#and become better bcuz of the other and how much fun theyre having and how green doesnt even get mad that he lost
infizero · 4 months
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btstrashxoxox · 7 years
Prompt 5? scenario??
I feel like in so many fics, stories, novels etc theres rarely ever a representation of bigger ppl, like theres rarely a romance story where the character is like overweight, theyre usually hot characters and as someone who has little to no self confidence myself lool itd be nice to read a fic where the mc is stuggling with their physical appearance and they slowly overcome this inner struggle with the help of their partner, yes maybe by losing weight and stuff cuz thats being healthy, but NOT like the character lost all their weight and became sexy and “worth loving” or shit, like itd be nice to just read a fic where its genuinely focused on the way their body is now and how they learn to love themselves and understand that they are just as worthy for love as anyone else So i was thinking of this au where you are an overweight person maybe lets say 75 to 80 kg or more watever u choose and have struggled with it all ur life
Uve always been the chubby one in ur family and it kind of stayed like that progressing as u got older and shit
And ur family has always picked fun at u about it not in like a spiteful way kind of like in the way where theyre teasing u but theres a hint of truth behind it And u try to not let it bother u but it does anyway and ur self esteem and confidence isnt exactly up there
And ur one of those romantic saps and just rlly want someone to love u and u imagine all the different things u cud do with ur boyfriend but u dnt think ull ever hav that becuz of ur weight and self confidence issues
Anyways so i imagine u to be in ur like 20s maybe mid 20s idk basically an age where ur living by urself in a small apartment and hav a job etc So one day ur walking home alright, cuz u missed the bus home and u were like okay ill start walking for now and maybe another bus will come as im walking to the next stop And so ur walking with ur earbuds in, listening to music wen all of a sudden someone running bumps into u harshy from behind and u lose ur balance starting to fall, completely startled And the guy who bumped into u stops in his tracks with his wide eyes and comes rushing bak to help u up and ur like mad pissed cuz like fuck that hurt and wtf watch where ur going  
But hes apologizing and is like im so sorry im just in a rlly big rush and i didnt rlly see u there and i rlly hav to go now cuz im running late
And ur trying to keep up with wat hes saying cuz everything is just happening so fast and ur still dazed with ur palms stinging from scraping the ground
And then hes leaving screaming over his shoulder saying im rlly srry! My names taehyung (i imagine him as taehyung but anyone who wants to write this can use whomever) and i wrk over at that bakery down the street, come down there and i promise to giv a free treat as an apology and then just like that hes gone and ur still like wtf just happened
And u continue on with ur day, kind of annoyed, but u get home and just relax and get some food and watch some tv
so a few days pass and everythings normal and fine, until one day ur running late and so u hav no time to make breakfast before u leave to work and then u remember that a new bakery opened up near ur workplace and so ull just buy something from there and so u get ready and rush out the door
and then u get to the area and enter the bakery and its all cute with a pink theme and little cupcake and cake and brownie decorations and its all sweet and ur just admiring the place untill u remember fuck im running late
and so u quickly go to the counter and u greet the cashier with a smile and ur like hi can i just get a quick muffin, im running late and need to hurry and the cashier with a nametag saying jimin is all smiles too and is like of course! wat wud u like
and u look over at the display and see these amazing delicious looking muffins and a bunch of other goodies and u see a big double chocolate muffin that looks mouth watering anf u rlly want it but then u get self conscious and start thinking that shit if i order that hes probably gonna think of course the fat one wud order the fat filled treat and so u kind of show a small smile and order the banana and nut muffin instead wen all of a sudden u hear someone call out
and u look behind jimin and see the guy who had bumped into u the other day and ur like oh…
and taehyung rushes up to u and is like hi! i was wondering wen u were gonna come in for ur treat! im rlly rlly srry about the other day, i was running late and my boss seokjin wud murder me if i came in late one more time and he smiles his rectangular smile at u
and u giv him a wary smile and reply a bit confused cuz u hav no idea wat he means by treat and then jimin comes bak with ur muffin and is like here u go! and ur like thanks! and startt giving him ur money wen tae reaches out and is like watre u doing! i said u get a free treat!
and ur like huh? and then he looks at ur order and hes like a banana muffin?! why dnt u try one that i made?
and he ignores jimin whos looking at tae with exasperation and reaches out with the littl tongs and gets that chocolate muffin u were eyeing before and plops that into ur mufin bag as well and at this point ur sort of overwhelmed and u try to refuse cuz ur thinking that u rlly dnt need those extra calories
ut tae refuses and is like its on me, i rlly owe u, and at this point ur srsly running late and so u giv him a smile and say thank u so much and quickly leave the bakery with a bye and ur food and quickly make ur way to ur workplace
and then wen u finally sit down at ur seat and try to regulate ur breathing, u take out ur food to stop the growling from ur stomach and take a bite out of the chocolate muffin and u moan cuz fuck that shits rlly fricking good and probably the best muffin uve ever had and proceed to devour it (and u tell urself that thats already a lot of calories and so i cant eat the banana muffin too, but end up eating it later on not able to resist it)
and u knew that u were definitely gonna go to the bakery more often cuz that place makes heavenly food
and so a few days pass and one day on a day off u go out with ur friend and her boyfriend and u loved spending time with them but seeing all their cute interactions set this longing feeling deep in ur gut and u get sad becuz u rlly wished u had someone like that but u cant help but feel thats never gonna happen
and so to try and make urself feel better u decide to go to the bakery again and get something to lift ur mood
and so u enter the bakery and breathe in the wonderful yummy smell and wait in line to order something wen u hear a familiar voice calling out hey
and u look towards the voice and see taehyung next to a tall broad shouldered man behind the counters looking like they were baking something and hes waving at u wen the man beside him slaps him upside the head and tell him to continue wrking as tae pouts and u cant help but let out a little laugh at that becuz its funny and cute
and then u get to the counter and its jimin again and he givs u a big smile and greets u and asks wat ull hav today and u look to the side to see the differnt assortments they have wen taehyung calls out again saying
try the strawberry shortcake! i made it this mrning!
and then proceeds to earn another glare from the man beside him
and jimin lets out an exasperated laugh and is like srry, ignore tae u can get watever u want of course and ur amused and ur like its fine, i dnt mind i like strawberry and so u decide to go with the recommendation and order the shortcake along with a small hot chocolate with little marshmallows while taehyung beams at u which u return with a chuckle
and then u take ur food and sit at a little booth on the side next to the window and take a bite out of the cake and u cant help but moan at the flavours becuz holy crap how can something be so good
and so u enjoy ur treat and then drink ur hot choclate wen tae comes up to u with a smile
and he sits across u at the table and ur looking at him confused cuz ummm….
and hes like soooooo howd u like the cake? and the muffin i made the other day? its good huh?
and u laugh and ur like i loved them both and u compliment him saying hes an amazing baker and u introduce urself and u guys make small talk and u learn that being a full time baker and opening his own bakery is his dream and the first step to that is becoming an apprentice for his boss seokjin whos also an amazing cook
and u listen to him ramble, honestly surprised at how open hes being with u since u guys are technically strangers
and then he gets called bak by jimin saying his break is over
and its safe to say that ur mood definitely changed for the better and u smile to urself even after he leaves cuz tht was nice
and uk thts how i imagine u guys start to get knowing eachother, u visit the bakery often and talk to tae often and u guys become closer and rlly good friends and its already been a few months since u got to know him and the others at the bakery
and i imagine tae to be a lil shit sometimes constantly winking at u and flirting and tbh u dnt rlly realize it at first becuz flirting? with u? pshh
and then one day u go to ur parents place where ur family was meeting up for a bbq and u were having a good time cuz u missed ur fam
but then ur mom takes u aside and starts talking about ur weight and shes saying how shes wrried about ur weight and about how shes wrried that ull hav trouble finding a life long partner wen ur not healthy and uk shes just concerned for u but it leaves u feeling rlly depressed and u try ur best to hold in ur tears for the rest of the day
and then u finally leave and ur making ur way home, ur head down, chanting in ur head to hold in the tears ur almost home, just hold it in, just hold it in when all of a sudden u hear a familiar voice calling out to u
and he runs up to u and hes like hi! howre u doing?!
and u rlly try to hold it in bcuz taes so sweet and u think that he doesnt need to hear about ur problems but hes smiling so warmly at u and u cudnt hold in ur tears anymore
and taes shocked like hey wats wrong? and he hold onto ur shoulders and u cover ur face cuz fucking great just cry and make urself look like an ugly fat slob with snot everywhere and u feel this hate for urself and taehyung slowly pulls u into a hug and hes trying to soothe u saying its okay its okay
and he ends up bringing u home and u try to tell him ur fine and that he doesnt need to come with u but he refuses to leave u
and then u enter ur place and he sits on the couch with u and hes like im here to listen if u want
and taehyungs such a sweetie and even tho u havnt known him for long, hes become one of ur closest friends and so u spill and tell him wat happened at ur family bbq and u tell him that uk ur fat and unattractive to which he immediately stops u and is like stop no
and he tells u ur beautiful regardless of ur weight and he tells u that honestly he personally thinks its wonderful that u enjoy food and as a baker himself nothing makes him happier than seeing someone enjoy food (especially wen its his) and he tells u that theres someone out there for u becuz ur wonderful and amazing and any guy wud be lucky to hav u as a partner and then he pinches ur cheek and says besides uk how adorable u look? ur cheeks are so cute and he grabs both ur cheeks and pinches
and ur heart is so fond and warm and ur so grateful for having someone like tae in ur life and ur cheeks are red (both from wat tae said and his pinches lool) and u playfully grab his hands and try to pull them off whine at him to stop
and so i can imagine u guy contining to get closer and ur crush on him develops and tae continues to bake things always trying new things and feeding them to u first
and as time passes u like him more and more and the rest of the guys at the bakery smirk at u and tae cuz they know wats going on ;) and they try to convince tae behind the scenes to finally ask u out and tae gets red in the face and stutters and they do the same to u and u turn rlly red and ur like wat? tae wudnt like me tho, to which the other boys groan at cuz like woman how can u be blind to taes constant flirting?
and then he finally does ask u out at one point and ur so fucking happy and u think its a dream
and he helps u gain confidence always murmuring sweet things into ur ears and ughhhlsbfalusid its so cuteeewbuebwujd;
and so yea lmao god this turned out more as a mini scenario than a prompt lmao, well anyone can rewrite this!!! add their own twists to it or watever just remmeber to add credits if u do haha!
well i hope u enjoyed!! byeeee <3 <3
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