#and clint goes “training 😏”
biitchcakes · 6 months
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@mastcrmarksman replied to your post:
it's such a good one, it's so *chews arm* with nat id'ing phil's ptsd. maria's commnd. phil and nick. nat and jess. maria sendding clint to retrieve phil (the hug). jess and vlad. everything bout it.
YES ALL OF THIS. CLINT AND PHIL'S HUG IN THE RAIN 😭 Jess and Nat bonding is everything, I love this bit in particular:
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Nat working through Her Own Stuff™️ so fast in the moment to make the split second decision to trust Jess. Jess proving Nat's trust in her was well placed and hauling ass to deck Derrida. ( How Jess continues to save "reality as we know it" by talking to Vladimir just moments later. )
And to top it off, Nat reacting with a good old casual ⸺
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 5 months
That was so good!! I’m a sucker for Nat with children so thank you for sharing!! I agree with basically everything you said too, nat running to clint is so true haha!!
I have another for you!
Do you have any thoughts on Nat with Masc! Reader? What’s her weaknesses? How does Nat even control herself around them with fainting 🤭🤭
Thank you!! And same, mama Nat has a special place in my heart ❤️
Oooo. A good question. Now Mascs come in a variety of looks/attributes/hobbies obviously, but I'm going to go with the more stereotypical stuff cuz that's the easiest route lol. I'm also going with them not being a couple yet cuz it's more fun to write longing 😂 anyway:
Rs really good with her hands, always seems to be fixing or building things with Tony, or working on her car and so the thought of what those hands could possibly be capable of in the bedroom plague Nat. But also, not just the bedroom. She also wonders how they'd feel in soft moments, like tending a wound or caressing her cheek. She just really wants to feel Rs hands....
Rs got muscles, and while Nat obviously has some too, Rs are a bit bulkier. A bit more apparent and defined. So the fact that R likes to work out in tank tops or sports bras leaves Nat in a hopeless situation. She's gonna stare and watch the way sweat drips down Rs body. She's also going to imagine her hands following the path of said sweat, and going other places 😏
Rs short hair drives Nat crazy, all she wants to do is run her fingers through it and let her nails tease Rs scalp. Anytime she sees it damp (pool party, caught in the rain, post shower) has her swooning
When R wears sweatpants, good lord this woman goes feral. She's never seen it, but she just knows those are the pants R would wear the strap under. So the mental image of a bulge at Rs crotch just never leaves her head. And if she thinks about R pressing that bulge up against her from behind.....no she doesn't 🤫
As for the not fainting part, that's that spy training. It keeps her conscious. It doesn't keep her thoughts from wandering though, and after enough time passes, she'd probably slip up and just be out here outright ogling poor R because she's just sooo smitten
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garbagefarm · 5 months
Garbage Farm #53
2024-05-13, session #53 of Garbage Farm! Spanning Spring 10 through Spring 18 of Year 5!
me ( @mothmute )
E.B. ( @blueherin )
Kimi ( @2kimi2furious )
Highlights include, but are not limited to the following:
Spring 10:
Kimi found the “butts” sign, hehehehehehehehe
Grandpa Jr. is getting underfoot and in my way!!
Kimi is off to level up her Combat skill
EB is silent, but the sound of deforestation says everything
I spend most of the day reorganizing the storage shed
rip EB, killed by the beans
Kimi want to convince some Junimos to live on the farm.
Spring 11:
My day begins with an iron bar from “clint, the blacksmith”— hey, why’d you sign it that way? do you think I don’t know who you are?? is that just literally your name???
Kimi goes to fight skulls
More reorganization!!
and I end up ignoring the animals all day, oops
EB puts a mannequin in the storage shed
Spring 12:
EB envies my farming mastery and my iridium scythe
I spend all day working on the storage AGAIN. Somebody's gotta do it!!
Kimi does not like the mannequin, and dies a hater. rip Kimi.
Spring 13, egg festival:
you're no good, ducks.
(I decide to just ignore the animals today.)
Jas worries about Vincent getting all the eggs, but he's terrible at this.
Pizza hides in the bushes like a weirdo, Harvey walks off without his kids, and my kids—Bartholomew and Theophania—merge into a single entity before splitting. Why can’t any of our kids be normal??
egg egg egg EGG EGG EGG
EB wins!!
Kimi may’ve been hindered by thinking Jas was an egg
Spring 14:
Elliott took care of some animals for us, the man is a saint
desertfest tomorrow! Kimi hunts skulls in preparation
EB and I both drop what we're doing to go see the train. (I borrowed Kimi’s horse, Pie-O-My, to get there in time) I don't think either of us got anything from it.
I have a bunch of trees planted up there for tapping, and I’ve been meaning to redo them all. EB and I rip them all out while we're up there.
when we get back, the animals are acting ... weird. Kimi asks “how weird?” and I say they remind me of Pizza, to her absolute horror. They're just standing there, staring, perfectly aligned. (See Gallery)
The wine can wait until later, right?
Spring 15 (Desert Fest, day 1):
Desert fest is here! Kimi and I get there early and start scoping things out
I head to the Skulls and get to work, before eventually deciding to just use staircases to get down to level 100 and finally get the Iridium Snake Milk.
Kimi bets on King Sting and loses, bad luck
We all get dressed up by Emily, I look like Super Mario.
All of us want free cactis!
Kimi does not like the free food pervert. She gets a casserole, EB got nachos, and I got “rumpled fruit skin” earlier in the day
Spring 16 (Desert Fest, day 2):
I hit the skulls again, and ... !!!
I got an auto-petter! It is possible!!
Linus held on to the bottom of the bus in search of spicy desert trash, and approves of Kimi digging through the festival garbage.
Emily dressed me up as a cop. What the hell, Emily.
Barely made it to bed
Spring 17 (Desert Fest, day 3):
Marnie is thinking about milk, apparently.
EB and I root for Cactus Crawler, Kimi picks King Sting ... CACTUS CRAWLER TAKES IT, wooooo!
I want what Caroline's selling (if you know what I mean ... her Exotic Palace)
Emily dressed EB up as a possum, not a mouse. It's her “pos-play”
spend all my remaining eggs on miscellaneous trash just to spend 'em
Spring 18?:
non-canon day
Everybody comes over to check out my exotic palace 😏
Kimi wants to get to level 10 combat so she can begin her masteries, get started with starfruit so we can get Junimos, and improve her house
EB wants those things too, though is indifferent about the starfruit and the Junimos
I found a golden animal crackers, nobody's sure what we're doing with it yet.
Gotta finish Qi's Crop! Speaking of which, there should be another Qi quest available...
I need a rainy day, might use a totem to get it
Additional fish pond?
(my to-do list is so long...)
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the alignment.
Good Garbage, everybody!!
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babbygirlblues · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff x reader 😏
Summary: Natasha overhears the team teasing you about a crush. She’s heartbroken. 
Warnings: Mention of injury, guns, a bit of a make out sesh. Reader is assumed to have male crush. This writing = not my finest prose.
Note: bit of angst, fluff. 3K
Tony’s laugh is loud, it bellows over the top of everyone else's voice. It’s only quieter than his own voice which rings out clearly down the hall. Natasha is half-asleep making her way to Fury with some reports when your name catches her ear.
“Ooooh you don’t just have a crush, Y/L/N’s fully in love!” He roars out.
Love? Natasha pauses in the hallway out of sight. Her heart is suddenly pumping fast and the pulsing blood booms in her ears as she tries to listen. 
“I’m sure he’ll come around Y/N.” Wanda says kindly. 
He? At that, Natasha’s heart stops completely. She can’t hear it beating in her ears anymore. Instead a ringing sound has taken over and she feels sick, dizzy. 
“I don’t know Wanda, I’ve already dropped so many hints. Maybe I finally need to pick up my hint, that he’s just not interested.”
Natasha walks back to her office on shaky legs and pretends that there aren’t tears in her eyes. Her blurry vision obscures the guest chair in her office and she walks right into it. Her documents fall to the ground as she catches herself from tumbling over it. 
“Ow, shit!” She huffs and clutches her knee.
Clint pokes his head in the doorway. “You okay, Nat?”
She glares at him. “Fine.” She grumbles. 
“New mission just got posted. You, me, Y/N and Tony.” He says. “Should be a fun one.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. 
Natasha bends down to pick up her papers and Clint is surprised by her lack of response. Usually Natasha would be thrilled to get a mission with you, plus a small group means you’ll probably be paired together. Right now, she feels painfully empty about it because clearly it has meant more to her than it does to you. 
Over the next few days Natasha goes out of her way to avoid you, unable to face you while carrying her broken heart. She cancels your weekly movie night over text.
N: Can’t make the movie tonight. Busy.
N: Sorry
y/n: I’ll kill Fury if he’s overworking you again!!
y/n: That’s ok though. Are you ok? 
y/n: Can I help?
The three messages come through within seconds of each other and each one makes the lump in her throat grow. Natasha spends 10 minutes staring at your response but she doesn’t reply. It’s annoying, she thinks, the way you throw her completely off track, spiralling like a crazy person. She decides that she won’t let you do it anymore. 
Determined and head held high, she heads to the kitchen to make a sandwich before her scheduled training session. 
She gets halfway through buttering the first slice of bread before hearing you making your way down the hallway. The sound of your voice makes her melt and she considers dropping this whole facade, but then Bucky’s gravely laugh sounds out alongside yours. 
Fuck. She can’t see this, her heart can’t take it. She drops her knife and it clatters on the bench top. She flinches when the clanging sound rings out loudly through the room, and she abandons her unmade sandwich. She narrowly escapes and you almost catch her exit but all that’s left of her is sandwich ingredients spread over the bench. 
Natasha walks to the gym and regrets not taking at least the bread with her. It's a longer session tonight, some of the recruits have an upcoming graduation examination for SHIELD. Natasha straightens her back as she walks in and acts like nothing is out of the ordinary. And if she’s hungry, snapping at the recruits and hypercritical of their techniques, well that’s a matter between her and her own heart. 
From her window, Natasha catches you and Bucky heading out arm in arm. It’s friday night and she did cancel on you, but her insides burn and she hates how quickly she's been replaced. Maybe she had hoped you would come up looking for her. She starts to imagine Bucky and her fist headed straight for his face. She could be better to you than him! Then the image shifts, Bucky is fine and then you appear and he starts to touch you, kiss you and you let him, you like it. 
The burning starts to reach her heart and despite being freshly showered she charges back to the gym. 
Strike after strike, she hits the heavy bag gloveless. The super serum running through her veins helps to send the bag swinging, the chain holding it to the ceiling screams to be let free. She hits and hits and hits until her knuckles start to bleed. It feels good for a moment, then through her panting breaths she starts to crack. With each exhale, her chest heaves and heartbroken sobs escape from her throat. She sinks to her knees and cries on the floor until all her throat is hoarse and the tears are gone. 
She washes her face in the gym bathroom and creeps back into her room, not wishing to be caught in such a state. Part of her wishes that you would find her and drag her into your room to sleep for the night. 
When she climbs into bed she’s exhausted but her mind won’t let her rest. She feels more alone than ever. She had got in the habit of imagining your voice whispering to her 'good night'. Tonight it's silent and she can no longer convince herself that you'll be there one day to say it to her for real. The tears she thought were gone are back again and she cries herself to sleep into a soaking wet pillow. 
Little did she know, on the other side of the door, you stood wondering if you would be welcome inside. Wishing she would turn to you instead of herself alone when she’s struggling. 
You continue to check her room everyday and keep an eye out in the compound, but don’t see Natasha until your mission. When you walk in she doesn't acknowledge you at all, next to her, Clint gives you a pointed look while the meeting gets started.
Agent Hill is leading the mission briefing and the whole time your eyes skip across to table to Natasha then to Hill and back to Natasha then to Clint to Natasha to Hill to Natasha. Around in circles waiting for Natasha to look back at you. 
Natasha's eyes stay fixed on the papers in front of her and occasionally drift up to listen to Hill. She looks small in her seat, shoulders hunched and her hair falls to cover her face. For a brief moment as she turns to look at Hill, she gets caught in your gaze. You start to smile at her, the question are you okay? blazing in your eyes, but she quickly looks back down at her papers, timid like a frightened animal and a light blush covering her cheeks. You don’t get to ask it. 
On the quinjet you sit next to her in your usual seat and Natasha’s heart skips a beat. Still, she refuses to look at you, her head stays facing the cockpit so you can’t see her face. Your leg knocks into hers with the turbulence and every time she tries to ignore her desire to turn around and press herself back into you. The thought of you in love with someone else keeps her spine icy and reminds her to keep her distance.
When the two of you head off as a pair, armed and on the lookout for enemy combatants, your eyes don’t leave her and you hope she can feel your gaze burning into her. If there was any doubt in your mind she was avoiding you, it's completely gone given the way she’s acting today. You want to annoy her enough that she finally tells you what you’ve done wrong. 
Almost tripping, twice, should have been a sign to actually watch where you were going. But you keep your eyes stuck stubbornly on Natasha’s back as she leads you into the camp.
You approach a high chain fence with barbed wire at the top, Natasha drops her gun and kneels down to pry apart an opening. “Would you pay attention?” She snarls, glaring up at you before she focuses back on the gate. It’s not exactly ‘mission accomplished’, but it's a start. Since she’s broken the silence between you, you try to ask her a question. 
“Why have you been avoiding me?” You whisper while taking a look around to satisfy your job as the lookout. 
“I haven’t -”
Three goons approach from the darkness in a vehicle, shooting out the window. 
You raise your gun to face them and don't move an inch from your stance in front of Natasha. 
Natasha yells your name, before you can take a shot she shoves you in the back and sends you sprawling on the ground. Natasha shoots the driver straight through the head, which sends the vehicle straight into a nearby tree.
When you turn around Natasha is leaning against the fence, pale faced and in pain.
You scramble from the ground and rush towards her.
“Natasha!” You can see her clutching her arm and blood is dripping through her hand and onto the dirt at her feet. You reach out to help her put pressure on it.
“Don’t touch me!”
You freeze in front of her, inches from her arm you slowly start to back yourself away. Shocked by her rejection, you try to focus on helping her another way. You call the team and hold back your tears as you talk to Tony over the comms.
She continues to refuse any help, even as you beg through tears all the way back to the base. The others watch on anxiously, giving you a sympathetic look.
Natasha spends 50 minutes getting stitched up before Cho’s new machine lets her go looking brand new. You spend that time showering, feeling guilty and getting increasingly more angry. Angry at yourself, angry at Natasha. 
When you hear familiar footsteps walk past your room, you storm out to follow them through Natasha’s door.
“What the hell, Natasha!” You speak with more fire than you knew yourself to have. “What did I do to you? Hm?”
“You got me shot, we could start there.” She says evenly, emotionless.
“No, I was standing there, in front of you. You pushed me!” 
“Of course I pushed you!” She screams at you. Then quieter, she sighs, “Of course, I pushed you.”
You’re speechless for a moment. 
“You know that I would rather get shot than let you take a bullet.” You protest tensely. 
She shrugs.
You groan loudly, frustrated. “You know I would rather take a bullet in my head than let you take one through your toe! So why are you so angry with me?” 
Natasha keeps her gaze locked on the ground between her feet. 
You sigh in defeat. “It’s my fault you got shot.” You say, your heart makes its way to your throat and chokes you. “I just wanted you to stop ignoring me.” 
You wait a moment, then two. But Natasha doesn’t move.
“I’m so sorry, Tash. So sorry” You say earnestly, then turn to leave. 
As you reach her door she speaks up, her voice is thick and it crackles in an accusatory tone. “You didn’t tell me that you liked anyone!” 
She finally makes eye contact with you and you can see tears mixing with the fire in her eyes. “I thought we were friends, but it turns out that Tony gets to hear about your life more than I do.”
“I tell you things I’ve never told anyone. Not even Clint.” She sniffles and her cheeks are glistening wet. She whips at her nose with the back of her hand, “You don’t even care.” She mutters miserably.
You pause and try to let her words register.
“I - what?” You say, confused,
Natasha straightens up. “So? Who is it then? Bucky? And you’re together now?” She insists impatiently.
Each question she shoots off just confuses you more but her red teary eyes start to hint at her problem. It gives you a small burst of confidence that you may not ruin your friendship with a confession, as you had feared. 
“Bucky's a friend and it’s not a guy, Natasha.” you say. “I thought that was obvious.”
Hope grips Natasha’s heart in a strangling hold. 
She clears her throat, “Oh.” 
“I thought the best spy in the world would have figured it out.” You say, a weak smile barely creeping through. You pause for a moment and feel your heart beating so hard your ribs shake with its beat.
Through an aching breath, you tell her simply, “It's you.”
You watch the realisation grow on Natasha’s face until it reaches her eyes and she takes a moment to look at you. 
"Me?" She whispers.
For a moment you shrink under her intense gaze, terrified you’ve lost her. But then Natasha rushes towards you and sends you stumbling backwards as she crashes into you. Instinctively you wrap your arms around her and hold her close. 
Pieces of Natasha's heart slowly slot back into place and she takes in a deep breath of your scent. The coconut shampoo she hates and the wonderful smell of your skin, god she's missed it.
Her hands grip tightly at your hips and she leans in desperately towards your lips. You take a moment to look into her eyes, red and puffy, they're so full of love you want to cry. Then gorgeous red lips capture your attention. You can’t resist any longer and you press your lips softly into hers. 
Her lips are full and soft, heavenly. She runs her tongue over your bottom lip and then she’s slipping in to taste your mouth. She whimpers into your mouth, and you soothe her by tenderly stroking her cheek.
Her kisses become harsher and her force pushes you backwards towards her bed where she presses you down into the mattress.
Red hair falls to frame her face as leans down to kiss you and strong legs climb up to frame your hips. There’s electrifying tension in the space she leaves between you. 
You feel dizzy with the suffocating need to have her skin, smooth and safe against you. Natasha laughs lightly as you roll her onto her back. Your hips remain locked between her legs and she reaches around to the small of your back to encourage you to press down into her harder. Your pelvis rocks down into her instinctively and steals your breath away.
You reach for her hands to press them above her head, dragging your lips over her jaw and down to kiss her neck. The brief shift makes you remember why you’re there.
“Wait Natasha, your arm!” You sit up and try to inspect her upper arm where you saw blood before. Nothing is there. 
“It’s all fixed.” Natasha rasps out. She lies back down and tries to pull you down by the front of your shirt. “It’s ok.” She whispers. 
“It’s not ok! You got hurt - because of me.” you exclaim. You refuse to move down to meet her, so she sits up to face you. “You could have been killed.” you can barely whisper it.
“I wasn’t. I’m fine, Y/N.” she caresses your face gently and you lean into her touch. She moves lower to run her thumb over your swollen lips. You press your forehead to hers. “I always dreamed that I would die protecting you.” She whispers quietly, like a secret.
Your heart soars painfully. “Please, promise me you won’t ever do that.” You reply. You remove her hand from your face and press it into your chest above your heart. “That would kill me.” 
You wrap your fingers around her wrist and bring her hand up to your lips. You press a heated kiss to the centre of her palm. Slowly, you make your way over her wrist, pressing delicate kisses to the skin of her inner arm. You can feel her shiver as you kiss the sensitive skin in the crease of her elbow. Then, you move up to the side of her arm where she got shot and gently press your lips to the new skin, pausing there for a moment. 
Her words continue to resonate through you and you know you’d do the same for her in a heartbeat. It rings disaster in your ears. Tear after tear falls down your cheeks and wets her skin under your mouth.
Natasha gently pulls you up into her arms. You let her manoeuvre the both of you towards the pillows and under her sheets. You lie down to face her and open your arms to gesture for her to cuddle closer. She wraps an arm securely around your waist and nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck. 
Natasha thinks about the last three nights she spent crying herself to sleep and sinks deeper into the warmth of your arms
"Good night." She whispers, soft and shy, her lips muffled against your skin.
"Good night, Tasha." You whisper back to her sweetly. The brightest inferno glows under her skin and she almost giggles.
The soft smile beaming on her face lingers even after her eyes close and she's fast asleep.
You whisper another quiet apology, your lips brushing against her hairline and you press a kiss to her forehead. You sleep restlessly, your mind running the same line in a loop, die protecting you, die protecting you, die, die die… 
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deathxwalkerxx · 3 years
It beats only for you
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff, x Avenger!Fem reader
Warning: none just pure fluff
Summary: Anonymous asked:
i lovee ur writing!!
can you do one for Nat where it takes place during age of ultron, the part where they all go to Clint’s house and like at one point Nat sees Reader playing with Clint’s kids and Nat’s just kind of like 😍😍😍😍
oops i forgot to write something in my request (clint’s house), make it so that Nat and reader aren’t like in a relationship yet. and Laura and Clint’s all like 😏😏😏 towards Nat. like nat’s helping laura in the kitchen and laura goes “so whats going on between you and reader” and nat’s like starting to become aware of her growing feelings for reader
hope im making sense
A/N:  thank you for the compliment and i do hope i do this justice for you!! Sorry that it took so long for me to get too!! I enjoyed writing this!! and made myself cry!!
Natasha and yourself had been friends the moment you were asked to join the Avengers and you had accepted. She was drawn to you, and you were drawn to her also. The both of you trained together, watched shows together, shared books that you both had read. Wherever Natasha went you went also. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust the rest of the team to look out for her, because you did, but at least if something did happen to Natasha you could put that weight on your shoulders no one else’s. You had watched as Wanda had done something to her, and you wished that you could have stopped her before that happened, you just sat with Natasha knowing she didn’t want to talk about it. You knew what happened to her in the Red Room, what they had made her do, and you figured that the witch had brought her back to that. It made you angry, knowing that Natasha wasn’t herself right now because the witch made her go through all of that again. You helped her into the house that Clint had brought you too. All of you ( aside from Natasha ) were surprised at what you found inside. You didn’t know that Barton had a family, and you understood why he wanted to keep them safe. No one could hurt them if they didn’t know they were even there. You wished you could keep Natasha safe, but you knew that wasn’t your choice, Natasha wanted to do this, and that was why you stood beside her, why you would follow her anywhere, because at least you knew you’d make sure nothing happened to her, that she would be safe. Though you knew you had let her down when Wanda put her through what she did, you'd make sure that never happened again. 
You watched as Thor left, and everyone began to do their own thing. You smiled watching Natasha with Lila and then Lila moved over to where you were standing. You were never good with children, you always seemed to say something that just had them running away from you. So you were not sure what Lila wanted, but you were kneeling in front of her, keeping your hands to yourself because you also didn’t know if she liked to be touched by strangers or not. “Are you Aunty Natty’s friend?” She asked you and you smiled and nodded your head. “I’m her best friend, even if she doesn’t admit it to herself.” You say with a light chuckle, though the young child didn’t understand what you were saying. “Hey. Um. Do you like to draw?” You ask and you watch as she is nodding her head enthusiastically. “How about we draw then, yeah?” You ask and she was then leading you over to her drawing table, and you both sat down drawing. You weren’t drawing anything particular, and you made sure you weren’t drawing greatly. You were just drawing stick figures and crappy houses. You smiled when you heard Lila giggling at your picture, her telling you that you draw horribly. “Alright, how about you show me how you draw then?” You ask, and you watch as she was drawing before Cooper was pulling at your suit to get your attention. “Can you play catch with me?” He asks you, and you nod your head, telling Lila to keep drawing and you’ll come back to look at it when you and Cooper are done. You didn’t know that Natasha was in the kitchen watching you with the children. Watching as Lila stopped drawing because she wanted to play with you and Cooper also. She had a smile upon her face just watching the three of you. You always told Natasha that you were terrible with children, that you always said something that scared them away, and yet here you were with Clint’s children, making them laugh and playing with them. 
You would be a good mother, Natasha knew this, she could see it now. Natasha had been drying the same plate for a few minutes now, and Laura was smiling at her, seeing the way she was watching you and not paying attention to the plate that was in her hands right now. “You’re staring, Nat.” Laura tells her, bringing the redhead out of her thoughts and Laura couldn’t help but laugh seeing her blinking like she was in a daze. “She always told me that she was horrible with children, that she scared them away yet she seems to be doing fine with your children.” Natasha says to her, as she places the plate in the cupboard where it was supposed to go. “Is that why you’re staring?” Laura asks her, and Natasha could hear the underlying tone in her words, making her shake her head at Laura. “Of course it is. What else would it be?” Natasha asks her, the smile not leaving Laura’s face as she continues to clean the dishes and hand them over to Natasha. “Oh I don’t know, Natasha. Seems like you’re looking almost like you want her.” Laura says as Clint walks into the kitchen almost wearing the same look as his wife. “Okay, you two really have terrible poker faces.” Natasha says making Laura laugh as she watches Natasha putting another bit of dishes away and then coming back to rest her back against the counter, while still looking out the window at you. “There has to be something going on between them, am I right, Clint? She can’t keep her eyes off of her.” Laura says as she finishes up in the kitchen, making Clint chuckle and placing a hand on her arm. “Oh yeah, you can definitely cut the sexual tension with a knife.” He says making  Natasha throw a towel at him. “Go be productive somewhere else would you?” Natasha asks him, which has him chuckling and leaving the kitchen with Laura beside him. Truthfully her heart was pounding in her chest the whole time Laura had been talking to her. Her eyes continued to stay on you, watching the way you were laughing and fumbling with the football. She knew that you had good hand eye coordination so she knew that you were just playing around with the children making them laugh and not feeling like they were unable to keep up with you. 
It had her sighing as she moved outside now, so she could see you more clearly. She rested against the banister, her fingers lacing together as she continued to watch you. It didn’t seem out of the norm for her to watch you.  Right now you were just playing with the children, something she never got to see, not until now. It was a good look, you didn’t have any stress on your face, you were free right now. Her cheeks hurt from the way she was smiling too much. She didn’t even know she was smiling until her cheeks were hurting. She watched as you started to play chase with the two children. Despite the mission you all went on, despite it being a hard mission, you still had energy to play with the children, to let all that weight lift off your shoulders. Natasha noticed that about you. That you could just let the missions roll off your shoulders so you could be there for everyone else. She heard the door open and close behind her, and she turned to see Laura coming out along with Clint making her groan inwardly. “If you’re staying here, you’re going to have to bunk up. And since you and Y/N seemed to be very close, I figured you both could bunk up.” Laura says and Natasha could see the way Clint was doing his best to not laugh which had her scowling at him. “Stop this. Nothing is happening between Y/N and I.” Natasha says as Laura places the fresh clothes down on the bannister while she is standing next to Natasha her eyes watching as you pretend to fall when Cooper tackles you. “Then why are you still out here watching her? With a goofy smile upon your face?” Laura asks Natasha who then turns her back on you and crosses her arms underneath her breasts. “And not to mention you’re getting defensive.” Clint says making Natasha roll her eyes at him. “Don’t go reading me, Barton. You know you can’t.” She says making Laura chuckle now and nudging her shoulder against Natasha’s. “Come on, Natty. What’s wrong with liking your best friend?” Laura asks her making Natasha bite at her bottom lip.
 Did she really like you? In that way? Of course she trusted you with everything, aside from Barton you were the only one that knew what she’d done, what she had been through. She felt safe around you, felt like she could be herself, to let all her walls down around you to let you in completely. It was you who she turned up for when she had nightmares. It was always you that she called out for. You were the one that she would let see her crumbling. You were the one that saw her tears fall, and hear how she hated herself. But it was always you telling her how amazing she was, how beautiful inside and out that she was. You let Natasha know just how strong she was, just how much strength it took for her to get through what she had gotten through. You told her that what she’d done was none of her fault. Natasha didn’t notice that Laura and Clint weren’t there, she didn’t notice that you’d stopped playing with Cooper and Lila. She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that when she felt your touch against her cheek, she just melted into your arms. “You’d make a good mother you know?” You hear Natasha ask you, making you smile against her hair as you press a kiss to her curls like you always did. “So would you, Tash. Maybe one day you can adopt one, yeah? Or two. Have a boy and a girl.” You say to her, before she was pulling back because she needed to see your eyes, she needed to see the care in your eyes. “I’d need help, I couldn’t do it on my own.” Natasha says her vision became blurry and she realized that she was crying, but she could see the smile upon your face as you pressed your forehead toward her own. “Good thing that you have me, huh?” You ask which has Natasha’s chin trembling as her grip on your waist tightens, like she was afraid the wind would just blow you away from her, and that she’d never be able to touch you again. 
“Do I?” She asks as the tears fall to her cheeks, her voice cracking, her hands trembling against your waist. “Do you what?” You ask, the confusion evident in your voice and she runs a shaky finger between your brow, straightening it out as she sniffles softly. “Do I have you?” She asks you, and you feel your own tears falling down your cheeks, and you pull Natasha in, your lips meeting hers, and honestly. You never felt anything like this. Her lips against yours felt like a summer rain falling around you, soaking you from head to toe, surrounding you in a complete bliss that you didn’t want to end. She tasted like spice, but she was everything nice in your mind. “I didn’t know I was in love with you, until now. Until your lips crashed against mine, until you let me in and I got to see everything that is beautiful about you, Natasha. The red in your ledger is beautiful because it’s who you are. Your flaws and your guilt is what makes you, you. A terrible person doesn’t have nightmares about what they've done, and yet you have nightmares almost every night, telling them how sorry you are, begging them to not forgive you. How could someone not love you? I’d have as many children with you as you’d allow. You want a hundred children? I’d give you a hundred. If you don’t want them, then we won’t have them. We’ll adopt a cat or a dog or something. Or a goldfish. Though just don’t try to throw the goldfish off your two story building and into a bowl, because they won’t make it.” You say making Natasha laugh while wiping at her cheeks. “You’re everything someone could want in a person, Natasha.” You whisper to her, before she is pressing a kiss back to your lips. “Speak for yourself. I won’t make a big speech, because you just sounded like you were saying your vows, and I think it’s too soon for that.” Natasha says though she watches as you were shaking your head at her, your lips pressing to the back of her hand now. “It’s never too early to be with someone for the rest of your life. I’m sorry that it took me this long to admit my feelings to you, but I thought you just wanted to be friends, and I was content with that. I’d rather have you in my life as a friend, than not have you in my life at all. I get nightmares too, Tasha. The worst nightmare I’ve ever had? Are you telling me I’m not good enough to be friends with you. That I’m not right for you. My worst nightmare is not having you in my life.” 
You whisper softly, and it was Natasha’s turn to pull you in for a hug, her lips pressing against your neck. “If it weren’t for Laura and Clint meddling like they do, I would have probably never known how much I love you.” She says to you making you chuckle as you wrapped your arms tightly around her back holding onto her closely. “Guess on our wedding day we’ll have to thank them for their big noses. And maybe to make it up to them, we’ll make them godparents.” You say to her, before she was pulling back to look at your face. “Do you want children with me?” She asked you and you were nodding your head, your hand patting her ass softly. “Of course I do. Though if our child runs from me, you might have to remind me that I’m just not a good mother as you think I am.” You say which earns a slap from Natasha. “Stop. they’re not going to run unless you play chase with them. So remember that when you see them running from you, that you’re just playing chase.” She says smiling when she hears your laughter. “So we’re really doing this then?” You ask her, and she takes your hand in hers, interlocking your fingers together as she swings your hand back and forth with hers. “We’re really doing this, baby girl. But first. We’re going to have to get through the teasing.” She says which has you groaning as you both make your way to the front door to walk back inside. “Please, kill me now.”
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