#and conwider it
thesillyvivi · 9 months
havent been able to make something w effort in a wjile which kinda upsegs me because i have sooooo many ideas but fot some god awful reason i cant actually draw them like ill open a new canvas thinking im ready and completely prepared and next tjing you know ive hit the undo button 87 times and qbout to go insane rrrrrrrrrr
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boo-gutzz · 1 month
Where do you get the inspiration for your Flower Husbands dynamic? It's very diffrent from most interpretation!
Idk. I just watched Scott's povs first then Jimmy's and just. Got that from there. I simply think Jimmy is a guy who can stand up for himself if he wants to and Scott isn't evil and malicious that's it
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77ngiez · 18 days
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normal girl activities
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spiderton · 2 years
if i get enough patastuff il probably set up a patashelf TBH
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Ludwig Ahgren I Morning Routine
For that one anon, love you 🩵.
Request are open, reblogs always welcomed
Ludwig is not a morning person. Not only is he the last one in bed in the mornings but he also makes sure that you stay in the bed with him. The only way you can get out of bed before him is if you need to use the bathroom, even then you have to bargain with him.
When he does wake up and admits to the fact he is awake, he is making you stay in the bed for a bit. His mind is processing nothing and he could fall back asleep at any moment if you constantly talk to him. Conwidently this is also the perfect time to cox things out of him. A sleepy soft Ludwig is an honest Ludwig.
After he wakes up and you can get him out of bed he wants to take a shower. He does shower in the morning, it helps him wake up and be more attentive. It’s an entire 180 personality shift from before he took his shower and after he took his shower. He tries to get to to shower with him, but those showers are always very cold and showering in the morning is wrong.
After his shower he tries to help yo around the house. If you’re making breakfast then he’s going to help make the bed and clean the bedroom. If you’re cleaning the bedroom then he’s making breakfast.
Plans out the day with you while eating breakfast. Sometimes it’s talking about what is needed in the house and if you should go out today to get it/ where you’re going to restock the house. Other times it’s about what you’re having for meals for the day, even if it’s take out, there is a small discussion about who is ordering it and what you're thinking about getting. His streams and your work are also things discussed. He just wants to be involved with your day and vice versa.
I feel like he’d do some kind of exercise in the mornings. Not like a full run, that a thing he does at night, or a full gym visit, an afternoon activity, but more like yoga. Something slow and easy that helps him stretch in the mornings. It helps ground him, and if you decide to join him then he’s even happier. He wouldn't ask tho, he knows you’re busy and he just likes it when you spend time with him. If you have pets, he like to walk them with you in the mornings as well.
Does not let you leave the house without telling you that he loves and giving you a small forehead kiss. To the point of there have been multiple times where he has ran after you after you go out of the front door just to make sure he tells you before you leave the driveway. He thinks it bad luck if he doesn’t, he’ll mention how he always has bad days when he doesn’t do this.
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karda · 4 years
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sanaz · 3 years
idk if u still do the ask game but 90% n 95%
ily bestie<3
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I LOVE U SO MUCU JJ. im steakinf this my melo pic btws.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
thats... thats how old teens are those are ages that are conwidered teenagers what does this mean
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what would you conwider the pokemon with highest and lowest maintenance and needs?
That’s difficult to say...
Snorlax and all baby Pokemon are high maintenance. A lot of Dragon Types too, they make terrible non-battling pets.
Low maintenance... The Abra line, many Rock Types, and a lot of cat Pokemon. They’re more solitary, and can be left alone safely for long periods of time.
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