#and both fandoms would get an epic breakup albums out of it
sleepanonymous · 1 month
Information below the cut and nightmare scenario in the tags.
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Interesting facts: This cover was the last video he posted to YouTube under this channel before ST formed. This was also almost a year exactly before the ST YouTube channel was created.
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queenlokibeth · 5 years
Oi i haven't been active on that side of fandom for a good couple years now but... @ larries i just saw the shitshow going on on twitter as per Harry's interview, what with the whole ex-gf thing and let me say
1) I understand if you're upset. @ non-larries Pls don't come at me with stuff like "you're validating delusional people!!1!1!!1". Listen, be it for whatever reason I'm pretty sure the reason a lot of people are upset has more to do with the nostalgia and deep bond that they have with this ship, whatever it's "real" status might be. It's hope and the last thread of connection to the band that was a huge part of people's lives while they were still together.
Also, larrie or not it's pretty upsetting to hear harry say "someone's mother" when we know it was Jay, and in any context, Louis being a friend or more than friend, Jay was like a second mother to harry; I see why there's speculation about why he might have been "forced" to say that, but also please consider that he mentioned like 2 or 3 people by name at most, even though he probably spoke about 10+ people. Give the boy some space. I say that for my own sanity and yours. Sometimes it's not necessary to look that far into it. If he had said her name he would have probably had to go on an emotional tangent for a bit and deviate from the interview. It would have been the logical thing to do.
2) Don't flip before due time. Let's listen to Cherry first and then speculate/analyse.
3) On a sidenote, i saw those screenshots about something involving a girl(s) who harry had casual "encounters" with. First of all, chill, that looks shady at best, and either way it's creepy that that stuff is out there, even more so I guess if it's true, especially the text with "details" like yo wtf.
4) Last part. I've never been an intense larrie, but do I ship it? Sure. But I'm also really objective about it so I welcome others to do the same to avoid this whole upsetting deal.
In the scientific world, when you're trying to prove your theory is real you don't look for proof that you're right, you look for stuff that proves you wrong, and if you can't find any, then it's assumed that you're right. I try to do that with larry. Call me a pessimist if you will.
On some occasions it's "easy" to realise that some stuff that most larries hold as true is actually a bit of a reach, while other times it's just... irrefutable.
What I will say now will probably feel like a kick to the face if you're a larrie, but please let's be objective for a bit. If larry is real, it is extremely likely that they broke up at some point. I'm a firm believer that larry at least WAS real, but it either stopped for a bit or even stopped forever. They are human beings. There was a lot of pressure. It's been a long time. If that is the case, it's normal for people to break up. It happens.
What I'm saying is that yes, that "ex-girlfriend" might be a real ex and not a stunt, and y'all are gonna have to accept that. Whether it's camille or whoever. Also keep in mind that plenty of times artists write songs inspired by a bunch of events with similar feelings, so if Cherry is a breakup song/Fine Line a breakup album, it might not be just about one person, if you get what i mean.
To back this up, that sort of fits in with Eleanor leaving the picture and then coming back. If larry is no longer a thing, the beard isn't needed anymore.
In conclusion, be objective. Be ready to accept stuff that isn't ideal to your shipper heart. They are people and they are flawed and their lives aren't the fantastic epic fairytale that fandom portrays sometimes so, as I saw on twitter, "i can't believe people are unlarrying over a voicemail!" But at the same time look out for tunnel vision and accept real life, and as always, respect them both.
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decoding1432 · 7 years
Epic has handled this split of 5h perfectly to have a great 2017, having both a new upcoming star and getting the 5h fanbase back to being united. Bare with me this might be a little long but follow the timelines. I think Epic and 5h have known about this split from the beginning of 2016, Dinah message in the 727 album was basically a goodbye message to camila if you read it. Epic had Camila doing solo music with all these producers and in 5h second statement basically they were trying to convince camila for over a year. Now look how Epic is so smart, first the recording of 727 was much more Lauren filled to prepare for the new Era plus a lot of the versus in the album had multiple versus double by different girls (especially C parts) So when they sing them in the future its easy to replace, they didn’t do this with WFH cause they knew it was there hit. Then with the album sales but could of been better. WHY? The fandom started to divide, not only were there OT4 fans but also a lot of fans were turnings into just standing their favs, this was not good for EPIC. So what does Epic do, they build a story, now bare with me I do believe some of the girls do not get along (mostly C with N and A) but that being said Epic needed a way to unite the fandom if they wanted to have both C and 4h work. Now a clean break up would lead to no headlines and no exposure and probably the fandom would want there fav to go solo. But before Epic gave their story they need a new leader to get some publicity to start the momentum, a month before the the breakup you have Lauren have pictures leaked, come out letter and get arrested and release a solo song. All this was planned to get her name out there. 
Now for every good story you need a villain and since some of the fanbase already turned on C so she was the perfect person. The first letter came out and the wording make it seem like Camila basically left the JB performance and had their representatives tell 5h she quit. Now we all know this is false but everyone ran with it all the news stories came out and C was wrong. Then you C statement which basically says that wasn’t true and she told them there intentions. Now 5h were the bad guys. The last statement made Camila look like a diva that didn’t want anything to do with them which all the ot4 ate up. All kinds of stories and Media coverage, 5h had more stories about them in 3 days than they did all year. Epic has Billboard to do most of the back and forth. The first article stated that 5h might not even be picked up even though in their most recent article it says it was picked up 
3 days after 3 left. 
Now here is where the genius comes in, the photoshoot for the new 5h was done in late November and 5h3 green lit 3 days after c left but wasn’t announced till 3 weeks later. Now you have the Lauren leak come out and the whole fandom turn on Epic, Now you have the Fandom freaking out. They are blaming Camila for all of this, basically leaving them to be a star and 5h isn’t even going to get signed. OMG the fandom is saying, but now their all united for the other 4 girls. With the fandom up in arms with whats going to happen they are galvanized, this was a problem for Epic because of the leak but their damage control was fantastic. The latest article was nothing but spin the only thing that was confirmed is the girls got the rights to the brand which is good but that has nothing to do with the music and the album. They had speculation and what a lawyer in their position would ask for which is creative control, more royalties, more promo and etc but nothing was confirmed that it actually happened. They are still under the same deal because it stated they were in a 7 year deal and the album was pick up. Maybe 5h got a little more freedom but the article made it seem that 5h got the world in this renegotiation, pure spin but fandom is now happy even though days before they were so anti EPIC that they would unseen if they were label mates with Camila cause she is the devil and her and LA Reid have been out to get 5h from the beginning. Now they’ll have a year full of rivalry that the media and fans with eat up and a competition of fans between both C and 5h. 
In conclusion EPIC managed to get their solo and star that has has 2 hits on her own and rebuilt the 5h fandom with a whole bunch of media exposure.Every one who bought C music will prolly still support ( Maybe lost part of 5h fandom) but all these ot4 stand weren’t going to buy her music either way but now no one is talking about their favs going solo and ready to go hard for 5h.If they just came and did a joint statement and C left they wouldn’t of had all this PR, they were ready with the photos and the green lit 5h3 but they let it play out in the media and put out stories to help their narrative depending on what social media was saying Now who knows how much of the behind the scene stories are true but now they 2 happy artist and fandoms ready to buy their stuff because the fans want to beat the other side. Now who knows what will happen but we do know EPIC wins hence why this split was genius
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