#and collect mushrooms and other medicinal and edible stuff
nururu · 2 years
I'm literally a mountain man. like my childhood dream come true.
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perciselfships · 3 months
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✦ he / they / sun / sunny / sunnys / sunnyself ✦ 19 ✦ genderfluid queer transmasc ✦ professional goober ✦ white ✦
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⤠ HOWDY ‼️ welcome to my silly self ship blog!!! this blog is both a place for me to put my thoughts and posts and misc things abt my lovely f/o(s) AND for me to lift up and support other self shippers!!!
⤠ WARNING / DISCLAIMER ✦ this IS an 18+ blog and i WILL be posting nsft art and text from time to time! as much as i would like to have this blog be minor friendly, nsft is one of my main ways of expressing myself and i don’t want to censor it on this blog!
⤠ my askbox is always open so feel free to send me anything you’d like!! i love talking with ppl and making new friends :)
⤠ i am an artist so i will be posting art here from time to time if i have anything relevant to post! my official art blog is @jimbo-arts if you wanna check out some of my other stuff!!
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⤠ main special interests: frankenstein by mary shelley, cottagecore lifestyle/aesthetic, witchcraft + spirituality, sex and sexuality, dungeons and dragons, self shipping :3, any horror media, true crime, theatre
⤠ current secondary hyperfixations (will be edited if/when they change): foraging for edible/medicinal plants and mushrooms, wine/meadmaking, a dnd campaign i’m writing, i have no mouth and i must scream by harlan ellison
⤠ main hobbies: art (mainly digital and traditional drawing but i’m trying to branch out more), singing, ukulele, piano, crochet, baking and cooking, book collecting, antiquing, makeup
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OTHER SOCIALS (to be updated !!)
main tumblr blog | instagram | tiktok | youtube | artfight
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⤠ f/o and self ship info coming soon!!!!!
⤠ thanks so much for reading if you read this whole thing and i hope you consider sticking around!! :]
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balkanradfem · 5 years
Separatist preparations #6: Know the Plants
I've been talking a lot about foraging, because I'm doing it a lot this season, and it's really great way of getting lots of free stuff, medicine, tea, food, even sweets. But I have to talk about why knowledge of plants is essential to self-sustainable life, and why I and other women will need it in order to live rich and healthy lives.
I've been gathering information on human nutrition and looking into what nutrients a certain plant gives us, and I discovered that wild, self-grown plants have a lot more nutrients than everything we grow on purpose. I was a bit surprised, because I thought what we grew was the best for us, but I understand it now. We're growing what tastes best for us, we created hybrids of plants that give us the best tasting produce. We lost quite a bit of nutrients while doing that.
For example, you can get bigger amount of vitamin A, C, K, calcium and other minerals by eating dandelion greens, than almost any fruit we eat (kiwis are an exception, they still have a lot of vitamin C), and nettle will give you more manganese, vitamin A and K, and calcium than anything we commonly eat. These also grow in early spring, as soon as the sun shines, and are available while most of the garden produce is only getting planted, so that's a very big gap where good nutrition would be hard to find, if you don't know what you can get from nature.
So having this in mind, I created a number of dishes to eat nettle, it actually tastes similar to spinach, and it's easy to make with rice, potatoes, or as a sauce or a soup. I even saw people make green pasta out of it, looked very cool. It will bring a lot of good nutrition in any meal. Dandelion greens are usually eaten as a salad, but they are quite sour, so you just need to put them in a potato or bean salad, which makes them easy to eat.
I can only recognize about 3% of the wild edible plants, but it's still extremely beneficial. I've been getting free food, berries, tea, medicine, and all kinds of useful stuff from foraging. My goal is to know them all but this is something that is hard to learn over the internet, a lot of plants look similar, smell similar, and it can get dangerous if you take home the wrong one. Older women, however, know it all. I've been absorbing knowledge from the wise plant lady, and an older neighbour, who remember eating those wild plants commonly as children, and they taught me about dock and cart-track plant and ramsons and they keep talking about how you can fry acacia flowers. There's actually tons of flowers we can eat, really most of them, and they taste so sweet!
I mentioned yarrow and lemon balm before, and I'm going to talk about them more because they are essential, I think every woman should be introduced to yarrow right away because it eases menstrual pain, it got me thru my every period without needing medicine to deal with it. Lemon balm is an anti-depressant, it's good for anxiety, stress, and digestion problems. Other stuff I'm drying for tea are chamomile, elder flowers, acacia, nettle, linden, mint, horse-tail, sage, rosemary, and a mystery plant (I experimented). There's power in drying your own tea.
I'm not gonna go on about mushrooms and berries because I'm still a newbie at them, I know how to collect two types of mushrooms and that's about it. I do like collecting berries and chestnuts but also keep to only one or two sorts. Learning these things is fairly hard if nobody else around you is doing it, I'm gaining a lot of information about it all by joining facebook groups for people who eat wild plants, they will let me know about any plant that's currently available in nature, and even post pictures of dishes they've made with it. They also often post about cremes, tinctures, medicine, tea and any kind of valuable substances they were able to make out of plants. Seeing others do it makes it normal and clearly a good idea to go and forage for the plants. I've seen people collect pieces of young pine growth and make medicine of it, they are able to get some kind of magical-tasting water from trees, they take resin from corniferous trees and make some kind of pain-relief creme. I'm amazed by all of that, and I'm gonna get my hands all over this knowledge.
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First one is yarrow (the white flower, this image is blurry so google it if you're gonna forage!), absolutely get it, make tea from it, your tummy will be happy. Second one is lemon balm. That one needs to be cultivated, I couldn't find it in nature. But once you do plant it, it spreads like crazy.
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barberwitch · 7 years
What a good way to ID local plants? Is there a helpful website or app or do I have to just try googling descriptions till I figure it out. Thank you :)
That really depends on the area you’re in! But a few things to look up are “wildcrafting in (your area)” if your county doesn’t have any info, go for regionEg: Wildcrafting in Los Angeles brings up too many restaurants and not enough resources, so Wildcrafting in Southern California is the way to go.
This is a good route because it should point you in the direction of edible plants, herbs and fungi. That’s what Wildcrafting is, collecting edible flora and fungi.
Look for field guides and plant journals dedicated to your area/region. And definitely go to the library. Most libraries, even with limited books, will have resources and books dedicated to the area.
Look up your USDA zone as well! That will clue you into the types of plants that do well in your climate (I get different types of sage, dessert willow and oaks, but nightshades don’t pop up as commonly, let alone belladonna)
Look up medicinal plants in your region as well as native plants of *insert region, state or local or neighboring biomes*A lot of people forget what biomes are, so here’s a refresher:Temperate deciduous forestConiferous forestWoodlandChaparralTundraGrasslandDesertTropical savannaTropical forest
These biomes are a great resource for figuring out the types of plants that populate the areas around you.
Last couple places to look up information:Gardening/landscaping websites run by local government gives you the stuff you see most commonly outside of nature; trees lining the sidewalks and suburbs, shrubs, bushes and flowers used around the city. You can also look up local trees and you might find a list of common ones found naturally and some that have become naturalized.
Go to tourist centers, or national park service Information websites and see what resources they have. To be honest a lot of stuff they have is about dangers, common mistakes and risks but it’s super helpful because it keeps you aware of local animals, common plants that are harmful or invasive and shows you how to identify them and common identification doppelgängers: blackberry vs poison ivy. Is that edible mushroom or destroying angel. Wild carrot or poison hemlock. And animals too: King snake (non venomous) or coral snakes (venomous) {the rhyme is red touching yellow will kill a fellow. Red touching black, you’re ok Jack/you’ll come back.
Laaaaaaast thing. You asked about apps. Apps are good to a point. They’re good for storing information for you to use to identify plants, giving Information etc, but take them with a grain of salt. They never have everything you come across. If it’s an app where you upload a photo and it pulls up the plant, don’t use that as the sole identifier. Some plants look almost identical but one bloom is pale yellow, and the other is ivory and your photo may not show that distinction. It may not show the fine hairs of stinging nettle and mistake it for mint and you grab a painful fistful. But they can help narrow your search!
Remember, if it’s something your planning on burning, distilling, or eating you need to be 100% sure that it’s safe. When in doubt, don’t.
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Good luck, happy hunting, and don’t be surprised if there’s already a nature group around you can go on a nature walk with for in person identification!
🦇Cheers, Barberwitch
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essie - questionnaire
Just trying to get to know Essie better, ignore me! Will add more later.
1. Does s/he enjoy puzzles?
Not particularly. Even given nothing to do, Essie would probably prefer much anything else.
2. Does s/he enjoy education?
I don’t even know if she had a real education. I’m sure she learned more on her own means. I think she’s pretty neutral on learning. It helps better you but she doesn’t see it as fun but neither does she see it as terrible.
3. What is his/her sexual orientation?
Pansexual Panromantic.
4. Is s/he right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?
Right-handed but ambidextrous casting spells cuz, well, ya almost gotta be..
5. Is s/he fashionable?
Essie don’t give a fuck. She wears what she likes, or wears what is suitable to the weather, or wears shit just to piss people off. So probably not.
6. What is their favorite food(s)?
Okay, here goes: smoked salmon on a bed of greens, herb roast pheasant, venison steak cooked rare to med-rare with roasted potatoes, garlic clam soup, mushroom and leek stew, berry tarts with mint, stuffed trout, pickled duck eggs, sharp cheeses, sunflower seeds, almonds, honeycakes, and she has a preference for drinking spiced ale, orchid wines, and elven made wines that are sweeter and aromatic. I can also see her having a taste for tea, particularly with honey, and sweet or spiced ciders. Maybe some hard spirits in a group atmosphere.
7. Has s/he ever broken a bone?
Nope, not yet at least.
8. Any interests or hobbies?
She enjoys magic, even using it to make kids happy. She enjoys dancing, secretly. Gambling maybe, uh... going on adventures obviously. Will add more if I think of it; she’s lived a life of survival so she probably doesn’t hide many hobbies.
9. Does s/he consider themself organized?
lmao no and she knows that. Ms. Throw-It-All-In-The-Bag.
10. How does s/he handle feeling nauseous?
No food, only liquids. Try laying down. If it doesn’t stop after a while, try walking around slowly in hopes to agitate self enough to just hurl.
11. What is his/her full name?
Essätha Medüza - the last name is a kick on Medusa from mythology.
12. Introvert or extrovert?
She’s a wanna-be-extro. Doesn’t trust others well, but has a desire to fit in and hang with others. At the moment she’s honestly more intro by nature though.
13. Can s/he cook?
Probably okay. Still prone to burning food from time to time lol whoops. But for the most part it’ll be edible, probably just not super tasty.
14. Did s/he have any friends growing up?
Yes! I plan on doing art for some of ‘em eventually.
15. How does s/he react to storms? Being caught in the storm?
Essie likes a good rainfall. Probably doesn’t mind being caught in them, even ‘bad’ storms, so long as it isn’t snow. Too damn cold.
16. Does s/he collect anything?
Nope. Maybe scars. //bricked// Nah because of her lifestyle, she’s not one to gather trinkets or stuff. Necessities and useful stuff only really.
17. Is s/he religious?
lol nope. Doesn’t care for gods or religion or any of that junk.
18. What inspires him/her?
I don’t know... uh, music for dancing. Sunsets and sunrises. The idea that life can get better. Transformation/growing.
19. Do they have a role model?
Maybe her mom, despite not knowing her. Eventually I’m sure she’ll see some of her fellow team members in this way.
20. What’s their favorite joke?
Probably secretly snake puns. Examples: “let me give you a hiss”, “viper that smirk off your face”, “I’ll snake some puns in there”, etc.
21. How would your character describe his/her friends? Lover? Parents?
dnd group companions to be determined.
Opal: (kind stranger) Orange furry cat woman. Seems to follow her own moral code of good which is pure and generous. Pretty kind.
Kraw: (teacher) Bird man of tans, reds, and dark browns/blacks. Grumpy but has a good heart. May try eating you if you’re an animal or can turn into an animal but otherwise nice. Drinker but a sad drinker when he does.
Solace: (ally/best friend) Outgoing, bubbly, considerate reddish-pink tiefling with obsidian eyes and violet blue-toned hair. She’s a rebel but is caring despite her dicey past. Essie considers her a better person than herself.
Phoenix: (aquitaine) Lady crazypants. Charcoal skin with scar-like markings that glow like lava flow when she’s using her powers. Fiery colored eyes and hair. Very much gives a masculine vibe. Will kill you with no regrets. Something’s wrong with her but she is willing to work with others for her own gain which is relatable.
Bretella: (frienemy) Considered a trustworthy ally. Green skinned redhead with golden eyes. Tends to weary flashy or seductive clothing. Will bail you out of a situation but patronize you later. High self-esteem.
Miz'ri: (enemy) A lost friend. Light grey skin, white hair, pale lilac eyes. Essie wishes that the millions of things that went wrong between them hadn’t. She hopes there’s still godo to be found in Miz’ri. A sad, broken soul.
Hepsiba: (mother) Truly the most beautiful person in existence. Warm, loving, considerate, gentle, sweet, gorgeous. Hepsiba is gone now, but her memory is still a vibrant light of warmth. Essie probably looks to the stars and likes to think her mom is up there, staring down at her. Mom was an auburn-skinned beauty with brown eyes.
Tyfiell: (father) Never met him. Mom spoke well of him, but Essie doesn’t think well of someone who ditched her mom. Said to be a dark-skinned Yuan-Ti Pureblood with dark eyes and a wicked smile. Rogue class.
22. How would s/he describe themself?
LOL nothing good unfortunately... She thinks she’s physically ugly due to how she was treated by others when she was young. She doesn’t find redeemable qualities in herself too much, either. Resident snake lady would probably say “I don’t got time for this” if asked. “I’m a scaly Yuan-Ti woman, hi.”
23. What is his/her birthday? Star sign? Do they fit it?
April 12, which would make their zodiac the Aries. It sounds semi fitting, as they’re labeled as ‘courageous, confident, short-tempered, and impulsive’ but like anything else, there’s some manners that aren’t perfectly fitting (optimistic, aggressive, etc).
24. How good is s/he at mending clothes?
She doesn’t know the Mending ability lol! Kidding aside, I don’t believe it’s her hobby or anything. I mean, if you look at some of her clothes, they’ve got tears and threads pulled free. Probably not.
25. How does s/he react to someone spilling something on them?
Depends on the atmosphere? 90% of the time she’ll realize it’s an accident, jump when it happens, and then request the server or whomever fetch something to help clean up the mess- not impolitely just with some urgency in her tone. She’d probably only have a .1% chance going off an the server because hey, shit happens, but if she’s in a bad mood already she may snap at anyone around she’s unhappy with at the moment.
26. How does s/he react to being approached by law enforcement?
‘Oh shit time to run they’re probably after me’ is her thought processing.
27. Do they paint/draw?
Nah, not really her cup of tea.
28. Does s/he prefer any musical instruments?
Essie can’t play, but she probably enjoys winds and strings for daily life, but the occasionally ‘sick beat’ of a big band of instruments to dance to would be A+.
29. If they had a tumblr, what would their account name be?
30. How good are they at keeping an eye on their money? Do they also splurge frequently?
Admittedly, Essatha enjoys hoarding funds. As someone who grew up with little, she’s a bit of a hoarder and is very unlikely to misplace even a copper piece. If she splurges, she’s likely drunk or enjoying a ‘luxury’ she didn’t have much as a child (ex: tarts), or items useful for survival, combat, friends, etc.
31. 3-5 random pieces of trivia about them that doesn’t come up often?
Essie loves music; especially pieces with a soft melody. She grew a garden once. Lastly she has had no real schooling; she’s mostly self-taught or listened in on others or hired other’s to teach her. This might be one of the reasons why she’s a bit of a slow reader.
32. Does s/he prefer dawn or dusk?
She feels more ‘lively’ during dawn but enjoys dusk for the twilight glow, the stars, etc. So both with maybe a slight preference for dusk.
33. Have them describe themself in 3 words!
(no, Essie, you can’t use ‘snake lady’ for 2 words, use adjectives).
confident, misunderstood, bull-headed
34. How would s/he react to someone confessing they have a crush on them?
All the blushing. So much blushing. Open-mouthed like ‘uhh??’ If she doesn’t return the feelings, she’ll probably be really embarrassed. Stuttering as she tries the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. Unless it’s not someone she’s close with, in which case, she’d use their ‘crush’ to her advantage. If it’s someone she has a crush on as well, she’ll blush and look away. Be shy. You’d probably need to convince her to speak or look at you again cuz she’d be like ‘?! they like me? me???’
35. What is his/her favorite scent?
Desserts, rain, the outdoors (especially earthy scents).
36. If they had a Pokemon team, what PKMN would they have?
With ‘starter’: Serperior, Weavile, Houndoom, Phantump, Dragalge, Togetic.
Without ‘starter’: same team, replace Serperior with Kangaskhan.
37. Can s/he sing? act?
She can’t sing well but that won’t stop her when she has the urge. Obviously she can act, or she wouldn’t play people so well lol.
38. Can s/he swim?
39. Does s/he drink? Do drugs? Smoke?
Yes she drinks, no she doesn’t do drugs (unless medicines in the d&d count? I don’t know what sort of drugs they have), no she doesn’t smoke.
40. Are they good with children?
Yeah actually! She wants kids to have a happy youth, unlike what she had, so she’s willing to do things to entertain and help kiddos. If a kid cons her, she’d try to even hunt them down purely to see if there’s any way she could help them.
41. What sort of atmosphere does s/he give off?
Depends. Either antisocial or exceptional flirt depending on what’s going on to the average person.
42. Do they believe in any form of afterlife?
Yeah, she thinks there’s an afterlife. What it entails, she doesn’t dare imagine.
43. What’s the first thing s/he does in the morning after waking?
Roll outta bed/sleeping bag and get dressed, think about getting something to drink asap.
44. Who would be his/her voice actor/ress?
Morrigan from Dragon Age, voiced by Claudia Black. Dragon Age: Inquisition seems the best bet, as Morrigan’s voice seems more controlled and less bubbly than Origins. Perhaps Origins though when she’s interacting with Sul?
45. How would you describe his/her aesthetic?
Clothing wise: revealing/sexy. Personal taste: nature, stars, anything that’s just lulling, tranquil, natural to the world...
46. How would s/he react to supernatural/paranormal phenomenons?
Willing to fight a ghost. Probably be spooked at first, but after the first encounter with these sort of creations, she’d probably be okay. Just that first time... “woah let’s punch this ghost” half damage “holy shit you can punch a ghost? Cool. Also magic time becuz wow that didn’t do shit”.
47. How would s/he confess their love to others?
Judging by conversations with Heather, she’d be hecka frustrated. What are feelings. I don’t know what this is. Why do I care about you so much please explain this to me? And once she figures out that it’s love she’s feeling... that explains the confusion, the butterflies in her stomach, the awkward shyness even she couldn’t explain when she reacted to them being nice but... I must now blush... and hide my face...
48. How do they react to being bored?
Time to unbored herself by doing something. Hunting, pestering others, flirting, gambling, anything but sitting there jiggin her leg if she can help it. Restlessness doesn’t fit her.
49. Have they ever been stung by a bee?
50. If they had to pick a Disney Princess/Prince, which do they like? Which do they feel most alike? Which do they aspire to be most like?
Essie would probably really like Tiana for her go-getter attitude. She probably feels most like Rapunzel, locked away from the world and badly treated by her ‘caretaker(s)’ (the city she grew up in) but now she’s free and adventuring and seeking her own trues and fulfilling her curiosities. Who she’d probably most aspire to be I guess would be Moana (not qualified as a Disney princess yet, but admirable all the same. Moana went on an adventure, conquered it, found herself, defeated the big bad, etc) or Merida (they share like-characteristics, and Merida didn’t need a man to complete her, though family/friends it reveals are important).
21 Q’s for d&d Chars and OCS, taken from here
1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
First d&d campaign. Kept getting stuck between a handful of races. Finally got down to 4, then 3, then 2. Had to wait and see if Ammy would approve Yuan-Ti Purebloods. Got approved. Suddenly whAM - inspiration. Didn’t want a flat typical ‘evil’ Yuan-Ti. Her background was helpfully inspired by the one I picked- Urchin. I just continued adding tragedy because I’m an asshole.
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
Essie’s only known family was her mother. She was very close with her, sadly, her mom passed when she was young, probably 3-4ish. She never knew her dad. Her relationship with chosen family is positive. Details on ‘chosen’ family will be thought up further later, as I’m confident she’ll come to consider her traveling companions like family.
3. Who is the closest person to them?
Her mum (deceased), and eventually probably Sul and the group. I feel she’ll particularly enjoy Cackle and Adela but we’ll see~
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years?
Harsh livin of survival all her life yo. Fighting for food, stealing to get by, learning how to use and deceive people to get things she needed and then eventually, things she wanted.
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
Snakes and doggos.
6. Do they have any bad habits?
Does stealing count? Lmao uh, other than that, maybe gambling a bit..
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
Old friends, later their dnd group obviously.
8. Who was their first love?
I’m gonna be cheesy here and say Sulhadur. Mostly because she never really knew what love was anymore until him. Whoops feels-
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
^ See up there, I know I answered a question like this already.
10. How old is this character?
11. Are they normally peaceful or aggressive?
Peaceful probably- just leave her be and let her do what she gonna do.
12. How does this character handle stress?
Probably get frustrated. Pull on hair, get loud, vent and rant.
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?
Hahahahaah- no.
14. What is their favorite holiday?
I... Honestly don’t know? If we’re going by holidays present now, probably Halloween or smth low-key based around family. As for d&d holidays, of those I found, she’d probably prefer Trolltide (a variation on Halloween), and either Feast of the Moon or Feast of the Ancestors.
15. What is the best gift they could receive?
Mom’s love. //bricked// Mom’s ring??? That seems about all at the moment...
16. If they could instantly kill one person in the world without consequence, who would it be?
Probably everyone in their childhood city whoops- or at least someone there that caused her tremendous pain.
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?
Mom to come back to life (probably rejected), happiness (rejected), money (rejected), new clothes, new items to help with spells, idk something to help the dnd group as a whole then.
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
Unknown at the moment. I’ll probably say her Magic Missiles and Acid Splash.
19. What are their guilty pleasures?
Give her desserts!
20. What is something this character is or could be addicted to?
Happiness? Desserts. Yes happiness and desserts sounds about right.
21. Have you actually played this character yet? 
Just started! :D
25 Q’s for your d&d Chars and OCs, taken from here
1. What is this character’s alignment?
Chaotic Neutral
2. What is a notable quote from this character? Alternatively, what is their favorite quote?
No notable quotes yet, just started playing her. Favorite quote would probably be something like ‘only the strong survive’ or ‘a sheep in wolves clothing’.
3. Summarize your character’s backstory with no more than three sentences.
Small innocent snake-child is born to a snake-lady whom has no spouse. She’s raised by her loving mother until she passes away of illness. The remainder of her life has been an uphill battle for survival and equality.
4. Describe your character using a song title.
Snake Charmer. //bricked// oR What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
They’d like to find happiness. They’d have liked to have a better childhood filled with joy and happiness too, and a healthy mom, and to better herself.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
Solace technically from her old group. We’ll see what happens in her new group!
8. Who is your character’s worst enemy?
Miz’ri from her old group thus far~
9. Who has, for better or worse, had the most impact on your character’s life?
Thus far, her mother and the people of her childhood city.
10. What is the most badass thing this character has done?
Nothing really yet? Other than survive. Maybe persuaded Lord Hardon- I mean Amon- to chill his nuts.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Thievery obviously lmao. And being too cute.
12. What meme would you use to describe the character?
Hello Darkness My Old Friend, But That’s None Of My Business, Fuck That Shit I’m Out.
13. Does this character swear frequently?
14.What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Fuck that shit I’m out, no thanks!
15. Would this character ever make a deal with a devil or dark spirit?
Under the right circumstances, maybe. But doubtful cuz she ain’t that stupid. Usually. Probably. Unless dire circumstances.
16. Emotion or Logic?
Logic. What are emotion. Plz explain.
17. Soup or Salad?
Soup and stews!
18. What is the character’s favorite Pokémon?
Phantump :’I
19. What Pokémon Go team would they be on?
Team Valor.
20. Is your character currently in love? Is there anyone in love with your character?
No-yes. Eventually.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
Sul and her are meant to be okay.....
22. How would this character seduce a lover?
OH GOD well- apparently with flirty, charm, good looks, lots of hip swaying, smooth talking, etc (and her high Persuasion stat) works in her favor. Sul it- it would just come naturally. Essie’s shy with him it’s precious. It’s because she loves him tho.
23. If your character could play any part in a drama, stage production, or musical, what part would they play?
Behind the scenes, probably something like a makeup artist. In a piece, she’d probably be an actress, and a more low-key role because plz don’t spotlight me the arts aren’t my thing...
24. What is your character’s favorite album?
WIP WIP WIP ?? No albums in d&d realm so??? questionable.
25. What does this character mean to you?
I love her she’s my new daughter duh.
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More Stamina And More Freindly
If you name yourself Jack in the begining of the game your character will have slightly more stamina an will make friends a little faster :^)
Popuri and Gray
Give eggs and other things to Gray to become friends. Then, go by the Green Ranch and you will see Popuri and Gray talk after the flowers are grown one night. That Sunday, they will get married.
Kai and Karen
If you are nice to Karen, she will not leave. Then, be nice to Kai by bringing him gifts. Go to the bar. He will start talking about her. Soon he will visit your house and invite you to his wedding. Note: If you are not nice to them, both will leave.
Harris and Maria
You can make Harris and Maria marry by giving Harris daily presents. He likes potatoes the most, and will also reward you with a recipe for giving him one. Keep giving Harris potatoes and other gifts, and you will eventually view mini-scenes with Maria giving a letter to Harris and Harris saving Maria from an evil salesman. Soon, Harris will stop by your house and invite you to their wedding.
Grow Plants Really Fast!
To get the time machine, that makes your plants grow in two days, dig up a bunch of Rare Metals from the mines in the winter and give about 4-6 of them to Rick and he’ll have it in a few days.
Baby In The Mine
During the winter when the mine opens, if you have a baby and he can crawl take him with you. Put him to the right of you while you talk to the guy and when you come out your baby will be crawling on the wall! (NOTE: This may take a couple of trys to work but keep trying.)
Girlfriend’s Room
On rainy days often visit your girlfriend’s house because if she is sick her mom or dad will ask you if you’d like to see her and if you pick yes you’ll get to see her room!
Feed Your Baby
When your baby begins to crawl, go up to him with food in your hand and push the a button! (He really likes when you give him milk)
Chicken Money
If you have a chicken, when it lays an egg put it into the incubator the when that chicken hatches and grows up sell it. Keep continuing this process to earn easy Chicken Money.
Smiling Gray
If you want to get Gray to smile take your dog to the bar and show it to him and he’ll smile. Then at one of the festivals he’ll ask you how your dog is doing!
Treasure Map And Music Box
To find the treasure map go to the tree on the farm and press A. You’ll get a treasure map that tells you where to fins a music box. Take the box to Rick [the hardware store owner] who will fix it for free. Then after a day go back and get the box and give it to the girl you won’t to marrie [on the game only not in real life].
Broken Music Box
Line up with the dog house and go straight, the crate should be in the way so go around it. Line yourself up again and go straight. About three spots up from the wall should be it. Use your hoe ten times and you should find the box. Take it to Rick’s and he’ll fix it for you. It will play a love song!
Easy Girlfriend
Karen is quicker to like you than the others.I dont really know why, but I had a game and it took me all 3 years to get Maria to marry me, and now that I have new game, Karen has the pink heart on the 1st Fall.
Dog On Top Of Bathroom
Put your dog next to the toilet door. Stand right next to the shower door. Press the dog wistle and quickly enter the shower. Your dog will walk into the wall when you exit the bathroom, he will walk in and get stuck on the top of the door.To get himdown, press a right below him. This will only work if you have a bathroom.
Lottery Tickets
Buy cakes at the bakery. Every time you buy a cake you get a ticket. If you save up 10 tickets,there will be a drawing at the end of the year and you can win stuff.
Easy Dog Training
Put your dog on one side of your storage box and you get on the opposite side. Whistle for your dog. Your dog will be running but will stay in the same place and still get trained! You can do this on any object pretty much, but I found it easier to use the storage box.
Training Your Horse
Brush your horse every and ride on him. Note: it only works when your horse is big but still you can brush your horse when he still a baby.
Training Your Dog
To train your dog first feed him every day. Then use your whistle and walk around the dog will follow you and beacome stronger.
Saving Time
When something is bought, buy as much as you can afford so you do not have to buy the same item again when it runs out. Only ship crops during the day, and feed and water everything at night.
Waving Gray
On your forth year go to Ann’s barn. Inside the barn, gray will be there talk to him once and he will wave to you !!
Rock Fence
In the beggining of the game keep all the small rocks in your field, and use them for your fence. It will save you the maintenence that comes with using wood.
Get Recipies Without A Kitchen
Most people say you need a kitchen to get recipies. Well, you don’t! Just go around and get recipies and when you get a kitchen, the recipies will be in the recipie book.
Use the following steps to get various recipes. Note: You must have a kitchen to get recipes.Bread Pudding: Give either eggs or milk to Elli in the Bakery. Char Stuffed With Mushrooms: Give the carpenter's apprentice (the one who is not on the mountain, but often hangs around the carpenter's house) a mushroom.Cinnamon Milk Tea: Give Elli's father (the man behind the counter in the Bakery) milk from your cows. If this does not get him to hand over the recipe, also give him a few eggs. Corn Fritter: Give corn to Ann's father. Corn Pasta: Give corn to Popuri's father. Cream Of Turnip Stew: Give a turnip to Maria's mother (the Mayor's wife).Easy Tomato Soup: Go to the Inn, which is open from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m., and find the man who picks up your shipments of crops and animal items out of your box or bin. Give him a tomato. Note: He is not always there, so this may require a few attempts. He sits in the bottom most corner. Eggplant With Miso Paste: Give an eggplant to the midwife. Fried Char: Give a fish to the fisherman.Fried Mushroom Pie: Become good friends with the town priest, then give him a mushroom.Fried Potatoes And Bacon: Give the mayor a potato.Garlic Potato Beef: Give a potato to the mailman. Grilled Trout With Cheese: Give a fish to the carpenter who hangs around on the cliff with three stumps, located above the fisherman's tent. He can usually be found there in the evening, after 4:00 p.m. Handmade Butter: Give milk from your cows to Rick, the tool man.Herb Rice Cake: Give edible grass to the old lady who lives in the restaurant at the top of the mountain.Herbal Tea: Give milk and an egg to Cliff, the man in the brown hood who travels around in the first section of the woods, and has a bird friend named Cain. Become friends with him to get the recipie.Hot Spicy Wine: Find the red berries (like a grapefruit) in the forest in the fall and give it to the owner of the bar (the man who works behind the counter at the Inn). Mashed Potato: Give a potato to Ann.Milk Recipe: Give milk from your cows to Rick, the tool man.Miso Soup With Sprouts: Find edible grass (herb) in the forest, Give one to the potion shop owner in the Drugstore.Mushroom Rice: Give the master carpenter (the man who leads the other carpenters, dressed mostly in white) a mushroom.Mushroom Salsa: Give mushrooms to the Harvest Elves frequently. Eventually they will reward you with the recipe. Pickled Turnip And Cabbage: At the top of the mountain, locate the old folks living in the old house. Give a turnip to the old man living there. Potato Pancakes: Give a potato to May, the midwife's young daughter. She can be found most often walking outside the midwife's hut. Rolled Cabbage: Give a cabbage to Maria. Sesame Dandelion Greens: Give a medicinal herb to Saibara, the Craft/Ceramic shop owner.Simple Tomato Soup: Give the town priest several tomatoes.Spa-Poached Eggs: Give eggs to Kent, the older grandson (with the blond hair) of the Potion Shop owner. He can be often found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.Steamed Clams with Wine: Become good friends with Karen's father. In the fall, collect as many red berries as possible and try to give him a berry each day. After a while, he will reveal the recipe. Strawberry Champagne: Give a strawberry to Karen.Strawberry Dog: Give a strawberry to Stu, the younger grandson (with the black hair) of the Potion Shop owner. He can often be found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.Strawberry Jam: Give Popuri a strawberry. Strawberry Wine: Grow a strawberry in your greenhouse. Once it has matured, pick it, and deliver it to Karen. Stuffed Omelet: Give an egg to Gray (Ann's surly brother).Tomato Rice: Give a tomato to Karen's mother.Twice Cooked Tomatoes And Greens: Give a tomato to Popuri's mother. Very Berry Wine: Give Kai, the worker at the vineyard, a fruit or berry. Walnut Cake: Give Elli's grandma (the old lady that sits in a rocking chair either inside or right outside the Bakery) a walnut (only found in summer).
In case you didn’t know, to find the beach, walk towards Green Farms, and right before the gate, turn left. (towards you) Follow the road, and the beach is there.
To Make Karen Fall In Love With You
Instead of going through the whole giving you’re favorite girl gifts, just show Karen your dog until her heart is pink, then meet her at the beach, she’ll tell you to get her a blue feather, go to Rick’s shop and it should be there for 980G, if it’s not there go home and go back the next day.
Get Down Without A Ladder
Before the bridge is built on moon mountain, if you go up the tree, your stuck right, WRONG. Just go to the bottom right corner of that part above the tree, where the ground below, is taller, and jump.
Save The Vineyard
First of all doing this makes Karen really happy. Be really nice to the elves in the cave. Talk to them every day, well talk to them a lot (hint they LOVE mushrooms). When they can speak English befriend the bartender. Talk to him every day and give him gifts. He’ll start talking about what people say in the bar an few days after that he’ll give you an old wine bottle with the words “Door to Heaven” on it. If you talk to Karen she’ll notice the wine and say that her grandmother made it. Next don’t talk to the elf outside they’re home. To get into they’re home (if you didn’t know) press “A” on the little crack in the cave. Talk to the elf that’s farthest from the table on the left and give him gifts. Soon he’ll start talking about the forest goddess. When he talks about the forest goddess AND the Vineyard take a home grown vegetable to the pond where she lives an chuck it in. The Forest Goddess will come out and say i don’t get much offerings these’s days. an a little box will say save the Vinyard or something. The Forest Goddess will take you to the Vineyard an these kafi fairy’s (or something like that) are missing. She’ll tell you to go to bed and she was going to find them. Sometime afterwords you’ll have a dream about the Forest Goddess telling you that the Vineyard had many harvests. BOOM! Your done! On the 7th of winter Karen will come over to your house sayin that the Wine was a lot better than before an she’ll give you some to drink.
The Invincible Katori
You know that strange, uh, rabbit (what is that thing?) that you get from the Swimming Race? That is the Invincible Katori – it keeps your Greenhouse from being destroyed during a typoon! Very valuable once you get a Greenhouse.
Dead Grandma
On a festival day talk to the grandma at the bakery and she wiil die!!
Easy Hearts For Karen
At night go to the bar with your dog. When Karens is there, keep talking to her with your dog in your hands!!:)
Free Wine
Once you obtain the bottle,go to the vineyard and into the shack then go into the basment and go to the huge barell closest to the wall and use your bottle infront of the barell!!:) It takes a couple trys:(
More Milk/Wool
First buy one bottle of medicine. Then get your cow/sheep sick then use the medicine on the cow/sheep and then the next day the wool/milk will cost more!!
Free Medals At Horse/Dog Races
Talk to the Mayors Wife and bet on the horses or dogs that u want. Then DON’T PRESS OK!!!!!!press the B button until you are out of the betting screen. Don’t talk to the mayors wife again until the race is over. Then wait for the race to be over and u will get medals just as if you payed for them. You can do this over and over again.
Blue Berry
First of all you have to get the fishing pole before this will work (Duh!) Anyway after you get the fishing pole catch a small fish and throw it into the pond by the fisherman’s tent a greenish imp should come out of the water and give you a blue berry that will keep you from getting tired (sick?) in the rain. Ect:(1) This won’t work on the first day your at the farm(2) To get the fishing pole talk to the fisherman(3) You can tell the difference between the sizes of the fish like this.Small = Small and bluemedium = Kinda big and reddish orangelarge = HUGE and blue
Hidden Blue Apple
Do this in the spring. Go to the small pond by the fisherman’s tent and fish. Catch any fish and then throw it into the pond. A water imp will come up and give you a blue apple, which supposedly allows you to work on a rainy day without getting tired. Note: This trick will not work in the winter due to the fact that the pond is frozen at that time.
Power Nut Locations
Power Nuts permanently increase your stamina. They can be obtained at the following locations:One of the Power Nuts is located beneath the earth on your farm. Plow many different spots with your hoe to find it. Travel to the pond next to the fisherman’s tent in the winter. Hit the large rock nearby with a level 3 golden hammer to reveal a Power Nut. The rock must be broken in a single swing. First, obtain a marble by planting a Moon Drop Flower and a Pink Cat Flower. When they have grown, a boy (Stu) will come to the farm and tell you to plant more. Plant four more Moon Drop Flowers and four more Pink Cat Flowers. When they have grown, the boy will come back and ask to trade with you. Answer “Yes” to get a marble. Treat the harvest sprites nicely; visit them frequently and bring them gifts. Go see the sprites. Trade the marble for the Power Nut. A Power Nut can be found in the mine with the precious rocks and minerals during winter. Travel four levels down. You have to find the holes in the floor and go into it to drop to the next level. The holes are hard to find. Finding this Power Nut takes luck and patience. You can purchase a Power Nut from the peddler at the Flower Festival during the first year for 1000G. If you do not have enough money to buy it at this time, the peddler may stop at your house during the year. Win a Power Nut at the Egg Festival by matching the most colored eggs. Catch a large fish during the spring. Throw the fish into the exact center of the pond that is at the base of Moon Mountain by the fisherman’s tent. This may have to be done multiple times to find the correct location. A Harvest Goddess will appear and reward you with a blue Power Nut. This will prevent you from becoming too tired or sick in the rain. Before doing any physical activity, throw any vegetable grown on your farm into the pond located next to the Carpenters’ house, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Make sure you do not press B while on route. A beautiful goddess will appear and give you a wish to use for one of three choices: “Weather”, “Strength”, or “Love”. Choose “Strength”, and she will give you a Power Nut. During the Spring, fish off the dock by the beach. Eventually you will earn a Power Nut instead of a fish. Befriend Basil, Popuri’s traveling father. After a while, he will reward your friendship with a Power Nut.
Add-ons to the House
Add-ons make your house look better and easier to live in. The Bathroom has a restroom and a tub. The tub is for restoring your energy instead of the spa up in the mountains, which is built after the earthquake.The Kitchen has a table, a refrigerator, a recipe book, and a record of Power Nuts. The table can be adorned with a tablecloth and a mug if you win them in the lottery held at the Bakery. The fridge is used to store food and vegetables. You can get different recipes from people and find the Power Nuts. The Log-Terrace, or the Deck, is built behind your house and has a little table on it. It is a nice place to eat with your wife. The Baby-bed is used for your baby. The Greenhouse is used to grow crops in during the Winter and other seasons. Strawberries can only be grown in the Greenhouse. This is one of the best things you can buy. Also in your house, you can win and buy a few extras. The cabinets can be bought at Rick’s Tool Shop for 2000Gs (?). A very nice rug can be bought there also for 3000Gs. If you win the Swim Race, then you will receive an Invincible Katori. If you win the Egg Festival, one of the prizes is also a mysterious turtle that sits on your TV.
Use the Hoe to plant crops on hoed 3×3 squares. The Hammer is used to break rocks. The Ax is used to chop wood. The Sickle is used to cut weeds. The Watering Can is used to water your crops. The Shears are used to cut wool. The Milker is used to get milk. The Jar holds liquids. The Fishing Pole is used to catch fish.
You get a photo at the beginning of the game. It is of you and you grandpa.Plant a Blue Mist flower. Once it is fully grown, you and Pourpri will have a picture taken. Once you have all of the Home Extensions you will get a photo. Once married, you will receive a Souvenir Photo of your wedding.
Town Members
Gourmet Judge: Judges items at festivals.Mayor: Runs the town and tells you about upcoming events.Mailman: Delivers mail.Carpenters: Build annex and extensions.Duke: Owner of the local Bar.Gray: Ann’s surly brother.Karen’s Dad: Owner of the local Vinyard.Kai: Worker at the Vinyard.Ann: Lives on Green Ranch, loves animals.Karen: Lives at the Vineyard.Elli: Works at the Bakery.Maria: Mayor’s daughter, works at the Library.Pourpi: Lives at the Flower Shop, loves plants.Rick: Owns Tool shop.May: Mid-wife’s daughter.Mid-wife: Friend of yours.
Swimming Festival Prize
The prize is an invincible Katori.
Cliff and Ann
You are not the only person in the town that can get married and have children. Save a vegetable from a harvest in spring the first year for the 18th. A young man will be in front of your house. He will say that he is hungry. Give him the vegetable, and he will get up and introduce himself as Cliff (you can find him in the forest even if you do not cure his hunger). Give him gifts everyday, talk to him, and do not date Ann. If he likes you enough, he will come to your house one day and invite you to his wedding. After he and Ann get married, they will live on Ann’s father’s ranch. You can find them both wandering around the pasture. Many times Cliff will have a black eye and say he and his wife got into a fight, but they made up in the morning. Even though it seems they do not get along, a little while later, if you continue to talk to them, Cliff will make a comment about how Ann is not supposed to move around much because she is pregnant.
Having a Child
After getting married, be extremely nice to your wife. Do not stay out late or talk to another girls, and bring her gifts. After thirty days, she will begin to act strangely. In another sixty days, you should have a child.
Getting Married
Select a young lady of your choice. Dance with her at festivals, give her presents every day, and be very nice to her. When the heart at lower right corner of the screen turns red or pink, buy a blue feather from Rick’s Tool Shop. If he does not have it, he will get it. Give the feather to her. If she accepts, you will be married on the following Sunday.
Getting Your Girl Happy
Give your girl things she that loves. Ann loves wool and corn. Karen loves tomatoes and berries, which you can find in the forest. Elli loves strawberries. Maria loves spring cabbage.
Watch the weather forecast and talk to your wife everyday. One day they will warn you about a hurricane. Keep your animals inside on that day. Your horse and dog, however, will be safe.
Saving Time
When something is bought, buy as much as you can afford so you do not have to buy the same item again when it runs out. Only ship crops during the day, and feed and water everything at night.
Sometime in the game, Taro (the dog by the potion shop), will have puppies. They will say that your dog got her pregnant. You will know it is true because the puppies will look like your dog.
Feeding Your Dog
To feed your dog, simply put food in his bowl. Additionally, keep him inside during winter to make him happier.
The Artisan will give you a book in year three. Give it to the woman you like.
Weather Vane
This item can be obtained by digging in the mine.
Blue Vase
Go to the mine in Winter and dig for a Blue Rock. Give the Blue Rock to the Antique Shop owner to get a Blue Vase. It will make your house and family life better.
Music Box
During the Summer, go to the dog house. Line yourself with it, facing your field. When positioned right, you will be in between the dog house and the crate that you put your vegetables in. From there, walk towards the end of the field. You will have to go around the crate. Walk until (as it says in the map) the same tree you found the map in is to your left. Dig in the spot where the two (dog house and tree) are lined up. You will have to strike the ground with the hoe approximately ten times. You will discover a rusty music box. Take it to the Tool Shop and Rick the shop keeper will fix it. It should be given to the girl of your choice, because it plays a love song.
Buy some flower seeds and plant a Moon Drop Flower and a Pink Cat Flower. When they have grown, a boy (Stu) will come to the farm and tell you to plant more. Plant four more Moon Drop Flowers and four more Pink Cat Flowers. When they have grown, the boy will come back and ask to trade with you. Answer “Yes” to get a marble. Note: You can find Pink Cat Flowers at the Flower Festival, and remember to buy at least five of them.
Gold Milk
Win first place in the cow festival to get gold milk from the winning cow.
Grow Strawberries
Build a greenhouse and go to the Flower Shop to find every season’s crop. There will be strawberry seeds that you can get for $120.
Upgraded Tools in a Single Night
Go to the Bar at night and start using a tool (Hammer, Axe, Sickle, Hoe, Watering Can) on nothing. When you get tired, just get about ten drinks of water from the bartender, then start doing it again. Note: This is a very slow process that requires patience.
Easy Money
Look for wild fruit or herbs around the land then take them to the Shipping Bin.
Get on Moon Mountain Without a Bridge
Use the following steps to get on top of Moon Mountain without building the bridge. Go to the tree behind the construction builder’s house (where you get home extensions). Press A on the side of the tree that is closest, or faces, the river. Your character should climb the tree and hop off on the mountain. To get down simply press A where you climbed up the tree and he will hop down.
Spring Holidays
New Years Day/1st Day on the Farm – 1Planting Festival – 8Local Horse Race – 17Flower Festival – 23
Forest Spirit
Throw a vegetable in the pond in the forest by standing on the bridge and pressing A. A spirit should appear and ask what you wish for.
Faster Dialogue
Press A or B to scroll the dialogue faster.
Currently we have no unlockables for Harvest Moon 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Invisable Eggs
Do the Chicken Eggs With Out Feed trick but keep the chicken at the edge of the roof. The next day go out side not on the roof. Go to the part where the chicken was on the ground. You will be stuck before you get there. press the A button and you will pick up a egg.
Chicken Eggs With Out Feed
Put your chickens on the roof and you will not have to feed them. CAUTION: Make sure you take them in during storms!!!!
Egg Festival Prizes
Win 1: Power NutWin 2: Turtle FigurineWin 3: One month of free wood
Free Eggs
You can get free eggs by leaving your chickens out side. They will find their own food, and also give you eggs. Just make sure that you put them inside during the winter, and also when it rains.
Glitch: Under The Fence
Go in front of the shop where you buy seeds. Go between the fence at the entrance of the shop. Then walk to the left piece of fence and it appears as you can walk through the fence. (It dosen’t work on the right fence.)
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