#and badass for ef
classyburd · 1 year
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velkommen 👋
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doodle17 · 1 year
animorphs had some real fucked up shit in it, i'm warning you now. horrors of war and all
Dear God
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pickledpopcorn · 1 year
I absolutely hate blue eyes. Only saving grace for my own peepers? They're technically hazel
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they're so effing badass
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
I literally love the “crazy idea, let’s make out” it it very good!!! It is supper good!! Can I request the bat boys type? Thank you for your time! Please take care!
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I had to read other peoples make out scene bc I honestly did not know how to write one. I think I did an okay job tho😭
Writing for Dick is so effing hard for some reason
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Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
I whole heartily believe he likes taller women. No doubt about it
But if you’re bit on the shorter side that’s fine too.
I feel like he wants someone who’s independent and doesn’t rely on others
Someone who wouldn’t mind him being away from days to months at a time because of work and all .
Wants someone who matches his energy.
For like a thirty something year old he does have a lot of energy.
He wants someone who can take a joke and doesn’t take it the wrong way. He wants someone to laugh with him and not get mad.
Definitely wants someone who’s laid back but not to laid back where it becomes a problem.
100% wants someone to cry with him when he watches a very sad drama.
I think it’s cannon that he’s on the more talkative side?
Idk but if he is he wants someone can he can talk with—hours on end and the conversation never get boring.
Would 100% date a superhero
Jason todd
Jason like chubby girls. 100% you can’t change my mind about it
I also feel like he has a thing for strong women too.
When It comes to Jason I think he has two types.
The first time is obviously the strong type
Someone he doesn’t take shit from know one
Is really just a badass person In general
Or type 2
Someone who’s really soft spoken
Someone who’s quiet but not to quiet where they don’t even bother to communicate. Like a shy person.
Said person who’s also very caring and kind.
Jason definitely wants someone who shares the same interests. Not all of them but the small ones like reading.
Headcannon: Jason prefers the book copies instead of the online ones. He likes the smell of new books fight me.
Jason also wants someone who deals with his shit better then he does honestly
This man has been through a lot no doubt about.
And he’s not great when he has to deal with his problems that are emotionally and mentally.
So someone who can help him and guide him (even if he does deny it at first) trust he will be grateful for it
He would not date someone who’s a hero or vigilante.
He tried but failed
Tim Drake
Definitely likes shorter women
I mean mans only like 5’4? “5’4?
So technically he’s tall but not that tall like the others 💀
He’s good at technology and really wants someone who’s interested in his hobbies. Most people don’t find them interesting. (But I mean cmon if he was able to tell the world he hacks things to get information on them for Batman—then that has them sold, but he can’t)
He gives me bad girl x Nerd boy vibe 😔
I’m kidding no I’m not
I feel like he would want someone who’s more on the quiet side and someone who’s willing able to lay down next to him for a long periods of time bc we all know this man can sleep anywhere at anytime if he felt like it.
So having someone who can just lay there while he sleeps are pointers.
This isn’t a preference but he 100% needs someone who can take care of him.
Because him not sleeping for long periods of time results in him not eating and only serving off coffee. Not good for him.
Tim seems like the kind to date someone who’s a superhero or whatever.
That way they can be closer.
Damian Wayne
Damian doesn’t have a preference.
I Don’t think he would care if your short, tall, Skinny or chubby.
Like Jason I also think he has two types.
The first type would someone who’s very mysterious. He likes that.
Someone who’s mature and calm during rough times or situations.
Like Dick, someone who is very independent.
Second type is quiet literately the opposite of what his personality is
Someone who’s kind and warm to others.
Bubbly kind of personality.
He doesn’t want someone who talks to much.
Like at all.
he wants someone who shares the same interest as him—Y’know fighting for animal right and what not.
Not a preference but I think Damian needs someone who can help him with the reality of the world and stuff
Because I believe Damian does not know how to act like a kid his age until he meets his partner who show him.
Would not date anyone who’s in the superhero gig.
Like at all. He hates the idea
He would rather date a civilian. They are less likely to get killed during a mission.
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Writing for them is so much fun I might do more headcannons about them 😭🤚
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murdercide626 · 27 days
Thoughts on the Sonic 3 trailer:
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First of all, HOLY S***!! This trailer was frikkin amazing!! :D
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Shadow looks so badass, and just from the three lines we hear from him in the trailer I can tell Keanu is gonna be great in the movie!
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I'm also glad to see that they won't be shying away from the darker elements of Shadow's origin.This movie is definitely gonna make me cry I know it...
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Also, Eggman finally has his chubby gut! lol
Speaking of, it seems that Eggman and Stone aren't the ones to awaken Shadow as they seem unaware of the situation until Sonic goes to them asking for help. I can see why they changed it because if Eggman was teaming up with Shadow, like in SA2, it would probably feel a bit too similar to the plot of the second movie, with Eggman's partnership with Knuckles. So it's interesting that it seems that Shadow could be working alone in this version of the story. Actually, that brings up another aspect...
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This is definitely an interesting turn, and it brings up so many questions! The most obvious question is HOW?? Well, some people think that Gerald might have been changed to being Eggman's father rather than grandfather to justify him still being around. But maybe he is still Eggman's grandfather but he was in suspended animation for all these years, like Shadow. Or maybe he's a ghost or hallucination? Or maybe it's time travel, who knows! XD Eggman called him "pappap" which could mean either father or grandfather, depending on who you ask.
So, if that really is Gerald "in the saggy flesh" could that mean that he's actively manipulating Shadow into destroying the world, or is he going to be somehow instrumental in stopping him? I'm really interested to see what direction they go with this!
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Also, it looks like the Ark has been changed up and is significantly smaller. I wonder if this shot is showing it going up to space?
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And in this shot that appears to show Tails flying from the Ark, you can see some sort of attachments on the front that resemble Eggman's, or rather Gerald's, mustache.
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I love this Japanese Chuck E. Cheese-like place called the "Chao Garden". lol
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Also, hello Shadow 2005 game reference!
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Eggman actually getting to hug Gerald is something I never expected to see, but damn is it wholesome! ^^
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Omg, this drawing Sonic made!! My heart!
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And I really dig Eggman's new mobile base that resembles a giant crab! lol
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Nice Akira reference!
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll just end this by saying that I am so effing excited for this movie! Just a few more months! I can't frikkin wait to see it! :D
And this time I'm gonna try to avoid any more trailers or spoilers, but we'll see how that goes... lol
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"Come with me" by Alicent after b&c and well, basically everything, was such a disgusting way to put a final nail in the coffin of what once was, or could have been, a great character. I'm so tired of this useless and distasteful queerbaiting and the nonsensical ship that has been so detrimental to the story. And 'a son for a son' by Rhaenyra?? B**ch, what?! What about baby Jaehaerys? And why wouldn't Alicent mention him? No mention of Jaehaerys, but we got the cringe nail biting, what a peak character development. They must think they are so smart, Condal and Co. Anyway, almost everything was bad in the episode, but the Rhaenicent scene must be n01 of the horrors.
I would also like to make a brief comparison of the two character assassinations we saw this season, Alicent's and Aemond's. Both characters were indeed stripped of any significant and organic development and the result is the mess we've got. However, I think that the intentions weren't the same. With Alicent, I believe that these excuses of the writers wanted to depict it as her atonement, her regression to the only version of Alicent that in their minds, deserves sympathy, young Alicent who longs for Rhaenyra and seeks her approval . She is humiliated and constantly punished by the narrative so when she finally 'comes to her senses' and crawls back to Rhaenyra, she has a chance to ingratiate herself to the audience (and I've seen positive reactions to her in the finale on SM, so it wasn't entirely fruitless). Therefore, the writers actually in a way wanted to endear her to the GA and this was their way to do it. She is in the wrong and must be punished and ridiculed as long as she is the beacon of TG and as long as she doesn't ditch her sons for Rhaenyra, or, "to stop the bloodshed". With Aemond, it was more straightforward. They needed a one dimensional villain and they got him. They wanted to kill all the sympathies for his character and his popularity in s1 was in the way. Hence, all the idiotic changes and inventions regarding his character, and let's not forget the fact that he is one of the supposedly 'important players' who doesn't even have a POV. He needs to be boogeyman for tb and he is allowed to be badass and scary just enough to be a worthy opponent to Daemon so his victory (or whatever it was) at God's Eye doesn't fall flat, but he cannot in any way overshadow the rogue prince. And yes, in the finale he had less than 4 minutes of screentime which proves how Condal's gang sees his character, and also the utmost disrespect they treat him (and his fans) with. Once again, this clearly works because a considerable chunk of the fandom, and I'm sorry to say this, is braindead. It's apparently true that they wrote the show for the worst sort of Dany and Targ stans (and I like Dany and the Targaryens), people who go like 'yass, Queen,' 'slay, queen' , 'the Targaryens are the saviours of Westeros' etc. Daemon's vision and his and Rhaenyra scene proved this perfectly.
Sorry if this was too long. I know I sound angry, but this damn season wae such a torturous and nonsensical snoozefest that it irreparably soured this universe to me. Anyway, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts wi thanks in advance.
Hello! Thank you for the ask and for the compliment!
First of all, I heartily agree with everything you said.
Condal&Co, apparently, really believe themselves to be oh so clever. GoT callbacks - you got them (overbearing and quite often confusing as heck but who cares). Scenes featuring mirroring, symblolism and whatnot (most of them with Alicent and Rhaenyra) - in abundance (dragged out and pointless - like Alicent swimming scene - but this is Cinema™️). Progressive feministic agenda - you are welcome (said agenda is actually degrading for women as it at the very best presents them as passive and lacking ambition and the will to act - plus it absolutely effing destroys multiple characters and their storylines). And HBO people apparently don't care - and they will not care until all this atrocity bites them in the ass in one way or another.
Alicent doesn't remember Jaehaerys having been murdered - but who does? Poor boy has been all but forgotten right after the show had Helaena announce that she should get over her grief because the smallfolk suffers more than she does. Besides, in the writers' eyes it's not Rhaenyra's fault anyway since she had nothing to do with it. And it's not actually Daemon's fault either since he was shown feeling sad about it for a couple of seconds. You know what, in fact the blame for Jaehaerys' death completely lies with TG: Aemond shouldn't have murdered Luke, Alicent and Criston shouldn't have been fucking, Aegon shouldn't have been drinking with his friends. So it really doesn't count. I have seen a post made by a (quite deranged) TB stan where they claimed that "many sons should die to avenge Luke because we are talking about Lucerys Velaryon". Whatever that even means, Condal and Hess apparently share this opinion.
As for Aemond and Alicent, I agree with you once again. In one of my previous answers I mentioned that the key word for Alicent's character assasination this season is "humiliation" and for Aemond's - "dehumanization". Well, that's literally it: one is shown to be completely miserable (the cause for that misery being her supporting the wrong side of the conflict) - plus she brings the same misery on her daughter's head; the other is left almost without any means for us to understand what he really thinks and feels. Ewan pours everything he has into his eye acting - and it can be seen in the few instances when we are allowed a couple of seconds to focus on his face - but the script staunchly continues hammering home the point of Aemond being a psycho with next to none emotional connection to his family.
Team Green characters had such a huge potential - together and separately - but the writers with their pro-Daenerys agenda (and hence pro-Rhaenyra one as the Black Queen is clearly their Dany 2.0) couldn't have that. There is some hope remaining for Aegon and Larys team up - but I don't trust the writers with them one bit.
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thoughtfulfangirling · 2 months
My sister is watching spop and the other night I watched the episode "Pulse."
You know the one. Where if Catra were any slower than she is, Glimmer would have straight up murdered her. I was giggling like a maniac and flailing a bit. Both my niece and nephew yelled at me to calm down lmao. But I just cannot sit still and quiet watching Glimmer be the fucking badass she is.
And it just strikes me again how much Catra is determined to think as little of Glimmer as possible. She was in real fear there under Glimmer's rampage but it still took Double Trouble remarking they didn't know Glimmer had it in her for Catra to actually consider that yeah, Glimmer did something hardcore.
And Catra right notes that it marks tension among the friends.
Because Adora and especially Bow have been what's kept Glimmer in check to avoid tarnishing her hands for the sake of protecting her people, but they'd been leaving her behind. Proving to her she can only take her own counsel if she doesn't want to be left on a cushioned throne.
So they're not there to tell her she shouldn't murder the person who took her mother from her and has been terrorizing her people for so long.
And for real. Glimmer was aiming to fucking murder in this episode. But Catra is just really effing fast.
And I looooove Glimmer for that Hehehehe
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Viva's backstory effed me up cuz according to Clay she wasn't the one who was trapped by Bergens, she went back to save the ones that were, which is how she lost everyone she loved.
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And that's why she was separated from her family, because she acted like a true leader. She was trying to save as many lives as possible and she made it but it came with a price. Like her dad always said "no troll left behind". This just makes me so sad. And she took care of the trolls and found a new home for them where they'll be safe while she didn't know if her family was still alive and she was too terrified to even try to go back and try to find them.
And seriously this makes me wanna cry but can we also appreciate how badass this girl is? She FOUGHT Bergens. She didn't just run away from them, she kicked their butts. These creatures are giants compared to her. OH MY GOD.
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cssns · 4 months
Please welcome @laianely to the CSSNS!
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How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
I love CS since OUAT was first aired but I became active member of fandom just in the beginning of 2023.
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
When s2 ep6 was released) That moment with the scarf, how he looked at her and she was like "Omg, what's going on?!" =D
What drew you to this event?
I want to try something new. All my ffs are in canonical setting (even if it's AU, they are still in fairytale world of EF). And supernatural theme is so interesting!
What inspired your topic?
Once I made video edit with the song "My Oh My" by Camila Cabello. The lyrics was sooo about Killian. But also I see people, who wrote "This son is about Damon from Vampire Diaries!". And I thought that Killian would be great as sexy badass vampire)
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
There has been a brutal murder in New York City. The victim's heart was ripped out, and detective Emma Swan was determined to find the murderer. But bounty hunter Killian Jones interfered in the case, talking nonsense about vampires and wanting to get involved to find the murderer and avenge the events that happened centuries ago. Emma thought he's a psychopath, but his help was her best option when she didn't have many leads.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
Interesting experience in writing something new, fun communicating with other participants and great fresh stuff)
Vampires, detectives, and bounty hunters, oh my! Can't wait for this to drop on 7/25. Make sure to say hi to @laianely on Tumblr and Discord.
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zepskies · 7 months
About the Live Action ATLA...
Okay I know my blog has been mostly SPN and Jensen Ackles-related characters, but I HAVE to spread the good news...
I just finished watching season 1 of the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I am SHOOK. 🫨 This thing is straight out of my childhood.
Casting: Pretty effing perfect.
Effects: Stunning. 🤌🏽
Adapting the storylines: They got the key parts of the season in. Sometimes in ways I did not expect, and I was pretty happy with most of it!
Standouts: Prince ZUKO. He was my favorite character in the animated series and still is in this live adaption. You absolutely feel his pain, his drive, the loss of innocence and the bitterness (but still flashes of hope underneath). The peeks of his future character arc shining through.
Also Katara was lovely and badass! (I'm secretly hoping they'll give us the Zutara ending that was always meant to be...)
All in all, my biggest complaint was that it was only 8 episodes. I could've watched the full 20-something of this. ❤️‍🔥
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 6 months
I... this scene is so chaotic!
“ooh I’m the point man I’ve done weeks and weeks of research so mr-oh-I’m-the-most-important-person-of-this-job-even-though-I’m-more-than-a-little-effed-up-in-the-head-Dominic-cobb listen. And let ME tell YOU mr-forger-the-love of my life I know better! you think with your imagination and spontaneous thinking you can somehow pull inception but boy aren’t you always forgetting specific details! you need a goddamn plane with a goddamn pilot and a goddamn flight attendant so let’s hear how you can imagine THAT (I could still be angry at you for not returning my olive branch eames darling I really am impressed by you can we please get back together) so yes I could be a glorified clerk while you two run around playing badasses but my research always trumps your thinking thoughts so good luck finding an answer for this!”
.... and in comes saito with his neat one liner and look how smug and satisfied cobb and eames look they’ve never seen the pointman become speechless in this fashion before
just. Chaotic.
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gregsnero · 1 year
some highlights of the philly tour i jotted down/remember (ones i got on video will be marked with a * and posted sometime)
- glenn in that fuckass chimney sweep hat Sorry*
- charlies favourite mac is badass mac. rob likes fat mac
- all of them expressing their solidarity with the strikes
- charlie singing rock flag and eagle and having to restart due to glenn effing around with the mic
- how when they were filming the strawberry mansion bridge scene in mac day EVERYBODY in the crews cars got broke into*
- mrs mac being based off of glenns friends dad
- rob taking nitrous oxide in the mann parking lot and then making out with girls
- how they were all drunk during the shooting of the highschool reunion due to them not knowing the show was going to get renewed
- discussion on how dennis likes to be bound
- glenn didnt know what dennis' tools were going to be*
- wretched glenn and charlie philly accents. truly awful*
- trash twins glass box blooper extended with opening 5 second shot of glenn staring straight into the camera #GlennJumpscare
- differences between them and their characters. glenn saying he doesnt have tools in his trunk and how he should and then going "not those kinda tools. RELAX guys"*
- only one who can make kaitlin break is glenn. i love them*
- glenn trying a cheesesteak for the first time. 4 different ones*
- rcg deciding on nightman cometh as being the best sunny episode, rob mentioning charlie work, gang hits the road + waterpark
- them giving out free cheesesteaks during intermission
- them pointing out the costumes in the audience ESPECIALLY the one guy with the jean shorts demonstrating how low he could go
- rob whipping out his jalen hurts jersey with a signature that looks like a dick*
- KAITLIN SHOWING UP!!! dee chant*
- im so sad that i didnt get charlie and kaitlin moving their chairs closer together and poking/hugging eachother on video. god
- they went into kaitlins bog stunt and how kaitlin never refuses any stunt (PEOPLES PRINCESS!!!) and how shit was swimming around in the mud*
- rob and glenn tying on the fill in the sunny line game, glenn won (i think) and then they did this bro high five it was magical*
- live tiny boy baby boy followed by glenn + kaitlin making out (rob encouraging)*
- charlie singing dayman marriage song and i like life in paddys pub with bts slideshow behind*
- rob making the entire audience cry with his story about the philadelphian whispering hole*
- end show dayman song all in dusters throwing out t shirts
i cried the end
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nyx-thedragon · 2 days
okay, here's the post about my thoughts on Newsies 1992 that I promised, because I just remembered that I was gonna do that.
First of all, I didn't realize that Kenny Ortega directed the movie until the credits (I did like, zero research on the cast or crew, I just knew that Christian Bale played Jack Kelly) and I think that explains why it was so fucking good (and why Jack and Davey were so gay lmao)
Number 2: this one is just a thought about the story of Newsies in general, but I do not see the need for a romance subplot at all. especially in the movie, because Jack and Sarah barely interact with each other, and the "oooh they like each other he he he" little subplot start the first time they meet ? at least in the musical, Jack and Katherine interact a lot and they're friends before the romance stuff starts. idk. it just kind of irks me when media has a romance subplot for no reason.
Number 2.5: following up on the romance subplot; it could be completely taken out and the story would be exactly the same. "but what about at the end when Jack decides to stay in New York because of his love interest?" you may be asking. simple: he realizes that he has a family already in New York with the newsies and he doesn't want to leave them and be alone. this ending emphasizes the importance of familial and platonic relationships and bonds, which I think we just need more of in general.
Number 3: I love how the movie has the time and means to go more in-depth with Davey and how he reacts to Jack's betrayal and how he keeps the strike going without Jack and everything. I know that the live version is a musical, and therefore has more music, but still they kind of glossed over all that if I'm remembering correctly (I haven't watched livesies in a while and may be misremembering things oops)
Number 4: the scene where the rest of the workers join the crowd for the children's crusade is so much more powerful in the movie, because they were able to have a ton of extra people, as it is a movie and not a stage production with a smaller cast. I genuinely got some chills when I watched that scene it was awesome.
Number 5: all of these guys have beautiful voices. I didn't know that Christian Bale could sing (if it is him singing and not someone else because I know sometimes movies do that; have someone else sing for a character instead of their actor or voice actor). The songs are different than what I'm used to with the musical soundtrack, but I enjoyed them a lot. and the choreography was great too.
Number 6: I like Denton. he's awesome. it's great that the newsies have an actual adult that helps them instead of someone who is assumed to be close to Jack's age (Katherine).
Number 7: the scene in Medda's theater when Snyder and the police showed up was so- I don't even know, I just really like it. I was on the edge of my seat watching it. also, Davey kicking Snyder in the face on the swing was so badass. I love you movie Davey you're so cool
Number 8: there was way more romantic tension between Jack and Davey than between Jack and Sarah. I'm just saying. the scene where Jack was being carried away by the police after getting punched by Snyder, when Davey reaches for him and tries to get the police to let go of him? oh he wants that cookie so effing bad. Davey going after Jack by himself when he was taken to Pulitzer's from the Refuge? Gay. (also how did no one see him??) the alley scene? they should've kissed. Davey confronting Jack after he sold out to Pulitzer? they should've angry-kissed there. the scene at the end after Jack comes back on the governor's carriage and the way they stare at each other?? my homo-alarm was going off so loud. idk they just had so much tension and I thank Kenny Ortega for that, because I know damn well that he had everything to do with that.
Number 9: THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLO. I feel the same way about the harmonies in livesies, but the ones in 92sies are different from those, which I'm used to, and it was just so fun listening to them. god, I love music, can you tell?
Number 10: Spot Conlon. that's it, really. I like him, he's funny, "on the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor". I just love him. so much.
Number 10.5: Racetrack Higgins. he does so much more in the movie than in the stage production, and I love that. he's also very funny and has incredibly witty lines and I love it.
Number 11: I love getting to see more of the other newsies, and especially Davey's interactions with them. I don't remember getting to see much of that in livesies, and I think it really helps the viewer to connect with the characters and story more.
ummm, I think that's all I can think of that I wanted to share. if I think of more things, I will come back to share them. I think I'm probably gonna watch it like ten more times in the coming week and try to get my younger brother to watch it cause he's only seen the stage production so far (my town's high school is doing Newsies for their musical this year and he's gonna audition !!!!).
alrighty chat, that'll wrap up this tumblr post. have a great day and keep being cool :3
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 year
So, while I was out doing birthday shit (couldn't properly celebrate on my actual birthday cuz my parents were at work lol) I came up with a new Magolor AU and drew some concept sketches on paper!
And its not another "Magolor in [_]" AU like my two other ones.
No, no, no~
It's something a little different~
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Title: "Magolor, but he's effing blind"
In short: After his fight with Kirby, he ends of in the "superhell" dimension just like in the epilogue... BUUUUUT he lost his ability to see. So he had to survive though all the epilogue bullshit literally blind. Thankfully, he can kinda see through his magic (think of it as like what Toph can do in Avatar The Last Air Bender) but he's still can't see faces and other stuff. And he's not completely helpless. Just... badass in a depressing way (if that makes sense)!
You guys this idea? Let me know!
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world-of-wales · 10 months
Hahaha, please tell us that DuchessBitch also fainted like us seeing that tiara!
Specially knowing that she stan badass women and badass behavior 😅
SHE DID! lol it was such a great surprise yesterday. And so effing unexpected, too. We've had conversations about this tiara so many times and ended up reaching the conclusion that it probably would never be out in public again coz of it's condition. And then Miss Catalina went and got it polished to wear yesterday and blew us all away.
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