#and cuddling is one thing but more steamy moments get worse too when i remember they're like.. cold fully. :|
lilsuzn · 4 years
MLQC Victor - Fluff abc headcanons
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: None. Fluffy flluff. The reader is gender neutral :)))
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
The ambition.
The witt.
The open-mindedness.
The kindness.
The creativity and imagination.
The passion.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Smile. He loves it, because it’s a clear indication of your happiness.
Your eyes light up, cheeks become so adorably pink.
He has a different picture of your smile on a main screen and lock screen of every device he has. Even his work laptop.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Given his initial attitude you couldn’t believe how after your first time together Victor got cuddly out of the sudden.
He’s not clingy. He doesn’t do it at any given occasion, but when you are alone in the comfort of his home - he will want to cuddle and might even get a bit touchy-feely sometimes.
Spooning on the couch is his favorite. He can be a big or a small spoon. He doesn’t really have a prefered role. Victor just wants to be close and keep you warm.
Candles and slow music.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Perfect gentlemanly manners.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
His ideal date would be a cosy, romantic dinner at his place. Just the two of you. Everything will be served to you. And don’t even think about helping him wash the dishes afterwards.
He can be quite aloof in public.
If he bares himself to you - it’s only in private (if at all). 
When the look in his eyes softness and the corners of his lips tug upwards - that’s when he pulls you close and lays kisses all over your face.
Doesn’t really know how to talk about his feelings. Won’t really try unless absolutely necessary.
Will take extremely good care of you if you need it. Sick? Tired? Grumpy? Sad? He would nag, but is ready to stop the earth and move the sun if it is to make you smile at him again.
He’s a hard worker and would rather die than to give up on keeping you happy. And by his side.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Whenever you are ready and if you want to have kids at all - he will be happy to provide.
Only thought of you carrying his child makes him all hot and bothered, but that’s obviously not all.
He just wants to have everything with you. Beautiful wedding, big house, children... maybe even a dog, if you into THOSE -.-
He sometimes imagines you both gray and old with your grandchildren. Making cookies in the kitchen or walking around the park.
He (very) secretly dreams about ending your love story the same way it ended in the Notebook (that he has officially never seen!). Embracing each other. Closing your eyes for the last time knowing that your children are safe and happy. That’s just who he is deep deep deep inside - a hopeless romantic.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Well, he doesn’t really believe that gifts are an indication of love. People give each other gifts all the time and for no apparent reason.
He cherishes every gift you give him, but if it was the only thing you did, he wouldn’t be too happy about it.
Same goes for him. He’s a man with money. He might not be able to give you ANYTHING you might want, but he can sure provide you with a lot.
And he will. He could never leave you wanting without a good reason. He sees it as his responsibility to gift his beloved one with everything a woman might want.
Every work trip - a bag full of ‘I’m sorry I left’ gifts. He just needs to prove it to you that he was thinking about you every second he was away and how else could he do it?
He also likes to present, well, himself with jewelry or clothes for you to wear. Something beaming like your smile? Something precious like you are for him?
He just can’t deny himself the pleasure of seeing you look so gorgeous in something he personally picked out.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Oh, so you thought you would be able to NOT hold hands on every possible occasion? Cute.
Don’t feel like cuddling on the couch or in the bed? Okay, hands holding it is.
Feel like cuddling? Okay, but don’t let go of his hand.
Walking around the town together? You better believe he won’t let a chance to show off his wonderful woman slip. Yes, madam old lady walking by, yes mister homeless guy going down the trash container, yes madam sales lady and you, random guy on a bike - she’s my babe.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
If you injure yourself by being distracted while ie. cutting something with a knife or stirring something hot - he will get a bit upset with you.
But even though he will bumble discontentedly under his nose, he will take better care of you than you need. Hurt your right hand? He will feed you, write things down for you and whatever else he sees necessary. Hurt your foot? You’re being carried around and he will be mad if you try to walk on your own. “I know it’s nothing serious, but what if it gets worse when you always walk so carelessly?”
If somebody else hurt you? Well, he’s ready to kill with cold blood. Wouldn’t hesitate.
Stabs as a warning.
If you got seriously hurt he would probably close himself in the bathroom and cry for a while, but nobody but him will ever know.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He finds such acts very childish and would never prank you. He flinches with only a thought of the word.
If you attempt such a thing to him, he will get VERY UPSET.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Full of love.
He doesn’t like to kiss just for the sake of it or for the expectation to kiss your partner.
If your lips meet it’s always in an emotion-filled kiss.
No matter if it's a featherlight, sugarsweet, lovingly sensual or burning hot kiss - it's always intense in it’s own way.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Acts of service - His mane operational system. He lives to please you. To treat you like a goddess you are for him. Acts like he’s taking notes of your preferences, dreams and dislikes. Only buys the coffee you like. Stops eating meat for you. Do you remember saying that you wanted that cute, sakura starbucks mug, but had no idea where to get it? He does. He ordered it for you already. Remember briefly mentioning that you would want to see Tokyo in winter? He already has a whole trip planned.
Gifts - well, I already covered it in G, but I’ll just add that he will surely be reluctant to buy you some seemingly useless stuff even if you ask for them.
Physical touch - once again, Victor isn’t really clingy or touchy feely. He has his moments, we all do, but usually he just likes to hold hands and that’s all he wants for outsiders to see. At home he gets a little more physical, but not too much. Some affectionate caressing and hugs. Kissing is not that often of an occurrence, but when it happens is usually preparation for devil's tango (which with him happens pretty often but that’s not the list for the details).
Quality time - See Q.
Words of affirmation - Well, he is a good critic. Too good. However it’s just because he wants you to push your limits to thrive. He will tell you that he’s proud of you, appreciates what you are doing for him/your relationship and other things that are usually task/success related, because that’s the only appreciation words he appreciates. Words are empty for him. He’s a lawyer, he knows how willingly people lie to get what they want and how hesitant they are to make some more effort when it comes to it. Will tell you that he loves you at least once a day, because he always adds it to his to do list. Won’t praise your beauty too much, but you can tell he likes what he sees when he likes it. If you wear red lipstick the man will basically drool, but will not say a word until he pushes you down on his bed… and the rest is history.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Remember that third date I mentioned? The one his kissed you for the first time on?
It was a very nice date.
He took you for a walk around the rose garden. Bought you your favorite coffee to keep you warm during the breezy evening.
Didn’t let go of your hand for a moment.
You looked so pretty that night. Smiled so pretty. TALKED so pretty.He didn’t even realise when he stopped and leaned down. He could not have noticed when you closed the gap between you.
But the kiss was outwardly. That first one and every other you shared that night.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
To disappoint you.
He sure is scared of losing you, hurting you and a few more, but seeing you disappointed by him…
To imagine such a thing is already hurtful for him.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Taking photos of you while you’re asleep.
He just can’t help it. You’re so beautiful. And cute.
Would never show them to anyone though. Not even you.
No… He couldn’t even confess to you about it. It’s just his little secret.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Is ‘dummy’ a pet name? Because… Dummy.
‘Baby’ might also happen if he's feeling playful or you did something cute.
If he’s in a good mood you can count on ‘my love’ or ‘my lovely’ - but never in public.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Can’t do without it.
As I said in D, Victor will both serve you and entertain you. Whatever you want to do - he’s okay with doing it with you.
He might not really pay any attention to some of your movies and work on his laptop instead, but he wouldn’t even dream about leaving you alone and doing it in his comfortable office instead.
He rearranged his home office so you would come over and you both work together more often and more happily. Now you sit across from each other and, heh, see H.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Me? Myself?
Beyonce - Ego. OBVIOUSLY. Check it out if you don’t know it. (it’s a tiny, little bit suggestive, beware)
But in the more romantic mood…
The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
You need to put a lot of work for him to finally open up.
After that first time, however, if he finds your reaction pleasant, he will start testing the waters on his own from time to time.
THEN, if you won’t fail his many, many tests of course, he will open up for good.
No secrets. No hiding his feelings. He’s your book that is eager to be read.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
He doesn’t fall for anyone. Ever.
If he was to, I’d have to be a conscious decision. With a lot of thought put into it.
That’s what he was telling to himself his whole life, a least.
But then when he met you… it wasn’t a love at first sight, but it took approximately a fithteen minutes of group conversation for him to get all tingly on the inside.
He didn’t ask you out that day and he regretted it alot. The next time you run across each other on the street, he spears no time.
He kissed you on your third date. Neither of you voiced it, but the situation was very clear.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He acts upset.
He’s angry and he either actively doesn't talk with you or throws passive aggressive comments around.
He doesn’t beat around the bush. He’s upset.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
You're absolutely supreme in his eyes.
Beautiful, intelligent, talented.
He takes a lot of pride by introd you as his partner. Takes you everywhere he can as his plus one, so he can show you off to even more people.
Talks instead of you as he does that, but obviously you are more than okay with that.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Do I even have to say it?
Because it’s obvious. Have you even ever heard about this guy?
He would kill and die for you.
Do anything to keep you by his side and happy. That’s just who he is - a fighter… for you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
His talent to read people is one of the main things he owes his success to.
Even if you don’t show what’s inside your head in your face, he sure will find other ways to read you.
You can’t hide anything from him.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
As I said, he doesn’t show it off much, but it’s quite clear in his gestures towards you - he’s a hopeless romantic that is madly in love with you.
Christmas morning. Sipping on hot chocolates that Victor made for you. You open your presents.
As always, you end up ashamed of how little you spent on him, even though you couldn’t really afford more. He bought you so many things you’re not even sure you’ll be able to store it.
After going through a few bigger presents, you finally go down on the smaller ones.
One of them particularly tiny, causing an awwww to leave your lips.
You got a few rings from Victor before and even more pairs of earrings. It really didn’t seem suspicious, especially since you’ve been dating for only a few months then.
But after you open up the box and see it… you get a bit confused at first.
White and yellow gold molten together creating an uneven coloration of a band that bends and twists and splits like a branch that holds two gleaming diamonds like they were two blooming flowers. One white - bigger, other pink - smaller.
Their cut - unseen. Enhancing their flower-like look even farther.
At first you are consumed by inspecting every detail - the way the metal cups the stones to like a tree does flowers. Causing a petal ilusion to grow even more realistic… You don’t even notice when he goes down on one knee before you until he puts his hand on your thigh.
You look at him. Your eyes wide in shock.
He has never been a man of words and some might say that his proposal ‘speech’ wasn’t romantic… But for you it was more than just perfect.
“Marry me, (Y/N).”
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Seeing you calm. Seeing you happy.
Knowing that you don’t have to worry about another day, because he’s been working hard his whole life to provide for you.
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winnies-headcannons · 4 years
Sasuke x reader
Band AU
Word count: 1,416
Contains: cheating, cuddling, yelling
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You and Sasuke had been dating for a while now, even when he did start the band. He had been thinking of starting this band for a while just never really did till now, you weren't really part of it as you didn't really want all the attention, though you were their biggest fan. 
Sasuke was the lead singer while naruto was the drummer and Gaara was the guitarist, they all seemed to enjoy the idea at first but now they took it more seriously as they became semi-famous at this point, going on tours, having met and greets. It was honestly fun but you felt a little left out and jealous, girls would swoon over Sasuke hugging him and flirting, it pissed you off you wanted Sasuke to yourself like it used to..but he was having fun so you said nothing.
"You're on in 5 guys" the producer announced to the band, ``you all we're on a tour at the moment and it's the first to Sasuke allowed you to go. He didn't want anyone to assault you or harass you so he never let you go with them until now. "Alright guys remember we're gonna be singing three songs-" Sasuke announced to Naruto and Gaara as he got his hair fixed behind the stage, you just sat in one of the cases that were standing around just waiting to hear then in person. "Sasuke after this do you think we can get some alone time..?" You questioned the light-skinned male. He only nodded and headed towards the stage, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen it's so great to be here tonight!" The lights all cut off besides the ones pointed to the boys on stage, the music started and you honestly loved it. In all honesty, this was the first concert you've ever been to and it was kinda fun. 
By the end of the second song, you're honestly tired and had a headache, you were just ready to go back in the bus and sleep. Your body aching and eyes baggy, ears ringing from the loud music and muscles tired from all the work you had done before the concert. The music started and it was more upbeat than most the guys had played. (Song up above)
"Love me cancerously"
These lyrics hit you in the heart and make your face a soft pink, was he singing about you? Couldn't be he doesn't like to announce to the world that you two are dating. As the song progressed you just knew the song was about you just the way he worded the lyrics. You glanced over at Naruto and Gaara and they seemed to be having a shit ton of fun with this song.
"Love me cancerously" the music lowered as sasuke began whistling then picked right back up. You never saw sasuke like this, so invested into something other than his brother. 
When the music stopped they wished everyone a good night and headed back to the backstage. They all were sweating as if they had been in Sana for hours. Sasuke walked towards you "hey babe, you think you can get all of us some food. I'm really hungry after tonight." He spoke fast as if he wanted to get back to the bus in a hurry. You smiled and nodded as Sasuke handed you some money, you took the green paper and headed towards a nearby fast food place. It took a while to order because everyone wanted food, after receiving the greasy food bags you headed back to the bus.
"Foods here!" You yelled setting the food on the table, Naruto and Gaara came out from their rooms and thanked you and sat down and ate. You wondered where Sasuke was, maybe he was asleep already? You decided to go check on your black-haired lover, walking to the end of the bus where your temporary shared room was. You heard groaning and the bed creaking, curiosity hit you like a truck so you opened the door only to see Sasuke on top of another girl pleasuring her, their clothes scattered everywhere across the room, their bodies sweaty from the activity. Your heart broke at the sight of "S-Sasuke..?" Your voice cracked as tears welled in your eyes, he turned around eyes wide "Y/N this isn't what it-" you put your hand up stopping his sentence "N..No I clearly interrupted something important." Hot steamy tears fell from your eyes down your cheek, a fake smile on your face. You slammed the door shut and walked slowly to the lobby area of the bus where Naruto and Gaara we're at, you sat down beside naruto and started crying out loud. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" Naruto asked, hugging you, looking up at him as your eyeliner stained your face. "S-Sasuke c..cheated" you spat out hugging naruto and crying into his chest staining his shirt. His expression softened making you look up at him "Sasuke is a bitch anyway, you can sleep in my room tonight okay?" You nodded and looked away feeling embarrassed that they had to see you like this. Garra got pissed and stood up and stormed into Sasuke's room. All you heard was yelling as you cried into Naruto's chest some more. "YOU KNOW Y/N DIDN'T DESERVE THAT YOU SACK OF SHIT" you never heard Gaara this loud before as he was a more quiet and composed person. "Please, shut the fuck up" Sasuke crossed his arms as the girl he was fucking ran past him and outta the bus. You wanted to chase after her and beat the fuck outta her but what was the purpose? 
Gaara and Sasuke argued so much and it only made you worse so Naruto picked you up and carried you to his small room. He set you on the be him sitting in front of you, "just don't listen to them" no response came from you as you only cried silently "hey, look at me" putting his finger under your chin making you look him in the eyes. He smiled softly at you with a small blush on his face, naruto had always loved you since you both met but didn't say anything as you had already fallen hopelessly in love with Sasuke. A light blush appeared in your face, his thumb wiping your tears away. Your heartbeat fast looking at him "you sleep in the bed, I'll sleep on the floor" nodding you laid down the blond covering you up. Closing your eyes you slowly drifted off to sleep.
A few weeks have passed since the incident, you haven't spoken to Sasuke nor looked at him. It hurt too much too, the only thing you saw when you looked at him was that night. The way his hair was messy from her slutty fingers pulled at it, the slapping sound of him fucking into her hard. He'd never fucked you like that before. Was she different from you, was she better looking, skinnier, tighter, prettier? All these thoughts clouded your head as you woke up, next to you was Naruto soundlessly sleeping. The night before you asked if he could sleep with you for comfort.
The blond muscular make tucked you in as you laid down on his bed, you hated how he slept on the floor and how you felt so lonely. "Good-" as he was turning to go lay down on the floor you grabbed his wrist, blushing like a mad man "sleep with me?" You asked not looking him in the eyes out of embarrassment. His face was heating up and he nodded as he slipped into the bed next to you. Cuddling up close to him, your face buried in his shirtless chest. Hesitantly putting his arm around your body to pull you closer to him, his face red from blush and his body warm. He played with your hair trying to help you relax a little, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. His actions made your heartbeat faster than ever. Did you have feelings for the fox-like boy? You wouldn't be surprised, he was handsome and caring..more than sasuke at least. "I'll never let anything hurt you again, I promise" he whispered to you, him pulling you closer. It was clear that he had liked you for a while now. You didn't say anything as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
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giant-sketches · 4 years
The Library
Awesome! Another short side done for you all to enjoy. This one is completely by me without any kind of prompt attached so I hope it’s just as nice. 
In this story Logan is a scholar living in a house on the outskirts of town. He’s been living there for five years now, adding books to his ever growing collection. However, such a long time of isolation has weighed him down and he’ll need a helping hand in getting back on his feet. A tiny hand that is. ;3
This story includes 3 sketches and 1 colored page.
Word Count: 4787 (a long one!)
Disclaimer: isolation, alluring to depression, anxiety, mention of vomiting, kind of steamy 
“Thank you again Mr. Logan for helping us find the last herb we needed for healing our father.”
“You’re welcome. Now for my payment please.”
“Yes of course, here you are. This is a story our late grandmother read to us as children. We’ve memorized the tale so we have no need to keep the book around.”
“It's only been collecting dust on the bookshelf. It could use a new home.”
Graciously, Logan took the book and inspected its title; The Prince of Syds. The book was of the fairy-tale variety and told of a Prince that went on many harrowing adventures. The book was of a decent thickness and looked to be an interesting read for the scholar tonight. Casually, Logan hopped back on to his horse and trotted off back to his secluded homestead.
Logan was a recluse that lived a decent distance away from the neighboring towns. There in his comfy abode he collected a variety of literature and stored them all in his personal library. The library consisted of a multitude of genres from mystery, adventure, romance, nonfiction, maps, journals, and more. Logan was never picky when it came to a new read and he was titillated with his current find.
Like a child at Christmas, Logan pulled up a chair to his desk and gingerly turned the cover. Inside the book read a tale of The Prince of Syds that was on a quest to save the princess from the villainous Dragon Witch. While the initial premise may appear cliche, the story had many unexpected twists and turns. One of them being that the actual Dragon Witch was his twin brother that had been kidnapped as a baby and was being controlled by a sorcerer called D.
“Interesting, I had found it curious why this Dragon Witch had not just attacked the kingdom as a whole and only settled for a mere princess we hadn’t previously been introduced to. To think it was the Prince’s brother who was still fighting against the mind control placed on him.”
Logan rubbed his eyes as a tiny yawn escaped his mouth, “I should call it a night and return to my chambers.”
Another yawn, this time more pronounced, caused Logan’s mind to lock onto the idea of sleep. In his haste he simply placed the book onto his ‘to read later’ podium, left wide open. As Logan slumbered the book started imitating a mysterious glow as the pages flipped furiously to the start of the story. Once the book stopped on the page showcasing the Prince character a small hand covered in light stretched out and pulled its remaining parts out of the book. Now free from its bindings a tiny man now stood upon the page in confusion.
“Wha-what is this? Where am I? Just a moment ago I was conversing with my long-lost twin brother and now I’ve suddenly been summoned to this unfamiliar realm filled with giant objects.”
Frantically, the tiny man looked about the darkened room. He searched desperately to find something recognizable, but his eyes failed him. Distort, he huffed loudly,
“I can’t see anything in this darkened place, but I can at least see where I stand. I’m high up, too high to get down from so I shall remain here.”
Frustrated at his own uselessness the tiny man laid himself down on the pages folded beneath him and fell asleep until beams of warm sunlight awoke him. He gave a small yawn as he stretched unaware of the figure looming behind him.
“How peculiar.”
Shocked, the tiny man spun around to face the booming voice that ringed through his ears. Instinctively he yelped and jumped to his feet in order to take a defensive stance, but as he motioned downwards towards his hip a grim realization hit him. He was unarmed as a giant towered over him with peering eyes. Despite his fear he called out to the massive figure,
“Stay back giant fiend! I may be unarmed, but I’ve faced worse in more dire straits!”
Logan raised an eyebrow in response as he leaned in closer allowing his face to catch the light of the sun.
“I can assure you I am no fiend nor am I a giant. You are simply small and…” Logan paused to contemplate. “Actually, what exactly are you?”
“First off I am not a what, but a who. For who I am, I am Prince Roman of Syds!”
Prince of Syds? Is this the character from the book he was reading last night? Quickly, Logan glanced behind Roman to see that the pages had gone blank.
“The pages, what happened to them?”
In one swift movement Logan slammed his hands onto the podium causing Roman to lose his balance and fall on top of the giant hand. Dazed, Roman groaned at the sudden movement as he tried to lift himself back up. He stopped when he realized what he was holding on to and blushed.
“Why are they blank?” Logan was panicked.
Roman snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to the upset giant. He appeared concerned over the book that once housed his being. Even he had no idea what had happened honestly.
“I’m sorry, but even I have no idea what’s going on. All I know is I can’t return though I must be here for a reason.” Roman looked at the giant with pleading eyes, hoping this would calm them.
Logan huffed and raised his hands away in retreat. If this was the case there truly was nothing to be done.
“No need to give such a look, I believe you. Still, since you will be held up here for a time I might as well be a gracious host and make the best of this perplexing situation.”
Logan stepped back and took a deep bow towards the prince. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Your Majesty. My name is Logan the Scholar and this is my home and personal library.”
A library, so that’s where he was. Roman looked around at the now lit room in awe, he had never seen so many different kinds of books. His eyes sparkled with delight as he himself enjoyed a good tale from time-to-time. Excited, Roman turned to ask if they could read one together, Logan however, had already made his way to the door.
“Where are you going?”
“I want to make a record of what’s going on for future reference and historical relevance. I have never heard of a book character coming to life before. You’re an astounding find.”
With that Logan turned the corner towards his room to retrieve his journal. All Roman really pulled from that statement was that his new giant friend found him astonishing. Boredom quickly overcame him as he laid down on his books empty pages and stared at the ceiling. He so wished he could roam about the room and read right now, but alas he was limited by his tiny stature. However, an ominous figure was stealthy creeping its way towards him.
“This truly is an amazing event to watch transpire in person. I must make haste to record what I can of our interactions. There are too many unknowns that could affect how long he will remain here.”
Uncharacteristically Logan gaily retrieved his journal from his nightstand drawer and made his way back down the hall to the library in a hurry. Right before reaching the door an all familiar sound came from behind, ‘meow’. Logan went pale and slammed the door open with a fright,
Yet, Logan’s fears were unwarranted as his eyes locked on to the adorable scene of the tiny prince cuddling with his uninvited and fluffy guest.
“Oh Logan, you’re back! Look at this adorable beast that has submitted to my charms so willingly. She will make a grand stead for my time being here.”
Oh thank heavens; Logan sighed in relief. For a moment there he feared for the worst.
“Pray tell, what name have you bestowed upon this fair feline?”
“Name? It doesn’t have one. It’s simply a stray that wonders in from time-to-time and I share leftover scraps with.”
“Just a stray, you say. No this cat is indeed yours Logan and as her owner you must grant her a suitable name at once!”
Logan was taken aback by such an absurd command and scoffed at the notion of even following through with it, until another soft meow rang out. Logan twitched slightly as he felt the cats warm fur press up against his pant leg affectionately. Roman looked on with pure delight on his face.
“Yep, she is indeed yours. Now a name if you would Sir Logan.”
Logan’s face scrunched up in embarrassment. To think he had been persuaded so easily by a pretty face and a fluffy tail.
“Cat should suffice.” he groaned.
“CAT?! Are you mad?”
Startled by how loud the tiny man’s voice could carry he jumped back in surprise.
“You’re an intelligent man, surely you can come up with a better name then that!”
“Fine! How about….Jam?”
Logan’s face flushed instantly at such a silly name, yet the cat’s appearance reminded him of marmalade.
“Jam? I like it, quite a cute name coming from someone so stern.” he chuckled.
Right now Logan’s face resembled that of a strawberry as he coughed to move the conversation along.
“Can you tell me the last thing you remember before you were summoned here?” Logan asked as he picked Jam off the floor and carried her back over to his podium.
“I was talking with my long-lost twin brother about a plan to take down the evil sorcerer D and free him from the curse. Next thing I knew this bright light swallowed me whole and I awoke to a darkened room with only strange, and large shapes surrounding me.”
That sounds terrifying and yet this hero found his surroundings safe enough to slumber in?
“Interesting, that correlates perfectly with where I left off with the book.”
“Really? What does that mean then? Will I ever be able to return and finish my story? Wha-what if I’m stuck here forever?”
An unusual sense of guilt washed over Logan as he looked down at the tiny prince. He couldn’t help feeling that somehow this was his fault even if there was no proof for said theory. Regardless he needed to do something to comfort Roman. Gingerly he raised his hand and patted Roman rigidly on the head in an awkward attempt to cease his woes. Roman, however, found the mechanical motion hilarious.
“AHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Roman had slumped over in laughter as he rolled playfully on the podium.
Logan found the reaction jarring as he simply rested his hand down and remained still. Obviously, Roman was now feeling much better, but at what cost to Logan’s pride. Once Roman stopped he could see how distort his giant friend looked and confidently walked over to the resting hand.
“I’m sorry for laughing, Logan. I know you were only trying to comfort me and I appreciate it. I feel much better now.” he said as he wrapped his arms around Logan’s pinky and planted a charming kiss on the knuckle.”
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At that moment it was like a dam broke as Logan was overcome with emotions he had locked away. The sensation was so jarring it nearly knocked him out cold. If he hadn’t already been sitting he most certainly would have fallen to his knees. Any longer and he would have melted into a puddle, luckily Roman snapped him back to reality,
“By the way do you live here by yourself? I have yet to hear anyone else walking around or any other noises for that matter.”
It took a moment for Logan to compose himself, but he answered with a cooled down expression.
“You are correct in your assumption. I do indeed live here by myself and I have for many years now. Thus, you have no need to worry about anyone else discovering you are here. I can guarantee your safety Roman.”
Logan smiled the best he could, but it faded quickly as he saw small tears peering out from the corner of Roman’s eyes. Did he say something wrong? What could have been his miscalculation?
“Logan tha-that’s so sad!”
What was this tiny prince saying? If anything he was the happiest he had been in a long time right now.
“Yes sad, this place is huge and yet there’s NO ONE here? What about friends or family?”
That’s what he meant. Logan put on a cold demeanor as he remembered why he was here.
“No, I have no one like that and that’s just the wa-”
“Don’t lie to me!”
Logan’s fake face shattered in an instant by way of Roman’s concerned words. It would seem he couldn’t feign callousness with this one. He was now an open book.
“Fine, I won’t try that again. Still I’m not good at expressing myself and it’s true that I don’t have any friends or family. Not anymore at least.”
“Anymore? So you did have them once.”
Roman wiped his tears away and choked down the lump that had formed in his throat. Logan was just like the princess he was sent to save in his story. All alone in the world with no one else there to help her. No, Logan wasn’t fictional, he was real and so was Roman right now! He had a wonderful idea,
“Then let’s go out and make some new ones!”
“Excuse me?”
“If you don’t have any friends then you just need to get out there and make some!”
“I-I don’t know…”
“It will be fine darling. Besides I also want to take a look at your realm before I leave.”
That’s right he was going to leave eventually. A slight pain coursed through Logan's heart. If they didn’t have much time together then maybe going out together was the best idea.
“Alright, but you have to stay close to me and not be seen by anyone.”
With that Roman bounced with anticipation as he watched Logan’s hand lower down to him. Without hesitation, the tiny prince climbed aboard mesmerized by the site of him resting in a massive palm. His life was now completely in Logan’s hand, but he felt no fear. Carefully, Roman was slipped into Logan’s breast pocket. It was so warm as Roman pressed his back up against Logan’s chest to look up at the opening a few centimeters above him. Logan’s heartbeat pounded vigorously causing his entire body to pulse. The sensation was like nothing he had felt before as it overwhelmed him and he quickly fell forward against the other side of the pocket’s fabric walls.
“Are you doing alright in there?” Logan could feel the abnormal moment and grew worried.
“Yes, I-I’m alright. Just got a little warm is all.”
“I see, if that’s the case then here.”
Logan poked his pointer finger into the opening of the pocket. Roman could tell what Logan was going for as he clung onto the huge amount of flesh and was lifted up. Once his head had reached the lip of the pocket Roman latched himself on. Now he could breathe in the fresh air of the outside world.
“Is this this a town?”
“Yes, it’s the one that’s easiest to walk to and a good place to find magical items and good like spices and tea.”
“Oh so you all have magic in this realm as well?”
Logan paused for a moment before answering.
“Yes we do. Now try your best not to get over excited and pop out of my pocket okay?”
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Tenderly this time Logan placed his finger on top of Roman’s head and ruffled his hair. The motion pleased Roman greatly as he blushed deeply. He felt extremely cared for in this moment. Usually he was the one doing the swooning so this was a nice change of pace.
“I’ll never leave your sid-”
Before Roman could finish his confession two loud voices called out from behind the pair,
Logan froze, he knew exactly who was there. He squeezed his eyes in fear and began to shake nervously. Roman had no idea what was going on, but he fell back into the lower part of the pocket and stretched out his arms in a comforting hug. Logan twitched a bit at the sudden feeling of the prince’s tiny frame pressed up against his. Yet, he found his touch pleasing as he placed his hand over his breast pocket in response. He could feel Roman being squished in between his hand and chest. Roman let out a light giggle at the return hug.
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Thanks to Roman’s efforts Logan had calmed down and turned around to speak to the two mysterious figures waiting patiently.
“Patton, Virgil...it’s been awhile. How are you both?”
“Oh my gosh Logan, it really is you!”
“Where have you been? After...well you know, you just disappeared. Some people were even saying you might have died.”
“Yeah, we were so worried!”
“I can’t imagine why? As you can see I am doing quite alright for myself regardless of these so-called rumors.”
“You can’t imagine why...Lo aren’t we your friends?” Patton whispered through teary eyes.
“Geez Logan, we’ve finally been reunited after five years and this is how you act.” Virgil growled.
Logan was visibly agitated. Unclear of what had happened with these three Roman hesitated to step in, but shook his head at the notion of letting this opportunity slip away. Roman tugged at Logan’s shirt to garner his attention. Logan noticed and sharply glanced downwards, but his expression softened as he saw his tiny friend pinching his cheeks upwards in a smile. It didn’t take a genius to see what Roman was getting at.
“You’re right Virgil.”
“I’m sorry did you, mister know it all, say that I’m right?”
“Wow, I had wondered how you may have changed after all this time. Glad to see you learned some humility during that time.”
“I suppose I have changed, though I can’t say it’s not a recent development. Regardless I’ve had plenty of time...alone to think about my past attitude. I apologize for upsetting you Patton.”
“An apology as well? Now I’m not even sure I’m talking to the same gen-”
“That’s enough Virgil, he apologized after all. I know you’re upset, but…” Patton looked to Logan with a solemn look.
“Lo? Have you been alone this whole time?”
Logan swallowed loudly.
“...I have a cat.” he mumbled.
Patton’s face lit up at the idea of grumpy Logan playing with his cuddly pal, but a cat wasn’t a person. Virgil gave Patton a look of concern and grabbed his hand. Patton smiled and gave a nod.
“Would you like to hang out with us and catch up?”
“Oh I…”
Logan glanced down at his pocket where he took note of Roman’s shallow breathing and reddened face. It wasn’t a good idea to keep him trapped inside his breast pocket for much longer.
“How about I invite you two over to my residence instead? That way you’ll know where I live.”
“That sounds lovely Lo, we’d be honored to come over to your home. Wouldn’t we Virgil.”
“Yeah, it will be nice to catch up and tell you what’s been going on.”
With that the newly formed group took off to the outskirts of town. Once inside Logan’s abode the two were amazed at his collection, but even more astonished he hadn’t lied about the cat. Patton was instantly smitten with the fuzzy creature. After Logan finished up the tour Roman was placed inside his room on top the pillow. There he lied down with his body completely spread and finally relaxed. It had been a long day for the prince and he was understandably exhausted.
“How about you get some rest while I go entertain our guests?”
Roman yawned, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Logan carefully covered Roman with his handkerchief and caressed his face as he whispered, “Sweet dreams.” and tip-toed out of the room.
It wouldn’t be until a couple hours later Roman would wake up as he rolled over to be face-to-face with a slumbering Logan. He was surprised he hadn’t noticed the giant climb into bed, but maybe he was just that tired. Lost in thought Roman continued to stare at the snoozing behemoth. He smirked mischievously as he crawled his way up to the top of the pillow. Logan’s hand was in the way, but if he aimed right he should make it. He tested for any wind resistance and blinked twice to turn on his targeting systems before hurling himself downwards towards Logan’s face. Thankfully, he stuck the landing!
“I certainly have found myself in a peculiar predicament being suddenly transported to this giant land, but I believe this lovely princess right here makes it worthwhile.”
Pressing his lips to Logan’s the prince planted a barrage of kisses on to his sleeping beauty.
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“Even if I am never to return, I believe I’ve already found the princess I was meant to save.”
Funny enough, Roman was now unable to make the climb back up the steep hill that was the pillow, but he didn’t mind. He simply made his way to Logan’s hand and squirmed himself between the fingers. Slowly, Roman fell back asleep and dreamed of his beloved.
An entire week flew by as Logan reconnected with his friends from his school days. Roman heard from Logan about what had happened five years ago and what led to his separation from society. It was a tragic tale of him being born without the ability to wield magic, but gifted intellectually. His noble family deemed him worthless and disowned him when he turned sixteen. Determined to prove them wrong he enrolled himself into the Magic Tower. To pass over the casting exam however, he forged his entrance papers by pretending to be a famous magician's apprentice. There at the academy he was deemed a prodigy and his brilliance flourished. Yet, despite his best efforts he was found out and promptly expelled with all his achievements and research being awarded to other promising students.
His entire existence was wiped from the Tower’s records. It was like he never existed in the first place. Having fallen into despair Logan simply thought disappearing was the only logic course of action. After all that’s what everyone wanted wasn’t it? However, that wasn’t true as his two friends had been searching for him this whole time. Once they heard about what the academy had done to Logan they were outraged and exposed the entire thing. The Tower lost its spotless reputation overnight and disbanded. Together Virgil and Patton put together a new institution that enrolled anyone interested in magic regardless of their abilities.
Logan felt like a fool for hiding this entire time without once thinking of looking into how things were developing without him. He had planned to move on, but instead he had become complacent, stewing in his own misery. His friends had helped him finally realize his error in judgement. However, it was Roman that had brought light back into his darkened life. He needed to properly thank him after Patton and Virgil left from their weekly visit.
“He’s doing so much better now. I love seeing him smile like that and he’s got this cute pep in his step too. Gosh, I didn’t think he could get even more beautiful, but he’s full of surprises isn’t he Jam?”
“I hear you! I’m really happy for him, but...I’m a little jealous of his friends. I wish I could be out there with them chatting and laughing.”
“I know! Logan wants to keep me safe. They don’t visit for long anyway and then the rest of day I have him to myself.”
“Sure our relationship hasn’t changed...at all.”
“What confess?! I couldn’t I-I’m not even real. That’s right I’m nothing but a character from one of his many books.”
Roman looked sadly around the library where he was sitting on top of the desk and snuggling with Jam. He was one of many stories Logan owned, no one special.
“I’m not his happily ever after.”
Spontaneously, the blank book resting on top of the podium was enveloped in a light glow. Roman sprang to his feet in surprise as the light beckoned to him. He knew then that his quest had come to an end. Roman gave a whistle for Jam to carry him up to the podium.
“Thanks girl.”
Roman stroked the bridge of Jam’s nose dismally. Meekly he glanced towards the door hoping Logan may walk into the room any moment now, but no dice. The glowing had become more intense as Roman neared it. This was the end of his story, who knew it’d be a tragedy.
“Goodbye Logan.”
Not able to stall any longer Roman dived into the light and vanished as a gigantic flash spread throughout the entire house.
“What in the world was that?!”
“Ah my eyes!”
“What just happ- no,no,no,no!”
Logan’s stomach dropped at his current thought. He rose from his seat so fast he thought he would vomit as a sickening feeling crept up on him.
“Woah Logan are you okay, You don’t look so well.”
“I’m fine, I just need to go check on something real quick.”
“You are not fine! Why don’t we help you an-”
“NO! Please I-I need to do this alone right now. It’s important, please.”
“Bu-” Patton pulled Virgil back and shook his head.
“We understand Lo, go do what you have to do. We were about the leave anyway.”
“Thank you, both of you.”
With that Logan raced down the hallway and burst through the library door.
“ROMAN?!” no answer.
Logan frantically scanned the room, but all he saw was Jam standing on the podium. What the podium! There he could see Roman’s book with the pages now visible peeking out from underneath the cat. Slowly, Logan dragged his feet to take a closer look and gently shooed away to fluff ball. Sorrowfully, he turned each new page not caring to full read the paragraphs as his tears welled up. The story had changed to his own of finding the prince in his world and asking for his help in ending his isolation. Yet, as Logan reached what should be the end, what he found was another blank page. Too distraught to think about what this might mean he closed the book and clung to it. Pressing its entirety against his chest as he fell to the floor screaming out in pain.
This new found happiness meant nothing to him if he couldn’t spend it with the man he loved.
“Why, why did you have to go? I never got to tell you how I felt! What’s the use of these new emotions if I’m never given the chance to express them?”
Logan continued to weep long into the night. Never once allowing the book to leave his side as he finally tired himself out enough to sleep. Birds chirped per usual as the new morning came. Begrudgingly, Logan groaned as he went to reach for the book he had cuddled with all night only to find it missing. Panicked, he rubbed his puffed up eyes to better focus on his surroundings. Suddenly, he was caught off guard by the touch of the leather backing poking at his face. Logan whipped his head around to see who the perpetrator was that had snatched his book only to be met with an unbelievable sight.
The man standing at the foot of the bed was none other than Roman, but he was now the same size as Logan.
“Ho-How is this possible?” Logan was overcome with emotion as tears began streaming down his face.
“Look.” he whispered.
Roman had turned the book to the final page, but this time it wasn’t blank. Instead what appeared on the page was a beautiful illustration of Logan and Roman holding hands and kissing in front of the house. Logan shaking in amazement, took the book from Roman’s grasp and started lovingly at it.
“Seems like I was your happily ever after, after all princess.”
Logan was happy, so happy he didn’t know what to do with all of it. In a bold move he pulled Roman on to the bed and curled himself around him sobbing. He was never going to let his prince go ever again. Roman tucked himself into Logan’s embrace and whispered into his ear,
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The End
@thought-u-said-dragon-queen​ @sanderssidestrash27​ @nomynameisanon​ @crystalk17​ @notkolaidoscop​
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backtothestart02 · 5 years
Mixed Drink - 9/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: You’ll like this one. ;)
Commissioned by @travelattwilight
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Chapter 9 -
Patty shook her head as she munched on her last piece of salad.
“This is incredible.”
“The food?” Iris asked, pretending naivety. “I know. It really is.”
“No, this guy.”
Iris felt heat rise into her cheeks.
Was she mad at Barry for ditching her twice today? Maybe. Did that change the way she felt about him? Hell no. If anything, it only made her want him more.
They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Besides, they had all day tomorrow to spend together before he left. Surely, she could allow for one day’s work after having kept him thoroughly occupied for most of his time here. She smiled smugly at the thought.
“You hook up with him – recklessly, of course.”
Iris rolled her eyes.
“Then he robs you. Then he takes you out for breakfast and you hook up again.”
“He’s hot, okay?” Iris felt slightly unnerved.
“Show me a picture.”
Iris frowned. “I don’t have one. We’ve only known each other-”
“A few days, yeah, I know. Exactly my point.”
Iris sighed. “Patty, I’ve lost a lot. My parents, my job…you.”
Her lips parted.
“So, forgive me if I want to be a little reckless and get involved in a very hot, steamy affair with a mysterious guy who pulls out all the stops for me.”
Patty flushed.
“I’m sorry, Iris. I’m being judgy. I’m working on that.” She hesitated, then licked her lips. “Come back to the apartment.”
Iris slowly set her glass down just as she had brought it halfway to her mouth.
“Are you serious?”
Patty nodded. “I am. I’ll take on extra shifts at work while you look for another job. You’re really talented. Anybody would be a fool not to take you on. Your…” She paused, debating whether to not all out with her compliments. The hell with it. “Your passion be damned.”
Iris’ jaw dropped.
“Was that…a curse word coming out of your mouth?” She altered her voice to a southern accent. “Patricia Spivot, I do declare.”
Patty sent her a glare.
“You’re not,” she said, wiping her mouth with her napkin. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”
Iris sobered up.
“Listen, Patty, in all seriousness, you were right to kick me out. I don’t regret what I did, but I should’ve taken you into consideration. We’re not just roommates. We’re a team, and I bailed on you.”
Patty’s shoulders slumped.
“Yeah, well, I did the same.”
She brightened almost as soon as she’d deflated. Then she offered up her pinky to Iris.
“Roomies for life?”
Iris grinned and twisted her pinkie around Patty’s.
“Roomies for life.” She paused, then teased, “Well, unless I marry the guy I wanted to kill and kiss in the same breath earlier this week.”
Her eyes twinkled, but then she gasped, realizing what she’d just said.
Patty’s eyes were wide as saucers.
“Nope. Not another word.”
Barry exhaled loudly as he entered the hotel room, letting the door swing shut behind him. Today had been a day. He couldn’t remember a day as long as this one in – he didn’t know how long. Though he supposed that was more about him wanting to spend it with Iris and not being able to than his tasks actually being that time-consuming or difficult.
He didn’t know how he was going to break the news to her, though.
God, how he hated Kevin fucking Draeger.
“Long day?” Iris’ voice came from outside on the balcony. She had a glass of champagne in both hands. One had been sipped from. The other was presumably his.
He relaxed, content, a sappy smile coming over his face.
“You look like Heaven,” he said, breathing her in after she’d gone up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I wish this could last forever.” He held her close, unwilling to let her go.
“We still have tomorrow,” she reminded him, and the look that greeted her betrayed every word she said. She sank back onto the balls of her feet. “Or maybe we don’t.”
“I’m so sorry, Iris.”
She took a step back.
“This was our last day. And you spent it-”
“I know I kept you…distracted.” She avoided eye contact. “For the last few days, but you told me we’d have tomorrow. You lied to me.”
“For the third time today!”
She turned away from him and ran her fingers through her hair, regretting everything she’d planned for the night. Champagne in the silky black dress he’d bought for her, followed by a soak in the hot tub, some making out and cuddling in their robes on the bed before they inevitably made love and fell asleep to the sound of crackling embers in the gas fireplace in the hotel room.
She didn’t even know how long he had before he had to go. It was already five o’clock.
“I wasn’t lying when I said it!” he said. “I didn’t know I’d get caught up. I didn’t know my asshole of a boss would hold something over my head, so I’d have to leave tonight.”
She spun around.
“What is he holding over you?” Barry sighed. “Let me guess, you can’t tell me.”
He said nothing.
“God, I can’t believe this. I’m leaving.”
“Where are you going?” he asked, standing in front of the door even as she picked up her purse and started shoving some of her things inside it.
“Patty’s,” she spat. “We made up.”
His eyes were suddenly alight with happiness.
“You made up? Really?”
“Yes,” she seethed.
He approached her slowly.
“That wouldn’t have happened if we’d been together all day.”
She stalked right up to him, pointing her finger at him angrily.
“Don’t turn this into a positive.”
“Patty taking you back isn’t a good thing?”
“No, of course it is. Just… No. Stop it.”
She turned around and went back to packing up what little she could stuff in her medium-sized purse.
“Iris, please don’t go,” he pleaded.
She glared at him and stopped packing.
“Why not?”
She raised her eyebrows, waiting.
“Because, I…”
He seemed to be searching for words he didn’t know and couldn’t find. The realization nearly made Iris’ heart stop.
He fixed his eyes on her.
“Because I’m going to miss you so damn bad.”
He reached for her and closed his mouth over hers before she could think of what to say. Stumbling back into the bed, Barry kicked off his shoes and lifted the silky dress off her, kissing up her stomach and between her breasts as he did so. She shivered in his arms and unbuttoned his shirt, loving the feel of him, the indents of his abs, the firm muscle of his biceps.
He flipped them over and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants soon after. Iris stared at his cock hungrily as it came into view.
“God, I’m obsessed with you.”
He drew her gaze away as he came down to kiss her, and the next two hours passed with lovemaking that would stretch into their dreams for the next month as they awaited each other’s return.
It would have to.
Lying in bed, their legs and fingers intertwined, Iris’ head tucked safely into the crook of Barry’s neck, she could feel the ache in her heart surging as the alarm signaling Barry’s departure went off.
She wanted to beg him to stay. She wanted to tell him to rebel, screw his boss, he could make his own decisions. And if nothing needed to be done till Monday night, then damn it, he should be allowed to stay put until then.
Barry pressed a kiss to her forehead, as his hand flowing up and down her back slowly came to a halt.
“I have to go.”
“No,” she said, entwining herself further around him.
He smiled to himself, still amazed that this was the same woman who never wanted to see him again less than a week ago.
“I have to, Iris.”
She sighed, loosening her grip. Then she untangled herself completely and sat up, facing away from him on the edge of the bed. His hand moved to rub her back again, but she scooted out of reach.
She looked at him over her shoulder, her long, dark tresses flowing down her back.
“I’m gonna miss you so damn much,” she whispered.
He lifted himself up to pull her close and kiss her.
“I’ll miss you more.”
“You’re a dream,” she murmured against his skin. “A dream I’m going to lose the second you walk out that door.
“No,” he insisted. “I’ll come back next month. I’ll be with you longer. I promise.”
“Sounds like another lie to me,” she said whimsically, then regretted it. She didn’t apologize, but she offered an apologetic look and that apparently was enough.
“I have a burner phone,” he said. “You can call me. Text even. Can’t send pictures, though. Unfortunately.” His lips twisted wryly.
“Will you think of me?” she asked.
“Every day.”
“Dream of me?”
“Every night.”
“Want no one but me?”
He stilled.
“I know it’s a lot to as-”
“You only want me?” he rasped, and the desperation in his voice forced her to lighten the mood with an offhand remark.
“Well, I certainly don’t want Teddy,” she teased, then lowered her lips to his for one last kiss.
Settled on the airplane, Barry grumpily found his way to a spot in the back. Felicity – surprise, surprise – landed in the seat next to him less than five minutes later.
“How are things with Iris?” she asked giddily.
He glared at her.
“What?” She frowned. “No one can hear us. And I’m excited for you.” She nudged him.
“She’s pissed,” he said. “And heartbroken.”
Her frown deepened. “Why’s that?”
“I told her I could stay till tomorrow, but Kevin – asshole that he is – used his annoying superiority and blackmailed me into coming back with the rest of you tonight.”
Her jaw dropped. “He didn’t.”
Barry nodded once. “He did. Said anything could happen at a moment’s notice and I needed to be present if it did, not an ocean away.” He paused. “More or less.”
“That son-of-a-”
“My thinking exactly.”
“Well, we can’t have that.” She stood to her feet.
Barry watched her cautiously, almost panicked.
“What are you doing?”
“To give Kevin a piece of my mind.”
“No, Felicity, don’t! It’ll just make it worse!”
“It won’t. Trust me.” She started heading off, determined. “Felicity Smoak puts fear into the hearts of men.”
His brows furrowed, unsure if that made sense. And he contemplated too long, because soon she was at the front of the plane yelling at Kevin. Barry looked away from the two the second Kevin looked in his direction.
Felicity returned to him a few minutes later and sat down quietly. He watched her, then looked at his boss who was glaring but called him to the front of the plane with a curl to his finger. He rose to go to him and Felicity nearly tripped him in the process, clearing her throat as she crossed one knee over the other.
“You’re welcome,” she coughed; and warily, he smiled.
He strode to the front of the plane where Kevin glared at him and barked his orders.
“Seven p.m. sharp Sunday night. Is that clear, Allen?”
Barry’s eyes widened.
“Is that clear?”
Somehow, he found his tongue.
“Never been clearer, sir.”
Kevin gestured towards the door.
“Go. Before I change my mind.”
Barry scrambled out of the plane as fast as his legs could carry him, and out of the airport somehow even faster. He burst through the hotel room a grand total of twenty minutes later to find a curled up Iris sniffling on his side of the bed.
“Iris!” he announced himself jubilantly, belatedly registering her tears and echoing the crestfallen look on her face.
“Barry?” she asked, confused when he was suddenly beside her. “What are you doing here?”
He grinned slowly, triumphantly.
“I thought…” But she was starting to smile too.
He kissed her, loving the moan it drew out of her and how her fingers tangled in his hair as a result.
“Turns out I have friends in high places,” he whispered into her mouth.
She almost cried, instead pulling him onto the bed with one leg wrapped around him.
“I love your friends.”
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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3-Ways Are All Fine And Dandy Until Someone Catches Feelings ~ Part 1
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Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
It Was Hoseok’s Fault
Words: 1501
Warning: Mildly suggestive themes, that’s all! (It’ll get way worse with the next part, trust me lmao)
A/N: Ok this is taking me forever to write because there’s so much I want to include, I’m so going overboard on this ugh I can’t stop I love it too much. It’s so much fun to write about this relationship, too. Like it’s almost addicting haha. So basically, I’m writing way too much and so I decided to break it up into parts instead of one long 15k+ word fic. I will post each of the other parts I have finished as I get their mood boards done, all while I finish the hopefully last 2 parts. Anyway, enough rambling. Enjoy, my lovelies! (Don’t worry, “delicious smut” is coming soon (;)
Changkyun is rough. He gives you exactly what you want and he gives it to you hard. He kind of has a thing for biting. Case and point, there have been far too many times when the makeup noonas get frustrated over all the love bites they have to cover up on Hoseok.
Hoseok, on the other hand, is so very gentle. He lets his emotions rule his actions and all he wants is for you to feel good and be content. There was that one time when he gazed into Changkyun's eyes for a little too long while you did something to him that felt a little too good and the poor thing out of nowhere started crying.
But it was times like these that made you value your relationship even more. Your, quite frankly, odd relationship had begun like any other. Just what happened next was not typical. 3-ways are all fine and dandy until someone catches feelings, you know.
It was Hoseok's fault. Everyone, even Hoseok himself, blames it on Hoseok. He'd known about his feelings for Changkyun for far too long to somehow manage to keep them a secret all this time. And you, well, his favorite thing was your laugh and how much he could make you laugh. To know that he was the one causing you so much joy, that was the best feeling he'd ever experienced. Everything else just seemed to fall into place. You never thought you were all that great at puzzles, but somehow, even with all the moving parts and complexities of each other's personalities, all the pieces fit without a problem.
It's funny, you can't remember what life was like without the two of them. You had known all the boys since before they debuted and were close to every one of them. But, somehow, Changkyun was the first to sweep you off your feet. Nothing elaborate. It was actually quite subtle. You were already really close - always together, sitting in his lap or cuddled up on some couch, calling each other before bed and talking into the early morning hours. It became somewhat of an 'everyone else already thinks we're together so why don't we just make this official?' kind of thing. And that was that. But Hoseok ending up in this odd triangle, that's a completely different story.
It was late in the evening. The two of you had been drinking a little and talking. Who knows what the conversation was actually about, the alcohol blurred that from both your memories. It was you that made the joke about a threesome with Hoseok. Changkyun replied with the last thing on earth you expected.
"OK, sure."
You stared at him blankly for a while before he cocked his head and chuckled lowly at you, "What are you making that face for? We both know you wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't really want it. And you know I don't agree to anything I'm not completely sure about. So why are you so surprised I said 'yes'?"
Dropping eye contact to fiddle with your fingers in your lap, a blush started to creep up your neck. "I don't know. I guess the thought of it actually happening isn't all that far-fetched, just a little overwhelming maybe." You heard him chuckle again and a moment of dread briefly flooded over you. "Wait!" Changkyun raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. "You know this doesn't mean that I don't love you any more or that I'm dissatisfied or something right?" He continued to stare at you. It was amazing how sarcastic he could actually be without even opening his mouth. "I just...I'm just…"
"Curious, I know. You don't have to be afraid of this, you know. And I know how much you love me. I don't think you'd tell me half a million times a day if you didn't." Your knitted brows and pouty lips told him you were just being stubborn at this point. Changkyun let out a breathy laugh, "It's fine. We're fine." His fingertips gently coasted over your jawline, luring you in ever so slowly. Lips inches away from yours, he couldn't help but ruin the moment. "But the question is, who gets to give Hoseok this tempting invitation?"
You rolled your eyes as you backed away, knowing full well that this conversation wasn't over yet and you weren't getting that kiss you were craving. Or at least not yet. "Well, it's not like I can seduce him or something. We both know he won't touch what isn't his."
"What am I supposed to do? Have a bro talk with him?" His disparaging tone prompted another eye roll from you.
"Don't be such a smartass." You grabbed your phone off the table next to you and pulled up Hoseok's contact. "If you have such a problem with it, I'll do it myself. It's not all that late. I'll text him to come over for a beer or something." Changkyun made some cynical remark under his breath and you reached for the pillow behind you to swat at him. "Hey, you agreed to this. If you want to back out, do it now before I send this text."
Your thumb hovered over the send button as he hugged the pillow you had just hit him with. "No, I want this, too. I just thought the invitation would be more…" he trailed off, searching for the right word but you knew what he meant.
"What? More hot and steamy and flower petals and all that romantic shit?" He pouted in response. "C'mon, you know he'd get overly stressed about a situation like that and end up just walking out. He's more apt to say yes if it's as casual as possible, without any pressure." Changkyun sighed deeply, his silent admission that you were right, and nodded as a cue for you to send the text. "Like I said, casual, no pressure. So don't be weird about this."
He blinked slowly, "When am I weird about things?"
You tilted your head and, without a word, gave him the same sarcastic look he'd given you earlier. Changkyun contented and his gaze fell to your phone, suddenly visibly anxious for Hoseok's reply. The phone buzzed in your lap, startling Changkyun. You chuckled at him and read Hoseok's response.
You: Wanna come over for a beer?
Bunny: I'm bringing snacks. Be there in 20 o((*^▽^*))o
Placing your phone into Changkyun's grabby hands for him to read for himself, you got up to get an extra blanket and some more beers.
Hoseok had been over for the better part of an hour and the two of you still hadn't brought up your "tempting invitation". You were cuddled up against Changkyun, who was squirming uncontrollably even though you told him not to be weird, and your legs were resting in Hoseok's lap at the opposite end of the couch. The TV was playing softly in the background while the three of you silently sipped at your drinks.
Changkyun huffed loudly and reached for the remote to switch off the TV, "I can't do this anymore!"
Hoseok stared at him, wide-eyed and rather frightened. You punched Changkyun in the side before scooting over to rest your hand on Hoseok's arm and reassure him. "The kid still hasn't learned patience, don't mind him." Glancing up at Changkyun, who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a subtle pout over his lips, you sighed, "I told you not to be weird about this, Kyunnie."
Hoseok began to stand up, "If I'm causing some kind of problem by being here, I can le-"
"No!" You gripped his wrist, "Please don't go. Changkyun and I have something we wanted to ask you about and he's just nervous is all. Please stay." Easing back into his seat, Hoseok studied Changkyun before giving you a questioning look, silently urging you to continue.
You glanced at Changkyun for permission. "Pft, don't look at me," he huffed. "This was your idea, you ask him."
Next to you, Hoseok swallowed thickly, "Ask me what?"
Changkyun flopped onto the couch, tilting his head making eye contact with Hoseok, "You wanna sleep with us?"
Hoseok stuttered awkwardly as your countenance fell. Unable to look at him out of irritation, you breathed deeply. "You tell me to say it and then you blurt out a question like that. Makes perfect sense. God, what is wrong with you?" Turning to the very pale and tense looking man next to you, you waved your boyfriend off and explained everything properly.
After calming the situation and everyone getting all they wanted to off their chests, Hoseok composed himself and, rather quickly, accepted your offer and returned to his normal self. It was decided that the three of you would go out to dinner later that week and try to ease into things rather than just jump into bed with each other. Less awkward that way. Maybe?
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fics-for-my-heart · 4 years
Let Me Take Care (Tony Stark)
Summery: After being down for the entire day, Tony comes to help.
Word count: 1069
Warning: none, some rusty writing
A/N: Oh boy, I hope this is good. I started this sometime in 2018 and never finished it. Recently my migraines have started becoming more frequent so I decided I should finish this one. Hope you like it.
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“FRIDAY.” You spoke weakly. The pain radiating behind your eyes made your entire head hurt all the way to your spine.
“Yes Mrs. Y/L/N.” The AIs' voices filled the room just a little too loud.
You groaned, too much noise was making everything worse. “Quieter please, FRIDAY. What time is it?”
“It is currently twelve thirty, ma’am.” FRIDAY spoke again, this time at a much lower volume.
You weren’t all that surprised it was so late in the day. After getting back late from a mission oversite, where the twinge behind your ear had started, you fell asleep the moment your head hit the pillow. Now though, you were regretting not taking the medication to prevent this awful migraine.
“Can you please activate blackout mode.” Even the vibration from your own voice was almost too much. Tony programmed blackout mode shortly after you moved in, when your migraines were more frequent. Which is why FRIDAY knew what was happening.
All light disappeared from the room as the soft voice spoke once more. “Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?” The sound of rain filled the quiet room, and the chill of the AC turning up a notch prickled your exposed arm.
“No. I’ll be fine. I just need a nap.” There was a vague memory of Tony giving you a kiss before saying something about working on suit adjustments. You relaxed into the pillow and drifted back to sleep.
“FRIDAY, where’s Y/N?” Natasha asked as she set up the take out for dinner.
“Mrs. Y/L/N is currently sleeping in blackout mode.”
Natasha frowned knowingly, setting a plate to the side for when you woke up.
As everyone made their way to the kitchen, they all asked where you were. It was strange not seeing you all day, and you were normally the first to come for food.
“Does Tony know?” Sam asked, taking a scoop of rice.
“I don’t think so. He has been in the lab all day.”
“Does Tony know what?” Tony asked as he joined the group, wiping oil from his hands.
“Y/Ns been sleeping all day with blackout mode on.” Nat answered. Everyone knew what that meant.
Tony sighed. “FRIDAY, why didn’t you tell me about Y/N?”
“Mrs. Y/L/N wished not to disturb you.”
Tony sighed. “Is this plate for her?” Nat nodded. Tony made himself a plate, grabbed two bottles of water and made his way to your room. “Y/N” his voice was almost a murmur as he entered the room as quietly as possible.
“Tony.” You’d been awake, just laying in bed willing the pain to go away.
“How bad is it hun?” He set the food down and climbed into the bed.
“It was a 10 this morning but it’s gone down to about a 8.5.” You rolled over, resting yourself under his arm.
His fingers slowly pushed through your hair, sending a tingle all over your head. “I brought you some food. Have you taken your medicine?”
“I didn’t want to get up. The movement makes it worse.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I wish you had called me. Here.” He reached between the bed and nightstand, pulling out the lap table for you to eat on. “You should eat some. And I’ll go get your medicine.”
Slowly you sat up, the smell of the food hitting your nose and making you realize how hungry you had gotten. Tony was back quickly, bringing the entire bottle of extra strength pain medication the doctor had given for your headaches. You ate as much as you could then took them before resting your head on Tony’s arm.
“Would you like to take a shower?”
You groan. “I don’t want to move that much. But is that your way of saying I stink? Cause you should smell yourself.”
“Good to see your sarcasm is still at 100.” He laughed, kissing your head. “But no, I’ll help you. You just sit there and relax.”
You thought for a moment. “More of that scalp massage would be nice. But you have to carry me.”
“It would be my pleasure. But first let me go do something.” He kisses your head again before slipping into the bathroom. The thought of going back to sleep crossed your mind but he was back as quick as he left. With one arm under your knees, and the other around your back, he carried you to the bathroom.
The only light was coming from the soft smelling candles, the shower was on, and he had set a chair up in it. Gently, he stood you up and helped you out of your clothes before setting you in the chair and removing his own.
“Okay, now you just sit there and let me take care of you.” After a kiss to your head he gently started washing your hair. Then his hands worked on the knots on your shoulders. The eucalyptus body wash made the entire steamy shower even more relaxing.
By the time he was done, the pain in your head had gone to five. In no time, you were dried and in a prewarmed bathrobe. There was a tray with tea sitting on the coffee table and the fireplace was on. Rain sounds were still filling the room and the blinds were still down.
“Here, sit here and drink some tea. Do you want to watch a movie?” Tony asked, handing you a warm cup of tea before sitting beside you on the couch.
You thought for a moment, feeling the warm liquid travel all the way to your belly. “Can you read to me? I think the lights from the tv might hurt too much.”
“Of course.” He reached around and picked your book off the side table. “How’s your head?”
“It’s better, a good night sleep with a warm cuddle and I should be good as new tomorrow.”
Tony pulled you closer, kissing you softly. “I’m more than willing to be used for my warm cuddle abilities. Now, get comfortable and listen to the lovely sound of my voice.”
You laughed, elbowing him lightly as he started reading. The next thing you remember was being gently laid into bed. Tony's warm arms pulling you close. “Thank you for taking care of me.” You said quietly, snuggling closer to him.
“Anything for you my love. Anything for you”
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Happenstance 7/10
Rated T    2.2K     ao3     ffnet     ch1        ch2       ch3       ch4       ch5      ch6
A/N: Thanks as always to my fabulous beta @hookedonapirate!! I’m on family vacation this week, it’s spring break for me and the kids and my hubby is back from his deployment!!   So, without further ado here is chapter seven being posted from Las Vegas.
Emma jumped up off her bed and threw her hand over her mouth as she began to gag. Running from her room she bowled straight into Killian.
“What is it, love?” he asked when he saw her frantic expression.  
Emma dry heaved once more and continued on to the bathroom without a word. Killian followed, wondering what had made her ill, only to be met by the door slamming in his face. An errant thought that perhaps she was disgusted by their kiss ran through his mind, and his heart dropped low in his chest.
He heard her weak voice through the door and longed to help her through whatever was making her sick. “May I come in?” He entered the bathroom when she cracked the door open, and knelt beside her. Emma was on her knees, head over the toilet as she vomited again. Tears streaked her face and she was sweating. He wondered if she’d eaten something spoiled, or if she’d caught a stomach bug. “I’m going to grab a few things, I’ll be right back, love.”
Killian was back by her side a moment later with an ice pack for her neck, a glass of water, and some crackers. He wasn’t quite sure what she needed, so he settled for comforting her until she could tell him exactly how he could help. He laid the cold pack across her neck and rubbed her back.
Emma was a ball of every negative emotion known. She was disgusted, that she’d ever been attracted to Neal, ever let him in her life. Angry that he felt like she owed him anything. Sad that she was once again dragging Killian into the cesspool that was her relationship with this asshole. Embarrassed by her reaction. Deciding that was the one thing she could control, Emma wiped her mouth and stood up. She walked to the sink and ripped her toothbrush from the cup on the sick. Brushing her teeth forcefully she ignored the confusion on Killian’s face; she couldn’t talk about it right now, not without being sick again. Reaching to the tub, she turned the water all the way to hot. “I’m going to shower,” she mumbled, still not making eye contact.
Killian watched as Emma moved in silence. She scrubbed at her teeth as though she were angry at them, and when she turned on the bath tap he was shocked it didn’t break loose from the wall. She was angry about something, perhaps his kiss had offended her then? When she mumbled that she was going to shower, he didn’t detect anger, but shame; she couldn’t look at him. But hadn’t she kissed him back? Hadn’t she deepened the kiss, and hadn’t she been, dare he say, happy? “Swan, I’m sorry I-”
“Killian,” she interrupted, still not looking at him. “I promise this has nothing to do with you, but I can’t talk about it right now.”
Killian placed his pointer finger gently under her chin and raised her downturned face. She avoided looking at him by averting her eyes. “Let me help.”
“You can’t. At least not right now. Please, just let me shower.” Tears formed in her eyes, and she sounded more broken than she had in months.
Killian’s shoulders sagged in defeat and he turned to walk out.
“I promise, Killian, it’s not about you.”
He nodded his head in understanding, then left her to shower. He shivered as he entered her room, it was freezing; noticing the window was open, he crossed the room to close it. As he looked around though, something was off. Several of her pillows were scattered on the floor, her blanket was in a heap at the bottom of the bed, and her lamp had been knocked down from the night stand. A frightening picture started to emerge, and he feared that she’d been attacked in the few moments he’d stepped away.
Several purposeful steps carried him straight back the bathroom. He knocked lightly so he wouldn’t wake anyone in the house. When Emma didn’t answer, he opened the door and stepped inside the steamy room closing the door behind him.
Emma had already washed thoroughly, but she scrubbed her mouth again, trying to wash away any trace of where his hand had touched her skin. She was sitting in the tub letting the scalding shower rain down over her as she let her tears fall freely, trying to make the disgust, anger, and sadness flow away. She’d allow herself this, and then Neal would never bother her again. She would get his damn bag, and then she would be that swan, she would take flight and not land until she was far from here. Maybe Killian would come with her?
Emma froze when she heard his voice, she hadn’t heard him come back in. “I’ll be out in a few minutes. I’m almost done.”
Killian could see her silhouette through the shower curtain and his heart wrenched in his chest as he saw her sitting in the tub, knees pulled to her chest as the shower sprayed over her. He heard the catch in her words and knew she was still crying. “Emma, if you were attacked we need to-”
“I wasn’t!” Emma panicked internally, she didn’t want to do this, not now. Turning off the water, she stood up, and reached out for a towel which Killian handed her. “Can you get me something to wear, I didn’t bring anything in.”
“Aye.” Killian was back in a flash. “Here you go,” he said leaving what she needed on the sink before exiting again.
Emma stepped out of the shower and eyed Killian’s choice of pajamas. There was a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. And boxers? Drying off she dressed, combed her hair, and brushed her teeth once more. She walked across the hall to her bedroom, but as soon as she was at the door she felt suffocated. Willing down the panic, she took a deep breath and looked at Killian who was sitting at her desk. “Can we sleep in your room tonight?”
His eyebrows furrowed at her request. She’d never wanted to sleep in his room, but he wasn’t going to argue with her right now. Getting up from the chair, he nodded his head and followed her down the hall.
Killian’s room was always immaculately neat. Almost as if no one lived there, which she supposed was kind of true since he slept in her room every night. She crawled right under the covers and snuggled straight into his embrace the moment he was next to her.
“Talk to me, Swan,” Killian whispered. He’d turned off the lights and slipped into bed where Emma had promptly cuddled up to him.
“Tell me about Liam?”
Killian sighed as he accepted that he was going to have to allow her deflection until she was ready. Something had happened, of that he was sure. “Liam was my brother. Remember when I said it’s not always better to know who and why? Well, I had the ideal, nuclear family, mum, dad, brother, and it didn’t make a damn difference, I still landed in the system. I was seven when my father accepted a job here in the states. Shortly after we’d settled in, my mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.”
Emma inhaled sharply, realizing what kind of story this would be. If Killian had once had a family and was in the foster system, then he’d lost everyone he’d loved, too.
“My father, the cowardly son of a bitch, left shortly after her diagnosis. He didn’t want to be widowed and saddled with two kids. He abandoned all of us, never to be heard from again. Liam joined the service in order to support me and mum. She died within a year, and then it was just me and Liam. He was old enough to take custody of me, and we did okay for a bit.  When I was fifteen, two men showed up at our door to notify Liam’s next of kin that he’d been killed by a drunk driver. I had a family, I knew them, I lost them all.”
Emma pondered his story, wondering if perhaps it was worse to know what you were missing. To have loved and been loved, only to lose it all; was that harder to cope with than never knowing who or where you came from. She brushed a tear that had fallen onto Killian’s cheek. She wouldn’t tell him she was sorry for his loss, he knew that already. She couldn’t pretend to understand his loss, it was different than hers, but she could offer comfort. “I’m here for you, Killian, just like you’ve been here for me. I know it’s not the same, but we have each other.”
Killian wrapped his arms around her, feeling the love passing between them. It was palpable, his heart was full, and just like New Year’s Eve, he felt valued. “Aye, love, we have each other. And you’re right, it’s not the same, but that doesn’t make it any less special.”
As the silence spread between them, Emma knew his questions were building. She could tell he was trying to hold back, and it would only be a matter of moments before he asked her again. Looking into his stormy blue eyes, she offered a deal. “If I tell you, you have to promise to stay calm.”
Killian tensed the moment she spoke the words. If she was warning him to stay calm, then that meant it was bad. “What happened?”
“Promise me first.”
“I can’t make any promises, to break them would be bad form. And if I find out that some piece of shit hurt you…” He couldn’t even finish the sentence as thoughts too heinous to speak crossed his mind. Her glassy green eyes were still light from the tears she had shed, and he hated the pain he saw in them. “What happened?”
“How do you know something happened?”
“I didn’t at first. I thought maybe you were regretting our kiss-”
Emma chuckled, “Don’t be stupid.”
“How am I to know, it was my first. Maybe I did it all wrong? But then I saw your room, the pillows and blankets were messed up, the lamp was knocked over, and the window was open.”
“When you left to change, Neal must have been watching from outside, he came in through my window.”
“Mother fucker. I’ll kill him,” Killian cursed.
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you! No one is killing anyone. How will we have each other if you’re in jail?”
“What did he do to you, Swan?”
“He didn’t do anything besides scare me. I mean he didn’t… rape me, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
A rush of relief flooded Killian’s body and he got a little light headed as breath came freely to him again. He supposed he wouldn’t need to commit murder now. “Now that I know what he didn’t do, can you tell me what he did that made you vomit?”
“I tried to run as soon as I heard him, but he pinned me down.” She tensed as the words left her lips. “He put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream. I was trying to get away, that’s why the bed is a mess and the lamp got knocked down.”
Another string of curses flowed as Killian listened to Emma recount what Neal had done and what he wanted. “We’re going to the police first thing in the morning.”
“No! He told me if I told you or the police that we’d be sorry. I don’t know what he means, but I don’t want to take any chances. I just want to get the stupid bag he needs me to retrieve and then we can leave this town. We can go far away from here.”
Killian assessed her silently. “You don’t want that, love. What about Ingrid and Ruth, Mary Margaret and David, and finishing school. Would you give all that away to run from Neal?”
“I’m not running,” she said stubbornly.
“I know you want to be that swan, I know you want to fly away from the bad things in your life. But what about the good things? Don’t let Neal take those away from you.”
“You won’t go with me?”
“I’d go anywhere with you or for you, to the end of the world or time.”
“Very smooth.”
“Thank you,” he smirked.   
Emma sighed; she knew he was right. She had to finish school, she’d promised herself in freshman year she wouldn’t be a statistic, she would be in the fifty percent of foster students that did graduate high school. She had real friends, friends that were like family for the first time ever. And she would totally regret it if she left Ingrid behind, the one caretaker who’d treated her properly, shown her that human decency was a real thing. Ingrid was the closest thing Emma had to a mother, and as far as Emma could tell, she was the closest thing Ingrid had to a daughter since losing her own daughter several years ago to Leukemia at the age of twelve.  
“Fine, but I still don’t want to go to the cops, we don’t know what Neal is capable of, he’s losing it. I don’t know if it’s jealousy, but he was crazed just now.”
“Emma, we have to go to the cops. You don’t know what’s in this bag of his.”
“If we send the cops to the locker, he’ll know, and he’ll retaliate.”
“What if we don’t send the cops to the locker?”
Tagging some lovelies:
@laschatzi @spartanguard @hollyethecurious@winterbaby89 @kmomof4@resident-of-storybrooke @artistic-writer@jennjenn615@snowbellewells@xhookswenchx@ultraluckycatnd @emeraldwitches @nikkiemms @galadriel26@roseyflush   @a-faekindagirl@ @killianjonesownsmyheart1 @effulgentcolors@onceuponaprincessworld @captainswan-shipper88@andiirivera@teamhook@tiganasummertree @deathbycaptainswan @kday426@sherlockianwhovian@mayquita@captswanis4vr @welllpthisishappening@princesseslikepirates @officerrogers @therooksshiningknight@thisisforcs@freechoicedreamer
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geekmama · 6 years
This Bud of Love
Still another post-Sherrinford/Musgrave offering, a series of seven drabbles of varying lengths using the prompts for Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Fall 2018 (in slightly altered order). I'm late to the game with this one, this is the last day of posting, but it was fun to revisit these situations.
 Prompt: "Free For All" - 150 words
It wasn’t long before Molly realized there was something very strange going on… something very wrong. Her ‘bad day’ was cast into the shade as she tried first to reach John, then Mycroft, to no avail. Third time’s the charm, she thought as Lestrand picked up, but the information he gave -- 221B blown up and some covert operation in progress -- almost left her speechless.
She told Greg about the phone call.
After that it was sirens, screeching tires, pounding feet, kind eyes, sharp orders; hidden cameras, at least, and who-knew-what at most. She was hustled away as they began to take apart her house, just like that phone call had taken apart her heart -- and she could not help but wonder about Sherlock’s heart, the desperation in his voice, and if he would forgive her the disastrous moment of stubborn pique that had forced those words from his lips.
 Prompt: "Touch" - 300 words
The ‘safe house’ that Mycroft’s P.A. arranged was not at all what Molly had expected, so elegant that, when she was finally left alone, she could only hug herself and stare about her at the luxurious appointments, beautiful antiques, and the fire in the grate, her eyes beginning to sting nonsensically. However, when a tear escaped to slip wetly down her cheek, she came out of her stupor, exclaimed, “Stupid!”, swiped it away, gathered her little courage, and began to look about her.
She’d been told to get some sleep, that she’d be kept abreast of developments, but alone, frightened, and worried was not a formula designed to produce such an outcome. She did what she could. She found a soft sleep tee, a fluffy dressing gown, and a bathroom both incredibly posh and fully stocked with the finest toiletries. She would have enjoyed herself very much indeed in the time that followed, if she had not been so thoroughly heartsick.
There was a television but, though she clicked through the channels for hours, it told her nothing to the point.
It was nearly 2AM and she was finally sinking into a troubled slumber when there was a knock at the door. She silently scrambled up, out, over the thick Aubusson carpet, and peered through the peephole.
Sherlock. Looking as ravaged as she felt.
She unchained and unbolted the door, threw it open, and they gaped at each other for a long moment: fraught, electric; paralyzing.  
Then Sherlock breathed, “Molly… Molly, I--”
But she threw herself at him, almost yelping, “I’m sorry!”
Wonder of wonders, he caught her and hugged her close, solid and safe under the rough wool of that coat. “You’re sorry!” he said, almost laughing. “Oh my God. Molly… I love you!”
She began to sob.
Prompt: "Scent" - 700 words
The delicious scent of fresh coffee woke them.
Molly’s eyes blinked open to find that she was still nose to nose with Sherlock, both of them sharing the same pillow, and his arms were loose about her. He was awake too, his brow stormy as he listened intently.
“Anthea, I think, but you stay here while I go see.”
He slipped silently out of bed and moved out, toward the tiny kitchen. However, Molly refused to be left out and followed, after a moment, straightening her sleep tee and running her fingers swiftly through her disheveled hair. There had been a great deal of extremely satisfactory cuddling in the wee hours of the night, and she could not help but smile to remember it, even with an unknown stranger having invaded their nest.
But it was indeed Anthea, Mycroft’s insouciant P.A.
“What the devil are you doing, sneaking in here?” Sherlock demanded.
Anthea was unperturbed by his threatening tone. “Can I help it if the pair of you were dead asleep? I’ve brought you breakfast and a message from your brother.” She glanced over at Sherlock and saw that Molly was there, too, just behind and to the side. Anthea smiled. “Good morning, Dr. Hooper. I hope you rested well?”
Sherlock turned to scold, but Molly ignored him and slipped past, into the kitchen. “Yes, thank you. After Sherlock’s arrival, at least. Is his brother all right? And John?”
“John is home with his daughter and seems none the worse for his experience -- physically, at least. And Mycroft came into the office this morning as usual.” She shook her head in disapproval.
“What’s his message?” asked Sherlock. “And, more importantly, what have you brought us for breakfast? I haven’t eaten since before the flat was blown up.”
“I thought you hadn’t. Catering straight from Christopher’s in Covent Garden, probably more than you can eat -- they seem to have sent a little of everything. Your coffee’s black with two sugars, correct? And would you like coffee, too, Dr. Hooper, or do you prefer tea?”
“Coffee, please!” Molly said, sitting down at the little café table in the corner of the kitchen. “Is there cream?”
“Certainly,” said Anthea. “Sit down, Sherlock, and I’ll serve you both. Then I have to get back to the office. Mycroft is exhausted, but is full of plans for the next few days.”
“My parents,” Sherlock said, morosely, sitting down beside Molly and taking her hand under the table. He gave it a squeeze, and they exchanged a look that made Molly light up inside. And outside, too, apparently. Sherlock lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Then Anthea was there with a tray and a knowing smile for them both. Molly felt herself blushing a little, but Anthea said only, “A car’s being sent for your parents. Mycroft believes it would be best if they were told as soon as possible.” As she laid out their breakfast, she added, “He says there is no need for you to attend the initial meeting, Sherlock. That the responsibility is his and his alone.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes. “He would, of course. Idiot.”
“You’ll come back with me then?” Anthea asked, hopefully, with an apologetic glance at Molly.
Molly’s heart gave a twinge, but she forced a smile when Sherlock said, “Yes, I’ll have to. Mycroft’s made mistakes, but much of it was initiated by our uncle. But knowing Mycroft, he’ll try to take the full blame, which will ultimately only confuse matters.
Anthea sighed. “That’s what I think, too.” She set the tray aside. “I’ll leave you to enjoy breakfast and wait for you in the car. Dr. Hooper, your home has been cleared and our people have done their best to put things back in order. We can drop you there before going on to the office.”
“Yes. Alright,” said Molly, the twinge increasing. She watched Anthea leave, heard the door close behind her, then turned slowly to Sherlock…
Who looked as unsure as she felt.
He said, “I… my flat’s not habitable at the moment…” His voice trailed off.
“Would you… like to stay at mine?”
His uncertainty vanished, and he smiled again.
 Prompt: "Sound" - 100 Words
It was hours before the sound of the front door opening brought Molly rushing  into the foyer. Then she hesitated. Old habits.
Sherlock closed the door behind him, looked as though he wanted to rush to her, but hesitated, too. Then held out his hand.
She came to him and took the hand (big and warm, yet elegant, with the calluses of an accomplished violinist) and after a brief, still moment, he pulled her into his arms. An imperative finger was presently set beneath her chin, raising it. She took the hint, and stood on tiptoe, melting into his kiss.
 Prompt: "Taste" - 200 words
He was not entirely untutored, what with He-Made-Me-Wear-The-Hat Janine, John’s hackable computer password and eclectic taste in porn, and Molly’s own predilection for the steamy romance novels that Sherlock had occasionally picked up as light reading, usually in the wake of particularly intense criminal cases. Yet there was a wonder and innocence in the way they proceeded that afternoon and well into the evening.
Never had Molly wanted to give herself so completely. Never had a man been so attuned to her needs, and ready to give of himself.
She lay there, boneless, the echo of her cries fading as he moved up to cover her, one hand urging her thighs to part once more, the other tangling in her hair. His face blurred before her as she murmured his name, and then she arched, gasping as hypersensitive flesh was gently grazed. He kissed her, open mouthed, messy, and delicious with the taste of them both, and, amazingly, desire rekindled deep within her.
He moved his lips, trailing kisses in a path to her ear: “Now, my Molly?”
She could only reply, “Yes, please,” and, reaching down to guide him, turned her head and caught his lips in another kiss.
    Prompt: "Sight" - 300 words
“I never thought I’d see live to see it,” John said with a grin as Molly and Sherlock approached the table in their favorite “cake place”. Rosie was eighteen months old that day. It had to be celebrated.
The toddler gave a happy cry, and Molly swept her up, letting Sherlock take the brunt of John’s observation for the moment. A glance showed that he bore some heightened color, but there was a happy glow about him, a kind of pride that could not be hidden. Certainly John had seen it.
“A lot has changed,” Sherlock said, simply. “It’s good to see you. No ill effects?”
“None to speak of,” John said, shrugging slightly. “More thankful than ever to be alive, to tell you the truth. How’s Mycroft doing? What’s he think of… er… all this? You and Molly?”
Sherlock gave Molly a crooked grin. “He’s the one who goaded me to it. After you left that night, he showed up and told me how… how concerned Molly had been. What else could I do but go to her, and see that she was well.”
John chuckled, but shook his head, too. He looked over and caught Molly’s eye. “Was it worth the wait? For him to grow some bollocks, I mean.”
Molly frowned at the use of such language around her innocent goddaughter, but she laughed, too. “Sherlock’s bollocks have always been just fine, John. And of course it was worth the wait.”
She would have said more, but at this point, Rosie pushed a little away and said to her father and godfather, quite clearly, “Bollocks!”
Molly gave a cry of dismay and laughter, Sherlock groaned, and John said, “Oh, my God. Okay, maybe we’d do better to just shut up for now and eat some cake, yeah?”
 Prompt: "Feelings" - 250 words
Mycroft stood watching his little brother and sister playing their violins. Sherlock was good, but Eurus was brilliant, incandescent, as was her nature. Such brilliance, yet her powers had been used to do so much ill.
He glanced at his mother and father, who sat entranced. So many years wasted, his mother had said, tears in her eyes.
But he had done the best he could. There was nothing else he could have done but acquiesce to Uncle Rudy’s arrangements.
And protect his vulnerable little brother. Or at least that’s how it had seemed. Sherlock had been brilliant, too, but where Euros was cold, their brother had burned and burned. The boy might have gone up in flames -- had been close to it a number of times in fact -- if Mycroft had not taken control of the situation.
And yet… speaking of wasted years.
But it was all water under the bridge now. Sherlock and Molly might be older, but the happiness they were currently experiencing and would, no doubt, continue to experience had its seeds in Musgrave, and had come to fruition at Sherrinford.
Nothing was ever wasted, it seemed.
Mycroft roused himself from his musings to find the eyes of his little sister upon him. The laughter in them was quite visible through the protective glass.
We are all fools in love.
He wondered vaguely where he’d heard that. A quote from some novel?.
He’d have to look it up.
Or ask his soon-to-be sister-in-law. She would know.
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talesfromthepayload · 7 years
I Keep Falling For You Part 1
A/N: So this is a request for McCree, Hanzo, Soldier: 76, and Genji. This part just has McCree and Soldier: 76 because I made it a lot longer than I thought. Stayed tune for part 2 sometime.
For somebody who has spent as many years in combat training as yourself, you’d never understand why you had such troubles keeping on your feet. It wasn’t like you weren’t coordinated or anything, but sometimes, when out of combat, you found yourself tripping over everything. Normally, in the shower this wasn’t a problem because you’d placed a mat on the floor of the tub months before after you’d nearly given yourself a concussion. Now, however, your room had been taken away for the time being after an accident regarding some training (fighting) between Hanzo and Genji.
McCree had offered his room up suspiciously fast. While your cheeks had heated up at the prospect, you’d graciously accepted, if only because of the feelings you’d harbored for the cowboy for quite some time.
He’d been kind in giving you his bed last night, you mused, the hot stream of water cascading down your back. In fact, he’d been almost too kind. You’d ventured to guess that maybe, just maybe, he felt something a little more than friendship with you. Insecurity shut that thought down immediately.
He was damn near perfection, and you paled in comparison. Your eyes shot the shower ground, watching as water streamed up the sides like waves on the ocean. Someone like him could never like someone like you. He was strong and charming and handsome. You couldn’t even make it down a hallway without falling.
You sighed, crushed that the man you’d fallen in love with would never love you back. Sullenly, you stepped forward to reach for the shampoo. You lost balance, your feet slipping out from under you. In fear, you reached out for anything, twisting and turning your body to stop the fall. Instead, all you’d managed to do was change your position, causing your shoulder to take the brunt of it.
You heard a sickening pop, your heart frozen in fear and your body frozen in pain. A painful whimper bubbled up from your chest, echoing around the small bathroom. You couldn’t move, too afraid that the sharp, stabbing pain would worsen in intensity if you did. Tears pricked your eyes.
Mentally, you were scolding yourself. You’d gotten hurt worse than this on missions, the pain wasn’t so bad if you didn’t think about it. You tried like hell to focus on anything else, your lips stuck between your teeth.
“(Y/N)?” A voice called, tentatively.
You knew that sweet voice with all that Southern charm. It was McCree. You wanted to call out, instead, only a cry of pain was released. Your vision was swimming, whether with the steady stream of water still beating down on your soaked form or the oncoming tears, you weren’t entirely sure.
McCree hadn’t waited a second longer, the door flying open as his wide, alert eyes scanned the room. He noticed you in the tub, mouth open in wordless cries as you couldn’t seem to move.
“Darlin’?” He questioned, fully aware of your state of undress, but keeping his eyes on yours to protect your modesty.
“M-Mc-” you couldn’t speak, pain skittering down your spine.
You knew he could see your whole body, and it nearly caused you to breakdown right there. You wanted to run away from his eyes, even though they were locked with yours. He would think you looked disgusting, he wouldn’t even want you to be in his room anymore.
As soon as he saw the first tear roll down your cheek, McCree rushed over. He had a towel thrown over one forearm, the other reaching out to shut off the steamy water.
“It’s okay,” he soothed, wrapping the towel around you while still managing to look into your eyes. “Ain’t nothin’ to worry about, sugar.”
You couldn’t hold yourself together anymore. You fell into his shoulder, tears falling by the dozen. You’d forgotten the pain in your shoulder, the pain of embarrassment replacing it. McCree just held you, fingers running soothingly along your hair as he shushed you.
You kept that position for nearly 15 minutes before you began to calm down.
You must look like such a mess, you thought bitterly, red eyes downcast.
“Now, you goin’ to tell me what’s the matter?” He inquired, his lips dangerously close to your forehead.
His heart ached seeing you like this and all he really wanted to do was kiss your forehead and assure you it was all going to be okay.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes.
He wasn’t having any of it. He pressed two fingers under your chin, forcing your gaze to meet his.
“(Y/N)?” His voice was softer than you’d ever heard it.
You sighed, dropping back into his embrace. As soon as his arms wrapped around you, you melted into him. It didn’t take long for the pain and mental exhaustion to catch up to you. Before you knew it, you’d drifted off.
Jesse noticed your change in breathing. It wasn’t until he lifted you into his arms that his suspicions were confirmed. You were asleep.
His lips lifted into a soft smile as he carried you towards the bed. He placed you down gently, standing above your form. His heart sped up, and, unable to help himself, he placed a feather of a kiss on your forehead.
He couldn’t bring himself to leave you like this, so he sat up beside you. Your form molded around his, as he positioned himself to be more comfortable. He couldn’t keep a smile off his face as you unconsciously cuddled into him.
“Goodnight, darlin’,” he whispered, silently promising you that he’d solve whatever had you so sad, after visiting the doc about the pain, of course.
With your sleeping figure curled up against him, Jesse McCree fell into the most peaceful sleep he’d had in years.
Soldier: 76:
Your stubbornness on the battlefield was one of your greatest assets. Off the battlefield, however, was a different story. It often lead to fights with Jack about your health as well as your attitude.
You didn’t know if it was a superiority complex or what, but Soldier: 76 was constantly in your business. Although, you didn’t seem to mind most days, seeing as you’d been head over heels for him for as long as you care to remember.
Today, however, was not a day where you found Jack’s concern endearing. You had shaken him off after the mission long enough to sulk back to your bedroom. Even though you slammed the door and locked it, he still followed you in. You’d simply rolled your eyes, proclaimed you were taking a shower, and smiled smugly as you ended the discussion.
You’d been wrong.
As the steady stream of the shower rolled down your back, steam drifting up over the curtains, Jack grumbled on the other side of the door. You’d long since tuned him out, inspecting the new injuries you’d sustained instead. Most were just little cuts and bruises, nothing that a little R & R couldn’t take care of. One, however, was particularly concerning.
You’d been hit by some stray shrapnel that’d managed to lodge itself between your ribs. The skin around the metal was bruised and bloody. Though you weren’t sure how deep the shrapnel was, it’s length was startling. Some illogical part of you convinced yourself that if you removed the shrapnel, you’d be able to stitch it up and be good as new without bothering the already-busy Angela.
Jack’s voice offered comfort as you pulled sharply at the piece of metal. It budged, sliding swiftly through the flesh. Your vision swam at the sight of how big the metal was and you couldn’t quite seem to keep your balance. You sucked in a breath, panicking when it just felt like little bubbles of air.
Unable to stand, you fell to your knees, finally noticing the shower floor. It was covered in your warm blood, the copious amounts of water not able to wash it away.
Jack must’ve heard your knees slam against the ground because he was before you in seconds, eyes full of worry. Your heart was pounding against your chest, arms scrambling to cover yourself. Even with all the commotion in your mind over the amount of blood and the pain, insecurity reigned supreme.
Tears pricked your eyes in embarrassment. You were bare before him. He must think you to be absolutely horrid looking. Not to mention, he probably thinks you’re awfully weak.
“I’m fine, Jack, just go please.” You managed to whisper, backing away from Jack’s hands.
“You’re not fine,” he said, stopping his movements when he saw you flinch. “Jesus, you need to see Mercy.”
“Please,” you whimpered.
You must look pathetic. There was no chance Jack would ever feel the way you felt about him now.
“I’m not going to leave you,” he stated.
You swallowed, eyes pleading. The pain was getting to you, your head was beginning to feel lighter.
“You need Angela, now.” He warned, offering a hand to you.
You looked at it with trepidation, though your lids were growing heavy. Your resistance was fading as you teetered forward, Jack’s arms catching you without hesitation.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he soothed, throwing a towel over your body to protect your modesty.
He was sprinting towards the med bay, not particularly considered for anything else except you in this moment.
“I love you, Jack,” you whispered, sure it’d be the last thing you’d ever say.
At least this way you wouldn’t have to deal with rejection. Jack’s Adam’s apple bobbed, his grip tightening.
“Listen to me, sweetheart,” he began, voice gentle, “I need you to wake up so I can tell you I love you for the rest of my life.”
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leonpaladin · 7 years
The Godfather
Words: 7,368
Summary: Niall decides to visit Liam’s house to babysit his godson, Bear, while Cheryl was in New York and Liam was busy with his album. He’s lost in thought about something and Liam finds out. They fight -- drama, confessions, and melancholy ensues.
It was hard to miss him. Even when he’s ditched his boy-next-door blonde hair and gone all brunette, there was a charm—-maybe because he’s Irish—-that made him stand out from the rest.
After months of planning, exhausting every avenue of promotion and touring for their solo albums and singles, the first of baby Bear Payne’s godfathers has arrived.
The plan was supposed to be Niall taking a cab to Liam and Cheryl’s place in L.A., having dinner with them before Cheryl would fly for New York for some reunion with friends, and then Niall would babysit while Liam worked at the studio. But as clever as they’ve always been, every goddamn paparazzi got wind of the situation.
So the plan had to change.
Liam had to drive to LAX to fetch Niall secretly; there was this whole thirty minutes of checking every now and then if someone had recognized either one of them before Niall could get into the car. When they arrived at Liam’s house, however, Cheryl had already left.
“Someone was taking photos…” Liam insisted on carrying Niall’s luggage. The Irish seemed distracted along the road, staring emptily on the horizon like it was some pretty painting. “Definitely taking photos.”
“Won’t matter anymore, mate.” Niall had stopped protesting and was forced to walk the front porch empty-handed, eyes darting on every corner of the house’s facade. “At least we didn’t get mobbed though.”
Niall first glanced at the square leather couches when he entered the living room. “Shame I didn’t get to taste Cheryl’s cookin’—-was looking forward for that.”
Liam turned on the lights in the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a large pan covered in foil. “Still have some leftovers, if you want.” Tossing it into the microwave, he turned toward Niall who was busy admiring every inch of the house.
“And it’s my cooking,” Liam said rather proudly in his strange American accent. “I can cook now, you know.”
“I’m sure you can…” Niall answered absent-mindedly. “Where’s my little godson?”
Liam eyed him suspiciously. “You’re not going anywhere near him until you’ve snapped out of that trance of yours.”
“What trance?”
“That trance!” Liam’s voice rose. “Ever since I picked you up at the airport, you’ve been staring out the window.”
“I wasn’t in a trance,” defended Niall.
The microwaved beeped; Liam pulled out oven mittens from the drawer and fished out the pan, laying it on the countertop. “If you weren’t in a trance, then you would’ve known that Bear isn’t here.”
“Wait, what?”
“See!” Liam was getting frustrated. “I told you in the car—-Cheryl flew to New York. Seeing as we weren’t sure you could come right away, she brought Bear with her.”
“You told me that in the car?”
Liam threw the oven mitt at Niall. “Stop fucking around!”
Niall looked at him, horrified and confused. Liam rubbed his temple; he opened the fridge again and grabbed a water bottle. They were both quiet while Liam chugged the water down. He threw it into the trash and sighed.
“Two minutes in and we’re already fighting…” Liam closed his eyes. “Niall, I promise I won’t snap like that again, just tell me what’s going on.”
Niall bit his lower lip.
“C’mon, mate… You can trust me.”
Niall’s ears perked up. It’s true, he trusted Liam more than most people. Even if Liam had changed, he could still feel the genuineness of his words. But Niall felt like secrets like the one he’s keeping at the moment is something even Liam wouldn’t understand…
“I fucked it up, Li,” croaked Niall.
Liam’s brows furrowed. “Fucked what up?”
Niall didn’t answer.
“Jesus,” Liam couldn’t shake the feeling. This was shy Niall, scared little Niall—too soft, too fragile. This was the Niall that got a panic attack after getting mobbed in London when they stupidly thought they could go grab a pint without getting noticed. “You didn’t get some girl knocked up, did you?”
Niall’s eyes widened. “What—-no! Liam, you know I don’t do that fan thing anymore!”
“Then what is it!” The anxiety was getting to him as well. Niall’s a ball of sunshine. Anything that turns him into something else was easily a cause for alarm. “Ni, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“Tell me.”
“Li, don’t—-don’t make me… You’ll just get angry-—”
“Tell me, now.”
“I…I slept with Zayn.”
“You—-” Liam felt something caught up in his throat. “WHAT?!”
Tears were pricking Niall’s eyes. “You said you wouldn’t get mad!”
Liam carded his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Niall…”
“You fucking promised, Li!”
Holding up his hand, Liam tried to calm himself down. “Alright, alright…It’s just that—-god—-why-—how did—-” Liam stared at Niall who was red all over. “Was it when you shook hands with him?”
Niall slowly nodded.
“How did that happen?”
“It was after I performed This Town,” explained Niall, wiping the drying tears from his cheeks. “I was backstage, packing my things when he suddenly pulled me into one of the dressing rooms. Locked it up and…then he started kissing me…”
Liam swallowed thickly.
“I pushed him away—-I was mad. He leaves us and then wants to have his way with me…says he’s sobered up about the whole breaking away from the band thing and just wanted something to remind him of before.” Niall closed his eyes. “You know how much I love you all, even Zayn, but even though I wanted him back in the band—-he’s a prick.”
“But you helped him leave the band.”
Niall’s ears twitched. “I didn’t—-”
“-—that whole drug thing, that was you,” insisted Liam. He was closing in on Niall while the other backed away, the blonde—-now brunette—-finding himself between Liam and the cabinet. “The final straw so he could get what he wanted. We’ve always known Zayn wasn’t happy with what he was doing. The fucking band made him rich but he still wanted to get away—-and you helped him. We let him off his contract because you convinced us that he’d only get worse if we don’t give him what he wants, and that it was for the best.”
Niall looked scandalized. “Why are you pinning this on me all of the sudden?”
“Admit it,” spat Liam.
“Admit what?”
“That you fell in love with him—-that’s why you helped him! You aren’t mad at him, you don’t think he’s a prick. You just want him.”
“You’re fucking crazy, mate!”
“In fact, maybe you even wanted him to fuck you after that awards show,” Liam’s tone was rising, along with his anger. “You missed his cock, Ni? Did you miss his big, fat, fucking cock inside your ass?!”
“Shut up! Just shut up!” Niall pushed him away. “You’re just jealous!”
Liam’s eyes widened.
“You’re jealous that after everything, Zayn came to me and not you!” screamed Niall. “What do you care, Li? You and Zayn were over before he left! Didn’t work out, did it? You’re too jealous, he’s too moody. It wouldn’t—-”
“And the two of you would?!” growled Liam. “First Harry, then Zayn, and then me-—”
“What do you mean, you?”
“That blowjob in Sweden—-and when we fucked in Hong Kong before we flew to Manila—-”
“You said you wanted to forget!” spat Niall. “We were all pretend crying on stage and then after we got to the hotel, you dragged me into your room because you wanted to get over Zayn breaking up with you and leaving the band, remember that?!”
“But you did fall for him?”
“What’s it to you?!”
“Because, what, Liam? Why can’t you just—-”
“-—because I’m in love with you!”
Their faces were inches apart. Liam was blotchy red all over, veins popping on his forehead; Niall was staring at him with shock, rosy stains creeping on his pale, stubbled chin and cheeks. They were both out of breath from all the anger, from all the frustrations, from everything that had been balled up inside their chests. Ever since the band broke up, they’ve rarely talked; separate lives have taken over.
Now, the revelation had been thrown out into the open. Niall didn’t know what to do with what Liam just said. It was disarming: he always knew they had this sweet relationship but he never imagined Liam would honest-to-goodness be in love with him. Their times fooling around were just for laughs and Niall didn’t realize it was turning into something else for Liam.
Niall opened his mouth to speak but Liam pulled him closer and locked their lips. It’s been a while since Niall tasted those lips—-chapped and unforgettable, reminding him of their first kiss back on the Take Me Home tour when they bought those pineapples in Australia.
Back then it was just curiosity and a sense of fondness for each other; now it was desperation and release. They weren’t those boys anymore. They’ve grown out of those shoes, out of each other’s lives. Somehow, those years together never felt like anything more than just a dream.
Liam was no longer the thoughtful, sensible guy who cuddled him up whenever he felt insecure. He, on the other hand, was no more that soft, soft baby that felt safe inside his band mates’ arms. No longer with the braces, no longer the underdog, no longer that sweet boy with crooked teeth who didn’t belong in a group of handsome bachelors.
They’ve all settled down—-had their own families and solo careers—-and now it’s his turn for girls and guys popping out of his hotel room every now and then. He’s forgotten their names, just memories of late night orgasms of creaking beds, fucks on tables, up and against walls and windows, and under steamy showers that were over before he knew it.
The morning after he’s still the bachelor with no commitments: just a man with adventurous one night stands and short-lived dates.
Yet as Liam took him—-and he’d let him—-Niall felt like that sweet boy again; in the arms of someone he’d known for a long time but now he wasn’t soft anymore—-they were both hard and rough. He never knew what he felt for Liam. It was just there and it had no label—-he didn’t want to name it as anything but theirs and theirs alone.
“I…I love you, Niall…” Liam sobbed as their lips broke away. “I don’t know why but you’ve always been someone special to me. I-I get mad at the thought you had someone…I should let you be…but I…I don’t—-”
Niall kissed him again, hands settling on Liam’s arms.
“Then take me,” whispered Niall, their noses brushing. “Right here, right now. Make me remember how it feels like, Li—-because I tried to find it with so many but I couldn’t… I just couldn’t, Li…”
“I loved it when you called me that…” Liam nipped at his ear, giggling softly like he was nineteen again. “It’s so cute, Ni-Ni…”
Niall skin flushed deep pink, felt it was too long since he last heard it. Liam had become tattoos, cigarettes, and hip hop. He’s changed so much that it was almost a different person. But the way his voice sounds-—those deep rumbles and slurs that even his American accent couldn’t hide—-is the past that lives on.
“Liam,” Niall sounded impatient.
“How about a shower, yeah?” Liam had excitement laced around his sultry words. Grabbing Niall’s waist, Liam squeezed him forward, rubbing their crotches together. “Done that before, haven’t we, Ni? Remember that time when Harry had to pee and I was still inside you?”
“Li…” Niall bit down his moan, trying to not completely lose it and rut himself onto Liam. “C’mon…”
Then Liam had a laugh and kissed Niall on the tip of his nose. “Maybe we’ll do that later. But for now, you’ve gotta eat.”
“Liam!” Niall’s ears turned red, the thrill in his veins abruptly stopped. He threw a frustrated glare at Liam. “You’re a fucking asshole!”
“Aww, babe…” Liam grabbed Niall’s arm and kissed his cheek, a growl rumbling in his throat as he continued, “You won’t have time to eat when I start fucking you raw…and we’ve got lots of time in our hands. Image all the things I could do to you—-maybe you could even fuck me. I bet you’d want that, huh, Ni? Me on all fours and you cumming inside me?”
Niall could feel his dick get hard at the thought of being inside Liam, pounding him deep and making him scream—-
“Liam! Not helping!”
All throughout the time Liam was busy in the kitchen cooking, Niall had to hold back any type of thought that made him chew on his lips. He kept on checking his phone, playing a game he downloaded but never played, just to keep his eyes distracted from the back muscles underneath Liam’s shirt.
Liam kept the conversation alive by talking about making music alone…something about him getting into Harry Potter because of Bear…and something else that Niall wasn’t sure of because he kept thinking of other things—-like how Liam’s voice was turning him on.
“So…Harry’s going on tour…” said Liam, making his way around the kitchen, chopping up some chives, scooping it up, and throwing it into the pan that was sizzling over the stove. “Have you thought on going on tour?”
Niall shrugged. “Depends. The studio would want me to, of course. I haven’t even released the album yet—-and it’s already June.”
Their short conversations changed every minute or so and Niall was getting impatient with Liam. He knows Liam was doing it on purpose-—to rile him up. But he kept at it, tried to look as plain and calm as possible.
They finally ate—-lunch, second lunch, or whatever you wanted to call it because it was already two in the afternoon—-and Niall was feeling giddy. Liam, on the other hand, looked perfectly fine, chewing away like a fucking aristocrat.
Niall couldn’t deny that Liam had become a good cook. Back when they were in the band, it was either him or Harry that cooked. He’s always been a fancy gourmet fan and Harry’s all about hearty, good food. Niall remembered with fondness how Louis would overreact and dramatize how they would starve without the two of them.
“Well, you could always get chicken nuggets from McDonald’s,” he would say and Louis would’ve gave him a sour look like he said something racially inappropriate.
“Those things are garbage compared to this!” Louis would hold up the plate, imitating the opening scene from The Lion King. “This is fucking gold, this is. Niall, send my love to Jamie Oliver for teaching you how to cook.”
“What about my cooking?” Harry would pout.
“Yours is that warm feeling of home, love,” Louis would reply, kissing Harry on the cheek. “Hearty and just delicious.”
Then they would make cute noises and Niall would eat somewhere else or else he’d get tooth decay from all the sweetness he’d be exposed to if he stayed at the table with Louis and Harry. He would join Liam, who was always eating away silently while on his phone, watching another episode of one of those goddamn TV shows Niall couldn’t even finish watching.
“…and then Henry said something about fish hooks and everybody started laughing and—-hey!”
Niall found Liam staring at him.
“I was telling you something…”
“Oh, sorry… I dozed away…”
“What about?”
“Old times,” said Niall, smiling a bit. “Harry and I cooking.”
Liam smiled as well. “Yeah, I missed those times. Back then, I never really did have the nerve to cook anything. Now, here we are…”
Niall tried to say something but he stared at the beer bottle in his hand. Liam noticed him in his deep thought.
“Do you want us to come back?”
“Come back?”
“Yes, come back—-me, Louis, Harry…and even Zayn.”
“Like a reunion?”
“No,” Liam shook his head. “Like a legit band again. Tours, albums, sleepless nights—-the whole good shit.”
Niall chuckled though his eyes twinkled.
“Good shit?”
Liam shrugged.
“I’m being reasonable and grateful. Made me rich, made me famous-—I’d be at the factory with my dad if all of that didn’t happen.”
Niall took a swig of the beer beside his plate. “I’d probably be basking on the street and serving tables in Mullingar just to get through maybe college. Doubt that I would get through though.”
“And there’s also other things…”
“What other things?”
“I wouldn’t have met you four.”
“Getting sappy now, are we?”
Liam shook his head, emptied his bottle, and leaned back on the chair. “I’m being serious, Niall. You’ve all taught me things—-too much really. Seen and done things I wouldn’t have done in my life. You’ve all made me laugh and cry, broke my heart and mended it again. We had the worst fights five stupid teenagers could’ve got themselves into. It keeps me awake at night sometimes—-all the things we said, things we never really meant but just did out of anger. I’ve grown and all the things I’ve learned I’m using to raise my kid…” Liam’s eyes began to well up with tears. “Ha, how about that? A kid… Jesus, I’m a dad now and that entire thing with you guys seems like another lifetime ago.”
Niall frowned. “Liam…”
The tattooed man from Wolverhampton, eyes brown and warm as chocolate, stood up and walked towards Niall. Liam pulled Niall up and locked their lips together.
“Liam, what are you—-”
“Please don’t leave,” Liam whispered, voice broken. “You’re my last piece of that life. Stay with me…please…”
“Alright, hey, it’s alright,” Niall consoled him. “I’m not leaving, Liam—-none of us are.”
There had always been a debate, a question during interviews or even with just the five of them, on who will miss being in the band the most. Niall would always say it was him. He was the proper show-off even when he was still auditioning, and being in a boy band was one of the highlights of his career that was there to endure.
But as he stood there under the drizzling water of the shower, naked and wondering what brought up Liam’s very emotional version of a mid-life crisis at twenty-four, he remembered all the questions they’ve asked themselves during late nights: The first one to compromise, the first one to drive himself away, the one who’ll set it all on fire, the person who would forget every single promise. They’ve managed to even turn it into a song because at that time, they could feel it-—the impending dark cloud was on the horizon and each one of them, though not talking about it out loud, knew something was going happen.
And then it did.
Just after arriving in Manila, the camera flashes and Filipino girls (their boyfriends, and probably some gay friends as well) were screaming their names but they weren’t five but just four. A few hours later, the local news were swarming with rumors from the international press about Zayn’s decision on leaving the band. They tried to keep it together, like they’ve always had. A mask for the limelight that wasn’t forgiving for the weak and vulnerable. They had a fight backstage during their second night in Manila, something Louis said and Liam biting back. Harry was still recovering from his slip on the rain-drenched stage the previous night and wasn’t so keen on being his proper showman self. The talks on Zayn’s departure settled down for a while but was on proper rampage when they came back to London.
“…I broke it up with Perrie,” said Zayn.
“The engagement—-”
“I called everything off, Niall. Everything.”
“You called her?”
“I texted her.”
“I was high.”
“You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?”
“I’ve always been a fucking asshole, Ni. A pretty-faced motherfucking asshole piece of shit.”
“And you called me just to tell me that?”
“I messed up, Niall…”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
Niall was lost in thought, the cold water drowning out the world outside his mind, and he didn’t notice the door of the shower opening and a shadow lurking behind him. A pair of arms wrapped around his waist and Niall jumped in surprise.
“Calm down, it’s me,” Liam whispered into his ear.
A shiver ran down Niall’s spine as Liam spun him around. Inches from each other, Niall’s heart started pounding like crazy. He’s done this plenty of times but never was he nervous like this. And he shouldn’t be, he thought, because this was Liam—Liam of all people. Liam wouldn’t do anything on purpose to hurt him.
“What’s wrong?” Liam frowned at him. “Niall, are you alright?”
Niall looked down. “I feel…like…I don’t know…”
“Hey,” Liam pulled his chin up. “This won’t be like Hong Kong, I promise.”
“Hong Kong was alright, Liam…”
“But I hurt you.”
“You were just angry. I don’t blame you.”
Liam shook his head.
“No, I didn’t even know how you felt.”
There was silence. It was strange how most of their conversations nowadays ended up in silence. They stared at each other—Niall a blushing mess and Liam bearing a guilty expression on his face—as the water trickled down their skin, washing away the memories of the past that they wanted to forget. Liam grabbed the soap from behind Niall and started lathering themselves, a huge tension rising as Liam’s fingers moved sensually across Niall’s naked skin.
It was a quick, decisive moment when they both chose to let everything go; their lips met and Niall flung his arms around Liam’s neck. He felt Liam’s hands trace the water trickling down his spine. Niall gasped, feeling Liam’s soapy finger teasing his entrance. It prodded slowly until it slipped inside. Niall let out a soft noise and bit down on Liam’s shoulder.
“You alright, Ni?” Liam asked, not minding a sharp, tingling sensation on where Niall bit on his skin.
Niall nodded, his voice a little shaky. “Just been a while, is all… God, Liam—another…fuck…”
When Liam added another finger, Niall couldn’t hold himself from moaning out loud. He’d been too used to being the one doing the work—too long since he was the one taking it and he felt embarrassed that Liam had to see his struggle. His hands were holding tightly onto Liam’s arms, nails digging down as he tried to catch his breath.
“We could stop if you’re not—”
“It’s okay—ngh—a-another…”
Niall felt something tingling in his stomach as Liam placed a third finger inside him; his member was twitching between their stomachs, hard and rigid and wanting to be touched. The warm feeling in Niall’s guts coiled up and it was too late before he realized what was happening—
“Wait, s-stop—”
White spurts splattered onto Liam’s stomach; Niall was flushed deep red upon realizing what he just did. He muttered something under his breath exasperatedly and utterly embarrassed, and Liam chuckled with an amused smile.
“It’s okay, Niall.”
“No, it’s not!” Niall’s voice was squeaky, like a little boy who just wet himself in his sleep. “Goddamnit—like a fucking hormonal teenager!”
“So you came on my fingers,” Liam shrugged. “No biggie. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Ni.”
The shower water had rendered Niall’s hair limp and he grumpily brushed it back and away from his eyes. The two of them didn’t talk for a minute or so, Liam continued lathering Niall up and hoping it would soothe his nerves. Grey water was rushing from their feet and down the drain; it was, aside from the shower, the only noise inside the bathroom. Liam cleared his throat as he scrubbed some shampoo on Niall’s hair.
“I wanna go to sleep,” said Niall.
Liam said nothing and rinsed both of them up.
After they had dried themselves, Niall changed into some pyjamas while Liam was out by the window, staring out at the city lights in the distance with only a pair of white boxers on. Niall cuddled up in the guest bedroom while Liam stayed put, probably waiting for Niall to sleep. While Liam was off gazing at the lights, Niall couldn’t help but watch him: the muscles on his back, the tufts of his messy brown hair that fluttered in the short gusts, and the tattoos on his hands and arms. He wanted to see Liam’s eyes but at the same time scared that he might see disappointment in them.
They didn’t speak for the remainder of the moments before Niall’s eyes were started to droop; the last thing he heard was Liam singing something he couldn’t recognize—a dark, slow, and a bit bitter ballad that made his hairs prick up. There were short pauses between verses and the chorus, and Niall wondered if Liam was composing it impromptu in his head. As his eyes closed, Liam sat down on the edge of the bed beside him, still singing that same calm, heart-wrenching song. Liam leaned down and Niall felt something warm pressed on his forehead before darkness and sleep took him.
Niall woke up to a dark room. The door was ajar and a sliver of light slipped through it—so did the music from the piano and Liam’s singing voice. Niall groggily got out of bed and followed the music outside the bedroom. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, almost slipping from the small staircase. After a while he found where the music was coming from: Liam was sitting on the piano, lost in the song that he sang before Niall fell asleep. He was finally wearing a navy blue shirt and a pair of sweat shorts. Liam continued playing while Niall watched from a distance, not wanting to distract him from what he was doing. The music felt melancholic, and even if the words escape Niall’s understanding because he was still sleepy, there was pain and regret laced through them; an insurmountable amount of emotion was rushing through every note and every lyric.
As the song mellowed down from a crescendo, Niall quietly walked towards Liam who still seemed lost in the song. When it finished, Liam turned around and looked surprised to find Niall behind him, smiling.
Liam took Niall’s hand and kissed it. “Did I wake you?”
“No,” Niall shook his head. “That was beautiful.”
Liam smiled. “Yeah, it’s…something…”
“Is that in your album?”
“Cut it off. Something like that doesn’t match up with hip-hop.” Liam closed the piano and held Niall’s hand. “I like to keep it for myself.”
It was silent again—Niall hated it. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Liam, burying his face on his chest. “I’m sorry,” his muffled voice said. “I was scared.”
“What would you be scared about? I’m not gonna hurt you, Ni.”
“‘M scared I’d disappoint you.”
“I wasn’t asking you to please me, Niall,” said Liam. He pulled away from their embrace and cupped Niall’s face with his hands. “Listen to me, Niall, there’s no need to go back to your old self. You’re past that, yeah? You’re touring the world on your own and we love you for it and so much more. Don’t think you’re disappointing anyone because you’re not. We don’t deserve you, love—I don’t deserve you.”
They each had a cup of coffee in the kitchen; the refrigerator door was left open, yellowish light flooding in a beam-like fashion across the countertop and onto the walls. In the shadows, the murmurs of Niall and Liam’s conversations echoed. Warm mugs in hand, Liam led Niall up a small spiral staircase and up the tiny rooftop deck that had a potted plant in the corner and two old couches facing the street below. They kept talking on and on under the moonless sky; it’s been a long time since they had a conversation like that. Before long, an exchange of sentences that meant more than they seem later, Niall had shucked away his pyjamas and Liam’s clothes were lying on the bedroom floor.
Moments later, loud moans broke the silent night air. In the shadows of the room, two bodies rocked back and forth against the mattress. Sweaty, sticky skins rubbed against each other in moments of pure ecstasy; pale fingers tried to grab hold and tugged wildly on wispy brown locks; a grunt followed, tattooed arms pulling up a blushing figure against his own and pounding like crazy; and in the frenzy of the moment, a scream cut through and white coated their skins but the tattooed arms held on, still catching his high.
“Oh god…” Niall moaned, his member rubbed raw between their stomachs. Liam was still pounding into him, eyes wild and dark. “Liam—fuck—oh my god, Liam—faster!”
They continued on, words rambled like inane babbles as Liam continued to rut inside Niall. His fingers traced down Niall’s spine and to where he ended and Niall began, endlessly trying to form them into one being. Niall’s fingers dug onto his back and Liam felt his muscles tense, a coiling pressure forming inside him. He wasn’t going to last long. When Niall came again, Liam groaned loudly and emptied himself inside his pale lover. They fell down onto the bed, panting like there was a loss of air. Liam slowly pulled out of Niall, curling up beside him. Both of them feeling like a mess, Niall rested his head on Liam’s chest and fell asleep quicker than he had in years.
The sky was painted pink as it slowly basked the nearing rising sun. A dog barked in the distance, the neighbourhood still sound asleep right before the break of dawn. The room was still dark when Niall woke up with no one beside him, no body aside from his own underneath the sheets. His heart began to sink—but then he began noticing the naked figure by the window. Liam seemed to have taken the liking of staring out the small terrace, the morning air was playing with his bedhead, wispy hair.
“Hey,” Niall’s voice came out raspy but Liam turned around and smiled, the faint light showing the reddish claw marks on his shoulders.
“Morning, snowflake,” said Liam.
Niall climbed out of bed, covering himself with the comforter, and dragging it down to the window beside Liam. For once, Niall enjoyed the silence because it meant everything was okay—no one regretted anything that they’ve done last night. His morning wood jerked up at the thought of Liam inside him.
Niall felt a tingle when Liam started kissing his neck, hands pulling off the comforter and exposing his skin to the cold morning air. Liam jerked him lazily and Niall felt something hard against his butt.
“I wanna be inside you again…” Liam whispered.
With his skin deep pink like the morning sky, Niall reached back and started stroking Liam’s hard shaft, earning a groan. Niall smirked and pumped faster.
“No one’s stopping you, Li.”
With one hand, Liam placed Niall’s hands in front of them and onto the railings. Liam bent Niall over, his ass perking up to view. He hovered over Niall and with his other hand, guided himself slowly into him. Liam inched in and out of Niall steadily, peppering Niall’s back with light kisses. It was a lazy morning fuck that the both of them seemed to like. A car zoomed away nearby and Niall panicked that someone might see two guys pounding it out on the second floor terrace. Liam just chuckled then grunted as he neared his release. Niall was the first to come undone from their slow love making and before long, Liam followed, breathing heavily on Niall’s neck as he emptied himself inside him.
An hour more of cuddling in bed and they found themselves sharing a shower; it was a quick one with their intimacy bordering on a stolen kiss that stemmed from Niall hearing Liam say something that sounded like the word “beautiful”.
It was during breakfast that Liam broke the small exchange of giggles that they had. Grabbing his cup of tea, he glanced at Niall who was across the table, pillaging every ounce of breakfast from his plate. Liam took a sip and then reluctantly drinking it again before settling it down beside his plate.
“I never apologized for blaming you yesterday about Zayn leaving,” said Liam.
He thought Niall didn’t hear; he had begun to repeat himself when Niall placed down his silver and looked dreadfully at Liam. “After all the things we did, you’re still thinking about that dumb thing you said?”
“Just like old times, right?” Liam sounded like he was ridiculing himself. “Things we never meant—things we just said out of anger. We were a bickering lot, weren’t we?”
“Maybe that’s why we all wanted to go solo…”
“Where’s all of this coming from?”
Liam looked at Niall and they both understood; they turned their sights from each other. This was supposed to be just a visit from an old friend but it had escalated quickly just like that—like fire with gasoline, like those rowdy teenagers eating pineapples in a tour bus and kissing each other because they were curious.
“I pushed too far, didn’t I?” asked Liam.
Niall bit his lip. “We’re still friends, Li.”
“Friends.” Liam spat bitterly. “What kind of friend accuses someone they love just because they couldn’t control their frustrated teenage angst? I pushed too hard and even so, you were willing to go with it. I just fucked you on that balcony a few hours ago, not thinking if anyone might see us—I did that because we were friends.”
Niall forcefully stood from his chair. “Stop it! Just stop it, Liam Payne! We did what we did and that’s that! Stop blaming yourself for everything! You can’t fix it—no matter how much you think you’re strong enough to make things better, you can’t always do it!”
“Things have happened to us, Liam.” Niall started crying. “God knows we’re just running around in circles. We’ve never really seen the end of what we have. Heck, I don’t know if we really had anything to begin with—”
“Niall, I’m sorry—”
“Stop saying sorry, you asshole!” shouted Niall. He pounced at Liam but the tattooed man just stood there, taking in every hammering fist Niall banged on his chest. “I-It nev—never really fixes anything. It didn’t fix the band, it didn’t fix my-my family, it didn’t fix m-me…it won’t fix us!”
Niall messily wiped away the tears on his cheeks. “Last night, I finally gave you my heart, Liam Payne. I knew it was wrong—fucking hell, I’m your son’s godfather!”
Liam’s voice trembled. “What should’ve I done?”
“You should’ve left it to crumble, Liam,” said Niall. “It was going to end anyway but you chose to wreck it all down with your sledgehammer. Then I would’ve forgiven you for it—even without your sorry I would’ve forgiven you all the same.”
The rest of the day couldn’t have breezed through even faster. Liam disappeared off to the studio after breakfast but came back an hour later and shut himself up in his bedroom. Niall spent the day in bed, not realizing he had fallen asleep midday until there was a knock on the door.
It was night again; and Liam was standing by the door, both hands holding mugs that distinctively smelled like hot cocoa. Niall chose to drink his in bed while Liam hauled the armchair in the corner of the room and positioned it by the foot of the bed. They both drank in silence until Niall’s stomach growled loud enough.
“Wanna eat dinner?” asked Liam.
“I’m not—”
“You haven’t eaten anything all day.” Liam frowned. “Can we talk?”
Niall shifted uncomfortably on the bed. “That’s depends.”
Liam placed his empty mug on the floor and walked towards the bed. He climbed up, watching as Niall visibly tense. Grabbing the sheets, Liam pulled himself under and sat beside Niall. They both stared at the empty wall in front of them, not bothering to look at each other and scared something wrong might happen if they did.
“The song was about you,” said Liam.
Niall looked surprised—flattered even.
“Yes, you. I wrote it four years ago.”
“And I only heard it last night because?”
“I told you, I like to keep it for myself.”
It was around Christmas time four years ago when Liam started acting strange around Niall. Every time Niall was around him, Liam didn’t look pleased. They were playing FIFA at Harry’s hotel room—Niall versus Louis. Harry was on the bed, watching them play while he ate some chips; Zayn was by the window, smoking; and Liam was in the corner, looking like he was sulking. As they ended the match, Louis head-locked Niall, they were both laughing it out and got a bit handsy. Out of nowhere, Liam stormed out of the room in rage.
Harry started to get up but Louis said he’ll be the one to talk to Liam. Zayn went back to smoking and staring down the sidewalk where a dozen girls were screaming their lungs out. Niall climbed onto the bed with Harry, both of them trying to figure out Liam’s sudden outburst. Half an hour later, Louis came back, grabbed his jacket and said they were going were going out for a walk.
“You and Liam?” asked Harry.
“Yeah,” replied Louis, chucking his phone down his pocket. He rummaged the bag of chips for some leftovers. “The lad’s got a lot on his mind right now.”
“We’re all supposed to have dinner together,” Zayn pointed out, flicking his spent cigarette off his fingers and sending it plummeting down to the street below. “Meeting and all that shit.”
Louis gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek, ruffled Niall’s hair, and then gave Zayn an eskimo kiss. “We’ll be back within the hour, don’t worry.”
Closing the door behind him, Louis disappeared out of sight and Zayn kept going on about his concern of Louis and Liam loosing track of time. But, thankfully, fifty minutes later, the two returned without any word of what they talked about.
After dinner and the meeting, Niall walked down the empty hallway. As he passed by Liam’s room, he hesitated to open the door—especially when he heard Louis and Liam’s muffled voices inside. Louis sounded irritated and Liam sounded desperate. He fell asleep that night with a dream: Louis and Liam were both naked and making out at the the foot of his bed while camera flashes filled the claustrophobic room; Zayn was smoking weed on an armchair while Harry sucked him off. Niall woke up in the middle of the night and jerked off until he came and fell asleep again.
Niall didn’t even notice that Liam had brought them up the small roof deck again. He’s been entranced by his memories that he couldn’t remember how Liam convinced him to get out of bed. Liam had placed a small table against the wall beside the potted plant, a pile of sandwiches was on top of it. The moon was full that night amidst the faded stars of the city; a cold wind blew even though it was summer. There was a party going on in a villa in the distance and down below on the street, a car passed by the house; the neighbours’ dog barked at something that was pillaging the trash.
Liam had already sat down on one of the old couches and Niall opted to do the same. They ate the sandwiches in silence, Niall’s mind rambling on with thoughts of the past. As the city lights twinkled, much of the memories of the five of them camping out in Harry’s backyard played on. Burning embers and tongues of flame danced in the wide fire pit where they were cooking marshmallows and the five of them encircled it while they each did their part in singing while Niall played the guitar.
“You’re zoning out again.”
Liam was staring at him, half-eaten sandwich in hand. Niall’s skin turned pink and he wondered if he missed Liam telling him something while he was entranced.
“Lot on my mind, actually,” said Niall.
“Which memory is it this time?”
“Campfires at Harry’s.”
“Ah, yes,” Liam smiled fondly as he gazed out to the distance. “Back in those days, we were all just excited on being famous and performing on stage. Nothing about heartbreak, difficult choices, or getting tired of everything.”
“I keep thinking whether or not something went wrong along the way.”
“Nothing went wrong. We just…grew up. Grew out of it, in fact.”
Niall bit his lip. He wanted to loose his appetite and have an excuse for going back to sleep but there was a force that was pulling him into the moment—like he was supposed to say something to make things alright again. He stared at the sandwich he was holding and, miraculously, something came up.
“I guess we have to grow out of what we have too, Li.” Niall felt a rush inside his body. “You’ve got a girl and a kid going on. I don’t want to mess that up because of what we feel for each other.”
“Is that why you freaked out this morning?”
“Well, would you have blamed me?” Niall finally got to laugh at himself. “I finally got somewhere with you and then I realized it wasn’t meant to be. I had to let go even if I just barely made it. That scared me.”
“Who said anything about letting go?”
“I do, Liam. I can’t go around sneaking kisses while you have your family going on. I don’t want to hurt Cheryl like that.”
“Cheryl knows about you.”
“Wait, what?”
“I told her about what I felt for you. She seemed cool with it. Cheryl even went on about noticing something between us when we were still on the show. She said it was adorable.”
“Adorable?” Niall looked bewildered, his mouth hung agape. “You got yourself a weird lady, Liam. Honestly, she’s been taking care of us since were contestants but there’s some serious shit going on if she thinks our thing is adorable.”
Liam chuckled. “Can’t doubt her on what she says, mate. If that’s the way she feels about it, I’m at least happy about it.”
They talked on about things they’ve never asked each other about. In the last six years of being together, they were both surprised that they still kept secrets that they’ve only started to know about. The minutes passed by slowly through the night as both Niall and Liam laughed and reminisced about things that felt like eons ago. It’s odd that they didn’t run out of things to say; they looked at each other under the moonlight as if they were that sensible boy and that soft, soft lad from years ago again.
“Hey, Liam…”
“Yeah, Ni?”
“I can take Bear out golfing when he grows up, right?”
“No! No golfing, Niall!”
A half-eaten sandwich laid on the plate; Niall and Liam seemed to have forgotten the time because it was already midnight. But just like way before, they were laughing as if there were three more people in that roof deck. For once, the memories of five teenage souls sleeping underneath the starry skies lived on through the night. All the fear and doubt had disappeared—even if it was just for a while.
Niall fell asleep on Liam’s chest. He buried himself in those strong arms again like before, basking in the warmth he remembered so fondly. Liam placed a kiss on Niall’s head, and the wind didn’t feel cold anymore.
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