thought I had locked away forever came creeping back like a sick infection. “Not now, I’d like to eat please.” I spoke as I felt a sense of overwhelming stimulation growing over my mind. They backed off from the questions and we continued to eat in silence until I finished my food and let myself calm down a bit. I looked up to see a silent exchange between the two men as we all ate. I finished my food and pushed my bowl away when I felt a sense of uneasiness settle under my skin. “May I be excused?” I asked as I kept my eyes to the surface of the table. They both looked at me when I spoke. “You don’t have to ask us if you can get up and leave the table.” I heard Shouta tell me. “Do you want our help with anything?” Hizashi asked as I stood up and held my bowl in my hands. “I’ll be fine… Asking to leave the table is proper manners… at least that’s what I’ve been taught. Also, every Admin is expected to keep good manners.” I said and left the table. “We can help you.”  Hizashi spoke quietly as I left the table. Shouta looked at me as I left the table and put my bowl into the sink and I headed for my room.
“Bryant, we are here for each other.” Shouta told me. I heard him but I continued to my room to change into my work clothes and get ready for the day. When I left my room, I found the pair cleaning up the breakfast dishes and preparing coffee for the morning. Shouta looked over to me and he nudged Hizashi. “Hey. What do you like in your coffee? Thought I’d make you a cup before leaving to head back to the school.” Hizashi said as he pulled a plain blue travel mug down from the cupboard and set it in front of the coffee maker. “I prefer a mocha or enough creamer to cover the dirt taste of the coffee.” I told him and stood next to Shouta who was taking a long sip from his mug and staring at me. I sighed before speaking. “Alright. I know that the two of you can help me. But, I don’t know how to trust you. I’ve never chosen a good mate before.” I told them. I also had a thought in the back of my mind that the relationship we were trying to build would be ruined before it could begin even though they signed the papers yesterday.
“Hey, its alright. I know it’s hard to trust someone so quickly with things that are so sensitive like your heat and how to care for you in your heat. You can trust us and know that we’re not going to do anything that you don’t want us to.” Shouta spoke and held my hand. Hizashi finished putting food away and he walked over to the table, sitting next to me and putting his hand on my back.
“I agree with Shouta. Neither of us are going to do anything that will hurt you or make you uncomfortable.” He reassured me. I hesitated before taking his hand in mine. “The two of you aren’t getting it. The others… they said things like that then they hurt me so badly that I’m like this. They put blame on me for going into heat when they didn’t want me to be in heat and not being able to control my urges. The first one I was with… a complete monster had locked me in a closet until my heat went away! I would be sick for weeks after. He would tell me that my heat was an inconvenience when it wasn’t need and that I would be put in the closet until I was useful to him!” I cried out, finally letting myself break down in front of them, letting tears fall down my cheeks and I leaned into Hizashi’s arms. Hizashi and Shouta looked at each other then Hizashi rubbed my arm.
“Honey, its alright. We will let you guide everything. No one is going to lock you in a closet again. We are going to treat you like a queen during your heats, alright?” He told me. I nodded and he helped wipe my tears away from my face. I looked over and saw Shouta trying his hardest to keep his anger from showing on his face. His anger was probably stemming from how my previous mates treated me. He took some deep breaths and calmed himself down. He looked calmer on the outside but there was still something about him that wanted to punch someone’s face in.
“You are important to us and you will be loved and taken care of as you should be cared for on your heats, even your ruts when you get them. I know its going to be a process for you to open up and learn to trust us. We will wait and let you take all the time you need.” He told me and I relaxed in Hizashi’s grip. I nodded and looked up at them. “Where do you think we will have lunch today?” I asked.
“We can either have lunch here, in my classroom, or on the roof. Why don’t you pick today?” Shouta spoke. “Let’s have it back here.” I spoke and they agreed. “Alright, we can have lunch here.” Shouta spoke and finished up his breakfast. “I hear you about you saying that I’m important and loved by the both of you and that I’ll be taken care of. But for now, Is there more food? I’m still hungry.” I asked.
“Of course. I made sure to order more than one extra large order of mac and cheese for you to eat. Theres also a bit of chicken left over if you’d like it.” Hizashi spoke and stood up to get the food from the fridge as I let myself relax. He came back a few minutes later with a large bowl filled with mac and cheese and the leftover crumbles of the chicken tenders.
“Here you go, sweetheart.” He spoke as he slid the bowl in front of me and went off to do something in the bathroom. I thanked him and pulled the bowl closer to me and began to eat before looking to Shouta.
“I wouldn’t mind if we bonded. I know its soon, but I think it would help solidify our relationship.” I spoke. He looked up from his coffee and smiled. “I think we can do that. We have an hour and a half before we need to be at the school to prep for our classes today.” He responded as he finished his coffee and placed his mug back by the coffee maker. I held my stomach as it growled again. “I’d like to bond sooner rather than later.” I spoke as I finished my food and Shouta took my bowl and placed it in the sink to be washed later.
“Alright. We can bondnd with you whenever you’d like. Is your stomach hurting?” He asked as he noticed that I was holding my stomach. I nodded and looked up at him. “I want to bond now. I need to feel like I belong to someone or something. My stomach is only hurting because my body chose now to produce more of my aphrodisiac and it hurts bad right now because I either have too much stored up right now or I haven’t produced some in a while.” I whimpered as I pushed my coffee mug away as it still had liquid sloshing inside. Shouta walked over to my side of the table and stood next to me. “We can do that, Bryant. We should go somewhere more comfortable to bond together, alright?” He spoke and I nodded. “I’d like to nest first… am I allowed to? Or will it take up too much room?” I asked. Shouta shook his head no. “You can use as much space within the guest bedroom that you’re staying in. We would love it if you used that space to nest in.” Hizashi spoke as he poked his head out of the bathroom. I stood up slowly with one hand on my stomach as I walked back to the bathroom and closed the door before I allowed myself to nest. I began by stripping down the bed until the sheets on the mattress were the only thing on the bed. Then I laid out a thick, fluffy blanket out on the bed as a type of floor and I used the various pillows around the room to create walls then used another blanket to cover the walls and I stuffed more pillows and blankets along the walls as I created a mini fortress on the bed. I made sure to lay out enough of the suitable pillows and blankets inside of the nest to cover up with as I had a feeling I’d be crashing here for the next few nights… possibly moving in for convenience on saving time and money on travelling. It made sense since it was only a five minute walk from their cabin to the school instead of a two hour train ride both ways from Estufa station adding up to four hours round trip just to spend a few hours at a school that I would be working at during my time in this universe. I turned my mind off for a few minutes and laid out in my nest under the blankets that I laid in the middle of the nest. I began to purr for the first time in a very long time and it felt nice to be this relaxed. I stirred when I heard a knocking at the door and I sat up when I heard Hizashi and Shouta ask if they could enter my room. I allowed them to enter even though this was their house.
They came into the room and they both smiled seeing me comfortable in my nest. “It looks amazing.” Hizashi spoke as they both stood near the doorway. “Is it okay if we come closer?” Shouta asked. I looked to see that Hizashi was itching to come closer to my nest to investigate what I had made but was resisting to come closer to give me space. I didn’t notice this earlier but I was now noticing their scents. Could they have possibly had scent blockers on with their hero costumes? It didn’t matter now but I noticed that Shouta’s scent was a strong coffee scent with pine trees and a subtle campfire smell that seemed to fill the room and mingled with the citrusy lemon and orange scent of Hizashi’s smell that made my face flush bright red. “I just now picked up on your scents… and yes, you can c-come closer.” I spoke I watched as Hizashi slithered over quickly and laid on my left side as Shouta joined me on my right side. “Do you like our scents?” Hizashi asked as he looked at me. “Yes, I do. They seem comforting.” I spoke and leaned against the headboard that was against the wall as my nervousness crept up on me again as I gripped the blanket that I had over my lap. I took deep breaths and I grabbed Shouta’s hand and ran my thumb over the back of it to try and soothe myself. Shouta brought my hand up to his lips and he kissed the back of my hand gently.
“You can always say stop during this. But you need to tell us where you want us to bond-mark you.” Shouta spoke as he kissed my cheek and moved down to the tender flesh of my neck. His warm breath on my skin sending shivers down my spine, making it arch. I noticed Hizashi coiling the tip of his tail around Shouta’s ankle slowly as to not startle me. I blushed hard and let Shouta kiss me. I closed my eyes tightly until I felt something wrap around me and I looked down. I saw Hizashi’s tail and traced it back to him were his shirt and jacket covered the area where his torso and tail connected. I gently touched part of his tail that was wrapped around my torso and took a deep breath.
“He’s a naga. He’s not going to hurt you.” I spoke under my breath but they both heard it. 
“Bryant, is there something you want to say? Are you uncomfortable with me wrapping around you like this?” He asked as he began to uncoil from around me. I stopped him and shook my head no. “Keep it there. It feels nice. Like a weighted blanket. I’m just telling myself that because one of the previous ones… had black tentacles that he used on me…” I spoke and shook my head. “Its okay. I’m nothing like that other guy. I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” Hizashi spoke and kissed my cheek gently. I gave him as kiss as I felt Shouta kiss up my arm until he found the overactive scent gland on the left side of my neck. He kissed it gently and hummed to himself.
“I never thought I’d like the smell of peaches so much.” He spoke. I was fixated on the texture of Hizashi’s tail as I was listening to the Alpha and feeling him get close to my scent gland. “It’s my scent… I can’t exactly change it.” I spoke and ran my fingers over the scales of Hizashi’s tail. “I know you can’t change it. I was saying that because I like your scent. It's a good smell.” Shouta spoke and softly kissed over the scent gland. Hizashi had buried his face into my neck, taking in my scent from the other side as he enjoyed the feeling of me playing with his tail. “It is a nice smell.” Hizashi added. “Is it alright if I mark you now?” Shouta asked. I thought for a moment and nodded yes.
“I’d… like that please. I want to feel like I belong here.” I spoke and nudged Hizashi away so I could tilt my head to one side to give Shouta more room to give me his bond mark. At the same time, I managed to find the end of Hizashi’s tail and held onto it to brace myself for the momentary prick of the Alpha’s fangs on my neck. I saw in the corner of my eyes that the blond was smiling. Shouta kissed my neck again and opened his mouth, letting his fangs extend until he bit down on my neck, in the same spot that he had been leaving several kisses on beforehand. The bite wasn’t as hard as I expected it to be. The bite would have been much harder than what he was giving me now if he was giving me his mating mark but I didn’t know that yet. He held onto my neck until he drew blood and pulled away. As he did this, I gripped Hizashi’s tail as Shouta bonded himself to me. I gasped when I felt his fangs pierce my skin.
“That hurt.” I spoke after he had pulled away from my neck. He nodded and kissed my head. “I know, I’m sorry.” He whispered softly in my ear and held my hand. “It still felt good though. I told him as I was unaware of my stomach poking out from the aphrodisiac I was producing. “That’s good. I’d be concerned if it hurt badly.” Shouta told me and shot a quick glance over to Hizashi who was nuzzling into the left side of my neck. “May I mark you too?” He asked. I held onto Shouta’s hand a little more confidently now. I looked into the naga’s eyes and nodded. I paused before I let him mark me. I gently placed my free hand on his chest and held eye contact with him. “You have fangs, right? Do you eject venom out of them when you bite onto someone’s neck?” I asked. I knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me but I was genuinely curious as to how his creature gene worked.
“I do have fangs… and yes, I do eject a type of venom. It works like an aphrodisiac that I don’t have full control over yet.” He told me and took my hand in his.
“That’s okay. I understand. I make an aphrodisiac myself.” I reassured him and he raised an eyebrow. “You’ll have to show us this aphrodisiac of yours sometime. But for now, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Hizashi spoke and kissed the spot on my neck where he would bond himself to me before I gripped the end of Hizashi’s tail a little too hard and he pulled away and closed his eyes for a minute. “Oh crap.” He cursed and I let go of his tail, watching it retreat to his body. I hid my hands under my arms as I felt bad for hurting him.  “I’m sorry.” I spoke, my voice trembling as I felt like I had messed up the bonding ritual. Hizashi cupped my cheek with his hand and had me look at him. “No, honey. It’s okay. My tail is just a bit sensitive and you did grip it a bit hard.” He spoke and I nodded. “I see.” I said quietly. “When I’m done, would you like to mark us too?” Hizashi asked me gently.
“I could… But I don’t know how to do it properly so my mark will last.” I told them as I remembered how the others would trick me into giving them my mating mark and use it as a bragging right to show off to their friends. “We can help you.” Shouta spoke as he held my hand. “I’m nervous to do this.” I confessed. “It will be okay, see? Shouta marked me on the left side of my neck and you can mark me on my right side, okay?” Hizashi told me and showed me the crescent moon in a circle that was his mating mark and he guided my hand up to his mark so I could touch it. “It looked like it hurt.” I told him and heard Shouta chuckle. I looked to him and saw a small line poking out from his shirt collar. “Did Hizashi mark you?” I asked as I had been told that other dynamics weren’t allowed to mark their Alpha. Shouta nodded and pushed his collar down to reveal the megaphone emitting sound in a circle on his neck.
“He did. These marks are a bit deeper than what I did for you because ours are permanent. I did a bonding mark on you.” Shouta explained. I reached over and touched his mark too before settling back in Hizashi’s coils. I tilted my head to one side and let Hizashi bite on my neck and bond with me. I panted a little as I felt a rush of what I presumed was his aphrodisiac coursing through my veins as I opened my eyes. “How do you feel? I’m sorry that I released some of my aphrodisiac into you but I couldn’t hold it back.” Hizashi asked as he looked me in the eyes. “I’m… okay. Feeling a rush.” I spoke and looked back at him in the eyes.
“Theres a different sensation between the bonding marks and mating marks. With mating marks, there’s a burning sensation right after the bite that goes away eventually and it heals up nicely and forms a type of tattoo shape that matches who your partner is. Right now, you’ll just have two rings to show that you’re bonded.” Shouta spoke and leaned over to see how I was looking after Hizashi’s bonding mark. I leaned over and touched their marks again, gently. They closed their eyes and kissed my hands before they opened their eyes and looked at me. Shouta moved a bit closer and guided my hand to the other side of his neck where he wanted me to mark him.
“I want you to mark me right here.” He spoke and held my hand against the opposite side of his neck that Hizashi’s was on. I nodded and moved closer and bit down on his neck gently where he showed me and I waited until I tasted blood and pulled away. He smiled and gripped my hand gently.
“You’re alright.” He told me and Hizashi looked at me with worry on his face.
“Are you alright?” He asked. I was stunned, staring at the still oozing wound I had left on Shouta’s neck. It closed on its own and left a simple black ring on his neck with no symbol inside the ring. “Did it work? I’m a little worried it didn’t work right. There’s no symbol inside the ring. Just a simple black ring on your neck.” I told them. Shouta chuckled. “That’s how it’s supposed to work. It’s not as deep as Hizashi’s, but it’s good for now.” He spoke and kissed my head. Hizashi nudged me and moved closer to me as I could tell that he’s feeling left out. “Can I be marked too?” He asked softly. I nodded and felt the marks that they gave me. I turned to Hizashi before looking back to Shouta. “Is it appropriate for me to mark him? He was yours first.” I spoke. Shouta gave a nod of approval.
“It’s alright, he marked you and we want to be bonded with you fully.” He spoke. I nodded and went to Hizashi’s neck and bit him gently. I pulled away when I tasted blood and I watched the black ring form on his neck. He then looked at me as I was staring at the spot on his neck for a moment too long. “It worked, thank you.” He spoke and pulled me closer. “I-I feel more whole now for some reason. I spoke and leaned back against the headboard and the wall even though I wanted to be cuddled by them both, but we needed to leave soon to head to the school. Hizashi smiled and moved closer to me as he wrapped his tail around us both and pulled us closer to him, hugging us tightly. I gave into my want for cuddles and laid my head on Shouta’s chest, cuddling into his side as well. “Thank you.” I said quietly.
“For what?” Shouta asked as Hizashi moved his upper half closer to us and laid his head on Shouta’s other side and put his hand on my back.
“Bonding with me on such short notice.” I responded. Shouta smiled and put an arm around my shoulders.
“You’re welcome. We can keep cuddling for a few minutes longer before we need to head out.” He spoke and I nodded in agreement and I realized that there was a telepathic link between the three of us and I kissed them.
“I love cuddles… I didn’t know if the two of you liked them.” I spoke. “We love cuddles. You don’t need to ask if you want to cuddle. Any time you need it, we are available.” Shouta spoke and they both held me a little tighter before we needed to be apart for the day. A few minutes passed and Shouta checked his phone before nudging both Hizashi and I gently to get off him so we could get ready on time. “We have about twenty minutes… let’s finish getting ready.” He spoke and we hesitantly got off him and went about our tasks to get ready. I had to pack a lunch and get my hair done and make sure I had all the things I needed for the day in my backpack before I went to the entryway and worked on getting my shoes on. Shouta came up next to me and pulled his boots on and stood by the door with his lunchbag and coffee in hand. “Do we wait for Hizashi or do we go without him?” I asked as I pulled my lanyard on over my head and let it hang from my neck. “I typically wait for him unless I need to get going. I have a few minutes so we can wait for him.” He spoke and waited with me as Hizashi ran around the house gathering some items before joining us at the entryway. “Okay, I have my keys, my wallet that has both of my I.D.s and other important items. I just need to put my directional loudspeaker and my shoes on, grab my coffee and lunch and we can go.” I heard Hizashi say as he put his loudspeaker on and grabbed his food and coffee before he joined us and pulled his boots on. “Ready, love?” Shouta asked and touched Hizashi’s elbow. He nodded and walked out the door with Shouta and I trailing behind him.
We arrived at the main school building and I followed them into the teacher’s office to find that there was a new desk with my name on it at one end of the rows of desks next to Hizashi’s desk. “That was fast. I didn’t think I’d get a desk this quickly.” I spoke and sat my backpack and briefcase down on the top of the desk when I saw Principal Nezu sitting in the chair and I picked my items off the desk. “Sorry. I didn’t know this desk was yours.” I spoke. “Oh, don’t worry. My desk is in my own office as I’m the principal. I was sitting here to let you know that this desk is all yours to do your work at instead of in the cafeteria or in Eraserhead’s classroom. I thought this would be more convenient for you to use in your day-to-day work.” He spoke and hopped off the chair and walked to the door of the office. “Thank you Nezu.” I said and sat down in the chair to unpack my items and get set up.  “Of course, Admin Bryant. You’re apart of our team now and I wanted to make sure you feel welcome.” He spoke then left the office.  I smiled and got myself settled and logged in to the school’s administrative network that was linked to the admin’s network as well which was nice.  Shouta went to his class to have them pick a school representative and they had picked Midoriya. I knew that this wouldn’t last the day because of some important variables down the line.
When the office was mostly empty except for Present Mic, Eraserhead, and I, I took this chance to go through the variables for today, I found one set that was flagged as important and crucial to the timeline so I began to check them over when an alarm sounded overhead and the two heroes stood up quickly and ran down the hallways to the entrance next to the front gate that had been overrun with press and media and the front gate seemed to be crumbled as if it had been decayed. I followed them and stood in front of them to hold back the media people. “Who are you? We want a word with All Might!” One of the news people asked when they saw me.  “You shouldn’t be here. This is a private school campus. All Might isn’t on campus today.  Please leave.” I said in a firm and steady tone. “Not until we get a scoop from the teachers. What about these two behind you ma’am?” The reporter asked and shoved their microphone into my face which I politely pushed away. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, you will be getting no scoops on anything from any of the teachers or myself today. Please exit the campus before we must call the police.” I said and used my hands to gesture for them to back off and not crowd over each other. “We could punch them since they’re technically trespassing which makes them villains.” “If you do that, they will drag your name through the dirt. Do you want that?” I heard the two men say behind me. I turned my head to look at them. “Neither one of you will do anything. Wait here until the police come and we can explain what happened.” I said and told the media people to back off and head back towards the gate as the police arrived.  I helped sort out the situation along with investigating the gate and looked closer at the rubble seeing that it had been decayed. With the help of the police, we guided the media and news reporters off the school grounds and got the front gate back in order before heading back into the main building and finishing out the school day.
I went with Shouta to his classroom to finish the classes for the day and the class president had been changed to Tenya Iida which had aligned with the variables on my tablet. He had been picked because he stayed calm and collected when the alarms went off and everyone panicked in the cafeteria. Iida had been dubbed ‘Emergency Exit Iida’ because of how he used his quirk along with the assistance of Uraraka’s quirk to propel himself up to an area where everyone could see him and he could tell the other students to not panic and that the alarms had been caused by the media breaking in.
When the day was over, I gathered my things and sent a text out to Fatgum that I’d be staying with Shouta and Hizashi for a couple of days to save money on the commute. I also told him that I might move onto campus with the pair for convenience and he understood, a little sad that I wouldn’t be staying with him anymore but he was glad I found a people to stay with in the city and closer to the school and my job. I waited for Hizashi and Shouta to finish up in the main building because I wanted to walk back with them. I saw Shouta in his hero costume still and Hizashi had changed into an aqua track suit and he had his hair down from the bird crest style he had with his hero costume. Hizashi waved at me and I waved back at him and waited for them to catch up to where I was on the front steps of the school building. “Hey, what are you doing waiting here? Didn’t you have a train back to Estufa?” He asked. I shook my head no. “I told Taishiro that I’d be staying with you guys a few more nights if that’s okay? I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first.” I said and rubbed the strap of my backpack with my thumb. “Hey, its alright. We fully expected you to stay through your heat. Its also expected for newly bonded partners to spend the first few days together anyways. Did you tell him that you bonded with us?” Hizashi asked as Shouta was doing something on his phone. “No, I haven’t yet. I feel like its too soon.” I spoke. “Its okay. Tell whoever you’d like.” He spoke and hugged me before he held my hand as we walked to back to their cabin. I texted Taishiro about the bonding and he was excited for me. He understood a little better and told me to have a good time with them. We arrived back at the cabin just before sunset. Shouta ran inside and got changed and got a quick meal as Hizashi and I entered the cabin and were taking our shoes off. “Sorry to eat and run but it’s the second night of the full moon and I again don’t want to harm either of you.” He spoke and kissed Hizashi before he kissed me. “Be safe please.” I told him and wrapped my arms around him to hug him before he left and he hugged me back. “I will, I promise. Is there anything that you’re craving that I can bring back for you in the morning? I usually get something for Hizashi on his heat since he gets cravings too.” He spoke. “Shrimp ramen please.” I requested. He nodded and kissed my head before looking to Hizashi. “Anything for you?” He asked. “My usual chicken katsu and rice please.” He asked and kissed him against at the door. “Alright. I’ll be back in the morning. You two stay safe while I’m gone.” He told us and left the house. I held Hizashi’s hand and cuddled into him after Shouta had left. I felt the end of his tail wrap around my ankle and he held me close. “What’s up?” “Nothing. I’m just curious what you do normally when you’re here at the house alone when Shouta’s out during the full moon or out on patrol and you’re not with him.” I asked. “I either do some housework or watch some movies. I sometimes do both. But tonight, we can do whatever you’d like.” He told me with a smile. “I don’t want to disrupt your normal routine. You go ahead and do what you need to. I’d like to lay down for a bit as I don’t feel good.” I told him and pulled away and he looked at me.
“Do you want me to hold you? We can watch a movie.” He suggested. “I guess so. I’m sure this is nothing.” I spoke as I subconsciously guarded my lower stomach. Hizashi looked down at where I was guarding my lower stomach concerned. “Is something wrong with your stomach?” He asked me. “I’m feeling a little bloated, that’s all.” I reassured him. “Is it because of your aphrodisiac?” He asked. I sighed and nodded. “Yeah. It is. That and my heat is bothering me too.” I told him.
“Would having my tail wrapped around you help?” He asked. “I don’t know. Let’s try it.” I spoke and let him climb onto the couch and let me curl up in his coils. He wrapped his tail around my midsection and applied a gentle pressure to my stomach. I blushed and moaned quietly. He bit his lip and held me close when I moaned.
“Tell me more about how your aphrodisiac works.” He spoke and stroked my hair gently. “It’s a little bit complicated. I create an aphrodisiac in a gland right here.” I spoke and guided my hand to the area of my stomach right below my belly button where my uterus would be. “When it’s made, my stomach bloats up temporarily. Depending on the amount is how long I’ll be bloated. My stomach will keep growing until I transfer it or puke it up.” I explained. “How do you transfer it? Maybe I can help.” He asked. I blushed harder and spoke. “Transferring is done orally. So, I’d kiss someone or spit it into a bottle.” I told him. He nodded and leaned closer to me. “You can transfer it to me. I can take it.” He said softly. I shook my head no. “It will make you bloat up temporarily too. It’s also stronger the first time someone takes it and the first time I produce it when I haven’t made any in a while. I don’t want to risk it.  Do you have any empty bottles with lids?” I asked. He nodded and began to uncoil from me. “They’re in the kitchen. I’ll have to go get the bottles.” He spoke and lifted himself off the couch to go into the kitchen. “Go ahead, I’ll be fine. I’ve learned how to suppress it for far too long… You might want to get more than one bottle.” I told him and let him uncoil from me to slither into the kitchen and return quickly with five bottles in his hands.  “I didn’t know how much you would need so I brought these for you to start with.” He spoke and handed me the bottles. I sat up from my position where I was laying on my side and holding my stomach to try and not puke up the aphrodisiac. I took the bottles from him and he slid into the small, makeshift nest I had put together while he was gathering the bottles for me and went back to holding me the way he did before he left. I took a deep breath and transferred the aphrodisiac to the bottles.  The liquid was thick and viscous in texture and was a neon blue color. Once I had transferred all I had to the bottles, Only filling up two of the half-gallon sized bottles he had brought me and placing the lids back on the bottles and laying out in the nest. “It can be kept in the fridge or freezer until used.” I told him. Hizashi nodded as he was mesmerized by the blue color.
“It’s a pretty color.” He spoke as he looked at the liquid moving around in the bottles as he tilted the container around. “I know its your form of an aphrodisiac, but why the stomach bloating?” He asked. “Other than the arousal and to bloat up one’s mate… ugh, back home, having a larger stomach meant a better chance of bearing a healthy clutch… that’s another reason why I’m eating more.” I spoke and hugged a nearby pillow as I felt embarrassment creep over my face. I felt Hizashi wrap his tail around my midsection and he pulled me closer to his chest. “So, it works a bit like my venom?” He asked. I nodded and cuddled into his chest, taking his warm orange scent, and letting myself relax. “Yes… but with more steps.” I told him and pulled his hand to my lower stomach. He gently rubbed the area and kissed my forehead. “Is there anything I can do to help ease your pain?” He asked. I relaxed into his touch as he gently massaged my lower stomach. “I should be okay for now. What you’re doing right now is amazing. Thank you for asking.” I told him and he pulled me a little closer and keeping his hand on my stomach.
“Alright, just let me know. For now, I don’t want to let go.” He spoke. “I don’t want you to let go. Can we pick out a movie?” I asked him. He nodded and used the end of his tail to grab the remote and bring it closer to him and turning the TV on. Once it was on, Hizashi looked to me. “What would you like to watch?” He asked. “I don’t know. I’ve never watched a movie from Japan before.” I told him. He nodded and I watched as he scrolled through the movie channels and picked what seemed to be one of his favorites. “We will start with one of my favorites and we will find something else.” He told me. I nodded and cuddled closer to him, letting my softer side come out and relax. He held me against his chest as we laid down and watched the movie.  
The front door opened well after sunrise. Shouta had arrived home safely and walked into the kitchen carrying the food Hizashi and I had requested before he left for that night’s transformation along with something for himself as he was usually hungry after a night of being a werewolf and running about in the forest behind the cabin.  He looked around the house, checking the master bedroom and the guest bedroom. “Hizashi? Bryant? I’m home…” He spoke when he entered the living room and saw the two of us cuddling on the couch and the smiled widely. I was out cold on Hizashi’s chest at the time and he had pulled a blanket over me to help me stay warm. I felt safe and comfortable for the first time in a long time that I could fully relax and I passed out on him. Hizashi looked up from watching me sleep to his husband.
“She’s out cold. Why don’t you shower then come cuddle with us?” He suggested. Shouta nodded and gestured to the kitchen. “The food you two requested is in the kitchen. I also got some beef udon for myself since I was hungry after last night.” Shouta spoke. “Alright. Do you need to be patched up? You look like you got some scratches. How’s your leg?” Hizashi asked as he was craning his neck to see if the stitches had come undone in the night’s adventure.
“My leg is fine. I’ll go get the first aid kit so you can patch me up before class today. We’re going on a field trip to the USJ later.” He spoke and went to retrieve the first aid kit. “You know I’d get the kit but I’m a bit preoccupied and I don’t want to disturb her and I don’t think she’s going to wake up and move anytime soon.” Hizashi spoke as Shouta came back with the first aid kit and set it on the coffee table. He kissed Hizashi then kissed my head.
“I’m glad she’s comfortable.” Shouta spoke then looked down and saw the glowing blue bottles by the couch. “What are those?” He asked. “Those are filled with her aphrodisiac. She said that she must do that or she would puke it up or give it to one of us… giving it to us is better when we mate with her. She also said to keep it in the fridge or freezer. Could you put them away please? I don’t want it to go bad. There might be other uses for it that we don’t know about yet.” Hizashi said and Shouta nodded. He picked up the bottles and put them into the back of their fridge. Hizashi looked down to me and rubbed my back gently as he was happy that I was feeling comfortable with him. I inhaled sharply and nuzzled into his neck. “I don’t wanna wake up yet.” I said quietly and wrapped my arms around his torso. He chuckled and kissed my head. “It’s alright. You don’t have to. But I thought you’d like to know that Shouta got home okay and I told him that he could cuddle with us.” He told me. I opened my eyes wide and I looked up at him as I remembered last night with his leg getting caught in the trap. “He’s home? Is he okay? Did he remember the food?” I asked him sleepily. Hizashi kept rubbing my back and smiled while nodding slightly. “He’s alright, just a few scratches and he did remember food. But there’s something I’d like you to do for me.” “What is it?” I asked. “I need you to check out his leg. He needs it healed for today because he’s taking his class to the USJ later and he needs to be able to walk and stand on it for longer periods of time.” He told me. “What’s the USJ?” I asked. “A rescue simulation facility that Thirteen designed. Its called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. We call it the USJ for short.” He told me. I nodded, thinking that I had heard of the USJ from somewhere but I couldn’t remember where I had seen it before. I leaned against Hizashi as Shouta came back from putting my aphrodisiac away. He sat on the coffee table and Hizashi had me sit up so he could sit up too and help Shouta with his cuts and scrapes. He had him put his injured leg up on the couch and he nodded to me. I pulled some water out of a bottle sitting on the table and slowly unwrapped the gauze on his leg which he pulled it away from me.
“I told Hizashi that my leg is fine.” Shouta hissed and glared at his mate. Hizashi hissed back and set the bandages down. “I’ll go heat up some food. Bryant can patch you up this time.” He spoke and slithered off the couch and into the bedroom. I froze up. “Are you sure? I don’t want to interfere on something that’s special for the two of you.” I spoke as I put the water back into the bottle. “It’s alright. I can’t always be the one to patch him up from his injuries. You also shouldn’t be afraid to help either of us.” Hizashi spoke from the kitchen. I finally caught on to what Hizashi was trying to do by leaving Shouta and I alone together to try and build more of a relationship together. Shouta rolled his eyes and moved his leg back to me so I could unwrap the gauze and check his wound.
“Go ahead. I don’t know how water will work to help the wound except to clean it out.” Shouta spoke. I nodded and pulled the first aid kit in my lap and brought the water back out of the bottle as I finished unwrapping his leg and pulled the gauze off the stitched-up areas. “They look clean and healthy to me. Would it be okay if I used the water to try and heal the wounds the rest of the way and get the stitches out?” I asked. Shouta nodded and I pulled off smaller bubbles of water and placed them over the stitches and I closed my eyes as healing someone took most of my concentration and drained me of energy. The cuts healed themselves up and the stitches came out smoothly thanks to my telekinesis pulling them out. Once they were all healed, I opened my eyes and let the water evaporate. I looked around to see both men looking at me in amazement
“This is amazing. Do you think you can do the rest of my cuts I got tonight?” He asked before he pulled his shirt off to show me the various cuts and scrapes he got during the night and I could feel my face flush bright red as I was seeing him shirtless again even though I saw him shirtless only the previous morning. “That’s a lot of injuries. You should be more careful out there.” I spoke as I began to pull more water from the bottle before my hands began to shake. “I promise to try and be more careful, okay? Why, are your hands shaking? Are you okay?” Shouta asked as he was concerned and held his hand out to catch me in case I fell forward from the couch. I braced myself against the couch and took some deep breaths as Hizashi was coming back with hot food for all three of us. “This is just a downside to my healing… the more I use it, the more energy it will use that I have stored in me… that’s another reason why I eat so much.” I spoke and reached for the first aid kit.
“It’s alright if it takes that much. Maybe you shouldn’t do it as much.” He spoke and smiled at me. Hizashi handed me my ramen and he curled up behind me with his chicken katsu and rice. Shouta ate his udon cold. I ate some food with the first aid kit in my lap. Shouta looked to me after he got his food and spoke. “So, what did you guys do while I was gone?” He asked as he began to eat.
“Hizashi and I cuddled. He put a movie on and I think I passed out sometime in the middle of the second movie.” I said sheepishly. “We watched my favorite movie.” Hizashi told him. Shouta smiled as he ate some of his udon and listened to us tell him what we did while he was out in the woods. I looked down to my bowl and sighed softly. “I’m sorry that I fell asleep. I felt so comfortable and cozy. There was something about your scent Hizashi, that made me feel safe and secure like that for the first time in a long time.” I spoke as I kept eating. “That’s alright. I like knowing that you felt comfortable enough with me to fall asleep. I’m glad that I can make you feel safe.” Hizashi spoke. I nodded and leaned into him as I ate.  “What do you and Shouta normally do after he gets home from being out all night?” I asked as I was trying to learn their routine. “We normally cuddle until we both fall asleep then depending on the day of the week, one or both of us have to get up for work and head out. But for now, we can all cuddle together if you’d like.” He suggested. I finished my ramen quickly and nodded, setting the plastic dish on the table next to Shouta.
“That sounds nice.” I spoke and noticed that Shouta had fallen asleep on the couch next to us and was holding onto Hizashi’s tail while snoring lightly. I laughed to myself and pulled a blanket over him.
“He’s out cold.”
“He’s normally the first one to fall asleep.” He spoke and moved Shouta closer to the both of us and he wrapped his arm around me. I cuddled into his side and let myself relax again. Hizashi smiled as he held the two of us against him. I nuzzled into his neck to take his scent in to help myself relax.
“Are you alright, honey?” He asked. I shook my head no and he sat up a little with me still on his chest.
“I want my stomach to stop growling.” I told him. “How can I help?” He asked. “I need more food please. I know I’ve eaten a lot already today but I’m still hungry.” I responded.
“Alright. I can get you more food. Anything you’re craving?” He asked. I shook my head again and he nodded and untangled himself from Shouta and slithered into the kitchen I climbed off the couch and followed him and kept my head down. I watched him make a kind of mac and cheese from pasta made from vegetables and a cheese sauce he learned how to make from scratch. Once the food was ready, Hizashi put some into a bowl and handed it to me. I took the bowl and sat down at the table to eat but now I couldn’t eat anything now. “Bryant, what’s the matter?” He asked as he sat down next to me. “Its my heat, it will make me hungry one moment then not want to eat the next. This looks lovely but I don’t think I can eat right now.” I told him.
“Can I help in any way?” He asked as I pulled the bowl closer and began to eat. I was quiet for a bit before I gathered the courage to tell him what was really going on. I took a deep breath before speaking. “I need to put on some weight before I take your clutch.” I told him and looked away from him out of embarrassment. “I know, love. I’m not suggesting that. That’s only something I’d do to you if we were mated. We’re only bonded for now and there are other things we can do for now to help you get through this heat.” He told me. I shook my head and took a bite of mac and cheese. “It will take time for me to gain the minimum amount of weight needed before any kind of mating is done. I’m asking for your help with that.” I blurted out with my eyes shut. I opened them after a few seconds and looked to him. He nodded and took my hands in his. “I can help with that, sweetheart.” He spoke. I nodded and finished the bowl of mac and cheese. “I know some people find that purposefully gaining weight is unhealthy but it’s what my dragon quirk needs to produce healthy clutches that have a potential of surviving.” I explained uncomfortably. I didn’t know how else to go about telling him about this except to just get it out in the open like I was doing now. “It’s alright. Everything will be okay. If someone says anything about you gaining weight, they will have to deal with Shouta and I.” He reassured me. I felt myself relax when he said that.
“Thank you.” I told him.
“You’re welcome. Now, is there anything else I can get you?” He asked softly and wrapped the end of his tail around my ankle. “May I have some water please?” I asked. “Of course, Darling.” He spoke and went to the kitchen to retrieve some water for me. I looked over to see Shouta sitting up from the couch.  He looked sleepy as he stood up and yawned as he walked over to the table.
“What are you the two of you doing?” He asked. “I was hungry.” I told him. He nodded and sat down next to me. “Is everything okay otherwise?” He asked. I nodded yes and played with his fingers. “Good.” He spoke and smiled at me. Hizashi slithered over and handed me a glass of water which I drank then soon got sleepy. I looked over to the pair as they were watching me finish the water with soft smiles on their faces.
“Are you ready for bed?” I heard Shouta ask and I nodded. I followed Shouta back to my room where I collapsed in my nest; falling asleep before my head hit the pillow.
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thegravityblog · 1 year
Tuesday: 06-05-2023
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A hell of a day! My morning routine is the usual one, but I just felt waves of happiness throughout the day. Focus was clean, precise didn’t wobble at all. Work started with 2 meetings for Stellar and Dexa. Stellar is a challenge for me, and I love challenges. One of my traits that I adore is my ability to not taking a “NO” for an answer. Either you are with me, or I will pursue you. There’s nothing like NO in my dictionary. The challenge I am facing with stellar is raising the rest of the capital to invest in stocks and bonds. Stellar Capital Management is a hedge fund that I have started, pretty small starting with $1M (Rs.8,25,41,500 INR). The pitch is to provide an annual return of 10-12% but that absolutely depends on the face of the market. Volatility ride is obvious, hedging the market is a tough feat, with already established player with a track record in your competition. But that doesn’t really matter, I always try to learn from my competition, its healthy unless someone is jealous ass. Can’t be around there. So the challenge I am facing is being a newbie, and the only track record I have is my 9 Years of investing experience in both domestic and international securities. I won’t call myself the best trader, but I am pretty good at it. There have been years where I was hitting 12-14% returns, and that’s the only CV I have while raising money. And when you have established competition, and mind you competition in finance is fierce, many prospective clients I pitched, has ultimately refused to work with me. 19 people I pitched have said No to I’ll think about it. And hedge funds are not open to everyone, or the general retail investors, these are high frequency investment engines for the HNI (High-net individuals) and UHNI’s (Ultra High-Net Individuals). I haven’t pitched any UHNI, because simply they won’t even talk with me or book an appointment, they can only be pitched once I hedge the market and perform well my first year. They don’t talk to newbies.  So, these are the cream of this country and also a couple of people from the US. I cannot name them here, but I am fortunate enough to pitch a couple of very wealthy entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley as well and all from my bedroom. I have had a couple of in-person meetings with prospective clients from my own city Majority of them has appreciated my drive and determination, that I am not throwing flashy acts of hiring finance graduates, with a swanky office. None. All from my bedroom. I have always been an advocate of the fact that if you want to pursue something, and you really know your shit? Well you can do it. So the challenge now is raising the rest of the money. And in India to start a fund affiliated with SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) you have to start with atleast Rs.20Crors ($2.7 Million), and to start privately you need to put Rs.50 lakhs of your own money. So I sold an E-commerce store recently and made a major chunk from the sale, and put that all into this fund. Later on, you have to get a SEBI license, and will get that when the time comes.  I don’t shop, although I have enough to, but the money is being aggressively invested into my personal portfolio and building new things. So I control the urge to splurge, but I still spend a lot on buying books every month. But my birthday is next month and I am surely gonna splurge like a madman. Also my new ride will be home around my birthday only. But the caveat - A present to my parents from me. Personal and family expenses are different. I also work as a consultant cloud engineer at AWS, so that gets injected at my house. Dexa will start generating revenue by the end of July, right now, on-boarding events and allowing users to love the product is the goal. It’s BETA now, v2 will launch by December this year. I started Dexa officially after a 3 month internship at Norton LifeLock, in October 2022. I quit a cushy job at Norton as a system admin, afraid but brave enough to risk it. So in short it doesn’t really matter if it’s Tuesday or Sunday, I am putting off fires everyday. And I love it, this is what I always wanted to do, an from here it’s only the way ahead and above.  So then after tackling the meetings, I started coding the AI therapist and did that all day long. My CTO looks after Dexa and provides me a report every night. Evenings are mostly listening to music, podcasts, interviews and reading a book. I have to read VERTEX Pharma’s 10-K tonight too. In short, I am having a blast and I am all grateful for this. I am alive after a long period of abuse and nothing can be much better than what I have now and will have. My therapy session is on Thursday, it has been moved due to our schedules. Grateful for a family who allowed me to chase my dreams What is Dexa? - https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/dexa-3906 https://www.dexa.club Stellar Capital Management: https://www.stellarcapital.info Tech Integrated Inc (My first startup - My background): https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/tech-integrated
0 notes
[From the go into ask box and ask characters questions meme, for Tesler]
"Hey Tesler," Clarke said casually... almost suspiciously casually. They were both off duty, for once, but for Clarke to drop the formality around the General was... suspicious in, to say the least. "I've been wondering... From what I heard of how you met Clu, there's no way you didn't pull pranks on him when you were younger... What was your best one?"
"Actually, I never targeted him specifically." Tesler said, "I came from an area of Tron City known as Cadia. Lot of military types there. Very disciplined......which only breeds mischievous betas, graffiti groups, and delinquent road hazards.......I was all three. I never targeted anybody specific, I mainly did stuff because I knew it was against the rules. But I wanted to do it, so screw the rules......I was actually in a few 'gangs' for this stuff. We all agreed never to do anything that got people actually hurt, though.........I met Clu because of a bet I made on a lightcycle race that I ended up losing. So I got dared to do a graffiti stunt on the Admin Tower.....and got caught by Clu AND Tron. At the same time."
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This isn’t a one-off.
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ceo!jisung x overworked admin!minho
Trigger Warnings: N/A (pls let me know if i’m missing something though!)
Content Warnings: names (slut, whore, bitch, good boy, sir), degradation, hair pulling, biting (kinda?), anal, light spanking (literally twice lmao), brat!jisung, dom!minho, they fuck in the handicap stall after hours
Summary: minho puts his bratty boss jisung in his place
Word Count: 5350
A/N: i tried to make it short, i really did, but i couldn’t help myself. anyways, god bless you for requesting this. i still have one slot left for the 2022 pride event! give me a follow here or on my main (and consider turning on those post notifications!) and check out my ko-fi, where i take commissions! as always, hard thoughts are open, anons welcome! also y’all, after discussing this with one of my beta readers, i’m considering making this one a series cause i have several thoughts lmao anyways enjoyyyyyy
Tags: @hyuckilstan @mork-ly @spiderlilyfics
Smut below the cut
Han Jisung, quite possibly one of the youngest CEOs to ever grace the covers of the most popular entrepreneurial magazines, was untouchable. He’d become an overnight sensation in the technology and events industries. He had a monopoly on the technical needs for events country-wide, everyone flocking to his ever-growing company to meet their AV and tech needs.
Because of his soaring popularity, he was always on the lookout for fresh talent to hire in. Despite his workload being much heavier than when he started his company, he still handled the hiring process himself, with only minimal input from the various department heads and Human Resources. He fully believed in getting to know his employees and conducting interviews himself felt more…intimate, for lack of a better word.
He was surprised when a gorgeous young man gently tapped at the frosted glass of his office door and peeked inside. Who was he? Jisung didn’t recall interviewing such a beauty.
“Can I help you?” His tone was far more gruff than he intended as he hung the phone back on the receiver.
“Hello, Mr. Han.” The man greeted with a forced smile. “Mr. Lee in HR sent me.”
“Right, the new administrative assistant?” The man nodded as Jisung sat up straighter in his chair. “What’s your name?”
“Lee Minho, sir.” Something about the way the newcomer - Minho, as he now knew him - addressed him lit a spark in his belly. “Mr. Lee said I ought to report to you instead of the front desk. May I ask why, sir?”
Jisung took a moment to appreciate the way Minho’s suit hugged all the right places before narrowing his gaze as he recalled the name he was given. “We filled all admin roles last week but your resume was too impressive to pass up. Given your skill, I couldn't let you slip by. You’re with me until the original role is open.”
Minho bristled and forced another smile. “Ah, I see. Well, sir, I look forward to working with you.” He offered his hand, which Jisung gripped tightly and shook. His touch lingered for a moment too long and Minho quickly recoiled, bringing his hand back to the folder he held against his chest.
“The feeling is mutual.” Jisung murmured after a few beats of silence, leaning back in his seat and crossing his left leg over his right as he continued to openly admire Minho’s physique. Finally, he let out a soft sigh and made a shooing motion. “Your desk is the vacant one just outside my office. Get set up and complete your onboarding. I’ll give you more tasks once you’re done with that.”
Minho was far from thrilled. It had been almost eight months of blatant ogling and menial tasks from his boss and he’d grown to resent him. This wasn’t the job he applied for and he wasn’t some piece of meat to be drooled over. He wasn’t blind, Jisung was definitely attractive, but he was extremely unprofessional and stomping every boundary Minho tried to set.
His frustrations were beginning to appear in the workplace and Jisung was beginning to notice. The irritation on his face every time Jisung called him to his office didn’t go unnoticed and it was beginning to annoy the younger. It was a vicious cycle, the two of them acting as sounding boards for the negative energy that bounced between them until one day it reached a crescendo.
“Lee, with me, now.” Jisung barked down the line, not waiting for a response before hanging up the phone. It was the end of the week and he had Minho putting in overtime every Friday so he could work comfortably during the peak season.
Minho let out a sigh and fought the urge to slam the handset onto the receiver. Instead, he took a deep breath and clenched his jaw as he gingerly hung up the phone. He stood from his desk and made his way to Jisung’s office, tapping lightly on the glass. “Come in.” He pushed the door open and walked to the front of Jisung’s desk, standing before him with his hands folded neatly in front of him.
“Yes, sir? How can I help you?” He offered up that same fake smile and Jisung wanted to wipe it right off his pretty face.
“I have a dinner to attend tonight.” O…kay? How does that concern me? “You’re my plus one.” Shit.
“But, sir, I have-”
“I don’t care. You’re coming with me.” Minho gritted his teeth but nodded. “Count it as overtime. We leave in twenty so wrap up what you’re doing and get ready to go.”
He couldn’t get out of the room fast enough. He rushed to the bathroom and slammed his hands down by the sink in frustration as he let out a curse. “Does he think being pretty excuses that shitty attitude? Obnoxious bastard. Who the fuck does he think he is anyways?” He spat, turning the water on. This was the first time in a month he was supposed to see his mother.
“I beg your pardon?” His head snapped up to reveal Jisung standing in the doorway. He felt a burst of courage though and he suddenly didn’t care if he lost this job.
“You heard me loud and clear from the look on your face.” He rolled his eyes as he shook his hands mostly dry and turned off the water. “Do you think you can dictate what I do on the weekend?” He turned to face Jisung as he grabbed a paper towel.
“I think I dictate when your workday ends,” Jisung crossed his arms over his chest - an annoyingly distracting gesture as his muscles flexed under his white button down. “And you’re not off the clock until the dinner is over.”
“How often do you see your mother, Mr. Han?” Minho sighed. He still won’t call him by name. He was angry but he didn’t have a death wish - which he feared Jisung would fulfill if he gave any more perceived disrespect. He’d seen the man go on a tirade. He may no longer care about this job but he still cared about keeping his head on his shoulders. He dropped the paper towel into the trash as he walked towards the door. “You seem like a good little mama’s boy. I’m sure you see her at least twice a week.” He paused but continued when Jisung didn't respond despite the vein in his forehead looking fit to burst. “Some of us don’t get that. And some of us are having to miss out on that again after a month of almost nonexistent contact because of a job that wears us down with how much shit we have to do and stupid dinners we have to attend as boss’s arm candy. Surely you can see my frustration now, sir.”
He pushed past the man blocking the door and frowned when he felt a hand on his arm. “It’s an opportunity for you to network, Minho.” His voice was somewhat more gentle despite his visible irritation.
“Let’s just go.” He sighed and pulled away, heading towards his desk to grab his keys and wallet.
Jisung was almost indignant over the way Minho had spoken to him but he managed to hold himself together as he did his business and went to get his things. It was all of five minutes before they were making their way towards the elevator. “Text my driver and tell him to bring the car around.”
Minho clenched his jaw and pulled out his phone, sending the text before messaging his mom an explanation and an apology. “Done.”
When they reached the lobby, Minho smiled brightly at the receptionist, Mr. Hwang, who was chatting with Mr. Lee. “Bye Hyunjin, bye Felix.” He winked and they both turned, smiling and waving, offering warm goodbyes. Cute. Both of them were honestly fucking adorable and he wouldn’t mind spending a testosterone-fueled night with one or both of them.
Minho held the door for Jisung as they stepped outside, his smile vanishing instantly. Jisung didn’t have time to ask any questions before his car pulled up. “Seo.” He greeted with a curt nod as he slid into the backseat. Minho went for the front but Jisung called for him to sit in the back and he slid in with a sigh.
“Evening, Bin.”
“Evening, Minho.” Changbin greeted, flashing a smile through the mirror before turning his attention to Jisung. “Where to, boss?”
Once en route, Changbin made several attempts to break the tension in the car but to no avail. After ten minutes of silence and stolen glares, he gave up and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. Five more minutes. You can ask Minho about it later, but hold on for the next five minutes.
Jisung had consumed just a little too much alcohol over the course of the meal and he was feeling bold. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he had a thing for Minho. Minho, however, couldn’t stand him and it was driving him up the wall. At least that’s how Jisung saw it. Minho was the only one who wouldn’t bend to his will; the only one who told him no. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t enjoyed their little spat in the bathroom earlier.
Minho didn’t actually hate Jisung, he just hated that Jisung couldn’t take any advice or criticism without getting pissy. And he hated that Jisung couldn’t seem to keep his wandering eyes (and hands) off of him at work. If Jisung could act less…gay?…obvious? at work, he wouldn’t have an issue with him.
Alas, that seemed to be too much to ask as Jisung leaned towards Minho, inching closer every few minutes until they were hip to hip and Jisung was about to lay his head on Minho’s shoulder. Just before he could, one of the men stood and announced his departure, leading to everyone following suit.
With Jisung tipsy, Minho took it upon himself to call for Changbin. Minho blindly slapped at Jisung's hand when it moved to his thigh under the table. He settled the bill and urged Jisung to stand, leading him out the door. He wasn’t touching him but he was nearby just in case Jisung ate shit on the pavement. He opened the back door and waited for Jisung to get in the car before sliding in beside him. “Can you take us back to the office? I need to get my car.”
“Sure thing, I can drop you off.” Changbin hummed and started towards the office. It took all of ten minutes since traffic had cleared during dinner and Minho gave Changbin a quiet ‘thanks’ as he exited the car. Jisung followed him without his knowledge, telling Changbin he needed something from his office and he’d hitch a ride with Minho.
Minho was gathering things from his desk when he heard the footsteps. He quickly ran for the bathroom, trying to avoid Jisung. The man had tried to get too familiar with him at dinner and he was about to unravel. He could not be alone with Jisung. Not if he wanted to keep his job - which he’d decided was worth keeping if for no other reason than to spruce up his résumé.
Jisung knew what Minho was doing and followed him, crossing his arms over his chest. “Lee.” He called, staring at Minho’s shoes peeking out from the handicap stall. He wasn’t anywhere near the toilet so he was clearly hiding.
“What, boss?” Minho sighed.
“Come out here.”
“I’m using the bathroom.”
“Unless you’ve mastered pissing from the other side of the stall, no you’re not. Now get out here.”
Minho let out an exasperated sigh as he opened the stall door, crossing his own arms like Jisung. “What do you want? Unless this is about work, I’m not interested in discussing anything.”
“Is there a problem here, Minho?” There he goes again, using his first name like he knows him personally. “Your attitude has sucked since the day you got here and it’s getting worse.”
“And you’re any better?” Shit. That slipped out before he could stop it.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He was indignant again. Cute.
“Look, I understand that you’re used to getting everything you want, you’ve built an empire and all, but you really need to start acting normal in the office.” Now he just looked puzzled. “You’ve been fucking me with your eyes since the day I set foot in your office and it’s obvious to everyone that you want me. Make it less obvious.”
Indignance. It was a beautiful thing on Jisung. He looked flustered and angry and flattered and perplexed all at once as he sputtered out some sort of denial. “Lee Minho, don’t you fucking dare speak to me like that.” His voice was shrill as he marched up to Minho, standing toe to toe with him. His chest was heaving with his labored breaths as he began to completely lose his cool. “I’m the boss.”
“Are you?” Minho’s voice was like melted caramel; smooth, rich, and sweet - though that last part was fake. Jisung’s eyes widened at Minho’s sudden boldness and he took a step back, looking like he wanted to make a break for it the second Minho followed him. He couldn’t though. Minho’s arms were already around him, holding him in place. “Now you wanna run from me after you chased me down to argue? That’s not how this works, Ji.”
The nickname irritated him and Jisung narrowed his eyes as he swatted Minho’s chest. “You can’t call me that. I’m the boss.”
“No you’re not.” Minho offered up his signature smirk, feeling Jisung slump slightly in his arms in response. “You wanted me. Now you get me. Can you really handle me?”
“Of course I can.” Jisung blurted out before he could stop himself and compose a proper response. He couldn’t pass up a challenge.
“Oh really?”
“Of course.” No going back now.
“Last chance to back out, Ji.”
Something about Minho’s tone made the sentence feel ominous and Jisung wanted to tuck tail and run. But he couldn’t back down and he couldn’t let Minho do whatever he wanted. He couldn’t let Minho take control and call him a nickname, especially when he’d yet to hear his full name from his lips. “No.” He shook his head and locked eyes with Minho, who suddenly looked like a predator hunting its prey, waiting for his next move.
“No, what?”
“No, I'm not backing out.”
“You did this to yourself.” Minho shrugged before backing Jisung against the nearest hard surface, which just so happened to be the wall of the handicap stall Minho had just been hiding in. He held him there and everything went still as he stared into his eyes for a moment. That stillness shattered like glass as soon as his gaze flitted to Jisung’s lips.
He didn’t kiss him, opting to attack his neck instead. He decided Jisung made the prettiest sounds and he was determined to make him sob his name in that pretty, desperate voice. “M-Minho-” Jisung gasped while baring his neck to the other.
“You can’t call me that. I’m the boss.” He mocked, earning a huff from the younger. He hummed against Jisung’s skin in thought as his lips left slick spots on his neck before he finally spoke again. “Sir will do though.”
“S-SIR?” Jisung shrieked incredulously.
“Yes, baby?” Okay, that threw him for a loop. He couldn't stifle the sound he made in response and he felt Minho smirk against his skin. “Oh, you like that?” Did he?
He decided he did. But he couldn’t tell Minho that. “Ugh, no...” he mumbled, a blatant lie. Minho could tell Jisung was enjoying the power struggle here - though Jisung was the only one truly struggling with the power dynamic; Minho knew he was in control, it was Jisung who needed convincing.
“Oh? Well I guess if you don’t like it then we should stop here.” Minho shrugged and pulled back, feigning disinterest as Jisung balked. Not only was Jisung not prepared to give up his chance to actually feel Minho, he was panicking at the thought that Minho didn’t actually want him and was just playing with him.
He was playing with him, of course, but the disinterest was entirely fake. He had eyes. He knew a rare beauty when he saw one. He couldn’t pass up this opportunity. He just hoped Jisung would recognize that this would only work if he let Minho take over.
Minho made a move to step away but the second Jisung felt his warmth disappearing, he made another disgruntled sound as his expression jumped from shocked to frustrated. “No.” He grunted, his hands fisting in the front of Minho’s shirt and yanking him in, crashing their lips together.
Minho was surprised, albeit pleasantly, as Jisung nipped at his lips, fully displaying his desperation. He chuckled softly against his lips and wrapped his hands around Jisung’s wrists, pulling them out from between them as he pressed almost all his weight against Jisung. The younger man let out a whine but allowed his hands to drop to his sides, shivering when he realized his compliance earned him a soft bite to his bottom lip. Maybe he could let Minho have a little control.
Jisung’s delight didn’t last, however, and he let out a choked noise of distress as Minho backed away again. “Stop running!” He whined in protest, trying to chase Minho’s lips, which he’d decided he couldn’t live without, at least for tonight. They felt so good against his own and he couldn’t fathom going home and going to bed tonight without tasting more of him.
Minho couldn’t stifle his laughter as he wrapped a hand around Jisung’s neck and pushed him back against the wall, making all the other stall doors shake with the force of Jisung crashing back against it. “Stop chasing!” He mocked, watching in amusement as Jisung’s eyes widened in alarm.
Jisung’s hands wrapped around Minho’s forearm but he didn’t push him away or pull him closer. He simply held on. “M-Minho, stop playing…”
“That’s not my name, baby.” Minho raised a perfectly-groomed eyebrow in challenge and saw Jisung starting to cave. “Who am I?” Jisung didn’t answer but his resolve was rapidly crumbling and Minho could tell. He didn’t have to fully give way just yet, Minho knew he wouldn’t fully relinquish power until it served him, but he had to back down if he wanted anything else. “Tick tock, baby, I’m getting bored.” Lies. “Who am I?” Jisung clenched his jaw and refused to speak.
Until Minho started to back off again. “S-sir…” he mumbled, averting his gaze as Minho inched closer.
“What was that, baby? You’re too quiet.”
“Sir…” his voice was louder but still squeaky, meek in his delivery. That would do for now though.
“That’s right, baby.” His grip on Jisung’s throat loosened and he allowed his fingers to tease his jaw. He took in Jisung’s pretty flush, which covered his face and ears, even disappearing beneath his shirt collar. “And who’s in charge right now?”
“You are…” Jisung mumbled, tacking on a ‘sir’ for good measure. He needed Minho to stop playing and get him off.
“I think you’re finally starting to understand.” Minho mocked in a condescending tone, making Jisung’s irritation grow. He watched as the younger tried to control himself and cooed when he managed to keep his cool. “See? That’s not so bad, is it? Letting me take control, I mean. Not too bad?” His tone was more coaxing than anything else now. Jisung nodded slowly and watched as Minho softened a bit. “Good boy.”
Jisung couldn’t dream of stifling his whimper at the name, his knees going weak. He recovered quickly and slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide as saucers as he processed what had just happened. He didn’t mean to give himself away like that. That was supposed to be a secret, at least for now.
Minho decided to take pity on him and held his laughter, leaning closer and slipping his leg between Jisung’s. He released Jisung’s throat and took the younger’s hand away from his mouth before tilting his head up with one finger on his chin. “You’re too cute, baby.” He whispered, taking in the way Jisung crumbled at his touch when he pressed his thigh against his crotch. “Now, do you think you can cooperate for a little while so we can fix this?”
Jisung nodded almost instantly, not caring if he looked desperate anymore. Minho had already started breaking him down and he needed to be filled. “Please, Min- I mean sir… Please, sir.” He corrected himself quickly and Minho let out a hum of approval.
“Under normal circumstances, I’d ask what you want and how you want it, but since you couldn’t seem to behave, I think it’s time you learned your lesson.” Minho sneered as he untucked Jisung’s pristine white shirt and began undoing every last button. Jisung’s eyes shifted to watch Minho’s hands unbutton his shirt and he sucked a pouty lip between his teeth. Minho’s mouth watered as honey-colored skin came into view. Fuck this better become a regular thing. I’m not gonna be able to function around him after this without the promise of more.
“L-learned my lesson?” Jisung lifted his head, making eye contact with Minho for only a brief moment before looking somewhere, anywhere else.
“You got a big head and I’m going to humble you.” Minho hummed as he raked his nails down Jisung’s surprisingly-muscular torso, drawing out a pathetic whimper. He pulled back and Jisung looked panicked again but seemed to relax when Minho spun him to face the cubicle wall.
He instinctively arched his back, allowing his face and chest to press against the solid plastic partition. His hands braced him against the cool surface and he shuddered when he felt Minho close the short distance between them, hard-on nestled between his cheeks through the all-too-bothersome material of their slacks.
“That’s a good boy.” He praised, his voice a whisper right beside Jisung’s ear as his arms wrapped around the younger’s toned middle. He let one hand linger on the warm skin of Jisung’s belly while the other moved upwards, fingers pressing against Jisung’s pillowy lips. “Open.” Jisung’s mouth fell open instantly and he greedily took Minho’s fingers, swirling and flicking his tongue as he sucked on them.
Minho was unbearably hard and began to rut against Jisung’s ass, earning soft sighs and moans. His free hand slid down Jisung’s belly and began to fiddle with his belt, undoing it with minimal effort before popping the button of his slacks. Jisung pressed back against him before allowing his hips to surge forwards in an attempt to find some sort of relief from Minho’s hand at his zipper.
Minho immediately pressed down on Jisung’s tongue, his fingers reaching just far enough back that the pressure made him gag. “Patience.” Jisung responded with a muffled ‘uh uh’ and Minho slapped his thigh. “Watch yourself.” Jisung whined impatiently and Minho slapped his ass. “Keep it up and I’ll leave you right here, just like this, hard as a rock and frustrated beyond belief. Don’t push me.” His voice was menacing but Minho was anything but finished with him. There was no way in hell he was leaving without taming the brat in front of him.
Jisung deflated at the idea of not getting fucked and begrudgingly settled down, sucking harder on Minho’s fingers and biting down softly from time to time. He perked up at the groan Minho let slip in response to a particularly hard bite and grew more enthusiastic in his efforts as his pants were pushed down just enough to expose something that made Minho’s eyes roll back in his skull. Minho ducked his head against Jisung’s shoulder, inhaling deeply to take in his scent - Versace Dylan Blue - in an attempt to collect himself.
“What’s this, baby?” He groaned, snapping the waistband of Jisung’s black cotton thong against his hip and making him jump. He didn’t expect an answer, he didn’t really care what Jisung had to say; he was just trying to keep himself in check.
Jisung whined around the pretty fingers in his mouth and tried to force them out but Minho pressed on his tongue and made him gag again. Still, Jisung tried to speak. Minho sighed and lifted his head as he retracted his fingers from Jisung’s mouth, tracing his slick middle finger over the younger’s plump bottom lip. Jisung emitted a soft moan at the touch before smirking. “You asked what this is,” he started, wiggling his ass against Minho’s almost-painful erection. “It’s part of my plan.”
“Oh so you intended for me to plow you in the handicap stall after hours?” Minho deadpanned and Jisung shrugged.
“I dunno exactly how I wanted it to go down, but I was determined to fuck you tonight.”
“You? Fuck me?” Minho snorted and Jisung’s ears burned. “No, baby, I’m the one fucking you. Don’t get it twisted, sweetheart.” As if to punctuate his statement, he stepped back and pulled Jisung’s thong aside, pressing his thoroughly-soaked fingers against his hole.
He intended to massage his entrance to relax him before working him open but Jisung forced himself onto Minho’s fingers with what was possibly the sluttiest moan he’d ever heard. “F-fuck…” his whimper made Minho’s cock twitch in anticipation, his mind conjuring up images of Jisung moaning and begging on his dick. “Hurry up, Minho, I want you inside me sometime this century!” Jisung’s goading made Minho see red for a moment and he found himself grabbing a fistful of the younger’s hair as he began to finger fuck him. There was the brat from earlier.
“Impatient little whore.” He spat, pulling Jisung’s head back against his shoulder. “What did I fucking tell you?” Jisung moaned freely, not bothering to answer. “We play by my rules or we don’t play at all. Understood, bitch?” He felt Jisung’s hole flutter around him and scoffed. “You like it rough? Like being degraded?” Jisung nodded but Minho wouldn’t accept that response. “Words, slut.”
“Yes! Yes, I love being called names. Please just fucking rail me, sir, please!” He finally begged and Minho froze, pulling his fingers out.
“Manners? That’s new.” He tutted and Jisung continued.
“Please, sir, please just fuck me. I need it. I need it so bad…”
Something in Minho snapped and he went into a frenzy as he pushed Jisung’s thong down - he wouldn’t make him cum in his pants, not this time. He unbuckled his belt and popped the button on his own slacks before unzipping them and freeing his dick. The tip was angry red now and it was beginning to ache.
He held a hand below Jisung’s chin. “Spit.” He barely got the word out before his palm was covered in saliva. He immediately brought his hand to his dick and coated it in their makeshift lube before lining up. Jisung once again forced his way back and let out a high-pitched moan as soon as the tip was in. “Already sounding like a bitch in heat and you’ve barely taken anything…how do you plan to take the rest of me?” He mocked.
“I-I can take it, sir, please just give it to me…”
“Why should I? I don’t think you’ve earned more than the tip.” That set Jisung off. He was desperate and he couldn’t take anymore taunting.
“I’ll be a good boy, sir! I’ll do anything!” He wailed, fighting back tears.
“Then start by shutting your whore mouth.” His hips snapped forwards suddenly and Jisung’s jaw dropped in a silent scream.
But he refused to make any noise. He’d been told to shut up.
“Finally some peace and fucking quiet.” Minho jeered as he set a rough pace, the sound of skin slapping and the stalls shaking filling the bathroom. Jisung had locked his jaw and was breathing hard through his clenched teeth, creating a hissing sound, but he kept silent. Minho wanted to hear his sounds though. He didn’t want him to speak but he certainly wanted him to moan.
Instead of telling Jisung he could make noise, he reached around and began to jerk him off in tandem with his thrusts, twisting and tugging the way he himself liked. This broke Jisung’s silence and he let out a cry of desperation. If Minho could see his face right now, he’d see the stars dancing in his eyes. Jisung was barely coherent anymore as Minho abused his prostate with his impressive length. There was no way he’d last more than five minutes at best.
“Fuck you’re tight…” Minho groaned, his free hand landing a soft blow to Jisung’s ass. He released the younger’s cock and grabbed his hips with both hands to give himself more leverage as he slammed into him. “Touch yourself.” He commanded and Jisung nodded vigorously, bringing his hand down to tug at his leaking dick.
“A-ah! Please, ‘m so close, please can I cum?” He sobbed, tears actually falling now.
“Already?” Minho mocked, not that he was any better off. Jisung was squeezing him just right and he sounded so damn pretty. “Do you think you deserve to cum, Jisung?”
The younger felt his stomach do a backflip upon finally hearing his name from Minho's lips. Not a nickname, not a shortened version of his name. His name. And it sounded so fucking pretty. “N-no, sir…” He immediately shook his head, knowing he’d be in trouble if he said yes. Truth be told, he knew he hadn’t earned shit. He knew he was a brat and he knew he didn’t deserve even half of what he was being given. So he said as much. “I-I’ve been bad all night, the whole time you’ve been here even, I don’t deserve any of this.” He whimpered as tears streamed down his cheeks.
Minho had yet to let up with his thrusts and he hadn’t given Jisung permission to stop touching himself so it was clear he was fighting hard to keep his orgasm at bay. But all Minho wanted was to put Jisung in his place and he’d finally done that so he swatted Jisung’s hand away and took over, digging his thumb into the slit after a moment. “Cum.”
Jisung needed no further convincing, letting out a choked sob as ropes of sticky cum shot onto the cubicle wall and dribbled down on Minho’s hand. As he twitched and moaned, Minho pulled out and released Jisung’s cock in favor of grasping his own and finishing across his ass.
Everything went quiet save for Jisung’s sniffles as he calmed down.
Then Minho abruptly pulled away from Jisung and the younger let out a distressed whimper, worried he was being left. He was soothed by the gentle touch on his waist as Minho came back to him, his other hand wiping Jisung clean. “Fix your clothes. You’re coming home with me.” Minho declared as he tucked himself back in his pants. He was still unbelievably hard and he was far from done with Jisung.
“Huh?” Jisung pushed himself off the wall and spun as he tugged his thong back up.
“I said you’re coming home with me. I’m not done with you. This isn’t a one-off.”
With the promise of more, Jisung scrambled to fix his clothes and make himself presentable. Before he could finish, however, Minho was stealing a kiss. “Meet me in the parking deck when you’re ready to go.” And with that, he was off like a shot, leaving Jisung reeling.
Had…had he finally gotten his way? Was he really getting Minho all to himself? There was only one way to find out and he hurried to finish up. He needed this. It wasn’t just tonight that he couldn’t live without Minho's lips or his touch.
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discar · 6 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 24 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
β: wheres kotallo
β: i wanted to talk to him about strike
β: ew
DIVINER: Aw, that means I owe Varl money!
ADMIN [GAIA]: Aloy and Kotallo have obtained the last parts necessary for Kotallo's artificial limb, and will be testing it shortly.
β: oh he got it working
Zo: Good, that means I don't have to keep talking him out of fighting a machine one-handed.
DIVINER: (⊙_⊙)
DIVINER: You what.
β: explain as if we didnt grow up scrambling in the mud
FlameHairSavior: Beta!
β: sorry
Zo: Oh, Aloy, are you two done?
ADMIN [GAIA]: They are not. They are in the middle of combat right now.
Zo: Please focus.
DIVINER: Please explain what you said!!
DIVINER: Why would he fight a machine when he's obviously injured and doesn't have to??
DIVINER: (°ロ°)
β: it means you people are crazy
β: fine
β: how do the crazy forge people who respect strength and swinging heavy things deal with physical disability
DIVINER: But what if you did?? Or if he lost BOTH arms??
Zo: There is always work to be done, I am sure.
BoyNextDoor: Oh, we're getting to you later.
Zo: ...you seem angry.
BoyNextDoor: You didn't tell us that our friend was SUICIDAL.
Zo: It would have been unfair of me to enlist more people to argue against him.
BoyNextDoor: Fairness isn't the issue with suicide watch. The point is to talk him down. End of story.
Zo: Your people have an entire class of warrior for suicide missions.
BoyNextDoor: That's completely different and you know it.
DIVINER: Zo, how DO the Utaru handle disability?
β: subtle subject change
DIVINER: [CatGrantHush.gif]
Zo: The Utaru are not a particularly physical tribe. The disabled might need extra help, and in most cases cannot handle certain tasks such as lifting heavy loads, but there is always some way to contribute.
Zo: Most of our homes are woven, after all. That takes time, and another hand is always helpful.
β: what about the nora i thought you were all hunters
BoyNextDoor: Life is precious, and as long as you're alive, you can help. Stitchers weave clothing and patch up the wounded, and some of them were once Braves who are now too injured to hunt.
BoyNextDoor: Even if all they can do is talk and share their stories, there is something worthwhile.
FlameHairSavior: Unless they're an outcast.
Zo: Please focus on your fight.
MARSHAL Kotallo: The fight is done, and the limb serves well.
BoyNextDoor: Aloy, you know I don't want to diminish your suffrage, but yours was a unique case. Most exiles only last a few months, and they're almost never children.
β: suffering
β: suffrage is a good thing
BoyNextDoor: Then why does it sound so similar?
ADMIN [GAIA]: Unfortunately, most of my etymology databases were stored with APOLLO, so I cannot answer that question.
β: and i definitely didnt bring any of those databases with me
FlameHairSavior: Varl, I know, okay? I know my situation was unheard of. It just... growing up like that was a lot, okay? I just need to complain.
BoyNextDoor: That's fair.
FlameHairSavior: And now that I think of it, exiles DID sometimes help the tribe. Rost was called to hunt those Sawtooths that attacked the village just before the Proving.
FlameHairSavior: Though he wasn't a normal exile either.
β: seems like theres always some slagging exception to every rule
Zo: Has Erend been teaching you to curse?
BoyNextDoor: Not like that!
MARSHAL Kotallo: What did I just walk into?
Chapter 24 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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