#and because as soon as I exited my conversation with Isobel she went yell at the bust of her daddy
moghedien · 3 months
Me: so I found your empty tomb that said you were Ketheric’s daughter
Isobel: haha what??? I didn’t die. Ketheric not my father. I never met him haha
Isobel: *deception check fail*
Me: *perception check succeed*
Isobel: :)
Jaheira, five minutes ago when I brought them is up to her: yeah she’s Ketheric’s daughter. So what? You care about that? Grow up. Who cares that she died, Ketheric should die! Go kill him!
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Suburban Life  12/13
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: angst, fluff,
Summary: Steve had his daily run every morning. While running through the streets he noticeds a house with it’s lights on. A woman is dancing to the music, while making breakfast. Two childeren join her and they start eating. Steve is fasinated with the life of this little family and even stops to withniss this suburbane life every morning during his run. Feeling the need to settle down and the one question remaining Where is the man beloning tot this family?
A/N: Almost done, after this chapter, only the epilogue remains. Enjoy!
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Chapter 12: A family again
When you come downstairs, you’re met with two pair of sad eyes. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” the concern in your voice. “It’s just..today you have….It’s teacher/parent conference day at your school. We have to stay at school until you’re done”, Isobel pouts. “Oh, Honey, I’m sorry, but you know it’s twice a year”, hugging Isobel thigh, you look at Alex, who’s grinning mischievously. “Alex, whatever you’re thinking, just don’t”, you warn him, giving him the ‘eyes’. Alex shrugs his shoulder, “I was just wondering if Steve could watch us, while you have those conferences”, his smile brightening. “Alex, Steve’s got other appointments and besides you can’t ask such things from him”, while lecturing your son, you see the smile on Steve’s face brighten, oh no, he’s going to do that, you fist palm yourself internally. “I can’t find a reason why not”, Steve smiles, “It’s the same as this morning, right?” he reassures you. “Well, kind of... they need to do their homework to and…” starting to explain the things that need to be done, Isobel interrupts you, “Mom, we know what we need to do, just let Steve try okay? We’ll behave, I promise?” putting on her puppy eyes, soon to be joined by the eyes of Alex and Steve standing behind them. You look at Steve, “Traitor…”, you whisper, sighing you give in, “Fine, but one wrong move and…”, you start, “It’s going to be okay, let it go, we’ll manage”, Steve lays a hand on your shoulder. “Give me your number, I’ll text you when I’m in the building, so I can pick up the kids”, handing you his phone. Internally you held your fingers crossed, hopefully your kids would behave. You knew what kind of monsters they could be after a schoolday, especially Isobel and her homework.
“You look nice today, Miss y/l/n”, a student greats you, while entering your classroom, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Thank you, Sarah”, you smile, hopefully nobody noticed your absentminded behavior. Trying to finish your notes from last period, you smile thinking about your encounter this morning, it felt so natural, your kids acted so natural and reacted so grown up to the situation. They took your anxiety away and made you realize this relationship didn’t have to end badly. As usually you were overthinking.
Continuing your lesson as usually, you tried as focused as you could. It was like you were a substitute teacher again, searching for the worksheets, constantly losing your pen and the questions from your students seemed for some reason difficult today. Surely some of your students had to notice your behavior today, thankfully none of them made a comment about it.
Even the parent/teacher conferences went by quickly. Deciding to check your e-mail one more time, you log in to check your e-mail. Seeing the amount of new e-mails you sigh and decide to reply the urgent ones, the other e-mails have to wait until tonight, just like your lessonplan. You really want to go home on time, you want to save Steve before those two take advantage of the situation. The screen of your phone lights up and catches your eye when you see Steve’s name in the corner. Looking at the message you smile to yourself, ‘Still at work?’, reads the message, replying with a quick ‘Yes’, you continue your work, only to be disturbed by another message, ‘How long will it take, diners ready…:9)..’, it reads, you smile at his failed attempt to send an emoji. ‘I’m coming home, don’t let it burn :p’, you chuckle at your own message, hopefully he didn’t burn down the house. Closing the door to your classroom, you can’t help but enjoy the warm feeling Steve’s message gives you. You had someone to go home to and it felt good. Sure you loved coming home to your kids, but this made you feel you like a woman again, not only mom and teacher.
 Stepping out of the car, you walk towards the door. Expecting noise or shattering things you approach your house with caution, hearing nothing. Looking through the kitchen window, you see Steve standing by the sink doing dishes, it warms your heart seeing how big of an effort he’s making. But where are your kids? You can’t seem to find them and get a little anxious. While standing in front of your door, you search for your keys. It feels like forever to find your keys, hearing Steve call out towards your kids, calms your nerves. Walking inside your welcomed with warmth and a smell off something delicious cooking, “I’m home” you yell, feeling awkward at the gesture. Remembering this feeling when you got home to your husband, makes you a little sad. Hanging up your coat, you look at the picture at the wall. A picture off the four of you, at an amusement park, happy smiling, all three engulfed in the big arms of your husband. Caressing the picture absentmindedly, you don’t register Steve standing next to you. “Are you okay with me starting over?” you ask the picture, “I promise I won’t forget you, I just can’t take it any longer being alone. I need someone at my side and I think…he’s the right person”, you smile towards the picture, a single tear rolling down your face, “The kids, you got to see the kids, their so happy around them. Like when they were with you, so careless and free”, you sniff and wipe away the tears. Just now registering Steve in the corner of your eyes, startling you a little. Without any words he takes you in his arms, hugging you tight. “It’s okay, don’t feel embarrassed, you two need to talk sometimes, even if he’s not there. I don’t feel offended”, he smiles into your hair. You nuzzle a little closer to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, he was warm and comforting, just the things you need after a hard day of work. “I’m sorry Steve, It’s just coming home like this, it made me remember all those evenings I got home, when he was still around. It made me sad, but I don’t want that anymore. I want to come home to you and feel happy, looking forward to those warm hugs from you”, looking up you smile at him. He bents down and gives you a quick kiss, “ueew!”, Isobel giggles, “hi mommy”, Alex greets you, we behaved, giving you the brightest smile possible. “Hello you two”, opening your arm so you can hug them.
During dinner the conversations are light and cheerful. Enjoying the dinner Steve had cooked, you offer to clean up for him, but he declines. “Well, Isobel let’s get started on that homework of yours”, you motion for your daughter to get her backpack, seeing her smile wide, you look at her questionly. “I already did my homework, while Steve was making dinner”, she smiles smug. “Did you make your homework, or did you ask Steve questions and he made it for you?” eyeing her, trying to figure out if she lied. “y/n, she did it all by herself. She only asked for my help when she didn’t understand”, Steve answers for Isobel. Looking from Steve to your daughter and back again, squeezing your eyes, were they lying? “Isobel you sure?” asking her, seeing her nod and shrug her shoulders, “Really mommy, what do you think of me?” trying to smother her smile. Starting to say something, Steve gives you a quick kiss, “Let it go, she did it all by herself. I just gave instructions. She didn’t trick me into making her homework”, kissing you again. Seeing Isobel stare at the both of you, you sigh and give in, “Okay, I’m proud of you, you’re taking responsibility”, you compliment her. “Thank you mommy, but I only did it because Steve promised me the bigger desert. I’m swoon easily”, she giggles and runs of into the living room. You look at Steve who’s looking for an exit, busted! “So, you bribe my kid, that’s not so very Captain America of you” you smile, walking towards the tall Avenger until his back is against the wall. “Steve, what’s true of what Isobel said?”, you ask standing on your toes, so you can level a little with Steve. “I just…uhm..”, scrapping his throat, he lifts you up and puts you on the table. Smiling wide at the failed strict impression you tried to make, “I told her, she should make homework before dinner, so she could have dessert and playtime after dinner. Just used common sense and some good old pudding”, shrugging his shoulders, continuing to clean up. “Common sense, huh, seems I don’t have that, seeing she doesn’t do that when I tell her”, you say while drying the dishes. “I’m new and she doesn’t know my boundaries or rules, that scares her. She was very quiet, until you came home. She’s okay with us, but needs to get used to being with me, while you’re gone”, Steve explains calm. “When did you become an expert in children?” looking up at him, grinning. I’m no expert in children, but reading body language that’s easy for me”, giving you a kiss on the cheek, putting the dishcloth away and walking towards the living room.
Joining your kids and Steve in the living room while they watch television. “Mommy, don’t you need to do your homework?” Alex ask you, his head resting against Steve’s chest. “My home..work..Oh you mean grading papers. I’m doing that when you two are asleep”, you answers looking at Alex. “But when will you have time to play with Steve?”, he ask innocently, while the two of you choke on your drink. “Alex, I can read a book or watch t.v, while your mom does her homework”, Steve answers snickering at the word homework, looking at you, who's’ sticking her tongue out. His reaction catches you off guard, seeing it isn’t the reaction you expected, “Behave, or I won’t play with you”, he says winking at you.
Once the kids are in bed, the both of you head downstairs. “So, you’re sure you want to stay and wait for me to do my ‘homework’ ?” you ask looking at Steve. “Let’s sit down and talk for a bit. I want to talk to you about something”, taking you by the hand, seating you both on the couch. You look at Steve, what did he want to talk about. It made you nervous. “So, you have to promise me one thing, let me finish before you interrupt me, okay?” he looks at you, taking your hand in his, ‘Oh Boy, here we go”, you think to yourself. “It sounds crazy, but hear me out. I asked Tony if he could install Friday in your house. That way I can stay here and help you out with the kids, your house is protected and you can follow me while I’m away. It eases my mind, knowing you have a pair of eyes watching over you, when I’m on mission. Talking about mission, I won’t be going on a mission for the next month, only when it’s really urgent, I want to spend time with you, without being interrupted. I know we just started dating each other, but it feels familiar, like it has always been you”, Steve stops his rambling and looks at you. “First of all, who or what is Friday? A system or something?”, you ask Steve, his excitement drops with your question, “Just joking Steve, I read and listen to the news I know what Friday is. It’s a..”, pushing you onto the couch, Steve hovers above you, “Really, are you kidding me? I just…” stopping mid-sentence when he hears you giggle. “Steve,…” your eyes softening looking him in the eyes, “It feels so natural to be around you, like we lived with each other our whole lives. Maybe were going too fast, maybe were not going fast enough, but I know that your idea sounds great. And for one time, we don’t have to discuss this with the kids, they are going to be overjoyed. I know when my kids are in love, they will never stop loving their father, but they are starting to love you. That makes me happy and takes away my fear of ruining it. When can Tony install Friday and does this mean you will sleep here as well?” you ask looking up at him, tucking away a strand of hair. “I will ask him tomorrow”, answering your first question while nuzzling your nose and cheek. “I thought I was already sleeping here?” he asks kissing you cheek, then your neck, feeling you react to his kiss. “One night in my bed, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to every night”, you grin, “Maybe you should sleep on the couch tonight”, you shrug, while fumbling with his blouse. “Doll, I told you, you have to behave or I won’t play with you”, Steve smiles mischievous, clearly adopting that smile from Alex. “What do you mean with playing, I have homework to do”, you whisper against his lips, quickly pulling away. “You can do your homework another time”, Steve’s lips are hovering over your, pulling on the collar of him blouse, you close the tiny gap between you. The kiss was a full open-mouthed, sexual kiss. All of those suppressed feelings, spilling in that one kiss. Earning a soft moan from Steve when you shift underneath him. Holding you tight to him, breathing heavy when you break apart. “Do you want to continue this upstairs?” you ask him shy, still irregular breading. “You sure, you want to do this?” he asks standing up. “I’m sure”, answering while standing up, “Just don’t make too much noise, because of the kids”, you ad, making Steve freeze up and look at you wide eyed, “Just kidding, they can’t hear us when the door is close”, you chuckle seeing his face all red. “Doll just wait until were in the bedroom. I’ll get you for that”, Steve warns, walking upstairs with you.  
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bellakitse · 5 years
The alien glow stick- Day 4: Alien shenanigans
Alex Manes is not in the mood, as a matter of fact as he parks his car outside his father’s old anti-alien bunker now turned alien headquarters, he is downright annoyed. Kyle and Liz’s cars are already there, and Alex rolls his eyes wondering what’s the latest alien drama. The last few months have been relatively peaceful in spite of Max’s death and resurrection, Rosa being back to life as a teenager, and the aliens learning to expand their abilities. Yet it didn’t fail that if Alex were on a date, something alien related would happen that pulled him away from his good time. It was starting to feel like their little group had some kind of alarm that when off every time someone had their hand on his dick.
“This better be good, Valenti,” he calls out as he makes his way into the bunker. “I was having a nice date with Ben and was really looking forward to getting laid,” he trails off as he finds not just Kyle there -who had been the one to call him- and Liz, but also Isobel, Max, Rosa, and Michael.
“Why is Guerin glowing green?” he asks bewildered as he takes in the man before him. A scowl on his face, his arms crossed and actually glowing green.
Rosa smirks, all but laughing as she sits on the center table, her feet swinging back and forth. “Because apparently being green with jealousy is an actual thing in Roswell.”
Alex looks from her to Michael who’s glow is now turning bright pink and then to the rest of the group who are all standing around awkwardly at the sudden tension in the room. Alex can feel the beginnings of a headache. With a sigh, he takes off his leather jacket and starts to roll up the sleeves of his fitted dress shirt. He doesn’t miss the once over that he gets from Michael, Isobel, and Rosa who is shameless as she flashes him another amused grin. “Someone better explain, now.”
“Michael and I were working on a serum,” Liz steps forward, twisting her hands she starts to explain, and Alex sighs again suddenly bone tired by just her words alone, and he knows he’s going to hate this explanation if it involves their resident science geniuses experimenting. “Something to better help them control their emotional outburst when they use their powers,” she continues with a grimace when he gives her an unimpressed look. “We decided to try in on Michael and long story short now whenever he feels a strong emotion it causes him to glow a color corresponding with that emotion,” she finishes pointing at Michael who is still glowing pink.
“Pink,” Alex points out.
“Embarrassed,” Isobel supplies. “I know Michael, and that’s his embarrassed stance.
“Thank you, Isobel,” Michael mutters glaring at her, the pink turning into a red.
“Red is anger,” Max points out, sitting by the computer station. “I riled him up earlier, and he went blood red.”
“Well you’re annoying as fuck, Maximo,” Michael snaps in his brother’s direction.
“Green was jealousy,” Rosa adds her two cents, amused as ever as it turns awkward again.
“No, it’s not,” Michael protests.
“No?” Rosa challenges, with a glint in her eye. “Alex, please tell us about your date, who’s this Ben guy and just how hot is he that you were going to sleep with him?” she asks with a grin. Alex isn’t sure why, but for some reason, Rosa finds it endlessly amusing to know that he and Michael have history. She had still been around when he had been crushing on Michael back in high school, and while she was already gone by the time, they kissed in the museum. Before that, she had sat in on his conversations with Maria and Liz about his fail attempt to kiss Michael in his shed, knowing that Michael was his mystery guy seemed to tickle her.
“Ben?” Kyle interrupts, with a smirk of his own, because he’s just as much of a shit starter as his half-sister. “You mean Dr. Ben Mitchell, that’s who you went out with?” Kyle laughs loudly. “I knew you guys were giving each other ‘fuck me’ looks the other day at the hospital, not bad Alex, he’s very hot.”
“Thank you, Kyle,” Alex says drier than the desert as he wills himself not to react otherwise. “Your approval in my sexual partners means the world to me.”
Kyle flashes him a bright smile in response. “So you are sleeping with him.”
Alex curbs the urge to yell as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Why are we even talking about my sex life.”
“To prove green equals jealousy,” Isobel answers with a bored expression as she points back her brother who is indeed green-ish again. “Seriously, Michael, way to rise to the occasion, Rosa and Kyle aren’t even trying to hide what they’re doing, and yet here you are lighting up like some human glow stick.”
“Alien glow stick!” Kyle and Rosa say in union, sharing an amused look between them.
"Maturity, guys," Liz says with an eye roll though Alex can see that she's trying to laugh.
"You're one to talk," Alex replies shaking his head. "We're going to take you chemistry set if you keep experimenting with the aliens, Liz."
"That's a mean thing to joke about with a scientist, Alex," Liz frowns at him, even has her lips curve upward, obviously not the least bit bothered by his comment, after all, Liz, her science and her big brain have saved their collective asses more than once. No one would dare stop her experiments.
Alex turns to Michael and looks at him, really looks. He doesn't allow himself to do much of that these days. He and Michael are in a weird limbo of maybe friends, maybe more someday soon. It's not as awkward or as painful as when Michael stood him up and ended up in Maria's arms for all of five minutes before they both realized that was a mistake, but it still hurts to look at him for too long.
As short as Michael and Maria’s relationship had been, the repercussions of it have lingered. He and Maria were stiff and weird around each other, their best friends status more than a little banged up. Maria finding out about aliens and that everyone but her knew hadn't helped. Michael had gone back to random hookups, Alex followed his lead and did the same. They were trying to be friendly, which just meant they didn't spend a lot of time together alone because neither of them knew how to just be friends with each other.
“What?”Michael blurts out, not as pink as before but it doesn’t matter because Alex knows his uncomfortable posture too.
“Nothing,” Alex answers with another sigh. “Though we might have to have a conversation about preservation skill and not playing lab rat, Guerin.”
Michael rolls his eyes, as he loses more of the pink hue to him.
“Okay, so what do we do?” Alex asks looking around.
“I’m going back to work, I’m covering for the sheriff tonight,” Max answers as he stands.
“I’m going back to my lab at the hospital, and I’m taking Kyle with me to help since Michael can’t be in public glowing,” Liz says before pointing at Isobel and Rosa. “I need you two to go into the desert and get more of the plant I was using, maybe I can reverse engineer this.”
Alex watches as they all start to move, making their way towards the exit of the bunker.
“What am I suppose to do?” Alex asks turning to watch them leave. “Why did you guys even call me?”
Rosa looks back at him with another knowing grin, and at Michael who is behind him, even without looking back at him he knows he’s bright pink again. “Ask Michael, he’s the one that asked Kyle to text you.”
The door to the bunker closes behind her, leaving him and Michael alone and in silence.
“Why, Guerin?” he asks after a moment, his back still to Michael and he hears the man shift from foot to foot behind him. The room full of nervous energy.
“Because I’m currently a walking, talking mood ring with no way of hiding what I feel. And instead of thinking how to fix it, all I could think of is that maybe we can finally have a conversation without misunderstanding if you can see my feelings.”
Alex doesn’t turn to face Michael right away, Michael might be the one glowing emotions at the moment, but Alex has never felt more exposed.
Alex sighs and turns to face Michael who is now glowing yellow, he raises an eyebrow at that.
“Nervous,” Michael answers his silent question. “Were you really on a date?”
Alex blinks at the question. “Yes, the third one with Ben.”
“Third,” Michael repeats, licking his lips as he looks away, his glow is still yellow with bits of green. “Is it going well?”
Alex thinks of his answer for a moment, because yes, it’s going well enough with the doctor he’d met a month ago when he’d gone into the hospital for a check-up on his leg.
“It’s easy with him,” Alex finally answers with a shrug. “I can see why you needed that too,” he continues coming as close as he’s ever been able to address the Maria situation.
“That didn’t last long,” Michael answer. “It couldn’t.”
“Guerin,” Alex starts, warning, because the fact is that months later he still can’t talk about it. Can’t deal with the hurt he’s been carrying since he found out that the love of his life had found comfort and refuge in the arms of his best friend to escape the pain he feels when he’s around Alex.
“Easy wasn’t better,” Michael continues, despite Alex tone. He takes a step forward and then another and another until he’s standing within touching distance of Alex. It makes him want to take a step back, but Alex had been telling the truth when he’d said he was done running away. “Easy isn’t an all-consuming love that takes my breath away.”
Alex closes his eyes and just breathes for a moment.
“Huh, would you look at that,” Michael says quietly making Alex open his eyes again to find that Michael is now glowing a soft, serene blue.
Michael is looking at him with an expression that makes Alex’s eyes sting and his heart squeeze, it’s a look Alex has been intimately familiar with since he was 17, a look he feared he would never see again on Michael’s face.
“I guess love’s color is blue,” Michael continues softly, and Alex can’t stop the small gasp that escapes past his lips.
“Don’t believe me?” Michael question shorting the gap between them, his front brushing against Alex’s. “I’ll prove it.”
“Michael,” Alex whispers, helpless as Michael brings his hands up to cradle his face.
“I love you, Alex,” Michael whispers, glowing bluer, brighter. “All my life I have only loved you, all my life I will only ever love you.”
Alex’s sob is lost between them as he crushes his lips against Michael’s. He sinks into the feeling of Michael’s mouth on his, the only thing holding him up is Michael’s hold on him as he grips the front of Michael’s shirt for dear life. Years of longing is poured into their kiss, and Alex doesn’t understand how he’s survived the last few months without this feeling. It’s as vital to his existence as oxygen.
“Alex,” Michael breathes as he pulls back enough to break the kiss, resting his forehead against Alex’s.
Alex gets go of the front of Michael’s shirt long enough to move his arms around Michael and grip the back, pressing himself against him with nothing but their clothes between them.
“I love you too, Michael,” he whispers, the words dancing against Michael’s mouth that curves upward into a bright smile, even brighter than the blue of Michael’s skin.
part 2- the alien popsicle
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